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hey, my name Jeff and today i am making the bread, idk have a tasmanian devil pic, isn't that mf cute? i kinda want one
what do you think abt Tasmania or Australia?
i hate Australia, it is just a wasteland, yucky..
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how over is it for me mtfg
god, me Jeff is so stupid, i forgot the general word and the links and also the prev(idk wtf happened to that), sorry m8
Buenos dias
plz answer, I wanna fap.
Are you enjoying your time with kat
I can turn your boipussy into a vagina for my personal use, if you want.
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i only like cis women, sorry anon
is this grace
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this fuckass shitbag keep attacking my faggot son
only Im allowed to beat my son

australia is pretty cool but would be too hot for me, I would only visit during winter
hello frens
I spent a lot of time with my mom today
it's strange realising I am the most well adjusted from my family. as soon as we were on our own she sort of expected me to counsel her about a million things. it was very apparent nobody else in my family really talk to one another, and it was interesting realising how dysfunctional my mom is really
also I mog my mom and my sister and that's odd too. they keep commenting on my body, my weight, my hair, my style, whatever. it's quite uncomfortable actually. especially as my mom has historically shamed and bullied me for the very things she is now (in an insecure manner) bringing attention to
weird day! I am looking forward to going home tomorrow
this has still been the best visit I've had desu like despite all this its nice to at least be amiable work them all and for nobody to be overly hostile to me
hello frens
i would like to humblebragg to you weird uncanny ugly looking hons real quick
that is all, have a nice day and give me a (you), you fuking ugly pos, inflate my ego subhuman
alright fair goodbye forever
enjoy whatever else thread is these days
i did not want you in my swamp anyway, good riddance
chat how cooked am i
i found an old copy of my dad's id from 2004 and he's kinda hot. i'm not even doing the meme
votv posting in MY mtfg??
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he finally managed to do his job without getting attacked by gyps- uh mannequins
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Do it faggot.
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Oi that's my image big guy
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now this guy
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How curious
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I think they might need a chunk of the sky back
You're in a simulation methinks
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But a cis woman can't turn your back vagina inside out?
maybe i will play your gacha slop garbage and spam it here just to piss you off
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like in the game, the game itself or real life?
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>c4t here
you look kind of like my oc
Peak welcomes everyone
The game. How else would the fucking sky fall?
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no see the aliens said theyre sorry and gave me brownies checkmate libril
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they gave me alot of brownies
You cute. Please let me turn you into a real girl that cums from a stiff dick.
I'm always around!
gotta admire the balls on this one
buy animal ears so you can cosplay her
you're really cute
based votv poster still going
really liked joels playthru of signalsim
Is my milky wheelchair princess still posting here?
All the girls I chased years ago probably left by now.
Sheen, Katara, Milky Princess, etc etc?
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made his bitch ass taller than me
dr.kel manlet confirmed

I have heard of signal sim but I cant remmber cause my brain is mush
I heard about it from brendaniel :3
Sigh, one of the guys who has been sending me money just messaged me and wants to split things off because of the timezone difference :/ shit sucks
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its happening again
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soemthing else happened
You look thick. Like you can really take off some stiff wood.
How fat are your buns?
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My 2 braincells
I would recommend really like to be home now :(
once again feels quite lonely even tho I'm around my own family. idk I'm glad we're talking again but accepting I'll never be particularly close to them probably
I don't know where the recommend came from here
I don't recommend anything I just want to be home
when are you goin home?
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gave him a stupid hat for his dumb gay head
heading back tomorrow! so not long at least. but yeah I'd rather be heading back today it's just like there's no trains running
feels weird desu
nothing for me in home town
still not really built anything new for myself in the city I live in, now
idk it's a bit like yeah coming home has been good in many ways but a reminder of why I wanted to get away from here so young. it's just I don't really have anything else established for myself
so it's like I want to go home, but like
for what? lol. not like I've got anything to go back to either
ig I am at least looking forward to video games with gf and cooking in my own kitchen again
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Bob esponja
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I would eat the spongebob chicken desu
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Patrick one looks better
being forced to sleep on my back for another month is hell
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need to get that elevator fixed

squidward one looks grossest so Id probably go for that one
I wonder what flavours they are, I bet the spongebob one is like a really gross cheese flavour
Yeah I get what you mean, uhh this is prawn btw... feels kinda weird posting anon and like... maybe you wouldnt know..

but um, yeah i get what you mean, I don't live in a big place either. i think like just being in your own lil spot, that you can control and know that you wont have anyone like intrude upon is super important, um, and like you're doing really good! and you have established things, even just like having your own place, a job, and plans for the future is still like super good! does that sound condesending? sorry im, its late, sorry if this post is kinda pointless
girl why are you apologising so much ;_;
it's nice to hear from you and ty for chatting with me about it all
I think maybe just feeling a bit ennuish about this being an odd time in my life, and yeah coming home is like a reminder of stuff left behind ig
and yes you're right I at least have my room and like I think it's always weird to come back to somewhere full of people who knew me pretrans. but everyone in my city has only ever known me as I am today. feels quite vulnerable ig and also yeah my family are sort of weird and uncomfortable anyway, even if not exactly like mean to me this time
it was nice to reconnect with my dad a bit ig
>it's always weird to come back to somewhere full of people who knew me pretrans

ugh yeah i feel that thats like one of the worsttt things ever, like, it just feels icky to live and study and just exist in a place where like people knew me pre-trans, its the worst, even like, shops and takeaways i used to go to when i was pre-trans i dont go anymore, it's not even neccisarily a passing thing, it's just more about me very much disliking my past self, and cringing at the thought of anyone remembering it and seeing me now, i just want a clean fresh slate.
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Any1 wanna do me like this
you even got the file name too
also oh my god the silent hill 2 remake is so good, i dont wanna like spoil anything but theres a certain bossfight thats like, SO perfect oh my god its the best like horrorgame bossfight i've ever played it encapsulates like EVERYTHING i want its so perfect i love it so much

this is a drawing though...
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Do you mean from downloading it from another thread?
Then make it real
Paige stop bypassing man
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huh idk what I mean haha
Are you okay with a straight male having his way with your boipussy? It seems everyone in here is taking whoremoans so they can be with a girl. Why can't you take whore moans to look like a cute girl and get ravished by straight males?

No thanks pajeet
I'm not a poo in the loo...
>Verification not required.
just had epic sex with my epic gf
Prove it
Quite lame actually
What if you stopped blabbering
ugh man yeah you get it
I just like do not enjoy ruminating on the past for many reasons and coming home feels a bit like detransitioning in many ways
I'm glad you're enjoying silent hill
I want to get home so I can play webfishing again
Just fuck off man
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I am become chubby, eater of taco bell.
what a nice surprise that SH2 remake turned out to be good
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Cute to me either way
Yes paige you're a crossdressing male on hormones that hates trannies we already know
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Matter of fact it would actually kill me to even think for a second about what you're saying as the aneurysm from having to process how utterly retarded people can get while having full confidence on what they say could murder me
There's a surgery center very very close to me that specializes in facial surgeries, and one of them is FFS. Should I get FFS?
hello fren you alri
not that anon
I think getting too stuck in what it's probably does not serve you
Then stop blabbering nigga
what did you get and did you get baja blast
alri doin alri lass you alri then
>but I cant remmber cause my brain is mush
it's another game based on seti
took place in the desert instead of a more forested location which I recall votv being in
and I think the antenna array in the gane is supposed to be based on a real one somewhere in murica
pretty comfy to watch dunno about the actual gameplay but I love games that are heavily anchored in reality to a comic degree
Before I do, how fat is your ass?
webfishing... oh yeah that looks like it'd suit you.

its so good, they did eddie SO good
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I got two fiesta potatoes and the value meal. I couldn't finish half tho.
I haven’t played votv but having a job like that seems kinda cool
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>its so good, they did eddie SO good

oops forgot to add this

https://files.catbox.moe/hlhheq.mp4 (jannies this a videogame video, also SPOILERS FOR SH2 DONT CLICK ON IT IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS)
I also like the new Maria a lot
cute fit but what about the baja blast
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I know they have a bunch of satellite arrays in south america due to the weather being quite clear and I know they wanted to build an array in hauaii but activists are trying to prevent the further gentrification/colonization/militarization of the islands with mixed success
and yeah this game has alot of fun mechanics, idk how realistic they are but you need ot maintain all the towers and keep the dishes aligned and keep the generators going while exploring and dealing with the reandom encounters
is fun I like it
also I get to import all my ancient memes and put them as posters and play them on my tv which is fun :3
wdym it would suit me!
glad you're doing alri
I'm a bit down in the dumps toni but I'm alri you alri? im alri
I would love to hide away in the desert, with my computer and my giant space antennae...
seti irl intrigues me quite a bit
its like https://voca.ro/16vcEz7e0CQD
tysm. my cutting cycle will start soon.
I had 24 ounces of monster lo-carb instead
I meant what ifs
I think it's unlikely you look like those things and I think you shouldn't worry too much
it's also not your job to make other comfortable anyway, even if it's good to avoid being inappropriate there's a difference between that and excessive people pleasing at your own expense
it's not good to be a martyr and rarely leads to actually being more virtuous
Pls respond :(
why would anyone not get ffs?
are you saying I give animal crossing
I liked the first two but don't care for the new ones too much but I do like that style of game
also that's cute good voca
yeah I like your decorational style anon
was wondering if those came in the game or were imported
pretty awsome
>maintain all the towers and keep the dishes aligned and keep the generators going
love that kinda stuff
unfortunately couldn't run the game when I tried even before my laptop broke... rip
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>my cutting cycle will start soon
>are you saying I give animal crossing

yes exactly that.
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oh shame :/
and ty all these memes are like 4 years old I dont really collect memes like I used to
and Im ness btw :3 helo
being home or rather the past is surefire way to get the blues
hope you’re alri tho
yeah it seems really appealing somehow maybe I am just romanticizing it
what are you doing hobbywise lately
idk I hate my family and Im pretty sure mean people would be less enriched because they cant call me ugly anymore
holy moly this is sooooo accurate
ah, hihi
>maybe I am just romanticizing it
probably only partially
definitely seems more fun that all the high demand low reward things everyone else gets stuck doing
sorry which one are you idk why hardly anyone trips anymore (well other than the psychos harassers lol)
what, should I just get really big instead?
I can squat 250 lbs now, added lunges to my workout, crocheting a little kitty doll. I finished that one book Azazel, apparently the Arabic audience thought it was a historical account but it was historical fiction. I learned that lucifer lives in each of us and that physical incarnation isn't possible.
yeah I hate my job sometimes the idea of listening to the sky in desert seems peak
you think? hmm I didn't really know this is generally how people feel coming home
I guess I am still p happy with how things have gone like that is normal sort of ennui not like anyone being bad to me really. it was nice to see my dad and it's been nice to reconnect with my mom a bit even if she's bonkers and a bit insufferable
I had to spend a long time listening to her talk about crystal healing today. she also did not approve when she asked if I am spiritual and I told her I'm Christian lol
but yeah I'm alri ;)
also do you agree with prawns assesment >>37700965 >>37700996 >>37701010
you alri? how's your weekend been?
I'm alri
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We can still be straight if I jerk you off with my feet Paige. Say yes
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I'm just joking you can do whatever you think will make you happier
please tell me more
>I liked the first two but don't care for the new ones
kinda based
I liked new horizons but after the novelty of the new gimmicks wore off you really miss how nuanced the characters and interacting with them was
>how did boomers live with this
it's actually really cozy once you get used to it
took me beating sh1 to like sh1 but once it clicks it clicks
gym arc soon..
fr this time..
Stop harassing me villain. The priests are exercising evil spirits from little boy's wee wee's nothing suspicious about that. I love shota cock!
u pazss leave
is there any chanve of finding cute tranny gf in texas or hot c4t gf that will treat me like a dog
yeah going back home can feel like time travel it can make you think about all the counterfactuals the mighthavebeens the branching timelines
It’s pretty funny when people look askance at Christianity I think, used to be that being anything but Christian was thought weird and now it’s the opposite
also pls see >>37701063
hmm prob bloodborne
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Laguna gooned to gacha today
having the biggest ass possible would've me happy
the story reads like a journal of a coptic Christian Egyptian monk/physician that lived during the time of a schism between bishop Cyrill and Nestorius and the council of Ephesus. he gets tempted by curiosity and sexual escapades and is constantly tormented by his desires, he's torn between love, lust, career, and his faith. he dialogues with Azazel regarding his temptations. I enjoyed it.
sounds really good who is the author?
just start going 2 to 3 times a week consistently. how was the surgery?
Youssef Ziedan
you are like three or four years older than me and I played silent hill when i was a child lmfao. you stupid low iq neonazi
maiqs little bitty clit cant squirt unless maiq takes at least six inches in maiqs sissyhole
yes that's exactly it, endless whatifs
and naturally whatifs are not even about the branching timelines, so much as they are mirrors to examine the present reality you're actually in
>It’s pretty funny when people look askance at Christianity I think, used to be that being anything but Christian was thought weird and now it’s the opposite
I think when people hear it then tend to react as though I told them I'm a devout Mormon
idk if you know the sort but I'm thinking of the weird maladjusted homeschooled old fashioned sorts of people you sometimes meet
it's funny!
I actually had a next door neighbour fall out with me in the place I stayed with my ex. he at one point scowls at us like
>typical christians
as though to imply his gripes could be explained that way. it was funny as at the time neither of us were Christian, but his dad was a vicar which is I assume how that assumption happened
but yeah it was very weird and I just laughed because how else can you react to that
>pls see
I'm not of that vibe tyvm >:(
yeah agree entirely
I don't like how the new games make you important instead of just some literal who
reminder that maiq often removes his trip to sexually harass people ITT ask him about how he got caught doing so
thx I just ordered a copy
IME and maybe it’s bc I’m Catholic but people tend to treat it as an opportunity to ask about stuff like demons and when they find out it’s something actually serious instead of that they try as hard as they can to put it in some other box like being a Republican or something
I think it scares people, it makes them glimpse something they would rather not, maybe death
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why did you remove your trip and sexually harass someone here?
FtM friend is coming over on Friday night, we're gonna go see a movie together. Wonder if we'll fuck again.
an observation from today
my mom has self diagnosed as autistic and spend a lot of time today talking to me about it. I think she probably is and I'm happy to chat with her about it. she expressed that the rest of my family get sick of listening to her talk
but what spurred the conversation was me taking up room with my own stuff, specifically transition related things. she made an comment today that hurt a bit and yeah I explained to her why and a bit about what life was like for me
after that chat I thanked her for listening, as she has previously said that she gets annoyed hearing about such things. but I insisted on taking that space when I needed to and then yeah thanked her for it
she then yeah spoke about her own stuff and said felt able to because I had let her in about my life

I think it's like
I'm reflecting on how in the past, me taking up space to discuss my life has been framed as this like failing on my part, and often been a hot point for transphobia from my family
but like
it's also the thing that modelled to her what it looks like to be open about how you feel with someone, and she was thankful of it

it's upsetting she couldn't have figured that out on the past as it'd have saved us both a lot of anguish
hey pring are you aware that maiq often removes his trip to sexually harass people here? see >>37701479
I don't care. As the disciple Queen of /mtfg/ I rule that Maiq is innocent
don't even imagine what they look like
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frenly reminder
Do you need a good lawyer? I work pro-boner, meaning you pay me in juicy lady cock.
Call maiq the liar and associates at xxx-xxx-xxxx because I'll never give you trannies my real information!
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be hapy instead
I'm feeling less shitty today compared to late last night but it still feels like one long anxiety attack that hasn't gone away.
thats your indian simp
no clicky
do you have meds or anything to help?
On hand all I have is propranolol, but that won't necessarily do anything for me.
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is only a funny meme trust me, an internet stranger
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Im supposed to be doing my job but Im just watching fuckass memes instead
sissy panties
oh interesting
yeah I've never had that happen, people here generally just seem to think me sort of outdated? it's yeah I think just an eye roll and a imagination of me as a bit grannyish maybe?
I've never had someone get into that sort of mysticism but I suspect that's due to high church here being understood very differently
perhaps you're right about it scaring people. at the very least people rarely actually engage with it

I find nu age spiritualism very cringe anyway
Which girly wants to get railed by a strong cis male?
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I bought a 3d printer what do I do with it?
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Why does mado look healthier than paige when she literally eats meth for 3 meals a day?
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these are fun to print
Ill see if I can find a file, this stuff seems to be a bit more complicated that the posters and tv
I'm about a year on E and I'm starting to realize that I fucking hate boymoding and I don't think I can stand it much longer. Please help, what do
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the fuck did he even do?
fucking how?
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girlmode duh
just mixed chunky peanut butter with vanilla ice cream and ate it
But I'm an anxious and avoidant disaster
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have you considered ffs
Thanks for the update blobberta
I used to be too I couldn't even leave the house
I started girlmoding before hrt at the same time I started like forcing myself to be part of the world around me too
that is to say exposure therapy works for being avoidant and anxious
you just gotta take a leap of faith
I did and I'm okay! gmi
i love erin so much
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stfu mados mine
At least mado kept nomi and maiq away. She's good for that reason alone.
>nu age
Yeah it’s not so nu anymore right and like any other outdated fashion it looks pretty useless and embarrassing like the lights going on in the club at the end of the night lol
being an evil neonazi ages you like hell
colin hate is kinda kino ngl
hey maiq how's the sexual harassment going today?
yep yep shame she couldnt keep paige away tho
yeah plus it is one of the best atmospheres / settings of any vidya ever
how was it ?
you guyssssss im literally in heat its so seriously bad.... like i need a man to cum inside me and manhandle me so so soooo so bad im gonna die i think x_x
hey maiq who'd you sexually harass itt today?
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lmfao at the newfag
whats wrong with paige? shes funny af
.... sometimes
trip on maiq
it was great. i ate all the other food i have and can't afford to order any more right now
I love Paige, besides the shota and racism. I like her personality mostly
Can I be real with the girls? Fr fr.
Crossdressing men are so far off the mark, and that's what makes it comedy. Besides the shape of their home depot bodies, there is a factor significantly lacking. It's the mindset, it's the intent. The mindset manifests in their body movements and you just inherently, instinctively know: that's a man. This was an evolutionary tool to weed out the mentally afflicted. Otherwise, why would it be so easy to clock? Mindlessly easy. I clock a tran within a fraction of a second. It's not an ideology, it's truly within my biology to be on the lookout for sex fraud.
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here is a photo from 2021
perfectly put
I think I got my fill from a very young age after living with my parents who have always been this way
>if you open your mind too much your brain might fall out
rings true

I have noticed my sister is the same this trip
only rather than mystical beliefs about crystals and gongs and chakra
it's a completely secular thing about wellness culture. no mysticism at all actually. just lots of similarly fantastical thought wrapped up in therapy talk and vague allusion to medical things

outwardly polar opposites but I think coming from the exact same place if you scratch at it
mado paige and carol are the main ones i fucks with
so ideek
never thought about that desu
paige doesnt identify as a woman
noo just cant stop thinking about men using me and cumming in me and its ruining my life just wanted to share :/
Why Carol?
Looks like they want a strong chocolate daddy to treat them like a princess.
cause bitch pretty
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Always impressed by the autism on display here
how does an amab transition into a transwoman?
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She doesn't post pics anymore ugh
its interesting that a full blown racist white supremacist chooses to cosplay as a neonazi
sup doug
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You just know
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you are paige and ur ban evading
I look like this and i have caption like this
What about a neon Nazi? That's a look I could rock.
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trip on maiqist the rapist
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no *sucks your cock*
Bruh it's only 8
my best fren blocked me on everything cuz i told him he didnt stand a chance at trying to play ffx.
I like this and am happy to steal it from u
Sleep well !
Yep I think you nailed it there’s something lowkey frightening about it to me
do you feel comfortable around people that arent white?
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yw <3 I love you
i beat that game when I was a child. if you cant play it then you have issues. oh wait you are a racist so your mental age is hardstuck at 6years old.
kek tell that to your friends LMFAO
rly rly rly sad because it's getting to be like 2 weeks since I properly chatted and hung out with gf
ocean issue sleep schedule issue lack of internet issue weird circumstances issue
just like totally out of sync with her. spoke briefly every now and then but yeah I just miss her hugely
even more than already miss her due to ldr
and being made worse by being home feels leaving me feeling blue about what life is like rn
I am very much looking forward to getting my work visa so I can get to Canada and not be in this in-between period characterised by being lonely and stuck and lost

and also
she's very sad and I can't give her a hug about it :(((
you played yourself by getting into an LDR. shes probably getting plowed on the weekends while you sit at home and play videogames
yes I completely agree
I was going to post about it earlier. I feel often as though I'm never truly interacting with any of them
if feels like there's some part of themself that they shut off and hide away and this stuff becomes almost a tool with which they do so
or perhaps this becomes an impediment to fully realising themselves? idk
but whatever the case it means 75% of the time I feel like yeah interactions with them can feel inauthentic and hollow
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gud clothing concepts.
its not even that the game is dum, its that this guy gets his dopamine hit from "opening the presents" i have watched him buy, install, play fr a few hours max COUNTLESS games over the years, completing NONE of them, rage quit, say "fuck this, this game sucks, why did i buy this" i snapped when his stream has the opening cutscene of ffx, like dude, seriously?? im sad but we're cavemen, we wanna sit around a fire and get drunk n tell gross jokes. fuck this cucked modernity.
now tell us what you think about black people
audio engineer for a Prince album lol
lol you've literally spoken to her before you melt but gg for keeping the bit going :^)
but yeah it sucks I just keep telling myself it's temporary. at least I get to spend time with her properly soon, so that's something to look for to
always said I never would but heart wants what it wants ig
and idk we're not weird about it like because we're on different continents we're not too fussed about exclusivity rn. so she can do whatever I'm chill
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oh sorry apparently im a whore :3
ive never played it. never tried, this is about someone else. i kno better, its my fren who sees the shiney packagine and thinks theres an orgasam waiting for him in the game not a major mental investment. the issue is a fucked up brain chemical reward set up my homie has and me being honest about that. most games dont appeal to me at all, i like to cook clean, suck dick and make lil cute things, decorate etc.
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Just took my first shot semaglutide UWU
after I finished taking clomid and cum is back to watery to it naught time to take hrt again babes
im not reading this dogshit cuh i literally dont care
let's hold hands feed the duckies. it's no time for that talk
sometimes great, usually fine, sometimes retarded assholes. u kno, kinda like every other person.
leave the armchair psychology to rapeman maiq
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aww :(
but okie I have many duckies to post and feed bread to
I should go feed the ducks, they'll be south for the winter
it was funny agreed, made me laff
Ty fren
he's a lawyer hes found the formula for mass rapeage
hey salt can you email maiq and ask him why he removes his trip to sexually harass people itt
i struggle with short attention span too fren. it ok :)
yes, thats p much it. but when the things he keeps grasping for arent helping him and he has other financial responsibilities i feel compelled to not hugbox the ppl i love and try n tell em how it is.
i need an emotionally unavailable father figure bf that hits me when im being a bad son
maybe a lot of this can be attributed just to the distance bt you sort of like the ruins of a ghost town I mean think of the work it would take to get a ghost town up and running again even if you could find the people willing to move in
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based. C u later fren
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>maiq talking about eating ass
no paige isnt the only one with daddy issues
this is a really good analogy actually
I think the problem is like realising that doesn't make it any faster and it doesn't make living in the ghost town any less spooky in the mean time
I just want my family back :(
or ig the feeling of family
and I really want to feel connected to people around me again. I've never been this alone
maiq was really creeping on rooty holy shit
I'm 34yr old goth girl and can't find gf because live with family and can't drive lol
quite the appropriate word for this metaphorical discussion of family life
perhaps some kind of day out together could help, some kind of shaking off the dust of the wheels rolling in ruts
Oh me me me me. I want a strong chocolate daddy to treat me like a princess.
part of the problem is that they're all so self occupied. I've not really done anything with my sister properly since moving out, she's over time becoming increasingly disinterested in spending time with me under the exact sort of wellness culture stuff I mentioned. health anxiety type reasons that always give her an excuse to be perpetually busy any time I come home
my stepdad has been sick and otherwise is a homebody anyway
and my mom wishes to spend time with me when I'm here but is so tricky to talk to. always fretting and anxious and treating me like a therapist.
it means when I do come home there's very nice moments with them individually at times
but it's like
ultimately getting them all to agree to do something with me is almost impossible
last time I came I expressed how this was an unfortunate state of affairs, how I missed them and wanted to do something with all of us together
and it caused a big arguement in which I was made out to be a bad person
who won
blobby won
I say all so self occupied
I should stress my stepdad isn't and saying he's ill was not meant to imply being unwell is an example of that lol
but he is generally not very fussed about spending time with me when I come home which is a shame
ironically it is my bio dad who expresses the most investment and desire in doing stuff with me
do you reckon they are also out of touch with one another in a similar way and for similar reasons ?
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>numbers assigned at random. trips selected from recent memory/thread activity/visibility

0 emo
1 maiq
2 mef
3 lunchwoman
4 paige
5 larry
6 mono
7 kat
8 grace
9 bread
who won?
yes absolutely
they're always teasing one another, any sort of realness of vulnerability becomes something to be ridiculed. my sister spends most of her time out of the house with her friends (she's v stacycore). my mom spends all her time in her studio painting. my stepdad spends all his time on his study working or reading
they occasionally converge and it often ends in a sort of tension from the aforementioned teasing
I think they do love and care for one another but never really learned how to connect with each other more deeply
and yeah when I make myself vulnerable by expressing a desire for that, it's usually my turn to be bullied for it. though I'm very skilled at disarming it nowadays
what a lineup
How do I stop misgendering myself and subconsciously others? My language is gendered abd it gets to me
I feel
Subhuman when I do it
on my roll, lunch won
if ur roll counts then paige won
larry's roll came up lunch again
larry's reroll makes me win
if this is a roll then thats one for paige again

so score so far is
lunch 2 hits
paige 2 hits
emo 1 hit
we need more votes
There's a guy I get on my fyp who's an outdoorsman type and he often will building a shelter then have to stop to cook food. Then he'll get back to cutting wood or whatever. I often fantasie about being there and cooking for us both and then watching him work and then having cosy camping sex.
ayy theres one for bread
u will get dreem
also that sounds like a nice dreem
lol I should have figured you'd appreciate this fantasy
I have seen those yeah, he's hot and the stuff he makes is v cool
if we're sneeding about outdoorsy ex people
the girl I was seeing last year planned a v exciting camping trip with me just before she ghosted lol
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still page 1 keep rollin.
totals next thred...or whenever idk lol who cares
>very skillful
interesting the sort of technologies that emerge in these cases
if when i cum its more like 2-3 drops that are a bit cloudy instead of just nothing coming out/a single tiny clear dot coming out like before does that mean i need to up my injection dose? i havent noticed anything else like skin is still soft and stuff and i dont smell different

i went down from 10mg een to 8mg een
my head is what they call, massive
does it count as winning when u take ur trip offand everyone forgets u exist
no binder?
i can see your diaper
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alex jones doesnt believe theory
Blair admits that her sexual awakening occurred while watching "the Obama deception"
like the white girl kind or the twitter kind?
wdym just gently push the dog to the side
it was a bad joke :3
and yeah fair moving around alot makes having pets on the bed difficult
shud wear trench coat and fedora with nun costume and when people ask what i am say “nunya business”?
when's the rave?
halloween i guess idk? concerned friend is embarrassed by me i want this to be her idea
how many nun outfits did you buy, all three?
yes i bought all three but returned first one
You returned it after wearing it and jorking off in it?
you were so worried about buying mefticia how come you so easily buy and return these?
first one wasn’t very smexy
idk i’m going to bed now
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ha, paige getting banned brought up back below bump limit
payge wun
>roommate ate all the m&ms out of the trail mix i bought 2 hours ago
im going to scream
that's pure evil behaviour
>100 dollars to get my cats balls cut off
>thousands to get mine cut off
Excuse me why are the cats so fuckin privileged
do you know if they let you keep the balls? might make a nice knick knack in a jar of formaldehyde
I don't know ask pring
horrible day
sorry to hear that, what happened?

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