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We're So Back edition

Previous >>23581378
trips we french kiss
not today gaylord
feet of women
So are slavs going to inherit Europe? The Western countries all seem to be commiting suicide and I doubt they would even exist 80 years from now. Maybe some of the scandi countries too, like Denmark and Norway will manage as well.
The West is basically one giant Weimar Germany without the economic collapse (yet).

We all sense that White rage is coming, and it is coming
is the dutch caribbean halfie still here? dying to put more words in his mouth
on the shitter bout to go out like Elvis
The more I read about Ibsen the more he starts to sound like a Brecht before Brecht. The slight bump on the left nut of theater before it became full blown testicular cancer.
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I just applied for the army (Scandinavian) because I want to feel part of something bigger and get some discipline instilled in me. While I am sure there are a lot of cynical counter-advice for me not to do so, pretty much every great 1800s writer were part of the military to some extent and I wanna get a glimpse of that. Even better to do so today because the 1800s were fucking crazy about war so going military back then likely meant your death, today in Scandinavia it's basically all just a big month spanning camping trip.
What a retard lmao
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Honestly I think I felt less brainrot watching Skibidi Toilet All Episodes than I do reading the majority of recent isekai.
I started to disassociate yesterday while reading another isekai manga that was on my backlog, since I was having so much deja vu. I thought it was just that manga in particular and paused to start another on my backlog, but began disassociating again.
For the vast majority of these, you're really just reading the same plot over and over and over again with minor variations in the girls. It actually melts your fucking brain after a bit.
Then again, maybe I've just been reading too much isekai as of late; I remember I started disassociating after watching multiple seasons of The Wire in one day while down with a cold.
Reached those Vedic Hymns about giving Brāhmans cows. I cannot take them seriously anymore.
It's not just that this part of scripture seems very transparently economically motivated (Spiritual significance of the cow in indo-aryan cultures aside), it's also how much detail the hymns go into.
Like, I held my own when YHWH was telling the Israelite show to prepare the holy bread just the way he likes it. But I cannot handle this.
No I am not a retard, you are a retard.
I will never lead the settled life of a good husband, simply because I wasn't raised in a homogenous community. If you take a wife who isn't your ethnic group you are basically asking to get cheated on and going through divorce rape. The same applies to women who aren't religious. There's no reason to be loyal or 'cultured' if your partner isn't your same ethnicity, religion and class.
Dubs I have peanut butter toast for lunch, trips I have grilled cheese.
Stop posting
Just made two bags of mac and cheese and cracked a fuck ton of black pepper into it.
new twitter account called 'chud posting despair'
easy 10k+ followers for any anon.
Have you heard about demoralization? It is a process invented by the KGB of the Soviet Union and it was carried out in many western countries in order to make them weaker. When the demoralization campaign is successful, the victims can no longer look at evidence and make a decision, those people are unable to think independently, they need their opinions installed by various authority figures - leading politicians, mainstream media sources, etc.
The first time I heard about this was maybe 7-8 years ago and back then I was told that Europe and North America has been successfully demoralized, the majority of the population has been affected permanently i.e. you cannot change those people anymore. I did not believe it.
Recently I was visiting my parents and they had the TV on and I saw what the most popular publicly-funded news channel on TV is showing and I could not believe it:
>we must do everything to stop climate change
>we must welcome immigrants from the middle east and north africa
>come get your 9th covid booster, they're good for you
>gay marriage is fantastic
>white men are terrible
>let's prepare for war
>digital currency is much better than cash, download the banking app now
These messages were basically on rotation throughout the day and this is what most people in my country believe and vote for. The west has been demoralized and there is no way back
When I worked in construction we had the radio on at all times.
I'm not even joking when I say that 95% of all commercials had something to do with their products being sustainable and how it would help fight climate change or some nonsense.
Imagine being some worker and having that propaganda in your ear all day.
I feel you bro, don't let the eternal contrarians get to you, what you're feeling is perfectly natural.
wasn’t Julius Evola an actual wizard?
I had a dream that I was at an event and someone pulled a gun, which led to me escaping with a random girl and getting to know each other and sharing a romantic moment. It’s been too long since I’ve met or felt a woman…
I think the most repulsive thing about the modern mainstream internet and its style of communication is this bizarre mix of faux-wholesomeness and absolutely vicious aggression combined into one package. Like think of the way people on reddit communicate with those who they think did a wrongthink or who belong to some group who they deem as acceptable targets.
Just watched an interview with an 82 year old guy and his life story is crazy. It makes me sad that it's impossible to live a life these days and make stories and memories these days like his, everything is so wrapped in bubble wrap and it's like the world has been moulded in such a way where exploration and adventure is discouraged.
in the permavirgin sense yes
in the caster of spells sense no
>this is what most people in my country believe and vote for.

And this is because of russian demoralization? Doesn't make sense to me.
You can just leave your house, you know. Step outside. Touch some grass, even.
The modern world feels like a badly manufactured item from china where all the edges that should be sharp are dull and all edges that should be dull are razor sharp.
Actually, I can’t because I work from home and I have to work. But even when I do leave my house, I don’t meet anyone.
OK, then what?
I have nothing morally against killing but I couldn't do it because I know I'd get caught and prison sounds like ass.
All past cultures were Western-ish in a distant past.
This is a very long-term game, over time the native-born population will become poorer and less free, they will lose trust in their country's leadership and, cherry on top, they will no longer believe that their country is a country that is worth defending.
You can see this all over the internet, western countries are releasing recruitment campaigns, they need soldiers and western men are massively refusing to join the military. And if you ask them why, they will say "What would I be protecting? Bankers? """refugees"""? A country that hates me?"
What kind of radio station were you listening to? Cuz around here the only ads you hear on the radio are for car dealerships and injury lawyers
what can I watch this evening just to relax bros? feeling something like a dumb college comedy like neighbors or 22 jump street
Literally any pre-2010 Seth Rogan movie.
Then why does the weather move east?
> if you ask them why, they will say "What would I be protecting? Bankers? """refugees"""? A country that hates me?"
And how are they wrong objectively speaking? The lib-kikes have ruined this country and you blame it on Russian sloppaganda kek.
There's nothing worse for a country than when it becomes ethnically diverse. I've been to Eastern European countries and modern technology has brought a lot of degeneracy too, but there's a level of degeneracy and social decay only ethnically diverse countries can fall into, for a society that is ethnically homogenous can never become truly degenerate.
> lib-kikery was made by Russians
Nice deflection, lib-kike.
I wonder what the vibe was really like in medieval Europe.
A few years ago it seemed like Viking age and early Medieval era stuff was everywhere in media but it’s since disappeared.
It was an orderly society. All critiques about the middle ages boil down to how orderly and neat a society it was.
i've literally watched all of them anon. anything new?
52% of people voted in the UK.
The winner got 33% of those votes.
They have a supermajority. lol.
Jonah Hill? Adam Sandler? Will Ferrel? The Franco brothers? Don Jon?
>95% of all commercials had something to do with their products being sustainable and how it would help fight climate change or some nonsense.
I feel this except for seeing irrelevant threads on my Instagram which is vegan/vegetarian animal right activists telling me how bad I am for eating cow.
Anyone else wake up everyday and do nothing? It’s hell not having any real responsibilities or projects to work on.
Get a job
>It’s hell not having any real responsibilities or projects to work on.
I used to wake up, do nothing all day, and hate every day. Now that I'm studying, my life feels so much better. Don't get me wrong, I don't look forward to going to class, but actually doing something with my day feels so good. The biggest upside is that my anxiety has pretty much completely disappeared since I started leaving the house on a regular basis, so that's pretty nice.
Think this one dude in real life who acts as if he's the smartest guy in the room is just normal intelligence. I've remembered just now the time he was playing BOTW and couldn't get through some of the shrines at all regardless of having all the tools at his disposal to solve the shrine.
And also, yeah, like the other anon said, get a job. Or at the very least, start volunteering somewhere.
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Work on yourself
Have decided to stop learning German after discovering that their word for father is pronounced "farter". I can no longer take seriously a language and culture that would reduce the paternal, masculine, principle to a fart joke, and now realize that the scatological underside of German sexuality that people oft mock is no mere degeneration of a higher mode but an inseparable facet of their very being.

Perhaps I will try Norwegian.
Can't you make your own projects? If you don't have any real responsibility, it's really easy to make your own.
I'll be starting a job at the local labor ready for a few days during the week soon.
It's pronounced 'fater' not 'farter'.
>that their word for father is pronounced "farter"
No it's not
What in the received pronunciation
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The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. And yesterday, it was a deer. And today?

I haven't seen rabbits in ages. I saw a springbok though and some antelope the other day.
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Das Brap
I could use a couple weeks of doing nothing desu
Der* Pupser*
fährt was right there and you refused to get that far so you deserve the mockery
Wir fahren fahren fahren auf der Autobahn
I keep having dreams where someone will be standing in my room or sitting next to my bed. They'll always be looking at me with crazy facial expressions or non human faces. It fucking sucks. I woke up like 5 times last night.
An englishman told you that
Told you those succubus rituals over on /x/ are flawed.
Standard sleep paralysis demon
Superbad’s really funny and is a dumb highschool/college comedy movie. But it counts as a Seth Rogen movie since he was one of the writer and you already said you’d seen them all.
But I don't have sleep paralysis. I wake up just fine.
Not a movie, but have you ever watched Blue Mountain State?
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I am caught between nihilistic urges and materialistic beliefs/philosophy, and lived, shared experiences that reject them and my brain hurts as there is no way to reconcile them. Makes me want to go buy some weed and sleep. Without making light though, this shit is miserable.
It means you are awake and still in REM, so you hallucinate. Most people see a figure by their bed or on their chest, usually looking demonic. Some people also can't move to trigger a full waking state, so they keep hallucinating while also feeling like they can't move. A lot of people can move though and that generally shuts off the REM stage and hallucinations as they regain conscious control of their body.
>Stayed up too late.
>Am getting an ice-pick headache right now.
Alright, I'm calling it.
Anytime I hear older people talking about how they found mentors at work or people they really respect, I get a little jealous. I have a good job and I do well in it, but I really can’t even imagine being at an organization I care deeply about or having older professional mentors I deeply respect. I don’t respect any of the people above me. I think they’re idiots quite frankly. I don’t even know what career I would have to enter to find such people. I’ve literally never met other people I really, really clicked with.
Lately I’ve been getting really dry, ashy skin from not getting to sleep early enough. It’s the strangest thing.
I had this for years and then it just went away
Working for Wall Street after learning the truth was a constant torture of the conscience, couldn't bring myself to complete my tasks like Bartleby.

The sheer relief from quitting and speaking my mind to that rich man was beyond words. Sometimes I think I was his only true friend, he took his employees out on his private yacht, to party like they were his own social club.

It was a massive relief to go back to working redneck jobs, making an honest living through hard work. Learning the truth turned my whole world upside-down, may be a poor man but I can sleep easy with a clean conscience after along day of toil.
We now tune in to the 2032 Presidential debate between Hawk Tuah and Mr. Beast
What is the appeal to taking someone’s virginity?
Consider immediacy.
What action when taken, will lead to you feeling any sense of improvement, short or long term? Is it grabbing some weed and passing out, is it doing some physical exercise, is it praying to god or reciting Amida's name if you're so inclined?

Pick something you're naturally inclined towards, see where that falls in relation to your beliefs, and go with that and don't agonize over it further.

Same pretty much. I've met people I gel with well, but I will also harbor doubts about their abilities at the same time, just in a non judgemental way. None of the people above me are even close to being better than me at my job.
Then again, I don't think we should care about any organization we have to enslave ourselves to in any serious way, aside from whether or not it will continue to be successful and allow us to pay our bills, since we'll never reap the benefits of its success beyond ensuring a baseline of continued existence.
I have these things called "night terrors." I wake up yelling and screaming because I think something or someone is in the room with me. Sometimes I jump out of bed and start throwing shit around. One time I ran into the wall and woke abruptly when my head bounced off it.
Prior to DNA tests it was the only way to be sure the offspring was yours. Now that all women are sluts it's more like posting "first" on a youtube comment section.
My favorite look on women is short(er) skirt, white socks with loafers.
Same shit happened to me bro. I quit and now I’m a PhD candidate lol.
Most people only do a few years to make fuck you money and quit
you mean sell your soul
I mean, I get it if someone is just a bottom rung white collar worker at some extractive private organization but what if you work for government? Or the military? Or your Alma mater? Something you should in theory care about. We’re in this weird situation where everything is fucked, nothing is worth caring about, and everyone above us and next to us is an incompetent retard. I got passed over for a promotion even though I was clearly the best for it because the other candidate was a woman and had been there longer. Plus, she was willing to put pronouns in her email signature and I wasn’t. That’s how petty and fake these work environments are now. That’s why I get jealous of boomers and Gen X who were able to have careers before they were totally fake and gay. What are we supposed to do with ourselves now? We can’t all become published authors or YouTubers…
Nah, the first few years are to grow one
A few years isn’t enough to make fuck you money, but I also saw most people quit after a few years.
I studied economics at a graduate level to get into Wall Street, the professors had a revolving door with Wall Street and that influenced how they taught economics. Many worked as consultants, managed funds, and so on.
Plenty of people out in 5 or less on bonuses alone
You are born with an immortal soul already, you don't have to let it become corrupted by greed. You are talking to yourself really.
You frame it like a bank robbery
>in and out real quick
God sees our sins
Yeah, but it tends to not be the non capitalist souls who wind up going into a Wall Street job. It takes a few years of
>Killing ten thousand people was worth a lower cobalt price this month
for people who want in to realize the horror even going back to the top 10% of the world entails.
God pays those who come to the orchard late the same wages as those that show up in the morning
Lower-middle class income is around 50k which is 2.5 mil for 50 years. Setting aside the pretty large expenditures that health care and retirement costs for the not-conventionally-employed represent. Nobody is making 500k on bonuses alone, or in any case, as a recent grad unless they already had family ins taking care of them.
>Something you should in theory care about
That is the thing, there is nothing you "should in theory" care about. You should care about what you attribute meaning to. For me, I'd never give a fuck about working in the military because I live in Clapistan (US), and I'm not going to put my life on the line to serve mega-corp interests that the country has sold itself out to, I'd rather kill myself, frankly, same with the government.

> I got passed over for a promotion even though I was clearly the best for it because the other candidate was a woman and had been there longer
Not happened to me directly, but witnessed it happen at my company. We supposedly don't do promos or raises outside of performance review time of year, but someone whose been here for 10 months has gotten 3 promotions and raises in that time, with only 1 performance review. She went from an apprentice, to a staff position, to a sr, and then to a director, somehow, in 10 months.

Also another girl went from executive assistant, to head office manager somehow, becoming the boss of someone who didn't have a boss (the office manager) and immediately tried to do shit like order our IT team around.

Women have significantly more upwards velocity at companies than men do, I've witnessed shit like this no less than 8-9 times and every time I'm left wondering who they are sucking, because nobody I know, regardless of the quality of their work, ever gets promoted or even gets a shout out or a raise.
It’s not enough money, man. Most people will quit before year 3 and by that point they’re making what is basically an upper middle class or lower end of upper class income by Manhattan standards. The cost of living is too high. They can’t save enough. You’re talking maybe a $100k cash savings, which is a downpayment on a house maybe but not FU money.
>Finance won't give you bonuses
>They won't charge fees or commission for anything
That's like claiming restaurants won't make you work for tips. Wtf are you talking about?
Ok. And…? I studied economics in undergraduate, went to Wall Street, then studied economics in graduate. What is your point?
That is quite strange, anon. I'm only going to bed so late because I found a new album that I really like (Glass Houses by Billy Joel) and I lost track of time while listening to it and playing Slay the Spire. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now, goodnight XOXO.

For me it was a gradual escalation until I was offered pre-IPO deals, legal inside information, multi-millionaires offering opportunities to make millions. Acting as their financier and guiding their investments.

This was immediately after the war in Europe broke out, they wanted me to help them profit on it. Oil money. Millionaires who want to become billionaires, never satisfied by their greed and corruption.

They pushed the corrupt zionist war in public via the mass media, while in private reaped immense profits in oil and weapons on the mass slaughter of the Christian poor.
>lower end of upper class income by Manhattan standards. Th
What the fuck? Why would you be upper class in Manhattan and making income? How has a tax lawyer not had you in a conservatorship at that point?
I don’t agree. I think there are things we should and often do care about as a consequence of where we’re born, where we live, the choices we make, these sort of things. I don’t think we can make or project meaning.

They’re not sucking anyone. We’re just in a social time and environment that wants to uplift and reward women for being women. Every major institution is going to be run by a woman within 10 years and it will track nicely with their decline and the subsequent fall of many of them. It just sucks for the rest of us that are competent but we don’t have even have a way of dedicating our competence to something.

James, the brother of Christ, condemns the rich for killing Christ.

1 Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.

3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.

4 Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.

5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.

James 5:1-5
>these babies have no idea how dark it gets
>I don’t think we can make or project meaning.
I assure you, I completely make and project my own meaning, every single day of my life. To suggest otherwise is pure defeatism. Maybe YOU can't, but other people certainly do, and its often observable conventionally.
> this is who America is at the behest of
I believe that you believe you don’t but I don’t believe that you really do or that you can sustain it to any degree that you really do
You're free to think you're completely bound to the entirely made up social structures you're surrounded by and born into, but you're going to lead a very pathetic, limited life operating on the assumption that there are things that you "should care about" because other people told you to. If you value what you're told to value, more than you value yourself, thats certainly your prerogative, even if you think you aren't making an intentional decision to do so.
It’s not about social structures. It’s about the human condition. We might find meaning in social structures, but that’s because it’s human to do so. And we are human and will never not be human. So no I don’t think this is a decision. I think it’s just natural and I think creating your own meaning is just a pipe dream.
I've never said there ISN'T meaning in social structures or that people don't or can't find meaning in them, I'm saying you personally don't have to adhere to them and many people don't regardless of whatever free will denying cope you've rested yourself into from being thoroughly beaten by a man made system that hates you. This is a very slavish thought process you've presented and clearly not in line with reality, but I know we'll talk past each other infinitely because you've accepted it into the core of your being.

So genuinely, wish you the best of luck my friend.
The Germain in his Germanic state is basically good. It is the evils of Gallo-Roman society that corrupt, abuse his noble virtues.
I must live. 4chan and escapism probably saved me during my youth: they allowed me to run away from a pretty bleak life and from being raised by a family which alternated between neglect and hurtfulness. Still, I'm old now, a fully formed human being. I can't keep hiding from the world and from life just because I haven't been equipped to deal with them and most days barely feel like a functional human being. Life can be so fulfilling, but will remain as bleak and meaningless as it has been for these past 27 years unless I face it. Unless I stop being afraid and allow myself to live.
I'm scared, I'm lost and all in all I neither trust, respect or believe in myself. None of this matters. I have to try. 4chan and many things like it went from tools to crutches, and with every passing day spent on them my world shrinks. Nowadays I can't even watch a new movie or leave home without feeling anxious, such is the smallness of this existence I conjured through inertia and how much it abhors anything slightly new.
Part of me is just writing this as a way of making what's in my head concrete —putting it out there in the real world— but another part hopes that reading it will help someone else. Be you a zoom zoom misspending your Friday on the meme website or some oldfag who's been here for more than a decade, I wish you a good day and a good life.
If things go well we shall not be seeing each other again.
But I’ve never denied free will. I only denied the possibility of creating meaning yourself. I really don’t care if you think it’s “slavish”. It’s true. You might think it weak or cowardly but I find it pretty weak or cowardly to deny reality and cope with fantasies, which is what I firmly believe you’re doing.
Yeah it sucks. I started getting them when I was 17. I had moved into a new house. They started off as dreams where there'd be a pair of creepy eyes just lurking in the closet and looking at me. The worst ones were when an actual monster would jump out and lunge at me. One time this demonic figure was actually speaking to me and it had this really deep and heavy voice that was speaking a non human language. I would wake up screaming about twice a month for years. Last night I sat up really quick and said "fuck off!" Which is a little better than screaming like a girl in my sleep.
The footnote in my Bible says that this epistle was written to the 12 tribes of Israel, and so James was likely addressing the rich class of Jews specifically. It also describes chapter 5 as being "paranthetical'
I’m such a medieval history nerd that I often wish I was born in Europe.
> I wish I was born in Europe
No you don't.
I do though.
True. Man is a social creature. People nowadays tell you to just 'create meaning yourself' but that's just past the point. What's the point of playing a game no one plays? So you can tell yourself you are the winner simply because you are the only one playing? In an ethnically homogenous society it is exactly known who is the winner and who the loser, and everyone being more or less the same, one has to put the much more effort to become a winner. But in the West, because ethnic diversity has become so extreme, people don't even compete anymore, in fact, competition has been abolished because it would be 'unfair'. So now the loser has been abolished, less the loser is a white cis male, in wich case he should just stop being a white cis male to stop being a loser. And that's why the West is going to collapse.
My biggest regret is not joining the army after high school or college. History is spoken about in terms of politics and wars, so doing so would’ve been like participating in history rather than just watching it pass by.
bought a nice pair of binoculars and looked up into the night sky and was not disappointed, astronomy is a field of education that is neglected and all you have to do is look up
I don’t think it’s as simple as ethnic homogeneity or not either though. It’s rather about religion, culture, and civilization more broadly. I subscribe to Spengler’s view on this. These are something like super-organisms and we organisms participate in the life of them. At its peak, waking life is basically natural, unquestionable and doesn’t require a great degree of analysis or calculation to find meaning. It’s built in. The whole reason people cope with this idea that they can create meaning is because they’ve lost that feeling, that mode of life where things more or less flow naturally from thing to another. I think what’s a little ironic about Nietzscheans who believe they can create meaning as well is how unlike the ancients they are. The ancients seemed to more often feel themselves pulled by meaning, which already existed. Never on earth has a people created meaning, and I firmly believe they can’t. It’s a fool’s errand, and at best offers only temporary distractions and good feelings that eventually depart.
Yeah. Astronomy is cool. I think the problem is light pollution for most people. Years ago I worked at a small liberal arts college in rural New England. Sometimes people ask me questions about the school or the campus and it’s clear they have this image of a comfy sort of Ivy or dark academia type environment. These things are popular now you know. But I always tell them the thing I have the most nostalgia for is looking up at the sky in my early morning runs. The stars were so clear and so visible and every time I saw them I literally thought “wow”. It was crazy to me to think there was a time where this is basically what most people see everywhere every night. I still think about that.
When I lived in London I would see cute british girls dating nogs/shitskins every single day. This has scarred me.
> It’s rather about religion, culture, and civilization more broadly.
Do you call the current Prime Minister of England a true cultural Brit? He firmly subscribes to British conservative ('judeo-christian') values.
No, it does not matter wether someone subscribes to conservatism, to liberalism, or to communism even. What matters is the ethnicity of the people discussing the ideas at hand. As long as it is homogenous, it can be liberal, conservative, communist, and the health of the body will not be damaged. It is only when uncontrolled amounts of immigration lead to the formation of an ethnically diverse society, causing the decay of said society. It can be seen in the West, where instead of differentiating between losers and winners, one can just turn into a tranny or a homosexual and it's totally ok. And what's a stereotypical winner in current Western society anyways? To be good in basketball you don't have to put insane amounts of training every single day, you just have to be a nigger. So if you aren't a nigger you don't feel any real connection to whoever the best basketball player. And in college the winner isn't the stereotypical chad anymore, no, just whoever the fuck gets the most pussy. Getting pussy isn't an aftermath of being a winner anymore, it has become the definition of winner itself.
All this is ultimately caused by the oblivion of race and the ethnic diversity of current Western societies. It seems counter-intuitive at first glance, but all real social decadence is caused by ethnic diversity and the muttification that it causes.
I love drug money, big guns and violence
>the current Prime Minister of England a true cultural Brit? He firmly subscribes to British conservative ('judeo-christian') values
kek what?
Apparently fighting off rumours of being antisemitic and Mr Darcy in Bridget Jones' Diary weren't enough to make him British or Labour
Unrelated but related, it's so funny how when I was kid Zelda games puzzles were super hard because how the fuck would you find out you needed a random object to get through and now replaying them feel so linear like why would I get stuck in that part
The Americans were a bit busy on the 4th of July tbf
I think you’re missing my point a bit. The Prime Minister of Britain certainly participates in British civilization and has clearly found some meaning in it even if shallow else he would not have become Prime Minister. Whether or not you consider him British is basically irrelevant.
Maybe he is a genius and was having a bad day anon.
That's most humans
Reading medieval history and literature is so depressing. It’s so obvious that their lives were vibrant and filled with love and war and instinct and poetry. Such full and splendid lives. The 21st century is so dull, an absolute disaster.
Something that disturbs me is seeing strong and healthy people get a little bit older or get some disease and just wither away in a matter of months. In the course of a few months a person goes from maybe aged, but still broad and strong, to a literal walking corpse. I hate it. It's like, it doesn't matter how hard you work, when death comes for you, it takes all your vitality with ease.
What a fucking mid take
Hmm, an integrated Hindu found meaning in current libshit society, ohh,... I wonder why....
Immortal soul? Prove it
The problem is that society stopped being homogenous. People socialize less with their neighbours when their neighbours are Hindu or Muslim. It's not rocket science.
> muh tolerance
Read Phaedo
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I rather be a field medal winner than a Nobel prize, to me no els feels like the BRICS version
"vibrant" sure is one way to describe war
Death has this much to be said for it:
You don't have to get out of bed for it.
Wherever you happen to be
They bring it to you—free.
have sex dude. you only like the middle ages because you think you would have had sex, but more likely your parents would have sensed something was off with you and donated your twink ass to the church.
You’re a midwit man. You are actually completely failing to parse what’s being said.
you next to me
You're 27?
What is this supposed to be? Some midwit libshit’s take on history. Who cares?

This idea that is was constant war is just untrue. Universal conscription is a modern phenomenon by the way.

Have had plenty. I’m not chimp-brained though so it’s nbd. So stop projecting please.
Why are you even on this board? Why did you migrate from /pol/? Just stay there. It’s so obviously up your alley. You do not read much so there’s no reason for you be here.
Yes, the era that gave us such conflicts like The Hundred Year's war did not have constant war
/lit/ hasn't been leftist in several years. Fuck off already.
And you're completely foolish for believing any sort of real society is possible without ethnic homogeneity.
Have fun collapsing. Not the West, you yourself, individually. Your quantums dissolving into nothing and reality going on like you never even existed.
my bad, i should've said those vibrant *occasional* wars
>/lit/ hasn't been leftist since the time when everyone said it was still good
yeah tell him
>/lit/ hasn't been good since the time when all the leftists said it was still leftist
You need to be tough and able to project power to enter ventures and take risk, otherwise you WILL be fucked over and used as a stepping stone, the power of friendship is a meme
Going to the West on a visit tomorrow. I hope there's a LGBTQ flag somewhere so I can spit and snot on it in public.
but im not tough :( im squishy and sweet
books for this feel?
nvm /lit/ is still good actually obviously
I’m not a leftist retard. I’m just so sick of you obvious non-readers coming here to spew retarded /pol/itics in every single thread. You are like broken records. We know, we know. Race is everything. Every issue comes down to race. If we were all just racists we’d achieve utopia. You sound like fucking idiots to be honest. There is just no way that you read much of anything. So there’s no reason for you to be here. That is on topic for your board. It’s not on topic for this one.

You’re still a midwit. My “quantums” lol.
Is modern war vibrant by comparison? What your point? I meant we bomb kids ffs.
Big mestizo mamacita
> We know, we know. Race is everything. Every issue comes down to race.
Keep putting words into my mouth.
You're just an average, no, you're a 1990 leftie complaining about conservatism being immoral and 'le bad'. Basically you're just moralizing me and pretending I have no basic compassion for other human beings. That's such a stupid thing to say especially today where a whole civilization is about to collapse under the weight of insufferable lefttards like you.
I remember I had to stop watching films for a while because I realized no one was ever working. Somehow this simple fact enraged me because most of my actual life is working in some form even if it's work I enjoy at times.
fuck this final elden ring dlc is fucking me up, my only real option is to git gud
i hate these guys who just discovered post-modernism and think they're edgy for deciding the middle ages were good. yes, we too have read foucault, dude.
>Heh, you racists don't even read, unlike me, an intellectual neoliberal.
you mean 'getting the shit beaten out of you'
Why did you delete your post glownigger?
pretty sure the tradlarpers hate pomo
You think the Middle Ages were good.
I want back to ancient Scandinavia.
We are not the same.
i didn't say i think the middle ages were good. learn to read. personally i think machiavelli had it right and ancient republicanism was the peak. imagine thinking some despotic medieval king ruling over some tiny crumb of ancient rome is "trad".
>you're really just reading the same plot over and over and over again with minor variations in the girls
Did you have that thought yourself? If so, I’m proud, your brain is still usable anon.
Don’t read slop, please, try writing about how you feel and what you’re avoiding when you read slop. In order to ameliorate the symptoms of brain rot, we’re going to have to recruit the art of poetry.
Simply take a poem, a good one from a proper book, and read it out loud twice. Now go for a walk and chew on that poem for about half an hour. Make the image in your head the richest your can muster, make sure you can smell it, hear it, touch it, everything at once.
You will come out a rejuvenated, more contemplative person in the other end - all the things a brain rotten individual is not.
More: Please don’t tell anyone you’ve read poetry, you’ll come across as a snob. Another thing, stay away, as far away as you can, from amateur poet circles. Amateurs tend to vomit out words without thinking and as such their poems are full of contradictory implications and incongruent images, just don’t read them.
Possible. Or at least it was until you let in all the Asian immigrants. Oh wait, that was Attic democracy actually. No wait, it's what's happening right now under republican rule. Hahahahahahaha! And once again it was a German who tried to prevent it. The day will come when a Germanic man will come to save Western civilization again.
the germans were the immigrants who took down ancient rome tho
angling my monitor at work slightly so people don't see I'm just shitposting at work.
yeah but this "what if the way they did things in this other epoch was heckin cute and valid?!" is straight foucualt
'Took down ancient Rome' kek. Possible, I'm open to that idea, do you have any arguments to back that up?
do you like know absolutely nothing about antiquity dude? imagine asking for citation on that
You mean the Germanic soldiers who fought for the safety and glory of the Empire from the 1st Century CE onwards? No I am not new to them.
Based. Your network people can still see you though.
>tfw haven't posted on /lit/ in like two months
Moved to Dublin recently for my masters and decided to finally make the pilgrimage out to the Martello tower to see where Joyce, Gogarty, and Trench all lived that fateful summer. There's not much in it but if you're a big Joyce or Gogarty fan you'll definitely enjoy the mere presence of the place. Climbing up those narrow as fuck stairs (which thankfully kept the yanks stuck downstairs) and looking out into Dublin bay and up towards the Poolbeg chimney's really transports you. I could see Gogarty climbing up with his shaving bowl, Joyce behind him. I could see Trench freaking out in the middle of the night in his hammock across from Joyce and screaming about Panthers. It made me a bit sad at the same time though to see it manned by tour guides who kept getting the facts wrong and it being filled with people who really didn't understand or appreciate where they were.
oh shit new dj heartstring mix just dropped

Where are you from?
I wish I was American
Ireland, Galway originally
Based Cliffs of Moher. You should visit Sweny's Pharmacy in Dublin, it's barely on one page of Ulysses but it's worth it just for the owner.
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I need someone to tell me to just do it
what is it you want to do
Oh I've gone and bought the soap to prove it. Had a good long chat the owner too. He's a relation of Beckett, a cousin if I remember correctly and fairly close. We talked for a good while about him, Gogarty, and Joyce before I left. He had that posh D4 accent on him which was a bit hard to shake when speaking to him but it was a good time.
genuine question: how do gay people have sex without getting shit on their dicks?
You can't just ask him that. It's personal. Do you know him?
Yes, in fact, I do. He is my anon and I want only the best for him.
>posh D4
It's probably Foxrock, not D4. D4 is like valley girl to Foxrock's east coast old money, still rich, but not as idle
:3 cute
I don't think he's Foxrock, Beckett was Foxrock but I don't think his mother's side was. I remember him saying he was from the Catholic side and Beckett isn't the most Catholic name in the world lol. He definitely had that old touch though, reminded me of some of the fellows up at the Inns.
Based, I have the very same lemon soap. I think I would love to be as related to Joyce as that guy, I mean, James Joyce is literally putting bread on his table since like hundred years and he's related to Beckett who's also related to Joyce. Then again, Lucia Joyce would have something other to say. Did he try to play to you some Gaelic songs?
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got cancelled by my friend group for being "fatphobic", kicked and blocked with no notice. Also got in trouble with local Dems for bringing up the open air drug market in my neighborhood. Apparently you aren't allowed to talk about it anymore. Neighborhood is a shit hole. been picking up trash on my block to keep it presentable, but it's a neverending torrent of litter. it's all Somalians doing it too, I've seen them toss their coffee cups on the boulevard. had to clean up their trucker's piss bottles too. they leave them on the steet.

nominally got into university but I'm feeling extremely depressed rn. haven't checked my email in weeks, just getting stoned all day and going on walks. had one lady lose control of her dog on a hike near me and the thing nearly tackled me. been having nightmares about it recently, started carrying a knife.

apparently my housemate got hospitalized for having an eating disorder. must have been bullimic. she's like a maoist. showed me Battlestar Galactica, which we've been watching together. Also watched the 3hr cut of David Lynch's Dune with me, which no one else has done.

idk. I listened to this podcast interviewing Peter Thiel and he seems pretty cool. maybe I can start the RW tranny grift. know I'm smarter than Blaire White, sure I could find my niche. thinking of just copying this one tranny's style that I used to know. she was a tradcath Falangist, but she passed. apparently her grandpa was a legit Spanish fascist. sad girl, constantly crying at night because of her Catholic guilt, only ate hotdogs because of the tism.

met a cis girl who read Pynchon, another who read Stoner. And a third who was reading Christopher Lasch. All at our red scare pod meetup. The Pynchon girl invited me to the local Delueze reading group, but I know they host it in a radlib bookstore, so I don't think I'll be going


You clean out your colon before. I use an enema bulb about three hours before sex, don't eat at all that day. Never had an issue with it. If you take psyllium husk too it also helps keep you clean.

Always found anal very gross personally. remember being on acid this one time and I had to poop and I just felt disgusted that organ was the only thing I could have sex through. Almost gave me genital dysphoria and want to get SRS, if only to have a way of sex that wasn't so gross and fecal
damn so there's no such thing as spontaneous gay sex? also do they like not eat anything before planning to fuck? isn't shit always just being made?
Just do it. Now.
>psyllium husk
my nigga, hell yeah
It does seem like great fun but I've always preferred the Ulick O'Conner path a bit more (who I regret heavily not asking him about because he definitely did know him). Living and breathing the book and having tourists appear every day to ask the same questions would drive me mental lel.
>Did he try to play to you some Gaelic songs?
He didn't actually, and thank God he didn't because I can only imagine how different our Irish is from each other's lol. I honestly felt like I was annoying him a tad and it being so closed in I was very wary of more people coming in. In the end we chatted for about 10 minutes and I bought two bars of soap (had to use one to see what it was like) and the hand bound Ulysses notebook, got absolutely robbed to be fair but fuck it. He pointed me to Kennedy's across the road and I had a pint there while waiting for the rain to piss off. Mr. Wilde wasn't getting his usual photos with the tourists that day anyway.
It's the type of accent. D4 has a tendency to elongate vowels while Foxrock is more clipped. They're both posh, but D4 doesn't sound like English posh, so the Foxrock accent is a West Brit accent to most people, while D4 is rich but not old money rich and doesn't sound particularly English.
my uh, roommates girlfriend is having a birthday party at my apartment tomorrow. Apparently her boss, who is an admin at the local K-12 private school ($50k a semester tuition) is coming. She's like gigawoke and black.

should I uh, hide my Albert Speer autobiography from the living room bookshelf? worried it may send the wrong vibe
not really. shit takes like 8 hours to start to form in the lower gut after eating. You just skip the morning before and you are mostly clean

it's expensive ig
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why r u gay
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I'm not gay. I'm a straight woman. just don't have a cooch yet.

jk. I'm basically asexual. I'm not into anyone. I forced myself to do an online hookup so I would have lost my virginity by the time I turned 28. Kind of regretted it. I find sex deeply cringe, and now I can't larp as a virgin goddess like Athena or Artemis anymore (I deeply vibed with Camille Paglia's description of them). idk. sex is just nasty and gross and I can't believe I ever wanted to try it. it's so bleak

I want to have kids, but I don't think I ever want to have sex again.
feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown again.
sorry you lost your chance at witch powers
i just said the 'y r u gae' meme, didn't want your life story
Social services should exist.
But if anyone hears an obvious solution to their problem and tells the social worker to fuck off three times, they should instantly be excluded from all government programs. Let the money go to people who want the help.
When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
hard to admit, but I am struggling with an addiction to marijuana
Vinland Saga seemed like it was going to be so good the first time I saw the opening and then it turned out to be pretty disappointing while Attack on Titan seemed off-putting the first time and then it turned out to be really good.
I like Vinland Saga but I hate Attack on Titan.
I don't seek to invalidate your opinion, I just have the opposite.
That’s funny. What do you like and dislike about them respectively?
wow its so valid how you rationalize your failure before you even try sis
Dude you’ve been ranting about the shortcomings of not living in an ethnically homogeneous society for HOURS. I can promise you that this is not your real problem. You clearly are messed up in other ways. Spend less time online, please. For the love of God, spend less time online.
We have an unlimited amount of differences but a few commonalities. It is so much easier to provoke outrage against those that are unlike you, despite being literally everyone.
I'm a socialist, like Hitler.
I disliked how no one just shot arrows at the Titans' tendons. Huge creatures are immensely vulnerable to having their soft bits shredded.
I liked how Vinland Saga espoused the glory of violence.
If you are into Vedic Metaphysics I'd recommend you check out John Paolucci.

Does metaphysics lead to a career of some prestige and salary?
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I'm lost
Men are kind of retarded honestly. There’s all this talk online about day game, cold approach, being a passport bro, all this shit. The single easiest way to be successful with women is to befriend them. It’s that simple. You don’t even have to be non-judgmental. You can judge the fuck out of them…quietly, politely. But it really is that simple. Just befriend people in general and you’ll be successful socially.
Want advice?
I thought I’d receive a less retarded reply. “Espouse the glory of violence”? Are you 14? By the way, they do cut the Titans’ tendons. It happens multiple times and the way they kill them is a quick kill shot to the nape.
The IQ of this board has been dropping for a while but I swear it’s dropped a solid 10 or 20 points just in the last month. I’m seeing the most absolutely juvenile /pol/ brained /r9k/ brained just retard brained sentiments and questions EVERYWHERE.
Buy a compass :)
>just befriend them bro
have u ever heard of this thing called the "friend zone"?
It doesn't happen in literally the first episode to delete them as a threat. Longbowmen can mass volley from 250 yards.
>last month
>last month contained June
Really boggles the noggle, doesn't it?
Hi, lost. Nice to meet you.
Having friends and getting friendzoned are not the same thing and you won’t put yourself in the friend zone by simply being friends.
The Titans live outside the walls and they shoot them with canons and guns rather than bows. This is perfectly sensible.
the friendzone is a problem of women not men. thankfully many women can now just have an endless buffet of simps and orbiters by being e-girls of some kind.
No, dude. The friendzone is when women put you in the friend category and keep you there whereas being friends is when you put her in the friend category and let her get out. If you have a lot of female friends, you will date some of them. You just will.
>. Also got in trouble with local Dems f
What the fuck does that mean?
Psyllium husk has been making me really gassy and my poos come out really skinny and black as coal
Just stop hanging out with leftists. They’re like life poison. They will ruin your life. The only successful leftists endorse leftism outwardly as a sort of professional and social advancement tool but they don’t really believe in it or call people out personally.
germoids seething
DPRK is the greatest nation in the world. It's the only chance we have as a species
Do you pay any attention to the discourse? This is part of the game too. In fact many of the best PUA people know that forgoing sex for some time is the best way to build a lasting bond with a woman. The friendzone is only a problem for guys who lack the traits that makes a man a sexual option in a woman's eyes. This is what the discourse is mainly about. Do you appear as a sexual option to her? If you are surrounded by women, go to places where everyone knows you, say faggot and spend money, you start looking like a possible fuck in her eyes basically. The single best advice is to just frequent the same places and gain status. I agree a lot of the advice is autistic but it's true.
I'm screaming.
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Do you think using parkinson's medication to induce mania and psychosis will make my life more interesting?
Or maybe I should start taking steroids and be a gym rat?
What if I take the amtrak to SF and get hooked on government-supplied opiates?
There are so many options for adventure it's hard to choose.
That is the dumbest possible fucking advice. Befriending women is fine, it's a good idea. But the vast majority of women don't want to fuck the vast majority of men, but would gladly be friends with them. You are just telling clueless men to wait months or years for "something to happen." Nothing is going to happen. In fact you can positively fuck up what could have happened by waiting too long and trying to "slide in gently."

You are probably a woman and doing what all women do: only remembering the "noteworthy" men when you think of "what kind of men do I like / what do I like men to do?" Meaning, you're filtering a good 85-95% of men out before you even begin your analysis, without realizing you do so. But dating advice isn't for the 5-15% of men who don't need it anyway because they'd be noteworthy (positively attractive) to you and other holes to begin with. It's for the other 85-95% of men for whom nothing will happen unless they make it happen, and who can very well spend years having zero success with women because they're simply going about it wrong.

You have to make moves with women or nothing will happen. The friendzone is real but it's also self-imposed. The worst delusion a man can have is that women want to fuck their friends. Women want to fuck attractive men, and women will fuck attractive men who happen to be their friends sometimes, but that's it. If you are average as a man (remember, this is 80-90% of men, to a woman), you have to try something else.
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I dropped my quarterly violent vibe checks but was sober this time.

Everyone still loves me.

I should probably take meds.
God bless Guaifenesin, good lord
water drinks you
I miss you.
I deeply regret moving into my mom’s house to save money. I should’ve just gotten roommates.
Why do you regret it?
Is your mom a cunt?
If you regret it out for some other reason, why aren't you saving money to move out?
It’s just embarrassing and lame. It’s a massive L at my age to be honest. My mom is basically fine. I was saving money and I’m about to move out.
What is embarrassing about it?
Do you dislike or hate your mother?
Do you think successful people don't rely on allies in hard times?
Anons in these threads mocked me a few weeks ago about confessing my feelings to a girl with an erratic texting pattern and now I have a model tier gf and you don't
k, lemme know when your shitty genes get passed on, otherwise my child can live in bliss without knowledge of your nonexistent predecessor
u mean successor dude?
Idk if you honestly have game of that skill but Good job regardless.
Oh no, how terrible, someone else finally made it.
I decided Mr. John can wait tomorrow to acquire my tacos from their stoves.
sowwy im sweepy >_< nyaaa~
Not here the kids are watching
I had a lot doubts about the importance of ethnic homogeneity when I first read about it, but after living a year in Eastern Europe, where the populations indeed are very ethnically homogenous, the superiority of it compared to ethnically diverse society us blatant.
whatever country you were in I can guarantee you there were numerous points throughout history where foreign ethnic groups came in and intermingled with the populace to create the ethnicity you see today
How come poets are practically never overweight, not even the rich and successful ones, but plenty of novelists are?
Let us know how the first fight goes
The kids can join us.
You for real? Try telling the hoes you live with your mom and see how they react. Even regardless of hoes, not having your own space that you control and are responsible for makes you feel immature.
Westernism is completely disgusted with itself and more than detached. It looks for more outside itself and is driven by the dualistic tension of the conclusion that the next life awaits, and so adds the premises being all kinds of things the world has in it, different cultures, different ideas, now chemicals, physical alterations, it is an antisocial neanderthal outlook with very low regard for its own life. Insane walking masks ready to produce it's next haunt when what is next is available, signaled by patterns of successful manipulations of nature.

I'm drunk.
i just did kettlebells now i'm gonna chug some jöcko mölk
>The single easiest way to be successful with women is to befriend them
This is the most retarded opinion ever and I see it constantly. A man who befriends women just to fuck them is seen as a deceiver, essentially a rapist, by women. Its an interesting contradiction- the only way to get a GF as a guy who's "average" is to engage in some kind of trickery or "game", and women fundamentally resent men who engage in this "game". The only men they're actually interested in are men who don't have to play the "game". You get it? They see the fact you have to try as evidence of you being lower quality than those who don't have to try.
Nothing bothers women more than a man who has to try to get female attention. Their mating strategy actively selects for the hottest, most experienced manwhores around.
I wish that there was a way to effectively filter out all the chaff novels when searching for something new to read. Whenever I look for something written post 2010, I have to go through an excruciating process to find anything that wasnt written by someone who falls into one of these categories
>political extremist
>anti white racist
And above all
>more concerned with a message than telling a good story
I just want to read a good book. Nobody is interested in writing good books anymore. They just want to "win" some imaginary contest.
Most dimwitted post I've seen all daym congratulations anon, that's saying quite a lot. Few can claim the potential to win such a prestigious award.
I just wanna fuck
Tell us more anon

Leftists' obsession with miscegenation genuinely creeps me out. They NEED it to happen.
>They NEED it to happen.
Yes because its good and its why you exist.
Lefties have a new name for criminals, apparently they're "justice involved persons" now.

I dont give a FUCK about what cunts on reddit are doing
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Lmao it's real. Here's a justice involved person.
you never heard that before? it's technically not for all criminals tho only the ones who got busted
that persons obviously trolling. Look at their post history.
It's apparently a real term, google it.
Everything is a real term.
But that person is clearly trolling and the way theyre using it is definitely not genuine.
sometimes they call them "justice impacted" which is even more ridiculous because it sounds like they didn't do anything and then justice just came along and impacted them for no reason

I don't know, man, some people are just genuinely like that.
If you watch this video around 0:40, the caller is saying "and he pointed his gun at me," but look carefully and you can see the gun fucking jammed. Caller probably doesn't even know he wasn't just pointing it, he was trying to shoot.

...? Who even cares, if tons of retards evidently use it genuinely?
Just got back from Costco, got myself a really nice jacket and some food, now I'm listening to Jim Croce and wondering where my missing comic books are; they're in a box somewhere but I can't find them no matter how hard I look. I'm also missing a shirt but I'm not worrying about that as much as I am the comics.
My resting heartrate is below 60
I don't think tons of retards do use it genuinely, that's what I mean.
I mean, their post history is full of the same terms, "birthing persons" "2SLGBTQIA+", "female presenting persons", this is clearly a person who is trolling. I've literally personally known people who make reddit accounts where they play the stereotypical woke redditor. Legitimately thinking they're a real thing and that they actually matter is insane.
i bought a air conditioner at bjs earlier this week bro that shit is cold af
I am tempted to give up and become a model train enthusiast
Hell yeah, man. I need the opposite right now, it's cold as fuck here.
the fact that you never heard justice involved/impacted individual before is kinda crazy like what kind of sheltered suburban ass life do you live?
I have heard "people involved with the justice system" but turning it into an individual label is not something I've ever seen before and it's so ridiculously perfect for conservatives that I'm inclined to believe it's fake
My resting fartrate is 120bpm (braps per minute)
"It's our dominion after all. Isn't conjoining every dismission of our God's promise an act of Faith?" Jews simply answered that dominion is a matter of their destiny. It seems to be a simple idea they rely on schizophrenic priests to prove correct with magic shows, to ease their anxiety about historic great traumas they endured, which they are also drawn to again and again.
In their answer to the real artifacts Westernism produces they claim it is theirs without daring to face the goyim's psyche fully. Instead they are being fickle, "you've tried a, b, c, but what about d, e, f? What about reversing their order again?" If anything they just want to pump the breaks a bit.
Hitler did as well, he was a wish that Westernism not desecrate it's body. "That much is required for our work to continue", Westernism decided it can test that as well.
sry dude i shan't be reading any long boring posts about the state of western civilization or whatever
The chocolate in my pocket melted after cooking beans in the microwave.
No one cares what fags who type like fags to fit in with other fags do
yo that's kinda freaky maybe it has a leak like there's this microwave with a hole in the glass in one of the lounges at work and this chick was like i'll just microwave my soup in there real quick i'm like woah i am fucking out i mean idk if it's actually bad but it can't be good she's like lol whats ur problem im like bruh
Same. Whatever you wrote though >>23587529 I, uh, hope it goes well for you, or sorry that happened, whichever is most fitting
I knew I'd never get married or date again when I bought my first set of mini paints.
Apology not accepted anon...
Same, but I'm crazy unhealthy and obese, it's just genetic. My grandmother has a 50s heartrate also even though I've never heard of her ever exercising or seen her walk more than from a building to a car and back.
Poets are more shallow and dumber on average
There's a positive association with outlier high iq (but not iq in general) and being fat
Same with mental illness
And being fat is in a way a mental illness
That won't induce mania.
Mania is very hard to induce on purpose.
Much to the chagrin of all type 2 bipolars
It's summer.
Yeah I physically can't comprehend incels.
I got laid at a normal age in hs because I was cringe and aggressive and just wanted it enough to go do it. I'm dumpy and ugly. Sometimes I go a few years not dating because I don't care, but the idea that it would be difficult or complicated to date if I tried just doesn't enter my head.
If I had two parents I'd think it was a single mother thing since they all seem to have single mothers, but I had a single mother too.
The other commonality is an absolute and total dearth of internal/intrinsic motivation towards anything. Very passive. Not necessarily lazy. But entirely passive people with an external locus of control.
Food addiction is more real than weed addiction lol
Just stop
Oh so you're an insane man.
> Tell us more anon
It's just something else when everyone mutually understands the other, even if they come from villages quite far away. Go to your local coffee bar and have a talk with your fellow Ndugu. I'm not saying that it's not going to work, but there won't be no refinement in the overall speech between you two, no dialectal references that he will understand.
It's the rate at which that counts
free the mandem
I work in a certain underground facility. You can see the entrance from a nearby road but that's all. It's not super deep. Maybe 5 stories if you count electrical spaces and maintenance tunnels. It's really far from big cities. The road to it appears on satellite imagery but is unmarked.
I can't take my phone or any electronics in there and I can't describe what I do in there in detail. Euphemistically, what I do could be described as a transmission or a ritual. I and others with certain properties about ourselves access a deeper layer to the world, and send ourselves elsewhere, in search of certain objects. Some of these objects are dangerous. To those who handle them improperly, to those who are near them without protection, sometimes those who simply know about them. We find the objects and sometimes destroy them and sometimes use them for certain purposes.
I know this sounds like bullshit but I can't go into any more detail.
First paragraph sounds like the opening to a 2005 Chuck palahnuik book
starting my own therapy practice of having two drinks and listening to slowdive
i wanna find a depressed teenage girls neocities blog, last entry 1999. i wanna. i wanna get some release. slit my wrists in a hot bath. i wanna see the personal day to day of someone in too deep. do you remember that german girl who scammed the art world, she moved to nyc and pretended to be a billionaires daughter, got enormous million dollar loans, borrowed tens of thousands from magazine editors. lived in a hotel. i wonder if it ever weighed on her when she was alone. did it get scary? did she use those little soaps and shampoos in the hotel?
What is a lone bird in a cage in a house tweeting about
it matters where you are
New: >>23587757
New: >>23587757
New: >>23587757
I can't believe I have to vote for the first time in my life because those idiots didn't have the balls to run kamala directly.
Is this bait or are you actually a moron?
>the hoes
First mistake. You should not associate with loose women.
>makes you feel immature
Yes, you are correct, that makes YOU feel immature. I'm working on building a proper estate for the whole clan, so I don't really care about cohabitating with older and younger family members.
I guess I found the reason why the Christiany has such a great problem.

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