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Finnish anon is retarded but loveable edition.

Previous: >>23576787
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Need this.
I should be reading right now, I've got nothing else to do and I'm bored, but I'm just not doing it.
Fuck it, I'm gonna listen to Boogie Nights by Heatwave and then I'm gonna read.
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I'm famous :0
I'm showing this thread to my mom
You better save my meme, Finnanon, I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it.
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There is a little death you must go through.
I lied, teehee, I'm gonna pee first.
I have a copy of the Bible that I never open. My cat sleeps on it. Is that good?
I did, to honor a good effort.
This is an image of my feelings. I am surprised they are so unconcealed. I love the sound of heartbeat.
That's probably the most useful a bible will ever be, so yes.
>I did, to honor a good effort.
Thanks, babe.
I was thinking about going out for a walk but I don't wanna anymore. Although I should.
>blood, sweat, and tears
no cum?
Not yet ;)
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Thinking about getting a series s.
I'm switching back and forth between /lit/ threads and Atlas Shrugged. Which provides greater value?
Atlas Shrugged. I'm reading a Junji Ito manga, I don't really care for the art but the story is alright so far.
Why? There's no point in getting a console except it's exclusives. It's even more dumb if you pay for online multiplayer.
>Trying to read.
>Have song stuck in my head.
>Know it'll go away if I listen to it.
>It's 8:29 long...
I bought one just to play Elden Ring, have not been disappointed
>tfw you're only doing an okay job at work but someone else is shitting the bed.
Feels good man.
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A decade ago I used to laugh at the “my gf is 2D” fags. But after years of meeting women, and then realizing that there’s not a single one among them I could settle down with, I’m starting to think they have a point. What if what I want doesn’t even exist in the external world? I have come across mystics from various traditions who wrote about a feminine presence they were in communion with. Parmenides’ goddess, Boethius’ Lady Philosophy, the Gnostics’ Sophia, the Buddhists’ Tara. Even Crowley’s Nuit. These waifus weren’t some fantastical replacement for women; they were the real deal.
The 500gb?
>I have come across mystics from various traditions who wrote about a feminine presence they were in communion with. Parmenides’ goddess, Boethius’ Lady Philosophy, the Gnostics’ Sophia, the Buddhists’ Tara. Even Crowley’s Nuit.
This is pretty interesting. Any recommended reading that I should do to further my knowledge of them? Specifically Crowley's Nuit.
Another incel gives up on life.
Maybe tell your parents your plan on committing to your 2D waifu. You might kill them with shame.
Alright, I read about 30 pages, gonna listen to the song now.
I wonder what it's like to lose your virginity to an Irish chick.
I’ve had gfs before. I’m not some bitter incel; it’s unfair to project a femininity unto women that they don’t themselves possess.

It’s in the Book of Law, but I also found this recently:

>But now I would have you to know that in the mind are no such limitations in respect of species as prevent a man falling in love with an inanimate object, or an idea. For to him that is in any wise advanced upon the Way of Meditation it appears that all objects save the One Object are distasteful, even as appeared formerly in respect of his chance wishes to the Will. So therefore all objects must be grasped by the mind, and heated in the sevenfold furnace of Love..

>For us, then, emancipated from all base law, what shall we do to satisfy our Will to Unity? No less a mistress than the Universe: no lupanar more cramped than Infinite Space: no night of rape that is not co-eval with Eternity!

>Consider that as Love is mighty to bring forth all Ecstacy, so absence of Love is the greatest craving. Whoso is balked in Love suffereth indeed, but he that hath not actively that passion in his heart towards some object is weary with the ache of craving. And this state is called mystically ``Dryness.'' For this there is, as I believe, no cure but patient persistence in a Rule of life.

>But this Dryness hath its virtue, in that thereby the soul is purged of those things that impeach the Will: for when the drouth is altogether perfect, then is it certain that by no means can the Soul be satisfied, save by the Accomplishment of the Great Work. And this is in strong souls a stimulus to the Will. It is the Furnace of Thirst that burneth up all dross within us.
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Infinite Space = Nuit by the way.
>"I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof”
I think I have been for the past few years heading down precisely this path, a sort of pagan spirituality that rejects our world.
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"On the Intellectual Capacity of Women" bu David Stove is a great/funny read. Here's the essay: https://philpapers.org/archive/STOTIC-2.pdf
Been working on a short story for nearly two years. It's in great shape now. However, it is based on a very, very esoteric cultural domain, perhaps no story has ever been told about this topic in this particular way in any language ever, so it is terribly difficult finding a magazine that would vibe with it. There are only two literary magazines in my country (and probably the entire world) that would really be willing to publish it. I've submitted the story to both — the first never replied, and the second said they'd respond by July 22nd.

Praying to every God that it gets the a-ok in the next ten days. I really need some sort of positive push or any sort of sign to get me going along. It's tough just sitting by yourself, allowing imaginary ideas and emotions and people invade your mind and being for lengthy periods of time, working continuously on something you never know is going to really achieve anything. This story being published would give me a huge boost in confidence, not only that people like my stories, but that I can continue writing these types of esoteric stories about esoteric things, that I can continue to put my heart and soul into the kind of stories that I want to write.
My boss asked me why I don’t put in any effort at work anymore. I told him I lost interest when I got passed up for a promotion so they could promote an older woman who had no idea what she was doing just because she is an older woman. He said he was actually surprised to hear that. I guess he’s retarded. I don’t know how you could be surprised by that.
You guys should seriously get into tutoring. It's a great job. It pays well and it's very flexible. It's engaging and dynamic so you don't get lulled into a repetitive soul crushing 9 to 5 routine.
The Egyptians didn't believe space was infinite. In fact, it can hardly be said that they believed the sky to be space at all.
I’ve been thinking about it. What do you tutor and what credentials do you need to get started?
In my life I have found numerous approaches to motivating my self but I am always defeated eventually by the lack of love in my life. I have purpose, sure, but it is a purpose without any nourishment for the soul. Only giving, never receiving.
Thinking about making my own Ngubu shirt.
I swear I saw them at some online shop a few years ago but I can't find it anymore.
Norf fc on the front, Ngubu 23 on the back. red
Need to finish a online application in order to go to work for a day to receive some cash and it's a pain in the ass. I feel as if I cannot rely on some of my family so I'm stuck on some parts of it since they're further south.
cannot believe you've forgotten your local ipswich legend M'ombambo Ume-Ezeoke, simply not done lad
The company that hired me required a Bachelors degree, but I got the job with only an Associates. I tutor English. English tutors are in high demand right now, especially where I live. I think I got a benefit because I'm working for Chinese people and I'm a blonde white guy, so they have a higher opinion of me by default.
Putting effort into the job is still needed. I have the same issue around the house where I live cause it seems some of the roommates could care less if anything is done and it doesn't take alot of effort to do three main rooms.
I had exactly 1 (one) beer last night and now I feel all groggy and shitty this morning. I hate this shit.
oy I got his actual shirt.
sweaty as hell, I can still smell the lad
>" In particular, no
experiments of any kind, however well-conducted, would weigh with me, if
their results were inconsistent with the verdict of ordinary experience."
> "If all the educationists... even without the
influence of fraud or self-deception, reported equal intellectual performance
by the juveniles of either sex, it would cut no ice with me; and similarly if
all the geneticists and molecular biologists could not detect, by their most
refined experiments, any physical basis for the unequal performance of the
two sexes. I would still stand by the evidence, raw and unanalysed as it is,
of a long and varied experience, if that still testified to inequality."

LOL he literally thinks like a woman. "My personal anecdotal experience outweighs all data because.. it just does OK?"
good lad
remins me ov wen i met arry kane at local tescos, tol im me missus luved im fer is body n ee tooh is soddin shirt of is bak an anded right to me. made mi tuch is abs, hard as a stone, ee wuz. luv arry, tol im to scor sum fakin goals tho
>Praying to every God that it gets the a-ok in the next ten days.
Praying for you buddy. I have faith your story will be excellent
The amount of effort it seems for /v/ seems very low but it is a decent spot for latest vidya game news sometimes.
You're unfathomably based, anon. I appreciate your support
Life is life
Du du dududu
Life is life
Du du dududu
No problem, anon! Esoteric books need to be spread.
Well I have a 9/10 gf now but our conversation about it was just... weird. I have no idea what to think. She just spoke vaguely. When I first mentioned being in a relationship she rambled on about how she likes being alone but hates it at the same time. Only with persistence did she finally accept being in a relationship with me but again was very casual about it, just like "oh okay then"
>Have a fun idea
>Scope grows out of size the more I work on it
>Never finish it
Rolling. Last 2 digits will be the story I read in this collection
>Only with persistence did she finally accept being in a relationship
That's not quite a good sign anon. The right woman for you will jump at the chance at dating you.
I had an entire bottle of wine. Woke up this morning thirsty as shit but otherwise fine.
>Only with persistence did she finally accept being in a relationship with me
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Is she a 9/10 just on looks or also personality?
We get along very well, same interests and background, but whenever I try to get serious about things she just becomes weird and vague. Really bizarre encounter. And when I say persist I just mean I kept talking about liking her and eventually she just said thanks and hoped to meet up
i drank 6 9.5% beers and ate 3 poptarts last night
woke up 3 hours early with hellacious in my sinuses bile heartburn
took some pepto all better now
This work is exhausting me for no good reason.
I just want to win the fucking lottery and do something I like.
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I really need to stop doomscrolling 4chin for most of the day, It's really no better than those facebook moms or twitter trannies.
Tomorrow, the postman will be delivering me a copy of a 16th-century book that I'm excited to read and a package of edibles that I feel deeply disappointed with myself for ordering. I think my soul isn't yet developed enough for weed. But it's ordered, and I have to figure out a way to use it wisely.
Does anyone else feel like their life is severely limited or experience self-loathing because they just hate the way they look?
No thank God I always looked pretty good.
Now that I'm norwooding I have what I want anyway so who cares.
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Brother, all the time. But if you start basing your whole worldview on it, then it's limiting you twice over.
ok, I just made a post about WOMM
Another beautiful day of living in a clean and organized apartment, having an organized office at work, and having (almost) no call or text history saved on the dumbphone.
I'm in my 50s and apparently un-hireable, maybe all I have left is to try to be a writer and starve by failing here too.
What have you done so far?
Decided to put some effort into the house mailing system that should last awhile. I need to see about reading the rest of The Toaism reader my friend recommended me because it seems like an interesting idea to put into actions.
Ever since I've been a teen I haven't liked myself very much. The results of affects growing up has changed it somewhat to where I think I have some interesting features instead of disgust.
It’s not like I base my whole worldview on it but let’s be honest, to reach the top of anything there’s a baseline attractive you have to be. Even Michel Houllebecq, the goblin looking mf, has good facial structure.
Waxing crescent is my favourite, today and yesterday has been quite beautiful.
Read it. Story was okay. Basically a man flirting with a younger woman in front of his wife at a high society lunch. 3/5.

Rolling again for one last story before I tuck myself in.
Do you have any work experience?
Reroll. Max is 50. If it's above 50, I'll just add up the last 4 or 5 digits, whichever is higher.
I worked in fast food in my early 30s
only for a couple months however
You can’t get another fast food job? Why haven’t you worked since and why are you just trying to get employed now?
Fast food has $20/hour now around me (which is insane but whatever) so perhaps around you it'll work out again.
i left after I got bullied by my colleagues.
it's tough when you're 33 and get chewed out by a 17 year old girl for doing it wrong.
i prefer work without colleagues
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Sometimes I wish I wasn't so immature and retarded. I have an appointment with my therapist coming up and I'm about to no-call no-show. I'm tired of lying. I'm tired of lying but I don't want to come clean about it, either. I cold turkey'd off my anti-depressants. It's been 8 or 9 months at this point. I'm slowly losing interest in things that formerly brought me a lot of joy. I don't want to leave my house. I don't want to hang out with friends. Sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. I'm constantly tired. 2 week vacation and all I've done is gone swimming a couple times (in the backyard) and got drunk at my buddy's 4th of July party. Logged nearly 100 hours of CS2 in those two weeks. I like the idea of reading, but can't force myself to actually do things. Parents saying they're worried about me. Just want to rot in bed until 3pm every day.
Might be slipping into a malaise. I've come off my meds before and my doctor told me that if I did it again he wouldn't keep me on as a patient. So I can't get back on the meds if I wanted to. Don't have a primary care physician. I just don't feel like dealing with all the rigamarole of everything. I'm not suicidal- I'm not waking up pissed off that I woke up. I'm not going to a pawn shop to buy a gun. I'm just tired all the time. Anxious about the appointment with my therapist because I know I'm not in the best spot right now, but I don't want to talk about it. Need to just grind. Force myself to do things again. Get back in the gym. Get out of the house. Soak in sunlight. Clean up my diet.
I'm 29 and never looked better. Women literally gawk at me as I walk past. Not that it makes a difference though; I'm an aspie and as soon as I start talking, they lose interest. I have a few female friends who like to show me off anyhow
>it's tough when you're 33 and get chewed out by a 17 year old girl for doing it wrong.
Bro, man up and stop being a bitch.
Wait, so you NEETed all your life, except for a few months when you worked in fast-food? That's a pretty sweet deal
How? I'm chronically unemployable. Burger king gave me a chance and they hated me the second i showed what i could do
The girl was horribly rude to me but i can't very much say anything since she is better at the job than i.
It's all over anyway, that was years ago
Conseitedness doesn't equal good looking bro. Your perception probably isn't accurate anyways for the story you've told.
I tried in my late teens early twenties but i don't even consider that to count. too long ago.
all disasters btw. think of the worst job experience and thats what i had. bullied by almost all colleagues
No, I'm a pretty boy. I'm just extremely awkward and my presence makes people uncomfortable. I am often described as scary.
Anons, be thankful for any beta reader who will stop you showing your actual soul to the world.
Ah, a fellow Californian. Fast food is now unbearably expensive because of this shit.
Huh? I have no reason to be conceited.

>Your perception probably isn't accurate
I've been described as a "greek god" by my friends more times than I can count. Again, I don't really care man. If I could sacrifice my looks to be a skilled musician or artist, I'd do it in a heartbeat
I tried flirting with the cute girl at the McDonald's drive thru by asking how many chicken nuggets I could order at one time. Why am I like this?
>I've been described as a "greek god"
They were referring to your very small penis
Bro everyon fucks up their first jobs. I literally drove my boss's workvan into a client's house once. It's normal to make mistakes and hit a learning curve.
>Ah, a fellow Californian
Pacific northwest region.
>Fast food is now unbearably expensive because of this shit.
Way too expensive
they called me a freak and clocked me as a virgin within 1 hour
>they called me a freak and clocked me as a virgin within 1 hour
This was in the US, right? God I hate Amerimutts
Kek, got em
I simply cannot buy you NEETing all your way into your 50s. 20s, I get. 30s, iffy, but i get it. But 50?? How did you even manage that anon?
So, how many chicken nuggies can you order at a time?
Why? Showing your soul is your only shot at making it as a writer of true worth
yes. best job i had was in a warehouse but that just made mee want to kms.
> clocked me as a virgin
people are very comfortable doing this to guys and I have no idea why its ok.
Shit talking to see if you could take some heat and apparently >>23582692 cannot.
i didnt want the heat i just wanted to earn my own money
Then get a fast food job
>Shit talking
They do it to establish the dominance of in-groups
>haha we are the cool sex-havers, ur a loser virgin!
i told you i had a terrible experience
a lot of young people work there and i dont want to be yelled at or made fun of by them. it's humiliating
That’s that girl, Sarah Lavender ain’t it? I like her asmr stuff and she’s not hard on the eyes, either.
What’s a good book that talks about all these?
You know some of us have had actual girlfriends before, right? I had two or three women I was engaged to once before. Of course two of them fucked around on me and one ended up accusing me of rape. But it is what it is.
> A lot of young people work there and i dont want to be yelled at or made fun of by them. it's humiliating.
Bro, you cannot be afraid like this forever.
>and one ended up accusing me of rape.
Pretty common with women especially with the #metoo movement.
Oh but it’s not the only time it’s happened a barista did the same thing to me a few years prior and two beefed up cops escorted me out of a Barnes & Noble for it. If there ever is a backlash, it’s going to be severe. No tolerance for simps.
Why did they accuse you of rape?
He can't just change his personality anon. The best he can do is pretend to be a normie, but that takes a toll after a while. I was like him and only got by after embracing my own weirdness. I tell people I'm a virgin offhandedly before they can even bring it up. I don't know how well this tactic would work in the US, since it's such a hyper-extroverted shithole
Because he raped them
>He can't just change his personality anon.
I understand brother. I was just meaning for him to learn from the experience and not care so much about notmies.
>The best he can do is pretend to be a normie, but that takes a toll after a while.
That's the best some of us can do and I even struggle sometimes because people are dumb.
I have no idea. She actually was forcing herself on me after I just got out of a bad relationship. We dated years before and she wandered back into my life craving cock. I dunno.
I keep gaining weight no matter what I do. I think there’s something wrong metabolically, but I can’t get a doctor to take me seriously and order the right tests. My doctor flat out refuses to check my hormones. The most they were willing to do is order a sleep study, but I can’t even get in for another 3 months.
Common tactic it seems because you humiliated them so they accuse you of rape.
I get lonely sometimes but I'm terrified of women.
Many heroic actions and chivalrous adventures are related of me which exist only in the regions of fancy. With me the world has taken great liberties, and yet I have been but a common man.
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I mean I don’t get laid a lot, so what am I gonna do, refuse? Women don’t realize how good they have it, being able to just exist and get sex. It’s an uphill battle to get sex as a man.
It amazes me how out of touch with the real world incels are. They think women just 'exist' and get sex, when in reality I and other men with active social lives turn down romantically interested women with some regularity. And what I probably find even more amusing is this idea that sex outside of a loving commited relationship means anything at all. You will find yourself in a state of shame and embarrassment after having sex with a random, whether male or female.
>blah, blah, blah
You will never be a woman
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
yo this was in some big movie istg
>They think women just 'exist' and get sex, when in reality I and other men with active social lives turn down romantically interested women with some regularity.
Both could be true at the same time.
Imagine thinking history started after the civil right movements.
I know people who actually believe that.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the bad vibes that aren't rooting and toot'n
It's a famous prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr, who was well-known, influencing Jimmy Carter and MLK Jr., and Obama said is his favorite philosopher. It's also spoken in this song at the end.
So I wasn't baptized because my parents were stupid atheists. So I don't belong to any religious community. Wich means I can't even get married even if I wanted to. Wich means I will be a total recluse, a non-member of society for the rest of my life. Or go with some hoe who will cheat on my and divorce over the smallest nuisance. And then they say I should have finished school. Shut the fuck up mf.
I would rather die alone in vain than live delusionally engaged with fictional women. Its not even about women but your own will, admitting that you give up and instead of persisting through
despair you give in to the world and what it throws at you. Its romantical suicide is what it is and let me tell you this, all kinds and forms of suicide lead to real and most tragic kind; sooner or later.
fellas whats the over under for Brandon dropping out?
You already fucked up by pressuring her. She's already looking for a way out, I guarantee it
Real shit
>So I wasn't baptized because my parents were stupid atheists.
Were they the type of atheist who had very opinionated, shallow, views of Christianity?
I'm rooting for Brandon. I think it's rather silly the alphabet networks were so gun ho for biden and now turn on him. Something seems up and it doesn't smell good for election 2024.
I want to know how it goes when you get finished with it, please
>Something seems up
>doesn't smell good for election 2024
please elaborate anon, genuinely curious to hear your opinion
No problem.
Do it or you WILL start thinking about that pawn shop. I can tell you already have, actually.
Nahh, they just don't believe in God. It's funny because I never really talked to my parents about religion. My mom says she felt 'liberated' when some stupid 'school teacher' told her God doesn't exist. My dad is just agnosticist. I was atheist as a child, progressed to agnosticism and then became theist the more I matured.
We are not all like that
Have them check your t2 & t3 levels. They might do that
>My mom says she felt 'liberated' when some stupid 'school teacher' told her God doesn't exist.
Ah, shes one of those types that just accepts things.
>I was atheist as a child, progressed to agnosticism and then became theist the more I matured.
I wasn't anything truly as a child because I've had no idea at all about religion or atheism. I become Christian at 16 and had some rocky roads switching between atheism, agnostic, and back to Christianity.
I'm both
You can get civilly married. It's only a license
Nta but something has been up with this election since before 2024. Anticipatory, we wanna know wtf is going to happen. Predatory: everyone is on edge and snapping at each other. I told an older man he could suck his refund up his ass and that's not me, never has been. I'm usually unfailingly polite.
Goddamn. Heed these words, indeed
Idk how I fucked that up
Trying again
It doesn't matter what belief system I acknowledge in my heart or intellect. I can't get married because I don't belong to any religious community. I mean I can get civil marriage but that's just a pipeline straight leading straight to divorce rape.
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giving away a free rare hitler
That's not true, it is as legitimate as any religion fueled marriage
Hitler was one of my favorite socialists.
My mom has no husband and no life and it’s become a huge burden on me.
Your mom
No it's not. Any human can only love what is like himself. To make sure your wife loves you you have to be from the same religious community, the same ethnicity, the same social class, the same type of family as your future wife.
And women from atheist families just don't care about those things. I don't believe they are capable of love, or only if I acknowledge that God doesn't exist and that being a stupid retarded libshit is ok. Maybe then my wife will love me. But that would also mean to sacrifice my rights as a man, to participate in the stupid housewife tasks because she's a 'liberated woman' and in childcare, and all that bullshit, and at the end of the day she'll still just find a reason to make a divorce rape on me.
And I moved to Eastern Europe so liberated women do exist but they still want a man who is from the same ethnicity and the same religion as her.
Not all atheist women are even remotely like that

Not that you sound like a prize in any conceivable way
Can someone repost that comic where the guy won't just pet the dog? I can't find it anywhere.
> Not all atheist women are even remotely like that
Yes, yes they are.
> Not that you sound like a prize in any conceivable way
I don't know what has led you to that assumption, but given that I can't even get married, lead a normal life, it doesn't really matter.
It's funny because just a few days ago I got into a lot of trouble for hanging out with young people, and then I realized how easily I could emancipate myself from this misery by just getting married. Then I realized I can't even get married because I don't belong to any religious community.
No, you can be technically good with no real human feeling. Literature is replete with monsters who write exquisitely and with deep understanding. Everyone shows their soul to some extent in their attempts at meeting an audience, but a good beta reader will tell you when the lies you want to tell say things to the audience you might not want to be known for before you become known for them.
No woman just "get's sex" by existing. You're depressed and despairing. You whole worldview is disoriented and perverted.
They can. Stop denying reality. The issue is that neither the slut nor the incel actually want sex. They want a connection to mitigate their loneliness and both have a difficulty with knowing the heart's of the opposite sex.
no diffrent than to any other attractive girl
Thats the realest shit I've read in weeks. Thank you Anon.
He lives in a sad little world full of holes he cannot possibly imagine yet beleives he's spreading truth.
Oh, you know every atheist women on the planet? That's interesting. Ok.
I narrowly escaped death in a car accident today, and I kid you not, the only two thoughts going through my mind were 'Ah, SHIT!' and 'I guess I won't see her again.' I was mere seconds away from crashing into a barrier and potentially dying instantly from hitting my head. So I guess this is it. I'm going to die one day, and instead of praying to GOD, I will likely think of a fickle, stupid human female who shared only five years of my life. And it's not my daughter, not my mother, not anyone; just an ex.

That's my life, that's who I am. That's who I'll ever be. I'm like like a male version of that Titanic chick, except instead of dying, my girl left to have sex with other men. Suddenly the story isn't as romantic.

I'm so tired. never gonna kms but I really don't see the point in living like that. Maybe I should grab another girl and pretend to love her until I wake up one day and explode again and refuse to see anyone like the last time. Maybe that'll fix me. I know it won't. I sound like a teenager because I am a retarded, 26YO ESL
I learned today why she acted like that and now I feel regretful for judging her, she was actually happy about my words but she was abused by some fucking druggie at her work and now I want to murder him
Thoughts blasting in my head all day long, 'Oh, I want to see her one last time', 'Oh, what would she think of that?', 'What would she think of me right now?', 'I really miss her', 'I wish I could hold her', 'I wish she could tell me how her day went through', 'I miss her cheeks, her eyes, her lips and nose. I wish I could caress her head ONE last time.'

None of that will ever happen. I would like to erase her from my mind, but nothing is that easy. I've tainted and corrupted my existence with her existence. Nothing will ever compare
The new girl will make you forget the old one. And, just imagine, she's actually better than the old girl?
I'm sorry but that sounds fishy
I promise you she isn't Cleopatra
sounds like she had sex with her horrible druggie coworker who is actually hot and didn't have the heart to tell you
I saw her, she legit has a black eye
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I wish I could feel this way about any woman. I've been madly in love, I think, but a woman is still always just a woman to me. It's like a really, really, really good version of a dog. I'd be devastated if my dog of many years passed away, so I imagine I'd be really, really, really devastated if my wife passed away. But come on, you've still got more important shit to do.

I'll never understand guys whose sole purpose for existing is loving their wife. It seems kind of cool, I guess. I worry that I'll feel the same way about my kids. Kids seem boring and retarded. I'd rather let my wife raise them. I'd definitely do my best to be a great dad and discharge my duty to them but come on, I'm not going to get some transcendent religious experience from taking some dime a dozen wiener bitch to a football game. Holy FUCK, he looks kinda like ME??? and it's his FIRST HOT DOG??? Finally my life has meaning! My life already had meaning before this dumb little bitch ate a hot dog.

Dunno, maybe everything changes once you put your cum in the lady and a little guy comes back out of her who looks kinda like you. I just doubt it. I think I'll react to my firstborn child the way I reacted to having my super-dog love of my life gf:
"pretty cool I guess." Life is just full of so many wonders, every day is a miracle, why should they all be eclipsed by or subordinated to some lady or some small retarded guy who looks sorta like you? They can definitely add to it, but for them to be the WHOLE of it? I don't see it.
Did any of the connections you made at college matter later on, professionally or just socially? I don’t even see the people I hung out with in college anymore and it never benefitted me professionally. In fact, it’s hindered me somewhat.
That doesn't mean a thing. You haven't known many women
This wonders become very personal when it's literally from your genetics
What's the point of living if it's uncertain? I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, it could be a bad day.
>They think women just 'exist' and get sex,
not necessarily true. We just know that there is a significant subset of the male population that will have sex with basically any woman, therefore a woman who truly genuinely wants to have sex can have sex. There is no male counterpart to this experience. And, ironically, incels don't bring this up unless some woman pretends to be an incel.
>idea that sex outside of a loving commited relationship means anything at all. You will find yourself in a state of shame and embarrassment after having sex with a random, whether male or female.
not remotely true. I am not interested in casual sex myself but a sizable population of normies (incidentally the most attractive and sociable ones) absolutely enjoy and benefit from it and feel no shame whatsoever.
Yes, there's a certain irony in that. I think the better argument is that women shouldn't be in historically male fields because its civilisationally stupid and myopic but I still enjoyed the grumpy old man rant.
I feel a lot of nostalgia for my time as a boy in prep school. I recently encountered the dark academia aesthetic online and I got that feeling again. It made me remember sneaking into the headmaster’s quarters at night, having snowball fights in the courtyard, skipping class to explore town, and just hanging out with the boys in our uniforms in some old classroom. Those were good times even though I didn’t realize that then.
And you’re all pessimistic retards
I’ve noticed a lot more bugman manchildren in the STEM faculty than humanities these days.
>Something seems up and it doesn't smell good for election 2024
They want zion don to win.
I'm taking a human trip.
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The current rehabilitation of Hitler will be a disaster. But because people are so historically myopic and starved of genuine tradition they will turn to him. We have seen the dangers of the left's demonisation of him. We are yet to see the dangers of the right's lionisation of him.
There's no secret conspiracy to it. They're actually just fucking retards who ignored the fact that Biden was a genocidal geriatric who could barely form a sentence until he finally faced Trump and realized he's going to get obliterated in November
They don’t care anymore since Zion Don has flipped on every one of the policy positions that got him elected the first time and let’s be honest,
TDS is keeping these people in business at this point. Trump riding off into the sunset is the single worst possible thing that can happen for their business.
Second American Civil War
Exactly, he was initially elected on a platform that was a legitimate threat to the establishment. His impact has now been readily absorbed and co-opted.
Yeah but they haven't gotten the memo of that.
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Yeah, you're not able to be enjoyed. You should settle for loneliness
It'll never happen. The American military engine won't be taken down by a bunch of rednecks with shotguns
Yrs they have lol. Do you think they’re retarded. The low-middle rank and file of the Democratic Party have hitched their professional wagons basically to “get Trump” and for that reason they continue to seethe about him on TV and prosecute him in court and all that. But the upper echelons of Democratic politics, the donors and decision-makers and policy ghouls they don’t actually care anymore and they’re happy to let Trump win. Trump winning is actually good for them. They get to restore a little bit of stability to the White House while still getting everything they wanted policy-wise. This was all according to plan by the way. What wasn’t in the plan was Trump getting so desperate to salvage his reputation that he’d sell out to these ghouls.
Every time huh
You cannot live sincerely and be social and you cannot be social and live sincerely, so choose the one that leads you to less pain
I think American traditionalists tend not to appreciate the degree to which the genocide of the Native Americans has far reaching political implications and also the fact that America never had a monarch in its political history. Simply put, America just needed more time and its own monarch before it was a Republic.
Worrying about the actions of men so far removed of you will drive you to madness. Your actions will not stop it and your words certainly will not. Everyone knows the ride is coming to an end, you need to focus on enjoying it while you can.
Because the oldest political myth that Americans can appeal to as their own is the Anglo Republic revolution of the lawyers.
How the hell are people buying houses? I’m looking in my area and payments are so outrageous. I’m 30 years old and have $50k cash for a downpayment but it’s basically worthless since even a decent condo is $400k.
>How the hell are people buying houses?
Generational wealth. I'm making 120k a year and can't buy a house here
Well, 84k after tax...
There's nothing wrong with run on sentences you cannot convince me otherwise
Will the US ever be at peace?
NEET here. Do you actually lose that much money to taxes?
You can’t tell me most people have generational wealth. Most people have nothing and the average income in this country is like 50k. I’m in the top 10% of earners for my age and the most I can afford is some shitty studio.
I'm too ugly to face the world
Yeah that's Australiastan for you. They fleece you on tax and compulsory superannuation. If you make more than $190k you get taxed 45 cents on the dollar.
Most home owners bought their homes decades ago. If they've recently bought it's usually because they've flipped other properties and are reinvesting that money. It's either that it's foreigners buying up property and pushing prices up. The vast majority of younger white collar wagies I know are renting.
Downloading made in abyss season 2 but have to tweak the settings for the application.
pedo shit
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Planning on finish the series and starting up the berserk manga again. I'll have to look on crunch roll listing from a random search engine and download some more anime to watch.
Excellent! Reg is pretty cool especially now that Riko has the white whistle.
Need to get something off my chest
Yesterday i was watching a game with my buddy at a bar and there were these retards from my high school who turned up to be real low lifes. Always drunk and stoned, doing fuck all useful, just being degenerates. One of them came up to us and i didnt even wanna watch him in the eye cause i know that guy is a slimy two faced fuck who hates someone whos different and actually tries to do something with his life and do some good, also hates my faith. Later i told to my buddy that they are pathetic and they might have overheard that. Then the guy came back and bullied me to drink beer( im on a diet) and talked about some absolute bullshit. Anyway it ruined my day tommorow cause i didnt have any focus or motivation to do anything. Those people to me feel like different species than i am. I dont understand them. It didnt help that my buddy is a normie who likes to get along with everyone so when i left after game he stayed to drink with them
So you drank the beer because he told you to? Why would you do that?
Shoulda went to law school after undergrad
He bullied me to drink beer, he even cursed God whilst doing it( just balkan things) but he didnt bully me INTO doing it
Those guys are such low lives no friendship can be formed with them and they just make life 100000x worse, i am happy with how i kept myself composed except for when i called them pathetic out loud even tho they are
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A curious thing has been happening to me on 4chan for the last year: I keep getting digits. I've been coming here since 2007 and generally speaking I'd get the occasional repeating numbers in the past, a few dubs here, a trip every six months or so. But lately I'm getting dubs, trips, quads, quints, multiple times a day. It's often on /pol/, too, in the context of some thread on current events.

It's like meme magic has chosen me as some kind of avatar. Strangely, though, my digit-getting posts don't always get attention; sometimes they don't even get a single reply, even when I get some impressive amount of repeating numbers. It's like being Cassandra, almost.
"Should have gone," Mr. Retard Esq.
An American newspaper of June 1992 reported the following conversation between two teenagers:
>Like wow, didja, y'know, see that new video?
>Yeah, like, well, I did, yeah, but you know. Didn't you think it was, well, like, you know, like wow, y'know?
>Well, y'know I thought, like, well, y'know. Cool. Not.
I was dropped on my brains as a kid.
Biden: and now the president of Germany Adolf Hitler
When I was in fifth grade my parents got me and my sister out of school early to go see (blockbuster movie, try to guess)Attack of the Clones. For millenials, blockbusters are movies that sold out and people would line up, sometimes days, to see. Sometime during the opening adds, after the lights had darkened, there was a scream from above and behind me, followed by a thump on the floor. I looked behind for a moment before my father reached over and turned my head. A guy had snuck in to the ceiling somehow and fallen through the foam panels to his death.
Joe Biden makes my nuts hard.
>Those guys are such low lives no friendship can be formed with them and they just make life 100000x worse
Feel this in da bones. I've met some people lately who were low effort, low lives, prison mentality people.
>i am happy with how i kept myself composed except for when i called them pathetic out loud even tho they are.
Good you've kept it cool and spoke the truth in the end regardless of the dumbasses trying to bully.
no he was right the first time anon
I'm glad women stopped wearing that tranny like make up that started around 2016 too bad the ethot look took over
I've been recently feeling nostalgic for 00s lol so random humor.
Does fox ever get bored of the same type of news coverage of biden? They kind of sauced it up with some wise cracks at some people of CNN but it seems with biden it's just beating the same old horse of he has dementia.
why do things set in 1997 but made in the current year suck balls but things made in 1985 in the year 2000 don't?
Anyone with instagram experience know why I can't make an account? I enter my info but clicking "Sign up" just does nothing. Tried multiple browsers and IPs.
Gen X and the other millennials are alright.
based, thanks
I think we've all had the "If I was in medieval times I would make cars and guns and shit" thought before but are there any actual stories about it?
still better than Gen Alpha running around screaming SKIBIDI SIGMA. Although I might be biased because, like, you know, I'm like, from Los Angeles, you know.
Our Constitution is our tradition, retard.
It's not oral tradition, it was written.
Bret Easton Ellis podcast is pretty based
So what
I want my chest, back, and shoulders to explode. I want to be wide. Dorito-shaped. Thick. Huge. Massive.
Not to show off to people or to attract chicks or anything but simply because I want to see what my body is capable of.
>Sarah Lavender
>not hard on the eyes
she reminds me of Emma Watson
Constitution was itself just a formalization of the living traditions of the 18th century, which were quite distinct. Highly recommend Bailyn's Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, and Pocock's Machiavellian Moment. Those and Gordon Wood will make anyone who isn't a fag into an Americaboo.
youtube says this is "unlisted" but it literally put it in the recommended videos on the side tho when i was watching some hör berlin
Have you ever heard of a man...whos first name was pickle
That’s my point exactly. And there’s nothing traditional about it.
idk abt gladiator 2 man
interesting no one posted Shelly Duval anywhere near her current age. Almost thought she went to the grave as her young self.
I can see it

Also what happened to /law/anon? I was hoping he’d try making another /law/ general thread where I can hopefully get more legal theory recommendations.
i don't get why ppl care so much about shelly duval like it was even on hn like why do tech bros give a chit. also, robert altman movies really suck, i made the mistake of watching a couple on criterion channel, ugh, so bad.
I actually bought the former for my birthday
Apparently it's gonna feature music from Travis Scott et al.

Top kek
It’s because of how Kubrick treated her. She wouldn’t have aged so horribly hadn’t Kubrick forced method acting on her during the filming of “The Shining”
>I can hopefully get more legal theory recommendation
Dworkin, HLA Hart, Rawls, Bentham
>t. lawfag but nta
I like when stuff like this happens because instead of being alone with my awareness of how awful the thing is while everybody else goes "what, it's not that bad!" I get to have lots of friends all hating the thing as much as I do
>Came home from class.
>Made myself two chorizo hotdogs.
>Unbuttoned the bottom of my shirts and rubbed my own chest as I ate them.
Tell me again why I need a woman.
I keep hearing that name everywhere still only have a vague idea of who he is. I know some concert tragedy thing happened with him years ago but I’m mostly a punk/metal/classical/prog guy so I barely paid attention.
i was hoping it was gonna be how the dune trailer had a pink floyd song but it wasn't in the movie
Alright I guess that’ll do for now.
It doesn't seem to be forced diversity and the story seems to be alright with some action in it. I suppose I'll have to wait when I can watch it on November 22.
yeah it could be good but aside from the jay-z song in the trailer, the thing with the guy riding the rhino concerned me tho because yeah we all know about hannibal's elephants but i'm not aware of domesticated rhinos ever, so guess scott is just going to make us suspend disbelief for this one
True, the problem is that normies have a much higher tolerance for social decay than your average chud. In a sane society, pride parade organisers would be publicly executed. Alas, covid showed that the vast majority of normies are irredeemable.
I apologise in advance of recommending a lot of post-Enlightenment anglos but that should give you an idea of what modern legal theory looks like. By all means read Cicero, Aquinas, Plato/Aristotle. Fun fact, in one of my final year jurisprudence classes, only about 15% of the students had read one of Plato's dialogues.
Some rapper
Mira Gonzalez is ignoring my solicitation of her services as a prostitute in another thread. Do you think she was insulted by my offer? Did I lowball her? I thought it was a fair price given her age.
I’m Anglo myself so it doesn’t really bother me
Read Schiavone, The Invention of Law in the West.
i hate texting i just want to hold ur hand
I more so meant if you disagree with positivism etc. which is part of the modern Anglo tradition, not them being Anglo per se. Though, universities are shilling third world "legal theory" if you can even call it that
I woke up sweating profusely even though the window of my single room apartment was open. I looked around and all my things seemed to be in their usual place. I stood up from bed after a few minutes rolling around, half asleep half awake, thoughts racing about the most asinine matters. I got dressed, no shower this time, ate a meager breakfast, grabbed my messenger bag with my work issued computer, papers and pens and set myself to walk to work.

The sun shone through the clouds but the warmth was minimal and an unseasonable chilly breeze swept mercilessly throughout the concrete landscape. A sun that is present and doesn’t warm feels like a curse unto itself. The Aztecs would have sacrificed a thousand virgins to make the sun right again.

After walking a few hundred meters I arrived at my workplace, the offices of a large international consulting firm, with offices in seemingly every single country on the planet, a large glass and concrete structure that stood up 25 stories tall and took up a whole city block by itself. My branch operated here and also had control of a few branch offices of neighboring countries, as such the facility was a quite ‘multicultural’ place.
Ah yes, critical legal theory. Absolute garbage. Though positivism is the dominant form still, for better or worse.
Can’t find it, not even on libgen
>from dead can dance to Traci scott
My fucking sides
That's a shame, it's one of the best books ever on this topic. Also recommend Pocock's Ancient Constitution for an overview of how the English commonlaw tradition developed.
I turned ten that month
Nta but also read
>Commentaries on the Laws of England
Book - William Blackstone
>Institutes of the Laws of England - Lord Coke
I’ll check it out. Some pages seem to be missing.
I have the commentaries, bought them years ago
going to get some Taco John's®
Ever read Maine's Ancient Law?
I haven't. Any good?
On the imageboard. "writing it." and by it, well, lets justr say... my shitposts
I think I might be a lesbian.
Things that would make my life so much better.
>A car.
>A good group of friends who live close to me.
>A job.
I don't think those would make your life better.
Why do you think that?
I remember the first time I saw him. I knew he had a big suckable cock. Idk if it was his handsome face reminiscent of Italian statues of old with the smile of an angel, or if it was his tall yet muscular basketball player stature. Regardless, almost as if it was somekind of priapic sixth sense, I was right. The first time I was up close and personal with it will be etched into my memory forever. His steaming body heat against my face coupled with the musky intoxicating aroma of his mighty thick throbbing phallus electrified every cell of my body.
Better is internal.
Time doesn't exist. You think it does but you're wrong. When you look at a date you might say "that's a year from now that's so far away" but it's not. It's right in front of you. It's an eyeblink away. The seasons might change but there's only one now and it touches all moments. You were born an instant ago and you already lay dying.
I don't want to read homosexual erotica.
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OH HAHAHAHA, GOT ME GOOD. What usually happens is your friend says [honest opinion, usually curt] and then you'd reply in agreement, no matter your opinion, to see them smile before using the slam dunk, the 'not' to 'disagree" but, as we both know, no one had an opinion to disagree with in the first place because our opinions are written all over our faces and obvious already. lololol, havin fun, slurping corn syrup-- The 90s! Also, agreeing with someone is lame.
Getting high and reading Gnomes by Will Huygen is great fun.
I got out of class 3 hours early today because I finished all my work quickly. That's the benefit of not having any friends and no distractions, I guess.
I finally understood this Simpsons joke years later after trying to write a little. Speedwagons and talking anime mascot things exist so unspoken information privy to and understood by characters but not to the audience can be divulged for story telling without the characters uncharacteristically speaking the unsaid.
Before the advent of smartphones you'd get really pent up with stuff you want to tell them if you didn't see them for a week.
Post-smartphone socializing truly is but a lame excuse compared to pre-smartphone socializing. Guess why hanging around with other people is so boring these days. Memorizing things over the day in order to later tell them to your friends or family was it's vital energy but smartphones have rendered it obsolete.
Hollywood movies aren't an artform any more than commercials.
I love mushy romantic stuff. The most lazily made, cliche, Ryan Gosling-poster bait will get to me every time.
Do I watch RoboCop tonight or when I get chocolate milk next?

Post your gay thots here
> It doesn't seem to be forced diversity
Are you blind, deaf, and dumb?
> dreamed about meeting a girl and sharing a moment
It’s been so long…
I got a PS5 for Black Friday. No regrets. More powerful than my 1070, has a bunch of exclusives and is just the thing to relax to after working on a pc all day.
I shall continue to become better than I was yesterday until the end of my days - making iron consistency, not golden perfection.
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I've been watching older films lately, and there's this whole trove of stuff from the 40s-60s that is excellent but got suppresed and dragged by religious nutjobs upset by any realistic portrayal of life. Now I'm stuck thinking about how good movies would be if literal delusional psychopaths hadn't harried it into the lowest common denominator of capeshit and action to avoid triggering them.
I hate religious people so much its unreal. Pure evil that destroys everything good and beautiful in existence.

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