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Lets honour the homosexuals that have consecrated their virginity to greater cause.

QOTT: What is your magical power?

OLD: >>37676788

Come home Gay man:
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>tfw no English twink maid who cleans my house and ZUCKS MY CAWCK
can i just be your english cleaner who sucks your cock or do i have to be a maid
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Imagine not being celibate and being filthy gay whore.
>greater cause
yeah, u celibate. involuntarily celibate
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Just a reminder to the "gays for trumps"
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Being celibate is noble, you don't have to be a sex pest always.
My guess is that its full of closetfag incels and prisongay incels. r9k is kinda fucking awful.
imagine celebrating being obnoxious to be banned.
hyperbolic silly billy
making weed disappear alot faster than intended
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Is choosing to engage in homosexuality a sin?
Happy Times is still a thing?
What stops you from giving your life to greater cause? Ass is temporary, ideals are timeless.
Yes but you may be a gay but you should be havin sex.
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>>what kinda priest smokes anyways?
Sin isn’t real
Also the guy at the bottom is wrong.
Every physical birth defect is correlated with mental illness, because being defective sucks.
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Shouln't* fak
sin isn't a real world concept. it's a social construct
I got graped so life celibacy is impossible
lol being gay isnt a "birth defect" for me, it's objectively superior to being straight
Anyone wanna skittleblitz this incel faggot with me so he'll stfu with this dumb larp?
Ok dead end
Well anon you can still consecrate yourself to God or follow a noble calling regardless. It is just you shouldn't be having boysexx
Man, this business simulation is no joke.Though, I'm doing exceptionally well--after Q2 I already have 51% of the market share.
surrogacy exists, try again
I tried a mcrib for the first time out of curiosity and it's really bad. It tastes like the world's worst possible sausage. Hot dogs from a can taste better than a mcrib.
why are the threads so awful when the fat pedo makes them :s
>it's objectively superior to being straight
I have a fetish for fat pedos...
cuz hes some incel visiting fom his containment board
>pedo makes them
i wonder
cause you guys love me the most
trip on xan
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Hurt >:(

Erhm, okay?Hit me up.

God isn’t real
>for the low low price of $50k-100k you can get a kid only half related to you with bad maternal genetics and trauma from birth separation
Not great
theyre masc
i don't have a trip. never tripped. am not a trip. in my defense: you fags still gave me a name. the entity
every night toker, i thank you.
Silly euro, mcribs are for kids!
Also the surrogate mother can just decide to keep the kid and the money and there's nothing you can do about it
Well my personal experiences with the spirtual realm I can assertain that God is real.
>that pic
>after posting a bunch of weeb pics
>eating american trash
You're right, poison should be reserved for those most vulnerable to it

Learn to read
>curious about american trash
>learn to infer
Maybe, maybe not. Here's a different question: would it be a bad chess move to make hedonist sex a routine of such priority that it governs so many other aspects of life and cuts you off from the opportunity for participating in a local community of forward moving peers, regardless of what the sex is or with who?

Does it make sense to chase thrills into adulthood that feel like they resolve adolescent yearnings instead of doing some introspection as to why such yearnings formed that socially exclude you or make you feel you have to hide or justify something to avoid persecution?

You dont have to settle for some religious leader who doesnt know you trying to guide you according to a framework decided by people consulting ghosts. And you shouldnt feel bad about having developed feelings during an age of development where no one could be expected to understand their own emotional construction. And what use is the advice of a society that has so little regard for the individual on matters it deems too embarrassing to discuss?

You dont need any of that. Just consider what is best for you in the long term, and look at the evidence of others around you. What is not a sin is to decide maybe you were wrong, tricked or misled.

One can make the argument that there is nothing immoral or wrong about trying to live with no legs and that there are ways you can adapt to find some reward in life. That doesnt make it a good idea to have them removed.

As for sin, the concept of it is not simply to morally shame the act, but rather the stubborn desire to ignore the damage a vice does to oneself first, and whatever disruption it does to a community second. You could be a junkie alone in the wilderness hurting no one else. But you would still be hurting yourself and making a bad trade.
i know it's you ******
I play a lot of chess and have never heard of that move.
you don’t know anything
True story: I used to play chess for sex. He figured it would motivate me to learn, and I guess he was right.
Idk what your point is but you're clearly retarded so I'll let it slide
going foot2foot with a pair of oversized twink feet
Do you bros really?
no, its just a troll. font feed it
Some do. Sadly very few. But it was popular back in the day.
Wait are you Tsar Ivan?
my name is *******
not: ******
ya close, but ya way off.
i just came back from vacation i missed my boyfriend so so much uwu and our dogs too :3
it feels good to see them again ;w; <3
what have you been up to this fall, gaygen?
Hey DB. Nice to see you. I hope it was fun. I'll be back later to hear how it went.
Da, I am.
>unable to understand something
>everyone else is retarded
are you a conservative
not by choice
Send face
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Back in the day you could get executed or locked up forever for boykissing. Some place you still can. Youre just an incel. Like a homeless man being proud of how humble his lack of possessions makes him. Pride is a greater sin than breaking a fast. You obviously feel a great deal of pride in your inability to get sex. You wouldnt be doing this bit if you didn't. Have sex. If you want something to feel good about, go do some esteemable things. Dont just sit there judge people who dont fast for not fasting in order to fabricate something to feel good about yourself for.

tl;dr: touch grass, have sex
7/10 for an Afrikaans.
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Having gay sex is wrong on multiple levels though. My Catho-Confucian ethics simply don't allow it.
Is he actually a paedo?
it was amazing anony :3
hes catholic, so duh
man theapostle AND thorny at the same time is too much how did we incur god’s wrath
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>Arsenal get another red card
where can I find a boyfriend to watch football with me lads btw?
yeah he grooms 16 year olds
im sure if i should make magic middles or coffee cake :/
go to a football game and talk to men
I was told that ftms are real males but Im not attracted to a meat tube Frankenstein'd out of thigh flesh... Does that mean Im straight?
Too many straights. Best you can hope for is to find a drunk one and offer a blowjob.
i do but pretty sure they're all straight ):
they're watching a bunch of sweaty men play with balls, are you really sure about that
You just have to get the closetscan upgrade for your gaydar's firmware
i miss postsportyboysplsposter
trust me straight lads do gay shite all the time without being actually gay
t. played football/soccer and rugby in school and uni
I know, I'm fucking awful at figuring out if a lad is gay, unfortunately
what the fuck happened? did you eat the whole pantry?
>played rugby
the gayest men on the planet
well next to wrestlers i guess
apostle is an attractive top and im not afraid to admit this
do you ever become too old to fuck twinks? i'm going to be 34 in a few months.
anon. i'm 36. i was the twink. now? i'm the crypt keeper ;- ; no top wants my ugly boney ass.
is that a yes?
definitely maybe
Sweaty zoomer feet
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acting gay and doing hilariously homoerotic shit does not = being gay, unfortunately
many such cases
straight guys flirt with each other better than actual gay guys
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i just feel like with younger guys it's so much more work cause i have to basically teach them what to do whereas older guys already know or just take it.
im the gayest man on the planet
>the gay ass tattoos on that dude
only need one dude to take them at face value and they'll cross the line
t. never lost at chicken
first guy is hot
>this is comically obese in asia
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honestly think flirting is easier if you're not attracted to the other person
qt lads hitting on me turns me into a smitten teenage boy with a crush lol
honestly yeah that guy could actually be gay desu
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does gigi like sumo wrestlers?
bish irl
what do you mean chicken?
gay chicken

A game in which two people of the same sex move their lips as close as possible without kissing, where the first to pull away loses.
I saw we top all the tops and power bottom all the bottoms until they learn to be verse like a proper homo.
that's a easy game for me I haven't kissed anyone in so long, french kissing is a spiritual need
i bet it feels incredibly cathartic to throw a faggot off a roof
he cute
french kissing is part of a balanced breakfast
i can feel my stress floating away like dandelion seeds on a gentle breeze just visualizing it
>t. my aunt when I was 11
no wonder you aren't attracted to women
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I need him
I just need to get tongued down in someone's lap
have you tried visualizing homo heads busting open like rotten watermelons as they hit the concrete at terminal velocity?
sounds gay mate
My life is a series of jokes and Im constantly the punchline
Your bottom said he's gonna fuck your face, tops what are you gonna do?

he's an Irish rugby player
very cute indeed
>not knowing what gay chicken is
you missed out on one of the few fun cheat codes that gay teens had in secondary/high school anon
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I am going to write a little then read then sleep. Good night Gigi.
are they good jokes?
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meant to post this pic
get him in a headlock and stuff my fist up his ass
perky nipples, kinda gay
closeted in highschool, and I never really fit in with the gay people there. is also in the bible belt too.
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when you say tongued...?

play along
then take over and give him a vigorous bj
>the bible belt
gay central
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lmfao this shit was going on in my Irish Catholic school before we had fucking civil unions in this country
I'm sure there are lads in the bible belt who got up to it too
maybe catholic schools are just gay breeding grounds. i know someone who went to a catholic school and claims to have sucked off most of the boys in his class
kiss as in passionate tongue kissing
yeah basically but I still never fit in and was kinda a bully back then because of that, never found any of them cute to begin with, alot I felt like were straight autists who just said they were bi to hopefully get girls
ah yes, white christian mental illness
i envy the dead, living is overrated
hey a confession couple hail marys and we're all grand, sins be damned
>inb4 the weirdo trad cath fag starts schizo posting
was a joke my amigo if you're reading this
most like that were just porn addict furries who liked femboys because of memes
inb4 who?
many make it their life
we're not
see I like femboys because I'm actually gay and could pull the femboy shit off if I wanted to. they liked femboys because of pretentious nihilism and porn addition
>actually gay
i like men because im gay
they'll be a reason
based homo
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Friendly reminder.
common sense
i hate men for making me gay
>lalo's ex is still obsessed over him and seething
not saying I am or will ever be that just saying that I could.
and femboys are just gay twinks with emo clothes on that play videogames and don't even remotely act like women 99% of the time they just act gay they are gay faggots
cute :3
mental illness
i want to be normal and not mostly a faggot
Why are you simping for a lightning/angle fraud uggo?
exactly mentally ill faggots
if i cant dance i dont want any part of your revolution
Just dance, gonna be okay.
>"I was born this way"
>"People cant change their sexual orientation"
>"You should just open your mind and explore, man"
>with a woman
faggots are such hypocrites I swear

t. bi
how boring, couldn't imagine a worse fate than being born a straight guy
being born gay and being mentally ill about it
see the 2 post above yours
why should i care abt my looks if i will always be ugly no matter what i do
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where's this from
I always tell them, you cant subtract, but you can add. They seem to think the aversion to female company and all the awful stuff women do and say is something they alone feel, not the straights who put up with them. I try to explain to them that straights dont disagree with gays because they cant relate, but because they can. Its not like straights are incapable of trying to intuit the appeal of males. I can explain that the numbers show that while most same sex activity is between males attracted to males, most men who have same sex experience do not in fact identify as gay or make it routine by an overwhelming margin.

Nothing gets through to them. The mental profile is steeped so deep in denial that Im convinced its its own diagnosis apart from same sex attraction. Its like the gay identity movement is like the modern trans movement, a cult invented to make useful idiots of the mentally wounded. The old trans was nothing like trans today. They werent an army of proselytizing psychotics. They asked people to play along, they didnt demand it and understood the difference between women and wanting to live as one.

Its the same thing with gays now. They got these poor guys believing some science fiction about girl ghosts living in their genes or something.
I am completely schizoly obsessed with my ex. I literally lurk his instagram ever single day, see who follows him, who likes his posts. I think about him every day, fantasize about him and dream about him. Dating other guys and getting into another relationship didn’t help. I just think of the time where we kissed during a night walk around all these city lights around us. Felt like Heaven. It was like the most euphoric feeling ever. He broke up with me in the worst way possible so I feel like it would be pathetic to grovel back to him almost a year later.
i wish that were me
girls out here writing novels
this wine tastes like getting a friend into hard drugs but remaining their only source so i have a sex slave and dishwasher
london gays, what's an always good gay club over there with dark room/floor? like STRONG in madrid
Is that nun t-dog?
london hasn't been good since postcode wars. literally no other vibe matches that city apart from murder.
do you suffer from long-term memory loss?
is that just forgetting things normally?
I hate him, but I’m also completely obsessed with him. He was a complete brat. Most guys I like are bratty as fuck. I literally could’ve spend my life with that guy. He mesmerized me in a way no others did previously.
Its good that you can be candid with yourself about your thoughts and feelings. Unlike many, you can work backwards if you feel its a bother and wish to change. I think you might want to step back and look at the bigger picture. But its good to hear someone has the self awareness to think back and identify the moments that struck such feelings.

Everyone, including me, knows what its like to get over an ex you had feelings for. It takes time to sort out what actually happened with a clear mind. Any life experience I have learned from tends to begin with asking myself, "Why did I think that?"

Good luck.
Missed y vampy
>had 3 hookups arranged for today
>3 of them basically ghosted me by not connecting at the arranged hour for several hours
I genuinely find more cash on the sidewalk than guys willing to fuck
>the aversion to female company
what? gays love women by a large margin
every gay guy has 10/1 ratio of female friends to male friends
I'm a top but I have a rather sizeable derriere
my best friends have always been women
and that's what I'm saying, gays have more of an aversion to straight/bi males...
straight/bis can't even wipe their ass and gets shit on their towel after showering
What is with these loathsome homosexuals and going offline 2 hours after talking you then never answering
Fuck grindaids

These niggers do more flips than a beyblade
and you're terrified of them
let’s see it
sometimes when i'm bored i'll string a long biscum on dating apps while knowing full well i'd never
When the relationship I was most invested in ended (the last time) I asked myself if there was something I shouldve done differently because I felt I did the best I could. So I ran some mental simulations that hypothetically and unrealistically made me to be everything they claimed to want without limit. What if I had been perfect in their eyes.

And what I found was that it didnt matter. I had grown to know enough about them to realize that even when they had everything they wanted, they would get bored and look for something new, even when it was against their own interests or had no reason to believe a better deal existed.

Its just how some people are. They arent in love with the person, they just love an experience. Some people just go through life picking things up and putting them down again, and moving on.
>can you host
>*dies from sleep*
terried, disgusted. potato potato.
i wanna suck dick and get fucked and love a man but im not gay :(
me too, no homo
>I think you might want to step back and look at the bigger picture
You’re right. I am hyper focused on him. I literally drank in a depression over him. I’ve been in other relationships and when they ended I didn’t nearly as care as much as with this one. It’s just frustrating. He was like a 10/10, like the perfect looking guy physically to me and had a bit of a snarky character to him. Twinks are heartbreakers.
>I asked myself if there was something I shouldve done differently because I felt I did the best I could. So I ran some mental simulations that hypothetically and unrealistically made me to be everything they claimed to want without limit. What if I had been perfect in their eyes.
Painfully relatable. I think of this constantly. Our last time together was so awkward. It really pained me because I just thought about how much of a fuck up I was the entire time. He was far from perfect. He was a brat and could be very catty towards me sometimes. I still really want him back, but part of me feels like it would be so pathetic to reach out to him after breaking up with me in the most cruel and immature way possible.
Y'all wanna hang out and throw beer cans at transexuals for fun?
why are so many 'not gay' people in the gay general?
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literally me right now
because we aren't gay we just want to kiss and fuck men :)
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Texanon sent me this
the new generation of posters are bad at gatekeeping the thread
texanon is fucking TRANS
I'm bi which is gay and straight so yes I'm gay.
double gay
why would anyone who isn't gay bother to cum here
oh it's these idoits
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that was PRIVATE.
You forgot to say "no homo" so now youre officially gay. Sorry, m8.
what are you? gay?!
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I'm in the honeymoon phase of a crush.
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tops with feminine eyes just do something to me
>not by choice
There should be a term for this phenomenon
>oh it's these idoits
let A be the subset "gay" and B the subset "straight". Being bi is being in the intersection of A and B. That means I'm in the subset A, which means that I'm gay.
tired of texanon and her zionist propaganda
tell it to bigen
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When I want to feel homophobic I read r/gayyoungold . It's literally Freshienon but worse
just booked a first-class flight to new jersey next weekend
i miss freshienon, *sending him a new pancreas through magical internet powers*
i read /gaygen/
My parents circumcised me. Now I'm a bottom
eww New Jersey is like the Florida of the North East but with more Italians than italy..
tryna get some of that hoboken bussy?
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Do you mean you're flying to Newark to go to NYC?
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Its simple. We just kill all the tops and bottoms.
man, I just hate that haircut.
it's really hawt
hottest haircut on a bottom?
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evan peters is so fucking hot
im a bottom
thankfully it's just personal business; i would never be a tourist in new jersey

buying a limited-edition car

flying to newark to go to east hanover
but i do have a grade school friend that lives in nyc so i might visit him
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his Steve Buscemi eyes always throw me off
yeah, bottom of the barrel
Should get naked more often. Frontal would be great
i’m normal
You don't have to wait for that kind of stuff anymore with todays technology
what sort of car? i love vintage mercedes cars
prime Evan Peters was so fucking hot.
never liked jeffrey dahmer
bishit looks similar to him
im making coffee cake uwu
same, there are better serial killers who preyed on actual cute guys
give me some, now
He's still hot
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i fell in love with him in ahs hotel
cillian murphy was prob hotter at the same age tho
My favorite bits were when he was naked being hosed off and in another scene trashing a room with his butt cheeks jiggling in AHS.
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Would love a gif of the last one
the smiley face killer who hasn't been caught yet
she is a lesbian, he is gay, and their 33-year old marriage will change your perception of love
dead bedroom: the movie
I wonder if they're still a couple.
its in the oven :3
>i was identifying as gay
my sides
get them drunk and drown them in a body of water...
I was thinking more of this one
Thats sounds kinda nice :)
and then he draws a smiley face in graffiti near where they are...
Please im begging and crying
Yep based director. Perfect view and lighting and everything
i knew a white lesbian who only dated black men previously because she said it was easier to dehumanize a black man and imagine his cock as a dildo
that is a wild thing to say
perfect dom top
I grew up in the south when white people didn't filter themselves about other races.
would be hotter if he was at a playground naked on a swing and the monkey bars
it would be cool to like have a bf without making gayness a whole ass identity. i simply seeee it as being really close friends who happen to be sexually inclined towards one another. as time progresses, feelings grow and a couple may decide to elope, yet the underlying structure of the relationship pretty much stays the same throughout: close friendship, intimacy, gay sex, partnernship, etc.
no, long hair is best

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