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previous >>23545359
i look like that.
The only way to fix the problems we are having is to help women make the best decisions rather than shit on them for making poor ones.
You cannot have a nation without women and to think that fixing a country starts anywhere else is perfect blindness.
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'In a Station of the Metro'

The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals on a wet, black bough.
My depression is getting worse by each day. I just put on a clown face for others so they wouldnt ask me anything.
dubs and u kiss me goodnight
Politically I am a Secessionist.
Script bitch
Secede what from where
Lower Saxony from Germany.
Or any other state unit within any Western country, preferably with sea access a city eligible for capital, plus points for large rivers to block international trade relations.
Interesting. Why's that? What benefits does this hypothetical unit gain from secession?
> What benefits does this hypothetical unit gain from secession?
A whole new state in the West made for the European peoples where ideas circulate freely and where liberalism has no stand.
dubs check em
low likelihood but godspeed anon
My friend, unlikely is the continuation of the status quo.
You will support the secession of lower Saxony.
I shall set aside my own doubts and beliefs. For you my dear anon, i shall support the secession of lower Saxony.
I am also from lower saxony
My friend, if you want to be a knight in the European cause, you will join the secession of lower saxony.
Good, very good.
>Good, very good.
Actually, it sucks here
Dear anon, I have already decided to cast aside my queries and wandering thoughts. I am to join your great cause for the secession of lower Saxony. But there is one thing you must promise me, in order for me to lay down my life for our fight for salvation and righteousness freedome.
Oh vey that sounds very antisemetic. As you know, there are already many european countries, so theres no need yo make a new one. Instead, why not create a nation for Africans inside of Europe? I think this will sttengthen your new nation. Aftet all diversity is our greatest strength
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In Ancient Greek Myth Zeus orders the creation of the first woman as a punishment for mankind. All of the Gods help in making her, beautiful, sly, irresistible, a virginal youthful girl who looks innocent but has the morals of a bitch. It is that surface modesty and innocence that enthralls man. But modern life has now completely shattered that illusion, that fake outer layer, and let the bitch out as well. No longer can man be deceived by his punishment , his jailor. The bitch is loose in all of her debauchery and trickery, her hidden dagger bloodies her own bosom now for all to see. So why all the despair and abondement of life? Why all of the tears, the head laying low in defeat? A centennial boon, a ray of heavenly light pierces their dark hearts and shows them for the vampires that they are! This is joy! This is exaltation! No longer will our brothers be slaves but free men!
Why the fuck am I finding it so hard to make money? I keep trying to apply for good jobs but I keep not getting hired. I'm trying to get writing contracts for books but my would-be clients keep being too poor to pay me. How the fuck does anyone make a living if their skills are writing? It's like you have to pry money from the world with a crowbar.
I had a lot of fun reading last night, was extremely comfy. fuck sartre.
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I like women so bad. I want to fuck a woman so bad. I'm going INSANE. I need to fuck a woman or I'll be FUCKED in the head. I need it so bad.
How much do you charge per book (roughly 500 page paperback with standard font size) ?
I've tried to establish a lot of flexibility in my pricing. I wouldn't charge a middle-class client the same amount as a rich client, for example. For the thing you cite I'd probably start somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000.
>writing contracts for books
Ghost-writing or something else?
>where ideas circulate freely
>and where liberalism has no stand
Yeah, I'm trying to establish a ghostwriting career. I've actually done a little work in the field already; I ghostwrote a business book a year or so ago for a consulting group. The trouble has been finding clients, and finding clients willing to pay, at that.
So many hot chicks outside it's insane
And I can't even approach any of them
Gonna hire a hooker soon, it has come come to this I know, but what can I do, I really need to blow off some steam
Have you looked into medical or technical writing?
Isnt hiring the hooker the most fake thing of them all?

Most of those jobs want you to have an MD to get them.


I've applied for a few, I suppose I could apply for more.
>raging incels always existed
We know. While that total dork was making up shit and writing it down the illiterate chads were fucking.
The problem is that everyone has an idea for a book, but they just expect it to materialize out of nowhere with no effort from them or anyone else. These people don't know or don't care what your time is worth. I don't know how you're advertising your services but you should maybe try to get an agent, someone with connections who can filter out the people who aren't serious about it. You've already successfully done the work, so it wouldn't be impossible for you to get representation.
If you have genuine skills and can write books why don't you self publish ya slop on royalroad or similar and make money off patreon subscribers?
I hate doing low pay menial work under the summer sun.
How is New England actually?
full of drug mules and tax fraud. but also some very jive soul brothers and nice old bulidings.
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Ivan the Skeptical
Top 3 French poets —
Pierre de Ronsard
Maurice Scève
Stéphane Mallarmé
If you ever want to go in on something together instead of digging my share out the back, I'm sure you'll let me know. Good luck getting that gun un-fused from your hand, I know your girlfriend misses those shockers of yours.

AI Rewrite:
Should you decide to collaborate on something rather than retrieving my portion from the back, I trust you'll inform me. Best of luck detaching that gun from your hand; I'm aware your girlfriend longs for your electrifying surprises.
What do you mean
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>You've already successfully done the work, so it wouldn't be impossible for you to get representation.

Anon, you're right. It occurs to me that I do have a book to my ghostwritten name already; albeit one that's only been put out via Amazon. Still, it's actually sold, and sold pretty well, and it's an example of my work. Maybe I can use that to get a ghostwriting agent.

Hell, maybe I haven't tried hard enough to get an agent in general. I'm actually a published short story writer and poet, albeit at a lower level. But it's not nothing. For years I tried getting an agent to represent me as a book writer and nobody bit; but maybe I could try again. Maybe I could try some less conventional method than just mass-emailing query letters. But an agent would definitely help and I could try to get one.
I had a one night stand 11 years ago from a girl in a different country. I was drunk and when she asleep I fucked and this was just after we had sex. I told her in the morning then we had sex again.
I left the house and we shook hands. Do I hand myself into the police, after reading Hegel my conscience is killing me. I don't even remember her name.
Empty shithole
>I was drunk and when she asleep I fucked
>Do I hand myself into the police
based modern day rapist raskolnikov
>Do I hand myself into the police
Did you commit an actual crime (as defined in criminal law, Constitution etc) ?
I'm going to the Balkans next month to study vampire folklore. I've never been to Europe before.
Neoliberalism is oppressive against non-liberal stances.
>I left the house and we shook hands
Sounds consensual to me.
God has blessed you with a conscience, eh? Your guilt is a blessing the stupid do not share. And what's better is you had a bit of fun. 11 years, you've been more in your own sleep than hers. Try golfing or one of those exercise programs, keep your mind off those things.
What exactly are you waiting for?
call a hooker retard?
Im worried she wont like the same animes as me
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I happen to be an expert on this subject. The secret to romancing the Nilotic nymph is to pay particular attention to their hands, the length and naturality of their finger nails is a weather vane for all manner of proclivities. The less pronounced and more practical, the better. This observed simply be direct and generous with your words, your eyes, and your caresses and all good things will follow.

t. have bedded numerous dusky damsels, and only required a course of antibiotics and regret but the one time, that very early in my career. He spoke true whoever said the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, but let me add further that dark fruit is a ripeness all its own and yields with readiness to the right touch.
your groupchat must be wild
I have horrible aids
look at those giant fucking tits she can give me AIDS any day
looks like snoop dogg with some tits slapped on. the negro just looks fundamentally male to me.
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Drinking green tea at 7pm was a grave mistake
What do you mean?
when you say the negro you sound like hp lovecraft its kiunda cute
Parents teach their children a language so that the children can solve their parents’ misery;
society teaches people communication so that it can erase individual thought by making people miserable through having to satisfy each other;
people turn into automatons repeating everything that they cannot transcend, integrate, or ignore themselves, in the vain hope that someone smarter than them comes around whose words they then can turn into their new credo, until someone better comes around.
My mind is a garden I do not share with others anymore. I will read your replies if there should be any at all, and then I will close this garden door again, never to return.
it's not the same, they require condoms.
Alright man, see you tomorrow
>looks like snoop dogg
anon she's using a doggy filter
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I should mention I work at a university so they're all pretty high functioning negresses to begin with. It's such a different experience to tell a black girl she's beautiful, their faces do this dance that's full of exploding surprise relaxing as soon as it appears and being replaced with a kind of flush, obviously they don't blush, but there's a kind of heat that follows, a receptive warmth in their expression. If I had to try and compare it with other girls...it's like the black girl really believes you when you say she's beautiful and is full of gratitude to hear it, while to the european girl it's one reflexive exchange she's heard too many times before. I recommend everyone try it at least once.
Thank you. I'd love to pour a bottle of champagne all over your titties and then carry you on my shoulders to my yacht but I have yet to find a harbor slip of repute on the African coast. Which is to say, I DO have a yacht... but it's in layaway. Currently in international waters chartered, uh, so to speak, by a "Sea Org" I don't really know who they are, but they said I'll never see my sweet sweet HMS Bangarang again.
>taking the chance of impregnating and being financially liable for the rest of your life with any woman
Shig A Dig
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>we live in a society
yeah anon
i'm a man no titties
You have no titties, and I still have my yacht. Yet scientology says you are still a "woman" and that I don't have a yacht. This is the world we live in.
I didn't fap for 7 days. This thread doesn't make it easier.
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Here, a visual cold shower.
you fly as hell white boy
In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.
Has anyone ever received a student forgiven loan, or anything in the similar? I did, my parents forced me to, and it was the most humiliating experience in my life. I was so humiliated by it, that I paid the loan back. The worst part is that I didn't even graduate. Humiliating.
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I need sex
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There is no god but God.
I want a wife named Berry.
1 year plus checking in. You would not believe how horny I get sometimes.
Thread is fully retarded by horniness, few more hours and we might get some poetry out of this
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ruminating on blokes desire to post porn to 4chan for other men's pleasure
is it plain and simple attention seeking?
or a freudian act of pleasing another man with desires hidden deep underneath the psyche
like a way of simulating familial man to man love that was barred from them because their father left
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On your planet I got stuck,
It was never in my plans
But my spaceship fell apart
And now I am stranded here
Between this dawn with three suns
And endless visions full of
Gauzy mountains, neon fish,
Shining love particles and
Ancient memories of you.
Why am I crying from myself being shy when all I've ever done is hide inside sighing while ignoring Mom’s pleas to go outside to talk to girls and let my fears subside? I wonder why I let these moments slide and decided to not set my pride aside to give life a try.
Why do gay people have to be so gay? I was on a writing discord any they were talking about how they left notes for themselves to add more gays or that they wanted to do things to add “queer joy” to their stories. I’m sure if I said I was aiming to add more straight characters or celebrate straightness they’d throw a hissyfit.
legit cant cry anymore
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Lost my PhD funding, my supervisors aren't even reading my shit
I was also supposed to marry after doing the promotion so I'm feeling lost
you sound obsessed
Nice, feels like it was written from a Chinese restaurant
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>reading local newspaper advice column for shits
>lady writes in saying she's upset about her bf being addicted to porn and when she confronted him about it he sperged and told her to see a therapist and get over herself
>advice columnist responds to reader defending bfs porn use and tells lady to see a therapist with her bf
>supposed to marry
Do you have a fiancé or were you just waiting to be done to start looking?
Because if you have a fiancé, and she's not a traitorous whore, she'll still marry you
Don't worry Anon, when Sharia Law takes over, porn will be banned world wide.
you have to treat it as a kind of paganism. they worship self identity, their God is affirmation, self love, and sexual pleasure (as well as the state/government as the organisational entity reinforcing all this by force). if this is understood, it is easier to do business with them in the same way one does business with foreign pagan religions: cordial, respectful, but ultimately it must be made clear that one has different beliefs and does not wish to participate along. Godspeed anon
lyrical miracle spiritual
I love peaches
based The Presidents of the United States enjoyer
dirty hairy
Actual fruit and Stranglers appreciator
i buy into whatever the cooler guy wrote, and cool is when they are racist
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It doesn't matter if the Europeans go extinct
As long as all the viewers of BBC porn are happy
with their succulent videography
This is what the Judeo-Anglo regime wants
guy called Judeo-Anglo regime
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Pajeets destroying Australia
How beautiful
How lovely
The only things women respond to are shame and violence. We're not allowed the latter, and you don't want us to do the former... what is your suggestion on how to fix them then?
Unquestionable support has been tried and failed btw.
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I love black women so much
All women have boyfriend but not all men have girlfriend
Really makes you think
David is my beloved father.
I forgot to post this one as well
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I must drill oil.
cute esl
three suns? the fuck you on about man
2 boobs and the dick that counts 3, its a metaphor
because there's powerful and dedicated organizations that reward this behavior

it's actually a very free market principle, if you post something others are likely to do the same resulting in everyone getting more lewds to enjoy
a rising tide lifts all ships and my dick anon
>if you post something others are likely to do the same
not true, porn threads are for that
This girl has phenomenal breasts, you can clearly tell the are shapely and firm even while clothed, I want to tongue punch her fart box and slather the shit butter on her chest.
they sag 100%, you dont know what youre talking about
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I post drivel here but drivel spun with some measure of effort and literary affect. I think others do the same and often I spy or suspect profundity in the worst refuse. Is this confession without all merit? I don't think so, but I also don't think very much, and perhaps that is why the straining here is remarkable, for I don't exercise my powers of expression often, and so the slightest use, even in misuse, takes on a meaning it may well not have. At any rate it is cathartic, and with that I add another page to my (our) diary desu.
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an otherworldly environment since he's in an alien planet.
How much is everyone else communicating with specific people every day?
Is everybody in group chats?
How often are people sending and receiving texts? Having phone conversations?
I used to text a lot in high school and then there was a period where I deleted all social media and let my phone number expire. I've since gone through three different phone numbers and I almost never use my phone now. I don't have friends anymore and nobody has my number.
I just lurk 24/7 and frequently even fail to perceive the engagement affordances that my digital environment offers.
Ideal lifestyle right there
I literally just looked up her nudes because of this thread and you're wrong

wrong and gay

how's it feel retard? to be wrong, and gay? yeah you would know
there are artists who are never satisfied with their work, each imperfection endlessly taunting them while others only provide praise
I've never done any of that.
outside of work i occasionally text to family and friends but primarily keep to myself. i just want to relax by myself as a natural loner. at work i have to use teams and it's all so tiresome
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Me on the right
What does it mean to be satisfied though? Humans are naturally imperfect. Trying to reach this state of perfection is an illness.
Most people I know are in constant telecommunication with others. I hate texting so I'm not.
double baconnator + fentanyl crack + juice tits in your face
thrasher is going woke? nooooo
This is so cute. I want choco milkies NAOW!
And He has nothing to do with Islam.
Holy shit. Modern TV is just porn. Webm ruined by a man's hand. Many such cases.
My friend ended up going on a strong rant against the Palestinians today out of nowhere. He’s never been very political but he called them dirty brown apes and hoped they would get wiped up. He said they are full of shit. No he’s not Jewish. The whole thing really surprised me as someone pretty apolitical who views that whole situation as silly
For about 3/4 years, I've been in love with a fantasy woman. Seeing a picture of her, or even her name, made me feel like my heart was in a vice. Knowing we'd never be together was enough to reduce me to tears and thoughts of suicide. I've found that I can now see her name/picture without being thrown into despair. I don't actively seek her out, but I wrote this post without thinking of hurting myself. Progress.
I text the same three people everyday. One of them is my mom

Being old and poor is a real reality check. If you don't have money people stop giving a fuck
My mom, brother and sister in law occasionally loop me into their group chats. Other than that, I have no one to text or chat with. I have no contacts in my phone except for them and some coworkers.
Yeah I have two of my childhood best friends who are some really good motherfuckers and the rest is family. Lol
I was in prison and you visited me. thank you. I love you. I have no claim on your time.
Maybe. Maybe not.
>No he’s not Jewish
i talk to my family via text most weeks. and my childhood friend gang most days. we are in our 30s now
Masturbated twice today. Probs will again tonight
That shit always struck me as weird.
What has to be going on internally for you to sperg out about a conflict thousands of miles away which you have no practical involvement in?
Is it really just to publicly commit to a moral posture? Are they just swatting at fuzzy projections of "badness" in their head which the media has recently given the shape of a Middle Eastern conflagration?
I guess it probably feels pretty good to have your own little Two Minutes Hate, but inflicting that on a person whom may or may not give a shit seems socially inept to me.
That's what's strange about contemporary living, you never know what the fuck kind of internal world the guy next to you has because you have no clue exactly what content he's been consuming.

I once thought this was a mere joke. Now I know it was a prophecy. Who will be The One?
It was this really good bondage video where the girl had an inflatable pump gag in. The guy would pump it till she couldn't breathe and then release it when it was too intense. She had this super sexy look in her eyes. The panic and submission. Fuck I loved it.
People do this based on fear
All propaganda is based at its core, on fear
That person anon was describing, has a deep fear driven fantasy of Muslims entering wherever he lives and pillaging everything
If someone takes the opposite stance they have a fear driven fantasy of the west returning to form and slaughtering lots of innocent people around the world
When people get aggressive over things that seem to have nothing to do with them, they're trying to push off a fear of a possible future
Could you get any more reductionist?
Insightful post.
> If someone takes the opposite stance they have a fear driven fantasy of the west returning to form and slaughtering lots of innocent people around the world

I'm 25. I missed out on so much youth. Feels bad man.
Child protective services is worthless since their main goal is to reunify the family.
It feels even worse when you're 30.
Do something now, anon.
Whoever started the whole trend of what a desirable youth is must be laughing in his grave because it has caused so much destruction. There is no such thing as missing out on youth, you were there. You lived it. That was your youth. You can't go and trade your youth for someone else's. That's like trying to trade your body for someone else's. You can't do that. Your genes are your genes, every single part of you is your own. Your face. Your height. Your everything. Take possession of it. Stop moping like you're a slave to reality.
You're both fags. I'm doing shit now at thirty four.
You're only too old to live when you're dead.
I think this anon is actually based >>23547293
What I really mean to say is that I spent the majority of the last 7 years friendless and alone. I know these 18/19 year Olds who just finished their first year of college, and they're constantly out having fun. I'm not saying my life had to be like some coming of age drama movie. What I am saying is that on an objective basis, most of those years just passed by meaninglessly.
like what?
Nobody's saying that you can't do shit, they're just saying it feels bad when you're not doing shit. If you weren't doing shit, you would be posting about how much worse it feels when you're 34.
Having a problem with remembering things. Words, facts, ideas. There's just so much information to take hold of. Any advice or books on retaining information?
I am dark but lovely.
Moonwalking with Einstein. How to Take Smart Notes.
Probably. I don't think it's reductionist though. I think it's true
If I know what you're afraid of I can sell my ideas to you. You could argue it's also based on love. Fear of whatever is going to come for whatever you love
25 ain't shit go out and do something fun now while you still have the chance
I cackled at your post. At 25 you're still young
If you keep looking backwards and feeling sorry for yourself, the next 7 years will pass in much the same way
Why is it always go out and do something fun?
What if anon just wants to read and study Nietzsche?
An endeavor that'll take years.
Fun like what? Rape?
Shit on my dick and call me Harold
holy fuck holy fuck holy FUCK
I am working on a 1/8 scale replica of Glenn Hammond Curtiss's Model D Pusher (1909 "Headed" model). It is odd when looking back to when something was in its infancy, there always seems to be a child-like wonder surrounding whatever it is. Every small step seems like a big victory, but then it goes away for one reason or another. I have a book on the Wright Brothers- Curtiss lawsuit, where the Wrights effectively held a patent on the laws of physics (that is, how to conventionally control an aircraft, which is at its root based off of Newton's Third Law of Motion). Ultimately, the suit ended in a draw thanks to the elephant in the room: war.

War brings progress, but in this progress, there is a loss of enthusiasm and novelty. Commonality is another wonder-killer. It seems that losing our interest in something is ultimately how we make something viable. I guess it is the difference between a device being seen as a marvel and an appliance.
Wow bssed
Rom. 9:32
Why? Because they pursued it not out of faith, but as it were out of works. They stumbled at the stone of stumbling,
Excuse me for killing the thread, I just get into dazes thinking about Wells and Verne, as well as the brave souls who entered air and sea looking to prove something, whatever that something might have been.

Today, my mind was thinking of French aviators and Aeronauts, specifically Louis Bleriot, Henri Farman and Leon Levavasseur.

Also, a man in the Czech Republic made this from scratch and it captivated my interest for a while.
t. nael
I hate 1% of people.
Too much antisemitism these days. It’s spergy
it's only the beginning, moshe.
Civil war
Huh, oh well I hope I'm on the right side of history
The only right side is the winning side. But why is left the opposite of right instead of wrong?
I would text you if I thought that you would actually respond.
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If this strikes you as strange you will never understand true neocons. I may not agree with them but I can understand their argument. From their perspective the Gazans are basically welfare squatters whose people have never done anything with the land they covet and who are intentionally breeding children to die in the endless conflict with Israel to make the latter look bad instead of just moving on to one of the many Arab countries available to them. At the same time they are reliant upon Israel for food/water/technology and are religious fanatics waiting to die in some kind of Holy War of attrition against the Israelis who meanwhile are the vision of industry intelligence and innovation and democracy in a part of the world otherwise known for its backwardness and barbarism. When you consider these things, to a degree, it's very hard not to feel moral disgust at the Palestinians. This is why so many boomers radically support Israel over them.

But to achieve this perspective at all requires quite a lot of propaganda conditioning, that doesn't mean it's wholly devoid of truth.
think i'll go back to rehab soon. it's not that i don't think i could sober up without it. in fact I'm sure i could. but i like it there. and maybe i'll see my buddies there. i worry about them when they're not around.
I like how Russians can hang around with bears, foxes and other forest animals. I don't like it when they torture them, though.
I don’t really like either side. The conflict just needs to end and the only way that is happening is Israel winning. I’d rather Jews than savage browns immigrating everywhere
If the kikes win, the Palestinians will immigrate, retard. That's what the kikes are trying to do.
Not if there are no Palestinians
The kikes are trying to get them to immigrate. That's why they manufactured a refugee crisis. Contrary to popular belief they aren't trying to completely annihilate them. As we speak, the kikes are negotiating with Western countries to accept the refugees. When you consider that Israel knew about the attack and did nothing, it's actually mindboggling how can people still side with the kikes.
Normally I shit twice after I wake up. Before coffe and after coffee. Today I will only shit two hours after having my first coffee. Let's see what happen
Kikes are better than sand niggers
No, they are worse because they are far more dangerous. Hitler was right.
If you live around jews you probably live in a middle to upper middle class neighborhood. If you live around browns you’re poor. My interactions with people of the jewish community have been infinitely better than my dealings with sand people
Teacher was noticeably drunk at lecture tonight, but it was ok cause I was also slightly drunk
You're not seeing the big picture. You're basing your opinion on anecdotal evidence. I think you're probably a woman because no thinking man would say something so shallow.
I haven't read anything in a few days.
im flyer than a drone.
i haven't read anything in a few months. i have betrayed myself.
what can i do but fail?
there is no virtue in hedon.
i could read what i like, it's right there, but i do not. i put it off! why? i could read what pleases. read until my eyes swivel out like a weevil
too much to read, too little time
I wanted to learn about everything that I ended up not really anything but I loathe the idea of focusing on one thing entirely
Balance. Yin yang.
>I don’t really like either side. The conflict just needs to end and the only way that is happening is Israel winning.
Israel will never win for the same reason the Palestinians will never win, the US won't permit it. Why do you imagine Israel hasn't crushed all of Gaza like some ugly pimple this entire time? The US state department doesn't allow it and Israel is not self-sufficient without retaining relations with the US.

Frankly speaking the writing is on the wall for Israel, they've completely fucked up in the last months all thanks to Bibi's administration instigating war to remain in power (ironically against US backed 'protests' and alternative politicians). They need to clean out the Palestinians with overwhelming force need are afraid of Iranian retaliation which only grows in its capacity with each day. At this point the best case scenario for Israel is to lure the US into war with Iran, lose its northern half to missile fire from Tehran, and clean out the Palestinians in the process.
This is true.

This is also true.

This is truest of all.

The Jews have overplayed their hand and we will probably see Israel destroyed in our lifetime.

I'm pretty excited to see what they do with their nukes because they're very much in a use it or lose it situation with Iran.
i can't stop laughing at my own jokes. i'm so fucking funny dude.
How do I make time for reading beside my wagie job?
Honestly, Kourosh/Cyrus should have just exterminated (((them))) all so Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all would not exist. Three birds with one seed. If I could travel in time, there the number one event I'd change.
Every day I fantasize about decorating Kourosh / Cyrus' tomb with their carcass. Instead of innocent cows, Kourosh can have a Jew.
>, there
jews are "sand people" too
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As someone who missed out quite a lot due to helicopter parents till I was 27, I'll just say this. Don't wait to do something. Try to do something, even the smallest things, and keep building up from that. An idle mind is truly the devil's workshop.
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I have trouble remembering people's names. I can remember people's faces, features, etc. even when I close my eyes but their names always escapes me. Maybe it's because I am introverted and tend to keep to myself but I've been being more social lately to push myself to remember people. Funny thing is, my dad can remember people's names but can't remember people's faces.
I need some vampire slaying music.
i've seen too many people in their 30s who aren't getting any sublimating by bitching and whining about their lives 24/7 on twitter and facebook these days and i'm sick of it.
Talked to a girl today. Nice personality, cute without forcing it, laughs easily and means it. Small, enough to make me feel big even as a manlet. Quick-witted, dark-haired, refreshing to be around compared to all the women I've known who coupdn't help seeing everything as a competition. It's been a long, long time since I've talked to someone like this. Several years.
Unfortunately, we're both in the military, and she's low enough in rank compared to me that I could face legal consequences for having an unprofessional relationship with her. I allowed myself to indulge in a fantasy about going out with her for a brief moment after getting home and then made an effort to crush the feeling.
If a girls main ex bf was a petty criminal type. Is it over before it even begun and to not bother?

Will she always be drawn to that sort of chaos and thrill seeking and be texting him behind my back whenever he is in his "good period".

Afaik the main thing he is on bail for was some house burglary. And I think the company he keeps are those typical youth gang types

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