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Previous Thread: >>22685840

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

Seriously, what happened to Tokkyu Liner?
Might be used by Daybreak
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need more gavv leaks
The character helped sell the suit
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>i should force feed this bug
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Went into Boonboomger for ToQger 10th anniversary.
I can’t wait for Reiwa Decade having to use all these forms back to back against Legend.
All right, you pricks. What do you want, erase Revice altogether, or rewrite the whole show from scratch?
Can someone tell me why does 5chan have 50 hate threads about Gaim?
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Revice? What's that?
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Burn it to the ground it is.
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The /toy/ thread is dead so i'm posting here.

Is $145 a good deal for this set. It's one of those retarded china only releases.
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>The /toy/ thread is dead so i'm posting here
The absurdly aggressive retarded faggots killed it. Constantly derailing everything and sperging over nothing
That and REFUSAL to even talk about if something is gonna release/go up for pre order, let alone linking shit

As for the Driver set I think $140 shipped is good
Given Driver is around $60+ still and Bujin is hitting $80+ it's above the same range
The way you're saying it makes it sound like (Toku) /toy/ is /krg/ but potentially worse than the latter.

why did kabuto have this batshit cooking arc, was the show getting too scary for kids
I link the goddamn twitter announcement posts what more do YOU need, you sperg. How much more spoon feeding do you require?
way to prove his point
Shouichi looks so old there.
Some of the early Heisei Riders have those "bizzare" 2-parter in the 30s episodes of the show.
Ryuki has the Kitaoka's marriage, Blade has the Hajime's look alike, and Kabuto has that.
Even then, Kabuto has many comedies, it's like the proto Den-O.
All the episodes you mentioned were written by Inoue.
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Lmao even
Is this why those bizzare episode thing didn't happen to Agito, Faiz, Hibiki (2nd half)?
Fun fact, a lot of those cooking episodes in Kabuto were NOT Inoue, main writer just wrote Inoue better than Inoue
However, in defense of Inoue, the Kitaoka marriage episodes are really fucking funny.
The Dark Kitchen episode was, however.
Inoue wasn't Kabuto's main writer but Tendou was based of Inoue in some way, like the cooking part.
god i loved the cooking arc
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Man Zero-One never really recovers from Gai's introduction, a pity. The first Metsuboujinrai arc was great
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>You want to do WHAT with these idols, Nijigon?
>Hotaro please! I have to stick my gon in them, gon! Their ovaries are drying up, gon!
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is dread forever gone?
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Saved for the final battle with Atropos
The suit will be bastardized and mass produced, like Demon's was
It's interesting that Inoue himself was the one who clearly wanted Tendou to have an equal given he tried twice before both characters he hyped up became useless
It'll be back if they want to do a 3rd production run of the driver
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No, there's mass produced Dreads in the movie.
>From color
>Outsider ep 6 Ziin joins the war and uses the laser sublimation driver
>The color and model of the Vision driver have been changed.
>The colors are black, white and blue. The casing has been newly regulated.
>The LED matrix style is not yet known.
Why does 5chan hates Gaim?
>Gavv secondary rider helmet sketch
>The letter "chocolate" on the helmet is part of the design
I like the chocolate squares on the sides.
The the chocolate wrapper label surrounding the jewel is amusing.
That looks way better than Gavv himself desu.
>more Takahashiwank
Yawn. When are Asakura and Desast coming back?
Proof that PLEX can make any fucking motif works
god this suit looks like hot garbage
She looks pretty cool
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The Gavv one needs updating.
Is Outsiders worth watching at all? I've seen pics of the new forms/riders and thought they looked interesting
It really has "chocolate" written on top? That's a bit silly but I'm a fan otherwise
Well since his stuff is regular release, pretty sure that’s a he
It's kind of all over the place. It's nice if one of the returning actors is your favorite, I guess. Though unless your favorite is Kuroto, none of them get that much focus.
Now to wait for the colors and motif on Gavv's Rider 3.
>Kamen Rider Beetus
>Transforms using the Dia Brace
>So far confirm by color on Gavv secondary rider
>The letter in english "chocolate" on the helmet is part of the design
>White compound eyes
Will Gavv finally break the female in the main trio curse?
That's an obvious no and you know it.
I hope Gavv won't be the same story beats for the nth time in a row
With the candy motif expect the tertiary to be extra girly this time around. Like, worse than Neon.
Hint from Lemon Guy
I pray we don't get a trio at all. Let's go back to the good old days of two Riders and no more. Any other Riders would either be villains who remain villains or movie-exclusive.
For chocolate rider (?)
Michelin Man for some reason
>This year's prop packaging will be very interesting
>I think it would be interesting to use the voice of the monster to sing the sound effects of the legendary knight
>The belt is almost the same, probably useless
Was Gotchard not different enough for you?
I'm guessing the toys will be sold as the snacks themselves in fake brand boxing like Bandai Namco's own snacks like Karapakki and Tsurigummi?
>That and REFUSAL to even talk about if something is gonna release/go up for pre order, let alone linking shit

That's all they fucking do anymore. The real problem is that everyone refuses to talk about anything after its up for pre-order or released. Nobody even shows off their latest purchases anymore. It's just consume pre-order, then get ready for next pre-order
Browsing on the replies and here's what I got

Henshin device chocolate gun

The linkage/gimmick item for chocolate rider seems to be inserted sideways (?)
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Just wanna posted this because it's interesting and seems doesn't get posted here. Lemon or someone else seems to be posted Gavv's upgrade item back in april.
>Gavv's getting cake upgrade
>Dunno for who but there's popsicles ice cream item enhancement and lollipop robot.
Tachibana san.
The popsicle upgrade MIGHT be for the chocodude since they tend to pair Primary & Secondary Q1 upgrades together, or it's a power-up form change duo with Cake for Gavv.
The cake and popsicle powerups plus the lollipop mech have been known about for a while.
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Wasn't there like a potato chip themed idol girl or am I misremembering? If it's the former. perhaps that's the third Rider and heroine.
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Neither Color nor Ivi/Lemon have said anything about the rest of the snacks
For some reason they are keeping it quiet
Likewise, the thing about the ice cream, cake, lollipop robot has been a very early rumor and although they have clearly seen it, they don't say a word.
I will wait for them to confirm it
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The first riddle with the idols
It seems that in the end he gave up and gave the "answer"
I think it's a joke that gets lost in translation or an deep reference of the show. It seems like Ivi is a fan.
The answer itself I suppose is like a sound from the driver
>Geats keep printing money a year later
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Thinking about it now it could also be a reference to the idols chapter of now
I mean both would've commented on it if they were false
I guess but it's also like "do they have to come out and deny every time someone invents something?" I mean, Color denied the belt made with AI, but does it have to be done every time someone generates a new one?
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Oh so that's why he use Poppin Party clue
Oh yeah the replies mention the name Richard, the guy on weibo. So I think it's unconfirmed for now.
Shut the fuck up already, geatshill.
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>Gotchard Glossary
>Kamen Rider Dread
>A jet-black Kamen Rider who forces experimental subjects to transform with the malignant power of the <DreaDriver>.
>The transformer's body is taken over, and it loses its will and goes berserk.
>...However, there is also a rumor that there is a completely independent type without a transformer.
Why'd you just repost the pic?
So what do these girls do when they're not doing this?
>newfag outs self
What are the odds the eye lids open after he transforms?
used as spare parts for yet another Den-O returns form
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With those faces, probably cooking dinner
>Let's go back to the good old days of two Riders and no more.
What "good old days", retard? The only shows that had solely Riders and no more in just the show itself were Kuuga, Den-O, Double, and Fourze which is just 4 out of 25 shows from Heisei to Reiwa. Even OOO has Birth Prototype as a third Rider. Trios have been the norm more than just two Riders unless you're a newfag.
Let me guess, this upgrade form resembles Geats IX flipped backwards
Jesus christ, get off /m/ once in a while you passive aggressive child. No wonder these threads suck.
Rewrite the show. Even if I'm one of the people who unironically would rage at the mere sight of anything Revice-related nowadays there's still some aspect of Revice that was decent to me.
Who are you talking to? Why get pissy over speculation of Ziin's new form?
I'd be fine with three Riders but I don't want more than three. If there has to be other DX transforming toys, make it shit like Rivals a la Mashin Chaser and Blood Stalk. Just a higher tier of kaijin who have their own transformation. Would be much more interesting,
The rumors said it's Gavv, the chocolate rider and a tertiery we don't know the snack of yet.
I'll take multi-rider again if it results in a more engaging story.
When was the last time multi-rider having engaging story
King Ohger
I mean, you already just got Gotchard's q1 with a single Rider and his non-Rider rival.

In the end Gotchard also has mostly stuck with a single trio of Riders too, with any extras being temporary. It should be clear now that just reducing the number of Riders won't "fix" things.
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>rewrite the whole show from scratch?
Revice had alot of potential. Kinoshita just fucked it bad. Like the whole thing about inner devils and them playing a role is inherently interesting. Vice just became a domesticated puppy too soon, Daiji had nothing to do after Wallflower died, Sakura was Kinoshita's favourite. Had this actually been built up into a Family Rider War with Daiji (Fenix) vs Sakura (Weekend) and Ikki in the middle trying desperately to keep his family together, the show would've been inherently more interesting. Also Weekend shouldn't have been the defacto good guys and an Anti-Vax message.
>their powers are actually made by the main villain
yeah they're Kamen Riders
Using the powers (alcohol) of the main villain of my life (alcoholic father) to fight against his evil forces (his drinking buddies)
>Kamen Rider Alco
Agreed, inner demons and family could've easily been a home run and the fact Revice just drops the ball so hard sucks
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Atropos-chan Birthday!
>2 days late
>already posted in the other thread
End me Atropos.
>Rainbow missing a ton of his red/orange striping, especially around the orb on the chest
>Laser Boost missing a ton of detail, especially the gold on his chin and a lot of red from the Boost parts
>Ziin has no purple whatsoever
I know these are just little 500 yen figurines, but I swear they look worse with each new wave.
Kamen Rider G if he gets a full season.
Gotcha! 101 Chemy song
Remember when people thought they can't afford his actor that long because his actor was a famous child actor, to the point making a story where Ziin left his Raiser to Ace?

Now he seem to keep reappearing.
he has made sparse appearances though?
He's a big rider fan. He appeared in 2 different rider show even before Geats.
Is his one-off scene on OOO even count tho, that was not longer than the usual extras.
Revice could have been one of the best rider shows. That’s why we give it so much grief.
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holding hands too lewd
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Nijigon #1
and the super best toys also doing pretty good
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horn holding > hand holding
Great more tiny face masks on a helmet
He's great, I just wish Kabuto's plot was less slapdash
>passive aggressive child
Says the crybaby that doesn't havethe balls to reply to the post that calls out your retardation
He says this while holding a bowl of tofu.
Kabuto was always a silly show.
>KPop style
So theyve stooped low
if we're posting tendou clips, this ones essential for any newfags
go listen to live devil and trust last, dumbfuck
looks like he's holding back a giggle
he has to be, because it's one of the funniest things ever
Weird questions, but does anyone else think the cast of Gotchard is smaller than recent Kamen riders?
i mean it really is, i know we had the whole legend arc and wind seems to be coming back, but FOR THE MOST PART, the entire show has just been:

and then side characters are really just the sisters and whoever their boss is at the time, like two or three alchemy association people, and then renge, sabi, and kajiki
Honestly I'm fine with that, stuff like Saber, Revice and Geats went overload on side characters and extra riders.

At least I can recognize a lot of these characters instead of just waiting to see them transform
Japan loves K-Pop for the last few years.
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I am really satisfied with the amount of bike action in Blade so far. Having a monster biker is always fun. Also what kind of budget did Blade had? There are a lot more varied locations than previous shows like Agito for example
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Blade is such a good show. The first part might have a lot of issues, people can call it bad and I wouldn't argue with them, but if anybody said those bad episodes weren't ENTERTAINING, I'd call them crazy.
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Those early episodes were very entertaining
Wind hardly even exists and Dread might as well just be a fancy kaijin with how unimpactful it is. It really is just the main trio and Legend whenever he pops up.
So… how will form changes work? Don’t feel like there’s something like Arms Change effect going here after looking at their faces.
Doesn't look like there's much competition
A bunch of Beyblades and Tomica toy cars
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>and an Anti-Vax message.
didn't Japan get a bunch of shipments of the jab that accidentally had mercury in them? I could understand being paranoid at that point
Dogshit toy and character
Even if this were true (it isn't) that isn't a high bar anyway
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Vice being domesticated could have worked if the show used it as an "anyone could change into a better person" thing for the other morally grey characters but instead the show pretended he was always like that.
I don't get why Mochizuki thought this rando should be trusted with a pitch he clearly didn't care about. There's tons of executive choices I dislike but none of them baffle me in the way giving the 50th anniversary keys to a guy who had never written a TV episode before does.
Why does anyone care about Anti-Vaxxs and view it as a bad thing?
>I don't get why Mochizuki thought this rando should be trusted with a pitch he clearly didn't care about
Because he was a fan of his.
Because it was just shoved in for no reason, and then ignored as a plot point immediately after

So not only was it pointlessly controversial, but also uninteresting
I want to lick Yuna's legs
Shit, will we finally get a real scene between these two tomorrow?
I-i did and only one guy responded. Which is nice since atleast it shows one guy still hangs around.
Blade is fantastic.
The gothic/punk aesthetic is underrated, even though it makes Blade's Riders look really niche/unusual compared to other Riders, whose styles match a little better.
I love the details like the boot spurs and the "piercings" or studs in the shape of each suit.
The irony between both Valvarads is that Spanner is the one who trusts the least Lachesis or homunculi. This is obviously due to the incident 10 years ago, in which he lost his parents. But Lachesis has been slowly earning the trust of the hero side, so now even Spanner will accept and support her.
Lachespanner bros, it's time
It's time for Nijigon to "find himself" or whatever
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It's idol time.
Where could that silly philosopher's stone be...
> Mochizuki thought this rando should be trusted with a pitch he clearly didn't care about
Because we clearly need new blood in this franchise. Takahashi wrote 2 riders in less than 5 years and worst of all the man that consistently made well written and popular series just left.
Of course the gay villain's golems are big muscle dudes
>Sakura was Kinoshita's favourite.
This complaint is so weird. Revice is one of the few shows were the entire main cast gets some sort of focus and development.
all of Sakura's shit outside of discovering Weekend had 0 effect on the overall plot
That Clotho beatdown is intense
She can take it
>Lachesis clutching at Spanner fot safety

It's happening
Lol Valvarad receives all the hint of a powerup
Nijigon's becoming an idolfag
Winspecter/Solbrain MC cameos!
Lol that helmet removal scene…

Nice touch
>Chemies are gonna be wagies
The memory wipe is not a good thing.
They should stop doing it.
>Chemies getting their own Pokerap style song in the style of EDM idol pop
Can't say I expected this.
This is peak toku
Yeah I dunno how they're gonna strive for a world where Chemies and humans live in harmony when they keep fucking erasing memories of their encounters
Every toku director's favorite side gig is recording fake idol concerts
And the idol group got back together yay :)
Always love a group transformation in front of a firewall
More Gotchard Brothers
>retail transformation sword
>retail kamen rider transformation device piggybacked with MC
>second(most likely) to get final form
Who is Gotchard's secondary rider again?
Glion-sama redemption soon!
Yes, functionally Valvarad is the second rider
We've known this since the beginning
Oh, it was Geryon this whole time. With new red eyes and everything.
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Daybreak gets upgraded too
The one on the train with Gotchard and Daybreak.
P-Bandai Gotchard Daybreak driver soon.
Daybreak new form, cool
>shows up and bodies Gigist
>acts all fruity makes a couple bara muscle golems
>gets his shit kicked in the next episode
What was the point of this dude
Future Daybreak video.
>gotchard has a lower budget than gea-
To chew the scenery and be hammy
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How was the episode?
>sun motif to honor his Rinne's memory
>Boondorio is a Chemy
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Bigger image.
Good, again.
This shit was without a doubt, the worst episode in the history of Reiwa. WHAT a SHITSHOW
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100% happening
Anyone got a clear screenshot of Geryon rider form
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Even the movie villain Rider has more budget put into it than X Geats.
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It's the big one from the storybook
>fateful partner, Spanner
Hasegawa, I kneel…
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That bug is hot.
Does he use a different driver, or is that Dread terminal and his troops are just things he can summon?
and retards here said that Keiwa was more cucked than her
"new" driver
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Non-text version.
Looks nothing like the mockup.
The final boss reveals itself
>Can only get Hopper101 card by going to the theater
Welcome back

You can see the rubiks cube on it
He is, upgrades don't matter if the writer keeps cucking him at every point in the story.
>Hellraiser Hopper chest
I guess that's all the Zero-One suits that aren't the mains. RIP
blind retard
Huh, I guess this is Gotchards repaint of a p bandai driver time. Also for someone who's thing is how he loves gold, there's a lot of red going on that suit
Why are you so blind every time, is it bait?
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More chemies
is this from the preview for the next episode or for the movie?
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I think it's unique card art. There is the EX:02 card packs that will include GigantLiner in the mix. But whatever Daybreak's power-up is, it will pop up in this final card pack.
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Anyone reuploading this? I don’t have access to it here
>making whole new chemy for malgam
Will there be new cards, or are they just fodder?
just wait till it the 23rd in your timezone
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It's XFortress and Mechanichani
It’s the 23rd here, the problem is that it’s region locked
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That’s a turtle
Fucking hell. I hope Gavv continues to have that many motw
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beautiful figure
Form is called Shining Daybreak
Either the "mass produced Rider" leak was real or the leaker simply got lucky.
Just for you, anon.
I hope so too anon. Hope they handle it a bit better though
Not with that cape, and that's ignoring the fact the form itself is one of the shittiest attempts at a repaint in years next to xross saber
Much appreciated
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Metal Cluster Hopper1
Wait the shit, these Chemy makers are lunatics! They are creating new Chemies entirely out of malice, not possessing any form of good personalities!
He isn't, you guys are just coomer retards
Chemies are really weapons of war...
Man, wish Germain didn't die that early.
The Turtle looks cool.
Yeah, just like the originals.
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And the "sword" is likely selling well among boys and girls because it's linked to Spanner and Lachesis. It's now an unisex toy.
He's quite goofy
The armor is just repainted from Grease Perfect Kingdom
What does that have to do with what he's saying, you stupid coomer?
Daybreak is beautiful
Is this your first recolor?
I don't like Geryon coming back but otherwise I had a lot of fun.
I mean they can revive him. Just like they did Gigist
So is Geryon just gonna be in the movie or also in the series? Because the little Abyssal Sister's entire story revolves around him and it'd be weird to not have that resolved in the show itself.
I prefer Atropos or Geryon as the final bosses than generic kaijin.
The 101 are made of equal parts malice, equal parts kindness. These things are monsters in comparison.
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where the fuck do you live. America is blocked because it the 22nd over there
How dare you insult Gigist that way
could the Geyon in the movie be from the future timeline Gotchard Daybreak is from; obtaining power without the Dark Kings consumed him like the tv series after Platina Gotchard debuted?
Episode 42 preview.
According to the synopsis, Geryon created this two.
>9th evil KR final boss in a row
kill yourself
>Gigist is THE Dark King
>wait haha there are three Dark Kings actually
>also the Dark Kings created Geryon
>no wait actually Geryon created the Dark Kings

Why does Gotchard keep flip-flopping so much
It's not like they haven't done that before but at least for now he's staying in the show
He resurrected after defeat, the problem is that Geryon took over his body.
I'm so glad HIM is returning
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>no wait actually Geryon created the Dark Kings
I meant Geryon made the two new chemies >>22692929
The Geryon in the movie has his old outfit instead of the new one he gained this week.
Bets on that last card being a Gavv card?
nah, Gavv card will be a campaign come with the driver to boost sale
It's obvious, he'll probably cameo in the movie as well but Toei is literally telling you it is with the purple silhouette
9 eps left and no sign of power up for Majade and Valvarad...
Supana is currently going through an arc involving his black flames.
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Ah yes the GigantLiner gang
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>9th in a row
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The Virgin Another
The Gigachad Demon King
Ohma wasn't the final boss of Zi-O.
Even if you want to count him as a kaijin, it's specifically one based on a rider
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He was.
Evolt's final form wasn't a Rider though.
I'm once again reminded on how shit Zi-O. There's a lot of small bits of kino in a mountain of pure shit
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Still not a Rider, and even in the show right before this we had pic related.
That's just an evolved form of a Rider. He's still wearing the belt
>Still not a Rider
Not a usual kaijin either, one specifically based on a kamen rider. And while I usually support Evolt counting as kaijin, the pic you just posted has him with a belt.
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Please join my ritual to summon Shogo Muto as the main writer for Gavv
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I'd honestly rather him finish the Build novel, but seeing as Evolt is in Outsiders, I don't think it matters anymore. I'd rather get Urobuchi.
Probably Minato-sensei
Lines up with the second run of Dread Drivers getting shipped out soon
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>>wait haha there are three Dark Kings actually
Possibly foreshadowed long before Gigist even came into the show.
He'll have a Takahashi-tier decline in writing quality, he was already running on fumes during Build's second half.
Love to see him come back but it's probably not likely.
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But Anon, a Muto already worked on Gotchard
Yo this card is great. How do you get it?? Is it a free pack they're giving out like the sentai cards pack and the pack with star gotchard and geats killer?
>I'd rather get Urobuchi.
Yeah, I'm basically in the mood for Gaim with unhealthy food.
lurk the thread
Urobuchi's never coming back.
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She's in position
I don't blame him, working on a year long show that has to follow a toyline seems stressful. A shame, Gaim was one of the best shows to watch week to week.
What about Kaori Kaneko?
>kobayashi won't be out of jojo jail until the end of the decade

i miss her
Kobayashi really seems more retired these days. She barely has any anime work, while previously she had tons of stuff even while Jojo was airing.
If you give me cool pants like those, I'm in.
Urobuchi is at a point where unless they give him full creative freedom he's just not going to bother and I think he's completely in the right. He's also busy with personal projects for the next 2-3 years at least.

Either way, I think they should try to get somebody decent from Sentai. I mildly enjoy Ultra, but these Ultra writers they're borrowing can't fucking write for shit.
>Greyon is actually the TRUE big bad
>Dark Kings are dindu nuttin
Yeah there's not too much creative to be had in a children's toy commercial.
Why was Another Decade so thicc?
Yeah and he has Jin Haganeya write side stuff and additional material which were often not very good in my opinion. Mainly the soccer movie comes to mind.
He's dead. Legend will be forever uncontested.
It was the Ouja suit actor.
>Gaim becomes like a foot taller when he transforms
>Ouja gains 50 lbs
>Drive becomes a little shorter

Rider systems, man.
Clotho and Atropos... White veil(?)
Kuuga's butt gets really thicc
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>a little shorter
It's not that Takaiwa is short, Takeuchi is just that tall.
Already posted >>22692935
This makes me think. Which Riders are legitimately best at selling you on the idea that the face actor and suit actor are one and the same? Like which sets of actors were the most in sync?
There's M rare and V Rare cards in Phase:EX02 so maybe these new chemy are related to that
Den-O and Ryutaro.
Den-O, W
Den-O, W, Faiz.
One thing that bothers me about some Riders is how they only have certain tics when they transform. Like Kusaka never once adjusts his collar out of suit. That's just something he only ever does when transformed.
To be fair, that armor gotta pretty restrictive if you spend most of your day to day in normal, breathable clothes.
Wizard and Saber.
How to fix Revice:
>turn Vice into a more antagonistic Momo combined with Ankh
>Instead of going full buddy cop at start, Vice is more like an "oh shit" button when Ikki is about to get clapped,
>have Vice be the reason Ikki is so upbeat, having absorbed all of Ikki's negative emotions
>Jack revice is the first real power up caused when Ikki is about to die, eventually they growth respect one another and Vice becomes a reluctant Ally and gets his own rider form
>keep the OG sibling war idea
>cut the half assed yuri subplot
>cut Hikaru
>have Julio join the family first after Aguilera and Ortega betray him, with Hiromi training hin to be Over Demons Ala Oren and Jonouichi
>Maybe have Vail join up with Akashi as the final villains
>Keep Giff as a mysterious source of power that each sibling has a different way of wanting to deal with (Ikki, having seen Vice, wants to try and cooperate. Sakura and Weekend want to destroy it, and Daiji and Fenix want to control Giff like it's not a living creature. )

Just my two coppers.
What about Faiz's wrist flick and Decade's hand dusting?
Nah Kusaka is just a faggot
got no time to jackup
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>Decade's hand dusting
Masahiro Inoue did it that one time randomly.
Just reintegrate Juuga in the MIDDLE of the show rather than put it really late, only using data from Barid Rex and Volcano to integrate the ten animals better. This should coincide with his father's return, manipulating George like a puppet on strings and blindly following orders. Hiromi's return would put a stop at his father's ideas, and the subplot of Ikki's lost memories would be revealed to be Giff eating them away long before the Giffard Rex Stamps are made. Giff would use those memories to manipulate the family, but Vice will go on his self-serving rampage so that he can get a shot at making them reconcile. The ending will be the Igarashi family, joined by Destream, Juuga and Demons, taking on Giff, and the two warring organizations will fold, but will cost Vice's life due to his ties with Giff being the heaviest.
For how ineffectual he was in this show, Decade still managed to be kinda cool.
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Same world still as Geats and now Ghost confirmed
How to fix GoSHART:
>Cancel it
we've known that since Saber anon
Geryon's Rider form actually looks really fucking cool. Honestly looks like a better version of Kamen Rider Heart.
How to fix /krg/:
>Hang yourself
Kamen Rider Bravo
Wait until you see Gigist’s version
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>Gigist get his shit kicked in this episode
>Spanner: There is no chance for you to appear!
besides most anons trying to rape Tsumuri, what would a /krg/ DGP look like?
Unseemly. Unsightly.
Everyone competing to wish each others' favourite shows out of existence
Didn't see anyone mention it, but Geryon's Rider form is called Kamen Rider Dorado and Gotchard Daybreak's upgrade is called Kamen Rider Gotchard Shining Daybreak as per the production blog.
Barely anyone cares enough
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That triple rider kick was hype
They’re doing horror now?
The real question is which show would be the last to be wished out of existence.
A fan favourite or something like Skyrider?
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Just finished OOO and fucking loved it, felt genuinely emotional at the end. Easily in my top five so far.
Followed it up with the ten year movie and I'm fucking baffled. I was ready to say it's not that bad in the first half but by the credits I'm stunned that they actually made this. I wish I could go back an hour and leave myself with the first ending.
Keiwa rep will accidentally wish Kuuga or Faiz out of existence
Micchi rep will wish Ryuki or Blade out of existence
Ace rep will wish Revice out of existence
Stop being retarded.
He's saying that Lachesis is closer to being a secondary than Majade is, and he's right.
The OOO 10YA movie is seemingly one of the most agreed upon failures of recent toku. And Kobayashi herself giving it her blessing made it hurt even more.
something about stop making geats merch reeee
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New cards?
Bandai will say when it wants less cards, which'll be never.
I wouldn't be surprised if RideChemy Cards continue on into Gavv as well.
You Lachesisniggers are delusional.
>the last part of the trailer before the Telasa logo
what the fuck
Can't wait to see Kamen Rider Fencer and Kamen Rider Facesitter
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Reiwa Secondaries with new member
ahh yes kamen rider cadburry
You know, with the whole sweets/chocolate theme, do you think we'll get tie-ins from candy/chocolate companies, at least from Japanese ones? Imagine stuff like from meiji, glico, or the like.
Perhaps it’s tics they make in suit because of how it feels when wearing them?
You'd have thought they'd have done the same for Ex-Aid with video game companies, but that didn't happen.
So no.
It's less sweets/chocolate and more snacks overall. One of the powers is chips based.
Ex-Aid actually did, just not in the games themselves but the branding. Pac-Man, Galaxian, Famitsa (managed to wiggle copyright naming), and Xevious I think.
oh shit I forgot the other legend
also to be fair, making a "unique" game is really hard vs. just cooking up a confectionary
oh right, I forgot about the chips
sucks though, japanese chips are kinda bland
Calbee Pizza Potato exists and they're like the best chip ever made
Oh they made something good? Their Honey Butter was atrocious.
But that because Bandai Namco essentially owns the toy rights and guess what else Bandai Namco owns, Namco.
Guess who made Pacman and Taiko no Tatsujin?
Japanese people generally do prefer more subtle flavours in their food but they have a bunch readily available tasty stuff too. Maybe imports are playing it safe where you live?
I know, my point was that it did happen, just not "ex-aid video games" but rather "collectibles with video game brand", which can happen with food since they've been collabing with them for their food merch after all.
we got a bunch of stuff like calbee and the like
it's just that they're kinda bland, I'd rather snack on say, their seaweed crisps or biscuits
Bandai have some of their own toy-like snacks like Karapakki (break the dinosaur fossil out of the chocolate dirt without breaking the dinosaur) and Tsurigummi (pull the gummy fish out of the package by a fishing line without it snapping.)
I feel it would be pretty easy to put those in the show at some point, like in a HBV or something.
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She died in this world line too.....
Nice Sentai
>Kamen Rider Dorado
He's so gonna got the El at the end of the series
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>He's saying that Lachesis is closer to being a secondary than Majade is, and he's right.
Nah, Lachesis is one of the most developed characters in Gotchard (arguably the most developed) but that doesn't mean she has as much screen time or fights as Rinne or Spanner. I think she may even be skipping the summer movie, because she's likely dead in Daybreak's timeline.
Although I also think that a future v-cinema will likely revolve around Spanner and her.
Those are Phase 4 cards nothing new
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>Taguchi directing next week
Finally another kino episode after a long time
He said he's working on multiple projects. There's a chance he become Gavv main director
>Lachesis is one of the most developed characters in Gotchard
Low chance Taguchi will be main director for Gavv
Magazine scan return in 3 days...
Sure, let's go by one.

Went from "I FUCKING love Chemies" to "I still FUCKING love Chemies!". He's a static MC who has always been the biggest Chemie shiller in the show. Pretty one-dimensional.
A mess of a character due to poor writing and direction. Her only development is that she's become more sociable with Hotaro and Atropos, and that's it.
Went from raging and SEETHING muscle woman to angrier and still SEETHING muscle woman. You can argue her becoming more insane and furious is development, but I would still consider her less developed than Lachesis.
She's just like Hotaro. Barely any development because she's still super loyal and brainwashed by Geryon. She has gone from "I love my daddy!" to "I still love my daddy!". But I think she will likely become good and receive development by the end of the series. She's pretty much a more stubborn and delusional Aguilera.
>Renge and Sabi
I will not even bother with them.
Had like 3 episodes of development, which were fine, but I still think Lachesis has been more developed as a character than him across the entire series. He was only allowed to be a character in Q2, to be honest.
Has only received so far 2 episodes centered around him in Q2 but at least he's also been developed, just like Minato and Lachesis. I think Spanner and Lachesis are the characters who have developed and grown the most across the series. The ones who have changed the most for the better.
>Kyoka and Geryon
They are also static characters. I like Kyoka but she's not what I would argue a "developed character".
>turn heel because muh he use my body once
so convincing
Let not forget she and her sisters almost kill Houtaro and Rinne back in Dread debut and never apologize or acknowledge that
>almost kill Hotaro and Rinne
Ok and how is this a bad thing?
>almost kill Hotaro and Rinne
Ok and how is this a bad thing? x2
How the fuck do you still not get it?
Lachesis has a retail transformation device, and Majade doesn't.
Lachesis is therefore closer to being a secondary than Majade is, and Valvarad is closer still.

The idea that the secondary doesn't have a retail transformation item is patently fucking absurd.
>The idea that the secondary doesn't have a retail transformation item is patently fucking absurd.
Welcome to Reiwa
Women riders > Logic
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I think this anon doesn't know what the word development is. It makes sense to argue that Lachesis and Spanner are the most developed characters in the cast because they legitimately have grown to become better persons, compared to when they first met or their appearances in the first episodes. Remember how they met? Spanner threw Lachesis out of a window and the latter wanted to kill him for revenge. It's objective to say that both have matured and learned good lessons from their interactions with other characters. That's also why I would consider Minato the third most developed character in Gotchard.

Hotaro has always been written as a good guy that loves and cares about Chemies since he was a kid, and he still does. He's not the most developed character in the cast because he doesn't really change much as a person. Even if he's the MC, he's ironically one of the least developed characters in the show because there's not much difference between kid Hotaro from 10 years ago and current Hotaro. He's written to be a little bit static as a character who rarely waves away from his beliefs because he's usually right.

I'm not arguing that Lachesis is closer to being a secondary than Rinne, but that she has been more consistently developed and has grown more as a character than Hotaro and Rinne... Despite having less screen time and fights than them. And same goes for Spanner. He got humbled down a lot and is now a more developed character than Rinne and Hotaro.
I'm not disagreeing with your conclusions about the development of Lachesis, I'm disagreeing with your conclusion that she's less of a secondary than Rinne, because I sincerely believe that a secondary should have retail toys. Rinne feels like a figurehead secondary, and nothing more.
>The idea that the secondary doesn't have a retail transformation item is patently fucking absurd.
cont. By the way, I don't disagree with this. Just saying that Lachesis is more developed than the secondary and primary Riders. But you are right, Legend, Spanner, and Lachesis having retail transformation devices but not Rinne is absurd.
Dorado is good. I was afraid he would named himself Kamen Rider Gold.
Rinne is hunting down Atropos to kill her for the betrayal
There's still time for Meikoku Rinne
We’re going back to retail Secondary stuff this year since Choco is a guy again.
I have the feeling that Gigist is somehow going to turn good or at least neutral. They've been way too sympathetic to him when showing him getting bullied by Germain, and now he's reaching out to Spanner, and his "thing" is even empathy which is generally a positive trait.
He will inevitably die to fuel Geryon’s power up.
So is this going to be Daybreak's Nijigon upgrade?
I doubt he still has his egg.
Fucking Gigist is the final boss, he’s gonna use the Driver that Geryon uses in the movie
>Went from "I FUCKING love Chemies" to "I still FUCKING love Chemies!". He's a static MC who has always been the biggest Chemie shiller in the show. Pretty one-dimensional
His worthiness as a Rider and hero has been challenged multiple times to the point he even doubted himself in the Daybreak arc, and he HAS witnessed how Chemys have helped people out several times in order to justify his ideology surrounding them, so there's that.

>Her only development is that she's become more sociable with Hotaro and Atropos, and that's it
Rinne solved her daddy issues over Fuga's betrayal and "death", and gradually got over the idea that she was just burden for others due to being actively targeted by the villains (specifically Atropos).

>Barely any development because she's still super loyal and brainwashed by Geryon. She has gone from "I love my daddy!" to "I still love my daddy!".
Atropos' love for Geryon has actually helped develop her character. Contrary to what you claim she started out as, she actually despised the notion that she was human-like in any way, but her evolving relationship with Rinne, Geryon's displays of "care and affection" towards her as well as his "death" led to her eventually admitting that she loves what she considers to be her father and motivated her to seek revenge for him. She might even feel empathy for Geryon now, having learned that he's doll just like her and her sisters.

She hasn't switched sides, but her development has fleshed out her antagonism in a way that's arguably deeper than Lachesis' face turn.
I actually think Lachesis is the least interesting of the sisters, her turn was abrupt (it'd have been more interesting if it had been a series of incidents of abuse instead of being possessed one time) and her character hasn't done much since turning. On the other hand there is something tragic about Clotho wanting her family together but not knowing how to do that positively and spiraling into insanity over it, and Atropos discovering daughterly attachment after Geryon's first defeat.
is daybreak coming back
>But you are right, Legend, Spanner, and Lachesis having but not Rinne is absurd
Lachesis only has a retail transformation device because it's a hand-me-down she received from a male character late into the show. She's not the face in the packaging (probably wasn't even initially planned to use it) and she has only transformed twice so far.

Majade by comparison is the main face of the AlchemisDriver Unit, making it a "female item" and thus P-Bandai material as per Bandai's usual marketing decisions.
people only care about lachesis because they want to fuck alisa
Only in the movie most likely.
Who’s getting the V-cinema?
I figured he'd still have it since it was Geryon destroying his world and not the Abyssal Kings.
Maybe Geryon destroyed it by getting the philosopher's stone?
If Alternative Geryon managed to open the Door of Darkness, I imagine he would know about the Abyssal Kings, the Philosopher Stone, and where the last piece was.
Gigist is trying to manipulate Supana to use him as a tool in order to ascend to the True Throne. He's probably going to be killed by Valvarad during GT's debut while Geryon absorbs his portion of the Philosopher's Stone.

At most I see them giving him a sympathetic backstory, but that's it.
Most likely Valvarad.
That's not true, I want to fuck Reiyo Matsumoto too but I still don't care about Rinne
>her turn was abrupt (it'd have been more interesting if it had been a series of incidents of abuse instead of being possessed one time)
She didn't turn immediately, she witnessed firsthand how Geryon manipulated her sisters and treated them as mere dolls over the course of several episodes before she made her decision to leave his side.

I agree that Atropos is the more interesting character though.
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It’s weird watching the endgame of a show and knowing things could have been a lot worse and that the heroes are doing really well right now.
Erase it.
Am I retarded for only just realizing that Blade and Garren's faceplates are shaped like a spade and diamond?
Depends on how long you’ve been watching Rider.
Goofy as hell with us fat bastards trying trying to kill a single Jyamato, and failing miserably.
Only two years but I've watched Blade 1 1/2 times
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Sex with Spanner
Calm down Lachesis
All I want is a rider belt voiced by Rica Matsumoto
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No sub yet but Gigist reveals to Spanner that since the three Abyssalis Kings are actually one, once Germain is defeated, his power will return to Gigist. Probably the same with Gaelijah.

So he’s planning to absorb the others’ powers so he can become the only and strongest King.
>Kamen Rider GGG
That's for Geats, Gotchard, Gavv crossover.
What am I not seeing
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Weather Hearts on the left and Harp+y4 on the right
I also think that either the Valvarad duo or the 3 sisters.
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Decade, Zi-O, Legend and Hundred can all suck my ass.
>or the 3 sisters
Not a single V-Cinema has been female-led.
I never realized how even Lachesis has a retail toy but not Majade. I don't agree that this means she outranks Rinne but it does show how badly handled Majade and the Alchemis Driver were.

In theory, according to the narrative and scripts, she is the secondary, but when even Legend and Lachesis have retail henshin toys, you know something went wrong.
They’ll all end up as a Chemy for Geryon to use in his new driver.
>I never realized how even Lachesis has a retail toy but not Majade
Because it's a fucking hand-me-down that probably wasn't even meant to be her toy.

>it does show how badly handled Majade and the Alchemis Driver were
It wasn't handled badly, Bandai prefers to not have the girl toys of their boys' franchise be retail for obvious reasons.
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>want to fuck Reiyo Matsumoto too but I still don't care about Rinne
Eh, I would wait some years for her to be legal before typing that, but yeah, she's a cutie. At this point, most agree she was miscasted and that Rinne sucking isn't mostly her fault. She probably would have performed better as a dark sister, Beroba, or a genki girl instead of whatever the hell Rinne is supposed to be.
Hasn’t Repli-Valvarad only appeared once?
>she's a cutie.
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Thanks Ei

Episode thread
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Whatever happened to doing anything in the show about Ichinose's dad? Why was his face covered up in the portrait? Or is it going to be in the movie? Seems like that mystery box went nowhere.
> It wasn't handled badly
It is. All of her toys are not only P-Bandai but she has to share her belt with a male rider.
They have 0 faith that her toys will sell well
You should watch more kids' anime.
>They have 0 faith that her toys will sell well
Yes, that's why they handled it smartly by making them P-Bandai.
This show mostly ignores major plot points (outside of an allusion or two) until quickly bringing them up and solving it in a single episode or two parter. We're likely getting an episode for Spanner's black flames, one for something major involving Rinne, and then we're going to find out the truth about Hotaro's father or something

My money is on Fuga, with him mindwiping himself to protect Ma Ichinose
Daybreak is Hotaro's father

He went back in time and fucked his own mom to guarantee his birth

It will be revealed in the movie
The Black Flame storyline is still going on
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Houtaro's dad has never been a major plot point, they have never linked him to the main plot.

>My money is on Fuga, with him mindwiping himself to protect Ma Ichinose
That's fucking retarded because Houtaro (who has photos and drawings of his dad at home) has met Fuga both as a child and as a teenager and never recognized him as his dad.
Since TMNT: Shredder's Revenge started a retro beat em up fad, you think KR will eventually get one?
>Houtaro's dad has never been a major plot point, they have never linked him to the main plot.
Not major, but they did establish he was an alchemist that Houtarou looked up to as a kid when he would frequent the ouroboros realm (With the goggles belonging to him). Houtarou's memories of that were wiped though, so you would think that is a plotline that would end up being important.
yeah what the fuck happened to the whole dad thing
>they did establish he was an alchemist that Houtarou looked up to
Literal headcanon, all we know is that he's an adventurer.
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Gotchard 41 now on the Reiwa Rider Drive(r) thanks to Ei for the subs.
Literally not hard to connect the dots, sorry you barely understand a children's show I guess.
Honestly the bigger mystery is how Hotaro ended up in the Ouroboros realm in the first place
We still don't know how Hotaro ended up at the Ouroboros realm as a kid, right?
Nope. I thought Nijigon would have had something to do with that but he says he was in the Driver the whole time. Unless he's remembering wrong.
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All I'm telling you is to not get mad if a show doesn't follow the headcanons and theories you're mistaking for actual plot points.

If you've watched other Japanese childrens' shows with absent dads such as Pokemon or Keroro you'd know that sometimes the dad and his abscence are not really building up to anything other than maybe a family reunion at the end.
My favorite Kamen Rider is Hibiki.
I mean we still have time to answer this question.
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>Valvarads V-cinema
After the latest episode, this doesn't sound far-fetched.
I'm concerned that Clotho and Atropos are still not showing signs of changing sides when the show is about to be over. We only have like 8 episodes left and I find it hard to believe that Lachesis will be the sole dark sister to survive.

Will they rush Clotho and Atropos abandoning Geryon's side or will they kill them off as villains?
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Atropos is going to die, isn't she? Unless Geryon betrays her in the last 2 or 3 episodes, I don't see her getting redeemed.
She's evil, let Rinne kill her.
This is just a theory but what if Clotho and Atropos die in the main timeline, while Lachesis survives? But in Daybreak's timeline, Lachesis is dead while Atropos and Clotho are alive. And maybe there's a subplot about finding out if the 3 sisters can reunite again despite being from different timelines.

Maybe they pull off a Build.
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Why did he get arrested?
The glowies finally found him.
Kajiki knew too much. He had to be put down.
>He knows about Trinity
Gotchard, Valvard, Majade trinity?
Funny enough that's what I think Daybreak's power up is.
It looks more like Sun Hopper then a full trinity.
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It's the purple thats making me think that's the case. We dont know if Spanner's alive in his world.
The purple could be from TokyuuLiner.
Daybrake's design is just so sexy, despite being a spare suit with some modification.
A fancy coat of paint can do a lot.
Why is /krg/ so dead?
Just wait til page 8 and a new thread is bake. It'll be more active this way.
>We dont know if Spanner's alive in his world.
I don't think anyone of his friends are alive, hence why he's been fighting alone. I don't think they even got to save Minato in his timeline considering Minato's turn was before Fire Gotchard altered the course of history.
We know Kajiki is alive but that isn't saying much.
Also in the Daybreak timeline from what we've seen in the trailer Clotho didn't get Geryon's power up and her veil is apparently white. Atropos's lipstick is only red instead of half-red half-black. Maybe Geryon killed Lachesis and the sisters saw the writing on the wall and decided to flee.
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Possible this kid is Lachesis reincarnated. She has her tuning fork
What if that is Spanner's child
Here's a hot take for you:
Gotchard should've had a female protagonist.

Rinne's actress is a better fit for Houtaro's energetic character.
Houtaro's actor is a better fit for Rinne's subdued character.
This was proven with the bodyswap episode.

It would've resulted in a much more watchable show.
Kurogane Wrench...
Shin Kamen Rider got a beat 'em up but it was super simple and not great
Honestly, I agree. I think the role still works for a make character but Houtaro's actor is just very awkward and not charismatic to be constantly cheery. But an energetic girl that's always excited to make friends with Chemys definitely would've worked pretty well, even a weirdo like Haruka from Donbros would've been fun as hell to watch. I also think that Rinne being emotionless and robotic is just not fun to watch either nor does it really make sense since it's not like she wasn't raised by humans, a tsundere type that slowly becomes soft towards Hotaro kinda like Mari in Faiz would've worked better for a secondary.
New bread

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