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Last Thread: >>37673893

QOTT: What was your best Halloween outfit?

SOTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyEZzNfo8FM

POTT: https://strawpoll.com/e6Z2ADwoGgN

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain
MTF Timelines: https://catbox.moe/c/afyn1t
Music Room: queup.net/join/mtfg
why did the last thread get nuked? janny scared of nuns?
Janny saw mef pictures and dropped the nuke. Reasonable response tbqhon
janny leant on the keyboard mid ejaculation
qott I'm pretty sure I have never not once ever dressed up for halloween, not even a ghost
when I was a little kid I dressed as Jack from Jack in the box, I made the head myself with paper mache. i liked hamburgers
lol enjoyed
the thread was probably made by paige so when she got banned the thread disappeared
that's cool, I was way too dumb to be able to figure out anything like that
show i post pictures of my bussy on chasegen?
mef's nun costume is crumpled up on the floor now, and her mirror has fresh cum stains
lmao actually very funny then, actually larry got banned too so could be larry thread
sad i didn’t get to see responses to picture
what was thought of my jaw?
any tips for losing weight without flaring up my ED (not being a piece of shit doesn’t work work for me i just am)
if you want some guys that see you as something that exists only as a fetish to get horny sure, wont fill any hole so to speak though
bro like i'm already pretending to be a girl why tf would i wear a costume on halloween when that's every day already for me bro
Good point, she should post it here because we value her.
jaw looks good
everyone said you looked good besides the jealous cows. no one mentioned your jaw
very agp hon
lost terf or schizo poster?
what costume isn't agp?
the ones that don't make his pp hard
>halloween nun costume made to be worn for halloween bought to be worn for halloween
you have no brain yet you must post
ok so you are some terf weirdo
enjoy seething at us I guess hope you don't get an ulcer
why are you guys so upset? mef bought a costume that made his pp hard.... literal agp... it's not that deep
jaw looked BAD
So like male costumes ig. I wish she had gone sluttier in her costume choice
it looks good, what would you even change about it
yeh same if you're gonna agp it might as well go all out
I didn't see a bad jaw meffy, i saw a cute nun
you're just being a weird malding transphobe
Man I think I made a mistake with this tranny shit. It fucking blows. Being a twink was way more fun.
calling a trany a transphobe is extremely weird. i hope you find the help you need someday dude
So be a twink then
yeah I forgot people are just unable to be a bigot toward the group they're part of, you know, apart form all the times that's not true like now
Yeah I want to but when you already came out to people how do you explain to them oops yeah made a woopsie i'm a gay guy again haha xD. Shit feels like a fucking trap
You should wear a costume and have fun too. Idk why it has to be something bad. At least it's not nomi involved
yeah dude really weird to be so upset and mad at a transgirl pointing out someone else being agp. have you been diagnosed or just taking the ignorance is bliss route in life? jw
You realize that
A. you're human, and humans make mistakes, who cares
B. your friends don't care if you're not troooo tranz or not, because that's some made up xitter shit anyway
too big and sharp
was scared of agp
you're whinging and seething that somebody bought a halloween costume for halloween based on dumb transphobic pseudoscience and you think other people are weird
you're weird
Sorry my grammar is bad I have covid and owtism
too sharp? so you'd want a wider jaw? that doesn't make sense mef
1. hot people can't have agp, only uggos
2. see rule 1 again and buy something sexier next time
>agp is pseudoscience
ohhhhhhhhhh you're a twitter tranny. ok yeh everything makes entirely too much sense now. maybe go back to your safespace hon lol
why is it a bad costume? because it doesn't make you horny?
I didn't say it was bad, I said I liked it. I think you need a warm bath and go relax and stop looking for things to be upset about
Ladies, please, calm down. You're all heckin valid and your fetishes aren't fetishes, you were just assigned the wrong gender at birth. We gucci now?
it literally is outdated junk science and we knew that on this board before people like you came around, you're the new one here hon I saw this board be created
>Idk why it has to be something bad
wdym by this though, that it has to be something bad to wear a costume?
don't be a patronising jerk it's very malebrained
Ur jerking my chain now
so true hon so true! nobody ever trooned out because they fetishized being a woman. certainly not ones like mef either! oh my god twitter trannies are the best. my pp only gets hard when i put on woman clothes because of imbalance chemicals or something like idk
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i am become autism
recorder of voice
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>retarded faggots getting baited by slightly less retarded faggot
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Holy shit start a podcast.
never said people don't transition for a fetish they plainly do but that doesn't make blanchard right about anything or mef a fetishist, you're just mad for some reason
if you accepted the obvious fact mef is AGP you would probably be less mad just sayin hon
yeah chasergen is that way >>37676793
Mef prove you aren't agp by posting diaper pics NOW do it NOW
Weh weh, agp chadergen gaygp cheddergen weh weh weh. Sex between me and mef is hsts, cope
maybe your conspiracy theory level understanding of tranny science brings you comfort but I'm not a moron unfortunately
We know Maiq
yeah chasergen is that way >>37676793
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>twitter tranny
>gobbles on obvious low hanging bait
>not a moron
Gay Blanchard posters ruin another thread
When do I get to feel like I am a girl? Like i'm not just playing a girl and it feels natural? Does transitioning ever end or are you always just a tranny? It's so fucking confusing holy shit
>just pretending to be retarded
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Mef and his faggotry ruin another episode. Good job retard
Just ignore the freak they are terminally retarded
I'll meet you there
fine fine
I'm jacking off to those 2 nun pictures and I will ejaculate while staring intentnely at chiseled jawline
idk i just needed to sperg and get it out of my system

maybe try setting different goals, wanting to “feel like a girl” is meaningless bc there is no “feeling like a girl”
just accept yourself and do what you can to feel good, because that is attainable at least theoretically
>there's a place specifically for chasers to jerk off to trannies
>they shit up this thread instead
you can't jaq off unless you can see peen maiq because your GAY
oh sure blame us. this thread was always caca. the last good poster was Rooty and she was hsts but needed a roof over her head kek. It's your fault.
Really tho, start a podcast and interview emo. That would be funny.
>this thread is so bad guys
>I will not stop making it worse
Ok who let this twitter tranny faggot in here. Agp isn't real btw. Good lord
what's the difference between spooky and scary, I guess spooky is more cliche and kitsch?
I'm not whoever you're talking about but agp just doesn't even mean anything any more
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP mmmmmmmmmmm those beans & jalapenos are hittin the bussy wet tonight fuck ya smells soo good BWAP BWAAAAAAAAP
yeah spooky is like funny cartoon spiders and scary is like real spiders
Oh is that annoying blanchtard back I guess I'll skip this thread.
Ya ya we know twitter tranny. Dysphoria isn't a mental illness anymore because that makes sense, can't get muh feelings upset over it, and we're all heckin valid and you don't need any reason too troone out over simply desiring to troone out and we're all real girls
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP fuck yeah oh my god the whiff i just had gave me a heavenly head rush so fucking good BWAP BWAAAAAAAP
dysphoria is a mental illness though... think you're swinging at ghosts babe, have a hot chocolate and calm down
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Twitter tranny bros.... not like this.......
fuck yeah i'm no longer mentally ill!!!! thanks to the woke doctors of the DSM-5 for curing me <33
seems like splitting hairs, it is the symptom of being a tranny which is a physiological disorder, I guess technically dysphoria isn't a mental illness it's just the mental ill effects of a physiological disorder but whatever same difference
I just woke up from a nightmare in which I accidentally posted face pics here directly to thread and you all laughed at me and called me ugly
Ty for being a symbol for my insecurities
idk lil bro it's been like this for a long time now. you not paying attention in twitter tranny classes or what dude? stop focusing on freeing palestein and pay more attention to how real of a real girl you are and you don't have a male fetish maybe
it's been like what for a long time
can you talk normally for a bit the reddit comedian speak is grating
Calm down dude your PP while wearing skirts is normal and you learned as of today you're not mentally ill anymore.
oh ok you're just gonna be strange

you made the right call
Please calm down
LOL literally
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>i'm not a retard i'm just instigating with a retard
just shut the fuck up you actual sperg faggot
fucking AWFUL thread
good thread very productive thank you twitter and reddit hons wow i am a very learned and inspired now thank you
how could a monkey to funky thread be this bad
oh because the blanchtard is here ok
holy shit i thought maiq hugboxxing every other post or nick drama was bad.

you 2 faggots should be permabanned if the jannies here had any senses
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???? did basedjack raid us or something the fuck is this episode
I was gone for the last hour. Who missed me
more than that getting baited by blachtard
I think this is the end. Let this thread die out, and never make a new OP. It's time we ALL move on.
It's just blanchtard starting arguments with people
Bring Phie back she's the life of the party. Come back HSTS Germanic Princess!
my butt makes my bf's pp hard, we're gonna make it
that was a good post, we're healing
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>you 2 faggots
they're way nicer in mmg and repgen than here
Then scram
Why the fuck do I wanna be a woman fucking sissy hypno rogd garbage istg
Not if that's what you look like. I'm staying
Well I am short and my hair is pretty messy
I know, and it's going to get even messier >.<
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Okay now back to mmg thx
thought this was a picture of myself for a second and was briefly frightened
if that’s so you must be pretty
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Mean i was going to show you Laguna as a cat reading 4chan
perhaps to the untrained eye - but i will certainly never be as pretty as jazz music, or a bird, or the silence of freshly fallen snow :D
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My hair kinda is like that now after changing the hairstyle a bit and dying it black how curious
>little brother just sent me this
im so fucking done fuck this earth fuck my life
cannot wait to travel to the woods and camp for a while, not for the purpose of traveling to the woods, but for the purpose of needing to rest
ewwwwww gross so lanky and honny
that’s a heck of a post
oh baby you will never understand how my heart aches for you I would lock eyes with you while covering every quivering inch of sweet flesh betwen your legs with kisses, licks, and bites, all while panting I love you I love I love you
sorry but I’m never gonna say this to you
isn’t it getting too cold ?
that is the best time !
it’s sure good for telling ghost store
back from my date with a cis woman real woman. we were dining together, me and my cis woman and she said that trans women shouldn't have rights. I had to bite my tongue to keep from disagreeing with her, as I don't want anyone to know I spend all day talking to trans women and desiring their meaty hogs.
oh baby you will never understand how my heart aches for you I would lock eyes with you while covering every quivering inch of sweet flesh betwen your legs with kisses, licks, and bites, all while panting I love you I love I love you
ill never suck your weebis peebis now, HA! don't you feel foolish
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Mucho chaser
Maiq want to rub your penis against mine? Mines a female penis of course, so you're straight still.
Who's taller between me and you? I'm 4' 7".
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Ma momma told me not to talk to faggots online sorry
they call me Throat Goat in the restroom circuit
Every time someone bullies me in here I force pain to frot with me. So keep it up chud
I don't like Maiq at all and I wish he would leave and find some new place to be a ugly chaser in
Can you only use Spanish rn?
I can use everything
lol it’s a slow night I see
get a life maiq instead of trying to find a froting partner all day everyday on 4chan you fucking mega loser
Idgi womp womp
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i saw a woman at work today who looked quite a bit like you but i live in the states and she had a greasy haired guy with her so i figured it was one of those doppelganger type of situations
how do you know what I look like?
do you have me mistaken for someone else?
This subject only posts sh while feigning wittiness you're confusing posters
well what ever you get who i mean
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You should've asked for her number so I can get some selfcest



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I dont but Im glad you like things/ at least you learned your lesson
eyesight is doing a funny so i've got an appointment with eye doctor, am i just stupid and old, or is there possibility of hrt fucking with my vision?
do you wanna talk about music i like that
i could never get into voices of the void i like the joel streams of it but otherwise seems like not fun on its own. signal simulator was more eerie for that i think but horror games are so/so
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leaf bros are getting redeems on by pajeets and aren't doing anything about it
oh is this that radio signal game how is it
what are your main gachas?
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Limbus and wuthering waves, I play others on and off but they never grab me much
Looking forward to heaven burns red which I'm guaranteed to main and gfl2
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celebrate....celebrate...tongihts the night we celebrate... it's over.... we're ending it.... tonights the night we celebrate.....
is dressing up as a pregnant woman when ur a mtf like actually funny or are people going to be upset with me over this one
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sucks to be a canadian
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Maiqcoded image
is this supposed to be a horror game?
theres been a couple of jumpscares and 'spooky' moments but I dont think I'd call it a horror game
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is maiq indian?
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Nah edit sheen in
Has them vibes regardless
i mean he probably is if he's trying to frot with 4chan trannies
i guess it is supposed to be unsettling unsure how you would classify it really but the best things typically ascend labels
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That is a good point
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its comfy
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I did live in India during the 1940s before moving to China during the revolution period where I fell in love with Mei Pei, a chinese boy who let me suck his cock for nickels. Ah the good old days
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I should go to a place where everyone is very tall so I can feel cool
i'm horny as a fuck right now dude like my dick is staight wetttttttt fuck i'm horny dude
Jack off then idiot
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Me asf
people were tall in the netherlands
was nice
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If they all speak english in there it may be viable for a visit
the only people who don't speak english are the ones who dont want to talk
or like old people
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That sounds good. Too bad I don't have anyone to go there with
Someone tell a spooky story.
desu you might not need to
seems like the kind of place you could visit solo, the language is confusing af sometimes but sometimes it almost resembles words and translates to english very well

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One time. I gambled. And then. I lost.
And what am I going to do alone walk in circles?
I mean thats what I usually do, talk to strangers and stuff but theres probably actual things to do idk I never went to the capital
What did you lose?
also I want to know what gun that is
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My mom told me if I talk to strangers they'll put me in their pocket and sell me
Uh dopamine and money?
I was gonna tell you but thinking about it was too spooky so I had to stop, sorry ;_;
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Looks like a shotgun
It's a shotgun
You can go to casinos in your country? You have to be 21 here
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only if you follow them to a secondary location or drink they gypsy elixirs

Aw that's ok. It's the thought that counts. My scariest story is one time a nigger held me hostage with a gun.
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It's just a joke I never gamble. If you want a scary story one time when I was napping I started to hear a guy coming near me when I was home alone and when I woke up I heard him besides me but there was nothing there.
What if they give me an irresistible gypsy elixir
It was me, I just hid under your bed and watched you play bideo games and then snuck back out
You guys are friggin bed weters fuck off.
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I was on my sofa besides my pc and my bed is in another room.
ok, I'll share. I was in a big car wreck when I was a kid, they say i lost half the blood in my body. I was in the hospital for over a month and in a full body cast for months. I survived because the nurses gave blood for me, all women.
this stuff is shit, I hate you
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ok if it's the really nice one then fine but only once
Ok that's a good story, ty for sharing it. Do you remember it all- the wreck and being in the hospital?
I've had a couple wet dreams but no pee
are gookaboos really superior to weeaboos?
My dad and my brother saw a guy get his head blown off by police. I didn't see it but I saw a guy get shot in the stomach, he didn't die it was small caliber like a .22 or something.
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It's good
Only once as in I'll try it once then die
These aren't spooky stories they're just violence ig. Sucks how ghosts never visited me, only crazy people
but its the reeeeally nice one tho innit
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Is it worth my life mthough.
Idc about that
I can't even understand what's happening half the time. You need to go outside and stop reading these.
I remember it pretty vividly, I was 9 years old. I was in the rear seat passenger side, my sister next to me, my dad driving and my mom in the passenger seat. an old Jewish man driving a cadillac turned left into us. I blacked out and when I came to only my mom was in the car, I tried to move but I could see the bone in my leg moving around. the paramedics got me out and onto a stretcher. when my cast came off the bone didn't set right and they had to re break it and fit an external brace. I was out of school for an entire grade.
My neighbor was hacked up with a big knife. I saw some of that because he crawled outside on the staircase to get away and the guy finished him off there. That was like 2017.
There's no videogames or videos or social media or manga outside
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idk i would
their was a murder suicide out front of my apartment building. I saw the dent where the head hit the ground, I found a tiny chunk of flesh left behind.
That's so scary. I think being crunched in a car crash is one of my biggest fears because people get intertwined with the metal and stuff and stuck there until some gets them out.
Did the jewish guy die?
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We are not alike.
see this is why I get the fancy gypsy elixirs and you get none :p
no, the guy in the other car was fine. my dad was fine, my sister was bruised up but ok. my mom was in the hospital for a week.
This stuff is bad for you. Why don't you parents make you do normal stuff?
Did the gypsy elixirs make you a bitch or was it on by default.
Because they let me do whatever I want
why did he do it?
wow so mean ;~;
default desu
That's bad though. You need to learn how to do stuff in the real world for when your parents aren't there.
The guy said he molested his niece. So he went isn't to his apartment which was next to mine, and killed him with one of those cartoonishly big knives like the ones they sell on those home shopping channels. He got convicted and life in prison for it.
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I've been maintaining a pretty big house all by myself for a week now since my parents have been busy. Only issue so far is that I refuse to go shopping by myself but people nowadays just order their food so it's not like it matters
I order food delivery too but still need to go outside for stuff. I like shopping in person sometimes. Do you have any siblings?
No I do not
That makes sense. You seem like an only child.
What does that mean
Like when you meet people who didn't have siblings, they have a different vibe than other people. I could tell you didn't have siblings desu.
But why
Tell me your darkest story, about the time you only got 20 positive replies in passgen instead of the usual 30 lol
You seem like you aren't bothered by being alone, like it's natural for you. I have 3 siblings growing up, so being alone is harderr for me.
why u do this, leave me alone normal
Being alone is preferable because I can handle everything myself and there's no outside factors to bother me
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say something else
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why is it so cold outside?? it's so annoying having to put on so many clothes even for a brief walk.
horrible ux desu.
That makes sense. Did you ever feel like you wished you had a brother or sister?
Because you live in the coldest place on earth desu. Come California
You're going to be banned for spamming again.
Tell me a story from your life. All you do is say boring shit
Leave them alone Nomi you piece of shit they seem like a cool girl
hey there - bundling up is pretty good sometimes but I’m annoyed about it too bc I can’t find a coat I like
oh baby you will never understand how my heart aches for you I would lock eyes with you while covering every quivering inch of sweet flesh betwen your legs with kisses, licks, and bites, all while panting I love you I love I love you
>they seem like a cool girl
You can tell this by them saying one word over and over and over?
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And I'm not nomi btw.
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Maiq thinks I'm nomi and hides off trip to talk shit like the little coward he is.
oh dear Maiq got a bit carried away there
why am I squatting on this thread 24/7 wasting my life waiting for maiq to post so I can shit on him where the fuck did it all go so wrong why don’t I use this energy to learn to drive to get some kind of job to support myself to get my own place to work on my mental health issues and improve holy shit what is wrong with me
Maiq put your trip back on
why would I think you’re Nomi ?
I don’t even know why you hide off trip but I guess the fact you do so is why you project it onto me
We're just here talking and you show up, and we're reminded what a weasel you are and we let you know that, and then you post off trip to clap back because you're a weasel.
I guess I am like this because life has been so unfair to me and I cannot stand to see other people who are well adjusted
it's so painfully obvious when maiq detrips but I bet he think he's slick. what a delusional little faggot lol
It's 4:30 am and you're on 4chan dude. Go get a wife and kids like a straight guy would and leave us alone.
I did not @ you so just leave me alone easy
Yes you did weasel lawyer >>37680244
another all nighter for maiq staying up 4chan trying to catch some prey, typical standard boilerplate lawyer activties.
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This is how black men look like in 2024
I look like shit I am shit and I know it will never change so why should anyone else be happy even if all I have is calling people faggots on 4chan that will have to be enough but that’s pretty fucking grim
the moment someone plays maiq long-con game he slips up with some dox and it get's leak it's going to be so fucking funny absolute game on moment material
nope I spoke to tyty not you I never want to speak to you
you always (You) me stop being a weirdo and leave me alone it’s so easy
Damn he kinda cute tho
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OH NOo u got called a FAGGOT on 4chan! When you were on the FAG BOARD
.....Of all places!
no I am the anon calling people faggots yes it is pathetic I agree
You can't just come to a public board as a cis man and tell trans women what to do. You are such a narcissistic little weasel using the nice guy act as a shield.
You wont be saying that when I fuck your wife
will you go email maiq some cock pics so he tries himself out for the night, thank you
maiq maiq maiq you're almost 50 my dude, it's time to pack it up and leave 4chan already. it's beyond pathetic
No I totally will because I'll be fucking you while you fuck her
I don’t think he tells anyone here what to do except to leave him alone if he doesn’t want to interact with you so like maybe work on your boundary skills??
uh no I’m not obsessed with him unlike you lmao
Are you his mommy?
are you asking because you are into mommies??
high people are so annoying
dude weed lmao
grow up
>lies about everything, every personal detail for 3 years to keep himself shrouded in secrecy
it's weird. no one wants to talk openly around him, because who the hell is he anyway?
the irony of man
Maiq put your trip back on
lol u dont even trip and you complain about secrecy amazing
Interesting offer
Maiq this is sad. You behave little a catty girl and you're over 40. Get on hrt and be yourself.
damn bro he livin in yo head rent free you gotta get a life bro ong
lol you really dont like it when bystanders see your statements dont line up huh??
>he wont tell us who he is
>I want to stalk and dox him
Well you know you can always turn your trip off and stop using your fake persona maiq

everyone who see through me is maiq
I want him to go away. I've never claimed otherwise.
we want you to go away
uh oh this has to be maiq offtrip because well it just does okay
Maiq put your trip back on
>no u
Wow brilliant response. I can see why you're a lawyer now with these clever responses you have.
called it lmao so predictable we’re all maiq now
Maiq has a plethora of random anon users in the middle of the night to defend him. Stop telling Maiq to put his trip back on, it's clearly not him! He's just a friendly guy who you can trust!
is maiq in the room with is right now
maiq... please put your trip back on ffs
for me it is being sick if you talking about him nonstop
maiq, trip, now
maiq has accomplished his true goal now that every anon is maiq
i accidently spilled boiling water on my foot and now it really hurts
idk how im going to go to sleep tonight
maiq put your trip on
Im maiq
maiq I’m begging you I’m scared maiq please
I can't believe maiq poured boiling water on your foot
trip on maiq
maiq put tour trip on maiq maiq
maiq please dox yourself I promise it’s for a good normal healthy reason
That's my good girl. You look beautiful and sexy, MEF moder
>laincel, the maiq spammer and Clayton are the last poster left
trip on maiq
put your tip on maiq
maiq for gods same please your trip
your trip you you must put it on maiq
in the name of all that is good and sane maiq trip on
why why why why won’t you put your trip on maiq
I’m losing my strength maiq I can feel my mind slipping away please maiq
m ai qqqqqqq y your trripkejdhsk
ngl it's my favorite bit where maiq get's called out on his obvious untrip faggot post, then he can't handle being absolutely owned on so he's so frustrated he goes full schizo mode and tries to flip it on his head and starts "maiq put ur trip on" to try and reverse own the situation lmfao
this is just like maiq to make a blogpost about how bad maiq is to get more attention TRIP ON
Janny ban maiq so we can uncover the truth
maiq stfu and put ur trip on ur such a fag
it’s just like maiq to make a post about how maiq would post about maiq being a bad maiq
this 100% isn't maiq but is 100% is correct maiqspotter. good callout
oh fuck maiq beat maiq to it
maiq bro please just put your trip on (I’m maiq)
I’m the real maiq I promise (no for real)
whos the real maiq im freaking out
maiq bro trip on NOW
so this is what it’s like inside the maiqspammer’s head all day
Maiq here. Just wanted to let you know that on July 18th 2009 I raped and murdered a tranny in Baltimore. Ever since I've gotten away with it, I've been yearning to experience that rush and thrill again. You can't stop me, there are so many lonely trannies out there that I can control with meager small talk that the male attention is enough for me to entrap them. Try as you might, you cannot stop me.
missing him lots kms
Maiq at your service ladies. This is Maiq. You can tell because this is how I type. What you need to know is that I think about Maiq all day and all night. Every post is made by Maiq. I mean me.
Maiq why are you doing this? Stop man seek help
nice try maiq but how about putting your trip on thanks man
I was away talking to someone. Are you still here at 5:30 am now maiq? Lol
really pathetic maiq when you drop trip like this get a life man
Maiq what is it about frotting that really gets your motor running?
the thrilling life of a cosmopolitan lawyer, posting on 4chan every waking second
nice try maiq but you're not fooling anybody
Maiq emailed me and we had a relationship for 15 years. We got married and lived happily for almost a decade but he didn’t even really like frotting so um false advertising anyone?? And I just want to warn you that if you are really into frotting Maiq is not the chaser for you. Anyhow someone screenshot this so it can be reposted.
He preferred you fucking him doggy style with that thang
alright first weird moment of the trip back
managed to rattle my parents by having my legs out
they were not mean or anything but we're clearly shocked and appalled
yeah that’s a real smart argument mister lawyer man but I am the one who is here every second of every day to call you out
There's at least 5 different anons who call you out.
Unfortunately, true. He just wanted anal sex and kept telling me he saw me woman and wanted nothing to do with my penis. Worst 15 years of my life.
If you love to frot STAY AWAY FROM MAIQ!
classic Maiq post trying to change the conversation with some insane babble
it's funny that when people are badgering him it's 5 different anons but when people stick up for him it's just maiq off trip. convenient
they’re all maiq just like you are too this is what he does he untrips and talks about himself that’s how I know you are him
shutup maiq
it's not insane :(
i was just nattering about my trip home
surely better than whatever is happening itt
great argument maiq like we don’t know it’s you offtrip AGAIN
he wanted your penis, he's never talked about fucking anyone with his, but he did know a lot about some weird findom fetish where cucks pay girls but aren't allowed to touch them. just tell your friend to take take hrt already
don’t think you can hide behind a smokescreen maiq I am on to your weasel game
yet another maiq smokescreen so pathetic
Hey Maiq how's it goin?
oh geez my sissy panties fell off and my womanly girl pp is all exposed and just floppin around in the wind i wish it had a male penis to comfort it in these trying times
my foot still hurts :(
I wish! No, he said I should have my own money and live a “normal life” with a career and responsibility. Maiq is such a transphobe istg. Um hello I need to spend all my time guarding the honor of the 4chan trans women that he wants to frot with since he wouldn’t frot with me!
also I've decided I'm going to go as mono the vampire for Halloween this year I can't believe I've never thought of that before
she's not exactly got curls but I feel my hair could give mona if I tied bows into it
my only concern is people not seeing the vision and thinking I am doing like Tracy beaker with a cape or something
sick theme song desu
I’m good Maiq how are you?
>mono the vampire
Is the Maiqspammer all done yet or is this how it will be for another week
It’s his fault for coming here in the first place. How am I not supposed to not relentlessly spam about him?

maiq rn
Anyone want to see laguna win
>it’s not like I can control my own actions!!!
yep get that drivers license champ
Thats too easy now i got new meds so i dont turn into a zombie like w xanax
trip on Maiq
Im sorry
Yes she's much cooler than kat or mongo
Maiq is so upset people won't let him sexually harrass his "friends" on here without pushback anymore
>They don't want me here ..... It's them not me!
You are a fucking turd man
Wow thx
do you really expect us to believe that a LAWYER spends all his time on 4chan being a 19 year old living with his parents in Spain addicted to gacha and wearing the same three or four black tank tops
Maiq this is pathetic man seek help
it's true js
so is that a yes on my Halloween costume idea
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all hail maiq
if you can find a big enough beak
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>bf wants an open relationship
here we go again maiq posting offtrip to reply to himself to make sure the conversation keeps focusing on him
Hey theres like 10 or more theyre just really similar
Heart emoji
hes already cheating on you
Invite ?
Maiq just put your trip on and admit you want to frot my dude my bro my guy
Fuck off fag I'm not doing this anymore. >>37680721
god it feels like it

how badly do you want poisoning?
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we must give maiq the nuclear codes
maiq will cleanse this world of all impurities
i think maiq might be a God trapped inside of a human
bout to pop in a cod lobby any1 wanna shit on some chud and get a lil spicy on VC with me?
yeah give up and leave maiq you faggot weasel I am not the schizo you are the schizo you repper faggot you are maiq I am not maiq it is you
nice try maiq you want the pearl codes
I dont want no frots
If ur hot p badly
lol blobby btfo nice work endless arm of anons who are all actually maiq
>I dont want no frots
sure maiq sure let me guess you like boobs sure
I luv em
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these moments will fade
you will all move on
maiq will outlast you
dedicate your lives to him
it matters not
yeah because you’re a straight lawyer who doesn’t love frotting right
that maiq is right about maiq he has no interest in frotting because he is a transphobic predator
you need help man
what gives you the right to come here and call trans women “man” mister straight lawyer bigshot?
so pathetic seek help
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is he hot?
Maiq is a repper = just as woman as the rest of us
Can we have a serious talk about Maiq? How do we put a stop to this menace to society
Me asf
NO he is a weasel faggot why else would he be here any supposedly straight man who wants trans friends is a weasel faggot and I will pledge every waking moment of my life to calling him out
maiq will outlast you. maiq's fame increases every day, my friend. maiq cannot get enough trans women in his life. maiq will come here to satiate this need as well as irl. maiq is hot enough to pull gock on the reg. that's simply not enough for maiq.
>waking moment
scratch that who needs sleep Maiq is just too dangerous
He's not straight. I wish he'd met Clair in Chicago and let her butt fuck him, he'd be normal by now and not repressing this shit.
stfu nomi
trip on Maiq
I've seen worse
I feel bad for maiqspammer I hope she gets the care she needs
>maiq tenaicously frotting general
chad jawline
It's multiple people you narcissistic midget. How someone can simultaneously be this pathetic and also egotistical to think it's IMPOSSIBLE that people would dislike them is beyond me.
mogs me
That's true actually. I've seen you.
like i said
Maiq like what he sees... yes.... yes.... the male features on the real valid womans body.... yes.... yes... Maiq finds this highly pleasureable
dunno whats your type? im kinda doughy
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i had ffs recently and it’s causing a little bit of an ego crisis

for the past 4 years of transition i’ve been enbycoping (boymoding) essentially presenting in a masculine way. its kind of a shock going outside and getting getting gendered female, or at least being visibly trans

i’m kinda lost not knowing where to take my transition. i’ve kinda buried a lot of my feelings and relied on a masculine outer shell and it’s kinda hard knowing i can’t rely on it anymore.
kinda? hes not unattractive, but weve been together 10 years and i was always more romantic than sexual.
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ah sorry I dont have it in me to take the piss, hopefully you two manage to work things out
As in like uh high weight? Dont exactly hate that
>to think it's IMPOSSIBLE that people would dislike them is beyond me
umm it’s more like how you pounce on him or even grasp at shadows when he is not here it comes off as being crazy
if you don’t like him maybe just stop harassing him constantly and making ip bizarre narratives and just don’t like him you know like a normal person
trip on maiqy
trip on Maiq
trip on Maiq
For the last time- THERE'S MORE THAN ONE PERSON WHO DOESN'T LIKE MAIQ YOU FUCKING IDIOT. I'm not here all the time, and go for days without posting.
Maiq Trip Now cmon big guy
unsee cc/album#XcSGcrYriDpN

fuck all hope atm tho
Maiq take a break
he's already cheating on you dude lol he just wants to not feel the guilt. he needed real vagina on his dick, got tired of poopy male butthole so it's understandable
I know buddy I know you and your alters. now just let me know if you can is one of the people in there called Maiq?
He posts off trip to sexually harass or take jabs at mef and the other trips that don't like him. He's your friend because he licks your asshole clean like a dinner plate lol. Tough tits.
You look like me but bad.
Maiq this is pathetic man

im working on my shit its just slow going. i transitioned late so i could be a better partner too.
it feels good to journal. rip sinwar
And you can prove all this right? This wouldn’t just be an obsessive paranoid delusion that you have suffered from for years? Or is this actually Maiq doing the thing you accuse Maiq of doing (dropping trip to talk about himself)?
You have potential at least and do pass
if it helps, i gained like 14 lbs testing topical pio out. hoping to hop on semaglut and diet back down on it but fuck if i can handle that and this bs together.
You need to lose weight ur fat isnt stored well
i know :(((
why did i mew????
clean your mirror
put on your diaper and start crinkling it
bro you’re replying to maiq
thats more complicated than id like, i look like this when i lose weight
unsee cc/album#rMsIJzhxE5TV

as you can see, its not great, but i think it can be improved on. if the topical pio works i should be able to gain more female specific fat. this will require repeated gain and loss while on pio though, as well as fat dissolving injections and possibly cryolipo.
eve :_;
do a line in mspaint how you think your jaw should look because idk what you would change
The one time he accidentally sexually harassed on trip he posted about sucking cock while looking deep into his victim's eyes LMAO. Then he turns around and says he's straight and has dates with cis women all the time, blah blah. He's not real he's just a very meticulous fraud.
Not enough lost
A callar nick
>deep into his victim's eyes
this makes me love maiq even more lmao
>take jabs at mef
that’s just false he actually likes mef and hates when she suiposts
Maiq just put your trip back on already holy shit dude
>Not enough lost
thats not how that works. if i want a perfect tummy ill need things physically cutting away.
>the one time
So it was one time. Recently?
Go for it, make the little guys dreams come true by chowing down on your cock.
Your trips not on, no need to be fake
Not about the stomach
We're not in court weasel
Maiq big guy please trip on
I love barely legal college boy weiners in my mouth!
Okay so you’re saying I’m Maiq for asking about your claims?
bruh the 19 year old guys on E are the best. the way they whimper during sex is better than meth
You responded to the word weasel. You figure it out.
FINALY thank you now that anon has there proof
This is what I’m talking about he outright says he likes wieners in his mouth
That's cool
see? SEE? he admitted it
case closed mister lawyer weasel!
You called me a weasel and that is what makes me Maiq?
If maiq really wanted to be a friend/ally/supporter of transwoman, he would tell his friends to add him on whatever platform he wants or email or fucking whatever and they can chit chat all they want there and fucking leave this place where he NEVER belong to begin with. But he won't, because he's a selfish piece of shit
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Maiq here, I'm a straight Catholic man by day and a slutty little sub for dong by night.
>only transphobes would hang out with trans people
yeah I dunno why he would want to be around people with this kind of take
she was about 21 so 10 years younger than me and her voice was like heaven. i fell for her instantly. she sent me a pic. we hung out for weeks. i still want more of her body and mind. she woke a part of me that was dormant for more than a decade.
fucking bitch i hate her
good riddance
i don't need anyone
he admitted again anon SEE?
awfully convenient that you never acknowledge Maiq himself posting this stuff when it is CLEAR AS DAYLIGHT WITH HIS TRIP ON
You're hiding from your 'friends' and keeping them at arms length because you're a transphobe. You wouldn't stand in public with a trans woman and face the world as a chaser.
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Anyone want to grimblegromble with laguna i want validation

"Maiq is indeed cis and male but neither a chaser nor a hugboxer this is just a very negative space 90% of the time"

Anything to protect his imagine huh. But yeah go ahead and keep whiteknighting Maiq you delusional faggot lmao
these ads suck shit
do a mado episode faggots
fuck off I’m not him I just think your argument is dumb as shit
I chase dong, not the woman behind the dong. You and me are not the same chump.
>maiq got a bit carried away there
LOL this lore is so good.
He's fake. You're gullible. I don't blame you, I blame him. Goodbye
>this is just a very negative space 90% of the time
that fucking liar
although I see the post was from over a year ago so maybe it was accurate at that time
this would be so ooo endearing if you were a girl. alas ,
man and this one is from 2022 do you bitches have anything that’s actually juicy??
only thing funnier would be if he tried to delete it. i guarantee you he triple if not quad checks everything he untrips to harass his "good friends" now, which he does still regulary.
i am one
i am hot
>from 2022
>maiq was only 42 years old at that time dude he changed so much in the past 2 years cut him a break.
This is just sad Maiq, just put your trip back on and wave the white flag already.
you utter retard I don’t give a shit about your maiq obsession either way just pointing out how you’re an idiot and now I can add psycho too lmao
I think the chick he was talking to back then in that screencap was the 42 year old
he’s in his 30s far as I know
maiq CRANKIN it
wait why didn’t he untrip to post this?
playing some swedish punk rock revival in https://www.queup.net/join/mtfg
oh dear Maiq got a bit carried away there
Laguna got no yous so shes going to kill people
He's in his late 40's.

This is his voice.

idgi mef are you sayin he forgot to untrip then too? doesn’t seem like it
hot voice ngl
I know what he sounds like lol I’m just telling you that you have his age wrong
Maiq owns mtfg look at this fucken thread
going to start being a chaser chaser and hornypost at maiq
You know his voice, you know his age, you defend him to the ends of the earth, and you're an anon.

Maiq, you stayed up all night trying to defend yourself untripped, and I can't stop laughing about it.
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gay fucking robot keeps looking at me telling me to do my job
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which jaw do you want from the jaw shop
Naw he deleted the post ASAP. Damn that pesky archive site where you can filter for deleted posts, ugh!
what game is this I want a gay robot
>my sword plunged
no gape :(
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I dont think you should be allowed to have robot
you smell like a pervert
gonna gatekeep this one bub
I'm not a pervert I've never even done sex!! I just like little robot fella!!
go on
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maiq really stayed up all night to try and defend his fake persona's curated reputation. that's fucking hillarious lmfao
doe blumpkin spice coffee kinda defeat the purpose cuz punkin spice binds u up and coffee make u shid?
they're all chad as fuck
bottom middle
Look chubby look chubby everywhere not solid look fat no fat on hip look weird
Id send nudes to show what i mean but cant rn
wish he’d talk this way to me
it's like a speedball for your bowels
although a speedball is already a speedball for your bowls I guess
email him i'm sure he'll cyber frot with you he's super down bad atm
Hello pls help? So worried about issue, pass now with forehead and nose? So worried help they say i mog but worried when is healed so upset due to this
can I steal this for the next thread image?
also bottom middle I guess
No one cares
uhhhh sexo

no pass
are you esl or do you talk like that on purpose
what do you think is wrong with your nose/brow? looks fine, need to see more holistic view though and from front
tru tru
>every anon is maiq
does that include you too?
I know his voice and his age because we’re actually friends?
Plus everyone knows his voice considering he posts vocas here frequently. Per your screencap above.
eh you seem fine
it's called voices of the void, you can download it off itch
he never talks about sex really
looks like shit not interested JOKING looks cool thank you anon
Maiq's a footfag too? Lol, lmao even
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I keep finding these things and my robot keeps telling me to buy a hazmat suit
Yeah that's only suppose to happen in his encrypted e-mail inbox. But you know, mistakes happen, sometimes you want to reply to your really good friends on mtfg and ask them how pearly their precum is and whatnot and whoopsydoodles get a lil too carried away and post a bit too hastely without deleting your name field. Happens to everyone, right? Haha yeah so relateable!
Hey faggot
I meant emails
maiq got what he deserved
So worried because of your post
I just talk normally. I'm worried about nose and brow issue, anon pointed out by drawing lines, so worried and upset due to this pls help
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>it's okay, we can do this still both be straight
fucking maiq dude hahahahahaha oh my god chasers like him who use trannies as a proxxy to never come out of the closet peak clownworld shit hahahahahahahah
I'm the only transbian that can't get a gf
oh I thought the robot was small but the robot is big, are you sure they're gay?
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gm gay

idk its pink so I call it gay
he got to be the total obsession of mtfg
no you're not
you not talk normally please help talking issue anon pointing out talk funny help me pissing my pants
nose looks fine
Ok faggot
everyone got to be the center of attention for a few hours when the thread is dead
you're not winning maiq
your crush isn't winning clara
wtf are you arguing about anon
more like a mascot
maybe it's my twisted joker society sense of humour but it's just really funny they forgot to drop trip one time and it's still being posted about and maiq still posts here and they never let maiq forget it, permanent torment
Mucho maiq
Fuck you tranny faggots leave me alone already
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riveting gameplay

wow ok then fag
I hope you die faggot
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real trip maiq holy shit we BROKE him
not real trip
Okay maiq
when you use those words you're not just hurting the people being mean to you maiq...
Look at this thread. And not just this one, although this one is particularly insane. Look at the thousands of hours spent digging through the archives.
This is just obsession.
They don’t talk or think about you this way or this much. Does that make you jealous or relieved or both?
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like how? hit by a car or stabbed by a hobo? infection? pregnancy complications?
I slit your throat and watch the light slowly disappear from your eyes
it’s not him, newfags don’t know lore
Lia cracked that trip years back and passed it around discord hoping it would make her popular
she confessed in thread and he forgave her
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Maiq isn't a chaser guys stop posting more proof we know he's just here to find friends only
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do you jorking your penits?
Ok maiq
oh I thought you were being serious but you’re just maiqspammer
Im asexual for the most part
Its more about vengance power dynamics and bloodlust
the only reason they talk so much about him is because of how much dishonnest he is lol
i'm very proud to not be in his situation, this pathetic coward
Im just posting ok maiqs im not that person
they can crack secure tripcodes?
Ok maiq
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Maiq we know it's you, but let's pretend like we don't know and you're just anon who likes him. Kinda weird to make up random story about his trip being cracked, kinda ruins your credability my guy. Maiq (You) were a retard and screencap posted your own trip. Lia didn't do anything. You really were a horndog for Lia though, so why throw her under the bus now? Very strange behavior from a VERY strange little man
Ok maiq
Nah, Val, it’s just that no one cares about you.
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oh okie :3
we going for the first second or third here?
Just woke up, and as someone who finds maiq to be a disingenuous faggot i'm about to read this entire thread
post the archived confession
because i am honest about myself and there is nothing to care about
they don't have to wonder
this is exactly the point

god you are so fucking stupid
you make me nauseous
All three
meeting with my dad went really well
he's way nicer and warmer than he used to be
he's also the first family member who's acknowledged that I've transitioned like he commented on the fact I pass well lol. that was nice to hear actually
it's weird how he's been pretty dreadful to me growing up but genuinely has been the nicest about me being trans
ig maybe makes sense as he has a trans sister so might have already worked through his preconceptions or whatever
but yeah it was nice, he got us lunch and we caught up and he was otherwise dadly. like he said I was looking skinny and asked if I was eating enough lol. or he offered to give me some money. just idk more signs he cares than he's shown me before
going to see him again tomorrow as he's giving me some skateboard stuff he can't use anymore because legit really old now. it's weird seeing parents age
Maiq status: Officaly BTFO
I’m not him but I remember that he did like her a lot and she apologized for cracking his trip so I guess she liked him or any way credit to her for fessing up and apologizing
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told it to get a job

am I allowed to talk back?
Youre not allowed to not talk back as id make it boring
ok that robot is gay despite being big
This still never happened. Maiq leaked his own trip. Do you need me to do a simple archive search for you?
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you're no fun

told him you called him a fag he did this
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Uh oh Maiq backed into a corner. What's he gonna do now
mef robot
I literally want to murder you
It was mono all along
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiq maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiq
why did you say those things to lia maiq
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idk what that means im not a homo

I am ok with this
new gen gen is new
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new measurements are IN!!!


>31/32 inch


42/43 inch
congrats on making it over 600 posts for once even if 80% of it was maiq posting and 10% was the blanchtard
yeah but you realise this cant be fixed via subtraction, right?

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