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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind

durin's tower edition

last >>23594972
my balls itch :(
I’m tired of pretending the jews aren’t based as fuck
Where do you guys buy your books from?? Online, book store, thrift store??
Then scratch 'em, motherfucker
Gotta give it the ol' pinch'n'roll
I love driving and the freedom it offers but I fucking hate owning a car
>you must pay this 25$ fee to have your vehicle inspected so you can pay this 40$ fee and this 350$ fee so your vehicle can be registered so you can pay this 25$ fee again and get a special good boy inspection sticker and then your transmission will explode so you will get to pay a base rate of $185 plus parts and labor so someone can stick their hand in your cars asshole and diagnose it and then schedule another appointment so you can pay another $185 base rate plus parts and labor so some other dude can put the right butt plug in your car's boy pussy so it moans the correct way when you stroke the gas btw your insurance covers other people only and if your car gets wrecked during an accident the insurance to actually repair your vehicle will cost an arm and a leg
>no refunds :)
Anymore aesthetics like this? Big fortresses on tall mountains?
Maybe if you don't let people fuck your car it won't break down so much
But the tailpipe is right out there in the open
I tried to start watching Breaking Bad but it's giving me ptsd because my whole family was addicted to meth
I just got a copy of The Dubliners in one of those little give a book take a book corner library
saw the most beautiful woman of my life at the gym today. fuck.
I finally decided to get instagram and have been following people I've known for years. The way they present themselves online is entirely different from how I know them irl. Kind of wish I never got this cursed app.
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Strong men are rising and will not be restrained
Get ready now for a new world awaits
A vast Roman Empire from sea to sea
Is coming back and will always be
We want Caesar and Aurelius too
Men like those to upon us view
Philosopher kings will reign again
Ulysses will not be chained
The weak shall be killed in their masses
Anti Roman cities will be glassed
Roman emperor worshipped as a God
Rules with wisdom, praise him now
My ear hurts :(
I've always been terrified of needles but I actually got bloodwork done today.
I rewarded myself with ice cream
What flavor
We had Haagen Dasz macaron flavour and a regular chocolate one.
I scooped some chocolate into the macaron since that one was almost empty
Being asexual must be such a blessing. Imagine not having to do will the need to make a feel of yourself in front of women or waste hours looking for the right porn video and cleaning up your coom
Why's that? Low effort baiter
I have a hard time with people telling me they're asexual like it seems the new "in" thing to tell someone instead of the lesbian to get people to back off.
I got an ear infection recently
I’m more depressed than anyone else here
just take an ssri if you don't want to feel horny.
I see people claim to be asexual but that they still desire sex. A lot of it is a Karl.
Idk, i'm bi and it seems weird to me everyone else picks one. Asexual seems more plausible because they're at least like
>I don't want anyone's mouth on my junk
while everyone else is like
>Noooooo I can totally tell which gender and orientation mouth is on my junk
Bitch pls a mouth's a mouth
There's more to people's preferences than "a mouth"
I'm just saying at least the asexuals have a clear policy on if I get to touch their junk
What's confusing? No straight man wants you.
>>Noooooo I can totally tell which gender and orientation mouth is on my junk
In my experience asexuals, especially asexual females are/were doing it just for attention back in my day. Those girls went on to post on tumblr and and are now tranny they/thems or just ended up getting married to a guy.
Go visit your gay bathhouse and catch aids if you want to suck a cock so bad
I think a lot of people get into "asexual" after a bad or traumatic experience, or, because they're threatened by the opposite sex and people's general predatoriness.
I've seen it a lot. I don't think it's for attention. People get out of abusive relationships or are disgusted by how people behave and then say "im asexual." It seems to mean "I'm in pain" or "humanity is disgusting."
You know literature's been a female hobby for so long that reading novels was considered a sign of hysterical tendencies?
I handcraft ham and pineapple pizza every Tuesday.
Just had a shit interview. Was so nervous when they asked questions. Totally fumbled one question and I'm sure they knew I was bumbling and didn't know what I was talking about. My mouth was super dry and I fumbled my words because I nearly went over my time. Fuck my fucking life you motherfuckers
Why were you being interviewed about shitting
i want to be hired to do the activity i love the most: shitting
>Eat a piece of beef
>Spend the next day and a half worrying about mad cow disease
I know the odds of catching it are basically zero but I worry nonetheless.
Thats actually a pretty good find. Most of those things are just filled with garbage and children's books.
No problemo as long as you're a hot female influencer and you're okay with doing it in a Saudi's mouth
I hate the masses metaphysically and physically, nothing makes me happier than knowing I'm far from it
Great poem anon
You should be more worried that 60% of American beef tested positive for e. coli, which is a bacteria that can only come from feces. And don't worry, vegetables have it too, especially leafy greens which we usually eat uncooked.
One of the ironies of workplace inclusion is that everyone can enter except for the socially retarded that's how you know everything is about selling snake oil
okay i just have to pay to chop my nuts off and i should be sorted
it's so fucking over for me like it never even began
I just wanna fuck
it's not a blessing because there's no way you have no sex drive while still having perfectly intact hormonal health and thus motivation, ambition, or drive
I'm not gAy
y r u gae
Can it be extreme sublimation?
Shat 3 times today and it's not even noon
did it feel good
it was beyond based anon, you should try it
I hope I didn't do permanent damage to my body.
25usd for a bottle of wine and big bruschetta board. Good night.
Hey, he was on the Nier tribute album. That's pretty cool.
Should I kill myself?
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Just had a second interview (I'm interviewing the entire day) which was also shit. I can't believe the extent at which I fumbled another further set of questions about my previous work. I seriously cannot handle any pushback from anyone asking a question. He asked one question of depth and I fucked it up. When I don't know something and am asked something about it, I get so fucking nervous and my tongue dries up and my fingers start twitching and I can't speak and I feel like fucking dying. My anxiety brings down the perception of my IQ by at least 30 points.

Why kys?
Older empires, like the France of Louis XIV to XVI or the Russia of the tsars were locked in a paradoxical situation where to manage a centralized and expansive empire they had to create a managerial bureaucratic class knowing full well that this class would inevitably try to usurp the power of the monarch, the aristocracy and the church. These empires were developmental dead ends in the sense that they could have refused to create the class that would inevitably try to destroy the ancien regime and hamstrung themselves doing so, or they could have went ahead and practically signed their own death sentence by creating and raising a class that was doomed to attack them sooner or later. Most empires of their kind chose the latter because living on borrowed time was still more appealing than stagnation and fading into irrelevancy in the international race.
Thinking about oinopa/Angelica tonight.
She used to post on here and /mu/ and I kind of want to be her friend
She seems like an absolutely abhorrent person but there is something about her that does seem alluring beyond the persona she projects.
She is within reach so I could simply talk to her, but no, I think that I'll naively delude myself with the belief that the universe will draw us together in some way.
How stupid is that?
I still have 2 more interviews today and I'm already on the verge of a breakdown. Their faces were so stoic and intimidating, not even a single smile or nod of agreement. I already know I'm not going to get the job, what's the fucking point of any of this. I'd rather just sneak into the bathroom here in their office and kms fuck fuck FUCK i just want to drink myself to sleep
>I already know I'm not going to get the job,
You dont know that.
Do any of you guys have genius level iq
Typically above 130, some people say 140
Halfway through East of Eden and it just very suddenly and without warning went from one of the best books I’ve read this decade to YA tier.
The Cain and Abel thing was a bit on the nose if anything to start with, but then they all literally sit down and read the story of Cain and Abel. Just why. How stupid do you think the readers are.
And then he goes directly from that to the “preteen girl desperately wants to be a boy and asks how to change” that people that aren’t sure how to write females do and is not something I’ve ever encountered or heard of anyone encountering in real life.
I tested in 160s/out-of-range and was in all those programs as a kid, but a lifetime of sloth and gluttony has probably knocked it down to 110 by now.
It’s as useful as being 10 feet tall, and as weird a thing to take pride in. It’s an overgrowth. A disease state.
He said IQ not number of dicks you've sat on so far this year
Thats quite high. I doubt you're down to 110 even with atrophy.
In the other factors, mine was slightly above avg, but I got around 165 verbal.

Do you find that it's hard to identify with other people? I agree that it causes more anxiety in daily life than any sort of benefit. Many times I've wished I was more simple minded. Even saying any of this sounds pretentious.
Main thing is I have a hard time having small talk conversations with most people, because most people cling to a lot of illusion. They derive their narrative perceptual bases for life from consumer media.
I lol'd
What benefits have you found with your high IQ? I'm a retard on all fronts which is why I'm asking
>Do you find that it's hard to identify with other people?
>Main thing is I have a hard time having small talk conversations with most people, because most people cling to a lot of illusion.
I felt this really strongly when I was younger, but it was from being undersocialized, not anything IQ related. Most people are play-acting when they make small talk. It’s a performative ritual thing and a skill to become comfortable with someone. At least 70% of people have a lot more going on than it seems. They’re just guarded.
>They derive their narrative perceptual bases for life from consumer media.
If this has the subtext I think it does, the political extremism where you can’t watch tv without seeing agendas and want to debate everything dies out around mid-20s. Social stuff gets way easier after that.
I still can’t see eye-to-eye with people that want a normal life, but you can just move to a megacity and never interact with anyone like that again irl.
I can read books
Other than that. None
Yeah, some of it is that. Honestly I socialize fine. It's more like. I have to keep it light and really don't enjoy that, and I see people falling for things constantly, narratives, that are obviously deceptive or false. It makes me feel like most people are operating on another plane of reality.
I dont think most people are stupid. IQ is a pretty reductive measure of intelligence. But, it's more like, people go to work, they have their single minded focus, and it makes them prey to deceptive ideas. That's really it more than stupidity, single mindedness.
Like political stuff, it's all theatrics obviously. But even clued in people like, still buy in, it is baffling to me.
sure you're verbal iq test was legit lol?
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Holy fucking shit I hate the room temp IQ mouth breathing retards on /his/ and /k/ so fucking much. I genuinely believe these people have some sort of learning disabilities, or are actual children.
Why the fuck do the boards for subjects I'm interested in have to be populated by such mental dwarfs? Such insufferable, incurable dipshits?
Genuinely I think I would get along better with someone from a completely opposing worldview or position than I would these morons who share the same interests as me. They're the fucking worst.
Empires are pyramid schemes.
that's why they always collabse sooner or later.
Yes. Sorry, I'll format all my 4chan posts in APA from now, to please you specifically.
hehe just pulling your dick anon, here's a kiss MUAH

Tested with all my classmates at age 10.
We were all in the same class from 8 to 12. It was a gifted program. Most of us were above 130.
What benefits have you found to having a 136 iq?
I don't know what my problem is. I have no problem remembering male actor's names and what they've been in but I can't for the life of me remember what any female actor's have been in. I can remember some of their names, but that's about it. I'll give you an example. I watched Man of Steel with my brother tonight, Lois is played by Amy Adams, I've seen a bunch of Amy Adams shit, yet I didn't remember a single thing she had starred in. Whereas Superman is played by Henry Cavill, and I've seen less Henry Cavill shit than Amy Adams shit, but I can remember more than Henry has been in, even the lesser-known shit that I've seen him in like Night Hunter.
Being a fast learner in general, I guess.
I learned two extra languages before 18, English and Japanese.

But 136 is not really that high, my friends who were above 145 just constantly skipped grades and stuff.
Any hoes out there wanna play Tetris with me?
how do people tolerate working a shit job for decades? I don't get it.
t. just quit my airport ground services job
>136 is not really that high
Don't put yourself down bud. 136 is super high for retards like myself
All of the above plus flea markets, yard sales, estate sales and once from a really cheep bid on a closed storage unit. I got a great condition Easton Press edition of Thomas Aquinas at a yard sale for $10.
I dunno, I’m just going by what I see
Because you are capable of less permanent change and have not exhausted your options.
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Heaven can wait and all I got is time until the end of time.
Same subconscious sexism every American has
Probably fixable with a little self awareness
they struck me but it did not hurt. they beat me but I did not feel it. when shall I awake? I must have another drink.
I'm not American.
>Probably fixable with a little self awareness
I thought the same, that's why I've been going out of my way to watch a lot of specific female actors' movies. For example, I've been watching a lot of Meryl Streep movies lately.
>I’m not American
Damn I was hoping it wasn’t cross-cultural
Ulysses was Greek
big dicks will rule the world
Got another hour of interviewing left at this company. There was a mix-up with one of the interviewers so he's at home lol. So he'll interview with me through zoom as i sit in their main office kek.

Praying hard to just drink myself to sleep tonight. I'm fucking shaking, legit can't take much more of this interviewing process. I'm so on the edge. My nerves are about to fray and rupture.

i hope to God you're right anon
what do you do anyway
researcher in tech
>Then he woke up. Feverish dreams saturated his mind. It felt like a mantle of feathers that he was unable to shake off desperately trying to fly. He slowly turned to the side of his mattress. His feet stood parallel to each other each reinforcing the stand of the other. The skin near his upper thighs was wrinkled from cold sweat. Bloodless pale white skin. He felt weak weaker than usual. A turn that was more sensed than known.
Where are people downloading free pdf's from and why doesn't lit sticky update link?
Very. Very stupid

Perfect OCD puzzle in my mind when I get told something I did was wrong but the person didn't point out anything specific. Constant back and forth between what I did and what they said. Awful.
These threads really are just Twitter for people who don't like Twitter.
4chan is just social media for people too ugly for instagram, too losery for linkedin, etc.
Sexism is based, though.
Do you use those sites? Linkedin can't even really be mentioned because often you're given no choice but to use that shit, but many types of people choose not to bother with Instagram.
If you use those sites or take them seriously I'm not going to say fuck off, but I strongly suggest it.
and you think using or taking 4chan seriously is better? this is one of the lamest sites on the entire internet.
You could have just said yes. Why are you even here?
I always go into Barnes and Noble because I don't like going anywhere new or different. That is whenever I even feel capable of doing that.
Philosophers are looking for the meaning of life. Doctors are looking for the meaning of life. Scientists are looking for the meaning of life. Everyone is fucking looking for the meaning of life. I'm gonna help you all out, right now.
There is no meaning to life. We're born, live a pitiful amount of years, some in abject misery, some in glorious joy, and then we die. There's no meaning to any of it. Don't get fucked over is about the only thing you can hope for and it's bound to happen anyway. Multiple times. Some people just check out. Mentally, emotionally, even physically. They take their life because they can't handle the stress of living. And again, there is no meaning to it. None at all.
I was in an asylum once for a couple of months (suicide attempt) and I met this eighteen year old kid that was dying of cancer. His family was rich, he told me, but they never visited him because his mom had remarried and the stepfather hated him. He told me he was related to Hank Williams Jr. He was miserable of course, and there was absolutely no meaning to his life. Since this was years ago, I'm assuming he died. His life came and went like it was nothing, not even the flicker of a candle. Tell me this life has meaning. Go ahead and lie to me about it.

There is no meaning to life. Stop obsessing with it because you are going to miss out on actually living it. I don't come here to say this to save you wasted years. If life has no meaning, I don't care whether or not you save yourself precious time pondering bullshit that doesn't matter and never did. Waste your life away. Or don't. In the end, it doesn't matter anyway.
And if you don't give a fuck, good for you. Good for you! You are understanding now that none of this means actual jack squat.
Good luck in all that you do. Ask that girl out. Adopt that dog you want to get. Read the books you want to read. Take the goddamn day off, fuck your bosses. Stop giving a shit about things you were never going to change anyway. We're all fucked so might as well go down screaming out our hate, rage and impotence. Some people have it made and it was just pure luck. There is no inherent meaning to any of it.
yeah, we know. Majority of /lit/ shares your viewpoint. But Ill add this.
You are not suppose to live for a reason, you are suppose to use reason to live.
wonder what based quints will be
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I'm comparing myself to other people and it feels like none of them have the same kind of concept behind love or liking someone as I do. I'm literally like some type of moron who isn't even 3D, I'm 2D on the inside and it's so sad to some people but I legitimately think that they outgrew what would have been the best thing they could ever experience and never even realized it. What's worse than losing the ability to fall in love?
>Tell me this life has meaning. Go ahead and lie to me about it.
m8, you're using his life to build your sense of meaning, how can you be this oblivious? also, it's fucking weird you think childhood cancer is going to stop kids lives having meaning.
>What's worse than losing the ability to fall in love?
Getting raped by the Hulk on the daily sounds a lot worse.
Oh good lord, this zoom fucker dropped out last minute.

the recruiter spoc called me to inform me of this change. then when I asked her if this would be rescheduled for another date, she said "no, these many interviews are sufficient to make a decision." I know that could be interpreted in different ways (a-they already think im a good fit and don't need one more interview to confirm it; or b-they already made they mind up that im shit and don't need one more interview for me to even redeem myself) but I definitely have a bad feeling about it, that they're just trying to finish up these interviews and eventually reject me in a day or two.

anyway, fuck all this fucking shit, just the one more half-hour meeting for me. then I can finally go home and drink myself to sweet oblivion.
His meaning was to be born, live 18 measly years, lonely and in pain, then die? Ok
No, that's just the meaning you want to reduce his life to so it fits within the meaning you assume for life.
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Just about to go out and did a quick shave with water as I often do and somehow nicked myself right on my lip and it's slowly but steadily bleeding, fan-fucking-tastic.
>but really we should tell kids with cancer their life has less meaning than if they were not terminal
yeah, that's fucking weird m8
sorry mate but I don't take life advice from people that commit suicide.
In general it's a decent idea if you have no responsibilities. But if you have other people relying on you, you can't just do whatever the fuck you want.
alright, this gay interview shit is done for today. my entire body is aching and my nerves are short-circuited. ready for the rejection in a couple days. idgaf anymore, suck my cock motherfuckers.

time to go home and drown my sorrows in whisky, sayonara /lit/bros
Why is Christianity so passive? This couldn't have been the religion of the warlike europeans?

ngl i'll open my borders any day to cute intellectual poojetas, although this one might be a bit too young tbqhwyf. why can't a nation's immigration process be decided by a single horny young white man (me)? It would save so much unnecessary bureaucratic nonsense jobs
how did you even find this video wtf?
Stop being racist. It isn't funny.
>sorry mate but I don't take life advice from people that commit suicide
That’s precisely why I take people like Mark Fisher and Guy Debord and Giles Deleuze with a grain of salt.
>omnipotence means that god can only do all possible things, and that means he actually isn't restricted in. any way.
Is this the biggest cope ever? How can he not be limited if there is a set of things that he is able to do, and he is not capable of adding to it? How can we say he's not limited if he isn't able to will whatever it is he pleases into that set? Is this really just a way for theists to get out of having to deal with the obvious difficulties that arise from their position?
NTA but it is though

You’ll never be a real Viking
i'm probably not helping my case here by admitting this, but it was recommended to me by youtube. i don't exactly know why that is

yes, it is funny, but it is also serious as my country is burdened by too much bureaucracy as it is.
Επιτρέπεται να γράφεται σε άλλες γλώσσες εδώ;
It isn't. Cut it out.
you don't get to decide that anon. you dumb nigger :)
Knock it off. Being edgy is not a comedy routine.
I would too. I'm so desperate for pussy and no dating apps work.
my point is that you don't get to decide what i type in my precious 4chan posts. i don't care if i write something racist, I'll rather do as i please. you should too
To be fair, Deleuze was seriously ill. I usually treat suicides from people like that differently than when it's done for other reasons.
My pleasure is to tell you to stop being racist, because it isn't funny.
my pleasure to tell you to not stop being racist, because it is in fact funny.
I've been wondering about the idea of 'no hymen, no diamond.' Assuming that it isn't meant to be taken to its literal extremes, is virginity a crucial quality for a woman to have for a man considering marriage? I've heard such horror stories from a few people close to me such that I can't imagine being at peace with the thought that my would-be wife would've had sex with other men anymore and yet I don't know of any virgin women around me. It's a thought that keeps haunting me every now and again.
What are you, twelve?
Respect for this anons sheer tenacity
It's a dumb standard to have. It's nearly impossible to find a woman who could meet such a standard, and the ones the could would likely be disgusted that you have it.
The best way to go about it is to accept that women will have had sexual experiences in the past and let her know early that you're not interested in hearing about them.
There is no such thing as mental illness or mental health. There is only behaviours that have exaggerated past the appropriate behaviours for that culture but that otherwise stem from the same urges and motives that the appropriate behaviour stems from.
anon that is what mental illness/health is defined as

"there are no squares, only shapes with 4 right angles and sides of equal length"

America = race
UK = class
India = caste
Japan = ?
China = ?
Russia = ?
Brazil = ?
Japan = Ching
China = Chong
Russia = Vodka
Brazil = Sopa de Macaco
No, having a mental health/illness dichotomy is like saying that a circle is a deformed square.
It's possible for the standards one society has to be better than others.
if you are looking for a square then yeah, a circle is a deformed square.

you sound like someone saying no one should have standards or look for anything. how about i piss in your mouth and you smile and take it because "like nothing is right or wrong, duuude :)"
Yeah, bullshit
With or without cancer, you ascribe meaning to his life. I do not
That's on you. I obviously didn't t commit suicide or I wouldn't be posting
God is non-quantitive. He can make a rock that is so heavy that he himself cannot lift it. He is not bound by paradox
yeah maybe i should have upped it from weird to psychopath because that shit's fucked up
agreed. he would have to be able to, or he wouldn't be God.
That would be inappropriate behaviour, but not alien to rational intercourse.
Your life doesn't have meaning, either. No one's life has meaning. I don't care if you're eleven months old or 110. You are no more than a dandelion seed on the wind. Enjoy the ride because it's almost over
so you acknowledge that it is okay for people to class things as appropriate or not? i accept your concession.
How do you know if someone is losing interest in you?
if you aren't the person who can tell by vibes you better get comfortable with just asking
why did you think the cancer kid was relevant then? I think you feel some kind of way about it and were hoping we'd agree to the point any other meaning or interpretation would be a "lie" kek
speaking of lies, how do they work in a world without meaning?
stop using your acquaintance's cancer as a source of meaning and emotional cudgel, it's some fucked up psychopath shit
I did from the start.
No you attempted and failed. Saved by your incompetency. lol
I want to ask him, but I’m too anxious.
He wasn't an acquaintance, numbnuts. I barely knew him for two months. He was one of the reasons why I started thinking that life is had no meaning, which is why I brought it up in the first place. Stop attributing things to me you have absolutely no fucking clue about. You don't, you just don't. I could say to you that you just don't want to accept that your life has no meaning but I don't. Because it means absolutely fuckall what I think. It means nothing. IT MEANS NOTHING, IN ALL CAPS, IN CASE YOU'RE BLIND AND/OR STUPID
No, I didn't fail. I was caught in the act. There's a big difference, faggot
im glad you lived anon
>>23600563 was meant as a response to >>23600544
again getting my ass kicked in sekiro
Why? It doesn't make a difference whether I lived or had died. But thank you, I've had an amazing life
are you afraid of the answer? this shouldn't stop you.

are you afraid of appearing needy? this is a valid fear. people who need reassurance all the time are often annoying.
Be brave. Do not be afraid. Godspeed
I would die from embarrassment alone.
you are making a difference
That's because you're an enormous faggot that cares what others think about you
How is that, do you reckon? Because I reached out to people and tell them to stop worrying because their life has no meaning? Trust me, they didn't want to know. They would rather be ignorant
Coca cola is good
Don't let the door hit your aas on the way out.
huh I recall a time in the early 2000s where saying something "sucks" was a sorta offensive cuz it was like something "sucks dick" but now saying something sucks is a pretty normal thing
Trump entire appeal is based on his incredible ability to make every single individual he chooses to positively interact with feel like the most important person in that world
there's a lady at my work whose job involves sucking up to rich people for donations and she has similar skills. every time i talk to her i walk away feeling like wow i'm really smart and i have great taste!

just read dale carnegie its all in there
The media presents fabricated narratives based around fabricates personaes with fabricated reactions to it from fabricated bystanders and everyone else just has to accept it
i wish the media would actually dedicate ANY amount of time to the candidates actual policies instead of just talking about their personalities.
Did I say that I'd stop going you worthless fucking /k//his/ nigger?
Not the purpose of the outfit. Also, the policies are set in advance by huge conglomerates of power brokers marginal issues might have flexibility on the fringes of the spectrum, but the main content of agenda is firmly set and not by democratic means
take it to /pol/ election tourist
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I kind of feel like the recent spectacle is them ushering in the 1980s again: a short burst of prosperity for the pleasure. Tensions across the nation have gotten too hard to manage even for the elites who are otherwise pretty insulated and callous. A few years of prosperity for plebs stabilizes these tensions and allows assimilation of the newcomers who are causing lots of problems. Also allows some level of deportations to occur.
If you look at the 70s it was a similar time of chaotic upheaval and uncertainty of the future and they injected a decade of debt feuled pseudo prosperity for plebs and it basically squashed all of it. When Reagan got shot it cemented his second term and that's when the prosperity for plebs program took off in earnest.
I could be coping and be wrong but seems plausible to me.
Wow, looking sharp anon!
I go outside, maybe the neighbors think I'm a loser for whatever reason, maybe not, probably not, but if I did manage to escape innawoods, how would I even remember the kind of judgement I wanted to escape from in the first place?
This is me.
That's the fucking point
well i think people are pissed about not being able to afford housing anywhere even slightly desirable. yeah, sure, i can buy a house in a depopulated west virginia town, but i'd like to live somewhere that isn't entirely limited to remote work and is more than just empty buildings. the problem is all the regulations that make housing expensive as hell are coming from dems, so it's not like voting left is going to fix it. dems will mandate new luxury developments have ten percent "affordable housing" so a few lucky single moms can live in a nice building. everyone else has to pound sand. i guess the republican plan is just to allow massive sprawl so you get suburbs bigger than some new england states. sounds awful, but i'd have to consider it.
move to a city, no one cares what their neighbors do.
Do you consider Sam Hyde an artist? He seems to fancy himself an artist, a successful one at that.
i have a hard time considering anyone whose output is aimed at teenage boys an artist.
I don’t consider him an artist either but I’m just wondering what other people think. He spends a lot of time giving advice about art and how to be artist and my sense is that it’s only valuable if you consider him an artist, but I see him as more of an entertainer and a critic.
Not necessarily. Grass is greener anyways.
I'm in the burbs and still super embarrassed by that time I blasted the loudest music not knowing the windows were open in an otherwise quiet neighborhood.
Everything interesting about that entire aesthetic is done by other people.
Housing is probably the most pressing issue and it really comes down to building more homes. I don't get why it's not happening at rapid pace. I guess I do. There are some vested interests with a motive against lowering rents
Increased supply takes care of homelessness but also lowers rents
He's definitely an artist, but I have a pretty loose definition of what art is. Is he a, profound, fine art, artist? No. Is he what he probably thinks of himself as being? No.
My favorite era of his was right after the show got canceled bc he was humbled and filmed rants of his thoughts on things which were funny and interesting.
Can't imagine his stand up is worth going to
>He wasn't an acquaintance, numbnuts. I barely knew him for two months
I think you need a dictionary
You didn't cringe when someone caught you in the act?
Why is it dumb to have if it was the norm throughout the majority of history in many cultures? Why must it be a given that women are to have already given the gift of first night to others and that her husband must live with shame in submissive defeat? What sort of woman is disgusted by a man that values sexual purity in himself and expects the same of his wife-to-be? There's more to a woman than her sexuality, and there's other important things to consider when looking for a wife but to make of chastity as if it's meaningless is a repulsive thing. Wouldn't it be better to fade away than live in a world where the expectation of chastity from your spouse is as outlandish as to be irrational? Functionally, what else is left except to be play the field to your satisfaction then partner up and hope for the best? Is this it? Maybe it's better to not marry at all. Maybe.
More like early Christian did believe in Christianity and such they thought their mission was to convert as many as possible through any means then politics took over religion
I’m afraid of both, I guess. I can’t ask right now anyway, because I don’t want to double text.
Didnt they say the same about Clinton?
Anon it's never been like that. You can go read about the heights of Christian puritanism in Europe, and people were sneaking off to the woods and fuckin. Women too. You can read plays, poems, pulp comedies, from any time in any era of history, and people were fuckin, fornicating. Virginality is the biggest myth and joke of human social history. In areas where it has occurred, it's been a luxury of the bourgeoisie, who have had more stable home lives, power implications in their marriages, and more to look forward to as a motivation for keeping their chastity.
The poor, ie most people, in every period, aka, most people, were fuckin.
So take a deep breath its gonna be alright.
So your definition of artists includes comedians and critics?
Sure. Art encompasses most creative activity that tries to express something. But Sam's also a visual artist through his graphics work. Not so much these days.
Not wasted
dunno, didn't suck his dick
i did
he is but he's not very good imo. he exudes a very familiar, irony blasted American sentiment that I've always noticed and been troubled by since I was young. His best work is by far MDE and he's got some good video editing skills. As >>23600698 mentioned, his car ramblings are very insightful for people who are in the creative world. You don't hear that type of commentary often especially from someone as smart and aware as Sam. . A large part of what drew me to him is I'm an artist who agrees with him on his social commentary and politics. Overall, he's a interesting person with lots of insight (especially on design) but I mostly dislike all his work
Any world where I exist cannot be ideal, leibniz was wrong
can you suck my dick?
i have to give credit for him being the first guy identifying that there is demand for rightwing books aimed at teenage boys, sort of ya lit, but for chuds. if i'm not mistaken his "bomb the us govt" book was the first one to serve the market that dudes like mike ma and bap capitalized on later. mind you i have never read any of these books so feel free to nitpick my hypothesis, but i think it stands that no publisher was interested in making books for chuds since no one thought they would buy a book much less read.
>see lots of international travel content on internet
>get memed into paying $200 for a passport
>realize i don't actually want to go anywhere
i couldve bought so many books with that money. mimetic desire is gay.
There's so many places I'd like to go but I refuse to leave because geopolitical tensions are so high. Would love to see Japan, seems very stupid to go considering world events. Would love to see ancient Greek and Roman ruins, seems so unsafe. India is a fount of human wisdom, and also a shithole. Tibet is a Chinese possession. Life is bleak.
I was lucky enough to prefer things over experiences at a young age.
travel to the places you dreamt of visiting after reading your fav books

personally for me i want to visit dublin (ulysses) and st petersburg (dosto)
I just have no desire to see anything in the world
imagine being too much of a coward to visit fucking japan lmao or go to some touristy ass shit in rome
Imagine you're in Japan or in Rome because you're so badass and cool and then war breaks out in earnest
Why? Just go nigga, those places you mentioned aren't remotely as dangerous to visit as long as you use common sense (not Tibet because of the ccp ofc)
If basic white bitches can spend months in Japan, India, Italy, and Greece, then so can you anon
Basic white bitches seem to have zero threat response and go to those places and get killed and r8ped regularly. Them being lemmings isn't a good argument against what I said
I'll go someday if things in the world stabilize
Oh no something exciting might happen!
I can't imagine being this much of a wuss.
You could have traveled the past 20 years and nothing would have happened.
behold! a noble chud who descended from vikangs and spartangs!
You are simply afraid. Be brave, my son.
Life is such a bummer I ain't even mad, just wanna get through it asap. 99% of women worldwide are uncapable of pleasing men, pleasing a man is so fucking easy but women won't do it, why don't they suck dick for 3 hours straight? Most women don't like sex and see it as degradation, puritan. Bitch I would love to be groped by every female I met, why can't you? Prostitutes are the real women. Get to know a prostitute a pimp her, that's real life bro.
Been looking at the dating apps a bit again and my god how they ALL have the same fucking photos at the same fucking 6 spots. It's always the same coastal hotel in the Mediterranean, the same cliff with the same shorts and t-shirt and backpack, the same balcony overlooking the same city, the same glass floor thing from the tourist trap high-rise downtown

NO ONE FINDS YOUR GIRLBOSS SHIT ATTRACTIVE OR INTIMIDATING! YOU LOOK LIKE A WHORE!!! YOU LOOK LIKE A DUMB WOMAN WHO THINKS SHE'S "STRONG" BECAUSE SHE SPENDS HER DISPOSABLE INCOME ON A CHINTZY NOUVEAU RICHE VACATION. I can't stand their smug faces, they are saying "Pretty impressive huh ;)?" NO IT ISN'T YOU'RE A 27 YEAR OLD CHILDLESS "CONSULTANT" AND YOU WENT TO THE SAME FUCKING STUPID BALCONY IN MEXICO AS EVERYBODY ELSE!!!!!!!! I hate how fucking presumptuous this faggot era of history has made women, they are all smug as shit and thinking about how great and fierce and impressive they are all the time and they WON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT "SELF CARE" and how they've recently figured everything out in therapy and now they're ready to do what's "right for them" and blah blah blah GET RAPED IN MEXICO WHORE
Ty, I put in a lot of effort in order to look good
simps are a disaster for mankind
The decent women don't want to date someone who is simply looking for a 3 hours blowjob.
Go hire a hooker.
The male version of this is those dudes who have IG pages full of pictures of flashy sports cars and bikes and gym flex videos with that retarded shitty dark filter on everything and dumbass little stories about "grinding" and "staying humble" and "outworking the haters" and shit. It's faggy beyond belief but somehow there are millions of these little wannabe Andrew Tate drones.
Just wait til you get older and realize everything you've ever said that was about how women are h00rs was projection from your deeply flawed soul
It's a doozy
Narcissist whores who think every single small thing they do is impressive and part of some movie they're the protagonist of. Women are such worthless pieces of shit I swear to fucking god. Men just buy a waffle press and use it and say to their friends "been making waffles lately." Women have to watch videos on social media giving them permission to buy the waffle press, giving them a sense of which "identity" owning the waffle press is part of, deciding whether it's a fashion statement worthy of their inner belief that they're the protagonist of reality and a princess, and then they go and (I FUCKING HATE WOMEN) buy the most expensive stupidest one that isn't even good, the one that has 60% of its features missing so that it could have a plastic bevel with a cursive font on it, because they're DUMB. They have no coping skills, they have no ability to survive on their own, half the reason the world feels so retarded like all the edges have been sanded off like we're all children is because WOMEN ARE FUCKING RETARDS and make 80+% of consumer purchases so the system adjusts to see them as the default consumer, default citizen, default person, default human being. If I buy GLOVES, I have the good sense to spend 2.5 minutes using my life's worth of knowledge about not getting ripped off and not being taken in by stupid advertising gimmicks so that I get a decent pair of gloves for a decent price. Women just go to Amazon and buy the first thing that appeals to their just world fallacy. Women see the world like the pyro in TF2 sees it, a fucking retard fairy tale. And I figured out what their smugness it, it's the smugness of a gay kid. It's the smugness of that gay kid you knew who said weird shit that made all the other guys in the group cringe slightly, like "Mom says I'm special so I should go first." That's the energy of a modern woman. Except I was allowed to beat the fuck out of that kid and I can't touch these modern apes of Benares because the state and the economy and reality itself are all complicit in their constant self-congratulating. I am trapped in the dream of a retarded faggot, we've all been trapped in the gay dream of a gay idiot for 20 years.
We truly live in a society of last men and women are the worst of it. Most of them are literal NPCs who can only live through constantly affirming their tits and ass. Other than being a traveling, childless mongoloid, women have nothing to offer except talking about the latest Netflix SLOP and maybe th possibility of giving sex if you turn out be enough of an NPC like them and have the requisite looks. Fuck femoids.
who said anything about "decent" or "simply looking" you just don't like sex and have a puritan mind about it
Now THAT is a doozy. Your depths are trying to tell you something
You don't seem like the guy worthy of being pleased. You think of a good woman and all you want is your dick sucked.
You're actually retarded.
See >>23600873 simp
It comes with age. Hope it doesn't cause too much pain
Thought you were dead Butters. Welcome back, your posts are still just as awful.
What more do women have to offer? Most men tolerate the bullshit of women just to get a crumb of pussy if they've been a good boy NPC for a few dates.
"worthy" either you are a woman or a fucking whiteknight. Never said about getting married to a fucking church going bitch. Im talking about sex mofo, you clearly haven't done a full night stand so you wouldn't know
You never wanted to fuck a resentful prostitute in some steamy asian brothel?
That's pathetic.
Nothing impressive about having sex.
Sleeping skin to skin with someone expands your life expectancy. Just saying
Yeah but I don't like how women put their feet on your legs and scrunch up their toes.
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I've adapted to the void. It hardly pains me any longer.
>nothing impressive about having sex
ofc not if you a church lady that fucked with Ned Flanders just for three times in her whole life
Ned was ripped dude he used to pound Maude porno style
I just remembered a piece of live advice that a dear college professor of mine had shared. He said to marry a woman with joie de vivre. I'm sorry for forgetting your words, John. I will now keep them close to my heart.
No one is impressed by some manwhore sleeping around, actually
Lots of people are. I am. To any manwhore chads itt, I say to you, based.
ofc but according to biblelickers you should only fuck to have babies and not lust on it nor have pleasure
Slave to your libido. Pathetic.
I hope you catch that gonorrhea that can't be treated by antibiotics.
one life advice i got from my favorite professor is that even tho watching tv is really boring if your wife likes it just watch some so you can have a good marriage
Balance in all things
My "monogamous" friends and family all catched shit and Im the only pureblood around, always protection and boundaries while you do cheat and do weird shit
True. A key part of always just being there with each other which often means do activities that may not be your favorite. And also to never shut them down when they speak about things they love. All part of a healthy marriage.
You have sex with condoms on?
Now that's pathetic. I wouldn't even bother sleeping around with that. You're a casual actually lol
>having sex
At least im not getting some fungus shit and blood on my dick, you know female vaginas have 10 times more bacteria than a fucking dog's tongue? Even if you lady don't cheat on you and she's clean the average lady will have three urinal infections in her life. Man quit talking and go order some overpriced shit for yo lady and hope she give you a 15 minute quicky.
I'm actually laughing at you. If you really wanted the pleasure it's one thing, but you bitch out and fuck random sluts with a rubber on. That's crazy. At that point jerking your own dick is better than fucking with a rubber on.
where's the happening?
give me proof
I've got a shitty theory, men prefer visual porn while women prefer written porn. Which is why the gender that uses the AI saucy chatbots are generally female. and also the hub.
why would you do that? im taking that job now.
That's just faxx
>but you bitch out and fuck random sluts with a rubber on. That's crazy. At that point jerking your own dick is better than fucking with a rubber on.
say that to a girl like and laugh about it like I'm crazy and you are in the right and garantee 100% theyll think you are psycho
The desire of beauty proves the need for eugenics
Written porn is the best porn there is, it's just that there is very little of it out there that caters to straight men.
What's everyone favorite cuisine?

For me, it's Mexican and Indian
de Sade and his thousands of pages of explicit hardcore porn would disagree. But it's generally true, women like written porn. Maybe because males and nerds fucked around with the internet +30 years before any female laid hands on a smartphone. Maybe because it's more cautious as women are more prone to puritanism, shame, herd mentality and hive mind so reading letters doesn't look as bad as having a dick poster.
I'm going to doing the equivalence of throwing shit at a wall and hoping that it sticks. many of what you seek isn't a girlfriend but rather a personified coping mechanism to appear in your room—a figure in female form who magically falls in love with you and effortlessly resolves all your challenges. This fantasy's allure lies in its complete detachment from reality, enabling you to persistently attribute your difficulties to an unattainable scapegoat instead of confronting their root causes. In reality, few among you possess the capacity to nurture a genuine intimate relationship, let alone genuinely yearn for one.
1st China and France just because they are the only ones who know to cook duck. 2nd Mexico. 3rd Mediterranean food overall
I think it's because women like to self insert (hard to do when you're looking at a porno woman) and men like proof of conquest... that's all that really drives the gender divide between text and visual porn. might be changing as we find out more about "autoandrophilia" in women. they don't seem to mind visual porn when it's devoid of imagery of women.
No idea what you’re talking about dude. He was far from the first person to recommend to young men that they read “right wing lit”. By the way, recommending books and making art are two totally different things.
For me, i cannot stand Chinese and French food but Mediterranean food is right up there, particularly Lebanese food
I think I’m going to take the money I saved for a down payment on a home and use it to quit my job and go back to school instead, which is crazy because I have a good job.
you have no idea what i'm talking about because you can't read. i didn't say he recommended anything, i said he saw there was a market for such a product and created it and only later these other dudes started selling to the same market after he had already validated it.
dude with online classes you can easily bang out another masters at night while still working i wouldn't quit for that

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