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lonely light edition

ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page
Blog: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/
Old blog: https://grrm.livejournal.com/
So Spake Martin (interviews): https://westeros.org/citadel/ssm/
Book search: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
SSM search: https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=006888510641072775866:vm4n1jrzsdy
General search: http://searcherr.work/
TWOW samples: https://archive.org/details/411440566-the-winds-of-winter-released-chapters

old: >>23958133
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asshai is probably not where the COTF came from. george has said that the landmasses of westeros and essos don't touch/meet off of what is visible on the map, and they don't seem to be seafaring, so to get to westeros, they would have had to trek all the way around yi ti, through the desert, past slaver's bay, through the dothraki, the free cities to get to the arm of dorne. seems unlikely, although i'm not sure if all of that, the human settlements especially, would have been there when they may have migrated.
there is another type of humanoid creature that is possibly related to the COTF called the ifequevron, who lived in the forest south of ib. they are described as being very similar but not the same - for example, the ifequevron built and inhabited a city (vaes leisi, corlys visited it); there is no known instance of the COTF doing that. they may be extinct by now. it's possible creatures like this sprang up on their own without migration, but asshai specifically for the COTF seems like a mismatch, they aren't lovecraftian enough.
>Maester's theory is nonsense
How? They had access to the dragon lairs, even and especially when the dragon is not at home at the moment. They could add alchemic reagents to the fodder, and poison the eggs. And the only man to ever see the parasitic fireworms endemic to post-Doom Valyria was Grand Maester Benifer, who was terrified and shaken by the experience, and had all of the abominations killed with ice water (honest, guvnor). Meaning that Maesters had exclusive access to a disease that specifically kills dragons and dragonblooded, and we only have their word that they did not save some to infect and weaken the living dragons.

And then there was Aegon III the Dragonbane sitting the Iron Throne, meaning that any such dragonkilling schemes would not have to stay hidden from their greatest logical opposition - the Targs themselves - but would likely be endorsed by the ruling king at the time. At the time of Aegon the Unhappy's crowning, literally the only people in the whole realm who did not want dragons extinct really really really bad were the Targs themselves, and they just fucking lucked out by being ruled by the one Targ who hated dragons more than anyone else. And Maesters were the ones that everyone would go to for knowledge and methodology on figuring out how to turn living dragons into dead ones, as well as access to lairs and eggs, all while remaining below notice.

Oh, and Marwyn flat out tells Sam that Maesters got dragons extinc
>create a really interesting place set up to be some kind of lovecraftian magical nexus
>drop it ENTIRELY
Lovecraftian spoopy places are only interesting as far as they are suggested, alluded to and mentioned, but not described. Asshai from afar is a place of mystery and dark secrets. Asshai up close is a radioactive dump inhabited by fantasy equivalent of fent fiends.
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How would Catelyn handle being remarried to Oberyn Martell after Eddard dies?

Would Oberyn having a shitton of bastard daughters not sit right with her?
How would Catelyn handle being remarried to a stallion after Eddard dies?

Would taking massive horsecock not sit right with her?
Is Catelyn getting cuckolded the new Jonsa of this general?
her loins would ache from the urgency of his lovemaking
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>tyrion chapters post king's landing
Jon and Aegon are kinda interesting
>I can't imagine the Children of the Forest originating in a land of darkness and evil.
The mountains are so high that the land is plunged into darkness and its full of caves. This lack of light means that the fish are blind.

The Children live in caves, in total darkness, they can see in the dark. In ADWD, the river that flows through the cave is full of blind fish.

>asshai is probably not where the COTF came from.
I didn't say Asshai, I said the Shadow Lands, Asshai is a city at the tip of that region. Their legends mentions an ancient people from the Shadows that disappear and had no name. The Children went extinct, men can't pronounce their names hence a people without name.
>george has said that the landmasses of westeros and essos don't touch/meet off of what is visible on the map, and they don't seem to be seafaring, so to get to westeros, they would have had to trek all the way around yi ti, through the desert, past slaver's bay, through the dothraki, the free cities to get to the arm of dorne. seems unlikely, although i'm not sure if all of that, the human settlements especially, would have been there when they may have migrated.
there is another type of humanoid creature that is possibly related to the COTF called the ifequevron, who lived in the forest south of ib. they are described as being very similar but not the same - for example, the ifequevron built and inhabited a city (vaes leisi, corlys visited it); there is no known instance of the COTF doing that. they may be extinct by now. it's possible creatures like this sprang up on their own without migration, but asshai specifically for the COTF seems like a mismatch, they aren't lovecraftian enough.
The Children appeared long before humans and had time to spread throughout the world. The Ifequevron are just another name given by men to designate them in this region and Vaes Leisi is describe as a settlement "of carved trees and haunted grottoes", caves and carved trees, sign of the Children.
>The Children appeared long before humans and had time to spread throughout the world.
Was there ever a single living Weirwood tree reported from outside Westeros?
>And the only man to ever see the parasitic fireworms endemic to post-Doom Valyria was Grand Maester Benifer
Septon Barth was there too.
>Was there ever a single living Weirwood tree reported from outside Westeros?
What do you think the Ghiscari pyramids are? The Ghiscari encased Weirdwood trees with brick and gold so as to dull their telephatic powers and prevent greenseers from spying on their activities.
Isn't this basically Drogo x Daenerys?
finally an interesting question
now please someone tell us an answer that isn't retarded fanfic head-canon, thanks
No, but Weirwoods and the black barked shade of the evening trees probably have a connection, seeing as one is white with red leaves and eating its paste allows Bran to see the past, while the other is black with blue leaves and gives Daenerys and Aeron visions of the future.
There’s no point in being rude.
She has a massive hateboner for bastards
>Suggests a Templeton with a distant female Stark relative be Robb's heir instead of Jon
>Openly said it should've been Jon who was hurt and not Bran
>Has a thousand yard stare from hearing Mya Stone say her name
Her fucking reaction to bastards just makes her cuckbait
>Suggests a Templeton with a distant female Stark relative be Robb's heir instead of Jon
Which doesn't even make sense. Once that genie's bottle has opened, there's no closing it and the Templetons would be a constant scourge on her family... just as she imagined Jon would be.
Typical Cat brainmelt. especially like how she taps her lips as she thinks up this bullshit, like she's Stephen fucking Hawking exploring the mysteries of the universe,
Come on Georgy, come on.
Her reaction to Mya Stone

>She sounded so cocky that Catelyn had to smile. “Do you have a name, child?”

>“Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady,” the girl said.

>It did not please her; it was an effort for Catelyn to keep the smile on her face. Stone was a bastard’s name in the Vale, as Snow was in the north, and Flowers in Highgarden; in each of the Seven Kingdoms, custom had fashioned a surname for children born with no names of their own. Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned’s bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once. She struggled to find words for a reply.

She got stunned speechless by that shit and spilled her spaghetti. Imagine
>Lady asks for your name
>Tell her it
>She begins shaking and ranting about bastards
She was also whispering poison in the Blackfish's ear, as he suggests "Cat never trusted him" and therefore refuses to join the Watch.
>"Gandalf should have stayed dead"
>go on to resurrect your own characters as you see fit
>"gandalf should have stayed dead"
>Seethes at D&D for keeping Catelyn dead and not doing Lady Stoneheart

I think the showrunners will be vindicated soon and the narrative will shift before the decade is out. Even moreso if Winds doesn't come out, or if Winds comes out and is universally rejected as a bad book
>Catelyn sends anti-bastard manifestos to her uncle every few weeks
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Would Cat hate Jon if Jon was a woman, say Jeyne, instead?
>f Winds comes out and is universally rejected as a bad book
GRRM browses here. You just set the release date back at least five years.

Cat would try to marry her off to an alcoholic dirt farmer as soon as possible
I could be that alcoholic dirt farmer. Awooooo.
As long as you scheme and tell their children of their rights, based,
*tell your children
> I think the showrunners will be vindicated
Keep thinking that, George is a lazy shit but D&D are still nepo Jew hacks.
Maybe even launch an insurgency with the Dreadfort behind you.
Bastards marrying each other is a pretty common thing, see Joy Hill being planned to marry one of Walder's bastards, so if Jon were Jeyne there's a good chance she would marry Ramsay.
The only question is, would they despise each other, or would Jeyne Snow take part in her husband's sadistic hunts?
You’re a fucking retarded tr*nny whoreson.
I loved all Tyrion’s chapters.
No one cares faggot
his kings landing chapters are his worst, especially in clash
his dance chapters are his best
His Clash chapters are fucking great when they're not about Shae.
he acts like a redditor the whole time and make retarded decisions
Go fuck yourself, tr*anny whore
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When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then you will see George finish TWOW, and not before.
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I guess theorytubing is just over

no page has been left unturned we just reread the books page by page now and it's totally not piracy
You are a fucking moron with shit taste.
>he acts like a redditor the whole time
Explain yourself.
I stole your first 5 books and only 3 were worth the effort. didnt even finish reading the last one
God, what a poorfag whiny nigger you are.
It's quite funny listening to Preston fixate on some really weird shit in these videos. He seems to really misunderstand a lot of the dialogue and be out of touch with normal / reasonable human behaviour.
Do you guys know of any other series like asoiaf?
there really are none. for all the shit gurm gets he really did create something amazing and unique
something that's often recommend as similar is the first law. while very good, you're setting yourself up for disappointment by expecting a similar series
What about Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn? I heard grrm is influenced by it.
so how do you think stannis will fail/die? it's fairly obvious that he's gonna take winterfell thanks to manderly, but what then?
we already know he's doomed thanks to foreshadowing, but i really wonder where and how
I don’t know but the only thing I know is that I want Stannis Baratheon to survive and live to become the King that Westeros needs. I want him to appear in A Dream from Spring.
so do i but he's obviously doomed, he's not the promised prince or whatever
He should die as a martyr fighting the Others, maybe as the last defender of Winterfell after they cross the Wall. Dying to defend the realm seems like the only satisfying end to his arc.
i agree with this
bran is the promised prince?
don't see how that would make sense, jon makes more sense because he's a targ and will definitely get a dragon. he's also the one who fights most against the others in the books
Robert Baratheon
Jon Arryn deserved better.
Daenerys website.
Daenerys board.
Daenerys general.
I heard Monza is the Jaime of that series is she kino?
I haven't read it but from what I've heard, it's very similar, but just played straight-forward without much 'subversion,' if that makes sense.

I think Stannis fakes his deaths with the help of the Manderlys at the Battle of Ice. He takes the Dreadfort and has Theon write the Pink Letter to get Jon to come south. But his plan fucks up when Melisandre burns Shireen to resurrect Jon upon being misinformed of Stannis' death.
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>Melisandre burns Shireen

Roose wrote the Pink Letter as a way to destabilise the north. He gains most by getting rid of Jon in provoking the Watch to attack him, while placing someone who could be more loyal to House Bolton as new Lord Commander someone like Amory Locke.

Plus I think Roose was trying to imitate Ramsey's style of speech to get him to prepared for when he eventually hijacks his body.

And I just realised Locke died back in A Storm of Swords during the bear pit scene but I'm still standing by that it was Roose who was the author.
Preston is a literal glowie pedophile who wants to molest Sweetrobin
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>And I just realised Locke died back in A Storm of Swords during the bear pit scene
You're confusing Ser Amory Lorch, a Lannister bannerman who was torn apart by the bear, with Locke, a show-only character. The only Bolton lieutenant named in the books is Steelshanks Walton.
I'll add that burning Shireen will "work" in whatever way it's meant to. People never mention this but Stannis has to be an endgame character because Dany sees him in the House of the Undying.
He is an endgame character. He will be the Night's King.
Complete with adding his own spooky lore to the Nightfort. The King Who Burned His Daughter.
Not everything she saw will necessarily happen thoughbeit.

>Within, you will see many things that disturb you. Visions of loveliness and visions of horror, wonders and terrors. Sights and sounds of days gone by and days to come and days that never were.
idk, the prophecies have been pretty on point so far. They showed Rhaego as an adult prince (obviously a false future that never happened), the Red Wedding (true), a mummer's dragon (either Aegon is a fraud and/or being controlled by a master mummer), the dosh khaleen bowing to her by the lake (will happen in Winds)... and Stannis, which implies he will at least hold the north when she invades. If I'm missing any revelations (I haven't read the book in years) or if you have different interpretations, feel free to jump in
Oh yeah, and the corpse on a ship's prow smiling sadly. Gotta be Aeron on the Silence
>the corpse on a ship's prow smiling sadly
Nah thats Victarion coming to marry her
Jesus christ this series has too many characters. How do you guys remember all these names
You're supposed to rember every single?
There are more than 100 recurring characters. Even if the character is a minor dude, you'll hear about him doing something from other characters in future chapters.
Even though I have physical editions, I downloaded digital omnubis edition so that I could search by character names if I don't remember them.
>which implies he will at least hold the north when she invades
Quite a leap in logic.
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Jon Snow (leader of the army of the dead) kills him in single combat.
>Stannis is fake Azor Ahai and his sword makes no heat
>Jon's dream of wielding a burning sword armored in black ice
>Mel's visions of Jon always have him surrounded by skulls
>Single combat between leaders repeatedly teased but hasn't happened yet
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Guys I just hacked into George's computer to see what's taking so long. This is what he's spent 13 years on.
Stannis Stark
I made a comment on a youtube video where Gene Wolfe did an interview saying he had 2 drafts of all 4 BOTNS books ready before he released the first one.

I said that this is why "Gene would be remembered as a great, while George would be remembered for not finishing ASOIAF".

I wonder if George saw the video and then my comment, because George (who is an admirer of Wolfe) talked about this point a year later (sometime this Summer). He said how he wishes he could be like Wolfe in that regard, but listed "reasons" why that wasn't possible. I do think he might have seen my comment because I don't see people mention how differently Wolfe wrote compared to GRRM often.
>listed "reasons" why that wasn't possible.
What were his reasons?
>Gene would be remembered as a great,
Most people don't know who Gene is; everyone knows who GRR Martin is.
link to the gene wolfe video?
Only because of the TV show. Outside of fantasy book nerds, nobody knew GRRM 20 years ago.
Type in GRRM at Oxford on YT and go to the 25th minute mark.
I meant by people who matter. By your metric, Sanderson will be a foremost figure.
Gene also criticizes writers who only produce 2 short stories a year in this interview too.
How did Jorah Mormont react to the Red Wedding?
The reasons are that he paid his bills by writing while Wolfe had a day job.
I don't know why OP put "reasons" in quotes either, writing one book at a time rather than a whole series at once is how most writers operate, not something GRRM came up with. Wolfe is the exception, and BOTNS is not that long for a fantasy series anyway.
How tarnished will Germ's name be if he croaks without finishing things?
GRRM would be farther behind if he had to do a day job. I am not saying he needs to write it that way, but he wishes he could while thinking the lack of a day job is what prevented him (which is bs).
I don’t understand why Gurm can’t just retcon Feast and Dance if he feels stuck because of a turn the story took in those books.
I’m pretty most of his readers would happily welcome that trade-off.

But he won’t do it because it’s just one out of a hundred excuses that he trots out. “Oh woe is me, I rushed out Feast and Dance (took 10 years to write them) and now I’m living down those mistakes, so I can’t write Winds you see because I realize the story doesn’t work”.
He’s had 14 (FOURTEEN) years to write Winds. If he realized that the problem actually lied with the previous books, that’s 4 years to rewrite Feast, 4 years to rewrite Dance, and 6 years to write Winds. And the book would be out by now.
Wasn't he already banished from Dany's court by the time it happened? He may not know Dacey was there or that even happened because of how separated he is, unless people were talking about it in the whorehouses. I don't recall him talking about it with Tyrion at least.
There's an anecdote of Stephen King enthusing over ASOIAF with someone and suddenly becoming somber. When asked what the matter was, SK said he hopes to live long enough to see the books completed.
I guess when you're an architect like Gene Wolfe, who also has a stable job so he has no book deadlines, you can write everything out from start to finish. Then he goes back to book 1, having written book 4, and can put all of his foreshadowing in. Meanwhile George just gardens and sows plot threads everywhere so he can retroactively call it foreshadowing kinda like how they retroactively claimed they foreshadowed Arya killing the Night King with the "Blue Eyes" line in the show lmao
Here once again to say the series is better if it remains unfinished. It is the shadowy lore and fan theories that make it entertaining. By finishing it, most of those theories will have come to naught.
Feast is the best book you mongol
When did I say anything to the contrary? Show me. Reading comprehension, get some.

But I’m saying that Gurm falls back on this lazy “oh gosh, I’m stuck because of things in the prior books. If only I was like Gene Wolfe” excuse, that it’s strange that he hasn’t just taken the plunge and started rewriting parts of Feast and Dance that he feels are holding him back when writing Winds.
Would a Bracken woman get off to being told her pussy is better than any Blackwood's pussy?
wouldn't comparing bring attention to the fact that she's getting some blackwood whore's sloppy seconds?
>But I’m saying that Gurm falls back on this lazy “oh gosh, I’m stuck because of things in the prior books. If only I was like Gene Wolfe” excuse, that it’s strange that he hasn’t just taken the plunge and started rewriting parts of Feast and Dance
Because he's a fat lazy faggot with nothing but contempt for his fan base.
why does everyone seem to think ASoIaF is Nihilistic?
I was watching the latest video Pilgrim Pass uploaded - it was about how modern writers, even the "smartest" ones like Frank Herbert and George, fail at subverting the "Hero" archetype despite their best efforts
he went on for like 10 minutes about ASoIaF, how it has no actual substance or themes, how the real reason George can't finnish the books is because there's no way to end the entire story in a satisfying way that also proves his edgy worldview that's there no greater meaning or virtue
he even bought Aragorn out of nowhere just to compare him with Jon Snow - really felt like a knee-jerk reaction just to bring Tolkien up
and the comments were a total echo chamber, people were even unironically using that "Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt" quote

Seriously, do people think "grimdark tone + tragic death = nihilistic story"?
Do keyboard warriors even know the meaning of the word "Nihilism" or did it just become another buzzword for "thing I don't morally aprove"?
Wait? Bloodraven is half Rivermen right? Does he care that his motherland suffered greatly during the War of the Five Kings? Does he hate Tywin and Gregor for committing genocide on his fellow countrymen?
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What happens here?
Did Amory and Gregor spoke to one another before killing the Targaryen Royal family?
I would blame it largely on the tv show and how it handles George's themes. And then slightly because the books aren't finished where the big payoffs and "moral of the story" will come in.

From the start, D&D wanted to adapt the Red Wedding to television. Nothing after that mattered, and that's why the show's quality exponentially dropped off after season 3. The problem of course is that the payoff for Ned's story arc is only starting at the end of ADWD. The immediate payoff for Ned's mercy and honor is that he meets a quick end at the hands of the Lannisters. The longterm payoff is that Ned's honor created a life debt that lasts generations, and that is why the North will rally together to save (f)Arya, Rickon, Sansa and install one of them to Winterfell.

The tv show is nihilistic and everyone who watches it gets the impression that the moral of the story is that "being honorable is a death sentence in this world" when the real moral is "being dishonorable can get you ahead in the short term, but will pay in the long term" with the downfall of the Lannisters being inevitable because Tyrion hates his family, Tywin's legacy is incestuous bastards, and the scheming and backstabbing they did to maintain their power built no loyalty or love for Lannister rule. Everyone in the Lannister faction by the time of Feast/Dance is there as an opportunist, not because they actually believe in Tommen's capacity as a future king. The characters who actually believe in the cause they serve are backing Stannis, Aegon, Danaerys, or some form of "Descendant of Ned Stark Restorationism"

So long as the books are unfinished and the show is, no one is going to read Gurm's other books and extrapolate his philosophy and world views. D&D's words and cinematic slop will drown him out.
>27m50s to 28m28s

holy fuck MauLer BTFO by Pringlesman two decades before he was even born
>dibs on the loli
>fine but I get the brown queen and the shota
Daemon Targaryen is objectively a poorly written character and it says a lot that George loves him the most
>Lonely Light
what the fuck they do out there?
>poorly written character
That's everybody in F&B.
I, for one, hope his wife releases the Jon/Arya sex scene after he dies (you know he already wrote it in the late 90s)
If he doesn't muss her hair and call her little sister during coitus I SHAN'T accept it as canon.
A lot of gurm's asoiaf fans died without knowing what happened. Soon gurm will die too and then everyone else won't know what happens either. And the thing is gurm doesn't care
A fellow man of culture
Hmm fair. Guess just tell her that the Bracken titties are way bigger and more nourishing than Blackwood titties?
>the shota
That would be Viserys, Aegon was literally a baby.
same problem. how would you know they are more nourishing without having sucked on blackwood titties for reference
there is no better feeling than turning the page and finding out the next chapter you're about to read is an arya chapter
Skinchange seals, fuck deep ones and fish (as in fishing, not that they fuck normal fish).
they also get higher than a kite and fantasize about sailing west to discover notAmerica
just say "look at blackwoods all skinny, their mommas have no milk for them"
Ah The Winds of Winter & A Dream of Spring
that works, insult the women indirectly by belittling their men. that way she also cant be offended at you even looking at blackwood women
I don't get it. Can someone explain the joke?
I've never read these books, but from this screenshot the joke seems to simply be that the guy is referring, somewhat wittily, to his reputation for cold-heartedness.

I think Bloodraven has ascended far beyond the human needs and desire for revenge. Like he's not human anymore, or barely has any shred of humanity within him if he's been grafted onto a tree for the past couple hundred years. It would probably mean nothing to him.


Would be neat to get one more Dark Tower book covering stuff like the Battle of Jericho Hill or something. I don't think there is much King can cover unless he does something set after Roland went through the door at the top of the the tower.


Feast is one of those books that I loathed at first because I found it a tedious read but the more I think about it the more I realised I quite liked it. Cersei's descent into madness and paranoia was a fun read, Brienne's journey through the river lands was comfy, Jaime chapters were great, Kingsmoot was brilliant. I feel like Sam's were a slog because not much interesting stuff happened until the end when it started to get really good once he settled into Old Town and his appointment with the maesters.
Aemon's repetition of Tyrion's exact words of being seldom called giant, but regarding his own kindness, adds a new context about the "he is a giant" part, and that's a clever word fencing.

In essence Aemon uses Tyrion's own words to point out that what Aemon originally said was a backhanded compliment:
>A: You are a giant, Tyrion.
>T: Oh, stop it you, you are just being kind, I'm obviously not a giant.
>A: Oh stop it you, I'm obviously not being kind.
>T: A, you got me you sly dog!

All in all the scene is meant to showcase how Aemon is not just a senile artefact, and very much has his wits about him, noticing Tyrion's huge ego and cleverly quipping about it, while Tyrion can take digs at himself when they are done in good humor. Additional subtext here is that Aemon understands this because he's something of a kindred soul to Tyrion, also being treated like a black sheep by his father and the world around him for no fault of his own - first sent to Citadel by Maekar because "I have too many sons so fuck you", and then sent to the Wall due to tensions around succession after Maekar.
can't believe i got filtered by gurm's humour
thanks for explaining anon
What are you doing here? What the fuck?
when drunk eat popcorn and laugh at jokes
Who is Pilgrim Pass.
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what happens here?
Monkeys that climb around on your rigging and giant boars that your crew can feast on for years.
Also the worst tidal wave in history after the Doom.
gregor clegane brutally killed a lot of rivermen. lords, knights and peasants alike. he killed, tortured, raped, pillaged, destroyed the riverlands and it’s people

Did George finish his blogpost yet?
>asshai is probably not where the COTF came from
Literally only one or two morons ever believed this. The cotf don’t work cities at all. They could not have built Asshai. Not unless there’s some totally separate and unique/different type of cotf. Children of the shadow? I don’t know.

What is clear is that whatever predated the Valyrians wasn’t human at all. It was fishy. Considering George, those ‘fisher queens’ were probably fish people too.
>the ifequevron built and inhabited a city (vaes leisi, corlys visited it); there is no known instance of the COTF doing that
It’s possible it was inhabited by humans at one point. It also only mentions empty grottos and carved trees. It could have been a wood-built city that simply grew over and into itself. I still wonder what a cotf settlement would even look like.
posted it again award
Go back to your containment streams David
Thanks. It blows my mind that people think the GEotD was human. George is clearly trying to paint an ironic picture of a “glorious prehistory” that never fucking happened. Yi-Tish likely never even rode dragons ever. Whatever came before the Valyrians were aquatic/sea focused, not aerial focused like the Valyrians.
But, anon. David is the one that wants the prehistory of Essos to be like Avatar the Last Airbender. He thinks the GEotD was some Valyria x10 and not!Chinese were the original, firstest dragon riders. It’s clearly wrong.
>The cotf don’t work cities at all.
The Last Hero went to look for them in their "secret cities" (AGOT - Bran IV)
>They could not have built Asshaiµ
Nobody said they did
>I still wonder what a cotf settlement would even look like.
We know they live in hollow hills that have a complex cave system and in ADWD we get to see this through Bran POV.
Nobody thinks the empire of the dawn are Asians. They were the pale haired gemstone eyed kings with white swords dany saw in her dream
Asoiaf prehistory is just Warhammer fantasy
You have obsession with the fish people, its giving you tunnel vision: yes there was a race of fish people, as well as lizard people, many kinds of giant and children of the forest. But there were also Atlantean humans at this time. Some allied with the fish people and sacrificed to them (proto iron islanders with the grey king and the thousand islanders) and some warred with them (azor ahais race warring with the “demons of the night”
>Old ones come to primitive planetos in great white ships (haviland tuff reference, great palanquin carved out of giant pearl)
>Seed planet with life, fish people lizard people, primitive humans, etc
>Black magic stone falls from the sky via an evil second moon
>A hero unites tribes of men in a war against non humans (sigmar/azor ahai)
>Grand cathay celestial dragons build Great Wall to defend against monsters of the wasteland, and create a great empire parallel with sigmars empire
I’m serious look it up, it’s all there. George plagiarized from the same inspirations so it feels like it could actually be an official Asoiaf prequel. To me it’s canon
What is the most mysterious event? Some contenders:

>the Doom
>Tragedy at Summerhall
>Tourney at Harrenhal
>other choices

Also most mysterious person?
Harrenhal is a mystery on itself.
Rhaegar's action and motivations are basically half of the plot.
You believe that 4 (I think) part theory on Reddit about the 3 factions, why ashara dayne danced with certain guys, the purpose of the laughing knight, and all that? It’s pretty in depth and interesting
Long night and the last hero
Thoughts on last hero?
Tower of Joy since George said not to take Ned's dream literally.
I like reading and hearing theories, but I have a hard time believing in them. I think too much hype to know something kills the joy of learning the real facts.
On the other hand, I fucking love the books having so much details that fit on the story, that allows the reader's imagination to try to fit the holes
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Alright, I give up on saying anything new or original new about the books at this point. It’s been 14 years…
So instead I’ll just ask:
If you had been Ned right after the capture of King’s Landing in Robert’s Rebellion and you were mounting the rescue of your sister at the Tower of Joy, how would you approach it so 5/6 of the people accompanying you don’t die facing off the Kingsguard?

Remember though:
>you need to do this in relative secrecy (you can’t just besiege the Kingsguard with an entire army)
>can only work with people you mostly trust, in case Lyanna is indeed preggers with dragon-spawn

Looking for original ideas or otherwise wacky approaches. Maybe he can tunnel his way to Lyanna. Or rape Ashara Dayne in front of the Kingsguard so that Ser Arthur will be shaken.
Yeah, I think some people read too deeply into certain things but that’s the way the series works; time tends to be cyclical, there is prophecy, mystery, unknown or double identities, secrets and intrigue
Last hero is the nights king
Last survivor of the fellowship of the black brothers led by Eldric dayne, who went on a desperate exhibition to find the children of the forest. He became a craster like figure giving his sons to the walkers as a pact and was stopped by one of his sons who escaped sacrifice, Brandon the breaker (he broke the pact) who later became known as brandon the builder (he built the wall)
>implying half of those guys didn't survive the fight against the KG only to get stabbed in the back by Howland and Ned once Lyanna gave birth to Jon
Shoot them with arrows
They’re wearing armor and they can just retreat inside.
Asoiaf armor is Hollywood armor though. Just ask daemon blackfyre and sons
I don't think we will learn more about him like his name, his favorite colour, etc. he'll stay a vague legend.
We'll just learn that the whole "Azor Ahai and Lightbringer" is an interpretation of his tale, of him forging the dragonsteel blade.
since I know Lyanna's gonna die whether i make it to the tower or not anyway, i'd just wait for it to happen and the KG to take Jon away from the tower (likely to flee towards Essos), then follow them and just ambush them one night on the road/in their camp, because they expect an altercation less that way, than us rolling up to the tower willy-nilly with swords drawn. This would increase our survival chance by a lot.
Alternatively, we could even join up with them, claiming to be loyal to the true heir Jon and get those guys to come back to Winterfell with us with fake identities serving house Stark in secret as we plot the enthroning of Jon
Last Hero=Bran Builder=Bran Breaker

Azor Azai=Nightking=Bloodstone Emperor
Hardhome apocalypse has to be the creepiest.
If you believe wyverns exist there and are in volcanic or cave systems, it could make sense
It has a lot of similarities in the structure of the story. There are also some world building elements that are clearly taken by George, like the Sitha (children of the forest) and the Norns (white walkers).
>the Doom
The why and how doesn't matter, really.

>Tragedy at Summerhall
Dunk got soft and stopped giving Egg clouts in the ear, so Egg goes full retard to try and cow his nobility into being social democrats with dragons. The details don't matter.

>Tourney at Harrenhal
Rhaegar went full retard and Aerys was too much of a bitch to do anything about it.

>other choices
The pink letter has massively different implications in different theories; the sack of Kings Landing in terms of Targ heir survival. Also, Varys' assassination of Kevan, and how truthful he is in that scene.Basic bitch picks, but that's what the actual mystery is at rn.
What does it take to write one book? A fucking fantasy book at that. It surely doesn't take a fucking decade. Just what the fuck is he waiting for
The fat man won't write.
construct trebuchet
Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature.
Ned wondered if Rhaegar Targaryen had frequented brothels. Somehow he thought not.
B+A=J, Ben and Ashara secretly got married in front of a weirwood and he's legitimate and that's the reason Ned claimed him as a bastard. His older brother stole his crush and died, and then in order to save the Stark-Tully alliance he usurped him to make the inheritance a settled matter.
What's the blue flower growing from a chink in a wall of ice then?
Late onset Jewish neuroticism and political brainrot is making him second guess his themes and big plot points as toxic and problematic. He knows he’ll piss off the women he simps for if he doesn’t make dany god emporer at the end but it goes against everything he’s been building up tib
ADHD and the sheer complexity of the plot and perfectionism. George doesn't want to publish anything with plotholes like Malazan. He could definitely get the book out if he didn't care about characters being consistent, but he does and that's why we're stuck here.

t. Elio on his last interview
I honestly never really thought about how good of an idea it was to not give kings their own POVs from a narrative perspective. It honestly allows for such a better story to not give the audience a single inkling into their heads.

Same thing with Jaime, through manipulating POVs the story painted him as a Joffrey-tier villain but then when he DID get a POV the audience started loving him. It's shit like this that makes it so GRRM is a step above other authors.
I’m obsessed with the limited point of view structure. If I had a story to tell I would include a similar pov structure as GRRM did.
>complexity of the plot
This is a meme at this point. His ego is too big to abandon or kill off characters and plotpoints that failed. They dried up and died in his garden and he’s futilely trying to bring it back to life instead of slashing and burning
HoTD for all it's worth did something I like with Daemon. He keeps flip flopping between fucking with his brother and helping him, and you could make a case for either that he loves him or he is just narcissistic and is using him. A lesser author would give this huge internal monologue on exactly how he feels at everything but the audience just sees what Daemon says and does. Allowing anyone to project whatever they want onto him.
Did Jaime’s army committed any war crimes before the Battle of Whispering Woods?
Kings and mysterious people shall have no pov chapters nor animals, gods or people who are drunk or undead or beings who can shapeshift or cast spells. Wizards shall never have any kind of pov chapters.
was GRRM the first to write like this or did he copy it from an other author?
Obviously he wasn't the person to invent limited POVs, but I consume a lot of bad media and that shit couldn't never.
Like, imagine if he gave littlefinger a POV chapter.
>haha yes I did ALL of that shit, the fools hehehe!
>“If I had to do it over again, I would make Robb a point-of-view character right from the beginning.” - GRRM

It doesn't seem like he cares about the no king pov thing.
Rob makes sense, would be better payoff when he kills him and he could try establishing the whole war strategy from the newbies POV, but characters like Tywin and Joffrey, eh. Blunts the reveal of how Tywin is actually a giant insecure hypocrite under the guise of an invincible political warlord if he gets a POV chapter where he seethes that a barmaid didn't prostrate herself as quickly as he would have liked.
>It doesn't seem like he cares about the no king pov thing.
But I care.
Gregor Clegane respects Tywin & King Robert.
Would King Bran be a pov at the end of ADOS?

how could they make a white-haired valyrian-esque kid?
latent white-hair genes through Ashara's Dayne blood getting passed down
>Q: Have you collaborated at all with George R.R. Martin in the process of adapting the novel to comics? If so, what’s the creative process there?

>A: I’ve spoken to George a lot in the process. The biggest issues we have are continuity questions. There are things about this story that only he knows, and they aren’t all obvious. "There was one scene I had to rework because there's a particular line of dialog -- and you wouldn't know it to look at -- that's important in the last scene of "A Dream of Spring." - Daniel Abraham

What did he mean by this?
Speculated to be a line said by or about Bran, given the King Bran ending. I know I’ve seen discussion about it before, either in the /tg/ threads or /got/hotd/ threads.
Yes, but I doubt on the same scale as Lorch, Gregor or the Bloody Mummers. Commanders set the tone for their troops and Jaime isn't a very cruel person (when he's not throwing kids out of windows). Just like Robb's army burned and looted their way across the westerlands... no one's hands are clean.


>last scene of dream of spring
Hope that Daniel guy comes out and elaborates after George dies otherwise we will never know
The king of the river and figuring out who Gryf is are good moments. Plus Penny is nice.
The ending will be it was all a huge mummer’s farce
it's going to be like in monty python and the holy grail
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I'm with >>23979313. Ned di not return the bodies of those fallen because they would show that death did not come from battle wounds.

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