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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22708645
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!!!!
Do it now!!!!
Show it to meeeeeee!!!!!
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I’m trying my hand at candy coats for the first time. How are they?
>The snapfit looks good
>The painted custom ones looks horrible so far
Is it really worse than just snapshitting it?
Honestly, no doubt a good modeler can make a kit completely gorgeous after customization. But this place doesn't have that skillset sadly.
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>Bunch of new action figures
>No new kits announced
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Walked 9 hours to Anime Expo to buy this from the Volks booth
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Did you get any Gundams at 15% off for the backlog to celebrate burgerland's birthday, anons?
>Robot Damashii Bellvine
>Metal Build Bellvine
And yet it doesn't even have 1 HG.
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Any rough color matches for the grey joint parts and the blue on the feet? I'm gonna be using tamiya stuff
Those Canadian terrorists at it again
Why didn’t you get the good unicorn?
How different are the MG SEED Zaku when compared to the UC ones? Like on runners and stuff.
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i was on vacation and saw a gunpla store so I went in and bought one that looked cool :)
All of them are good, some just need some extra effort to make them shine
You got scammed then if a Unicorn was inside the box.
how so? why you hating?
Ugly mobile suit
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where are the stickers. you didn't even bother with them? are you planning on painting?
Summer time babyyyyyyy
yeah I'm gonna paint it eventually
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Are there any situations where extra thin tamiya cement is worse than the regular variant? It feels that the sheer smallness of hg kits makes the thicker variant inferior in all aspects.
Nice nub work there.
i snapped it at a friend's house and she only had nippers
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I got Jimmies in the brain lads. GM brainrot full throttle. Can't stop thinking about my visor boys and their successors. I want to collect GM's one through GM's three. I wish bandai made a scale smaller than 144 but not too small so I can have a cute tiny war in one shelf. Maybe 1/160 or someshit. I want to make a hangar full of tiny GMs with tiny mechanics loading up bodybags and maybe even have some floating corpses because its a battle in progress. Maybe I should fucking get into 3d printing instead of being a slave to the limitations of these kits.
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Haha.... same here bro... eventually...
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My balls are done, again.
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Based fellow GM autist. I remember Mobile suit in action being slightly smaller then hg kits but I might be misremembering things although they would be pretty expensive at this point.
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I also started on Hiblacku-Shiki
surfacer, base coat, stickers/transfers, matte top, weathering, matte top again? do I have the order correct
Yeah pretty much. Do panel lines too after base coats
Don't use stickers except for the foil ones, and put those on last
Crazy how the closest thing we could have to playing out A baoa qu is the gundam century starcraft mod.
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>Bandai deliberately made the Ver. Ka Zeta look like shit in order to not upstage the Metal Build
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Here's your opening hatch gimmick
>Metal Build Zeta, Reborns, and God Gundam shown
>Only MG we get is the no-one-gives-a-shit Narrative
What the actual fuck is going on at Bandai?
50,000 yen action figures are much more profitable than 5,000 yen model kits.
I'm not a fan of main gundams, feels like there's constantly some new figure/kit of them for no real good reason, like there's probably gonna be something absurd like 9.0 versions of every main Gundam figure and or kit by the year 2060
>Metal Build Reborns
>Metal Build Bael

My anger fills me with so rage.
Not if they slap a PBandai to it and have it cost 14000 yenerinos
Sat down and built a G Type Brady Fox, Amaim was cool and so are the kits. Gonna try to build a Stork for it tomorrow. Doubt I'll be able to post any pics, the captcha count down timer has been screwy as hell in recent days. Out of all the dumb changes Hiro made adding this was the worst.
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Should I add some white to the skirt? I feel like it'll blend in too much with the legs of I do.

Explain. What is this and why is it worth the pilgrimage?
The thin stuff dries too quick in some situations. I use the normal cement when glueing pla plates.
Add a third color. Either light blue or dark blue, for accents. It'll make the blue parts pop more.
these are all different companies just under the same Bandai umbrella. They don't talk to each other nor do the actions of one influence the other.
That's 1.5 Gundam not Bael.
That's Zeta Gundam not Reborns
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You should by some Aaron Rhino, too.
personally, I think the vents should be yellow or red, and then use those colors as accents elsewhere.
Dark blue might not be a bad idea. Along the skirt's upper edges down to the point anndd maybe the collar armour? I'll see how much masking I want to do.

Giving SNRI or 00 Gundam
>Paint ur kits bro, they'll look better
>Anon's painted kit:
What the fuck, what happened with the hands? I didn't hear about any issues with the hands before
It looks fine, the best part of painting a kit is that its a one of a kind unique model that you made yourself it doesn't matter if its not the same quality as what you see in modeling magazines.
no one is a master artist right away anon. painting gunpla is an art and as long as it's better than the last one and you learn from it, its okay
Are you using lacquers ? They don't look quite shiny and mirrorish enough, looks a little rough. How did you apply the clear ?
any recs for a part separator?
ive been using those plastic razor blades scrapers but they are a bit too flimsy for some parts
your hobby knife
if you damage the part just putty it later
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Wave's new one is quite nice.
I have a soft spot for the Hexa Gear Parts Remover too, it's got the metal bit and a few different heads for pushing out 3mm and hexa port bits, handy for modular kits.
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I use a lego part separator since my brother has bought about a billion lego sets over the years and each set comes with one.
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He got his arms at last. Arm joint metal parts got delivered
>no import fees
>don't need to paint parts
>fit perfectly
I was a bit demoralized by my retardation breaking the parts, I knew gold plastic was brittle and I felt that the fit were too tight yet I kept going. Would've ordered more metal parts for the hell of it if it wasn't so expensive. Inb4 pic is sideways because filthy phoneposting
Who's excited for when the metal build kampfer is turned into a bootleg MG kit?
>metal build bael
phone repair spudgers, less than a dollar each on taobao
i can't seem to find the new one for sale anywhere, but the old one looks good. finna cop that
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Can't find one piece for my metal gear rex kit, so thinking about painting this one instead.
So I shouldn't even bother with trying to learn to paint my kits then?
>oh man, it's another UNICORN or SEED kit
>we know you love them!
Doesnt matter im already angry. Just make an mg kit of those please bandai.
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Volks' plastic GTM line finally has a name
VSMS "Volks Super Modeling Series"
I would actually like a ZGok with a justice inner frame. Or the Proud Defender as a separate expansion pack compatible for both the MGEX and MG Strike Freedom.
Wait that’s painted? It looks like bare plastic.
Hand painted probably.
What’s the point of going through all the work of painting when it looks worse than snapbuilding? Like I’m sure a pro who’s grinded for years can make it look good, but random idiots who just rolled in from Reddit don’t have the skill or creativity. Might as well just keep the design that an actual artist made and just snap build, and maybe panel line top coat.
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too bad the actual model won't look anywhere near that good
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because your 5/10 is more valuable than bandai's 8/10
Skill issue, snapshitter
How in the world do you get Volonthe from バロンズゥ
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material issue, not a skill issue, a plastic kit simply can't reproduce all the detail in the design the same way a resin kit can, you'd have to basically scratchbuild all the detail by hand and at that point just buy the better kit
Yeah they’re lacquers. I built up lighter coats into thicker coats.

One anon said that it looked too wet, another says it doesn’t look shiny and mirror enough. I’ll take that to mean I’ve found a good middle ground.
cool articulation
I'd rather not have articulation if it makes the kit look worse
Which paints are they? Because that doesn't look like candy, it just looks like a bad orange peeled base coat
Set of guitar picks.

Because you can get better at painting and make your later kits look better. The important thing is being willing to accept criticism and not making the same mistakes that you did on your last kit.
>Like I’m sure a pro who’s grinded for years can make it look good
It's really not that difficult. Sure the ceiling is nearly infinite, but just making your kits look better than bare plastic is pretty easy.
Mr color gx black, Mr color gold, Mr color gx clear pink
Metalic Grey XF-56
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The Baronz release soon
those lucky enough to have gotten the Quincy Baronz probably will receive it at the same time too
I could understand the "V" becoming "B" due to japanese
and "Ze" becoming "The"

But I cannot understand why the first "o" isn't an "a"
Yeah I just got a shipping email for the Quincy Baronz.
Holy snapshitter cope lmao, you sound fat and or brown.
What is the difference?
I am not convinced people are buying the metal builds.
And it's not even some fuck up that GSC did.
The Robot Damashii also went under that name.
nagano mechs having fucked up inconsistent romanizations is just tradition
I have a dumbass question but is Mr.Cement not the same as glue?
I've been trying to glue on RG Strike's knife holder because it just falls off at the slightest movement.
glue is, well, glue
plastic cement despite the name is not a glue - instead of serving as an adhesive between pieces of plastic it melts the plastic and lets it bond together directly.
hobby cement dissolves the plastic surfaces then let them reform in one piece, it doesn't work like your usual adhesives.
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I have a collection but it has been VERY hard to justify the pricing these last few years.
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Any tips for sanding? I hesitate to sanding because of the sanding marks. How did you guys do it?
Get a Raser glass file if you dont like sandpaper it leaves a very good finish.
We paint over it after sanding.
polish it by sanding it with a 10000 grit sanding sponge
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Primer time.
Why clear over gold ? If you want a nice candy effect it's better over chrome/silver
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Get one of those if you don't paint
Is there anything I can do if I accidentally cut out an important piece from a sprue wrong? I don't wanna order an entire new kit if I can just get the sprue itself
define "wrong"
As in I cut too far and removed the nub that was there for another piece to be inserted into it
cant you just glue it back together, sounds like the kind of shit that will be hidden on the inside anyway
Yeah I did that but unfortunately it's on the very front of the model so it sticks out like a sore thumb
Post a picture
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First one went okay but I hardcore spilled my spaghetti glueing the other ones on
In the background you can see the D19 piece which I accidentally cut the nubs off of
I look like this IRL
why do they pack these bunch of sanding sticks like they're selling some Apple gadget shit?
I bought that scam when I was a newfag, I don't use any of the things that were inside anymore, but at least the box is useful, I store tools in it.
Anyone here mindlessly scroll through the online store to buy cheap gunpla regardless of whether you care about them or not? At this point I think I've built all the suits I like, but I reflexively grab my phone and impulse shop whenever there's nothing going on.
i think your problem isnt cutting it wrong, but gluing it wrong
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Accessories for the Gundam Breaker 4Gunbarrel Strike. Definitely a new mold, in case there was any doubt.
Now the question is if the standalone normal color release will be retail and slot in right with the other striker packs as option set.
dios mio anon. That is waaaay too much glue. I don't know that this is salvageable without a lot of work. Let this be a lesson to you.
Learn to paint, you CAN do it
I know, it's my first time putting together a model in like 10 years and I could tell within 10 seconds I was spilling my spaghetti hard

I'll try and contact the seller to see if they can provide spare parts and if not I'll probably just order another kit, yens in the dumpster anyway
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If you ever had enough room for a 1/144 scale diorama then the white base catapult deck would be good for that idea.
We haven't gotten any metal build-based bootlegs in a long time, right? Maybe Bandai stamped down on these a little and it's harder to pirate the molds.
Don't let it discourage you, most people have had similar or worse fuck ups, it's like a rite of passage.
>The snapfit looks good
no it doesn't
>The painted custom ones looks horrible so far
you're not wrong on this though
please tell me that's not the kind of glue I think it is..
poor rex
we /gpg/chads don't paint gunpla. that's against the artist's wishes and we rather make it accurate to the anime drawings
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Thanks anon, I appreciate it
I would never do that to rex
I went on pm-paint and liked the much hotter colors you get doing it over gold
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Didn't get a chance to work on him today but hopefully weather allows for surfacer tomorrow.
gold base coat gives the candytone a brighter and warmer color than using silver
what a cute lil fella
>and slot in right with the other striker packs as option set.
I think this one.
Is being fat really that much of a handicap when making Gundams?
what is this gonna be? arm knife and reworked hips are throwing me off so i assume an original custom? Also are these the build hand sets?
Interesting, I didn't know
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i'm still pissed Aqua GM doesn't have a kit, releasing an HG together with Zaku Mariner would have worked perfectly.
Now? Best we can hope for is a p-bandai of the Origin version.
in an american accent the o in that word sounds more similar to a japanese a than japanese o
no but i check hlj for new koto/gsc preorders every morning
yes. you'll never hear cases of gunpla being broken by manhandling on countries with low obesity rates like everything that's not USA
Thanks anon.
It is the result of an intrusive thought I had slightly before the group build was announced that turned out to fit the theme, and that was the silliness of a mech scale clearance diver/frogman. I am probably going to paint up the circular saw/drill thing from the Demitrainer option set, The idea is that the mech was one of the kind of shitty "we can make a GM do it" projects of the OYW, focused on underwater recon, repair and sabotage. The torpedo/anti ship missile (unsure what I want it to be) is its only ranged weapon, the head vulcans are deleted and it has the knife mostly for destroying underwater communication lines, pipes and the like (works in a pinch for combat though). In my fluff it was a project making use of early GMs deemed to be non combat capable but still salvageable, there were probably only two or three of them made and they were consigned to a footnote in history.
IF I have time after painting the build (weather and work schedule means I am scared I won't make deadline as is, life fucking sucks right now) I might try and make some removable flippers to complete the look.
very cool idea, I like the thought process. If you make in time you'll have my vote and if not, no biggie it'll still be very neat when it's done.
Volonthe is just a fancy way of saying "Barons"
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Oh and sorry I forgot to answer part of your question, they are Jigen Build Knuckles (round)
Don't vote for me until you see if I can pull off the painting, I normally do great war aircraft models so this is well out of my comfort zone. I am a fan of marine mobile suits though, my three projects put on hold to do this group build entry are the HGUC Acguy, HGUC Z'Gok and the old kit Juaggu.
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Just realised that was the old mono eye I did, I changed it afterwards to fit a bit better.
My family's in berlin rn for the euro so i was thinking of asking them to bring me something from there ,any good gunpla stores there
No but there’s plenty of good whores there. You should of gone.
depends where you live I guess? If you're from the US then probably no
>gunpla being broken by manhandling
How you do that?
Found my way to both the Hobbyholics and the Gundam Base exhibits. There's quite a long line for the latter.
i'll let an american answer that because i can't relate either.
Does the RG Strike Freedom hold up well? I've never built an RG.
if you handle it with proper care, yes
Nah. It’s one of the early RGs so it’s pretty bad. Generally everything before the RG Exia is pretty bad, with the Mk-II excepted. But RGs don’t really start getting good until after RG Unicorn.
RG RX-78-2 2.0 pics and news
nobody cares about realslop
>early RGs
>remove the "arly"
Burn at this point everyone already has this Gundam, nobody fucking cares about ANOTHER rx-78-2
the shitposters really do move in herds, huh
How careful, the wing transformation looks a bit fragile but should I just treat the whole thing like I'm defusing a bomb, every time?
They weren't good? The God Gundam was the only RG I was actually eyeing but I can get the Strike Freedom for cheap
RG's trigger the shitposters for some reaon.
I feel like new RX-78-2s should at this point come out when
>There is a 5 or maybe even a 10 year anniversary of the original MSG (and I could honestly live without this)
>There is a new model line launched (so if tomorrow there was "Greeble Grade (GG)" released that were 1/200 scale heavily detailed models or some shit an RX-78-2 would be one of the first kits)
>There is a radical advance in technology within a model line (like RGs getting lighting effects out of the box, or HGs finally getting waterslides outside of peebs)
Those times are good times to feature an RX-78-2. Honourable mention to cross promotional ones that are just recolours/sticker sets like the 7/11 gundams and shit. As it is SD, HG, RG, MG, PG all have easy to obtain and good RX-78-2s (HG is tripping over them) and Artifact having a permanently available RX-78-2 to advertise the line to new people is probably the only missing gap in the market.
if you only plan to pose them and be done with it, they're fine. they're not suitable for play though.
W-where's his brain
>they're not suitable for play though.
Oh. I like play, so I'll hold off on the Strike Freedom for now then.
The RX-78-2 is still THE gundam. It will never go out of style, and it will always get new merch
Gundam is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. and according to the leaks, RX-78 2.0 is internally recognized as "RGEX", so it somehow counts as a new line.
that's... that's exactly when they come out
Do they really sell that much? There’s like 4 MGs, like 6 jillion HGs, 2 PGs, 2 RGs, a fucking statue, like 3 kits of the fucking statue. Like who buys this shit? Is it all just normies?
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been a while since i had something to post, i never finish anything nowadays.
i wouldn't call this is a bad kit, but some of the engineering is a bit bizarre. not entirely sure why these brain powerd kits have such a bad reputation around here.
this time i tried to go for a more natural shading style but i didn't do a very good job.
no idea what happened on the left side of the waist, the paint (and plastic‽) literally melted under the masking tape. i guess i didn't let it offgas enough before masking, and leaving it masked on a stick for like 2 weeks probably didn't help.
i usually leave clear effect parts as bare plastic but i cracked one getting it off the runner so thought i'd have a go at painting it. i used orange/yellow because the plastic was orange, but on second thought i think they might have been green in the show…
all in all far from my best output but hopefully i do a better job on the nelly brain and baronz in the future
i've never seen an RX-78 kit of any grade shelfwarm on stores, so yeah, it will always sell.
I think that is acceptable, but I do wish that Bandai would appoint their lazy rehash department to RX-78-2 new releases instead of putting their top guys on the case each year. We could easily have a few years of "new RX-78-2" releases for the casuals just by doing circular recolours like "oh we are doing the HG Beyond Global in Revive colours" one year and then "Oh we are doing HGUC Revive in Beyond Global colours" the next year.
Mostly, but we also seem to get new RX-78-2 kits when we just have a new line that touches the OYW within the scale (which is part of how we ended up with so many new tool HG RX-78-2 kits in recent years) and I would like them to switch from "new kit every 10 year anniversary" instead of every 5. There is also other notable bloat - for example, we have two Entry Grade kits, the difference being that one comes with an additional sprue to actually complete the kit. High Grade has the HG original, the HGUC original, the 35th anniversary Revive, the Beyond Global, the The Origin (which iirc came out right around the same time as the Beyond Global at the 40th), the version with the G-Armor, and this is before you get to recolour and special sets. I accept that there are always going to be "new RX-78-2" releases, but if there was a single kit they could afford to get lazy on expenditure for now it is the original Gundam. I can't think of a market niche not currently covered by the RX-78-2s available in any scale other than Artifact, FM or the dead scales.
are there at least medicore gunplal stores there,im from rural greece
I netted a clear G04, a clear Second V, a hanger set, an options pack, and new nippers. I'm satisfied.
No room for brain when you have superior monoeye
He took it out so that you could see his shiny eye.
now, do i finish one of the 6 wips on my desk or open yet another new kit… leaning towards opening hg sirbine but the f90 mars on my desk has had his head poking out of the wip box staring at me just asking to be painted for a few months now…
No. Just go to Thessaloniki
The only time you'll see more than five Japanese robot model kits/toys on sale here is when some Italians have a booth at a con.
Will consider when my backlog clears up.
Fuck the Iwata Eclipse man. Folded over 10,000 times, my ass. This shit has given me so many problems, I’m really on the verge of getting a different brush.
What problems do you have with it ? I had one, it was major enough to make me buy another airbrush
>300 dollar Robot spirts Xi
??????????? Why, it looks like it's the same scale as the 1/144 model kit.
What I find more weird is that the Earth Federation, which literally controls the only place in the Solar System with oceans, never bothered to develop aquatic MS beyond an aqua variant of the first GM. Even Neo Zeon went full ham with shit like the Capule.

Works on my machine :^)
Shit like paint coming out when I don’t pull back on the trigger, no paint coming out at all, the needle getting stuck. It’s like every other time I use it there’s a problem. I keep it clean and follow the manual and haven’t done any shit that would ruin it. I have another airbrush with a .5mm needle and it never has problems.
If you bought it from a local shop there's a chance it was used before and sold with defects, or shops on amazon, lots of them do that. I bought an hp-ch and didn't have issues, yet anyway. I heard harder & steenbeck has good airbrushes
Yeah I got mine from hobby lobby. It was full price though. Did they really sell me a defective brush?
That's a possibility. The amazon shops that do sell them full price despite them being used. It could be that the airbrush was fucked from the start too. I'm not a burger so I don't know of hobby lobby practises. Can't you return it and get it exchanged ?
Nah it’s been over 90 days. It’s fucking over I guess.

I don’t think I want another iwata anyway. Other people here have had the same issues with it. I think I’ll get a grex since that’s what this general recommends.
I was one of the anons complaining about issues with the eclipse. I technically can still use it but I can't be assed doing a full cleaning after every session. Get one with easy to find replacement parts
Is it just me or do online shops try to gouge their prices even more when yen just dipped? I swear they're higher than ever.
Stop being poor. Normal people don’t even care about the prices of this shit. It’s cheap compared to real hobbies like automotives.
Yes. The only way to get a really good deal is to actually go to Japan.
Epic Andrew tate sigma on my grind hustler ohio rizzler take bro, you just blow in from an Instagram comments section?
Reminder that the same anons that cry about fat americhads are the same anons crying about prices and not being able to find gundams in their third world dumps and p-bandai. All they do is bitch all day on this forum because they have no jobs and are too poor to get gundams.
Reminder that one anon complaining about anons crying about prices is an amerishart tard who hasn't stood up from his crusty shit ridden plastic chair.
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Reminder that you have to buy more GMs.
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Reminder Googs, buy more Googs
cute seams
Reminder to bandai to make more Googs
1 squad out of every variant. 1 leader, 2 beam spray/machine gun boys, 1 bazooka, 1 missiler/1 sniper. Also you MUST own enough zeon grunt suits to contest them. Zaku I's, 2s, doms, googs, aqualads. Ground types, jungle camo, desert camo, asteroid fighers, all the variants and a terrain you can make them do their mock battles in.
What are some good booths to buy models at anime expo?
goog cannon, goog sniper, googs with funnels, googs with zaku legs, googs with zaku machineguns because they are literally out of beamguns. googs with 2x spike shields living the sturm gallus dream.
The dream I will make come true.... surely.
The Gelgoog's swell and all, but it has to be Gyans for me.
Googs made out of thousands of regular googs coming together to form one gigagoog
A gigoog?
I absolutely would not mind a gundam minis wargame. I want apocalypse tier dioramas with just hundreds of suits and tons of ships and all sorts of bad ass mobile armors that can conveniently fit on one table. Just imagine rebuilding your own private Au Baoa qu. Hell, I wouldn't even need another player let alone the rulebook. I'd just play out fantasy mock bottles myself like a true autist.
It would be fucking amazing, I would even accept games workshop tier price bullshit just to have it a reality.
>It exists
>1/400 scale
god why can't bandai get on top of this sort of shit.
I don't have a RG RX-78-2.
how many times must I make the small family company "joke" ?
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forgot pick lmao imagine this but with big zams/neue ziels/big rangs just causing havoc. Hell, I bet even zeong and their prototype variants would also be a major map presence, maybe give the frame its own mini but also allow the wired bit arms to count as their own models that can move around independently.
Been messing around with mobile suit skirmish on and off with a buddy, which does use the 1/144 kits. And while it is a jank fest (suits with shields and/or tons of armor just wreck house) it is a decent bit of fun.
Just wish 2.5 actually existed in a playable state instead of everyone using 2.01.
>Also you MUST own enough zeon grunt suits to contest them.
Sorry, dude. All I got are a bunch of Leos.
are sanding sponges wet sand-able? I'm looking at a few and none of them mention it
I felt like taking the Goog pill and buying the HG Gelgoog/Cannon kit but it's sold out everywhere here where I live. I think the Goog Cannon head looks nice and better than the regular head
Lol I have the exact same problem, I only found 1 goog cannon from some random on ebay so now I have to wait for a reprint for my goog filled dreams to come true.
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My gunpla haul just arrived.
post thighs
File deleted.
No thigh pics, but will you take a busted toe?
I like how Zaku 1 and Gelgoog are buddies
>That hideous nails

You deserve that for not maintaining your nails.
I think you might like tanks, just a hunch though.
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Tanks are pretty cool.
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Currently working on a Zaku I Commander Type. Any suggestions on colors? I’m torn with just painting it Zaku green or painting it in the Black Tri-Star Zaku I (robot spirits ver) colors
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Garret Schmitzer's unit
Basically paler green
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I actually have the parts to make that (Gouf shield and the Raketen bazzoka) but I’m not good enough with PLA to make the chest match so decided to not make it.
Show us the pool
if you want you could try and find a Zaku Sniper, its chest is much closer
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I could. But I’ve already got this shit primed. I affixed the chest of a HG Zaku I kit to the Revive Zaku by using magnets which was a bit tricky and got fucked up while washing the parts for painting. I’d rather not try a third attempt
It’s been like 17 years. Why didn’t they make a mg Zaku I 2.0? Are they stupid?
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This is my first gundam I bought ever since I went into this hobby’s rabbit hole. It’s a Zaku and it looks pretty cool. Any recommendations from the principality of Zeon for my next gundam? I really like their designs.
>Any recommendations
Yes, please sand your nubs.
Gaza C
You will love the Goog if you like the Zak.
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Also please stop posting reddit pictures.
impossible that it's the same guy huh?
This arm swap but it’s the origin zaku i and you fill all the panel lines with putty
I disliked the proportions of the origin Zaku so I went with customizing the revive since I feel it’s a bit more true to the original designs. The revive is a bit better with articulation too. Personally, I think it’s the best Zaku II kit out besides the MG so converting it to a Zaku I was a no brainer.
Bandai’s 8/10 > your 5/10
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Unicorn statue has been broken due to transformation mechanic malfunction. How is Katoki the definite realistic robot designer when everything he designed seems to be unrealistic and easily to fall apart?
Remember to ignore and report shitposting
Yeah, just did that to anon no.22714124
Is there a modern kit that actually accurately pulls off the anime Zaku II look? The MG 2.0 is close but it's still pretty inaccurate with unnecessary upgrades to make it "cooler".
Nevermind, I guess it's pretty much going to be the HG Revive with a few minor modifications.
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Anyone knows where to buy spare psycho frame runners for the Ver.Ka? I'd like to customize my Narrative beyond grey/pink, and dismantling the other unicorns wouldn't be practical (and good luck getting the blue ones).
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The revive would be the only kit I can think of. The robot spirits figures as well if you count them
Malding snapshitter lmao
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I hope there will be an RG 2.0 that gives Zaku 2 shitload of panelines and vent holes. I want to see it happen for real.
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Needs a final layer of top coat but my group build entry is basically done! Now I just need to learn how to take good looking, dynamic pictures.
I imagine bootleg companies will get to it soon
the revive is closest but it still has some annoyances
>skirt armor and waist aren't 1 solid piece
>head is a bit too small
>typical fingers/palm part + back plate hands instead of classic style hands
>shield is too big
pic rel is actually almost perfect if not for some of the added greeble and still having the disconnected skirt armor
im down for rg2.0s of every single rg if they keep doing the chunkier proportions like the rx-78
As for dynamic pics a good pose will go a long way, though naturally an EWAC GM will look appropriate in only some. For the pic itself lighting and angle are the most important things, play around and experiment with what options you got to figure out what works for you. For example, low angle shots can help make it look more massive.
I feel like you are shitposting just to dunk of the old anime's animation error. Why are you subhuman faggots acting like this? What's the benefit?
What? I just love the classic Zaku II look and I'd like a kit that replicates it, that's all. Though modifying the Revive to be as close to my ideal as possible should be feasible.
thank god the revive doesn't look like that, it'd be so ass
That shield head is originally from a Marasai right?
Holy shit you did nearly the same thing I was planning on doing head-wise.
The default zaku I HGUC head has some weird fitting issues with how it's two halves don't properly meet the center head piece, so I planned on filing down a zaku II instead.
I assume that worked out pretty well for you?
it's less shitposting and more hyper-autismo about "muh zaku ausführung". remember, people care about small details, imagine if only the RX-78-2 ver KA existed but you didn't want it, and when you bring it up, people are like "who gives a fuck it's still the RX-78 who gives a shit if it has longer feet and shoulder thruster vents you fucking loser"

I mean, people actually bought the MG RX-78 ver 2.0, remember?
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Nice to see some Gyan Krieger love. A darker blue or some orange would make for a good third accent color. I wish they'd reprint the kit already so I could snag a couple too.

If it's any consolation, there's a guy on Etsy who's selling a 3d printed conversion kit of the Aqua GM, so it at least exists in some form, and the guy did a great job with it, per pic related.

Thanks anon, appreciate the tips. I think I'm also just a bit afraid to pose my kits since I don't want my ham hands breaking the kit apart while fiddling with it, but I just need to get over that.

The big head is from a resin kit that I was lucky enough to nab a couple months back from some Japanese auction site. I've seen another one floating around before, so they should be out there somewhere if you really want to find one.
>people actually bought the MG RX-78 ver 2.0
because it's the best one
Is it fine to use Tamiya's Surface primer? I just bought a light grey one and planning to use it to prime a test kit.
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>I mean, people actually bought the MG RX-78 ver 2.0, remember?
Because the MG is a heavily Katoki-fied design. It is more acceptable to mainstream consumer. You try to put the Okawara lineart he drew in the 70s into MG/HG design, the kit would be much more niche. Knowing how Katoki has his hands on MG line, i won't be surprised if he actually designed this thing.
Looks lineart accurate to me
>kits directly based on old Okawara lineart but made out of flexible materials so they can pose like in the anime despite having no visible joints
Would it be kino?
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Yes. Essentially take the snout piece and use some plastic cement to fuse it to the lower half of the head. Sand down the excess and fill the holes with epoxy. Be careful with the sanding as the upper part of the snout piece as the plastic gets a bit thin
MG: Has more panelines, smaller feet, the torso is incorrect, helmet part looks too blocky, small head.
Okawara ver: The helmet is rather round-ish and the head is abit big. Fat and chunky body design. Really big feet. Long and skinny face.
Every modelkits so far have been heavily redesigned. Okawara's art might be inconsistent, but it has a specific design language to it that differs it from the modelkit's redesigns.
This thing wouldn't actually be able to move, you know that, right?
Nah. His rendition on RX782 is just so outdated and ugly, i doubt majority of people even a fan of it.
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It's supposed to evoke the actual anime, not Okawara's stupid fucking toy lineart
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>Evoke the actual anime.
You can glue the MG's head onto the HG's neck, repaint the bazooka everyday, then you will have the authentic "evoke the actual anime" kit.
The face is still too fat. Make it more narrow, more thin, and it will look perfect.
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I ordered a HG marine yesterday to kitbash with my standard/cannon type. Feels like these chunky boys get no love these days, very sad
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Nah, Gelgoog still got reprinted occasionally. Sure not types but they are still pretty well known. Now, Victory grunts, these guys get the cold shoulder from Bandai.
it's fine, that kit sucks ass anyway
And it is the only Shokew modelkit ever released in modern time. No HG, no RG, nothing. Just a Pbandai slop that's probably out of stock everywhere on earth.
>And it is the only Shokew modelkit ever released in modern time
Fucking barely. It looks nothing like the Shokew.
its in stock on the scalper bay for 8400 yen
Knowing it's cheap, on ebay, what's inside the box is probably " Aerial Fighter by Daban" or some shit.
thehangarbay not ebay
and thats not cheap its like 2.5x msrp
That's around 50 dollars +20 dollars shipping cost. Still too good to be true, though. I hope Bandai will reprint it one day, but knowing this is PBandai, probably 5 more years lmao.
Wait until you see Junya Ishigaki's own redesign for the thing.
thehangarbay is legit if you don't care about paying double msrp. i've used him a few times because i don't have a pbandai store
Absolutely vile.
Lmao btfo'd that anon, Ishigaki never fails
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Added some dark blue. Hope it's worth the trouble.
And Stork built! Not sure where to store the extra Jogan parts until I build that kit. And one of the missile launches really does not want to come out. Ah well, I enjoyed building it.
He designed probaly the coolest Sazabi expy.
Dark blue since this is a no yellow build! But I did add dark blue. I wonder how it'll look.
I'm surprised we didn't get the MGSD version of it yet
Eurobros, where do you get your gundams? It’s so hard to get here.
Wrong Ishigaki redesign
I despise Rig Shokew with every inches of my bones.
I got my shacko for 46 dollar on Surugaya
How do I remove the nubs from the pieces once I cut them out?
i have a feeling they'll do Unicorn first before that
Use glassfile to sand them off. Don't use hobby knife, it sucks and left visible nub marks.
Thanks anon. Any specific recommendations?
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>Is much more sexier in art than in gunpla.

Maybe the RG or MG will do it more justice.
The HG is pretty accurate to Gyobu's line art. The problem is that Darilbalde looks simple to begin with, and the kit simply follows it. If it has RG, the design will probably change, like more visible panelines, blockier structure, more vents.
Let me cope. But if it does get an MG ill get at least 3
This shit is so hard to clean when the plastic residue gets stuck on it.
Wtf which 30mm kit is this? P-bandai?
Is hajime katoki overrated? What are even his good designs? The unicorn? lol.
I think he is good when he does his own thing. I even like the Unicorn Gundam, Sinanju, Tallgeese, Nobel Gundam, etc...But when he redesign stuff, they tend to look very boring. He is a hit and miss.
Do you like the master gundam?
Nah its the Darilbalde.
Katoki's designs improved Gunpla as whole, as Bandai started to bother color separating the kit instead of an all out sticker faggotry like the early 2000s. His redesigns sucks, but his OGs are great.
I'm neutral about it. But i love Tallgeese Fluegel especially. Such a majestic design.
Zeta Plus, Ex-S, Victory, V2, GP03, Master Gundam, Wing Zero Custom, Kshatriya, Jesta, Sinanju.
I think I’m gonna rage quit painting. Everything I make looks like shit. There’s always orange peels and I can never get the finish and shine right. Fuck this shit.
Switch to painting colorless stuff, anon. It is much more sastifying. I successfully repainted some gunpla stuff smoothly, but, most of them are grey weapons.
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Here's your Chinese Metal Build Zeta plastic model bootleg
Good, nobody likes looking at your shit anyways Luxemcuck
That's what I thought we were getting before the Wing MGSD got announced.
whats the deal with this general and luxembourg?
Some fag here from Luxembourg throws tantrums and tries to rig the groupbuild polls. He punched his own mother and got kicked out, and also thinks making the OP picture makes him a good painter kek
Will it be electroplated and expensive?
lmfao. this place really attracts schizos and autists like moths to a flame
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just started airbrushing for the first time. definitely a learning experience. for a couple pieces I accidentally applied the black surfacer thinned with airbrush cleaner instead of leveling thinner. doing the copper coat was a little funky, some of the parts "sunk" as they dried and got wavy so I had to do another coat. I didn't use accelerant and I'm using acrylic so this is probably a loosing battle anyway. much learned and much much more to be learned. hopefully going to apply the red coat later tonight.
O my orange peel
all this talk about orange peel but no advice on how to fix it
You need to provide details:
>What’s your thinning ratio?
>What psi are you painting at?
>Relative humidity in your painting space?
All this and more has an effect on the results of your piece.
injected silver remolds of existing kits
probably p-bandai as well, so yes, very expensive
>obvious LED for the head
already better than anything bandaislop related
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>thinning ratio
the vibes in my heart(1-1 +- 2-1)
the vibes pic rel wants to blow at
>relative humidity
started at 45 and is currently 60
Where did you get this image from?
what paint are you using? Is it supposed to have such big metallic flakes in it?
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me when
>acrylic metallics

also how long did you let the surfacer cure before spraying the xf-6?
Raser eats this thing's lunch
That's not orange peel that's just how Tamiya metallics look
No you just have orange peels too.
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you know what, actually just walk me through what you did step by step, and I might be able to tell you what's going on.

nah, they shouldn't be coming out like that.
Wtf is an ecopla? Never heard of this shit before.
sloppy seconds gunpla. they take old runners, melt them down, and turn it into gunpla
I used the surfacer, waited a bit, thinned the acrylic paints, then sprayed and prayed. I noticed that if I sprayed too close, the paint would get really wet and would dry wavy cause of gravity, so I started spraying further away and that seemed to help.
20 ish minutes
Recycled gunpla. Old runners are melted down and injected into molds to make new gunpla runners.
All of that is literally admitted by luxemcuck. Lurk moar tourist.
Oh whoops I didn't look hard enough, I see it now
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WiP. There's still a bit of painting, panel lining and decals left to do.
if you're spraying at up to a 2-1 ratio you definitely want to spray a little further away to avoid running and be light on the trigger. Laying down too much at once is never good, but especially when you've got paint thinned that much. I'd also give it a bare minimum of 30 minutes before spraying the paint onto the primer, especially if you're going over lacquers with acrylics. If the lacquer thinner is at ALL still doing it's thing it's gonna make any acrylic that goes on top of it act funky. So yeah, pull back a bit (6-10 inches away from your part), make sure you aren't spraying too much on at a time, and give the primer a little more time to cure. that should result in a nicer finish. Keep up the work anon and keep us posted
o my orangepeel
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And a photo, now that I'm not on mobile data. The pen and the charm were freebies.

I also caught the Gundam panel for Requiem for Vengeance and Silver Phantom.
Requiem for Vengeance is made in Unreal Engine 5, and was written with Netflix's batch format in mind. The EX Gundam looks like some skeletal freak because it's the main antagonist, and terrorizes the poor pathetic Zeon protags. Kind of like how Physalis is also a villainous Gundam, in contrast with Zephryanthes' more heroic, classic look. Silver Phantom is set in UC0096, and is some kind of CYOA VR game. They were advertising preorders on the Meta Quest store, dunno if it's gonna be exclusive to that or not.

I have more photos of the gunpla exhibits, once I sort through them and find the ones that don't have my ugly mug reflected in the display glass.
Is there a painter here who doesn’t have orange peel?
They're good for you.
many thanks! I'll be doing the red coat next week when it stops raining(humidity already gone to high again for me to do it tonight) and hopefully will be doing the rest of the kit in silver. will post results
There's a thread for it >>22714287
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this is my first time, please be gentle with me(and post your paintjobs senpai)
Orange peel goes away with top coat, you'd know that if you were a painter
idk about gunpla, but even in automotive painting orange peel is normal to some degree and you have to wet sand and polish if you want it like glass
What's with the fat snapshitter having a thread-long meltdown about painters? We get it, you can't paint because your fat fingers aren't nimble enought to operate an airbrush. Post your nub covered snapshits so we can make fun of you and move on.
speaking of paint though, about how thick is surfacer, base, and top coat from Tamiya TS rattle cans going to be? so I can account for thickness when im sanding
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Why me, second best builder in /gpg/, of course.
Also barzamfag(the number 1 builder in /gpg/)
Very nicely done dude. Even with you pointing out the mistake I can't notice it. And I dig the shading too, green as a base coat?
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Finally finished this kit. Tolerance is fucking all over the place on this kit. Also the stand is ass, no iffs and but. Atleast it looks nice.
Me nigga
I.R.O. on YouTube did a 3 minute video on painting gundams with rattles, it ends up being very thick and makes the Gundam look like a balloon animal
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looks pretty good desu, and this was more coats than I'm doing since he went for candy
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Also the power box whines mores than me when turning it on.
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>I wish bandai made a scale smaller than 144 but not too small so I can have a cute tiny war in one shelf.
G-frame? Also getting expensive, though
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i made a color scheme for my REEEEEE/100 bawoo. yellow is finna be metallic gold. thots?
MGs released before 2007 are the MG equivalent of early RG syndrome.
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If I'm just going to topcoat a kit to remove the bare plastic look, I can put waterslides on top of flat coat and then cover with gloss coat to seal it in, right? Or should I put the waterslides on top of the bare plastic and then seal with both?
How come the TV Wing Gundam Zero didn't get a MG when the normal TV Wing did?
They cheated by making the MG Proto-Zero. You're just going to have to pretend that it's the same thing.
You can put waterslides on bare plastic if you have mark setter and softer. But it's better if you gloss coat it before since the glossy surface is better. Then you can seal it with whatever top coat you want.
Does gloss coat on top of bare plastic help to mask nub marks though? When I did it with flat coat on my first RG it turned out pretty good.
Why come there's no MG or RG G Self? Pretty much all the other protagonist Gundams that have been around for more than a couple years have one. Even commercial failures like Turn A and Gundam X got a couple MGs. I mean the only other show I can think of that got shafted like this is AGE.
No. But it doesn't have to be your final clear coat. You put it on to help with panel line capillary action and decal adhesion, then you can do matte over it if you want.
RG's have a lot of catching up to do, there isn't even RG ZZ despite all the opportunities for it over the years. Same for PG, they'd rather rehash stuff that's guaranteed to sell like Perfect Strike.
was anybody even asking for this?
It's bretty good anon. Are you going to do anything different for the piping though?
I was, especially if it has its own frame instead of repurposing the zeta's. But knowing Bandai it'll be nothing more than a floppy mess
Yeah, I haven't decided what though. What kind of metals do you normally use for pipes? Like chrome or is that too shiny?
I want one. But more than that, I want to see if someone in Japan is going to be crazy enough to turn one into a fully transforming Tryon 3.
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Progress on the gramps ver.ka. I'm wondering if I should use some of my leftover polycaps to fab an internal core, or try and fab plastic on plastic for the ab crunch.

Any ideas?
hello snap autist
I usually go for a bronze or silver instead of chrome to avoid it being an eyesore. With the colors you have already silver/gunmetal might be the way to go
That gundam better watch his back.
Haaiiiii ]:3
Does it kind of feel like Bandai's creative spirit is just gone? 1/100 is basically dead apart from the yearly ver Ka MG. No other MGs, RE/100 is dead, haven't got any FMs in a while. I thought that they would focus on RGs as the flagship line but we only get 1-2 of them a year. It feels like Bandai is only making safe choices with new releases in low cost low quality HGs from the new animations and occasional releases of other lines of popular suits like rx-78-2 or seed shit.
I got this dark iron jumpwind from the local hobby dealer. They were out of the normal iron unfortunately. I'll probably use it for the inner frame. I'll probably use silver for the pipes or maybe even duralumin.
Is that a FAG in Titans colors? Nice.
Nice choice
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this is my build
I imagine that every day, anon. And it will forever remain in my imagination because no way will anyone actually make this.
What's your photography process? I've tried using a photobooth but I suck at it, yours are so clean and nice.
Did you ever realize that niche robots are more likely to end up as HG instead of fancy shit like RG and MG? It always have been like that. And not every collectors are interested in the popular posterboy, Bandai needs to pander to the niche group as well. RG and MG are for the posterboys and giga famous rival robots.
Buff/polish the clear coat and it'll look much better.
How do I do that?
Floor polish/Tamiya polishing compound/a high grit nail buffer depending on what look you want. Similar techniques to buffing auto kits. >>22715069
Wrong quote?
Normie snap anon acting surprised when the common HG line with almost every gundam's mecha designs in it has a consistent release and development, abeit cheap, meanwhile the more expensive to develop and produce-RG and MG will have to cherrypick the most fan favourite mecha and doesn't include everything in them in order to have the absolute financial success.
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i finished my first gunpla. i think i need to redo the varnish but otherwise i'm pretty satisfied. i've been painting warhammer for years so i just wanted to put something together and not bother with painting. i love the way the manual is laid out and also the sprues.
and of course i forgot to rotate it... not used to phoneposting.
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>"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
Praise Plamor
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which one
can't believe I spent 650 on an anime figgie instead of buying 10 gunpla
Astray for fun.
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I open all the windows, turn on all the lights then use a science fair board and a dollar worth of poster paper. It's good because it's cheap, it sucks because if it's cloudy everything comes out dark, so I have to wait for better weather. I use an old Kodak C195 I got a long time ago because the state-of-the-art multi-lensed camera built into my phone is just pure garbage.
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These eye decals look so bad. The visor indentation is in the back side, so the decal just sits flat.
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VSMS Daccas the Black Knight
8,470 yen
Preorders going up August 10th
I wonder how the sales will compare with the IMS line
Which of the main Gundam is most likely getting RG?
>Double Zeta
>Turn A
>AGE-1/ AGE-2/AGE-3
>Ground Gundam & EZ-8
freedom 2.0
Another Unicorn recolour.
Not a fan of the Ground Gundam but I think it would actually suit the greebled to shit style of RG
why do resin kits smell so fucking bad
Don't worry, the smell will switch to good when enough brain cells are fucking dead.
I thought it was just the dust that's poisonous
I'm wearing a filtered dust mask when working on this but the smell when I'm sanding the resin is horrendous
If we're going to be bluntly honest, we're far more likely to at least two or three kits from SEED before any of those, like Aegis, Saviour, Infinite Justice (original and Type II) and Mighty Strike Freedom. Bandai's never shown that much love for the ZZ, Turn A doesn't lend itself well for "super realistic" designs, and Victory probably isn't even possible at this stage given how stupidly delicate the MG was.
If you can smell it through the mask its not working, I use an s-10 respirator since they are cheap in bongland and work well.
That smell is xylene
Xylene is mixed into the polyurethane resin before casting to make the resin flow better, and it remains within the material after the resin hardens and gradually evaporates over a large period of time
Sanding the resin releases a bunch of said xylene at once
The evaporation over time of xylene also causes the deformation and shrinkage of resin parts over time

tldr resin is shit, stop wasting your time with it
Damn I thought as long as I wasn't breathing in the dust it'd be fine
Wearing a respirator the entire time I'm sanding, drilling and rescribing these parts sounds miserable
Poorfag cope
Buying kits with an expiration date is not a flex
How well does the Vallejo mecha colour yellow match the yellow on the kampfer?
I have resin kits that are older than you and never deformed or even yellowed yet
thanks. yeah, basecoat/shade is jumpwind meka colour olive green, then meka colour sandy white over the top as the main colour
How is jumpwind? I've heard nothing but bad things about their non metallic paints
Their multiprimer is really good, almost as good as Gaianotes but their regular paint is like a baby step below Mr.Color. Still better than Tamiya, Shitadel and every other shitcrylic though.
yes, me, as long as they use the new 2.0 style chunkier proportions and don't twink it out
they're great imo, best paints i've used so far.
i've heard gaia is better but i haven't tried gaia yet. they blow mr color/tamiya/sms/etc out of the water though.
people say they're bad for mixing but i haven't tried that, i hate mixing paint and generally just buy the colours i want. when i mix colours i use mr color gx primaries.
This is like dragon ball super shit
>We need new robots, what do we do?
>color old ones silver!
>t. blind
Yeah yeah, they added some superficial shit to the Doga.
>t. double blind
We get it, you're an upset super faggot.
>This is like dragon ball super shit
Fukui in general
we don't sign our posts here
people here keep getting more retarded by the year
you're not very smart, are you
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot nigger pieces of shit. Why does every retard here insist on arguing like women? Limp wristed fucktards.
Good centerpiece. It came with the energy blades that attach to the ring , yea?
forgot to reply
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Who the fuck designed this overgreebled chinkcore shit
Just sand it off and paint it
>2mm band
Girly ring
Which gundams are the most popular with Basketball Americans?
How'd this happen?
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What’s wrong with BumbleBeaner?
Technically a slur for mexicans but its one of those ones only retards getting offended on the behalf of others actually care about
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Has anyone tried out the knock off Zaku half cannon? I wanted to get some for customs but if its really shit I would not bother.
if it's anything like other recent bootlegs it should be pretty good quality
Looks like anon got the second batch. The blades are still included but in plain clear plastic, no fancy effect like the first batch
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We already got the 2.0 RG 78-2 and the RG akatsuki

Lets keep it going!
Reminder that we will get RG Freedom 2.0 before we get RG GX
>remaking a remake
Of course, it's free money.
What’s nazca pro use thinner? Is it as good as mr leveling thinner?
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I really wish I took more screenshots in that game.
Now it's gone.
Like tears in rain.
better but not as retard proof, and very toxic
Good, game sucked.
>retard proof
What does that even mean? It's thinner.
nta but he probably means its harder to get a smooth surface because there's less (or no?) retarder in it so doesn't self level as easily. it also uses harsher solvents which key into the plastic harder, so if you aren't careful it can damage abs much more easily than mr color thinners
Just get the moderate thinner. It will work with Nazca surfacers
Some of the thinners are for retards to just blast on base coats at 20 psi. Not nazca pro use thinner. You have to actually know what you’re doing because it’s very unforgiving.
Nothing is wrong with coating at 20 PSI if you live in low relative humid environments. If I paint at a lower PSI my paint dries before it even hits the piece, creating a rough surface. What’s important to consider is the material you’re painting. ABS should have very light misting coats at first to prevent destruction of the plastic
What if I brush it on?
>brushing lacquers
you aren't lincoln wright
they already made RG GaoGaiGar. RG ZZ wouldn't hurt.
You’re going to get nothing but seed kits and you’re going to like it.
It had some issues but it was honestly the best hero shooter on the market during its short life.
Is the private server scene dead already?
Never cared for the private server because I knew it was going to be the same handful of people playing as a clique, and that apathy renewed itself when they started talking about making changes to the game to fix what they saw as bad balancing.
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I see. Thanks anon. The photos look great. I guess flooding the room with light and letting it hit the model from every angle is the way to go.

I use a cheap version of pic related and I'm always readjusting to get rid of cast shadows and unwanted reflections. It's a pain in the ass.
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hg barzam is pretty fun, are there plans for an mg or is that too wishful
We are long past the days of random grunt suits getting MGs
Where is the Methuss Kai
We are long past the days of random MSVs getting kits
It means you have to be more careful with your thinning ratios, pressure and spray distance to not get a bad finish and work more quickly and evenly because it's a fast drying thinner. You can get amazingly smooth finishes with it, while also getting better color development with pigment-dense paints and faster working times due to the quick drying, but the paint won't just automatically level out of any fuckups for you.
Will you marry me
What is the most retard proof primer to use? I'm just winging it with Tamiya's surface primer until I find an alternative.
mr colour surfacer 1200 has been doing well for me, thinned with levelling thinner
If you thin lacquer primers with levelling thinner then they're all retard proof
I'm retarded and might fuck up the ratios
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Get this kind of mixing bottles, it's impossible to fuck up with them.
t. retard
unless you accidentally spill paint inside, coincidentally making a better color than you ever hoped for by mixing
what are we getting these days
nobody knows anymore
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Core block, core fighter, and waist done for now. I'll start on the legs after I get back from the gym.
Ver Kas, MGEX and also whatever bullshit bandai can easily make a 1.5 of with little to now work. Also every flavor of the rainbow of Zaku II.
and can never recreate either
I think we got something from 00, Dynames R III I want to say? But there's definitely less bootlegs based on metal builds nowadays, it's weird.
That's why I hope I have enough for the rest of the parts I intend to paint with that color
god bandai is so epic
What other zeta kits are missing from hg?
it's extra weird because unlike gunpla metal builds are made in China
maybe they are offering better incentives to workers or something
a few MSVs that cameo'd in the show and that's it
zz hgs.......
Nice then I'm happy they made the ugly piece of shit
>remove dumb weapon
>maybe keep backpack
>make arms a little bit bigger
>give it MG sized hands
>make head look more ape like
>paint black
that's my plan
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Ishigaki's take on Turn A. Thoughts?
Shouldn't have a mouth vent
Where is the Turn A? is it behind that drawing?
>first time airbrushing a kit
>just finished first runner and already running out of paint
>more parts than you expected need to painted
Why does this shit run out so quickly? I'm so glad I started with a literal baby kit instead of a MG
The most economic solution is to use masking then paint the visible part, ignore what's can't be seen. If you want to paint every parts fully, it is gonna bankrupt you, especially for highly color separated kit line like RG and MG.
Just buy a pot of house paint and dunk the part in there, easy.
Must have missed that meeting. I remember someone asking about balance patches, but that's as far as it went.
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Since Sinanju Stein has a modern MG with color separation for the insignia, when will Bandai make 2.0 ver for Sinanju?
How is that even possible? That shit is probably so thick and nasty. A little jar of white Mr.Color will last me like 5-6 predominantly white HG Gundams.
MG usually has more color separation, more runners and more parts. They are also bigger, too and obviously, majority of MG are just for snap shit instead of painting like HG.
He's not painting an MG tho
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That might probably be the case and will try using less paint. Here’s a pic of my progress.
Roast me
He is probably not thinning the paint with retarder or thinner. Painting with barebones paint can be quite costly.
Why do they all turn Turn A's awesome crescent moon stash into part of the helmet instead of being a "V-fin" on the face?
Because Turn A is a retarded design and only contrarian hipsters pretend to love it. The same with G Self fanboys.
I disagree but you're free to your opinion. Also post bussy, you sound like a fag
Bought a tankless compressor like a dubmass and found out how shitty it is in terms of consistency.
Would it make sense to disconnect the hose 0.0001% so the air flow is contant and it operates 100% of the time or that's just a shitty compromise?
what i do is have separate pipettes for each colour of paint i use, and one for thinner, and just use those to measure out roughly equal parts


separation for the insignia makes it look worse
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weatherman threw me a fastball and cancelled all the rain this weekend so I finished the job this afternoon.
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I'm fairly happy with how most of the parts turned out, except a few parts look a bit unfortunate when u turn them upsidown. pic rel.
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also pic rel
As you get more experienced with painting, you'll use less paint to cover the same area.
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I recently bought this compressor (Wimpel COMP-1) as my first one, and I've noticed some inconsistencies when using my airbrush. It's a tankless model that doesn't run continuously, causing the PSI to fluctuate between 20 and 23 when I aim for a steady 20 (it only turns on if there's air flowing from the hose)
I've found that if I leave the hose slightly open so that the compressor runs continuously, the PSI stabilizes much better. It varies by only 0.5 PSI at most, and sometimes there's no variation at all with only a tiny amount of air escaping.

My question is, did I stumble upon a clever lifehack, or is this just a shitty cope? Should I sell this one and invest in a compressor with a 3L or 8L tank?

Compressor specs:

Working Pressure: 10 to 25 lbs
Maximum Accumulated Pressure: 60 lbs
Motor: Dual Voltage 1/6 HP
Dimensions: 25x14x17 cm
Production: 20/30 liters per minute

This is a cheap-ass $300 compressor, I don't mind spending twice as much for more consistency
what don't you like about it? please elaborate.
even in australian dollars thats like twice as much as that thing should cost
This is the place where people ew on a Katoki's artwork. Don't bother.
No, I'm Brazilian. We have a 100% tax on imports for products that cost more than $50. Everything here costs twice as usual, lol.
>clear paint barely ever gets used when I apply it
>always end up putting it back in jar
>some other paints eat through my stock like crazy
I don't understand. When I apply clears I always feel like I spray a lot, between the first few mists and the final fat wet coat, compared to some metallics where I only apply one coat and it feels like a fuckton got used. Is it my brain fucking with me or is there some paint fuckery going on ?
the rough grainy texture
Go to psychiatrist.
t. mr color
Recommend me an airbrush to replace my dogshit eclipse. I’m thinking either grex or h&s evolution. I don’t really want a gsi creos brush because I heard it comes off the same line as iwata.
i haven't used a grex because im a poorfag and live in europe but i love my h&s evolution
boring. The Turn A, iconic mustache needs to stay. If without it's just another generic white gundam in x gundam series.
Is there ever any reason to use the black panel liner? it looks so weird.
Why is this kit almost the same price as the Narrative Ver Ka? What the fuck.
You could have spent half as much for an off-brand one with a compressor, which is the only feature that actually matters aside from adjustable pressure. You done fucked up.
Jesus christ, thin your paint brother.
>You could have spent half as much for an off-brand one
Not where I live. Ones with a tank are twice as expensive.
Good. I would rather stick with generic gundam over weird looking shit like Calibarn or Barbatos.
It's not very Turn-A-ish but I do like it.
>Calibarn weird

Maybe Barbatos I'll give you, but god damn Calibarn is probably the most gundam esque gundam there is.
Oh yeah I meant tank not compressor. Also that sucks.
whenever you want man, it's your panel liner
Over white
is it really annoying to other people that it's calibarn and not caliban
was that intentional or did they just fuck up translating caliban into japanese and back
Who's getting annoyed? Probably intentional since Japanese pronunciation is Kyaribān which is stupid.
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It's ok. It's an expensive hobby, nothing much I can do about it specially living in a shithole country.

I'm looking at other models and this one seems much better than mine.

Model 1:
:: 20-Liter Capacity
:: Oil-Free
:: With Wheels


1.5 HP Motor Power
Maximum Pressure: 116 psi
Theoretical Displacement: 5.36 ft3/min
Rubber Feet
Automatic Pressure Switch
Oil-Free Motor
Voltage: 127V
Quick Coupling: 1/4"
I did
i am getting annoyed
it should be caliban
with what? more paint? glue?
the Sinanju is perfect as is. i dont wanna give Bandai a reason to gouge further the already high price of Sinanju just for a stupid mould gimmick.
Armored Komodo primers. already comes pre-thinned in easy to apply bottles
Calidan is a better name
I mean Qubeley is a corruption of Cybele and nobody complains about that.
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I'm thinking the destroy mode parts will be metallic gold. the body will be white and gray. the frame is going to be gun metal. waiting on some scribing chisels so I can make more panel lines and have sections for the gray
Why are people so concerned about gundams being shorter in late uc? They’re totally fine when they were getting bigger and bigger to the point where a hg was the size of a mg, but when they learn about f91 or crossbone or victory they lose their shit.
I've hardly seen anyone complain about late UC suits being small. I love them, and the people who don't can easily ignore them since they're hardly marketed unlike SEED shit.
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interesting, i hadn't heard of her. i guess that makes sense considering the naming conventions of the sriroco mobile suits
Fuck she’s so hot
Has anybody in here ever used the normiecore mr hobby thinner? like not the levelling shit just the plain ahh thinner? How is it? How does it compare to levelling?
fair enough. it looks a good bit better in person, and it's to be expected from the orange peel I got on the metallics. not sure if sanding the metallics would have produced a better result
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First attempt at preshading. Should have gone a bit darker but I like how it’s subdued. Hard to catch on camera though.
Please work on the orange peel anon.
That’s not orange peel.
I know it's your first attempt anon, part of the painting process is learning to accept criticism so that your next paint job is better than your last. Give up your foolish pride, what's important is that you keep improving.
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It’s not a pride thing. I truly don’t know what you’re talking about. Here’s an example of orange peel on a kit. I am not seeing that on mine.
No please no. They would probably use that lame gold injection colour. If they ever plan a 2.0, more parts separation is all I ask and probably add more panel line details. Sinanju is perfection.
That texture dissappears with topcoat. You'd know that if you actually painted your gunpla.
top cope wont save you from orange peels so egregious
You shouldn't have orange peel in the first place. If you get it then strip the part, top coat can only do so much. Large blemishes like orange peel will still show, small things like a very slight paint difference should get flattened out though. Test plenty on spoons or throwaway starter HG kits to learn.
nta but how do I avoid orange peel
That's not orange peel. I, the second best builder in /gpg/, say so.
That's not orange peel. You'd know this if you actually painted your gunpla.
I'm the second best builder in /gpg/ so your opinion is invalid.
>having this much of a meltdown over a poor paint job
Orange peel caused by thick coat of paint. Due to the paint's nature, they dry pretty quick. You should use Retarder, since it makes paint dry slower and kills off any cloggings. If you already having orange peel, the best solution is to sand the kit using ultra-fine grit sand paper.
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NTA but your paintjob contains textbook definition of orange peel. There is a gritty texture to your paintjob and it is definitely not a weathering.
Whatever you say third best builder
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I’m not sure why people care. It’s probably just trolling. Notwithstanding whether it’s orange peel or not, I was looking for pointers on the pre shading since it was my first attempt then it turned in to retards flinging shit.
What if I already use retarder and still get orange peel?
Practice more, i guess.
This is why I always go to reddit to post my work. It may be a cringe hugbox full of snapshitters, but I never get bullied for my hobby like this. I know you guys might say you're just being helpfull, but I get much more detailed advice there without all the bullshit.
Anyone made a diy spray booth?
Sorry to break it for you, anon but modern 4chan is full of redditors. They just pretend to be nice toward you on reddit so you won't get banned there.
What materials did you use? Im looking to build one but if I fail I might just buy one from amazon
*so they won't get banned there*. Damn, i need some sleep.
What you need is a cock in your mouth faggot.
You need to have thick skin and roll with the bantz and expect every post to criticize you for stupid bullshit you can’t even see on your builds.
it's really not too hard. I just found an old storage bin and cut out a hole in the back. I got a shitty chink fan from amazon and put it in the hole and connected it to a window with some ducting. the fan should have enough cfm to pull all the air out of the booth, which depends on its length and width. there's like some calculations you can do, but that shit's for nerds, 3-400 cfm is probably good. then you need an air filter that's at least merv 7 i think. at the home depot there's pleated air filters like for furnaces and shit that are only like 5 bucks. finally, lights are pretty useful. there's plenty of cheap chink led strips on amazon.

it's way cheaper to build your own booth than get one of the shitty chink ones, and you'll get better specs on your fan and shit too.
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Painting newfag here. First piece I ever painted with lacquers + airbrush. Is this orange peel as well?
I think it looks too thick but I can't quite tell where the issue is, probably my shit technique and doing too many coats.
clean your shit dude. there's like dust and hair on your paint spoon.
It's not dust and hair. It's shitty ass artifacts and post-processing from my google phone. Will try to take a better picture.
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Even my shitty iphone can screenshot your dust.
Yeah that's not mine. I didn't put that there, the phone just does it.
It’s been over 10 years since the last mg gramps. Can we get a 4.0 or MGEX? Or maybe we could get the first ever MG ver Ka 2.0?
check the red candy coat earlier in the thread, it definitely makes an impact on the final product
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Why is the Ver.Ka the best RX-78-2 design?
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>remove parts so I can work on head/neck
>multiple glue attempts but ok all goob
>must have held the twiangle with my thumb while twisting the waist off, a scramch on the teal
>cut out a tiney sliver of sticker sheet to cover scramch
>have to cut some excess, scratch off more teal doing so
>have to do it again
Because it's just a modified GM.
It’s not. Isn’t this gramps like super old? The 3.0 and origin is the best mg gramps rn.
An MG Calibarn, Schwarzette or Darilblade is all I need please for the love of god. Why did Build Divers cursed us with this.
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You're taking a screenshot of a post-processed picture.
I'm not some dirty ass monakaman dirty goblin
Better pics
Isn't he the one that blows paint from his airbrush like a fire hose or some other dumb shit?
We got the MG Barbatos 3 1/2 years after IBO’s first season. 5 years later, still no other IBO MGs.

I kind of doubt that we’d ever get wfm MGs, at this rate. If we do, it might be an MG Aerial rebuild in like 8 years. I think the best we can hope for is FM calibarn. But you can never know with Bandai

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oh NO NO NO mg sisters not like this
Fuck you katoki.
>Isn’t this gramps like super old?
That particular model is from 2018.
The rx-78-2 ver ka is from 2002.
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The MG is. There were others before, and after that one. This one came out in 2018.
There were other what anon? WHAT? YOURE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE
What one is that from 2018? I saw the original post said the design not the kit. I misread.
Other kits of the RX-78-2 Ver.Ka than the MG.
Here's one from 1995.
Ver ka is the line of MGs. Katoki’s lineart isn’t automatically “ver ka” just because of his name. This anon is likely esl.
"Ver.Ka" started out as branding for garage kits based on Katoki's Sentinel designs because they couldn't use the Sentinel name due to licensing issues IIRC. There were kits called "Ver.Ka" long before the MGs existed. So, no, it can refer to both his designs, and the line of kits.
MG 2002 is Ver Ka. But the 2018 MG isn't.
If you want MG you go with Daban 88 series.
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And? This isn't even a Bandai kit.
So far, the only official ver Ka of RX78-2 is the 2002 one. The other releases are not actual ver Ka by branding, despite some used his lineart like The Origin ver.
Ver Ka is not just a buzzword. If Katoki has no large influences on it, then it is not ver Ka.
How do you define official? There are plenty of licensed RX-78-2 kits with the Ver.Ka branding, they just aren't part of the MG Ver.Ka line. Some of them predate the line entirely.
Like >>22716926
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Apparently Bandai disagrees
Anon, " Version Katoki" is both a brand and an artist signature. Calling unrelated product as ver Ka is like how you call a non blood related woman as your biological mother, it just doesn't make sense.
One moment.
Do you even understand what ver Ka is, anon? Katoki doesn't sculpt the prototype kit for the mold. He does the 2D designs and directly influences what the sculpt should look like.
Here is how Yanase supervise a 3D model. Basically what Katoki does to Ver Ka designs.

The darker blue does help.
If it's directly based on Katoki lineart, and it says Ver.Ka on the box, and it's released under that name with the official license, then how else am I supposed to refer to it? The brand doesn't just refer to a single product line from Bandai. In all likelihood they took the name from the branding of the old B-Club kits to begin with.
New thread

What RX-78-2 MG came out in 2018?
My spray booth is a plastic tub that I lay some damp paper towel in. Exclusively spraying acrylics feels good, I just open a window.
t. spent a decade spraying 2 pack paint in commercial spray booths with full respirator
You don't paint
No, I'm the third best builder.
I don't remember, around 2015 if thats correct. It was The Origin MG.
Almost entire HG and RG Unicorn line based on Katoki's lineart. And that does not make them " ver Ka ".
top fucking kek
>archived in page 3
what did the janny mean by this?
deserved, really
bros how am i supposed to post my snapkinos now that tranny janny has locked the new thread and this thread hitting the image limit
i can't believe I'm saying it but based jannies
what's even wrong about the last thread? aside from bandai bootlickers making fun of MGs, the last posts of the thread looked fine.
did you even look at the thread
>thread brings up a certain subject
>unjustified deleteion happens

if you're talking about the fatty who posted his selfie, why nuke the thread instead of deleting the post?
are you trying to pretend the roughly 50 posts before or after that weren't deletion-worthy on their own? The thread started off with a bunch of shitposters raiding it and jerking each other off like every week and kept going.
yeah nuking the thread is just giving the shitposters what they want.
ignoring them wasn't gonna get any results either
when the thread is 80% shitposts they just nuke the thread instead of manually deleting 200 posts. this always happens when we have the 6monthly shitposting wave
Fuck off you memespouting brainrotted retard.
>memespouting brainrotted retard
>filename of the OP
Genuinely what is wrong with him?
Of course I go to bed and something happens. This thread is fine, go here. And report shitposting, including troll threads like the one above.


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