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What does it mean for the Word to be made flesh? What is happening here?
Something meant to sound deep but which is actually as shallow as a puddle
it means be a good boy and live your life according to the Words in the bibble. Not that hard m8
Paper used to be flesh
Spotted the sodomite who can't help but vent and rage like a loser when reminded of God.

Why do you subhuman trash even need to reply to threads? You never add anything worth reading or replying to, and any reply you could give me is just going to be more of your subhuman sodomite retarded faggotry. Just fucking kill yourself.
I think therefore I am
It's referring to God's incarnation, obviously, but what a lot of people don't know is that in the original Greek, the word John used for Word was Logos.
The Stoics and Platonists at the time had a conception of an impersonal Logos that pervades the cosmos and some think that John may have used language that the Greeks were already familiar with to help them understand Christ.
Jesus cut out your soul and sat in your heart.
>your ideology is laughable.
Let's look at your ideology: >>>/lgbt/

What a dumpster fire of trash.

And that's when you secular freaks aren't worshipping black criminals like Fentanyl Floyd and destroying entire neighborhoods over career criminals.
it means that the ideal form enters our world of representation
it's like dreaming of finding money and taking it out of your dream into the real world
God entered into humanity. It makes more sense when you realize how the Old Testament drives a massive rift between God and humanity and how antsy it was about "portraying God" in any way. And then God "portrayed" himself by becoming a man, which was a subversive claim.
Why are atheist faggots all repetitive, uncreative wojaktards?
>Dumbass teenager trying to bait
You're gonna reply to this post btw, you can't help yourself.
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The seething is beautiful
Jesus is the word of God, as in he took on physical human form ("made flesh") and used it to preach the word of God directly to other men.
>who can't help but vent and rage like a loser when reminded of God.
>proceeds to rage and seethe for a whole paragraph
It means the developer played his own the game.

>this human life game can only be won by acting sinless, equivalent of doing a hitless run in From games
>people complained it's too hard
>so the dev/the God played as Jesus and showed us how it could be done
>Bible is a community guide made by recording what Jesus did, for people to learn his strat
This is so silly
Why wouldn't you think it was the other way around?
That the author of John borrowed from the Greeks
The voice of God (I.e. a word) in the OT is its own person, I.e. it walks in Genesis
>Genesis 3:8
>And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day

Look into the "Memra" theology. John was tapping into that to explain how Jesus was God in the flesh while also not being the sole person in the Godhead.
They're brain damaged from porn addiction and faggotry.
>a few lines is a whole paragraph
Zoomers are illiterate.
Christianity doesn't have priests and atheism is an ideology, they believe there is no God and build an entire creation myth around it. You schizos can't even be honest about your own beliefs.

And your ideology is what led to trannyism forced on kids in schools and libraries.
Oh this board is infested with sodomite trannies who spam threads they don't like.
Then leave, discord tranny.
Atheists are Christian.
Pray me away then.
I was here when you were still learning to read.
>still spamming
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>The Evangelist intends by making mention of the flesh, to show the unspeakable condescension of God, and lead us to admire His compassion, in assuming for our salvation, what was so opposite and incongenial to His nature, as the flesh
> the Word being made flesh, God’s own Son was made the son of man, that he might make the sons of men the sons of God. Now when you hear that the Word was made flesh, be not disturbed, for He did not change His substance into flesh, which it were indeed impious to suppose
>As our word becomes the bodily voice, by its assumption of that voice, as a means of developing itself externally, so the Word of God was made flesh, by assuming flesh, as a means of manifesting Itself to the world. And as our word is made voice, yet is not turned into voice; so the Word of God was made flesh, but never turned into flesh. It is by assuming another nature, not by consuming themselves in it, that our word is made voice, and the Word, flesh.
John 1:1-3,14
>1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
>2 The same was in the beginning with God.
>3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
>14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 3:13
>13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
John 8:58
>58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Seems pretty simple to me. It'd be nice if mods would ban the spamming schizos and trolls so we could actually discuss this though.

The absolute state of /lit/
That's impossible given this site is only 20 years old, but I'm sorry you failed in life to the point where you're middle-aged and crying like a toddler about people trying to discuss a religion you don't believe in.
My issue is with you leaving the containment board, zoom-zoom.
I just got a warning for reporting the spammers too.

Mods are clearly in on it. Don't forget to use the feedback form.

You should just pray and not bother with crying to Hiro. Or are you a deist?
>It'd be nice if mods would ban the spamming schizos and trolls so we could actually discuss this though.
Mods are subhuman /lgbt/ trash.
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This is a literature board, discussion about religious literature was always allowed. You can spam imaginary monikers like "zoomer" or "larp" as much as you like, but this is an on-topic thread and you're being an insufferable faggot because you personally don't like the subject.
This topic is also allowed on /his/. I see similar threads on both boards spammed all day long, it's tiresome and it also kills real threads.
Ive said it for years, 4chan needs a /rel/ board.
Yes, and /ai/ board too.
We are entitled to discuss religious literature. And we are entitled to mock it mercilessly and call it utter trash and call those who adopt such religions as cringe worthy morons. Don't like it? Stay in your church approved safe spaces you hypocritical snow flakes.
You can make your own fedora threads all you want, but don't shit up honest discussions with your low-effort spam.

People like you are the reason atheists tend to be regarded by general society as insufferable pricks and why most nonreligious people are hesitant to associate with "atheism."
If you spout your nonsense on 4chan, expect to get called a faggot. Faggot. Religion is totally indefensible. No sensible person wants to hear about your projected father figure in the sky. It's hilarious that you reference "general society" like any intelligent person would care what brain dead normies think. So, in summary, I will continue entering your shitty threads and calling you a faggot until you grow up and stop polluting this board with your inane bullshit.
This Soviet trans atheist Redditor is taking tricks from my playbook
We all saw what happened here. someone, a lone actor who, probably thinking he's a fuzzy wolf, (Chuckles), came into an dishonorable thread that he most likely made, alone, and came here, and did what he did, and now, he's here again, claiming, he's doing it for us. (Laughter) Well, don't worry, I'll show him how we dropped an iron curtain on sovietism before, and we will do it again.
Did you know the soviets had an official religion? They were officially atheists.
Legitimately a schizo post. What the fuck are you talking about?
For you to practice what you preach.
God's word was made flesh when he made you, and all life.
Your word is made flesh when you stick by what you believe in.
They're spamming faggots, they'll never stop since mods are cancer and enable them.

>I'll continue to spam threads I don't like because I'm an underage brat manchild atheist
Do everyone in the world a favor and kill yourself.
>believes life came from a rock and his ancestors were fish
Grow up, stop polluting all of the world with your inane bullshit and kill yourself. You're a fucking loser, just kill yourself already.
Nothing is more schizo than evolution + atheism + secular humanism + relativism mixed together

Peak delusion and insanity.
Cringe. Read a different book.
kek, you are so dumb you literally can't understand evolution, one of the most basic facts of life. You are legitimately retarded.
We're all clones of Jesus running around. Most will never even know who they really are.
Is it really "word" here or is it "logos" and reason is made flesh?
The only correct answer here. Surprised to see people here taking the English at face value. I thought “Logos” should be common knowledge for start with the Greek bros.
It basically Means the spirit or the program you are becoming human or earthly. Basically the father is the universal consciousness, the spirit your essence in the transcendent state and the son the flesh or earthly body. The trinity is in all of us . We are good and god is us
the word of God, jesus, is made flesh, as in, materialized in a human form
>>23614533 The path to God became a man and by His example showed the way, the step-by-step, to reach divinity.

See, Jesus wasn't here to create a religion. He came to show the path.

Read ACIM.
Why do religious people have the mindset of a child? "What if a word... was FLESH?", "What if there was a super father in the sky?", "This book of magic talking animals is the greatest thing in existence". It's massive cringe.
Sounds like a human supremacist conspiracy
one aspect of the Trinity became a man. that aspect, the Son, corresponded to the Logos/Word. simple as.
>God is an idea
>Man is an idea
How does this place manage to be worse than reddit?
You are encouraged to do the needful
It's full of r/atheism tourists and mods are worthless niggers.
The Word--the Divine Logos--became a human man->Jesus Christ
Man desires to be like God.
God desires to be like Man.
Is there a moment when both can be fulfilled?
Christ is the Word and he is the verbal manifestation of the divine human imagination.
Gold was in the beginning. That is what God saw. Kind of like the Minecraft nether zone where it's a breathing hellscape. But what I am trying to describe is the breathing gold that was in the beginning.

>Shallow as a puddle

On a literature board. Kek
Pillars of gold I might add.
>The bots injecting their antagonistic disagreeablity into every thread are /r/atheist tourists
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>Honest discussion
Pick one
So Christ is an imaginary friend?
I met God once in a Roblox game that's only because he took an interest in my obby
This thread has been locked. Religious discussion is off-topic.
Why yes I do believe I have the right to mock and insult anyone I don't like, but don't make fun of my religion because I'll have a fit.
You need to do some research on the word logos and the Trinity.
drink blood and eat people
It doesn't mean anything you retard. You think it must make sense and be insightful just because it was written a long time ago and lots of people believe in it.
Why do you schizos get so upset when someone tries to actually discuss the Bible?

All you subhuman retards do is spam threads you don't like. It's not like you have anything worth saying ever, you just cry for censorship then spam threads when that doesn't work.

Atheists are subhuman trash.
>What is happening here?
Liberum examen is an heretic practice.
>discuss the Bible
Liberum examen is an heretic practice.
Only "protestant" pagans read the Bible.
Christcuckoldry is not literature, you guys have brainrot
It's not literature for starters
Dude remember when that guy brought a pair of each living creature onto a big ass boat that he had also built all by himself because this God who you're supposed to worship above everything else threw a fit and flooded the entire planet and killed everyone. It's all real bro, look it up.

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