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celebrity lookalikes edition
QOTT: who's your celebrity doppelganger?
old >>38033749
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>please help me
Damn are yall niggas asleep?
i'm just high and scroooooooooooooooling
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pls help me
i am miserable and in pain, i just dropped out of school and i didn t have a job in so long :''(
my parents told me to get a job
any advice?
WHAT broooooo why did you drop out
i don t know how to code anymore and i am too miserable to function
idk, if you find any advice giv me some too
>just dropped out of school
oh shit me too
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>i don t know how to code anymore and i am too miserable to function
damn this bitch is literally my clone, huh?
transition goals
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at least i have my bachelor, it was master anyway so it is worthless, they only care abt experience and what you know to do, but a bachelor is a requirement for like reduced taxes here or smth and like everyone has one..
fuck off
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My mom always says I look like Jack Nicholson but I don't see it.
>at least i have my bachelor
nevermind you're leagues ahead of me
who's the smart one now? hah
help; my parents know i'm in my room because it's locked from the inside they keep asking me to come out
weren t your parents nice?
they're nice yes
should i tell them i'm a sexual predator and hear voices?
penis juice
I'm gonna tell them you're a beautiful soul.
yes, tell them pussy
>you're a beautiful soul
bitch i just gave up on attending classes my parents spent thousands on and saved up for for years to smoke meth and suck off people i met on the internet
and i couldn't even suppress my gag reflex so instead of sucking them off i'm just licking
No hands even? Kys
I will never be a woman
You are one
I think I feel happiest when I'm surrounded by cables and tech junk and I'm making dumb stuff work
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passed out and fell to the ground from heat exhaustion at a concert. i liked being taken care of for a bit, feel ignored so often. I felt so happy that i ate barely anything and then was gonna do some physical activity mixed feelings.
bro shut the fuck up and stop shitting up every thread with your boring rambling nobody cares nigga shut up
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SHOTA* not SHOT sorry my bad poor form
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damn dude I'm lonely af
i feel you there we will all climb out of this eventually
got any ideas how?
hold onto any connections you got or reach out again. become friends with coworkers if you got them maybe try and join a group. im struggling myself.
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manmoding is weird
being trans is weird
everything is weird

it is what it is
I'm gonna say it: it's not what it is.
dysphoria is like a shadow, when i should be losing myself in the moment it catches me and drags me away. I just want to not feel this way. When i try and express this pain i just feel like im puking up black smog and i feel bad then im spreading it. The further i want to push my transition the more i feel at risk of outing myself and there is no going back i feel so tired.
the voice said this to me "you can't never escape my voice and you can't never escape your choice no way back"
Tonight, I speak of prophecy
And what I will shall be done
The sacrifices are not over
The next sacrificial tranny ex will be led... to slaughter
i fuck prostitutes in the mouth
then i kill them
and when they're dead i fuck them in the mouth again
and again
and again
and again
so until we meet again
accept the Lord of Darkness as your savior
and allow
the purity
of evil
to guide you
shut up you FUCKING retard you're not a schizo or a predator or a demon or whatever the fuck you're just a RETARD you're a histrionic FAGGOT
Theres so much trans awareness and knowledge out there nowadays. I wish it was like this when I was young..
same lateshitestie
drink with me mmg
Damn idk if I can do this
im so TWISTED i get high... and jerk off.... im a psycho....
Coming up on 4 years HRT and still look like a dude with I guess maybe a good skincare routine and soft skin. At one point do I genuinely consider anhero? Don't really think I could be productive living as a guy and if I hit 30 in 3.5 years and I'm still a guy there's no point in going on desu. Am male brained so would't choose some method that doesn't have a 99.999% success rate.
I'm trying to drink less and sleep more and stuff and I had even been doing a bit better but I still cracked open can #4 even though it's so late, terrible rationalizations going on in my head

I'll cut back more soon
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cheers to a better tomorrow sis
Stop sucking Satan's cock you evil faggot. You're going straight to Hell if you don't accept Jesus into you heart immediately!!1
licharly mee
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Death stranding 2 woah =O
Another day in my gay enuch life
>Coming up on 4 years HRT and still look like a dude with I guess maybe a good skincare routine and soft skin.
This is gonna be me in 3 years hahaha. If I don't look any better in 4 years total I'm just gonna cut my breasts of and manmode. Rather do that and have the slightest chance of a love life before I get too old
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unlike the rest of you faggots im not gay
my dad said he can't believe they're married and the house is a graveyard and he doesn't like coming home
Came to that conclusion as well as an alt to anhero after hooking up with a girl recently as a manmoder. She wanted to start dating and I was like fuck this can't go beyond a drunk hook up considering she's straight.
>mfw I don’t have trans signs/experiences growing up other than fapping to troon shit growing up
>mfw it never bothered me I’m male until I grew up
>mfw I just wanted to look cute(agp)
>mfw I cry every night I wasn’t born a girl cause estrogen made me weak in the brain and I poisoned my social life
I will break down next time I see a cute passoid friend of mine tell me they are male.
it's okay I started having dysphoria symptoms at 12/13 but used the power of drugs, dissociation, and fantasizing to rep until 22. so tru trans I guess but still will never be a real woman or even pass.
G night
haha i fap to tranny porn and lesbian porn now i have to turn into an AGAMP transbian rapehon haha see you in the dyke bar bathroom stall mothafuckas
Tell the princess eat shit and die (ownage)
Not in public, hoe, I'm still high
These pigs are crazy, dog
This narc at the dyke bar in a slow car
Looking like a hedgehog
Sluts go sonic (ownage)
i told my mom about my meth smoking dream and that's why i've been eating only one meal a day because dreams are controlling my thoughts and she told me im dehydrated??? chat is this real‽ worried…
wait y'know how i quit meth after the "overdose"
it was a different dealer then usual
what if it was bath salts instead of meth? that would explain the mental breakdown and public masturbation
never been able to masturbate to tranny porn due to internalized dysphoria. not masturbating anymore fixed that.
"bath salts" were only ever around on the streets for like 6 months and that was over a decade ago. the DEA studied samples of confiscated meth from all over the US and found that most of it was almost chemically identical. you're really unlikely to cop anything other than regular old meth.
she makes me so jealous
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I'm a woman
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i disagree
we're all women here
aaahhh daddyyyyyyyyy please ahhhh hahhhahh please don't spank me i tried huahhahhahhhahhahh daddy i didn't mean to be bad in school wahhh wahhh wahhh daddy please noooo ahh
>son!! i am going to give you a whooping that you won't forget *snaps belt* this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you. now bend over the bed and pull down your pants
uhh huahh hahh daddy whyyy
hhahhhh ahh hahh yes daddy aaahh waaa waaa
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>son, i just took a look at your special ed star chart and you only got one star today. sit down, right there in that chair by the fire *pulls out star chart*
hahh wahh it's my star chart daddy
d- daddy they write my name on the board for no reason
>DON'T YOU LIE TO ME, BOY! *rips star chart in half* *throws halves into the fire*
yeah man im detransitioning this shit is clearly retarded. people should only transition if it makes them breedable
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>son, i'll need you to sit down right over hear. it's time we had a family meeting. i heard you hit a girl in school
b- but daddy... she was threatening me with a rock and following me around
>it doesn't MATTER!! i didn't raise my son to HIT WOMEN!!
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sometimes it’s necessary to transition to get confidence in yourself and explore the gender feelings that wont go away but there are other times when it’s necessary to stop altogether and explore gender with a healthy cis body. i really do want to be male i want to succeed as male and my confidence in the masculine value of my body will never be diminished
then stop posting here, cisfag/repnigger/degrifter
I don't want to be a woman
I don't want to be a man
I just want someone to lovingly put their arm in my ass up to the elbow
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im on meth im a rapist
>they have a sex practice called fisting where they insert their hand into the other man
>and it goes all the—into the anus all the way, and it is so painful they have to take drugs
>but they enjoy it
please leak precum into my mouth in a public park at night for nine hours
it doesn't hurt if you do it right
i don’t even cum anymore the estrogen took that from me. i can’t even hold up pots of pasta anymore the estrogen took that from me. im fat and soft and my aging process didn’t stop or reverse i just wasted time. time isn’t endless and i need to fuck now before i have no energy but i took the drug that castrates you and takes away your energy
not on hrt = cis
i don’t even wish i was a woman anymore. im so decoupled from desire. i want my body to be beautiful and i want my body to be desirable so that i can use it because it is so ugly it is so so ugly. beautiful male body beautiful beautiful male
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it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
it is OKAY to be a man in love with other men
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cute shota
i want his penis juice
no you dont larper
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im going to cut off my breasts
if i was overdosing on bath salts and saw a boy like this, i don't think i would be able to hold back. that bussy is to die for
if anime boys were real i would peel back their foreskins and start licking on that dick like a Popsicle stick and no it's not a joke bitch; i got hard just from typing this
damn, you are mentally ill, pls get therapy meds and the help needed. i love you and care abt you sir <3
i wish i was gay
Does dutasteride make your hair shed initially
I slept with a clip in on accident and a bunch of strands are coming out wtf
day for of symptoms:
>heart voices
>eating one meal a day/reduced appetite
>racing thoughts
>tummy always grumbles
>ringing in ears
>mild headache
>extreme laziness/spending all day in bed/locked in room/not showering/not brushing teet
possible caused:
>injected too much estrogen
>ate expired ketchup
>had a dream about meth now i think about it contantly and want to relapse
>remembering the time i took too much meth is somehow causing flashbacks
>withdrawal from reduced weed/alcohol intake
>not exercising anymore
>too much screentime
>maybe writing posts like this reinforces negative thoughs and by PRETENDING to be insane online i actually managed to slowly drive myself insane in real life via some form of psychological conditioning
omg just heard another scary noise...nvm it's just someone using the restroom lol
imagine washing an anime boy's foreskin in a glass of water and then jerking him off into the water and then washing the cum off his penis into the water and then drinking the wash water + cum... oops my penis just got fully hard and my room now smells like hard cock... so delicious. anyone give me free meth in exchange i will lick your yummy foreskin clean?
under cumminism will penis juice be free? as reparations because im literally Asian and non-binary
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fuck all of you. you made me this way. you forced me to be gay. free meth please?
i love my mom so much, imagine raping that bitch and making her drink my penis juice
stop impersonating me, Larry
everyone knows i want to drink penis juice, not make other people drink it
with ghe exception of you. i would love for you to drink my penis juice. come over any time for a free sip
i want to rape a stray dog so much and cum in that bitch until its pussy breaks, god cumming in stray dogs pussy feels sooooo goood, this meth won't stop me from cummming, i cannot stop, that bitch and me are in heat, i am just a dog puppy girl lesbian rn ahhhhhhhh the meth makes me feel sooooog goooood
imagine gently placing an anime shota's uncircumcised penis in a glass of water and then slowly peeling back her foreskin. that's when you add a straw to the cocktail so you can sip it while jerking her off into the water.

or you inject meth and make her cum into the water by holding her right above it and letting the precum slowly drip down into the water
lesbians love me bc i am a woman and cute and beautiful and i pass, i am a real lesbian and a real woman also and i love myself, thank you god that i am no longer a moid and i finally managed to be myself and love myself, my days of licking dicks that i don t enjoy licking and doing meth are far gone, my parents love me and i started school again and soon i will get a good job too
I demand that you all suck my dick and slob on my ass
i just dropped out of college and locked myself in my room. my parents say if i don't get a job they're kicking me out. when i become homeless i plan on sucking off strangers for meth. i just got put on a watchlist for typing "shota phimosis smegma" into google search
why are they kicking you out though, they don t seem like nice people, you said that they were really scared concerned anxious abt you
lesbians love me bc we can watch yaoi and smoke meth together
maybe some light arson
im the firestarter
twisted firestarter
im the troublemaker
punkin instigator
im the bitch you hated
flith infatuated
im the one infected
twisted animator
>hy are they kicking you out though
they aren't. it's just another one of my sick sexual fantasies
my dad did say "get a job" tho
unironically lesbians love me bc we can watch yuri and smoke weed together
then i started injecting estrogen, smoking meth, dropping out of college, hitting women, saying shocking things, and socially withdrawing
then all my friend left me
this is why i cant have friends sh
why did you leave me
now is the moment you need to make a choice
you either choose sui and obtain the stuff so you can do it later or choose to seriously live, don t procrastinate on this or you will end up like me later wanting to sui but not having had gathered the stuff for it so stuck living miserably
>you will end up like me
i already have
as you already know
i only want to kill myself its livestreamed and larrissa specifically is watching
now is the moment you need to make a choice
you either choose sui and obtain the stuff so you can do it later or choose to seriously live, don t procrastinate on this or you will end up like me later wanting to sui but not having had gathered the stuff for it so stuck living miserably
nah, my only big issues is that i cannot function and work in order to live and escapismmaxx, i don t think that dysphoria is that bad but still too bad to function, i remember when it was extreme and horrible and i was so dissociated and barely able to move or perceive the world around me, i am pretty grounded in reality now which is nice
nah, my only big issues is that i cannot function and work in order to live and escapismmaxx, i don t think that dysphoria is that bad but still too bad to function, i remember when it was extreme and horrible and i was so dissociated and barely able to move or perceive the world around me, i am pretty grounded in reality now which is nice
what are you doing with the copy and paste and not green text, anyway, i just care for you and wanted to advise you but you seem to want to live so much so whatever
pls trips
elliot page
just had another electrolysis (troonolysis?) session, nuked my chin and jaw hair, lasted for an entire hour
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i just care for you and wanted to advise you to suck my smelly dick clean and make sure to really use your tongue on the glans and shaft so you get to know the taste then fucking kill yourself as fast as humanly possible, slut
but you seem to want to live so much so whatever
Help pls
done many 90min sessions and numbing works for 60 of them so learned to love the burning sensation
90 minutes without numbing was too much even for me, torture :3
some say it does dunno? didn't have shedding with fina but chudette did so ig ymmv
why are you like this
i really like you and i think you are great and i hoped that you thought the same abt me and that maybe we could be frens :''(
I hate my life
It’s all a fake
Even transitioning
My friends
My family
Everything I am is fake
can someone please jerk off directly in front of my face and shoot their hot sperm in my mouth but please roleplay that you're an adult and im underage and you're forcing me to do it
but don't let the penis touch my mouth because that's gay and im not gay. im a cumsexual autopedophile
>you have repeatedly encouraged me to commit suicide and made fun of me
i have repeatedly encouraged you to commit suicide and made fun if you
no hard feelings faggot
i rawdog it sis frfr no cream for 60 minutes
you should probably use all your time finding a job instead of writing trash here all day, you are becoming really annoying and boring and i pity your poor parents
just imagine, a throbbing penis bouncing up and down gently as it shoots warm goey sperm into your mouth with each spurt. imagine it landing right on your tongue
i agree with everything you said. tell me sometime i don't know. bfw are you drinking anything right now? maybe a soda or cup or coffee i can fantasize about jerking off into because im a homosexuals sexual predator now?
no pain no gain!
i need to restart getting electro again
you can't cum anyway
>you can't cum anyway
do you want me to post proof? because i will and doing so will turn me on because i enjoy showing my cum to strangers online free. just say the word, baby, and my disgusting, sticky semen is all yours
I’m the only male here
can you pls stop the whole dumb act, it is cringe
My arc is constant
Fake trooncel
All my friendships are are fake
I wish I could kms
i thought we had a thing T_T
same for you
the hair that they zap out doesn't come back right? apart from bad insertions and undertreatment
daily larry support, you're based keep doing what you're doing
i love how you think it's an act
when i say i go outsiders and masturbate sure it's funny sure i exaggerate or overreact but it's also true
when i say i sniff undies im genuinely expressing through humor something ive actually done and feel guilty about
im not schizophrenic. that's an act. but i did used to smoke meth and there are many morally questionable things ive done for sexual gratification believe it or not. in every lie there is a kernel of truth. except for me the lie is as thin as the skin of an apple and the truth is as deep as the core of the earth; yes, many of my posts are bullshit but these are all real thoughts from my actual brain
idk who you you are but "Shit, if you really wanna suck my balls I can swing that way 'cause you looking kinda cute as well."
>normal guy experiences
I wish I was a real trans/girl
Alas nothing I do will ever matter
I wish I had the strength to admit I’m wrong and detroon but I just can’t.
god bless you speedanon
pls help me methschizo
You are me if I was led paranoid and elf aware and did worse things
You are prolly a real woman too
You are realer than I will ever be
i'd let you intrude into my privacy....
plsss help me
what do you want, larry?
happiness and to feel good
do speed
this is the way
it varies, I had severe shedding with fin, but that should mean it's working
smoking high-quality crystal meth is way more fun than speed
the only thing that can beat meth is maybe MDMA
do not smoke meth if you don't want your shit to get fucked for a few years or until forever, do plug meth or snort it or dissolve it in water and drink it.

also don't iv stimulants because they will never be good with any other ROI after you iv them
america moment
smoking meth is more fun, though; i dont fully understand why that ROA is more associated with toxicity than oral/anal
how's the regrowth going?
i never had any shedding from finasteride nor minoxidil :/
>dissolve it in water and drink it.
this is how i ended up taking too much and going insane. imagine "damn this edible is wea- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" but with meth. smoking by far gives the best feedback preventing high dosage. and, given that toxicity is dose-dependent, it might actually be safer at least in the sense that im less likely to get way too high
i think of it like an amperage/voltage deal, meth is really heavy on your nervous system to begin with so any ROI that delivers it fast probably overexcites the shit out of your nerves.

also smoking meth is fun but it also increases the risk factor of using meth exponentially
drugs won t solve your issues
that is why i will never do drugs
a vape would be cool though to try, i never vaped before
i only drank and smoked cigs, i love eating though, i smoked weed once but desu i already feel like that usually so i don t really feel the need for it
i avoid overdoing it by using a scale and snorting some, but to each their own
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it's going, results are consistent enough over time that I'm giving it at least a few more months for the full first year before considering escalating
i feel weirdly like shit but good in a way but more like shit
i feel like shit
i want to kms
human centipede.
if I was cis I'd be a terf
can you pls help me pls
i feel horrible pls help me
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the worst part is there is no amount of self-awarwness or rationality that can really fix psychosis only sleep can fix it and arguing with a confused child can only really make it worse. ive seen long-term meth users hold into delusions of being stalked or parasites even when they're not on it. i have no clue exactly what causes it other than too much meth and not enough sleep and it's unclear what can be done to avoid it besides smoking less meth and sleeping more (which is obvious and still doesn't have explain the exact mechanism or why psychosis sometimes persists, albeit in a milder form, after discontinuation). then again, i've never seen someone quit the full 14 months and improvement was rapid enough on a week-long quit i saw that i assume it's at least partially reversible in most cases via discontinuation
the weird part though is i knew this onenIV user who used his whole life who eas really chill, never got mad, and was never psychotic. he had the inexplicable ability to straight up inject meth diluted in tap water or even sometimes beer unless im going insane (couldn't you die of infection or impurities entering the blood directly? is there a filter in the needle? i don't understand)
and then fucking fall asleep like it's nothing
i could only understand like half of what he said and he seemed to have trouble reading but that's just how lower class people are sometimes they have their slang and shit and we have our writing with fancy words and such
idk why meth makes some people fucking insane while others are fine and i don't feel like ROA can explain it because this dude slammed daily and never yelled or jumped or accused me of stealing or pulled out tweezers he just rambled and napped. and then went to work the next day. truly a legend among methheads i guess.
meanwhile this girl who only used it for two years had:
>mental breakdowns ending in the emergency room
>screaming fits
>thinking people stole her shit constantly
why so much hate
you don t need to be so hateful
ive seen u spew the same shit my nig but whatevs
if I was cis I'd have dick envy and chase mtfs
i only want love and affection
i am like a harmless puppy but masculine ugly and fat
if i were AFAB id be a they/them TERF with dick envy and chase MTFs
I’m cis
Cis male
>dysphoric can’t detrans
>masculine can’t pass
>not even suicidal
im stuck /b/ros
okay come over and cuddle with me and fart in my bed then piggy uwu
I know who you are
just try to be normal, okay?
okay but does anyone notice how i specifically never shut the fuck up, often reaching the character limit and then some and making multiple consecutive posts? while most other posts are one or two lines? ive almost never been banned for spamming it flooding so is it sn unenforceable social norm im disregarding or do others just have less to say and a sense of shame? this board is pretty autistic so IDK why im like then King of Spam here
same but i am a repper
are you still on hrt
you're still less annoying than chudette, my blood boils when it posts and I've gotten pretty good at recognising people here
>just try to be normal
if you know who I am then you know how stupid that sounds lol
besides, what's abnormal about admitting that having a dick is awesome and actually feeling bad for people without one?
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ooh, why? I still don't know why and I want to know why
yes, why? if you're not on HRT then GTFO how long have you been off, reptard?
i kinda wish my dick was still functional
you already know
I literally don't, I don't believe the surface-level it's just le trolin and/or epic bantz, something about me bothers someone and that makes me curious
can't you just get off estrogen for a while
youre cantankerous
you don't sound like a transsexual
women do not have penis envy, stop watching tranime
I hate how you are proud that you are a freak.
good word

>women do not have penis envy
yeah well I'm pretty sure I would if I had been born one, and I've known a few who said outright they did... also I haven't watched any anime in a while AND I don't know why you think that would have anything to do with specifically acknowledging penis envy in foids

>you don't sound like a transsexual
>I hate how you are proud that you are a freak.
but why? what is it about me not being a conforming tranny, in the non-conforming mtf he/him tranny general, that bothers you so much?
idk 6 months i think
why are you even on it if it does nothing
stop posting your tongue dude, fucking hell
this thread isn't about being non-conforming
tysm chudette ^-^ i love you!!
>this thread isn't about being non-conforming
I didn't say it was "about" that but being a manmoder is specifically being a non-conforming tranny, in every sense of the word, being AMABs on feminizing hormones but still living socially as men

my point being idk what nonsense you could possibly be suggesting about being a "true" or "real" transsexual as opposed to a heccin agp fetishist or whatever brainworm drives the insecurity fueling your disdain for me
I just hate freaks who are proud of it like you. I don't know why, you just trigger me. I feel the same with oblivious hons, you're clearly autistic and don't even understand why what you're doing in general is socially unacceptable.
I see you lack theory of mind, lol what a fag
have you considered sucking my dick about it?
you're proving my point
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I hate my boobs
aww, it's okay for jokes to go over your head, being both autistic and unfortunately empathetic I do get it
is this supposed to be an insult? You're a literal walking joke, a freak to everyone, it can't get funnier than that
you're still not getting what I'm saying :)
I wish gatekeeping was still a thing so freaks like you wouldn't get HRT, freaks like you would never make it
lol ok see this is what I'm trying to get at, and something I think you yourself struggle with - why? specifically, I want to know what in your thought process and emotoinal reaction to me or other freaks existing makes you feel so uncomfortable that you have to lash out and deny our wish for the end of someone's existence (and foolishly project a presumed lack of awareness of others' thoughts and feelings or social norms and context)
how common is it to take estrogen and then literally look like a man
i look the same
the exact same
me too
for how long? I really doubt you look the same as you did, but depending on your presentation and stuff you can probably look very different but still be assumed to be a normal man
13 months
i could send an unsee but idk if i should bother
it's over
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digits.... it's over....
i know bro it’s kys type shit
i look far too masculine for anyone to believe that i could ever possibly be a tranny or have gender dysphoria
detransition is the only option that makes sense at this point in my life
i don't see the point of detransitioning
being on hrt makes me not get any more masculine so that's a plus, but literally nothing else has changed in my life
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pls help me..... ;)
lari mogs me
that is faceapp bc he is an asshole and wants to make me want to poke my eyeballs out
you mog me without faceapp
very grim then
i'm a dead hon walking
only a matter of time before i kill myself
I wish I wasnt agp and rogd and male
don t be sad
be happy!!!!
And who are you? Are you a passoid?
when will true manmoders just admit that they are just reppers?
i guess telling yourself that you are different than a repper makes you feel better..
i’m going to eat some pasta i hope it calms me down
My nigga I'm on hrt and sometimes people call me female pronouns. We aren't the same.
then you are not a manmoder if you pass sometimes
I love not repressing anymore but still getting to live as a man, it's like Sick Of Gender?! Local Man Tried This One Weird Trick! Genderfuckery HACK Exposed Within!!!
I look like a man, wear men's clothes, sound like a man, am ugly. I am a manmoder, I am..the manmoder.
5% of the time. As an ugly masc woman.
i never pass
pls kill me
living sucks unless you are rich and sucks even more if you have gender dysphoria
like a repper would be a judge of that
sure, just send me drugs first
>you dont sound like a transexual
>what you are doing is socially unacceptable (therefore its bad)
All while accusing OTHERS of being autistic…..
I am having such a great day =D wrote my test and met with the academic coordinator from the college i am applying to…. job interview in an hour and another date tonight…. this is the busiest day of my life!!!!!!
damn iwnbaw
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Can you believe it guys? Thanksgiving, just a week away! Thanksgiving is in a week! Woo-hoo! I am so happy about this information. Thanksgiving, just a week away. Oh, wow! Can you believe it? Thanksgiving, just in a week! It got here so fast.
Thanksgiving was last month
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I hate holidays
Manmoder thanksgiving ;p i’ll stuff the turkey!
i wonder how toxic and bad are 10 vapes for 21 dollars
i want to kms so much
i want to die already and no one cares or shows me empathy
Faggot smoke darts like a man or quit tf
cigs are very unhealthy and unpleasant and more expensive
can you order zyns to romania
My whole family is having dinner at my dad's house. I think I'm just gonna go see a movie during.
vapes are better than cigs in most cases pretty much all across the board but are also very unregulated and you're probably depositing a lot of heavy metals and shit into your lungs and circulatory system
there are websites here for nicotine pouches it seems, idk what is that though
Just quit, not that hard desu
i am not a smoker yet, i think
>complain about not passing
>get unhelpfully told to leave this board so i don't 'spiral'
Heavenly trips. You will pass soon.
that is basically them saying ""stop complaining, we don t care bitch, go away form us and kys in silence"
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Any advice on what to do before i can get my hands on HRT? Posted a thread here earlier.
mogs me
yeah get HRT sooner and start finding places to get laser and also have a job so you can afford it
try to look like a girl using make up
if you can t look like a girl with make up then it is over and don t start hrt bc it does nothing anyway
fuck off
stop complaining, we don t care bitch, go away form us and kys in silence
that is the truth
ya this is basically what i said
gj repeating after me, good parrot
pls help me pls
i beg you so much
stop complaining, we don t care bitch, go away form us and kys in silence
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pls help me... find some delicious cheese
that is not nice
i do indeed love cheese but i need help with feeling good so pls help me

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