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Alice Edition

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)
Previous >>24091152
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What am I in for?
I think I'll end up reading Shades of Magic if I like this book too.
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>Silk nodded
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How do you respond?
Impale all elves
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What is the most obscure /sffg/ book you’ve read?
Tolkien didn't outline Lord of the Rings
GRRM didn't outline A Song of Ice and Fire
Gene Wolfe didn't outline The Book of the New Sun

outline and plan your novel to last detail and you'll end up with a Brandon Sanderson novel
KNEEL gay man
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what the fuck is going on in this cover
i can't parse it at all
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best i can do is 12 ratings on goodreads
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thoughts on Horseclans?
lol my guess is that its some kind of asteroid mining. He is operating the drilling laser
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A warm flame for a chilling story. Strong sword and sorcery, a cadence that grabs you and carries you along for the trip. An excellent balance between action, rest, showing and yes telling when appropriate, few dull moments or any sense of meandering loss within the narration; a clear vision from start to finish.

Our poor unlucky protagonist finds himself as a military man within the lands of (east) Ursia -- a realm where magic users are killed on sight -- hunting through the white frigid hellscape mountainous region for a wyrd woman, who has supposedly gathered and united the northern barbarian clans for war. Mere weeks away from retirement after a decade-long bout of service, Guthrie finds himself retreading old paths, cold and lonely and sometimes wishing he were alone, soaked to the marrow with the unrelenting assault of both snow on the outside in the tundra, aching over the simmering regret and frustration that would not thaw the icy thoughts on the inside. From seeing his initial squadron slayed, traversing old paths in search of a fellow comrade, to assisting mage-hunters colder than the frost which numbs the toes, this expansive tale has our soldier reaching desolation and clawing his way out.

Five chronological short stories comprise Sergeant Hackett's traumatic novel-length adventure and life-altering experience - with few line breaks, a dense story is presented, dyed purple. Short and concise tales making up a greater whole. Many common themes to the genre are present and executed well such as honorable men and women fighting as best their morals guide them, rough savage barbarian tribes, internal demons heralding that overwhelming sense of despair, ever-present looming shackles of fate, an evil immortal wizard, resolution between men, the viscerality of war, and the plight of the everyday commonman thrust into circumstances far beyond his control.
I read some book that I can't remember the author or title of but it's a post-apocalyptic world where people are forced to live on an island and pretend everything is normal by a computer that keeps setting up timeloops. Also the computer has Hitler's soul in it, via the desk it was housed in, which was made from some tree in South America where Hitler was buried.
>GRRM didn't outline A Song of Ice and Fire
And look what happened to that series
This is the actual last tread
it's fantastic, George is just too fat to finish it
Tolkien wrote a shit ton of lore and backstory
Gonna read War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
They forgot to put /sffg/ at the top so I couldn't find it in the archive.
How much magic do you like in your stories? full blown charts of magical spells, glyphs, runes, whit shouting out names of said spells, or just passing mention of things?
I'm just gonna come out and say it: Foundation > Dune
tolkien was THE Outliner / Architect - the guy practically invented the style dafuq are you on saying hes not an outliner
The less magic the better. If magic is an everyday fact of life it becomes mundane, which magic should never be.
Retards, lore is not outlining your plot, enjoy your Sanderslop
I have a hard time believing Tolkien or Wolfe didn't plot out their stories. There is a ton of foreshadowing, especially in BotNS.
>anon has never heard of rewrites or second drafts
The first BotNS book forshadows things that happen in the fourth book, the earthquake at the prison, for example. I seriously doubt Wolfe didn't plan ahead.
Wolfe wrote all of it before publication
Touche, but one of the first lines in the book is Severian mentioning that he is becomes the new emperor, so I still believe that Wolfe had a plan as he started writing.
damn I didn't know Gaiman was based like that
Hypocrisy isn't based. A real man openly brags about how much he hates women. He doesn't bottle it up like it's something to be ashamed of.
It should serve the narrative.
I can't remember what it was called. It was set during the sailing age I think? There was this weird guy that had a little statue he could kiss and phase through walls or turn invisible. I don't have the book anymore.
What are you referencing?
Neil Gaiman the male feminist was allegedly into hardcore maledom bdsm.
Oh, I see. Male feminists are the worst. That's pretty funny though.
He raped some women and had his child participate.
To be fair I think it was consensual, I just think the woman regrets it now and has decided that it was retroactively rape even though she consented when it happened.
>I just think the woman regrets it now and has decided that it was retroactively rape even though she consented when it happened.
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Any novels like this?
Any recs for series with autistic (or almost) worldbulding? I mean actual pages with explainations and fleshing out the lore. Preferably adventure or SOL but not a must.
inb4 just go read some wiki
go read some wiki
The Chūnin Exam specifically or Naruto in general?
Naruto in general
part 1 and shippuden.
Isn't Cradle a tabletop RPG?
No, not even close. Cradle is basically the author being disappointed with Kishi not using one of Orochimaru's mooks from the Chunin exams, so he wrote a series about a guy with the same power set, who is mentored by the Turtle that teaches Rock Lee, and the tailed Beasts don't get cucked out of being the big bads.

One of the primary factions of the antagonists is even Red (Aka) Moon (Tsuki) Hall.
It was a warm night at Kastle Kaladin, and the ancient pile of stone that had served the Atreides family as home for twenty-six generations bore that cooled-sweat feeling it acquired before a change in the weather, like a merchant hoarding fine rugs.

By the dim Stormlight, the awakened boy could see a female shape at his door – hair like matted chasmfiend webs, lowborn eyes like glittering gemhearts. She was bulky, which meant she was much more masculine than he wanted a woman to be, but that was okay. She was probably a lesbian. The Atreides family would punish her severely for this, but that was fine, because they were a loving family.

“Is he not small for his age, Jisseka?” the old woman asked. Her voice wheezed and twanged like a ball of stone had crushed her innards, like a note stuck with gum paste to the message post in the center of town.
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Sanderslop is no joke
>writing like a 16 year old virgin at 49 years old

Syl leaned forward conspiratorially across the counter. “I could never figure out why these humans were so shy about the spot between their legs! Strange to my uncultured spren mind. Then I figured it out! Must be something pretty ugly down there, for everyone to be so afraid to show it! The ugliest thing I know of is a chull head. So when I made this body, I put one there.”
Gaimansisters, it is over....
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Sanderposts should be banned.
Sanderson rules /sffg/
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Can you guys recommend anything that actually depicts the entirely different psychologies and mindsets between humans and aliens beyond us just blasting the shit out of each other?
This is a shitpost, right?
The same author wrote another series Traveler's Gate Trilogy. It's Naruto, Bleach and One Poop mixed into one. Devil Fruits, big swords and hallow masks, etc
Do you think there is far too much fantasy being written today in a grim setting?
Would you find it dangerous to begin with a grim setting and over time through the course of the protagonist's actions make the setting less grim and more hopeful, and not just more hopeful within the protagonist's sphere of influence but overall? Is a, let's say, global, shift like that advisable from a standpoint of believability and even just from the standpoint of a reader enjoying the grim world and then gradually enjoying the setting less as it shifts away from what they enjoyed.
If it can be removed from the book without affecting anything else, it should probably go. The other option is to change the rest of the book so that it becomes meaningful.
No. There is almost no fantasy written in grim setting.
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Poul Anderson's short story 'The Problem of Pain'
C.J. Cherryh's Pride of Chanur
Look up xenofiction in general.
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wow this sucks ass
>Book 9 and onwards of Spellmonger is digital / audio only
Well shit. I enjoyed reading the series but if it's not available in print this is as far as I go.
I have my filters set to automatically pin /sffg/ to the top of /lit/, and there was no /sffg/ on top of /lit/ last few days. If you want threads to be counted you have to actually label them correctly.
Well I finally got around to picking up Wind and Truth and it already feels kind of off from the start. Turning Kaladin from a heroic, inspirational warrior into a therapist has to be the lamest character arc I've ever seen in an epic fantasy series.
Sanderson is middle aged now and it shows in his writing.
Anon thought the writing sucked, like a story that was not very good.
How so? Honestly I just see him as a crap writer.

fuck yes, Sanderson Redemption arc is on its way
It turned to shit anyways. Should have dropped it when the author started adding more POVs, and giving ppl other than Minalan facetime. Fuck those apprentices, waste of time. Series could have been great.
There's a tendency with men who enter their creative career relatively young, and unmarried. Their work is full of passion, often violent and gritty. Then they mellow out as they get older. Marriage, and especially fatherhood, causes them to become more reflective. Their creative output always suffers from this. They mistake their reluctance to deal with harsh subject matter as maturity, so they feel compelled to be "wise", and start moralizing through their work in a really ham-handed and pathetic manner.

It's not that good subject material needs to be violent, or gruesome, or depressing, cause there's plenty of hack authors, directors, etc who affect these in an attempt to be taken seriously. But when you have a creator who previously did a pretty good job with violent content suddenly do an about face and start talking about how immature it is... it's just pathetic. It's them desperately trying to distance themselves from their earlier work out of shame, because they no longer are the young man who created that work in all earnestness. They're now a tired old man that wants their children to respect them. Makes me spit in disgust.
The apprentices started to grow on me a little. And there's nothing else that goes into autistic detail about feudal society's organization and structures. The very long asides dealing with the details of governing a medieval fief are actually fascinating to me. It's pretty clear he's done a lot of work fleshing that aspect of the setting out. A lot more than other aspects, anyway, which feel hastily cobbled together and thought up as he went.
>The very long asides dealing with the details of governing a medieval fief are actually fascinating to me.
Yeah. That's why you stuck with it. I expected the series to continue how book one started. I stuck with it when he started adding more people and boring shit, but when a book was dedicated to the fucking apprentices. I dropped the series at book 4. From what I heard from others, I did the right thing, because it gets worse. Someone told me they are only continuing because of sunk cost.
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I'm attempting to get back in to reading. Recommend me your favorite books. SF or fantasy, doesn't matter
Book 8 focuses on Pentrada and her marriage issues which I simply could not give a fuck about. She's alright as a fun side character but really not as fun as Minalin himself. Plus things took a pretty dark turn after book 7 and I can foresee that least the next book, maybe more, are going to be slogs... I still might shoot the author an email and ask about print publishing.
Glad I stopped. Imagine someone told me book 11 gets back to what I liked about the series (Magical Engineering). So they expect me to read books 5 to 10, so I can get 11? If more people started to drop authors when they do shit like this, they would stop.
The author for the Art of the Adept series (the goddamn cat) did the same shit. You should read the reviews for the last book in the series. Author shit on everything.
>Glanton spat
>They rode on
The Boys From Brasil? My dad used to talk about it when I was a kid. Never read it.
>a vocal leftard is actually a rapist
fuck off, hes a coward and a cunt
There certainly has been an influx of members of members joining the Goodreads group this year already.
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Can anyone recommend me authors who write like Bradbury?---the poetic sort of way he writes...
I don't like many of his stories but he has my favorite style (voice?) of any author I've ever read.
Only watched the movie adaptation but that's different: Hitler being alive in South America and having a plan to take over the world again. No computers. Just mad science.
More anons reading is good! I haven't joined.
>BotNS Folio Society edition has a Gaiman foreword
Should I just tear the page out
Reading Ringworld right now, 20-30 pages in. Will it continue being insufferable and Reddit about the alien races?
>the Glomorks were shlurping up the raw tenderloins with their wacky three heads! So quirky!
Right now it feels like a poor man's Hitchhiker's, or perhaps a beta version of Hitchhiker's.
I thought I was getting into a grounded (not "grounded" like you usually mean, but GROUNDED, as in, WALKING ON SOIL) sci-fi story where they explore massive continents.
only redditors read forewords
he should go on a diet
>not a single fantasy story has a ballroom dance scene.
ASOIAF has several if I remember
I've read Savage Mountains. It was the kind of forgettable slop a reddit transplant anon here would go on about being EPIC and MANLY and SO FREAKIN' METAL DUDE as if it was an autistic fixation of theirs, but they'd have to force themselves to do it and get bored quickly. Completely substanceless, and no prose to speak of.
This post made me laugh, like a man who has heard a good joke and finds it funny
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If you're expecting a book that actually explores the concept of a ring world, turn back now. The book isn't completely without merit but you'll be getting much, much more of the same.
A bunch of sci-fi short stories. One of them was about a world where penises are like double sided dildos which detach and lodge in any women they have sex with, turning the woman male and the man female. If I recall correctly a boy was alone on a boat and he gets boarded and raped by a woman who wants to be male. Then he helplessly watches as she sails away with his penis. I thought that was how sex really worked and was afraid of penis pirates for a while.
It’s over

There Is No Safe Word
How the best-selling fantasy author Neil Gaiman hid the darkest parts of himself for decades.


Palmer invited Pavlovich to parties at her house on Waiheke Island, a lush bohemian retreat with vineyards, golden beaches, and more than 60 helipads to accommodate the billionaires. She had a crush on Palmer. Palmer filled a deeper need.

Pavlovich had never met Palmer’s husband: Neil Gaiman

“I’ve had a thought, why don’t you have a bath in the claw bathtub in the garden? It’s absolutely enchanting.” A few minutes later, she was surprised to hear Gaiman’s footsteps. She tried to cover her breasts with her arms. When he arrived at the bath, he was naked. He got into the bath. He looked at her and said, “Don’t ruin the moment.” Gaiman asked her to sit on his lap. Pavlovich stammered: She was gay, she’d never had sex, she'd been sexually abused by a 45-year-old man when she was 15. Gaiman continued to press. “The next part is really amorphous, but I can tell you that he put his fingers straight into my ass and tried to put his penis in my ass. And I said, ‘No, no.’ Then he tried to rub his penis between my breasts, and I said ‘no’. He asked if he could come on my face, and I said ‘no’ but he did anyway. He said, ‘Call me ‘master,’ and I’ll come.’ Pavlovich tried to clean herself off. Gaiman smiled. “Amanda told me I couldn’t have you,” As soon as he’d heard this, he “knew he had to have” her. “God,” he continued, “I wish it were the good old days where we could both fuck you.”

The Sandman...a story about a writer named Richard Madoc...Calliope is the youngest of the Nine Muses. Madoc rapes her, again and again, and his career blossoms in the most extraordinary way.

"Actually,I do tend to regard myself as a feminist writer.”

His books abound with stories of men torturing, raping, and murdering women, which were perceived as evidence of his empathy.

Katherine Kendall was 22 when she met Gaiman in 2012. She was volunteering at one of his events. He invited her to join him a few days later at an after-party for another event, where he kissed her. He kept saying, “Kiss me like you mean it,” She tried to get into it, but she was panicked. Gaiman rolled off her. “I’m a very wealthy man and I’m used to getting what I want.” (Gaiman gave Kendall $60,000 to pay for therapy)

Gaiman had been having sexual encounters with younger fans for a long time. Kendra Stout was 18 when she met him. Gaiman didn’t believe in foreplay or lubrication, which could make sex particularly painful. When she said it hurt too much, he’d tell her the problem was she wasn’t submissive enough...He’d ask her to call him “master” and beat her with his belt...When she told him she didn’t like it, he replied, “It’s the only way I can get off.”
In 2007, Stout developed a UTI that had gotten so bad she couldn’t sit down. She told Gaiman ‘You cannot put anything in my vagina or I will die.’” Gaiman flipped her over on the bed and attempted to penetrate her with his fingers. She told him “no.” He stopped for a moment and then he penetrated her with his penis.

Palmer told Caroline that she was disturbed by her husband. “‘You have no idea the twisted, dark things that go on in that man’s head”

Once, Caroline and the boy, then 4, fell asleep reading stories in Gaiman and Palmer’s bed. Caroline woke up when Gaiman returned home. He got into bed with his son in the middle, then reached across the child to grab Caroline’s hand and put it on his penis. She says she jumped out of the bed. “He didn’t have boundaries,” Caroline says. “I remember thinking that there was something really wrong with him.”

One evening, Palmer dropped Pavlovich and the child off with Gaiman and retreated back to her own place. Pavlovich was in the kitchen, tidying up, when he approached her from behind and pulled her to the sofa. “It all happened again so quickly,” Pavlovich says. Gaiman pushed down her and began to beat her with his belt. He then attempted to initiate anal sex without lubrication. “I screamed ‘no,’” Pavlovich says...After she said “no,” Gaiman backed off and went into the kitchen. He brought butter to use as lubricant. She continued to scream until Gaiman was finished. When it was over, he called her “slave” and ordered her to “clean him up.” She protested that it wasn’t hygienic. “He said, ‘Are you defying your master?’” she recalls. “I had to lick my own shit.”

She got into the shower and tried to wash her mouth out with soap. She noticed blood swirling down the drain. He hadn’t used a condom, and she worried she might have gotten an infection.

The nights with Gaiman blurred together. She passed out from pain while Gaiman was having anal sex with her. He made her perform oral sex while his penis had urine on it. He ordered her to suck him off while he watched screeners for the first season of The Sandman. He thrust his penis into Pavlovich’s mouth with such force that she vomited on him. Then he told her to eat the vomit off his lap and lick it up from the couch.

Gaiman's son began to address her as “slave” and ordered Pavlovich to call him “master.” Gaiman seemed to find it amusing. He requested oral sex in the middle of the kitchen while the boy was awake and somewhere in the house. “He would never shut a door,” she says.

He rolled her onto her side, took off his pants, pulled off her skirt, and began to have sex with her from behind while continuing to speak with his son. Pavlovich, in a state of shock, buried her head in the pillow. After about five minutes, Gaiman got up and walked to the bathroom, half-naked. He urinated on his hand and told her to “lick it off.”
Dawn by octavia butler.
The MC is basically taken in as a pet by advanced aliens who swooped in with a plan to repopulate earth after we all killed each other with nukes. most of the book is about her adapting to their weirdass culture and learning to live with them on their ship.
then at the end they fucking leave and dump her back on earth with the other human survivors, taking away the most interesting part of the setting, wtf. So I never read the rest of the trilogy.
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What's the best way of actually describing something fantastical in writing? I usually can't describe things that aren't real objects in words.
>Over the past many months, I have watched the stories circulating the internet about me with horror and dismay. I’ve stayed quiet until now, both out of respect for the people who were sharing their stories and out of a desire not to draw even more attention to a lot of misinformation. I've always tried to be a private person, and felt increasingly that social media was the wrong place to talk about important personal matters. I've now reached the point where I feel that I should say something.

>As I read through this latest collection of accounts, there are moments I half-recognise and moments I don’t, descriptions of things that happened sitting beside things that emphatically did not happen. I’m far from a perfect person, but I have never engaged in non-consensual sexual activity with anyone. Ever. I went back to read the messages I exchanged with the women around and following the occasions that have subsequently been reported as being abusive. These messages read now as they did when I received them – of two people enjoying entirely consensual sexual relationships and wanting to see one another again. At the time I was in those relationships, they seemed positive and happy on both sides.

>And I also realise, looking through them, years later, that I could have and should have done so much better. I was emotionally unavailable while being sexually available, self-focused and not as thoughtful as I could or should have been. I was obviously careless with people's hearts and feelings, and that's something that I really, deeply regret. It was selfish of me. I was caught up in my own story and I ignored other people's. I’ve spent some months now taking a long, hard look at who I have been and how I have made people feel.

>Like most of us, I’m learning, and I'm trying to do the work needed, and I know that that's not an overnight process. I hope that with the help of good people, I'll continue to grow. I understand that not everyone will believe me or even care what I say but I’ll be doing the work anyway, for myself, my family and the people I love. I will be doing my very best to deserve their trust, as well as the trust of my readers. At the same time, as I reflect on my past – and as I re-review everything that actually happened as opposed to what is being alleged – I don't accept there was any abuse. To repeat, I have never engaged in non-consensual sexual activity with anyone.

Maybe do some writing exercises where you try to describe real world objects without using their names or function?
>What's the best way of actually describing something fantastical in writing?
It was indescribable
if you can't think of how to describe it, just add more spren
Are there any authors which avoid their characters explaining plot points to characters who already know their setting in book 1?
Steven Erickson in Malazan Book of the Fallen. This is actually something that frustrates a lot of people who are used to that kind of exposition. Characters drop names and talk about stuff as though everybody in the room already knows what they're are talking about, because obviously they would. No one stops to explain for the benefit of the reader. You just have to piece it together as you go.
>but when a book was dedicated to the fucking apprentices. I dropped the series at book 4
That was not a bad book. It drops in quality around book 7 if I remember correctly.
The lesson here is to never get married or raise children.
Read Jack Vance.
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No, the lesson is to retire from creative pursuits if you want to have a family. Leave creative expression to men who still possess the vital energy of a bachelor.
Book 7 is the one where Minalin is under house arrest, basically, and gets all moody after he's raped by Isily. In general it's kind of a downer of a book. Still the same endearing autism about made up wizard stuff and feudalism, but with a lot more moping and marriage troubles, culminating in an unfortunate event that sees Alya effectively lobotomized and Minalin a drunken wreck because of it. So yeah kind of a downer of a book. Then book 8 forces you to retread the same events from a different perspective... I can see why people call it quits.
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Tolkien was married to his work before he met his wife.
I would say that Tolkien is not a benchmark you should measure other authors against unless your goal is to make all other authors appear inadequate.
Watts you fourth wall breaking hack
I'll admit this dumb meta line was pretty funny
Anyone else got a book review?
hyperion was kino and i shan't be reading the rest of the series
Fair but i think quite a few authors put out amazing work in their later years.
Hmm... fat pink mast
>Gaiman's son began to address her as “slave” and ordered Pavlovich to call him “master.” Gaiman seemed to find it amusing.
This is like that story about a dog not obeying his master because the dog saw his master getting fucked in the ass by another guy.
This is one of the greatest fantasies ever written. I enjoyed it immensely.
Yeah now if only the stuff was at all relevant. I mean yeah sure nice stuff you built up there mr erickson, but why are we in a different place with different people now for the fifth fucking book in a row?
What size screen is your ereader? I bought the pocketbook verse pro recently but it feels like 6 inches is too small.
should i make a goodreads account is it worth it
Malazan is told on a very large scale, and it takes many books before you have enough of the pieces to even figure out what the larger story is because the perspective of most of the characters is so focused on their immediate situation and they don't kindly dole out convenient explanations for how it all fits together. The closer you get to the last two books, though, the more information you have about what is going on.
why does fantasy love crippling its main characters
AI writing has become better than most people
muh character growth
It's only worth it if you enjoy sniffing your farts.
I liked feodalism stuff. What I didn't like was Minalan becoming a simp.
If you read often and want a method to keep records of your books, sure.
The greater goodreads community is full of normalfags and should not be interacted with. Same for the /sffg/ group.
Not worth it, its reddit-tier garbage.
> keep records of your books
Fucking zoomer, cant you just make a list on your PC or notebook ?
only if you want to interact with other users
if you just like graphs and charts and the recommendations I recommend librarything
Based spreadsheet user.
>thinks he can use his smooth brain to get us to give him recs
mistborn book 1 has one, that's the only one I ever read
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Can the guy with the Hyperion audiobooks dump his collection again?
You are and always will be a 14-22 year old newfag. Being an ESL is the cherry on top.
Hyperion actually got kind of based towards the end. Turns out the Catholic Church was controlled by parasitic robot kikes all along.
there's a torrent out there anon, still well-seeded afaik. i got it from there fairly recently.
Not really. I made one years ago and I only bother to update it every few months when I remember I have it.
I have both a GR account and a notebook I started when I was 16.
Tékumel is the closest to Tolkien's depth. It's not very popular partly due to the writer being a Neo-Nazi. Some TRPG settings like Forgotten Realms has some depth (but no conlangs like the former). You also have WH40K. Maybe GRRM is the closest single author with actual discussion about lore outside dedicated forums.
Tékumel's biggest issue is that it doesn't have any good literature connected to it. The novels written by Barker himself are mediocre at best. It's too bad, the setting is cool.
The Horus Heresy books were just too good bros, dont think anything will hit that spot again
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Any good urban fantasy recommendations?.I tried the Demons Accord and the mc was a bit too Gary Stu for my taste and dropped Dresden files halfway through the first book.
Perhaps Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
Dresden files.
First book is not great but later books improve in quality (until they go to shit again)
Are there any good post-apocalyptic series. Doesn’t have to be zombies but some kind of threat to survivors would be preferable.
the library at mount char.

>>24109881 This probably is.
>>24109783 This is a real excerpt.
>Black Company
>First Law
>Book of the New Sun
>Mistborn Era 1
>The Dark Tower
>Prince of Nothing
What is this from?
My novel, desu.
>he owns editions of sff with gayman forewards
My diary, to be quite honest
no, you faggots drove every single one off.
>Post a chapter of a story
>Someone makes a joke about a scene from the chapter using a gay twitter meme
This is seriously one the most annoying fucking things ever.
The Black Company
>I look like a child molester waiting for an opportunity
>>Post a chapter of a gay story
>>Someone makes a joke about a scene from the chapter using a gay twitter meme

>This is seriously one the most annoying fucking things ever.
this is why white people need islam
yes, because if there's one thing we know about Muslims, it's that they NEVER involve scatology in their sexplay
>But I met a lot of things on the way that astonished me. Tom Bombadil I knew already; but I had never been to Bree. Strider sitting in the comer at the inn was a shock, and I had no more idea who he was than had Frodo. The Mines of Moria had been a mere name; and of Lothlórien no word had reached my mortal ears till I came there. Far away I knew there were the Horse-lords on the confines of an ancient Kingdom of Men, but Fangorn Forest was an unforeseen adventure. I had never heard of the House of Eorl nor of the Stewards of Gondor. Most disquieting of all, Saruman had never been revealed to me, and I was as mystified as Frodo at Gandalf's failure to appear on September 22.
Tolkien was literally making shit up on the fly.
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Rec me some kino that has pic related vibes.
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What an utter waste of time this book was. Why do fantasy readers praise this trash so much? Goddammit im so mad, ill never pick up another book by Rothfuss again.
I haven't seen a single person on /lit/ recommend this book despite it being constantly brought up. I never read it because of the NTR tag, why did you?
Grimness in the Black Company is tremendously overrated by people because of one scene in the first book.
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>from his bag of holding Lindon pulls out a cannon, end scene
>a page and a half describing in detail how they cobbled it together
>the cannon needs to recharge for the second shot
>he pulls out a second one, end scene

fucking hell, you guys were right.
Cradle is a boatload of fun
>ill never pick up another book by Rothfuss again
not like there even are any, am I right fellas?
Your fault for browsing reddit.
Sanderson is entering his depression arc
>I'll admit, this one stings a little. /r/fantasy used to be my home. I was there practically from the beginning, often participated in their convention activities, and was their first AMA. I tried hard not to dominate, recusing myself from awards, trying to only to join threads if I could help bolster another author, never stepping in on review or negative threads. But, like another commenter said, it was like a switch being flipped. Suddenly, everything wasn't just negative, but aggressively negative, about me.
>I get that I became over exposed, and I get that not everyone is going to like my work. I am used to dealing with criticism and even antagonism. But that subreddit was home, once. So it hurts a little more. Particularly since it used to be one of the places where people actively tried to stop hate trains on things like twilight and eragon back in the day. Now, so much of it (like much of reddit) has gone negative.
>In reply to another comment of "YA" bring the ultimate insult there, I'd be curious if the tone of hating anything that "feels YA" in these spaces is hurting the genre as a whole. Back in the day, LotR and Pern were both shelved in YA (well, juvenile fiction, as it was then called) in my library. Why? Because who cares? If you like the book, read it. They shelved both those authors in adult too. Because, again, who cares? Put the books where readers will find them.
>I read of people feeling they should be ashamed of reading fantasy as a whole because it "feels YA." They leave the genre, and it's a loss. Now, I consider some of my works more YA leaning than others. Some are, like Tress, while some aren't at all, like Emperor's Soul or Stormlight. But I never know how to respond to the criticism, as I just don't consider YA to be bad. It's just a marketing decision.
>One sign of being mature is no longer being so uptight about worrying if people see you as immature. Read what you like. It's okay.
>Now, I consider some of my works more YA leaning than others. Some are, like Tress, while some aren't at all, like Emperor's Soul or Stormlight.

That made his mother beam, even though it was an easy thing to say. Then Hesina’s eyes got a mischievous sparkle to them. Oh, storms. What was she going to say now?

“So, you have a spren friend,” she said. “Did you ever ask her that vital question you always asked when you were little?”

He sighed, bracing himself. “And which question would that be, Mother?”

“Dungspren,” she said, poking him. “You were always so fascinated by the idea.”

“That was Tien!” Kaladin said. “Not me.”

Hesina gave him a knowing stare. Mothers. They remembered too well. Shamespren popped into existance around him, like red and white petals. Only a few, but still.

“Fine,” he said. “Maybe I was… intrigued.” He glanced at Syl, who was watching the exchange with wide eyes. “Did you… ever know any?”

“Dungspren,” she said flatly. “You’re asking the sole living Daughter of Storms—basically a princess by human terminology—this question. How much poop do I know?”

“Please, can we move on?” Kaladin said.

Unfortunately, Oroden had been listening. He patted Kaladin on the knee. “It’s okay, Gagadin,” he said in a comforting voice. “Poop goes in potty. Get a treat!”
Stop spacing every line.
I'm not wasting any more time proving Sanderson is a lying hack by quoting his books than I have to
When did Tad Williams lose his edge? Or was he always bad?
He did say that Wind and Truth may destroy his career, before it was released.
His "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" series was amazing and "Shadowmarch" was very good. I havent read any of his other stuff.
When did he lose his edge? His new series is pretty good. Not as good as MS&T but very solid, especially in the pozzed sffg landscape of nowadays.
Is Sanderson sending us some cryptic morse code or something? His last statements make it seem like he's under gun point. That foreshadowing statement of Wind and Truth ruining his career makes me think that he knows what's up and is aware of the backlash fans would have. Wtf is going on
Have you read Otherland? Ive heard great things about it but im not a fan of cyberpunk.
The Gathering Storm was so fucking good bros. I can't believe I'm only 2 books away from the end of Wheel of Time.
Navigator's Children has been kind of let down. Too many happy coincidences.
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I enjoyed it up until the point he starts going on how much he knows and loves his crush and that the man shes with won't know her like he does. Lmao what a pussy protag shut the fuck up, amazing how ONE paragraph can completely tank an entire novel
The fact that there's a character named Tien at all makes me not take the book seriously.
Is this real? I can’t even tell what’s true and what’s slander anymore on this general..
>penis pirates
this is hilarious
is fantasy just a bad genre?
Nah, every genre has problems.
Its real
It's just in a really bad spot with a few generations worth of highly incestuous writing.
It stops being fun after Underlord. You are at the ass-end of the fun line.
Now go look up Will's blogpost where he talked about how he HAD to crank out a new book every 6 months around the time of Underlord, for maximum profits and relevancy.
It is to the normalfags of this general who only read NYT bestseller list nonsense.
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>>>My local /sffg/ discussion page on Facebook is being shidded up with "NEE GAYMAN A RAEPIST!!?? REEEEEEE ME NO BUY HIM BOOKS ME RETURN DEY BOOKS ME BUYED, ME NEVAH READ NEE GAYMEN EVAH AGIN!!!"
>Thread locked
Normies are incredibly fucking pathetic.
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>watching Allen's end of year livestream
>the German autist in the bottom middle says Neil Gaiman is his favorite new author discovered, read all of Sandman in December and he has more of his books in the mail
>another part he says 2025 is his "year of gaiman"
>Allen has a strict no politics rule and everyone sits there
I love aloof German autism
So why did he publish it if he knew on some level it was shit and had a high chance of being hated?
>You are at the ass-end of the fun line
shame, but i kinda suspected it would fall off once it stepped out of wuxia territory and went into xianxia.
this tournament arc is kinda meh, tho it was fun seeing the more human side of the Akira people.
i kinda smirked when the guy testing Lindon resorted to the bottle once he couldn't find anything wrong with him
As it should be when discussing media.
can't discuss media without discussing politics
Maybe if you dye your hair, sure.
Used to be you literally could. We are living in strange times.
I love Fantasy
>Geralt moping
>the gang making fish soup
Fuck its so good. I never read the witcher before because the videogame fags annoyed me but holy fuck its a comfy read
you're literally doing it right now
i read somewhere the witcher translation to english isn't that great, anybody else read it?
I am going to wipe out every last Cielcin scum from this universe, and each beyond
Nah I read the German version and thats great
well fuck what about the english translation
I liked it, but im also a sloppaholic
What's his point? That a story can be mature and not have graphic sex or violence? Because outside of adult content, I think there's an expected complexity that separates YA, children's, and adult fantasy. Ender's Game can be read by kids, but they're not gonna get much out of it beyond 'cool space battles' which is what I got out of it when I read it with my siblings when I was 7 or 8. Whereas I was completely filtered at that age when I tried to read Speaker.

Or maybe his point is that Kaladin was the therapist he needed in real life.
>At forty-eight years old, with a new beard just beginning to turn gray, he’s already one of the most successful fantasy writers in history. But today, he seems a little anxious: “If my career is going to crash and burn, this is the book that’ll do it.”

As to why do risk that,
>“If I don’t do hard things, then am I actually pursuing art?”

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anyone ever got the urge to eat a slice of toast topped with a slice of cheese because of fantasy?
Well thanks for nothing, guys. After doing some research I’m gonna read this book called Earth Abides.
The Road, faggot
Earlier this year I tried blood sausage after reading The Long Ships and it was delicious. Can’t believe Jews tricked Americans into not eating this stuff.
Swirling unseen around us are loathsome creatures giving form to our basest desires and fears.
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Only after reading Heidi.
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Having no idea what you're talking about I would assume he's acknowledging that a lot of fans didn't like WaT whilst not saying so outright to not spook the normies who will eat any slop he writes
>“It is done,” Rand whispered.
>“What?” Min asked, coughing again.
>“The last that could be done to me,” he said, surprised at his own calmness. “They have taken everything from me now.”
That's a good thing actually.
Depression unironcially makes you a better writer.
Look at some Gundam ovas that were made because of depression.
> I’m gonna read this book called Earth Abides.
Excellent choice, on of my favourite post-apocalyptic books
>1101 pages
>only 12 views

Pristine ratio. I'm in.
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>does more original world building in one random half sentence than most other authors do in their entire career
FUCK he is good.
China Mieville is not a Chinese? Wtf
What is his best work?
authors not named K.J. Parker who get into autistic siege warfare details? standalones or first in a series.
Legend by David Gemmell is still my favourite siege novel. Also, Shadowmarch series by Tad Williams involves a siege in much of its later parts.
Didn't know it was a siege novel. It's available as ebook at my library too. cool. thanks
>His "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn" series was amazing
Redpill me on it. It sounded pretty generic when I read the synopsis, but I loved Otherland.
The first two are really cool. The later books get a bit derivative, in my opinion, but definitely read the first two.
i think its his only siege novel. Also you can try reading The Red Knight by Miles Cameron, it involves a seige and is pretty autistic about it. Its been praised here by several anons but I didnt like the story and his prose.
It really depends on what you like. I enjoyed the city and the city a lot as a weird detective novel. If you want thick fantasy go for his bas-lag stuff and there the second part is the best (the scar). He has too many fucking ideas and in Perdido Street Station and Iron council you feel it more than in the Scar. Kraken is p gud as well.
What do you guys think of Wool? I'm thinking about reading it after I finish season 2 of the show

oh damn some girl at my gym at uni was reading this today
> What do you guys think of Wool?
YA crap.
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I finished The Lions of Al-Rassan and now I feel empty bros
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Who the fuck cares, there's more obscure garbage than anyone could ever read
He is. Which makes it even worse he'd rather write Communist manifestos over fantasy novels.
Read A Song for Arbonne
>Which makes it even worse he'd rather write Communist manifestos over fantasy novels.
well. it's good he's keeping it within fiction at least.
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What are even some good vampire novels beyond something very topical pic related or greats like Dracula, Vampire Chronicles, etc.? In-between stuff seems hard to actually find quality in.
I've been eating that almost every day for 10 years now.
You should try dinuguan. One of my favorites.
I never want to see you posting that gay YA cover again.
If you're going to be reading YA slop at least read Darren Shan.
It makes me so mad that he wont just write short stories about bas-lag.
>no high cromlech stuff
>no Gengris stuff
>nothing about the fucking gambling parliament
Its all just sidenotes and I kinda like it because my mind imagines all these things freely but also I want more fucking content because he is just that good
Does anybody remember what that one Gor parody story was called that was published online? I suppose the intention was to mimic Norman's writing style completely
I've been hobbitmaxxing for years now.
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My personal favorite of his is Embassytown, it's an incredible piece of science fiction
Very based opinion too. In embassytown you really feel how much Mieville thinks about his shit.
Just read this, highly, highly recommended. One of the best Fae books I've ever read.
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This was fantastic. I loved Player of Games but this was a whole other level. Any other Culture books worth it? I've heard Look to Windward is good.
Culture is overrated I only heard about it because some culturecucks think it can stomp the 40k universe.
Only power levelcucks reads the culture.
> w*men author
No thanks.
Piranesi is GOAT though
> Piranesi
most likely written by her husband
Proof or commit suicide
Chew you have a single satisfact to snack that up?
Get lost, JC.
no wonder you're a kissless virgin :)
Someone was in that steak-umms thread last night
Most of them have their merit. I would personally recommend Excession as it was probably my favorite. Considering Look to Windward is a loose sequel to Consider Phlebas, I would read that first. I personally STRONGLY DISLIKED it (Consider Phlebas) but your mileage may very.
Xeelee stomps both the Culture and the 40k verse, non-reading nigger.
thanks anon I will try Excession next then see if I want to go back and read Consider Phlebas.
How is it good?
What are some onther solomon kane reads you would recommend? I already read red shadows and a few of the short more poem like ones that are like 2 pages.
It was a well-written psychological/war novel with a twist ending set in space. Very enjoyable.
You forgot the image...
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I finally read Rhythm of War. Back when it came out, when I was already disappointed with Oathbringer, I asked here and someone said "it's mostly Die Hard in Urithiru" and that it was better than Oathbringer. Thanks, old anon, you were right.
OB was miserable (see >>24069118), but this one was significantly better.
>Adolin and Shallan
The cringe presumably-flirting dialogue between them is gone, Shallan is somehow less infuriating than she was, and her arc has a decently satisfying resolution. Adolin's "I hate daddy now because I love fashion and he did the thing in OB" is gay, but very brief, and his arc with Maya is sweet and pays off surprisingly well. It's like OB existed only to make us suffer to set this shit up.
I don't even hate him here, even though his chapters in OB were like being dragged over concrete. Inventing "therapy" makes sense in context, and his ultimate resolution and the way he spoke the 4th ideal were great, if a little too melodramatic. It's retarded that he didn't accept his former duties at the end though.
>The rest
I really don't care about Venli and Eshonai enough for them to be PoVs. There's no other characters that are relevant (Navani? She's more of a plot device than the entire fabrial tower). One sentence looked like it was written by chatgpt and there's too many "Yet"s in the book. Thank fucking God Jasnah's was reduced to being a dyke, she was the obvious choice for that. Just being demoted to "asexual" is an improvement, I guess. I liked Wit in this, though I find the reliance on his almost-deus ex machinas to be really funny.
The entire first 40% should have been cut. "Die hard, but less exciting" starts at that mark. I don't remember one significant event that happened in the first part after the opening scene, except for Navani's gauntlet getting invented I guess. That was worth the set up time, though it could have done without 3 fucking pages of autistic descriptions of how it works. I thought the fabrial science would be worse though.
Waah, Kelsier is the boss of the Ghostbloods?! Hell is a planet like in the mormon cosmology!!? The last scene with WIT!11? WAAAAAH I'M COOMING
... nah, I don't give a shit about the MCU and I'm kinda lukewarm on the 5 kinds of stormlight that we have now.
>The sequel
Given what I saw in the previous thread ("I'm his therapist!"), I'm in for a HELL of a time. The 1- and 2-star goodreads reviews said that we have to accept a gay couple in order to save the world, and I lmao'd for real this book when I figured out that it's going to be Rlain and Renarin. Not just a gay couple, a gay *autistic* INTERRACIAL couple. Reddit and tumblr must have definitely coomed over that though. Poor Dalinar deserves better... But if Sando tells us Rlain got molested as a kid, I'll give the book a bonus star in the rating.
>Jasnah's was
Read: "Jasnah was not"
I need to go to bed
Sleep well.
He'll probably dream of Stormlight so he won't.
Poor Anon, I hope he'll be okay.
book about knight doing knightly thing?
I fully sympathize for Shallan. It blew my mind when I found out Oathbringer :she used her lightweaving as Veil and Radiant as multiple personalities to escape her true self to run away from trauma. Oathbringer was good. Any tips for someone go into RoW?
I want to read his Viking one. The reviews aren’t as good but after reading The Long Ships I want more pirate swashbuckling kino.
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This book worth finishing? After reading the first few chapters it’s definitely better written than The Stand (which I didn’t really like) but I can’t get over the main character being a black WWE raceplayer.
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I like writing strong and evil fantasy women.
r/fantasy is that way
mine, coming soon(tm) to a shelf near you
Would you guys read sword and sorcery short stories that involve a protagonist who gets his power from semen retention, and the climax (no pun intended) of the stories often involves his sexy enemies trying to make him nut? Like sexy sorceresses sending their servant girls into his dreams so that he nocturnally emits, or Amazon dominatrixs edging him until he can't take it
I would read your suicide note
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Tried reading Leviathan Wakes, dropped halfway through, it was taking too long to get the plot and the dialogue was awful
I tried reading the books after couple season of the TV series, but I couldn't do it
Explain what's bad about my idea without resorting to ad hominem (I'm trans btw don't know if that matters)
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I didn't go to bed. Instead I got to chapter 2 of Wind and Truth and it's already starting with a peepee poopoo conversation and sentences like "No human woman would have acted in such a casual way in a havah [...] Syl, however, would Syl"... Oh man, this will be interesting.
>Half way
I got through three chapters before I'd had enough. I will confess I did like the prologue
With descriptions of their sweaty armpits right?
With descriptions of forced face sitting right?
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>female mc's spend most of the first book traveling around a strange land completely naked

any other books like this?
The diary of every woman.
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>any other books like [my fetish]
bakkerposting was better than this faggotry
>Would you guys read sword and sorcery [...] that isn't decades old with a notorious reputation and/or exists on a bestseller list?
Try elsewhere. The normalfags here have no depth.
>this retard again
k i l l yourself
>naked women is a fetish
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Harry Potter
Okay, I hated Dune and I hated Leviathan Wakes, give me a space opera that doesn't suck
Second Apocalypse
Typical normalfag reaction. Go shit up another forum.
Maybe sci-fi isnt for you if you hated Dune.
Dune is fantasy, not sci-fi.
red rising
I'm still writing the portal fantasy with the NEET and his teen neighbor being the protagonists.
just go out and do actual pedophilia dog, live your truth
Someone bake.
legend of the galactic heroes
the anime is better
Isn't that YA?

I already watched the anime
The first book of red rising can be considered YA.
So what's the latest on the sequels of cucks of ice and fire and doors of cuck?
The fat cuck is too busy crying over his jewish friends in California.

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