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>Jesus was born of a virgin
>Not divine
Can any Muslimanons explain this?
Adam didn't a father nor a mother, does that make him God?
Isn't there modern scholarly consensus that Jesus never claimed to be God >>23612708 ?
Isaiah 7:14
>Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel
In King Ahaz's day a virgin gave birth to a son, was that son divine?
why would you take seriously shit that was obviously made up. use your brain and just follow atheistic hinduism
How would you even open that book?
kek based mudslimes
it slides out
Uhm sweety, hindusim is also made up
>atheistic hinduism
anon cmon

it is all made up. so its all a choice in what we want to believe, so might as well believe in the most badass stories (mahabharata) and based concepts (brahman)
Does including atheism in front of xyz make it more or less made up? Is atheistic hinduism the same as atheistic buddhism, or atheistic Christianity, or atheistic Islam?

If it's all made up, and it's all a choice, then what's it to you what I want to believe in, or not believe in?
>virgin birth alone proves his divinity
cool straw man ahmed.
try better
anon just shut the fuck up. i dont have the time to discuss such meaningless matters with your particular brand of rigid retardation.
What's it to you what it is to him what you want to believe in?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Holy KEK that takes me back
>/lit/ - religion debate and discussion
The Quran is a work of literature
Very entertaining fiction, to be sure
Why would anyone who spends more than 3 seconds dealing with Indians ever take any form of hinduism seriously?
At least Christianity developed the wealthiest and most sophisticated society ever conceived of, in both material and spiritual concerns. And Islam was more or less equal to it until white people discovered uppers in the 16th century (which Muslims had before then)
India doesn't have anything worth learning from or preserving, and the stuff that at first glance looks worthwhile was put there by Brits and Muslims (ok, just the taj mahal lol)
Yeah, but the only kind of posting it inspires is shitty debate revolving around canned apologetics arguments.
guenonfag seethe
Trinity doesn't sit well with the Quran's monism. Ibn Arabi criticizes Christians because they believe God was incarnated in Christ only, when in fact God is immanant in the world and manifest in everyone and everything. God is more like a force or a principal. All humans are in a sense in God, but no human can be God incarnate or contain God within a limit. Jesus is divine in the sense he is in God and that he is favored by God, but besides being favored and having unique virtues he is just a regular guy like the rest of us. The world and mortal creatures are just one mode of God.
Incarnation doesn't preclude immanence lol

>Can't incarnate cause he just can't
he did and can

>things are modes of God
>I said 'You are Gods'
Incarnation is saying God was contained within the body of Christ. Since a bodies have limits, this would imply God is limited or contained within the body of a particular individual. How can an eternal and infinite being be contained within a limit? You'd also have to explain how the rest of the world exists without leading to a kind of dualism. Its for this reason the idea of Christ being God incarnate is rejected by Muslims.
>Jesus was born of a virgin
Is it even biologically possible? Was it ever actually proven that his mother was a virgin by the time she became pregnant?
The Son's divine nature assumed a human nature. When Jesus took on human flesh, His divine nature did not change. When Jesus became a man, His divine nature did not change from infinite to finite.

If you are asking, "How can Jesus be both infinite and finite?" Jesus has two natures: divine and human. The characteristic of being infinite is an attribute of His divine nature. Being finite is an attribute of His human nature.

>How can an eternal and infinite being be contained within a limit?
How can matter contain immaterial spirit? How can spirit contain matter? The problem is the idea of containment. Rather what's happening is union with, union between two natures. This union is a mystery to our vision, especially after the Fall since we think in very dim and materialistic terms.

The actual mechanics or physics of how he assumed human nature is a mystery. But we already know God can interact and enter into creation whenever he wishes, otherwise no being, man or angel would be able to interact or discourse with God. Adam and Eve walked and talked with God after all, not an apparition or proxy.
Is this Quran being bound on both sides just AI bullshit or is it an actual thing Muslims do (like how they bind it backwards like manga)?
mudslimes haven't actually figured out how to open the book yet
Cool it with the racism, pal
>Ibn Arabi
This guy believed in twelve wizards
>This guy believed in twelve wizards
WTF I love Ibn Arabi now?!?!
Why did gandalf the white not have a hat? Why did harry potter live in a cupboard under the stairs? Because it's fiction and the writer chose to write it that way.
Christianity is basically Hindu. Hindu believe in Brahman. One Ultimate reality and absolute principle. But it can incarnated and manifest itself into million of gods. Christianity belief in one god but can manifest and incarnated itself into Jesus. Jesus is also god. So what the difference here? No difference. You defend trinity with arguments of Hindu. Hindu people also defend their religion like that albeit more complex than Trinity to justified their million god which emanation from one divine principle. Strict monotheism is simple. If christian justified their trinity you are no better than Hindu. You are basically pagan lite
It might be true that he never claimed to be God but appeal to consensus is a literal fallacy. I would have taken you more seriously if you had posted a frog.
>islamic god forever imprisoned in his cuckshed
> not actually omnipotent
>forever twiddling his two right hands and scratching his shins forced to merely WATCH the show never be part of it

Muslims worship Satan.
mary was a whore (or was raped), and they passed it off as miraculous to retarded peasants. and so on
many such cases
>mohammed was illiterate
pick one
Jesus can read. And He is going to read my name from His Lamb's Book of Life.
will He read your name?
he was illiterate and others wrote the Koran after his death
>what are miracles?
I can answer: religion is a bunch of made up fairy tales with no connection to reality
He literally says "The father and I are one" in John.
Also, why was he crucifixed then? In the gospels it's because he claims to be God. That was his blasphemy (Which is not a blasphemy because it was true)
you just proved that religion is sufficiently connected to reality that you reacted to it.
or are you not real?

tldr: Jesus is Lord!
>Also, why was he crucifixed then? In the gospels it's because he claims to be God. That was his blasphemy (Which is not a blasphemy because it was true)
Why would this be a blasphemy before Christianity was even a thing? Why would Romans even care some guy claimed to be a god, when they had dozens of demi-gods running around the empire?
With this comment you show as clear as day that you have not read the old nor the new testament. And you prefer to read others opinions on the source rather than the source itself.

There is a thing called Judaism which is present in all of the old testament that says that idolatry of other gods is a blasphemy, thus whoever claims to be God is a blasphemer.

Also, the romans where not the people who sentenced Jesus to death, those were the israelites. The romans in the new testament said that Jesus was completely innocent, but they crucifixed him because the pharisees judged him to death and then the israelites democratically voted to kill him. In fact the roman commandant says that he doesn't want to kill Jesus.
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Religion is a thing that exists, it's claims and framework are detached from reality. Not surprised this is above your intellectual grasp.
Turkey badger
You clearly don't know Hebrew. You must be able to understand a text in it's original language in order to interpret it properly.
then why are you affected by the claims of my religion?
Jesus is Lord!
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You guys shit up this board, but at least you're a decent laughing stock
lol k
That's actually a summary of what he Quran says. When it talks about the virgin birth it refers back to Adam saying he was similarly made from clay and then placed in Mary's womb.
jesus should be a crying wojak or a sad frag
The Jews had a prophecy (Isaiah 9:6) that a "young woman" would give birth. In the Greek, this was translated or mistranslated as "parthenos" meaning virgin.

Thus it was necessary to the public view that the Messiah be born of a virgin for the Jews to accept him.
>Thus it was necessary to the public view that the Messiah be born of a virgin for the Jews to accept him.
but he wasn't accepted, he was executed, and they still shit on him even 2k years later.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
>Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,
NEETs LARPing as "Christians" BTFO'd
any religion that forbids wine and disdains dogs is from Satan.
>no human can be God
Isn’t this just denying omnipotence?
This is something I’ve never understood about Muslims. Among most competing religions, they merely deny that Christian doctrine is true. The simply say that God is not incarnate in Jesus, that God doesn’t have a son, etc. Whereas Muslims, and even the Quran itself, seems to say that these things CAN’T be possible. It’s not that God doesn’t have a son, but He CAN NOT have a son. It’s not that God isn’t incarnate in Christ Jesus, but God CAN NOT incarnate in any human. Muslim God just isn’t omnipotent.
If I have a car that can drive 100 mph, can it drive 30 mph?
yes. he was a based enlightened muslim sage, anon.

anyway read bhagavad gita and you will understand how god is omnipotent and capable of anything, of course god can inhabit a human form (Krishna, Christ) while at the same time being the very essence and substance of the whole universe and being beyond it also. God is easier described in apophatic manner.
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>Can any Muslimanons explain this?
Jesus didn't promote or encourage pedophilia and murdering unbelievers like Mohammed (piss be upon him) did, yet all the atheistroons are still endlessly seething at Jesus because Jesus is God and they hate God. They don't really care about Pisslam, they wouldn't want to be "islamophobic" anyway.
by laughing at me, you're proving Jesus correct when He said you would laugh at me.
that's only true for secular texts
the Bible is not a secular text, it's from God.
and God is such an effective communicator, and protector of His word, that He made His word understandable in any language thanks to His Holy Spirit imputing understanding into the reader.
without the Holy Spirit helping you read the Bible you will never understand it.
It's unclear what really happened, it's absolutely possible that the Romans actually sentenced him to death for political reasons. Even if it really were the Jews, there are heresies other than claiming to be God.
Most Christians say that God can't create a square circle, many say that he can't sin.
>Islam: Male performing oral sex on woman is haram, woman performing oral sex on male is makruh but halal
>Islam: You can get a second wife without telling the first wife and you lie to her
Bros I'm not joking Islam is so fucking based.
You Christian is basically Hindu lite. Hindu also believe in absolute one divine principle but can incarnated and emanates into million gods. But they all interconnected. They also claimed to worship the one.what difference between Hindu and Christianity then? God can incarnated and emanates into human god but it all interconnected as one principle. All pagan thought and philosophy think this too. Jews and Muslims need to kicked pagan Christian out of monotheist club. Really stinks the whole thing.
>How can matter contain immaterial spirit?
Good question. Maybe matter does not exist.
>Hindu god isn't imprisoned in his transcendent cuckshed like mohammaden God, hindu God is omnipotent and can enter creation as he pleases just like Christian God
Rare Hindu W
This. What it comes down to, for christians, is whether or not the bibble said so.
Christianity is a mixed of greeco-roman and Jewish religion. Synthesis of paganism and strict pure monotheism of Jews. Christianity came and diluted the concept of monotheiem
This is an English speaking board. Since you can’t speak English, you should post somewhere else.
If you read some basic about abrahamic religion you know that Christianity is the odd one out of the 3. They are stinking the club with their anthromorphism. Judaism and Islam is closer to each other than Christianity ever did to both. they are LArping as monotheist. When Christian ever speak. They stink really bad. Both Judaism and Islam laughing at them of how they coping with concept of trinity.
>the cult leader said you wouldn't understand
what an amazing prediction; truly worthy of being called the word of god
Christcucks didn't develop shit, they destroyed Europe and now are doomed to irrelevance
Europe flourished under Christianity and only recently is it in decline as paganism, atheist-humanism and mohammadens are flexing their stupidity and false worldviews
When exactly was that?
Yep I blame the french revolution, Bolsheviks and ww1
Muhammad was white this is his great (x 34) grandson. Islam is the white man’s religion. Return to Islam white man Muhammad needs you.
>Return to Islam white man
>99.9999% of the guys in mosque are inbred pakis or 80IQ Africans
I'd recommend Mormonism if you're going to pick a joke religion to white guys, makes more sense than Islam and Mormons are usually decent and good looking
Well it is pretty clear in the gospels. In every single of them, the reason of the crucifixion is because he said "Before Moses and Abraham, I Am" (I Am is how God called himself when Moses asked his name).
And in the book of John there is the dialogue of the roman commander saying that Jesus did nothing wrong and trying to convince the people to vote for his liberation.
>Claiming that God cannot be a human is doubting his omnipotence!
>no, God cannot be evil. I don't believe in that nonsense!
Islam isn't real, you geniuses. It's just Abrahamic fanfic that some Arabs took too seriously.
Btw same way that Christianity is Jewish fanfic and judaism is Hindu fanfic
Sorry, I meant the book of Luke. Read Luke 23:13-24.
>being human is a sin

God can take on a human form and enter into creation because it doesn't diminish his nature power or glory.
With shlomo shekelstein's nose
Islam is the white man's religion Muhammad (pbuh) had black slaves and preached the superiority of whites to blacks.
No what he said. Incarnating himself as a human is against his nature.
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You're in a cult
It might seem mysterious or paradoxical but it's not a contradiction. He assumed a human nature while retaining divine nature, the two are united in one hypostasis but not intermingled or confused.
Other things might seem paradoxical too, like free-will operating under divine Providence. Immaterial (spirit) uniting with matter. Or time having a beginning, or time having no beginning. Space having an end. Etc
Any god that cannot change is nature cannot be omnipotent.
The definition of omnipotence used by theologians, philosophers of religion and religious apologists is nothing more than a cope by people trying to claim the god represented in their scripture is greatest authority imaginable. The world would be a better place if state got rid of all those who are involved with the aforementioned fields.
>The definition of omnipotence used by theologians, philosophers of religion and religious apologists is nothing more than a cope by people trying to claim the god represented in their scripture is greatest authority imaginable.
Muslims/Christians btfo
Eh, Descartes was a Christian, but he was one of the few who dared to be coherent on this subject.
But it's just desperate rationalization, and the fact that these medieval dipshits are regarded highly shows the stranglehold religion still has intellect and that we have a responsibility to free it.
>You're in a cult
I wish. Human mental health presupposes that you are in a cult at some level or rank that corresponds with your disposition. But, no, I'm not.
Also even if you want to study European literature from a secular perspective, the Bible, especially Luther and KJV, is STILL the single most important text dimwitfag.
Saying flawed human is god is insult upon god majesty, honor and perfection. You insult god by saying he is weak and died on the cross. God can't be imperfect and defect. It is impossible for god to be imperfect, flaw, defect,weak. If god is imperfect,flawed,defect and weak. It is not a god in the first place. God will always be powerful and he can't be weak. His essence is unknowable. So we only knows god through their names and attributes for us feeble human mind to understand. absolute perfection can't be imperfect. Simple as that. If you say god can do anything he wants including being imperfect and weak. He is not actually perfect in the first place. contradictory and illogical. If your god is illogical and inconsistent then your god is not rational. There will be no moral objective and moral relativism will be supreme. They will be no consistency and universe will be chaotic. You should not follow any law at all. You god is illogical thus can be immoral. Human that follow that god should be immoral and illogical too. That's is not my god. My god is logical and have morals. Thus the human should be logical and has moral too.
We need to define what omnipotent is in the first place. if god can change its nature and be called omnipotent. Then that is basically Hindu concept of god really is. Hindu god is ultimately one. Called brahman but can change and be anything he wants. So, Everything is god. Congrats you have found pagan Hindu philosophy. If that god is what you called omnipotence. Go worship them become pajeet hindu.
They will be no distinction between creator and created then. So basically you want your god to be pantheism god. Where there is no concept of creation and creator. So everything is god.
>So, Everything is god
This doesn't follow from the previous claims. Again, what you're doing is desperate rationalization.

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