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Fags go to hell edition

previous >>23613249
I’m officially a degenerate peeping Tom. I jerked off looking in my neighbor’s window at night. The rush was incredible
Binocs or eagle eyes?
Going up to the window
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Anon.. that's based but illegal. Don't go to jail over such a cheap thrill.
I said it a few threads ago but Black Market Music was an epic work of prophecy
Little girls are the cure to suicide?
This behavior seems much less strange to me when I really concentrate on there being a pre-internet, and particularly a pre-late night cable era. Dudes getting their fix from 6/10 girls they know who have been inattentive to closing the curtains seems almost like a tragically lost art in comparison. And now I must mull over how I will never again cum with the heartfelt intensity of stored wank bank material I‘d have for weeks as a teenager if one of the cute girls from school wore something slutty one day.
You ever try to watch scrambled Cinemax porn?
Yesterday, I ate God's flesh and drank His blood because he told me to.
If I ever get around to creating something literary I'd like to do something about the arthurian mythos and a couple historical pieces but people think those are so passe that the only treatment modern people could ever stomach is something super ironic and disrespectful which I would never want to do. I would want them to be sincere if not entirely unaware of the ridiculousness of writing such things in an age like ours.
days since sexo: 1328
Pussy smells foul yet invigorating. So does horse manure.
too many red flags were revealed about me and it gave strangers the ick
>active anc
>become a better statistician
So does uncircumcised penis
Wash you pussy bitch
Wash your penis bitch
Any form of art ever worth taking seriously was, is, and will be political. Anything that does not concern itself with its own milieu is little else but a fart in the wind, mere aestheticist masturbation that is too cowardly to take the stance it ought to take if it takes its own vision of the world seriously.
The ultimate; the last
The penultimate; second to the last
.......antepenultimate; third...
.......preantepenultimate; fourth...
.......propreantepenultimate; fifth...
and it continues, adding and alternating between "pre" and "pro" for each successive number, with "prepropreantepenultimate" being the 6th, and "proprepropreantepenultimate" being the 7th.
What's the infinitith last?
good art is amoral
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Is there a sure-fire way to not get depressed when seeing couples outside? Nofap only makes the stinging pain worse.
I guess in your opinion any anti Trump art from 2016-2020 was better than Michaelangelo or Bach ever did
I feel like having a debilitating disease or physical deformity may ironically be much better for a person's sexual prospects than being mildly ugly.
My ultimate "dream" was to be a trained and licensed psychoanalyst, but since there is no way to go about that in America without getting into debt; I've been thinking that being a Professor is the second best thing. But academia pays worse than retail at this point. The upside is that you'll be able to project your intellectual narcissism onto a bunch of 19-year olds who don't read. I don't know anymore. I'm committing myself to a PhD either way, so I'm cucked.
Hey, you may still attract fetishists or something of the sort. I don't believe anyone has an "kinf of unpleasant to look at" fetish
You have to let a woman hurt you so badly that you never want anything to do with any woman again. Bad news is you’ll probably have to be in a relationship with a woman to get hurt that badly, good news is that the emotionally unstable manipulators of the world are very easy to seduce
Ready to feel depressed again. Patiently waiting. I have been in a really good mood for a month now. I'm really not in control of my emotions. My circumstances are exactly the same. My frame of mind has shifted. Is this peace? Have I finally accepted myself? Doors are opening. Relationships are forming. I don't even want to kill myself. I am untouchable. I am ready to die. I meditate on my rotting corpse. I have been writing. I feel good. I'm detached but present. My eyes are open. My dick is hard. I'm not afraid to die.
I really don't know what to do. My girlfriend is extremely depressed, getting worse by the day, and refusing to seek help. I don't know how to say it's draining me without sounding like a monster, but I am at my limit all the time right now.
manipulate her
There are so, so many stupid people in the world. So many total idiots. It's amazing. I tend to think people are pretending to be as stupid as they present themselves, because it's hard for me to believe they would live their lives so transparently, and predictably. It's really amazing how stupid some people are.
If you can choose your allies then you not at war or in real danger
>vgh...ancient greece was so fucking based...
- Every sensible man for the last two thousand years.
I find it hard to make an ethical argument against veganism. Ultimately, I have to simply admit that I willingly participate in murder and slaughter, with a full understanding of the scale and horror of it. I've even killed people, in Afghanistan. Life is cheap. It's not sacred.
finna be a magick master
OR you can be retarded like me and think "ultimate" meant The Best TM for most your life.
I sincerely believe that people who are not content alone will never be happy, even if they find love. If you cannot even love yourself then you have nothing to offer in a relationship except your emotional baggage. It is akin to marrying someone to pass to them your financial debts.
not wholly against it but i never really understood the purpose of the mind globin in RPGs with current year mechanics
Seconding this. I am currently experiencing the drawbacks you describe.
The heater started to warm up as I parked. I lived so close to the factory my engine didn’t have time to heat the coolant, so I shivered for the five-minute drive, clenching my teeth, cold-shocked into another work night. I still always turned on the heater during my short commute, hoping for warmth.
I never bothered fighting for the best parking, on the fourth floor, closest to the umbilical bridge that pumped employees through the shimmering glass façade of the building. Instead, I went straight to the undesirable, reliable, out of the way spots on the seventh level. There is a lot to be said for availability, plus on the seventh level you can see the sky. The sun had already set, and I could see Orion lingering in the firmament. A seemingly perpetual memento transitum; an hourglass destined to supernova and fade, as ephemeral as a flower. Kesil, the proud fool.
>I sincerely believe that people who are not content alone will never be happy
Congratulations you're on the path to enlightenment.
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Seeing people getting "cancelled" over posts they made almost decade ago makes me wonder how at the very least they didn't think to delete it as they got famous or let alone keep it to themselves. Especially twitter posts. Even as a kid, I didn't post much if it had my name or identity attached to it.
no more 4chan today. it's seriously begun to harm my mental health.
>I find it hard to make an ethical argument against veganism.
1) It's dysgenic
2) Creatures such as fish and crustaceans aren't even sentient, so consumption is fine
Sometimes, I think I am going to make it.
That's because you are. WAGMI
Im sick of being clown but I cant seem to communicate in any other way.
big cocks will rule the world
Going to quit smoking and already starting to have the patch on. I've thrown away the tobacco products I have except for a rolling machine and a gift tobacco rolling tray.
We could all be heroes but instead we’re just hoagies
disgusting niggerfied world with cretinous niggerfied people
jit trippin lmaooo
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Haven't been here in a hot minute. How have your Summers been going? I've been spending my time reading Akira and Chaos by Tom O'Neill.
>it's hard for me to believe they would live their lives so transparently, and predictably.
I've truly met only a few people who doesn't seem incredibly stupid so far. I sometimes feel as if there is no thoughts going through some of their minds.
Going rather good. I'm quiting smoking so it's a big step and watching some made in abyss. Have a good summer, anon.
Most people aren’t going to get in some in depth intellectual type of conversation with someone who isn’t a good friend. I don’t disagree a lot of people are dumb but most people never really take the opportunity to show what they got. Also you don’t want to be that guy trying to be intellectual out of the blue
I haven’t gone.
I just wanna fuck
How should I name him?
The number of times people have said to me retarded things like "republicans and democrats are really like the same man"
I hate my life. My family is in ruins, I have no friends, my aspirations are dead, and I force myself to go on each day for no real reason. Most days I keep myself distracted enough with work, which has replaced school, and my hobbies to never really feel it. However, days like today come and remind me of how little I have to live for. Nothing feels real and I wish that the nightmare that my life has become would finally end.

I'm only eighteen years old and I'm jaded and bitter. These are supposedly the best years of one's life. If they are, I genuinely fear what's to come. Two years ago I was optimistic about my future. I had this plan where I'd get into university, get the girl, and finally get over my crippling fear of people. None of those things happened. Nothing ever happens. Nothing good, that is. It fell apart because my mother decided she wanted to fuck men other than my father. In doing so, she ruined literally everything in my life. I got kicked out of the house, literally onto the streets for a few days, by her and her bastard of a boyfriend; my grades fell to either not passing or just barely doing so; and life began to pass me by while I tried to pick up the pieces. Literally everything is gone and it's supposedly it's all my fault. I don't see how the blame for all of this should be levied against me when I was too focused on trying to maintain a semblance of sanity for myself.

It feels like there's a new flavour of shit to deal with each week. It's been like this for the last two years, and I'm sick and tired of it. Fire and brimestone Hell would be more pleasurable than dealing with this divorce and the effects it's had on my family members. Life today is nothing but drama and screaming and I don't want to be dragged into it anymore. The actions of one woman have ruined everything I had hoped and dreamed for. I have to bite my tongue and pretend that I don't hate her so I don't get kicked out again. Every few days I have to convince myself that there's something to continue living for, but those things are becoming harder and harder to find. I probably won't kill myself, though. But hey, I barely graduated and can spend my free time reading whatever garbage I decide to get through in a given week.
Mittens or Lancelot
I am neither a roué nor a degenerate; yet there are days when certain visions rise so definitely before me and I am a prey to such violent desires, that if, hitherto, I have been able to resist their attraction, it is impossible for me to say whether, an hour hence, I shall be able to do so. At other times, I feel strangely weary, as though I had just accomplished some gigantic task. I feel that my bones are broken, my muscles torn, and it is when I wake up that I feel this--when I wake up, after eight hours' sleep and rest, following no excess and troubled by no dreams. . . . I also have fits of inexplicable rage; of fury that would urge me to any crime; preconceived dislikes; I am so sensitive and excitable, that a word, a gesture, are sufficient to unhinge me: I suffer almost physically from all these things.
Hey, I can't say I've been through everything you're going through, but I can tell you it does get better.
Keep reading that so-called garbage and bettering yourself. Stick defiantly to that image of who you want to become. Recently you were a minor and subject to the wishes of others; now you are an adult and you get to make yourself. You do not have equal resources to others, but you can make up for that with persistence.
At your age every university had rejected me. I was a hopeless druggie and my family had all but given up on me. I distanced myself, gave myself the space to reinvent myself with the bitter awareness that nobody else was going to help me with it, and eventually ended up graduating from a respected 4-year in a STEM subject with a 4.0. I can't say I'm happy now, but I'm glad I was bull-headed.
Don't give someone else the power to ruin you. Hang in there.
Oh so this is a “someone doesn’t agree with my political opinions, they’re retarded” type of thing?
>Also you don’t want to be that guy trying to be intellectual out of the blue.
Have a point. I've criticized someone I know irl through other people because he kept making It seem he was a know it all and wouldn't want to be that same thing.
What do you do if you can't love yourself, then?
Stop this balderdash of "can" and "can't." People with greater pathological derangements learn as part of AA all the time. You are just saying you are unwilling because it is frightening and takes work. How womanly.
I'm learning about Wittgenstein and I'm so glad to have finally found someone I can relate to. I've always found philosophy unfulfilling and frustrating. If you have some profound insights, you can't share them using words of a natural language because it's not designed for that. Whereas if you're sharing an insight about a technical subject, you can show your objective proof using a specific technical language. This was obvious to me from the beginning. If you try to share some personal philosophy using words, everyone will misinterpret it and develop their own philosophy which then will be misinterpreted by someone else and so on. I never understood why people took philosophy seriously when it's obviously someone projecting their personality and subjective life experiences like Nietzsche said about Schopenhauer.
Hey, I'm not the one who implied it was black-and-white like that. That was the dude I'm replying to. I just want to hear his answer to the question he's implying.
Pardon my snappiness. I am used to that kind of fearful emo stultification around here and would like it not to be indulged at all.
A skeleton crew, keeping the wheels moving. Turing the gears. Caressing the machines. Watching them, and listening, and helping. Helping them transfer a mirrored pattern onto a substrate. Helping them maintain throughput, and focus.
Frank and Rudy, perpetually early, seated in their pre-ordained seats, said good morning.
Good morning. Another Good Morning. I received another list of tasks. It seemed manageable, as usual. It’s something to do. A mans got to eat. Sure, I could survive on disability, but this doesn’t take much effort, and it’s something to do. I would get bored. Life is a pendulum that swings between boredom and suffering. Positivity is negative in its character. Satisfaction is the annihilation of positive, ever-present suffering. Hunger perpetually nags. You are only happy in moments free from hunger.
I asked Frank and Rudy where Bauchmann was. He had been out the past two nights. They said he volunteered for the install team. There was a new row of the newest upgrades being installed— Deep Ultra Violet; very expensive, high-priority machines that had a strict installation deadline, companies got to eat.
need to get off the internet. the negativity and racism is fucking with my rotting, anxiety-ridden brain. need to touch grass.
If I die before I wake, I pray thee Lord my soul to take.
A memory from ten years ago. At school late on a cold winter day. Standing in the hall by the door waiting for Mom to pick me up but she's taking a while. It's warm by the heater but the glass is cool. Outside it's dark and there's only one car in the parking lot. The hallways are normally full but now they're empty and some of the lights are turned off. The lights of the city reflect off the clouds overhead in silvery blue and amber. I can hear the wind picking up.
Love it, makes me nostalgic for an experience I never lived
Landlord is selling the house I'm renting. Can't decide if i want to find another place with my roommates or split ways.
They're turbo degenerate faggots, but on the plus side they generally don't bother me. And fags tend to be super passive (aggressive), so they're too pussy to ever confront me about anything. Which means i get to basically just do whatever i like and ignore them. They've also given me a lot of stuff for free.
But on the cons side, they're absolutely disgusting. The kind of people to openly talk about watching beastiality porn. One of them is very catty/passive aggressive and browses reddit
I actually didn't used to be homophobic, but after having interacted with actual homos ive realized fags are all hypersexual freaks with daddy issues.
Thinking i will probably go my own separate way.
>after having interacted with actual homos ive realized fags are all hypersexual freaks with daddy issues.
interestingly enough, all the male homos i met in college were all chill dudes. not that we'd talk about it, but you'd never know they were gay until they straight up mentioned it. it was the lesbians that were the most outspoken. perhaps that had to do with less gay acceptance among the men in our college idk
are you doing the best that you can?
There's a small youtube channel that I follow from a guy that practices selective breeding on spiders, selecting for size. Apparently he's been doing this for 15 years and he's making some big ass tarantulas fr. They will eventually eat him I think
No. I dont know whats best for me.
my grandparents taught and had me say a variation of this before bed. they weren't even religious. kind of neat
>you'd never know they were gay until they straight up mentioned it.
My roommate is the kind who goes out of his way to mention it, and talks loudly about how he likes to be dicked. He's also a furry.
Honestly though im guessing those chill dudes you met in college are probably not too different. You just dont see it visibly cause you dont have to live with them.
Homos also tend to be extremely insecure in their masculinity. It's basically a cope for lacking masculinity.
Seems to me "bottoms" are just mentally ill masochistic men with a history of being abused so much they get off to it.
Or generally passive dudes that would never be able to get women.
I just got this email I'd scheduled to send to myself 10 years ago
>kind who goes out of his way to mention it, and talks loudly about how he likes to be dicked. He's also a furry
what led you to you even accept living in this situation in the first place? are you a closet gay furry?
That's quite a nice thought :)
I think I'll peruse some old photos today for a smile
>what led you to you even accept living in this situation in the first place?
I knew they were gay, but didn't know much else about them. Didn't know he was a furry. But main reason was because the rent is super cheap. Like the most cheap in the entire city, despite being a pretty decent house.
And also they generally let me do my own thing, don't bother me, and are pretty tidy. So even if they're freaks, they're not the worst roommates.
I see, fair. Bad housemates are can make life hell. In college, one of my housemates would have obnoxiously loud sex with his whale gf. We could hear the sweaty flopping of her fat folds all the way across the hall. Getting nauseous even thinking about it. Got so fucking angry one day I just banged his door and yelled at him to stfu. Fucker moved out next semester.

Btw what it's like living with a furry? Never lived with degenerates of this level so im very curious. How are they like? Do they dress up all the time? Do they smell? Do they make weird animals sounds? Do they bring weird people over for sex? Do you think they'd actually commit bestiality?
Welp my interview tomorrow got cancelled due to the team "restructuring". Guess that leaves me without employment and without any open lines of job candidature. Gonna take a break till after my birthday. Mentally I am cooked. Broiled. Burnt. Roasted. Skewered.
> We could hear the sweaty flopping of her fat folds all the way across the hall.
>How are they like? Do they dress up all the time?
He doesn't have a fursuit (as far as I know), but he has stuffed animals all around, pictures of wolves, and writes OwO.
One is fat, autistic, and extremely effeminate, Mostly he just sits on his gaming chair playing videogames all day. His boyfriend is super thin, more aggressive, and likes to cook.
The fatty is the most annoying in terms of personality. Extreme victim complex, learned helplessness, and painfully politically correct. Right now he's taking Ozempic to try to lose weight.
Third roommate is a bisexual fuckboi
>Do you think they'd actually commit bestiality?
Nah i dont think so, but the fuckboi admitted he watches vids of women having sex with horses. And that the other roommate got him into it.
He frequently tells me, unasked, about his sexual proclivities. He lost his virginity at 17 to a married couple.
The other day he told me he also once uploaded a video of himself having sex with a girl to a porn site.
>Do they bring weird people over for sex?
A prior roommate apparently was polyamorous and would bring multiple people over for group sex/orgies. When i went "ew gross" he got offended and said "it's 2024 okay" and tried to lecture me that all kinds of love are ok
Ive never seen anything myself because they know im a prude so im pretty sure if they do bring people over it's while im working.
praying you get to leave anon. those boys need jesus, vishnu, shiva, buddha, odin, allah to save themselves from the depths of degeneracy
My friend complained that I wasn't open enough, that I seem too reserved and "closed off". Truth be told I take a observational outlook to things and actually get a little upset when I'm the lead in conversations because not being about to hear another persons thoughts about what I'm saying feels like I'm yapping and I just end up thinking they're bored. It's such a bad mindset to break.
I'm thinking about doing something that my doctor recommended I not do.
such as?
Anal sex after an anal hysterectomy
Another clinical trial. I went to him last year and he figured out that I have a urethral stricture and when I asked if I can still do clinical trials, he said he wouldn't recommend it. Well, I suspect that I'll be getting a letter in the mail either this year or early next year about the surgery they'll need to perform and I'll need money for that, so while I'm out of a job, I figure doing more clinical trials would be a good thing. Plus, they also make me feel good inside because I'm actively contributing to the progression of medicine.
how much are you getting paid for clinical trials?
Depends on the one you do. I've done two in the past, the first one I got paid $2200 (or somewhere similar) for going in for two separate weekends and eating some CBD pills and the second one was 9 days long and I got around $3200. All you have to do at that place is sit in bed, eat when they tell you to eat, take advantage of their fast free wifi, let them do tests on you when it's time, and eat their experimental medicine whenever they tell you too. It's honestly the easiest money I've ever made, I wish I could do it for the rest of my life.
doesn't that include infecting you with certain diseases?
>anal hysterectomy
legitimately kekd
There's a risk of that, sure, that's why the pay is so high.
Also, I should clarify. It isn't a disease that you run the risk of being infected with, it's more you run the risk of experiencing bad side effects, cause, y'know, it's experimental medicine.
Existential boredom is perhaps the greatest enemy of a thinking man (or woman), and the "solutions" to the awareness of it posited by the various big names academia expects you to know aren't actually solutions at all. Accepting that you are a momentary blip in an endless gray sea of the void is not a comforting or liberating feeling. It only further amplifies the complete meaninglessness and cruelty of sentience. Better to be a wolf in the woods hunting herds of antelope than to be a thinking human being who realizes everything in the forest, including themselves, will one day die, and that there was no reason for any of it.

>inb4 muh god
God is a cope. Belief is a cope. Even nihilism is a cope.

It is actually better to be a low-IQ third-worlder obsessed with woman and material goods than it is to be intelligent and truly aware.
When you find out all the Red Army rapists were Ukrainian
Despairing about this shit is not the mark of an intelligent person
yep. Truly intelligent or rather wise people are the happies people on Earth, happier than ignorant retards. Who >>23618644 describes are midwits, just smart enough to know they are fucked but not smart enough how to deal and adapt to it. The only good thing I can say is that you are not fixed in place and you can wise up from being a midwit, and before you even mention IQ; its irrelevant and stupid.
>Be stuck in vidya.
>Don't want to look up the answer cause then I'll be an even bigger retard.
>be stuck in vidya
>look up anwser, study it, and attendively follow while learning how and why it works as to learn how to solve that problem in the future
You are only retard if you copy the anwsers without using the anwser to reverse engineer it and see how it works from inside out on your own.
I know the mechanics of the game and how it works, it's just that I passed a mission and then it never told me what to do next. I've interacted with everything I can, there's literally nothing new that I can do. I mean, obviously there is, but I can't fucking figure it out.
can you tell me the game and what are you stuck on?
No, cause then you'll say the answer, and that would be no different to me looking it up.
I can obfuscate the anwser if you really care that much, or just say nothing if seriously care that much.
I've been in love with a woman who has no idea I exist and never will for the past 4 years. I'm so lonely and desperate that knowing well never be together makes me want to off myself. I rationally acknowledge I know almost nothing about her aside from her being pretty but I'm so deep into it and starved that she feels like my one true love I will never have.
Hailee Steinfeld?
true incel thougths right there
you need to start socializing and going on dates
I wanna drink an ice-cold cherry soft drink in Arizona.
Big tits don't count if you're fat.
t. midwits
Despair doesn't even enter the equation. It's more like a sigh of resignation, knowing the only purpose you can find in existence is momentary pleasure. There is no great judge waiting at the end of the tunnel. The hedonists were correct, but for the wrong reasons. Midwits are the ones who believe there is "meaning" to life.
the problem isn't that you are wrong. The problem is that the other person isn't wrong either. In any debate or argument it can be that both sides are wrong or in this case correct.
>The hedonists were correct, but for the wrong reasons
Also read more on epicureanism and absurdalism rather hedonism and hihilism alone and you or anyone who needs it will get much needed contrast.
I don't know who you are but I like your taste in music fr
And you know fish and crustaceans aren't sentient how?
Get some lifesavers wintergreen for something to kill the oral fixation. I actually quit with the patches and you can too. Good luck, brother
I will not respond to the retard I am arguing with in the YouTube comments. It has been very frustrating trying to make him see my point, but I now realize he is some low-IQ grifter deliberately misconstruing my point and trying to win an argument by shifting goalposts.

I have expressed my feelings about this thing that has been bothering me all day. I will no longer carry it with me. It now only exists as words in this thread -- and no where else. I am free.
Broke up with my gf so my summer has sucked assholes
It's a beauTIFUL DAY! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR WORK! The new Jack Harlow is out. The new Will Smith movie is coming out this Friday. The new Nike shoes are in the store. The school bus smells good! Office coffee HELLO! Talk about the good things in life. If you're late you'll die.
My mum used to wake me and my brother up for school by, in a soft voice, saying "Wake up, mate, you've gotta get ready for school" and when it was really cold she'd follow that up with "come into X room, I've turned the heater on, get warm while you get ready for school" or something very similar.
At least you weren’t on the receiving end of that. Or were you?
Inability to reason. My general rule, loosely followed, is if the creature eats vegetable matter, they’re fine, if not, it’s a no go
How did Porfiry Petrovich know that Raskolnikov was the murderer?
That's really lovely, thanks for sharing.
I love myself so much that sometimes I think it’s a waste that no woman gets to enjoy my company/body, does that count?
Dude, being 18 sucks in a lot of ways. Your 20s will be better, just give it a chance
Great advice, I hope he listens to you, anon
No worries, man.
Most people here haven’t reached 40, which has been hell in my experience.
People should just learn to be less offended or risk getting killed, it really that simple.
Why is it that I can identify all of the personal things keeping me from doing what I want to be doing, but it can't find the energy/drive/will/desire/need to actually make those changes?

I know that too. I'm weak. Or maybe I don't actually want those things. If that's the case, what do I want?
No, I dumped her but still, shit hurts. I thought she was the one. I've known her for 32 years
That's anecdotal
Yeah I'm starting to understand that more and more and I've been here for years
After what the bolsheviks did I assume every russian's soul goes straight to hell.
That makes no sense, I’m perfectly content with my life EXCEPT for the fact that I’m lonely and have never known love, everything else is going dandy.

And I don’t see how any of that means that I don’t love myself, I do in fact love myself
You haven't hit rock bottom yet.
Things have to get worse for you to get your shit in order.
>It's more like a sigh of resignation, knowing the only purpose you can find in existence is momentary pleasure. There is no great judge waiting at the end of the tunnel
Who cares
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If you want to get through the years
It's high time you played your card
If you live in this world
You're feelin' the change of the guard

Threw you for a curveball today, I'm Steely Dan frog posting instead.
Must be nice

No, it really isn’t

It’ll happen to the best of us
based frogrockposter
But what if there is no rock bottom? What if I just live this admittedly easy life and nothing ever changes. Some sort of neutral equilibrium.
animals are killed in every single stage of the process of growing plant-based food. species are relocated and wiped out... if you wanted to eat one cow you could eat that over the course of a year, maybe a year and a half, and one animal would die. and hopefully that would be a grass-fed pasture-raised cow that had one bad day.
I want to create art but I have zero ideas.
what song?
that's a new one. Usually its other way around, hordes of useless idea guys and no technical skill to back it up.
Depends what your problem is.
I don't have much to go on but if it is what I think it is, you'll reach rock bottom.
It will look like is a low status job and crippling loneliness.
Situations that are bearable now can become insufferable with just enough time.
1-Yes, it was very nice.

2-Yes, it is. You can't prove that because something eats whatever that means it is or isn't sentient. Are... Are you crazy?
The caloric calculation for meat based products vs habitat loss is way better than that of veg based products. Less habitat not only means more dead animals but effects the ecosystem in a way that disallows that loss to bounce back. So veganism is not only at least equally cruel to animals, its also less sustainable, not just for keeping people alive, but keeping the ecosystem alive.
That is the problem.

Stable career where I'm appreciated(not insane pay, but almost broaching six figures). Happily married. Own my house. Two vehicles, both owned outright. No health problems. Good relationship with my family. No real friends outside of work people and my wife I suppose.

I'm 34, and it feels like I got to the end too quickly. It's a lot of "well now what", but no motivation as there's no external problems pressure. This all comes from within.
No children?
When I have an idea about what I want to do then I become completely obsessed about completing it but if I dont have anything, I just remain lifeless husk
Unfortunately my wife and I are unable to have kids, and adoption never appealed to us.

I do think about that quite often, as it would certainly give you something to work for.
I do that too. I have just started asking a lot of questions and inserting slight inputs here and there. Its the best I can do I think.
Yeah it's the most obvious next step.
I'm sorry to hear it. I guess if I was unable I'd adopt, but who knows I'm not in your shoes.
when I think about it, the only real, intuitive goals I can see for natural life are health and making babies - and not in that order.
then don't. Go read something, play a game, take a walk, have a beer or even jerk off what I care but whatever you do. Do not force it because like a lot of things in life are like farts, if you have to force it will turn out to be shit.
As a teenager, I used to larp as a black person on various boards and i got so deep into it that i started getting offended kek seeing the racist vitriol thrown at the larp

I think that is legit why I stopped being racist online.
Alright lads, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna start a /bftf/ general in an attempt to limit the Books For This Feel threads that are constantly cluttering up this board. What should I put in the OP?
Good ideas

>Rule 1: don't be gay
Change of the Guard, from their first album

I'm not a vegan but these arguments are stupid. Most grain is grown as animal feed, you have to factor all that land and water use into your calculations as well

>but muh grass fed beef
Good luck raising enough cows to feed everyone then

Just enjoy your life, idiot.
>Good luck raising enough cows to feed everyone then
Nta but a lot of countries only have grass fed beef and dairy, it's not like American farming practices are the norm outside the US, and it's not like their non livestock farming practices are any better. Things like crop rotation and using animals to fertilize fallow land are things small school children learn in other countries, while in the US if you mention how large tract monocultures are bad for land and consumers or factory farming is bad for livestock and consumers, you will get sued and an ag gag placed on you to never say that again.
We are past the point of return
My new surrogate mother says hi to all my 4chan friends.
America eats more meat than any other country
if you use regenerative agriculture that used less monocrops, you'd kill less animals. the argument i'm really making is a responsible, natural diet (i.e. eating healthy animals fed their natural diet) is far better for us as well as the animals.
Life basically nothing more than a string of moments leading to an inevitable end. The only thing that really counts when that string of moments reaches its terminus is how you spent those moments. If you feel empty, unfulfilled (which are different from boredom although boredom could be a sign of something similar) then that’s probably good sign that you haven’t spent those moments in a way that you find worthwhile, not entirely anyway. We have to do things with our lives, be somebody to somebody. If we spend them collecting things and checking boxes we can measure ourselves a success but deep down we know we’ve failed to do anything really worthwhile.
Have an affair
The greatest ideas never arrive in front of a white screen. They arrive after they've hit a critical mass in your subconscious and simply pour out of you. You are merely a conduit. The greatest ideas arrive in ways we were not meant to comprehend.
How so? There's always hope to turn things around
I peed the bed again
It’s just a different board with a different group of people now who turned the place into what they like
solid advice
I’m a 30 year old boomer missing my college days. I wish I could go back.
What qualifies as "meat" to americans includes a lot of shit that's illegal to sell as such in other countries
i'm a 19 yo zoomer(?) at uni ama
is it bussin?
Don't talk to me you disgusting little pygmy. If I were there I'd shart in your face.
stop larping, we know who you are
mental how i could batter you
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After something happened my teeth were left like this, my jaw is in the wrong direction, Ill never have a relationship
Too risky to fix, thats what the Dr told me
...do you think non-anime visual novels will ever become an actual, serious, literary thing?
I’d be more concerned that you have no nose nor face or head for that matter
Nobody can tell what you’re talking about from this shitty drawing

I don’t have anything to ask you. There’s nothing you could teach me. If anything you should be asking me questions.
>If anything you should be asking me questions.
ok what's yr diet looking like?
IRL watermelon man
Oh I detest
I thoroughly detest
The despicable
Bros I wanna kms so badly, I shouldn't have started a masters
What kind of music do you kids like? What's the generic party and what are hipsters (or whatever you call them now) into?
You're right, anon, more kids should listen to Herbie Hancock
Let's hope all the zoomers and alphas become hepcats
Just got permanently banned from reddit because I told a guy that said when Trump gets elected he will kill himself that he might as well kill himself now because it's not any better. How is this enabling self harm? If anything it goes to show how ridiculous and retarded that poster was saying he will kill himself over an election. Reddit is the collective praise of being a sensitive fuck and banning everything that demonstrates how ridiculous you really are. But I like the schizoid sub reddit, sometimes at least.
"Eccentrics" are just rich spoiled kids and their eccentricity is just expensive degeneracy.
Can we dp her?
i'm in london. people like UK music: drill, jungle. before i moved here i liked shoegaze/90s sadcore music (i've been on /mu/ since i was 14).
hipsters or whatever i call them are into beach house or drain gang or a lot of bands that sound like interpol
No she's a monogamist, sorry, blud. Only me and her.
Thanks, I love it
I can fix her
It's catchy af
Str8 bussin' frfr no cap
It IS. I'll be singing this in my head for at least two weeks
Don’t call it that, call it /bookrec/ or something
That's honestly about what I expected. Kinda disappointing but whatever.

>hipsters are into Beach House
Still? God damn
are you stupid? no, all it /bftf/
still. as far as playing lazuli when you meet her in her dorm, yeah
what are you into?
>calls me stupid
>can’t even type “call” correctly
good one
உறங்கு வதுபோலுஞ் சாக்காடு உறங்கி
விழிப்பது போலும் பிறப்பு

Death is sinking into slumbers deep;
Birth again is waking out of sleep
Death is the twin of Sleep, they say:
For I shall rise renewed,
Free from the cramps of yesterday,
Clear-eyed and supple-thewed.

But though this bland analogy
Help other folk to face
Decrepitude, senility,
Madness, disease, disgrace,

I do not like Death's greedy looks:
Give me his twin instead-
Sleep never auctions off my books,
My boots, my shirts, my bed.
based elite enjoyer o7
My best friend is half my age.
my best friend is over twice my age
My best friend is a stuffed rabbit who doesn't discuss her age because she's a lady
Boehner alert!
readjusting my penis in the office, if anyone looks at me then can see me do it.
22 year old trade apprentice here. Moved to the real estate of my grand parents a year ago wich is located in some far off village full of red necks. Every single day the exact same conversations at work, the same lame jokes. At home, I do gardening, splitting wood for the winter. Big hustle for small returns.
Just now I was wondering, are these viable life choices for a Western zoomer this day and age?
The world has gone nuts and it's too fucking retarded, I think it's time to split the world, one half for leftoids and the other for rightoids. No one will have excuse about some imaginary enemy trying to sabotage their governments
Buildings are so much more interesting to look at from the outside when they are left to decay than when they are kept in perfect condition. Perfection is singular, damage is always unique.
Stop bothering with pleb 'politics' of the masses. It will rot your brain. It has always been nothing than a meme.
I have been thinking that the current countries are starting to make less and less sense. A readjustment (like my penis) will do good.
Have actual cultures dictate their own communities. It's inevitable anyway, might as well dip your toe in the water.
'Current countries' are mostly memes, pathetic larps about countries that existed in the past. France is no longer the France of the Sun King. Germany is no longer a shoulder of it's former self. Don't even get me started with Italy and Spain.
Once a country looses it's imperial ambitions, or any ambitions at all, it's over. Gay and trans rights are not an ambition.
ambitions are probably a bad thing. england started losing its culture around the time it started empire-building.
>halfway through second book of in search of lost time
>there’s no point in writing anything because it’s impossible to make anything as perfect as this
England didn't start losing it's culture in 1621.
i always thought i'd love proust but was put off by the first page

it might be a good idea to get on medication for bipolar if you can

she's sad and the only reason you care is it's draining YOU. you should stop being an asshole
It’s definitely not “fun” to read. It’s really dense, and nothing happens. It’s extremely French in that way. The self-insert refers to his own writing as a kid as “prose poems” and that’s what the entire thing is.
merrie england was gone even before that. but yeah, shakespeare marks the end of the rich period of england.
NTA but medication for bipolar is a meme. All they do is make you fat and make sure you only have depressive episodes. As long as you’re type 2 the only way to deal with bipolar is pack away resources like a squirrel when you’re manic and fully embrace restful depressions with lots of art and food.
I agree that small countries without imperial ambittions and tightly knit communities have more soul than huge empires. However, you can say what you want, but a country that has an empire is not near to a meme country. And modern Western European countries are neither of the upper two. In fact, there is little else culturally and everything else beyond gross post-imperial degeneracy.
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in that case the most real country must be america. is america a meme country, yes or no?
Do you think the sentiment that Marxism is Christianity made atheistic is true?

It so, are there atheistic Christianity alternatives to Marxism?

I think it’s interesting to look at Nazism vs. Marxism as two sides of some kind of atheistic Christianity coin.
i hope one day we can detect BPD early in pregnancy
When did Tom wambsgams join the ss
Is Christianity at all bothered with inequal material conditions?
Sure you should give up your worldly possessions, but does it in any way claim that you as a poor person should envy the rich to the point of wanting to take it away?
Marxism is very materialistic, seems very far away from a real Christian viewpoint.
No, that’s retarded.
>is there atheistic Christianity
No, Atheism is the lack of religion.
You could detect ASPD in the womb with current technology and do selective abortions that would get rid of 90% of the suffering in the world.
It isn’t done because people are evil.
Short answer, no, totally not.
i'd like to see an otherwise reasonable person defend this in their own words
A country that has power and that meddles in international affairs is not a meme country. It can be a meme empire, but it is not a meme country.
animals have the right idea about so many things humans have got wrong. by nature we should kiss with tongue before making eye-to-eye contact.
that's such a stupid thing to say
You’re confusing Marxist theory with the incentive to endorse Marxist theory though
A thing that is not atheism can be atheistic
With the right politicians the US could still get stuff going internationally speaking. Of course there's a lot of things going bad in the US socially speaking and it might seriously affect the global image of the US long term, but they aren't countries like France, Germany or England. Those have just straight up given up.
The downside is that you'll also be in love with that woman for the rest of your life so it's really just a way of transforming your vague yearning for love into a much more acute and shameful yearning for one particular woman
the reason i brought them up is because the US clearly lead the world and most likely will for another 700-800 years. but this fact hasn't stopped them from being a joke, being unable to develop their own literary culture, etc.
It’s just the same stretch to try to associate a lack of religion with psycho slavs doing psycho slav shit, even though they’re doing that right now while more religious than they’ve ever been and it’s clearly just part of being a slav
Yeah they might be a meme empire but they are not a meme country. An American might walk out of his house and think to himself every day: 'who the hell runs this show' but in Europe it's not even a show anymore. I don't think it is even explainable to someone who doesn't live in Europe how bad things actually have become.
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Does anyone else feel frustrated having to date and have sex with men?

All throughout my teens and young adulthood, women completely ignored me romantically. I would quickly develop attractions to female friends but I was socially conditioned out of this by women-- once they noticed, they took special effort to make clear they were not interested or available. I soon learned to suppress attraction to women to maintain social relationships.

At the same time, men would always enthusiastically and aggressively pursue me. They always assumed I liked men and would ALWAYS assume I was a bottom. My efforts to be standoffish or frosty just made them assume I was playing hard to get.

After being completely denied sex and romantic affection well into adulthood, I finally couldn't stand it. The need to be with another person was overwhelming. So reluctantly, grudgingly, I submitted.

First it was just a one night stand with one guy. But after more time went past my willpower broke and i did it again, and then again. Soon I was having sex with men regularly and I had started estrogen.

my sexuality quickly began to be overwritten. I became so accustomed to routine penetration and being manhandled that I just couldn't sustain any sexual thoughts or feelings about other women.

I still know women are more attractive and that I was supposed to be having sex with women and becoming a strong husband and father, but now I do things like shave my legs, wear dresses, paint my nails, I even voice trained because looking like a girl while having a male voice was too awkward. I went from never having sex to regularly coupling with my boyfriend. I became accustomed to the taste of cock and started to crave it. Men started to replace women in my fantasies.

I was forcibly feminized by society and my doctors because i was an autistic beta incel failure of a male and I've been trapped inside a seductive, painted female vessel.
Grow a beard and hit the gym. And drop the fag hormones.
Save this shit for Reddit. No one's interested in your erotica LARP.
Nazism is Gottglaubig.
I conceal my weapons in my ass.
i'm lonely, so lonely.
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>another 700-800 years
There is no way in hell this is true
Who else is going to rule? The Chonkeese? Give me a break.
As an American every time I go to Europe all I can think is, "This seems nice. I really can't see what people are complaining about." And that has been the case for 15 years at this point.
Bpd's a series of learned coping mechanisms, it's like saying you want to detect future sales reps in pregnancy
How does one break it off with a girl who will likely hurt herself when/if? I can't. I just can't. I thought she was the one and she still thinks I'm the one, but I can't handle these daily tantrums, blaming me for everything, lack of personal responsibility, and zero concept of any possibility of getting better. She shouted at me the other day for thinking her emotions are the problem and not her actual problems (having to apply for jobs.)
Tbf we should abort future sales reps
You leave. If she says she's going to kill herself, call an ambulance and tell them to bill her.
We live together. Things didn't get this bad until recently. She doesn't work and has nowhere to go.
I know and advertising execs, but ultimately we just don't have the technology to see which of them will get through a training course
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>become a NEET around 18 years old
>start daydreaming every moment i'm awake coming up with theories to explain reality
>had a "holy shit" moment earlier this year
>all of my ideas solidified into a single, coherent theory of reality which explains everything i ever wanted to know
>feels like when you beat a video game and finish all the quests so there's nothing left to do but walk around the levels aimlessly
>try to explain my theory online but people dont quite get it
>might just make a whole blog to explain what I found
Feels like it's over man. I just solved it all, there's nothing left to wonder about anymore
That's why research continues
i liked it
Lol did you sign a lease with someone who you didn't have references for? Kek, let that be a learning experience
One country does not need to dominate the globe
Your cute
Research is pretty clear, we have to kill them in their 30s
There is no bigger joke country in the world than the US. It could reasonably be said that the military-industrial infrastructure isn‘t showing clear signs of breakdown which would prevent fat dykes from drone striking anybody who represents the vague inception of a threat within our lifetimes; but 700-800 years is a ridiculous claim to make on this premise.
everyone feels that way at 21
She's not on the lease, but I can't be that cruel. I need to save myself, but I don't want to kill her.
>might just make a whole blog to explain what I found
Just do it you dummy. If you really did "solve it all" then this is what you should do.
You're not killing her. I'm guessing you're young enough she has parents you can call to pick her up.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna listen to what Paul Skallas has to say
The bigger problem is that for people to accept any theory, you need years & years worth of evidence piled up to make it seem convincing. I know in my heart that it's true but realistically I need to buckle down and "steelman" it if I want anyone to give a shit about this.
She doesn't. Her family is fucked.
So where did she live before?
Everything is erased; no more honored grandeur, no more baseness; everything lives in silence. Ancient glories fascinate only rhetorical declaimers at class time; they no longer belong to anyone, and only empty heads can catch fire for them.
this universal relaxation of ordinary morality, this uncertainty of all principles, this detachment from all the individualities of public affairs, this skepticism so early laughing, sometimes morose, indifferently focused on what is not of interest or everyday use, finally this frightened disgust of the future, and these are very misfortunes otherwise degrading for societies.
lmao. im sorry anon
and that is that eh
Well you have to start somewhere. You could start here. What is this theory?
Student housing
If no better rulers show up, the US will continue to dominate the planet, no matter how degenerate it becomes.
feel like im time traveling and reading my own faggot writings when i was 20. so, ill give you my time travelers advice: get a fucking job.
I don't have the spirit to explain it all here, but my conclusion is that the brain's most important role is as a highly advanced filtering mechanism which allows us to shape our perception of reality into whatever we please. The human will is mostly ineffective in shaping the external world, but when it comes to shaping its own perception it has absolute authority
I feel like it is a great irony of history that revolutions happen not because of oppresion, but due to a lack of oppression. A revolution is when an emergent social class possessess both the means and the intent to overtake the established ruling class. No revolution can happen without a social class powerful enough to challenge the old regime, a social class that could realistically establish itself in the position of a challenger is a social class which the ruling classes did not oppress hard enough to prevent them from growing large and powerful enough to reach that position.
Is she still a student? They'll have emergency accommodation plans for students
I don’t see how that’s a stretch at all. In lieu of a religious ethic, psycho ethics can prevail. That’s just logically sound.
Revolutions also happen because of inequality. During the 18th Century the pop size of French nobility wasn't a shoulder of what it had been in the Middle Ages so naturally all wealth was suddenly in the hands of a few nobles, the most cowardly, the most inactive, the most degenerate.
>I'm letting her destroy my mental health rent free
Tell her she has two weeks to move out and she owes you rent
>the people obviously weren’t oppressed if they were able to succeed in their revolution
Old idea desu
The French revolution had nothing to do with the nobility and the clergy but everything to do with the centralization and bureaucratization of government since the days of Louis XIV creating a managerial middle class and the french bourgeoisie wishing to exchange its wealth for political power. Remember, ideologies are always downstream from realpolitik rather than politics deriving from ideologies.
People that threaten to kill themselves never do and generally aren’t human
Remove the parasite and change your locks

Now how's that supposed to help
Does she have no friends?
Very few left. Things took a bad turn lately.
As I was getting off the underground I passed by a guy who I'm 80% sure had the words THATCHER GF tattooed on his arm. Was I delirious from tunnel smog or did it genuinely say THATCHER GF? I need to know. But when will I ever cross paths with this man again——in so vast a city as London!
>Now how's that supposed to help
Anon is giving you good advice. That's what happens to people who don't pay rent
Probably because she emotionally blackmails people to pay her rent and bills for her.
brunette on the northern line. cream top. thatcher gf tattoo. we locked eyes for a second. please call me.
> how's that supposed to help
I spent over a decade supporting a family member that would threaten to kill themselves.
It’s just a technique antisocial people use when they sense you pulling away.
The only way to deal with these “people” is to get them out of your life as soon as possible by any means necessary. If you know they won’t respect an eviction notice then figure out a way to convince them to go on a trip for a few days and have everything of theirs on the step with the locks changed when they get back.
They are life poison.
I just don't know how to be that cold
You're not being caring to enable her. You're teaching her to do this again.
Embrace the learning opportunity
You can do it now and feel bad for a month or do it in five years and be a bitter seething weirdo giving unsolicited advice for the rest of your life.
have to disagree with

4chans a trap. protect your heart.
Lel are you gonna pay her rent?
sorry i don't feel like talking to you
I wonder how many people actually beleive some of these commercials on politics that just have fear mongering in them.
>No, you should enable her destructive shit
Just because it's 4chan doesn't mean you have to be a dick to anon and his ex
Downloaded an app called "mediaget" and it seems to be working more than the other one. I think I'll get some anime and perhaps get the Starwars series that just came out to see if it is really as bad as it seemed.
i believe in love and live my life accordingly
People that threaten suicide can’t feel love
I fucking hate copyright law!
thomas hardy said a lover without indiscretion is no lover at all
Sounds like an idiot
>It will look like is a low status job and crippling loneliness.
That's where I'm at rn. Work at a pizza place, have very little hope of getting a better job, and zero social life.
I'm at a point where just to function and get through my shift I frequently take shots before my shift starts

If you don't love her and can't help her, then you should be the one to move out.

i think the depression part is the only part you have to worry about generally and that could be dealt with using standard anti-depression meds like wellbutrin. you dont' even have to take a lot of it or take it regularly. but if you fall into a depressive episode it can get you out of it very quickly
With bipolar, antidepressants generally will trigger the bad kind of mania (unproductive) too hard the first time, and then do pretty much nothing afterwards.
There’s basically no medication that treats bipolar depression for real. You could take one with a mood stabilizer, but then you’re just a dead zombie that gets early-onset dementia.
Sometimes it’s better to just accept being weird and work around it instead of trying to fit your square in the round hole.
Mania is the only part of life worth living anyway.
>And you know fish and crustaceans aren't sentient how?
I'm the original poster who replied to you. For one thing, fish and crayfish don't even have brains like say, mammals and avians, instead possessing a ganglion which has only a very tiny cluster of nerves. To say they feel "pain" is very dubious, at least I personally doubt they can cognize pain (i.e. the neural stimulus) as "suffering", if that makes sense.
MBTI is probably bullshit but I'm curious nonetheless, but can any experts tell me why as an INTP male I attract so many INFPs, and why they all end up hating me at some point or another?
>Getting nauseous even thinking about it.
Nauseated. Becoming nauseated.
We're real casual around here, but I don't want you embarrassing yourself IRL because I. Know. That. Feel.

i think of myself as undiagnosed bipolar because i do have recurring depressive episodes, but the mania is always subtle and not "manic" the way people imagine it (like a psychotic episode) it just manifests as more ideas, more energy and a greater ability or ambition to get things done. while the depressive episodes are more noticeable to other people than to me myself, but when i have gotten the blues bad in the past, just a small dosage of wellbutrin would kick me out of it. if i took wellbutrin regularly however it would create horrible gastrointestinal issues that made death preferable to living on wellbutrin. so i think it probably depends on exactly what kind of "bipolar" you have and everybody probably needs to experiment for themself to see what would help
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Why was the new wwoym thread deleted?
you're imagining things
I got caught being non-human
Yes, it does, but there's no way of truly knowing.

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