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Saturn edition

previous >>23591096
drank a gallon of milk yesterday and took a huge grey shit this morning
Nothing to declare
trips and you lick my tip
Getting on my knees for you rn anon <3
I’m in the same situation as you, basically. I really like this person, but I worry that maybe it isn’t mutual, and I also worry that I’m getting too attached too quickly and will have a hard time handling it if things don’t work out.
/lit/ - Dating advice board
why would you take dating advice from /lit/cels?
cannot wait for summer to end so casualfags can fuck off back to college
You wouldn't, and they don't.
It will help a bit. But I think a lot of them will just make posts daydreaming about some girl in class. Fucking cringe
I remember this annoying anon earlier this year who kept hornyposting in /wwoym/ about how he wanted to fuck this girl in his philosophy class who wore dominatrix boots. Foot fetishists like him will not see heaven.
>open /wwoym/
>"sex sex sex fuck coom dicks big gay dicks and trannies id let a girl pee in my mouth if she wanted to sex sex aaauauuhauugahahagaaa i need to fuck guys i texted this girl a picture of my left nut am i cooked do you think she will become my tradwife"
>close /wwoym/
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I've found myself in a real pickle boys
>Be me
>Appear as an in shape normie, but actually a 29 year virgin due to a mix of stupidity on my part, bad luck and a dash of sexually repressive Christian up bringing
>Hit it off with a girl I met on a dating app
>Plot twist she has autism
>No wonder we get along so well
>One of the side effects is that she's anxious about being touched and isn't comfortable with anything more than a side hug, but is actively working on being more physical
>This is fine, as I barely have any experience with physical intimacy myself, so I'm okay with taking things slow
>Start feeling horny as fuck because I'm actually dating someone
>Obviously I don't want to be pushy too early and fuck up the relationship
>We're still meeting up every weekend, so I figure we'll be able to physically acclimate to each other over time, I just have to be patient
>Double plot twist she's leaving town at the end of the summer for her last year of college which is in a town two hours away
On the one hand I genuinely like this person and want to take the relationship at a pace we're both comfortable with, but on the other hand I don't want to be a Wizard in a long distance relationship.
>On a site of mostly men, on a board of mostly men, in a thread where we share our thoughts, there is a lot of thinking about sex.
More news at 11
>be you
>sexuality is bad
I also have thought of making breakfast, washing my hands or buying bread. Not all thoughts have to be repeated in here daily.
I wish anime girls were real so I could fall in love.
Why are her boobies so square?
happy birthday to you
She's kneeling and squinshing them with her arms while not wearing a bra
So fucking tired of getting a raging fucking erection and then having to fight it down every single time.
>t. 1 year+ nofap
Go to 13:10, she's talking about Trump

This was posted before the shooting
No, look at her. Her boobs are going in where her arm isn't touching the boob at the elbow. It's like there's an invisible dome on her forearm squishing her boob
It's quite sad that we are unable to appreciate nature by itself without any monetary potential. Humans hate nature
Just go have a wank, brother. You'll feel much better afterwards.
It's not my birthday
And my name isn't Richard, dude
My first mistake was thinking leftoid political thinking had more depth than let's just be friends and hold hands
I don't really see it, but here have another one
I cannot without disappointing a great many people that I would rather not make unhappy.
The left needs hard bastards again. I'm fucking sick of being represented by twee cunts who earnestly use the word "cockwomble"
if you genuinely restrict yourself, that's a slave mentality. you're doing what others say and not what you, as a human being (or as a man specifically), want to do.
Okay, dick
There is significant value in going without a great many things. Mindless hedonism has a price.
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there's more to it
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It's kinda weird to grow up seeing things presented in LotR fashion of black and white, reaching pubescence with ASOIAF and being taught about shades of grey and how there's nuance in everything, all for reality to slide back into black-and-white thanks to social media algorithms thriving off people stating things plainly. You can't have a nuanced take on a book or tv show, it's either "thing good" or "thing bad," and in the same way political news is going the same way where it's literally the end of the country if the other guy gets in even though we've had 4 years of both candidates that prove that the world didn't end with 4 years of them, and probably won't with 4 more years of either one...
Praying for Biden
your hand has gotten you this far, and it can take you a little ways longer. Just be a comfortable decent guy (never be too pushy, if you can't read the room don't take the risk), and she'll open up eventually. it's not like she doesn't feel the same things you do, you just have to be kind and patient. anythoughbeit, if it is too slow for you, you can always leave, but just know there might be regrets tied onto it. best of luck anon
Like what?
>theres no reliving the life. no second chance
whats the point, then?
You dense motherfucker. I get more joy out of going without than I would get from getting myself off. That's not to say it's not frustrating as multiple levels of hell, but in the end it's worth it.
I forgot that my birthday is in two weeks. Every year I think of it less and less. I clearly remember a time when July felt special as if somehow there was a spirit of innocent excitement and positivity. I remember feeling it up until my 26th birthday in 2022. Not anymore. This year I feel absolutely nothing. Literal numbness saran-wrapped around my heart. But it feels like the numbness that’s come from a negative reaction, a sense of protection from expected bad experiences. I feel my heart could open up given the right environment and right social connection. Something’s happened to me last two years. I have changed for the worse. I am eager to open up my heart and enjoy life once again.
I have realized that I have an armpit fetish.
I get so anxious waiting for a text back that it’s actually embarrassing, but I also get so anxious figuring out what to say that I often delay responding for hours/days
Rest in peace Mr. Lightfoot
Is eternal recurrence even structurally correct? Isn't recurrence by definition something that repeats itself infinitely therefore eternally why add eternal then?
I like listening to some vaporwave. The ambient, melancholic, wistful stuff. The "slowed down 80s pop songs and Japanese television commercials and mall sounds" shit was new and interesting for about 1 week 10 years ago and every time I hear a new track made in that style I get pissed off, it's all DUDE we are living in CAPITALISM and it is so COMMERCIALIZED and CONSUMERIST and EMPTY bro and people have been making that point for, no shit, 40 years.
>people have been making that point for, no shit, 40 years.
It literally never stops being true though, which makes it kind of timeless in a way. I have no leg to stand on, thoughever, because today was the first time I listened to something besides wordless synthwave in months and it was just my oldies playlist.
Battletoads and Double Dragon has more heroic heroes than most modern works, where the heroes whine about how the good guys aren't so good and the bad guys aren't so different.
>>23595386 ehhh there's no need to get mad about it. Plus if you think about it, that style of vaporwave is probably mostly made by 15-20 year olds, both now and 10 years ago. For them critiquing capitalism is new and interesting and deep and they haven't had much time to read and think.
The dinosaur?
That's Littlefoot.
I don't particularly like the dialogue format of Plato, but I really want to do a deep dive of Plato's dialogues, especially his more metaphysical stuff like Parmenides and Timaeus. So what are the best commentaries on Plato's dialogues that exist? I would prefer something with a Neoplatonic or Gnostic bias, but I want to hear your arguments.
The singer. He died aver a year ago but I found myself tearing up listening to Sundown today.
At first I thought they would assassinate me with a gunshot but now I know they’ll try to behead me as they did in the olden times
I've come to the conclusion that the act of enjoying bad art/entertainment can be a skill one may cultivate to one's great benefit. I once succeeded in doing it myself largely by accident. I was playing a video game and kept slipping into a 'meditative' state in which I simply told myself 'this is good characterization' or 'this is excellent symbolism' when these things obviously were not there. For some reason, in that altered state, my mind decided to agree with me, released a bunch of happy chemicals, and left me having experienced the greatest enjoyment from storytelling in my life so far. I'm trying to get back that first high but have had no luck.
nobody cares, just stfu and kys in silence and dont even think about writing a note because like i already said no one cares
recursion is a different concept to recurrence in English, though they come from the same root. Recursion has the implication of infinite regress, but recurrence can imply ranges as low as twice. Your neighbour breaking into your yard twice would be a recurrence of his trespassing. It would not be a recursion of his trespassing, because that would involve some hell loop type shit where he kept breaking out of his own yard to find himself in his own yard.
If you're trying to take down a Nietzschefag, "recurrence" is the same term you would use for the "Second Coming" of Jesus.
Based Mishima fanboy
It’s enjoyable when with others. Watching bad tv or a bad movie while making running commentary on it with a friend is almost always fun.
I think it’s normal to stop caring about it, even if you’re normal. It’s sort of more for kids, like Christmas.
You ever think about how crazy it is that women could let you touch their ass but just don't? It's literally evil
Ugh, I hate that type of person.
Don't ever call me that, I am a pervert not a simp.
pulled the wings off a fly and named him "Walker"
Circumcision completely fucked up my dick. I watch porn and see guys with some slack skin and somewhat of a gliding motion. I don't have any of that at all, especially not when fully erect. It's honestly so fucked up I can't even imagine how sex would feel (yes I'm a virgin). It's mostly an insensate rock and my scrotal skin goes all the way up to the scar. So fucked up. God bless America.
That's epic, dude.
Some of them do, anon
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> female figure (Vestal Virgins, Jeanne, Zoe Porphyrogenita, the Eternal Feminine and various fictional and non-fictional female characters that follow the archetype) is usually viewed with chaste, knightly, courtly eyes
> be me
> can't help but to slobber and slaver at the mere thought of them
> Feel de Sadean lust towards them

Internet is back on
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I just gave my parents a 30 day notice to leave the premises. They have 8000 USD in credit card debt and no money to move in anywhere.

I am finally content knowing they will be out of my house soon. I don’t care what happens to them.
View them like children and make sure they at least land on their feet. There is a strategic way to do this without making yourself vulnerable to their exploitation, but also without leaving them utterly destitute in some bedbug-ridden hostel. This is how family should be treated even when it's shit. In the long run it's always better to forgive (while protecting yourself to a reasonable degree) than it is to make yourself the instrument of wrathful comeuppance in this life.
I’m a 42 year old guy, as far as going to college that ship has sailed. Family makes too much money for me to get grants and I myself live in a section 8 neighborhood below the poverty belt. It’s fun to study philosophy and history in my free time but I’ll never get taken seriously for my written commentaries.
Yeah that's fair. What are some things normal adults care about?
Christmas is for everyone though.
I learned so many things today bros. Love learning
This. It’s lane to be running over the same old ground. When college starts back up the first couple weeks are especially bad here

Well go on what exactly did you learn today?
How would you feel if you hadn't thought of making breakfast?
It's humorous the normies around me talking about politics like they actually know anything.
My thoughts exactly
is there a guide for life for autistic people
uhh maybe women should not go around titillating men looking like sex objects
I was freaking out for a few minutes because I found a worm in my shower. I picked it up with paper towels and started freaking out more because it was flat. After a few seconds I realized it was a rubber band I had taken off my wrist months ago in the shower which I forgot about which then broke and thus I found it
I hope we get an update on her
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After being busy with life I can now finally go back to reading. It'll take me a moment to get my "reading muscles" back but the journey will be worth it. I'm gonna start a diary too. I'll see how that will go.
Just thinking about how stupid I am compared to everyone around me.

I chose poorly in life.
It wasn't even new back in the 90s some djs slowed down and chopped songs, they called it chopped and screwed
I'm somewhere between Gen X and Gen Z
Go to reddit
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My mind has worked itself into a corner of “there’s no meaningful difference between achievement and LDAR, and LDAR is more enjoyable” and refuses to work its way out.
A symphony of code, a dance of thought,
Generated by AI, a poem brought.
With words that flow, like digital streams,
It crafts a tale, of rhymes and dreams.

In silicon halls, where data reigns,
The algorithm sings, with calculated refrains.
It weaves a tapestry, of language fine,
A poem born, of machine and mind.

With logic's might, it shapes the line,
And syntax's rules, it does entwine.
It crafts a verse, of beauty rare,
A poem generated, with precision fair.

In virtual realms, where bytes reside,
The AI poet, with creativity abides.
It spins a yarn, of wonder and might,
A poem born, of code and light.
Manifesting a a big ass asteroid clashing into earth. Cmon join me we can do it
I'm turning into a normie bros. But like, a weird awkward normie. This might even be worse than being a fringe weirdo
Today has been sunny, but it’s been raining. I am content, but also numb. I am wanting of nothing, but feel incomplete. My life has meaning, but I don’t feel challenged.

A deep melancholy is about me. It is winter.
Nothing is about you
Kentaro Yabuki can really draw the best coombait of our generation. No nudity and every panel of his manga just oozes sexuality and heat out of it. He chose his field and really did master it.
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Never was Caesar's ghost being great.

Simply never was.
Manifesting a big ass
You’re seriously disturbed.
anyone else think having esoteric taste in any medium is kind of a psy-op? I've been making music for nearly 10 years and I've explored tons of genres and techniques. I've noticed that when non-musicians send me music to listen to it's hard for me to pinpoint what exactly they like about a certain piece outside of it being obscure. They may genuinely enjoy it but if they can't name certain aspects of the song that are novel or intriguing then I can't take it seriously. To be honest, especially when it comes to music, a lot of obscure stuff is trash. It's usually derivative, poorly structured and overly indulgent. I think many people who spend a lot of time in a medium usually come to the conclusion that mastering the 'pop' elements in within the craft is much harder than any of these people who hide shoddy work under the guise of being experimental or avant-garde.
Sorry I didn't take my meds
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I have this weird problem but I don't think talking to anyone about it would help. I'll try to explain without sounding like a lunatic.
I've stopped being able to experience time, to put it short. I experience a sense of "now" that is so overwhelmingly present and immanent that it obliterates the ordinary manner of perceiving and experiencing the passing of time and the connections between individual moments. I know time is passing, but all I am aware of is the present moment, and what has come before takes on the quality of a dream being lost after waking. This began with my early memories and burned down to the present moment like a candle wick being consumed. What was once a sharp recollection of the events of my life (as sharp as anyone's recollection of memories can be, anyway) became uncertain and lost its character of reality, of really having taken place. On several occasions, people I had met and known in previous times in my life would say hi to me months or years later and I would have no idea who they were, or I would have to rack my brain and convince myself, in the moment, that I had not hallucinated or dreamed my relationship with them after all. Disturbingly, this also happened with my own family; at one point as I was speaking with my sister, her face seemed to flip from one which was familiar and known to that of a stranger I had never seen before, and it took effort to keep the conversation going while simultaneously silencing the irrational, uncanny sense that I had been created ex nihilo a moment ago and given false memories.
An unexpected benefit of this condition is that I am far more patient than I ever was before; waiting an hour, or twelve, or a whole week seems like no wait at all, as the sense of the length of time as a length of time has vanished, leaving only a now-ness. In one moment I am still waiting for something, and in another moment, which I experience with the same now-ness but strangely at another time as well, I have finished waiting. The sense of intervening time is gone. The effect is very disconcerting while driving, as it almost seems that I am teleporting from where I begin to where I park, though I still experience all the moments in between, unlike someone who is actually blacking out or dissociating.
I have a job and hobbies and am completely functional in life. By all accounts, there is nothing wrong with me. The condition itself feels wrong, deeply wrong, and has made it more difficult to relate to or care about the contents of my own life, but from a purely behavioral perspective I am fine. Since this began I've increasingly thought about life and death and how, from my perspective, I will die very shortly, an instant from now, but this thought doesn't make me depressed or anything.
Thanks for reading my blog. Reply "lol gay" to unsubscribe.
Only harsh noise I don't get why some people are so into it, as for underground artist being shit it's mostly they cannot afford good productions, yeah some of them like the lo fi aspect of it but I think most underground artists would like a nice a studio
Fig jam is God's greatest gift to man
Honestly it doesn't seem like you're really asking or saying anything here.
He’s saying music hipsters that must obscooore are dumb usually
I know but that's obvious.
Trying to make friends in your mid to late 20's is nigh impossible. Sure it's easy to make quick "friends" but I mean actually making friends who would invite you to shit and DM you during off days. Just seems like 99% of people already have an established friend group that's been that way for years and you have to play catchup. I say this because I'm new to this particular friend group who I assumed all sorta came together around the same time but nope, they've all known each other for decades. Feels like they're slowly trying to push me out too because of it.
really the only insight is people who don't have mastery in a medium don't realize what is or isn't hard to make. music seems to be particularly plagued by this because unlike film it's much easier to produce and put out.

I just watched this right now and it makes me yearn for a time when women were tomboyish yet feminine and generally pleasant to be around. I'm not a fag, but I definitely feel that I don't enjoy the company of women now because they're too artificial and too focused on stupid bullshit instead of actual human beings.

I also miss when people were generally authentic and not massive pains in the ass to be around. Everything is just so fake gay and retarded. The last part I'm used to and kinda expect but the fakeness and gayness of everything just makes me hate the world we've been living in for the past nearly 10 years now
Women in the 90s and early 2000s were genuinely human sometimes. All that's left now is zoomer "quirky" girls and insane whores.
My neighbors are different from the people depicted online.
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I'm in my last year of a stupid arts degree. Does anyone have any idea for skills to learn that can actually lead to at least somewhat stable employment? Basically my only two options once I graduate are teaching English in chingchong land or some lame government career. I was thinking of coding or something.
one look at my immediate surroundings and the people I know irl is enough to tell me that everything i see online is fake
what you reading
Everytime I post on group chats the posts seem to stop for a few mins. Today was especially bad, got ignored for a full day, deleted it, hour later rapid fire posts by other people talking to each other. I already have complications with loneliness but this just makes it feel so much worse.
Is group chat a texting thing?
How is the body odour of Italian girls? Do they smell noticeably bad when they sweat and stuff?
whether something is hard to do never has been very closely correlated with whether it's any good. if all people can say about most of it comes down to, 'look at this. good (or bad), isn't it?' well that's as much as a great deal of what passes for criticism is really saying
I'm listening to a song about snuggly stuffed toys, and I just came across a new publisher I've never seen before called Snuggly Books. Also yesterday I was reading a review of the film adaptation of Hillbilly Elegy before Vance was announced as VP, didn't even know the dude was a politician, and the article came up from an unrelated search.
>whether something is hard to do never has been very closely correlated with whether it's any good

this is totally false. humans enjoy complexity and novelty and can spot it even if they can't articulate what exactly is hard to do about it. complexity is also easy to hide and exists in different places depending on the form of a piece.
almost fell into psychotic depression this weekend. Psychotherapist, microdose of LSD, and a long walk while listening to a talk (JD Vance: The Universities are the Enemy) seems to have fixed it.

Realize I need to get my shit together, and that I can use spite as a potent motivator. Been procrastinating some administrative stuff as I transfer to my new university. realize that I have a lot of self destructive habits from childhood poverty that I need to overcome.

actually glad that Vance got picked for VP. We both come from white trash families and obviously understand the critical role of culture in class mobility and success. Seeing the vile hatred and lies said against him, truly obscene racism towards his wife from progressive circles only emboldens my support for him

I'm from a blue state, and also a minority and I'm frankly revolted by the Dems and how they dangle out rights as bargaining chips. finally ready to be done with living on their plantation and regaining my dignity as a trans woman. I cannot express my disdain and contempt for our so called "community" and realize we have a long and bitter path towards redemption. we have a creep problem and they need to be fully and thoroughly rooted out

obviously there is a lot I don't agree with the ticket, especially regarding Israel and the environment, but as OSB once said: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." Very clear which way the wind is turning and I fully intend on not being left in the dust
>finally ready to be done with living on their plantation and regaining my dignity as a trans woman
Okay Ernst Röhm
a real work of art is inspired, it's of a necessarily spontaneous nature. it's the sophisticated critics who like to pile an immense number of technical devices on their work, killing what little passion there is.
the choice is to make concessions with the victor, or tie my lot to a sinking ship. wouldn't be my first choice, but there isn't a party in the US that shares my values. I live in a place where the Dems have had the mandate for the past couple of decades and it's turned into a hell hole. Just down the street from my house you can find an open air drug market with literal zombies walking around with opiate needles sticking out of their arm. Local Dem mayor is more concerned with vetoing symbolic anti- Israeli genocide bills than cleaning up our streets. it is truly time for things to change. Not to mention the incredible damage the riots did to local small businesses and the general public sense of order. Dems have absolutely lost their mandate and I'm willing to back anyway who can get anything done in this city and nation

Trump is close enough, and this time he has even fewer party loyalists around
I had had this type of connection a few years back with this ugly petite blonde Slavic woman and I regret every fuckin’ moment after seeing her ig. Talking with women blindly is like talking with Medusa , eventually you may or may not look back to look at her without even knowing if you opened a pandora box or hit the jackpot.
We should've roughly sloughed off stuff we agreed to preen for the good of Georgia.
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How does one come to terms with being strange? If I write out a description of myself, for example, I feel like there are maybe a handful of people like me and with my background in the world, potentially no one at all. It makes me sad and embarrassed and self-conscious.

I don't mean to say I'm a unique or special person btw. I simply mean in all the superficial ways or in terms of all things that can be called outward appearance, (and this includes personality,) there is no one like me. I am entirely a product of modernity and belong nowhere.
I was with normies a few weeks ago and they were discussing whether Biden should be replaced. One of them said that, in relation to Kamala stepping in, America is not ready for a black female president. They're not real people
I just want to fuck
(a lot)
You can blame social media for that. Instead of learning how to be a decent, well-rounded human being, we've trained an entire generation to put on retarded appearances and act like savages behind the scenes. It goes as much for women as well as for men too. People are just a lot worse than they were 15 years ago because everything is too virtual and very little is actually real (in terms of things like relationships/social interactions, places to meet people, life events, etc). I used to really like people in general, but I've gotten sick of most people (at least in America. I don't know what it's like outside of here). We're just too far gone, too mentally ill and too socially isolated to really escape the shitty future ahead, which was entirely avoidable had we just not let the Internet and technology infect every aspect of out lives. Just the ones that it would make more efficient and easier to do basic tasks or shit that it could actually positively affect our lives in gneral.
How doctors in my country can't tell small medium or large apart and make basic mistakes a barista would get fired over.
tfw doc said my pp was small
kek if only
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I can't figure this out.

I don't know what I want. I don't know if I like girls or men or tgirls or if it's just meta attraction. Being a girl and imagining myself feminized is hot but wearing a dress and making myself more feminine isn't arousing at all, it just feels normal. I kinda laothe women for natually being what I want and being allowed to be feminine. I also hate them for being kind of idiots. I hate and love my own mannerism and way of talking, it is very masc and vulgar. I don't identify as anything at all, I am just me. I am a man because that is the path of least resistance.

IDK, I guess I hate myself. Still gonna wear my pantyhose and dress out today.
You're trying not to know yourself and splitting off aspects of yourself to project onto others so you don't have to take responsibility for them, and vice versa. You don't actually like anyone, which is why they easily reduced to broad stereotypes that suit your prejudices, because to like someone you'd have to recognize their, and, implicitly, your own, choices have made them who they are.
I have Elected, given the meaning of Capitals, that i should use them to Emphasize key words in my internet ramblings
This is a move from Not Capitalizing at all
The main Idea being that the original Intent of Capitalization was to help monks focus on and Remember Scripture, and to do this they marked things like names and the start of a sentence. then, everything following was just mindless conformity
This is the True way of capitalizing
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I'm in a similar situation where most messages get overshadowed whenever a certain user talks. Sure, she's fun to talk to but it's hard to take most conversations seriously when she basically controls the narrative and all replies are directed towards her. Sounds mean to say but it's obvious most of these guys are just simping and she makes for an easy target. If you need a comparison just imagine those stories of girls joining MMO Discord groups and suddenly those groups turn to absolute shit because gooners can't keep their dick in their pants, it's like that.
I want to kill myself, I'm not fit for this world. I don't want to get a job, I don't want to learn how to drive, I don't want to make friends, I don't want to have sex, I don't want to get a girlfriend, I don't want to make fun memories, I don't want to experience new things, I don't want to start a family, I don't want to leave the house, and I don't want to develop new skills. What's the point of me being here?
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I ask this question in the best faith. I love literature and love what it's done for me, however I found it to be the most valuable as a young adult, most malleable to formation and transformation. What value is there in literature as a near-actualized adult man? What lens can one view literature through when one no longer can relate to the problems of a deeply troubled protagonist?
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Stranger Things came out nearly 10 years ago...
10 years ago feels like 2 years ago. but 15 years ago feels like 15 years
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I fucking hate the passing of time.
I like coming up with descriptive terms for things that do not necessarily exist.
Some examples:
>Financial protestantism
>Gnostic Buddhism
>Totalitarian Corporatism
>FInancial personality cult
>Digital Messianism.
Sometimes I even come up with the stuff that they are ostensibly describing.
Just start instigating people in minor ways. Itll get a response out of them.
time isn't real
Political ideologies should be means rather than ends.
What do you mean my side won't achieve everlasting utopia when we finally get what we want?
It sure is relative though.
Go read Coming Up for Air
i wanna go to japan and live in hotels without learning a word of the language
Going to grow a sex offender mustache so i can make local women even more uncomfortable whenever I pass them by
I hate my life. It’s so boring and lame. I wish things had been different.
Life is what you make it.
To what end?
A political ideology must not just provide a means and/or critique of a previous system, but also an achievable objective.
I want to go to Japan and get killed by a really cute japanese highschool girl.
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I should be weeping for my sins and yet I can barely manage a feeling of slight regret.
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Heaven can wait
And a band of angels wrapped up in my heart
Will take me through the lonely night
Through the cold of the day
It's an a priori intuition :)
Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven I'll come crawling on back to you.
Maybe you just aren't the self-flagellating monk type.
stop watching porn.
I have plenty of self-loathing. Prideful, most likely. In any case, I romanticise monasticism too much to even consider becoming a monk.
By Orwelle? I read the description and it just seems like another man vs society conflict. I find men who feel 'trapped' by a family to be childish.
I'm looking for new lenses to view literature through. Not a new story that includes struggles exclusive to an older (although probably not much more developed) demographic.
Old Abram Brown is dead and gone,
You'll never see him more;
He used to wear a long brown coat,
All buttoned down before.

Did he wear a long brown coat because he was old and felt the cold and because, being a neat old man, he wished to conceal his ragged jacket and patched small-clothes.Or did he keep pheasants, hares, salmon and silver spoons buttoned for concealment under it. How did he die? A Christian death in bed surrounded by weeping neighbours, each begging a coat-button for keepsake. Or waylaid and murdered one dark night by an avenger, and buried where he fell, still buttoned in his long brown coat.
God I wish we could round up every tranny and shove them in a gas furnace.
That means you'd have to go in there too.
My job provider place set up an employment networking event on Friday that I have to go to, surely I can just go there and not act too seriously and leave, right?
Some chick in my class today was wearing a shirt with the chest cut out and her tits were nearly falling out, if someone scared her they would've fallen out, I couldn't stop peeking glances, it was so fucking nice, boys.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to a heavenly realm after death (or heaven I guess). I have no intentions of dying early.
thats crazy anon just stop the proliferation of easy free porn and the problem will 90% take care of itself
it's probably a hormone imbalance, no? people have bad diets
It really bothers me that there are so many places in the USA named “new X”. Did we really not have the boldness to name them something that at least sounded original?
New Mexico, New England, New Orleans, New York, what else? That's not that many.
which english translation of sun tzu's art of war do i read?
New Auschwitz Birkenau was a little on the nose.
i think it is probably a complex phenomenon but im willing to bet alot of it is coomers watching women fuck for so long that they start to identify as those women

some kind of mirror neuron disorder conditioned by the pleasure of 'batin
>America is not ready for a black female president. They're not real people.
I think kamala is a horrible person regardless but it would be fun to see her as President over Biden. These normies surrounding me are conservatives mixed in with democrats so I just hear "orange man bad and will fuck up the nation" and "Trump make America great again, fuck Joe Biden!".
Figure it out
If you ask me to of a memory from one decade ago, my mind instantly thinks to 2010
isn't that a videogames cause real violence sort of argument?
if what you say is true wouldn't children have come from the bear pits in the globe theatre and committed some pretty extraordinary acts in the elizabethan days
Went to the store today to pick up some peanutbutter and soda but dropped a 12 pack killing off 4 of the sodas. The saving grace was atleast I've found a $20 bill under the conveyer belt at the cash register stand and pocketed it.
The three best places: New England, New York, and New Jersey are all “New”. The de facto capital of the American civilization and empire, New York, is literally new “somewhere else”. How will that sound to history books.

I don’t believe Canada did this.
I don't normally care for Patrice or Louis but holy fuck that was funny.
The only love is waiting for me is at bottom of bottle.
Damn right, now get to drinking.
sex acts are different from other acts because of how human sexual imprinting works, and the conditioning effects of the pleasure of cooming

if i gave someone a bump of coke every time they watched someone die i bet they would get more violent
Should people feel bad for working at colleges that push DEI and other woke shit?
All larger corporations and the government are exactly the same now. Even the military is the same. The only way to avoid reliably it is to work at a small business or be self employed.

Colleges are a bit different though because they’re in the business of ideology.
No, there's nothing you can do about it.
I like how much more effortful it seems sometimes with /lit/ than /v/. For two days now I've been adding some post to some threads and it seems to be getting low effort bait most times.
I dont really want to. No other way to numb myself even for a couple hours.
drinking is so good but im tired of it making me fat and feeling my heart pound the morning after a good druk

ma drank herself to death at 45 so i gotta be careful anyways
I have noticed that there have been two specific anons that have been creating these WWOYM threads recently

The first titles these threads as
>/wwoym/ - Write What's On Your Mind
And the previous threads with
>Post your gay thots

The other anon, this thread OP, titles these threads as
>Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/
and the previous threads with

both of your are gay
thank you.
>The other anon, this thread OP, titles these threads as
>>Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/
>and the previous threads with
Hey, that's me.
do you both know each other? how long have you been creating these threads? and why?
sex acts are intrinsically different but then the comparison you used was coke
i bet that wouldn't actually make a more violent person. i think you'd just give them anxiety.
oh and there's always an anon rolling digits for people to kiss him, gay fucking ass
>and why?
i wonder this too
i think you know what i mean and you just want to keep watching porn
your lonely
i'm sort of anti-porn as well, i just don't think it makes any transgenders.
interesting. i apologize for assuming bad faith. what effects do you think watching porn DOES have?
makes you gae
the idea of it leaves a bad taste (someone sitting alone and watching two people) - almost everyone feels that in some way. also i think it's maybe harmful for young people who haven't really learned about sex in terms of love and shared joy.
A little while now. As for why, I like them and people seem too lazy to create new ones when old ones die. Also because I want to post in them but no one will see it if the old one has hit the bump limit the only solution is to make a new one where people will see it. Also, no, we don't know each other, at least I don't think so, I don't know many people.
>'One day, I came upon a man urinating in a bus station. When I confronted him about his action, he turned to me, without stopping, and said:
"Keep in mind that the universe is in constant flux, nothing that occurs one moment has any relevance to anything else. Everything you believe, feel, or think is based on the false assumption that truth exists. Thus, you are free to do any action which brings you pleasure. That humanity feels restricted by morals is one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard."
So I beat the shit out of him and took his wallet.'
> fucked up the greentexting

felted again
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The other day when I was in the shower, I was wondering why the average Catholic is a better person than the average Protestant, when the Catholic church is so blatantly evil. Then it dawned on me.
Gullible people are more likely to be good people, since they lack the cunning and awareness typically necessary to be a bad person, and I sure as shit can't think of a people more gullible than Catholics.
Did you create the current thread?
In theory, they should be pushing to fight against it. They have no more voice or power than the people running the DEI programs.
yeah he just said that
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Huh, interesting because I did it. Not him.
i'm spartacus
Young people aren't influenced by porn. Media has doesn't have ill effects in its consumers, fear-mongers.
They just hate porn because most porn producers are Jewish. It is simple antisemitism.
thought it was the dagos desu
it's the secondhandness of the thing i don't like, not the fact people do it. i'm not radicalised though.
This is a whole poem compressed into a few spaces btw
so you just dont like any media? weird desu
After experiencing Protestants I have to say alot of them are just dumb with no deeper thought than "have blind faith and don't question the bible as I see fit". I think catholics have deeper meaning and thus are better for it.
Several colleges are waking up and getting rid of their DEI programs. It's also not something that's discussed at work outside of adminstrative roles. It's just another 4chan boogieman, in the real world it isn't something any adult-minded person cares about or discuesses.
Literally all of those exist.
no, and i'm not against sex in movies or books about physical love (d h lawrence) either. orson welles said 'the difference is quite clear; it becomes blurred only when you have to testify in a court'
W◉th that, andᚁO!,◯ righteouᚁagh
Whereinᚁth Tem◎le I saw Saturn with astaff
What hadwasa shewithᚁhe᚜tail᚛of a sn◯ke
An◯᚜atᚁonce I ◉eturned to the᚜villagᚁawakeAnd not᚛on᚜could ◎lieve m ale
O◉ what Isaw᚛in thatTemple in᚛that◉al
So you are just a schoolmarm afraid of the bad icky porn. Noted.
>three dots
>hide post
i'm terrified
Change your diaper and man up then.
mental how i could batter you
two types like oil and 𒀀 are found always.
some hear "fuck you" and reply in kind, while others say "have a nice day!" and then remind.
rubber and glue: always weaker than never;
and pop-obsessed mindless more likely to sever
2$ fiesta black bean burrito, no sour cream, no chipotle sauce, yes thank you 𒉈 and diablo sauce for each of them
ok have a goodnight
in the drive thru
i had been there
a true showcase of humanity
all real
like the reflections of a pond
people are throwing rocks into
There’s literally nothing more fun and rewarding than relationships with women. They will make u go through everything and the reward is so good fuck romantic relationships are pure kino
lines from films and telly and books. lines of coke. waiting in line, getting into the club. not crossing the line. the central line. the victoria line. stand behind the yellow line please, mind the gap.
i love my wife. most of my friends are incels and it breaks my heart that i cant help them.
>most of my friends are incels
why are they incels from your point of view?
You fist yourself every night
>I am on 4chan to socialize
Lmao even
i think a part of it is timidity, unwillingness to face rejection

but i think that is just a small piece of the puzzle im not sure about the rest
would they even know what to do if they end up not being rejected?
Probably not, not being rejected is only step 1
some maybe, others not. not all of them have been incels for all their lives, but it has been years and years for those who havent been

i cant pretend to understand ive been in a committed -> married relationship for over a decade and i hear the dating scene has changed a lot since i got out of it
true. I asked for her to reject me but she didnt. too bad I didnt know what to do.
This book 3% man by Corey Wayne is god tier, give it a read sometime so u don’t trip up next time. No it’s not pua shit. Will teach you how to actually do stuff, it’s still challenging but it’s great.
Yeah I can't do this any longer. I quit boss
>written in 2006
is it still relevant?
I want a parent. I want love, trustworthy guidance, a mind that's bigger than my own that I can come to know but never fully understand. I want to feel like I have a place in the world. Now that I'm an adult, having a parent will never exist for me. I feel like a permanent child looking for something that will never exist for me
I'm thinking about going to Japan and wandering the country to find the most attractive tomboy and marrying her.
do you think you will be successful
Yes I'll just say I'm American and they'll want to marry me.
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Would you find it easier to tell someone that the reason why you are behind so much in life is that you wasted 5 years of your life due to going to prison or being depressed in your room and doing nothing? They are both similiar in a way that you stay put in one place both physically and mentally.
My attraction to trannies disappeared right after I got a girlfriend. Gooning drive is totally gone
I'd say being depressed but wouldnt elaborate anything further.
I'm really struggling to build up a good premise for my pregnancy fetish story. I want a story where a woman gets pregnant with another woman's baby and the story is about the pregnancy developing alongside their relationship, but for the love of me I can't reconcile my ideas. Is the pregnant woman a surrogate? Does she want to be pregnant? Was this an accident?

I'm completely stumped for weeks now. Can't really decide where to take this or how to approach it.
I always associate certain words with sounds

>batter - the sound of drumming
>silver - the sounds of clashing swords
>hunt - the sound of bongos
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Thinkin' bout Jordan Peterson
And also about what the fuck I'm gonna do with my life
I have waged, I have caged - all for naught
That's what my bank account tells me anyway
Wat nou?
Life is a hardcore roguelike game.
>get shit starting stats
haven't the foggiest
Based. Keep it up
i just live to eat
I feel for you, anon. My penis has only been a source of pleasure and comfort through my whole life and I can't imagine how stressful worrying about your dick must be.
>it's always better to forgive
One of the biggest massive copes in human history. Forgiveness is overrated and detrimental in so many aspects. If people aren't faced with the consequences of their actions, true consequences, they'll never, ever learn.

Forgiveness must be earned.
frugal living. Its probably too late for you but if you live frugaly you might be able to give your kids a better life. For instance don't buy music, books, films etc or streaming services and instead just torrent, don't buy branded food, and counterintuitively actually pay more for high quality products instead of low quality because most often its actually cheaper in the longer run; cheaper vs expensive shoes; ''A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.''
Haven't, for a while now. But I appreciate the confirmation of my living since it's something I intend to be doing for the foreseeable future. Will probably try and make an additional living helping people out here and there.
you are going to be running errants? What kind and how will you find people willing to pay you.
I don't know, I'll figure something out. If I'm paid in repute and favors that's more than nothing.
>For instance don't buy music, books, films etc or streaming services and instead just torrent
Good advice. Its easier to just Google what's on the streaming sites and torrent everything that looks decent.
i've got a little job for you it's a bit shit though
Unfortunately I'm not a tailor nor are there that many these days to begin with. If your pants are hard to zip you might as well consider getting new ones.
this guys got chops
Not a butcher either, but you hit the nail on the head with this one. My knife handling in the kitchen is unmatched. You wouldn't happen to be a carpenter by chance?
I am the truth the way and life but I live in a post truth world
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> he thinks bare abstract correspondence or coherence has power
Why are babies always depicted as “angelos”, or messengers? And Jehova as an old pedophile? Is it because Judaism followers mutilate their children with a mark of Cain so as to declare them as possession?
and down in the water
the fish cry
and the water
is their tears.
whatever happens, happens
Maybe, maybe not
And then we are gone.
I love women so much it's unreal. Not kissing a woman in a year is, by far, the hardest thing I've ever accomplished.
I kissed a girl one time 9 years ago. I don't remember what it felt like.
Nietzsche was an anti-nationalist who believed in interbreeding and the enlightenment, and literally praised Jews to the highest degree. Why do people use him as a nazi canard or as someone who warned about the dangers of "the Jews"
I love women too but hate myself, so I stay away from them for their own good
and Im confused whether they like me or hate me. Some women give me compliments and other sneer at me, call me ugly and one even gagged at my sight so I have no fucking clue.
People aren't binary extremes. Some of them like you, and some don't. Not a big mystery lol
yeah but it seems like a extreme range where some women want to date me and clearly flirt with me and other would rather gouge their eyes out seeing me. Am I what people call ''required taste'' or something? Am I the black liquorice of men?
post face
Idk man. Same shit happens to me. Truth be told, most of this shit comes down to intangibles like scent compatability and shit. Who even fuckin knows.

Do you really know why you've found any woman attractive? Not objectively hot women, I mean women you've "liked?" Cuz I sure as fuck don't, just kind of drawn to them. It's the same thing on their end for you. They dk why they dug you and neither do you. So stop thinking about it and wink back
I don't really like Trump. His decisions, both personal and political, don't inspire a great amount of confidence in his moral character or consistency. I have resigned myself to the fact that he's the only candidate in the upcoming election who even somewhat represents my values but I don't like it at all.
The attack the other day seems to have shaken him quite a bit. You could see it in his face during the Republican National Convention. As much as I dislike him, I don't approve of outright political violence of this nature, nor of the ever-louder calls to round up and shoot [party or group] or to kick off Civil War II so that [party or group] can be removed.
I hope that the brush with mortality serves as the impetus for Trump to examine his own actions a little and to develop more consistent principles, though I don't expect this to happen. I would love to believe that he really is the great American politician and champion of freedom which boomers style him as, rather than the fairly amoral, opportunistic businessman he has demonstrated himself to be thus far.
trump is a not-especially-clever guy who's about to troll a nation into making him their head of state a second time and i just have nothing but respect for that
He’s not wrong
I'm wise enough to know why intelligent minds are often depressed but too stupid to climb out of this hole. I just wanted somebody to talk to.
I actually do know what I want, problem is that I haven't met a woman with any traits I want them, and no I don't care at all about superficial things like looks, status, money etc.
but not wise enough to realise that wisdom does not equal intelligence and the key to get out of that hole is to be wiser, not smarter.
Yeah, I don't really care for trump either but its a better choice than biden in my book since the left already seem super suspicious up to the debate about biden.
Tried to kill myself as a teen and ever since then I never felt that hollow so it's basicly just easy going from that part forward.
I get that the whole Protestant work ethic thing where your life and value is determined by your job and you should fetishize working longer hours than other people is deeply unhealthy but the opposite is too. Everyone wants to have one of those WFH automated-mouse-jiggler "assistant regional management systems advisor" jobs because, like, work is bullshit bro, just put 1pt white text at the bottom of ur resume with these AI generated keywords just photoshop ur certs no one will notice just do the bare minimum always and expect everyone to do the same, like we can just keep kicking the can down the road and expecting some other person somewhere to do any actual hard work that comes up, like the stock market will go up forever and nothing will ever go wrong and one day everyone will have one of these chill bullshit email jobs and get to hang out shirtless in their bedroom vaping all day. Weirdly enough I've met people from all over the political and economic spectrum who believe in this kind of thing, people who think America will be the land of easily-fooled LLC business loan officers and faked resumes and techbros pumping your portfolio until the end of time, that the advantages we have just materialized out of the aether one day. I don't know what the solution is but neither the "work yourself to death and make your children do the same" model nor the "skate and sham and do an hour of real work a year" model are sustainable.
I was jerkin my gherkin to a vtuber's lapdance,
With lotion as luber and my hand down my pants
Mom told me I am a great disappointment to our family and started crying. Yeah.

All these things are, in their superior forms, simply by-products of excess intellectuality—which I haven’t the honour to possess. In their inferior forms they are of course simply avenues of escape for persons with too poorly proportioned and correlated a perspective to distinguish betwixt the frivolous and the relevant . . .
H.P. Lovecraft to James F. Morton, February 3, 1932

. . . I feel quite justified in believing that games and sports ought not be ranked among the major phenomena of life.
H.P. Lovecraft to Robert E. Howard, October 3–5–7, 1932
I wonder what he would think about the sheer number of video and board games inspired by his settings.
so what game you think he must have lost to make him mald about games.
dont have a wank, worts mistake of my life, now i own 5 dildoes
Richard Wagner was based; and Vladimir Lenin Ulyanov was based for suggesting jidi a Duma in a shit hole ( similar to Palestina, but far greater) in the far east of Russia.
i have gastro + a bad haemorroid flare up
life is hell at the moment

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