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>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23595041
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Brandon Sanderson is the greatest fantasy author of our time.

Read Cosmere.
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I really wanted to like his books, but they just suck. And he was incapable of coming up with names that aren't completely retarded.
reddit is back i guess
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Can you guys share some Bakker memes, if you've got them? Picrel sends my sides into orbit and is possibly the funniest meme I've seen on this website.

Also, a question to the Bakkerfags ITT: in "The Judging Eye", when the gang travels through notMoria and runs away from the notBalrog, Mimara looks at a chorae with the Eye and sees it as a true "tear of God", after which she exorcises the shade somehow using it. If sorcery is not a sin (as it was edited into the Tusk by the Consult, according to what I've seen on /sffg/) and chorae are the work of aporetic sorcery (man-, or rather Nonman-made), why does Mimara see what she sees and how is she able to banish the spirit? That whole bit was written as some kind of revelation and "power unlocked" moment, but it doesn't come up in any shape or form again (as far as I've read, which is roughly till half of TUC)
It took Bakkerfag's mom 9 months to make a joke.
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>If sorcery is not a sin
Sorcery is 100% a sin though. She sees Achamian and Cleric with the judging eye and they're marked to shit. Not sure what the explanation is for how nonmen practicing aporos could produce something that is the opposite of sinful, or how chorae are even supposed to work. I gather there's fan theories, but it's all ass-pulling.
>Sorcery is 100% a sin though. She sees Achamian and Cleric with the judging eye and they're marked to shit.
Cleric has a thousand and one reasons to be damned, Akka probably has some too, it wouldn't necessarily mean that sorcery is sin. And as you put it yourself, if it is, that just raises the further question of how it could produce something that's holy (although you could handwave and put it down to the "contradictory" Aporos producing contradictions). Also, I remember reading somewhere on the internet that the writing on Chorae are paradoxes, hinting to how Aporos works, but I don't remember that in the text anywhere. Do you recall where that's mentioned?
I believe there's a Bakker interview where he outright states the Chorea are based on paradox. What sticks out to me from the books thinking about this subject is when Mimara explains to the skin spy that it not understanding paradox is indicative of it not having a soul. So somehow paradox and the soul (outside?) are linked, and Chorea being embedded paradox somehow makes them holy or just little doors to the outside maybe.
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samefag power hours
>wouldn't necessarily mean that sorcery is sin
I suppose you can categorically separate the mark and sin (since non-sorcerers are plenty sinful), but the end result for both is damnation, so I'd say it might as well be synonymous.
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>posting the same meme pics from a niche fantasy series means you're the same person
autism moment.

You've been samefagging and shitting up the thread for going on 5 years now. You have zero subtlety, newfag nigger.
Just started Malazan. What am i in for my /sffg/ bros?
Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?
>only discussions about books fewer than 4 people have read are permitted
Stop seething at the king of fantasy
Bakker is KING
>Then the madness fell away. Once again it was the pure thunder of the charge. The strange camaraderie of men bent to a single, fatal purpose. Hummocks, scrub, and the bones of the Vulgar Holy War’s dead rushed beneath. The wind bled through chain links, tousled Thunyeri braids and Tydonni crests. Bright banners slapped against the sky. The heathen, wicked and foul, drew closer, ever closer. One last storm of arrows, these ones almost horizontal to the ground, punching against shield and armour. Some were struck from their saddles. Tongue tips were bitten off in the concussion of the fall. The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky. Wounded mounts danced in frothing circles nearby. The rest thundered on, over grasses, through patches of blooming milkwort waving in the wind. They couched their lances, twenty thousand men draped in great mail hauberks over thick felt, with coifs across their faces and helms that swept down to their cheeks, riding chargers caparisoned in mail or iron plates. The fear dissolved into drunken speed, into the momentum, became so mingled with exhilaration as to be indistinguishable from it. They were addicted to the charge, the Men of the Tusk. Everything focused into the glittering tip of a lance. The target nearer, nearer … The rumble of hooves and drums drowned their kinsmen’s song. They crashed through a thin screen of sumac … Saw eyes whiten in sudden terror. Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through shield, through armour. Suddenly the ground became still and solid beneath them, and the air rang with wails and shouts. Hands drew sword and axe. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky. And the Kianene fell, undone by their ferocity, crumpling beneath northern hands, dying beneath pale faces and merciless blue eyes. The heathen recoiled from the slaughter—and fled.
Bakker is gay. He writes about gay sex.
I'm not reading books with gay sex.
Books with gay sex are not good.
Authors who write gay sex are not good.
Recommendations for fantasy that reinforces the ideal of having children and being monogamous?
There is no greater reward for a warrior than to go home and raise his sons.
>reading book 7 of wot
>some random ashaman pulls out mad healing skills
>yellow ajah sees this and her panties drop immediately
God i love these books, wish modern authors were even a fraction as based as jordan was
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Space xianxia
I like Sci FI where there's futuristic tech but there's also kitbashed low tech stuff like laser revolvers.
I loved the first Hyperion, but now reading the Fall of Hyperion, I don't think it holds up. There's a lot of scenes of people walking from point A to B, and people talking in rooms. I hear it gets really good in the back half, but the first half was about an 8/10.
Stop samefagging and shitting up the thread.
Is Percy Jackson good?
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One of his novels (not sf) was on the recommended reading list handout for higher English students I was given in high school and only just dug out. Obviously I never read it. Should I?
Maybe. You'll have to read it, since 'good' is subjective beyond some very basic stuff like 'being able to write competently' which most modern writers, even on Amazon self-publishing, can do.
Daughter's War came out. Anyone read it yet?
sounds like a book about women.
I'm not gay BUT he cute
>Sees attractive woman
>Immediately thinks of men
what Bakker and webnovelslop/xianxia does to a mf...
Cool discussion here's your interaction you were looking for
wonder if hollywood will start raping every somewhat relevant work of science fiction from the past century for the next 15 years or so like they did with comic books now that elonites are taking over the republican party
it will be especially enticing for them since the only kinda successful movie this year was dune.
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>wonder if hollywood will start raping every somewhat relevant work of science fiction from the past century for the next 15 years
Anon, they've been constantly doing it for decades already. See pic related as just one example. Then remember Dune. Then keep remembering.
Also, screw you for making me download this image to post here.
goodreads are full of 5 star reviews not just from empowered roasties but also from cuckolds and coomers. This book must really tick all the progressive left boxes.
That makes it seem like there's a progressive right. What a thing that would be.
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progressive right believes in progressing towards a moral, christian nation/world, away from the regressive and reactionary neo-pagan satantic world we've turned back to in the name of false "progress"
>roasties, coomers, cuckolds
Not sure what you mean
>study the Daimos
>visit the outside
>get tortured a bit before they realise you're a chad and back off
>make pacts to preserve your soul
Skill issue lmao.
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Actually good sff:
>The Hobbit
>The Time Machine
>The Stars My Destination
>The Broken Sword
>Titus Groan
>A Game of Thrones
>Assassin's Apprentice
>The Darkness That Comes Before
>The Shadow of the Torturer
>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
>Cloud Atlas
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>Black Leopard, Red Wolf
>Jack Vance
>John Crowley

Fun sff
>Swords and Deviltry
>The Knight of the Swords
>Fevre Dream
>Ender's Game
>Blind Voices
>Bridge of Birds
>His Majesty's Dragon
>Lord of Light
>The Forever War
>The Pastel City
>The End of Eternity
>Earth Abides
>Soon I Will Be Invincible
>Spaceman Blues
>The Crystal Shard
>A Matter for Men
>Dan Abnett
she's a cleric she can turn undead
>The Darkness That Comes Before
Hold on a second.
The best part about it is that the Inchoroi/Consult/Dunsult were right all along.
Ok bakkerfag i will now read Prince of Nothing just because i love Seinfeld BUT i will picture Kellhus as Kramer
I love this one but who is the believer king? Proyas?
Gonna be honest, I thought Player of Games was one of the weaker Culture novels. You're better off with Consider Pleabas or Use of Weapons (his best ones), ever maybe even one of the later novel like Look to Windward or Matter.
wasp factory is legit, compelling story, setting, and characters. Shocking ending
Reading some Aldiss, got The Malacia Tapestry going
>I too am also in the market for comfy cyberpunk.
Already read neuromancer, Mandel trilogy and Tower of Somnus (which went to shit halfway through book 2)
I only read the Egyptian trilogy without knowing anything about PJ except for some vague notion about the gods thing and I found it standard YA fare. Special kids, annoying narrator voice, teens who can't communicate without sarcasm etc. Obviously not for me.
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>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
we in the manga business now? because anime didn't adapt all of it.
Books where the protagonist(s) kill millions of people?
Are they hot?
Probably those cultivation Chinese slop
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>Enter the fray in this luminous new adventure from Christopher Buehlman, set during the war-torn, goblin-infested years just before The Blacktongue Thief .
>Goblin infested
Neither amazon or goodreads have the alphabet soup tag, so I doubt it.
Not as good as Blacktongue Thief or with the same charm.
I do like how the combat was portrayed. I love how humanity is getting their shit pushed in constantly by the goblins and how the author writes them and their tactics to be a believable threat.
Something involving an apocalypse.
Gonna finish Simak's City and Cook's The Black Company within the week. City is proving to be such a kino read for me and is probably within the top 5 favorite books I've discovered all year.

The Black Company's a fun read. probably a 7/10. Croaker's POV is fun.

Next on my TBR after these two will be Lord of Light and Rogue Moon.

So, anyone got opinions on Frederic Pohl's works?
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I read Use of Weapons too, was underwhelming given the hype.
>muh bone chair and Shyamalan twist
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I hope you find that book you're looking for
any anons notice how in the first book, Bakker uses terms like mandate schoolman, dragon, unholy consult, demon, etc. but in book two they’re replaced by terms like Mandati, Wracu, etc?
I noticed a bunch of accents getting removed from names. Based autism wrangling editor.
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I really like Gateway. In some aspects it feels a little dated, in other very fresh. I bigly recommend it
Being born with the Mark isn’t necessarily damning. The College of Luthymae employed members of the Few who were not practitioners of sorcery. But the moment you utter your first Cant, you are insta-damned. In my headcanon, being salted destroys the soul instantly, causing it to achieve Oblivion.
yes the manga
signal to noise by eric nylund was a lot of fun
Which of these should I read next
>Dungeon Anarchists Cookbook (Dungeon Crawler Carl #3)
>The Book That Broke the World (Library #2)
>The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan #1)
>Magician's Gambit (Belgariad #3)
>Project Hail Mary (Standalone)
Wait, does being one of the Few mean you're Marked? I always thought the mark showed up once you start corrupting the God's creation with your blasphemies, but now I'm not sure if I actually read that right.
Finish one of those #3s.
>he read multiple Carl books
>Dungeon Anarchists Cookbook
This one
None of the #3s are the end of the series tho so it isn't really finishing anything. DCC has 6 books out with more coming and Belgariad has 5. The other two from series are the latest ones released in each series atm.

I read two chapters of the first ebook then I bought all of them in physical. They've been amazing so far.
Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?
Ah, I guess I misspoke. The Mark only develops after uttering the blasphemy of sorcery. The Few don’t necessarily have the Mark unless they’ve spoken a Cant.
Being one of the Few does not necessarily equate damnation. But being Marked is absolutely a sign of damnation.
DCC is a pretty quick read, I went through them in a week
To read a novel requires a certain amount of concentration, focus, devotion to the reading. If you read a novel in more than two weeks, you don't read the novel, really. - Philip Roth
I finished House of Chains now and wtf this might be my favorite so far. I pushed through and the book really took a 180 for me around the halfway mark and became super interesting. Karsa's journey was just amazing and I'm so hyped to see more of him, and pretty much every plotline/character apart from the Malazan army had me excited. It felt like it really started unfolding the story into something more than just the Malazan war effort with all the mysteries of the world, warrens, gods and races that were introduced and expanded on here.

I read a couple reviews and people seem to generally rank this as one of their least favorite ones and when I wrote that post I'd be inclined to agree, but now that I finished I don't get that at all. Gonna read something else first then on to Midnight Tides and right now I'm just hyped to get to see another new part of this world.

Is there any book by Sanderson that doesn't read like some shounen?
Project Hail Mary
if she cannot summarize the teachings of her ancestors within the span of a week, then she is hopeless!!
any good depth psychology sf?
Just read the description. Looks comfy. Okay to just start with this even if I haven’t read the black tongue series?

I unironically do. I get a thrill when reading about them in sticky/dangerous situations.
>woman protag
>goblin setting
Sounds kino af
any of you guys can recommend good adventure stuff in the vein of Haggard (or dare I say Indy in happier times) ?
Sadly, no one has topped Haggard, or even come close. His original fans grew up, creating pulp heroes like Doc Savage and Biggles (by W. E. Johns), but after WWII the masculine adventurer faded from the spotlight, being replaced by Science fiction Astronauts and spacemen, the then current idols of children. Indiana Jones was directly inspired by the black and white King Solomon's Mines movies, and himself only managed to inspire things like Tomb Raider and Uncharted.

So to answer your question, besides the pulps of the 10-30's, your best bet to find modern adventure novels would be in the YA section, which I would hardly consider 'good'.

Read the classics. Jules Verne, Robert Louis Stevenson, Alexander Dumas, Edgar Rice Burroughs. The Prisoner of Zenda isn't bad.
It's just Harry Potter written by Americans. I personally can't stand that type of shit anymore, but I understand why some people might like it.
Reject vermin, embrace tradition. And deeper'n'ever turnip'n'tater'n'beetroot pie.
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There's like 20 or 30 licensed Indiana Jones novels
also Tim Powers' novel "Declare" is a lot like Indiana Jones thematically, though it involves a British spook doing spy double agent shit in the 40s-60s instead of an archaeologist
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Do yourself a favor and find the Lost End of Nowhere series by Gordon MacCreagh. They are all on Kindle. I refuse to believe this guy didn't have a more significant influence on the formation of Indy than Haggard did.
I thought you were exaggerating, but holy shit
Not as into this one as the Thrawn trilogy. Anderson feels more YA than Zahn. Kind of dumb criticism for Star Wars slop, but it feels more geared towards younger readers. Should I drop this for the Darth Bane trilogy?
If you are not feeling it by the end of book one drop it. And Jedi Academy is a sequel of Tales of the Jedi so if you keep reading remember to read that first
I started reading Malazam, what am I in for?
>webnovel slop
>YA slop
>Ya slop
>Project Quippy Hail Reddit
PAWGs, slampigs, bbws, thick women and femdom
Oh and War and stuff sometimes
read I, Jedi instead
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Thank you for who ever recommended "Everyone loves large chests" The first book started out pretty pointless horny, but it got much better later on.
And it's nice when something like this end's as opposed to just petering out.
Has anybody here read the Red Company books by BV Larson? I am confused and can't find any answers on google
Leviathan by Scott Westerfield
Are there curved phalluses and swirling death though? That's what we like around here.
Been struggling with Torturer and Claw.

Never meet anyone yap more then Severian, and someone told me he is also lying, so I'm just mad at him as the narrator for half the time.
I don't think he is the greatest, but the attractive part is that it is -current- and you can share in the excitement of something new and "novel" is coming.
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>be me
>buy complete collection of Conan stories
>Read them at night when going to sleep
>Greatly enjoy them
>End up reading them all
>Sad because no more Conan
>YEARS later start re-reading them
>Realize there was an entire story I didn't actually read yet
We eating good tonight /sffg/-bros
What story is it?
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Daala, my beloved incompetent wife...
A great way to enjoy a Conan re-read is if to read them in chronological or publication order, first time i read them when i was in high school i read them in chronological order, because i had the DAW editions you know the ones with the Frazetta covers and Sprague de Camp interludes and years later i reread them in publication order, it was a totally different experience.
What novels espouse the virtue of defying the doomer mentality of the modern age?
not sure if this character is supposed to be misogyny or not
most xianxia
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I really wish that series wasn't so YA. It really is a childrens book. But It's got such a cool premise that I managed to look past its flaws.
Who doesn't love diesel-punk central powers VS the entent's bio-monstrosity fueled warmachine?
Whatt the fuck is Xianxia, I don't speak Globalist Communist Language.
most immortal hero
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, he starts the novel as a Chud Doomer, an unbeliever, and ends becoming a Bloomer, a Believer if you will.
any recommendations that don't involve politics or war?
Anything can be construed to be political.
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How comes there's no chart for weird fiction?
Because it hasn't been made. Very few relative to what could be have been. There exists recs outside of charts. Reliance, dependence, even on arbitrarily created charts by some random guy who is only pretending to know anything is sad.
I didn't say I'd rely on them, just looking for jems.
read these and enjoyed them a lot. buehlman has great world building and characters
Read Reverend Insanity.
Dream Thief by Stephen R Lawhead
because it was a flash in the pan genre before it metamorphed into sff
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>what am I in for?
First book that filters most people. Second one is ironically a lot more straightforward.
Tbh I found the first one a relatively easy and straightforward read while the second one was a lot harder to get through. I guess it depends on what kinda stuff you enjoy in your fantasy ie the second one is very heavy on the military aspect which I find to be a real snooze in any fantasy book that has that stuff.
Does anyone know the name of a fantasy book about demons, a city under siege and an orphan?
I've started reading it 9 years ago but never finished and I don't remember the name of the book.
Nearly every time someone describes a book it could be lord of the mysteries
>lord of the mysteries
I don't think it is that.
To be fair, I did read, the book I described, as a cheap way of passing time.
Sometimes I get tired of reading "high literature".
Vague as fuck, anon. Do you remember literally anything else?
You should read whatever you enjoy without classifications, anon.
The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett, perhaps. Haven't read it myself.
>First book that filters most people
>the second one is very heavy on the military aspect
oh no
It drops you into the world and doesn't spoonfeed you any info about what's going on, who the characters you follow are, how the magic works etc which is jarring for some people who are used to lengthy explanations and infodumps. Some things just happen for seemingly no reason and won't make sense and you won't get all explanations and background info until books later. Just roll with it and know that there's a plan and things will get clearer in time.
"The Devil In Iron". It's the last full story in my anthology, but I don't actually know if it's the last story or if there are more, I thought there was more Conan out there or at least one or two novels (probably not written by Howard?)
Howard wrote about 20 or 21 stories himself and depending on the collection they can be in various orders. Some like to go for a narrative chronology others will go for publication or writing. I have the three Del Ray collections which list them in the order Howard wrote them. Devil In Iron is the last story of the first collection so if you have the same book I do then there's two more afterwards. Also 2 Kulls, a Solomon Kan, Bran Mok Morn and some assorted collections. All very nice.
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if i wanna be a writer, specifically of this genre, should i do any reading or just write my shit and not try and read everything?
i feel like both positions have merit
You should do both.
I’ve found that the more I read the more I end up using the styles of the authors I read. My writing hasn’t changed significantly since I started reading a lot more but it definitely is different now. My advice would be to read who you want to sound like and only that/those authors for a while
There's a place for outsider art, but I feel like you'd mostly wind up reinventing the wheel. Besides, why would you want to be a fantasy writer if you've never read fantasy?
If I were you I'd do reading on how to write a proper story regardless of genre and then write whatever I want. I feel that if you were to read ~everything~ you'd end up subconsciously emulating/copying other ideas and styles and lose your own.
the problem is just that there's so much to sift through, at what point can you say "I've read enough now, now I can start writing"?
i have the exact same questioning i'm afraid reading will soil my own uniqueness
and if i read i don't know what to read i want the opposite of the meme infodump shit through my own research i conclude that maybe i should read malazan or cj lewis for that but i don't how much merit this has
Do you want an actual answer or do you want a validation?

The question is can you write? Have you written anything? Post a chapter.. I'll be able to give you an answer after I see it.
As for validation, you can fuck off
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Just gave Malazan a try.
>female soldiers
Easiest drop of my hot, young life.
>waaaaah strong womyn in my story???
>only men can be strong right????? not women??????
>daddy you told me men are strong and women are weak!!!! waaaah!!
Can't believe how bad self-esteem you have. Extremely cringe take. What a fucking loser.
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You alright m8?
post tits or gtfo
Females are weaker. Even nowadays females almost never serve on the frontlines. Back in middle ages it would make even less sense for females to go to battle wearing 70lbs of armor.
Were they wearing chainmail bikini?
Aight since no one suggested The Tainted Cup that's the one I'm going to read.
None of those anons, and I think you made a great choice. It's one of the best I've read this year.
Why would anyone chose to write like this? Go back to school retard
the brainrot is strong in this one
Oh for real? I was recommended malazan now I know not to waste my time
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Really making the incels seethe with this one. Good job, shitposter.
It's got a gay protagonist, but other than that it's pretty decent.
interesting, I like this structure, and how he shows the events from multiple perspectives
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Any good fantsy books with gigantism? Giant monsters (dragons with size of Balerion, for example), giant megastructures, etc.
I have no problem with strong women as long as they're obedient
>The Warded Man
Holy shit, this is the one.
Did anyone read the whole trilogy? is it good?
>Did anyone read the whole trilogy? is it good?
Nah, it's not. The female character in the first book gets all the focus in the second book and starts leading a girl power movement or some shit IIRC.
I did not enjoy the 2nd book, so dropped it, following desert rape man was just not fun or interesting. Heard the later books get even worse
>read Shadow of the Torturer
>Females are taller than males

Oh, well.
Anyone have a fun fantasy recommendation?
you're right, I love reading about sausage fests too!
Anything specific you're looking for?
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Best value short scifi anthology book I can buy on Amazon? please recommend. no limit
I, Robot
by Isaac Asimov
What a weird mentality. It's not about sex, it's about suspension of disbelief and for some anons female warriors/soldiers don't seem realistic. Personally I'm okay with female warriors in sci-fi settings where technology evens the playing field. Heck I might even accept a lone female assassin or warrior in a fantasy setting, but women being on the front line or physically keeping up with men in sword fights is totally gay.
Suspension of disbelief is really easy actually. If women are fighting and it's viable, it just means they are as strong as men in the setting for REASONS. Or else they would be useless and not in the front lines.
Yeah not saying it's not easy, but that doesn't mean everyone should be held to the same standard of it. If an anon doesn't think REASONS is a good enough excuse that's fair.
Or it's so desperate that women's lack of strength is worth tolerating, see the Sharpshooters used by the Soviets.
Who would win in a fight?
>the fat fucking incel anon who spends his time reading make-believe books, fapping and posting on a korean basket-weaving forum
>the woman who studied the blade and trained every day
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Any books like Dante's Inferno?
Fair, maybe. A shame those anons won't get to read a major chunk of all future fantasy releases though.
>Emotionally fueled hypothetically
Differing opinions bother you that much?
I like this strategy. The book looks interesting too. I'll give it a shot next
Dante's Inferno
Women beating men bother you that much?
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>Dungeon Crawler Carl
>cucked MC
>Primal Hunter
>cucked MC
>Iron Prince
>cucked MC

Tell me /sffg/, why LITRPG authors are so obsessed with KEKS?
Whoever has a gun or a spear.
Nifft the Lean
>the woman who studied the blade and trained every day
Imagine typing out this sentence unironically, reading it, and then still deciding to hit submit.
I almost cringed inside out.
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Iron Prince has a GF THOUGH
Some guys don't like feminist garbage. Deal with it.
Almost as cringe as dropping a book for having female soldiers eh?
There's an angry dyke or tranny in the thread.
Did you finish playing in the ball pit? Great. Now read "Between Two Fires."
>read summary on goodreads
>there's a male protag and a female protag
which one's the gay one?
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Far more cringe in fact.
Like I sourced this may may from reddit just to highlight how unbelievably cringe you are being.
Cut that shit out
Are you actually this autistic to not realize that the original post you were replying to was in fact making a joking reference to this very meme? Jesus christ. This is the kind of autistic neckbeards who are crying about strong women in their fantasy books. Thanks for giving me my biggest laff of the day.
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>Are you actually this autistic to not realize that the original post you were replying to was in fact making a joking reference to this very meme?
>I was being retarded ironically
See this is what I was talking about.
Cut that shit out
Please just go.
>I'm such an autistic newfag I can't recognize references to age old memes
You need to leave
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>>I'm such an autistic newfag I can't recognize references to age old memes
I recognized the reference, that doesn't make it good.
>sees the line and is autistic enough not to recognize the joke and takes it seriously
>literally said "Imagine typing out this sentence unironically" >>23609888
This is pathetic dude, who are you trying to fool?
Book recommendations WITHOUT any female warriors or leaders?
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Read Tenebroum
Daily reminder: we only exist as a species because brave men dared to risk life and limb, for money, glory, honor, and morality.
Any sinner who tells you that the days of doing so are gone is a liar at best, and a globalist at worst.
Praise the brave who die for others, and enjoy books that espouse the importance of gallantry and chivalry.
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You take meds, fucker.
We live in a society that has gone insane. Personal responsibility is treated as a sin since it defies collectivism,
I've never read Sanderson but Reddit likes him so I assume he sucks
If he's selling, he must be doing something right.
Steal from him what he does well, even if you hate him.
Reddit likes most of what you personally like.
Are there any fantasy authors that are good character writers?
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The Hyborian Age is a better fantasy setting than Middle Earth and existed before Tolkien wrote his books so it's objectively the grandfather of fantasy
An anon with a weapon is a bigger danger to himself than his enemies.
He was born in 2005. Please understand.
You can just paste the url into the filename box
The Night Land?
The Night Land could fit in this criteria, there are some giant monsters and megastructures, but the sense of scale of the world itself is something I found cool. It's a very small character in a very large and desolate world, you can really feel the journey
And yet a woman who has studied the blade has a shorter reach than both the gun and spear.
I had an epiphany while going downstairs to get alcohol and something to eat: writing is about conveying what moves you in a way that, God willing, will move others.
And the anon would still find a way to lose.
Perhaps, but the woman who has practiced with the blade is the same as anyone who has never used force against a live opponent trying to do the same and survived the encounter: training goes out the window sometimes for even the best students: experience is all that matters.
Cucking has been a quick and easy way to inject drama into a story since the beginning of stories. Sometimes the author also has a fetish for it, but usually the author is just being lazy.
Anyone who isn't braindead or asexual can be moved by the thought of betrayal by a sexual partner.
There is nothing lower than to betray someone who you swore an oath to, after all.
Modern audiences don't consider marriage a life long oath, to be fair, but many people understand that the vows you speak have some import...and even those who don't have had a lover stab them in the spine.
Usually sff author is just a coomer.
already did. i also read necromancer's house but that sucked, he should stick to fantasy settings
It is truly the only thing that can push a writer to actually finish a book, and in the past, make that book worth reading. Modern writers are moved by LGBTQ, getting cucked, and racial/political drama. It's no wonder publishing is such a wasteland now.

We need writers writing about things they are passionate about. . . without including their degenerate fetishes front and center (though I suppose that has been an issue since the pulp era).
any good christian fantasy book?
Just finished Infinite Jest. What are some sffg books with similar vibes?
>Modern writers are moved by LGBTQ, getting cucked, and racial/political drama. It's no wonder publishing is such a wasteland now.
>We need writers writing about things they are passionate about. . . without including their degenerate fetishes front and center (though I suppose that has been an issue since the pulp era).
You are dumb. It has always been smut. ALWAYS. Science fiction and fantasy has always been about sex, the authors have always writing been about sex (and sex related things) with some fantasy/sf worldbuilding and left wing politics to fit the sff genre.
>Since the pulp era
I mentioned this, knowing it has always been that way. I was saying that after a century it has deteriorated and perhaps trying without smut would help.

>Science fiction and fantasy has always been about sex
Science fiction, yes. Fantasy, definitely not, and that's the issue, everything has (often degenerate levels of) sex in it now.
How can they write it without smut if all they ever think about is smut?
It's like asking a porn director to make porn without actual porn in it. It's wouldn't be possible.

>Fantasy, definitely not, and that's the issue, everything has (often degenerate levels of) sex in it now.
Definitely yes, it had less sex in the past but it was always about it (and some popular progressive narrative atvthe time, often connected to sex in some way). The authors were literally the same sex obsessed authors that also wrote scifi.
>How can they write it without smut if all they ever think about is smut?
It is a paradox. Definitely a mental hurdle almost insurmountable today it seems.

For the fantasy it didn't face that issue until as you said, those same sci-fi authors crossed genres. As much as I respect the writing of authors like Jack Vance, stories like Lyonesse are the worse for his mind always drifting off to sex. Sex is a fact of life, but in fantasy it can be alluded to or tiptoed around. You can have a tale of chivalry and morality with sex, see Gawain and the Green Knight, but blatant pornography has no place outside of the rags that where pulp magazines. Some people may like it, it may help sales, but it clearly isn't helping things anymore. We have fetish tags attached to novels now, things have gotten too segregated in specific fetishes to be profitable.

I don't disagree with you. I just wish it would change.
All that I vaguely remember from reading it is a village justice/trial scenes and Not!Arabs in the second.
still amazed no schizos believe hyboria was real.
The map is too bad for it to catch on, even with schizos. It's just a big shapeless slab of land with square countries squished together.
i could not get through the first one. but i have to say i also liked the world building. especially everything about the goblins and the war. but somehow it got to me that the main character was treated so badly by the people (mostly women) around him and said he deserved all this. made me think the author has some weird fetish.

like when the mc just looks at a women (all of them taller and stronger than him) and she just kicks him in the balls for that. or he tries to climb a tower to help and the knight that is doing nothing just makes fun of him for falling down. idk it just annoyed me how everone hated the poor guy.

maybe i shouldpick it back up some day
i think it's more of a setting thing than any particular fetish. he's a galt who are basically gypsies or irish, a coward who avoided conscription and short on top of that. the bullying definitely falls off as the book goes on and the characters warm up to each other
you could also just skip it and try daughter's war instead, it focuses on galva (the raven knight who bullies the thief in blacktongue thief) and is almost entirely about war with the goblins. i preferred it to blacktongue thief because of the military focus
The map is actually very good once you understand it, and the nuanced of the different regions and races. You'll realize it's more detailed than the Middle Earth map despite being made with a single world building essay by REH
i would believe the gypsie thing with people from holt, but not with the knight from a different country who had shown some respect during the first fight. she also did not know about him avoiding conscription at first.

but maybe i will just skip to the other book then.
also i still think it is a fetish thing:
>I spoke to her longer than I should have just because I was hypnotized by her liquid brown eyes and her captain’s pendant, a coral dolphin clutching a tear-shaped pearl in its mouth. I didn’t say I wasn’t a fancy man. I asked where they were headed, what the quarters were like, and so on, staring at her the while. Foolish, but I couldn’t help myself. When she saw I was playing coy, she leaned close and said, with her trotting, weirdly musical accent, smiling all the while, “My time is valuable and you steal it. If your cock is not for pleasure, I will hook it for mmm bait.” I got off my stool like it was a hot stove, and her bodyguard, a woman with a hat made from sea-snake skins and a short, wicked bullnutter much like my bodyguard’s, kicked me in the shank with her square-toed boot as I went. I don’t say this as a matter of complaint. As with most of my suffering, I richly deserved it.

that woman also was not from holt and did not know him.

and then his weird masochist tattoo where everyone can slap him for a beer and he is not allowed to talk afterwards.

>slapped me then, right on my tattoo. Pretty hard.
>I opened my mouth, and then remembered I couldn’t speak to her unless she spoke. She waited until I shut my mouth. “Sorry, but you looked like you needed a slap, and I needed a drink.”
Nah, Buehlman's just a shit writer. Blacktongue Thief is an incredibly awful book.
>kicked me in the shank with her square-toed boot as I went. I don’t say this as a matter of complaint. As with most of my suffering, I richly deserved it.
If most of the bullying is like this and there's a lot of it, it's definitely a fetish kek
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What am I in for, bros?
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>While Dystopian novels were popularized by the likes of We, Brave New World, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, the very first novel to depict a dystopian future was A Sojourn in the City of Amalgamation in the Year of Our Lord 19—, by Jerome B. Holgate, which was published in 1835.
>While Dystopian novels were popularized by the likes of We, Brave New World, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, the very first novel to depict a dystopian future was A Sojourn in the City of Amalgamation in the Year of Our Lord 19—, by Jerome B. Holgate, which was published in 1835. Unfortunately, the main problem with this novel is, the sociopolitical movement Holgate depicts as having led to moral, political and social degeneration in his far future world is human rights for black people.
>Unfortunately, the main problem with this novel is, the sociopolitical movement Holgate depicts as having led to moral, political and social degeneration in his far future world is human rights for black people.
>Sex is a fact of life, but in fantasy it can be alluded to or tiptoed around. You can have a tale of chivalry and morality with sex, see Gawain and the Green Knight, but blatant pornography has no place outside of the rags that where pulp magazines. Some people may like it, it may help sales, but it clearly isn't helping things anymore. We have fetish tags attached to novels now, things have gotten too segregated in specific fetishes to be profitable.
>I don't disagree with you. I just wish it would change.

I have thought long and hard about what fantasy and science fiction is, what makes them different from regular fiction.

Sff is a story of adventure, discovery and most importantly a type of *transcendence*. By using magic or advanced science the aim of sff is to take the readers mind beyond the ordinary limits. In fantasy it's more to do with a characters themselves going beyond limits using magic and spirituality, in scifi it's more about the world itself going beyond ordinary, using science and technogy. If this aspect of transcendence is not present in sff then it's not sff.
The majority of sff authors don't understand this, their sff is just sff in name only.
They are just shitty pornographers writing smut with with a placeholder stories as an intro to sex scenes. Very often they mix in some shitty progressive left narrative either because it's part of their sex fantasies or they want to attract more degenerates to read their smut. Less often they are retarded right wing religionists and moralists who write smut but from different/negative angle (but there's still a lot of it there).
I've seen very little liberal fantasy, to be honest. Most of what I've read is very center-oriented politically, occasionally libertarian/anti-authoritarian.
Aldiss is a shitlib. Always has been. Don't waste your time.
Fantasy books about comradery, exploration, discovering new lands, unearthing ancient civilizations and overall having an interesting aesthetic?
>reddit likes him
there are places on reddit that despise his guts more than /lit/ does
I do not look forward to seeing them post here when they inevitably get banned.
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The title goes hard, how bad can it be?
The Bible
anon, those books are written for middle schoolers
A bold idea: a fantasy story that _isn't_ about going on a journey somewhere
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Amazon seems to think I'll like it.
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Better than YA sloppa. The prose looks more then serviceable and there are DFW footnotes. I think it might actually be genuinely funny as well, if a little tryhard.
In this moment are you euphoric?
Other than books about women warriors, most sff books I browse through in a bookstore do sound pretty apolitical. Even the ones with "women strong" protagonists tend to have her be a heterosexual woman who pines for the male lead anyway.

I don't doubt the authors identify themselves as leftists though, even if only for browny points and pussy crushing.
I sometimes think that the only reason LotR became big is because it was one long-ass road trip and you fucking Americans love your road trips.
It's all titles like this nowadays. Either it's "The Silence" or it's "a garden of little things on the edge of breaking down".
Tolkien was a britbong though
I've heard LotR became big in the US first (commercialy)
Are there any good dead tree erotic loli cultivation novels? Any online ones?
Isn't ero, but I think all his disciples are cute girls. Been a while since I read it, it becomes sorta incoherent towards the end then abruptly stops getting updates.
>isn't ero
or loli
Loli is pretty rare in Chinese novels as far as I can tell and western xianxia are almost exclusively written by redditors.

Mars Gravity seems to be a Chinese xianxia/xuanhuan writer who likes lolis, but I haven't actually read any of his works.

Pls check it out, it's an edgy chinese fantasy about two teenagers being total spergs, people from reddit harass me because the characters are swearing and not talking like cultivators.
I think I improve as I write and it gets a bit better, but I am still somewhat limited by being an ESL. So far, I have 112 chapters written, and I'll post them in the coming days. (No CN or Xianxia thread found, so decided to post here).
Point out those places
Your best bet are Japanese novels if you like loli. The CCP censors chinkshit so no ero loli cultivation for you.
Do not even consider American novels. Too moralfag to even consider writing cunny and their typical male protagonist sucks dick (it's an American culture thing, being a moralfag that wants to be tall, be a provider or some BS like that)
Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches (online HP fanfic)
I read against the gods and the main heroine (it's harem, but you never heard from any of the wives outside their arc) is a loli spirit grandpa, she leaves about 9 or 10 volumes in and he has to go level up, I dropped it cause I caught up ~volume 12, but I should go back and reread it.
I think I checks various wikis at one time and most of the other stories had hag heroines.
Harry potter bro, really? That shit is sperg central.
what’s the deal with the tendency for wuxia becoming incredibly fantastical despite supposedly being “grounded” and “realistic” compared to xianxia?

this seems to be a historical tendency, and in fact the earlier xia/wuxia you read the more fantastical elements bleed in. there’s one where a girl fights an old man with bamboo and the man then reveals that he was actually an ape the entire time. not to mention water margin’s characters who are literally reincarnations of demons, and there’s one who uses taoist talismans to go at super speed. not to mention that the concept of the flying sword comes from wuxia. you’ll see talismans, taoist priests performing miracles, literal taoist immortals, dragons and more in wuxia despite being more “grounded” than xianxia.

is it because wuxia’s an older genre than xianxia?
>I think I checks various wikis at one time and most of the other stories had hag heroines.
I just took a quick look at Evil Dragon and it has at least some girls in the loli range.
Yeah, but I assume he quickly ditches side chicks like in atg. It's not really clear who the main girl is so I'll check it out anyway
It's a shame that Chinese authors love long separations and shit like this so much.
It's ultimately all based on the same mythology, I would assume that the genre being more "grounded" is just what it boiled down to based on popularity and xianxia then came around as a more out there alternative.
>against the gods
Yue Che is so based, at one point he rules the entire world yet he still decides to go to the god realm, not for immortality, but for his child wife. Even though he could have a billion child wives on his home planet.
No man would do that for a 25+ hag
Some stories start like wuxia, but then just run on long enough that they become xianxia through good old power creep. There was one low power, short, xianxia I read the could have easily been a wuxia story.
I would defy the heavens for my dao companion, no matter how haggard she has become!
I said man, sister.
It's not my fault the most powerful cultivation method I could find required me to lose my manhood. I am still a man at heart.
It's a bit weird and I can clearly tell you aren't a native speaker, but looks intriguing. Will keep reading
>I crushed muh spirit root, dried it up and mixed it with spirit water from the grand elders sewer
>This allows me to have the strength of a ching dong expert at the ching little dong stage. And to keep that gap at every stage
Recommendations for sci-fi with at least a little literary merit? currently scratching that itch with nina allan, would read some more ballard but his writing style is just so fucking dry
Everybody loves large chests
Does The Scarlet Letter have supernatural elements? ISFDB doesn't have it in the "non-genre" section of Nathaniel Hawthorne's page:
Why would you think that anyone here have read, knows about or cares about that fossilized drivel?
"Who are you, child?" the mother asked.

"I'm your little Pearl!" the child answered.

But as she said it, Pearl laughed and started dancing around playfully, like a mischievous child.

"Are you really my child?" Hester asked.

She didn't ask entirely in jest but with some genuine seriousness; Pearl's remarkable intelligence made her mother half suspect she might know the secret of her existence and might reveal it.

"Yes, I'm little Pearl!" the child repeated, still dancing around.

"You're not my child! You're no Pearl of mine!" the mother said, half playfully; she often felt playful even in her deepest suffering. "Then tell me what you are and who sent you here."

"Tell me, mother!" the child said seriously, coming up to Hester and pressing close to her knees. "You tell me!"

"God sent you," Hester Prynne answered.
As far as I can remember, it does not. If anything can be considered supernatural, it is probably just the typical “god wills it” or deus ex machina. The main theme of the book is puritan religion, but there’ no witchcraft or anything.
There’s nothing supernatural about Pearl. The book is cut and dry. Hester is an adulter and the man is revealed at the end. Being sent by god, or being a happy accident is the typical way they referred to unplanned pregnancies in the past. Why would Hester of all people doubt being her mother, she birthed her. We the reader know this to be true.
You can't read
Hester is saying Pearl isn’t her child as she sees more of the father in her than herself. There is nothing supernatural, and therefore no need to needlessly debate the fact in a SFF thread.
You are autistic and cannot read*
Good argument, nuh uh you. Back to the catalog with you if you can’t use your words to explain yourself.
No use using words on someone who can't read.
we know it's you, bakkerfag
Are their any female protagonist xianxia? Something like: She goes to a sect when she turns 6, can't sense qi so has to do manual labor for her elder sect sister for a year. Finds a cheat item and becomes the strongest in her year, gets almost killed by a senior disciple deep in a forest/spacetime-crack/cave and then finds real cheat item and immortal cultivation technique. Stops aging physically at 7.
Maybe succubus cultivation technique?
Anything like that?
why would there be anything like that?
Why not? Seems like a logical extension of most xianxia stories into the realm of pedophillic speculative fiction.
>don't read this book because I don't like the authors politics
Your post is the waste of time here.
>don't read this book because it has no cunny
ZASED, Keep posting this TRUTH!
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>the fat fucking incel anon who spends his time reading make-believe books, fapping and posting on a korean basket-weaving forum
They got them fighting on the front lines in Malazan? Fucking clown lmao
>no cunny 0/10
>no longer cunny -1/10 (read sss-class suicide hunter instead, still 0/10 cause no cunny, but much better)
>favorite quote (1st book): Children perhaps, but whiter than any child should be and dressed in white so that it was impossible to see where flesh ended and cloth began, if indeed cloth did begin, for they had seemed almost naked.
>relevant quote (2nd book): "...their children will have to find another way to light up the night."
>no cunny 0/10
>hag larping as cunny 2/10, she is called 'child' a few times though. Some shota if you are interested in that
>A little boy with pale blond hair stood in front of the table, and he was also staring at the cask. He wore a smudged linen smock and dirty little shoes. Though his expression seemed devoid of all thought, there was a sweet innocence about him that caught at the heart. His eyes were blue, large, and trusting, and he was quite the most beautiful child Garion had ever seen.
>no cunny 0/10, ageism -5/10
>“No. That just leads to a bunch of drama. Because children are animals. Horrible, horrible animals.”
>Everyone laughed.
'childish', used as a pejorative. Gross.

None of them pass the smell test.
What do you guys think of the Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan?
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I get that, I really do.
The magic system was compelling, though.
It doesn't carry the trilogy, but it made it so that I don't entirely regret the experience.
Trust me, I've read FAR worse.
>female author
>female mc
>ya teen drama
>coom shit
>progressive issues narrative
>BUT The magic system was compelling, though.
lol, it's not enough! a supposedly good magic system cannot make up for all the rest of the garbage.
What about His Dark Materials?
That's been fairly fun so far. I'll probably finish it today.
The third book has been a bit of a drag though.
Alright, I have read every single fantasy book on my list. Can somebody suggest something worthwhile that maybe I've not read? My favourite authors are CAS, Tolkien, and Vance. Something obscure in the epic and/or dying earth sub-genres.
Poul Anderson's Broken Sword or Three Hearts Three Lions (I think that's the title)
>>female author
>>female mc
>>ya teen drama
>>coom shit
Is this the fabled four horsewomen of chud apocalypse?
You read any Zelazny?
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>protagonist knows his limitations, doesn't act on emotion, bow his head when he needs to and is not whiny
Peak comfy.
Name one.
Klein from Lord of Mysteries.
He does fuck around and find out quite often, but that makes him respect the unknown even more.
>mercenary group full of the most degenerate murderers around
>we do NOT condone rape
does that break your suspension of disbelief?
I wonder how all the fantasy writer subreddits feel about how someone with such shitty prose is considered the most successful fantasy writer of our times
I dunno. Mistborn was alright. Haven't read the rest.
They don't care for him and his writing, or his videos on writing, but have to be all reddit about it to save face. Good basic advice for total beginners and the must uninspired kind of D&D campaign writer, but most of the published fags who don't advertise themselves as such are pretty catty about his popularity, due to the exclusion of better storytellers and writers' writers. The hate is pretty open all around, his braindead legions aren't really lurking for good fantasy or the kind of writing advice that bring it out.
bookscirclejerk has a (merited) hate boner for him
I remember people recommending Mistborn to people who like Attack on Titan anime and then I realized yeah thats basically what book 2 and 3 were
Bought all of the colossal editions of that, and holy shit, how frustrated I am with myself for having done so. After reading the first colossal, I genuinely can't grasp why it is so famous and so esteemed? Am I to blame? Do things become juicer from the second colossal on?


about sci-fi, I can inform my fellow anons that I am reading one of my favourite authors, Peter F. Hamilton: the Great North Road.
After: Geta.
Later: Harry Turtledove's World War (world war 2 is interrupted because an alien invasion happens and humans must unite against them).

after: stand on zanzibar.
after that: earth abides.

Am I the only anon who cannot read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress because of how Heinlein writes we know who's manner of speaking? I just cannot do it. It pisses me off tremendously because the plot and concept are perfect.
ehehe, today I was on youtube looking for some videos about one of my more cherished authors, and under the results were many videos about Sanderson, some praising him, some stating that he has become a bit of riddle who cannot be solved.
Sanderson threads will for ever haunt 4chan, very much like threads about the meaning, if any, of Evola and the talent, real or imaginary, of David Foster Wallace.
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how /coom/ is this series?
It does
there's flirting and romance between the protag and a witch and they have sex but i don't think it's described at all. and a woman assassin who is completely naked every scene she's in and in one scene she pins the protag down with her thighs on his shoulders and her vagina in his face
second book (the prequel) has some lesbo sex and a lesbo sexual awakening but it isn't that coomery other than that
sounds triple gay
good to know. thanks
i think there is more in the first book. the mc listens in to the captain of a ship getting penetrated with a metal rod by some other woman.
why are americans like this
oh yeah but "some other woman" implies the captain is a woman when it is in fact a man. also kinch plays the fiddle for them while facing the corner, listening to them have sex
I can only hope every circlejerk sub is europeans
I've read both. Broken Sword has hands down 5 stars, I enjoyed Three Hearts but less so.
I read the first two Amber books and really disliked them. I'd be willing to give his other stuff a go - I did hear Lord of Light was good.
can anyone recommend some fantasy that isn't about saving the world? no politics or war, legit low stakes plot like moving a chair from the basement to the second floor but it takes all book and it's a fantasy book? no epic journeys or threats of existence ending or anything
The genre is called sol or slice of life. It's a plague on web novels so try that.
I believe that was due to hippie culture at the time, more than anything. Particularly when Ace brought over the books in the 60s, during the height of that culture.
Sex with women is gay?
If an american author fills his books with sex, it's because he can't get any irl.
Go read that magic fantasy starbucks book
Anything that is not PIV is homosexual.
Sex with hags is gay.
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What you guys are reading? Anything good? Just started vernor vinge recently enjoying it so far
this is true, anons, and I advise you to keep this close to your writing heart. you are influenced by what you write. I think the only way to avoid this is by writing a lot every single day. And even then I am not sure one can avoid being influenced. I find it undeniable that so-called commercial fiction affects my writing in a negative way, and this is why I pretty much desisted from reading such literature.
Your linguistic background is also a highly consequential factor: My english is impacted by my the other first language, and vice-versa.

It has a lot do to with mindset, also. my vocabulary improves each time I write something after reading an author recognised for his elaborate vocabulary and wide range of colloquial expressions, most of which aren’t used anymore".
Btw, the author I am refering to is not english, but portuguese: Aquilino Ribeiro. I don't think there is an english example of him. The linguistic disparity between Aquilino and most of today's so-called 'erudite' Portuguese writers (of which there are few) is enormous. One sentence is enough to grasp it and be struck by it. By the way, the grammar and orthography are largely unchanged.

Are there any English authors you anons feel evoke the same admiration in you as Aquilino does for me, particularly in his unique writing style, which is distinct from today's Portuguese authors?
What about Alan Moore? I think Moore uses the readers as guinea pigs for his experimental writing. I definitely was captured by that feeling whilst and after having read Illuminations, his most recent novel.
>am*ricans not being utter fucking faggots challenge (impossible)
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What am I in for?
Why is this thread always reddit general? none of you posters are fit for writing, leave and come back after a decade of reading classics, you don't understand anything
Forgive us, master, perhaps you should find a better place.
>womanly speech
you are genuinely not fit for writing, read Yeats or something. Maybe Nabokov/Joyce to learn some good prose and Tolstoy for some storytelling. Learn Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Phonetics, grammar, tension, literary techniques etc. The most simplest advice I can give is this: You start by emulating something good until you get so comfortable with it that you can break free and do absolutely anything you want. Devour any good story, see why its good, in a decade or two you'll maybe fit to write something enjoyable.

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