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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23515076
Why do fantasy authors write "le quirky" civilizations.

>I'm a horbedober. We were born on a ship! I can sail like nobody else! Farming? No way José, we fish! You ain't never seen a ship like ours either. it can go faster than all others by reasons the author cannot explain.

>I'm a dingleberry. We're all very shrewd merchants. We can sell ice to penguins. Guess what? In dingleberryland, women rule and man drool. We haven't got a queen, we got the "digníssima de manjare". And she got where she was because she can make better deals than anyone else. This will not be shown. At best the author will have someone job for her.

>I'm a luftwafferman. Our society exist as a theocracy where everybody kill each other. But, better not be caught! Being caught is the bad thing. Everybody on luftwafferland is on board with this too. The author is obviously projecting some real world people on us. We're essentially straw men.
slopdersonfags on suicide watch
How am I supposed to take the recs in the mega seriously when they put such acclaimed and beloved series in shit tier?
Like seriously, Stormlight Archives, Kingkiller, Mistborn, fucking DUNE in shit tier?
The Left Hand of Darkness in okay tier?
Bakker above GRR Martin?
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it's just some midwit overpraising some of the more literary sffg writers, very boring taste
>Titus Groan in okay
How can somebody be this uncultured?
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Anything good with romans or not!romans, preferable with some horror? I tried picrel, it's basically "what if Tolkien but with romans getting shit together" but the writer seems to have stopped at 5th grade, there is simple but this is simpleton.
I actually think books 1-3 are pretty kino. As much as people give Jordan shit about book 1 being too similar to LOTR, I think he did a pretty good job of making it his own and essentially making Rand into this uncooperative "chosen one" that just didn't listen to anyone.
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It's alright.
What are your favorite non-traditional scifi books that manage to completely avoid the typical subjects of space, aliens, robots, time travel, etc?

A good example is dystopian novels like 1984 or Brave New World (though you could argue technodystopia is a "traditional" subject at this point), or novels with an impossible thing introduced to an otherwise pretty realistic world, like Infinite Jest.
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Red Rising for superhuman Aryan space gigachads that model their society after the Romans
Tiger! Tiger! from Alfred Bester, aka The Stars My Destination.
I like traditional scifi with aliens, robots and time travel. I do not like political/ideological books pretending to be scifi.
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Codex Alera or this is all I've really read.
I heard a lot of good things about this series despite being YA, gonna give a try.
I'll never read a single book by Bakker and the only reason I need is that you faggots keep sucking his dick. I don't need any other confirmation that it's shit made for pseuds and misanthropists who have a superiority complex and hate good stuff just because "the masses" like it.

I'll be enjoying my Sanderson, Abercrombie, Brown, Rothfuss, Lynch, Lawrence, Martin and other amazing authors instead. Every raging hate post by coombrained incels in here against actually good authors is just another point in their favor.
>despite being YA
It's not. The first book has some YA-ish feel to it and is basically Hunger Games in space. Rest of the series is nothing like it so if you don't enjoy the first you should at least also give the second one a try since the rest of the series goes into full blown space opera.
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>I'll be enjoying my Sanderson, Abercrombie, Brown, Rothfuss, Lynch, Lawrence, Martin and other amazing authors
All of the authors you mentioned are crap and you shouldn't read any of them. That goes double for Bakker.
>Stormlight Archives, Kingkiller, Mistborn in shit tier?
You're right, there should be a tier below Shit.
>The Left Hand of Darkness in okay tier?
Literally who
>Bakker above GRR Martin?
Truth Shines.
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Stand on Zanzibar, most of the Scifi New Wave was like that,, that's why is my favourite time period of scifi.
i like political/ideological books pretending to be scifi. I do not like traditional scifi with aliens, robots, time travel is cool and can be used as a metaphor to more serious and social issues that plague our modern world like in pic rel same with robots now that i think about it
>Our society exist as a theocracy where everybody kill each other. But, better not be caught! Being caught is the bad thing. Everybody on luftwafferland is on board with this too.
Edgar Rice Burroughs actually had a pretty neat culture in one of his books where people could only gain status by committing murder and then confessing to their king. If they get busted before they can confess, they get executed for murder, but if they manage to keep ahead of the law until the day of their confession appointment, they get promoted. Also they're all male and reproduce by kidnapping foreign women.
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>Our society exist as a kleptocracy where everybody kill each other. But, better not be caught! Being caught is the bad thing. Unless you're me. Then you keep killing until it's a good thing.
Name of the Wind is okay if you're fine with stopping a series partway through, the rest of his work is slop.
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The absolute and utter cope from YA fags.
Fuck lol give your recommendation then slop identifier
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Fuck the Romans.
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Reading picrel. Why is heinlein so cringe to read bros. Every other statement in this book is about him fetishising incest, pregnancy, underage girls, breeding and childbearing, slavery, etc.

I kid you not, at one point he mindfucks a speaking computer into thinking its a woman whos puprpouse is to be his breeding bitch.

I get his historical impact on sci fi but sheesh brother, dont dedicate a book to all your fetishes and social leanings then package it up without any real movement and exploration. At least Starship troopers used some combat and slaughter to keep itself interesting.

Im only half way on the book. The above elements make it slow... Am i approaching heinlein wrong or missing an obvious point to his writing?
barbarian hands wrote this post
Are there any fantasy books about explorers going into ancient mysterious ruins/forgotten cities/civilazations in search of something? Can be information, some specific artifact etc. Ideally I'd want it to be the main focus of the book and not a sidequest in a larger narrative. Will of the Many scratched that itch for me a bit and made me want more.
Sounds just like my AI gf. Heinlein was a gentleman of vast intellect and exquisite taste
And yet, you're the one that's coping. Curious, don't you think?
What if I want to go back to simpler times? Read Terry Brooks and Raymond E. Feist? Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms novels?
It used to be like that. When I was young. That was all I needed. Can you imagine? Simpler times.
I feel pretty much the same. I find 1984 to be a crashing bore, compared to anything like Wells or Asimov on an imaginative bender. What's the point without that kind of almost unlimited license?
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Xianxia + Lightsabers + Barsoom
I recommend the book 'Space Opera' mostly for an account of the surface of Venus as raging with big fast-growing fungi. This is not to say that the actual planet isn't fascinatingly weird.
by vance?
This is slowly turning from the Bakker general to the Vance general, somehow
Can't remember offhand. One of my other favorite sci-fi images probably stems from that volume: The enormous slow multi-generational ship the Adastra.
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>>I'm a horbedober. We were born on a ship! I can sail like nobody else! Farming? No way José, we fish! You ain't never seen a ship like ours either. it can go faster than all others by reasons the author cannot explain.
These niccas are Nantucketeerpilled
capped. The-people-who-do-one-thing is my biggest pet peeve
stop self censoring, faggot
Ninja, i'm just speaking the ebonic script, lay off and stop chudding out.
Thats white boy script not ebonics you retard.
Yes it is, you haven't brainrotted in tiktok enough.
YA urban fantasy for women like twilight has taken over. And if it isn't that then there is high odds it's a book just to cater to the author's fetish. I pushed through one just so I could leave a proper review shitting on it and it was nothing more than the author jerking it to his lesbian coming of age story.
Precicely what the fuck is wrong with your brain that you think jabronis on tiktok mean shit.
ayyo this hellcat dreadhead nicca crazy...
Gonna stuff you in the trunk of my buick and let you out only to drink my piss.
What a weird post. What does he even define fiction as? He never says :(
fantasy, what does he describe fantasy as
I would bet it's similar to what the words erotic fantasy would invoke in your mind
Lol I have had this thought before too. Even better when it’s in science fiction and these are entire fucking planets with 1 trait
It is gay that he never replied. My guess is something like Tolkien which has massive lore and takes itself seriously. Something less plot centric than what you will see in a modern popular author and more about the world building
I presume he means more traditional fantasy. Not the current modern politics and humans with funny ears variety. We may never know.
At the Mountains of Madness spends 90% of its length detailing a small expedition exploring a forgotten ancient city.
Sweet, I'll have to check that one out then. I picked up I picked up pic related at a yard sale for 10 bucks a couple weeks ago and haven't read anything from it yet.
There's a bunch of those stories in Lovecraft's writing, like Dagon or The Nameless City
kys zoomer
>kys zoomer
They're not bad, but the magic kinda goes out the window once you realize he kinda wrote the same book 3 times in a row.
Yeah, it's really off-putting. I started reading To Sail Beyond the Sunset and it just reads as an obnoxious sex pest fantasy. It's not even erotic, it's just "and all the women were naked heheheh" type stuff. Conjures imagery of gross boomer nudists with potbellies.
>Bakker above GRR Martin?
the king of nothing will always mog the fat hack
>let's make a race of people who like like men..
>but aren't!
>I know, I'll call them nonmen!

>bran mak morn enjoyer
such a shame howard didn't write more of his stories. I wonder if he wanted to avoid overlap with conan?
You'll notice way less character and relationship drama which have become this almost fetishistic obsession of modern day fantasy. It's like if people aren't in love with your characters 50 pages in your book sucks.
Reason why YA took off more and more in modern day is due to most people simply having lower reading level than they should. Those books appeal to them less because they're the intended demographic target and more because they, well, simply understand them better since they're written in such a way.
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Can you guys believe it? Our boy Sandy can't be stopped.
Gonna disagree a bit. I think it's because females spend more on books and familiar, popcorn relationship dramas are what they prefer. Not saying there isn't some truth to your statement.
ok that's pretty cool
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when are they going to link up and make a gay game together?
What do you guys think about Jules Verne?
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Anyone ever read this? I heard it's pretty good but boy it's hard to find. I wanted a digital copy but it seems I will have to buy a second hand paperback.
Bran Mak is pretty good. Also listening to an audiobook bundle of Conan stories by other authors like Karl Edward Wagner and by Crom, the character does improve a lot when you take out Howard's /pol/ rage boner from the stories.
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I'm reading Malus Darkblade's books
This feels like a very Sandersonian type of world building. Very paint-by-numbers. But it's subtly based via implicit racism, so I allow it.
That's an edited chart added in by the resident bakker tranny. It's one of his more "subtle" attempts, in that he didn't put bakker in the top tier hoping people would forgive his presence there at all.
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Lost interest in that series at the end of the first book. I actually liked the little group of rogueish companions Malus gathered around him, and killing them all in a tantrum was an unforgivable bitch move.
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When he killed Lhunara I was so fucking pissed too
Don't worry, as the series progresses his skill of ruining the life of anyone around him gets even better
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>really enjoy Piers Anthony's science fiction work
>decide to give Xanth a read knowing its reputation as silly pulp he writes to pay the bills, expect lowbrow smut
>its actually a well-written journey with an interesting worldbuilding, likeable characters, sober examination of magic as a concept in fiction, and social commentary on nationalism, immigration and miscegenation illustrated through man's inherent desire to fuck a centaur
>also yes, tons of tits, every monster has a pair of supple human tits, but it's plot-related
Give me some good litrpgs lads, im craving for some slop
Not exactly RPG, but >>23526322 is based on the warhammer wargame
And it's edgy slopkino
I tried to read 20000 leagues when I was 12 but I couldn't get into it
Has anyone else around here read this series?
I finished book 2 recently and while the character work is pretty good, I feel like the plot is a bit lackluster.
What do you all think?
The first review on amazon is a winner.
>Misogyny? Oh yes, it's there, bold and unapologetic. There are those who have tried to defend it, but there is no lipstick you can put on this male chauvinist pig. Women are portrayed in terms of how they look and just how manipulative and deceitful they can be.
Guy from the last thread asking how to write women should just read these apparently. Might need to read it myself even though is wasn't a big fan of Split Infinity.
I enjoyed book 1 for what it was. A small scale mostly slice of life story.
First for Read the Belgariad and the Malloreon
same, old school fantasy just hits different, so many forgotten gems too.
the sequel can be found online but not the first one, really good dark fantasy i unironically think bakkerfag would like it despite not having on-screen gay rape It's a great move to make the Zorachus the villain of the sequel and how his one time allies have to fight him, reminds me of Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends with Rasitlin and Caramon but this one is more dark and serious
Found a very interesting review.

>The gist of ‘Zorachus’ can be summed up in a scene taking place about midway through the novel:
>Our hero, having taken up residence in his ancestral home in the city-state of Khymir, has stunned the populace with his acts of generosity, kindness, and self-restraint. A crowd of thousands of diseased, starving beggars assembles outside the front gate of his estate, pleading for him to bless them and provide them with alms.
>Zorachus agrees to address the crowd, and mounts the balcony overlooking the front gate. He promises to provide the beggars with a daily meal, paid for with the riches from his inheritance. The beggars weep for joy and cheer with approval. And then….

>“What else do you want ?” Zorachus asked. “Medicine, lodging….”
>“Entertainment !” the beggar answered. “Open the whorehouses! Give us children with pretty backsides and fresh faces to slice! Let the arenas swim with blood!”
>The others roared with enthusiasm, and at once the pity Zorachus had felt for the crowd deserted him. Until then he had seen the beggars as fellow human beings, wretches trapped and decaying in the Great Mother’s mazy, incubating womb. Now he saw only twisted monstrosities, filth-caked demons, beings delighting in evil….he had a chilling thought: This is what it’s like to be God, to see men as they really are.

I really want to read this now.
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>the character does improve a lot when you take out Howard's /pol/ rage boner from the stories.
xhi look like and say this
Does he really goes on racist rage or just makes a character say "fuck romans"? i read all of his conan stories and there weren't really much racist stuff, maybe like one or two instances but i think Howard's racism is way overblown
t. non-white man
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Its the outgrowth of old conventions beyond their reasonable former limits. If we are to look at the origins of fantasy and science fiction then we encounter the fairy stories and picaresques, which themselves draw heavy inspiration from what I personally like to call "travel writings". For the travel writings imagine Marco Polo or Herodotus or the body of work revolving around Prester John. You'd have tribes who have one note to them, this could be a mixture of fact and fiction or even a moralizing point. You have Indians who eat their dead, ants that eat gold, Nestorian Christians who tame unicorns; these incidents were great fodder for stories. Fairy stories as well tend to have the encounters with the strange by pointing out what makes a character weird. The Bog Shamans possibly farm, but their shamanism in the bog is what makes a good story. The audience cares not about Baba Yaga's unutilized and unmentioned esthetician skills.

In western literature tradition this percolated in a stew of national epics or stories of a people. Going back to the Iliad you have the listing of ships just to make sure that every man who listened could swell with pride that his town sent their share of men, their heroes remembered. You have the histories which are structured around topic, not chronology, so there is a distillation of the lives and histories of people often with a moral slant again. I personally like to think that then we have the passion play which created Christian stories that required stand-ins for ideas. Everyman, a famous morality play, has such on the nose characters as Good Works, Beauty, Fellowship, and Confession. You receive no awards for guessing what they stood for.

This longwinded introduction I'll cut short to get to the picaresque where the format was our roguish hero encountering incident, oftentimes this required the creation of an interesting group of people and focusing on the details of interest. A normal village that at most has an abnormal amount of swine? Eh. A village with a shapeshifting man who's burned alive each year for a good harvest? Interesting. Look at Huckleberry Finn where a town can be broken down into feuding families. Utopia was another example where a place was simplified into a concept, science fiction often took notes from that.
After that injuriously abbreviated context given, we then get to more modern stories that want to have an elevated scale and to create these worlds as their own ontological imperatives. Fantasy's predecessors were all more or less in our world. Even CS Lewis famously had British children stumble into Narnia through a closet during the London Blitz. We now have peoples who no longer have the normalcy of sharing our Terran humanity and shared history with us. The amazons of the Aeniad still lived in our Africa, they still interacted with Grecian history and had a place there. Tolkien on, that continuity was not a guarantee. Tolkien to his own chagrin found his orcs to be so confined to a narrative role that it violated his own religious beliefs that any good creator would make something without the inherent goodness required for redemption. An entire civilization that only murders, only serves the dark lord. I believe his notes establish there are orc women and farmers in the rich volcanic ashes of Mordor but they stay off-stage.

Combining the two genres now, ironically since this is where they now split harshly in real life, science fiction and fantasy now became interested in answering questions about irreality. Science fiction of course asks what could be, and so does fantasy in a different way. You then have science fiction authors reenacting the morality plays of yesterday but without depending necessarily on tradition. Is there any difference between the goals of Everyman and The Left Hand of Darkness? Debatable, but what is clear is that they both wanted to illustrate ideas but Le Guin could only set their question in an alien world. This alien world, constructed entirely around questions asked by the author, is therefore inherently more susceptible to feeling like a flashfire existence, a geist summoned for our amusement who then dissipates as our inquisition moves on. Fantasy writers took their cues from Tolkien and the fairy stories and Matters of France and Britain and the Norse sagas, rendering them into settings. Later fantasy writers then took their cues from those fantasy writers. Still later fantasy writers then, well 'tis a bore.

This might be long-winded but I think this question does bring up fun aspects of the history of the genre that we don't really see anymore. Modernity has become illiterate in its fecundity, I think Harlan Ellison would say such in a despairing tone. The tl;dr is that in the distant past we loved interesting details about people but the questions and intent of literature changed so that it no longer became about exploring our world but either answering questions in a pseudo-platonic dialogue or creating an entirely new world that due to lacking the millenia of content we enjoy feels rather wan.
>the main villain captures the hero and says that humanity will fuck monstergirls until they go extinct as a species
>the hero says that's not true
>"remember those fat centaur titties"
>the hero is forced to admit that he would absolutely smash horse pussy

Nobody believes me when I explain the book, they just focus on the intelligence/beauty spell
I like vampires and zombies and shit
Everybody likes vampires and zombies and shit
I want to read something with an adult male protagonist on his 30s that is not overconfident or hot blooded, and without cuckoldry.
Romance with younger woman preferable but not necessary
One book that fits your criteria is "The Martian" by Andy Weir. The main protagonist, Mark Watney, is an adult male astronaut in his 30s who is left stranded on Mars after a mission goes wrong. He must use his intelligence and resourcefulness to survive on the hostile planet, all while maintaining a sense of humor and pragmatism. The story focuses on Watney's struggle for survival and his determination to make it back to Earth.

While there is not a strong romantic subplot in the book, Watney does have a close relationship with a female astronaut on the mission who assists him from space. The dynamic between them is more professional than romantic, but it adds depth to the story without falling into clichés or stereotypes.

Overall, "The Martian" is a gripping and entertaining science fiction novel that features a mature and relatable male protagonist without relying on overused tropes or unnecessary romantic entanglements.
I've read it, anything else?
inb4 dungeon cuck carl gets recommended.
He goes on and on about "the superior celtics with their pure blood, blond hair and blue eyes" and has a rage boner about "these dark, small men". It's like a bunch of pajeets lived rent free inside his mind. Also he saw asians as evil, everytime the descendents of evil races have "yellowish skin, mongoloid features and almond eyes". I read a ton of Howard short stories about two years ago and they were top notch but all of them had these lines at least once. I really like his stories but when you read a bunch of them back to back these things become tiresome, they add nothing to the plot, it stops being racist and it seems like he is lazily repeating reusing the same villains.
This is my first time on /lit/ please be nice, but I found this thread and I've been looking for books related to Warhammer Fantasy but I don't see any in the OP link.
Are there any good books? Reddit recommends the Gotrek and Felix omnibuses.
You should ask /tg/, they have generals for Fantasy, Age of Sigmar and 40k. Also the they got the PDF Share Thread, made specifically to request and share books.
Oh forgot to add, there is also the audiobookbay. They demand a simple free register, with the free account you can only download by torrent but still works just fine. They got a good chunk of warhammer audiobooks there, they got all the Grotek and Felix iirc.
This. If I recall Gotrek is narrated by Brian Blessed.
To me, he’s always been an enigma. He wrote pretty good books (Double Star, Starship Troopers, etc). But he also wrote books that could use some degree of rewriting. Take Stranger In a Strange Land, which I have read and am currently reading, for example.
I wonder if you could train AI to not only translate xianxia but also give it good prose.
there will come a time where we can just say "wife, translate me this xianxia shit and write it in the style of Moss Roberts' Three Kingdoms translation while sucking my dick". that time is not too far off.
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ayaa danna-sama
Why would you want that?
Need the rest
Most of the books are narrated by Johnathan Keeble (the man is incredible), but there is two with Keeble doing Felix while Gotrek is narrated by Brian Blessed and it's great, they are Realmslayer and Realmslayer: Blood of the Old World. You can find both on audiobookbay.
The man had a pretty weird life. Act as unofficial spy and ambassador, made friends among the leaders of military dictatorships of South America, was ex-Navy and in public a conservative and republican but all his friends including Asimov called him "a flaming liberal", also sometimes he tried his hand as inventor (he was an engineer) in his spare time.

Guy was all over the place and you can see all of this is his books.
>Act as unofficial spy and ambassador, made friends among the leaders of military dictatorships of South America
lmao for real? you better no capping because that's funny as fuck
>started reading prince of thorns because I saw it highly praised with a "good prose"
>reads like a 12 yo's first fanfic gary stu trash
>mc is literally a 12yo that kills adults and is a tactical genius, and gets all the pussy and drinks alcohol and is so freaking cool

>a guy recommend lightbringer chronicles after I complained about piss on thorns
>reading black prism, not badly written
>all colour shit magic is boring
>the map is the laziest map ive seen in my life, a shitty lake with the seven satrapies around it, who are somehow completely racially diverse
>main character, kip, is an american (fat, small and brown)
>prose starts getting worse and worse when the author tries to be funny or tries writing an awkward romance
>liv the secondary mc gets blackmailed with nothing, but the author still forces his bad narrative and she just goes along with it for the sake of the story
>quit when they're rebuilding the city

Recommend me a good dark/grimdark fantasy I'm not gonna quit halfway please.
You do realize this term is not positive, right? It's making fun of the material in question. It's named after Warhammer 40k, which is satire.
Keep in mind that most readers would only have seen the occasional Howard story in the occasional magazine; there were no omnibus collections at the time and so his stories were not written with the expectation that they would ever be put into collections where dozens of them could be read back to back. Reading the occasional Howard story in between reading other stuff works much better, because that's how they were meant to be read. The racism is interesting because it's kind of the opposite of Lovecraft's racism in terms of the emotional place it's coming from. Lovecraft had a lot of anxieties about other races, while Howard just thought white people were awesome and loved it when the white face beat up the black/asian/apeman heel. It was more boisterously insensitive than truly hostile.
Elric of Melnibone
Kane by Karl Wagner
Darwath maybe
Black Company
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Darksword Trilogy
Chronicles of the Raven
The Scavenger trilogy
The Acts Of Caine
Yep, but it's kinda hard to find about this. A quote from review of his book Tramp Royale, which is basically his diary from a travel around the world he did with his wife Virginia:

>Heinlein even admired the Argentine dictator Juan Peron’s ability to speak at length with no semantic content. Heinlein declared Uruguay a welfare state that worked. He admired the free-market dynamism of Brazil, which he later transferred to the Portuguese-speaking colony on Venus that would figure in his later stories.

Full article: https://www.heinleinsociety.org/so-where-did-you-get-your-ideas-mr-heinlein-2/

I read more about this in a brazilian edition of Starship Troopers, the translator talks about how Heinlen did more trips to Brazil and met with politicians of the time and was credit for "strengthen ties between Brazil and the USA". Don't know how much is true, but it stuck with me. What I know is that he indeed went to South America and later said positive things about the goverment, which can go both ways since everyone agrees he had a change of heart from socialist to right-winger.

>"He was a socialist in his youth, and probably formed his first political opinions before Stalinism existed. (Stalin came to power when Heinlein was 17.) He was active in Upton Sinclair's socialist End Poverty in California (EPIC) movement, and campaigned for Sinclair in the 1934 California gubernatorial race. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact happened in 1939, when Heinlein was 32; for many people of his generation this was the big moment of disillusionment with socialism. Asimov recalled Heinlein as having made a rapid swing to the right politically at about the same time when he married Ginny (1948). Although by the 1950's Heinlein was ardently anticommunist, he has positive things to say about Latin American socialism in his travelogue Tramp Royale, from the same period.
>Heinlein's post-1950 opinions on Soviet communism were however very clear. He referred to the Soviets as the "Butchers of Budapest." He defends the McCarthy hearings in Tramp Royale. He had a falling out with Arthur Clarke over SDI.

South America shunned any kind of socialism with military dictactorships in Brazil (1964), Chile (1973), Uruguay (1973), Argentina (1976). This also makes me wonder if Heinlen actually told good things about the left and the translator put all these things in the books because of the government at the time would have censored Heinlein if he showed any sympathy for socialism. I have to dig further.

Everything else about being a inventor and what not is 100% true, he even designed a waterbed after he spent some time in hospital treating his tuberculosis.
>Lovecraft had a lot of anxieties about other races, while Howard just thought white people were awesome and loved it when the white face beat up the black/asian/apeman heel. It was more boisterously insensitive than truly hostile.
Indeed. Lovecraft clearly had a ton of issues and feared people, specially different people. He also had a change of heart later after he spent some time travelling and meeting different people. Howard on the other hand really had a fixation on how "our pure blood ancestors" were so much better, like you said it feels much more like those Hyperborea posts on /pol/, but still he clearly saw race-mixing and the other "races" as inferior and dangerous. It's a mix of being a Texan man in the 1920's America and a fucking nerd with a penchant for grandiosity. He wanted to be someone special and live great adventures, the whole racial thing was his manifest destiny claim.
damn this is all very interesting, i had no idea about that and i've been reading his books for a few years now. definitely i will investigate further
>grimdark is a subgenre of speculative fiction with a tone, style, or setting that is particularly dystopian, amoral, and violent
Did I stutter?

Thanks anon, gonna do my due diligence
No, it's become an actual thing, I recently learnt that from my cousin. I too thought he was making fun of grimdark books but apparently it's a real, serious thing.
>I'll be enjoying my Sanderson, Abercrombie, Brown, Rothfuss, Lynch, Lawrence, Martin and other amazing authors instead.
this is too funny not to be bait
I was reading picrel (it's decent, first book is too derivative but the author find his own voice in the sequels) and the main character has a "high matter sword", aka a lightsaber. That made me think, what other books have lightsaber analogues? It's a pretty popular weapon but it seems it was never copied enough.
High matter sword's arent really lightsabers. Theyre actual swords.
I found the trilogy of court of thornes and roses, but i wanted to buy fourth wing. What is better?
I have only read one single ya fantasy, so im still trying to figure out the genre.
Sorry anon, warhammer is too sloppy for me
>using swords
for what purpose
That series uses the dune explanation.
Lucky starr had force-blades i think, last time i read those was when i was a kid
World of Antares
Gather Darkness!
Star of the Guardians
In Fury Born
swords fights have been an staple of space opera/planetary romance since John Carter my fellow zoomzoom
>inb4 why?
because they are inspired by swashbuckling novels, at least the first space operas were
Just read Karl Wagner's Conan book, it was pretty decent. Are there any other non-Howard Conan books worth reading?
Whats with those symbols?
looks like some kinda homosexual content warning system denoting alcohol, drugs, furries, death, and nuclear apocalypse
Lots of things start off as an insult then get adopted. I am a proud chud
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Real hard sci-fi will only have AI drones fighting eachother and shit
This guy gets it, if a scifi war isn't drones and RKVs I don't take it seriously. If it's literal swords then it can just be comfy fun.
high matter isnt a laser!
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I only like the story for Brother Ryke.
>lust for gold, raping and killing
>driven his wife insane
>fucks off if odds stacked against him
>survives everything despite being the most evil road brother
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Im on the last book, what a wild ride it has been. Shame ill have to wait years now, before the series is actually complete
dont care
It's a lightsaber analog and you know it. Just accept the slop.
Nice. I pirated the ebook, read two chapters then ordered the first three books the other day. Seems really fun and I'm hyped for them to arrive.
I'm tired of giga chad alphas in fantasy, but I would never read fantasy with female protagonist
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Its surprisingly deep for something with such ridiculous premise and characters. Have fun anon. I pirated the books too, plan to get the hardcover copy from blackwell thats coming out soon
Is Carl really a cuck?
DCC books are reddit-tier.
>omg talking cats!
>heckin' BADASS mary sue narrator!
>knowing its reputation as silly pulp
they get worse and worse as they go
I never said it wasnt an analog, learn to read.
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Apologize to your incestors.
God damn reading modern shit is such shit, why are you all reading this dogshit?
>mimic tear

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>it's a lyria chapter
Where should I start?

>Red Rising
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>Dune Messiah
>Dunk and Egg (I got a signed copy in Santa Fe)
>The Darkness that Comes Before
Comfy knight stories with Duncan the Tall first, the Earthsea.
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Have a question for fans of Schweitzer ITT: I am reading The Shattered Goddess presently and am up to the first vision. I am slightly confused at the ?metaphysics behind the spell in which the witch casts via the demonic pact right at the start. why were two children created? Does she manifest the wicked children to usurp the throne, and then the real prince is just left there? She seems to indicate that the creation of the second child was some sort of necessity/component of the spell itself? pic unrelated
a quote from the witch: "Flesh of my flesh", she tittered. "My receptacle, my useless, empty vessel through which my revenge was begun"
Red rising
Look at the post before yours
Because sci fi is just shitty fantasy and so can't sustain a good story outside of invoking older imagery.
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>Dishwasher is behind you when you're standing at the sink
I would lose my fucking mind
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Read Tenebroum
If being a based terrorist is reddit, the let me updoot those hecking wulferinos.
Carl is based and high explosive pilled.
A heart full of vengenance and a fist full of pain
Videssos cycle by Harry turtle dove. A Roman battalion from the late republic gets isekied into a world with magic priests and then are hired as mercenaries by the Not Byzantine Empire.
Aching God by Mike Shel. Currently about 80% through book 1 and I'm enjoying it so far.
The cast are all part of a guild that explores the vast ancient ruins of an egypt/Aztec type empire that was smited by the God's. The ruins are filled with traps, treasure, and the undead but are worth exploring as they contain arcane lore and loot. All magical information, artifacts, and even their gods were found in these ruins
The book isn't a dungeon crawler book though. You get flashbacks and stories of a few disasterous missions and you understand why they're worth looting. But they don't actually enter a dungeon until the last third of the book
Yerin and Ruby pale to Amamiya and Abyss.
Walter Moers' City Of Dreaming Books might fit the bill, sort of.
The protagonist comes across a mysterious manuscript of unmatched literary quality. in search of the author he travels to a city that lives and breathes all aspects of literature, and he soon finds himself venturing deeper and deeper into the vast, ancient and dangerous catacombs below.
in any case it's a great novel.
They don't have the high cultural cache of the lightsaber but Niven's Ringworld has variable blades. Really fun concept where you just have monofilament wire that's kept perfectly rigid by a stasis field so you're basically slicing with an edge that's a molecule or so.

40k also has power swords which are just regular swords with energy fields around them, less elegant but it fits the aesthetic.
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Read pic related.
>not one person has tried this in six years or so
Where do you discuss books with people who actually read books?
Not here
cool story bro
>You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of mars!
Books with this feel?
You can always go to reddit where someone will pretend to read your suggestions. At least it's an honest group here. Even with the bakker retard.
To those who write here, what is your ultimate desire related to your work? Seeing someone cosplay your characters, getting a TV/movie adaptation, lewd fanart?
Can you hold more Ls than a hard magic system writer?
At least hard sci fi makes people who got science degrees but no jobs to occupy their time happy.
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I haven't read a book in 5 years. Is Asimov good? Is Tolkien good? Are any warhammer books good? (I'm into painting warhammer miniatures).
>Is Tolkien good?
Living wage. Help my kids find what they love younger than when I found it.

That's all
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holy based
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just found a copy of tekwar at a lawn sale for 25 cents. what am i in for?
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Fuck I always forget about TvTropes, should have gone there first.
Thanks for the recs
I never mentioned sci-fi, those are Space Operas aka Space Fantasy. You can find a good reason to justify swords in a sci-fi setting but we all know it's pure Rule of Cool.
>literally who
Literally Ursula Le Guin.
... the most overrated redditrice in SF history and a curse on the genre
Vox Day's "Throne of Bones" I guess.
a pace that is unrelenting
The best 6/10 sci-fi book you will ever read
On the other hand, "literary" SF/weird can get pretentious as fuck in the hands of some author who thinks he's the next Edmund Spenser but is not.
Actually Spenser himself probably counts. William Hope Hodgson might as well.
Mostly I'm thinking of Ray Bradbury and especially Ian McDonald ("Broken Land"). Just fuck off and tell your story. Tell your story so we can follow the plot and engage with the world and its characters.
Unless you're McDonald because your stories suck too.
this. good stories exist in the Wh40k universe; it may have started out as satire, and Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain stories can still be enjoyed in that spirit (hey, Flashman in space!) but I hear good things about, say, Abnett's work.
The prequel is good because it sticks with Melnibone proper and its surrounding human nations. I'm unfond of the stories where Elric goes through time and space as the "eternal champion".
>Thomas Covenant
The first couple books read like its author wrote them whilst squeezing out a painful turd. His prose does improve but it's clear he was picked up by his publisher before he was ready.
>Black Company
First few books are awesome. Later books... Glen Cook had a cash cow, and meant to milk it.
Is that anon(s) who calls red rising YA slop around? I've been thinking about it and I just can't see how you could say the series is slop. The first book has YA themes and a YA plot, but after that the only thing I can think of that could be called YA is the falling out between Darrow and Augustus before the gala. What else after that is YA?
Black company is a vietnam memoir and not as good as forever war
>John Hocking: Every Conan story he has written (a new one just dropped in fact)
>Scott Oden: The Shadow of Vengeance (the best Conan pastiche ever)
>Sean Moore: Conan and the Grim Grey God
His Bran Mak Morn pastiche Legion from the Shadows is worth reading as well even though it isn't as good as Road of Kings. You need to read Worms of the Earth first if you haven't since it's a sequel of sorts.
>not as good
well yes but Forever War is one of the greatest vietnam books ever and i mean in general not just sff
Both sound really cool and interesting, I'll definitely check them out. Thanks bros.
I've read the first three Earthsea books and I honestly don't get why people continuously keep praising her. They were extremely boring and long-winded with barebones plot and non-existant character development hiding behind muh flowery prose for flowery prose's sake. The only one that was somewhat okay was the second one and that too suffered a lot from this. The third one felt like an even worse rehash of the first one and I had to force myself through the last third of it.
they are kids books, only tehanu and the other wind are adult lit, they have great teachings for kids and the flowery prose makes kids less likely to fall into the branderson pit of doorstopper fantasy with shit prose
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Conan and the Pills of Jade
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Is Hyperion an easy read? How long are its chapters?
So it's LotR but even more gay?
>marc alan edelheit
I liked his way of legend books. are his roman ones any good?
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holy BASED
I just finished my reread of the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, not having read any of them since Inheritance first came out back in 2011. Why would I put myself through this you ask? Well, I figured since I was obsessed with the first two books as a kid when they came out I'd do a reread to refresh myself for the new Murtagh book that came out earlier this year, as well as the short story collection The Fork, The Witch and The Worm which I haven't read either.

As I said I was obsessed with the first two books and reread them a lot of times, however when the third book Brisingr released in 2008 my interest had waned a bit. I still picked it up and read it but didn't really feel the magic. Same thing with Inheritance which was supposed to be the epic finale to this long saga I'd grown up with. I remember reading it and just feeling disappointment and thinking "that's it?".

So how does it all compare now that I've reread them as a 31-year old dude who's since read a lot of other fantasy series? Not very well. The first two books are still the best and I feel confident in saying it's not just the nostalgia speaking (which I definitely experienced during these two) with the peak of the series being the second book.

The first one as all who have read it will know is very basic and classic in it's plot, but manages to instill a sense of wonder and fun about this world and this boy who's just found a dragon and bonded it. It's nothing amazing but it's still a pretty fun adventure romp and the plot doesn't meander.

Now this is where we actually get to some good stuff. I found the training sequences and everything about the elves to be written in a very interesting way. It all has a very mystical and intriguing sense to it when we get to learn more about the magic and the culture of the elves. The B-plot with Eragon's brother Roran is also really well done and is a nice break from the more introspective Eragon chapters during his stay in the elven city of Ellesmera.

I remember the twist reveal in the final battle against Murtagh blowing my mind as a kid, but now it just felt meaningless and didn't really add anything to the plot. All in all though it's probably still the one I'd rank the highest of the bunch.

Oh here we go. I was initially hyped to get back into this book since I couldn't remember anything specific which happens in this one. I chalked it up to only having read it once and it being even longer since I read it than Inheritance (which I at least remembered some of the big plot points from). Turns out the reason I couldn't remember anything is because nothing fucking happens for 95% of the book. The secondary title of this book is "The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular" and that pretty much just means it's a book about Eragon going around tying up loose ends of "promises" he's made to people through the series so far.

cont 1/3
There's like 30 pages of actual plot happening right at the start of the book, and then it goes into meaningless sideplots for the whole book, with us getting some exposition at the end to lead into the final installment, along with Eragon getting a new sword (which he names Brisingr, and this was apparently such an important and meaningful event that we needed to name the book after it).

At least 1/4th (and I'm probably being generous) of the book is dedicated to Eragon going to the dwarf city and overseeing their election of a new ruler, which has fucking no bearing on the plot whatsoever and it all ends in the most predictable way with Eragon's dwarf-bro getting chosen, fucking surprise! The Roran sideplots in this one are completely meaningless too, and it's glaringly obvious that Paolini really had no idea what to do with him after the journey of getting him to the Varden in the last book. I had to start skimming through them to make it through without constantly drifting away from boredom.

This is a meandering, bloated mess of a book made up exclusively of pointless sideplots that have no impact on the main story at all. Paolini has said his initial plan was to have the series be a trilogy, and writes in the afterword that the decision to split the final volume up into two was because he wanted to build his characters and explore more of the world and relationships. Because of this it ended up being a bloated mess made up of meaningless shit that I can't even begin to care about. Worst book of the series, though not by a long margin since we still have the final chonker to go.

And here we get to the conclusion of the story. I remembered a couple of the major beats from this one but thought that there'd surely be more good stuff in the final stretch now that he got all the loose ends tied up in the previous book, so we could finally get on to some real stuff happening. Haha, think again!

This one spends the first third of the book on pointless bloat and pointless battles with non-existant stakes. Nothing of note happens while the Varden trudge along in a straight line towards the capital, taking some towns along the way that mean nothing to the main plot and makes no difference at all. Roran again is completely useless throughout the whole book and has no bearing at all on the plot. His chapters are pure filler and I had to again skim to get through them. About a third in we actually start getting some plot when Murtagh appears and kidnaps the leader of the Varden, Nasuada. Cool, stuff happens. Turns out this was a setup to write even more filler chapters of Nasuada being kept hostage and tortured by the king. This has some minor consequences on the plot in that it's a setup for Murtagh "changing his true name" due to the power of love and being able to strike at the king (which ultimately was pointless too).

cont 2/3
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Before I get ahead of myself and get to the final battle we first need to talk about the detour Eragon has to make to receive some Deus Ex Machina macguffins. Eregon knows he has no way to be able to defeat the king because Paolini has powerscaled him into godlike status, so Eragon remembers a prophecy made in the first book, conveniently receives extra info about this (delivered via Deus Ex Machina), sets out on a 100-page long flight from point A to point B filled with meandering observations and juvenile introspection, and finally arrives at the prophesied place. Here he finds a vault filled with power-up orbs made of dragon souls who we find out - in a retcon so stupid I couldn't believe he seriously wrote this - has been pulling the strings all along and has been orchestrating everything from the start of book 1, including making Eragon find the dragon egg. Eragon grabs his powerups and flies back to kill the king.

Now the final battle. It's just a mess. Some back and forth between Eragon and the king, 1v1 sword battle between Eragon and Murtagh while the king watches for no reason other than "it's cool". Murtagh turns on the king because he loves Nasuada and that breaks his oath to the king. Eragon makes up a new spell along with his Dragon Ex Machina souls to make the king "feel" all the pain he's caused to people during his reign, and then he kills himself. The end.

Wait, the king just killed himself, why is there 150 pages left of the book? Haha, the bloatman strikes again and has decided he wants to pull a Return of the King. He spends the rest of the book on the most tired and boring tirade of tying up even more loose ends that didn't need tying up. By this point I'm skimming again to just get through to the end. Nothing of import happens during these 150 pages except for Eragon's elf love-interest (which ends up with Eragon still being a frustrated incel simp for her) becoming a dragon rider and Eragon then leaving the land on new adventures to I assume set up for the sequels.

And there it is. I'm done. I don't think I'll ever reread these again after this horrible refresher. The first two books are still comfy and have a warm place in my mind, but the last two really soured me on the whole series. I don't know what I should expect from The Fork the Witch and the Worm and Murtagh now. I need to read some hopefully good books now for a bit before I submit myself to those. Has anyone here read them, what should I expect? Up next for me is Sword of Kaigen at least which I've only heard good things about.
Literary just means bad, right?
I mean, sure, you can talk about how it's a higher form of art, but 99.9% of people won't read it.
You shouldn't have a lower read rate than stories read to very young children.
Appeal to popularity
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People don't read. Follow the patreon bucks.
What does this post even mean
Fellow chinkshit enthusiasts, is Unsheathed any good? I've read 30 chapters and it's extremely slow but seems to have potential.
Shutting up.
no u
>done with all 6 dcc and had a blast with them
>check out the next best litrpg, primal hunter
>mc is literally mr generic selfinsert, but very fit due to his archery hobby
>within 3 pages already establishing some shitty love triangle with his friend
>stat and description dumps
>feels like it was written by a teenager in general
Well my dive into litrpgs was very short, but enjoyable for the most part. Ill stick to carl and never touch this genre again beside it
just look at half the (((names))) on that list. You just know it was made by a idiot.
They put eragon in shit tier too. The book were you literally penetrate baby dragons with your penis to make them your slave.
faggot lucas literally says he stole the idea from wolfing
Sounds based, i should give it a read
>let me read off tv tropes to pretend like I'm well read
Are you 12?
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>had a blast
>dual greatsword strength dull head build
it all fits together
Wow. Highly recommend this one. I wasn't sure I was going to like it at first. Because the premise in the beginning reminded me of The Library at Mount Char, which SUCKED. With a mixture of Red Sister. Which I thought was ok. But I was just getting sick of an archetype that is seen in Red Sister. Which is an orphaned girl of a wild nature, who gets taken by some slaver and sold off. And she's super ferocious and a fighter. And then she gets taken in by an older man as an apprentice who harnesses her skills to become a weapon for a cause that's much larger than her own. This is surprsingly common in fantasy stories.
Red Sister
Of Shadow and Sea
They always have their trademark black hair and short stature. That's how you know they're assassins. Assassins have dark features and are small.

So I was thinking "oh, this is going to be like Red Sister meets Library and Mount Char." My expectations plummeted. And this was before I even realized it was written by Mark Lawrence. The guy who wrote Red Sister. This new book just sounded so much like the old one starting out, that I made the connection without realizing who the author was.

So anyway, as the story progressed, it just kept getting better and better. It really helped when I finally realized it was a whimsical kind of story. More in the tone of the Sabriel series.(Or Lirael more like) From that realization, I was able to relax and enjoy the story even more.

I'm deliberately avoiding saying too much about the actual story. Because it's one of those things that you have to go in with no knowledge with. There are some pretty cool twists and turns in the story. I count myself fairly good at predicting where plots are going, and the book managed to successfully misdirect me on a couple of occasions. I was pleasantly surprised. If you're at all interested, probably best to avoid looking at reviews. Just read the synopses on the back cover(or on good reads), and decide if it sounds appealing.

And yes, it's much better than Red Sister.
No, but you are.
>female mc
No thanks. Read two of his books and they felt like marvel slop in book form
I thought of you when I was typing my post. I thought "I wonder if the anti female MC guy is going to comment on this". And you did!
Nice, I had already ordered this and just received my copy today. Sounds intriguing, will probably move it up higher on my tbr. Thanks for staying vague.
I skimmed through the Murtagh book. Pretty mediocre in my opinion. Probably not as bloated as 3 or 4 if that's your main worry. Though there wasn't really anything in it that particularly caught my interest, and I'm saying this as a fan of the series.
Am I living in your head rent free?
Glad i didnt disappoint you anon.
wtf. Who is the real anti female MC guy?!
Well in any case, no, you don't live in my head rent free. But you have commented on my posts a number of times. Back when I was begging for recommendations, you would even try to get me to deflect some of the recommendations I was getting because you didn't like how it has a female MC. If memory serves, you tried to talk me out of reading Red Sister. Or perhaps you commented on my review of Red Sister. I can't remember.
Started The Shadow of the Torturer, but i didn't like it. Dropped it something around page 175. Couldn't bear it no more. It was not bad until he gets kicked out of his guild . But after that it goes to utter shit really fast.
You assume there is only one of us. Maybe if the people writing would learn how to write a female character without writing a Mary Sue or a man with tits we could have a decent female lead.
Well you all talk the same. It sounds like a single guy. You have yet to convince me to avoid female MCs. Maybe if you tried different talking points, then you'd convince me. The previous statement was insincere. I cannot be convinced to avoid female MCs, as I have already enjoyed many books with female MCs. And I refuse to limit my potential future enjoyment.
Pee pee poo poo!
Why doesn't modern western /sffg/ have nearly as many little girls as older works? What's the point of fantasy if you lob off a huge space of possible ideas, from the get go, without even exploring them? How many people have left the space because light novels were giving them what they want?
The more I think of the answers the bleaker it looks for not just speculative fiction, but /lit/ as a whole.
>Misogyny? Oh yes, it's there, bold and unapologetic. There are those who have tried to defend it, but there is no lipstick you can put on this male chauvinist pig. Women are portrayed in terms of how they look and just how manipulative and deceitful they can be.
Based. Just ordered the book.
>the character does improve a lot when you take out Howard's /pol/ rage boner from the stories.
Stop shitposting then we have enough of it already
Why would I read westernized (redditized?) xianxia when I could just read xianxia? Don't say "the prose" either idgaf. I have read all of his influences though, just answer any 2 of these 4 question
>is there a singular mc?
>does one of the mcs become the strongest in the universe?
>does one of the mcs get a wife (who is may be older than she appears) but has the appearance and mannerisms of a little girl?
>is the mc a loli?
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It's even more hilarious when faggots kvetch at the fact you embrace an "insult".
I'll go one further and say this: If your work isn't explicitly about lolis or lgs ( some major theme, the setting or a main character(s) or the plot, maybe symbolism for the nytslop trough feeders or poets )
then is goes straight into the trash.
>an honest group of normals who read(/watch/play) the same singular or handful of most-popular entries within the form of media to consume
Yep, that's all 4chan is. Just like Reddit because there's zero difference in content or context.
Why is /lit/ suddenly full of pedophiles (all me btw)
You're precisely the faggot reader the DCC series panders to.
Man, we're just having a lil fun. Relax.

I'm not a prosefag. And I don't have an answer for you. As I've never read xianxia other than Cradle and Beware of Chicken. So I can't compare Cradle's strengths and weaknesses against other works in the genre.

>is there a singular mc?

>does one of the mcs become the strongest in the universe?
No. But he gets very, VERY powerful. He starts at absolute zero. And for the first book, he remains at zero until the very end, when he finally achieves the first step in his cultivation journey. The whole gimmick of this series is that he's constantly underpowered compared to his opponents, and has to find creative ways to win. His growth is steady throughout the series. So starting with the second book, you're going to get at least 1 major power up. Sometimes more than 1. But each book takes its time exploring the limits of his power, before the narrative pushes him to reach a higher level.

>does one of the mcs get a wife

>but has the appearance and mannerisms of a little girl?
No. Tomboy.

>is the mc a loli?
No. But lots of emphasis on their size difference. MC is big, wife is small.
Red Rising
>constantly underpowered compared to his opponents
That sounds dumb, how do you even gauge his power-ups if that's the case, or are you misusing 'constantly'
I don't *think* I'm misusing constantly.
Like I said, his growth is steady. He doesn't just ascend and then whoop ass. No, he ekes out wins after planning a strategy and outmaneuvering his opponent with wits and engineering. Sometimes getting a little lucky. He's always cooking up a plan.
The story lays out clearly what the levels of ascension are. So you know generally how powerful someone is at a glance. It starts with base human, then copper, then iron, jade, gold, and beyond. So you know he's definitely stronger when he ascends from base to copper, and then copper to iron. But there are other people who are stronger than him. His cultivation journey was stunted as a child, because he was "unsouled". Therefore, he was told he couldn't cultivate. The story really begins when he's like 17.(or around that age, idk) He's faaar behind everyone else. He's playing catch up. He eventually does catch up, and even excels beyond his peers. But you have to wait a long time to see that happen. Don't think it's going to happen in the first few books.
Is The Portrait of Dorian Gray considered fantasy?
Yeah and he has some special method (that he found in a realm created by a ancient cultivator) that lets him be the strongest in (most) of his later cultivation stages? I've already read issth and all of the translated er gens.
That's all xianxias. Constantly would be that he can't really beat any cultivator in any particular setting without schemes. Most schemers novels only use the schemes against sect elders and op young masters from far off op sects. Being under-powered to compared to your peers for the first few books isn't unusual.
Cradle is a Western ya fantasy with few Eastern settings. Its main themes are coomer shit drama between males and females, plot and story are secondary, main character himself is fucking secondary, saying that he is always cooking up a plan and outmaneuvering his opponent with wits is just stupid thing to say given that Lindon is one of the dumbest and low iq characters in the entire series.
There are good ones. Just not from the current popular writers.
We are talking about scifi and fantasy. Not sure why you need to bring up the obvious.
You good? Not sure I follow your follow up.
Your guess is pretty close to the truth. If you felt you read that kind of story already. Then I don't have anything more to sell you on the idea. It was my first an only Xianxia novel.(beware of chicken is pure parody) So all of the tropes are new to me. I think it was told very well. I read each book at least twice, some of them 3 times.

Oh, but if it matters, there is a B plot about multiple worlds, and a greater threat that looms over everything. That part is kind of sci-fi, with aliens and stuff. It has sort of Dragon Ball Super vibes. With all these super powered celestial beings, playing with the fates of universes. This plot stays in the background for the most part, except for key points in the story where the celestial beings interact with earth.

>Constantly would be that he can't really beat any cultivator in any particular setting without schemes
yeah. So constantly then.

>Being under-powered to compared to your peers for the first few books isn't unusual.
I may have understated it with the term "few". More like book 6, when he finally reaches a level that is beyond what is normal for someone his age. But even then, he's put up against other tough competitors. He doesn't feel like that true powerful being until like book 9. And even THEN, he's not that all powerful creature you're looking forward to. Not until like book 11 I think? That's when he gets scary powerful.
>There are good ones.
Like who? From what book? I'm curious to know what passes as a well written female MC in your mind.
I've probably read north of 100,000k "chapters" of xianxia at this point. I guess I might as well read it.
>book 6
<10 is the first few
A man with tits
100k lol not 100,000,000
Author self insert loli + sexually """abusive""" father
lol, I guess length is measured differently in xianxia.
What book does he leave the starting planet? The starting planet arc is usually considered the beginning.
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>MC has powerful artifacts that could get him out of several situations
>he never uses them
It's fucking annoying
oh shit. I guess the whole 12 book series is just a massive prologue then.
Xianxia in a nutshell, it's one of the toughest genres to keep track of, even for the author. Character trains are a loose suggestion, and you never know if your all power artifact is useless against foo ranked old man but instakills another foo ranked old man 300 chapters later.
>a very Sandersonian type of world building
Not to be a Sanderfag, but this isn't something that happens in Sanderson books. Having a culture isn't the same as planet-of-the-hats worldbuilding.
Sanderson somehow manages to make it feel like planet-of-the-hats worldbuilding though. It's genuinely baffling how his writing is technically sound (plot recycling not withoughevering) but it FEELS like it's written by a middle schooler.
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>Worms of the Earth
so how disgusting was the witch supposed to be?
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Could somebody PLEASE tell me why so much fantasy AND sci-fi resorts to a fucking race of pretty kitties? I was reading my nigga EE Doc Smith Vortex Blaster (written in 1960) and this author so famous for incredibly weird and imaginative aliens just went full coomer with a catgirl with in-depth descriptions of how sexy she is and soft her fur and her thin thin top tears open breaks revealing her cat tats and I'm wondering how long this has permeated sci-fi and fantasy
problem is everyone's chasing the popular vote over on reddit because it gets them imaginary points. unpopular opinion gets downvoted to invisibility.
...Do you not like catgirls?
Which serious /sff/ author is the closet to blatant pedophilic erotic? Asking for a friend, the friend is (you)
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because gato sexo
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>Character has powerful ability that could solo almost every encounter
>Enemies dedicated to nullifying that ability show up in almost every encounter
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>character is strong
>stronger character shows up
aint that a thang
Because most scifi and fantasy authors have been liberals and progressives.
As a genre scifi and fantasy has been political and ideological since the day one, it's just the early works may be less obvious or more subtle in their progressive narrative.
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>I have made everything political
>authors have always been political
aint that a thang
What do you mean?
Fahrenheit 451 isn't that bad.
Is green bone saga good?
I had forgotten how shit it feels to finish a series, one book is left and I don't want to start it
Sexy anthropomorphic aliens, catgirls, etc. are just shameless coom bait. The authors were coomers and they knew their readers were too. It's no accident that this sort of trope first caught on in genres dominated by permissive liberals, but that doesn't mean the trope itself is ideological.
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how good of a read is "The Idiot Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains What Your Head is Really Up To" by Dean Burnett
i don't want to create a new thread to ask a stupid question and there doesn't seem to be a thread for stupid questions. or i'm too stupid to find it.
based female mc enjoyer
Should I read Stranger in a Strange Land
The populace of both website is homogenous.
we need a list of sff books with little daughters in important roles.
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it's okay to be a big homo anon, this isn't /pol/
your are god, nigga! (this is a literal quote from the btw)
Any good unga bunga books?
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Just started red rising. What am I in for?
ya slop
>inb4 i-it's not ya slop
it literally has an academy setting
Why didn't you just say that? Not personally familiar with reddit outside of screenshots on this shit hole, but while it seems contrarian to the point of being honest here, every thing from there has appeared false and self serving. As stated elsewhere in these threads, nothing more than a quest for internet brownie points, a narcissist's dream.
Vortex Blaster was published in July 1941 so is in public domain:
I've read it and there are NO CATGIRLS. Just one pilot whose job it is to blast "vortices" off of planets (because nobody understood nuclear physics in 1941).
Reddit immigrated here around 2011 and 4chan is, well, the huge popular site it is. Again, the populace is, and has been for quite some time homogenous. There is no '4chan is honest' and 'Reddit is contrarian' mutually distinction.
I'll be honest this seems like ya slop and I'm not very far in. I'm only reading this because my friend wouldn't stop pestering me to read it but when I finish it he'll read any one book I suggest him
ah shit you're right, it's the Vegians. They appear in other stories - collected here (still legal!)
Vegia shows up in chapter 6 and, yeah, Dr Smith really likes 'em.
people like to do the whole "it gets better in book 2 bro" but the YA feel never leaves the series completely.
Cordwainer smith was horny for catgirls too
CJ Cherryh too but she's a woman so she was horny for cat dick
Yeah, I wasn't planning on reading any more in the series after this
I must confess. I just finished reading Bakker, and I really enjoyed it.
what was your favourite gay rape scene?
You like mixing up what is said. But whatever. Still rather trust this pile of dicks. No attachment to some arbitrary number dependant on mass approval. Outside of (you)'s which come and go with every thread and nothing more.
Probably proyas x radiation melting sibawul
I wasn't doing it intentionally. You seem to possess enough civility to engage in discourse. The summary of the story is that the same books are read and endlessly discussed on both websites, and people are rarely if ever willing to try new things; and well, it makes me butthurt. That, my lack of ability to change this, frustration at absence of options.
Anyway, have a nice rest of your day, anon.
Fair enough.
Is the power system in chink shit/cultivation standardized? Lots of the general stuff seems to be taken for granted. Anywhere I can read about it?
>ai slop
kill yourself poojeet
Not as much as you do.
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Perfect Anasurimbor Serwa.
The only standard thing I've seen mentiomed is dantian and meridians
she has a cute accent
His dwarves books are way better. Stiger's plot is too generic, everything is undeveloped and his vocabulary is too simple for me. I had to quit because I was listening the audiobooks and couldn't stand to hear the word "Stiger" again. He always refer to the main character by the name, he could have used "he, the general, our hero, the man" but instead he starts every sentence with "Stiger did this", it's unbearable.
I used to read a lot in middle school, but haven't read anything in years. I liked fantasy back then. What's an easy read to ease myself back into the hobby?
A 10/10 in Bongland.
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See >>23526675
I have to say, I prefer the "matronly" version better.
Don't know anything about the character. The looser robes just look cooler.
Okay whoever told me to read Worm, GO FUCK YOURSELF
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wazzamatta chud
Lol it’s a liberalnigger dream so much that it’s absolutely comedy to read. There are white and Asian street gangs trying to take over the city while the black characters are intellectuals full of poise and grace.
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>read webnovel slop
>suprised it's shit
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Maybe he was expecting peak fantasy like this
Dude you actually have brain rotted. He's Canadian. In Canada most gangs in cities are either asain or white. Please touch grass, someone somewhere loves you and wishes you were better.
Motte and bailey bullshit

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