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Froggy orange lick edition.

Previous: >>23521042
Got a big project in class tomorrow that's gonna be graded very seriously, kinda nervous, I really don't think I'm gonna pass. The good news is though, there are some real retards in my class, so even if I fail, I won't be the worst one. Oh well, we'll see how I do, I'll try my best.
The vocation of writing is 1 of 2 ways to live on through history. When we talk about history we talk partly of authors.
Frogs hug each other to have sex and I think that's really cute :3
I'm sitting on a bench outside of an AutoZone. My gf dumped me because I argued with her over since sketchy goings on. I was swindled out of 6.8k by a crypto scammer. I'm basically homeless and birthing had gone right since May 21st. My car is in the shop for that tenth time over God knows what and I don't know how much it's gonna cost to fix it. My oldest daughter needed 700 dollars yesterday to get her car fixed and I had to be the one to give it to her because she carries my grandkids around in that death trap. I have no idea what I'm going to do when winter comes except live in my car. Joy.

The man woke up to a beautiful, sunshiney day.
He blew his goddamn brains out.
The end.

I know people have had it much, much worse than me but damn, I'm a weak man. I'm at my wits end. I once was strong, very strong, but health problems took me out of the game.

Youngsters, DON'T SMOKE. It'll ruin your life
I'll never understand how people get bad tattoos. They literally put the stencil on you and ask you to check it out in the mirror to see if you like it and if everything's OK with it, how do you see that, not like it, and then get it anyway? Also, even before that, if they're a good tattoo artist they'll send you a photo of the final design, like, how do you get bad tattoos?
I used to think the “climate crisis” could unite the political right and political left, but I now realize the political right is too invested in a terrible status quo and the political left is too invested in being as ugly, transgressive, and repugnant generally as possible. If such a union were possible it would have happened already. We’re heading for climate catastrophe or some sort of racial self flagellation catastrophe, depending on who wins.
>and the political left is too invested in being as ugly, transgressive, and repugnant generally as possible.
This applies to both sides, let's not act like the right isn't filled to the brim with these people.
The only reason I work hard for work projects on any given day is that I'll have to work less the following day
That’s not what they’re consciously invested in though. The right is ugly as a matter of coincidence because that’s what a life of driving lifted trucks and trades work with Budweiser and football on TV does to you.
I think my brother doesn’t like me very much and frankly I’m tired of trying to be his friend and I don’t think that highly of him right now either.
We are confronting a huge societal collapse. All data points to that. If you want to imagine a societal collapse it's like a revolution but 10x worse and it doesn't get better afterwards. We won't have, like in 1789, a new management that will follow the old one.
The cope is insane.
>They're just that way accidentally.
Holy cow.

And look, I'm not doing this to defend leftists, there's a reason I don't align myself with any political party and am completely neutral, but c'mon.
I can't wait. The amount of cope and seething is going to be G L O R I O U S
They are. Rightoids generally want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger or Yukio Mishima. They’re just not because they drink too much beer, watch too much TV, and are too invested in being big fat men with beer guts as long as they’re strong and drive a truck. Leftoids are the ones who insist that going to the gym is toxic and that everyone should be a far demiqueer with a shaved head. Rightoids end up that way by accident while leftoids end up that way on purpose.
>The right is ugly as a matter of coincidence because that’s what a life of driving lifted trucks and trades work with Budweiser and football on TV does to you.
Pro-tip: the left isn't supposed to hate the working class
I don’t think societal collapse is in the cards anytime soon personally. I think sort of practical managerial fascism by one or the other side of the aisle is far more likely. At this point though, even a centrist position, which is probably second-most likely, is basically undesirable. A lot of this leftist stuff like using hormones to transition and the anti racist stuff is mainstream now and I don’t see how you put that genie back in the bottle. A genuine revolution that slowly unwinds industrial civilization by executive decree is the most positive possible outcome at this point.
How is this a pro-tip? They’re not supposed to hate the working class but they obviously do and they don’t want your tips.
Found an old phone that I had when I was a teenager and decided to look through the google history, it was literally just lesbian porn and cyanide and happiness comics, apparently teenage me was having the time of his life which is weird considering I was extremely depressed and borderline suicidal.
The strongest argument against Christianity is that Jesus was ethnically Jewish.
The strongest argument against atheism is that some atheists are transsexuals.
I don't hate the working class, no matter what the right tells you
But which is the lesser of both evils?
To me it is shocking to read about ancient Rome, ancient Greece and realize how similar they were to us during their later, decadent eras. The Athenian Greeks were further then us in regards to combining a society that is both liberal and socialist where the poor are equal to the rich.
In the late Roman Empire, every single man subject to the Empire had citizenship in Rome. But other parallels are more frightening. Outsourcing of agriculture and industry away from Italy, a people without the right to bear arms (like in modern Europe and parts of the US where you need to do a lot of paperwork to get a gun making it almost impossible to do so), and don't get me to how many people were becoming atheists (wich is why Christianity took over, not by oppressing the pagan religions but because there was so many atheists), gay faggots and low fertility rates.
So yeah, if the West isn't about to collapse it will definetly collapse in the face of crisis, even if said crisis was not directly caused by this gangrenous society.
It is laughably easy to get a gun in the US. How do I know? I fucking live here and have my whole life
Man, I really love Jesus Christ.
My all bad habits revolve around drinking too much, like Im thirsty on psychological level. Dunno what to do.
He was ethnically Jewish, sure, but he also told the Jewish people over and over and over again that he was the completion of Judaism. Jewish simply means 'chosen', as in the people chosen to bear the revelation of the coming messiah into the universe. Once he was born, and was baptised, crucified, buried, and rose again, he completed Judaism. All humans, not just Jews, were now 'chosen'. Paul is also very clear and insistent on this in his epistles, especially his letters to the Christians in Corinth. Paul who, by the way, was a Pharissee, and persecuted Jesus, only to later because one of the founders and figureheads of the early church. If that doesn't drive home the fact that Jews cease to exist anymore through Christ, what does?

So one of the many gratifying things about Christianity is Jews don't exist anymore. And this is one of the main reasons Jews hate Christ. It is also better to call them Isrealites or Hebrew than Jew, since that is closer to defining their actual ehtnicity and race.
Sounds like addiction to me.
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If they could've tested him, that is, if he survived the war, what do you think his IQ would've been? All these men, more or less, said that Hitler was the most intelligent man that they'd met, but they would say that, of course. Hitler believed in many bizarre things, like, new-age spiritualism and so forth. Not only was he born into a lowly, peasant family, his parents were cousins; he was inbred, and how has this affected his choices? That is, if it did. Moreover, he wasn't the best of artists, see: perspective. And was an awful, defiant student, but these traits can also be expressed by gifted children. In my view, he probably had a slightly above-average IQ, but nothing spectacular. An IQ of 110 or 115, possibly. A middling mind. Hitlerism, National Socialism, or, to be more vulgar, Nazism, wasn't very original. It is, what? Fascism, but more racist, and Fascism, I think, was much more original than Hitlerism. Readiness. Power. Speed. Vitality. Youth. Technology. Science, and violence. Natural law, domination.

Picrel, the scores obtained at the Nuremberg trials.
Sure, but is there a rationale behind every addiction? Like why choose this instead of that.
I can agree that there are similarities from a high-level perspective but I disagree that Rome or Greece ever reached the stage of decadence or incompetence that we have. Worse, it’s hard to see a way to fix our particular predicament. For the Romans of Augustus’ time for example, the issue of the day was a primarily ethical one. Ours is ethical, legal, and technical. The Roman Republic was never so mad as to give all women the right to vote or allow for a system of importing foreign voters by the millions. But the technical problems are even more glaring. How do you manage a declining system with millions of people who depend on it? The Faustian bargain is a particularly tricky bargain to make because your whole civilization is staked on it. I desperately want to believe that we’re in our Late Republic era but I actually worry a lot that we’re just playing our role in some more biblical than historical, that we’re a bit more Sodom and Gemorrah than Rome or Athens, and that our ultimate destiny is to be nothing more than a historical example of what happens to those who transgress God in pursuit of worldly power, basically that we are Dr. Faustus and that the East is meant to inherit our lesson.
Once you're addicted, it doesn't really matter. You'll use anything to justify it.
>Like why choose this instead of that.
I don't know, and even those who have dedicated their lives to treating addiction don't really know. But what we do know is you have an abnormal attraction alcohol, so the last thing you want to do is fuel that desire by drinking.
That's an addiction that will kill you if try to go off it cold turkey, if it's progressed far enough
This is not only true of addiction, but many things; men are not forced to believe, but those to. The human mind can rationalize almost everything.
*Choose to
What's the solution then? Waning yourself off it isn't the answer either. Does he need to go to a facility? The only thing I've been addicted to in my life was weed, and I cold turkey'd. There were some interesting symptoms: I threw up daily for like a week straight, had massive head aches, and was awnry and irretable for like a month. Are alcoholic withdrawl symptoms even worse?
It’s not rational. In my experience, most addiction is perpetuated by fear of the low rather than chasing the high. You get to a point with basically anything that you feel like you need the substance to continue living appropriately and without it you’re going to fall apart.
I guess. In my case its like an antidepressant. It helps with killing the time in the evening as I have a very specific drinking schedule.
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Hahahaha nonwhites are already nonwhiting in Japan

>Welcome to the party, asshole!
Ok, the Romans didn't have women rights, but they did have millions of foreign immigrants. Some experts hypothesize that the mainland Celtic languages (almost) solely disappeared due to to the mass migration of Asian populations into the Provence and Gaule after the conquest done by Caesar.
> we’re a bit more Sodom and Gemorrah than Rome or Athens
I just see in Sodom and Gemorrah two societies older than Rome and Athens even, who, once extremely prosperous and expanding into other regions of the world, devolved into shitholes of degeneracy and collapsed.
There's a lot of evidence for those collapsed societies. In the Bible Adam and Eve could do everything they wanted except eat from the tree.
If no other prescriptions were necessary, but during the times of Moses, we see that homosexuality, sodomy, and other heinous acts are condemned, it's because the societies who applied those laws had gone through a period where these acts were not forbidden, but the populations had developped a tendency for them, and those tendencies caused problems, and then society collapsed (probably) and the laws of Moses were written.
Wich makes the modern degeneracy of the West all the more pathetic. We are the wisest civilization by measure of the knowledge that is accessible to us, the aftermaths of decadence are easily accessible to everyone (like so many of the 'wisdoms' of modern sociology are so easily obscured with the most superficial reading of Socrates) but human groups, like women, have that special capability of defying logic.
Yes, they're worse. I didn't believe addiction to weed is acting but psychological. Alcohol is easy more physically addictive. That's just the facts. You have to be weaned off, if the auction is bad enough. I've never heard of anything else working
Tattoos on white girls are just fucking ugly. I like pale skin. Turning your skin green is NOT attractive.

Not to mention they are trashy as fuck.
But at least on a black girl, it would sort of work, color wise.
But those foreign immigrants couldn’t vote for foreign immigrants who in turn legislated more foreign immigrants to come and vote for more foreign immigrants. Roman elections never worked that way. They would have thought it was mad.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the best title ever. Never seen it since it's doubtless one of the most shit films ever, but My God does the name roll off the tongue, and the idea ring true: No one, ever, moves to Texas for the culture or the view.

I don't think you need genius level IQ to be a leader.
Think of all the HR Stacies that run circles around the engineers in any typical tech company.
I think it is actually quite common for gifted people to end up slaving away for relatively mid-intellect normies.
is The Golden Bough by James Frazer worth reading? I'm starting The Recognitions now and I'm a huge fanboy of Eliot in general, so I'm wondering if him and Gaddis are overhyping it, if it's kind of dated now, or if it really is a brilliant and prescient study. Was gonna make a separate post but figured this thread would suffice.
>Best title
>Not Piranha 3DD
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decided to cut off contact with my entire nuclear family. Not going to ever forgive them for raising me in a cult and denying me an education. Done with their instability, their constant manipulation, their slavishness, their lack of personal boundaries, their trashiness, and their crabs in a bucket mentality

finally got into university and I'm never looking back. most compassionate thing I can give to the next generation is a clean slate from my family's disfunction
I Wan visit Ireland to meet some Joyce's but Im afraid I will only meet mcgregor's
>raising me in a cult
jw or mormons?
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Every time I think of doing something I remember we live in a jew money loving world where women are actually accepted in leadership positions and are seen as equal to men, to which discernment I immediately lose interest. I think I'm sleeping over this era, trying to protect my soul as much as possible.
I like the idea of "Skull" in almost any title. Qatar Skull Stadium, Miami Cigarettte Skull Boat.
offbrand JWs, think urban Mennonites or Hasidic Lutherans and you aren't far off. got shunned when I left after a failed kidnapping "spiritual intervention" and was shunned by everyone I knew for a few years, this happened right before COVID.

Was such a traumatizing incident that I've since been diagnosed with PTSD because of it
Polish movie posters should make you happy. This is their one for Raiders of the Lost Ark, long before anyone was thinking about crystal skulls
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9 more years until wizard powers
Do you think they felt that it was a cult and did it anyway or do you think they thought they were doing right by you?
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Not enough incel posting and complaining about being a sexless freak itt. Gonna fix that
>9 more years
-2 years for me
Can you levitate or cast hexes on foids yet?
So far just passive spell : invisibility to women. Maybe next year.
Friend I know was hanging with another dude who has bad behavior like ego problems, baseless claims ect so I'm trying to convince dude to drop other dude to see if I can.
I don't know, and frankly don't care. Either way my family is almost entirely destroyed by their actions.

I'm done trying to figure out their intentions

You don't have to have much of anything to do with him once the two of you are out of the house. Short of full estrangement or active hostility, just try to be cordial with him on the occasions when the two of you meet up with the parents. You don't have to like each other just because of the accident of your birth, but it's a good idea to maintain a civil and diplomatic relationship with him, at minimum. At some point the parents will die, and in all likelihood the two of you will still be alive, at which point you'll have an estate to fight over.
>You don't have to have much of anything to do with him once the two of you are out of the house
why does this happen?
Grew up Catholic and although not a cult, it still negatively affected my life.
Everyone in my family is a fucking incel because of it.

Two people of different psychology, different personality types, or who just plain don't much like each other, are accidentally born to the same parents. Happens all the time. He should still try to maintain a cordial relationship with the brother, for the reason given. A simple, polite hello on the phone once a year is enough if they truly don't like each other.
Not liking the elden ring dlc as much as i thought i would
maybe I'm just rushing through it too much
>dude... there's a tree... and there's this guy... and also this other guy... from the past... and there was a war... and things are bad... and this guy's second cousin twice removed is also that guy...
fucking sick of this nipslop game. it's so uninteresting.
ive put a 100 hours into the base game and i still couldn't tell you the plot
it was the exploration and bosses for me
she wasn't very
but few people
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If there's one thing chuds and libtards share in common, it's that they're mentally ill and have to contaminate everything with idpol.
I cannot ethically kill myself because I'm my dad's only surviving son. His other sons died childless so I have the responsibility to continue the line. Fucking sucks that they hoisted that burden on me. I just want to live in a cave and disappear forever.
So one of the kids I get paid to tutor pretends like he has bad internet connection to get out of the zoom calls. I still get paid for the full hour so fuck it.
Are you the Mormon anon?
not Mormon, this is the group I grew up in

I hear so many stories about how growing up Catholic or going to Catholic absolutely devastates people. I personally went to a Catholic school as a kid and every minute of it horrible. Made me an atheist for a really long time. I've met so many people with the same experience. Always find it amusing how people convert to Romanism to be trad or whatever, when most people raised in it desperately try to escape it.
That's really unfortunate. Just keep going forward and don't look back. Also, don't fall for the trap of turning into some radical of the opposite variety. By that I mean don't join some creepy atheist progressive cult to compensate. Strike a balance.
Well, that image is bloody, figuratively speaking

I am an only child and I am very happy that the parents never once put the slightest pressure on me to have children, something I personally have never wanted to do. They've never even prodded me to get into a relationship with anyone, or seriously suggested, with love and concern, that it's something that I "should" do. We all get on very well with each other, and we have a good relationship with each other. I suppose privately they figure that mentioning such stuff would be unhelpful, and might push me away from them (it would). Mom has taken a liking to a cousin's little girl, and I joke that it's her "granddaughter".

It's wild to me that apparently, it's common for families and friend groups to exert pressure on teenagers and young adults to do these things. With very few exceptions, I never experienced any such pressure in my private life, neither from immediate family, nor from friends or extended family. The only person who ever seriously asked/entertained the idea of me having a girlfriend was grandma, usually phrased politely as "Do you have a girlfriend?" Once she began her swift decline into what our current president is suffering from, this put an equally swift end to her well-meaning question.

Sometimes at work, I will meet a new person, and they may ask whether I have a gf/wife or children. I politely reply that I'm a bachelor. Whenever I do this, the given person never asks a meaningful question about my personal life ever again. On one occasion, two young black women were discussing one's baby. The other turned to me and asked whether I had children, to which I replied no. The follow-up was tactless but, I believe, innocent on her part: "Do you want any?" I again answered honestly, as politely as I could: no, I don't.
millions of bloodlines died childless. why is your so special?
That's incorrect.
> The Edict of Caracalla (officially the Constitutio Antoniniana in Latin: "Constitution [or Edict] of Antoninus") was an edict issued in AD 212 by the Roman Emperor Caracalla, which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in the Empire were given the same rights as Roman women, with the exception of the dediticii, people who had become subject to Rome through surrender in war, and freed slaves
So what do you plan on doing with your life?
Do you have a high end career or something?
in my opinion, interracial porn is a form of furryism. Furryism only exists on the internet, because the only way you can relate to sex on-screen is to "teleport" yourself into it via some anima. Furries end up imagining beasts for this purpose, while interracial fags imagine gigganiggas
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I appreciate your empathy. Already fell into the radicalization traps a few times. Like to think I have amount of stability now, but it's so difficult living in such a radlib place like the twin cities. sadly my city is not any more functional than where I grew up.

hoping to finish my education and then go into civil service, give back to the outside World that I was taught to fear. The same World that has so much supported my exit from the community.

Try not to think about how much I am totally reliant on the state and social programs to function; it's had more real concern for my future than my own flesh and blood family
I've been thinking a lot about the impact digital footprints will have on future writers. Like imagine if James Joyce turned out to have an anonymous AO3 where he posted erotic fart stories about his favorite anime girls instead of having a couple weird fetish letters to his wife. It's hard to have any sort of mystique when so much is knowable and all the embarrassing things someone did can easily be sorted through, like we're raccoons searching through well-indexed garbage. Or imagine if one of the churches wanted to canonize some guy, but he spent most of his youth making cringe tiktok videos. Some canonized people had decadent youths, but they never meticulously documented every dumb thought they had. I have no artistic talent so nobody will ever care about all the stupid things I did, but I feel bad for the iPad kids that will never be able to cultivate any sort of mystique.
I don't like how dumb/uncreative I am it's really disheartening when people just think of me as a mindless drone but I guess thats how I act it doesn't help that my job discourages thinking on your own :/
I wish I've had a creativity but I dont.

Not so much what I want to do with my life, but what I know for sure I do not want: no marriage, no kids, ever. I will pursue my hobbies at my own pace, and in my own way.

I just wrote that at one point, I had two young black female co-workers. This is a pretty obvious clue that I don't have a "high end career".


The abject political idiocy of the people who live in this place is one of the major reasons why I don't bother socializing with others. They aren't worth knowing as people. The homeless camp poop people were recently shunted away from here, to a nearby locale. A few blocks north, a police officer is murdered by a wonderful addition to our national community, a real net positive of a human being, and this precipitates the largest emergency vehicle response that I have ever seen in my life, and I lived through the St. George Floyd stupidity. For comparison, a few years ago I observed a mall on lockdown following a teenage boy's suicide in a sporting goods store, which brought out a good 40-50 cop cars.
It's easy to say what you don't want. I'd say try imagining what you would want for a change.
I have received pressure to get a gf but solely for the purpose of fornication. My dad seems to think that I should spend my young life fucking as many women as possible.
The impulse to preserve my line is entirely my own. Life is good, being is good, and the continued existence of my lineage is innately good. Procreation is essential to our being. Being the final son, it is imperative I achieve this. I say this entirely uncoerced by family pressure.
Mine is special because my bloodline won't end. Simple as.
Most of your digital footprint will disappear into the data void anyway. Unless everything you do online is meticulously curated like with Chris Chan, what you do will be forgotten.
Publicly, yes, but a lot of "lost" compromising data is really just sitting in some guy's closet. One day he'll get bored and dump everything, PII and all.
I know there's many basement dwelling NEET losers here who never even tried, but what about those anons who absolutely gave their everything and best and got still rejected by society? Are you still striving to become someone? Change locations? Somehow still managed to get success? Are you mad at society for not treating you according to your value?
I am the Waldganger. I am among society without being part of it, and that's fine with me.
>My dad seems to think that I should spend my young life fucking as many women as possible
Honestly he's kinda right. All this "bloodline" talk is gay as shit. What a garbage reason to have kids. LARPing as 13th earl or something.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave a legacy behind. There's nothing wrong with not giving a fuck about a legacy, too
Mormon anon here, I'm lurking. I think it's interesting that the people who were raised Catholic in this thread all left it while I'm considering converting.
Im trying to become religious but its hard, I went to church yesterday and I just couldn't follow what the priest was saying so I started browsing the chan instead. I dont know how you guys do it
It takes practice. I reccomend turning off your phone or leaving it in your car, simply so it's mot their to distract you. You might have an easier time in a group bible study because it's more directly engaging.
your dad is retarded. you are a destructive jew if you go out fucking girls and creating more damaged, pill-addled whores.
Master one thing.
What if one just fucks the girls who are already pill addled whores
Inventing an Other was the only way that God could express His Aloneness. Love and fear are the same.
Thinking of starting my own new religion.

If you accept panpsychism as true, I believe it would necessarily posit a materialist soteriology
I've made several novel discoveries which hopefully others might independently arrive at too. It's been rather swell since society started ignoring me to be honest. I don't think I could have got here without them.
Master oneself
i axed brave ai (mixtral) to recommend me a movie from the bad old days of nyc and it told me the seven-ups (1973) which i had never heard of and only had a 6.8 on imdb, but that shit was good af, i watched like the first ten minutes and i was into it. good rec, lol.
My biggest regret is not spending ages 22 through 28 more wisely. What you do from 22 to 28 in some sense makes you who you’re going to be forever. I know exactly what I would have done in retrospect, but I could only know that in retrospect.
>I was swindled out of 6.8k by a crypto scammer.
No offense but I wish I was him.
Unless you are talking about crack or something equally fucked I have no idea how you end up in this situation via smoking.
Even weed.
I'm assuming you are like 40something at a minimum.
Tbh I think you guys should just admit that the underclass is generally made out of ugly people.
The current status quo of things may not last. But I doubt the current technological paradigm is going away any time soon.
Most of the collapse preachers have deep emotional investment in the concept and use it for something.
U.S world hegemony is probably shot though. And so are the chances of a new Aegis of trade and commerce, in my opinion.
6.8/10 is a good rating.
It's funny you should say that because I frequently see people say that about 14 to 18 and 18 to 22
Do you listen to music when reading and if so, what kind?
>"Hmm, 'exactitude' sounds exactly like the bullshit word I need. It can't be a real word, nor can its definition be exactly what I think—"
It is. It just keeps happening.
I think I should spend the next 6 months focusing on looksmaxxing.
Fuck you. Scum like you are why the world is fucked up. You only give a shit about yourself and that makes you a pathetic bitch
Social work is basically the cure for faith the government can help.
When it needs power to crush, it lacks it. When it needs an open wallet to solve a short term problem, its purse strings are stainless steel.
What's the last gun you bought?
The kind that shoots bullets
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Blogpost incoming.

It's funny. I'm feeling on top of the world with so much, but I'm also staring into the abyss of just how lonely and touch starved I am. Realized the emotional damage from my mother as a kid has essentially turned me into the male equivalent of the girls with daddy issues, but I've just been too much of a shut in to engage in the same kind of degenerate behavior. I used to think I had some kind of built in defenses against them, and maybe to some extent I do, but it's easy to say that when there was only two times you were actually tested and they were nearly half your life ago.

What makes it hardest is that I was gifted the kind of creative mind that comes up with stories at the drop of the hat. When I can't get to sleep I lay there fantasizing about all kinds of romances and scenarios, both emotion and sexual, sometimes both. It's so hard finding a girl with the same level of damage that separates you from "normal" whole people but also decided to use that damage as motivation to be better instead of letting it destroy you. Then again, I'm nearly 30 with nothing real to show for it. I was never more productive than the week after a girl suggested we read a book together. Unfortunately she went off her meds and iced me out at the end of that week, but what a glorious week it was. If only I could find someone to be equally as committed and willing to be the motivation I need to truly fly instead of slogging my way through it over some hypothetical.

Of course, you say all this and they shame you for objectifying or expecting someone to want someone so low, but they miss out on the flip side of it. The things I would do for someone willing to nurse this stray dog back to fighting strength.... I'd do things they'd write history books about for that woman.

I know I didn't write all I wanted to, nor effectively communicate what I did, but it just feels good to get some of this out.
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also, I saw a squirrel today, but he looked like he got beat the fuck up. His tail was like a rat tail instead of being all fluffy, and he like did these little hops to get away when he saw me and then did this really pathetic hop onto the fence. Poor guy.

Difference is Catholicism isn't a cult. People leave childhood religions all the time without any trauma being involved.
It's never too late.
>I dont know how you guys do it
L + Ratio + git gud scrub
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I've got a big thermos (it's actually a water bottle) of green tea brewing. I'm planning on getting some serious reading done tonight and I've heard green tea is way better for reading than coffee, and after doing this a few times I think I agree. Does anybody else drink green tea for reading seshes?
for me, its alcohol

going to sleep giuys gn~~~!!!!
fuck all of you btw
My brew has cooled off finally, time for this download of L-theanine bros. Tonight's gonna be great.
>Come across YouTube channel BadEmpanada
>He's a Breadtuber, but his videos are generally well researched and sourced, and I agree with him on a few things, so I watch him
>Come across a debate of his from 2 years ago with some guy I don't know
>Within the first 30 minutes, BadEmpanada has said that almost every Jew in Israel should be lined against a wall and shot, only walking it back to that some of them should be sent to reeducation camps instead
What is it with left wingers going full right wing in debates? Like I remember when Metokur debated Destiny, it ended up with Destiny claiming the United States should invade Mexico and install a puppet regime.
What about debating makes leftists go full 'day of the rope'?
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i used to drink copious amounts of green tea. now i drink copious amounts of english black tea.
keep telling myself I'm gonna stop eating then I don't. Just like God couldn't stop himself from creating this world
>What about debating makes leftists go full 'day of the rope'
It's not debate but focus. Either side calling to ban something is admitting they have a problem with it. Right wingers want to ban porn because they watch it more, want to ban books they think could convince anyone not just them to be gay, and left wingers try to keep kids out harmful authoritarian regimes by putting them in the right authoritarian regimes.
It's kind of funny when you look at debates though because both sides are blind to it, so you get someone from a northern US highly left highly racially segregated city telling someone from a southern US highly right leaning high integration city about how less racist shit is near them, and both sides believe it
I would recommend reading some Jung on the concept of the shadow. It helped me form a healthier conception of what it means to have baggage, for something to be wrong with you, etc. Instead of viewing it as permanent dents or damage on your psyche, or as "bad" structures that can only either be left standing or torn down (with nothing gained from having had them and torn them down, aside getting back to zero), it helps you see all the problems you were saddled with by your upbringing as challenges that forced you to develop strengths in response to them. Now that you've developed to the level of self-consciousness that you're aware of the challenges, and not just reacting passively to them by constructing a persona that defends against them, you can think about integrating both your "coping" persona and your shadow, bringing both to a higher level.

For example Jung's shadow was that he felt ignored and condescended to, like he was always the runt and didn't get enough respect, so he created his persona as the wise old man. But just because he built this persona in response to his unconscious fears and issues doesn't mean it isn't valuable. He really did become wise, he really did develop strengths and perspectives because of this. But there also came a time when it was time to face those fears directly, and integrate his shadow. Not tearing down the persona, but raising it to a higher level.

I would honestly recommend you stop fantasizing about romance privately or indulging in any media that enables such fantasies. You have to do something to give you perspective on your situation with women, which is bad but it's not as bad as you think. Not to offend or overstep, but you are romanticizing, narrativizing, and thus overly schematizing your aloneness in ways that will isolate you from possible real experiences. I'm only saying this because I've seen it many times. Fundamentally you have to de-tether your lack of relationship successes from your sense of having a "life story," of it being "a story" at all that explains your lack of relationships. The latter is a problem to be dealt with, but it's a very contingent one. Don't become ingrown about it and heap stories on stories about how you were raised this or that way, and that's why your life went such and such a way, and that's why you missed that one opportunity, and if only X had happened, Y might have happened, so now you're really hoping for Z. These sorts of narratives become bubbles that distort our view of real things when they do come along. I've seen this time and time again, guys trying to "fit" a girl who is actually interested in them or a real opportunity into their narrative, not realizing the narrative has become self-sustaining and is now all they really know, it's not even a coping mechanism anymore but their life.
The Works is the best toilet bowl cleaner I've ever used.
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It occurs to me that the female version of the Chosen One concept is the "I'm not like the other girls" idea. You see this in a lot of Taylor Swift's music. This idea, that women convey to other women, that they're distinctive from all the other bitches out there, and this makes them worthy of a man in a way that being a typical girl does not.

But it's telling that these two gender-specific versions of "you're secretly special and not normal at all" have such classically gender-specific outcomes. The Chosen One idea is that you are going to be the knight, the savior, the Hero. Taking up your father's sword, ridding the kingdom of evil, slaying the dragon, defeating the Dark Lord. Whereas the "I'm not like the other girls" idea has as its goal nothing more than the man of your dreams sweeping you off your feet and taking you to be his wife.

The male Chosen One narrative has the goal of being world-historically great. The female Chosen One narrative has the goal of getting dick.
I actually keep the fantasies and real life pretty separate. Sure, I play the what if game like anyone else, but when it comes to real life interactions I tend to approach it in a very "in the moment" kind of way.

As far the damage, ultimately it's just a craving for female affection. Not to imply I've got a mommy fetish or something(this shit grosses me out for myself, which is ironic given I'm into being called Daddy), but lack of affection growing up left quite the void.

I appreciate the response tho. Jung has been on the TBR for a while now. Maybe I should bump him up the list.
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There's a quote that stuck with a very deep part of my brain, but sadly not with what would remember a source or any of the details.
I still think about it a lot. Basically, that persuading/convincing people that they are righteous/justified in acting evilly/cruelly towards others, is the most delicious.
I'm thinking about that quote a lot, especially because for all the searching I've done it seems to have disappeared from the internet.
They hate to hear it
I half-ass understand what you're saying but damn, that sounds extremely difficult to pull off. Basically you have to divorce yourself from everything to understand what is going on with yourself? I confess I do not understand you fully
Psychopaths do that
I am debating whether or not to post fanfiction again. I enjoyed it, but I made the mistake of joining fandom circles, Discords, etc. where I realized I had a “presence” and where people would judge me and whatnot. And then I got caught up in all of that and it made fanfic not fun anymore. I have a new account on AO3 now where I can post from in peace. Maybe I’ll start posting from there.
I've written fanfiction for years. I'm also an original artist with multiple short stories and poems published under my own name. Fan content is fun, and it's really enjoyable if you think you have a story to tell. It's just a matter of whether you do.
Fuck what people think. You either like your shit or you don't
I wrote that kind of stuff for a bit but I had to stop. For whatever reason it became an outlet for the most depraved fantasies imaginable. Initially I was just writing cutesey romantic shit about characters I shipped and somewhere along the line I fell off the deep end and ended up writing ero-guro snuff-sex fanfics. If you lurked the right board a couple years back you might have caught one as I posted it.
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I went for a walk. At a part where a girl was walking towards me on the same sidewalk she decides to walk off to the side and tie her shoes, and is finished tying them the second I walk by. I've never seen a girl need to mess with her shoes and finish before I pass. They're only finished after I pass. And I've never seen a guy ever need to adjust his shoes like this. Am I crazy for thinking that women deliberately pretend to need to do things to avoid the possibility of an interaction?
>Am I crazy for thinking that women deliberately pretend to need to do things to avoid the possibility of an interaction?
what's this got to do with women? I do this all the time. It's probably even worse with women because people are more likely to try to interact with them for no reason just because they activate the sex brain.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Going out drinking w/ qt coworker again tomorrow. A few weeks ago I got blackout drunk and smashed my face into the pavement in front of her apartment. My face is mostly healed up now. There will be a scar on my nose. I had to get stiches. She was worried I died, at the time. I'm glad I didn't knock my teeth out. I got blood on the stairs to her room and I got blood on her couch. She has a bf. We are going to dinner and drinks tomorrow with some of her friends. Her bf won't be there. She is driving me. She said she wants me to get drunk. She said it's fun when I'm drunk. Her friends were there when I got blackout drunk a few weeks ago. They must think I am a stupid fuck. I am going to have to face them tomorrow with my scarred face. What am I getting myself into? Why did she come to my apartment to smoke weed and watch a movie? Surely, she didn't expect me to make a move. She has a bf of like 3 years. We are just friendly coworkers, surely. My dick barely works anyway. Man, what the fuck am I getting myself into. She said her friend K-- is coming tomorrow. She was at the party where I got blackout. I don't remember her. I reckon she is trying to set me up with K--, which is something I expected to happened eventually, and one of the reasons I don't mind just being qt-coworkers friend. She has lots of friends--I don't. She can hook me up. I have a bad habit of over-indulgence. I haven't learned my lesson yet, and don't reckon I ever will. I love getting fucked up. I feel happy. I am a happy, sentimental, laughing drunk. I need to fix my dick. I had a dream last night where qt-coworker was in my bed masturbating, she started to masturbate me too, but I couldn't get hard.
She thinks you're gay
How do you know if your parents loved you?
very possible.
Am I?
Have you tried asking them?
They’d probably say yes and then I’d get angry at them for lying to me.
What’s everyone been reading?
I just finished Extra Virginity, about olive oil.
Christopher Lasch
Man, Proust is a brilliant writer, his way of describing things not through their objective qualities but through the subjective ones of the characters in all its minutiae of the human experience is unparalleled but my God I can not give two shits about what the novel is actually talking about so far, the characters, their personalities, the ridiculous and carefully orchestrated manners of high society, all of it is a world so foreign and unrelatable and thus uninteresting to me it's almost a slog to read. I know, I know, it's essential reading, I should continue on, and again the writing and his talent of immaculately detailing an experience and emotion and situation is pure genius, but man...
>go https://www.bing.com/search?q=obeisance
>play audio
I heardNo, FUCK YOU. That word is the Frencher than Napoleon literally.
Dude doesn't even have a fucking nose; What a joke pronunciation. Word should've raped the word long ago and turned that "i" into a "y". weak shit. God damn British shits. Man, I cannot believe how fucking based French are and were. The good guys lost.
I really wanted to get fit and work harder this year but my sleep is so fucked and nothing seems to be able to fix it so I’m so tired all and sore all the time. I feel like I’m going to break down sometimes.
Stories by Ray Russell
Women must understand that reading Hegel will NOT prevent them from getting raped
I always show up drunk to class. I can't help it. Without alcohol I'm a inhuman unresponsive robot. With alcohol o think better and am more social.
It's like that movie Another Round; my performance unironically improves when I keep a buzz of around 2-4 whiskey shots
Reading Marx, I honestly find him not so insufferable. It's a shame so many calling themselves "Marxists" are such utterly revolting individuals.
Im also more engaged.otherwise I don't give a shit
Marx was definitely a bitter cunt but probably a fun guy to hang out with, if he liked you.

The one thing that gets on my nerves is his obsession with
>The A of B is actually the B of A!
Exercising 2-4 times a week. Cut down on calories significantly, I'm hungry all day. I hope it's enough for now. I'm not even fat I just want to get rid of my fucking man tits
Finding out a significant portion of people in a given group dislike you is extremely unpleasant. Especially when you tried to be nice and reasonable around them.
Chaos is mindblowing and The Magic Island is delightfully atmospheric.
>in traffic
>feel like everyone behind me is angry at me even though they probably don't notice me whatsoever
>walking in public
>feel stared at
>mention personal issues in an offhand manner in conversation
>think about it for days, feel like a burden for bringing it up, cringe physically when remembering the fact that I mentioned my insignificant non-problems like a fucking pussy instead of sucking it up
>get to know someone and get invited to an event
>instantly regret putting myself out there, imagine millions of ways I could disappoint this person in the future
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Sounds Chestertonian.
I constantly have sexual fantasies of my girlfriend having interracial sex. What is wrong with me? Why can't I stop thinking of this??? I don't think I'm racist but these thoughts are cause of arousal and they are constant.
just become black dude
How do I become a loremaster?
I just want to watch her rebel in pleasure that my small size cannot bring her. I don't want to self insert as a Black. I want her to be pleased by them... Why am I like this? Why could i not have been normal???
Chaos was genuinely fascinating, thoroughly enjoyed it.
I like it too. I'm reading it mostly on audio.
The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
Realistically, how would you take Washington DC by force? How would you seize the city? By land? By sea? I guess there must be at least one airbase defending the capital.

All of this hypothetically, of course.
And hypothetically what happens if you take it? No one will listen to you and they’ll just wait till you kill yourself or surrender
>Popular and really good rule34 artist does monthly vote for what character they should draw next.
>There are a bunch of good options and some boring options, the boring options already have tens of thousands of art of them.
>The people vote for the boring options.
>They do this every single time.
Fucking losers.
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Quit watching porn.
I told my fiancé and the mother of my children that I resent her. She's upset but I told her that I want my kids to be in a stable environment. Women.
Weak bait and shitty larp.
No I am drunk.
I am racist, antisemitic, and a misogynist, but I believe I am very in touch with my anima, my negrido, and my inner Jew. I am neurotic like a Jew, I am emotional like a woman, and I have loud trashy arguments with people on the phone while walking down the sidewalk like a black. Sometimes I see black people misbehaving and I think, I get it, I've done that. I'm like a crystal that absorbs all the retardation of every type of human. I could bring all the divided parts of humanity together.
I actually kind of have? I have had some slips but i haven't engaged in PMO (porn masturbation orgasm) in 2 weeks. The last time i did it was a slip that has not been repeated yet. So far only 1 slip in this month.... but the need won't go away. I just want to see her cum. But sex with her is complicated, she REALLY needs to be in the mood.
I feel better. Sloughed the baggage.
She is sniffling in bed and doesn't want to talk about it but it feels good to say it out loud. I wis she would stfu because it's 3.30am.
Eat more protein so you won't feel hungry
This law didn't grant "right to vote" in any way analogous to immigrants moving to the first world and voting, demographics, etc. It is no way comparable. It mainly granted access to judicial courts, which were already pretty integrated into local systems, and a more consistent taxation/administration system.
If brevity is the soul of wit I am witless.
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I just saw a webm of a pajeet being turned into origami by an elephant
Is das kapital worth reading in this day and age?
Based pröööööh :DDDD
been raining dicks and donkeys all day
haven't sent he sun in a week
I'm so fucking tired of diarrhea and stomach discomfort. This shit fucks with all of my daily plans.
I really need to start cooking food myself and stop drinking coffee and alcohol.
I swear, the idea or the meme of punching a hole in the wall is an image planted in my generation's unconscious specifically by the music video for Love The Way You Lie. Because realistically, how many people are out there really doing that shit?
Most immigrants into Europe don't gain citizenship. Switzerland has about 25% of the population living as non-citizens. They have basically become the new working class (Balkan and Moortuguese white trash, Middle Easterners, blacks)
>Switzerland has about 25% of the population living as non-citizens
Are they including the people employed by finance from foreign countries in that? It's a bit like documenting Malta's immigrant boom by counting golden passports.
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It's probably OK to masturbate when you're feeling horny. It's masturbating when you're not even horny that it is the real morale killer.
So... I just fucked up in the most hilarious way. There I was, making me a work-from-home lunch (pasta puttanesca from Binging with Babish), when I saw a jar of herbs sitting on the shelf. My roommate's generally pretty chill about sharing cooking supplies, so I thought I'd try sprinkling some of the herbs into the sauce. What's the worst they could do, right? Welp... turns out they were my roommate's 'special herbs', if you get what I mean. Mary-ja-wana.The old sticky-icky. Yup, I'm talking about *that* kind of special herb. When did I realise? Probably about the time my whole body began to feel like it was somewhere between Earth and frickin' Venus. And I've got two more Zoom meeting to get through this afternoon. Let's just say it's gonna be a *loooong* day.
Most immigrants don't vote. Of course it's all dependant from country to country. Switzerland has an average voting participation of 33%.
Huh, turns out it really wasn't that hard and I passed, nice. You can all do it if you put your heads down and try.
It's been raining day on and day off here, I wish it would rain every day for the rest of my life.
I'm just asking how many of them prefer to be called expats lol
This is the second time in two years I’m invited to a friend’s wedding without being allowed to bring my (longtime) girlfriend. For budget reasons I’m told, and my girlfriend doesn’t really know these people. I think weddings are quite dumb but I still feel offended. I’m inclined not to go. I went to the other one alone and felt like I was betraying my girlfriend. Fuck this dumb shit. Get fucked. Thoughts?
>should I spend time with fake normie faggots?
It is a mystery, anon.
I did, however, have a not so great sleep beforehand, I kept waking up in fear that I'd missed my alarm only to realise that it was pitch black outside and that my alarm wouldn't be going off for another 5 hours, that happens to me a lot, I even stress in my sleep, does that happen to anyone else?
Does anyone else feel socially homeless even among their own race? I’m white, American and so naturally I look to white America for community but all I see is this sort of slide into white trash/redneck/country subculture that I just don’t have any interest in anymore. The only alternative that I’m finding is the sort of LGBT-progressive white urbanite subculture. And I feel socially homeless because it’s like there’s no community, however small, I can call mine. I’ve started feeling a twinge of despair when I see weed shops and country music acts in my town.
>and felt like I was betraying my girlfriend.
You felt like you were betraying your girlfriend because you went to a wedding without her? Are you retarded, anon? Genuine question.
Move to the Silicon valley
Gonna listen to music and write a journal entry into my notes app, probably gonna listen to Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. I should be reading right now, but I'm not gonna force myself to do one thing when I want to do something else. The book isn't going anywhere, I don't need to stress.
I think that’s the worst possible “solution”.
Why? Seems like pretty much the only place that is neither redneck nor urbanitermitian.
A major alcohol retailer rejected my job application even though I have experience working alcohol retail. Plus I'm college educated. What the fuck? Why are retailers so picky about hiring?
Apply again
Do you have any good alcohol retail stories?
It’s probably the most LGBT-progressive white urbanite place on the planet. Clearly, you’ve never been there.

Where are all the lit type people? Where do they live? They’re all NEETs living in mom’s basement in the suburbs now I guess.
> Clearly, you’ve never been there
No, but I wouldn't say Elon Musk for instance is a faggot urbanite. I always envisioned as an oasis of the Faustian spirit (much like the CIA and by extension the US military).
> Where are all the lit type people
What do you mean? People who read? There's lot of them kek get yourself a friend circle.
oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats n oats n goats
Elon Musk lives in Texas first of all. But yes, he is a sort of urbanite progressive but I’ll grant you of a different sort than the sort I’m talking about. Still, Elon Musks are so rare as to be non-existent and I’m not going to meet or befriend Elon Musk by moving to Austin. The existence of one or two people who I could click with doesn’t constitute a subculture or a people.
Are you living on planet earth? 99% of the anons here will tell you that they personally know almost nobody who reads. There are not a lot of them.
NTA but I live in the UK and I don't relate to this at all.
I don't know what to tell you before you tell me what your goals are. But ultimately it all boils down to expectations. Of course sometimes reality does not meet the expectation, but if you went to the SV with the expectation of meeting people who are like Elon Musk you would most likely do
Don't fear the gooner...
I'm not sure if your the anon I'm responding too but again, this isn't analogous. The grant of citizenship was given to people who had lived under Roman rule for some two centuries by this point (and a similar cultural hegemons in the successors of Alexander for even longer). There always remained an underclass of slaves and free peoples, but if anything the EU's bureaucratic program is probably more apt of an analogy. It wasn't "immigrants" but a superstructure imposed over a diverse group of peoples.
Pulled an all-nighter and now it's officially past the point where I could fall asleep and still wake up in time for work
Thinking of random objects will lull you back to sleep. Falling asleep is a trick of self-hypnosis. Once you figure that out, you can master it
Reading is dying out
It was not the same. It was pretty much equivalent to modern 'British' citizens from countries that 'have been living for Centuries under the Crown'. There was still huge cultural and linguistic differences.
And with 'immigrants' I mean the millions of Middle Easterners from the Rome-administrated territories who moved to Italy, Gaule and Provence.
nine inch nails
Don't get me wrong, I fall back asleep almost instantly, but the fact that I'm waking up more times than I can count is what's annoying.
Got 10 pages into the journal entry when I realised that I got the timeline wrong *sigh* gonna have to go back and fix it tomorrow, as for now, I'm gonna get ready for bed, gonna brush my teeth and piss while listening to Looking Glass by Looking Glass, very underrated album, highly recommend.
We can goon like they do
>Don't fear the gooner
We'll be able to cum
>Don't fear the gooner
Baby, I'm gonna coooooom
>genuine question
You’re not genuine but I’ll answer. I guess it didn’t quite feel like betrayal, but I felt offended because I wasn’t allowed to bring her and sad because it made my gf sad.
yes, all normal people who read your post understood that, don't waste your time replying to rude spergs again
There isn't evidence of mass migration of people provincially? I mean, is there an impact on the DNA? To Rome, yes; Germanic peoples into the later empire, sure. The emperor Constantine settled some 200,000 Sarmatians into Italy and the Balkans. The only thing I can think of is military units moved around.

Not even a meme, but I'm curious where you are deriving the evidence for the assertion that millions of people moved internally? I just can't square that with a fundamentally agricultural society, plus in the later Empire movement of people was severely limited by the state.
how would you respond to a qt coworker who always asks you what you are doing this weekend, when all you ever do is sit in your apartment and read and maybe write a little and definitely smoke and drink a lot? it feels shameful to admit that.
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We're all desperate to find meaning. We're all desperate to stay alive. As time passes, things lose their meaning. We' have to take pills just to survive.

I'm losing my will to live. I absolutely wrecked my life to the point of no return. People say oh this will pass and sometimes, it does. Most of the time, it doesn't. We've all seen families and people who are obviously struggling to stay afloat but the reality is, is that they're drowning. Slowly being suffocated by unrealistic ideals they couldn't ever achieve from the moment they were born. All inequities, all injustices will be visited upon them and then when they die, there will be no resolution for them, no redemption. Just an unending chain of struggles passed from parent to child, again and again. Some people get lucky in that they were born into the right circumstances at the right time but that is less then one-percent of the human populace. Mostly, people just suffer and then die with their lives having no other meaning than to pass their suffering on to their children. I will fight for others, even those I don't agree with, but it's all just a drop in the bucket, the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dam. We've come so far as a species and unchecked greed and narcissism is going to do us in and there's not a goddamn thing you, I, or anyone else can do about it.
Write and smoke weed sounds better than Netflix and smoke weed.
>You’re not genuine
I really am, what a retarded thing to care about.
>Oh no, I couldn't go somewhere with my girlfriend and she felt sad which doesn't really matter because she got over it.
Are you serious?
I unloaded a decade of bullshit on my wife last night when she tried to tell me that we were going to have a chat about me going out and not answering my phone. She got to have her chat on my terms and now she's not talking to me. It felt cathartic to explode but ultimately it's my fault. Expectations lead to resentments, and I agree with Scheler about resentments being the result of passivity and weakness. My major mistake was not telling her to shut the fuck up early and often and I'm angry with myself about it.
Prepare for divorce
We can hope. I would have cared a few years back but I checked out last week.
I'd initiate it first then
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have you considered how much damage these kind of talks do to others? How many times people told you to stfu when you start to wallow in your self pity thinking ''oh but it only affects me'', no, no it fucking doesn't, it pisses everyone off reading this and ruins our moods too. You are one selfish faggot, STFU . There's a reason why therapists are expensive, because nobody wants to hear this demoralizing and mostly false bullshit your plagued mind harbors unless you pay them obscene amount of money.
Cry about it more if you can but I doubt that's possible. People exist. People get shit on. Over and over. Get over your lollipops and unicorns phase, you inscrutable faggot
holy fucking XASED. i stopped visit 4chan as much cuz i'm sick of voluntarily exposing myself to the thought-vapors of the mentally diseased.
Your post evokes this song
Thanks, you’re right
Boohoo. You're not missed, smoothbrain
Autist detected
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Do anons not get the archives for link for 4chan?
Try again and this time, make sense
good morning saar
yeah, I think I'll just start being honest. fuck it
That's not who I am which is why I am in this situation.
In a few years, the Province was as transfigured and semitized as we see today the city of Algiers having become, after twenty years, a French city.
A Gaul from the Province represented, to take things literally, the semitized product of the most disparate elements; a man who was neither Italian, nor Greek, nor Asian, nor Gall, but of all this a little, and who carried in his nationality formed of inconcilliable elements, this light-hearted spirit, this erased and changing character, stigma of all degenerate races.
based on the fully Romanized Province, undertook and carried out the conquest of the southern Gauls. He and his successors continued to hold the Celts under the feet of southern civilization. All the colonies, in such large numbers, that fell on the country, became true garrisons, acting vigorously for the spread of Asian blood and culture.
There came a day when, in this vast eclecticism, they were still afraid of having become too cramped, and, not to seem exclusive, invented this vague word of Providence, which is, in fact, among nations thinking differently but enemies of quarrels, the best to put forward. Not meaning much, it can't shock anyone. Providence became the official god of the Empire.
Critics of the imperial period point out that, on the entire face of the Roman world since Augustus, no illustrious individuality stands out. Everything is erased; no more honored grandeur, no more baseness; everything lives in silence. Ancient glories fascinate only rhetorical declaimers at class time; they no longer belong to anyone, and only empty heads can catch fire for them. No more big families; all are extinct, and those who, occupying their place, try to play their part, coming out of the foul mass at noon, there return at night.
With the oblivion of race, with the extinction of the illustrious houses whose examples once guided the multitudes, with the syncretism of theologies, came in crowds, not the great personal vices, sharing of all time, but this universal relaxation of ordinary morality, this uncertainty of all principles, this detachment from all the individualities of public affairs, this skepticism so early laughing, sometimes morose, indifferently focused on what is not of interest or everyday use, finally this frightened disgust of the future, and these are very misfortunes otherwise degrading for societies. As for political contingencies, ask the Roman crowd. Nothing disgusts her anymore, nothing surprises her anymore. The conditions that homogeneous peoples demand from whoever wants to govern them, they have lost even the idea. Yesterday it was an Arab who ascended the throne, tomorrow it will be the whip of a Pannonian shepherd who will help the people.
You're fucked, then

Despite its simple and violent subject matter, the original film, taken on its own merits, is in fact quite good. It's famous for a reason. Just watch the original and ignore the whole entire rest of the franchise.

Also, the title is in fact Texas Chain Saw Massacre, with Chain Saw being two words.
The Midwest kind of has its own culture apart from "redneck" stuff and posh upper class urbanism, but moving there has its own downsides.
>wake up
>Back hurts
Do some jefferson curls, nigga.
Sounds good, is this Spengler? I don't think 'Asiatic blood' did much in the South Gaul since we don't have any clear numbers of colonists. Culture for sure, and if it is Spengler, then he would agree that that is the more important aspect in this debate rather than 'blood'.
I like the schzio babble so why not link the source of this instead of just making a shitty copy and paste from some epub
Careful it's not actually kidneys
Ur scaring me...
Also isn't this the opposite of what was being argued? That Caracalla's grant of citizenship brought multitudes of foreigner's to different provinces; in reality its Italians forming colonies and imposing their cultural values. In fact that "homogeneous peoples" as the Roman crowd had become they don't care the "race" i.e. Arab, etc. that governs them since they are one in the same culturally?
im drunk right now
Violent crime in the US is going down :(
Reporting violent crime has gone down.
Watching the EURO matches at work.
It's very slow
I feel like I'd have a better personality if I was dumber.
had a drinkypoo
It's Wednesday
are you ok?
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>two Mark Fisher threads
>can’t talk massive amounts of shit on him because banned
why did Mark off himself?
Because the chicken crossed the road.
>I’ve started feeling a twinge of despair when I see weed shops and country music acts in my town
Country has always been huge in rural and even suburban America. As for the weed shops, do you despair over liquor stores too?
I just want to cry but I cant,
I'm having a slightly better morning today, though I'm still pretty unhappy. Not miserable the whole time since I woke up though.
Life sucks so bad. I'm surprised millions of people aren't throwing themselves off buildings everyday.
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its been years since i got them
What does it matter the source? It is all in French. I have picked out the best parts, translated them into English, and served them to the audience. I do not see, in this text, ancient Roman society; I see much more the current society of ours just until the details, and if there were some differences, for example, the torture of citizens suspect of tax fraud, it is because the Roman government was more violent in some aspects than ours.

In times when national races combine harmoniously, talented men shine brighter because they are rarer, and they are rarer because they can only reproduce skills and instincts that are widespread around them, their distinction does not come from the disparateness of their faculties with those of other men, but of the greater opulence in which they possess the general mis-rites. So these creatures are really big, and since their higher power is only to better untangle the natural ways of the people around them, they are understood, they are followed and made to do, not brilliant sentences, not even always very illustrious things, but things that are useful to their group. [...] Thus we speak of the Hercules Tyrian alone without mentioning the companions of his travels, and, in reverse, in the great migrations, we have generally forgotten the name of the guide to remember only that of the masses led. [...] Posterity, discovering them from afar in their immense stature, admires them more than it makes their analogues at a time when ethnic principles too numerous and badly amalgamated, bring individual power out of completely different facts.
In the latter case, it is no longer because a man has superior faculties that he can be declared great. There is no longer an ordinary level; the masses no longer have a uniform way of seeing and feeling. So it is sometimes because this man has grasped a salient side of the needs of his time, or because he has taken his time backwards, that he makes himself glorious. In the first case, I recognize Caesar; in the second, Sylla or Julien. [...] In the homogeneous state, the number of men noticed was limited; here, in a society of disparates, this number suddenly shows itself very-considerable, variegated in a thousand ways, and from the great warrior who extends the boundaries of an empire to the violin player who succeeds in to squeak in an acceptable way two hitherto enemy notes, legions of people acquire fame. [...]

Once again, our society falls into the latter case, by a lot.
And I can go on and pile proof upon proof that current Western society is decadent, and what happened to all Empires until this day, no matter how powerful and prosperous: they collapsed. And this means that the West is facing it's decline too, and it will happen sooner than later.
You travel the small physical world, I travel the big mental world.
I don't travel shit I'm poor I'm stuck in here forever and ever and this shit fucking point of existence I hate it I hate it I hate Im immanent total suffocation total annihilation. Quo vadis
One time i witness a leftoid and rightoid fighting about crime statistics on Twitter and the leftoid said that crime statistics were going down so rightoid racist view was wrong in that moment I realized that poverty went down since industrial revolution so leftoid views so be disregarded as well
Because I want to read parts of it? I can read French so I'm not sure why you don't share.

I agree that the society is decadent, even if its a pretty nebulous term, and that all empires fall - of course they do and its usually a good thing. However, you haven't really answered the original critique. The bureaucratic apparatus flattens culture, much like it did in the later Roman Empire not fictional mass migration. I should say that I'm against the modern conception of immigration but the situation is significantly different.
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last time i posted someone called me an imposter. god i wish that were the case. my life has descended to unimaginable levels. anyways im still drinking and smoking though so don't worry about me losing my values. hope you guys are doing well
Your hand travels your small physical penis
Ive been stalking your posts for years now. Do you think that maybe your life's descent correlates to your drinking and smoking habits
dude did you know when you're watching youtube full screen you can still scroll down and read the comments? i just figured that out that shit is insane lmao
got laid off from your entry level python code monkey job when interest rates went up huh? did that thot you were wasting $300 a week taking out to restaurants dump you yet?
the industrial revolution has given rise to a great slew of entirely passive humans and they are tearing society apart
i think i might understand what nichtze was saying and if so then its hilarious that he has become yet another tool for the machine

i feel so lucid right now
I never said that immigration causes decadence, rather, it is a symptom of it, and it aggravates the negative effects of it.
> blaming it on government
A population has the government it deserves. Can the captain of a soccer team be a bad captain? Can the team improve by changing the captain? Possibly yes, however, it is equally ridiculous to blame the captain for being bad at soccer.
And in society, it is no different, the government is the people, the laws are a result of the people, not the people a result of the laws.
Like what do you imagine? That fascism is going to take over? The Western nations weren't homogenous during the decade fascism rose, and today they are even less homogenous. So fascism is not going to happen. In Russia, the ethnic situation wasn't nearly as homogenous, but all populations are broadly North Asian/Eastern European and they seem to comprehend each other enough to form a nation and thus, it is not surprising that communism could happen in Russia and it's orbits. And even there it collapsed.
So now that we have ticked both forms of totalitarianism, the only possibility left is liberal democracy, the only suitable form of government for people who have too strong a dislike for discipline and autocratic types of government.
In any way I don't want to go on a tangent, there won't be any big changes in European government, more or less, everything will stay as it is. Everything and everyone is going to be tolerated, taxes are going to be paid, and the continuation of the economy will be ensured.
But these are societal foundations too brittle to make anything that can last a long time. The West won't collapse slowly, much rather, it will de-stabilize at the first shaking.
does my absence in the last year disappoint you? does my life intrigue you?
and yes probably, I've cut down on the drinking and cigarettes but still smoke dope every day. i wish it were a feasible lifestyle, i fucking love drinking
yes i did get laid off from my software job and am switching careers lmao, thats what the real "descent" im experiencing is.
and no im still with my girlfriend
lmao i just remembered pride is this weekend. i think im gonna go into the city solo and smoke a ton of weed and watch the march.
Being risk-averse fucking blows.
Literally every day I wake up and I'm like "OH FUCK IM GOING TO DIE EVENTUALLY I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING I HAVE TO TURN IT ALL AROUND I HAVE TO—" and then I perform the same morning routine, turn on my laptop, locate opportunities, deflect to distractions every time the discomfort of having to enact them arises and then somehow it's 5pm and I have managed to do exactly nothing beyond further engraining the maladaptive neuroarchitecture that perpetuates the issue.
Anon, even if you have to take drugs or be fiscally "irresponsible", please force yourself into taking risks or you will live consumed by regret forever.
Well I hanf out in this general all day every day, so notable posters are attention getting. Im like a goldfish though, so I forgot about you when you left. Stop smoking weed. It's so bad for you man.
Or smoke once a month and even then it may be too much
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Is someone making a new one
Good people gotta fight to exist
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That is a very smart bug
It looks completely like a real, decaying leaf, yeah?
Apart from the wing overlap and the legs, yes. But if you get that close it knows how to fly, and flying decaying leaves is even more confusing. Very smart bug
Existence is warfare
I think it's genius, it's barely noticable as being a butterfly
there is another thread, and if you wish to know of its denomination you may peruse the lower text of this message
They also have different leaf and body patterns depending on the weather they're growing in, so they look drier or wetter to blend in better.
His trick of camouflage no longer a trick.
Isn’t it the spy’s rarest triumph to grow
Indistinguishable from the spied upon.
The stick insect’s to become a stick?
That's just crazy to me
Every year I say I'm going to go, and then when it gets close I decide I'm too out of shape or unkempt or something and don't.
They need really good camouflage because they mostly use it to fend off birds, and birds usually see them first with their wings open and have good eyesight. They need to be able to drop mid flight and look like the most leafy thing ever to fool birds. They just fly away from ants and other crawling things if there's no birds around
False, I'm not doing shit
Nine Inch Nails
>people judge you
People judge you for everything you do.
You can't control it. Get over it.
What do you most want to see from your local book stores or local publishers that you don’t currently?

Personally, it aggravates me that the only local book stores that are an alternative to B&N are big lefty fetishism book stores. They only sell lefty politics stuff or YA fantasy.

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