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"Bridge Troll" edition

Previous: >>24101241

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.
(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ7UFoUgrRc
Would /lit/ writers be comfortable getting content farmed? I like reading and doing voices and I've been wanting to read weird stories and make videos on works from AO3 and similar sites. If I give credit and a shoutout to the respective authors of the works, would that be okay? Should I get permission first? I know some people are self-conscious about their work but if you post it in a public space where anyone can find it I think that makes it fair game for critiques and reviews.
There's already a thread >>24109101
If you're talking about taking people's work because they've "posted it in a public space" then no, that's literally one of the worst things you could do to a writer who has plucked up the courage to post their work on here. Considering the anonymous nature of 4chan I doubt you'll be able to give proper credit or get consent from any authors.
I'm going to remember this post next time somebody reams another anon for being worried that their work might get stolen.
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what does /wg/ think about Sanderson's prose?
Then why wasn't the old thread linked to it?
idk man. It's not a big deal, it's just easier to point people to one thread early because one of them will get deleted eventually.
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Are there any books (or book series) that successfully implemented the "mystery box" formula which has lead to great television writing like in Lost or From? If so, which ones? And what's the best way of capturing this engaging writing method in your own work?
Fleming looks like Reynholm Senior from IT Crowd
Suez looks like Caesar from Planet of the Apes
Vasaris looks like M. E. Winstead
Keralis looks like Gosling and sounds like H. Jon Benjamin
What specifically is most dogshit about my handwriting? I know there's some copy errors but otherwise I thought it was just average.
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>great television writing like in Lost or From
Or this one will get picked up when the old thread expires. Either way.
The mystery box is all there is these days. Authors just barf intrigue on top of intrigue until they hit their word limit and then hastily wrap it all up. There's nothing else being written.
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I just want to write something good before I die
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I am avoiding this and you can too
How about completing a project, then?
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I am 68k words done on a project I expect to be around 120k words by the end. Last entry was 2.5k words two days ago. I've been keeping track of my progress every day. It is far and away my largest project and far further along than any others I gave up on.
This one will finish.
This one will publish.
I WILL hold this one in my hand.
Godspeed anon!
Great writing? From what I can tell, the "mystery box" is practically an anti-pattern, and its use in Lost (i.e. raising questions that, even after 7 years, were never answered) severely irritated the fans.
what's it about
It's shit, but who cares? Money is the only thing that matters and his slop makes a fuckload of it.
from today
377,858 words. I'll surpass lotr soon~
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A man has his fiance taken from him and he has to go on adventures to save her.
It's a retelling of Sir Orfeo at its core.
>nonchalantly makes your prose 100x better

This is simply a thriller narrative device. Read mystery stories/police novels like Sherlock Holmes or Poe's stories that you'll find the prototype of TV mystery boxes. I'd say even "At the mountains of madness" from Lovecraft has a mystery box structure.
Can anyone here help me with a character establishing moment?

The scene is supposed to be a beat by beat reconstruction of Code Geass E1, where Lelouch gains Geass in that tunnel, uses it to kill the soldiers attacking him, and gives that devious grin. In my story, the deuteragonist is supposed to be an emotionless type that was introduced as a creepy but harmless dude that everyone at school avoids (despite his great grades and good looks). So him grinning is supposed to show that he was repressing a lot of craziness and hint that while his power has saved the protagonist on that particular occasion, he is still a potential threat.
The main problem is that I am struggling to get across the "harmless but creepy" vibe and was looking for possible hints about how I can depict such a character.
He is supposed to be someone that you really don't want to talk to, or even sit besides, but not because he feels dangerous.
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Before I started writing seriously, I was paralyzed with anxiety over the idea that some people might not like my work.
Now that I’ve put stuff out there and received nothing but hatred and mocking in return, I’ve realized I’m a glutton for punishment and look forward to nobody every liking anything I create, ever
>write a story
>Find someone else has done it already and better
What's the point?
>People like my story
>I dont believe them
Doing things is nice
>make a painting
>find someone else has painted what you did and better
>build a house
>find someone else has built a better house already
>Cook scrambled eggs
>find someone else has done it already and better
Extrapolate this outward and you go full Nietzsche. Instead of worrying about what others have done, focus on improving yourself. Your eternal struggle to improve is the point, not wallowing in self-pity because your entry into whatever genre you're writing for isn't as original as you'd like.

Ultimately you're writing for yourself. If you're not enjoying the process, that's when you ask "what's the point?". If that's the case, find some other hobby that brings you joy rather than doing something that doesn't.
>make myself a coffee
>realize that someone has already likely created a better cup of coffee
>throw it all out in disgust, never drink coffee ever again
more trekkie nonsense
more james cameron-ish now
Did he always write like this or has he just started phoning it in recently?
No. Mystery Box in and of is an admission of "I have no idea how to write, but I'd like to fool people into thinking I can." You want to write a series with a big overall myth arc or some similar mystery that's revealed slowly over time? Fine. But "Mystery Box" inherently means there is nothing in the box and the appeal of your work is the box itself.
nooooooo!!1! all that precious caffeine wasted
You're not gonna believe this, but I just submitted yet another completely different short story to yet another completely different publisher. Luck is overrated!
Yes, I managed to write a thousand words today. Doesn’t matter that I stayed up to three thirty in the morning.
I started my book in September. I have 69,000 words. I wrote 4,000 today. This whole thing is probably gonna end up being 200,000 if I'm being honest.
One big tome? Not going to break it up into separate volumes? Whenever I see compendium bundles on audible
>buy the first 3 volumes for one credit!
I can't resist those if they're a series I'm interested in.
Yeah it's a novel i don't want it to be a series. Readers are more accepting of bigger novels nowadays I feel like. Same with longer movies.
Working on a scene where a character is lost in a desert and losing hope, but encounters an insect that inspires them because it just relentlessly fights for survival in total ignorance of its circumstances, and more materially because its appearance indicates that water is somewhere nearby.
I first thought of a moth bumping into his light, because moths are pollinators and their presence is suggestive of flowering plants, and because bumping fruitlessly into a light is good imagery for endless dumb determination.
Now I'm reviewing it the next day, and I'm starting to think maybe having him bitten by a mosquito would be better. Mosquitos are more directly associated with surface water, and being bitten by one has a nice irony when it essentially saves your life. Also the mosquito is actually doing something beneficial to his survival by biting you, whereas a moth bumping into a light bulb is futile.

Any ideas?
Clearly, you've thought about this more than I ever will
Do you have an opinion on which is better?
damn girl you bad
Either should work. I saw a youtube video about using monkies to find water sources in the desert.
Whatever you think reads the best is probably the best option.
So I'm writing a first person narrative from the perspective of a character who's a pretentious asshole pseud and totally lacking in self-awareness. I want the writing style to reflect that and to get a bit pretentious and flowery at times.

How do I make it clear that it's only the character who's a pretentious asshole pseud and not me? I have other characters reacting to him with disgust and derision throughout the story but I don't know if that's enough. Do you guys think this could work or would it just annoy the reader?
>How do I make it clear that it's only the character who's a pretentious asshole pseud and not me?
you can't keep the attention of someone who doesn't want to engage with your story in the first place
if someone would dismiss your story for being pseud babble then there's no reaching them unless you become famous. actually even then you see retards dismissing classic authors because their work is too dense for them and therefore the writing pretentious
just write
I might recommend reading or listening to Caiphas Cain's 40k series for inspiration. His character is pretty snooty while also pulling the reader into their world. This is probably easier with 1st person rather than 3rd person but you should perhaps try both 1st and 3rd person out and see which you like more. 1st person gives the camera to your character and it'll be easier for the reader to distinguish them as a separate entity from the person telling the story. i.e. (you). If your character thinks they're god's gift to everyone and that's a trait you want to be emphasized, I'd say lean into that and don't ever let the character break that personality unless something really dramatic occurs.
>a first person narrative from the perspective of a character who's a pretentious asshole pseud and totally lacking in self-awareness
So your diary?
Just use the character as an outlet for all the pretentious pseudery you're too self aware to do irl. Don't hamstring your book's authenticity yourself.
Thanks anons for your input, and for those who gave recs and advice.
The point of the story is that the character is almost a Baron Munchausen type, he isn't exactly making everything up but he embellishes and misrepresents situations to benefit himself. But he also has the opinions of a stereotypical 20something 4channer. A big part of the narrative is how over the course of the story he alienates everyone around him with his behavior without realizing it. I want readers to know he is bullshitting, but I'm scared of making him unsympathetic to the point where he can't sustain the reader's interest at all. I won't lie, part of it is in fact a release for the pretentious pseudery I'm too self-conscious to commit to myself.
>king him unsympathetic to the point where he can't sustain the reader's interest at all
Is there going to be a payoff? There doesn't have to be one, but the audience tends to expect it for these kinds of characters. Whether they get some kind of comeuppance or have to face the reality that they created for themselves, that's usually a theme that resonates with people.
I could see such a story being compelling. a blend of humorous condemnation and sympathetic universality is what I would aim for. we all have a resentment in us, we all have our coping mechanisms, we all seek narrative and meaning to ground our lives
touch on the particulars, get granular and be honest. a story that features an insincere character but has a genuine message sounds great. themes and messages which cross communicate and reflect the story telling devices is how you leave lasting impact on a reader
why do you talk like you were born in a board room
mass market demon begone. back to the cul-de-sacs of yuppie hell with you
Reminder that if you did not write today, you should.
Gregoria Samsara awoke to find herself transformed into a monstrous whore.
>being mindful of your audience is bad.
Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded.
not what was said
vile business suit serpent. begone, begone!
havent been here for long but already see that /wg doesnt like this guy (on an unrelated note reddit does)
he is a bad writer whose extremely successful works set industry expectations for fantasy stories for about around a decade
he also seems to be getting worse/lazier as a writer
>not what was said
Very rich coming from (you).
>he is a bad writer whose extremely successful works
well how did that happen
his prose was always simple, but his last book was a phenomenon
Can anyone tell me if this makes for a good, engaging action scene?

>The first bomb landed well behind the support line to our rear, the second buried itself deep nearby and was swallowed by the soft clay, a third sounded as if it airburst well in front of us and the fourth and final shell exploded high in the sky. Machine guns started to clatter up at us, forcing us to stay low in our trenches and there was another series of detonations. This time three of the shells burst above and showered our positions with shrapnel, the next volley seemed to have all barrels and fuses adjusted for range and elevation so they burst above us and rained steel down. But deep and well-built positions on a hillside like ours meant even these accurate shells had trouble finding us with their splinters, our sandbag parapet had holes torn in it and one fragment skipped harmlessly off my helmet. Twitchy cried out but I didn’t dare move to find out if it from fear or pain, this little corner felt safe and secure from the pounding shells above. Several more volleys raked the hillside, churning up the soil and deafening us, but no fragments cut though our bodies.
The sound of the bombs changed tone, the percussion of high explosives and scything of shrapnel turned into dull thuds and thick, oily white clouds of smoke dropped down enveloping and obscuring our view.
This was it.
“Up, Twitch get up” The boy was curled up in the corner of the trench, shaking but seemingly unharmed. I pulled him to his knees and slapped his helmet. “Get with it man, it’s time, do or die!” He sobbed but clutched his rifle and moved to his feet. Good enough for me, I looked over the edge and saw nothing but white smoke. Machine guns were blindly firing up at us but the bullets were cracking overhead though the smoke. Orders and messages were being shouted along the lines but swallowed up by then racket. The smoke drifted and thinned and dark shapes emerged from it, rushing up the hill towards us. They leveled machine pistols and rifles to lay down a blanket of gunfire forcing us back into our holes so they could push even closer. Twitchy fired blindly at figures emerging and disappearing into the smoke, I aimed at a shape that threw itself to the ground before a shot punched the sandbag in front of me. I crouched back down as another solider fired a long burst that drummed on the front of our position. Twitchy yelled and ducked back into his corner. All along the line the republicans tried to rush up the hill, while our men rose to fire back at them. More smoke shells started landing behind us to obscure us from the rest of our unit. Our supporting machine guns were quiet for risk of hitting us, while the enemy’s guns fired up at us unopposed.
I took two deep breaths. Alone surrounded by chaos I suddenly felt cold and detached, calm even. Instincts were taking over; some unknown entity was in my body and controlling me. I stood swiftly, not crouching behind the sandbags, but tall and defiant in the middle my fire trench. This was my trench, our ground and they would not take it from us without paying dearly.
I saw a man rushing upto Kemari’s trench and start to fire into it, I put two bullets into him and he tumbled back. To my front a solider leveled a rifle and started firing, one bullet zipped over my left should and two over the right. I snapped a single shot back and he fell.
A glance right, two heads were in the trench blazing away at an assault team, but one man had crawled up below them and readying a hand grenade. In single motion and I had lined him up and pulled the trigger.
More fire to my front, I didn’t look over but simply let my legs buckle and collapsed down back into my hole. Bullets tore into the back of the wall and showered me with dirt. An object was tossed over the parapet and landed behind Twitchy. I pressed myself back into the corner to put the curve of the trench between us, it’s detonation a heavy slap across my whole body.
“Grenade goes off, Assault goes in” the messaged flashed in my brain, no time to spend recovering from it. A head appeared from behind the sandbags, its eyes locking onto me and raising its arms to point a short and ugly weapon at me. I quickly swung my rifle and pulled the trigger. The butt kicked back into my chin but I felt no pain as I saw the face crease and drop out of view. Left of it another barrel appeared over the parapet, firing a burst down into Twitchys poor body. Unaware his comrade was already dead he carried on forward, I fired three shots into his torso, his legs already In motion tumbling him over the edge and he collapsed onto Twitchy’s body with a horrid crunch. I slid to my knees bought the rifle to my shoulder and I stood again, encountering another two men following the first pair up. I dropped the closest with a shot then fired at the other until my rifle locked open and empty. Still more were pushing up and seeing their comrades dropping in front of my trench, they started to pour more fire over my position to force me back down and renewed their attack.
The new corpse in my trench had pockets and pouches stuffed with grenades, I pulled the pins and tossed all of them back towards their previous owners then held his machine pistol over my head and emptied it. I pulled two more magazines from the bodies belt, reloaded then stood up. A dash of movement half left got a rapid burst, a bobbing helmet crawling towards me rung out as bullets punched though and scythed it off the wearers head. A Pair on my right firing and moving in turn were cut down by someone else as I leveled the barrel at them. The attack was faltering; the solid wall of noise eased and became dozens of small personal battles across the line. I was able to stay up on what was left of the sandbags and fired long bursts sweeping the front of our positions until there were no magazines left.
The longass sentences and sterile, mechanical listings of events don't convey a sense of urgency. They're bombed and it feels like a riverside picnic, counting cars that drive by.
screenshots nigga what is this a white trash family's front yard. stop dumping your shit everwhere >>24109814
>Please limit excerpts to one post.
you dirty litter bug
>its eyes locking onto me and raising its arms to point a short and ugly weapon at me
didnt read most of the above but thats really bad, the two me's, the weapon description for no reason at all
dude literally just
>A head appeared from behind the sandbags. Then, a bayonet. I swung my rifle and fired. Recoil hit me, but I never felt its pain, more focused on the head dropping back into the sandbags. Then, another barrel. then wordswordswords
Dude I screenshotted before and some other nigga told me he isn't reading screenshots
then bin it
>some anon said some dumb shit
they do be doing that
well dont post all of it nigga
>don't post all of it
Then how do I get feedback on it
Doenst matter anyway, I've not got the talent or drive for writing.
womp womp nigga
Hello again I am wonder does you crave read nonfictional account infamous of Taylor Swift masticating 78 CheeseBurgers and even 1 HamBurger ?

It is you do . . .

average AI advocate
what happened to the Write what's on your mind threads?
this was handwritten on a computer by human digits blessed child of god >:(
Did someone start ranting about the (((chosen people))) or did it turn into a series of unfunny shitposts?
why? The reason I ask is because I haven't visited /lit/ in a few months and came back to see it gone but one was in the archive, when I tried making one it got spam filtered.
At an inclined illuminated touchscreen work-surface standing at the fore of the Muriel’s darkened bridge worked an amphibian. His organs and inner anatomy would have been visible though his gel-clear skin had he not worn a form-fitting bodyglove, something like a wetsuit, designed to keep his delicate jelly flesh moist and hydrated. As he was, his brain could be seen suspended a liquid layer from the inner surface of his glass-bell skull while at his hands the light glowed clear through his fingers where he touched the luminous screen, refracting in tubes of bone as flawless as heat-smoothed ice. He fell entirely still in his amphibian way, only the swelling and unswelling of his throat going on uninterrupted. His extremely large eyes, their irises a complex web of radial tendril tissue under crystalline lenses, were freshly applied with a deep coating of water-clear viscous liquid by the momentary sheathing action of a set of transparent membranes. It was clear that these eyes were fixed upon a graphic on-screen. He swiveled from the panel in a twist through the midsection, crystal-orb eyes rolling into line-of-sight with the central bridge. His movements were liquid smooth but began and ended all at once, never easing in or out of the motion, with only a wobble of the flesh on his bones in follow-through. The jelly physics of his anatomy were a wonder to observe. He spoke to call upon his acting captain’s attention. The sound held some of the quality of a high-pitched young voice, that of a child, but also of birdsong and the bubbling of air through water, a liquid warble. Clearly, it was some form of language, and one which acting captain Vasaris understood no less.
‘Yes, helmsman Nuri?’ the woman whose skin, hair, horns, and eyes were all the color of milky taro tea, each a different level of milk content, answered the helmsman’s request to be heard.
The swamp-dweller sang again. At this, Vasaris set out of the captain’s seat and hurried to the helm in a long-legged stride. She stood behind helmsman Nuri, propped over him with an outstretched arm braced against the upper edge of the panel. The child-sized alien creature slid his hands uncoordinatedly over the glass a little in illustration of the sensor alert he’d wanted to show.
Rate my short prose
Interpretations are welcome although I'd say it's pretty obvious what it's about

Formulaic postdigital touchscreen punchline
Tits, friends, tits, cats
Tits, friends, tits, night time
There's a lot you need to share, you're on the phone
You might as well proudly say you're alone
There's a lot you need to share, you're on the phone
You might say proudly "Hold the line" but you're alone
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Any one else invoke your writing muse?
Both the post you are referring to and the one you are replying to were me.
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What are the best flaws to give a fantasy protagonist?
autistic robot who has aphantasia and lacks internal dialogue
So basically Ryan Gosling in Driver?
Ideally they would be qualities that tend to get people into interesting situations, like Redmond Barry's ambition and pragmatic morals and pathological need to take the biggest risk, or paranoia that makes them irrationally abandon prepared and conventional solutions to their problems in favour of daring and original ones.
Don Quixote is very flawed but in a fun way that makes him fascinating.
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me abandoning my unfinished novella after having a great idea for a new novella
takes place in the 20s on a boat transporting animals from africa to america for a new zoo
I'm doing the same thing. I don't even have to try because i am a pretentious asshole pseud. my work consists of making him somewhat likeable and tolerable for the reader
This is a question you're better off asking ChatGPT given how vague and broad it is.
Im addicted to fat ltbs
Just a quick one, I am ESL, I have been reading something and came across the like "he killed themselves".
Is this correct? The work I am reading is not really progressive in any way so I got really confused, is that correct usage or just some recent thing?
It would have to be "they killed themselves," as "they" can also be singular.
No, it was clearly a man who killed himself. That's why I am confused, is "he killed themselves" a more preferable usage than "he killed himself" in English language?
even if it's technically grammatically correct (which I don't think it is) then it should be considered practically wrong. feel grating to read and I think anyone would agree
>"he killed themselves" a more preferable usage than "he killed himself"
no. you would use "he killed himself" in pretty much all cases. the first 'he' acts as the antecedent which establishes the subject with a definite pronoun. to then have the follow consequent be an indefinite pronoun feels completely fucked. logical consistency on these points is important. without it, a message quickly becomes impossible to parse
>he killed themselves
Always wrong

Though, interestingly, maybe if this is an alien species or someone with split personalities, where "he" kills the entire collective, it could become
>he killed themselves
That's just a silly scenario, though

I'm assuming you were just reading a bad translation or otherwise from some unreliable source (or are misremembering). Because it's blatantly bad english, like, something a 3rd grader would immediately notice is wrong
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"Self-published" my first ever writing:
But you'll probably have to download Ruffle or FlashPlayer to run it locally on your computer because the browser version (at least the one I have) of Ruffle has chewed it up beyond legibility :(
Instead of freaking out over its not working as expected in-browser, I just feel relieved to have finally put it out there! I'll want to go back into the code and make it browser-optimized, one day, but for now I can finally just relax a little :)
Posting here in October renewed my confidence enough to stop worrying and just go for it, and I'm glad I did.
Do you guys find that despite trying to go in different direction or try different genres the longer a project goes on the more likely it is for you to return to particular themes and genres even if it doesn't fit?

Like when I try to write bright and heroric action stories it isn't long before I start including more and more horror elements.
Even when I tried to write something comic and funny as a challenge to myself I notced re-reading the first part of it that it was clearly building tension in a way related to horror and suspense instead of building up towards jokes, so I ended up just turning it into another horror story, but where the "comic relief" person ended up being the lone survivor early on and from there slowly went mad due to the way the story went.

What I would really like to write is pulp action-adventure stories and epic fantasy like the stories that inspired me most...but to be a edge lord for a bit. There is a darkness in me and when I write stories it just seems to always find a way to leak out.
Seems functional but not extortionary.
3 out of 5
Middle of the road.

It's about what I would expect from someone who has built up a focus around plot and character crafting instead of a focus on prose it's self.

Can't wait to read it once it's done.
Can you just make it a PDF?
Behavior and dress that violate social norms of the setting but don't actually cause problems could be used as a way to shorthand this vib.
Another thing is totally inappropriate responses to situations. Like laughing at when someone brings up something sad, or having a negative reaction at what someone would typically have a good reaction to. Also having no reaction and just constantly seeming out of it or like their mind is on something else to the point that ordinary school life gets zero reaction from him even when people attempt to interact with him my have a effect similar to what you are going for.

To use another anime example that you probably are aware of.
L from Death Note has a lot of blatantly odd things about him both in behavor and in his visual depiction that make him stand out as being a bit creepy and very odd but not in a threatening way. At least not threatening in the conventional sense.
The kind that get them to actively push the plot or action forward and/or create complications.
What that is depends on the kind of story you are telling and what kind of plot they are dealing with.

To use some retarded throw away examples.

A protag that has the flaw of compulsively flirting with pretty women because it's how he learned to cope with them making them nervous, is a great flaw to have in a story where the vast majority of the antagonistic characters they are against are attractive women, and the main draw of the story is witty banter with a relatively light tone.

Or a protag that has the flaw of always instantly blowing any money they get to the point of debt and desperation means that they will always have motivation to take outrageous jobs no one else would take if it is likely to pay well.
Just one more job and they will finally be rich and debt free. Only for after the job them to blow it all and be looking for the next well paying adventure all over again shortly after.

Basically think about the kind of story you want to tell, then after that think about what kind of character flaw would work to move the story forward.
Is romance as a foundational literature trope dead? What I’m referring to is literary depictions of the feeling of romantic love. Anyone who’s read classic fiction knows what I’m talking about: highly indulgent depictions of longing for a member of the opposite sex. As far as I can tell there is only a shadow of what it used to be — and in Millennial and Gen Z literature (such as it is) it’s essentially disappeared. There’s plenty of depictions of sexual desire but it never goes beyond that. Can anyone think of a counter-example?
No. Romance is still the #1 read genre
>What I’m referring to is literary depictions of the feeling of romantic love
it is still the #1 genre.
most of that is porn thoughbeit
>A protag that has the flaw of compulsively flirting with pretty women because it's how he learned to cope with them making them nervous, is a great flaw to have in a story where the vast majority of the antagonistic characters they are against are attractive women,
That is literaly every modern story these days and also the reason why I stopped reading modern works.
Also a pretty good summary of what not to have in a story. I will be saving your post for future reference.

>and the main draw of the story is witty banter with a relatively light tone.
99% of whatever genre you're reading isn't going to be some thought-provoking masterpiece.
>replies to you with a non-sequitur
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>Can you just make it a PDF?
Here you go, anon:
And just for completionist's sake: Picrel was at the end of the .swf
Thanks anon. Sorry but I don’t think I can read this

Uh oh...
says the man that literally said this
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they rejected my story
aw sweet a schizo writer
This is good advice, thanks.
I gave the protagonist of my children's fantasy story the flaw that she hates candy and readers complained that she seemed to lack a flaw. So, my only advice is not to give your protagonist the flaw that they hate candy.
>you will get bad advice from me in this class
I don't know why this guy gets so much hate, he always makes it clear his material is worthless
How much research do you guys do on a given topic before writing about it? I have a good plot for a novel set during a historical period I know a decent bit about, but not enough to feel confident in just writing off the top of my head. I don't want to spend too much time getting sucked into research instead of actually writing though.
I don't know about historical fiction, but I try to leave research issues for the second draught unless it's some major, highly consequential event that would be completely changed.

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