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QOTT: What were you doing in 2013?
this time of year in 2013, I was in the eighth grade. looking at my old photos, I'd just redecorated my room, and seemingly was really into rooting android phones too. also I dressed like a fucking loser, but like, at age 14 who doesn't.
i love paula deen
Wow 2013 I was the saddest 18 year old coping gay twink. I actually met up with someone from this board to have homosexual sex. We went to the park and stayed until midnight drinking and talking about life. It was nice, we came back to my place and in his arms I broke down and cried about being a tranny. Within a few months I trooned. I forget his name, he was Italian, sometimes I think back about how much of a blueball that must have been
damn ur old
In three months I'll be 30, I've still never had sex. It's so over
in 2013 I was 13 and thought I was an incel and I read a lot of gay smut
sounds nice except for the breakdown part
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I miss my whore wife Stu. Still getting gains at the gym for you baby girl.
u can't be hsts while spending all day sitting on ur ass doomscrolling 4channel.org
hsts don't spend more than 1 hour daily on doomscrolling
imagine doomscrolling, I hopescroll.
><> fisg attack
nothing sexual ever or what, im still a virgin but i did suck a dick
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webfisg... but Minecraft....... uwahhh
blanchtard should end themselves
holy shit
in 2013 i was barely conscious, playing minecraft probably. i also read alot at that age
It actually was a nice talking the park yeah, I wish I had kept in contact but understandably that guy never talked to me again
Nah yeah I've sucked two dicks before so at least someone has been willing to touch me. And my discord chaser ebf will be here in two days to end my suffering
doe anyone wanna play mario kart and get blackout drunk with me
I'm interested in playing Mario Kart. Where can I find you?
right here itt
>my discord chaser ebf will be here in two days
This is so romantic. How far is he traveling? Is he virgin too?
Intercontinental LDRs are so untenable, why are the cutest trannies (willing to talk to me) always out of Europe
But where in the world? I'm willing to travel to play Mario Kart but it can't be too far
anywhere my nintendo switch is portable for easy travel capability
depends on whether you have money. my tranner friend moved in with her euro bf after ldring for a while but they both have plenty of cash so
I have a few issues with that tho, one is the jealousy angle, two is that what if it fails? like, I can't tell someone who moved across continents to just go home like that, three, I'd rather pay triple to take a plane monthly for a weekend than need an entire week or more off work
wdym jealousy? they live together and they spent a few weekends together before she moved
Moving in together is the only way an ldr works. It is the only end goal.
fisg attack
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><> <><
they're kissing.,,.
><> ><> ×>
omg they got a baby....
><> ><> ×> [<>< - <>< <>< <>< <>< <><]
baby is going to school on the fisg bus..

[</>< - {
. >\ <> ><>]
omg the bus fucking crashed
but the fisg is alive ×> so all is good
I wish you were single
waiting for my energy drink
ohh!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fisg argument
!!! <>< ><> !!!

fisg divorce
×> ><> | ><>

photorealistic fisg

they got back together

the baby is playing ouhhh
×> .-.
waiting for my wife
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I believe in you anon, u can get urself a beautiful wife
omg they got back together that's so nice <3

>(///)> <><
they're getting a second fish..
><> ><> [ ×> ° ‹›‹ ]
they're watching their kiddos playing football together that's so wholesome..,
uh oh
>What were you doing in 2013?
my 2nd and third semesters of college
hi jelly

good morning chasergen!
About 7000 miles
He knows what he's doing at least, which is good, I kinda need a man to tell me what to do
It is a little romantic I think! I've known him for almost a decade, he's part of a group of friends I had in the old country. I guess the first irl friends who didn't know me as a boy, so that's nice. It almost feels like a childhood friends thing in a way
2013? Best months of my life
2013? I was suicidal.
Uh oh.
i fish i had a boyfriend <><
You should get on that then.
7000 miles is crazy, my chaser only has 1000
I think you just ask honestly. Just go be cute in front of people.
but most guys arent into trans girls :<
become the bf
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Grow a spine yet, Sarah?
okay ill detransition
mine has 0
No. You're my gf now.
oh okay :>
Then ask the ones that are, c'mon now don't be goofy.
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in 2013 i was in my second year of college, so i was 19. this means i was living in a dorm unit with equally-closeted repper friends who i was about to have the dumbest, most insane fight with. and i think i went to a gay club for the first time and first tried alcohol around then too.
idk what else actually *happened* that year because my life is and was boring. lol
not even 1? did you fuse?
Mondays amirite?
What the fuck is this where's the yub nub
do you wanna be my gf
Boring is good.
Do reppers all get drawn together magically?
No, I'm a man.
nope! :D
I like Pichu and her animals.
sarah will not grow a spine until The Incident

do not fear the moment of reckoning it may appear to approach swiftly to you, yet time hath no clock of its own.
do you wanna change that
>Do reppers all get drawn together magically?
unironically yes i think so. i had no conscious idea either of those two were also repping, but we meshed very well from year 1 and chose to room together year 2. it seems that meshing might have been subconsciously shared pain.
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What was the fight about? Did you ever recover after it or was that the end of your friendship?
always flush the toilet before you use it.
okay fine ill transition then and then we can date
That's a lot of water.
honestly kinda terrifying to think about these "where were you in year X" things when you're in a relationship with an age cap lol. like, fiancee is 28, she was 17 in 2013, and just about to enter adulthood. gf is 30, she was 19 in 2013 and in her first year of university. and i'm 25, and i was in 14 years old and in middle school. i hate thinking about this lmao.
your mom.
and dad.
he likes to squeal
Certainly would be interesting. I've definitely managed to find a lot of people that are quite like me so I can't say it's too surprising reppers might do the same.
So was there like a transition cascade then?
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Perfect, now we can fall in love forever. And all that jazz.
I like jazz yay
To signal to the poop goblins more is coming without just dropping work right into their laps, it's just courtesty really
I had graduated High School a year prior, and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Had accepted myself as Bisexual around that time. And now I'm a troon.
i can't remember what started the fight but it ended with me moving out at the end of the year. i did become pretty close friends again with them a few years later, thankfully.
>So was there like a transition cascade then?
oh that would have been terrifying had it happened. fortunately we are all lateshits who transitioned after college and all that dorm stuff
Do you really? I can't tell if I do. I like some jazz, but a lot just makes me sleepy too, hard to figure out what is what when you go in blind.
Feel like we skipped some steps here.
I used to be in a jazz band I hella fw jazz
did u know you can piss in the sink and use the water to wash your hands and drain the pee at the same time saving water
Can't say I've seen many people say fortunately and lateshit in the same sentence, but glad it worked out for you all. Certainly a uniue experience to say the least.
there are only two reasons id ever do that, and neither of them are likely to happen any time soon. or ever, actually
Ooooo now that is sounding familiar to me. She likes jazz... You don't happen to play music for a living or something do you?
I mean there's not much to tell anon. I worked, then the pandemic happened and I started working from home but I had a lot of time to myself, and it made me think about things, and it made me realize I was trans. Been on HRT for 3.5 years as of the 12th.
Does that turn you on?
One is more likely then you may think.
nop Im a computer user for a living
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Bleak, Sarah, very bleak.
which one?
And now it's time for the next big chapter in your life. Being a wife.
no but im worried abt water availability
Do you really want to know the answer to this question? Do you truly believe you are ready for the answer?
Dang, no offense obviously, but pandemic transition is the lamest of the arcs, there's no magic! No pizzaz! Where's the rooftop swordfights and dashing heroics?
Makes sense though, very practical time to figure it all out and jump through the early awkward stages without much scrutiny. Genuinely do wonder what the numbers are on that front, I imagine you are part of a very large cohort. Congrats tho btw, shit ain't easy.
God I wish. I have been talking with this one guy I met on Hinge, he's ftm, which ordinarily wouldn't be my thing, I tried t4t before and it just didn't work, but he's really sweet. He's also taller than me (I'm 5'5", he's 5'9"), he's protective, sweet, and gave me a lot of his old clothes that he thought would look good on me.
Yeah that was probably the safer bet here. So you're the famous USER I here so much about, very exciting, my computer can't stop talking about you.
you're telling me.
depends which one it is :P
yeah, maybe not
The insatiable greed of the Selfish.

Wine turns to dust. Ash ground by stone.
I had a girlfriend send me video of her peeing in a dink once. I wasn't really into it but I didn't want to disappoint her after sharing something so intimate with me so I told her I liked it.
put this on my tombstone
You quoting something or we just having fun with the theatre props for a little?
it doesn't help that companies are bottling a shit load of water on earth and its sitting in places not being part of the water cycle and being charged money for. its in every store, peoples homes, warehouses. look at how much water is sitting there. that's taking a lot out of natural cycles.

also our planets surface is mostly water, but humans are mostly reactive and not preventative. so societies will only ever get big on cleaning ocean water for drinking after some disaster makes us run out of drinking water.
oh no love, honesty is best policy
I hope it works out and I hope he marries you.
calling me a theater kid at this point in my life has got to be a hate crime
reminds me of one time i was in the shower and my slob of a roommate had to pee, so instead of peeing in the sink or in a bottle he chose to pee out the window of our apartment, from up on the fourth floor. almost hit some guy and his dog.
I mean it was fine. I wasn't disgusted or anything and I don't mind doing things for my partner.
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my gf left me. She said she wasn't looking for a relationship and went off for another man. Can someone please give me some hopefuel? I need to find my tranner wife. I even did everything I could to keep her. I bought her gifts, I paid for her nails at nail salons, I even offered to pay for her breast implants because she wanted them. Alas, she just told me to fuck off. God I'm so depressed
idk i wont live for that prolly
its annoying that we can do better in the west but china, india and sandniggas will do whatever they want and contribute to scarcity
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None of you ever stop being theatre kids tragically. And so I bully on, bullying against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
why didnt u just let him use the toilet
you should hope
the alternative trajectory is far less savory it seems
you like books anon?
just call me a faggot instead jeez
i didn't know he had to pee. he could have asked to come in but he didnt, he just chose to pee out the window instead. i heard all this after the fact
am i exempt from the bullying if i wanted to be a theater kid but was always too shy to actually get on stage
Well thanks anon. We're not dating at this second as he isn't sure if he's ready for a relationship, but I consider him to be my best friend. He means a lot to me.
i see someone post stickers of this shape outside and now i know what it is. thank you anon.
yeah it's fisg
In theory, yeah, but I'm a poor reader of late. I read the Great Gatsby in high school though, they made us, not exactly an insight on my end.
No that's just tumblr, double bullying. At least you can listen to Hadestown while you cry.
should i go to the library
That's Jesus
its <><
oh boy it sure is. i don't even like to think about it. which is a large part of the problem.
it just seems less like hoping than fantasizing, to be honest. which is horrible, obviously. and thus the tombstone.
That sounds like a nice idea honestly. Going to work or for fun?
Jesus was a guy anon not a fish lol, so silly.
I can offer you no advice anon. My tranner gf left me for a transbian polycule after years of dating. I paid for her medical bills, I bought her clothes, I stayed up late at night to hang out with her because she couldn't ever fix her sleep schedule. It's simply the way of things. Chasers exist to be punished.
hey rick serious offer can we PLEASE get married?
you're responding to a troll ha got em
I will fix you, don’t worry. Your tombstone contents shall be better than you hope.
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stop replying to rick’s larps
cum for mommy
rick please marry me!! ;_;
Yes ma'am
>I will fix you
who are you, anon?
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Thank anon, that helps a lot. I would stay up until 2 am talking to her. She just told me that she's not interested and her friend said she was using me for money. Idk, I really thought I found a good long term partner and I'm getting older I feel like I won't ever find love at this point. My mental health is stabilized but now I'm just depressed as fuck
I'm not Rick, rick's not even a real person at this point I think with people pretending and shit but yeah sure, why not. I have to admit, I'm feeling like I want a connection with anyone at this point though after losing my gf :(
not a troll but thanks for playing the game of 4chan, I suppose
you're not funny, rick's not even a real person
stop trolling me
can you stop posting this poor random man's photos you dumb retard
I'm not trolling you Fred, I want to marry you
roid biceps bruh
Post timestamp rick
A picture of shrimbcat accompanied by a YouTube link to the song hero by Henrique iglasious
jrickling for no reason
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fred once dedicated an enrique iglesias song to me, I love you fred, lets get married
You really don't get enough credit around here. Inspired work.
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who do you even think the man in the photo is?
stop trolling me, I know you are. How would I know you're not a troll? :(
never took roids, never even took TRT but I'm thinking about it as I get older coupled with HCG, since that grows one's testicles and keeps him fertile.
why should I ever post a timestamp ever? It seems kind of pointless to post a timestamp at this moment and it's more fun not to now
>fred puts his luscious mancheeks online for attention and maybe love
>they instead get used to catfish and hurt women online
It's a pretty tragic story
do you actually want to pump Fred's lucious and huge man cheeks full of love jizz?
why would I be trolling you about saying I want to marry you?
Because youre an ugly little fatso and i want to see your giant belly
jrickl down economics are real
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hiiiii chasergen <3

my halloween outfit, it’s a little big but it’s comfy actually and i’m happy!
oh, it's a fred/rick episode today.
alright, catch you later 4channel friends.
I do not because I'm not interested in men, but there are people here into them
>who do you even think the man in the photo is?
we've been over this you stupid retard kys already
censoring your arm is wild
>I want to marry an anon on 4chan without even talking to him and getting to know him
yeah, you sound like a troll. you don't even make an effort to contact me
here's the thing, if I post a timestamp, it proves I'm Fred with the giant man cheeks and that's ruined, if I don't, then it keeps the conversation going. I sort of want to remain anonymous anyway and posting timestamps goes against that
yes annd i’m joeking it
you blocked me
Its pretty fun to just be an attractive person instead of larping as one online
Hit the gym chubby boy
I never gave out my discord here what are you on about?
what's your discord? i want to block you too to make you feel better
It's cute!
halloween = hell win
u guys are dressing up for satan but ok
damn right i am
it was you, we talked but you blocked me
why do you want to block me? it will not make me feel better
who the fuck is this rick guy and why should I care?
Am I failure as a trans woman? Been transitioning since I was 22, turned 30 last week, no boyfriend, no husband, work at a doctor's office as front staff. I pass but just to be safe on dating apps, I do put that I'm a trans woman. And so many will message me, think I'm not actually a woman and will dip.
why are you like this girlypop
I thought it was for hollow weens
I only blocked frisson after she blocked me, I haven't blocked anyone else
I was playing Minecraft on my shitty windows 8 laptop
>who the fuck is this rick guy
If you guessed an another annoying retard, you win.
>why should I care?
Good news!
It sounds like we should date
why am i how? aware to the spiritual warfare?
you blocked me and you don't even remember me
>Am I failure as a trans woman?
no just a failure as a person
You sound dreamy. Wya?
so are fred and rick the same person or entirely different people? Is this a new troll?
Fred is real rick is just using his pics to catfish its lame and gay and overdone at this point
jannies will ban me for showing skin

i’m glad <3 i really hope so
does fred post here too? why does rick use fred's photos, are they fighting or something?
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it will pass once again.
>jannies will ban me for showing skin
Inshallah, you shall be rewarded by ar-Raḥmān in this world and the next for your chaste modesty, sister, Alhamdulillah.
Wrong continent damn it
I wonder if fred knows I want to marry him
Fred is a gay bottom who posts on /hm/ and sometimes in gaygen
r u indian
Chaserbros, how do I keep my trans gf from finding out about my other trans gf?
oh so rick and fred must have issues with each other or something then
I think fred doesn't post here from what the other anon said
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fred posts here and I'm going to marry him
No rick is just using some randos pics because rick looks like an ugly scrawny nerd
oh right right
my bad, I just know a girl named that irl
Why do you keep posting this shit here. Yes this board is full of retards, so what.
who cares
Guarantee most trannies here mog her
>words words words
She just needs a good man
proof that he actually posts here and it's not some random schizoid fucking with people
You're responding to one of the random schizoids fucking with people lol.
the proof is in my heart, and it belongs to fred, fuck off
hey fred what kind of wedding do you want to have??
i think i would like a diet cola
this is a sign that my life is certainly on a decline.
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Chasergen this pic reminded me of you, I love you all
>What were you doing in 2013?
Living in a roach infested apartment with a gf who despised me. Doing menial work. Shitty time.
>11 years later
Still shitty. I had already screwed up majorly. Normal life was possible! Just go through school like everyone else! I'm 35 and still in the wreckage of my mind going weird in college. Madre de dios. What am I gonna do
I like candy corn
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You really do impress me, anon, lol.
>"trans related posts should be considered off topic" t. OP
>qott is about trannies
transbians get accused of inserting themselves into every lesbian space but the cisbians seem to be doing their part for that too
I'm a so called zillennial but I think millennials are the most interesting group of people
you know me, so how about it, lets talk about the wedding my love, what kind of wedding will it be
coke zero is the best soda
theres trannies arguing with them in that thread

thats arabic nadias, mines slavic and derived from nadzieja (hope)
I'm a so-called zillennial but I think zoomers are just as interesting honestly. They're like one big collective neurosis it's wild.
So that's gonna be your name now nym?
I was 8 so probably going to second grade
it's clg so like 75% of the userbase is just lesgen tranners larping as cis women anyways
Zoomers are like a very frightening experiment
its already been my name yes, funnily it was supposed to be my name but a month before delievery my penis finally showed up on the ultrasound
oh beautiful name
Exactly! The end of organic generations. It's like some sort of ersatz homunculus of aggregated algorithms. Seeing technology outpace our own evolution has been one hell of a wild ride.
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walkies, coffees, gaymies, weedies, catties
> but a month before delievery my penis finally showed up on the ultrasound
Lmao, born to play the part.
Your take on it is more optimistic than mine but yes
thank you anon <3
You sound just like your parents lol
I also was supposed to be born a girl, they didnt find out i was male until i was born. What does this mean???
yes well, shame i was only sneaky not intersex

we are sneaky, are you an aries? im an aries
Undoubtedly, but I think we can all admit we've really hit the gas pedal for online interaction with the zoomers.
It is yeah, fortunately because I used to live there I can move back whenever. But I need to be in America for a few years to get my surgeries done, so we're going to have to figure something out
I was born with a 10in dick while hard
I could lift my own head when I was born like some sort of Hercules
where is fred? I want to marry him
Im a taurus so i probably just refused to be normal ;-;
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6th grade 2013
interesting, what are you getting? i thought about rhinoplasty a few times but i think im perfect the way i am
Good don't get rhino, too many of you are chopping off perfectly fine noses. Yours is nice.
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i just wanted to shave my bridge cause i have a bump but its ok
Where's it at now?
>not a single piece of advice
Fuck off this place is nothing but tranners nowdays
the noseless look is so in though
It's 11in now and in my pants ready to use on a chaser
cheater deserve the rope
Srs, with min jun inshallah
Ffs wise I think just type 3 brow and a jaw shave. I guess I want to maybe have that done in Korea since they're the best at it. I think I won't touch anything on my midface, my nose is pretty good and I think like noses anchor the face and are a big part of looking like you so I guess it'd change a lot and that might be weird. I have a somewhat luckshit midface too, a surgeon who I had a consult with said she wouldn't do anything there so I think remaining recognizable is more of a priority.
If I ever do make it out to Korea I'd do a couple things to my monolids to open up my eyes (I'm asian), nothing major like getting rid of them though
Nty, I don't want to die
chaser bf who will pay for my ffs
i will give him the money first to give to me, i don't actually want him to pay for it, but i just need to psychologically launder the money through him first so i stop feeling like im spending it wrong. need him to hand me my own money with a "for ffs" post-it on the stack
I was 13 and playing TF2. Now I'm 24, and I'm still playing TF2
Lol, cute.
You're so hot
cool cool, koreans are scary to me
It just wasnt funny or interesting enough to warrant a response.
You won't I'll make it easy for you
What's scary about Koreans? I'm worried they might not like me because I'm not korean
been going out with a trans girl for around 3 years now, but i kinda want kids now, so imma dip
they look uncanny to me, i dont understand their beauty trends
Most old and esoteric chasergen bait
>What's scary about Koreans?
nta but they only know how to do asian, they tend to bog everyone else
you should keep the trans gf as a concubine
lame ass bait at least make it funny
my chaser gf wants to meet my parents, but i don't want them to think i'm gay so i told her they died
>I'm worried they might not like me because I'm not korean
I actually met a woman who went to Korea for ffs and said everyone but the surgery team treated her like shit. So who knows.
Understandable, let her know that's why so she knows you're going to get an upgrade and she can be happy for you
They are kinda nuts, I've been watching their beauty videos and they're more brainwormed than us. Constantly talking about philtrum and mid faces. Like calm down girl, just got be a girl lol
I'm east Asian but not Korean so hopefully they'll do me okay and not intentionally bog me for the millennia of asian atrocities
does the gay panic defense work if I killed my parents instead of my girlfriend?
my trans bf wants to get bottom surgery but i told him i would leave him if he does this
I don't think there's easy when you're hitting my lungs
I'll only use half at first
If your parents are fags yeah
Real talk would you be ok with a surrogate pregnancy?
Oh yeah I fully expect that going to Korea will be a living hell. Constantly mogged by beautiful Korean cis women who've had ffs just for fun. Being one of the tallest people, man or woman, in a five mile radius. A culture that will come up and tell you you're fat and ugly lol.
Do you know who she went to and if she's happy with the result?
Producing me is the straightest thing they did and I'm a huge faggot.
cheated on my tranny gf because she was being annoying, accidentally got a cis girl pregnant, what should i do chaserbros?
Drinking Cherry Coke Zero right now :)
surrogacy is evil
Whore city over here.
If you play it right you trans gf can become a mother, she should be thankful
I’m gonna fix my nose it’s crooked af you can’t talk me out of it
yeah no one meant you, yours is indeed fucked up
How do I know you won't use it all suddenly?
it's what dasha told this airhead bitch, so naturally she believes it because there isn't a working neuron in her brain
No idea on the surgeon and she wasn't happy with it, but I also think there's something wrong with her brain so there's that to consider. She wasn't happy about much of anything.
Is it though? Is it really?
Honestly yea, its a valid way for husband to pass on his genes and at least my tranny ones don't get mixed in. Also I really don't wanna work out
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the universe can be understood
i need more time
dear lord no, imagine jade being a mother
Because at that point in our relationship you would fully trust mer
Marry the girl, it's the honourable thing to do
Ahh fair enough. It's hard finding the right Korean surgeon though there are so many and much of the information is in korean
Ty for empowering me
im not a stem trannie so i don’t have a protractor but it looks like shit from every single angle and ruins my face
that's what I want.
Okay you seem nice
Maybe, but you're obviously funny so you can probably get away with it at worst.
I am don't worry
anons i opened up tiktok and it just gave me tradwife content
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HIP HIP! a toast to chasergen!
Do you think bugs understand you're alive when they crawl on you?
tradwifes don't look at tiktok, they don't waste hours of their day looking at internet doomer femcel bullshit, and they don't break down at work because they had to make a few extra salads
stop wasting your time and make better use of it
Do you want to hold hands?
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send help. my cat is scolding me very angrily for coughing near him
I'm okay with kids they just make me really freaking nervous. Have never had to take care of a baby so idk if I can handle that part as well.
I wish I could be a real mom so bad having purpose would be so nice
I hope you're not sick.
why is this gen so mean to me what did i do to deserve this, i am nice to all of you
good choice
trannies are fun to fuck around with, but real women will always win out
stop choking on twink cock
ive been feeling vaguely sick for a week or two now and idk what's up but im sure im fine
no u
You can have purpose without having kids
No one is being mean to you. Stop thinking that the world revolves around you and do something for yourself
giving you advice isn't being mean, consider yourself lucky I care enough about you to give you proper advice
in 2013 i was planning to get into music with Vocaloid, which i did with my xmas gift that year

i was probably playing league and fighting games at the time, and still doing 3d modelling in Blender

hopefully 2024/2025 is the year of Kassie's return to actually producing and releasing music

and the year of getting the Ellaphae website up at last

bless you all )*
I hope you're ok. Maybe that's why you've been drawn to bed so much recently.
being a mommy is stressful thankless work
fuck off transbian
>Ellaphae website
Uh oh
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no? i don't listen to redscare i just like her vibes
You will be a mother to our surrogate son.
you realize stealing babies is disney villain levels of evil? like cartoonishly evil?
it's my baby, that's my cum in there
Literally not stealing.
Can't tell if this is better or worse
i might be moving back to a city i used to live in should i text my chaser ex i met on here
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i just want to feel happy
my my aren't we a little bitchy witchy ^^
What's got you down now?
I believe in you June, you can do it
this gen
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When you're mean to a transbian this is who you're being mean to. Feel good about yourself? Didn't think so. Think twice next time.
They don't belong here.
But you're still here lmao
Cheer up people are just baiting you
surrogacy = monetary transaction that leads to handing over of a human being between parties
slavery = monetary transaction that leads to handing over of a human being between parties
surrogacy = slavery

you're only an inseminator
literally any tranny who isnt actively hostile to other trannies is labeled a transbian.
june you gotta learn to roll with the punches here and maybe even participate in the banter a bit
its something we could both work on but it hurts to see you take it so personally
i look like this and i say this
are you?
a transbian, i mean?
No one was baiting, we told her its a dumb idea to join a sorority as a tranny and now she's malding over it
You're genuinely retarded.
Even when you told that person
>you're only an inseminator
How is that any different than
>you're only an incubator

You make literally no sense so it definitely is adding up some retard said it on a podcast and you're just parroting it.
They do not belong here. They have their own generals that they have completely ruined.
braindead take
i try, ive been here for months just taking it every day. I never tell people irl what i hear here, i just have to keep it inside
that's not enough to spare them the allegations, unfortunately.
june this place is not good for you. Don't go somewhere that makes you feel terrible.
you can get male attention somewhere they aren't mean to you, i promise.
I understand if you're jealous it's not your baby. But saying "slavery" is the braindead take.
Literally who is being mean
>bro can't even read
Zoomer hassan retard
idk i didn't read that far back
thank you for proving my point
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other trans women are pretty cool.
Exactly, it didn't happen.
surrogacy is also prostitution which is also an evil, as its lending your body and sex organs to another party for money

no? i genuinely dont listen to podcasts i cant focus on the conversation because the sound is too isolated

you like most in favor of surrogacy are very ignorant of the biochemistry behind pregnancy
probably that one fucking schizo who always call everyone a transbian and insult people
it's most likely another falseflag to try to ruin the gen but who knows
kass is literally a transbian, she doesn't like men, she was married to a woman and is in a transbian polycule with multiple women and prays to some schizo goddess
ask her yourself
nobody was mean to june, they just gave her some advice to stop looking at tiktok brainrot
you trannies literally do this to yourselves, you don't want to improve yourselves, you just wanna shit up every space and cry about your problems
i still think its frogposter rabidly calling people transbians for the most part
disregarding this particular case where kass is actually a lesbian
Transbians are offtopic
take it to rickgen
i'm a chaser you braindead retard, the sperg who go on about transbian do it in every fucking thread, it's not just about kass in this thread
Gonna eat a bunch of food and get fat and die I think
I was in 10th grade playing TLOU, BF4 and day dreaming about tranners
What you gonna eat?
braindead retard? the transbian accuser has basically been MIA for weeks, and this is the first accusation I have seen so far which is 100% justified, kass is a deranged transbian schizo who shits up every thread with shit about her goddess
when i was in 10th grade i got "two weeks" off school and played animal crossing new horizons
You got mono from kissing boys
Food mostly, but also ass
Wtf you were in 10th during Covid I feel so old now
Yeah she is a toddler
June is patient zero
i'm very happily monogamously married to my wife, but i don't fit the stereotype i'm quite asexual, i suppose that makes me more of a transles than a transbian? given the typical usage (seen above) as a derogatory

hoping you'll be above that :) but it's whatever

i just like to pop in here sometimes because im not a chaser hater :)
got a chastity cage but its too small
some of you are cool
don't come to the next chasergen
It'll probably fit me
i just enjoy being able to say im the only transbian
and if you're asexual then im still going to.
although if you're here rarely enough i probably would anyway
even though that's not strictly true, the others are just anon.
do you like rape?
it's too skinny i tried to shove it in for a long time lol
She likes to breed perfect, tight hairless youngshit buttholes with her gigantic throbbing gock and she doesn't care about consent
Fishing gf
I see we all attacking each other again
Are you saying the cool people should leave?
Lol just mashin that shit
waste of moni :(
What size did you get?
That's so nym

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