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"Literally me" edition

Previous: >>23802604

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHdzv1NfZRM [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whPnobbck9s [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKcbvioxFk [Embed]
Have any of you royal road bros joined one of the discords? Never used discord in my life, but I hear it can be good for getting your story more attention.
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My prose will never be good, I'm too retarded to write well. I can't cope. I thought I'd write for fun, but knowing how bad my writing is truly saps all the fun out of it. Everything was better when I completely lacked self-awareness and could truly enjoy with pure sincerity the beauty of the ugly things I'd created.
Same. I don't even understand prose either. People say it's bad and I can't figure out why.
>Hit my head for one and an half hour on the plot
>Can't fucking manage to go from E to F in a satisfying way
>Give up, go to bed
>Keep picking up my phone to note all the interesting idea to unstuck my shit that keep showing up
Sometimes it's about letting your brain rest anon.
I'm in the same boat. And what's worse, I read other "award winning" authors and their prose is even worse than mine. It feels like language has reached rock bottom.
To those who write unironically: how do you deal with motivation? Does the supposed fact nobody reads these days and that everyone uses AI affects your ability to write? I'm personally hope to end my novel by the end of the year and wait for a year until I get (if any) response from a publisher. If it's negative Imma kms.
I've got 15,000 words of my novel FINISHED.

Almost 50 pages of a normal sized book. Haven't even got into the meat and potatoes of the story yet. I'm still setting shit up. Never written this much on one cohesive project ever. Feels good.
What's your novel about?
What word count is too high for a YA SCIFI novel?
Motivation is easy when you understand the first draft, fuck probably the first 15 will be dogshit.

The point is you can edit it, and edit it until it sounds good and how you initially imagined it.

but in all seriousness probably around 100,000. but go above and beyond if you want. If it's a page turner, I promise you it won't matter.
I imagine it to be a zoomer "Death on Credit." Bit of a roman à clef. Story goes from being born in '97 (as I am), through a fucked life 'till a suicide at the ripe age of 25. I've shown half of the book to several people and they actually read it and said it is really poignant and quite relatable. Which is what I wanted, I suppose

Heh, I guess, I'm on my fifth now.
>till a suicide at the ripe age of 25.

Don't write that. They won't publish it. You have to give it some kind of redemptive, happy (or at least bittersweet) ending or you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Start learning how not to include comma splices into your daily writing.
>I read other "award winning" authors and their prose is even worse than mine
You don't know the right industry people to get your book published and shilled to the masses.
>how do you deal with motivation?
Prescription amphetamines.
>Does the supposed fact...
The story itself goads me on and I already believe I can do it. I only need to focus. When it comes to the worries about who will read it, I will cross that bridge when I get there.
>hope to end my novel by the end of the year
>wrote 26k words
>have about 8k more worth of material left in my outline
>the entire second half I have planned I now realize is awful and needs to be scrapped
>also realize the first few chapters are weak and need to be redone
>have probably only 10k of actual, usable material
>no motivation to continue
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ask for help
Do certain styles of prose lend themselves to certain genres? Historically I mainly write genre fantasy+romance, but recently I've been wanting to explore something more literary as well as a comedy.

I'm finding the comedy story a bit challenging to write as it feels my experience trying to write more "serious" stories previously keeps creeping up. I'm also wondering if I should be writing in first person rather than third. I prefer third as it allows me to have jokes/funny moments occur when the MC leaves the room so to speak, but I can't help but notice similar stories I've read are in first person. I'm aiming for the "brand" of comedy to be closer to Konosuba if that makes any difference.
ChatGPT has forsaken me.
go to exploreGPTs and click novel author and editor. it's much better for helping with writing thatn regular gpt. the answers are longer and it goes more in depth than the generic gpt
Yes. Fantasy and sci Fi has some fake archaic prose spergs love. Random misspellings of sire, sir, lady, mister, etc. no reason other than they don't. And also completely off the cuff color description.

Brown = sun kissed sand blessed tanned of the fiery star of Exodus.

It's brown you stupid fuckers.
I think sun kissed is cool, but when they do all the extra shit it can get annoying.
It took ages for me to figure out that the Alethi in Stormlight were literally just Asians
well to be fair, it's hard to describe asians without sounding racist. i made a post asking about it a few threads back.
Why does everything I write go schizo? What started as a simple noir mystery with a supernatural element turned into this story about ancient sex cults, shadow governments, the end of the world, Native American curses, and dead talking rats. Is this good or is there something wrong with me?
sounds based anon. keep going. better than the alternative of being boring.
So long as it makes sense within the story, go as fucking wack as you'd like. Only thing that matters is that it's internally consistent.
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So I have a tribe in my setting that is associated with cobras and other snakes

They also lived near a bunch of maneating Titans and had to kill them to survive.

I wanted their sigil to reflect that, and I thought the House Wyl sigil from ASOIAF would be good as the foot can represent a giant.

However I wanted to differentiate their symbol more. What would be a good way to change this symbol up?
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a giants head being constricted by a boa

i tried to whip up what i mean in an ai prompt. this is the closest i could get, but i imagined it squeezing so hard on the head the eyes were popping out.
Maybe a giant head being attacked by a normal man on one side and a snake on the other?
Eh, you've got half a point, but the majority of people on rising stars didn't get there based on the story alone. If they're not doing review swaps, they're doing shout out swaps, buying ads, or bringing in an audience from another platform/a previous story. You can write the most engaging story in the world, but it means fuck all if nobody reads it. Same reason so many great writers and artists didn't get recognition until after they died or much later in their lives. Marketing is equally as important as content, maybe more so nowadays.
I like the head idea. I think it'll be a Titan's head being bitten on the neck by a cobra and screaming in pain. Like just the head of picrel with a snake coiling and biting the neck.

Although I realize now that creates a fucking basedjak potential but oh well.
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im on a fucking roll tonight, lads
Idk man just write a good story and buy an ad. If it fails you didn't write something good enough. You're really gonna resort to begging for shout outs as a no name author when it's perfectly plausible to... not have to do that?
Buying ads is pointless when 90% of people use adblockers. Just make a website, promote your book on it, but do other things on it too so it's not as obviously you're just trying to shill. Post blog stuff related to your book, visit and post pictures of places that inspired you, whatever.
>publicly post story
>reader actually fucking reads it, first time for everything I guess
>asks me some questions about parts of the text that didn’t make sense to him
>shit myself as I realize I posted final draft, not Final Draft Final
It’s beyond over. Someone gave me a shot and I failed
Anyone have recommendations for learning precise engaging short dialogue? Also world building
I'm writing a story for a video game and i think i nailed everything regarding the characters, motivations, twists, themes, symbolism, ending what i'm struggling with are the dialogue and world building
I'm anti-social so i rarely talk to people.
A lot of things in my world feel artificial to force certain outcomes for the characters,
We are talking about royalroad where ads actually drive significant views and followers. But you are generally correct, traditional ads for traditional books do very little
How do I become a better writer without going to college (I'm poor).
why would you need to go to college to be a writer? most authors don't. just write
(for an english degree I mean, probably most have degrees of some sort)
just read nigga
Write a lot, read a lot. That's it. Writing is a skill to be cultivated. That said, everyone has their own style. I placed an excerpt here before, and the editor I felt did a worse job by adding in comma splices and tried to make the piece sound more fantasy oriented than modern. It didn't work for me.
People actually click those trashy memes? Why the fuck?
Have you seen what they read?
Well, no, but people really should know better than to allow the display of ads in the year 2024, never mind CLICK them
The replies to that post were great fun
I gave up and started writing for myself. Fuck the readers.
I took the litrpg pill gentlemen. Have no problem churning out 2500-3000 words a day.

I want to double my chances of least probable success. But because going wide didn't work for my story. like less than a dozen views on wattpad and 0 views on tapas. I'm considering writing a second story for kindle unlimited only. How viable is it to write progression fantasy on kdp without a proper fanbase. (anyone have experience with kdu? Could you share some forbidden knowledge )

i'd suck a dick for the few cents offered by amazon
>sold your soul for 10 fews on wattpad
I appreciate this will sound trite, but unfortunately the answer to both questions is to read dialogue and world building that you like, and then to think about the mechanics of why you liked them.
i have around 1700 views RR and nearly 2000 on scribblehub. i think i'm doing fine. not patreon money fine but fine
wait do views generate money or smthn?
no but the idea is that maybe a 50th of initial views turn into regular readers, and then once you have enough of those, another 50th your regular readers would consider donating to your patreon monthly to view chapters early
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That apparently only works for KDP. But no,my plan is to, try and build a large following this month to a year from now. They say roughly 3% of loyal readers on RR will fit in the patreon conversion pipeline. I have 10 rn, so i don't expect a dollar.

that's what i achieved in a month, pretty mediocre.
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Anon, I won't lie to you. It is a disaster. If you don't have at least 100 followers by the end of the first month, you got the "no win" ticket. I'm sorry.
honestly that's okay, i can always turn to smut and fantastical eroge. I learned a lot just by actually publishing. No more mental masturbation, no more what ifs and could be's. Just me and my words
Ad blockers don't work on RR ads. You have to pay for a premium subscription to not see them. That's part of what makes them actually worth it.
I hate to break this to you, but most people become writers after living an interesting life, then they write about it. You'll just be regurgitating stuff you've read, and the staleness will come across to the reader and fail to engage them. Just because you're an incel NEET shutin with the time to write, doesn't mean it's going to work for you. Go outside, life life, get out of your comfort zone.
>most people become writers after living an interesting life, then they write about it
This is not really true, the average modern fiction writer is some boring 25 year old woman with an MFA
You're not even one of those.
I may be a talentless 30 something unemployed NEET, sure, but does that make me less interesting than a talentless 25 year old graduate program hack?
Im a MENTALLY ILL shitty neet, surely that can make my work more interesting. Or maybe it will just get drowned out. Maybe.
Never know until you try
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You do you, bruv. I started writing a series of loosely connected slice of life stories set in my city with a recurring theme of homelessness, and it's starting to involve a demonic presence beneath the Google tower and an AI created accidentally by an economics professor while he was experimenting with Excel macros.
>Start learning how not to include comma splices into your daily writing.
nta, but does this actually improve prose? Is it supposed to aid in making the author more direct and concise or something?
Watch old movies that used to have to cram the whole story into like 80 minutes of runtime. The dialogue in them was super clipped down.
>Protagonists have been betrayed by the director of the FBI (not really, but within the context of this post, it's basically the director of the FBI)
>On the run for half the book, dodging glowies (not really, but it gets the job done)
>They decide to try and go legit, essentially warn everyone at once about what's happening, so too many people are aware of what's going on to be silenced and their safety will be assured
>They show up at a diplomatic soirée that conveniently happens the very same evening
>"Everyone, we have an important announcement! We have the person that could almost start a war but it's all good, he's in our custody!"
>Everyone just bertstares them
>"War is inevitable. We will start it either way, and if you have this person with you, either gives him to us or kill him"
Does this feel too idealistic? I simplified it a lot, but the gist is that the characters believe that they could gather enough support from bigwigs to at least stall things enough to catch their breath. But everyone else is playing realpolitik. The characters aren't kids either, they're adults and even mostly cynical, but they're led by someone who believes that at least intelligent people act intelligently.
Post your wattpad, I’ll follow it and read it when I get a chance
>Heat gathered inside Alaya's chest. The flame of Roshi, gifted to her by the seven Gods of Dere, grew hotter and more intense with each passing ray of sunlight. She glared at the ice dragon, Yukari of the East, and pushed her chest forward. Flares from her mammaries threatened Yukari to what would come.

>"Is that all?" Yukari mocked, in an ever increasing condescending tone.
>Alaya was not deterred. "Ice Dragon, it would behoove thou fort' of imminent threats, last we meet this faithful day."

>Yukari's face remained unchanged.

>Alaya removed her chest plate and let the piece drop. The metal clanged onto the ground.

>Flames burst from Alaya's perky pink nubs; an inferno vast and potent, like the yearly wildfires of Commiforta. Blazes scorched Yukari with such intense heat the sands around her began to crystalized.

>Alaya swayed her chest side to side, spraying her flames across the charred body the Ice Dragon. Smoke billowed and created plumes that eclipsed the Tiako skyline. The fires slowed and stopped. Droplets of oil leaked from Alaya's nozzles. All that remained of Yukari was a lump of blacken dragon meat. The Orcs would eat well tonight.
>Ad blockers don't work on RR ads
Then how did I block them? Maybe try not being tech illiterate?
Is there a way to depict an ability like this in writing without it being too "nothing personnel, kid"?
>t does this actually improve prose?
Your prose improves when you've mastered grammar rules. For example, misusing punctuation disrupts a sentence. Readers will notice; they aren't stupid.
Yeah not sure what that anon is talking about
However many users whitelist RR even if they do have adblockers. The ads are run by predominantly local authors and RR readers absolutely inhale books, and like finding new stories to read. So they're a hundred times more likely to click an ad on that site and actually start reading/subscribe than almost anywhere else on the internet. RR ads 100% work, great value for the money
Just describe the order of events in a way that doesn't sound exactly like it does in anime tropes. Don't use the same words, not even some synonyms, that the meme uses. As if he swings but it somehow hits you in the back. Maybe making people think theyve been ambushed for a split second. Or about to trade blows and nothing connects, then the next thing he knows he's on the ground, his back lashed. I'm just typing as I think, I'm sure there's a more creative way to put it that isn't memecore.
Comma splices in creative writing can be fine so long you're doing it knowingly and in an attempt to improve flow. But you should do them knowingly.

Same goes for using semicolons.
No. *teleports behind u* is as anime as it possibly gets
Nice boring staccato. Sentence after sentence. This feels like shit to read. Don't you think so?
What point are you trying to make with this post? Everyone knows repetitive sentence structure is bad.
Perspective. How does it look like for the one using it, how does it look like to the victim, how does it look like for a third party.
That's what the nightgown of the lady in the mental institution read!
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Very pleased to announce I have gone through the outline of the plot from my main character's POV and finally managed to fill in the blanks in a way that is at least serviceable, which is a massive improvement over the past times I tried this when I had a big ol' "stuff happens to go from here to there" and a mental doodle of entire parts.

It will most likely change but at least I have the spine.
In the distant future the development of hyper-advanced AI systems have been a catastrophe for future warfare. No wars are ever fought without each side activating its own AI system which proceed to overwhelm the battlefield with an uninterrupted stream of endless and unfiltered bullshit 24/7. Two rival AIs, each trying to outwit the other side with unparalleled misinformation. I'm talking millions of contradictory, fake orders, simulated troop movements and false intelligence. But wait, there's more. Not only can it generate an endless variety of military commands, it can also work to completely destroy the enemy army not just militarily, but in spirit. I'm talking gigantic psyop operations, character assassination, sowing dissent, get two generals to accuse the other of sleeping with their wives and their dog. And not just generals, but every single soldier in the enemy army enough to make the spirit of the corps burn up faster than the Hindenburg. Because of this, all advanced information technology is rendered useless and actually detrimental the war effort. Decentralized warfare is rendered obsolete as armies stick closer together and high-ranking commanding officers start to slowly move their asses out of their comfortable military bases and closer to the battlefield just to be absolutely sure of what is going on out there. Eventually, you'll get something akin' to napoleonic warfare with tanks and banners and signal flags as armies march in formation clad head-to-toe in armor and carrying powerful futuristic rifles
>Heat gathered inside Alaya's chest. The flame of Roshi, gifted to her by the seven Gods of Dere, grew hotter and more intense with each passing ray of sunlight (A BIT FORCED, RAYS OF SUNLIGHT DONT PASS. MAYHAPS grew more intense as the sun rose in the sky?). She glared at the ice dragon, Yukari of the East, and pushed her chest forward (CHANGE TO EXHALE?). Flares from her mammaries threatened Yukari to what would come (ARE HER BOOBS LEAKING FIRE?)
>"Is that all?" Yukari mocked, in an ever increasing condescending tone.
>Alaya was not deterred. "Ice Dragon, it would behoove thou fort' of imminent threats, last we meet this faithful day."

>Yukari's face remained unchanged.

>Alaya removed her chest plate and let the piece drop. The metal clanged onto the ground.

>Flames burst from Alaya's perky pink nubs (WHAT?); an inferno vast and potent, like the yearly wildfires of Commiforta. Blazes scorched Yukari with such intense heat the sands around her began to crystalized.

>Alaya swayed her chest side to side, spraying her flames across the charred body the Ice Dragon. Smoke billowed and created plumes that eclipsed the Tiako skyline. The fires slowed and stopped. Droplets of oil leaked from Alaya's nozzles. All that remained of Yukari was a lump of blacken dragon meat. The Orcs would eat well tonight.
>Virgin anon doesn't realize women can spray molten fire from their nipples
>google docs keeps trying to correct the old timey grammar in my fantasy book
fuck off
It feels like on some level you must want it to be nothing personnel kid. If not then why depict it to begin with?
To be fair, I never bothered to try. All I know is ublock origin doesn't block those ads like it does pretty much everything else.
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idk if this is more wbg but i trust you niggas more.
So my idea was that the protagonist gets sent to do grunt work on the terraforming rigs in the northern part of mars (geographically lower n allat) And there she discoveres that someone is tampering with the divice.
In my head it's Martian America, but then i kept thinking why until i ran one of those sea-level simulations and realised their territory would be entirely submerged in such an event.
Now my idea is that they want to make the water-level just enough to give them access but not anywhere else, closer to the equator. ((where the russians live))
But i started questioning "ok why would they build there then?" but i mean is "that's because they weren't thinking that far ahead in 1996" a good enough reason?
For the story it works perfectly. Wraps all the conflicts around on themselves, gets the whole political twist n allat.
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just looking to get some feedback, story is about a billiards player who exist in different timelines
I do want it to be nothing personnel kid for a bit but I was wondering if there are less edgelord ways to describe it.

That’s a really good sign. Half of creativity is the work of being creative, but the other (usually ignored) half is play. If you are enjoying what you’re writing and having fun playing in this world you’ve created that’s good.
I think I don't like writing. Last October I wrote 22k words, got burned out, and quit until April. I finished my story, ending at 42k words.

Spent August on a new one, got to 24k words, burned out. Haven't touched it two weeks. The thought of only being 1/5 of the way through fills me with dread. There's just so much damn more to go, it's overwhelming.
I don't know if I have it in me, anons. I practice and I practice but I never end up satisfied with what I produce. Below is a sample paragraph of my recent practice run (sometimes stuff like this turns into stories I never complete and/or discard once I do).

"The learned man should thus not be confused with the educated, for the educated might as well be called the indoctrinated. He is merely in possession of knowledge and gathers it, or, you could say, he is the owner of the fresh plant. The learned man, on the other hand, is the gardener who, being possessive of the knowledge, or the plant, knows both its roots and its products, and applies his masterful gardening skill to cultivate it, hone it to the highest degree. He knows the conditions in which the plant could flourish, knows where and when to plant it, knows the locale from which to produce it and gather it and prepare it for further cultivation. He is, in this regard, both educated and beyond, for he gathers the facts of every matter and elevates them to a higher degree. Builds on them, expands, and uses that which he constructs to still further advance his knowledge and allow himself and others who learn of him to continue the process."
your prose sounds good to me. what issue are you having overall? is it with the final story?
The biggest issue I have with my writing is the fact that I always somehow end up writing some form of detective or investigative fiction where a character or a duo is searching for something, someone, etc. The other issues is just staying committed and consistent to bring a story to its end, at least as a first draft. I've completed stories that didn't fall into the category above but that was years ago and I haven't written a full story, short or otherwise, for a very long time precisely because I cannot break out of the mold that I have subconsciously forced upon myself. That's why the paragraph up there sounds so different to the mold. I'm trying to escape it.
try finding some really good stories that don't fit that mold at all. you and you mind are a product of the world around you, and that includes the stories you consume. it could help give your stories a bit more variety.
That's the problem, I haven't read a detective or investigative story for at least a couple of years. I've made the switch from genre to literary fiction that has helped with my line of thinking. This drive that I have for writing such a story has made me hate genre fiction to some degree, though I still enjoy reading it on the rare occasion that I do (and it's always something considered more "serious" despite being labeled as "genre"). I do wholeheartedly believe that consuming more genuine literature will eventually help me break out but the process has been so painfully slow that it's become quite tasking on my confidence.
i think you should stop fighting it and make the best detective story you possibly can. something in your spirite clearly wants you to do that.
You completely missed my point: of my post. I said mastering grammar, including correctly using punctuation when forming sentences, regardless of the length, is a good way to improve prose. There's a time and place for concise sentences.
Maybe, but if I do it's not going to be genre slop that much I can tell you. Until I've attained a level of seriousness in my writing that even a detective story could have literary merit I'm not going to write it, everything be damned.
I like it. Sounds 1800s-ish. I wish I could do that good. Keep it up, I say.
Yes. You have even less life experience than they do. They interact with people better, too.
>intelligent people act intelligently
Oh, so it's a fantasy.
Thinking objectively is a luxury. Most people think through their narrow self-interest.

chapter 7

it's crazy how most fantasy and sci fi books are 100,000 or 200,000... i still have a lot of story left to write, so I suppose it makes sense.
only 9500 but it's vol. 3 so technically more like 27550
this is not a brag
i am in despair
i haven't been able to match my "normal" output for months
that's not bad. be proud of the progress you're making. you're gonna hit a groove eventually.
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I had it
I had the groove
For three fucking years
Then I fell out and I can't get back in

Listen to Peterson
why would i listen to a human wreck
the man hasn't been the same since he had to go get himself put in a medically induced coma in siberia and have his blood basically replaced because he was that hopelessly addicted

he weeps at the smallest thing,
a stiff breeze will blow him over,
that hollow eggshell in the shape of a man,
who dedicates the last dregs of his life,
to defending israel
I don't remember making this post
Is it generally a bad thing for a person to return the gifts of love given to them once things are over between them?

I wanted one character to do it because she thinks it will help the other move on, but it's insult to injury to the ex. So I'm wondering how she can justify it to herself while he can see it as an extra gut punch.
>but most people become writers after living an interesting life
perhaps a century ago

it's time to go night night.
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Cirsovabros...I didn't make it.
I'm too busy spinning my wheels in place and crawling up the wall of my writer's block to have an excerpt
so here's another commission of my main character
How many times can a character cry before it gets annoying?
Depends on your character and your target audience
Not true albeit, I am much more interesting than them
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Two months and almost 100k words posted and not one review. I feel bad for those four readers who excitedly commented on every chapter within an hour of posting, but I'm going to have to axe this shit. They get to feel the pain I feel whenever a manga I like is kill two volumes in.
how did you post it?
i mean specific details
chapter lengths, frequency, etc
you shouldn't have been able to fuck it up that bad unless it's genuinely completely unappealing and unreadable (something you would have to try to achieve on rr desu)
Chapters were between 2-3k words, 3 times a week. I dunno. Nobody complained about anything and the few ratings I got were 4-5 stars. It just didn't catch fire. All my stories end up like that. There's like 1-2 people who are autistically excited, but the majority simply ignore.
Well there's your problem right there.
The RR new story strategy is posting daily for about 2-4 weeks, either out of a backlog or because of a standard daily update schedule (this second option is usually for shorter chapters).
You also need to send out shoutout swap requests, do some review swaps if possible, and run at least a basic 50usd ad with a half-decent design (as in for an ad, not as in good art)
Basically you want to minmax the algorithm

It's also important to note that you won't get in trouble for taking down your story and simply reuploading it with this tactic in mind. You might if you were a popular fic, but you, being tiny, won't. I've done it before and had a good 1.5k followers at the time.
for covers, i recommend something ai generated since you probably don't have a commissioned cover art
ms paint memeshit covers were viable but that was 4-5 years ago.
I feel physically ill talking to you. Please kill yourself
Frankly if you're going to toss away your dignity to write litrpg slop then you may as well buy a few ads, get a proxy and astroturf reviews, message other struggling authors asking for a mutual follow/review trade, that sort of trick.
if you think these basic tactics are "tossing away your dignity" you haven't ever had to actually do marketing
Would you feel comfortable admitting to doing those in public?
>taking down your story and simply reuploading it with this tactic in mind
This is the most pathetic, jewish thing I've ever heard
I would, had I known them myself when it was relevant for me. This is why I freely give this advice to anyone I think it might help. Wildly successful RR authors openly do all these things and discuss them in writing servers, as well as servers with many readers in them. It's not controversial whatsoever and is fully supported by the siterunners.

The one thing I find iffy is review swaps since it's kind of a prisoner's dilemma, but they're optional and not really that useful unless you're really desperately needing ratings (which shouldn't be the case if you execute the other tactics properly and your story isn't complete unreadable dogshit)

by this logic submitting the same story to a publisher more than once is a pathetic and jewish tactic
I think the idea is childish, but it serves as good smokescreen for whatever it is you are actually trying to say or otherwise. You can tell any story you want in such a world. I do think you will have to ground it with a schizophrenic class, that has witness decades of Judeo-AI wreaking havoc.
>by this logic submitting the same story to a publisher more than once is a pathetic and jewish tactic
Indeed, many of them tell you on their website not to submit the same turd more than once. You can get blacklisted for that.
I'd like to take a look.
Better than fucking Herbert forcefields. That's not only childish but fucking lazy.
I don't see how my AI idea is childish though. The future of warfare is becoming more and more information focused and cyberwarfare is becoming more important. I'm just cranking it up to eleven with hyper-advanced AI that makes information tech completely useless in war just as rifles made bows useless.
oh my god how do i get my ideas out of my head and translate them into a cohesive story. do I just need to keep brainstorming shit? I have general sense of ideas and characters and themes and some specific scenes but I cant find a good way to stitch them all together and dont even really know where to start. most of this shit comes to me when im daydreaming. do I just need to keep daydreaming for long enough to this shit fully realizes? I dont really have any robust characters, but I have ideas of a few characters and how they relate to each other. I dont really have a narrative, but I have a setting and a vague idea a beginning and end, but not much to justify the actions for either.
what was the story about?
I heard on this general that Cirsova is pretty strict about the type of stories allowed.
Take speed and start writing, you can edit it into something legible later
Fair enough. I think I might keep it but for a last ditch argument that will fail.
It was about a witch hunter that kills a witch that turns out to be a consort of the devil and gets sent to hell. I think it was sufficiently pulpy, because I've read plenty of that sort of stuff so I'm familiar with the tone and style; the guy running the show must have just not liked it enough. Whatever, it's not like getting published in Cirsova is some prestigious mark of merit. It was just fun to write a short story and send it off somewhere, instead of having it sit on my hard drive forever.
lets say im writing a story about two characters traversing a maze, they get seperated and the story progresses from the point of view of the man trying to find the woman, is it too on-the-nose to name the woman Ariadne? or do most people not even pay attention to that kind of shit and dont look any further than how the name is pronounced?
Yes, it's very on the nose. But if the story has symbolic significance it might be interesting. Hell, it may even be the genuine Ariadne.
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>Just got my first drive by 1 star rating on RR after several 5's
>Drop 2000+ ranks and go from a high 4 to a low 4
GREAT fucking start to my day.
The feedback seemed pretty positive anyway. I think that guy funds the short story purchases mainly out of his own pocket and gets a hell of a lot of submissions, so hopefully you don't feel like it was a sleight on your work.
How long would you say a ~5000 words short story would take you? Everything from planning, to writing it, to revisions.
At least you heard back.
And how did you determine that? By polling everyone in your room in your mommy's house?
Yeah, I get that he probably receives a thousand submissions and has to whittle it down to like 10 so no hard feelings there.
>The feedback seemed pretty positive anyway
"Cool story with lots of potential" seems like standard rejection boilerplate, but I don't except the guy to give everybody detailed feedback, so that's understandable. The "giving the protagonist a name" thing is interesting, because I actually deliberated on whether or not I should name the character, and specifically decided not to do it. So the fact he chose to point that out as the one piece of criticism means we evaluate things by a different standard. >>23823777
I would assume everybody does, he seems like a polite guy judging from his emails.
Interesting people (like myself) don't need to qualify themselves to peons
That wasn't me, but mastering grammar makes sense, of course. I bet I have quite a ways to go in that regard. Thanks, anon.
You're welcome. There are many books to help you.
exactly once
14 hours
4-5 hours a day, spread over 2-3 days, speaking from personal experience. But that's really if you had to bang it out and meet some kind of deadline. Ideally you'd spend a bit more revising/editing.
Your fiction has been deemed antisemitic and downvoted accordingly.
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>love triangle
I sleep
>rejection triangle
THIS is where real drama happens
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So adding onto the "nothing personnel kid" character

I intended them to fight with something similar to lava bending from Avatar. What unique applications and ways of bending could be done while zipping and teleporting around like a smoke cloud?

I suppose it would be more of utility rather than direct offense (dodging, hitting unexpected angles, moving faster, etc) but I wonder if there's a unique application I'm not seeing.
wait so left is into top and right at the same time, but neither of them give a shit about him. how does top feel about left? are they together?

is this a bisexual suffering triangle?
Guys. I have decided, against all opposition, to read long abandoned drafts in my Google docs. And I want to say, what I wrote in my first drafts is not completely horrible. My actual writing skills might be higher than what I assumed by looking over the drafts I put out today. I am convinced that if I actually put in effort to complete the stories in my head I keep daydreaming about, and finish one of them, and then go through the effort of refining that first draft into the best piece of fiction I can produce with my abilities, it will be at least able to entertain one person: me of the future, when I will have forgotten the process of making the damn thing. And then maybe if that's the case, I should actually fucking do it, go through with it, and show it to my friends and family. And if they like it, and have good things to say about it--as they have had about the material I put out for that one DND game I ran for them--maybe then I should post it to the wide internet on free platforms like royal road, or AO3, or whatever seems appropriate for it. And maybe strangers on the internet will like it, at least on the level that they like some of the stuff put out on those platforms. What I want to say, I guess, is that WAGMI.
What about you? Have you rereard your earlier works or drafts recently? What did you think about them?
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>What did you think about them?
me personally, i love forgetting about everything I've written and reading the story from start to finish like "damn I'm pretty good at this" before circling back to feeling like it's not good enough.
WTF do you mean by "making it"?
Depends. For me, 'making it' is being able to sustain my current lifestyle through writing.
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I just want to write my slop and be happy
>Me personally
Be honest. Is your first language portuguese?
The dynamic can be summed up as Top and Right being alienated from feelings of love, in turn rendering Left's reciprocal hopes for affection largely hopeless.
>is this a bisexual suffering triangle?
Sort of.
You forgot to add "while not selling my soul"
>lava bending
>teleporting in a smoke cloud
I'm convinced you retards calling out posters using obviously english phrases are ESL yourselves, and are projecting
the alternative is that you're that clueless about your own language yet willing to call people out anyway, which you should be embarrassed about
Lava is just liquid rock, so make them harden the lava into any shape you want, turning it instantly to rock and using it as a weapon. You could have anything from blunt objects to razor sharp obsidian.
maximum nothing personnel

yeah but I was wondering if there any are applications one could use lavabending with teleporting around as smoke besides just zipping around and blasting people
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I posted this a couple of months ago and got some points to work on from some kind anons, I finally got round to making them, so here I am resubmitting it.

Gist of it is that there's a civil war in a central/eastern Europeon country that's been on and off for hundreds of years to the point that both sides consider themselves as separate countries, but the other side is in possession of their lands and any periods of peace devolve back into conflict again.
The protag is a conscript who has already served a year in the military and seen action, and that's where the story will begin. The part I'm posting now wont be the start of the book, but it's jst something I had right in my head.

Any feedback is apprenticed anons thank you
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Bro's out here trying to combine Smoker with Akainu.
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More Reaper with Ghazan, but tomato tomato
>"Is there water to spare Alek?"
First dialogue line and it's already ignoring a crucial comma.
I know its not perfect I just want general thoughts on the content
Most grating thing I notice is a tendency to use "would do" instead of "did". Obviously it's necessary in perfect past, but you overuse it.

"they would come in large numbers and would make up most of the killed..."
What's wrong with "they came in large numbers and made up most of the killed..." ?
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So my fetish setting has older women grooming young centaurs into their future husbands and mounts

What are some good ways an older woman can make a young centaur (who starts off small but will grow absolutely massive, like 7 feet tall at the withers) acclimate to being ridden?

The women won't wear spurs (as centaurs can just respond to vocal commands). Centaurs also have a very strong instinct against being ridden which their future wives will knead out of them during the rearing process.
Good point, you suggestion is immediately what I thought to replace it with. I wrote it in a lot of sort segments, I've caught myself a few times reusing phrases in short blocks of text, but since I wrote them a week apart I don't pick up on it.
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It's fine but I would advise against huge text blocks in moments of tension and suspense since they can break the momentum the mood is going for quite easily. Reserve huge paragraphs mostly for specific descriptive scenes and break others down between dialogue tags.

Picrel for example, I'm not interested in knowing what these dudes are distinguished for since they didn't do much till now. You can tell me Peiters is an outdoorsman with a coinciding family history, but chances are I'll forget about his backstory by the time it's his time to shine. It goes back to Tell vs Show and telling gives off a terrible first impression if you aren't aiming for foreshadowing, hence you either trim it down to a simple introduction and/or let the reader see the characters in action first so they become discernible enough
Thank you, noted
I can tell English is not your native language. There's a lot of awkward phrasing and even outright mistakes. Also, incorrect use of commas all over the place. If you ever end up finishing a whole book, your editor is gonna have his work cut out for him. That said, I do kinda like it. The pacing is good and it's decently engaging. I ended up reading it all, whereas usually I tap out after a paragraph reading the shit that gets posted in these threads. It's unpretentious and straightforward and almost reads like an actual war memoir.
I am English, but I'm trying to get it across the character and story aren't set in an English speaking country, I plan to use a collection of different terms from central and Eastern europe so the reader can't place exactly where the country is, since its not a real place. I might drop it if it doesn't work, when I write more I'll try and make it sound more intentional.

'The third man was peiter, a man I knew from home and a poachers son, this naturally made him our lead scout'

Be better? Shorter and to the point, the rest of the description of him moving forward tells the reader everything else?
That's also what I'm kind of aiming for. I was a solider and have been deployed, though never actually fired shots in anger.
I'm not writing any of my own experiences, but my own experiences will inform what I write if that makes sense
Meant to highlight this in >>23824931 its been a long day
>almost reads like an actual war memoir
Yeah, I can tell. Anyway, just keep writing. There's something there, but you will need a good editor to polish it into a readable book (more so than the average writer).
Thanks anon, I know it needs a lot of polish, I just wanted to know if it would be worth the time or if I should just drop it. I'll keep at it.
Seeing the level of seethe at this very grounded and straightforward advice gives me faith I can make it after all. Appreciate your advice and am adjusting my upload schedule based on it.

Unfortunately my only story now is fanfiction so no ads. But I'm grinding a LitRPG to focus on next that I think is better catered towards the RR market.
Is there any writing app on your phone that can export directly to epub? I would love to just have a one stop mobile word processor to drop things
>I'm trying to get it across the character and story aren't set in an English speaking country
Something I tried before was writing out dialogue in the original language the characters would speak in, then crudely translate that to English, and finally clean up the English translation to make it readable while retaining an exotic tone that would distinguish it from regular English dialogue.
You could use a similar process with pieces of Slavic vernacular from various countries. Find an original way to phrase them in English as neo-calques.
>knowing how bad my writing is
Do you not enjoy your own stuff? Everyone hates my writing, and yet I love it more than most anything. I don't mind, as I write to create things that others refuse to create for me (always have to do it myself if I want anything good).
Yeah, NTA but gaming the system to some degree early on is practically required nowadays with how many stories get posted. Trying to play by the book, your only exposure is last updated for 5-10 minutes. Ads are of course the best option and even a mediocre story with a good couple of ads can find some success. Shout outs can be good early on if you swap with someone big in your genre. Review swaps are too much of a time investment for little payoff imo. I'd only do a few so you don't just have empty space at the bottom until the real reviews come in and so they can act as a bit of a cushion for the inevitable low scores if you run an ad/reach rising stars. Otherwise you end up like this >>23823604 poor bastard and go from readable(4.5+) to beneath notice for most RR readers.
Ignore proper form, just write what sounds and looks good. Don't learn, just write.
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My readers told me (people around my age) that the suicide is okay, but I make it too obvious in the half the story. They told me that he MC coming to terms with his sad and empty life after collage (y'know, just reading daily, running daily, going to he gym etc), just kinda accepting his life and THEN just thinking in the middle of the run some day "why I am even doing all of this" and proceeding to fall in the hole would be way, way more impactful.

I started doing meth last year (which inspired quite a lot of the book), but it only makes me stimfap. God bless you if you don't know what that is. I still hope that the next dose will make me finish it...

As I'm writing this now, you're right guys. No need to worry about its success until its finished.

FYI I live in Eastern Europe. Stories such as this have way more future than yours stories guys, in the LGBT infected west.
Okay advice if you have a naturally good ear for what sounds good, but comma splices should be fairly rare and if you're using a lot of them you probably have a bad ear for what good prose sounds like. At which point your advice becomes horrible: anon should study and learn from his betters
>meth addicted eastern European crying "the west has fallen!"
Fucking hilarious every time
Good luck getting readers, then.
This retard's "advice" leads to bad writing and prose. Ignore it.
Have you ever used dice to randomly determine what happens in a story?
I stopped writing my story because I didn't like writing conflict. I just want my characters to be happy.
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What are some ways for a true alliance between a race of monstrous people and a race of more numerous humans?

I was thinking that the relations would steadily be getting warmer between the two of them before a grand invasion forces a true military alliance.

But I'm not sure how, especially as I intended to be a disputed land between them (and one of the battle cries of the monstrous people are "The disputed land belongs to us!" and they have songs about reclaiming the land, which unnerves many of their allies).

The disputed land is currently divided 50/50 with one half belonging to the humans and one half to the monstrous people, but neither side is very happy with that as both think they own all of the disputed land.
Yep...using some of the tools of RPG scenario-writing to mix things up.
I know the feeling. LIfe stresses me out to the point where I can only enjoy brainless comedies. I have no heart for writing conflict.
I'm the opposite. I find i make my characters suffer too much.
i like the dynamic where it's two people in love, and then a best friend third wheel whom they emotionally support in platonical love.

like ferris, sloane, and cameron in ferris bueller's day off
I've plateaued.
Having both sides attacked by the new enemy and have a speech that convinces the others they have to stand together or they will both fall.
Maybe have the humans accept they will give up the disputed land, or the new enemy utterly destroys it or takes it over themselves
Let me tell you, ser, of a radiant beauty whose memory still blazes within my cold, cold heart. The girl, ser, once stood naked before me, her sun-kissed face glowing with raw beauty. Her bare skin shimmered like the sands beneath the star of Exodus. Blessed was she, this tanned beauty, and blessed was I to witness her golden radiance.
Where others saw an unremarkable brown lass, indistinguishable from the rest of her race, I alone recognized her as the Venus she was—cast from bronze by the hands of God, molded by the muse to beam loveliness from her very being.
See here, sires, madames! Could you not see the face of this blessed lady? Could you not recognize the visage of your holy mother? Brown, you say? Brown! Such a tackless descriptor. It is your soul that is as brown as excrement, your tongues infested with rotting maggots. To hear music and call it noise, to taste wine and call it water: shame upon you and your foolish kind. Shame upon me to share this Earth with such uncultured swines.
Brown… Ha!
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I think experience and knowledge of crafting stories has only made my works worse. Everything I write these days feels so formulaic and calculated. It's just like fitting puzzle pieces together instead of something spontaneous and alive. Here a character-defining moment, here establishing how X works, here setting up momeny Y in the future, here a sudden joke to keep the reader awake. My stories were badly planned and written when I was young, but they came from the heart and were more compelling.
thats because you were the only one reading them
thanks for reminding the class why RR is for the biggest niggerfaggots on earth
Yeah but what would be a good reason for them to begin warming up to each other before the enemy?
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I swear, MS's speech to text app isn't actually fucking voice recognition machine, but there's some goddamn pajeet listening to you talk and typing it out. Sometimes it guesses what I'm going to say before I've even said it. Sometimes it pauses, like flinching, when I raise my voice or take an impatient tone. And sometimes, when it can't catch what I say, it just prints out "dude"
thats the universe telling you to stop using goyslop technology and pick up a fucking pen
So I'm kind of at an impasse for how I wanted the MC's family to be structured.

In both he is the son of a living deity, the third son.

>First structure
All children born from a single mother, raised like a regular family. The MC is despised by his birth father because his birth weakened his mother a great deal.
>Second structure
Each child is born from a different mother of each tribe, with the living god marrying them to unite the tribes. The children are born and appear throughout the land to be found and raised by an adoptive family. The MC is abused by sages because his older brothers were discovered very late, and the sages discovered the MC at a young age and try to control him into their puppet.

The second one I feel is more interesting, and it also creates a way for the tribes to unite. I also intended for each son to represent the tribe of their mother, and this makes more sense if they are from different mothers.

However the first one I feel suits the story more in some ways as the MC is sent to foster with another race. I feel this wouldn't work with an adoptive family as well since I intended one of the laws for the founding of the god's children was that the family who found him could not be interfered with while raising him, i.e. he could not be given over to foster unless his adoptive family agreed.

I also considered the MC saying at one point that the foster home was his real home at one point. This makes more sense if his father was abusive than if he had a loving adopted family.

I can't, it's too painful
Maybe human main character reaches out to main monster man about sharing the lands or some other concession, and monster man listens but is still wary of humans (due to past betrayals) until the main threat shows up. Or maybe the monster people are actually weaker than they show themselves to be and don't want an direct confrontation with the humans, so play nice for time.
>MC is god
>baww my family issues
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God as in something like Cenarius from Warcraft 3, more like a really powerful being than an all-powerful or all-knowing deity.
>he's not completely broken, just a little!
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I ascribe to the "everything is broken" thing in my setting

Like the Valve way in picrel. Not sure if I should have fancy hats though.
There's one guy in the comments of my novel who's really into it. Feels good man.
I've found that the most excited commenters also make the most noise when the story stops pleasing them, and it inevitably always stops pleasing them, making them take off with lots of drama. Some bipolar schizos
>What would make monster people and humans get along?
Extremely simple solution. Make them sexually compatible with humans and men will die for them.
is there any videos of someone writing a short story and talking through their thought process whilst writing it? i dont find generic writing advice helpful.
If I like writing just absolute trash (anime progression style plots, catgirls, gratuitous smut, rule of cool) should I just write that or get some taste instead?
If you need a goddamn video to be able to do anything, you're beyond all help.
Sounds like you have a promising career on Royal Road ahead of you. Better you write something you enjoy than force yourself to work on something you don't. That'll only make you burn out sooner.
Symbolism is cringe. I just want to see my favorite characters punch each other and fight. I don't have anything to say besides that in my stories.
Writing is entirely the wrong medium for you
How so?
The answer should be self-evident based on what you posted.
I know a lot of stories where it's just characters punching and fighting that are popular and successful
Or are you just self-defining what makes something 'the right medium'?
Amazing. Not only did you pick the wrong medium, but also for completely wrong reasons.
I had fetish material written but it was for monster men with human women
>Or are you just self-defining what makes something 'the right medium'?
Just say yes, pseud
>I have the right to pedal backwards uphill if I want to! No I'm not a retard!
We both know you're this angry because genre chads actually enjoy writing, have people reading and complimenting what they write, and can make money with it. Where you write nothing, don't like writing and have to force yourself to, have no audience, and will never be published
But at least you write 'literature' lol
>people who follow my novel but very obviously do not read
>tfw you realize your story isn't very good after all
>tfw you realize your story is the best shit ever
>tfw you realize your story isn't perfect but it has some value and you worked hard making it so you're proud of it
The follow button is just a 'bookmarked, I might read later' button for a lot of people. Of course it doesn't mean they're die-hard fans. Even 'favorites' don't mean that
I'm proud of it, but will anyone else be? Doubt.
and you should care why exactly?
>I didn't like writing conflict
I kind of feel this way too. Is there a cure? I'm writing the scene where my MC's cat was just torn limb from limb and it's kind of hard to write about. I just want to skip it, but it's important I show the aftermath and reaction.
textbook case of character vs story. you dont understand the purpose of characters (or a story for that matter), which is to move a story not become enamored with them.
I seek validation, no matter how meager.
I'm the best writer here, but I have absolutely no interest in substantiating that.
in that case the arts arent for you. I suggest going back to preschool and making macaroni pictures
wrong. I am the best writer here.
well, I said it first, which means your work is derivative.
wrong. you copied me from a different thread and passed it off as your own. I was always the best
>different thread
we're talking about this thread anon, there were a completely different batch of writers in the others.
yep, best writer in the thread here.
wrong. I was in those threads. I am in every thread
He seemed to remember it all,—the white woods, and earth, and moonlight
If you're not going to share it then why even write it? It can live in your head forever without the 10k hours of work it takes to write it out.
The comma after 'all' is not needed.
I'm sorry to inform you that you should've declared so earlier in this thread, the title is mine.
I am the best worst writer in this thread
There was not the faintest whisper of air—nothing moved, not a leaf quivered,
>follow rules
>be a good writer
Pick one.
I painted my nails in the ombre din of the hot sun---clear coat, and then a sliver of lilac at the apogee
I am writing a short story about a small colonial village coming to grips with a new land that has horrid and undefeatable dangers by fusing with a tribe of equally horrid but allied locals.
The hero is a 15 year old boy who wants to keep his village safe for his childhood love, whom confessed her love to him but for that he has to marry a woman of the tribe and his love has to marry a man of the tribe. That happens at the very end of the story so I wouldn't explore this relationship at all.
Now my question: what would be more jarring for a 15 year old boy: being married to a 9 year old girl the age of his little sister or to a young woman (who's still older than him) he has seen drenched in blood and go absolutely nuts in bone-drenching survival situations?
No, i dont want to play this as fetish bait.
I wrote 257 words today. Time to pack it up.
The dewey lash of a sharp breeze, then, "forsooth" I cried into the nether---I craned back my head and laughed at fate's ugly mug, and then returned my hands to the deepest depths of my long, hand-sewn pockets.
"Harrison," he scorned with a scornful scowl. That scoundrel isn't fit to scrub my poet's shed---How unfair that he is the one who triumphs, while my bardic caterwauling lies undisturbed
>don't like my writing
>read published authors to see how to improve
>they're all worse than mine
It's over.
Maybe I'm the only one, but the story is the least important thing to me. Cool characters that I like is always the most important.
anons posts took a weird turn here
What's the best animal-mix protag for my FMC? Foxgirl? Catgirl? Wolfgirl? It's smut btw
Younger man x older woman is patrician taste. Do it.
Bunnygirl. They are highly breedable.
this prose is marvelous
>dont wanna turn this into fetish bait
>"do B, that's hot."
Okay. I'll do A then
instead of kids make them 30, and one has the rickets
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It's hard to write a good book with multiple characters' POV. I have like, four dudes I need to put through personalised trials and revelations, change their relationship as the plot goes along, and not make anyone the third wheel. God knows I've read so many book where the POV switch for a chapter and I just go
>Ah fuck, not this one again
And just start skipping paragraphs.
Who? The protag? Not gonna happen. The tribe? Not, not possible in this story.
set it in wales, write in dialect
the alternative is being tied to one character's point of view through an entire story, and as a result it makes it harder to properly explore the characters around them.

i've got to make up bullshit reasons for the main character to be there to witness shit that either builds the world or is a character moment.
first you need some ideas anon, and then framing them is easy.
How many followers did you get?
Why do so many people, especially writers, think that "bad life experience" = good story.

If your life has been shit, perhaps you should try to write a novel about a person rising, dealing and overcoming it. That way, you would heal your soul and life and would have a higher chance of writing something that would uplift others, thus increasing your sales and popularity.

Just follow the Life Path energy and you'll be fine.

This world is already miserable enough as it is, why put more misery into it? Do good.

We don't want more losers, we want more victors.
>Ah fuck, not this one again
Then make all your characters equally interesting so no one wants to skip over any.
As someone from Eastern Block, or Southern I really hope that you never publish that work, unless it's a work that helps and inspires others. Again, DO NOT bring more misery into this world. Do not think about it, do not feel it and most importantly DO NOT WRITE about it. If you do, you deserve everything that comes with it.
>just wrait gud!
Nta, but thats really obvious advice
i have ideas, i just hope it doesn't come across as forced. because none of this would play out as it is if we weren't forced to take in the story from the main character's perspective. if i had the luxury of an omniscient narrator, they wouldn't even be there.
do you ever do things to organize your ideas spatially, maybe in short bullit'd categories? It really helps simplify settling on a layout.
yeah so why didnt (You) think of it lol
yeah i do. i have it all figured out. i'm sure it'll be fine, I just prefer stories with multiple perspectives and in third person. i'm writing this story because it challenges me.
sounds like you should be writing instead of lurking
right you are
>ChatGPT isn't working right now
How can I write now?
works on my machine
For some reason it's not working on Firefox. I got it on Chrome now. Not sure why it's being like this.
Once upon a shitstain of a day, there was a man named Larry. Larry had a penis for a nose, which made him the butt-fuck of every joke in the grimy town of Cocksucker Creek. People pointed and laughed like he was the main act in the world's most twisted circus, and he couldn't even dodge their insults with a handkerchief because his dick-hands were too busy jerking off his perpetual sadness.

Larry walked down the cobblestone streets, his dick-nose bobbing with each step, and his testicle ears flapping in the breeze. His fuck-you haircut didn't help, nor did his shit-eating grin that was permanently etched on his face, courtesy of a botched plastic surgery. The townsfolk looked at him like he was the lovechild of a clown and a soggy dildo.

He stumbled into the local pub, "The Jizzing Unicorn," hoping for a break from the relentless ridicule. The barfly's laughter was as thick as the cum-laden atmosphere, and it didn't take long before Larry's entrance was met with a symphony of snickers and slurred obscenities.

"Look at that prick-face!" one slurred, flicking a booger-crusted toothpick at him.

"Why so hard, Larry?" another quipped, and the room erupted into a sea of guffaws and high-fives.

The bartender, a burly man with a neck beard that looked like a roadkill squirrel, wiped the jizz off the counter with a titty-printed rag. "What'll it be, Nose-Cock?"

"Just a pint, please," Larry squeaked, trying to keep his dignity in a town that treated him like a cum rag.

"That'll be a blowjob and your first-born," the bartender chuckled, his breath smelling like a mix of stale piss and regret.

Kino or not?
reddit spacing/10
Why should my characters be allowed to be happy if I'm not?
I want a video of someone reacting to a video of someone writing a short story and talking through their thought process whilst writing it.
t. zoomer
This feels like an edgy teenager's attempt at humour
So I'm writing a gay paladin inspired heavily by Loras Tyrell. He has two older brothers, and while he's not as good at melee combat nor as tall as his eldest, he's an ace on horseback.

I'm wondering what sort of flamboyant yet subtle imagery would be good, like how Loras Tyrell is associated with roses? I was thinking he'd wear feathers but that in of itself doesn't seem too unusual.

Also I was wondering what sort of man his lover should be- I wanted him to be a martial man as well, but of a different sort. I'm not sure if an archer would work well since archers seem like they wouldn't be noble and I imagine the paladin as being a little bit elitist when it comes to taste.
then why write a book?
because its written down, not in your head. you should be able to figure out why thats significant
thanks for illustrating for us the mentality of a child
File: bornto.jpg (10 KB, 225x225)
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85. At any other point in my life, I'd be happy with that, but now it might as well be 0
A story can take years before it suddenly explodes in popularity.
wow, look at this pile of crap: https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip
and these bundles of joy: https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf https://files.catbox.moe/rpuvnd.pdf

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