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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23523885
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I miss Theli.
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Found this little baby in my mailbox today, what am I in for?
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>heard good things about this upcoming book
>look up tags
>queer, lgbt
At least its easy to filter this shit out. Are there any actual good books written in the last 5 years?
Such as?
I miss this entire series. Bakker please come back...
I'm liking the Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros.
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this whole dang series started a bit over 3 years ago and has three books and three novellas out which next one coming early next year
started 3 years ago with two books out and final one coming later this year
>magic school
this series is just about 5 years since start now
I didnt know 2006 was 5 years ago.
also the new trilogy sucks
>female warrior
let me guess, shes a girlboss too
You don't really have to have read the first trilogy and the standalones to read this. There's some throwbacks of course but nothing that's in the least crucial to the plot imo.

I thought the first two of the new trilogy were great with the ending just being good, not as good as the ending to the first trilogy.
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>waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah
>why WOMEN in my fantasy????
Flipped to a random chapter, this shit is awful
>magic retard
I cant stand savine and feel like shes every modern women trope bundled into one. Every fucking that happened in the series is her fault and she walks away triumphant and smelling like roses, while everyone blames leo. I feel like his character writing will only get worse, and dont even get me started how he dropped half the plot points from previous books
you could have just said yes, instead of seething
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>daddy why are there strong women in my book????
>I thought only men like ME could be strong??women are supposed to be weak!!!
I mean, women are weak. Absent a very modern Western civilization (built by men) that props them up. Men hold the monopoly on violence and power, and even a fantasy setting can't really dispel this fundamental truth.
lmao get the fuck back in the kitchen foid, no, no one can suspend their disbelief that much to accept woman warriors
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waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah
why WOMEN in my fantasy????
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daddy why are there strong women in my book????
I thought only men like ME could be strong??women are supposed to be weak!!!
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I want to read Solaris by Stanislaw Lem but am trying to avoid the old, 1970 Joanna Kilmartin and Steve Cox translation because Lem hated it. I am trying to find an e-book file for the only other available translation by Bill Johnston (2011) but can't find it for free.
Does anyone have this or know where to get it?

I literally ordered a Kindle yesterday for $150 just to read this translation because it isn't available in print.
Trick to make women warriors believable if you insist on them being able to go toe to toe physically with strong protags: Just make them a non-human race that is a lot stronger than humans.
What are the Amazons? Read more.
What about amazons? They're not human, they're a race similar to humans. Next you'll tell me how with some animals the females are stronger than males as if that makes a difference in the context of humans
Anna's Archive
They're female warriors. And you said it was impossible to have or suspend belief. There's also Artemisia of Caria.
I have my female MC use her sexuality to win.
Thanks! I didn't know about this site; it is on there! I am new to finding e-books so I literally only knew about libgen.
Ya, I got the new Kindle Paperwhite, I guess I am a sucker but I thought if I am going to finally buy one might as well get a decent new one.
That's fine if it's really your artistic vision, but don't expect it to mollify the culture warriors. People who get worked up over female action hero characters, both those for it and those against, will see this as a cop out.
>mollify culture warriors
Nothing makes leftists calm down about the reality that a 120 pound woman is not beating up even someone as weak and out of shape as Steven Seagal.
>women are supposed to be weak!!!
no matter how much you cope, women ARE weak and no amount of make believe will ever change that
That's why you give a woman a gun. Which helps close the gap.
the new trilogy is better than the old one, Abercrombie has grown a lot as a writer since he wrote "The Blade Itself"
Or...just don't worry about it.
Warrior Women are cool as long as they're hot and get my dick hard. Simple as.
love watching amazonian women domiante manlets myself
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Fucking this.
>No excuse for portraying non-hot lesbians in your fictional media.
>Gets spooked by the most minor tonal shift and accidentally shoots themselves
i don't really understand why the white luck assassin guy kills her, she didn't seem relevant to the conflict the gods had with kellhus
Some fag is really simping for women in this thread
this is a women hating board
woomeen in my fantasy story??? NOOOOO I HATE WOMEN
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>so how disgusting was the witch supposed to be?
She was a half-breed between a human and "worm" aka a rape baby. Bran was probably instinctively repulsed by her.
Yes, I just said this is woman hating board, are you a bot? Because modern fantasy is gay and retarded like you, I have dedicated my life to writing fantasy with only men. A new dawn is coming
Can anyone recommend some "reverse" time travel or portal fantasy stories, where a character from the past is transported to the (relative) present, or a medieval fantasy character is transported to the real world?
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It's fantasy. I can accept a lot of things and female warriors are not high on that totem pole.
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I love all women, fair or foul of mien, as long as they be not black of heart.
Is she the one that her brother constantly rapes?
some authors are tagging shit just to get in with that crowd for wider visibility
oh nevermind apparently she dies in the earthquake
turncoat cowards
This is what you sound like when you defend wahmen
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>Edisonade is a genre of fictional stories about a brilliant young inventor and his inventions, many of which would now be classified as science fiction. This subgenre started in the Victorian and Edwardian eras and had its apex of popularity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[1] Other related terms for fiction of this type include scientific romances. The term was introduced in 1993 by John Clute in his and Peter Nicholls' The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. It is an eponym, named after famous inventor Thomas Edison, formed in the same way the term "Robinsonade" was formed from Robinson Crusoe.
What is your favorite Edisonade?
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This interplanar war in coiling dragon is shit, 7 universes doing battle by sending a few guys every trillion years to camp in the woods for a thousand years
Where can i get coiling dragon in audiobook? I'm sure someone ran it through an AI to get a real voice narration, and not that robotic text to speech shit you see on youtube.
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Looking for books that are very lewd and rapey.
Looking for books that don't deny the gallantry of those who fight for others.
you will take your robot and you will like it audiochud
This is incredibly mediocre, genuinely makes me think less of anyone who raved about it and I'm not even a snobby reader/reviewer
>he is an insecure YA trash reader
So I got pteradactyl harpies and herbivore women with green skin.
What else should I thorw into my pulpy cave man fantasy setting?
talking dog
tell me more
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Throw in some giant invertebrates for good measure.
me on the left
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>modern fantasy
>good things
I like unga bunga. I'm vaguely inspired by fantasy like having orcs and elves in there.
The idea is nascent.
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I love it when there are STRONG FEMALE characters in my fantasy books because i'm NOT a chud
Like some other anon said, Piranesi is good. Fairy Tale by Stephen King was kino for the first 100 pages or so before it turned into some weird Hunger Games bullshit.

Aside from that, sorry anon. Nothing else comes to mind.
BASED Kevin Sorbo's Legends of Hercules appreciator
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Where are my Reverend Insanity bros at?
yeah that was me. I wasn't recommending Doc Smith, I've never been able to finish his books excepting the shortstory which became chapters 1-2 of what you just pasted.
His prose is terrible and if there's a word for "boyboss", that's what Smith writes for MCs. It's like if someone let Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" write a story. Absolute 200-proof cringe.
This'll blow some minds here: insect warrior races. IIRC stinging bees are female.
You're not getting snu snu from them but they'll be dangerous in a fight.
or just make them a wizard
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>It's like if someone let Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" write a story.
That makes that tract kind of funny in retrospect
>Gaiman, Jemisin, Mitchell
Overrated, just plain bad, and smug respectively. If I see any of those libshits blurbing a book I know it's going to suck. I also have a pretty good notion that nobody else is buying it either; iirc Jemisin herself doesn't sell books (she makes her living off other means, like speaking engagements).
I think it was just one incident. Kelmomas implied that she enjoyed it. Theli slapped Kel because that touched a nerve, but was he right?
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Is Poul Anderson worth reading? If so what is his best book?
>makes their living off other means
That's the overwhelming majority of authors. There are relatively few full time authors who are making enough to have anything other more than a poverty lifestyle.
In my opinion authors should have regular jobs to keep them grounded in reality.
Will this series ever be finished?
he may look like an autistic freakazoid goblin but he's legitimately one of the best fantasy/scifi authors of the 20th century
I think the best entry to reading his work would be Three Hearts and Three Lions, you really get just about everything he is from that work
Then some jackass at their employment complains about your writing/books, then gets you fired, your licenses taken away, everyone disowns you without a single letter of recommendation, and you're exiled from the profession and forced to work part time at some grocery store cutting deli meat.

That's why you NEVER EVER share your writing or tell ANYONE you're a writer.
What the fuck is a pen name
I'm just hoping the second book fixes it retrospectively. His first trilogy wasn't this bad so idk what's going on.
You think that helps when you share your writing? Like I said do NOT share a single thing
Do you honest to god think I'm smart enough to have payed attention to the context of the discussion? Are you fucking retarded?
Also it helps if you don't work with children. I called my female coworkers mom a prostitute five minutes ago, she laughed. Have you considered working with adults?
I know exactly how you feel. I've really only been able to rely on known authors for the last 2-3 years because nearly everything seems to be shit or tagged with that shit and therefore shit.

Some of my favorites took an extra year or more off mid-series which makes things all the worse.
Being grounded in reality is nice, but a full time job dulls the mind with its repetitiveness and drains a lot of your mental energy. A part time job that never runs over thirty hours per week yet pays enough to support you would be ideal. Good luck finding that though.
Yes. It is a much better environment.
Millenial take. Any man who cannot in himself find the energy in a 40hr work week has nothing worth writing to begin with. Work on your mental.
Millenials are ~28-43.
I said what I said. 30~ year olds are fucking ravaging every industry right now. A genuinely terrible generation.
I apologize on their behalf
When were the last free range kids? They are probably 30-35, I believe everyone that comes after is going to be significantly more fucked. There is a generation riddled with anxiety who grew up on iPads coming and doom is coming with them.
It's hard to say. Millenials were free range but they are absolutely fucked. Meanwhile gen z is (somehow) marginally less anxious and more sincere than millenials. Gen alpha isn't looking too hot though, social media took a huge hit when they started getting on it.

Yet the millenial tumblr exodus was still worse than children crying on twitter, so again it's hard to say.
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>a full time job dulls the mind with its repetitiveness and drains a lot of your mental energy
Dostoevsky wrote short stories while doing hard labor in a Siberian gulag.
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Should've cleaned your room bucko.
All of John Brunner's works that aren't Stand on Zanzibar are so good.
At this point if you have to ask, I think there might be something wrong with you. Like you really have to have some kind of obstinate, stubborn psyche to continue to believe that in 2024 things might somehow all of a sudden just go back to normalcy instead of hyperpolarization.

Fortunately, there are literally thousands upon thousands of extremely good science fiction novels written in the 1960s. They were literally better at exploring complex intellectual nuanced topics back then, but unfortunately most of the cover artists chose to depict the stories using men with ray-guns and jetpacks for no reason, so they get passed over.
After Elden Ring maybe western fantasy can take back territory by making every villain gay
Uh... anon? I've got some bad new for you.
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What? Elden Ring made every villain gay. We can learn from Japan.
>every villain
Elden Ring IS Western fantasy, it was written by a fat blob from America.
To be fair, that fat blob did his best writing 30 years ago.
Mitsubishi I have an idea. Let’s add a guy in the game called… SHIT EATER. This guy just goes around eating shit. Put it in the game Mitsubishi!
info hash: 913f7709c01b79067de278b49625727172896e32
The Master’s Enema Slaves.
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>Rebecca Yarros.
As a thirty four year old, I disavow this lazy faggot
People are forgetting that guys like Barker were fags and put in faggy shit in their works all the time, yet they're far from what one would think the "woke crowd" would ever touch with a ten-foot pole. The point is is that tag alone isn't an indicator of quality anymore than a book being written by a tradcath is.

More importantly with pirate sites, it's more than easy to just skim through a book to see if it's trash then delete it. No need to give the author a cent in this day and age.
Broken Sword was one hell of a book and an easy 10/10. Can't wait to read Three Hearts and Three Lions and High Crusade.
The real important question is: is she hot?
I wrote a fantasy novel but nobody is giving it a chance and my attempts at online promotion have yielded no results, and I can't afford spending money on professional ad placement.
Does anybody know a place - other than here -where I could promote a fantasy novel?
How about you get an agent
Hai, Martinu-Sama!
Either get an agent or just stick it on royalroad
I'm writing a good book and one day you will all enjoy it.
>complex intellectual nuanced topics
Such as?
Royal Road, you have to build an audience, RR + Patreon when you gain traction if your novel isnt shit is the way to go nowadays. Check the posts on 4chans favourite website Reddit about how to succed on RR and then marketing basics on youtube from any unis channel.
What is it about and how pozzed is it?. You can post a couple of chapters here
More than being a good writer you need to be a good MARKETER first and foremost. Or no one will ever find and read your book.
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I'm 1/4 of the way through Tau Zero at the moment and I am dying of boredom. There is only so much bland exposition and stock character drama I can take
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Which one of you was this ?
>patrik leo
that guy fascinates me. I've seen some of his videos and it's him getting excited about buying new editions of the books he already has. is this a book collector problem or something?
Sounds like a Complete Fucking Retard problem
How would you react if the opening of a book was just machine gun alliteration?
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If you are looking for realistic women in fantasy, look no further.
What am I in for?
He apparently gives away old books.
You can just say "he may be jewish but he's alright" I disagree, but please be polite.
The first chapter almost reads like a parody of fables.
>guy sees a wall butt
>decides to rape it
>It was your sister, who you thought was a man
strong recommend if you like having to learn lots of new made-up words
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Echo of Worlds, Pandominion #2 - M.R. Carey (2024)

Now that all the characters have been established and gathered together it's time for them to put their plan into action. However, the plan requires most of the book to be prepared. The focus is no longer on learning about the characters but rather on gathering information and materials. A third, much more powerful force, is sought out to resolve the conflict that began in the first book and comes to a head in this one. The story continues to be narrated, though the narrator is made explicitly clear. This framing device doesn't seem to have served much purpose but it doesn't really detract either. This isn't much of a military or adventure story, so much as just doing stuff. There's nothing really wrong with that, though it wasn't what I wanted. Many others will enjoy it well enough.

On a personal level I'm considerably disappointed. I hoped it'd more with the premise of unlimited Earths. Unfortunately they're mostly a backdrop to what really matters, the conflict between the Pandominion and the Ansurrection, which didn't interest me. The synopsis does say that's what it's about, but I preferred not to believe. It also spells out the plot from beginning to end which says to me that the plot isn't what's important. The characters and themes are what matters. The characters all moderately enjoyable, nothing to praise or complain about. The themes weren't what I wanted to read.

The metaphors are even more heavy-handed this time around, especially with the ending, which I disliked for its convenience, immediacy, and how little what came before mattered. I disagree with its ideals, but more importantly they strain any suspension of disbelief. I have no problem at all with stories that others may find embarrassing that rely on the power of courage, friendship, and determination. By comparison, it's recently become evident to me through multiple examples that I do have a problem with empathy being the solution by itself. I can't accept that it's that simple or believe that it resolves matters so easily. No matter how much we learn or understand each other there may still remain irreconcilable differences in goals and values that results in conflict. The problem is that thematically that's what this series is about, to the exclusion of almost all else.

This series should've been a single book that condensed the plot. That way it would also be more suitable for what it may well become, a movie or TV series, as was the case with a previous work by the author, The Girl with all the Gifts. I'd watch it if it were done tolerably well. As for reading more books from this author, it's a toss-up because I believe they'd continue to be initially promising but end up disappointing, as has been the case before. I believe the average reader will enjoy this more than I did and I don't see any problem with problem with recommending it to others as the issues I have with it are personal.

Rating: 3/5
kill yourself
Yeah, the way bakker handles women in these series is such a breath of fresh air in an otherwise nonstop inundation of girlboss shit
he definitely lays it on strong, even going so far as to explain women's souls are smaller.
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>The Lord of the Rings meets World of Warcraft in this delirious mashup pitting the U. S. military against legendary monsters from fantasy novels and roleplaying games.

>The Lord of the Rings meets Call of Duty in this delirious mashup pitting confused soldiers against legendary monsters

>No one could have been prepared for the day when orcs, trolls, and dragons fell from portals in the sky. But now a very tough but not-quite-prepared platoon of Marines is trapped on the wrong side. The enchanting world looks like Middle Earth, but to the dismay of even the geekiest soldiers, is nothing like it.

I tried to read this, but it didn't work out for me at all. Maybe it'll work out better for someone else.
wow that sounds awful.
Had me laughing when the one scene that even comes close to being a girlboss moment and she's getting massively disrespected by a dragon for being a woman the entire time
That's the title of an amusing song by Bo Burham.
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I know that its very uneven, but I have a childhood fondness for Tom Swift. Very fun inventive tales, good exploration, not too two-fisted.
Based. Gonna have to read Bakker, then.
I read Snow Crash for the first time this month, and I'm currently re-reading Neuromancer. Neuromancer was a disappointment for me when I first read it over a decade ago.

Snow Crash was fun and deeper than I imagined it would be, I had decided it would be a 4/5 but the more I thought about various aspects I decided it's a 5/5 and I'm determined to write a long, good review of it.

Fortunately, I'm enjoying Neuromancer more this time. I had it as a 3/5, but now I'd say it's a 4/5
ok no, deleting
>as long as they be not black of heart.
So you hate women
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holy shit
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Found this very enjoyable as cyberpunk lit goes. What are good places to discuss it? Evidently not this shithole
The most important issue is finding others who have read, are willing to discuss, and have read it recently enough to do so. It also depends what you mean by discuss. You can try various subreddit, including cyberpunk ones. It's possible there's literally nowhere depending on what you want. Even if you got a group of people all willing and eager to discuss that has its own problems.
The Limper is sideshow Bob
touch grass and have sex
There's only 209 ratings on Goodreads. You could try messaging the accounts that have most recently rated/reviewed. There's a chance one of them may want to discuss.
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Cyberpunk lit died in the 90s and scifi lit died in 1999 also
>First published November 14, 2023
>Minority Report meets Ready Player One
I can't believe I am seriously considering going to plebbit to discuss it. I mean the alternative is braindead morons like >>23539355 or no discussion at all.
As far as I found it, good detective story and I enjoyed the characters consider modern technology like teslas and neuralink.
If you discuss it in reddit, we’ll know who you are
reddit is worse because they believe cyberpunk is just an aestethic instead of scifi lit who leans HEAVILY to the left and some are just straight up anarchist books like City Come-a-walkin
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>City Come-a-walkin
KINO peak cyberpunk
A song called youth is based too

Based on a quick look it's never been discussed on Reddit. The author has posted on Reddit about it though.
sci-fi horror recs?
Scifi isn't even a real genre.
Legacy of Heorot
Quintara Marathon
Rogue Moon
No demon cats in any of them tho
also they lean more into action-horror than just horror
What is this about?
I will buy one of you rbooks to put on top of my book
>queer, lgbt
SFFG whines about this endlessly but praises hakker in the same breath and it's gayer than any openly gay book out there
That's because Bakker writes about the honey of unwashed anus
did you miss the 4 books where a literal prostitute was the god-girlboss mankind? or her autistic half-saiyan daughter went around kicking ass and taking names? or her other autistic non-saiyan daughter went around kicking ass and taking names while pregnate?
how many explicit anal sex scenes were there in the books? I can recall at least 3 off the top of my head (random prologue character getting raped by orcs, emporer getting raped by the horsefucker, prince charming getting raped by true detective battlemage jesus
Depressed small club owner meets a man with surgically-implanted silver shades that says that he is the manifestation of the city of San Francisco, the city the story is set, and he needs his help to save the people in it. more punk than cyber and very metaphorical. i would even dare to say that is literary scifi.
Esmenet wasn't a girlboss. She was propped up entirely by kellhus. The moment he left, her men barely held respect for her. She went on an emotional scree and collapsed the entire empire. Mimara didn't actually do anything besides walk around judge people occasionally and be a pain in the ass. Serwe was the closest thing to a "girlboss" but more often than not she is just reduced to a pretty face in the narrative
damn didn't know bakker was a fan of thughunter porn, VERY canadian
Snow Crash isn't left-winger despise redditors trying to make it about their political views.
Everything not explicitly right-wing is left-wing chud
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Read Tenebroum
Man you just know from reading their books that Sanderson and Rothfuss have micropenises while Robert Jordan was packing 9 inches
Give me 1500 reasons to
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Loved it.
I'm only going to read comfy fantasy written before 2000 from now on
this cover looks like modern ai slop tho
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I'm blind so I don't care about drawings
how do you read?
Are you a blind master?
my guide dog reads for me (he's deaf so it's hard to make him stops)
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>gets period
>whines to death
The Riftwar Universe hasn't ended. A new book is coming out this year. Are you going reading the series once you hit 2000? Maybe you're only reading that first one?
>just stick it on royalroad
This might actually be decent advice.
I got a story picked up from FanFiction.net once so, yay me. I admit for fanfiction, there's a balancing-act: do I write something in (say) LotR where I'm competing with tens of thousands of other authors; or do I write in, I dunno, H Beam Piper's universe which few will even click on.
Honestly RoyalRoad is so full of LitRPG / Progression slop, any actual fantasy should appeal to many readers.
Personally I like space-opera / exploration. There's simply not enough over there. People like me are so thirsty we'll read any half-decent thing and we'll help with the writing, for free, because we want more content.
based old school fantasy enjoyer
Riftwar is divided in story arcs so you can read it. finish an arc, be satisfied and never read the following arcs, the series peaks with Serpentwar (1994-1998) anyways.
>or her other autistic non-saiyan daughter went around kicking ass and taking names while pregnate?
gee, you're going to hate reading about khan Manduhai of the Mongols
more like it peaked at Betrayal at Krondor
I've fucked more gals than you ever have with my misogyny, sweaty hands. Cope and seethe.
I guess I'll do that, Plebbit sucks too much to chat there
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Almost finished reading Coiling Dragon, what should I read next?
Poul Anderson was Danish though
What are the books/series tagged with this where its basically false?

Im sure most are just the queer degenerate porn for brainwashing teens

But Im sure some are just normal and good scifi or fantasy, but theres one character who is gay but it isnt central to the plot (or even a character that isnt gay but queers ship him kissing the other dude so they decide he is gay and tag the book)
I know it's utter schlock, but I'l be damned if the ending didn't have me balling my eyes out.
Sisyphus would fucking weep.
I dive, I rise, I dive again. (repeat for effect)
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At least post real women.
>those fingers
anon i have some bad news for you
You sound resentful.
Of what? I fucking love trannies. Just being real with you.
>Of what?
Of being a jealous landwhale.
What? I'm a man.
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>those fingers
anon i have some bad news for you
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>What? I'm a man.
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I suck tranny cock and there is nothing you can do about it
The trans is Bakker's books are great.
How big is her penis?
Ronin/wandering swordsman rec?
Never read this, but it looks great. Let us know how it was.
Overrated, still probably the best of the last 5 years.
God damn, that book was good. Is the author still around?
>be me
>haven’t read in like 10 years
>finally decide to read something
>start reading “the blade itself”
>get so pumped about it, holy shit this is good
>read the whole trilogy
>so disappointed
>the story was never going anywhere
>probably going to quit reading again
I heard he was raped to death by wolves while on a research trip to lithuania
big if true
I did, at least the start of it. It's a grimderp Dungeon Core series ultimately, I dropped it because like all dungeon core series it's extremely autistic and completely lacking in plot.
Stop fucking with me. I already bought call of the crocodile. Is Bakker another meme or actually good
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/sffg/ seems to like him.
It’s actually too dark. I usually enjoy being able to root for a bad guy but this fag literally just wants to kill everyone
That’s too popular. Points to him indeed being a meme
Based pool. I was here on that day and started reading him because of it. Truly a part of /sffg/'s official cannon.
>filtered by first law
Yeah maybe you should quit
It's actually good. Definitely the best in the 'grimdark' style of epic fantasy. Having said that, there are many better fantasy writers that I'd recommend over Bakker if you've not read much fantasy.
>there are many better fantasy writers that I'd recommend over Bakker if you've not read much fantasy.
I agree. Bakker was so over the top that it ruined other fantasy for me.
Don't get me wrong, there aren't any epic fantasy writers still writing today that can top Bakker. But I'm not convinced that Second Apocalypse will be considered a classic of the genre in 50 years time. We'll have to wait for No-God to find out inb4 >implying
>coming out
I will post a webm of me eating The Darkness Comes Before if this actually happens before I die. Screencap this.
I will buy your book and display it side by side with my book as a symbol for the resurrection of literature.
It will soon be 5 years since his latest blogpost.

Holy fucking shit. Can you just say something?
>But I'm not convinced that Second Apocalypse will be considered a classic of the genre in 50 years time
Is there anything that has come out in the last decade that would be?
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>I warned you about bullying me, /sffg/!! Now you all will pay!!!! Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa
>Frankensteins monster looks in the mirror
>2 page monologue about how much he loathes his grim countenance
Same Monster-sama......
He will be regarded as a dinosaur in 50 years.
I find his books to be juvenile but at least he's a writer that cares about writing for the sake of telling a good story. He also has useful resources for amateur writers. Yes, it's tailored towards YA fantasy and not lit in general, but the advice he gives is miles better than anything I've seen from other "teachers". Probably because he is an actual writer.
Name me one (1) of his students who is a well known and respected writer. Just one.
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nothin personnel... kid
I couldn't because I haven't looked into his students. But I would bet it's at least one (1) more than any other writing "teacher" (scammer). I'm saying as a writer myself that he provides much better tools and principles for writing a good story than pretty much everybody else on the internet, and it's there for free.
he's right that the story is basically a big troll and never goes anywhere
It’s just crazy. How can you write a trilogy with no plot
really? I was interested in this series but if it goes nowhere...
it's kind of an intentional subversion of a fantasy story with a fairly anti-climactic ending, the novels he wrote after have more traditional plots
I don't mind subversion, but since reading IJ years ago I've tried to avoid stories that go nowhere just for the sake of it.
I've heard The Blade Itself isn't that good but the last book in the trilogy is good? So I thought it had a great ending.
Abercrombie's prose improves over the trilogy, The Blade Itself is the first book he wrote and it shows at points
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the chad cuck
but is the book good
lol, no.
I liked it when I read it back in 2010
ok, is there a book you would recommend?
I like Mistborn
I read that, it was okay but I would have liked it more if it was my first fantasy book. I'm guessing you're being ironic though
His Wisdom, the Defender, by Simon Newcomb. I'm not saying it's good, I just can't think of anything else
>People are forgetting that guys like Barker were fags and put in faggy shit in their works all the time, yet they're far from what one would think the "woke crowd" would ever touch with a ten-foot pole.
well assuming you're talking about MAR Barker he was a literal Nazi so I'm not sure that's a fair comparison
thank you for posting this again I almost forgot about it
Pay an OF whore and/or tranny to hold a copy of your book at their (male/female) tits and post it every where. Probably won't cost you more than 5 bucks.
If you want to write fantasy, shelve the novel for a while and start writing short stories. Get them into 'zines and build a bit of a name. Then you can get more traction for the novel.
It's pronounced cuck.
This has always been the worst advice. What you need to learn to write a novel is plotting and pacing, writing short stories will only teach you how to plot and pace short stories.

Don't shelf the novel, start a different novel that you don't intend to release.
>write a full novel with no intention to release it
Seems way less productive than writing some short stories with the intention of having them at least published in a free zine
just write whatever motivates you, get the words down and then worry about if you can publish or market it
Why not both? Nothing says the short stories can't be related to the novel.
She could lose some weight
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It doesn't get comfier than this desu
Like 2 or 4% lower bodyfat percentage and she would be perfect.
Bakker is legitimately one of the best fantasy writers of all time. The only problem is that after reading the second apocalypse, it becomes difficult to find anything else that stands up to it.
No one wants to read a fantasy book where the actual fantasy has to take a back seat to muff munchers and shit stuffers.
If LGBT is the 10th tag on Goodreads I'll give it a chance. If the tags look something like "fantasy, action, LGBT" then I know that it's worth avoiding.
Lot of that now. Usually written by men so I assume it's the author's fetish written under the pretense of inclusivity.
Exceptions are not a rebuttal to a rule...only proof that very few rules are absolute.
I know most people here are either new to the general. or even worse, don’t read at all.

But there was a time, long before identity politics and Trump, where the G.R.I. stamp meant something.
good, makes it easier to filter them out as well
Why did cyberpunk die?
It didn't die.
All genres get overdone and fall out of the limelight.
2077 was the "do or die" for the genre.
This. It might've revived the genre if it turned out good.
>short stories
>and build a bit of a name
No one reads short stories and wtf is a zine
It's less about an audience and more about getting your writing chops before you tackle that masterpiece you actually want to write. You need experience first.
Anyone here saying that you ought to be writing short fiction is probably involved with one or more of the various "publications" on the board and want you to be involved with them.
When is that ever *not* the case?
>No one wants to read a fantasy book where the actual fantasy has to take a back seat to muff munchers and shit stuffers.
I think this is a byproduct of newer fantasy being bogged down by romance shit in general. The fact that the biggest trend in fantasy novels right now is called "romantasy" is a bitter black pill to swallow, and any book that bills itself on its romance being faggy will inevitably just feel like the author trying to make their book stand out more than anything.
Punk is dead. The rebellious directionless anger has fizzled into a nervous ennui
Just miss the days when they had proper fetishes.
Anyone saying you ought to be writing long fiction probably aspires to have their own patreon where they hack out a chapter a week for starving paypiggies
At least that provides an income.
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bros are there really no other fantasy settings in the early modern period besides the (now ignobly killed) Warhammer Fantasy? Do guns really scare fantasy writers too much?
Powder Mage but it sucks ass
Why is this so hard to find? There's musashi but it's kinda shit
The most jap thing I liked was Tales of the Otori but unfortunately it has little wandering and is more ninja focused I guess
>Go in expecting page after page of mindless action and schlock
>It's actually slow burn military fiction with strong characterization across the board.
Halfway through Dark Force Rising and hopeful that Zahn sticks the landing on these.
Might get shit on for this, but your best options for this are comics/manga
>Lone Wolf and Cub
>Usagi Yojimbo
What would be good magic for 'cavemen'?
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I know it's Iron Age and not Stone Age, but look into the "rituals" in the game UnReal World. Things like "prayer for success in the hunt", or "to prevent a squirrel from escaping from a tree"
Yes, it's basically why the Thrawn trilogy would be very difficult to adapt properly. Eponymous antagonist never even meets the heroes because he's not that kind of character.
Makes sense.
I figure that would make someone who can do actual magic (waves hands/chants and something happens immediately) a very dangerous foe.
How pozzed?
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Snow Crash is unironically /pol/ wet dream
>Billionaire globalist is infecting people in third-world shitholes using vaccina. Using drugs in first-world and to make it extra funny using Evangelicals to spread is cult.
>Is taking one million of infected refugees infected with a virus to California
>The feds are working with him
>The feds spend most of their time with useless shit instead of actually taking care of real problems.
>Mind virus using memes, language and ideologies
>You have to actually think by yourself to create a mental resistance
>Main cast isn't white, and yet are based
>pocs main cast
Why would I ever want to read anything like that?
I'm more of a book reader, comics tend to be too short and only fill an hour or two of reading instead of the weeks that I prefer.
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Even gay illegals are higher on the food chain. Dystopia is much lamer and gayer than I expected.
Do you read 20 pages per day or similar?
No, usually 3ish hours per day. It takes me 3-4 days to fully absorb a book. I either like to dive into a series or a set of different books from a particular genre.
nta, but for example Vagabond, which is about the life of Miyamoto Musashi, is roughly 7,500 pages of art for the series. If you spent a mere 15 seconds that would be 31 hours. That's 10 days at 3 hours. To fully appreciate the art and what's being said though I'd say at least double that, especially for the text heavy pages. That then makes it 20 days at least. This isn't to say you should read it, although it's widely considered one of the greatest manga with some of the best art. It has art books and has been featured in museums across the world. Rather, it's more that you underestimate the time it'd take if not speeding as quickly as possible through it.
That could be the case. I think I tend to expect comic books and manga to be these brief, fleeting bits if entertainment. The only comparison I have is a Calvin & Hobbes book I read through when I was younger. Felt more like a magazine.
what is that supposed to be?
>finally try this book
>the guards of Sua'arac looked down at the forest of Nua'rea where the five Knights of Sizela who had rescued king Gorfonic from the beast of Mezza were standing. They were holding the golden orb of Teolinic and each pressed a hand against it as a priestess of Yonar held the staff of Rolacca.
You're talking to a boomer, me lad.
Those would be cheap fan-edited and -published magazines typically sold in conventions or comic/game stores (which also sold pulp SF).
Even we fifty year olds in GenX barely bothered with zines. The Internet was there when we came of age, we could upload to sites from the mid 1990s at least.
What is your opinion on people who write "fix-it" fiction specifically meant to change things into happy endings?
its fine
link to the book you wanted just post it into a torrent program
>book 1 is well written but the plot is all setup
>book 2 is all payoff that is actually good
Please help me, is there any series like this?
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Is there any way to save scifi?
Write interesting sci fi.
Preferably not 'obligatory fascist empire vs liberal guys' or 'liberal guys versus obligatory megacorporation that is evil instead of spending a little more money to make exponentially more'.
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Write a scifi story about the last atheists in the universe finally admitting God is real.
The only downside is that modern readers aren't ready to accept that the universe, as glorious as it is, cannot have occurred purely by random chance.
somebody write a fantasy about modern day witch hunting with magic and guns
You've always got the Monster Hunter series of books.
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>atheists ever admitting God is real
now THAT is fiction!
/sff/ with good cunny?
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i'm thinking 21st century human (insert european nationality) who was alive for a 1000ish years and hates (insert nationality) being frozen and exiled to some shitty desert prison planet but there is no lightspeed travel so by the time he arrives it's some amalgamation of madmax and desert cyberpunk shithole that already declared independence and fell into a perpetual warlord era.

Donut Steele
You're unwilling to accept that the world is random chance rather than being entirely controlled by some group of people.
Nothing comes up.
Zero seeds bro. The metadata isn't even loading.
Did you get this from a private tracker?
The world is not random chance.
Far more likely would be life trying to form on planets that can't host it, and simply dying out.
I like it, especially when they consider the new bad things that happen as a result of the fix.
I understand some creators may dislike it, but I'd be flattered someone thought about my work enough to want to change it.
>starts fun but quickly goes off the rails with cronge chosen one bullshit and played out lovecraft bullshit

Literally every series claiming to be about monster hunting does this for some reason, it sucks.
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Would it have been better if it wasn't a chosen one story with played out lovecraft bullshit?
Only read the first one. Doesn't surprise me. Correia is one of those authors whose slop I want to enjoy but never seem to have any desire to read past the first book in any of his work.
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I finished the Desert Prince by Peter V. Brett a couple days ago so I'm gonna share my thoughts on it.

Right off I knew it wasn't gonna be like the Demon Cycle, just from the cover. I normally don't talk about book covers all that much, but I feel like in this case, the cover presages the difference in the writing. This book is a break with Brett's earlier cycle in more ways than just cover art.

First and most notably: it's written entirely in first person perspective, where the Demon Cycle was entirely in third person limited. It's not confined to a single perspective, however, but rather jumps between two different first person PoVs, with a surprise third PoV toward the end of the book. I find this decision questionable for several reasons, not the least of which is that there's very little to distinguish the tone of the two PoVs. It makes me wonder why he bothered writing it this way if he didn't bother to make his PoV characters feel distinct. Even if he did, I'm not sure what it would add to the overall narrative, except to mire the story in teenage angst. Which brings me to my next point.

This feels like Brett trying to hook a newer, younger audience by having two angsty teenagers as his dual protagonists, whose main conflicts for half of the story were family drama with their parents and obsessing over their love life. I'm not really a fan of the way he undercut the conclusion to the Demon Cycle either, with this story set a mere 15 years later and showing how small the gains were from Arlen's sacrifice. In trying to make the teenage protagonists relateable to young readers, he makes them belittle their parents who were infinitely better people than they were.

Lastly I'll talk about what is probably of most interest to posters here, which is the absurd amount of woke shit in this book. Demon Cycle's setting was always weirdly sexually liberated in a variety of ways, but this book ups it by several notches. From the intersexed non-binary protagonist, to homosexual interracial relationships carried out openly in a society that is supposedly prejudiced against them. There's also the laughable attempt at addressing gender norms (via the intersexed protagonist) despite the previous book having a far more nuanced take on the subject without even really focusing on it. Here it's practically one of the book's main themes and sends conflicting messages all over the place.

What a mess of a book. I think I'm done with Peter V Brett for good. I don't even want to reread the Demon Cycle now because this put such a bad taste in my mouth.
Lighthouse duet
I like vagabond a lot but you can just read Musashi which is what its adapting
Average Rand chapter
>thanks to the Aiel leader trial I have managed to learn the ancient and forgotten history of the Aiel people through my ancestor's eyes by continuously jumping back in time until the age of legends and returned alive and well from where many others have failed
>now I will return to the Aiel and guide them to their destiny

Average Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne chapter
>*gets captured and/or enslaved*
>uhh men bad
>god I love Rand
Same. I enjoyed the first Grimnoir Chronicles as well but don't really care to read the rest, and the same holds true for his Iron Kingdoms book. I am planning on starting Son of the Black Sword soon, so maybe that'll buck the trend, but I doubt it.
Did the same with Black Sword. Servants of War was decent, but I'll likely skip any sequel to it as well. Good luck.
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I wish I could take mechs seriously, I love them but they're stupid
The mechs in Servants of War are more like magic pilotable golems.
now why would you need a nigga pilot a golem, that hoe runs by itself
I mean, it's a book making use of slavic mythology with "mechs" and trench warfare. What else would you expect?
I would admit god is real for like a candy bar or something tiny

t. Atheist
I was already pretty put off by the accents in Demon Cycle, hearing he fell for the social engineering and went full turbo tranny for his next series is all I need to discard this author from my readlist entirely.
Except Musashi is actually ass and the book writes him as a detestable autismo of the highest caliber.
I felt like Arlen slipping back into his hick accent was condescending as hell, because for him it was absolutely a put-on. He spent more of his life living outside his rural farming community than in it, he received an education in the most elite academy in the world and he learned to speak properly with good diction in that time. Then he just goes back to talking like a bumpkin for no reason.

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