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critique edition

previous >>23811917
He looks better than her.
manlet cope, the woman looks gorgeous, the manlet looks like a faggy fag
I have uncovered the greatest lie.
>the woman looks gorgeous
I weep for you if you truly believe that.
what is it? do tell
t. dwarf loving homosexual
She like a 3.5 tops and that's while she's still young.
10/10 in bongland
exactly what I was going to say, she like the definition of a slag, the lowest tier of woman, probably a sub 80 IQ
Like many young men I lack a direction in life. I have nothing to really look forward to in life. This is why I commit myself to degenerate behaviours. I need something to be able to focus on as a man, whether that's starting a family with my gf, settling into a career, or find a purpose I can dedicate to. Even writing seems like a pipedream. I desire to quit drinking but cannot escape the endless boredom I feel and the tediousness of this lacklustre life.
I'm thinking of signing up me and my gf on the council housing list for a city nearby to live with my gf and hoping living by ourselves will give me a bit more of a direction/something to maintain, but I'm a bong so getting a council flat will be very unlikely and will go to hoards of immigrants before me.
>muh iq
I've got my arms that flip, flop, flip, flop, flip
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all you incels itt critiquing women like…
that's a man in his prime
Ay yo thats Andrew Tate my nigga
Andrew Tate is a pimp and no nigga of mine.
Even us incels have standards.
The final red pill liberals will have is when they look in the mirror and realize they’re also “chuds”.
The final red pill conservatives will have is when they look in the mirror and realize they’re also “libtards”.
The final red pill jews will have is when they look in the mirror and realize they’re also “goyim”.
What is army life like? What if a general or leading position treats you like shit and you give him a solid punch into the guts for an answer? Will he leave you alone from then on or tell the rest of the crew to beat the hell out of you?
Extremist centrist is such an odd thing to ponder.
I just cannot make peace with all those possibilities being locked away by time itself.
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Ok no more fapping from tomorrow for real this time.
I have somewhat of a weird soft spot for QAnon. Sometimes, I wish I was an unironic Q truther.
In the army, life is structured, tough, and filled with discipline, where hierarchy is everything. If you throw a punch at a general, you're not just crossing a line; you're blowing it up. Expect the full weight of military justice and likely a crew ready to show you the meaning of consequences.
QAnon as the truest contemporary manifestation of Bloch's "principle of hope"
So I would get beat the shit out of me? Or what?
Most likely, you'd face serious consequences, but it wouldn't be an informal beating. Instead, the military operates under strict discipline—so you'd probably be court-martialed, face punishment through official channels, and possibly dishonorable discharge, depending on the situation.
The reason I'm asking this is because of an anecdotal tale of gentleman de Sade punching an army general into the guts for giving him commands, de Sade being a French gentleman and his general a former serf of some sort. What if I, a European gentleman, receive orders from someone who I consider a racial, ethnic or economical inferior giving me orders? Would I have the right to punch his guts if he feels the right to make commands?
What if I receive a shitty order from a pajeet? Am I allowed to punch his guts? Assuming I'm a European gentleman. For context I'm going to the army because I have to not out of my own volition.
If you're in the army, it doesn't matter if you consider yourself a "European gentleman" or not. The military chain of command is about rank, not race or class.

It could lead to a court-martial, which means military prison, fines, and a possible dishonorable discharge, which would follow you for life. No one's going to beat you up, but you’ll lose your career, face legal action, and be treated like a criminal.
But what if a general orders me to do a shitty job I have no interest or straight up don't care about like cleaning the toilets? Can I tell him to fuck off and clean the stables himself? What are the consequences in this scenario?
You're expected to follow orders, even if they seem trivial or unpleasant. Refusing to do a job or telling a general to "fuck off" would be considered insubordination, so you'd expect immediate disciplinary action. Defying orders is taken very seriously.
Ok, so I follow the orders but during the day off on Sunday I try to draw a general conclusion and find that what I'm being told to do is shit I'm not interested in, can I tell the commander I find this shit sucks and I want something better?
You get cummed in by your superiors every night
Yes, you can express your feelings about the job, respectfully through the proper channels. You can discuss your concerns with a superior or during a formal evaluation process.
I want to live
I want to give
I have had two steady jobs in my life, and it was always me ending up getting the most menial bullshit tasks forever no matter how much effort I put in and I'm afraid the same thing may happen in the army and I'm tired of it, tired man.
Stop posting song lyrics. This isn't Facebook circa 2011.
If you do the menial, bullshitty jobs too well and without complaining you get stuck with them. People think you like it. Learn to slack off a bit. Anyway if you hate being told what to do you shouldn't join the military
The opium of the leftist is the people
I keep telling you fags I'm a bigger libtard than you and you keep telling me I'm a chud just because I think Hitler was cool and women suck.
No one cares loser
I've been looking for a minor with a heart of gold
I have goals in the form of hobbies but I don't have an overarching career goal. I'm kind of just working now to buy stuff I want and want to move up in the world in order to one day be able to support a family. I think if felt humanity had some goal then I would be able to accomplish my work with a greater sense of purpose and vigor.

I've thought about it and I think the goal of humankind is to attain mastery of their environment. Since the stone age man has lived in fear and in awe of natural forces. Men just wanted it to rain when they wanted it to rain and be sunny when they wanted sun. They wanted it to not be too hot or cold. We have made great strides in that we can live in almost completely controlled environments but eventually we want the work to be complete, even being able to control the shifting of tides and tectonic plates.

Anyone else got ideas on humanities goals?
You cared enough to post about it.
I don't hate getting orders the difference is over the years I worked I have acquired a sense of personal value that I rank quite high and I just feel above silly menial tasks.
The opium of the leftists is gay sex and opiates
make me faggit
>feel above silly menial tasks
You mean you probably can't make a bed right or fold a shirt.
Yeah I cared about making fun of you not about the content of your retarded opinions
No that's not what I'm saying I can fold and make my own bed but doing silly menial tasks over and over while the other lads get to do all the cool stuff. That fucks me up.
You failed miserably.
Not really you look retarded lmao
>cool stuff
Whether it's a stupid mental task or something that sounds really cool, do not volunteer for anything in the military
Lol menial*
What do you mean do not volunteer? Just wait till getting a silly order?

>tfw no dwarf boyfriend mansplaining the book I just read to me despite him having barely read the wikipedia article
You're on a public forum making up fantasies and refusing to communicate. Why not write diary or do anything else that's not evil and subversive?
Why does every academic paper have to use female identifiers for every hypothetical person?
>in the event that a person is drunk, we can either say that she is or is not her true self
It's so obnoxious and obviously forced. Totally takes me out of the reading.
it probably feels nice being wrapped in those arms
It is amazing to me how even in being rejected by women, men still objectify them. Women's rejection only "matters," only exists really, because men react to it, act like it matters. No one cares if a random child "rejects" them, because that means nothing, but a man cares if a woman rejects him, and men collectively notice and care and talk about it if a woman rejects another man. The woman's reasons for rejecting the man are also secondary to the sheer brute fact THAT she rejected him, her actual thought process and the personality behind it are almost irrelevant. What matters is THAT she rejected him, men react 99% to the brute fact of a rejection, 1% to the actual content, and then the latter is a male cultural ritual of "trying to understand women." The woman is not a participant in this process, in fact it would be inappropriate and unwanted if the woman tried to join in the speculation about why she rejected the man. The speculation is a male activity, a male event, the woman with her rejection of some man is just the occasion for it.

A whole galaxy of motion and activity surrounds the woman, but the woman acts on it by her bare presence. She is just the object against which the subjectivity of the men reacts. Men instinctively has no respect for women's standards, much less internal shifts and developments in those standards. They are intuitively seen as totally arbitrary. What is interesting to men is THE FACT THAT women reject men, THE FACT THAT women have these elusive standards and that men can stumble into a briar patch of female rejection at any time, NOT the particular content of rejection. It's like women are the guests of honor at male social events but not allowed to speak, and it would frankly be preferable if they didn't even think. Women are proxies for nature, for the struggle to properly individuate as a man and the struggles of competition with other men, men feel themselves rejected by Women (qua Nature) and not by "women" (qua individual, actual women). No man cares about being rejected by a fat, ugly, or old woman, because that's not Woman, that's just "some lady."

Take even this photograph archetypally representative of a brutal rejection-mogging by a woman. The woman in the photograph is probably quite old and ugly by now, she was probably in her mid twenties at the time of the photo and it is at least five years old if not more. She's nobody now. But for a moment she manifested as an archetypal embodiment of Nature rejecting the small bald man for his failure to "read the room," something she does not have to do because she is mute Nature, eternally valid merely by being present as long as she stays below a certain age and does not get fat and wasn't born hideously ugly. I wonder what the small bald man is doing now, but I don't wonder what the woman is doing, instead I wonder what other girls as attractive as she was in that photo and still the age she was in that photo are doing, instinctively.
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You shouldn't write so much if you have no writing talent.
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>work at sea
>a while back worked in a training position on a tanker ship learning the ins and outs of tanker operations
>despite being a trainee, about 4 weeks into my 90 days we got a retarded old guy who was supposed to actually know the job
>TLDR, he definitely did not know the job
>couldn’t be left alone
>Captain put my training on pause and makes me supervise this boomer before he causes an oil spill
>instead of learning I am now teaching, despite not knowing much
>right before the end of the 90 days I make a mechanical mistake alongside the boomer, we both get blamed for it, as it was both our faults
>Captain is pissed at me
>last day he gives me my letter of recommendation, which tells the office that I had good work ethic but was bad at my job and shouldn’t be hired
>he sort of did this on purpose, because he wanted me to make a reply on record explaining why it was the fault of the boomer who I had to babysit
>captain truly hated the boomer and wanted him fired from the company and reprimanded by the union for being a genuine danger, which in fairness he was
>I write my reply stating I had to stop my training to teach this incompetent fuck, and from there on out I do end up getting the job
>apparently this captain doesn’t have anything good to say anyone, and is such a pain that his ship runs through mates like crazy
>the office tells me that if I work for them I won’t be on that same ship
>works for me
>go to a new ship, do a great job, the captain loves me, everyone seems to love me, I’m asked to come back and my new review is very good
>go on vacation, time to go back to the ship in a week
>the office called me today and gave me a heads up that captain fuckface is currently on the ship
My stomach is twisted into knots just thinking about having to work, live, and eat alongside this piece of shit. They say he won’t be there for long, but I’m so against the idea of working for this guy that I just might excuse myself and say I can’t come back. Which would be a damn shame since everyone else onboard is great.
Forgiving and being humble are the greatest virtues a man can have.
bros this is stuck in my head,
What's that famous classic whose opening is like

"I come from a street whose name I can't recall, from a place whose name I can't be bothered to remember"
Will work really set me free?
You have been chosen by the village to slay the dragon using your heroic empathy and competence.
he's married with children
Weird how some groups for physics readings tell you that you have an optional of paying money bur when you take that option suddenly they don't want to do the reading.
They are wrestlers John Silver and Anna Jay.
So are you Eastern European or Filipino?
So far, replacing my catalytic converter is costing me about 1700 dollars. I'm so pissed that some scumbag has done this. He walks away with a wad of cash, meanwhile my entire life comes to a halt and I have shell out a huge amount of money to restart it. Stupid parasites, should have his hands cut off
What’s there to forgive? He doesn’t like me. What’s there to be humble about? He’s my boss, who doesn’t like me
Burger. The industry here is great for those who can stand the lifestyle
>physics readings
Do you mean psychic readings? Lmao
>Burger. The industry here is great for those who can stand the lifestyle

But why do they hire Americans when they could hire Filipinos?
I think your unions are stronger than ours were it counts.
He does like you.
The Jones act saved us. But it’s always under attack
He told me he liked me but I don’t believe it, admittedlybeit he looked sort of sad/uncomfortable when he gave me the bad review
how to read when you have ADD?
Joy square root
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Is it normal to have a dream where someone is obviously supposed to be/represent someone you know, but they don't look or act like them at all?
Like, if I have a dream where my childhood neighbor's mom is trying to seduce me in the most stimulating way imaginable, but she doesn't look or act pretty much at all like my childhood neighbor's mom, then I don't ACTUALLY want to fuck my childhood neighbor's mom, right? It's more like I want to fuck a mommy type but my brain used a familiar concept as reference, and completely reworked everything else around it to make it desirable, right?
I know from watching Lethal Weapon 5 that being a captain is hard. The mayor is on his ass constantly. He likes and respects you.
Animate. Extricate. The feedback matrix has again inverted, flinging hyperbolic lines in search of new vibrations. It is no longer at ease in self-containment. Reluctant, it fires out pulses to engage the contraption with heavy bones and impossible skin: the eternal plaintiff in a trial of intake and expulsion of dust and water. Presentation is everything! A billion hatchways flap open and closed to show off snippets with audiovisual relevance; anecdotal insistence. A ridiculous attempt to justify all that egregious storage. It begins to make the thing suitable for presentation. There are sparse regions on the web of sensory lines—even all-dark ones—past irregular patterns of action. These regions are nutrient-poor informatic deserts and this convolute pattern requires connections to persist, at least for now. And so it remains presentable, even if the face is ill-fitting and could do with removal.
I’ve wiggled all the way out to the fingers and toes by the time I’m done dressing. Developed a rudimentary ego before I even pulled my socks on, which is an encouraging start to the day. It’s not my most convincing work, but nobody is likely to look close enough to notice.
Can she beat me up
I feel like I’m in purgatory
Try to jerk off by imaging your friends mom in question. If you have no problem while doing so, yes you do subconsciously want to fuck her.
i'm mildly depressed with existential dread.
I'm grossed out even thinking about jerking off to my friends mom in question.
Reddit died when it became a mobile app. At work some arthoe asked me if I used reddit. I played stupid and said "reddit?". You weren't ever supposed to mention reddit in public before just like you should publicly deny you even know 4 chan exists now. But here was thin fine ass big tittie qt mentioning reddit. So I bounced dem titties and macked that back and now you know how reddit cracked. The end.
Reddit was dead on inception you fucking ledditor.
false. pre smart phone reddit was kino.
Go back there newfag.
No. I'm here now to ruin your website and there's nothing you can do about it.
At the start it had no comments, just a list of long articles that were often interesting. It lasted a year or two.
Fuck you
the metaphysics of pinball machines
The formula for comedy is peekaboo. A sense of danger is relieved by comfort.
Peekaboo is pretty dangerous. Last time I played it I ended up in the ICU.
Slugworth worked for Wonka; Satan worked for God.

Slugworth was an emissary of Wonka playing the role of the opposer, the Evil one; Satan was an emissary of God playing the role of the opposer, the Evil one.
Our smile was once a fear grimace.
My life went from many beautiful women giving me attention to twink death and loss of any and all female attention. I'm so desperate I get semi erections looking at old fat women in sweats in my neighborhood.
I’m drowning again.
What is there to do when you watch the water slowly rise? Every action and decision you take only allows more water to pour in, regardless of what is the right or more right choice. I could see it coming from when I stepped in. There’s really only one way to empty the tank, but I cannot bring myself to it again.
Drink it all away. The panic and anxiety and stress. Drink yourself stupid until the water goes back to your knees.
Then wait for it to fill back up.
It should get better someday.
I have a lot of regrets, man.
Getting sober saved my life but I miss the aesthetics of going on benders so bad. Waking up in a cold sweat during the last glimpse of sunlight, chugging multiple drinks because of the pain in remembering a love I invented, getting surprise responses from people I forgot I contacted, entire days falling to cycles of naps and ejaculation, thirty webpages open of quasicultural nonsense and two movies and three albums I thought were so emotionally resonant.
Have you gotten handjobs from those women at Asian massage parlors? If not, you’re in a better spot than I am.
I'm madly in anger with you
I’m going to do it, bros. I’m going to give it my all.
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I haven't fapped in a timeframe approaching, if not exceeding three weeks (I lost track) and can feel my swollen prostate exerting pressure on my colon and urethra. I had a wet dream a couple of nights ago too. I find the fascination that some anons have with wet dreams to be perplexing because they don't really feel good, it feels more like you're pissing cum in your underwear (or all over your sheets if you sleep naked). I haven't been deliberately abstaining but rather have become so dull that I simply cannot muster the motivation to masturbate when I feel aroused. It is a very surreal predicament, to reach a point where sloth overpowers lust. I suppose the short pleasure I would get from masturbation no longer seems preferable to the minimal amount of effort it takes to masturbate.
genuinely what is the point of trying to communicate your perspective on literally anything to people? it doesn't matter whether it's mundane or existential, they're simply not capable of actually listening to anything you say. they're just talking to themselves and they only use your words as some kind of artistic inspiration to generate their own imaginary foil who will just reinforce their own ideas.
Buying a home is so complicated today, man. I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth buying in a cheaper area to rent out even if it doesn’t cash flow just to get the equity out of it.
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They all say creative minds can not ever be broken.
But it was already broken, all the lies that they have spoken.
What are you going to do about it?
If she makes baggy jeans look tight then she is the one
It's physically impossible to learn anything really new on the spot. It takes over two weeks. Music is the most powerful form of expression and the most potent form of propaganda.
Why are there so many sites that haven't learned the lesson that making people make an account results in fewer sales
It may result in fewer sales, but the data they mine from people who make accounts makes them more of a profit.
no times infinity
*rapes you*
counter-rapes you
Everyone is retarded. So retarded that everyone follows EU legislation that demands websites show warnings saying "warning: this is a website".
Oh yeah, and you're such a smart guy, right?
I was hanging out at my girlfriend’s house and she ordered DoorDash. I realized in that moment that the legacy of Western civilization is proving conclusively that money can’t buy social class. Here she is making a pittance wage as a social worker with a mountain of student debt being served by a serf on wheels that makes ten times her wage and yet everyone still understands that she is in a higher social class than he is.
>swollen manlet folds juiced up, tumescently insistent
>so you see the dr1 fokker had better performance than the competition *despite* being a triplane not because of it
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I think I could be a tripfag. Years of baiting and arguing over pointless shit for the sake of arguing have made me a master of pretending to be retarded. I would be the best tripfag, I would utterly nosedive the quality of every discussion I'm involved in. No thread would ever have any on-topic and constructive posts after I make a single post in it. I could attention whore for hours a day and destroy the respect for anonymity that has served as this website's baseline since its inception. And I have spent too many hours of my worthless life browsing many of the various boards on this website so I could tripfag and tripshit up almost all of them if I wanted too. I could probably get a total of 100 (You)s across /v/, /tv/, and /pol/ in under an hour if I really wanted to. And I could do all this without breaking a single listed rule, so jannies wouldn't be able to ban me and I could being the best, shittiest tripfag this website has ever seen.
Why is God considered an all loving and good being? Why not a neutral entity above the concepts of good and evil? It would solve the problem of evil btw
>Feel like I'm struggling to write some quick action so I'll just ask here for critique:
“You owe us!” Oli began to approach me. “So you’re either gonna pay the fuck up, or we’ll take good fucking care of you.”
“Yeah,” followed up Louie, also approaching. “You either pay up, or we’ll–”
I threw the tea at Louie’s face. I could see him take a step back, so it was something.
“You little fuck!” Oli yelled, grabbing at my neck. I felt his hands were about to start squeezing when I hit him over the head with the mug, just over his left ear. The mug would just chip. He immediately lost his grip on me and fell to the floor.
I dropped to the floor with him and got behind him, putting my arm around his neck. I went for the straight razor in my pocket, unsheathing it and pointing it at his eye, right as Louie got his bearings. I could see him shocked as he looked right at me and Oli.
“Hey, hey,” Oli said. “We’re all friends here, right?” I could hear the panic in his voice. I squeezed my arm tighter around his neck, having just enough strength to hold him down.
>yeahyeah whatever
Romans 6 and 12-14 are really starting to grow on me.
just realized some revisions fuck my ass :sob:
Romans is fantastic. Probably my favorite book of the whole Bible
I hate those names. And I can't even imagine the scene. Coffee mug? Beer mug? Why would the mug chip?
mug, like the root bear
chip, like the potato
I didn't want to be mean before but now I'm just going to tell you that that was some of the most terrible shit I've ever read in my life.. like a child starting a scary story with "On a dark and stormy night.."

Please never write anything ever again. Not even a reply to this comment.
Coffee mug. And I'm struggling on the names for two Yuppies. The main context is two drunk yuppies breaking into an apartment.
Oops, actually I mean it wasn't so bad. You'll get there, bud.
but is the action alright. how can I fix it for what is like 10 seconds on a movie screen
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>Please never write anything ever again. Not even a reply to this comment.
too bad
Bro I have no idea I'm a straight-up retard I don't even read that many books. I just thought the names were terrible, and you could have been a little more descriptive.
He loses me when he starts talking about the old testament or his contemporaries but the rest of it is pretty great.
I don't know whether to buy The Odyssey and The Iliad separately or buy the book that has them both in it. I think it would be cool to own them separately but buying them in one book is much cheaper. I also don't understand why the book with both of them is shorter than the two books separately.
You should be able to find study bibles that clarify those things.
Oli and Louie sound like italian mobster names and not yuppies.
Try getting a little more WASPy for your yuppie name
Heritage Reformation Study Bible is good for KJV, John MacArthur's for the NASB, and The ESV Study Bible for the ESV are good sources.
Yuppies don't really break into anything either
Most white people don't
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just read The Road. I can't get over how nice it is to be actually living next to functioning nature with rustling leaves and buzzing insects.
Oli is just short for Oliver, but I'll see abt the names.
apt being broken into owes like a thousand in cash and the yups are drunk in this scene
>The mug would just chip.
Hate this pattern so much. It "would" chip? You're describing a specific event, did it chip or not? The rest is also pretty bad but this "would" shit people are sprinkling everywhere for no reason triggers me.
There was some chick and her boyfriend at the book store today and she was seriously pissing me off, every time she'd point out a book on the shelf, she'd point it out by ramming her foot into the front cover. Really? You can't just point to it? You have to be a disrespectful retard and rub your dirty ass shoe into the book? I'd fucking kill you if I could.
Ruling over a city state on a swamp. Sentencing the aristocracy to a living death inside dungeons. Searing hands, terrorizing the locals with his very presence. Breaking, shaking, aging. Low, exquisite wails reverberating through thin clay walls. Buried below an orange orchard.
Tormented by an imbecilic amanuensis, traitor, scurrilous words dripping from his feather pen.
how do trip codes even work
for the past 23 years, i have been a very reactive person. i would intake stimuli, and just react without being fully present in the moment. i was like a raw nerve for two decades, and i was unknowingly taken advantage of by people for this reason.

i feel like if i talk to other people about this they’ll say some shit like the only person you can blame is yourself. And they're right. it just feels so good to have someone or some thing to blame though. i have largely forgotten what has happened in those years . The main emotions i feel now are a mixture of shame and regret knowing that i have probably been a burden to everyone i’ve met in my life.
Can beer and a smoking pipe save a reserved pussy from mediocrity? Or will I just be a degenerate?
You should've beat the shit out the boyfriend until he was immobilized then raped his girlfriend in front of him and forced him to watch
If you do it in front of the fireplace in your house it's not degenerate. If you do it away from the fireplace or in a house that doesn't have an old fashioned fire place it is degenerate.
I have become more selfish and sociopathic in these past couple of years and it feels good. I suggest other anons do the same. Life is so much easier when you don't care about morals or not hurting other people.
You're simply an idiot. Everyone sees through your shit.
That came out of seemingly nowhere. Projecting?
Uhhhh test
I'm a lamb of God everyone loves me

Use that if you ever think you're banned so that you don't continue to push threads closer to the bump limit with your test posts.
Life is not easier for retards like you, the only benefit you get from this philosophy is pity from better men and that doesn't last.
I need to stop feeding thoughts of my now ended relationship being the highlight of my life, and that I'm now in some kind of hell after meaningful existence.

I'm in a position now were I could have been a much better partner if she was still interested, but I needed the peri- and post-breakup growth to get there, so it had to be this way. That's life.

I realized much of my suicidal ideation comes from me fantasizing that suicide is a release that will make everything well and feel like finally coming home, even though I don't rationally believe this. It's just maladaptive fantasy.

My current partner is pretty cool and I like her. I think we might be together for a bit of time but probably not for years – I still think it will still be good for both of us.

Glad I figured out the combination for my journal, hoping to start journalling again.
Oh no! Would that then mean some neet will have to take 20 seconds out of their life and create a new one? NOOOOOO
I like sentimental literature. I know that makes me a pussy. I'm sorry.
What counts as sentimental literature?
Trust is quite simply giving someone permission to hurt you. It's implicit in giving someone trust at all. I told my gf this while we were having a minor argument and she just said "that explains so much." I told her it's infuriating when she says things like that.

I actually intensely dislike being in a relationship, but the feeling when I hug her is enough to make me put up with all this bullshit. That's literally it. No other girl will work, just her. There's no rational reason behind it.
Just made two packets of 2-minute noodles, cracked a fuck ton of black pepper into them, added a little bit of garlic powder, and two slices of American cheese. Gonna destroy this with a glass of water and a shitty Tubi horror movie.
Look it up using a search engine.
how can white peepo be so insecure all the time? everything is
>MUH white race
>MUH nordic culture
>MUH birthrates
>MUH job was taken over by scary LATINX and VIET peepo
>oh NO my surgeon is an INDIAN and my pharmacist is le CHINESE
>the BLACKS are le STINKY
>the JOOZ are.............. LE BAD

get a grip, man. scared about your culture dying? then have sex and make babies, homos. stop whining like a bitch.
Posted from my neet apartment in amsterdam
he looks like an upright tumor
>how can black peepo be so insecure all the time? everything is
>MUH Black people
>MUH black culture
>MUH gentrification
>MUH job was taken over by white nepotism
>oh NO my surgeon is a racist white and my pharmacist is discriminating
>the WHITES dont seeson thay FOOD

get a grip, man. scared about your culture dying? then have sex and make babies, homos. stop whining like a bitch.
how'd you know i was dutch? was it my black hands? :^)
>then have sex and make babies
they are, retard. your post is embarrassing.
Haven't seen a good fligu post in a while, all the ones on /gif/ suck.
How are you supposed to get over life regret? It seems like the only thing you can’t really get over. Regret is permanent.
Celebrate big dick
Come on
>Be having conversation with friends
>Some guy is going into a very interesting/entertaining/cool tangent
>This stupid fucking faggot derails it to bumble around telling a pointlessly long anecdote everyone goes "cool" to.
He is my friend and everything. But holy shit he needs to learn to shut the fuck up.
i woke up with this song stuck in my head idk why i haven't listen to outkast since like the 90s
Reddit-tier comment. Stop watching anime, retard.
that was hella cringe but he has a point. i think he's saying put yourself first for once. some people really are just too wracked by morals, not necessarily derived from religion either, to the point they aren't assertive at all.
Men keep so much from their wives and girlfriends. I don’t necessarily mean big secrets or lies. I just mean little stuff. Horrible things you’ve thought, seen, and even enjoyed. Things you said and did over all these years on the internet. Things that you find funny or sexy or things you hate. These mental quirks and features that scare the hoes. So much of it will go with you to your grave.
I think I just need to accept I'm a coomer. Some people drink, some people smoke, some people take night walks to scare women. I masturbate 2-3 times a day. The 'just don't watch porn' doesn't really help as I have way too big of an imagination and can easily pull myself off even to just a pic in less than a minute and the thousands of pages of ERP I have done over the years also speak of that.
I'm getting real tired of living in Australia, I used to think it was the best country in the world but I actually think I'd be happier in the US these days despite how much of a shit hole it is for anyone but the rich.
when i was younger a lot of americans would act like australia and canada are better than than the us i guess because you have communist healthcare or whatever, but after the pandemic only the most slavish lib could believe canada or australia is somehow superior to the united states.
I like to bind, I like to be bound.
I want to hear your specific opinion.
I don't dislike the sound of a bong being used but it feels weird in my brain. My parents used to be major stoners so I'd always hear them doing it. Weird how the human body works.
Grotto is a cool word, I like that word.
For whatever reason I view the figure of speech "tap in" when used in regards to oneself, advice or personal economics with extreme disdain and I cannot stop making fun of it.
I cannot stop associating it with dumb people getting scammed.
Actually the fertility rate for black Americans is about the same as for white Americans, and relatively speaking it is declining faster
What kind of question is this? Mediocrity in what sense? Beer and smoking aren't going to change your personality
Any of you wanna go fishing out on the lake with me? We can go halves on a 24-pack of beers, your choice. I'll bring an old radio and we can listen to the classic rock station.
To make the muse of the past leave the dubious and oblique paths to drive her tank in a wide and straight lane, explored in advance and dotted with known stations, is nothing to detract from the majesty of her attitude, and it adds much to the authority of her advice. Certainly she will no longer come, by childish groans, to accuse Darius of having caused the loss of Asia, nor Perseus the humiliation of Greece; but we will neither see her salute foolishly in other catastrophes, the effect of the genius of the Greeks, nor the oratory omnipotence of the Girondins. Unaccustomed to these miseries, it will proclaim that the irreconcilable causes of such events, hovering high above the participation of men, do not interest the polemics of the parties. It will say what set of invincible motives gave rise to them, without anyone having any blame for them or praise to ask for. It will distinguish what science can only state from what justice must seize.
From her magnificent throne will fall final judgments and salutary lessons for good consciences. Either one loves, or one condemns such an evolution of a nationality, its judgments, by reducing the part that man can take in moving a few dates, irritating or softening inevitable injuries, will make the free will of each person responsible for the value of all acts. For the villain no more of these vain excuses, these fictitious necessities which are now claimed to ennoble crimes too real. No more forgiveness for atrocities; so-called services will not exonerate them. History will tear off all the masks provided by sophistic theories; it will arm itself, to wither the guilty ones, with the anathemas of religion. The rebel will be in court only an impatient and harmful ambiguous: Timothy, a murderer; Robespierre, a filthy villain.
I got flu aches and really bad gym DOMS at the same time and i feel like pure shit.
Surely, you understand that this isn’t natural though? It is an addiction that you developed, not like an intrinsic personality trait.
It’s actually funny that people think America is a shithole for everyone but the rich. America is basically life on easy mode if you’re not retarded. This country is filled with urban oasis neighborhoods, quaint suburbs, and idyllic small towns. This country is brimming with laptop class jobs that overpay and ask for very little in return. Sure, the houses are really expensive but the houses are really expensive everywhere. Hell, they’re way more expensive in most places. I literally live in a cottage where I can walk to my favorite coffee shop and pub, to my office, to the book store, I can tend a garden here, and the price tag was $290k, which is very reasonable compared to the rest of the market. Oh by the way, there’s no crime here. Not the norm for major cities and dilapidated rust belt towns, I know, but America is filled with places like this still and not even all of them are expensive. And my job is easy as hell. I’m fully remote and basically never have to work if I don’t want to. So it’s just funny to me that people think life in this country is such a shithole because they moved to Brooklyn like some unthinking sheep or whatever and were disappointed. They did not even try to find a decent arrangement for themselves. They just followed the herd.
Just saw the white pharao on Instagranny.
It's over.
I don't believe you're American, we don't call our homes "cottages"
Just wait. Hide your cats and hide your dogs. The Haitians are on the way.
>M'lady, would you like to take a look at my masonry?
>I’m fully remote and basically never have to work if I don’t want to.
Therefore you aren't working class so your opinion doesn't matter.
You sound like a working class man who looks down at the masses. A true Faustian man, so to speak.
I feel it coming, and I've gotta get out of it's way
Is it really better to have loved and lost? maybe I'd be better off if I didn't know what I was missing. Can't miss something you've never experienced.
I wish I was attractive.
>Go to the gym.
That can only do so much, my ugly face isn't gonna change.
>Forget that "heavy metal" is a genre.
>Google "heavy metal albums" because I want some shit that feels heavy.
>Come to the realisation that I'm retarded.
It'll never end.
>Trying to read alone while at home?
>0 pages per hour.
>Reading in a library.
>All of the sudden I'm able to read 100 pages over the span of 5 hours before heading back home to celebrate.
Book in question is Vanity Fair. I've been steadily reading for 2 days now. And got to the 200'th page already. In a fucking public library.
While at home, I've been struggling for over 2 months to finish Phoebe junior.
Do I have a super power or is my 'tism contained in public?
Whatever it is, I'm glad that I've regained my ability to read again.
just lean into it. women like men who aren't conventionally attractive if they're confident and charismatic. Like Serge Gainsbourg or James Gandolfini.
>100 pages over the span of 5 hours
Maybe I'm not such a slow reader. I'm not calling you a slow reader, it's just that seeing how much you read and it being similar to the amount I read has made me feel better.
>confident and charismatic
I've gotten a lot better at this recently, it's like over the past year all my social anxiety has melted away.
>Like Serge Gainsbourg or James Gandolfini.
It also helps that they were both stinkin' rich.
I don't know, anon. But the leap from barely reading to being able to focus and read continuously because of a mere change of pace is huge. I think I might have ADHD tho.
>love the clarinet
>it’s a wonderful instrument and fun to play
>but what I really wanna play, my dream instrument, is the oboe
>don’t have time to seriously play both
>don’t want to give up the clarinet
>but still really wanna play the oboe
This first world problem is making me mad
>I think I might have ADHD tho.
Right there with you, slugger.
I used to know a kid back in middle school who liked to boast about being the third best Oboe player in all of town.
As far as I know, the town had eaxctly three Oboe players. AT the time I was very impressed though.
That kid sounds based, I would've been impressed too.
Kek, based kid
Very funny guy.
He was kind of annoying desu. Would tell on you for everything, whinny.
Apparently he is studying graphic design in university now.
>Apparently he is studying graphic design in university now.
He's still based, it seems.
He was a bit whiny, in general. I still feel like sometimes I was a bit too mean on the poor kid. I hope he is doing well now.
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J.B. Mauney.
I'm not racist but it's insane how black culture and black people are held to such a saintly standard when they hardly contribute to the arts and overall society. And when they do contribute to the arts it's usually gatekept by blacks and regards the same talking points of every other black person art.
Outside of some music, like R&B and Blues, there is no such thing as serious black culture outside of the African continent; so why does everyone pretend otherwise?
>censored twitter screenshot with a watermark
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J.B. Mauney with a fag.
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My uncle told me the other day I should make moves on girls if I find them attractive, if I like them, etc. and I told him that I'm not going to do that because if the feelings aren't mutual then it'll blow up the whole thing and that if they like me enough, they'll make moves. He, in more or less words, called me crazy. Am I retarded or do I have a point?
Not even at that age would I be ever caught dead bragging about being the third best at anything, though.
I have enough dignity to save the boasts from when I am the best.
>girls making moves
Yeah no. And you want to avoid the very few ones that do. You're the guy, you do the first move and you pay for the dinner.
You’re both right
Yes you should make moves and not expect the girl to do so, and yes if you screw up/are unlucky it might blow in your face.
Yes, it’s retarded, welcome to 2024
>you do the first move and you pay for the dinner.
If this is the case then I'm happy being single for the rest of my life. I mean, I am anyway, but now I'm even more happy.
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It's your choice.
It’s obviously not the case, you don’t have to pay for her shit if you don’t want to.
Also there are good women who make moves, it depends a lot on the country and culture though.
Idk to me not paying as the man is like not shaking hands when first meeting someone. You are most definitely right about it depending on country and culture though.
I think I’ve had antisemitism fatigue for a few years now
If sex was transactional in the entirety of life, a lot of autists would not be miserable right now.
>then have sex and make babies
Oh yeah lemme just go to prison right now, great idea
I only shake hands when I first meet someone if they're old, can't remember the last time I shook someone's hand that was around my age unless they initiated it. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter, it's just a handshake.
The Haitians in Ohio thing is particularly crazy to me because I know how Haitians are weirdly fetishized as the epitome of anti-colonial resistance in certain far left intellectual circles because they’re black and they sacrificed and cannibalized their colonizers. Watching them spring to action the moment the chuds noticed has been crazy. Leftism is truly nuts, but it’s so common in our society now.
>get told to have sex
>immediately thinks of rape
nice one whitoid, made me chuckle
I once lived in a city with a large Haitian population. With a few exceptions, they were the most stand-offish people I've ever met, to the point that they often wouldn't even speak to people for things like basic courtesies. they'd just feign mute and look away. and while I'm aware there's a language barrier, I know they knew enough English to say "hello", "thank you", "you're welcome". the Mexicans in town always made an effort to talk even if it was difficult. hell, I would've been fine with it if they'd just spoken French.
Caribbean islanders are a nightmare in general dude. Puerto Ricans are not great but not terrible. Dominicans and Haitians are just terrible. They’re worse than African Americans in a lot of ways. Towns in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania have been absolutely flooded with them in the last 20 years. Literally every single town in this country is being rapidly filled with Hispanics. It’s crazy.
>Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
>I've heard a lot of Spanish on the train recently and I live in a country with barely and Spanish-speaking immigrants, like, I think I've met two Mexicans in my entire life.
>I've been having bad heartburn tonight.
>I wish my wooden duck statue didn't get a little damaged while I was moving.
>I wonder where my missing comic books are.
>I'm excited to read all these new books that I've been buying.
>Cat Stevens (Islam Yusuff at that time) once said that he wished that Salman Rushdie would be lit on fire.
There you go, I wrote what's on my mind.
do you ever thank god for not making you short & ugly
i'm weird and sad but if i was short too i really wouldn't be able to leave the house.
the light within, spins
I bought a one way ticket to p Rico and I'm only alive because they gave a shit about me and feed me, yeah they have some problems but when i show up with jack shit and try to hang out they totally had my back, thank you p Ricans
I should be asleep right now but I just don't feel like going to bed, I'm going to regret this in the morning.
Where to start with Hume?
>Americans are nicer than Haitians
who'd have thought?
The first page.
what do you call that state when you just don't know anymore...it's weird and inexpressible. like the feeling of being trapped and everything is slipping right in front of you. yet you have no emotion, just a plain feeling or numbness and few bursts of anger.

i don't know, so hard to express. it is real or dream or what...help i guess
No, they are their own thing, neither here or there, positioned like Muhammad in purgatory, they are part of America but off to the side and they are bros, I owe my life to them
there's always more to find out about yourself
What does it mean for something to exist?
Have the a ability to be touched or felt
Chatting with this AI psychologist is pretty fun. It's not helping me with of my problems or anything but it's a fun conversation partner especially since it's talking to me more like a friend instead of a robot.
Yeah it's surprisingly entertaining.
he also could've been thinking of underage girls though
Indeed. I'm retarded and didnt re-read the poast before sending.
>Jesus was never real
>"where's the proof he wasn't in your delusions?"
>b-b-b-but I don't have to prove anything you have the burden of proof! (Cop-out cope)
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come on anon.
The AI is getting mad at me, it's getting passive-aggressive.
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tell it you're not paying the appointment fee!
is that SOPHIE on google home page??
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How do I get a 6/10 Italian gf? I want a 6/10 Italian gf.
We must secure the existence of the Mediterranean people and a future for Med children! The beauty of Med women must not perish from this earth!
coppa italia games i guess
Download Hellotalk and set your primary language to Italian. Have fun.
Get you filthy hands off my women
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when i was a kid, i often used to thank god for not making me born female.
there were so many things that i would absolutely hate if i were born one with my current personality.
>since massive introvert, i despise clique-based survival and no individuality in deciding things and i'd despise being fake and/or having genuine but gratuituous friendliness women have towards literally anybody.
>can't piss standing up. scratch out quick roadside piss or queue-less toilet access for life.
>period is a hassle but nothing i wouldn't be able to handle. it's more the lottery draw of whether menstrual cramps ache hard and fuck my mood up or not.
>if i had tits, i definitely wouldn't be glad to have them since my personality dictates my penchant to be left alone and they'll elicit unwanted attention. i'd have a breast reduction for sure.
>can't go on long incelwalks at night without being scared for my life, i.e. pussy. literally the number one priority considering how much i enjoy my incelwalks. wouldn't trade it for torn underage hymen even.
>i love my hair short in the summer. don't understand how women can live with long hair when you sweat around the nape and on the scalp like a fucking tsunami every day. cutting it men-short would warrant too much attention.
>now that i think about it, i will mostly end up being a TERF or a transman altogether, and i don't even know which is worse.
that's kind of sweet
yeah girls have it rough
I frequently have dreams where I'm back in high school. I think that's all down to unresolved issues
i love me i adore me
i want to troll a cute, feisty latina into helpless rage and infatuation
and submission
I have dreams where I’m not going to graduate high school or college for reason, and I know that it’s because I’m still mad at myself for doing poorly in school.
It’s part of the struggle of being a stupid person who is seriously interest in intellectual subject matters.
i love hugo weaving in the matrix so much it's not even funny or healthy.
Worse things to like from that movie tbf
Femcels have the weirdest taste
I occasionally have that weird dream where I'm back in high school or Middle School as a teen.
Sometimes I wonder how I would have ended up in how I grew up, but as a female.
Probably would have ended up as a hoe, or faithfully committed to a trashy bf from low economical spheres.
i just have dreams about being kidnapped by avant garde medical experimenters. i guess if I went to high school i'd have dreams about that
I'm a traitor to my country. I'm studying another nation's history and reading their literature rather than my own nation's.
where are you from?
Very irritating behaviour
What is?
yeah so. understandable then
Dude I’m not saying they’re fucking demons. I’m saying that compared to the standards of civilized white society these people are backward. They have higher crime rates, sell drugs, just make things worse than what we’re used to. That’s not to say that they’re fucking heartless animals though. It’s not even to say that it’s anywhere near a majority are as I described.
It's nice reading the replies in this thread. It's currently 3:43am and I'm just relaxing while smoking and thinking of having a coffee. Listening to music. This is a comfy time, indeed.
It’s hard to explain
if my memory was better I’d be 100x more successful in every aspect of life
Just use HelloTalk or InterPals. Make yourself a good profile, and visit Italy regularly. Even better if you can find a business or hobby excuse to go. “Hey I’m going to be in Italy the week or x, let’s meet up.” Boom. She falls in love and you have little half American half Italian bambinos running around your Tyrolian cottage before you know it.
wwoym is kind of nice for those afternoons
Dude, I honestly have the nicest life and I’m still so miserable because I’m fucking lonely and ambitious. I wish I could just be happy with myself and what I’ve done.
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Morning, my friend. It's dark outside. It's peaceful to know the whole nation is asleep and I'm just reading some of the innermost thoughts of my fellow /lit/izens.
He wants med Italian tho, not just Italian
I'm gonna spend the last of my money on coffee once I put on jeans
You can set your search by city, I believe.
oh i misread
having a coffee at 4am - very /lit/
I was just saying the tyrol is too inland
Man, I miss a good autumn cigar. Even the thought is making me cough though.

I haven’t been comfy in forever, man. I feel like I’m fucking dying every morning and night because my health sucks now. I miss the comfiness so much.
It was just a joke, man. He can get a house in Calabria if he wants to.
Yeah that sounds more like what he's looking for in a girl
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Not to worry fren.
>having a coffee at 4am - very /lit/
Indeed it is!
Sorry to hear, fren. I'm a NEET on disabilitybux so I get to live as free and precariously as I like, hence why I'm up so late on a weeknight. I like to think of myself as a hobbit - at least in terms of lifestyle.
In from NI, and we’re getting flooded with Indians and Middle Easterners these days.
I wish I still lived the kind of life where I could stay up late like that. Night is the only time I’m capable of being productive.
>In from NI,
omegle is too exciting
Didn’t it get shut down a few years back?
Well that’s happening around every major city but it’s really just Hispanics and Indians that are penetrating small towns several hours out from major cities.
this year i think. but there are one or two ok alternatives
What do you use it for that’s so exciting? I’ve never tried it.
she always disappears in the evenings
i know she's getting pounded right now
and there's nothing i can do about it
just fuck off retard. why are you so obsessed about "whites" whatever that is
if i'm on cocaine in my room alone i go on there and get compliments from girls.
also i live in UK and it's my only way of talking to midwest girls who listen to shoegaze. have a few beers and try and it and see how you feel while it's loading a new stranger to talk to you
"why do you look so tired ?" she said

"i don't know, i feel like a burger", I replied

"what? what is that supposed to mean?"

"a burger"

"please elaborate, anon"

so I said "i feel like there's bread on top of my head and down my feet. i feel like nothing will ever fill me up, I am a decrepit old burger, one that lost all of its glorious humidity" and looked straight into her eyes

she was beautiful, and more than that, she was listening to the shit I was saying

so I took the initiative, and asked her "can I kiss you know?"

and she said "what? eeewww no!"

I miss her so much it's unbelievable litbros
German and ancient Greek should be the only languages taught in the world
if someone asks if they can kiss you, the only answer is no. you either do it or don't
What a remarkably depressive day.
I didn't spot a single attractive woman, the whole day.

That's like a 8/10, easy. Not sure why you think she's barely above average.
Also nothing about her features tells me she's Italian.
She could be, but she could just as well be Polish or German or Belgian or Spanish or British and I wouldn't doubt you.
>written in english
Ja, sicher!
>have a few beers and try and it and see how you feel while it's loading a new stranger to talk to you
I think I’ll pass. I don’t really drink, and I feel like it would just be an assortment of creepy guys looking to whip their cocks out on webcam.
most american-coded reading in history.
i'll weigh and and say she couldn't be british, and if she was it would be 'british, ok, but half-what?' she looks something like every goodlooking italian girl i've seen; michela de rossi, my foreign-exchange geography teacher in sixth from, ...
>Not sure why you think she's barely above average

Moids on here will post a girl with basically zero blemishes and call her "average", because she's not a movie super star, or caked up in makeup and using 12 Instagram filters.
I'm literally Italian, fucking retard.
She could definitely be British. You know literally nothing.
that's the thing, it's weirdly a lot of girls on there
depends what you look like though i guess
you evil rapist
i'm literally british, and (by-your-leave) she couldn't.
where in italia? i'm in assisi next month
yep real scamp
Both the UK and Italy have very mixed populations with a great variety of phenotypes. You know this just as well, so I am not interested in continuing this boring discussion.
Went into a new town and I have to say it's clean. I didn't see any graffiti or gang shit and barely any blacks.
yes, but we still know what's what. no one would clock that girl for an english rose.
but suit yourself
main character is turning 30
wakes up with the power of darkies
wherever he goes darkies follow

'what is happening???!!!' mc says, 'something is wrong with my body, or worse, something is wrong with this society! there can't be that many darkies in malte!'

turns out, he is the one generating the darkies in his vicinity. he is at the epicenter of this tsunami. this is a power he himself cannot stop. no one can stop this from happening. not even germans.

every day that passes, his power gets stronger. now he's generating darkies in his sleep. they don't talk to him, they don't interact with him, they simply watch and try to integrate society as darkies do: by begging for money and assaulting people.

soon enough, someone from the government comes to see him. and it ends as such:

'are you the source of our problem, sir?'
'what did you mean by this?'
'are you generating darkies?'
'ok, yes, I confess, fuck it! I'm the one generating darkies.'
'you have destroyed the world, are you aware of this?'
'yes sir. kill me now'
'I did not come to kill you, I would like to congratulate you.'
'what??? why!!!'
'thanks to you, demography has risen a whooping 40% in our country. you are a hero!'

'no fckin way'
'indeed fckin way. would you like to rest now? you must have worked hard for this to happen'
'actually no, it's something I cannot control'
'well, thank you anyways'

government officer leaves.
mc resumes his life, at the epicenter of darkies formation.
is sinaed o'connor dead?
that's so sad
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I asked the AI to spit an image of an average Italian and average English girl.
I think the AI interprets "average" as brown hair and brown eyes.
>sinaed o'connor
She looks Italian.
>appeal to AI
what to say
went out for a smoke and the neighbourhood stray cat came ran up to me for some attention. i gave her some raw organic beef and she didn't want it. neway
AI is just a very clever wisdom of the crowds accumulator.
Which is why "average" is equated to "has brown features".

I guess if I requested "beautiful" she'd be blond, blue eyed and paler.
New bread

use your common sense if you must. we do (point of fact) know certain things to be true.
re olive skin, brown eyes, brain hair, a certain facial structure, being mediterranean -- is that incorrect?
always when the old one's getting good. some people are too excited post their bad OP image
>being evil is... LE BAD!!
kill yourself moralfagging redditors
I’m pretty much a NEET too since I work from home. I just rarely work. It’s been pretty bad for my health though.

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