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Bungle edition.

Previous: >>23821239
Another day, another thread.
(Dramatic music playing)
It's the brand new wwym thread.
big dicks will rule the world
isn't world a scary place. filled with butchers or is it just me?
Tacos were never invented
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Write what's your mind.
If your sibling was dating a black girl or guy and they weren’t hot and had a mediocre personality, how would you feel about it?
I've reached the point where even jerking off to cartoon pornography makes me sad. I need a real woman to hug me.

Funny how that works. If they are dating somebody who is hot you feel jealous but if they are dating somebody who is considerably below their league you feel like they are wasting their potential.
I’ve never felt jealous. I just feel happy for them because I know the sex is good and the kids will come out good looking. Honestly, the biggest worry of biracial couples in my opinion is the kids. Not necessarily looks, but their look. Will they get bullied for looking biracial? That sort of thing. A lot of people would call this racist but as white people we should probably think about this sort of thing. Our half Asian kids will be short. Our half black kids might have lower IQ. This is just science.
I would be happy for my brother if he landed himself a gf no matter the skin colour.
And yes I think mutting is bad and I'm a racist.
with all the fall of gender relations talk last broiche, i'm reminded of this webtoon about a korean girl traveling to france to study and being mad about being approached and not being able to fit in the society.
it was half hilarious half maddening, like why would you go from a sexual dystopian regime to the most sexually liberated cesspit in existence and complain about your own ignorance to this fact?
All half black half white kids I met display an extremely high social IQ and are very extrovert.
Quadroons are a bit calmer but don't seem to have any complexes either.
Octaroos turn out ugly sometimes or look inbred while among sixteenaroons and thirditwoaroons it's almost as if they are ennobled by the droplet of black blood in their veins.
Hapa mutts are fuckups though, no question.
Why should I care about the race or attractiveness of my sibling’s partner? All I care about is that the person treats my sibling well and is a productive member of society. Personality only matters insofar as they’re a nice and respectful person and are well-mannered enough to be tolerable in social situations, but beyond that it doesn’t matter if I find them particularly entertaining to be around, as long as my sibling likes them and is compatible with them. Same with attractiveness- - it doesn’t matter if I don’t personally find the person attractive, as long as my sibling is into them.
For the past two weeks I've been trying to dream of cute girls. I have not managed to succeed even once, I either have no dreams or dream of the most bizarre shit. For example, just a few days ago I dreamt about some guy who was forced by circumstance to eat a living cockroach. Thing is, he was too afraid and disgusted of cockroaches to manage this, so for several hours(in dream time) he just kept walking around, trying to kill it with pathetically light strikes, to steel his heart, and so on. I woke up before he managed to even kill the thing.
To every stadium walks across a bridge for you. My fingernails are made maintained.
I want a hug and I will get it.
This is the only right answer, I'm the exact same way. Luckily my brother's girlfriend is awesome, she's genuinely so nice and she treats him so well which is good considering his last two girlfriends before this one have been trainwrecks.
I don't have siblings but I wouldn't care if it were my brother. If it were my sister, I'd be afraid that the guy would pump and dump her. If I knew that he's an honest stand-up man, I wouldn't care. My bloodline's cursed with multiple hereditary diseases, so even if I cared about racial purity or whatever, it wouldn't be a big loss for the huwite race.
All my family are incels. Even my parents. It's a miracle they managed to find each other. All my uncles and aunts are incels. All my siblings too.
Wherever I get tummy troubles, I always get this urge to eat KFC, which I normally despise.
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My brother married a negress. Not butt ugly but not attractive at all, college degree, well spoken, etc.
When they were dating she was kind and supportive, played nice with my parents, acted all lovey-dovey and friendly with him and our family. Within a couple months after the ring got put on her finger she chimped out. Let herself go to become obese, treated my parents like shit, started ordering my brother around, quit her job and told him to work more, refused to cook and clean beyond the bare minimum. She cut him off from his friends and eventually family, made up an excuse to chimp at my parents and now won't speak to them or let them see the grandkids. The kids look nothing like my brother, at all. Brother is too spineless to do anything about it and even if he tried he would be divorced and left with nothing except alimony and child support since she hasn't worked more than a month or two after they got married. He has dead, empty eyes now, all the joy sucked out of him. He used to be outgoing and humorous, would always fill a room with laughter. Now he hardly ever cracks a smile and when he does it is tinged with sadness and never comes close to his haunted eyes.
Niggers are incompatible with civilized people. They are not worth it. The chimp within is always there. No matter how white or normal they act there is a sheboon just waiting to lunge to the surface. Zero redeeming features, zero positive qualities. Nothing good will come out of having your bloodline poisoned with the biological weapon that is niggatry.
If you love your sibling dissuade them from burning or drilling. It will only lead to heartache and pain.
My grandpa used to be a pussy magnet and looked like a 1:1 copy of young Marlon Brando in his youth. I was flabbergasted by his handsomeness when I saw an old picture of his.
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They really fumbled the bag, you just know that their last two albums were rushed out so that they could get out of their record deal. Nearly all of them have tried to release solo music since the breakup and none of it has been good. Merlyn is the most embarrassing, his Instagram is basically just him begging.
>Let herself go to become obese
Many such cases.
I’m addicted to bottled water. It’s so good to drink. Staying hydrated to my brain is absolutely important to my lifestyle.
guess the "incel" is in the cells
i'm eating ōtoro and chutoro rn.
this is fucking heaven.
You're my little fatty tuna XOXO.
Have any of you guys ever written romantic self-insert fanfiction? Yeah, me neither.
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Hahaha, that would be crazy, OMG I'd never do something like that.
I'm a 35 year old virgin but I haven't given up yet.
Yes, it involves me meeting a girl who for some reason likes me. And then we do everyday tasks together.
Fred Durst did nothing wrong
>Our half black kids might have lower IQ.
I’m half black and my IQ is significantly above average, to the point that the psychiatrist who performed the Weschler IQ test told me that my scores on the language processing ability and memory ability subtests were some of the highest scores of any student he’d ever assessed. Also, it’s very possible that any children you might have would be doomed to inherit a low IQ simply by virtue of having you as their father.

The same thing could just as easily have happened if your brother had married a white girl. My parents are in an interracial relationship, and they’ve been happily married for more than thirty years. They both have had successful careers and have maintained good relationships with their extended family. Your brother’s experience is not universal, and the fact that you spend your time posting racist screeds on 4chan suggests that you yourself are not particularly intelligent, productive, or well-adjusted.

While we’re speaking about our families, it’s interesting to note that, of my aunts and uncles on the white side of my family, two-thirds of them are divorced, some more than once. I have multiple cousins on that side who have had dysfunctional relationships: one of them dropped out of high school and is a single mom who had two kids by some deadbeat Italian guy twice her age, one of them is a narcissistic gold digger who had already been divorced twice by the age of thirty, etc. On the other hand, all of my aunts and uncles on the black side of my family are still happily married, all of their children are in university or are gainfully employed, and none are single parents, have had children out of wedlock, or have been divorced. There are clearly factors beyond race that contribute to a family’s success or failure.
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i will never ever not be uncompelled not to say "cunnily enough" in random situations and giggle to myself uncontrollably like a little white girl who has just flashed her panties to timid and shy boys her age who just walked by.
Wouldn't know, the only things I know about Limp Bizkit are that they did the song Break Stuff and that they once held (or still do hold) the record for the most expensive music video since they needed aerial shots and since they didn't have good enough drones back then, they had to use helicopters, and helicopters aren't cheap to rent.
Kind of wish all men could just choose whatever woman they want to have sex with regardless of the woman’s opinion.
That doesn't work. If the woman does not like you, it's not fun.
That's a funny way of saying you wish rape was legal.
My Zimbabwe Dollars I have are worth very little upon my bank account. But I got them on a boat into Africa. That was theee years ago yesterday and I didn’t never smelled the sunset flowers didn’t the dreams of Christmas.
Weird how the Phoenicians are basically forgotten to history, but the Hebrews, a much more, at the time, insignificant people, are nowadays so much more relevant.
What if two men choose the same woman?
Reasonable in these times I guess

Well I mean there’s just practical considerations to worry about, like whether the children will be healthy and successful, whether the marriage will last, and whether any of them will face biases or bullying.

Every bloodline is cursed with heritable disease.

I’m worried about this.
That's why men have a hole too.
One of them gets to take the middle seat.
Clearly you’re not that high IQ because your exception doesn’t disprove a rule and any high IQ person should know that. But you’re right at least that you never know. But let’s be real here. When we breed horses, we don’t just throw our hands up. Humans are subject to genetics same as any other creature. That’s why aristocrats were careful about their marriage, marrying not only for traits but also for wealth, power, prestige, and a good family. This girl’s family is trash and she’s not smart. She’s not even a good gf and she’ll be a terrible wife. I doubt the kids will be particularly intelligent.
Just objectively speaking, the probability of it happening with a white girl is lower. The white girl is more likely to come from a good two person family and that matters a lot.
There is no rule. Stop this racist nonsense. It's boring.
The woman can be split in half


Define “fun”
Have you never been in love?
What's the point of being in love with a girl who doesn't want you?
Feeling unwanted is the worst fucking feeling ever.

There's millions of black people around the world who are richer, smarter and more accomplished in any way compared to you.
Yeah, multiple times. Just sick of the cheating. Making domestic violence illegal was a major societal mistake.
I mean I say this as a mutt myself. I'm a Euromutt, wich means that I'm white, but living in Europe, I face huge social handicaps that a white amerimutt would not have. The thing is being an immigrant into a European country, even if it's from another European country, makes people auto-assume that you are white trash. So in my father's country, people think I'm white trash, and in my mother's country, it's the same.
I would never want, if I have children, for them to face the same challenges so marriage wise I have restrained my options women wise to the two countries I have roots in.
I feel like I’m the only non mixed American to ever exist. Both sides of my family are English with some Scots on my mom’s side and that’s basically it. I live in Ohio.
Just say you're a Slav.
I'm a Euromutt and I have none of these issues.
Sounds like you're just an outcast. Nothing to do with race or ethnicity.
why does Ken Follett hate russians?
Damn, dude. You’re denying heritability of genetics now? I’m sorry but you’re not high IQ.

I know the statistics and I know that’s not true
Don't know but I couldn't go past a few chapters of his medieval epic saga.
His writing is too simplistic.
It seems that most Americans who are anyhow relevant politically or who have any name to themselves are from the old Anglo blood, so you should consider yourself lucky, and you should marry a woman of Anglo-American stock, if you pretend to make wise marriage politics.
My mother if from the old Roman Republic of Rascia. The local dialectal variety if considered the clearest in all of the South-Slav dialects, even compared to the one spoken in the political saloons and the universities. Physiognomy wise they approach Western physiognomies a lot, and the Slavic impressions, wich came from the North, are joined with Celtic, Latin and German impressions.
If these facts do not give this region any superiority to the other Western groups, there is at least a comparative relation.
Euromutt isn’t mixed race retard

Most likely you’re not actually 100% English but even the English are a mix of various peoples. That’s how populations usually work. That said, there’s a gradient. Much larger difference between Danes and Sub-Saharan Africans than Danes and Anglo-Saxons, obviously.
>I know the statistics and I know that’s not true

There's millions of millionaires in Africa alone.
Fucking retard.
So no one ever called you a dirty immigrant in your home country?
>Clearly you’re not that high IQ because your exception doesn’t disprove a rule and any high IQ person should know that.

I never claimed to be an exception, because as another anon has already pointed out, there is no rule. No reliable data exists that suggests significant IQ disparities between biracial children and white children. In fact, the Eyferth study compared the IQ of biracial children and white children, and concluded that there was an average disparity of less than a single IQ point between the two groups, which is negligible.

Both of my parents are intelligent and came from stable families with hardworking parents. Those factors are far more important than race when it comes to determining a future child’s potential for success. You should judge people as individuals instead of making generalisations about them based on the colour of their skin. If your brother’s girlfriend isn’t smart, comes from a bad family, and treats him poorly, then that’s the problem here, not the fact that she’s black. There are many white girls who have the same problems, and he would be no better off in a relationship with one of them.

>careful about their marriage
Fun fact: Marriages between black women and white men are 44% less likely to end in divorce than marriages between white women and white men.
Why are military history nerds so retarded?
Blah blah blah my ancestor :) etc. etc.
No one cares or even knows what the Republic of Rascia is. Just say Serbian. And yes, people will look differently, because before Europe got flooded with despicable mudslimes, it was Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, Poles and Romanians who were known for committing a disproportionate amount of crime. They still do, but Arabs are SO much worse that people stopped caring about other criminal minorities. The idea that you'd get bullied as a Frenchman in Germany is absurd.
I'm a ticking time bomb. Either I'll hurt someone or I'll an hero. Maybe both.
I have made plans to write some, but of course I never got around actually doing it, just like with everything else.
>it was Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, Poles and Romanians who were known for committing a disproportionate amount of crime. They still do, but Arabs are SO much worse that people stopped caring about other criminal minorities

That's such bullshit. 99% of the people are just minding their own business and living their normal lives. Maybe they are culturally weird, but not criminals.
That the stupid government let slip a bunch of criminal organizations into their country should not be blamed on normal people that happen to share their ethnicity.
I don't get 'bullied' for being from the Balkans (and I'm not a Serb), the handicap is in me being a Euromutt. I know plenty of South Slavs who achieved great things in Western Europe, like my grand-parents. And until this day they go to Western Europe to earn money working jobs.
The thing is when you're a mutt like me you're no where really at home.
The 'crimes' done by people from the Balkans you're referring to are speeding and driving annoyingly loud cars my friend ;)

And selling grenades and rocket launchers to the drug trafficking mafias.
>>That's such bullshit
Looooool. 20 years ago whenever you read something about a stabbing or a break-in or some big drug or weapons deal 90% of the time the perpetrators were from one of the groups I listed. Although to be fair, violent crimes were mostly Albanians. There's a billion jokes about Poles stealing shit (which is why I find it hilarious when Americans romanticize Poland as some kind of tradcath Evropean paradise) same goes for Romanians and for good reason. Obviously nowadays it's always someone brown but it wasn't always that way. Look, I don't care if you're Serb, Pole, whatever, much love, but what I said is true.
At this point Europe is so muttified in so many places that I have trouble believing you when you say that you don't fit in anywhere.
> At this point Europe is so muttified in so many places that I have trouble believing you when you say that you don't fit in anywhere
Well I literally moved back to the Balkans after living my whole life in Western Europe, so I know what I'm talking about. The thing is if you're a filthy immigrant you belong to the Shudra caste, even if you're from Sweden. If you're mixed Shudra and Vaisha/Kschattrya/Barhmin (native castes) you fall indiscriminately into the Tschandala caste wich is where I am basically.
I can no longer deny it, I want to die.
I wanted to be a big shot programmer or something similar, but recently I've been completely blackpilled on big corporations and waging. Is there a path forward for me that doesn't involve that shit or am I stuck selling my soul
>90% of the time the perpetrators were from one of the groups I listed

1. You forgot that often times, they just used foreigners to commit the crimes, but the masterminds would be local mafia.
2. That does not change the fact that 99% of the people are normal law abiding peace loving people.
Programming is the least sexy job you can have.
It's the accounting of the 21st century.
Even with all the money, there is no faster way to dry up a girl's pussy than by telling her you do shit with computers for work.
I have made only wrong decisions and I will continue to do so in the future.
It's literally impossible to avoid making mistakes. That's life.
Yeah I know that, it's always just been a "pays the bills" kind of thing for me. It always feels like you just end up embroiled in Big Business™ but it's become increasingly soul crushing for that reason and is the only thing I can really do

Join a startup doing something interesting if you're blackpilled about big corporations.
I'm lying to myself, I know very well that there's no way to escape this situation.
I thought this a thousand times in my short 33 years on this planet and single every time I was wrong.
Love hyperfeminine women but hate the emotional baggage that comes with them. Afraid I’m looking for a unicorn at this point.

I’d like to but I’m also autistic as hell and can’t read body language or interpret social cues for the life of me, despite managing seven ex girlfriends up to this point.

Wouldn’t know, I tend to go for macrohistory or meta-biographies for historical books,
You’re nine years younger than me
Just had the worst nightmare i've ever had
In my dream I'm walking down the street in the city, and there's a random gay guy nearby talking to a girl. He's saying,
"women are so complicated. With a guy it's just one and done and you don't even have to think about it"
"fucking gross" I mutter and walk past, but weirdly get the sense the two are following me
I either walk or am teleported into a library. Walking around I randomly notice someone I went to highschool with, "what's up X'
"oh hey whats up anon"
"you remember me? I assumed you wouldn't be able to recognize me"
"I wouldn't forget you". As I'm staring transforms from the young kid i remember into a 40 yr old balding man, but i blink and he returns to normal
I walk over to the computer area, though now it's half transformed into my high school"
At first i can't make it out, but I look close and realize there's a black guy being sucked off by his gf right next to the computer
But then I blink and it transforms into a girl holding her kid
I say excuse me. On the computer i get the sense someone is talking behind my back but i can't turn my head to see. Little scraps i've overheard about me or my own insecurities whispering in the background
Now I'm back in my apartment. I wake up and start to go about my day, but something is wrong. I can't get out of bed. My vision stays stuck on the bed, even though im actually moving about I know cause i can feel with my fingers objects unrelated to what my vision is showing
I keep blinking to try and reset. . I try to go ahead with my day, but my vision stays stuck at the bed so im functionally blind
I start groaning super loud but then i think "oh shit my roommates will hear"
I go out to the kitchen and try to make coffee. If I imagine in my head the scene and stare pointedly i can make out the image in the background, although the visual remains stuck at my bed with me unable to move
I can hear my roommate in the background with friends
My vision returns. He's staring angrily at me "I want you out of here pack your bags and go"
"why .. what did I do?"
"you pissed everywhere on the ground. And you weren't wearing your work uniform"
"but where am i going to go?"
Then i wake up for real. The second half of the dream was the scariest because I thought i was genuinely awake and just going crazy
Strange, I thought people perceive me as autistic simply because I'm a euromutt.
Oh and i forgot i started to try to explain myself to my roommate how my vision was stuck and that's why i made a mess. And ended up sounding even more crazy
He gave me the look you give a crazy person and shook his head
Scary. I once had a dream where I was inside a train going fuckever, until I spotted a school through the window near where the train had stopped.
I run out of the train wearing an old fashioned jacket with buttons, run into the school and knock at a door. I walk in, see a teacher sat face towards the door with a large office table in front of him. I ask him a random question, he replies, he finishes his reply, I reply with pulling out a gun and shooting him dead.
I walk out, close the door, walk to the next, knock, open up, same scenario, I ask something, the teacher replies, shoot him dead.
I walk out, close the door, knock at the next one, same scenario, but this time I decide not to shoot the teacher.
Run out of the school, take a random train and spend the next 'three days' going anywhere by train, until I sit into a cafe with a TV in the corner showing the news. A guy randomly shot up a bunch of school teachers and disappeared, and they know it's me.
Finally I am brought to court, with my aunt as my lawyer. She says that I can't be sued for murder because the bullets used in the gun were S-bullets, wich are usually not deadly.
Then I woke up.
The strange thing is far, far earlier than this, like a year apart, I dreamt that I was a young lad living in the 19th Century. Nothing particular, just walking to the store to buy bullets.
I had a dream last night about gaming with my sister while both of us were sitting on a bed and only wearing towels for some reason.
I dreamed a dream inside my mind
I dreamed a dream that I could fly
I dreamed a dream that I was naked
And then I woke and I had bacon
Asian girls would be attractive if they didn't have flat wide noses
>have some weird chest pain
>start grinning
I do not enjoy being alive
Their skin is quite light creating the appearance of a white woman when she's doggying, face covered.
They don't have big booties. They don't have big tits. Truly I see nothing appealing about them less you're a white guy going for the most easily available substitute of a white woman.
Yellowish skin and straight dark hair is what puts me off the most.
I was looking for my earbuds last night and couldn't find them. That night I had a dream that they were in a bag I didn't search, and when I searched the bag just now they were in there. Holy, dreams are actually useful.
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the uncertainty of future is the cause of lethargy in the present. why do anything if you aren't sure whether it'll be in vain or not? if you were sure, at least the constant hopeful doubts could be quieted.
you reason like a woman
>thinking about future
good one
women are notoriously neurotic and so are you,
and yes women tend to think ahead more than men, because of their neurotic nature
>women tend to think ahead more than men
do you really believe this? it was always the man's job to worry about the future so the woman and the children could have a good present. even now most comments I see on life by women are concerned with the present time or the very near future, positive or not.
I am going to drown myself in a grain silo
I fucking hate being a worthless euromutt.
>it was always the man's job to worry about the future
You got it all wrong. The man's job is to take risks. His woman's job is to manage said risk.

>by women are concerned with the present time or the very near future
Women plan their lives a whole decade ahead, because they really have to. I don't mean disrespect but you seem quite ignorant of the other gender. Every girl I ever talked to, had a plan for what she would be doing in her late 20s and early 30s. Husband, house, kids, travel, career...etc
I want to strangle myself but I doubt my hands are strong enough for that. Once again I suffer due to my inaction.
>Every girl [...] had a plan for what she would be doing [...]
then that means my indecision and confusion about the future is not a womanly thing to do.
>you seem quite ignorant of the other gender
I've never had a girlfriend. all I know of is based on my mom and girls on the internet.

Women in general don't like taking risks. That means they plan ahead more.
Men are the opposite.

That's just a general rule, but it holds well.
Also women are more neurotic.
I have a deep yearning for being a blacksmith but it doesn't seem possible to do it full time in this day and age. What's some kind of equivalent
Ah, my dear reader, allow me to weave a tapestry of verbosity, a symphony of superfluousness, a labyrinthine odyssey through the meandering corridors of inconsequence. For behold, in the verdant glades of imagination, where dandelions pirouette and dew-kissed blades of grass whisper secrets to the moon, there exists a tale—a tale so insubstantial that even the air itself sighs in exasperation.

Our protagonist, a nameless wanderer, ambles forth with all the purpose of a drowsy sloth on a Sunday afternoon. Their attire, a mishmash of mismatched fabrics, flutters like the tattered remnants of forgotten dreams. Their quest? Ah, fear not, for quests are for those who seek meaning, and our wanderer seeks only the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional squirrel gossip.

The setting? A nondescript hamlet, nestled between hills that bear no names. The villagers—oh, the villagers!—are a peculiar lot. They converse in riddles, their sentences trailing off into ellipses like hesitant fireflies. Their daily activities involve rearranging pebbles into cryptic patterns, deciphering the enigma of cloud formations, and debating the existential crisis of the village scarecrow.

And what of conflict, you ask? Well, my dear reader, conflict tiptoes around this tale like a bashful ghost. It flits past the bakery, where the baker bakes bread that tastes of nostalgia and unrequited love. It pauses by the well, where the water whispers secrets to the bucket, which promptly forgets them. And then, with a sigh, conflict settles on the village green, where a heated debate rages over whether daffodils prefer sonnets or haikus.

But lo! A plot twist approaches—an elderly cat named Sir Fluffington, who claims to have once danced with the moon during a lunar eclipse. The villagers gather, their eyes wide with anticipation. Sir Fluffington, with all the gravitas of a feline philosopher, begins his tale. Alas, it is a tale of yarn, both literal and metaphorical. The crowd nods sagely, for they understand that life, too, is a tangled skein of half-finished scarves and lost knitting needles.

As the sun waltzes toward the horizon, our wanderer reclines on a mossy rock, contemplating the futility of existence. The villagers, having exhausted their supply of cryptic utterances, drift away like dandelion fluff on a zephyr. And so, my dear reader, our story concludes—or rather, dissolves—like sugar in lukewarm tea.

And what have we learned? Nothing, of course. But perhaps therein lies the beauty: in the pursuit of nothingness, we find everything. Or perhaps not. It matters little. For in this tale, as in life, the journey is the destination, and the destination is a quaint teashop at the crossroads of Nowhere and Everywhere.

And so, with a flourish of adjectives and a surplus of adverbs, I bid you adieu, dear reader. May your days be as purposefully purposeless as this tale, and may your heart dance to the rhythm of dandelion seeds carried by the wind.
>cousin looks at me and asks if I feel unwell
I guess my misery is becoming too obvious.

Why? It's hot and dirty work. And utterly useless in today's day and age.
The idea of crafting something with your hands is incredibly appealing to me, I just happen to think it's the coolest version of that concept
Is she considered a MILF?
Just do the apprenticeship mate. Not a big deal, nothing lowly about it and if you still have doubts, read Jean Jacques Rousseau's Emile or on Education and learn that working hard physically is not a shame but something to be proud of.
>that working hard physically is not a shame but something to be proud of

Being a blacksmith in 2024 is actually a posh job, when you think about it, because you're an artist at this point. You're not actually producing anything that is direly needed by the economy, but rather producing whatever fabrications to entertain people.
Writing as a career seems impenetrable in the modern day as people's attention spans get lower, their tastes get more childlike and as it becomes increasingly synonymous with corporate Copywriting
>writing to appease a crowd
Yeah, that would be a miserable life.
If you want to write for profit in 2024, you need to forget novels and go work for Youtube, TV, Video Game studios or something along those lines.
I'm the most popular girl in my class
Not that guy but isn't writing for video games/TV basically just nepotism jobs at this point
Seriously, what will you lack if you learn the apprenticeship? Maybe the economy won't need you but doing knifes in the garage for your own use is a good thing in itself.
How come? Is it looks or attitude? Are the other girls jealous? Were you always the most popular?
Nepotism is everywhere. You gotta know people to get the good jobs. Ain't no career path where that ain't true.
Sorry, I lied. I'm not popular.
The iPad kid epidemic terrifies me, but also Gen Z just cheats their way through college with quizlet and chat gpt. The future really is grim
The sun had set, leaving behind a quilt of stars, and Larry was taking his nightly stroll through the quiet streets of his small town. He was a man of routine, a creature of habit, and his nightly walks were as constant as the tick of a clock. Little did he know, fate had other plans for him.

As he meandered down the moonlit path, a sudden, inexplicable gust of wind lifted him off his feet. The air grew thick with a peculiar energy, and before Larry could react, he found himself face to face with the most bizarre assailant he could ever imagine. It was a street lamp, the very one he'd passed by countless times, now come to life with a sinister intent. The lamp post bent down, its concrete base creaking in protest, and with a metallic groan, it penetrated Larry's most personal space.

The pain was unbearable, but it was only the beginning. From that moment on, Larry's existence became a twisted tapestry of violations. Every object he encountered, animate or inanimate, had the uncanny ability to bend and conform to this new reality. Trees would part their branches, benches would rise from the ground, and even the town's statues would stretch and elongate, eager to claim their turn at his defenceless posterior.

The townsfolk, once friendly and welcoming, grew wary of Larry's plight. They whispered of curses and dark omens, crossing themselves as he limped by, his dignity in shreds. His cries for help fell on deaf ears, for no one wanted to be associated with the man who was perpetually ravaged by the very fabric of the world around him.

Larry's home, once a sanctuary, was now a prison of potential assaults. His bed taunted him, the mattress appearing to have teeth as it waited for him to lie down. His showerhead spun with malicious intent, the water turning scalding hot and then icy cold as it violated him. The kitchen utensils in the drawer clattered together, each one vying for the opportunity to impale him.

He tried to leave town, to escape his torment, but the moment his foot touched the asphalt of the highway, the very road beneath him began to rise and coil around his legs, pulling him back into the clutches of his nightmare. The cars that passed had headlights that burned with a fiery lust, the engines purring hungrily as they approached.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Larry's body grew weary and bruised, his spirit shattered. Yet, amidst the chaos, a strange sense of resignation began to take hold. He started to anticipate the next unwelcome intrusion, bracing himself for the inevitable. The world had become a carnival of carnality, with Larry as the star attraction in a never-ending freak show.

OK let's start from the beginning:
1. Are you a girl?
2. Are you ever around people?
3. Have you ever been in a relationship?
4. Was the relationship consummated?
5. Are you currently single?
6. Do you have a cat?
7. Do you know how to cook?
8. Would you ever consider dating a 35 year old virgin?

Education is an outdated institution. Once Elon Musk succeeds with his neuralink everyone will be able to just upload knowledge directly into his brain.
At that point, even language become redundant because we would be able to communicate directly using abstract concepts.
No to all questions.
I’d rather kill myself than imput any sort of brain chip, much less anything from fucking Elon
You you have never been in a relationship, but you're also not single?! Which one is it?
You're young enough that you'll experience it happen before your eyes.
You won't have a choice. Adapt or die.
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Don't you think Elon Musk is a breath of fresh air though?
Do you remember when Bill Gates was the richest man? He was always pretending that he was this Jesus figure and it got so obnoxious. Elon is honest as fuck about his character and that's a breath of fresh air, at least for me.
I can do with less "charity" from Bill fucking Gates.
Or join the Amish or one of the anti-chip-in-brain settlements that will have undoubtedly formed by then.

I admit, it's a very scary concept.
sip so much got stretchmarks
bad bitch she from denmark
pussy paper wockhardt
all i know is going hard
all bae know is bank cards
dad kitchen a brickyard
bought that bitch a goyard
10 mill' switch my trump card
kamala a retard
Elon’s fanboys are far more annoying to deal with, but I can see where you are coming from
It's the end of the world as I know it.
Larry was the kind of guy who always had a bad hand in life, like someone had shuffled the deck of fate with a sneer. Now, Larry had a peculiar problem: every person he met would, without fail, drop their pants and rape him.

You'd think this would be a tragedy, right? But no, Larry's life was a sad, twisted joke. The townsfolk, rather than being horrified, found his predicament absolutely hilarious. It became a town pastime, like watching the world's most unfortunate pinata at a party nobody wanted to attend. They'd gather around, chuckling into their beer cans, placing bets on how long it would take before Larry was violated next.

One sunny afternoon, Larry was strolling down Main Street, whistling a tune that would make a dead cat sound like Sinatra. The local barber, Old Man Jenkins, was sitting outside his shop, trimming the hedges. As Larry passed, Old Man Jenkins' shears slipped, giving Larry a haircut he never asked for. But that wasn't the worst part. Oh no, the worst part was when Old Man Jenkins looked up, laughed like a hyena with a hernia, and said, "Oops, almost missed a spot!" Then, quicker than a wink, he bent Larry over the bushes and had his way.

The townsfolk roared with laughter, slapping their knees like Larry was the star of the world's most fucked-up comedy show. It was as if rape had become a form of currency, and everyone was eager to cash in their chuckles.

Even Larry's best friend, Dave, couldn't resist the comedic goldmine that was Larry's life. They'd be playing poker, Larry would get a royal flush, and before he could say "Checkmate," Dave would be all up in his business, leaving Larry holding nothing but a handful of despair.

The mayor, a man with a smile as fake as a three-dollar bill, used Larry's plight to boost the town's tourism. "Come to Rapeville!" the billboards read, "Where the fun never stops... for Larry!" Larry was the town's very own mascot, and not the kind you'd want to hug.

One day, Larry had enough. He marched into the town hall, his face a canvas of bruises and tears, and yelled, "Why doesn't anyone help me?!" The mayor looked up from his desk, flipped a page in his calendar, and said, "Larry, my boy, today's your lucky day. It's 'Bring a Friend to Rape Larry Day.' I'm all booked up, sorry."

The townsfolk laughed harder than they ever had before, and Larry realized he was the punchline to the world's cruelest joke. But in a twist that would make the darkest of comedians blush, Larry started to laugh too. And why not? If you can't beat 'em, you might as well join 'em. So he did. He started charging admission to his rapes, turning his suffering into a macabre circus act.

Life went on in Rapeville, with Larry at the center of the ring, a grin plastered on his face, his pockets lined with the coins of despair. And as the people cheered and jeered, Larry would think to himself, "At least now, I'm the one getting paid to take it." The end.

Since I'm very sensitive to intellectual dishonesty I prefer them to the libertarian/anyrandians that used to worship Bill Gates.
The left/right shit is retarded but I can proof that the right wing is superior to the left wing with a snip.
OK do it.
So it is commonly agreed, even by the left, hell, used against them in debates, that the right wing, though flawed in many ways, does a good government for the rich.
>white girls are so privileged they can make a whole career out of wearing a "trad dress" and shooting videos of themselves walking barefoot in their garden
Not true. They reduce taxes and regulations to make a quick buck, but the economy always suffers and the centrist/center-left always has to step in to put it back on track.
Yes, true. But how many times has the government of the left proven good for the poor?
> Hapa mutts are fuckups though, no question
Some of the most beautiful women I’ve seen in my life have been hapas. Ironically and interestingly though, their brothers (hence male hapas) ended up looking unfortunate lol. In fact, it’s an interesting occurrence, in which some of the prettiest women I’ve seen in general, if they have sisters, typically the sisters are also very good-looking, but the brothers can look average or even a little below average. Interesting how the cards are thrown/genetics are distributed. Another interesting part is they typically look more Asian than White, despite the 50/50 genetics, I guess the East Asian genes for slightly slanted/slitted eyes, and the typical East Asian facial structure and slightly yellow skin-tone, overpowers the White appearance typically.
>Yes, true.
If it was so you would have all the elite supporting one party, but you actually don't see that at all.

>But how many times has the government of the left proven good for the poor?
Countless times.
I must be getting older.
You ever reach the realization that all the people you really admire and aspire to emulate their greatness came from some sort of background which made sense and that you just don’t have that and so you won’t achieve what they achieved? Like nobody will ever look at you as one of the greats and read into your early life the implication that this is someone destined for greatness because you don’t have that sort of life and so you’re not destined for anything in particular. You ever think that?
I only admire people who started from zero like Stalin.
> If it was so you would have all the elite supporting one party, but you actually don't see that at all.
Why do you say 'elite' just like that like they're one monolithic block? Well, they aren't. There's a conservative elite and a liberal elite, and they are one against the other. Profit, you say; the conservative elite are the nobles, they don't want to be acknowledged by the plebs in what they do, simply put, they don't care about their approval; the liberal elites come from the pleb, want the approval of the pleb, want to enlarge the size of their class by letting in more plebs.
> Countless times
You mean like in Venezuela?
>There's a conservative elite and a liberal elite, and they are one against the other.

You are legit STOOOOPID.
I will only add to this that even in the system that was India, being in the Brahmin caste meant by no means rich, while in the lowest of all castes, that of the Tschandalas, Brahmins used to go to the palaces of some of them, and berate them in the administration of their riches.
In terms of money, everyone can be rich, it doesn't make you part of the 'elite' per se.
Drug dealers are filthy rich, do you think they participate in the fictional 'elite' you made up?
>Drug dealers are filthy rich, do you think they participate in the fictional 'elite' you made up?

Yes. Do you honestly believe that drug dealers and organized crime don't get involved in politics? Fucking STOOOPID retard that you are.
Retorting to a straight up chimpout when spoken out on your flaws. I will sleep tight knowing that your entire worldview is built on dreams, illusions and lies. As much as you pretend to help the poor to gain their vote, your government sucks, is unstable and unable to deal with the slightest crisis.
Dumb commie btfo.
Yes, excellent argument, commie.
I know you aren't into reason too much. Your government is built on irrationality, after all. No wonder you like putting so many women as senators or whatever. Fucking pathetic that's what you are.

You're an Ayn Rand admiring Pajeet level of STOOOOPID.
baudrillard was right about everything.
The world is strange and confusing.
There is a sort of contradiction in western development.
If you look at the scale of empires, the bad guys win and get their way pretty much the whole time, throughout history.
But if you look at the scale of national governments, the small man, which I here associate with the good guys, has made significant inroads and managed to get more and more representation in national governments.

So are the good guys winning or the bad guys?
literally every class I'm taking this semester has a major unadvertised DEI struggle session portion.

professor justified the "oppression wheel" solely using terms like sin, brokenness, "Innocence is a crime". finally got fed up and asked him to justify these statements using non Christian terms and he refused to engage. epistemology class at a public university. he also brought up his "glistening black cock" up apropos of nothing in a previous lecture

first Gen college student and all I want to do is go back to community college. I knew it would be difficult, but this place is a complete wasteland and I've never felt so isolated. complete waste of time

I'm literally a trans woman and this shit is motivating me to watch JD Vance talks about defending higher education. the Universities are the Enemy and it's never been more apparent

Every professor has a right to push his own views on his students. At that level, that's what lecturing is about. You are free to disagree.
But the way you speak, it's like you expect a grade school level of education, where the facts are known unambiguously and the teacher is just responsible for conveying them.
But that is not what universities are for.
>I'm literally a trans woman
You should join the 41%
imagine concerning yourself with the affairs of men any more than is necessary to preserve yourself. Man is finite, flawed, and is ultimately fallen. Contemplate instead Heaven, which is eternal, perfect, and is characteristic of the ascended
I sincerely hope this is calculated bait. Empires who win are no more or less "good" than empires who lose, unless you adopt a moral framework where strength/weakness is per se good. Some might be more brutal than others, but that bears little connection to success since every moderately successful group is capable of brutality when it serves their interests. Overall, (with the exception of WW2) states have become more ethical, or at least have created international structures that incentivize good behavior.
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>glistening black cock
You should offer to fellate him for """""extra credit""""" (if you're MtF pressure him into it for diversity points or something) then emasculate him with your teeth :3
>Empires who win are no more or less "good" than empires who lose, unless you adopt a moral framework where strength/weakness is per se good.

Why do you say that with such an air of certainty?
Couldn't it very well be that some cultures are such that they are less prone to certain tactics compared to other cultures? And couldn't said tactics be more or less brutal than others?
You are the bad guys, the retards, the "small man", the unsustainable dead ends trying to drag everyone and everything down with you.
I expect the professor to at the very least be able to explain their views. I specifically asked:

"Throughout this lecture you have justified the importance of this topic in purely Christian terms, brokenness, sin, grace, sin; this is a secular, state backed institution. How can a person who doesn't already share a Christian worldview engage with this topic At the very least, can you please justify why we should think your claims are true in secular terms, especially for people here who don't have a religious background?"

He refused to engage with the question in any real way, but then spent the final 20 minutes of the class responding to the topic. His main response was that Christianity and oppression in the US were inextricably tied and you can't analyze oppression without talking about Christianity. I responded that that wasn't what I asked and simply reiterated, "why should a person who doesn't already believe in terms like sin or brokenness find your claims true?". The guy is a PhD in the field, he should be able to directly answer this question if we are going to spend half of our lecture time on it, it isn't an unreasonable question, this is literally a 300 level epistemology class
John Galt, is that you?

Pretty much everyone in American history was Christian including all the oppressed. In that context those Christian concepts make sense.
You don't have to be Christian to use the same concepts. That's just the way people thought back then.
Also man created God and man created Christianity, and therefore Christianity is nothing but the moral framework of the European civilization. Again, you don't need to be Christian to understand and use Christian moral concepts.
in another class we had to attend a talk given by a "womanist biblical hermeneuticist". As part of the assignment we had to submit questions in advance.

I asked "How does the political project go womanism differ from that of mainstream feminism". The speaker (who is also a PhD, and literally wrote the book on the topic) said she didn't understand the question and moved on without engaging in any way.

Like it was such a soft ball anodyne question. literally paying thousands of dollars to be here and you refuse to justify your views in any way. I really hate to be this person in class, but Jesus Christ these people aren't even trying to hide being grifters.

Being expected to uncritically accept these views without any explanation, I look around at my peers and it's like they don't even get it. Just completely glazed over eyes, these are also people who claim to be philosophy majors / pre-law. told my therapist that I feel like I'm literally going psychotic at school, like everyone is in on some joke I'm not aware of
Are you the same retarded who was spamming "stoopid" earlier? Are there multiple retards like you here?
I'm sure you can't analyze the topic without confronting religion, but if the sole reason we are given to care about the topic is that we are "inherently broken and sinful", what the hell is going on?

like even just saying that racism is unjust based on the Veil of Ignorance would be a sufficient answer as far as I'm concerned. It's genuinely distressing how uncritically this shit is getting pushed. Don't think I'd be comfortable speaking up about this if I wasn't a "protected minority" myself
OK that does sound bad. What is your major? Why are you paying for this shit?
After the second anecdote you shared, I sympathize more with our plight. Sounds like a department run by clowns.
Philosophy Major, Classical studies Minor, intended as pre-law (which isn't offered as an explicit major in my university)

also, 300 level epistemology class and not a single other peer understood what deductive reasoning is. Literally heard bullshit answers about "analysis of data" when they were called on. again, this is an epistemology class, professor didn't even correct them

tuition this semester was $11k. incredibly glad that I'm getting a full ride because I transferred from community college as an honors student (I started there in my mid 20s because I'm a homeschool kid)
this is multiple different departments lmao
>man created Christianity
Christianity means to follow the Christ, the anointed one, the messiah, who IS God. To say man created Christianity is to say man created God, which is a false premise. God created man, not the other way around. God revealed himself to man, man can follow or deny him. Man can create false Gods to be sure, but not create his creator
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Are uncontacted people living more fulfilling lives
>Not subject to constant discourse
>Not subject to soul crushing corporations
>Not subject to hustle culture, grindset etc.
Even the Amish are living more fulfilling lives
tribal man thinks "wonder if outsiders living more fulfilling life than me"
They are wearing clothes made from modern fabric.
Man created God as far as I can see.
There is no evidence to the contrary.
who created the Earth? the trees? the wind? the mountains?

man was created by the same physical processes that created all those things
People in my Middle English Lit class wasted so much time asking absolute retard-tier questions about theology today. They were bringing up all of these very basic biblical concepts and acting as if they were revolutionary ideas that no one had ever thought of before. I stg I lost brain cells listening to them. How does the average English Lit student manage to get this far in their degree while knowing so little about the Bible? Embarrassing.
Man created gravity. The idea maps on to reality, the idea is not reality.
It’s really kind of crazy how Republicans are speaking like they have any future at all in the politics of this country? Oh, your internal polling shows you’re doing well? Are you aware that this country is minority brown and black now? Get real.
Spaniards are fascist Catholics. Blacks are selfish.
They are grifters and will find different ways to grift. They will be party representing Latinos in 2050.
right, so we established that things can exist without man creating them. it is by this principle that God exists outside of man
there is no evidence for the existence of God independent of some guy saying that God exists
do you need evidence to know you exist? that reality exists? what evidence do you have that math exists, or higher abstract math like calculus other than "some guy says principles of advanced mathematics describing things that don't describe physical properties exists like negative numbers, infinity, limits, etc. exists uhh okay bro"

what is your definition of God anyway?

for many he is by definition at least the creator of all. We exist. If we exist, something must have created us. If you go down this logic chain, at some point it ends with "some things simply exist because it just does" -- this was God's answer explaining himself. He just is.
No evidence of you either
What's the most powerful thing? The sun is the god of the solar system but it serves a higher power. You can always go higher until you reach omnipotence which precedes causality.
I dunno just deport 75% of the population then
What’s your deal?
this place is like a time capsule of 4chan from a decade ago
Libertarian right and true right are two different things. Be more specific.
at this point, deport the whites back to Europe and be done with it
The dichotomy is used in almost every political science book, now cope and seethe
No way, this is our land, Chief Numbnuts
one sad example more,
that 'All is vanity.'
I'm more of a Daoist guy than a God guy
what is the origin of Dao? who created it?

>the Dao is just is. nobody knows its origin.

same as God
Half the vices which the world condemns most loudly have seeds of good in them and require moderate use rather than total abstinence.
some people will do anything to avoid even using or mentioning the word God, because they have seen how people have abused the word. But this is like dismissing math because the world is full of bad mathematicians, it does not mean math is false
for me, it's the Monad
It is clear to me from the continuous terrorist attacks, and their celebration as they slaughter children, that the Cult of Judea and all their sycophants must be pulled up weed and stem.

Their poisonous ideology must be stamped out if there is any future for mankind.
Their children taken from them and educated in the proper western fashion.
they had like one good song i never got the hype for these guys seemed like one of those industry plant things
i'm so sick of work man everyone is miserable there and i've noticed people seem slightly more hostile to me since i've started my masters like they're mad i might escape, it's subtle but everyone seems passive aggressive these days. maybe i'm projecting but it's just becoming stifling.
please i will happily return to europe. if a dem runs on deporting the whites, i will vote for them.
Is this photo-shopped or does she naturally look like that,.
My parents washed one of my pillow cases with their laundry, and just now my stepdad knocked on my door and brought it in, handed it to me, said "make sure to put it on your pillow... you know how, right?"


That can't be a good sign for how they view me.
He tried to embellish reality with the sense of wonder and strangeness it lacked, a wonder and strangeness he found in stage magic, bobsledding, circuses, and sport cars, but he never lost sight of its fundamental tragedy and it's inevitable termination in death
I have encountered situations analogous to the story you provided. 百鬼夜行

sorry that one always bugs me. wait, you even had the right one the first time! anon!
After I laughed and my initial bafflement subsided, I asked what he meant and he said he was talking about knowing to put the tag-side of the pillow in first... lol. Sad.
sometimes people aren't stupid they just made a typo what are you an adjunct that does 5 sections of english 101 a semester to make ends meet
Something that I've been thinking about a lot lately is how this class of women that we nowadays typically from developed countries but commonly seen on social media -- crass, extremely liberal, irreverent yet entitled, vain, anti-natalist, career-driven, etc -- is indeed a new class of women born from the Internet age. Visiting other countries, meeting women from other cultures and observing older women, I can tell that women were just not like this until nowadays. The average woman had some sense of familial duty, marital interest and sincerity. Even the biggest whores from periods like the 60s somehow emerged as successful homeowners with grandchildren. But today young women from all over the world are basically being molded into new specimen via social media. No matter where they are geographically they all develop the same cosmopolitan lifestyle that is disseminated from English-language media, internet discourse, and strong leftist and liberal influence.

What you get is a population of profoundly confused females that deliberately emasculate men out of resentment, who approach everything with artificial consumerist romanticism, who don't plan for their lives beyond their college degrees and then of course desire the opposite when things don't turn out well. Now you see them in their cars posting videos complaining that they can't find men or that they're disappointed with how life has turned out despite all the Stanley cups they buy and Hello Kitty stickers they bought from TikTok that are plastered all over their rooms. It's just a strange state of affairs. Day in and day out I see these women lament their loneliness but never consider their own anti-family attitudes and infantile romanticism where they record every aspect of their lives for TikTok is what got them in their situation. And they're all the same, regardless of what country. Any women raised on English social media will turn out like this pretty much.
I was just teasing in an amusing way :/
And my parents stopped asking when I'm going to get a boyfriend. I think they lost hope.
>Making a name for yourself in a skill or career requires some level of clout and past experiences
>Can't get clout and past experiences without working your way up
>No-one wants to interact or hire people that are working their way up
So what's the plan for me then
pls be in portland

Nah, you'll find someone, I still have hope for you, anon.
you can just convert to Islam while in the states anon
nta, but I live in Portland. where are you.
a few blocks from Holgate and 122nd
I like girls.
I don't.
I like men.
Why are people incapable of loving each other?
there is no you there is only me
This is not entirely accurate. They were invented in antediluvian times and then lost, but re-invented through the power of sheer blood memory.
>Euromutt isn’t mixed race retard
Of course it is. Especially if it's something as disparate norwegians and moldovans or some such. It's not "biracial" in the sense of the american legal system, sure. You must be american to think this.
>There were 135,200 people who owned wealth of 1 million U.S. dollars or more living in the continent
nta but even India, with a similar population, has 800k
listening to the clash all week
/lit/ is a /classical/ board, I'm afraid.
Have you met people?
It's interesting how Millennials keep getting blamed for faggotry that Gen X either is responsible for or popularized, like marvel quips (Joss Whedon). Same with how gamergate, gay as it was, was basically 4chan Mils pushing back against the increasing political correctness and trannyism that was in no small part orchestrated and pushed by gen kek trannies on Something Awful. That garbage fire of an ineffectual, impotent generation is just lucky that it got old before truly getting a spotlight on them by the internet.
be looking gorgeous you...
nine inch nails
Letting a loud fart rip as you’re sitting bare assed on a wet shower floor sure is an experience
>Get a strong urge to play LoL.
>Play a game.
>Don't want to play it anymore because I'm bad and also solo queue sucks.
>Repeat every couple of months.
Stop looking through my window!
I was that sibling at one point. My brother called us salt and pepper.
I mean, if you don't mind returning to monke this is a totally valid mindset
DM me
Not gonna slide into your DMs, hombre.
you can program your own stuff and have your own business fairly easily, so long as you have an idea actually putting a product together is pretty easy
I was into Plato before converting to Christianity so often times when referring to providence, God's plan or will, or whatever I'll say The Good. It throws off people in my church. One Bible study a guy stopped me and said there's the goodly and the Godly and that we should focus on the Godly. I understand the sentiment. But it's hard to move out of philosophically coded language and into Biblical language
There's no socially acceptable way to say this but I'm looking to date someone who is basically just like my sister, both in terms of looks and in personality.
just curious, but why?
The closest I come to nightmare in REM dreaming is when I lose my bearings when it comes to navigation of places--sometimes with the loss (or sense of loss) of persons that can be counted on as friendly or familiar guides. Unstable and sometimes wildly inventive as I can be when it comes to places, due to weakness of memory in that mode, my view of the world is quite the opposite in the social sense: Whether waking or sleeping, I'm lame at invention of persons, but kind of spectacular at recall of those I've met in real life.
I feel very comfortable around her, without worrying about having to present some kind of image or act like someone I'm not. She also doesn't engage in very much performative behavior or go looking for excessive attention and she's very genuine, which is rare among the girls I've known so far.
The looks thing I noticed over time. Unconsciously I seem to prefer girls who look like her. Dunno why.
I hate answering questions about why i want to study or go into a particular subject
Others always have some cool story prepared about how they got into it. Like the other person will launch into some long anecdote about how as a teen he built robots with his dad.
And then my turn comes up and I just have no reason, no cool monologue whatsoever I'll just say something vague like "idk, I thought it sounded cool"
I guess i lack confidence, but i just don't feel that I've ever been really passionate about something all my life. I just kind of do things without any sense of deep inner purpose or passion.
God damn do I love my wife
And then when i give some brief non responsive reply, the other person questions me, and it starts to make me doubt myself as to why I even am doing what I'm doing
*I also hate getting around anywhere far on foot, and like most people born and raised in suburbia/exurbia, have a certain attachment to cars. The one I happen to drive now is so well engineered, bland in its sheer ease of use and reliability, so refined in its way, that it's invisible to REM dreaming. Yet I'm still fond enough, in dreams, of lesser models I've driven, to conjure quite a lot of variations on them. It's kind of silly to think about how many kind of malls & parking lots, how many kinds of overriding atmospheres, and how many kinds of cars, that have have featured in my dreams.
I love her too.
Is there a way to kill yourself but keep being alive
Why do you want to know?
One of the most underrated words in criticism is "suave", in that engineering superlatives and fine art have the same general effect, in favor of the more reflective among us.
in what sense?
concentrated ammonia is a generally-safe way to give yourself nose blindness
that's with TV makeup on, but not photoshoped

ah yes, the dems, famously anti-white, lol, why do you retards believe this? they are just as imperialistic and racist as the republicans, you fall so easily for the token brownie they put in front of you, lol
My daily meal is two hot dogs on a tortilla with sauteed onions and peppers and hot mustard
sounds good, ever switch it up?
how did you two meet?
how do I get a wife?
not even the kind of mustard?
>crass, extremely liberal, irreverent yet entitled, vain, anti-natalist, career-driven
But these aren't the women rejecting me, so why should I hate them?
The ones rejecting me are the ones who behave "properly" according to all the traditional social standards.
Is it permanent?
the most concerning problem i have is that i'm compelled to make the most out of anything i've allotted myself or been given.

for instance, mobile data plans in my are offered in 10GB, 20GB, 30GB, 50GB, and 80GB for $13-$25 but i paid for the cheapest unlimited option at $30 but i daily about 120GB pirating 4K videos 24/7. i expect to hit 3TB by the end of the month, but i'm running out of film ideas to download. suggest me some films to help me waste my cellular ISP bandwidth, pss pss.
---- Solaria ----
General Imperium

The Pleiades in binoculars from a front porch
Front of giant wheeling archives--

Majestic suites in sight of unwinding jets, stratospheres,

Lawns perfect beyond reason.
Sluts, a bit like incels, are demonized for the deeds of others.
One of my favorite meat dishes is semi-invented. I take a pound of 80/20 ground chuck, sprinkle with equal parts of rosemary, dried onion, garlic powder, fresh ground pepper, lash liberally with Worcestershire sauce, then very cook slowly for for about 60 minutes. Of course I've tasted meat loaf more subtle, but hardly any thing so tangy.
If you like beef, try cooking some cubed beef with star anise and soi sauce.
For me it's flank steak in the slow cooker. I do a dry rub with brown sugar and some spices and set it for 4 hours or so on low.
Star anise is one of my favorite forms of magic. I've never thought of it with beef. since in pastries it's hard to imagine anything better.
I can't shake this feeling that every community/corner of the internet is fake
Every corner of your mom is fake
fake in what way?
Fake like photoshop
True, but that means that there's an exact same amount of men who suffer from the same disease. The thing about men is that by willpower alone they can be courageous and virtuous, despite the environment they grew up in, while women are always the product of their environment. So there might be a bit less men affected by this, and they see the cancer of their society very well, than women. But generally speaking the men are parasited by the same disease as women.
Men who are vain, shallow, selfish, egoistic, even if socially successful.
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
i suppose so.
>crass, extremely liberal, irreverent yet entitled, vain, anti-natalist, career-driven

There's nothing wrong with this.
The only aspect I would criticize modern women for, is their lack of loyalty for their future husbands. Sleeping around for fun and pretending that's not completely disrespectful towards their future husbands, is just bleh.
And just to clarify, I think sleeping around is just as disrespectful when men do it.
It's just that women are the gatekeepers of sex.
If you sleep around you basically have to always seek somebody who is better in bed than your previous escapades. That becomes increasingly harder, until it becomes practically impossible.
So then you have to settle for somebody who you totally love on an emotional level, but who is not sexually the best you ever had.
And that's a very ugly situation if you ask me.
>Even the biggest whores from periods like the 60s somehow emerged as successful homeowners with grandchildren.
And you're basing this assumption on what exactly?
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my mother has always been the kindest soul since my birth. she has taken care of me well, even when she's faced a lot of severe life challenges, and has rarely raised her voice and hand against me. she loved me then and i'm certain she still loves me very now.

but when i fell for a typical college student 5-figs scam earlier this year, she was concerned about my mental state and threatened me that she'd sent me to a mental institution should i refuse to see a shrink. no matter how much she cared and was worried about me then and no matter how debilitating my mental bearing was back then, i'd never be able to forgive her for it, let alone forget it.

now, whenever she displays acts of kindness or speak to me gently with a smile, it would just come across to me as weird and unnatural, not fake or artificial but more in the sense of cognitive dissonance, due to how distorted of an image i have of her now.
Roommate is stinking up the bathroom again
too hot to sleep in my room, iced coffee keeping me from splitting my skin like an overripe fruit, I am going to spend everything on decadence
>The thing about men is that by willpower alone they can be courageous and virtuous, despite the environment they grew up in, while women are always the product of their environment
No, you are wrong and dumb.
You haven't enjoyed the ambrosia that is rice and beans , cuban style, with fried eggs.
You should.
New: >>23827040
New: >>23827040
New: >>23827040
She looks like a basedjack
Yesterday, while dead-heading flowers in my garden, I thought about how little Stevens gave a shit about corporate culture as such even as a high-earning executive with a law degree, and about his bitchy silliness in some correspondence. On the other hand, I sometimes wonder what a guy like him would make of audio in which the impossible is ordinarily experienced.

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