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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22692045
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
Any thoughts on hg Powered GM and GM Type C? Any other suits that use these molds? I understand GM Custom only shares a little bit.
Not a single build of mine has made the OP this year ;_;
so post it?
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Clearance Diver GM for the group build is at the point that I feel comfortable posting my first build photo, I do need to make the right shoulder joint sit deeper (I just put the arm on temporarily to see how the scale looks overall). I am still tossing up whether I want to just do scuba tank backpack or put a torpedo launcher/minelayer backpack instead.
What's in your opinion the underappreciated kits?
>no MG zaku ii fz
why haven't they done this, it would be an easy way to make money
They did the Kai in RE/100, despite never fucking reprinting those kits Bandai corporate just go "well we already did that one in 1/100" and then go off to make 30 more recolours of the Unicorn or some shit.
>HLJ listed MG Perfect Gundam discontinued
Well that's fucking bullshit. Should they do HG or MG 2.0(or Ver.Ka)?
HLJ does that to basically everything they're not in the process of getting now or haven't gotten recently. IIRC even FM Aerial was/is listed like that when it's obviously not.
Don't stress it, Bandai has discontinued only literal handful of kits in 45 years and MG Perfect Gundam ain't one of them. That being said, it hasn't been reprinted in a loooong time and there's really no predicting when it will be.
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Some of the best HG GMs, they're solid as fuck with really good articulation and they still hold up to this day in my opinion. The GM Striker also shares the mold to some extent, and it's another good kit. I have like 5 of the Type C since it's just that good.

I'm also using the Type C for my current group build, and I used it as the base for my Desert GM. Never had a bad experience with this kit, and the joints are really easy to modify in a way where you can just insert it into the limbs without any issues for easy seam lining and painting.

Looking good, GM bro.
bandai is complete schizo troll. No logic or reason behind any of their decisions. Put out polls asking what people want and then ignore the winning vote. dump tons of money into stupid weird projects or are way late to the party with their FAG equivalent.
Thanks fellow GM bro, I'm still not sure about the backpack plans but we'll get there. Unfortunately the visor plastic fogged when I was gluing the head halves together, so I will probably do a full spray over of the visor and camera (might as well recolour it while I'm at it).
Yeah it fucking sucks, RE/100 was a fun line but the kits from it are now in a hellish purgatory.
thanks for the info, love you
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Right now its Kamen Rider W. I'm planning to candy coat the whole thing, with the less shiny parts like green having a matte topcoat. I fucked up assembly by gluing the feet while seam welding so I hope that Gaianotes chrome can make it look pretty at least.
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>Scuba tank or torpedo launcher/minelayer
The fun option would be finding a way to do both. Maybe something like pic related Ball Minelayer, have the scuba tank backpack with "wings" attached for the mines/torpedos. Just an idea.

Love you bro
My minelayer plan involves the ballden missile pods, I was considering having a horizontal air tank (or twin tank) below it near the waist. Considering that the GM currently has no "real weapons" (just a mech knife and maybe a drill with some explosive charges) I feel like the mine or torpedo rack would add some "cool features" to be advertised on the instruction booklet.
>yo dawg i heard you like balls
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That sounds like a cool idea. Mine/torpedo rack would definitely give it some personality and an interesting silhouette so it doesn't risk looking too bland. Horizontal air tank(s) would add to the silhouette as well.

Not sure if it's helpful, but pic related also exists if you're in need of more "marine" parts in the form of the Portnova marine type and the Builder Parts MS Marine 01.
I'm aware, but as a lover of both marine mechs and GMs I don't want to go too far into making it a hyper optimised marine mech. My internal fluff (will do a write up when I finish the model) is that this was a OYW small scale modification to some GMs that were too damaged to return to full service but still functional. It isn't meant to be shit like the Sloep was, but it is focused on Clearance Diver type activities like sabotage and other covert tasks over direct combat. The major changes are swapping out the foot thrusters for waterjets, the different backpack setup (the generators are downtuned, as opposed to most marine mechs that have uptuned generators due to easier cooling) and it is less focused on fighting in the water and more focused on making sure that critical piece of underwater infrastructure (like you know, communication cables, offshore mining facility foundations, "safe" harbours) just suddenly stop working. So less of an ambush predator like an Acguy or Gogg, and more like a spooky frogman putting cutter charges on your pipeline.
That's fair. I really dig the backstory, looking forward to seeing more of your build and how it'll showcase that lore.
Thank you. I am scared I won't make the finish (largely due to the need for appropriate weather when painting) but I will at least finish the build in time, and hopefully finish the whole thing. If not I will paint it when weather improves, even if the group build is done.
>need for appropriate weather when painting
huh? you live in some 90% humidity SEA shithole or something?
Nta but for the past two weeks where I'm at in Canada it's been 80-90% humility, it's fucked
>where I'm at in Canada it's been 80-90% humility
Sounds like normal conditions for Canada desu
Close, I'm an Aussie and we are getting wrecked by cold fronts at the moment. It isn't so much that every day is bad, it is more that for a while every free evening I have had is bad.
It's normally pretty bad but its been especially so this past couple weeks. I hate this place, fucking sub-arctic winters and SEA rainforest summers.
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Any upcoming announcements, releases or events to keep one's eye on?
the pbandai aura battler dunbine ships in july so im excited for that to get delivered
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Anyone have the Zeta 3B? Is it a hand grenade like the original MG of the Zeta is?
it isn't based on the original zeta MG 1.0
it's based on the 2.0
neither of which were hand grenades
Nah, I think this is unfair. It only appears that way to us because we have no knowledge of the decision making process or the inner workings of their company, we just see the finished product. They are a billion dollar company, I’m sure they do all kinds of market research beyond just shitty polls about the profitability of potential releases. Keep in mind the majority of people who are buying this stuff are just stupid normies who don’t get into the hobby beyond the surface level. These kinds of people aren’t going to be buying a mg g-self, they’ve never even heard of g-reco or know that its tomino’s swan song. They’ll just pick up a couple witch hgs because they heard about it on twitter and they’re easy to make with toenail clippers.
Am I misremembering it? Or was it the RG Zeta that was the flimsy version. Well good to know this kit is based on the 2.0.
>gwitch was supposed to be a turbo success
>only 1 FM kit, and most post S2 releases have been pbandai
>kyo senki
>2 FM kits, and all post OVA releases have been retail
>Make an extremely lazy """"recolour""" of the base Force impulse as retail
>Keep the Sword impulse behind pbandai hell for both HGUC and RG, despite it being one of hte most popular forms of the impulse with a retail MG that sees frequent reissues
>bandai makes sane decissions
>It only appears that way to us because we have no knowledge of the decision making process
You're just repeating what I'm saying but trying to spin it in some stupid way as if it's a positive aspect.
>I'm sure they do all kinds of market research
Every success that bandai has ever had they stumbled their way into. They're one of the slowest companies in existence to respond to success. For fuck's sake they have their own pre-order system in which they're capable of shipping world wide and they still have no clue what they're doing.
They are probably making molds for FM kits on the mercury line or they are just that retarded and want to remove the MG line by not releasing anything other than rehashes of old kits so that the interest dies out and then they go all in on the FM line.
I'm honestly surprised Destiny Spec II + Zeus Silhouette is a retail release. I know it's part of the lead trio but with Bandai's release model you never really know what to expect.
>80-90% humility
What did someone forget to say "soarry" in the last hour or something?
How long does it usually take for PBandai kits to be available on US PB after getting initially released on Jp PB?
About 5 minutes
Could be a month, could be a year, could be never. Sometimes US Pban seems like the leftovers from JP because it sells out instantly. Other times stays up forever. No rhyme or reason. Allegedly The O was on Pbandai in Japan but we didn't get it for whatever reason? And also recently the HG Ne Zeongs finally appeared on US pbandai - which were originally Japan exclusive.
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Finished painting one of my Balls. Still figuring out a stand for the Turn Red.
>poorfags complaining about p-Bandai again
Bruh stop this retarded shit. You don’t even pay that much more getting it on surugaya with free shipping and no taxes. Come on now.
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The Chinese is making the Sturm Und Drang add-on for the RG Epyon.
Is this a bot?
No dude this is just retarded. What do you hope to accomplish by complaining? It’s not like a Bandai executive is gonna read this and make everything retail. All you’re doing is just shitting up the thread.
>Don't ask questions just consoom the pbandai bro
If you weren’t a poorfag you could go to the Bandai shareholders meetings and ask your questions there instead of to random autists living in their mom’s basement who literally can’t afford the $5 p-bandai tax
Finally, I have space to paint shit. First up a GM.
imagine shilling a billion dollar company whos only interestered in fucking you over, for
Very cool sigma male Andrew Tate Instagram grifter brainrot, buddy. Post bmi.
You can leave /v/, but the /v/ will follow you wherever you go.
Crab Vibes 2: Epyon Boogaloo
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MG The-O on Surugaya right now for 300 dollars if anyone here isn't a poorfag.
wake me up when it's for a 6th of that
How come the Luxembourg guy is the only one here with a MG The-O?
probs a sugar daddy
Because it's only noteworthy because it's so expensive and big for an otherwise lackluster MG.
I'm actually mad about no new 1/100 witch kits, the MS designs were the best thing about the show. Where is my 1/100 lfrith, aerial rebuild, calibarn, pharact, darilblade, or zoworts?
1/100 isn't profitable now prease understandu
The irony of your post is that poorfags are the ones who pay more for the same or less and then brag about it. No, I'm not going to pay 4x MSRP for the O.
spoken like a real poortranny lmao
Poorfag cope
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the point of gwitch was to take their heads and put them on more appropriate bodies!
Certain shitholes still have to pay more for customs and the surugay markup is still a lot compared to your mutts and your pbandai store. A 20 dollar pbandai HG is like 3-4 times the amount elsewhere even with free shipping. I will never stop this fight against you privileged fags, I wont be gaslighted or mislead, this is an injustice and I will continue to whine and complain about pbandai not seeing my shithole as worthy enough.
The HG Psycho Doga was like 55 dollars. Still "expensive"
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>G-Line Light Armor confirmed
P-Bandai of course
Post them then.
Isn't this equipment supposed to be for the EW version of the Epyon?
ummmm... how important is the spring thingy in nippers?
Take it out and find out.
Well, now I'll wait a few months before crying for more g-line variants
Goddamn, good thing I'm a wage slave so I can afford to just pay extra for some Jap scalper to get me PB kits rather than wait for whatever the hell US PB is doing.

>First the Nightseeker II
>Now a new G-Line
Feddie bros are eating good lately. Hope we get all the variants.
Are these chink models recasts or do they have different engineering? I can't tell the difference between pic rel and the Bandai MG from the photos.
>Limited release
>Jacked up price
>P Bandai preorder
>Get scalped to fuck all.

Being an MG enjoyer is pain.
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I kneel
I went on Facebook marketplace to see if I can get some model kits for cheap out of someone’s backlog… are these people retarded? All of these are like 1.5-2x more expensive than retail from an actual store. One of them is a daban that’s twice as expensive as retail price on gundammodelcenter. Some of them are already built or partially built and still more expensive than retail. Who buys this shit?
I used to get tons of good deals on Facebook marketplace. Covid changed it, after everyone got stuck at home, every idiot got it in their head that all it takes to be a "model kit store" is to buy a shit ton of model kits then try to sell them for prices that only retards would buy.

The worst part is, there actually are retards that buy from them which just empowered them even more. I used to get cheap built kits that I'd fix up and use for kitbash fodder for like $5 per kit, now we've got people selling nubbed up built kits for above retail, and unopened kits for scalper prices even though they're not even worth scalping.
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you all ready for MG Cluster Gundam?
Also Beguir Bunny Ear Beu
>finished kit
>can't decide on which kit to start next
fug :DDDD
I'm sure you get bothered by this plenty, but none of the threads within the last couple days have brought this up so I guess I'll just be the current nuisance.
Moving to another town with finished models. I'm looking around on Google and finding a lot of different suggestions but pillow stuffing and cuttable foam seem to pop up the most, as well as one about manila bubble-lined envelopes. I still have the boxes of my finished models, so I reckon I can use those, set down a layer of stuffing/foam, and then add more with an opening for the model, probably partially disassembled.
But if there are better ways to do it or other input then I'm open to it.
Likely the same. Check a review of the 3rd part kit and see if the main runners and parts are the same as Bandai’s. Some companies like Daban denote their 66xx series as pure Bandai copies while 88xx is inspired, maybe a few different things
Post list I will decide for you
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MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0. Very nice kit
anyone have good recommendations for good white paint for air spray cans?
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Sounds good. I already got waterslide decals for it from super indoors men pro. What kind of topcoat do I put over the gold to seal the decals? And for the blue part should I just do a matte finish?
Only ever used tamiya pure white as spray can paint, it was fine

If you're not painting, gloss for the gold, matte for the rest
holy heck
>MG Turn A Gundam
Time to fill my house with GMs
>MG G04
And here I was about to complain that the RG Unit 01 still hadn't been reprinted all year. When Unit 00?
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I at least like the look of this thing compared to the shitty F90.
>The best F90 is still nowhere near accurate to the line art and bandai is proud of this
I kinda like it but the stupid decal needs to go.
I love how colorful the suits from that era are, so many red and yellow details
I only build high grades, how do Moderoid kits compare? Real tempted to preorder the Liber Legis.
I only build Bandai so I don’t know.
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the neptune is coming along well! need to do another coat on the calf armour since it looks uneven, but i think the colour is really quite nice and complements the copper inner frame well. i'll do the panel lining and then a matte coat for the armour, i'm interested in seeing how that looks for a bit more contrast, to make sure it's not overdoing it
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New P-Bandai drop tomorrow
what the hell
Aint no way thats true.
>Its legit
What the fuck? They dropped the whole MG for the hazel line? Holy fuck and with an MG GM sniper? HOLY SHIT MG CHADS WE ARE SO BACK.
I hate you amerimutts so much
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>that decal set
Alright bros what are we planning to pick up tomorrow? Can't believe they dumped like the entire MG Hazel line on us like this goddamn.
>MG Line is dead
>Pbandai suddenly dropping a nuke.

Are we entering the MG golden age? Like holy shit.
these are all reprints
the night seeker looks nice
all of the tr-1s look pretty lame honestly
Which is really surprising to happen since its the Hazel kits. Is the whole line really that popular?
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Might have to pick up the Owsla, that bulky armor is sick
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>MGcels so starved for new releases they are creaming their pants over some reprints of 2017 releases
Finally I can get one of this.
Let us have this fleeting happiness. Its all been HG releases non stop.
oh shit actually that does look great
ehhhh fugg that's a lot of money
I'm just glad I don't have to scratchbuild the night seeker II
I remember a few years go that there was this page called Gunstar or something where people posted their customs and stuff. Does that still exist?
That's the one, thank you anon.
Might get the Owsla with the Shield Booster Expansion but $110 for all of that is pricey as hell.
I don't reward laziness by buying kits that don't have shows.
>no fss kits
you're missing out
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I mean it has two movies...
1 movie. The second you think of is only tangentially related.
since when is a movie a show
and very few mortar heads even appear in it
Advanced Hazel + 2 Hrududus.
I NEED the Hazel-Rah Second Form on my shelf, no matter the cost.
since google said so you fucking esl retard
>and very few mortar heads even appear in it
just admit you were wrong and move on.
It's called Advance of Zeta because it advances Zeta's kino into slop.
the word "show" being used in that sense is the verb "to show" as in "I am showing a movie". that does not make a movie the same thing as the noun "show". colloquially, a "show" refers to a series of episodes, such as a tv show. a moving showing on a tv is never referred to as a tv show, despite also being shown on tv.
He's probably from the midwest or some weird southern state where they unironically refer to movies as 'the show' and soda as 'pop'
What a retarded principle to operate by. Imagine owning no kits from Crossbone, Beltorchika's Children, Astray or any video game ever.
if someone said they're making a new Turn A show, you wouldn't think they meant a Turn A movie, you would think they meant a Turn A series.

i would kill myself if i lived near people like that, and I've never heard anyone talk like that in the part of the southern US i live in
how do you think we started calling it "show", genius? your fat ass has never gone on a "run" or a "walk"? i bet you would rather me call it a kino too
yea but the way language evolved is such that "show" has come to refer to episodic productions rather than movies. maybe if we were living a century ago you could argue this, but there has been a clear distinction between a "show" and a movie in the vernacular for decades now to the point that if you say you're going to see a movie at the theatre you would say you're going to see a showing of that movie in order to differentiate it from the noun show that would refer to a series of the same name, in order to remove ambiguity
Can the MG Thunderbolt be posed with all is gear and no stand or is too heavy for that?
plus by this logic any tv series might be called a movie as well, because "movie" comes from the fact that the images appear to be moving, and isn't inherently related to "movies" in particular
It holds up just fine
Wasn't there an anon a few threads ago bitching about how these haven't been reprinted in a while? Hope he's happy
Woundwart doko
Its fine, but beware of it becoming loose over time.
Will they ever make a mg woundwart?
2 weeks.
TVslop designs are typically far more lazy
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Get a smaller file or sand sponges.
I have sponges that I used to remove the nubs on the concaves of the arms. It’s just annoying because the glass file goes so fast I just breeze through the nub in like 2 seconds.
This seems a little excessive
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I normally use this for those kinds of nubs.
oversanding mongoloid
meme glass file is a technique dead end for snapshitters only
Its just random shit on each shelf. At least have a theme to it or have them pose in cool ways.
His theme is that he likes consooming product
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Was thinking that I may sacrifice one of my shiranui seconds for decorating the base. I'll extend the base out to be wider and will likely break down the shiranui into smaller segments than in the VN. I didn't really have any plans for this kit so it works out.
I hate snapshitters so much it's unreal
How does the Hazel Early Type Quel Config compare to the MG Quel? Is it the same kit with additional parts?
how do we feel about robotman who isnt as big?
How do we feel about polycapless technology? Is it for better or for worse?
Love watching autists have meltdowns whenever snapkino is posted.
It makes me smile knowing that the MG Mk-V was slated to be a retail release but they moved it to P-Bandai just to BTFO poorfags
Has anyone made their own white waterslide decals? Best I can find is getting printers that can print white ink/catridges, but they're either rare or expensive.
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I'm awe at the size of this lad
What's stopping you from painting over afterwards?
It's just another tool thats nice to have sometimes.
Go to fedex and print your decals on their printer
Psycho 2 soon
One day I want to set up a diorama with the psycho and the mk2. Is the HG psycho still printed?
Why is the Hazel Owsla so expensive? It's competing with a bunch of really good kits like the Nu Ver. Ka and Sinanjus at that price point. Hell, you could get a Sazabi Ver. Ka if you spent just a bit more.
I've built a Shin Getter, and currently working on a Dragon. They're pretty good so far.
P-Bandai has been and will always continue to be a mistake
They vary, I think Goodsmile gets different makers working on them. Moderoid Xabungle was nice.
anyone have good examples of ewac custom builds? looking for baselines for making my own
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Thought I finished my Moderoid Muramasa, but looking at it again I really hate how the waterslides on the shoulders came out. This is my first Moderoid, and the kit itself was great but all the decals were really hard to work with. I think I'm going to peel the shoulder ones off and hand paint the red accents.
Jesus christ those decals all looks like shit. I didnt build mines yet but i guess i wont be using my sheet.
The white ones for the banners are fine, but any of the ones with transparency are garbage. They're way too thick and mark softer only makes them worse.
You just missed the Hobby Lobby restock last month.
FUCK. Guess it might be a while then.
Maybe for the better, though. Probably better to keep learning before taking on a project like that. Haven't even painted a kit yet.
AoZ designers get royalties and AoZ kits sell very well. It's why Dengeki keeps the series going, why they are so much more expensive than kits on the same grade, and why they are all P-Bandai.
Snapchads we /smg/ now!
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is there any other comparable swords to v-thor's odachi?
I've looked around gundams but I havent found a real match
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the snap cars honestly suck
i built a Skyline R34, it looks good when painted as if it was a proper model kit, but the undercarriage is nonexistent and the axel is too flimsy. i hope they fix it on the new 1:24 ones.
post it and be judged
>the undercarriage is nonexistent
I know model building is inherently an autistic ass hobby but does anyone actually care about that on a car
what the fuck is this question?
I hope Bandai was able to rework the thing and allow backpack attachments despite having a core fighter. The original Cluster Gundam had a technically limited amount of loadouts due to that. But ever since they made the N-Type which was a backpack extension maybe they could do the same here.
Does anyone give a fuck about what the underside of a car looks like? It's very simple.
Yeah. I also care about mechs inner frame. It feels good to know it looks good underneath
yeah, and?
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kek. i'm not that anon btw. i answered on behalf of him because i've seen this exact chain of replies played out in this thread before
>i've seen this exact chain of replies played out in this thread before
You can say that about any discussion here that doesn't involve new announcements or someone's wips
How do I open the box?
>is only tangentially related
Still part of the story though
like so
You hold the top and shake it really hard until all the bags of runners go flying everywhere.
And that's before taxes and shipping. Though there was a free shipping coupon but I lost the link.
I must cop this decal set.
He may have to remove the plastic binding first
wow this looks like absolute shit, thank god you get the original sleeves
infinity million dollar interview will drive you insane
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RX-78 + Psychoframe?
probably a solar panel for ESG purposes.
Snapfag here. Do I use superglue for small parts to keep them from falling off, is good enough or do I use Mr Cement ?
yeah not really a fan of color seperating the trims. those gaps are unsightly to look at. should have let the reverse washing filter the plebs from owning the kit.
Glue is fine.
cement lets you work longer since it takes a while to dry out. super glue dries instantly, so you better be quick on it.
if the small part is purely cosmetic you can even use acrylic paint as a weak non-destructive glue.
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Man they're so ugly
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>All the time and effort wasted making these fucking abominations
They need to stop fucking around and make hguc Big Zam already.
>mgex big zam
>theme: big
Is the left one unpainted or literally a different kit? What the fuck was that
i think it's the figure
They could've at least posed them properly
>fix hg marchosias weak torso articulation with cement
>works nicely
>also highlights the weakness of the knees
>can't disassemble legs due to how I set up the booster
Owari da
I thought the Nightingale was bigger than that. The 1/144 is that small still?
in height it's about even with Sazabi or a tiny bit shorter actually. It's the length and width that make it take up more space than multiple normal MGs.
Wish the Re/100 was a bit better proportions wise.
As s beginner who only buy kit every 3 or so months, Should I get Tamiya paint or Gundam marker for panel lining?
Tamiya panel line accent color, no brainer. Gundam Marker makes it very defined and bold and ugly looking (look at dalong pics)
NTA and I know this question gets asked like once a week but tamiya liner is fine on assembled models if you topcoat first or does it cause cracking regardless?
>but tamiya liner is
*Is tamiya liner fine
Thanks! I will get the paint. Can't wait to make my Fourze and Decade FSR look even better.
It's fine. Just avoid panel lining ABS parts, and don't let it pool too much or the liquid seeps into a crack of two parts together, some people made that mistakes, makes the plastic brittle and cracks eventually
Topcope before using tamiya panel liner, always. Even on the runners.
do you guys wear gloves when working?
Do you guys does panel line on the runners or after assemble parts or after build?
is topcoat really necessary
i've tried using the tamiya matte topcoat but it doesn't seem to do anything even with a number of coats
only spray can matte coats seem to have an effect

i should but i don't
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This might be the most depressing sticker sheet ever.
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>MG Char's Zaku that's cheaper then a HG
I shouldn't... the backlog...
Do it fgt.
How come tvslop designs are so lazy?
It's not tho, just dumb.
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I think the new requiem gundam looks cool.
rub yr dick, that's how you cum
I jerked off to GN Archer
Is this the new sinanju? Holy fuck.
I'm looking forward to it. Gonna finally make that ZZZ gundam even if I have to track down old 1/60 NGs to get the heads from them.
>buy char mobile suit
>get rid of the dogshit mcdonalds colors and paint it green instead
looks good to me
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Psycho Bawoo when?
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This is what I found when searching Requiem Gundam. Presume this is not it.
>Chinese bawoo
They need to tone down some of the edge. Get rid of the clown shoes.
They can only reuse a couple of parts from old bawoo so most likely never.
>clown shoes
>what is Jagd Doga
What is a goldfish?
Well it's definitely the Requiem from Gundam Seed but it's not the Requiem Gundam
I just did another search. Requiem gundam is that ugly new thing?
it's called Gundam EX iirc
>big AoZ restock
>no Woundwort, the most popular AoZ machine
It's all MGs and there's no MG Woundwort
why not
Because its a lot easier to build off the existing mg gundam mk II 2.0 and keep adding bits
The world will never know.
I don't like that answer
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New Beguir Beu variant in Vanadis Heart manga. Expecting another P-Bandai soon.
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Neither do I. I suggest becoming a board member at bandai to get answers. results not guaranteed.
Show up in woundwort cosplay for max effectiveness
>mgfags screeching over no kits again
lol. lmao. meanwhile us hgchads are eating good again tonight.
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How come the mg inju is so good but the 07 strike freedom is so bad?
>x screeching about y again post (again)
You are really desperate for attention aren't you?
I’m just saying, you never see hgchads crying about not getting kits
still not sure why the tiny 30ms type gwitch girl kits cost as much as two(2) hgs though
I like the legs but that's it. If the market ever gets flooded by these kits and they end up super cheap on surugaya or mandarake despite markup, I'd buy a bunch
>Some of them are already built or partially built and still more expensive than retail
all my hard work snapping that kit added value!!
that's some sexy bronze anon
>single articulated toe
this is weirding me out man
looks like he'd go well with some megalomaria shit though
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It is confirmed to be P-Bandai
so much SOVL and dust
yeah no shit, why else would i mention buying from surugaya or mandarake
>we have a pbandai store now
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it's the netflix gundam.
the netflix show's title is pic related
>If the market ever gets flooded by these kits
No it won't. You might stumble on 3 to 4 copies in your area if you are lucky.
those chunky legs are sexy, i want one
Lmao. Americhads stay winning
>Puking anime girl.gif
They knew they would remake the SF within a decade or two but this would likely be the only shot at the IJ.
Makes me wonder why they didn't do a RG Infinite Justice after they did the Strike Freedom
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Strike Freedom is exceptionally popular in Japan + protagonist Gundam bias.
True, but why would they do a RG Justice in the first place but not a Infinite Justice afterwards?
you are always obliterating Strike Freedom
I believe it is rare for secondaries to have more than 1 RG release. Unicorn had like, 10 meanwhile Banshee had only 1.
RG Banshee has the regular release, Final Battle version and the expansion set. RG Unicorn has a few more but the Unicorn just has more variants than the Banshee in the first place.
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Has anyone seen the bootleg RG GM Sniper Custom around recently? I know it's kinda shit and from years ago so probably hard to find now but I like the idea of what's essentially Sniper Custom based on Type C and it'd still be easier to find this than the HG Origin Sniper Custom for a decent price and kitbash it with HG Type C.
I believe Green NTD Banshee was a P-Bandai, which shows how secondaries don't have much trust from Bandai in term of money making.
art looks good
kit looks like shit

classic bandai
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Do you guys have aura battler dunbines?
i fucking wish
the only dunbine kits I like are the resin kits from wave but they're like $500
I have an aura battler darilbalde
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I am going to turn this into a Metroid themed kit, I just don't know how yet.
I was struggling with the hiragana, and now I'm sad that I understood :(
Why does banrise let other companies make kits of their IPs instead of just making it themselves? Like why doesn’t Bandai just make hg brain powerd kits themselves instead of giving it to moderoid?
I was pretty disappointed by the moderoid brain powerd kits, does anyone else make better ones?
Smol family company. please understand. Only a billion in profit a year. Can barely put bread on table for family.
it's literally free money in the form of license fees, and they can double dip by then making their own kits anyway (like they did with xabungle). there's no reason to not sell licenses
is that you, Darilbeetle anon?
What paint color (I don't care about the brand, but a dropper bottle would be preferable) is the one for the dark grey used for the inner frame/metal in gunpla kits? Specifically the eg exceed galaxy (I assume it's the same color everywhere but just in case I'll say the kit I'm painting).
Use nazca mechanical surfacer, it's the correct color but with increased scratch resistance compared to regular paint
I'll have to varnish it, so I don't need the paint to be resistant to scratches (and it might be hard to get that paint where I live)
I prefer to be called "16th Best Builder in gpg Anon".
I'm not 100% sure but I think you can achieve it with 50/50 black and white mix with water based acrylics. Vallejo & AK are some reasonable water based brands and come with dropper bottles. You could also check out Vallejo's mecha paint line as the colours are supposed to be more or less a match with plamo colours. The mecha paints come pre-thinned.
anyone got the bootleg psycho zaku? I don't really like thunderbolt designs but this seems like a good way to get a lot of guns for cheap
also the "legally distinct" name mental zaku cracks me up
It's not like they were doing anything with Brain Powerd, might as well license it. Notice how you don't see GSC making Gundam Moderoids?
Damn that's fucking hot actually
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Busujima's kits are works of art, too bad about the absurd price
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got the siren neptune finished up! i think it came out pretty nice! it's definitely significantly harder to get it into a nice pose, and i'm probably never gonna move it once it's on a shelf, but it was a good learning experience
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and here it is in less harsh lighting, where the proper turquoise green colour is more visible and less washed out
you didn't paint the siren emblem
>didn't paint the mermaid
>didn't even at least use the decal
nope i don't have the right paint colours and im not spending 20 dollars on paints for a tiny mermaid
If you buy it for the delicious bazookas then go ahead. Also yes, it is quite funny how they write Psycho Zaku straight up but in Chinese instead of shit like " Psycho Fighter "
Wow, these look so terrible unpainted, undecaled and unlined.
>no Big Zam MG
i can try adding the decal but i tried that with the mirage and accidentally ripped them up and i don't want to do the same with this one

>Wow, these look so terrible
could've stopped there
They look like those shitty action figures from the late 90s early 2000s that we used to get.
Will buy these just for the memes.
The color choices look good, though what kind of paint did you use for this? The blue looks a bit thick and uneven in places.
I used mr colour, the blue was tough to see how much was being applied. maybe my lighting isn't the greatest, i just have a lamp sitting next to my shining into the booth, but it's hard to tell how much paint is accumulating because it's not like a bright spot light, just like a lamp bulb
i also get impatient painting larger pieces sometimes
I feel sorry for your mother.
I do
>They look like those shitty action figures from the late 90s early 2000s that we used to get.
I was clearing out an old toybox to see if there was anything worth keeping and I found a bootleg looking GP-01 action figure in there that I didn't even remember having, definitely would've been from way before I watched Gundam at all really. Was missing some parts too so I just tossed it.
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I already blew up the second factory
the second factory is STILL under construction? They gotta be finishing it up soon if it's to be opened this year. I know these kind of projects inevitably hit unforeseen delays but damn.
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finished up my MG Kyrios. very fun build, my first MG. made some mistakes with forgetting to apply decals on parts before topcoat, forgot to clean up panel lines on one of the legs, and of course, flat coated some of the transparent green pieces, but overall I'm satisfied with the build. he won't fit on any of the stands I bought so he's just balancing in the corner.
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Working on bootleg Psycho-Blade now.
Are scalpers even a real problem for retail kits now? MG Zeta Ver Ka and RG Epyon were quite easily available unlike the RG Hi-Nu which was around the peak of scalping.
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gettin up close and personal
Which Sinanju Stein should I get? The ver ka or the Narrative?
the new narrative ver ka is just outright superior to either and comes with all the old parts
They look different. Why not just buying both?
It appears their method of combating scalpers is to release nothing but shelfwarmers
I would go with the old ver ka, but I just prefer the look of the sinanju without the sleeves emblems
>bunch of interesting new or significantly new molds stuck in Pbandai jail
>meanwhile we have like 4 retail MG Sinanjus
>why does Bandai...
You should know better than to ask that by now
Love watching poorfags seethe about p-bandai and stuff out of print. I just buy everything marked up on surugaya, never had any problems with it, everything ships in like 2 days with free dhl.
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death to bandai
HGAC Altron finally?
P-Bandai of course
That was guaranteed once Deathscythe Hell was announced as P-Bandai.
I just stopped buying gunpla, now I don't have to care about p-bandai at all
p-bandai enjoyers are undefeated.
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This is p-bandai fans 12/25. Hg mercurius and vayeate and hg leo full weapon set also going up along with hg Altron.
Panel lining on runners
Pros: parts don’t move, easy to do all parts together and clean up
Cons: some lines can be hard to reach, sanding nubs can sand away panel ink too
Parts cut off, sanded, not assembled
Pros: easy to move part around, can ink hard-to-reach spots
Cons: a pain to hold if small parts
After assembly, whole model or by limb:
Pros: can ink only what’s visible
Cons: if not topcoated, tamiya panel liner can pool in gaps without evaporating and cause cracks

If you’re using tamiya panel liner on bare plastic, I recommend either on runner or separated parts (not assembled) so no broken parts
If pencil, sharpie, or gundam fine line, they won’t crack, do whatever’s easiest
The same smoothbrains that defend and shill for pbandai are the same type of people who unironically lined up for Supreme drops. I hate snapshitters so much it's unreal.
Gloss topcoat for panel lining, otherwise matte will make the surface rough and fuck up where the ink goes
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>he doesn't have the MG 3.0 Supreme RX-78-2
>buying on surugaya because it has free shipping
lmao poorfag. buy it on a chink scalper that charges 2x SRP on shipping before i even consider you a /gpg/ chad
I bought it and painted it normal colors but used semi-gloss topcoat so it just looks like bare plastic
I kneel.
So all the new kits in this crop are shipping in November? At least I won't have to feel bad about ordering the nightseeker 2 now.
Based. Painting it so it looks exactly like bare plastic topcoated is one of the most based things you can do in this hobby
Would a brass color in place of the gray look nice?
Looks nice anon. Which paints did you use?
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We’ll have our day AGEchads… someday…
alclad ii pale gold for the gold accents
alclad ii copper for the inner frame
alclad ii steel for the horns and then i ran out so i used tamiya matte black for the rest of the black accents and piping
vallejo white and vermillion for the eyes and the forehead dot
mr color c391 (interior turquiose green soviet) for the outer armour
alclad ii black base + chrome for the chromed surfaces
and tamiya black panel liner for the panel lining

the pale gold and turquoise were the only spray paints i had to order, and the vallejo model colours i picked up from a hobby shop. Otherwie I had the other paints on hand.

oh and mr surfacer 1200 for priming, tamiya matte topcoat for topcoating the outer armour. the inner frame seemed good enough without a topcoat, but if i had used one it would've mr color gx100 super clear
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I just love the old Zaku so much bros.
Remember to fulfil your AoZ fantasies tonight.
finally, we can advance Zeta's slop into kino.
Pre-order your Hazels!
too expensive
Gotta agree. The Owsla looks pretty great but $83 is a lot for it.
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I am not getting pbandai MG AoZ stuff (Canuckistan) but my friend did find me this locally so I'll celebrate along with you guys lol
Birthday gift
Godspeed zaku 1 bro
sorry the warehouse worker kicked it on his way out the 4th story window
Be sure to snip the snoot.
How would Katoki salvage it if they make Ver.Ka, the better or worse?
thinner waist
longer legs
more flat surfaces and less curves
god i can't standing looking at that thing for much longer, it is absolutely the ugliest mobile suit i've seen outside of seed designs
Why the fuck the MSA-0011 Exs MG so expensive? Is it huge like the Sazabi?
Throw it in the trash.
The hate boner for the requiem gundam is kind of cringe. It’s literally the same guy who did the 08th ms team designs, it’s basically a more detailed ez8. Also the skeletal design is cool and especially shines in the animation. If you paint it, a little bit of shading will go a long way.
here's a size comparison to help
Yeah, but it’s in the air which makes it look bigger compared to the others. Also plastic is cheap as fuck, the amount of plastic in the exs is probably 5 cents more than the f91 2.0
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that's not what a skeleton looks like
the dantalion is skeletal
the requiem is just too busy
it's probably just the size and the appearance, plus ppl seem to be willing to pay a higher price for it so that's what bandai/resellers are going to sell it for
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Drastically cut down on the amount of excessive detailing+curves and lean into something like the Ez8. Because it's clear the idea behind it was something in the vein of the Ez8 to begin with as a ground type unit.
At the very least, i guess it might be cool to see someone take the kit and do an undetailing or simplification of it.
Dantalion is somehow so much fucking worse than the reddit gundam. It looks like a bootleg bad guy from late-gen halo.
Its a bit wide like the qubeley size.
>Don't talk to me or my children ever again
looking at the two back to back cut the new one's fins off and it would make the "helmet" look more natural
I don't think it's busy. That's just the expo picture, and it's probably the most unflattering one you can take of the model. It looks less busy in the promotional picture. Also it looks way better properly posed than in the reddit snapfag pose. I think if you give it a proper paintjob with shading it will look really cool.
This is how it will actually look like.
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the face still reminds me of schmuserkadser
I think they hired a bunch of new people, because all of my deliveries over the last 4 months or so have been damaged in such a way that it happening in shipping isn't a viable explanation, ie. shipping box is pristine and so are the kits on the outside of the stack, but one or two in the middle look like someone punched one of the edges.
After building models from other brands I seriously can't go back to the gummy soft detail look of Bandai kits
I get what irks me so much about this now. It's not just how shit the design is as a whole, it's that the arms are too long to look natural but not long enough to be fittingly exaggerated.
I always thought it looked like the old sportsball guys helmets
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Been slowly working on this YF-29, decals add a lot of detail on top of the very smart parts layout and color separation.
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the true form of the requiem gundam
lol. good work anon.
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Did a little shopping on the way home
The Ex-S 1.5 has a ton of unused parts.
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there is a paint color guide on the last page of the manual in every single bandai model kit showing exactly which paint colors to mix in which proportions to get the results in the sample images
EG Build Strike Exceed Galaxy's grey is a mix of 3 paint colors
>65% Gray
>30% Dark gray(1)
>5% Black
they base it on the GSI Creos Mr Color paint line so it's specifically the Mr Color "Dark Gray(1)" paint
what the fuck is the difference between that and Dark Grey(2)? I dunno
bruh why would you paint exactly according to the color guide? it just makes it look like bare plastic top coated.
Not this shit again
it's called longsnapping you philistine
I don't mind the body but the head and face look ugly
>It’s literally the same guy who did the 08th ms team designs
>it's basically a more detailed ez8
And it's fucking ass.
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He's saying that because the guy had an okay design before we have to like his new ass ugly design.
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what the fuck I didn't even know there was a Zearth kit
Now explain why that’s a bad thing to the naganofags in this general.
>implying Nagano has had any good designs ever
Based. I like you anon.
Everyone at bandai needs to kill themselves.
You will buy The Wing Gundam number 3 again and you will like it.
Bootlegs only from now on, no longer giving bandai money. The chink slave children and their masters can have it.
Sorry if this sound stupid but I want to know if I'm doing it right. When we said paint in multiple thin coats, does that mean I do a light coat first set it aside for about 15 minutes then go for another coat or do I go with the second coat right after the first one?
And how many coats do you guys usually do, I often do 3.
MG G-Saviour ver Ka.

Think about it.
The closest things to good designs he's ever produced were mostly the work of cleanup artists.
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Is pic related ever gonna get a reprint, can't find any at a reasonable price
Well why would they bring back someone who is that bad?
They didn't, that's why Banrise kept shutting down Tomino's attempts to work with him after Zeta
Nagano is a better designer than anyone who works for Bandon't. Can't think of a single gundumb design that I'd spend $1000 on but there's plenty of FSS kits that I would.
You don't want to spend $90 on an ancient HG with peg joints? Racist.
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Are you forgetting Kino Powerd
>but there's plenty of FSS kits that I would
Like? I'm pretty sure the only kits to reach that price point are the old 1/35 anniversary kits, Twin Tower and ZAP
Maybe the LED bust? I don't remember how much that one was.
I do a light coat and then just flash dry it with the airbrush and then proceed with a second thick coat and leave it at that usually, I don't often find I need a third coat and generally try to avoid it
They also picked him as the lead mechanical designer for zz but he rage quit when they told him it had to have a gay transformation gimmick. That’s why the zz is so ugly because they made it last minute and it wasn’t their first choice for mechanical designer. And still they had to wait like 10ish episodes for it to appear in the show. Also iirc they tried to bring him back a few other times but it didn’t work out either.
Sorry GSC but plastic can't do it justice.
The upcoming Gatexion MK-II is around that price
Sorry resincels but you’re gonna die of lung cancer at like 30.
>but he rage quit when they told him it had to have a gay transformation gimmick
Why was it a problem this time?
It's like $750, expensive but not that bad for the size and volume
He made a transforming Gundam but Banrise told him to do it again but this time make it more retarded since his draft was too hard to make a toy out of. So he told them to kill themselves and left the project right before it started airing, taking all his mechanical designs with him and leaving them scrambling to find robots for their robot show.
It's a shame because some of his designs were actually kino as fuck. But Izubuchi and Akitaka had some unique and cool designs that I'm glad we got to have also.
>Left to right: Hamma-Hamma, Emnine, Gaza-D, and unidentified "ground combat MS." The Emnine is described as "a male MS that forms a pair with the Hamma-Hamma."
Is the Nagano ZZ cooler than the one we got?
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>The Emnine is described as "a male MS that forms a pair with the Hamma-Hamma."
How common is that kind of thing?
A literal pile of shit would be cooler than the one we got
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What do you think about the Full Armor ZZ Gundam?

I always thought the regular ZZ was mid but Akitaka made it look great in the final battle with the Full Armor.
much better
Absolutely hideous. FSS looks good, but this looks like dog shit.
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I have, many times.
Looks great, keep working mate.
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Friend gave this to me.
So you enjoy being a cuckold. Got it.
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Gundam EX? More like Gundam DI (Dead Inside)
> I seriously can't go back to the gummy soft detail look of Bandai kits
You are that big of a snapfaggot that you don't even sand your kits?
I will fucking sand its face to kill that bulge.
>kills all unique and characteristic features in favor of generic gundam styling
yeah that's a ver ka
that's exactly what i was thinking when i saw that foot design
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>he doesn't know the Terrain Mode
Yeah that guy's artstyle really emulated Katoki well in sanding off unique proportions etc.
I don't see why I should have to sharpen every single corner and every single detail on a kit for designs I don't even like that much
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oh no he's hot
this is the gundam universe figure not the hg
meant for >>22699388
but I'm sure someone's gonna say model kits being low quality is A Good Thing Actually because it means more work for the modeller
>model kits being low quality is A Good Thing Actually because it means more work for the modeller
I believe modelkits have always been shitty. Thats what differs them from high quality action figues. It is kinda like a stockholm syndrome when you get into this hobby.

>But but they look dull and gummy
Are you sure that's not your fucked up paintjob?
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Surprised that Hrairoo gets a toothpick for a beam saber
he old old
it's reusing the Gaplant mold and tootpicks would still be the go-to for most HGs for another year or two
>sharpen every single corner and every single detail on a kit for designs I don't even like that much
So it is because Bandai bad or Bandai kits have many ugly designs? I don't get what you are trying to say.
>Are you sure that's not your fucked up paintjob?
No, Bandai chamfers every corner and edge on their kits so children don't hurt themselves. As a result you usually have to sand every surface to restore the edges. It's a completely unnecessary pain in the ass.
I'm just saying I hate sanding more than I like most mobile suits.
holy schizo
holy sex i want him to step on me
>Bandai chamfers every corner and edge on their kits so children don't hurt themselves.
Then go play with a cactus if you like sharp edges that much.
It's not about me liking sharp edges, it's about most Bandai kits failing to sell any sense of scale because of their generally "soft" look and overscale detail.
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Bandai will never reprint this, aren't they?
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>no sharp edges
>on designs that are mostly curved
hm interesting
I'm having several Kotobukiya kits right here and none of them have harsh spiky looks. It is just a common sense to design something meant to be touched at alot with safety ensurrance. I bought several Chinese kits and you know what? I threw in in garbage bin, because due to the sharp edges, it is hard to work with them afterwards.
anon they're chamfered because that looks good
if everything had straight 90 degree edges it'd look like shit, not to mention unfinished and like a stack of boxes.
No chamfering is the easiest tell for amateurish models and scratchbuilds.
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>Kotobukiya kit
>It doesn't have spikes and hard edges all over the place
Nooooo you are supposed to be the chosen one!
I remember several people bitched about Mighty Strike Freedom due to its spiky wings. I guess people nowadays will find anything to be outraged, huh
>anon they're chamfered because that looks good
On their larger scale kits it does, my issue is mostly with 1/144 scale.
Also it depends on the kit of course. Simpler designs are usually fine, but the HGGTO line for example damn near universally looks like ass. Same with RGs. Usually, the higher the detail concentration and the smaller the parts, the worse the kits look.
trash taste
rg crossbone looks great though and that has tiny parts
Apparently, there’s gonna be a bootleg HG xi coming soon.
Huh, pretty neat. Dunno if I'll go for it myself but if it comes with the funnel missile effect parts I'll be very tempted.
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Your chink overlord got your back.
Nice, now I am very tempted. Always cool when they throw in some extra bit like that.
Any idea who's making it?
best hope is a pbandai hg in a few years
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>on display at various events for a year and a half now
>still no release date
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Get this shit out of my face what the hell is that.
How many Bandai model kits factories are there?
1, which is 1 more than virtually all other model companies and they are opening the second one supposedly this year
Let me guess, you never sand, never paneline, never even topcoat your kit and most of all, never cut away nubs.
The sand man doesn't even paint btw
Post your snapbuild and let's see whats your issues with HG/EG
>what if i take a robot
>and attach ornate railing and chair arms everywhere
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You have to sand the surface before painting. That's fundamental in construction and industrial works.
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It's supposed to be based on onigawara roof tiles apparently
I've come to realize that I almost always prefer gundam designs that don't use the standard red/yellow/blue/white colors
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Anons, my backlog í becoming a mountain in my room. What should i do?
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Regular reprint Grimoire when? Also my backlog is organized chaos around my room. I usually play autismo tetris with the boxes when the top of the stack is uneven.
I believe you can recreate original Grimoire from Red Beret. Then give it a paintjob.
Personally i love Red Beret due to its military colorscheme + Votoms homage.
red beret has all the grimoire parts except the gun and effect parts
Learn how to stack your boxes better and then buy some shelving.
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Babe wake up, new mobile fighters are gonna drop

P-Bandai exclusive of course, prease understandu
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Any suggestions on what color I should paint her hair?
No, the Bandai logic will dictate that Spiegel, Tequila, and Nether will be retail; but Dragon, Bolt, and Devil will be P-Bandai.
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reprint doko
Bandai please, the 2.0s.
>retail Tequila
Please, I can only be so erect
They're more than likely only going to make the Shuffle Alliance and the Devil Gundam.
sorry anon this is verka era
I would buy a Devil Gundam.
>Gunpla is becoming early 20th century politics
The key to all this is the assassination of Archduke Hajime Katoki.
I still holding my hopes for RG Master to round off this G Gundam line
first new mold RG that's p-bandai exclusive ;3
Don't you fucking give them any ideas
you know it's gonna happen at some point, new mold HGs are the standard at this point and MGs are also not unheard of
P-bandai original mold Real Grade kit is inevitable, the only question is what exactly is gonna get fucked over
give me 1 reason why bandai shouldn't make all of their new releases that aren't new series/movie tie in HGs p-bandai
give me one reason why your mother shouldn't bend over for me tonight
this one is only like half new innit?
RG Hazel. Or RG MP Nu so no one immediately notices it a completely new mold
May as well count Zaku minelayer and shit
PG Gogg.
Think about it.
I can’t. It actually makes a ton of sense. That way, they can make them to order since they can only print so much stuff at the factory.
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He's already perfect though
I believe it is just modification of Strike Freedom mold. However, if you talk about new mold for RG that is P-Bandai, this one.
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It's like 80% of the way there.
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I'm also waiting for it. I have the Salamis/Magellan, I wish they made the scale larger. 1/1700 felt damn small once I put it together.

A guy in some 3d modeling/printing group printed a 1/400 Nahel Argama that looks really damn good too. I was thinking of commissioning someone to do a print for me too since I don't have my own printer, but I can imagine how expensive it'd be.
Honestly they both look bad
Does the Freedom actually have a single good kit?
Mg 2.0

The only thing that matters is how it looks and it looks good.
The body is looks good, the shoulder armor needs to go and that kill me now face really needs to be changed. What the fuck were they thinking?
The MG 2.0 looks bad and can't actually do the full burst pose properly, the 1.0 is far better
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In my opinion, the HG Revive version is the best rendition of Freedom as a kit. The superhero proportion and simple design give it a special charm. RG and MG make it look too complex.
Ex model Ra Cailum fucking when
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Does Bandai hate Shining Gundam that much? Beside an old HG and an even older MG, it has nothing else.
Anon, please. We're currently in the middle of HGFC line, can't you wait a year or so before doomposting?
g-3 saviour ver ka on the other hand
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Got mine a few months ago, along with some others.
when is the HGCC line coming
Absolutely based. When you build the Salamis and Magellans, can you post pictures of the 1/1200 scales next to the 1/1700 scales? I've been wondering how big the difference in scale is.
Wait for the 30th anniversary of Turn A in 5 years
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Dalong got you covered.
but i'll be 35 years old then i don't want to wait half a fucking decade
why doesn't Dalong put ads on his site?
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but im already 30
>hobby-genki asks like 4k yen to ship MG Sahlenthropus via DHL
>Volks store asked me 7k to ship that massive KOG with the massive fuck off cannon via DHL
>Surugaya asks me 500 yen commision fee to ship via DHL for 0 yen
>HLJ is asking 10k to ship the same kit via DHL
>Mandarake is asking 13k via DHL
Why IS HLJ and madarake so jewish?
I need to stop forgetting that Dalong exists. Thanks anon. I like how much bigger the 1/1200 are but I can tell it doesn't have anywhere near as much detail. Sucks.
You can try scribing some 1700 details on 1200 but it's gonna be a lengthy project.
Newfags don't remember the golden age of HLJ shipping. I got this haul the summer of '18. VGH, take me back...
Just get a printer, FDM has come a long way. A1 mini is like 200$ and can get you real close to SLA.
The face looks like a fat kid stuffed into a football helmet
>30 dollars on amazon
>5-10 dollar shipping at most
better times.
Are we actually gonna get a RG Master Gundam? It seems like a lot of people are saying we will since they're making more G Gundam kits. It already has a HGFC kit and it doesn't seem that popular.
Bandai is all about low effort easy money remakes, so I would guess yes.
Unfortunately our timeline shifted at some point and we got RG Epyon instead of RG Master
>stack of gunpla in the dark woods
Fuck you skinwalker you'll never take me alive
Why do all his Gundams look the same?
I like how they just removed the commander antenna and gave the IJ2 another beam saber on the head. The Justice went from a gimmicky commander unit to having a million beam sabers.
>Why do Justice Gundam's upgrades look similar to Justice Gundam itself?
Did Okawara just run out of ideas having to make so many Gundams for SEED that he just had to use the same justice design 3 times and copy all the old zeon suits for the zaft monoeyes? Seriously why didn't they bring on more mechanical designers for the show? At least have one other guy to do the baddies suits. All the 90s shows had multiple designers.
Some 1/1700 WIPs.
Junichi Akutsu did some designs for SEED but all of the MS in Destiny were designed by Okawara.
The original design of the freedom (as with most okawara designs) looks best in motion, the mg 2.0 is the only version of the freedom I like looking at standing still due to its proportions and detail, though I totally understand people who want to avoid excess detail and I can be like that for some designs I just think the freedom uses it well
No need to change peak
But the type II is a downgrade sadly, why did they get rid of the head camera :((((
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You’re going to need some better bait than that
Why didn’t they bring on some other guys for Destiny? I mean I bet they were just rolling in money after the commercial success that SEED was.

Fuck man. Makes me think we were just spoiled silly in the older shows. I mean we had a show with both Okawara and Nagano as designers. Then right after Izubuchi and Akitaka. Then through the whole 90s we got Okawara, Ishigaki, and Hajime fucking Katoki. Destiny is poverty tier compared to that lineup.
Note to sell. When coming upon gunpla in the woods, be low ready.
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Wow thanks for reminding how great the Justice gundam is.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As if the outrage on Aerial Rebuild still hasn't diedown yet.
Mmmm, fuck it’s close
Fine, I'll go innawoods now.
What were people mad about? The design change is a perfect way to show how aerial has gone from a companion at school to a killing machine
I actually like rebuild better
It looks stupid rather than menacing.
Maybe the giant blue tumors need some color separation in them.
Oh shit do you have any more pics of this or a link to an album? I've always dreamed of seeing this in a larger scale.
military hardware rarely comes with "color separation"
HGFC is a fuckin scam because it's all P Bandai. Also I just want a fucking 1/100 scale Bolt and Rose for fuck's sake I can't handle it anymore it's not fair.
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ooh- floorpla
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>Military hardware
Right. I'll keep that argument in mind for literally everything else in Witch or any other Gundam related design that has color separation.
>military hardware rarely comes with "color separation"
Also, the face needs additional vent so it won't look like a weird looking mouth
>camouflage slapped across the entire thing
color separation is meant to highlight the suit's shape and features, not obscure them
What? The backpack has plenty with the grey veins and yellow fins and monochrome shoulder armor is hardly out of the ordinary
It's the Minami-ke mouth. :<
Gundam niggas point at silly giant cartoon robot then claim it is the scariest cosmic horror ever existed.
The Dilanza and most WFM designs in general really don't really have that much more color separation than the Aerial Rebuild. Most of the designs are fairly clean and simple, probably so they wouldn't need many color correcting stickers.
The back pack, the shoulders, and then finally the chest are all blue. It needs something to break it up.
*Darrilbalde, got the names mixed up.
In-universe, it is just a paintjob and nothing more. No different than you slapping decals on your kit to give it some details.
I kind of fucked up on using that example without contextualizing it. Considering that the retard started going on about military hardware and there are giant red, white/purple, white/red/blue/yellow war robots flying around. I meant to point out how dumbshit retarded it is to cite military hardware as any sort of excuse. TL;DR anon is a prancing lala faggot.
It’s simply a more militaristic and aggressive design in contrast to the original aerial
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The chest and backpack arent all blue though, only the shoulders are all blue
Dilanza is more colorful than you remember. They have 2 purple greebles, 2 white greebles, along with grey torso to contrast with the cadet blue head and limps. Aerial Rebuild's problem is that her shoulders, wings and part of the chest are all blue, making them too bland and bleed into each other.
Why does the type 2 look so squat and tiny, the og inju looks so much better
I like predominantly one color designs
Except it looks quite colorful
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Side chest, shoulder, backpack which blends in too much altogether. It needs something to break it up.
Which kit has the coolest expansion set?
Middle chest, desperately needs that yellow colour and the shoulder armor too.
Why are the spikes painted in solid colors? I thought those were supposed to be beam spikes?
In that image the left shoulder and left backpack actually blend together to resemble one big blob lol.
HG Scopedog. Just pure manliness.
>Still have that fatty on my backlog.

I will build it soon.
Yeah, this is one of the off putting part of the rebuild. It's so out of place and ruins Aerial.
Why isn't there an entry grade zaku?
I fucking love rebuild so much. Haven't even watched the show, I just love the design. Blue feet? Sick as fuck.
I believe EG is for Gundam only. Beginners to the hobby won't know what the fuck is a Zaku.
Thats only because the example is an unpainted model that doesnt even have any panel lining
As based as it gets. I'm excited for the new expansions.
>I believe EG is for Gundam only.
aren't there entry grade pokemon and naruto and goku
No. It should have something in there to add color separation.
>snapshitter can't panel line or paint
>bitches about something that needs paint and panel lines
>muh color separation!!!
Massive snapshitter tastelet skill issue
i guess that's kinda fair
i just think an entry grade zaku 1 would be fantastic
u mean like shading/highlighting/color modulation/weathering/etc
Even just putting the bits on adds white to the shoulders
No. A yellow, red, or white to break up all that blue.
>colourblind snappy complaining about some valid points on the Aerial rebuild.

NOOOOO, it's finerinos, there's no probleeem with the blue blob on the Rebuild. Except it killed the identity of Aerial and just flat out killed the charm that the original had.
Bruh, the whole point is to show how aerial has gone from a companion at school to a killing machine. It’s supposed to have a more aggressive and militaristic feel.
Use your fucking brain anon it killed the charm and identity of the aerial because it represents suletta submitting to her mothers will and using aerial as a weapon as it was originally intended, the charm of the original was always a cover, its fine if you dont like the design but at least understand why it is what it is
painting a gundam like a fantasy miniature or a ww2 diorama is never not going to look stupid
If that was the whole intention of upgrading Aerial, they would have just gone full on Grey+Black like with the Schwarzette which actually looks more menacing except they slapped on the blue colour to it.
One anon recently said he liked my semi gloss white
It needs to still recognisably be aerial because eri’s humanity still remains
I hate these clear colour kits so much and I hope that if anyone has it in this thread, I hope that it melts.
HG SEED and NG 1/100
That kit's only flaw is the wing pieces. It's one solid block instead of having the separations that the MG 2.0 has.
One moment, I just woke up.
take your time sweetie
We are only on page 6 you fucking dunce
I would post Fred Durst but I can't
>image limit
None of you paint to actually need to post your work. You just use images for shitposting
Who cares faggot, why does that even bother you? Oh no is it gonna bump a dead retarded thread off the board? Kill yourself.
Image limit, so new thread.

thanks babe
Hope he sees this bro
Is that supposed to be mecha Bondrewd??
nobody cares about your retarded word anon.

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