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Love and Happiness edition

>QOTT #1: What never fails to brighten your mood?
>QOTT #2: What's your favorite movie and why?

Previous Thread: >>37963514

>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
My heart belongs to the ocean.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
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>QOTT #1: What never fails to brighten your mood?
Hearing WuMing's voice

>QOTT #2: What's your favorite movie and why?
The belly of an architect, currently, even if I can see why it's considered one of greenaway's miss, I just wish I was Chloe webb when I know I'm closer to Brian Dennehy
the suicide ward
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At home, chill and warm like most people this hour I bet
all of your problems have something in common
Sup niggers, """straight""" dude here. Tell me: should I try being a fag?
Thing is I am starting to feel very lonely. I would like a girlfriend, but given how nightmarish dating has become I am honestly too disheartened to even try (also it doesn't help that I genuinely want a true relationship not a quick fuck, so that rules out 99% of women).
From what I've heard that same sex dating is considerably easier..
I already know that I am a little bit of a fag since I occasionally goon to femboys and twinks, but I am not completely sure if i could kiss one or have sex with one.
Should I risk it? I am not in a particularly homophobic country, but I don't want anyone to find out.
You already sound like faggot.
yup, its this gay earth
I don't like super masc dudes but I would let the operators do me uwu
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rate my diorama

>aggressive and gay
Gay top
>submissive and gay
Gay bottom
>dysphoria straight
>dysphoria gay
kim petras
>aggressive and straight
cis dude fuckin pussy chad

>submissive and straight, no dysphoria

Why did I have to get the one where you want women, but literally DONT WANT TO FUCK WOMEN (unless they dominate me, WHICH THEY ARENT INTO). Im a fucking CUUUCK.
Who knows, it could be great, imagine drowning yoursel in ass (male), or it could be shit, imagine yourself crying after the post nut regret comes. Either way, you are responsible for how you manage your own hornyness.
ty uwu
>QOTT #1: What never fails to brighten your mood?
Waifu body pillow I made.
>QOTT #2: What's your favorite movie and why?
Extremely hard to answer. Some times hard boiled, buckaroo banzai, blues brothers, redline, or blood sport
>Waifu body pillow I made
Oooo! I wanna see.
page 9 bump
I am still struggling with thoughts of bisexuality. My SSRIs help a lot though. My libido has plummeted. I am less miserable about my inceldom. Things are getting better with time.
that sounds worse
What is your dream bisexual partner?

Mine is a soft cuddly chubby pale effeminate boy on hrt
Not really. Why would anyone want to be a bisexual incel?
Being an incel is solvable. Having your libido destroyed doesn't seem like a good time to me, seems boring.
It’s easier for me to stop being bisexual than it would be for me to stop being an incel.
I want to wait for the new version to arrive to my apartment. I draw it and it is being printed now. It is just slow like last time to arrive.
someone who's much better looking than me probably

i don't like trannies because they are mentally ill
i don't like hrt if it decreases libido/makes erection and ejaculation impossible
i don't like strict tops/bottoms because strict tops seem self-important tightasses and strict bottoms seem annoying impotent faggots
it would be fun though if they'd be into crossdressing

i feel ok being in a closet my entire life
>I already know that I am a little bit of a fag since I occasionally goon to femboys and twinks, but I am not completely sure if i could kiss one or have sex with one.
Do you feel physical attraction to men when you encounter them in real life? A lot of guys like this are just pornsexual basically. Did you ever experiment with guys when you were younger, or at least have the desire to?
Curvy bi fujo girl
How do I find a bf if I'm terrified of apps. I was led to believe that getting a bf is extremely easy. Kind cant I just go hand out in the city and have some guy approach me. Is there some special signal I can broadcast? No I don't want to put work in I just want to cuddle someone.
Apps or gay bars or gay community spaces.
Either gender, skinny, warm and outgoing personality

I assume you're male(?)
If you insist on avoiding apps your best choices are either going to LGBT places like bars or signaling in an obvious way that you're into dudes - like rainbow bracelets or some shit
Actually those sound scary I;m just gonna stay home
Your life will never get better if you don't take risks. But suit yourself.
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tfw no gf
just want someone to end it with
>No I don't want to put work in I just want to cuddle someone.
Lmao relatable
NTA, but Yes, some, Yes and Yes. I guess that makes me kinda gay right?
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What's on your mind, bigen?
>I guess that makes me kinda gay right?
Yes, welcome to the club buddy
>listening to greenday
>oh shit boulevard of broken dreams kinda sus
>he's bi
>album ends with:
>Nobody likes you
>Everyone left you
>They're all out without you havin' fun

Ah fuck.
i hate everyone in my life
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i think i can pull a gay guy
Is there any style on facial hair that tops would actually tolerate or prefer on a bottom. I am desperate to get fucked for once but most tops bail because I‘m not willing to shave my whole beard off. It‘s trimmed and groomed regularly and objectively makes me look better. I am not against going into twink or femboy mode occasionally as I‘m trying to make most of it while still in my early 20s. But 90% of the time I‘m otter since it requires less efford and is preferred by girls.
Don’t have the time to shave my whole body every 5 days and it also only looks good when I‘m skinny which isn’t the case when I‘m trying to build muscle
the gay moustache is a thing, with or without stubble for the rest, look at mlm styling
Show facial hair.
i would like to rub mustaches with a cute bottom.
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Wtf? There's a hot bisexual cis girl posting in the fatty fetish thread
not for long
>Is there any style on facial hair that tops would actually tolerate or prefer on a bottom
>Don’t have the time to shave my whole body every 5 days
>not epilating every 2 weeks
NTA but I lasered my body a little over a week ago and I've noticed my body hairs are now coming out super easy if I pinch them. I'm hoping to have to shave way less soon.
I don’t like my sexuality. It feels inconsistent. I’ll be utterly straight for months and then suddenly horny for gay shit. Make up your mind, goddamn.
This bitch kept nagging me to post this
My gf, she is amazing and I love her so much. Not the best physically but is amazing
She is bi herself and supportive of me exploring being bi
Though I do find femboys and twinks quite attractive, probably cause I kinda look like one
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A reminder that on thursday at 22 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
Of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to mute yourself during the movies, be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
>Not the best physically
Do you mean she doesn't look perfect, or is she a little bad at sex/cuddling?

Anyway, very cute post anon
Men in Black
Bad at head but I don't feel it much anyway, much prefer handjobs and sex which she is pretty good at like 90% of the time. She is a bit overweight and a bit pudgy which isn't ideal but oh well
>She is a bit overweight and a bit pudgy which isn't ideal
I feel like people pay way too much attention to that sort of thing. If you love her and sex with her ist mostly good, a little chub should be the least of your worries

>Bad at head
Why don't you try teaching her how you like it? Or is she a slow learner? lol
>girls are often way too guarded and difficult to make a move on without looking like a creep. To say nothing of the number of women that are only after money rather than genuine love

>guys are often way too sexually aggressive and sometimes creepy, and they also have a fixation on dicks, when dicks are an aspect of men that I’m indifferent to.

Anyone who ever said that dating as a bi is easier is clearly not bi. Dating both genders present their own unique problems.

>She is a bit overweight and a bit pudgy

Sounds like a plus to me. I can’t be the only bi that likes people in the heavier side.
>I feel like people pay way too much attention to that sort of thing. If you love her and sex with her ist mostly good, a little chub should be the least of your worries
Yeah definitely. Often times I see a hotter/slimmer chick and wished my gf looked like that, but then I realise she probably wouldn't love me as much as my gf does, wouldn't let me do the stuff I do to my gf etc. Also it's not like she isn't hot, she is drop dead gorgeous when dressed up, just could lose 10ish kilos

>Why don't you try teaching her how you like it? Or is she a slow learner? lol
I just don't get a lot of enjoyment out of it desu, just doesn't feel very good. Handjobs are way better, I am just sensitive that way ig
t. Circumcised
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She is upset I have heating pad unplugged.
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i invite you all to join me in watching this bizzare and disturbing french movie.
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Currently. This is 2 days after my last shave. As the hair on my cheeks grow very sparingly and only covers a fraction of the are I tend to get rid of it and only leave what you see here. I actually prefer a van dyke style but because my jaw tends to blend into my neck I grew it out on the sides to create a better distinction. My jawline is not awful but the beard along it really helps out.

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