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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the intersection between being trans and lesbian is off-topic. Topics such as dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation are better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Please report and ignore any and all rulebreakers!

>QOTT: Were you a theatre kid in high school?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>37774633
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first for pink rozay
go get your shinebox
lago fumes.....
Olive is sniffing them while lago lives rent free in your head this very instant
i dont think lago is real, i think its all one tranny janny obsessed with bunnies and cis women
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I stopped wearing all my girl clothes because I’m don’t look like a girl and they don’t make me look like a girl so might as well wear men’s clothes
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almost halloween
I work so I’ll probs be handing out candy
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some gacha slop
bye bye
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Balmain bust downs these hoes can't stand me
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I feel like female socialization is just being a bitch with your bitches to all the other bitches
Captcha: ppmwv
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kill me
the only types of fun allowed on lesgen are: diaperposting, racism, misogyny, tripfag intrigue and anything else that should have nothing do with lesbianism
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More like that’s all you lot post. :p
No. I'm too sincere to be an actor. Which is why you should believe me when I say I want a cis asian gf.

lago is three dozen autistic bunnies in a tenchcoat
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>QOTT: Were you a theatre kid in high school?
my dad calls the sushi guy at the store "charlie chan"
I’m gonna start DBT again soon and all my problems will be fixed
Dragon ball?
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delicate ball torture
>I do wonder what cis women reading this stuff think of us
I think "these people are retarded" then close the thread and find something better to do
I’m actually quite fascinated by it all and enjoy the antics
Do you ever have dreams where you’re setting the table with your Chinese wife during the lunar new year and you eat yummy food and make each other laugh and have epic time or do you just want placid anime wife
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diabolical bunny theatrics
This is an ugly girl cope and also this comic is old as shit stupid millennial art
It’s easier when you just don’t pass
i really shit the diaper toward the end but whatevs
tumblr old heads were cruel asf to transfems on dating apps bc they were terfs aka trendy evil haters

gen z girls are so much more educated and have always made me feel welcome and really wanted, very different dating app experience to older women
I want to kiss you you’re so retar
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I was a theater kid in elementary school because for some dumbass reason they thought the nerds in the gifted program should act in plays. I liked it tho. We got to see some cool musicals on field trips.
My dreams died long ago. Only nightmares remain now.

>setting the table with your Chinese wife during the lunar new year and you eat yummy food and make each other laugh

This sounds really nice though.
share a nice date story I need hopefuel
That’s actually really cute, did you ever get into writing plays yourself?
It’s okay to dream, makes you want to go get it
Went on a midnight date with this girl after we both bailed on a party back in uni. Me being trans never came up but she gendered me correctly despite that desu I’d only started e a few months back. We stopped by a little food stall and ate and chatted for a long time, it felt like a movie desu. I was very young then and I hadn’t had an experience like this since trooning. Went back to her place where we just smoked cigs and talked about our majors and life. We ended up making out and she touched me so differently compared to my ex gfs when I wasn’t out yet. It felt like my very first time and I have always treasured that since. I went home the next day and I was really afraid of dating back then, which I regretted for years. Never saw her again but it helped me a lot down the line and now I’m seeing a really great girl. It’s possible, for those who’d prefer it
>never saw her again
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no one wants to kiss me
no one wants to be in the same room as me
Honestly I rather have this memory as it is before we inevitably messed it up. By we I mean me. I wasn’t ready and although I regret not reaching out after I’m thankful for the girl I met down the line, I really love her. This is a bumble ad
I hope to outlive all of you
Have a long miserable meteor life, so thankful I’m a bright shining star
my girlfriend was going to come over yesterday for sex but broke up with me the day before. it would have been my first time, do i kill myself? she doesnt want to get back together.
on a side note, i also cant trust people anymore, i feel like any nice thing said about me or any love directed my way is a lie and an attempt to hurt me, so like is it over for me? im thinking suicide is the only answer
>do i kill myself?
you'll be fine
>it would have been my first time
lol ya it's over
You’re allowed to feel the grief of a relationship loss. It’s not over, she won’t be the last. What you need to focus on rn is crying and being around what comforts you. She’s no longer that, and you deserve more than this. It sounds stupid but go shower, watch something new, go be with friends if you have them. Feel it, then it’ll begin to fade with time
Good luck lmao I just made a berry and kale smoothie for dinner
She’s so skinnnyyy
In the movie Jennifer's Body was the light hair girl supposed to be a lesbian/gynephelic? or just trolled by the one who became demon succubus? or just an excuse by director to show megan fox nakedish again on camera?

Gonna have a burger binge tmrw! Then torta on 29th...then fasting on the 30th and 31st...then spaghetti big meal. Your thoughts? Advice? Get a shake or skip it to save 600 calories?
It makes the microbiome in my gut happy
I'm unironically going to email the director and see if I get a response from his people. Just so you don't have to worry abt it
>QOTT: Were you a theatre kid in high school?
Band kid
it was directed by a woman
I got it mixed up with another movie
ok. im not necessarily worries just confusef+obsessive personality type.

Shud I order:
1) animal fry, 2 cheesburgers, 1 doublecheeseburger?
2) regular fry, 2 cheeseburgers, 2 doublecheeseburgers?
3) 2 cheesebrger, 2 double cheesebruegr, milkshake?
Keep in mind I'll be having a large diet lemonade with each regardless.
new batch of lago nudes just dropped
thank me later
not opening this, someone else do it
its stacker's nudes
i just opened it out of curiosity. i really wish i didnt
tfw no average cis asian gf
everyone knows that women who only take selfies were they try and make themselves look as ugly as possible with their expressions only do so because they know theyre ugly so they take pics were they make themselves uglier so they can cope with people calling them uggos with "i-im only pretending to be ugly! im doing an ugly expression on purpose!! im not ugly irl i swear!!!". its the oldest trick in the book for ugly girls, every ugly girl on high school did this. notice how you very rarely see a hot woman do an ugly face? they dont need to
Jordan is cute
ugly guys do this too. youve never seen an attractive guy basedface
do you want a pat on the back for being so smart and punching down
I like your style friend.
I do this, for candidness/accuracy. And because ugly/short men like me learn from bullying/abuse from a young age not to exhibit any narcy behavior or anything arrogat or stand out or theyll get beaten

so true bestie
t. uggo
>notice how you very rarely see a hot woman do an ugly face?
I see that all the time on dating apps
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lol okay obsessed anon heres an image where im trying so hard its basically fraud? what does that mean?
what ive noticed is that the ugliest of all undesirables never show themselves and only ever talk from the safety of the shadows
kinda cool actually, its a mood
I’m the most conventionally attractive male itt
literally me
I have shown myself in the light of day before
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Tfw old goth girl with no gf
Are you cis and asian per chance?
nobody 2 fish with. . .
White with a small penis
you wouldnt be able to handle an actual goth lmfao
you are so soulless
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Would you buy her mix tape, lesgen?
what the heck why did you block me didcord!!
sorry bubs! my discord, my rules!
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>Tfw no young goth girl gf
Ohma laaaaaawd not the waves of hunger pain again. Hunger for love. <3
At least I don't have anxiety tonight, girls. I can be grateful for that, and I will be grateful for that, because anxiety is physically uncomfortable.
Some people believe anxiety is mentally and psychologically uncomfortable, but I don't think they've been on high dosages of stimulants before.
While I'm on the topic, I'd like to thank God I don't play with stimulants anymore. The comedown, or the crash, is agonizing. Several hours of unwellness that cannot be slept through.
Do NOT do recreational drugs. Anons influenced by malefic spirits will tell you otherwise. Sobriety is the light, and alcohol is the darkness.
Coffee is OKAY though, in moderation.
Maybe a cis asian goth girlfriend could handle me though?
no they'd hate you
jordan looks like your average fat mexican man
jordan looks like my male mexican cousin whose dating a 14yo
stacker is mentally a 14yo so that checks out
you are a literal chud lol. they find you disgusting.
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>Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant.
did jordan and stacker break up. this shit been going for 4 threads now
>Were you a theatre kid in high school?
i did theatre tech
who cares
i'm so proud of you!
Am I annoying?
everyone is.
Please stay on topic, folks!

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we're approaching our 1 year anniversary
>"trying so hard it's basically fraud"
>hides double chin under shirt
>hides forehead under bangs
Still ugly
why are you so mean, she is pretty
I wish there was something I could do to make her look at me the way she used to
yea shes pretty. pretty disgusting looking
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>I can forgive her for being unattractive but the incessant racism and bullying is inexcusable. That said, she does look exactly how I imagined a person who says the n-word on the internet all day and goes by the discord handle "Big DumbLoser69" would look.
Don't forget the domestic violence charges!
Anyway lesgen write out your ideal sapphic Halloween date
I actually didn't say anything mean to bnuy this time but she still blocked me.. im so misunderstood lesgen
i was never a theatre kid but i just realized im a cospler..
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The drama around you/jordan/luz sketches me tf out, I'd distance myself from you nutjobs too if I were the bun bun
:/ but I wanna talk 2 bun.. I didn even do anything
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that's cute
Good news lesgen >>37786699
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Would you piss in this sink lesgen?
I would if I had a penis
umm hiiii r u cis??
I can't wait to see the tears in this thread when Drumpf wins sorry girls
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ive had two nightmares tonight
the premise is the same
im locked in a dark room and viewing myself through an old tv
the footage is black and white
im apart of an experiment to see how much despair a person can be put through
something else is in the room stalking me
and no one is helping me no matter how much i scream and claw at the concrete walls and floor
i wake up in tears
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me and snakcer2025 are gonna drink a big beer and smoke a big weed to watch the elections.
itll be fun, either way people will be seething rawr XPI want to vote kamala for 1.5x odds that way i really am completely impartial hehe
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I meant vote, not bet @_@
I moked one too many uwahh
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My tea's gone cold
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

I drank too much last night
Got bills to pay
My head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
I'm late for work again
And even if I'm there they'll all imply that I might not last the day
And then you call me and it's not so bad
It's not so bad

And I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Just to be with you is having the best day of my life


Push the door
I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and through
Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
And even if my house falls down now I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me

And I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Just to be with you is having the best day of my life

And I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life
Just to be with you is having the best day of my life
[Visit Dido's official website or MySpace/YouTube page to watch the official
>Visit Dido's official website or MySpace
ok grandma
your name is all wrong again
Oh man am worried hav been imitating laffers in daily life coz its kinda funny or cute etc etc but am possibly have become stuck as laffers as cannot stop talking this way, am v worried possibly have to die due to stuck in laffer mode. will do tests abt it. will continue to finish plans and then possibly have to die but tbd tbd

burger or pizza tmr?
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still debating whether to vote kamala or third party...
I wonder how CACA feels knowing that she gets politically mogged by fucking Luz
Watching blue lock S2, cant help fantasizing about how hot it'd be if some of those boys fucked each other. . . .
Excuse me, this is the LESBIAN general.
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Jordan you are fat piece of shit and I am tired of being used by you. You and I aren't friends anymore. I am calling off our friendship. You have taken advantage of me for too long and it ends today. FUCK YOU.

Block me and never talk to me again before I change my mind like I always do
But im a transbian. . . .
Don't act stupid, bitch
Never talk about boys in this thread again
Stupid baka
what abt he/they lesbians??
Did you know most microplastics come from car tires?

If we got rid of car drivers the world would be SO fucking good its insane.

Realistically you dont NEED to be traveling out of state. It makes no sense to drive miels to work. Just work in your community. Jobs should be assigned with location being the top priority.

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>blocks your path
cope seethe & dial eight
>he/him lesbians
Everybody knows only cisoids can get away with that shit
What's the difference
cadillacs are for fags
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Dragon ball is a simply incredible anime, and im not even finished with it.
If you've seen many shonen anime, and have an appreciation for action and the special feeling these two things provide, then you simply MUST watch dragon ball.
Im currently at the tournament arc, a genre of arc which happens to be my favorite. I love tournaments i think they're the coolest thing ever.
And seeing the tournament arc of dragon ball is like returning to mecca to pay tribute to the not the prototype, but the blue print! This is the gold standard of tournament arcs. Despite the low tech it does everything right.
In dark souls terms, this is the first flame, this is when Gywn was still healthy and didnt need to incinerate himself. This is it.
The first fight features perhaps the most disgusting thing i have EVER seen in my decade of watching anime and having reached most likely 500+ anime by now. Its krillin vs bacteriaon. The animators pulled no punches in this grotesque spectacle of lacking bodily hygiene. This fight WILL give you the ick, the way its won is by a almost fourth wall breaking joke, a show so ahead of its time its even influenced deadpool 30 years before such was even created.
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i'm like edp445
worried due to ths post
can microplastic cause deformation of nose from q tip use?

Your Thoughts? Advice on stuck in laffer mode issue? Should I have burger or pizza tmr?
why what did i do now? while asleep..
Good morning all. Still here, still waiting for a cis asian gf.
here I was hoping you had died in your sleep
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Gm homosexuals. Still here, still waiting for my friends and future bandmates to manifest, so I can be a heavy metal vocalist and get really rich and famous.
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I had a dream last night that I got beat up by an ally for accidentally misgendering some nb person I never met before. I still remember his obstinate irish neckbeard face screaming at me to stop being a bigot. He was choking me and lifting me up like I was about to get the stone cold stunna. It was like I was playing a character in someone else's dream, some fag's revenge fantasy where they totally own some chud, but im not a chud im a 30 something year old woman. Very very strange and unlike real life. Jordan annoyed me awake from this terrible dream and told me I smelled like ear wax.
The pictures r getting better tho! At this rate you'll be able to create a tulpa asian gf!
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Lmao bulma is on some giga fembrained shit i cant even

Goku:im 12..
Bulma: (inexplicably offended) WTFFF I THOUGHT U WERE OLDER ;<( When you think you know somebody...
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If I do not find bandmates before next year I'm gonna
I'm gonna
I'm gonna
i want my ex to talk to me and apologize just so i can finally have closure. i couldnt ever take her back but i wish she would at least apologize for hurting me.
lucky, mine blocked me when i got confrontational
there are two girls from my past I really wish I could get closure from, but I've had to accept that neither of them is in my life anymore or is ever going to be, and I can't ever really know what they were thinking or feeling or why exactly said or did the things they did back then (assuming they even fully understood it themselves or would be willing to express that) any more than the ways in which I behaved that they probably didn't understand

sometimes they show up in my dreams but it's been happening less recently - I like to think that's kind of a part of moving on because, as nice as it might be, not everybody gets closure and not everything gets an explanation so you can't let yourself sit around waiting for it
Goku's martial art suit is so darn cool...... what a nice colour....
what if goku was a transbian ans she called herself gocku how would that affect dragon ball as we know it
Hmmmmm ... weird... but it wouldn't make sense. Current goku doesn't even see or understand gender he just see humans like we do monkies or cats

He wouldn't be trans
never squeak again
we could still convince him to transition if we told him hrt and calling himself a woman makes him a better fighter. give me 5mins alone with goku and ill tell him transitioning is a new powerful transformation and shes taking hrt very quickly
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No, there is no we in this. Leave goku alone u crazed transbian. You definitely couldn't fly on the nimbus cloud... baka
transbian goku
chaser gohan
lesbian vegeta
ftm nappa
theyfab frieza
ftm 17 and lesbian 18
theymab 16
chud cell
genderless buu
transbian samasu
chaser giren
sensitive golden retriever bi broly bf
straight mtf cheelai
Honestly im pretty revolted that someone would want to corrupt someone so pure.
This world needs to be cleansed of filfth like you..
bi chaser chi chi
gay trunks
bi fuckboy beerus
sensitive gay guy whis
is goku forcefem on-topic or off-topic i need some help on this
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this would make dragon ball sell a billion copies
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tfw no anime elf gf
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let me into dragon balls universe for 5 mins and im turning goku into a woman
you know you wont her
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No i dont want HIM
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When I get the hot gf of my dreams it is so OVER for you, inner monologue which tells me I'm not good enough.
And it'll be JUST as good as I imagine it!!!
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why are c4t couple jokes always "my gf has a penis"
This pic gives me major ick.....
wydag who didn't give candy to early trick or treaters
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i wish my long distance girlfriend didn't sometimes like get upset and go offline for over a day. i know she loves me but she makes me worry and feel like such an afterthought
These are pornstars that’s why, they have videos up on fansly. The Asian person is enby (she/he) and has a transfem top gf. Let them be they’re happier than the rest of the thread
That’s BPD, get out while you can
its also to drive engagement. posts like that anger lesbians, conservatives, bottom dysphoric trannies, among tons of other people so bigots start to seethe, see the onlyfans link in their bios and are like, hold on, i *need* to see this for investigative purposes. i wouldnt ve surprised if those shirts have their onlyfans qr code in the back
honestly, i'm the BPD one between us, diagnosed and everything. i'm constantly scared to be too much, be overbearing and push her away, and times like this make me flare up quite a lot. i juts don't want to make things about me when she's upset.
imagine if "with a girlfriend" wasn't on that shirt
penis = male
none of them are lesbians
thats moreso avpd than bpd. get your personality disorders right normoid
There is a youtube video of a snake attempting to eat goose eggs whilst the two geese are watching, but the person filming picks the snake up "saving" the eggs.
95% of the comments are like "awww thats so wonderful fuck that snake".
But im just wondering whether that was really an ethical action at all. Like. If i was there, I would have been sad for sure, but thats just nature, it doesnt feel like my place to decide that the snake should die of starvation, especially not considering the eggs aren't even sentient yet so its not that bad right? I mean. Does this make me jadded or evil? To pick a more logical and neutral position?
for >>37791662
honestly, even with the words "with a gf" its still extremely rapehonny. imagine being a penis repulsed cis lesbian walking and seeing this 6ft tranny walking through the street wearing a dyke breeder tshirt. very creepy
Exactly finally someone with the skill of inference
Breh i aint even cis and i get major creeped out vibes
c4t couples only ever make jokes like that online. irl the tranny always tries her best to stay stealth and if she doesnt pass she tries her best to not seem creepy or rapehon. those people definitely dont wear those tshirts outside, its only for engagement like >>37791679 said. dont make your mind up about an entire group of people just because of 2 pornstars
i would be visibly uncomfortable being asked to wear this shirt..
Bored and tired meme, trans women are hot and I will kiss them and it will be an act of lesbianism so help me Sappho
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i was joking i don't really care of what cis lesbians think or feel fortunately
Isn’t it more creepy to form all these thoughts about someone and equate them to a predator because of bigotry? Why would you care what those people think. Fuck the hypothetical bigots, people are happy anyway
sappho would be a terf. michigan womyn music festival goer type
yes but cis = good, trans = bad. ergo, anything a tranny does is ontologicallly evil and male
younger zoomers are very bad at recognising bait. zoomers and boomers are the two generations who fall for the most bait. and inb4 someone calls me grandma im an zoomer too, just one of the older ones(24)
ive had the killing moon stuck in my head for 3 days
such a catchy song
how many of you are actually women
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bpd gf x avpd gf is the match made in hell dont ask how i know
terf play gf who gets a bit too real and doesnt stop when i start crying
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oh so when other people get confrontational with people who've hurt them in the past it's justified and reasonable but when i do it it's "abusive harassment"
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Im bpd and avpd.
i'll deal with it for her
Then I’d kill her and take her throne, may the most based win
That’s okay not all of us zoomer are stupid
i thought i could too, boy was i wrong
my mom says im a woman
her mom >>37791986
says im a woman
Do you have elder lesbians in your life? I have this older butch that lives with my grandmother and we smoke weed together sometimes
i think i hate hypersexual people
does anyone else go through phases were they switch from hypersexual to hyposexual? like ill go days, sometimes weeks without a horny thought and zero desire to even masturbate only for a random switch to flip and ve horny and masturbate every single day for like a week before becoming asexual once again
not real. new word for nymphomaniac, which is also not a real thing
Creating a hyposexual coven of transbians where we play monopoly and dark soul together instead of degenerate sex acts
creating a hypersexual transbian coven were we do sylvian sex rituals and use sex magic to attack the hyposexual transbian coven
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Why would you attack us those... we're literally just vibing ...
I wish, I’m not a female nor a lesbian and if my grandma is one she’s too far gone into shopping, gambling, and hoarding to ever break through and be true to herself
The real phenomenon is called “sex addiction” and yes some people really ruin their lives and relationships with it, it even has a 12 step program like AA and NA (not that 12 step has any efficacy but you get the point)
Iv never met a Jewish transbian what gives
we are fated mortal enemies
skill issue? i know 3. probably the coolest people ive met too
>probably the coolest people ive met too

How so?
Do they look like Elaine from Seinfeld?
Someone is pretending to be me to be mean to bnuy.. I won't stand for this
they hate brown people
I just saw a youtube ad that was like “president trump needs YOU to vote NO on issue 1” they are so brainwashed
yeah spiro and ssris
been reading bleach and this shit is MID mid
Thats funny. I like brown people. But all the ews iv met until now have all been some shade of morally reprehensible, maybe soulless is the wrong word, but i guess i just wouldn't want to place my trust in them lol. Smart and charismatic, but i think they pay a price for it?
But i dont treat them any different because i have no way of knowing if they're all like that or i just got unlucky.
wait until you get to the rapist nazi zombie necrophilic transbian villan
is that real? if anything i like reading it and imagining the writer as a big dweeb so im at least finding some value in it.
I'm a woman when my mommy gf calls me a good girl...
generally cool people to be around, smart, tolerant and they weren't scared to be weird af
im not couting acorn. In fact one of them almost sent a guy to a hospital for throwing slurs at friend
Is acorn jewish? Ngl that does not surprise me at all and she's a janny yikes

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