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lalo edition

prev >>37683626
this is hot
I want to fool around with a gay friend but don't know if it'll mess things up. My work brings me into contact with him too
my girl friend is divorcing her husband
everything reminds me of bish :(
my pussy in bio
Y r u bullying him hes cute in both
best sex I ever had was at night at a playground, bottom was naked on a swing and he said it was like he was floating on a cloud and felt better than on a bed or couch, I should buy an in-door swing
I have this borderline eugenics idea of making white and east asian gay men donate their sperm to lesbians of all peoples outside europe and east asia to gradually make them more pretty and intelligent
Y r u lying
what about bish turns you on so much?
btw where is he
i can feel the lingering presence and a slight waft of his aura-ra-ra
reveal your true form, bisht
He looks better on left but on right hes alr its just an intentionally bad pic from the stream..
>just an intentionally bad pic from the stream
how do you know that? did you watch her streams?
I was reading an article earlier how rosie O’Donnell’s adopted daughter was arrested on child neglect and meth charges after infant was found in squalor conditions..

I just don't think lesbians are capable of raising babies properly. Not to say she's to blame for her daughter's choices. Lesbians seem very selfish like gay men and only care about their sexual desires.
how much negrito and abo admixture should a jungle asian have in order to date them without commiting bestiality? 10%?
breed to suck seed
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Obsessed lucy
I miss fyre and marea
don't know why shiza keeps running them off with his weird obsession
marea won
asian boyfriend
why are bottoms so easy, i hate this
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Bottoms want to be treated like this
i don't know yet, some people are just striking like that
he's literally perfect, proper, lush, mint, flawless
and i'm not about just his form, his substance and idea and matter, potentiality and actuality
there's nothing bad about him, he shines like a radiant cruel sun
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Perfect dom top.
Because a person who made that meme with the goal of lookshaming him would pick the worst pics obviously
i think more men should wear pants like these
this photographer takes a lot of good pics of asian men
Ill wear those if you give me another chance :(
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please please please
tops should have their dicks locked-up, and only released when their bottom is in the mood. y'all can sit down to pee for all i care
what did you do to make him sever
Needs more shots of BAC
i hope tops are doing the locktuber right
tfw you never post on trip
yeah same
reminds of him :(
hate laios
I think the pics are all very old and he most likely looks really different by now. Some of them apparently go back 5-7 years ago.
there's people here that have been posting since 5-7 years ago
of who?
i don't care, i still hate him and his shitty anime
what pathetic losers
I don't see why this is strange. We've all been on the internet for how long now and still play the same games and look at the same websites we always have looked at. Nothing changes.
skunk won
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oh never mind
I've been browing 4chan since 2007.
that's fucked up, i'm sorry for your loss
what do you mean loss?
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calm your tits
Oh my sweet summer child. You're here forever.
Mind telling me the comprehensive history of gaygen and all its trips and namefags?
Love this new meme format
is that a dragon fucking a car?!
no the car is just stuck, the dragon is trying to help
>sign: No Parking or Raped
No the car just has a bad back and the dragon is trying to crack it
you expect me to not fall in love after you put your penis in me?
I can't believe you just ripped my OC post like that without any credit, baka
I haven't been in gaygen that long. but I know about woeffle, texanon samael, bishit, marius, sissy Joxter etc.
Tell me about woeffle
thanks friend
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show yourself my fanboi
based on what I've seen posted over the last 2 years
he was an artist and would draw the current people of the thread as fursonas
i guess no one has heard from him in years like holden, marius, and others who left
How am I supposed to get a boyfriend if I don't like the idea of eating ass
did you forget use your name?
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wanna grab a beer at my place?
Omg wasnt expecting a response o.o ty also i hear about holden often, what he do?
only if you crush my head after
sometimes i wonder if this thread is some sort of cruel joke
Who is Lucy? There is little to no information available about them that I can find
he was accused of being a discord groomer by shiza, someone called eden, samael, and other anonymous posters
who is weaponizing reports against horny :s
i wish there was a better place to talk to gay men around the world in a normal non-sexual way
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get in
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She's so cool desu...
giwtwm (the dragon)
Lalo’s ex
i loved billzebub interviews when i was in hs
Was he hot?
Also why do people acuse everyone of being xan?
And is tex intersex or is that memes?
you right now
Anyone below the age of consent probably.
objectifilia. fascinating. there's a woman married to a chandelier, too.
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lmao, you are pathetic and always making shit about trips trips
Can we get rid of the damn boomers already?
me when ipzo
Pedo anthemn
holden was known for his beard and masc qualities but shiza said he had a drug addiction and was suicidal
gaygen, do you prefer music streaming, flacs(or other lossless/uncompressed codexs), or physical media?
What do we know about them? They are the one posting these threads? What do they look like? Lalo would not date an ugly and apparently they are ugly according to marea
absolutely wrong opinion on bish btw
Give me old tex lore pls :3
silence krust, boomers are essential in keeping up the world order by releelecting corrupt old farts and grifters
none of those are my posts
im not sure where the tex intersex thing started
i think it's the same accuser who says anyone who dosn't show cock is trans
streaming, i've been using spotify since it was invite only
sure schizo
Who are conveniently also boomers. Put them onto cruise ships, I say, and make it so that once the ship leaves from port, the exhaust gasses are led directly into those cabins they've rented out.
The bigger the cabin the longer they'll take to meet their god (or the devil, which is more likely considering all they've done so far).
Ah thats pretty boring :c what about socrates wife xan?
okay schizo
Im here, but the whole jeffrey dahmer thing is a bit much for me. Not that I wouldnt be into it as a relationship thing, like just taking turns luring guys and then fukin, killin, and eatin them as a couple... but the whole like.... waiting and trying to get the most out of it while still providing more alive value and thinkin on if I should just go ahead and kill him before I get killed thing, but I have more fun with him alive, but idk if he feels the same, so maybe I should just go ahead and kill him kinda thing sounds stressful and not worth it.
I just know they allegedly went to jail for stealing
and someone accuses apostle and others of being them
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Hallo, meine Rose! Mahlzeit!
but kuurst, if you kill all the boomers facebook is gonna collapse and my dreams of a dystopic VR metaverse will never materialize :C
That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the betterment of mankind.

>tfw you never gifted a boy you like flowers
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i'm not lying about that
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i meant another fanboy, he doesnt want me here
now he will call you obsessed or some other dumb shit it’s all so tiresome
What is your education?
fingers crossed holden killed himself by now
why are you replying to yourself?
What is your bsc msc? What city are you from?
Why are you idling on 4chins?
lol you always do this
trying to get people to question their own sanity
it honestly cracks me up :3
wtf my coffee cake is raw :s
Imagine how great it would be trying out new longpig recipes with eachother would be tho...
Who is ur favourite trip?
i hope he's alive and well but maybe he was caught up in a drug addiction and suicidal ideation like that liam payne guy
Brits seem like a really sad and depressive lot (at least the ones on 4chan)
Why are you asking questions? Are you a communist?
get gud
gd was the most interesting poster with wild stories to tell
>i hope he's alive
Why? He was an unapologetic pedo
communism was invented by the CIA to divert attention from the plutonium injections
i did the toothpick test and it came up clean :(
Sounds like something a communist would say. Good night.
toothpick test for the urethra
That never stopped anyone from using his discord to share pics of underage kids.
Does he still post?
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I don't have one.

It seemed like made up accusations by eden. If there were minors in their discord group then all the adults in that discord group are responsible for allowing them into their discord and not doing anything about it.
Does /gaygen/ like to cook?
What are we making tonight, bros?
I was there, the collage of questionably young people sending him photos on discord was real. So was the logs
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idk bro i just use my brava oven and it comes out perfect every time
i’m blackening a piece of grouper and cooking wild rice and roasting some asparagus to go with it
192 khz sample rate, 24-bit depth (obviously), and 8192-bit buffer. won't listen to anything under 96 khz. flac can always be converted to smaller 320 khz mp3s which will last a lifetime considering normal people can barely hear the difference between 44 and 96. lossless does sound better though, i would not convert to mp3 if i have storage to fit all flac
Is a man still responsible if a minor sends him photos he didn't ask for?
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ein kommi? lol nein

would u crossdress during?
I don't think so.
He did ask tho, it wasn't like a whole group of kids just decided to send him lewds for no reason
did they lie about their age? or did he just not ask?
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You are good boi, Kuurst! I sure believe so!
are u doing fajitas :0
I like tape. It's shit quality but also warm and fuzzy
>all the adults in that discord group are responsible for allowing them into their discord and not doing anything about it.
Braindeadest take in history of universe
You seem to be awfully conserned about rewriting history for someone that's not supposed be holden
the discords I've been in ask for driver license identification
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No, I hate it, but I do enjoy eating good food that is made by someone else.
He's right. If they knew they were they kids should've kicked them.
Funny how people now have a problem with pedos but not back when someone put a literal children in the op weeks ago.
The discords ive been in cut off your dick and count the rings to determine if you are over 18
I've been in esoteric Hitlerism and flat earth discords
Its not against the law for ppl under 18 to be in discords or immoral
>Does /gaygen/ like to cook?
no, i eat oats day in day out
food is there to provide kcals and protein...
its the manic depression...
you actually own one of those ugly ass stoves you sell?
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>someone put a literal children in the op
It is when it's a discord for an adult website.
what the fuck is esoteric hitlerism
did you meet any interesting people
I remember when you used to lmao at my crazyposts...
4chan isnt an adult website
nothin like an afternoon breeding uwu
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if you don’t make enough to be able to afford one just say that sweaty
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i have a cook, pleb

also, are you hot?
>noooo you have to like the ugly stove, it’s expensive!
gay is nearly synonymous with hylic
I don't know much about Holden but I saw a photo of him once and he was easily the most handsome poster.
Im 18 and 5 months if i get banned because of you i will crawl through the cables and find you and bite your balls off
Checke the rules and the disclaimer.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>1. The content of this website is for mature audiences only and may not be suitable for minors. If you are a minor or it is illegal for you to access mature images and language, do not proceed.
i know you have to defend your shitty choices and wasted money anon, i won't be hurt by your tantrum
and i have a bf that cooks for me lol

here's your (You) for the effort
That's based I love black pepper and seafood so much
Oven roasted peppers and a simple pan seared protein is the easiest way to make great fajitas, the macros are great too!
Do you remember when you used to get grumpy whenever i called out your fas?
holding out for a holden
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>and i have a bf that cooks for me lol
but are you hot?
Even so a discord server doesnt have to be 18+
i wanna get baked and filled at the same time
Is there good dick in atlanta? I’m going to be going there later this month
i thought that was an octopus xD
Was gonna say that xd
ugh the guy I want to destroy just uploaded more tiktoks its time to manifest more revenge
I can't remember such things because I'm not Holden. lol
thanks for the belly laugh
a trip (read: subhuman) trying to shame someone for buying something that takes maybe a couple months to save up for and guarantees me good home-cooked meals by the bf is pure comedy
Don't be greedy anon, share
it's kinda sad that holden turned out to be a pedo because he was like the only attractive to person to ever post here aside of seth maybe
lmao drag her
according to my bf
so i guess?
cock, the final frontier..
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Why do you hate brown guys?
the best frontier
U think seth is hot???????? I need to see holden
because non whites are soulless
ok no
don't reply to my posts, gonna filter you now
Please just one word
okay his face is kinda average, but damn is he jacked
I don't like the way their crusty brown skin looks also the cringe gangster crimes stuff
Jacked 100%, but bottom personality
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how about some shirt free action?
I remember there was a time when the bleached threads on /hm/ had to be separated by black and brown bottoms because they kept fighting over who were the best bottoms for whites.
So funny if true
bad guys make bottoms go wild
Imagine not taking the chefpill lmao
I think borderline-cult christian fundamentalists are based on gender standards but they r so homophobic :(
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this is holden but I had to use AI to enhance it because it was a blurred photo
Are u calling black peepo bad?
because they have brown eyes
He is cute, but ig his vibe is what everybody went crazy about
I always assumed it was a joke. Mfer looked like he was wearing an afro on his face. This giant puffy beard hiding girly facial aspects. The kind that looked like someone who forgot to shave from age 17 and had no idea how to trim or shape it and just let it take over his frankly unremarkable face. And he dressed the way gays think "masc" looks. You know, pressed plaid shirts and spotless outerwear.
I wish I'd never met him, I could have finally killed myself instead of being trapped in this nightmare.
god i need my adhd meds
Never said that
what vibe?
whats that white thing :9
i'm a short bottom who needs a dom top bf
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Is this ai generated? I can tell what any of the food is
He looks good there
its chicken with roasted bell peepers and onions, he posted the process above :|
nta but looks like "street" tacos w/ shredded chicken, some form of cheese, sauteed onions, bell peppers, and maybe some other veggies
kids who meditate on hitler and shit
i wish he groomed me
do you think the ones he did groom still wished it happened?
Who, Lalo?
you met Holden?
What does seth look like?
I don’t know?
what happened to /v/?
I hope it happens on /lgbt/ to give me an incentive to stop posting for good
Pashabiceps with bigger biceps
Oh my fucking god, of course you don't actually know. I'm asking what you think you autist
it's been schizo central since gamergate, but it had a lot of spamming lately
could you imagine a gay utopia where there are no women
the discord is talking about you guys
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>it would be like this
What discord?
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what's this scroll tattoo represent?
the discord
Need the left one
i am not watching any of those. you're a sick person
Inv me
you know you can just close the page right?
what's your username?
Probably no
maybe it's a maori tattoo that tells his ancestry and lineage
im still sad over the cake :(
it was a long task and I used a lot of butter for it :(
It's actually a slavic pagan symbol that represents the willingness to talk to me again pls
Fatty :(
Is it apostles server?
i don't think it is but that particular scroll seems to be common nowadays around where i live
It's feta cheese cuz it adds a sour punch that goes really nicely with the sweetness of roasted bell pepper and onion!
This desutbh
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oh well no blood sport tonite...
No but i changed my mind, you're not old enough for the real server
I am :(
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im old ! put me in coach!
Is /gaygen/ 3D printpilled? Currently experimenting with making instruments and stuff, this is a pan flute :3
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there are many things wrong with you. don't ever reply to me
All the things that we could fear in this world... and we pick love.
u for effort and t for nice try
yea nobody undesrtands my love for male chimpanzees they are manlier that many posters here
you're afraid of love?
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plug, custom dildo
did you see those true crime videos about that one old lady that got her face torn off by a chimpanzee?
Based what dimensions and what hardness of filament should I use :3
you're a sick person, you don't know what love is, nor will you ever
love is stored in the prostate
yea and I dont care just look at this cute handsome guys
cute butt :3
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i have a meme for you
Please talk me
I don't know what to think about the way you've behaved tonight anon
i dunno, you'll have to smooth it with acetone anyway, and use a condom... so the material doesnt matter, its gonna be hard
the form is whats custom
uses a bunch of material though
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thinking about that porn video of a redhead riding a BBC in a car while saying the N-word saying "fuck me nigger fuck me" and "I want your nigger dick"
My man doesn't know about TPU printing lmao
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what did i do this time?
Nice got a x1 carbon.
this really doesn't make any sense
nevermind i get it now :)
turns out that slavic gays will never be free considering that the soviet union didnt fell and just went underground to take over the west c:
From my recollection you were involved in some kind of pedo accusations at one time, where you not mr.cute?
what do you mean sis
just had my first bisexual awakening
Not all slavs were in the CCCP fuckwad
shitty people are the reason why there has to be anti spam implemented. they literally don't stop.
Fuck off to bigen
mmm which escaped?
I was implying the eastern bloc too
must have been a long time ago because i can't recall any or maybe your thinking of CDC?
yugoslavs were swarthy turkish rape babies so I dont mind them being out
I honestly can't remember the exact reason why i disliked you i just know i used to so i trust that whatever i knew back then was bad
hi :3
I don't know whether to report my findings here, or on x because i've been using an ovilus while masturbating, and the spirits keep calling me evil. I came in my own mouth if thats helpful. Someone please help.
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i sometimes post a twink who looks too young
that's most likely it
Nice do you print anything interesting with it? P1S is really solid, a few funny things but way better than my shitty ender.
oooh i remember now, it wasn't just one random twink that looks young it was that one literally underaged danish kid that got credited for influencing early yaoi
Lets make the next thread super horny >:3
I was just testing after ban. I'm not new enough to groom, sorry.
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do the spirits look like that?
I looked up an old porn from high school for nostalgia and remembered girls are hot.

Thats one of those faces that turn straight guys
Not montenegros, plus yugos have best genes out of all slavs
Why don't ghosts enjoy watching me masturbate? Is it because I'm fat?
Who are you trying to fool? you didn't have to blur that far down
They look like angry shadows. Like they're visibly upset that I'm naked.
i only said hi :s
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>underaged danish kid that got credited for influencing early yaoi
Hi :3
probably demanding sacrifice in your peripheral vision, if u know what i mean
I know.
ayyyy lmao
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was it this? Daniel Laros? it said he was 24 on his model page but I don't know when the pic was taken but it's still a cute photo

I don't think I ever posted a underage danish kid intentionally
Did you have to google yaoi?
My cat lies in my periphery! They'll remain pissy. I'd sacrifice every nigga on da erf before my cat!
You're playing dumb, i remember bringing this up several times when you came around
ok :<
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...bruh its in cahoots with em!
no i googled underage danish twink :3
I'm really not I don't recall you're talking about. Post a link to the pic? I'll be honest if I posted it.
brave search
She better not be! I tell her to avert her gaze before I pull my penis out.
If I find out she's been cock gazing, I'm going to be highly upset!
Yandex, gaytard.
built like gumby
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why do you care if she is a woman?
Post more cat
>iwn have hair like that
why live.
ur so gorgeous tho
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for a price...
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Ur colour is better, his curls are better
do you have like a google alert set up for every time you get mentioned in the gen?
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he's so like me
Whats the price?
red hair > blonde hair
what? i've been on vacation this past week so i've been lurking and posting pretty much all day every day while playing runescape.
Braindead take, but you still have human rights
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this is the truth.
she probably posts off-trip
Here 8=====D
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here is u soon, buddeh
You just want it because you dont have it>>37689298
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I don't look at yaoi or know it's origins. I would think yaoi was inspired by early Cadinot films where young french guys were dressed in school boy outfits? I don't think there was ever danish guys in his films or anyone underage.

such a work of art
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this is the one you posted

i'm like 99% sure that was you
Some tops kiss me, some tops hug me
I think they're okay
If they don't give me proper credit
I just walk away
My balls were hurting, so I took a pee. All better!
new thread!
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I have been cooking recently.
Made a glorified and pretentious chicken gorgonzola - sauteed diced chicken breast in white wine/cream sauce with sheep cheese and Bovi Blue on gnocchi, toasted pine nuts on top.
7.8/10 timeless stuff, but it dried out a bit while it cooled.
I have recently also done
>potato borek
>buhtla with plum jelly
>neapolitan style pizza
>run-of-the-mill fried chicken strip tacos

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