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George The Chorizo edish

I wish I had kids.
Oops forgot previous
Previous >>23587757
quads and you lick nah nuts
My creative impulses feel more like the rumblings of the Earth than whispers in my ear. It's a cacophony of vague and often contradictory ideas and thoughts which want to go in many directions at the same time instead of a clear vision of what it is that ought to be committed to paper.
Everyone in this thread is my son. Let me protect you.
If you were to just commit them to paper you would see how much of an imaginative pauper you really are. And also how sublime those few imaginings you have really are
I just want to fuck
Ah, one off. You’ll get em next time, champ.
you can lick my balls if you really want anon, i won't stop you
I’m good.
okay well then i shall lick your balls
Just finished watching the original X-Files.
Seasons 1-6: holy fucking kino.
Season 7: getting dicey.
Seasons 8-9: what the fuck
Finale: what the fuck were they thinking with this bullshit?
X-Files is just a romance tv series disguised as a sci-fi tv show about aliens
I didn't mind the romance stuff but I really, really wanted the myth arc to have more thought put into it than it did. It feels like everything that happened in the series was for nothing.
i would've liked x-files more if that was really the case. my fav bits were the very early episodes where mulder and scully were just getting to know each other. the scifi plots were kind of boring and too 'of its time'
No thanks

Unless you’re female, of course.
you're ready to kick female balls? sure you're not gay?
Why are there no romance novels written for men? Or even a male version of bodice rippers where the MC goes on adventures, solves issues and bangs hot ladies. I know LNs and VNs exist but those are too japanese for most men.
Flashman series?
Huh? Nevermind we have our wires crossed here.
Isn't that just James Bond
James Bond is mostly lists of brand names and rape
Sounds like male romance to me
Let's hope you're alone in life
Im bored but there's nothing that I want to do. Maybe it's called death.
anon just give me a kiss and let's move on with out lives alright
I’m cool, broseph. Last word.
Clavell's Shogun?
come on england
ngubu, hee always wif me
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Thread needs more owls
there are lots of western not-quite-smut (LN/VN equivalent) romance books. actually take the time to look around on kindle
I thought the theme was
>movie stars trying to look cool by hanging out with birds
sickens me that this sort of patter which you'd only hear from neeky year 8s in the uk has been discovered by yanks
bruv you should be more sickened by the fact ye mum got shived by muhammed m'boku on the trip home from ye local sainburys
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well hell, aw shucks, really? heavens to betsy, you gotta be kidding, goshdarn it, the tarnation thing.
head like a hole
Tbh the most disgusting English I have ever heard is from England. Trust me because I've been to the inner cities of Chicago as well as the poorest areas of the Deep South. The language your people in the midlands speak is indistinguishable from the retching sound cats make when they've eaten one fur ball too many. In fact, it makes me want to puke my guts out myself. Almost as much as when I take a glimpse at your women. Sheesh. I'd almost feel bad for y'all if every single one of you wasn't a grade-A, top-shelf retard.
again going for /incelwalk/
alright mate i wasn't inviting you to get on your soapbox
cheers bruv, have one drink too many i did. you going pub for the footy? its coming home this time innit. even me missus thinks it
incidentally, the accent you were describing is the closet modern equivalent to shakespeare's dialect
jesus chill out anon, im just pulling your dick. are you watching the euro finals or not? what's the vibe like in the uk?
powerful energies combining
as a brit I hope this team of mongrel's die on their arses
kek cheers bongbro, may god save you
>banned from the stadium
>thinks he's the biggest fan
kek ok
Its almost depressing how different people treat you when you're on a date with a woman. It's almost like others have a sense for when two young people are falling in love. They will cheer you on and make accommodations for you. They will pat you on the back and point out the love they see. There is so much happiness in the world but its kept from you unless you meet the criteria.
It's crazy how many boys in the future are going to have access to either softcore or just straight up porn of their moms. Tiktok, onlyfans, insta and all the rest of the thot rods are absolutely brimming with women turning themselves into an object of lust, for completely free in many cases. I fully think in a decade or two we're going to reach levels of misogyny that no one could have thought possible.

luv me wife
luv me mum
luv arry kain
luv ingerland

ate lundun
ate da french
ate muhammod salami
ate ngubu

aint rasist
just dunt like em is all

simple facks
Meh it's the same thing as never look through a tied up stack of polaroids
>Thought about shaving my beard.
>Couldn't decide whether I should or not because I've never done done anything but shave it completely off and I don't want to mess it up and look retarded.
>Decided against it.
Barbers are still a thing man
I know, but I'm cheap.
Fair enough, that's why i'm a long hair hippy
I also want a hair cut since my hair is long too, but like I said, cheap.
Yeah I get a basic 0 all over when it's cheaper or free and then just let it grow until I run into someone with clippers who doesn't charge more than ten bucks
It's been a while with inflation
I'm supposed to get my head shaved today
I wish I could redirect this craving for food to something else. be completely consumed by obsession.
I normally just get someone I know to shave it all off, haven't done it in a while though, I've really been liking my hair long. Unfortunately, I think it's getting a bit long.
I hope it goes well, anon.
>Anon reminds me to eat
You wouldn't focus on anything important instead, don't worry
Meanwhile if you're terminally single all the time people look at you like you're a leper. Curious. Its amazing how much society decides your worth based on how many females glom on to you. We should do something about that.
>getting a bit long.
Mine's been full length for years
You dont know that
Yes I do you're just lying to yourself about your potential
I never said about potential, just obsession.
You don't have the potential to obsess over more important shit is the part I'm saying

Make more fuck-you/off money, and find better places to exist.

Practice channelling anger and rage, and sublimate accordingly.
Im always angry but sublimation part just doesnt stick.
I haven't been able to sleep properly in weeks
Not only is my circadian rythem off by hours, when I manage to fall asleep I only sleep for like 3h at a time. I've basically been going to bed past 7am each day, waking up at 1, napping again at 4, then midnight rolls around and I'm not tired at all because I've still somehow gotten 6 or 7 hours. Then i feel like I've wasted another day cause from midnight to 6 I watch anime and shitpost on various boards from bed
I need to stop, but every time I try a "full reset" by staying awake until 10pm or something, I always fall asleep in the day
I never even had a first chance, let alone a second one.
Gonna cap off my night by playing some Tetris and listening to Meat Loaf. Tomorrow I'm gonna go watch a double feature of Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultraman with my uncle at the cinema, it'll be based. I'm also thinking of asking an old friend who happens to be a girl who I haven't spoken to since high school to lunch, it'll be good to catch up and I'm sure she'll say yes, she's one of the purest souls out there.
It could be summer fucking with you? Idk though because i've never had a circadian rhythm. I've heard fasting for eight hours before your intended wake up time works to reset because your body would prefer to nap during no food hours
Why do zoomers think ghosting people is cute? Motherfuckers should be flogged alive for that shit.
Not possible on my income. I’m on SSDI.
I get ghosted a lot but I don't have a good reason to care, so I don't.
Thinking of buying a pair of yellow lens aviators.
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I'll give it a shot i guess
Hope it works out
Nothing ever happens. All these fucking losers are acting like the Roman Empire has been reborn because their fat zogbot candidate got slighly injured in his ear.
The next week cannot come soon enough.
>doing someone else's ban evasion time
You can kill the man but not the idea in this particular case you can't kill either the lion is too strong
what is his idea pray tell
The chorus of the dance remix of Susanne Vega’s “Tom’s Diner” goes through my head at least once every two weeks.
he actually would have died rather easily if the shooter could aim beyond the top of his ear
The mastery of form is the eye to see all things

In this piercing darkness I shall rend the night I am the endbringer
And it would be funny if everyother discussion wasn't wishing he died or this >>23591931.

There is no lion, nothing happened.
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w-will you spare me, anon?
The Ubermensch through total mobilization, the complete shift of human gestalt
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Hair falls with the breeze,
Heavy heart, mirror's harsh truth,
Hopes fade, scalp exposed.
alright buddy, good luck with that
I'm already biased against the conversation due to my pre-existing opposition to deifying the fat septuagenarian reality TV star. I think it is a cope. Even more of a cope if you shift the adoration towards his son.
trips of destiny, ngubu is bringing it come
This kind of pessimism is going to kill you someday
Maybe it will. I'm still right most of the time.
kek I got banned from /tv/ for saying that reporters have to say shit like apparently or allegedly or according to reports to not get sued
some reportfag was not ready to hear that and mods thought it was a conspiracy theory. it's legit a legal thing, like how you have to do
>no similarly to real people or events intended
or buying life rights off someone before you do the film based on their autobiography
Jew: I sell drugs
Christian: I do drugs, in moderation
Muslim: I am a drug addict
idk but I really want kebabs now
>you got everything you ever wanted
>security, money, women, you name it
>turns out you're still not happy
>you got out with a woman: she isn't 'like her' enough, you either become crazy or you dump her before you do
>you go on vacation: you feel exactly the same, knowing that in 2 weeks you will have to return home
>you start thinking you are the problem
>you see a psychiatrist
>'well that sucks, sounds like you have depression. do you want meds? you don't have to take them forever, but I think it might help with a few of your issues and it's worth trying'
>no, I'm not taking you goyslop medication
>'I see. here's the address of a partner of mine if you want to talk'
>it's a woman psychologist.png
>'so why do you think this is happening anon?'
>I don't know, that's why I'm seeing you
>'alright, do you remember when was the last time you felt happy?'
>'as a child maybe?'
>it was when I was with her
>'I see. do you feel like you have to be with her once more?'
>'but she's gone though'
>I know
>'you need to move on'
>I know
>'listen anon, if you're not helping yourself I cannot help you. please make some effort here'
>there's nothing we can do
>'I see. come back next time'
>tfw there's nothing we can do
Seen a quiet place: day one a bit ago and it doesn't compare to the original. It just seems to be a way to just add a black woman into the story with barely anything going for her and call it "day one".
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The moon is no longer yellow, even though it was for the past two nights. I demand an explanation.
I know the feel, Napoleon.
Inglés puto la puta que parió
In my travels I have seen many things
but it had always struck me how
you can see the wailing heart of a peoppe
through the sadness of a child's eyes
when will it stop

Dasha is branching out
How is my conceit so high as an unemployed virgin with no friends at almost 30?
I don't know if it ever will completely, maybe once you will meet somebody meaningful. Try to think of it like this, some people never meet the person they're looking for their entire lives, they don't find that meaning, that love. And at least you've had this one special person in your life, you can say she loved me and I loved her. One sentence of meaning more than to a lot of other people.
peeves me that nobody is using this word. trump was grazed, he was grazed by a bullet
Maybe you dont care about those things.
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The pretty native girl wearing a short dress who kept rubbing her leg against my bare knee on the train.
nil nil
I bet the window cleaner did it
I've tried to report some off topic and low quality threads on /v/ but got banned instead. These janny's are annoying.
It’s all to a play for
Nothing to live for, yet no desire to kill myself. What kind of existance is that?
kek i'm >>23592084 and they could have banned me for off topic, but the anons who reported me for stating reporting standards that stop you getting fired or sued–they probably do think those things are unnecessary regulation and a conspiracy against their freedom of speech or some shit
No reason to be posting about Trump on /lit/ or in threads about him
Trump's an author and a subject of masses of literature. Anon says it was on topic for the board, for all we know he was talking about something in The Art of The Deal. There's not no reason to post about Trump on /lit/, there's just a very slim chance that anon had multiple on topic takes on Trump across a lot of threads on multiple boards.
Nothing more comfy than reading some Montaigne during a daytime thunderstorm
Its write what's on your mind for a reason so basicly anything really goes
Art of the deal is just a sneaky way to skirt rules. I’ve never seen anyone post about anything in the book. It’s all current day shit about trump
Think I got banned for alluding to Trump, all I can think of…
Or reporters (journalists) write "fact checked" like it wasn't just written there to align with the propaganda.
Anon on /lit/ was posting about it a year before he announced his 2016 run. You're acting like we'd retroactively decide to ban him once he became president and stop reading and recommending shitty books
Are you hoping we get around to banning all the rapists and thieves and servants of mammon that literature has, or just the US presidents? Because that's almost all of them if it's the former.
Times have changed. If you want to post about trump and the political climate then take it to the politics board
>take it to the politics board
/pol/ is pure unadulterated cancer and there are no good reasons to ever visit it. You will get better political discussions on literally every other board.
I dunno, the phrase
>where they burn books, they will eventually burn bodies
is kind of immortal now so many authors have stolen it and had it misattributed to them
/lit/ isn’t here to babysit those who think they’re above other boards. Part of the problem /lit/ has is that it’s almost a random board now because every topic can be related to literature
So long as they read a book on the subject, who gives a fuck?
Honestly surprised there isn't a Mongolian basket weaving book that's got meme sales
Personal headcanon: Palahniuk's Guts is based on Wim Hof
Right okay
Y ya lo ve y ya lo ve pirata puto la puta que pario
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I want things to be different.
Different how?
Whatever happened to the George Lincoln Rockwell glowie that used to post here a lot?
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i asked this on /sp/ as well, but i wanted to know your opinion also.
I've got two dahlia types i wanna propagate, but my garden is too small for both. Which one should i pick of these two?
ghosted again. it's sad how someone will awaken you from a lonely stupor only to disappear and make it worse than before. I know this feeling won't last but I know it all too well that each time it sinks in, I'm more weary to reach out to anyone new or old.
I want things to be better.
I don't have anything to contribute other than to say based OP, love this man's early paintings
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This is making me believe in metaphysical influences on mundane events again
Fichu, part of a woman’s underclothing. It is a square or rectangular piece of muslin, or of another white or coloured cloth, or even silk, which is folded in two at the angles and covers the neck. The point of the fichu falls in the middle of the back and covers the shoulders; the extremities are crossed in front and cover the chest; but with white skin, curves, firm flesh and a bosom, even the most innocent peasant woman knows how to let just enough show by arranging the folds of her fichu .
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This is also an interesting point.
It's called "luck" nigga, you sound like the boomers on faceberg claiming Trump was prophesied in the Bible.
The day I was born, Saturn ruled over the ascendant sign. Not a day has passed since then where life has not felt like a heavy cross to bear. I have made peace with the fact that I will never be happy and the only thing that awaits me is pain in its manifold and surprisingly diverse manifestations. There is no solution, no way out of this. To everyone else in thread, I hope you have a nice life.
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I don't believe it. You can palpably feel decades of of future history hanging from this single event as if by a single thread. Everything leading up to it, everything flowing from it, all that pressure bearing down on the single instant that kid squeezed the trigger. And at that exact millisecond Trump moved an inch.
Why don't you ask /out/? They literally have a gardening thread.
Maybe i should. I guess it's just not a board i visit often.
Damn we missed out on some real kino.
Fascist capitalism? That's the worst of both worlds.
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I'm at a point with my friends now where before I say something, I consider whether it can be used against me at some point. Exhausting!
For the first time in my life, I feel like I am completely lost. I'm consumed by a feeling of hopelessness and defeat.
Over the last 12 months or so, I've been experiencing a significant decline in all spheres of my life. Reading it again, I think "significant decline" is an understatement. I'm losing everything and I feel like I've ran out of alternatives.
Two years ago I was living the best of my life. I was 21, still enjoying the post-COVID sentiment of enthusiasm and optimism, and feeling better than I had felt in many years. I was at the most socially active I'd ever been, my academic life was fantastic, and everything felt like good ending to a simple but heartwarming come of age story. Not everything went well at all times, of course, but I could always either turn things around or get something good out of a bad situation. Every week I would experience something new, learn more, make good memories, make progress, feel like I was growing into more of a man, feel like all my dreams were coming closer. Even in the most stressful periods in university, I'd keep my head high and feel confident that things would work out. And they would.

But time passed and things changed. I don't have a story when a bad day suddenly comes and changes everything. There was no death of a loved one, no accident, no burnout, no breakup. It feels impossible to me to identify when or why things started going wrong. As the time passed, problems seemed to stack up and I couldn't get things right. Some of these problems were consequences of my own actions. Others happened due to circumstances that were never under my control. One thing leads to another, and now I'm 23 and I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. My academic life took such a downturn that I've only passed one course over the last term; my academic issues forced me to pass on three great job opportunities, and ironically, shortly after my family's financial health would dip into a crisis that seems to only get worse as the time goes; I lost a girl in a situation that most would describe as meeting the right person at the wrong time; I have been facing a series of health problems, and all of these problems put together have led me to gradually distance myself from my friends and become more isolated.

I'm bringing this here because I don't like talking about my problems. Not with my family, not with my friends. I've always buried everything deep in and kept my friendly, optimistic, happy go lucky attitude going. This was how I carried on when I had problems, and this is how I inspired those around me to overcome their own difficulties too. I only had to keep my head up for a while, and things would pass. Except this time they didn't. And they're getting worse. I tried everything I could to put myself back up, but nothing worked. My mistakes feel excessively punishing, and when I get things right on my side something else I have no control over ruins everything again.
The shooter being of Scottish-Jewish descent is odd specific and getting Cromwell vibes. Also as someone who is literally half English, half Scottish I’m getting a bit paranoid.
I am not superstitious in any way. Yet I cannot help but sometimes entertain the silly idea that there is some kind of metaphysical force actively conspiring against me for a motive that is beyond any person's reason. I don't believe that, of course, but this is how far I've fallen. I'm at the absolute worst point of my life and I feel like I've ran out of time and options to turn things around this time.
The people around me know I'm not well. My friends and family ask me what's wrong, and that is the saddest part of all. I have people who love me and feel hurt when they see me in the state I am. Thet reach out and offer help. And I all I can do is pretend to be fine and turn down their assistance. I don't know how anyone could help me. I don't even know what I could possibly ask of them. How do I explain to someone that I feel like I lost my shine? That I no longer feel the positive things I used to feel, that I no longer feel excited or happy about things, that I feel like abandoning all of my dreams, that I just don't have that thing that makes life enjoyable in me anymore?

There's no hope left in me. The only thing I still have is the stubborn human instinct to keep living and keep moving forward. I fail, I fall, I stand up and keep trying. But God, I can't explain how much all of this hurts.
Yeah a lot of the clothing in Austen's books are basically the same as the modern see through raincoat and underwear combo. She's set a lot of the fashion earlier than it should be for the supposed timeline of some novels to have people in bonnets and clothing known for becoming public indecency with the slightest breeze.
I think lily
I wish the rhetoric threads on here were about actual rhetorical theory instead of some retard spamming juvenile, angry things.
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I went on a 3 day solo bicycle camping trip innawoods in Olympic national park. 150 miles total.
This is just the beginning, I will go on longer and longer trips. This is just the natural evolution of me walking 2-6 hours a day in nature for the past year.
Doctors said my brain deflated. There's nothing they can do about it.
exactly. in fact this is having the opposite effect on me. I've spent too much of the past year looking for evidence of divine intervention in my own life after emerging from a nihilistic hole. Now I'm settling back into my old self who can see the world as much more random and retarded. I mean what if it was just a deranged kid who wanted to give his life a meaningful end and not a Deep State plot?
I’ve always wondered what people in the past would have thought if they heard the music of today. Like what if Seneca, Dante, or Montaigne heard a good modern beat. I wonder how they would perceive it. Would there be a type of hysteria?
Thankfully since I am all alone at home nobody will find out that I spent this night getting drunk and massaging girls in my gacha.
Ask Jesus for help.
>instead of some retard spamming juvenile, angry things
that's like this entire website, dawg
>Anon complains other anons read The Art of Always Being Right
Perfectly cromulent rhetorical method
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I have fallen through the cracks of society.
Uh, don't think your brain is supposed to be inflated in the first place.
I’m aware

Sure, but he’s not the first nor best
Better than you
They probably would die from cringe
Your mom is the best though
Basically the cut off point for their reaction to pop not being
>Is that Pachelbel?
Yeah she's ace, nice dubs
The most foul portion of my essence is joyous embraced by the tongues of Aethiopes. Oh childhood home of recreation, facsimile of the seaside, yet somehow more endearing, now we mourn as we dare not trespass within your bounds as you have been tainted by pestilence of sodomites.
>by the tongues of Aethiopes
So long as you're not doing it in a port ci-
>facsimile of the seaside
Oh, yeah you should quit while ahead sailor
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How do you start again?

I'm 35, and I broke my engagement to my fiance a few months ago. Now I'm back living with my parents in the small town I grew up in with no friends and no social circle. I'm thinking about buying an apartment in a bigger city, but I'd still have no friends and no social circle.
>I'm thinking about buying an apartment in a bigger city, but I'd still have no friends and no social circle.
When you arrive in the city, start meeting people. That's what cities are for.
Ahhhhh hot and sweaty must escape blanket
You sick fuck
Ok, how you write "niggers tongue my anus, pool's closed due to AIDS" in purple prose?
By knowing pools are usually chlorinated sometimes filtered standing water and the seaside is generally not
>Anon thinks adding salt to chlorinate his pool gave it tidal flow
Strong moon round your back yard
Anon, does the word facsimile mean perfect imitation?
Technically yes, but I was giving your leeway for imagistic use. There's too much room in seaside is your problem when you choose to only copy a characteristic only sometimes found also in pools.
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I want to give up being human. I don't want to connect with others, nor do I want to isolate myself as someone who represses their desire to connect with others. I want to lose my connection to this race entirely. To all life, and the endless web of giving and taking and hurting which all living things are tangled in. I want to disappear into endless ice fields and barren rocks, in a place where life can barely exist. I want the desire within me, and the identity which birthed it, to weather away in freezing black wind under frigid stars, to neither desire, nor negate a desire. I want to be utterly alone. Alone beyond alone: I want the recognition of the self as without an other to cease, for the concept of alone to lose intelligibility, like markings on rock eroding out of meaning.
I wish that I could stop missing you.
You and me both. God bless the eternal indifference of nature.
I like to think these posts are made by her.
Who are you talking about?
Somebody that I used to know.
Seems Hollywood and companies are meeting their qouta on commercials being diverse enough for the alphabet/pedo gang
More specifically?
They can kiss my asshole. I'm an asshole? You niggas got jooo
You or that anon are not her. Stop asking. But it's pretty to think about.
You live on the eyelash of God
Fur you are never out of His sight
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God I wish I could do that

I wish I wasn't so fat and decrepit
ahhhhhhhhhh it's a well written book that tells a good story I'm going fucking craaaaazy where's the gay sex and black trannies ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHhhhHhhHHHhhhHHHHHHH
Does 7.2% truly control the media that much or is it just companies seeing $ for these poor saps?
Needs to be more diverse! It need BBC in it!
Everyone has to start somewhere. Try simply going for a walk once or twice a week and slightly reducing your portions when you eat.
>mom and sister telling me to take a vacation or get a girlfriend
>they say i work too much
>get ghosted by a woman i had a plans with today

If you're such a tight seal - such a deep freeze - then who keeps pouring you?
How do you feel when you keep running into yourself? Do you feel miles away when you look at your naked body in the mirror?
You aren’t him, anyway. He doesn’t like to think about me.
just remembered the time i went to the same train station with a girl who a friend had been hitting on all night. once we depart from him she makes herself seem like the victim, making sure I noticed how much he wanted to her her home. 15 minutes later we're on the train and she makes a call (at 3am). She ends the call. I remark that I'm surprised someone picked up and she says
"Yeah he better, I've been fucking him for the last four months"
"We just had a big fight a couple of days ago"
"Does he sleep around and string you along or something?"
"No, no he'd never. But I do."

Browsing /pol/ right now is tantamount to willingly self-inducing brain damage, holy shit the schizoposting and utter derangement going on. I only know because I like to browse there during and in the aftermath of big news events, but it's even more of a toxic cesspool of disinformation and complete delusion-posting than it used to be.
Mac 10 was with a playboy bunny bitch
She was a dummy bitch, and a money pit
Alas, I was not a broke ass nigga
And thus knew how to stomach this
Well. I miss "you" despite myself.
>Browsing /pol/ right now
Why would you do this
>is tantamount to willingly self-inducing brain damage
/pol/ is always like that. It's the most worthless board on this forsaken website.
Who the fuck is Destiny?
/pol/ is easy waters. People who tune in to the news are like veal.
I got obese from eating apples every night.
>She was a dummy bitch, and a money pit
So I threw a piece of eight in and got the whole block scummy bitch
Infected like the wrist of a somalian governess
In Paris -- I'm careless --
Sing a blue note and catch a big bad tummy ache. Bitch

How come nobody has pointed out that that Crooks guy looks exactly like Pocahontas, Trump's mortal enemy
Please stay away from hawaiian beaches and the american south, beautiful pig. Find your tusks and become the boar
Well, I wish you were him.
Anon... I have the very same placement. Are you Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant. I wish there could be some salvation about this looming Saturn but there isnt.
Heh my sun and moon are Saturn. I've used that to impress hoes
im "him"
>toxic cesspool of disinformation and complete delusion-posting
Same could be said of lefty /pol/ or leftist in general.
Glub glub nigga I gave your fish food to my hoes
You deserve having your head shoved into a funnel cake frying oil and get your dead body raped by disney tourists you ugly fucking baboon
Kim Gordon's latest album is excellent
Please tell me you think psychics are fake.
why are americans like this. what are you faggots always so angry about kek. aaaaa are those gas stations and convenience stores im going insane
i can't even do an overnight
how come they didn't properly equip the gunman
If you want to insult me then at least do it in a way that doesn’t make you sound retarded/ESL
Americans simultaneously have the highest age of consent in the western world and the fastest aging and most annoying women in the world, and then people wonder why they go insane all the time
Every fat woman you feel bad for rejecting is a woman who would treat you like a subhuman inanimate object if she weren't fat.
Do people honestly beleive in Wiccan spells? It seems like some Harry Potter shit to me
You want to desire some shit then send a text or a call or show up you stupid fucking kunta kintae ass lowest common denominator piece of fucking expired seafood
Today was a good day sadly my troubles will appear again when I woke up tommorow morning
Checking out /lit/ is just depressing anymore
I still got 80% of the handle left please keep posting you ugly fucking baboon whore
This faggot hoe patricia lockwood literally had an entire bugeyed crackernigger to drag thru the fucking shark infested oceans before just wrapping her dumb fucking bimbo lips around my cock and sucking
I'm beating myself up for breaching opsec tonight. I clicked a link to a Google Document that I knew would log my presence, but it was for something I'd rather not have my presence logged in. Fortunately it's merely related to sexual degeneracy rather than anything that would get me in real trouble. Nonetheless, I kept telling myself that clicking that link, which had been up on the message board for days, would only expose me, but I did it anyway. I thought I knew better. It pisses me off.

Now, hopefully, nothing comes of it. I was only there for a few seconds as it was. But I feel stupid. I knew it was wrong to do and I did it anyway. I'm a dumb asshole.
the burger age of consent thing is largely a myth, it's 16 in most states.
Pretty sure Google Docs can't see who you are by default, even on editable things. I remember some shitposting collab things /lit/ did via Google Docs and my first thought was, isn't this broadcasting my real name to the degenerates on /lit/? But it wasn't

Still wouldn't open that shit while logged into anything real but I think this is a common scare people have and it's something Google is aware of
The United States is in actuality not a nation of black people and white people. It is a nation of multicolored people. Any fool can see that the white people are not really white, and that black people are not black. They are all interrelated one way or another.
Hopefully they buy this lana del gay shit and stop bothering us for hand holding and dates. Let's go sunnin I have full blown autism and working on my hinge profile
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Right, exactly. I'm PROBABLY fine but you can't be too paranoid. Especially these days. Thanks for being as paranoid as I am, fellow Anon. It's nice too see someone else who hasn't gotten too sloppy.
How so?
ngubu didn't bring it home lads :(
I never was much of a Sonic Youth fan. I like the Swans though.
Anything that helps you sleep at night, Ivan.
You cant base your happines and psychological well being on your relationship with one person. You should have things and concepts making you happy like religion, science, interests, job, lit, etc. People are too fleeting. Niggas be dying all the time, its the foremost human activity. Or they just leave.
I'm the opposite
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I made this post a few years ago. The day has come. I no longer feel anything when reading about human suffering so long as it does not threaten me.


I wish I were a happy raven during a time without man. I wouldn't mind being a golden eagle, crocodile, prehistoric turtle, blue whale, bear, or tiger as well. Being a human being is a pain in the ass. Imagine being a grizzly bear in the Tongass National Forest of Alaska relaxing around a river replete with salmon. Likewise, you likely wouldn't have to deal with issues such as deforestation, pollution, or increased intensity & frequency of La Niña caused by human activities, which affects salmon populations. With time, I become more envious of animals and more bloodthirsty towards people. Granted, I feel great guilt over how industrialization makes life so difficult for non-human animals.
I resonate with Maldoror's dialogue with that human-fish hybrid and later the human-pelican hybrid in Les Chants de Maldoror. In addition, it reminds me of Irish Celtic tale "The Quarrel of the Two Pig-Keepers".
The day will come when I will read about Maldoror killing the young girl and removing her internal organs, and I will not feel anything. Despite this, I will never become callous towards animal suffering. The hatred I have for humanity is so strong that I could torture most of the edgelords here, and then record their cries of agony to listen to whenever I get depressed. A genuine homicidal urge makes you feel like your brain is splitting in two.
I wish I were a raven or crow. Caw caw caw!
>tfw actually heard CAW CAW when reading
that's quite spoopy anon
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Going to town in girlmode, gonna look for fitting ankle boots and legwear.
I (a man) could never be friends with a woman who's in a relationship. Like you have a boyfriend to entertain you, so why are we even talking? Go talk to him or dump his ass if you're so bored of him. Don't waste my time.
this is how it should be normally
It really should. You have NO idea how much time I've wasted talking with women who keep their boyfriends a secret so as to "preserve the friendship", like they already KNOW they're doing something wrong but will still do it because lmao.
why are there so many trannies in /lit/ wtf
Art tends to attract decadent, puerile people
I like Bad Moon Rising, EVOL and Sister but that’s it.
You made the rookie mistake of expecting women to be logically consistent
but I am none of that and I am a published author. In fact, I am a lovemaxxed and kindnesspilled, no unhealthy vices at all
I didn’t say you in particular, I meant in general. The exception proves the rule.
you're based anon. have a based af day
It's just one faggot who posts this in every thread.
I don't know what he gets out of it, everyone tells him he's a gross pervert
Ive finally found my pen name,, Pickle D.P.
replaying gta:vice city again
I'm jealous.
I haven't been able to game for a year and a half now. Can't wait to play GTA 4 again
Fav. song?
Another dream of Shinji. He's basically an immortal (gained from eating a mushroom) Sancho Panza, the deuteragonist who behaves as a foil to the main character. Except he's in multiple different stories as this sort of Sancho character and behaves differently based on the protagonist (the opposite). In my recent dream, he basically did the "oh shit here we go again" scene from San Andreas. He's the only through line between the stories. Yes the character is Japanese and it's basically anime. I'm having trouble remembering the stories. My nights having dreams about Shinji are spaced out over the years, each dream is a different story with Shinji in it. Last night was some sort of East vs West war with ninjas and Shinji was part of the East side and wearing green while the protagonist was in the West side (not sure how Shinji becomes his ally).
JFC, you’re pathetic. Seek help for your drinking problem and anger management issues.
>woman who would treat you like a subhuman inanimate object
makes me hard
You too, tripmaster flex
After I’ve lost weight I’ve noticed people treat me a bit better. I get tips a lot more (whereas I would get I would get almost none previously) and random dudes will just say hi to me randomly. I wasn’t even that fat, skinnyfat/chubby
people want to be surrounded by beauty
should field 11 ngubus next
and a ngubu coach
>random dudes will just say hi to me randomly
Isnt that a bit gay?
Practice channeling sexual urges first. The gooning is getting a bit ridiculous my man.
read dh lawrence you nigger. all through lady chatterlys lover i was getting mad frissons and wistful horny sighs...

read the story Bartleby by Herman Mellville if you really feel like you nothing to do.

this is true imo, if you find the fountain of happiness in yourself life will be better. books are the best source of joy for me. does anyone really find happiness in work though?

imagination is a mysteriously active force. once you stop believing information if and only if it passes as a reputable source amongst wikipedia editors, the horizons of your inner life will open up infinitely .

isnt grazing when you go to the cupboard for a light snack in the middle of the night and end up eating sugar mixed with raw oats or peanut butter straight from the jar?

so this woman ive been seeing just told me that se wants me to check my phone more and be more available for random little chats throughout the day. I've been enjoying spending time with her, but this sounds alittle bit like having a job. The whole reason i dont have a job is because i like doing thibgs that require long sustained periods of concentration in all your faculties, like reading difficult books, or letting my mind wander during activities like going for long walks without a care in the world. I suppose people who are always on their phones dont really realize how much energy it liberates to set the phone aside... Damn the mobile phone, the ding notification, and all the unnatural rhythms they create.
I hate texting as well and thank god I have one that doesn't like it either.
However you literally don't have a job, what exactly is your excuse for not texting back?
If you really don't like the texting I guess just answer slow.
Make sure it never flows. Always 15 minutes between answers. Or just tell her you don't like texting and prefer to talk irl. Have you tried that?
Universal fact quadman
>However you literally don't have a job, what exactly is your excuse for not texting back?

Because i like to read uninterrupted for 4+hours at a time, often difficult writers like Kant, Plato, Pynchon .etc. If youre checking your phone and chatting every 15 minutes then it kinda ruins the book. Really whatever I'm doing, I like to be fully in it, rather than dividing my attention between the world and the phone. If i'm hanging out with friends, i dont check my phone. If im going for a walk, i dont check my phone. Even at the gym i prefer to focus on my workout and to think in between sets rather than checking messages nonstop.
Yes that's me as well, I sometimes leave messages unread for hours at a time. I've always done it and people know that.
Either fix that or just tell people you rarely check your phone and if it's an emergency they should call.

But honestly, if you don't have any responsibilities all day they will be less sympathetic.
I'm worried I might be infatuated with this really nice girl. It's worrying for several reasons, namely her appearance is unknown (met online) and it's only been a couple of months. I just really genuinely like her personality and we make each other laugh a lot. No joke it's a constantly daily struggle trying not to think about her because these daydreams are holding me back from work. Ontop of that, I think of the kind of person I am, where I'm at in life and what I look like and get sad knowing I'd never have a chance. I hate this anons. What do I do, do I block her?
What possesses people to do e-dating?
There are real life women out there to date. Either meet her irl or move on. I would not spend months putting in the effort into something you don't know where it's going.
based. lets become ngubuland as well in their honor
We're not dating. Neither of us know what the other looks like, which works out because I'm ugly and if she's ugly too then hey, I don't care because she's sweet otherwise. You're right though, some concrete answers would work best going forward.
Just ask her to video chat or exchange face pics.
Why are mods deleting threads that are conducive to interesting philosophical discussion (that are admittedly off-topic) but keeping up 3 low quality threads from retarded frogposters admitting their own illiteracy?
You don't even know if it's a man or woman.
Best course of action is to escalate. Add her on whatsapp or snapchat. Something where you can at least send pictures, verify if she's real.
If so plan to meet up soon. Don't waste months just talking.
If they've talked on the phone or whatever, presumably he can tell that she has a female voice.
>anons discussing dream times again
I had one where I was in this home furnishing/carpet place and the people working there were supposedly training me to work there, but then I got rolled up in this blanket type thing they were showing me. There were lots of rolled up blankets and material and rugs stored vertically, and I was stuck in one of them, but rolled up in the others were all these animals, and I thought to myself
>Aha! This job training is a scam; they're kidnapping people to turn them into animals, and then they'll turn the animals into prints for their home furnishings
And then a a frog stuck in a different blanket was like,
>Don't be stupid, they're only turning us into animals, they already have curtains and things with printed animal designs
Then the people who owned the store came back and they were very happy about these clothes they made (the store didn't sell clothes) so they gathered up all the animals stuck in blankets and rugs and things, and carted us all off to show us the clothes properly. They were like overalls and shirts and jeans and things made out of this tropical print, but every time they unfolded one to show the animals, it unfolded out flat and hung there like a piece of rainforest in the shape of a garment, until the garments started linking up into one giant rainforest, and you couldn't see the store any more, just the forest. Then the people who owned the store started taking all the frogs and wild cats and salamanders and various other animals and putting them in the forest.
Rolling. Last two digits tell me which short story to read. If >50 than add first 4 or 5 whichever is largest but not over. Cheers
So, apparently, without a state, there can be no dictatorship. Any type of big state influence can be considered a type of loose authoritarianism that if left unchecked, could definitely devolve to a type of dictatorship. Certain countries are already seeing this new type of loose authoritarianism in which it could be classified as a type of modern dictatorship where not even the people within the countries are fully aware of the fact that it is in fact a dictatorship. Election fraud, left-wing agendas, censorship, redistribution of wealth, said distribution of wealth going directly into the pockets of those who serve the state, all signs of what we would consider to be a conventional dictatorship. Except due to no violence being caused on people, then apparently it's not one. One of those cases where if there is no real opposition, then you are being complacent with a modern dictatorship.
I don't understand how one is actually supposed to fall in love with a woman.
You must be aromantic or perhaps you haven't met the right woman. Love isn't logically understood rather it is deeply felt.
Falling in love with a man sounds like more up your alley.
You don't, your brain is just an algorithm for detecting this pattern and women are an algorithm for approximating this pattern
Sweet story about a farmer and his love for his ox. Jumped around a bit across three decades. Poor ox died at the end. Heart hurt a bit.

Reading the next one now.
if you're talking about obsession, its quite easy. the woman has to be distant and unavailable but at the same time warm and inviting. it's best if she already has a boyfriend/husband because this creates a real sense of distance as well as an easy explanation for her erratic behavior and feelings towards you. slowly the cycle starts and her image get ingrained in your soul. she begins to become the sole arbiter of pain and pleasure. her presence invades all corners of your internal space and you are taken over by her reflection. once this transformation is complete, a horrifying madness ensues.

I'm sure actually falling in love is similar but I wouldn't know.
Lack of irl options. I’m semi-institutionalized and the women here, in my experience, are definition of “under-a-rock” so I have to look beyond my supported living community.
Why are you semi-institutionalized?
Mental illness and an intellectual disability.
that's crazy
I’m in the same situation as you, basically. I really like this person, but I worry that maybe it isn’t mutual, and I also worry that I’m getting too attached too quickly and will have a hard time handling it if things don’t work out.
When you feel like you’ve been denied affection, love, and compassion all throughout your life and yet also feel responsible for having to carry other people’s weight, as well as your family name, due to a vaccine narrative, not only having to learn everything you needed to know about sex, love, intimacy, biology, and affection, you can’t help but feel like it’s nothing but life pulling a giant middle finger to your face. So it’s only natural that you’ll develop into having an avoidant-attachment style towards everyone you meet.

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