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>The soft overcomes the hard;
>the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Teeth fall while gums remain.
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Be gum, my friend.
The knife overcomes the butter
the hard penis the soft pussy
your dubs overcome my singles
sounds like cope
I was reading the Mair translation of Zhuangzi last night
>Now, sir, your words are just like my tree— big, useless, and heeded by no one.
The knife's edge dulls over time but the butter remains soft.
The penis stops being erect with age but the pussy remains gentle.
You believe it is absolutely true that the soft overcomes the hard. That’s a hard truth right there. Doesn’t it mean your mystic nonsense is just that, nonsense?
No because the hard in the phrase hard truth means something different than the word hard in reference to physical properties.
So you’re literally just talking about things like water eroding rock? Isn’t this supposed to be mystical?
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Why was he so disturbed by what he was told?
Think it is just bad translation.
It probably means the flexible overcomes hard.
So my original objection stands, it’s nonsensical. The claim that the Felix only overcomes the hard is an inflexible truth.
Taoism is pretty antiautistic
He's literally talking about erectile dysfunction.
Rather difficult book to interpret, and I suppose even harder to translate.
>There are people buying translations with pictures in it
The soft always get conquered by the hard barbarians. No soft pussy empire or civilization has ever survived. You can see it play out at this very moment in Europe and North America. Soft, tolerant pussies get buck broken by the hard invasive cock.
Teeth are actually probably the last things to go. Granted, the guy who wrote this lived in a society thata probably sustained itself by grain alone and as such it is no wonder why his teeth would fall (wich is actually because the gums are receding).
In most ancient skeletons, the teeth are still there, but all the soft tissue is gone. Everything in this world that tends mindlessly toward its destruction eventually disappears. Only rocks remain. But if course, ehy should you remain? Maybe you should actually perish.
Nah, that's the point. OP's post is basically thinking "I can never die if I'm already dead". The hard barbarians are people who are, living, who exist and as such will inevitably become has-beens, dead. OP is a person who is not and therefore has never been.
Kinda reminds me of Paul Valery's The Yalu. The Tsinian says that his empire has been whatever it has ever needed to be and the final part is the narrator losing his mind while wandering in the sea. Of course, China was still an autocracy, but maybe only autocracies can be flexible. Still lost to Japan, though.
>Only rocks remain
Which get eroded by soft water.
Meant for >>23534915
>The soft always get conquered by the hard barbarians. No soft pussy empire or civilization has ever survived.
Every single time hard barbarians conquer a soft civilization they end up LARPing as the soft empire until they themselves become soft. Thus soft reemerges in the hard.
Into coarse sand...
Also, I wouldn't call the sea soft. The force they can hit you with isn't really gentle. Fall into it from enough height and it'll be like hitting concrete
The book considers water to be soft like The Way. The force applied has nothing to do with being hard or soft.
>Nothing in the world
>is as soft and yielding as water.
>Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
>nothing can surpass it.
>Thus soft reemerges in the hard.
This sentence is so ridiculous it's funny
I'd argue the force applied does make a difference. The fact that the soft can feel like it is hard (or is it the other way around?) implies a deceptive nature. The weak isn't actually that weak. The soft isn't actually that soft. But it is in its interest that others think it is.
Butter melts to a formless puddle with just a bit of heat
What you just said is already implied in the book. It's also what Yin-Yang is. This is from a different translation because Mitchell translated "yin" and "yang".
>The Way produces one, one produces two.
>The two produce the three and the three produce all things.
>All things submit to yin and embrace yang.
>They soften their energy to achieve harmony.
The hard invasive cock you ride is nothing but a weapon wielded by the soft jews
From one state to another, so is man.
And why do you think that the puddle is not soft or that the heat is hard?
Where is that from?
I don't get it, or how it relates to what I said
>All things submit to yin and embrace yang
The words "yin" and "yang" are hard to translate. They can mean a multitude of things. What is generally accepted is that yin is the "female", evoking a sense of softness while yang is "male", evoking a sense of hardness. Now, all things submit to "softness" (everything eventually turns soft or hardness is unsustainable), they still maintain (embrace) some "hard" properties. The hard property of water, which is soft, is the force with which it can erode rocks. This hardness doesn't change the fact that water is soft.
>This hardness doesn't change the fact that water is soft.
Why not? Why can't water actually be hard pretending to be soft like I said? Sounds like an arbitrary form dualism.
This doesn't explain much. Things too become hard. Soft flesh petrifies in the sun, as does shit (a very feminine substance, I'm sure). Water also becomes a solid. It also evaporates in the sun, a traditionally paternal object.
All this does is imply that jews are actually hard and not soft like you claim they are. This is retarded. You don't actually want to be dominated by a mother figure, you've just conditioned yourself over-time by constantly affirming that "fascists" want a daddy figure, and you just want to be the opposite of the ghosts in your mind
>Why not? Why can't water actually be hard pretending to be soft like I said? Sounds like an arbitrary form dualism.
Your own conception of it sounds like an arbitrary form of dualism.

Clearly, the Dao de Jing is speaking in a metaphorical picture-language much of the time, not meant to be taken too strictly and literally.

In our literal physical experience, how soft or hard water feels depends largely on the velocity at which you are hitting the water or the water is hitting you, along with the volume of the water. It can be hard as concrete if you’re jumping off a bridge onto a large body of water, or incredibly soft and yielding if you’re simply sticking your finger in a puddle. It’s a crude essentialist/dualistic way of thinking to say that water is “really” hard and only “pretending” to be soft, or vice versa. Both features coexist in living beings’ experiences of water.
They're not hard they are soft but capable of using tools. A hand that holds a blade is not harder than the metal it is made of no matter how hard you try to cope
When I was in my teens my brother memorized sections from the Tao Te Ching and would quote at it us randomly throug the day
>why didn’t you remove the butter from the fridge?
>”what is firmly rooted cannot be pulled out”
It never even made sense
>Last will be first; first will be last.
>He who is in harmony with the Tao
>is like a newborn child.
>Its bones are soft, its muscles are weak,
>but its grip is powerful.
>It doesn’t know about the union
>of male and female,
>yet its penis can stand erect,
>so intense is its vital power.
>It can scream its head off all day,
>yet it never becomes hoarse,
>so complete is its harmony.

>The Master’s power is like this.
>He lets all things come and go
>effortlessly, without desire.
>He never expects results;
>thus he is never disappointed.
>He is never disappointed;
>thus his spirit never grows old.

Literally me.
>hand that holds a blade is not harder than the metal it is made of no matter how hard you try to cope
Ok, then there are no such thing as "hard" humans. Got it. This endless stream of meaningless metaphors is nauseating.

Also, jews do not rule the world.
>It’s a crude essentialist/dualistic way of thinking to say that water is “really” hard and only “pretending” to be soft, or vice versa
Then why the weird fetishism about the soft overcoming the hard? Why not just say that neither are real in any meaningful way outside of how you perceive them? That everything is purely relative and there is no logical order to it that makes "harmony". There is no "harmony".
You are literally not even alive. Nothing happens to you. You do nothing. You are basically dead.
Taoism is not supposed to make sense. Taoists believe that making sense, speaking coherently and consistently, making logical deductions, is "crude" and, if they are westerners, "westernized thinking".
They would also never want to actually live under imperial china, where the only thing that is rightfully valued is their subservience to the patriarchal state
Honestly, sounds like more world escapism. Never really understood how being an atrophied mess is supposed to make you more powerful.
>Also, jews do not rule the world
If you have to keep repeating this while every single person who speaks out publically against jews in any capacity is attacked and has their futures ruined it doesn't mean much. Ignoring AIPAC doesn't do you any favors either
>supposed to make you more powerful
It's not. That's the point. Why do you even need power?
>Fill your bowl to the brim
>and it will spill.
>Keep sharpening your knife
>and it will blunt.
>Chase after money and security
>and your heart will never unclench.
>Care about people’s approval
>and you will be their prisoner.
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>why didn’t you remove the butter from the fridge?
>”what is firmly rooted cannot be pulled out”
And that is wrong, why?
Slave morality. I’ll stick to Nietzsche, thanks.

Come into my thread about Die Kehre if you're a real intellectual. Taoism is for brainlets.

It applies to you too big brained boy

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>I’ll stick to Nietzsche

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