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QoTT: Have you ever watched Boys Don't Cry? What did you think of it?
i saw that on tv in 2006 and it fucked me up
I never watched it. Can you explain?
its a dramatised depiction of a true crime story
its very sad and bad things happen to a trans man
Oh. If it happened to a woman I don't care. Lol
Yeah when I was like 16 I walked in my parents were watching it and I ended up watching the whole thing with them. Kind of embarrassing
Doesn't sound super genderaffirming

probably the best PLAP, therebeit
I always identified with Brandon. I don't understand it but I always identify with ftm, although I'm mtf
I heard he gets raped. How long is the rape scene? Do we actually get to watch him get plapped or is it an off-screen type deal?
When someone gets raped they turn into a woman, please refer to them as such
kek blaire white said she'd be okay with banning all trans healthcare if it meant ''saving muh children''

this bitch is too far gone someone needs to kill her
don't worry, historically and in relatively recent examples the pickmes and the good ones are always among the first to get put on the gallows
Oh shit ok. But still, is the rape scene any good for my goon sesh?
give me the examples, not because im doubting you but because i want to read about it for my own pleasure
>allergic to all different carrier oils in T injections
>severe reaction from gel
>body treats pellets as foreign objects and pushes them out
Should I just rope?
>these groups had initially believed that Nazi antisemitism was merely rhetorical hyperbole or a tactic to "stir up the masses".
So basically, they were retarded. Blaire is like this roach you can't kill because she knows what she's doing she just doesn't care and will tolerate any disrespect
She's probably willing to detransition to continue the grift
Seriously though has anyone watched this movie and can you tell me?
nigga just go watch it yourself jesus christ
is anyone here not dysphoric about their manhole?
Yes, you can self-insert as the transboi and get your shlick on
No because I don't want to sit through the entire thing.
The spicy poon is the most based sex organ
i'd rather have a dick but i dont really give a shit about having a manhole anymore
I never watched the whole movie I thought it was boring, but as a kid I learned I could get a high from a whipped cream can from that movie. I saw that scene, went into the kitchen, and spent a summer inhaling nitrous before I got bored with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Probably not but if you do not over this.
It's boring, I didn't see the rape scene because I'm >>38083233 and I didn't care about the movie after that. You could probably just find the rape scene on its own though or skip to it, you don't have to sit through the whole movie. That being said Hilary Swank isn't attractive so idk what there is to see anyway. Go watch Irreversible instead, she's hot at least if that's gonna get you off.
Wannabe freaks are so easy to spot
drew this shit out of boredom
Looks like shit
youre a faggot
That won't make your drawing any less ugly
Not always the first at all. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/ellen-feldman-nazi-germany
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Ummmm wow ok this is uhhh kind of surreal… this movie is sort of a direct trigger for me…. I came out as ftm when I was like 11? And my abusive mother (literally batshit insane and diagnosed with BPD) forcibly showed me it against my will to prove a point about what the inevitable consequences of my “choice” would be … and then started years long sexual abuse and sexual humiliation as a form of conversion therapy :D I’m actually curious if anybody other trannies have experienced this niche form of abuse, wherein you come out to a (narcissistic) parent as a minor and they start sexually abusing you specifically for being a tranny? I know of at least 2 other people who have dealt with this so I’m purely curious as to how common this is?
thats horrible, im so sorry :(
>Ummmm wow ok this is uhhh kind of surreal…
> this movie is sort of a direct trigger for me….

this is why you got raped
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lol it’s ok I promise I’m not looking for pity (I dislike it honestly) I remove any kind of emotion whenever I talk about this stuff, it’s purely analytical to me

Wow I’m laughing bro
is it based to dress like 2010 chief keef
being a size queen is incrediblg malebrained, therefore cock obsessed gaydens are more valid than hsts.
>therefore cock obsessed gaydens
Are you saying gaydens won't like me if i have a small pp?
I want gaydens to bully me...
What is a "poonsack"? I keep hearing this term everywhere.
How to poon properly
Where baby gayden sleeps
your mum is a repper and tried to force you to repress the same way she did
I wonder if that guy calls steroid use dangerous for guys too.
I hate how the comments are all laughing at them
He does. He's actually part of a wider campaign to keep steroids out of the hands of teenagers.
The trans community and the body builder community need to communicate more about what's going on with hormones.
Niggers talk shit on the internet, but nobody messes with those girl IRL.
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Are there any breedable vagina bois left here???

I need to impregnate a cute mentally ill girl who identifies as a boi
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>all trannies
>no cuties like G
guys, what the heck
Are you that guy who posted his face in here a while back who had npd and was offering his discord (gayserum iirc)?
Where is G anyway, havent seen her in a while
probably raped and murdered
Autogynephiles cannot stop from invading women's spaces. I wish we could have at least a few cute AFAB posters here, but it's either troons, or fat disgusting mutilated women that aren't worth to spit upon.
She's all over Reddit now, she's probably finding a way to monetize her look. Maybe making porn with her bf.
very tame in comparison to the life of horse anon
The black and red haired girl, hunter, makes me thoroughly believe that transsexuality is not as clean cut as anyone makes it seem. That's a fucking man.
Never heard of that
I've seen this person referenced twice. What's the story?
Honestly though her boyfriend is fucking ugly. She could pull so much better with those looks.
why every remotely attractive AFAB is a whore?
>She could pull so much better with those looks.

AFABs are prey, not hunters
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You sound absolutely virginal
Honestly it's hopefuel..I flirted with g but didn't think I was good looking enough. It turns out I'm better looking than her bf.
She's not a whore, she's with one guy. Esl incels need to go away. Treat ftms like you would treat a guy you're interested in, not a camewhore
Please elaborate
>She's not a whore, she's with one guy.
Search bitchgutzz on google
I've never seen these before. Thanks.
P.s. some nude pics doesn't mean she's a whore
What does her bf look like?
>Treat ftms like you would treat a guy you're interested in, not a camewhore

Since when ftms are guys? They are little breedable girls
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Or a repper.
The biggest difference between MtFs and FtMs is that FtM reppers have so much more freedom to explore gender nonconformity before crossing the threshold into "trans".

How many of those girls are using body building as an excuse to masculinize themselves. Particularly picrel. I means she's top surgery and a haircut away from passing as a man.
Go outside and you'll see that that isn't true
Who is horse anon and what happened to them?
The pooner stalking me.
u need fuck off Piétr
But what happened though? What is the story?
G's bf is ugly and a cuck who buys him weed. They have an open relationship.
Tell the story or did you just want attention and there is no story?
Can someone post a pic
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> I means she's top surgery and a haircut away from passing as a man.

He just needs a shirt.
I definitely can't I'm not weird enough to save people from 4chan's pictures.
Me either but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There was a pic where G accidentally leaked his face because they forgot to blur our a reflection in a mirror but i don't have it saved
Then what do you define as a whore? Publicly posting nude photos of yourself for all the world to see is pretty whorish behavior.
What subs is she on?
I can't wait until her voice drops from the T and he leaves her
How does one become more male brained?
never watched, reading stone butch blues fucked me up enough
I don't care if they stay together or not, and I'm fine with G being happy and having a loving relationship or whatever. I don't see any reason to care about whether something bad happens much less want to actually see it because I don't care about G one way or another. Happy life, sad life I'm indifferent and not offended.

I only said anything because I remember seeing the picture and thinking "G's bf is unexpectedly very unattractive" and being surprised. It stood out enough to be memorable so I commented.

What did G do that you're hoping something bad happens to him? Bad being relative as it's better to not be with someone who's incompatible with you and vice versa for very long anyway. I think you view it as bad at any rate.
Imagine fucking the guy who buys the weed instead of fucking the weedman
I don't care. She's just a psycho who follows me into threads and begs for my attention.
Hi I’m here
War movies
Start with Starship Troopers.
We Were Soldiers and Black Hawk Down also high up for their historical accuracy.
can you post pls a pic of your bf? :3
>He's actually part of a wider campaign to keep steroids out of the hands of teenagers
if theres anything ive learned from watching the body building community, the ones shouting "fuck juice, juice is bad, im pure" are usually the ones spending the most on it
so i dont really gaf about this twit's opinion
They have no reason to hate him other than being bitter about random people on an Internet forum. I dislike the trips just as much as anyone else but posts like >>38085920 always read as catty in a middle school kind of way.
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Nah but I can post a me rq
Been a bit, haven’t been on here rlly
breeding bitchgirls in heat, eyes begging for cum, all of you dickless niggas. you aren't transition into men. you're transitioning into faggots!
I love Starship Troopers, never watched all of the other 2. Going to rec: Platoon, All Quiet On The Western Front (all 3 versions and the book), 1917, Full Metal Jacket, and Apocalypse Now.

I love war movies and I like war books too. I'm never transitioning though also war stuff doesnt appeal to plenty of people cis men included.
Yeah I know, but I want them to tell me what's being triggered and makes them seethe. Whenever people lash out like that it's always something internal so I'm curious, may as well be interesting.

And yet you're always here shortly after someone says your name. Interesting how that works, you're either dishonest, have someone in here telling you every time you're mentioned and you can't resist or this is some Jewish demon summoning thing.
Then you know nothing about it.
There are four types of enhanced guys
1. Lying influencers trying to pedal shit that won't get you ripped while they take steroids
2. Competitors who only compete in untested sports, are open about steroid use, but advise against it unless you want to compete.
3. Natty genetically gifted guys who can't actually compete but like to pretend they can (that's Jesse).
4. Cheats

We Were Soldiers is the best war movie imo. Saving Ryans Privates, Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now are the most overrated.
I mean I think I’m okay. And I don’t think I’m as annoying as some of the vagina people posters on here lmfao not naming names
you are a female who wants to be a faggot. you will never be a real man. kill yourself as fast as humanly possible, you lactating bitch
Apocalypse Now was great, I was worried it would be overrated so I took forever to watch it, but I really enjoyed it. I have a soft spot for Full Metal Jacket because it's one of the only movies I can watch whenever and have it keep my attention. I would never call it the best movie ever, it isn't, but it's entertaining and is well shot with great scenes.

I liked Saving Private Ryan, but agree it's overrated. I hate Tom Hanks and thought the beginning and end scenes were heavy handed and stupid.

1930 All Quiet On the Western Front is probably my favorite war movie, there's some stuff I didn't care for (certain 1930's acting habits here and there) but it really did something great at the ending that the book didn't/couldn't do and the book's ending would've never worked in a movie. The newest version of the movie was great in ways but it ruined my favorite part of the book, didnt end as well as the other 2 versions at all, and added in all this unnecessary shit that wasn't in the book and split up the movie into something that felt disjointed.

Full Metal Jacket technically was Kubrick going in and mixing and matching 2 books (and is also disjointed) but it worked better, and the second book wasn't good for a movie at all except what he took. Honestly the second book was awful (The Phantom Blooper) but the first (The Short Timers) was worth a read.
I wish I could lactate (would be sexy) but unfortunately I have zero milk ducts and my tits are fake lmfao very ironic ‘insult’
> you aren't transition into men. you're transitioning into faggots!
The paranoia emanating from this message is palpable
Anyways, what’s been poppin while I’ve been gone
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Unfortunately not Aryan, I’m an Italian-American from New Jersey *shaking my head*
Shiiii, you’re from Jersey too?
Yea I was born in Hoboken but I haven’t lived there since I was like 9 lolz wbu
Post voice
Hi FtMs. I have to ask, if there any way to win this guy over?

Not paranoid just making a joke and an observation. I don't care about whether you're here or not, I don't hate or like you. I just find it amusing that every time someone mentions you it's not long before you show up. It's to the point where I've literally made summoning jokes. It's not at all paranoid to notice patterns, could it be coincidence? Sure, but the fact is it still happens, you show up when you're mentioned by anyone who clearly dislikes you and you aren't always mentioned in that fashion. Do I have to lie and pretend that doesn't happen or something?
You respect his boundaries and live your life until you can either walk away or be his friend and if anything else happens unexpectedly that'd be cool too probably.
I’m stuck in this tar pit of a state for the foreseeable future unfortunately
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhuuughhh I hate it
I don't think it will is the thing. He thinks he may be aromantic. He's done my E shots for me if I'm too nervous to do them myself, he and I have gone on dates, he's held my hand. So why doesn't he want a relationship with me? It doesn't make sense.
i like drawing people mostly. just ocs or my dnd characters. i try to draw other things, because i want to get better, but my inner critic is so loud. i never am able to ignore it. obviously i won't be good at something right away, i HAVE to practice. but that voice tells me its pointless and i'm not capable of improving, that it's too hard etc. it feels like every time i try to stand my psyche curbstomps me again and again. i keep trying, because if i give up i'll hurt the people i care about most and i don't wanna do that
tfw no gf
Because he doesn't want a relationship, stop taking it personally it sounds like that's just not something he wants. He obviously cares about you and is happy to be your friend. You're not the problem, in fact the only problem is you want a kind of relationship with him that he doesn't want with anyone. Why should you be an exception?
just be your own gf, dumdum
develop AGP
Yeah bro everyone knows that girls and girls only are raped, very smart
Why do you have to type like a hypersensitive tumblr user. You could have just made a normal post.
already have it
The only thing that is “sensitive” here is your butthole after I sneak into your window and jam my penis in it tonight at 4am
how were you sexually abused?
Uhhh idk if I should talk about it in detail to strangers but one of the least egregious things she did was show me porn and phalloplasty vids to “prove” that penises are disgusting and I must not really want one. But there was forced touching and sexual humiliation shit I won’t talk about
What if I made G in Gacha Life?
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>porn and phalloplasty vids
Y-You mean surgical vids, right? Not actual pornography.... Right?
Both lmfao

I thought only Gen Alphas played that game
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Desperate for attention, so I'm asking this here as well:
>have wanted to be male (almost) constantly since I was 10
>distressed by the fact that I'll never have certain male sex characteristics
>hate having to interact with men my age since they just remind me of what I'll never be
>tried to kill myself because I missed out on my chance to be a youngshit
>hate seeing my hips but otherwise perfectly fine with seeing my body
>can wear skimpy feminine clothing without any dysphoria
>only have insecurities that are normal for women
>feel guilty because I don't want to have srs or go stealth and hate to see real trans people talk about it
>almost a year on testosterone
What the fuck is wrong with me? What am I?
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Disgusting, I'd rather just be a real man.
Well you're not gonna be
I know it's impossible le to become a cis man, but I'd at least like to be a binary trans man so I'm not totally without a community and have some connection to manhood.
I genuinely wanted to help a trans woman but I think she might be too mentally ill. I left her Discord because she was just calling me an FBI agent despite the fact she asked for help and I tried offering her advice. I even offered money.
You're glowing anon.
you're the 8 millionth white woman who wants a pronoun pin and an "identity"
okay so do that
actively take steps to be a binary trans man
just know that you'll never be able to stay sane as a binary cis woman, and you'll always feel cis if you never try to transition male, no matter how much you cry about pronouns or gender roles

enbyrepping doesn't work, but post-transition enbycoping does
I've take one of the steps (taking testosterone), I'm just too much of a pussy to go any farther. Social transition just feel worthless for the most part.
im so tired of feeling empty. is depression a sign of too high of a dose or too low of a dose
Imagine a big, muscular, daddy FTM and you have a cute, short, girly MTF gf, and no one suspects a thing... imagine, nobody knows, and she creampies you in the vageen. Actually devilish... scheming.
this is why i Hate Trans Men.
i wish i could cum in a girl
I wish a girl would cum in me. We are not the same.

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