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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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old >>37689402
i dont sit when i poop
how do you feel about public affection?
i dont pull the lid up when i poop
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kamala leading her gang of illegal migrants into the usa

Poland is better than the USA now. You guys have a unified culture, your economy and infrastructure is growing, and you don't have much crime. You wouldn't believe how shit America is in many places.
me on my way to america to find a husband
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>here's your bf bro
it depends. obviously they're basically being pornographic in this video. nobody does this, straight or gay.
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Poland 2040
But you guys promised I could make the op this time.
I sit when i pee so i can use phone - not a bottom
i dont understand why you'd be attracted to men, yet want to look like a woman???
i wont speak on culture but we could be doing a lot better on economy still
and infrastructure is being blocked by the ruling party like i said,
the reason usa has more crime is because you guys allow ghettos in your cities
and have a higher tolerance for gang criminal activity,
we shut down our biggest mafias at the turn of century
Why is he playing in the middle position on a les paul? No one uses the middle position on a les paul. Fake;!
Tf is the point of discussing the morality of personal theft when everything is owned by Jews trying to exploit you every way possible. You all need to toughen up and open your eyes. Having your vital infrastructure controlled by foreigners dehumanizing you has consequences.

Mfers will be arguing about how low-brow owning firearms is while brown mobs are organizing to wipe you out in the streets. Get a clue already jfc
Same when I'm at home. love to have a quick browse while I piss. no way am I sitting on an american public toilet.
Big deek :)
yeah, i dont understand it either
also gays who are attracted to femboys
I like feminine tops and because of this i will die alone
Its probably about humiliation
Cute Russian pidor )))
idk what you mean by this
Because it attracts normal men. What do you think they mean when they say someone "looks" gay. They aint talkin about uggos. It means they already imagine you blowin someone because they wanted to. Learn to connect the dots. They are right in front of you.
I'm going to write a novel. Somebody brainstorm ideas for me.
Straight friend wants me to "worship" him, wtf does that mean?
No you don't bishit. Le feminine top is another excuse to avoid dating.
vast majority of humans dont wanna look like the people theyre attracted to
Was blanchard ever wrong?
Get on your knees Infront of him and pretend to pray.
hi shiza how’s it going
doesnt explain actively wanting to look feminine and the opposite of your born sex
Breaking: Migrants have begun to do funky dances on the Japanese subway system!

Some Japanese people disagree, do you approve or not?

I don't think he's talking about sucking his cock. He does like showing me his post gym selfie
very confident today and posted a deathmatch game i got top of the scoreboard on earlier to youtube. very comfy morning now
It means lavish them with touch, caresses and adoration while they do nothing, with or without sexo.

Id double check him though. Straights dont normally use gay-speak like "worship", unless its some /fit/izen who took a wrong turn gooning to porn.
got drunk with him and we touched eachother's bodies a lot and hugged and he went "Don't you think it's about time to find a boyfriend?"...

Don't know how to feel about that. He's a b*sexual repping his homo side. I'm confused... I like him, but...
sure im just pointing out what you experience is also an abnormality

chilling ^^
I predict Americans to migrate to Poland as it gets worse here, with open borders illegal immigration.
Can I move to your country? I like it
Probably just wants a gay simp
lmao being gay is not an abnormality
Im not bishit, or even bi at all. Actually my country has one of the highest rates of mascs and tops on the planet, so its just not in the cards for me. And before you say it, no, im not israeli
why can't shiza respond to me...
Id drop him. Sounds like a low-confidence pussy who cant pursue what he wants and is using you to massage his ego.
im not saying it with a negative connotation

if you go through our systems i have no problem with it but you will find a lot of americans who are fascinated by poland end up very disappointed, do not expect people being friendly to you just because you have polish heritage or a surname for example
>my country has one of the highest rates of mascs and tops on the planet
Trust me, no one thought you were Israeli. Being a pervert doesnt make one "masc".
What are you talking about?
also consider: by moving back to europe you are proving the colonial project to be a failure as you let the 40-60% native blooded people retake their continent, if you disagree with those implications you should reconsider
What are your thoughts on this song?

Anon, as a bi guy who repressed that side for ages, he probably wants you. He's just too afraid, both socially and internally, to ask for what he wants. To a guy who hasn't crossed that line yet, it can seem like a thing you'll never turn back from.
Americans have a soft culture. Any time they are around a white area they expect everyone to be overtly friendly. They think everywhere is high school.

They do this really annoying thing in the suburbs where they say "hi" for no reason at all just because you pass close to each other.

In the South, its much worse. They want to start full conversations with strangers. They can really fuck with your gaydar that way.
khaybar khaybar ya yahud
I mean Jews tend to celebrate deviancy and the IDF likes to post pictures of them wearing the underwear of women they just murdered.
Does anyone play cs 1.6 anymore?
That's not being soft

it's letting each other know I've got your back.
israeli paedophile map (do NOT google)
Do people still play video games in 2024?
I do that too! Its nice hitting up random conversation with stranger sometimes.

At least you can nod or something similar to greet someone in polite way passing you.
If your age doesn't start with 1 please don't talk to me
over here we say good morning/day/evening to our neighbours and thats it
Imagine thinking that building a sense of community and trust with neighbors is an insult lol
I'm not Polish at all. I expect to welcome by the Polish people for America protecting Poland all these years from German and Russian rape
So cute
Last time I played was at least 5 years ago and I was running into South Americans everywhere but it was still active.
nta but if so, hes a pussy and the sex would be awful. You have to vet these people. Guys who want pursued eventually reveal themselves to be intolerable passive-aggressives. They will eventually treat you like an appliance they should be allowed to turn on and off. They are the same with women. Its not just a lack of balls. They also tend to be disassociated schemers who can rationalize anything for personal convenience. Its never worth it.
do clapped out peter pan syndrome bottoms tell paedophiles they have young souls
they prolly think youre a retard

yeah expect that didnt happen and we got our country back just because ussr dissoluted
fuck off mate
I don't care its only proper, like letting a woman go first or saying thank you.
Who do you think brought about the downfall of the USSR? It was my country.
this is one of two good things about living in america, the other being how ridiculously easy it is to make money here
>Who do you think brought about the downfall of the USSR?
the ussr
I dont like small talk with strangers. They tend to be clingy and weird and socially desperate.

I hate people saying "hi" for no reason. I am usually in my thoughts sorting out whatever the matter of the day is and it feels like a prank call. Like you are asking for my attention for no reason or a dog sniffing your ass to determine whether youre a threat.

Which is probably why Ive developed permanent war-face. You live in the city long enough and you learn to avoid any asshole who talks to you because after a few seconds they want some free shit.
Brainwashed, it was the cia
sure love
We bribed Gorbachev with $10 million a free residency in San Francisco. Get rekt retard
finally got an ebike to get around... no more listening to indians on the bus for me
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>permanent war-face
i was gonna comment that hardly anyone tries to start conversations and i had no idea what you were talking about but then i remember i have severe RBF syndrome.
Based, Indians stink and look like poo
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BEHOLD! The fate of Brit twinks........
Make sure you keep that shit locked up good. Thievery is out of control.
Post rbf
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thats just aging hes 56
Hello Kamarad, are you voting for Emperor Drumpf?
Dont be so sure. He said he was British, so I just assumed the one on the right was around 27.
U dont have a rbf, ppl are just intimidated by u
>Dont be so sure
what do you mean by that when i know and you dont
but im a cweep.....
im a weiwdow....
is that why people give me dirty stares and act very rude to me? i don't think so.
Every cycle the elections get worse. Under no circumstances will the media announce a Trump victory. So if its not a landslide for Harris, they are going to drag it out for weeks till Thanksgiving. Unless Mossad is on the job. Its really a referendum on which Jew team is actually running America. Its either Israel, which is at least possible, or its the deep state funded by the internationalists in Brussels who have been raging about Ukraine for a decade now. They both think we exist to do their dirty work.
Yes??? They are either jelly or intimidated
You know what I tell you. Dont get lippy with me, wench.
i know what i google
>or a dog sniffing your ass to determine whether youre a threa
Dogs are so dumb, crass and vile; I really don't get the love for these smelly creatures; people fear mind-controlling toxoplasmis infection from cats, but it seems legit benign compared to the blind, insane adoration towards dogs; they can't behave in society unless trained for years, yet they continue to smell, bark and to be needy annoying fucks all around, all day along; millenias of inbreeding are rendered this species even more absurd in every way while they're literally big hairy parasite in 21th century; bravo, all your work raising these shits from before the Stone Age has been useless, pure waste of time and energy. And I don't even talk about the deep, inherent submissive nature of these things: their destiny is to be slaves, accessories, living machines; their imitation of human love towards their master (kek) is a creepy, monstrous illusion that only please sick humans who crave to exert powers over servile others. Because yes, dog owners are barely better than dogs. I hate dogs so fucking much it's unreal.
a brush and shampoo could help
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I had to get to the end to remember we were talking about canines.
have all my abundantly evil actions not make it clear i am in fact evil >:3
You dont use shampoo?
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This desu, we need to over come fakecracy and restore monarchism to the USA, and I don't mean one of those mindless protestant lizard people but a real Catholic monarch with some mittle! .
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i've been hermit-moding and slowly descending back into swamp witch territory again just like old times.
damn woke up feeling bad again :•|
i guess im trying antidepressants? shits whack...
show me a good cock gg or ass
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no it's a scam.
u should grow it out and take care of it imo ^^
bath time :)
i look exceedingly goofy when my hair is brushed and straightened out. shampoo and conditioner makes it even worse.
Can I watch
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Probably but I think its much too late. We are going to have to crash hard before its even possible. It saddens me that soon North America will be as ravaged with famine and bloodshed just like Eurasia. Its going to be so much worse this time though because of the domesticated nature of modern people and their reliance on a distribution system by occupied power, and the horrid death technology available to exterminate opposition now. These poor gen Alphas have no idea what they are in for. Its going to be a nightmare like Gaza, it wont get reported and they are completely unprepared for it.

Idt democracy is going away though. The basis of it is too appealing to the naive who fall for it and its an easy way to con people into supporting dark power.
what is the meaning of the gif.
if you say so!
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schizo retard entertaining afrikaner retard
Do you have a cat for every situation?
Maybe ppl give u dirty looks cuz of ur dirty unkempt hair? Just a guess tho o.o
Hes calling you a nagger. Are you gonna take that? Are you a man? You gonna just let him walk all over you?
If you didnt have such voluptuous nips, DSL and tight pussy I would troll tf out of you.
If you're not 18 please don't speak to me
>Hes calling you a nagger
i would never use that foul word
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good morning, gigi. here's a dead birb to remind you that everything dies eventually :3
Why did you kill that poor birb
Poor birb. They dont live long, the little ones.
thank you sweetie, should i get lip filler?
I don't think so, blood always overpowers money. Look At Africa the negroes could have chosen servitude to freedom for the price of bread and good living. Or the American colonies could have chosen slavery to Britian for a few pennies of tax. People are resourceful, ask me I was hobo for time too and you learn quickly what to do, where to sleep,who and what to avoid.But ye it will be hard for many. But remember the French revolution led to Napoloen...

But I don't think the US will fall any time soon,if anything it will be here centuary. China is already flailing. But She will be Byzantine state.
Youre fine the way you are. I have to shut up now cuz I shouldnt be perving on you.
i didn't kill it. it was dead already. i picked it up and have laid it near a bush waiting to see if a crow would come eat it up but I'm not sure if crows feed on dead carcasses
hehe true X)
You fucked it to death and now ur lying...
I dont have that confidence, looking around. I dont think they will have a hard time. I think instead they will be fucking dead. White people especially are not good at the sacrifices needed to survive. The ones that arent too scared to fight for their land and freedom are too proud to think they have to.
just shave your head, what do you think you would look like with a shaved noggin?
18? Bit past their prime, eh?
no it actually died of fentanyl overdose
>I was hobo for time too
so sad when special needs people end up on the street
>White people especially are not good at the sacrifices needed to survive
lol. do you know a little piece of history called the hurricane katrina?
So drugged and raped, so sad
Man,if it is our time to go into history it is our time. Not all races and people will endure forever. If anything only the wandering jew will endure. Do you know the tale?
>Man,if it is our time to go into history it is our time
gypsies are finally getting the boot??? omg that's so nice to hear
jesus, i see what you have done for others…
wow the anti-spam requirement cleaned up /pol/ so good lol. the first page used to have so many threads with 100s of posts and now it's like a bunch of 12s and 20s
>So if its not a landslide for Harris, they are going to drag it out for weeks till Thanksgiving.
This would be hell.
Sorry for the strawman but I can't help it :c

>gays be like remember the sizha gazzillion gays in the holohoax
>lets murder le gypsies for le keks

At least be ideologically consistent...
gyspies are cool
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I know that the law came around to take their guns and people willingly surrendered them. Besides, that was a response to a short term disaster, not a deliberate organized campaign to wipe them out. There is nothing to support the belief that whites are prepared for a deliberate shut down of service and food distribution on a mass scale. Sure, Cleetus can hunt squirrels until he is out of brass. But the government is organized and resourced and will favor the mobs. Whether it takes a decade or a century, the odds are not in the favor of the governed.

I can get on the side of acceleration and scorched earth, if thats what you mean.

Look, the US government is an invulnerable system of order. So the only way to bring it down is either its own internal senility which could go on for a century, or chaos. Invulnerable order means no ordered system can organize to effective victory over it. And you cant go after it in simple combat. You have to go after infrastructure and that means going back to partying like its 1799.

People arent ready for that yet. They think they have something to lose. Lets say a group of asymmetric guerillas go after the power grid or the rail system. Whites are going to be pissed because the government will say thats why they cant get food or services and side with the government over their own people. Its not until they understand they have nothing left to lose that they will resist and by then they are too late to the party.

Like everywhere on Earth this happens, its going to come down to hungry pissed off 20 somethings that survived childhood being armed and blowing up shit for no reason other than to cause mayhem. The blacks will figure it out. The browns will figure it out. They have been training by accident for decades. The whites are completely unprepared. They are herd animals looking for something to follow. They dont rally until they think its safe to follow someone. They are still pining for some shape on a map
>muh holocaust
shut up already, groomer. you should be counting your days to jail anyway
They are survivors. You have to respect that much.
those look like Irish travellers, retard
Glowing lad.

If, I committed that crime, if.
Ime they’re really mean and rude.
>voting for a woman

>clearly of medium intelligence at best

You guys really hate Trump that much huh
You can groom me if u want im sad
Trump is sub 100 iq
travellers are gypsies as are romani

brown on brown beef
oh so underaged guys have never posted lewd images and messages in your discord? kek XD
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every boyband has at least one gay member which do you lads think it is with these faggots?
ehhh, at least she's not demented... yet
And thats why it wont work. You cant even have a casual conversation about the realities of the situation without white people worrying youre a fed about to take their pc away. Theres no trust between whites. So how tf are they going to organize shit? Its not like Gaza where there was a close community who knew who their protectors were and understood the general mission.

A bunch of rednecks on the plains who never met each other are not going to hold land anywhere. Its just not going to happen. The best move would be to evacuate but idt they are clued in enough to do that either.
it was very clearly liam
>they have no genetic relation with gypsies
why are you so retarded, frog princess of Poland?
Now that I’m older (25), it’s obvious how younger guys get groomed. A couple of my (straight) friends that are 18 and 20 look up to me so much, try to impress me, and defer to my advice and opinions.

I think a lot of guys are looking for a big brother figure, and that gets taken advantage of.
Currently with a 20yo for the same reason lmao
Harry’s probably taken it up the ass just for the sjw cred but I think they’re all straight
is it bad i miss gd's animal torture posts?
duh nigga duh
theyre gypsies as in nomads, a lot of people in the uk call them gypsies
i really don't like gypsies
Well, yeah. Idk if thats grooming but mentoring and modelling is a natural male development thing, and it can be abused, although the sexual curiosities of adult males are sort of a separate subject.

Now imagine that instead of being one person you are an organized well financed group of propagandists lobbying to influence grade schoolers and tell me how thats ethical.
You arent british dumbfuck
he's a fake bisexual my bet was the dude who killed himself
the twinky arab also throws me off
too difficult to tell
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Baby, you slide up my arse like nobody else
The way that you fuck my hole gets me overwhelmed
But when you push my face in the pillow, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh-oh, you don't know you're homosexual
duh nigga duh
When I was a kid I found Esmeralda from the hunch back of Notre dame attractive.
I think this is the only female I was attracted to as a kid, but she was fictional so I went gay instead.
no they're called the travellers. you need to stop licking frogs. the high is not worth the brain damage, luv
i’m 99% sure zayn gets pegged by women
>I think a lot of guys are looking for a big brother figure, and that gets taken advantage of.
literally the concept of pederasty in ancient Greece and Rome to some extent
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Y u using the n word cracka
im the princess frog and i get the licks
sorry my inner nubian queen jumped out
There is a misconception about this. Pederasty was not innately sexual. Parents did not send their sons to be molested. But there were molesters, and typically, like today, wealthy men exploiting the situation.

Gay/NAMBLA revisionists tried to portray this as the norm to promote the twisted idea that boy fucking by old men was socially acceptable (it wasnt) and that therefore we should allow it also.
shiza is not a cracka >:(

slavs are the black people of europe
>my bet was the dude who killed himself
he had a child with a cougar -_-

>the twinky arab also throws me off
that one has a child with a model -_-

your gaydar is broken, luv
i have no strong feeling on gypsies one way or the other but love saying "gypped" and am annoyed that it's frowned upon now
yes because gay dudes never marry or have sex with women
>he had a child with a cougar -_-
thats such a closeted fag move, he was rly petty, had gayface and was tortured
Yeah but like I was trying to say, they’re not looking for sex, and contrary to the memes I don’t think they’re looking for a daddy. They seem to want an older brother.

But I can easily see how an older guy/older boy could take advantage of someone who sees them as a mentor figure. I have a lot of friends in my local community and I’m happy to say I mentored them to work out, how to talk to girls (despite being gay, or maybe that made my advice better?), helped them get girlfriends and focus on their schoolwork and stay away from alcohol.

The only concerning thing about my experiences is that I don’t know how much a pervert could exploit these friendships.
read your own post and assess how fucking retarded it sounds

he was fucking argie whores the night he jumped the building. seriously, the mind gymnastics is insane here
its just not that serious its a game x)
>mind gymnastics
I’m with you, the only one who’s plausibly done anything gay is harry because he’s a ridiculous individual and probably tried gay sex just to say he did
A pervert would exploit them as often as possible and even form a formula for doing it. Which is why they usually get caught eventually. Its just probability vs compulsive hedonism.
convincing 18 year olds to suck dick is based
i could use some real ones lmfao
Its funny how gays speculate guys going back and forth from homosexuality to heterosexuality when they are crushing on celebrities.

But then go right back to "born that way/no choice" when referring to themselves.

It really is like trying to follow the irrationality of the child-like mind of females.
sexuality is on the spectrum m8
and you can also clearly see that some of us are fighting back those retards in here, mr. boom boom
wassup homos
You need to get hard to fuck a woman

You don’t necessarily need to get hard to experiment with a gay dude
Do any 18yos willingly hit on guys in their mid or late 20s
I consider manipulating the naive to make regretful choices to humiliate themselves for the sexual gratification of another to be sociopathic, and therefore has nothing to do with a love for males, and rather the contempt for them.
i know this place does the whole biscum shit, but yeah, more than anyone expects/thinks it is
also conscious there are a lot of shut ins here but once you hit university/high school, you'd be surprised at how many ostensibly straight dudes experiment
imagine it's even higher for women
No, but they’ll be open to you if you message them. I highly advise you don’t since gay 18 year olds are basically clingy middle school psycho girls who will have nothing in common with you at all
why won't apostle answer to this post? hmmm :/
why r u hanging around 18yos old pedo?
nta but an 18 yrs old is an adult and so its not pedo technically
What about college students? Or just hook ups?
>you'd be surprised
No. No, I wouldnt. At all. For gods sake, what have I been saying for the last eleven thousand years I have been posting.

I cant win here. Half the board thinks I was born gaydead and have never seen a man naked and the other half thinks I have a four digit body count and lurk restrooms wearing Old Spice and waving cash at teenagers. I happen to have some experience with guys ffs. Perhaps to a fault.
>its not pedo technically
if you ever have to say this, you've already lost the battle
have any of you 'mos watched mignon? is it good? :s
I've known him since I was a teen. It's no big deal, I just take him to the gym and we play Monster Hunter and Smash Bros. Sometimes I scold him if he's fucking up. Sometimes he asks for my advice on things.
>manipulating the naive to make regretful choices to humiliate themselves for the sexual gratification of another
you just invented all that bullshit. It's not naive or humiliating to suck dick.
>nothing in common
we have the pole in common!
Sucking dick is the basis for being called a cocksucker.*

*See also: all of human history
so what? that's just heteronormative bullshit, stop trying to shame guys for pulling twinks.
is he hot? has he asked about anal play yet?
standing on my knees before a big guy (4u) drooling
No. Only my boyfriend and my parents know I'm gay. I've known him since he was a kid so the idea of a conversation like that makes me shiver. The furthest we go with that is me helping with his "rizz", and apparently my advice has been pretty successful with what subjects to avoid and some cool things to say to a girl.
I am not going to waste time trying to justify an argument against something as self evident as predatory manipulation. If you have to talk someone who was sitting in study hall a year ago into sex typified as degrading to a male, youre part of the problem. There is no ambiguity in this.
because law works on technicality. no one can bring pedophilia charge against someone for sleeping with an 18 yrs old. what people feel is a different matter
Hes busy trying to get people in that /hornygen/ to join his discord, kek
ok pedo
ok bitter cunt
>predatory manipulation
it's not though is it? if he wants to suck a dick what's the problem?
Thats good.

It reminds me of an incident me and former bf had years ago at a park. I dont think we were giving off gay vibes, but I might be wrong.

Anyways these brats were playing around in a sort of pond/creek, and out of the blue, one asks me if they should see "Brokeback Mountain".

I told him he probably wouldnt like it much, since it was a slow grown up movie and nothing exciting happens.

It was still bizarre though and sort of haunting. Why would someones kid ask a complete stranger such a question? He was completely serious too.
i dream of having a loving bf to kiss every night. it's all a fantasy
Im feelin that kinda pain that only goes away when I inflict it on someone else again....
>he wants
You didnt say "he wants". You said "talk him into".
One day you will get it.
>have you ever considered sucking dick?
>sure sounds great
don't reply to me
... i don't know who you are anon
Why not? I was just trying to be nice. You’re so rude.
may be they heard it's name being referenced in some show that they watch. like how I came to know about the movie rear window from a family guy episode. brokeback mountain made me cry like a bitch in the ending btw TuT
what kind of wiseman 25yo is giving?
Volgus Zildrohar.
It's probably biboomer or whatever they call him. If you see any autistic conservative slanted ranting about the gays and lots of line breaks and wordswordswords it's him. I changed my sleeping schedule and every day I come here now he's here shitting up the thread, fuck my life.
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He wants you to worship Liam Payne?
You probably gave him good advice. The movie isn't really even about homosexuality. It's more about infidelity generally. I don't think anyone without some relationship experience would enjoy it.
I already said that I've always helped younger friends with school, staying away from drugs, staying away from hoes that aren't worth their time, gym and fitness. The fun part is they like to ask for my advice before they do something dumb so I can shut that shit down right away.

It's a far cry from being a wiseman, but there is an appeal to having someone look after you a bit.
shut up fat pedo
I want sushi today so bad
>It's more about infidelity generally
Really? I took it more as a chronicle on the complexities of male relationships emotionally when sex gets involved between someone who is driven by it with someone who compartmentalizes it as an isolated aspect of their life that they struggle to reconcile with their self image. Thats just my opinion though. I guess there are many ways to see it.
Shut up you fat ponce
what's your impression of this guy?
is he gay? a lot of New Jersey men act just like this..
straight transwoman
don't project fat fuck
what's stopping you from getting it then, luv?
Talk to the hand cuz the face ain’t listening
is there anything sexier than a top who’s proudly pro-Kamala?
he talks around in circles
but him saying "if I wasn't with Alexis I might be with a man" tells me everything I need to know..
Literally any other top
also there's something really despicable about these "psychics"
He is gay.
I don’t believe in his psychic skills. He seems like a faker. He’s not a real psychic imo.
can you please tell them that we're not the same person?
clearly i'm prettier than you.
One more day of asking for a little attention :3
Cmon now. You know they must’ve messed around a little bit

I bet Justin was the top desu
Justin is the bottomest bottom to ever bottom
Yo, bro, I think I had too much Hennessy, man
This Hennessy gettin' to me
I ain't gonna lie, I'm a little smizz
I'm a little drizz
But we in the club, man
Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of canada
Stick to one trip buddy
Why is hennassy attributed to black people, isn’t it just whiskey? I haven’t had it
My mom
clock is ticking, babe. the discord shit is gonna leak one way or another lel
Getting a cheap motel room w/ cash and hitting guys up on grindr that are looking for discreet and then draining them in the bathtub, taking the choice cuts for myself, then seperating the rest into 10 dbl bagged contractor bags and distributing them in random dumpsters throughout the city <3
>has to ask his mommy to enjoy some raw fish wrapped in rice dipped in so¥ sauce
uggghhh what a turn off -__-
a rich bottom who keeps a pet top? yay or nay
why is it wrong for apostle to host underage kids in their discord but ok when the boxcord does it?
It’s wrong in both cases. But boxcorders will say it’s only wrong when apostle does it because he’s an evil Christian or whatever
stop talking about yourself in third person
literally what is even the point of continuing this LARP when he just intentionally switched trips, so retarded
how do i become a twink
more more and eat less
I’m me and no one else. I’m Xanthippe. The one and only.
Why do you hate bottoms so much
*move more
i don't use discord because i'm better than you
i doubt this is going to hold as a defense when your ass gets arrested
Its simple. We just kill all the tops and bottoms.
It's simple. We just rape all the tops and bottoms.
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The fate of theapostle / xanthippe
Arrested for what?
how will you even tell the difference when it comes to masc bottoms?
no that's you guy discord users. ya'll mad as hell that i act like i'm above you or that you don't deserve an identity. makes ya mad as hell. literally ruined some of your secret clubs as trips got scared off.
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Never, and there was nothing to begin iwth
well there must be something for hosting a discord server where you get underaged boys to share sexual posts, right? o.O
whos the picrel
the only ppl that gaf about discord drama are narcissists that think they deserve to be something greater than anon.
oh how their ego's are shattered when they realize no one gaf abour them or their bullshit.

oh who is apostle? the new holden? just like tankanon got swapped for timur. same shit, different day
I am really tired of people trying to make astronomy seem interesting or useful.

Its pretty. Its big. I get it. Youre still just staring at the sky and cataloging shit that is in no way useful. Idc if its Proxima Centauri or Madagascar. I am still not going there and I dont want to. Get over it already.

Antartica at least has oxygen and no one is in hurry to settle that either. People need to grow tf up already. Being too far away and exotic doesnt make something useful or interesting. Its just rocks, burning gas and literally empty space. Its old already. Bastards cant even agree on how the sun works. Geeking over stupid eclipses. Wake me when theres an incoming asteroid.

On second thought, dont. Because these useless fucks dont have a plan for that either. Morons like Musk are too busy trying to make Mars seem useful.
im insane and i hate my abusive parents
I never did that u schizo
>>when they use chatgpt to make fun of your wall of text posts because they aren't smart enough to make OC
word up
Tripfag called rugby, he’s in prison for being a nonce
im certain my father molested me at a young age because he often talks about pedophilia and when i was a kid he used to rail on and on about false memory syndrome for sexual assault and how i shouldnt believe my memories just because i have them
Noncery ^_^

Thank God I live far away from everyone...
You probably just misheard him or misunderstood him talking about some news story. In all likelihood, you just had a weird dream. Kids imagine stuff all the time. Lots of boys have wild fantasies and theories about what grown ups talk about. You should probably just get more sleep and maybe look into some sedative prescriptions to help.
Good job u boring retard

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