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Meow meow bitch edition

Previous >>23540641
dubs and you kiss my left ass cheek
why are you gay
So if I can only cum if I think of myself as some hot girl and also like huge cocks but IRL I prefer women am I HSTS or AGP?

I never had sex but I think that I might just be a tranny because I can walk around in a dress with long hair and nailpolish outside and it feels natural and doesn't even arouse me.
Dubs and you text her "hey baby you got pepperoni nipples and I'm a cheese pizza without any toppings"
Realized that I have deeply rooted emotional issues. I just came back from a lecture. My university has a program where we get lectures on the court process, in the courts themselves, from judges. Today I was in dependency court, which is where judges intervene in families where children are being abused or neglected. I went through a dependency court when I was a kid. I almost broke down in tears halfway through the lecture. I did end up crying on the drive back home. Worse yet, one of the judges involved in the program actually oversaw my family's case.
What happened anon? Why did it affect you like that?
The only thing I hate more than myself is women.
When I was going through all that I didn't really understand what was happening. My dad kept me in the dark about most of the details. It was a tough time because I didn't know why my life was so chaotic and I didn't know why I had to go in to talk to judges. I didn't even know there was such a thing as dependency court. So today I finally got to see the process from the other side, and it made me realize just what occurred. I had a bunch of flashbacks to what happened. It didn't help that the judge kept recounting tragic family situations that she's encountered. I ended up feeling really dizzy and my hands were shaky and I know that if I tried to talk that I'd cry. So I just grit my teeth and sat through it. I had sit there for over an hour just keeping it down, as the lecture got worse and worse.
Imagine how much you'd hate yourself if you trooned out
>9 posts, 6 of them about women/sex/trannies
You're all fucking faggots
I'm very sorry about that. My heart goes out to you. It's a terribly sad thing when an innocent child has to unfairly and unknowingly suffer. Genuinely hurts my heart thinking of it. Children should be left to be free, happy, unburdened.

I hope you can take time to reflect on your past, either by yourself or with close friends or a therapist. Hope your inner child can heal. Godspeed, anon. Wish you deep strength and good health.
Then contribute something of value then, wise guy
tfw from kazakhstan
Good morning I hate women
it's midnight here
Good evening I hate women
Who says I am gay?
you are gay
why did God make two species of intelligent creatures (men and angels) instead of just one?
I’ve got to stop being so lazy. Everyday it’s the same routine. The only thing I actually accomplish is a light workout.
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How much drugs to become a dark wizard?
>am I HSTS or AGP?
Neither, you've just consumed so much porn that you've sublimated the images into your symbolic-relational self-image.
Just because you enjoy wearing a dress doesn't change the fact that you're a man, quit applying archetypes of masculinity and femininity like that.
I don't approve of your actions and would call you a faget irl but I don't want you to get caught up in the modern tranny nonsense because, ironically enough, it destroys people's self-expression by forcing them into categories of "transgender" and "cis" that make no sense. Same thing tragically happens with women who in the past would simply have been seen as tomboys.
Anon I'm an ugly bastard, women regularly tell me I look like a serial killer or that they find me very ugly. I've tried but have been rejected many times. I fantasize about monastic life because it would allow me to live apart from things I yearn for but can't seem to have.
Because God can do whatever He wants.
Tomboy Defense League here for the long haul
Let you know when I get there
yeah that's a given but why?
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Is there anything one can say to a grieving person that wouldn't be completely meaningless? Is there consolation for a mother who lost a child?
Lit has become twitter
No matter how meaningless the actual platitude is it signals that you care, which is not meaningless
It is not the words. It is that they are not alone in this greatest of suffering and that there is support and care and empathy to help them in this frightful pain.
Basically this. My advice would be to not try to give some kind of solution, just let them know that you're present and supportive and listening. They likely already know the solution or there ISN'T a solution, so what they really need is just to know that they have some support.
The problem with No Pussy No Work is that you are still just essentially another group of people in the mass of people that exist. In other words, despite getting no pussy whatsoever, that does not enable you therefore to become a group that influences reality in any appreciable way towards yourselves. There is almost fundamentally no purpose through going through that ritual.

If there IS something going on in society right now, it is either extremely righteous or extremely evil. On the one hand, it could feasibly be that women are choosing not to sleep around. They are waiting for someone who will appreciate who they are. I just met three women the other day, closer to my age, two of them had single digit body counts, the other was a virgin. That is an extreme benefit of the belief on God on the masses.

Meanwhile, there could be something evil going on alongside of this, or perhaps instead of this. Perhaps there are a select few men trying to accrete larger amounts of women just for their groups, or themselves. This leads into the movement, but if No Pussy No Work brands itself as CHOOSING this direction, they are largely missing the overall point of the entire movement they are involved in. It is likely a reaction to a much greater problem.

My answer? It is likely a bit of each. Since, on the one hand if Good exists, then there necessarily exists Evil, and vice versa...
The question is incoherent. God is totally sovereign, meaning He is radically free. There are no constraints on His choices, meaning there is no Why. Purpose proceeds from God and does not contrains God.
I wish I knew what you were thinking.
Why so many nsfw ads on a blue board? please explain.
Young woman, come to me.
What a pathetic faggot indeed you are.
Wipe those tears away and become a lawyer.
When will the postapocalypse come so I can finally go on adventures?
Are anthropologists the most credulous idiots or what? Their version of cultural relativism is so subjective it threatens to undermine the very possibility of having a real methodology. When you have to buy into any culture or groups views to the point of denying your own as an objective and neutral scientist you’re literally just rephrasing what said culture or group believes about the world and calling it a scientific fact.
There are anthropologists who literally don’t accept that their disciple should even try to be scientific and just be an enterprise in “public understanding”
How are you going to understand something unless you tell the objective truth about what it is dumbasses?
>inb4 science isn’t neutral
Then it’s a view like the others and should be retained while still thinking beyond yourself in order to understand another culture or group instead of bending over backwards to some one else’s epistemology that would state your own.
It’s like saying we both have irreconcilable views, so I’ll try to invalidate mine to validate yours instead of both trying to get outside of themselves trying to understand each other.
Postmodernism is the cancer killing anthropology too.
Every single evening I come home and, the distractions at work, among relatives and neighbours, peers gone, sat on the couch, realization of the sheer misery is my life, the absolute worthlessness of the social situation within my social environment. Every single time, I tell myself again, just two more weeks, just gotta pull myself by the bootstraps more, dress more elegantly, put more eau de cologne on, and so days pass in the hopes that one day all the suffering will be finally worth it. In about five days vacations start and I'll be on a hike that will take several days somewhere out in the wild in hopes it will harden my personality, improve the ability to face threats and danger. In realistic terms, however, it is more or less clear to me that a priori, my social situation is too worthless for any efforts to be fruitful at all. I will always be a loser no one cares about. Of course I'll loose my virginity some day, get a mild promotion at work here and there, save some money, perhaps acquire a house in a nice suburbs, car, family, and I'd still be a loser no one cares about. Those aren't achievements to be bragged about. This feeling of energy flowing through a man's body might fuel him with the inspiration and the courage to achieve great things, but lacking the social environment to do anything with it, achievements, throughout his life, stay mediocre.
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You are ready.
*would negate your own
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I remember half a lifetime ago I was too scared to talk to the qt ballerinas in my artschool.
Were they mean?
Solid prosody in this post. You have a good ear, so just shut up and write.
No. Just confident (or so it seemed). And I didnt know what to say anyway.
Why did you want to talk to them?
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To get to know them. Find a gf. They had this enchanting allure.
Its unreadable. 'Every single evening I come home and' what? What completes this? First I thought "sat" fit, but it isn't in the correct tense. What the fuck goes with "sat"? "The distractions at work ... ... sat..." works perhaps? No, it doesn't. This is unreadable. I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Filtered ameritard.
It is the correct tense, [while] sat on the couch. Anon's problem is he's missing a verb in a later clause to go with realization.
The cat sat on the mat.
>Anon's problem is he's missing a verb in a later clause to go with realization.
>muh grammar
No. It makes sense that he's listing off external and internal circumstances without break because the separation is only a matter of convention, as it's all part of the same unity of experience.
The bad parts of the sentence are:
>the first comma after the first "and"
>"the absolute worthlessness of the social situation within my social environment"
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yeah, ok, meet my regex list. Fuck you and thanks.
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My brother will be in the same physics and Ochem class as me. He is kinda a pariah in that he is un-showered, wears the same hoodie, etc. What can I do to avoid the worst?
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Remember that nobody cares.
Can God make a rock so big that He Himself cannot lift it?
Man, I didn't think newmoot gaf>>23545933
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They do possess an engimatic, fairy-like aura.
I remember when I started watching ballet, I quickly found that I didn't even want to fuck any of the ballerinas despite their tight-fitting costumes. I suppose that ballet has this kind of sexual sterility to it, whether it be due to the emaciated women or the uncanny levels of flexiblity.
I was just very impressed that they can move like that. I mean, I've tried to do some of those moves and it's very hard. Most niggas couldn't do an plié to save their lives.Through this you realize quite quickly that dance truly is an art and the human body a most recalcitrant medium.
God defines contradictions and thus can make contradictory propositions non contradictory. So yes or no depending on His mood that day
That's what I think as well. One second He can lift it, the next second he can
Or maybe the question doesn't mean anything. Like asking if he can glurp porple, then saying since he can't glurp porple he's not omnipotent.
>dance truly is an art
It's a martial art. Fencing and other war games develop into ballet, kind of like you get dressage from tournaments becoming more and more tame. It starts as mostly male and the male footwork involved still gets a lot of boxers into a class or two. Most fencers will recognize most of the basic positions of ballet. It's not just the flexibility, it's a show of agility and strength. To do a lot of prima jumps you have to be able to get high enough that you're able to land on a stallion while also getting your foot above your own head.
Most dances derive from some martial purpose, but ballet is specifically tied to the kind of courtly sports of fencing and horse riding showboating you could do if you were king of France rich. The modern form has a more female focus, but they're only able to do those ethereal things and make them look easy because they're dense packed athletes with loud music drowning out their breathing
Also true.
No, it means the sentence is incomplete. He can list even more, Oxford commas and all, but he's still going to need another verb to make it a sentence.
first let's establish that Angels don't have a material body, but men do. Both are conscious independent entities though, and were created by God to help manage the world with him. Angels as helpers in the spiritual realm outside of time and space, men as helpers/stewards in the material world. Angels are above men, and can guide men. Demons however, are basically distorted, twisted angels who were once angels but have rebelled from God and thus just cause destruction and whatnot
My face is considerably less puffy that usual. It's not like I've been treating my body any better - I drank all weekend, been smoking more than usual, and sleep has been shit. So what gives?

I've been going to the gym but no more than typical and my diet is more or less the same.
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very interest
>Angels as helpers in the spiritual realm outside of time and space
It's a little tough to accept this when the Bible very explicitly mentions the Angels as operating in space and time.
I have also heard that demons are distinct from fallen angels. One theory I heard is that demons are the disembodied creatures killed in the Great Flood.




Paragraph 5. Heaven and Earth

325 The Apostles' Creed professes that God is "creator of heaven and earth". The Nicene Creed makes it explicit that this profession includes "all that is, seen and unseen".

326 The Scriptural expression "heaven and earth" means all that exists, creation in its entirety. It also indicates the bond, deep within creation, that both unites heaven and earth and distinguishes the one from the other: "the earth" is the world of men, while "heaven" or "the heavens" can designate both the firmament and God's own "place" - "our Father in heaven" and consequently the "heaven" too which is eschatological glory. Finally, "heaven" refers to the saints and the "place" of the spiritual creatures, the angels, who surround God.186

327 The profession of faith of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) affirms that God "from the beginning of time made at once (simul) out of nothing both orders of creatures, the spiritual and the corporeal, that is, the angelic and the earthly, and then (deinde) the human creature, who as it were shares in both orders, being composed of spirit and body."187


The existence of angels - a truth of faith

328 The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls "angels" is a truth of faith. The witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition.

Who are they?

329 St. Augustine says: "'Angel' is the name of their office, not of their nature. If you seek the name of their nature, it is 'spirit'; if you seek the name of their office, it is 'angel': from what they are, 'spirit', from what they do, 'angel.'"188 With their whole beings the angels are servants and messengers of God. Because they "always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven" they are the "mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word".189

330 As purely spiritual creatures angels have intelligence and will: they are personal and immortal creatures, surpassing in perfection all visible creatures, as the splendor of their glory bears witness.190
they can operate within space and time if they want to (hence the idea of guardian angels) but they are still fundamentlly incorporeal beings. the disembodied creatures theory sounds more like ghosts than demons, as ghosts are disembodied by definition
A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. That's all. Fuck off back to high school with your simpleton ideas of grammar and style.
Basically Louis XIII's horse master's training manual starts the be kind to horses and maybe they do fancier tricks easier, and then the Sun King starts ballet by doing a footwork exhibition dressed as Apollo. The footwork is mostly from dance lessons, because dance masters were also teaching you sword fighting and hand to hand, but wearing heels was because riding in heels is easier to keep your stirrups on and give precise commands to the horse. Heels eventually mutate into shoes built to distribute your entire bodyweight safely on the tips of your toes
Getting rid of fragments or interjections doesn't make grammar less complex.
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I'm crying.
There there
The moment a grammar rule gets in the way of crafting an interesting, musically flowing, and still coherent sentence, sneeduck it out the window. A wordsmith is the one who makes the rules, and follows the established ones only where it makes sense to do so: where they aren't impeding the art.
I miss how non-confrontational media was in the pre-2008 era. Not in the sense that I don't want my media to be confrontative, but in the sense that it didn't yet feel like just a medium for culture wars and cynicism. People just wanted to have fun and enjoy good shit together.
Though I guess I'm mostly thinking about the culture around media rather than media itself. But it applies to both, actually.
It's almost like giving normies constant access to the internet was a bad plan
Smartphones definitely played a major part in it, but the zeitgeist itself also shifted as the feel-good liberalism of the 90s and even early to mid 00s felt more and more distant in light of the economy shitting itself and the culture wars intensifying from the early 2010s on.
The crazy liberals of the 90s on the internet were having the same tranny conversations everyone else is having like it's new back when it took dialup speed to find out if they were wearing a skirt
It's not just smartphones, it's the internet in general started to try to get normies in to Facebook and Amazon and now they too are reading uncle ted and wondering if he had the right idea while ordering questionable shit from a possible Chinese scam site between checking for updates on fringe militia sites.
Summer is a corpse.
Maggots chew through the sky down into the baked and blistered flesh of the Earth.
I huddle in cracked crevices.
Between work and home.
Between wake and sleep.
Between rage and apathy.
Between paychecks.
I linger in the refrigeration of the produce aisle.
Sickening syrup oozes from the PA overhead.
I can taste its cynical misanthropy in my ears.
I can taste it in my blood.
If I get my vaccination at their pharmacy today, I'm eligible for a discount on my rice and beans.
I could spit.
Too many items for the express lane.
The kindred spirit at the checkout calls me a rat.
We're all rats.

Call me an edgelord. It's been a shit month.
You should listen to the lady with the lotus flowers anon but I like your emergency numbers and your poem
Lunatics existed but they were the butt of jokes even in lefty media, nobody in the mainstream took troons or flamboyant homosexuals seriously before 2010.
I really don't believe you can't find a girl with whom you can show your emotions to and connect with on a deeper level. This whole thing that's becoming a popular sentiment of finding a girl who only cooks, cleans, and fucks just seems silly to me.
I'm not saying you should cry to her every time you get your feefees hurt, but if I have a stressful week, I want to be able to go to my girl and get a loving and understanding hug.
If I have an idea or learn something new or read a good book, I should be able to talk about it with her even if she may not understand it on as deep a level as me.
This idea that you can completely shut off showing your emotions to your girl is just dumb to me, you'll end up white knuckling everything and just explode, which is basically what happened to me when I tried to do the whole have a girl who cooks and isn't interesting at all with my last relationship
Not to mention these girls who only cook and clean and don't bother you basically don't exist anymore, these girls still go on instagram, still have shitty movies and music that they like. Or if they do completely fit the mold then it's usually a girl who is self-aware about it and attracted to that on an aesthetic basis and therefore probably more intellectually aware than a girl who could potentially genuinely live that kind of life.
Basically all I'm saying is I do think there are girls out there that can walk the line between the two extremes
Yes, but the internet is where all those congregated, and giving normies access to a system rigged from the get go to cater to the weirdos of the world didn't normify the internet but instead cause normies to become more like the social losers who were already there
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Why don't more people have as their goal the ultimate elimination of American politics?

Almost everybody bitches about American politics and how it's infected everything else. It ruins Europe and Asia and THEIR politics, it's destroyed art, it's ruined 4chan, it's ruined social media. Everybody whether they're left-wing or right-wing agrees that American politics are awful.

So, let's just kill American politics. If we've identified the problem it seems to me that the next step is to solve it.

We should basically be rooting for the annihilation of the entire US political process and the elimination of both the Democratic and the Republican political parties. Maybe even the end of the US government in its present form either. We can replace it with a nice dictatorship or monarchy. Then there'll be no more American politics and everybody can live in peace.
It has nothing to do with normies. It has everything to do with every crevice on the internet becoming an echo chamber because certain temperaments congregate together; forums truly based around a hobby or interest where different people are united by that hobby or interest are rarer and rarer.
incels don't know anything about loneliness. having sex is easy. how do I cope with the fact I'll never experience genuine, lasting, mutual love?
Dictatorship or monarchy aren’t the way to go. There needs to be more political parties that aren’t backed by major money and powerful people and institutions. Behind close doors republican and democrat politicians aren’t that different from each other and they put on a show of sorts for the populace. Both sides are backed by more or less the same things
>the pre-2008 era
Lol someone's too young to really remember the Bush years
i was in college during the bush years. everyone acted like bush was a fascist dictator. young people who grew up under obama don't realize the media does that every republican president.
go to church. heal yourself first anon.
I do be at church and that's part of the problem. no Christian woman could ever love me. I mean she could love me in the universal, Christian sense, but not me in particular.
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I could have saved someone's life today but I wasn't fast enough.
Is it possible to convert to catholic? How? Is praying enough? What is belief?
the real whites are the Mediterraneans and their descendants (French, Irish, Algerians, people of that nature). scandis and germs are niggers.
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Start with a map.
yeah of course. p sure you gotta get baptized to be official tho.
look into RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) programs in your area
Thanks anon. I made some dinner and showered and I do feel a little better. At least I don't have to get back on the treadmill again until tomorrow.
What does the Fourth Lateran Council cite as its source?
This nigga don't know about mercy and forgiveness
I converted to Catholicism recently. went to RCIA, developed a relationship with my parish priests, and was confirmed at a very public and honestly frightening Mass where I took my first communion, excluding those communions I'd had in Methodist churches from my youth.
I forgive you of everything you have or ever might have done wrong, to me or anyone else. I don't want to marry you. it's not the same thing. that's why I said any Christian woman might love me in the general sense. she can forgive me. it don't mean she wants me.
I haven't drank in months. Had a pint today. It's an interesting experience. Used to drink a bottle of whiskey a night back in the army days.
I’m not suicidal or anything, but sometimes I think “man, I can’t wait to die and just lay down to rest”.
I'm a mina bird. my ability to mimic human speech is nearly perfect, but I don't know what it means. I can repeat whatever you say to me, but that's all.
read blindsight by peter watts
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It's a fact that many zoomers and a couple of gen x and y losers are using Christianity as a way to gain attention and cope with not being able to progress in life or solve their own problems. It's no wonder that in the last five years the number of lolcows claiming to be Christians has risen sharply, even though all their attitudes say otherwise.
Dead board
I think it's a misguided attempt to regain a sense of spirituality lost by the omni-depravity of internet culture, and, a rather transparent racial identity marker for "the West."
Dead site.
It's a mental disease, even if we were to do as you say it would simply change its shape a little while retaining its original, filthy properties. Changing this or that system won't fix it, the problem lies in the people infected with it and how we can cure them. The only cure I can think of at the moment is a nice bullet to the head.
The trend of e-christians will be a source of amusement in the future. It pretty apparent that many of them don’t practice the basics but just larp online as some sense of collective community for the modern world which shuts them out yet they still yearn for in some regards. Id say it’s a defense, a coping mechanism, a sense of community, or just a way of sticking it to le clown world. Very little spirituality is found amongst the larpers
there must be a way to genetically splice tree DNA such that the energy they receive from the sun be converted into a kind of fluid, which can then be stored into containers or be freely accessible as public batteries for common electrical devices
What's the clue of little spirituality? What's the signs of a great amount of it?
When you learn about what the British did during the opium wars and why they happened, it makes the current non stop influx of fentanyl into the US pretty funny. The suffering it causes isn't funny, and I don't condone it, but the historical irony of it is funny.
I think that people come to religion for a lot of reasons and none of them are invalidated because it makes some atheists seethe on the internet.
In what possible way can it be misguided? People like you would say anything is misguided.
>Religious? Oh that’s misguided.
Lol ok. Whatever you say, man.
sorry man I'm a fucking bird I don't know what you're saying to me.
Why are you assuming that people who see inauthenticity in the "religious," or who criticize dogma, are atheists?
That's literally the point of Christianity. I don't see the problem. Provide the other solution if you have it?
America could unironically take on the entire world and win, but none of this true and almost nobody thinks it’s true. You think it is true and you think everyone else thinks it’s true because you inhabit these online spaces where that’s a common sentiment but in the real world it’s not. In the real world, American politics is just politics done the same as anyone anywhere does politics, and all people do. If you’re a German that can’t write a decent novel or paint a good painting, it’s not because it Joe Biden and Gavin Newsome. Sorry to say.
Because it's patently obvious. Go to any heavily online Christian space. These people focus on hating various groups of people for the way they choose to live or belief, in flagrant opposition to the words of Christ, while claiming piety, and show every indication of using it as an identity marker for the ingroup rather than a true religious conviction.
Not like they're the first of their kind, there were plenty of other similar types larping as some group or another to either look cool or to make themselves feel better.
Because a religious person obviously wouldn’t see religiosity as inauthentic.
Solar cells are that. The issue is the efficiency isn't good enough because research into solar is lobbied against.
You’re so full of shit. I’m actually bothered I wasted my time replying to you.
The new atheists are already a public laughing stock. I don’t think the Christians who happen to be online like everyone else will be taking their place anytime soon bud. Sorry to burst your bubble.
if you're all gonna bitch and moan about christianity, should i subscribe to this? looks comfy

what no pussy does to a mf
That isn't true and demonstrates a dogmatic view of what theism is. I believe in God and think religiosity is silly and backward. Atheism is a lack of belief in God or gods, not a lack of belief in religion.
The fedora tippers and e-christians are of the exact same stock. Same behavior online. Same argumentativeness. Same cringelord behavior.
Probably not posting on 4chinz in the first place or at least often. Definitely not resorting to childish name calling, ad hominems, and strawmen
Lmao ok. Go on /pol/ and chitchat with turbochristians and tradcaths who in their very next post talk about how Jews need to be gassed and trannies put in camps
Just like Jesus said
like the tradcath larpers kek
I fucking suck at dealing with children. I take them way too seriously and always react to them as if they were lucid and intelligent grown men, so the whole interaction quickly goes straight into the fucking shitter. I'm just locked in on this one action and I can't pick any other. The last time I had to deal with a child was about a decade ago, when I went to my sister and had to speak to my niece. I've been avoiding children since, because as far as I can tell I will always fuck something up. Maybe I could fix this by getting a child of my own, but that's just a dream within a dream.
Also, for the past half a year or so I've had this recurring daydream where something happens to some relative and I have to take care of their little shit for some long period. In these daydreams I usually do something "comfy" together with them, like watching anime together(for some reason Rayearth is always the first one I think of) or reclining and watching the nature of spring from the comfort of my big luxurious rural house. In other cases I teach the kid something, sometimes something useful and sometimes just some random stuff that really excited me back when I was a child and first heard of it. In real life I am too apathetic to even give myself proper care, so I can say with certainty that if I were to be put in the situation that I daydream about it would go along in a far less pretty manner. Also I live in a 15 square meter concrete square.
I'm probably just getting mindfucked by my loneliness and age.

you have to be either retarded or willfully blind to not see how inverted the world has become. to exist at all in mainstream society you either shut the fuck up or willingly embrace the paganism. people walk around with ideas of varying sophistication that basically exalt our animal nature, deny objective truth claims and revel in ugliness. if you don't see how your soul is under attack amongst this decay, you are currently under a spell.
It's not a bad situation to imagine and prepare for. Such a way of living would be drastically different from your current one. Also, a lot of what you're worrying about depends heavily on how your sister has raised your niece. If they are an intelligent individual, then treating them in that manner is by no means wrong. It's simply that some are more carefree and dealing with those requires a different method, a method that you may not have thought about yet or may not be able to provide. Despite all of that, you do still have your status as a familiar face and that gives you pull if that scenario occurred.
Or I can see all the chaotic signs of geopolitical, hegemonic shifts and decadence that have happened endless times before, and don't attribute them to supernatural causes
This site is ripe with Claude Frollo’s. All fire and brimstone, dogmatic preaching, yet yearning for that underage pussy they can’t get. At least he walked the walk in real (read: fictional) life. It’s just an online persona for many here
This was taught to me by old friend King Kong
life fucking blows. I'm gonna go to the pub tomorrow and eat 3000 oysters and drink 27 martinis.
I think that's rightfully reacting to the sick society we live in
ok so where's the power going to shift? is it perhaps going to shift in the direction of the country with largest population of Orthodox Christians?

Notice I barely even used any supernatural language in my post (other than perhaps 'soul') yet somehow you are on the same page. If we're on the same page as to the symptoms of decay, you explain it to me how they are all connected. Give me a story to explain what the Good, the True and the Beautiful are, what happens when they lose sight of them and how you can be redeemed. Or try to give me a worldview that fits telos, morality, and truth together.
I met her in a club down in Old Soho
Where they drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola
C-O-L-A cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola
L-O-L-A Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she almost broke my spine
Oh my Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walks like a woman and talks like a man
Oh my Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Well we drank champagne and danced all night
Under electric candlelight
She picked me up and sat me on her knee
And said "little boy won't you come home with me?"
I'm not the world's most passionate guy
But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
I pushed her away
I walked to the door
I fell to the floor
I went down on my knees
And I looked at her and she at me
That's the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Well I left home just a week before
And I'd never never ever kissed a woman before
Lola smiled and took me by the hand
And said "little boy I'm gonna make you a man"
Well I'm not the world's most masculine man
But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man
And so is Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
Lo-lo-lo-lo Lola
>Also, a lot of what you're worrying about depends heavily on how your sister has raised your niece.
You are right but I am still far too rigid in my behaviour. The little brat is sitting there, clearly bored, and instead of doing something with her I just ignore her, as if a fucking 5 year old can do something like reading a book or going outside to pass the time. Then when she inevitably seeks relief from her boredom and asks or tells me something I just nod or respond with something that shuts down any possible conversation or action. This isn't intentional or anything, I just take the action that I think is right and would normally take when interacting with people and in the context of talking to children it leads to dogshit results. I think I need to embrace the sort of sillyness and randomness that children have, but my shitty personality makes it extremely hard to do so.
I just farted and it sounded like a snake charmer. Frightening but amusing
Independence from what?
Rom. 9:11
Though the children had not yet been born nor had done anything good or bad (that the purpose of God according to selection might remain, not of works but of Him who calls),
what's the acceptable amount of fetid, stagnant water to have in your house?
3 quarts
I don't understand Genesis. The garden and the original sin are just a metaphor for a kingdom and a choice everyone makes?
Worked late today. Sat at my cubicle, broke the silence of the office with click-click-clicks while doing some mandatory online training. Had a black vision of the future all buzzing fluorescent lights and quiet Tupperware lunches in the break room and quickly minimizing polite rejection emails when my boss walks by. Came home, walked to the post office. Had a bit of a conversation in my head on the way. Asked why I couldn't get hit by a car that morning. Asked why I couldn't take the remaining years and give them to someone who deserves them more. Genuinely prayed to God Himself for a terminal, inoperable brain tumor as I waited for the crosswalk light. It's summer but the sunlight is all wrong. It's dark even though it's bright. Briefly entered that thought-chain I entertain every now and then, where I imagine I was abused as a child and don't remember it, briefly blissfully imagine I can neatly blame all my troubles on a clear first cause like that before the fantasy falls apart. A thread or two ago a couple anons talked about how their fathers had quicksilver tempers, how they developed poorly as a result, many definitions of abuse thrown around. My own father sometimes got very angry for reasons I did not understand as a child, and I used to think he did a poor job as a parent, but now I believe he did the best he could, that an unspeakable terror lived with him every hour of my childhood and his never falling prey to it was an unimaginable feat. Seems sometimes that I made my parents suffer far more than they deserved and that through grace they were able to bear through. It is this tangled web of connections and dependencies and silent graceful bearing of burdens which I dearly wish I could escape; this world of humans and their relationships, this family of ours, giving and hurting and taking and mysteriously bearing, from ages unto ages, this in which all living things share. The Dharmists have it wrong, to be reborn as a higher thing is not to become human from animal. Rebirth as a lower thing would be a glory, rebirth without life a greater glory still, and the ascent would be complete were one to live again as a stone on some distant peak, laying still while the slow stars turn overhead, greeting the new day's sun with silence.
ok there's at least 3 gallons so i should fix that.
Insightful post. I feel like I learned a thing or two.
Photogenic cats are starting to fucking irritate me.
Uh, no.
/lit/ isn’t a college educated board, is it?
You really think the non-college educated are out there reading people like Heidegger and Schopenhauer?
bunch of niggers, the lot of you.
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not this guy tho.
>big coffee
>big shit
truly based
The only reason I retardedly obsess over things like online drama, reddit arguments, and women is because I have nothing else going on in my life. I need to get a job stat.
I'm finally going back on to the apps after a year off from dating.
How long do I have before it makes me suicidal again?
All you'll be roped up into is office drama, karen argument, and women.
I've cut off really good friends in the past for no other reason than I could. That's it, I knew I could, so I did. Do I miss them? No. Do I wish I didn't? No. Do I harbour any ill will toward them? No.
I had a dream that was just an hour+ clipshow of this guy's life with his daughter and wife, filmed as if from a cell phone. It started with her nervously but happily revealing the pregnancy, then jumped to the baby coming home and him playing with her, raising her, making her laugh. Then over time them talking, her personality developing, them joking around. Eventually the little tensions of puberty, debating whether she can go to a middle school dance, arguing but still loving, accepting her looming adulthood, still joking around. Finally seeing her off on a train. It was very touching.
I'm sterile.
I hate life.
> I'm sterile.
What a blessing
I spent like ten minutes yelling at someone for saying, "parking may be expensive at the job you're seeking," when they have seen me stress the fuck out over the long hours at this one.
I'm an asshole.
You don't even know me bro
I'd rather find a single mother of younger kids than that I think. I'd be afraid of not bonding with some random baby related to nobody I know.
> You don't even know me bro
Sorry, was my comment offensive? If I was sterile it would be a blessing to me. No more worrying over wether I want, should, could have children, or not.
Oh I misunderstood. I thought you meant it in the eugenics way, not a jealous way.
>I'd rather find a single mother of younger kids than that I think. I'd be afraid of not bonding with some random baby related to nobody I know.
tbqh anon if you're feeling this despondent about not having a family I doubt you would have trouble connecting to a child that you saved from foster care.
Obviously you want to avoid being taken advantage of by a single mother, but if you meet a woman and adopt with her then you can have your family, anon. Please don't give up. The world needs more good fathers.
Does anyone else have restless sleep because they have anxiety in their sleep that they're going to miss their alarm/have already missed their alarm?
Kek, I still have dreams my mom is yelling at me to get to school, and in the dreams my teenage brain is still like
>Tell her you can get the bus later and activate her snooze function
Apparently if you try to wake me up I tell you I can get the bus later and remain unconscious, so I'm probably saying the same thing to my phone when it's trying to wake me up too
Wow, thank you. I didn't expect a reply
Gonna finish reading my book and then think about what to read next.
Isn't wordsmith a bit of an insult though?
Are you nuts? Doesn't 4chan get like 350k+ visits a month and it keeps rising? Kek
Great advice but unfortunately I don't think the anon you're replying to will take you seriously
I finally realized my mother is mentally handicapped and I understand why everything went so wrong with my life. I was raised by a mentally handicapped person and I'm probably a massive retard myself
I feel sorry for your digestive system and you're going to, too
Great song. You should post more often
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how did call of cthulu get so popular with the general public
im reading it and it's actually filled with racism
this is what reddit people get tatoos of?
It's disturbing. It scares some ppl. Other than that, idk. It can be very purple prosed and this is coming from sometime who likes it
Even if that's true, all the boards I spend time on are way slower than they were 5 years ago

"Cthulhu" as a pop culture phenomenon is basically totally separate from the Lovecraft stories at this point
How? To me, it's one of the highest compliments. When I read "wordsmith," I think of Shakespeare and Joyce. As in, the greatest ones to ever work in the craft of putting words together (as in writing (as in wordsmithing)).
What a handsome dude, look at those strong facial features. And those eyes. Hypnotic.
If it's any consolation, whatever mildly malicious entity (to avoid falling into psychology) made you have these dreams is laughing its ass off right now.
Women are so gay. They say "oh i need vulnerable men" and "oh we want emotionally available men" and "oh want men that are communicative and don't play games" but what they mean is that want a man they are already attracted to to have these traits. When dating, most women go by attraction first and then these traits. Show these traits too early and they get repelled. It's a miracle to find a woman conscientious enough to look for the traits right at the start of meeting someone where the availability of such traits in their potential partners forms the basis of their attraction. So fucking gay, Jesus Christ.
>When dating, most women go by attraction first
No, literally all of them do, but guess what? So does literally everybody, there is not a single human on earth who does not go for people who they are attracted to, attraction is the first thing that literally everybody cares about, women aren't special in this regard. You do it, I do it, the other anons on this board do it. Nobody sees someone that they think is unattractive and goes "Yeah, I wanna date them".
>Sitting in my sleeping bag.
>Hot water bottle at my feet.
>Good book on my computer.
>Gonna finish it tonight.
>Got a little bit of heartburn.
Life is OK.
kindly stfu anon, let me have my incel rant in peace
Call me a coward, but I think myself luckyt for renouncing sex when confronted with situations like this.
I admit, there is an art and smoothness to courtship, however, the prizefor it is women. And my antipathy of women outstrips my desire for being a good performer.
I had an Oxford dictionary that basically said that a wordsmith was considered a debased form of the word poet. More janky, I think. Janky is my word because I lost the dictionary and can't remember it's exact words. I miss that book. It was SO good. It has a lot of words that aren't used very much anymore. Meretricious and stuff like that. It was a huge dictionary.
They really don't want that. They just say that shit to be socially acceptable. It sounds better than I want a man who's is going to treat me like I'm garbage and fuck me like a whore
>I'd rather find a single mother of younger kids than that I think.
Don't. Stepfathers are one of the worst things in this world, even the really good ones. Usurpers, cuckolds to biological fathers, cuckolders of sons. Mental and spiritual rape that echoes for a lifetime.
t. single mother victim
I hung out with my friends yesterday and one of their girlfriends came along. Now don't get me wrong, I like this girl, I think she's cool and I'm glad that she makes my friend happy, but she talked to me multiple times and I thought it was weird, why was she talking to me? I'll give you an example. We went to get hot pot after we watched a movie and I got a few weird things in my hot pot (a sea urchin ball, squid tentacles and a fish and mushroom ball) and when I ate them, I would say how good they were and how I thought they were delicious. Now, I ate the sea urchin ball last, and that was the most delicious, man I'm still thinking about it now, but after I ate it, like I said, I expressed how delicious it was, but after I said it she looked at me, smiled, and said "I'm glad you're enjoying all your weird foods" and then went back to eating, what a weird thing to say to your boyfriend's friend. I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much about it and she was just being nice.

Also, we all walked past a sign pole and my other friend said "I was gonna human flag pole on that but it's too cold" and I replied with "you're a human fag pole" and that made everyone laugh really hard, so that was nice.
Weak bait.
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Why do I have to keep imagining to myself people that don't exist? I am let down constantly by people, I expect them to be a certain way when they're never the way that I expect them to be. I have long lost any type of personality I had in the past, seems like I've become an empty shell of what could have been instead of what I am. I imagine myself sometimes as someone who's able to recognize good in people, and I often overlook negative facts. I know that everyone does this, but to me, it borders some type of fictional imaginary person that doesn't actually exist. And in part, I also feel like I don't exist, but not because I hate myself or anything similar, more like I feel like the world is shit and people are shit, so I withdraw and say ''no'' and instead live in an imaginary world where I get everything I want and am someone important. I don't really hate people, I just feel repelled and disgusted by them, like they're in my way or something. Like a nuisance, as someone that feels like I should have been able to have a switch that made them disappear and stop existing whenever I felt like it. I just can't deal with people anymore, they make me sick. There's a certain limit to how much I care about people and what they say, and it feels like the older I get, the lower this limit becomes. I don't know what to do anymore, it feels like I'm missing out on stuff by being like this, but at the same time, I really can't stand 90% of people that wander this planet.
I've lived my entire life being the person other people want me to be. I've only ever been myself around less than a handful of people, ever since childhood I've found it easy to mould myself into the person that the specific person that I'm around wants to be around. I can even do it when I'm in a group of people, it's like I download them all as soon as I meet them and then can seamlessly switch between personalities whenever I'm interacting with them. This is genuinely the easiest way to live life, I don't get why more people don't do this.
Most people do do this. Mirroring is a natural component of human behavior. The difference is in degree
>The difference is in degree
How often do other people do it?
So the fuck what, that's what we do too lol. You date women you're not attracted to? What?
I'd say, most of the time. But it's probably dependent on their level of anxiety combined with perceptiveness. Perceptiveness is what enables people to do it. Anxiety is was motivates people to do it. People who are less anxious are less calculating and less likely to mirror because they're not worried what others feel or think about how they are.
Either anxiety, or malice. Some people mirror because they're consciously manipulative for darker reasons
kerfuffle kerfuffle, i dragged my behind to an old sawmill just off the road near the Willibrooks Shire Inn whose only tenant is a man with a golden eyeball and sneezes Pinbrook Berry dust, kerfuffle kerfuffle, what i saw when i dragged my behind to the old sawmill will astound & deflate the here dear reader reading this; i saw a woman, i then raped her violently, kerfuffle kerfuffle
I feel sick again, I ate too much.
Do not be afraid. That is all I need to tell myself. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid.
Be afraid, I'm gonna do nasty things to you.
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>Israeli art student gf
>BB 18 demolition fuse
>Salomon Brothers Building
Do not be afraid, anon, of how aroused you will make me. Godspeed.
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Hopefully, I get some good sleep tonight...
Put the coffee down anon! It will harm your sleep!

To know is to have a duty to do what is right.

God knows, and He does not forsake us.

We all answer to the Righteous Judge.
I don't drink coffee, I just chose that image because he looks a lot like me right now.
Okay that's good anon. Sleep well. Take a goodnight kissy from me. Mwah :*
My stepkids turned out fine because I didn't treat then any different from my biological kids. My mom and dad taught me that a child of your heart is just as important as a child of your loins.
You're thinking about it too much. Now, if she was giving you a handie under the table, that would be different altogether
Solipsism? Possibly
Because I'm not narcissistic
I hope so
Jacked off and suddenly lost all interest in women. Based.
Do you think about it any differently knowing that I look so much like my best friend (her boyfriend) that he got called into the principal's office instead of me when we were in high school even though I was the one who was in trouble?
How is it narcissistic to please other people?
I felt you slip in some tongue. It's OK though.
Not the pleasing people part. The molding yourself part
Women have the worldview of a childs. They are intelligent, but they have no agency and they are not self-sufficient (even though they believe they are, they also believe they are extremely capable of stuff they have no clue about, like children). Things just magically are in their place. To every environment, they just adapt. Like children, they live, not day by day, but ten minute by ten minute. When they say things, they say because they felt like saying them or to get an emotional satisfaction out of it (that's why they get hurt when they don't get the emotional satisfaction they wanted).
>The molding yourself part
I'm literally doing that to please other people. There is nothing narcissistic about what I do.
If you think that, you're already fucked up about it
Could you explain why you think it's a narcissistic thing to do? Maybe I'm just missing something.
Just finished the first Goosebumps book, that was a lot less child friendly than I thought it would be.
I had a shitty stepfather also, but I think the key is for the kids to be young enough that I'm the only father they really remember. Like if I find a woman with a newborn and a 3yo whose husband just got hit by a bus I am locking it down.
Denying that you are is your first clue that you may be narcissistic. Some narcissism is needed and healthy to protect your mind. I wish to God I had learned this earlier because I let ppl run over me for years. Molding yourself to fit others perceptions will only hurt you in the long run. Be true to yourself. It's the kindest thing you can do for yourself. Start doing it today and in three months, it will be an ingrained habit.
I've met some remarkably self sufficient women, far more self sufficient than I myself am. I used to say stuff like this too. If you ever snap out of it, you'll feel great embarrassment and shame because it makes you sound dumb.
People pleasing isn't necessarily narcissistic. It can be. But it correlates with other maladaptive complexes too. And overt narcissism has very little people pleasing in it. Covert narcissism can though.
I understand what you're saying, and you're not the first person who has told me to be myself, but I assume that you can sympathise with me when I say that it's a very daunting thing to do.
Actually, I guess empathise would be the right word, I always get those two mixed up.
I think I am a tranny and don't know what to do.
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If I had to get a tattoo, I would get this design in either blue or lavender, I think it's pretty cool, and yes, I used AI to make it, AI art rules.
No one can tell you what to do. You have to decide what to do
Harsh and scary but that's life
Yes, I do sympathize but honestly, the quicker you do it, the better off you will be.
Only ftms are real, just take antipsychotics if you're xy. They or SSRIs cure it in males like 98% of the time.
I'm so tired bros...just let me die
No respectable therapist will give you antipsychotics when you just have gender dysphoria. That shit is dangerous and needs to be indicated. Also I have no family history of psychosis/schizophrenia so it wouldnt be needed.
They aren't allowed to, but there is literally no case of it not working on an XY in the medical literature.
'I have met remarkably self-sufficient 10 year olds, far more self-sufficient than I am
This is what you sound like.
I’ve become convinced that the internet is the worst thing to ever happen to mankind.
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wwoym incels will never recover from this comic.
It's so accurate, exactly what happens when I try to lend them a hand
It's not their fault, society is to blame.
I want to disintegrate through life's miracles. Anything else would ultimately be harmful and unjust to the world.
They were raised by feminist career women
They're adults now
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Yes you can.
Hands down I almost became an incel myself. The only reason it didn't happen is because I never give up and because a random girl really wanted to kiss my mouth when I was 17 (otherwise I'd be a khv).
Wwoym means?
this thread. It's filled with people who want to get laid/get a gf but act like the guy in the comic
Just had an interview. I got a little iffy there (I yapped cuz I was nervous with questions I hadn't prepared for) but I think on the whole it came out okay. Like 6/10. We geeked out a little bit about comics at the end tho which was kinda based. Hoping they hire me out of their autismo nerd quota and/or pity.
I don't want a gf. I want to put dumb bitches in their damn place (yes im an ugly incel)
You can't just magically get a gf. You have to have potential targets first. No approaching random women in bars won't get you a gf.
What are you talking about?
Targets, bars?
God fucking damnit I had a brilliant idea for a story element but I got distracted and I can't remember it.
I just remember what it was about, roughly. It was about a material that did not exist in our reality, a food I think.
So long story short I just realized how cucked it is to save yourself for marriage as a guy (unless your wife is a virgin too). The reason for this is she sucked other men's cocks and fucked them. Men who might be your friends, cousins, employers, coworkers. How cucked is it to be good with your work colleague and a few years ago he fucked your current wife's brains out? The only way to balance this disparity is fucking virgin women in the hundreds, cucking their future husbands.
Reading comprehension?
yes you're correct, a woman won't just magically appear.
That's always been the case, nothing new.
But I can't remember what exactly it was. And the greatness of the idea was in the details.
Not only that, having a male circle friends are a prerequisite to get a gf. No a male circle of friends that consists of incel neet virgins won't get a you a gf. You need a sociable male circle of friends at that.
Not true.
Yes it is, women aren't interested in loner guys.
You're wrong.
Concession made, there's still the possibility of getting an arranged marriage.
>it's society's fault!
Absolutely cringe, cliche, immature, and conveniently self-victimizing cope of a response.
I've had a few gf without a group of friends.
Stop listening to redpill podcasts or whatever place you get that trash ideas from
A mother should teach her son about how to behave around women. Plenty don't, especially in the modern era where many women are too busy with their 'careers'. But even in that case it can be compensated by oversocializing with lots of other people and peers. So let's pretend someone was:
A) poorly educated by their parents
B) never felt the drive to socialize with other people
They will 90% turn out incels.
Taking even a sliver of responsibility is needed to get anywhere in life.
Incels are just absolutely incapable. They'll blame everyone and everything and have the graphs to 'prove' it
What does the acronym mean?
The fucking thread...
Write whats on your mind
I'm talking from experience. If you don't have a friends circle neither will you be introduced to women. Of course you can go to the red light district, pay a few hundred bucks and plap, but I'm talking about serious relationships not prostitutes kek.
See but you're just wrong.
If you're such a boring wet rag you can't get any gf without a group of friends, you've exposed yourself for not being capable
Oh I'm sorry! Fuck, I am a dumbass
It's still societies fault that they don't know how to interact with people.
No it isn't. It's theirs.
Ahh, female insults beyond my comprehension. Roastie by chance?
What does not being introduced to women have to do with being boring? What are you pretending me to do, walk up to strangers and say hello? That's bullocks, no one does that, you're a creep.
This guy has no idea how to land a gf. He thinks you need a group of friends. Clueless.
People are supposed to learn how to socialize at the age of like 10. Do you blame 10 year olds for not being able to socialize? It's their parents fault and by extension society's fault.
It’s worse than that. They will judge you on the basis of the perceived social status of your friends.
What is this, 2009? 60% of the male population under 30 is unwillingly single at this point. Does anyone buy this form of shaming at this point?
You're a grown adult, figure it out.
Kek, your gf sucked my cock three months ago and swallowed.
Keep walking up to strangers with a boner inside your pants, the girls love it!
Being obsessed with getting a girlfriend is not gonna help you guys
The incel exposed himself. He's not a normal person, he has pornbrain and is a graduate from redpill podcast university.
I have figured it out because I have been socializing for the last 15 or so years. That's about the gap between normies and incels. You expect them to catch that up in a month of self-improvement or so? It's society's fault.
> graduate from redpill podcast university
Says the one telling me to walk up to random women in bars! But yeah, I'm sure your red-pill tricks work great on random women you met at the club alone! I'm sure they do.
It's not about 'buying' it.
It''s true that anyone not deformed can get a gf. The issue is people not trying or following terrible advice like we've seen itt.
I do expect them to catch up. Perhaps not in a month but by the age of 25 you should, yes.
This is not asking a lot.
I never told you to walk up to women in bars.
Ahh, so you get introduced to strangers by other strangers I'm sure you do. Or maybe you pursued the married housewives you know from work? Ever asked the old granny at your place to 'teach you the strings'? Work colleagues got laid that way, legend says.
I'm not going to give you advice, man.
You're the guy in the comic>>23548645
> I do expect them to catch up. Perhaps not in a month but by the age of 25 you should, yes
Become a pick-up coach then.
I've helped here and there. But the issue is one I've talked about before. They don't have the discipline. They don't want it enough.
> I'm not going to give you advice, man.
No because you are full of shit! You don't even have any advice. And I don't need your stupid advice I'm not an incel like you kek.
What is it about their complaints that makes you seethe so much?
I don't want to pet a dog you dumb bitch
It's the fact that they put on a face of 'wanting it' but aren't willing to try anything. Any idea they shoot down because they saw a study or graph that told them otherwise. They're hopeless.
Dog doesn't want to be pet by you dawg
Cool I dont want to touch disgust dogs
Cat Chads rise up
That's also societies fault. They make you want sex from little boy age when it shouldn't happen until reaching full growth. A healthy young boy shows no interest in girls until reaching the age of strength.
No, it's their fault.
Normie slop for normies.
I reccomend you redirect your energies into TikTok watching and not dispensing hoary and useless advice that they have heard ten billion times.
Maybe it is. Really, the incel cause seems like the type of thing people would champion up with all the other stuff. I don't particularly understand why it isn't. I guess they are just too chud adjacent with the being unapologetically male thing.
As long as you are okay with your precious taboos being broken a few times. (You are not).
It was a sad day when I realized mos incels are just failed normies. You got blessed with not being a human bovine and this is what you do with it?
I'm not giving advice, that's the entire clue of the comic, dummy
It is society's fault.
wtf? when did wwoym become incel? do you guys recognize each other or something?
Painfully accurate
I hope one day you get children and they become incel neets. Will you blame it on them too?
These threads have become anons whining about no gf for months now
Yes I will.
What do you mean usless advice? Just pet the fucking dog.
Do people here you if they liked your vibe and potential if your so called qualification and interview performance was a little nervy?
> Yes I will
And yet deep down you will regret all the lost hours you didn't spend with them when they were still small and shareable.
I'm not going to cope and do them a disservice by claiming it's society's fault.
(You) are society, my friend.
What I raped the dog, though?
What's the point of you coping like this?
If you're 25+, figure it out, you're responsible for your life. End of.
Do you also blame society with black criminals or arab rapists?
You're also society.
If you're 25+, figure it out, you're responsible for your life
It's still society's fault that 25 year olds incapable of socializing with other people exist to begin with.
> Do you also blame society with black criminals or arab rapists
No those were actually born like that.
What the fuck, are you retarded? Just pet the fucking dog
Ah so it's only incels who are shaped by society.
You're just making a fool out of yourself, even you can tell. It's pathetic.
Indeed, the presence of incels is my fault.
No, everyone is shaped by society. But if 10% of a given society are incel losers the given society is shitty. Hate breaking it to you, but you live in a shitty society.
Hand you were dealt with. Play or move on.
Just pet the fucking dog, retard.
I am NOT an incel. I'm just a normal guy with normal values. I just need to have sex. That's all it really comes down to.
Who dealt me the cards?
Why has no one shown me how to pet a dog?
> just need to have sex
Societal brainwash.
In life you're always dealt the cards by someone.
Parents, school etc.
There is no other way so stop coping.
You would work great with the Left. They love complaining about injustice of being born here or there.
>the incel cause seems like the type of thing people would champion up with all the other stuff. I don't particularly understand why it isn't
You can't compel people to have sex with someone. Especially if that person is physically or spiritually repulsive
> admits it's society's fault
I gladly accept your concession and defeat.
No one has ever been in a bubble from societies influence lol.
What you're asking for does not exist.
The point is despite it, it's your responsibility to make something of your life.
If you're not capable, it's on you.
> No one has ever been in a bubble from societies influence
Some live in good society, others in bad society.
You live in one of the best times, in one of the best places.
That's even more embarrassing.
I got into Harvard but didn’t go and I regret that
> You live in one of the best times, in one of the best places
Excuse me?
A hundred years ago I'd have gotten an arranged marriage and I wouldn't have to go through all this self-improvement bullshit because I was already taught everything I need to now by my parents and family at home.
And that's what the people with successful relationships were tought too. In other words, modern day people in relationships got arranged gfs too, just that their friends arranged them for them and not their parents, making a perfect match.
You believe in a lie.
Cope whining.
Go fix your situation
You will never have a gf arranged to you by your friends or family.
NTA but most people didnt
Good, I got to choose my own.
Sounds like you're the defeated one
What's that anon?
You believe in Jewish lies.
Wrong, your friends are fake because they can't arrange you a date, your parents didn't care for you and you think your 'gf' is real? Kek suck it up faggot you're living a lie.
Sounds like you believe in Santa Claus.
Oh my fiance is fake? Damn, the cope gets crazy in here.
I don't believe you.
>You can't compel people to have sex with someone.
Why? You can definitely compel people to forcibly interact in other ways, and this is believed to be ethical and even restorative, why not sexual redistribution?
I dont. Modern society is broken but not every single man in the past had a woman.
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You don't believe because you are coping.
Do you know your gfs friends? Does your gf know your friends?
She barely has friends and she's only seeing a friend of mine at the wedding for the first time.
So you're a social recluse and she's a social recluse? Incel meets incel kek to produce more incels. None of the points I made were disproven by your post.
So if you got assigned to have your asshole busted open by some slobbish gaycel, you would gladly accept, knowing that it's your duty?
I'm not a social recluse
Then why do you have no friends kek
I have friends, I just moved back to where I was born. I have someone flying for 10 hours just to be here.
And she spends a lot of time caring for her family.
You're reaching so hard it's hilarious.

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