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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22712597
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
>No sex robots
My darling GM anon in op pic <3
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Just testing with markers how the calibarn would look with gold.
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summin' like 'is? except gold not yellow etc etc
Why not paint all of the psychoframe, instead of just most of it?
I get mad orange peel on my topcoat. I think I'm laying it on too thick.
Nah… hell nah
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Not 100% done. I think I may put more decals on and try more coats of matte topcoat. Handpainted white onto grey primer, so I had to do a lot of coats which washed out the lines on the leg, making panel lining hard and shitty. Getting white primer for anything white in the future.

The head looks a bit weird. Maybe a red fin? Hard to get the right color balance on the body while also showing details from the gun.
That looks cool as fuck and weird as fuck at the same time.
i just didn't mock it all up on my phone, all the psycho parts would be gold
how come? white gray and gold with blue eyes would be pretty cool I think
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What was the largest kit do you have?
It's fucking weird That Zaku have a lips
I just ordered a psycho gundam, that will be the biggest when I build it.
You don't paint
I like the gold colour. I tried with red or blue but just found it kinda flat.
Just found out my face is so fucking greasy I don't even need shaving cream to shave
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1/500 space yamato (2199 ver)
probably going to paint it at some point later this month
Daban's DX + G-Falcon unit.
Fuck I hate gold so much
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I would say try making the base of the horn red, but it comes out as kind of awkward in my head. Something like going in with some black/dark grey and making the gaps between the pipes on the head more distinct seems like it could work well though.
what the fuck is up with those eyes lmao
Any thoughts on if we will ever get an hg turn x?
>got into the hobby in 2013
I'm sorry bros. It's because of me.
besides iron bleed orphans and the lesbian from mercury, I haven't watched a Gundam in forever. what should I watch? i want something that will make me cry
Gundam SEED Freedom
g-reco's animation will make you cry tears of joy
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Bandai, the MG... The RG that comes with a firework to blow it up...
I'm happy the HG is still a nice kit, but I would kill for a MGEX that's got a fully spring loaded frame that can pop all the limbs and armor off when you press a button.
If only RE1/100 wasn't essentially dead in the water. The Zudah would probably fit that pretty well.
>Coming up with an entirely new empty mold for what is essentially a Zaku II 2.0
I wish Re/100 didn't exist so you fags would stop begging for kits to be unnecessarily in that line.
ye gib
>canadian terrorists sabotage supply of RG Zudah’s destroying Bandai’s second factory
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Not like this. I can't have those damn leafs committing domestic terrorism and ruining everything. Keep them on the railroads.
Prediction: Gundam MK-II Ver. Ka will be announce at the end of July.
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>ver ka of a robot that doesn't need it
Genuinely fuck bandai and fuck katoki if they dare do this.
You'll get a wildcard Nero and you'll like it.
Very cool, but your paint looks thick.
Artifact Big Zam
P-Bandai HG & MG Nero BUT only Japanese citizens can purchase it as Katoki finally snapped, and went full Nippon damashii, wanting his designs to be owned by Japanese people only.
Weren't they already doing that with the Neo Zeongs?
Didn't those get a US release but they got immediately scalped by chinks, or am i thinking of a different Zeong?
Get a load of fourth best builder over here.
They call me 6th best builder.
No you're right. Chinese people were posting screenshots of themselves buying the Neo Zeong on the US P-Bandai store
Deep Striker
Who the fuck is 1st best builder
I'm the 5th best builder, and the 3rd strongest mole.

great work anon looks amazing
You, anon! :)
>resin conversion kit for a 3rd party notaGundam to turn it into a Gundam
This says something about Bandai, AI just don't know what.
Barzamanon is 1st best at photoshopping flaws out of his model pictures
I actually think the next MG will be Mk-II ver. Ka

The ver Ka MGs tend to be all UC. In fact, the only non UC ver Kas are the Wing and Wing Zero EWs, which are his own designs. So I don’t think we’ll ever get IBO or witch ver Kas. And a lot of the UC gundams already have updated MGs. It’s pretty much narrowed down to Mk-II, something from stardust memory (which he worked on), or maybe something from the Hathaway movie (also his work). He worked on G Gundam but it seems like they’re in the middle of a 1/144 line for that show.

You might think the Mk-II doesn’t need a ver Ka, but Bandai doesn’t think that way. The 2.0 is old as fuck and they made a Zeta ver Ka when it already had a 2.0 that was old as fuck.
GP03 ver Ka would be one of my dream kits
g-3 saviour ver ka
I think it’s coming dude. If we don’t get it next year, 2026 is an anniversary year for stardust memory.
When was the last time they announced an MG for an anniversary? This year is G-Reco 10th, anniversary, Turn A 25th anniversary, G Gundam 30th anniversary, and 0080 35th anniversary, isn't it?
MG G-self Ver. Ka, Mg Age 3, and Mg Age FX when?
it's about time we have a 1/144 Space Colony kit
MG Zeta ver Ka for 20th anniversary of the MG ver Ka line IIRC
1/144 Colony Devil Gundam soon
>implying we're getting any MG that isn't Seed for the nest 4 years
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I wish I had the space and money to build something like this for my gunpla, has anyone got a cool layout or diorama for their mobile suits?
SEEDbros, this is our 12/25. We eating good for the next 4 years
I low key don’t get the hate for SEED kits. It had good designs. The rest of the show has nothing to do with the designs.
I like the Testament Gundam but everything else from SEED looks ugly to me. This is also coming from someone whose favorite is the Penelope so
I only like OYW designs
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BASED Tomino enjoyer
>I only like OYW designs
The only complain Seed kits have is how sticker-heavy they are, especially Revive Freedom and Rising Freedom. But for me, after torturing myself with IBO kits, my complains on Seed kits disappeared completely.
IDK, it's all generic to me. Also the over-use of backpacks. Even the other AUs have some designs I like, but not SEED for some reason.
outside of a few exceptions seed designs are uninspired and generic. boy i sure love identical generic gundam #73 with some gimmick backpack
personally i'm a toymaxxer
They recently got a US release. However, I recall pictures of the Neo Zeongs from years ago with no way but proxy buying to procure them.
why are you watching gundam if you hate gundams
What makes a gundam “generic”?
No it didn't have good designs
>identical generic gundam #73
Honestly, i grew to love that generic gundam looks. I bought several novel designs like Aerial, Asmodeus, Raphael, etc...And i realized that, these designs don't feel like Gundam, they don't have that romantic, special timeless feels and more like generic slop you can find anywhere on artstation. I would rather own something generic but familar and endearing rather than something fresh but easily to get bored after a few days.
Why does It look like an overstuffed sausage casing
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Basically the samurai man with 2 facevents is what you can call "generic gundam". I get where the complainers comming from, this design language has been aroun for a few decades now. However, everytime a "male type" Gundam design ignores this design language, they feel boring to me.
The type of fembot like Nobel or Exia ( probably ) doesn't have it is fine, but cases like G Self or Turn A feels really offensive. Barbatos follows the samurai man with facevents formula but the overall design of it still feels too weird compares to the traditional gundam design and overtime i got sick of it.
He told you. The uninspired motifs are what makes them generic.
Nice RG pic, but can you stop being so insecure about your body?
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I would rather have more of those over crap like these.
>my body
You mean my dick in your moms pussy?
I don't dislike them unless they get too much attention.
i don't
Soul and Kino.
>I would rather have
No thanks. I don't want the generic as the zoomers say "Slop" gundams. They look like they're 100% design by committee.
Fuck off tourist.
>Liking traditional looking gundam
Nice reach.
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Imagine being so mindbroken that you feel ashamed for not enjoying the modern bastardization of Gundam designs like these. This shit is digimon, not gundam.
The worst FSS/GTM design is better than the best Gundam design.
Nagano, please...
It's difficult to separate the mecha from the animated show that it was portrayed in. SEED/Destiny is still one of the worst entries in the franchise, and the few good designs from the show can't really escape that.

It looks bulky and tough, like an Obari mecha that didn't skip leg day. I like it.

>the four-armed Gundam that crushes enemies to death with mecha-sized pliers
>generic stock combat role Gundams that Okawara was forced to projectile vomit onto a drawing board en masse
They have the Gatexion MK-III at the Volks booth at Anime Expo but they want $800 for it. Might grab it by the end of the day if it's still there.
>>generic stock combat role Gundams that Okawara was forced to projectile vomit onto a drawing board en masse
Yes, more of them please.
Please go away.
Wait, what
>admits to them being awful but I'm mind broken for not like them
I like this guy
Please be patient with the SEED fan, he's from a very poor country and never learned etiquette.
I feel like whenever there is a criticism on popular reddit crap like Turn A or IBO, there is always an army of faggots, ready to bite back over here.
Your shitposting was not subtle.
Subtle shitposting is the most retarded thing a 4channer can do. Fuck those "creative gundam designs", they feels like they are ashamed of having gundam in their names.
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Finally an RX-78 with a nice silhouette
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I disagree with the notion that Gundam-like designs are inherently "generic" and "uninspired". Verily, there are some SEED Gundams that are basically just rehashes of other Gundams. However, some of the "generic" Gundams like the strike or impulse are some of the most inspired designs in the whole franchise. By reducing a Gundam to its most basic elements - straight lines, primary colors, basic forms like the samurai elements and blocky proportions, Okawara skillfully expresses an ideal of pure abstraction and universality that transcends the individual subjectivity of modern bastardizations of Gundam like the Barbatos. This reduction is an exploration of the fundamental structure of Gundams as an ideal. But I wouldn't expect the zoombrained idiots in this general to understand.
I mean, lore wise, Strike Gundam is the RX78-2 of Cosmic Era. I still find that "generic gundam design" to be more endearing and also the cooler. If it is "uninspired", then Gundam wouldn't have several giant statues and become the powerhouse of a franchise like today.
I'm a Wingfag but I don't mind SEED designs.
Impulse is a cool design for me plus stuff like the Druggies Gundam (god I hope they do HGCE kits of them someday)
Exactly. Many of the "generic gundams" are an attempt to convey Gundam as an ideal. If someone doesn't appreciate Gundam as an idealized form, then I don't understand what they're doing on a Gundam thread as all other Gundams are just instances and expressions of this form.
How big would that even be? the size of a moon?
>a Gundam thread
maybe you missed the "& plamo" in the thread title. this isn't just a gundam thread, loads of non-gundam mecha models get posted here
If they ever do Colony Devil Gundam as HG, that probably would be in the size of Dendrobium or Neo Zeong kit.
There is one (maybe more) retard ITT who thinks you're only allowed to discuss gunpla in /gpg/ (gunpla plamo general)
I'm pretty sure this guy is the zetarager shitposter who worships yas
NTA but there is a baby's first gundam syndrome recently, a mix of contrarians and newcommers who became interested in Gundam franchise through shows with absolutely non-gundam designs like G Witch and IBO. Sure, disliking Seed as a story is fine, it is a popular opinion anyway however, dunking on that familiar gundam design language? That's absolutely a crime in my eyes, especially as someone who went through that "generic gundam design is boring" phase.
>The & operator computes the logical AND of its operands. The result of x & y is true if both x and y evaluate to true. Otherwise, the result is false.
looks like you are the brainlet. your statement is a contradiction.
We're only 121 posts in to this thread, how about you fuck off.
Yeah, I'm using the last of the testors starting kit from hobby lobby over grey primer. I had to do way too many coats of white. For the next project I have white primer and am going to try the tamiya paints.

Crazy how variable the paintability was for the color. Blue and black were much easier. Took 2 coats to get great coverage. White needed like 5 or 6.
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>going from HG Aerial to an old Seed 1/100 NG

Damn, I thought I was prepared for the quality drop, but I guess I wasn't. How easy is it to go back fixing up already built kits? I've already got the legs/waist built and now I'm wondering if I should trying taking it all apart for a later project attempt or just finish it and try fixing it up at a later date.

I've been wanting to get back into painting so it might work as good project fodder. Try out both handpainting and seeing if I can get away with setting up my airbrush where I currently live.
A-anon wtf happened? How are you having issues just snap building? You simply remove the nubs and follow basic instructions to put the pieces together.
Majority of Seed kits are good in term of engineering. I have HG Strike Freedom and was pleasantly surprised by how rock solid and sturdy it is, unlike Aerial which is starting to get rather floppy.
>the past 50 or so posts
range ban SEA
Anon, it's 4:25 PM in America. It's American hour.
Why do they get so uppity at the sheer notion that someone doesn't like seed?
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I put an action base connector in the hg guntank I'm building. Put it in the middle of the four bottom thrusters but checking with the top part it would maybe have been better to put it more forward for balance.
Huh? I'm talking about the kit itself having a quality drop. Lots of seams and poor colour separation kind of issues, not much in the way of panel line detail either. It's not a matter of it being difficult, it's more that it could use some help looking better.

I'm building the 1/100 NG Blaze Zaku Warrior (Heine Custom) which I literally bought just because I like orange. It's not terrible compared to some things I've built and surprisingly solid, it's more wanting to do touch ups and seam welding, maybe pick a nicer shade of orange.
>which I literally bought just because I like orange
Great taste, Anon.
Nigga, the original complain is " traditional gundam design in Seed are uninspired". .>>22717463
Imagine complaining about "overused backpack" and shit when even the first Gundam has a backpack, using the popular hate fodder to hide his lack of appreciation for the classic design language of the franchise.
I'm not that anon, I think Seed designs has some good designs, and some bad designs, but do you really don't see any difference between the backpack the rx-78-2 has and the ginormous silhouette defining backpacks that permeate Seed designs?
I think complain about "overused backpack" is fucking stupid and not a valid criticism.
Backpacks are cool when they're carrying an arsenal and not being the main source of inspiration for chinkspikes.
tell me about the chinks. why do they love spikes so much?
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Imagine not liking backpacks.
>have IBO kit and SEED kit on my desk right now
I didn't have enough clips for all of the armor parts so the strike freedom will have to wait a bit more to get his left arm armored. Painting when it's not over 40c outside is nice
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>comparing a backpack that has 2 small thrusters and holds 2 beam sabers to this shit in honest faith
You are so stupid I'm labeling you as a falseflag, nobody can be that retarded.
Not all chinkchong toys have wings and spiky backpacks. Most of them are Yanase-inspired with shitload of details and greebles.
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God Blue Astray is so cool, especially the backpack.
Why are "villain" suits always so much cooler than "good guy" suits
>Is that a BACKPACK on a Gundam?! Ahhhh get out of my head! Get out of my head!
Absolutely. Post more of him.
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Do u rike

I had to delete the post due to phonefaggotry rotation
>send pictures on mail to retrieve on pc
>still forget to rotate some of them
>so unfathomably booty blasted that you have to try and pivot the conversation away from SEAmonkeys getting mad that people don't like their sacred cow to some retarded backpack argument
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Absolutely beautiful. Seed and Astray really is peak. Took me awhile to realize its true beauty.
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I enjoy the astrays, but the latest red frame kinda looks retarded
The one with the giant arms? Yeah it looks dumb. And no backpack.
The one with a beam v-fin, it got a metal build not too long ago, hard to tell what you're looking at on promo pics
Must have been a reject from G Gundam. Not appropriately campy enough for G Gundam and not serious enough for SEED but standards are non existent so add it in.
Anyone here have the PG Strike Rouge? Been tempted to get it for a while now but I can't decide if I like it enough or not.
I bet the SEAniggers here do. You picked the right time to ask, they’re all posting here right now.
Oh, Astray Red Dragon. Honestly i'm ok with it.
PG is such a waste of resources and storage space. You can stop with MG, as if they are not huge enough already.
PG is supposed to be big enough that the size is impressive but not so big that it's unaffordable.
Sea nigga here. It's like, 4:40 AM here, only ghouls like me stay awake and browse 4chan at this hour. Unlike American, which is 5:38 PM, perfect time to browse internet for them.
The problem kicks in when you already owned several of them.
Then don't buy any more? I don't recall there being any PG exclusive designs.
Why is this place always shit during amerimutt hours?
the worst posters here are californians and canadians. With the sole exception of that NEET from luxemberg.
the cutting faggot is bad too
>With the sole exception of that NEET from luxemberg
And nah he is straight chilling.
I believe the last statement to be true and not ironic.
Shut the fuck up, fat mutt.
>SEAfag accusing others of being trans
Ironic coming from a ladyboy
>n...no you're a tranny!!!!
You live in the tranny capital of the world. Statistically, you are the tranny. You're also fat, disgusting, braindead, and you don't paint. Have fun shopping at hobbylobby you grotesquely obese tranny.
Sounds like he touched a nerve. Still butthurt from getting railed by a 70 year old vietnam vet?
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Are old resin kits the most soulful kits out there?
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God damn I like a Nuke backpack so much.
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speaking of ladybodys i just finished shapshitting the hg barzam
still trying to think about what colour palette to paint it, considering doing a metallic knight's armour bc of the hounskull head unit

gp02 did it better
This is cool fuck you all. I like the ridiculous design.
But thats a gundam, this is a grunt suit.
really? it looks like a gundam
same here, i have it built but i dont have it displayed right now. Not sure what I want to put it on, I have a lot of striker pack compatible suits but i have so many fuckin striker packs.
Sounds like you're a tranny.
AEUG colors
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I'm a REAL woman you SEAfag ladyboy.
It looks like one but it isnt, they used this as a last ditch effort to exterminate the equivalent of spacenoids in Seed.
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Absolute chad.
Copy Barzamfag's idea but do it better
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I wish I can kit bash as well as this fag.
I wish I stayed in the last thread, there's too many trolls jerking each other off here.
Holy shit he was right you are a fat tranny kek
What you are is fat as shit. God damn go for a walk everyday. I am more attractive than you.
Movie Gundam should have looked like this if they wanted to go for turbogreeble
Looks like an incoherent mess. Reminds me of that shit from Requiem of Vengeance.
Every time some retarded American is called a tranny they freak out and post a selfie, it's like clockwork.
There's shitposting, there's preferences, and then there's just being genuinely goddamn stupid
No, he's right. It looks like garbage. That should be called shit bashing.
Is that what the new thing would look like if it looked decent instead of bad?
Let us see what you call good looking then.>>22717882 maybe this is to your taste.
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idk this makes me feel uncomfortable lol

im a newfag idk what his idea was
>Everywhere I go I must also rape
They tried to recreate something that is absolutely fine into an abomination. Whoever greenlit the head design should be fired. It so bad.
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Or they can just go Another Century's cinematic intro route and make the MS with washed out color. Gundam can look quite realistic with low saturation colorscheme. Gundam EX ( that's its name ) looks too unbelievable for a military hardware because letting your arsenals to be full of exposed internal mechanics is a no no.
Both the Gundam and the Zaku somehow look as if they're made of fleshy material instead of metal in the marketing shots. I don't know how they managed to do that but it's genuinely gross.
Barzam Weiss
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>Next Ver Ka is the Full Armor Hyaku Shiki.

Would you like it or not?
Sorry I don't like that hodgepodge mess of random fucking dots and lines lmao. Enjoy Redditum for vengeance, you thigh cutting freak.
The director is extremely amateur. He started out as a cgi youtuber, made some fanmade warhammer stuff, some cgi shorts and that's it.

Oh I have watched at least some of The Lord Inquisitor. It has some okay scenes, but can we blame him for the design of these mobile suits?
How the fuck did he get the job to do this gundam show? Why did they choose this random ahh dude instead of someone actually qualified?
Something as neat as that would never happen. I would overall be happy.
It's literally just FAG but with a few additional weapons
Who the fuck are you replying to.
Kill yourself you fucking zoomer tourist NIGGER. Go the fuck back to Instagram. You FUCKING NIGGER.
Except FAG is streamlined and simple, unlike that build you posted.
blastic ropot
The retarded tranny that's crying because I said the greebled fag he posted looks like shit
silence SEAfalseflagger
new thread when
there's no saving this one
Probably a nepo baby. His tiny cgi studio somehow made a cgi movie for Resident Evil called Infinite Darkness. Probably a guy who can work on shitty low budgeted slop and Banrise entrusted him with another OYW slop.
Don't backpedal now fatty
This is the best thread we’ve had in months
>believing a fat tranny would genuinely post a selfie on 4chan
>Page 1
>New thread
>Woawoawoa opinions i disagree with
Grow a thicker skin.
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I dont know why this looks bland to me while I like the heavy gundam more. Its exactly the same suit.
See how the ladyboy must resort to lies and trickery to defend his shitty Seed backpacks? Filthy vietcong tactics are being deployed to try and damage the honor of REAL backpackless gundams like the Zeta
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Anyone brave enough to take a sneak peek at this? I am puking just from seeing the thumbnail.
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>Page 1
>New thread
>Woawoawoa opinions i disagree with
Report and ignore shitposting, please and thank you.
Yeah, just do it to No. 22717960. What a fucking faggot.
>Starts shit
>Cant handle the shit
>Cries and tells everyone to report the shit.

Okay I will report you thanks for the reminder shitfag.
They are that deranged, and they make up a surprising chunk of the gundam fanbase.
Of course it uses tiktok kek. Amerifat trannies are truly disgusting.
I blame g bitch for bringing all the trannymaxxers in.
Gbitch and IBO. Fatmericans favorite shows.
Anon I'm sorry but I'd be here all day if I did that, Jannie's need to do a purge
I hate seedfags AND anti-seedfags btw. Blame them for my barrage of shitposts.
It’s crazy that women are to blame for all this homophobia
Ummm we go by AmeriGODs, and you SEAniggers wish you could feast on good food as much as we do. Your broke ahh can’t even afford to buy food, much less actual model kits and airbrushing set up. I see you SEAnigs crying in here all the time about how shits too expensive and you can’t afford muh p-Bandai.
Real life nigger spotted.
Reminder that rg sword impulse will forever be locked behind p-bandai to gatekeep poorfag SEAnigs who ironically are SEEDslops biggest slurpers kek
Tranny and black is a ridiculous combo
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The weekend boys
I don't mind a little shitposting, I still love you anon.
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every gundam design can be improved by being made beefier
WOW this looks good
100% true
i'd extend that to basically every mecha even
hold up though. if every gundam design can be improved by being made beefier, then why does bandai give every kit twink proportions?
they have bad taste
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>guy worked on this kit for 5 years to get the proportions just right
>sold it at 1 event for a single day
>event has since shut down with no sign of returning
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and niggas in this general be like "the MG 2.0 is fine"

hopefully GODtoki fixes it with next year's ver Ka.
mk2 if he went to auschwitz
most gunpla doesn't look good for 2 reasons
>aesthetic sacrifices for the sake of articulation
>trying to portray mobile suits as actual machines rather than as anime characters
Terrible opinion, bordering on factually incorrect considering articulation points are built into the aesthetics
Based. Talk your shit anon. Bandai is just a fucking garbage company. Sick of the “small mom and pop shop, prease understand” bullshit all the fucking time.
They dont look good because plastic molding isnt like magic. Maybe 3d printing could do it but the tech is still not there to handle the production.
They nutt all over each for this overdone turkey but someone details anything else beyond anime accuracy and they remove their tongues from each other's contrary asses long enough to all bitch about it identically.
That overdone turkey is a custom build, anon... You are proving the point even further that kitbashing builds are retarded.

It's the one included with the sticker decal.
>articulation points are built into the aesthetics
very poorly and with the power of "not needing to actually function since we'll draw it doing whatever we want and hide elements that would look fucked up."
god that's hideous
honestly shit like this makes me appreciate snapshitters
I look like this MK-II IRL
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blessed be the chinese
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Yeah maybe if this was beefy it would be good.
looking forward to the ugly pbandai HG kit of this that will cost like 9000 yen cause of the gross electroplating silver
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>locked behind p-bandai to gatekeep poorfag SEAnigs
Damn, i guess i'm not a SEAnig, then?
If those fucking awful muttified designs from Requiem for Vengeance get retail kits but the Silver Phantom MS don't I am done with Bandai.
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Impeccably based taste. I just finished painting my Burglarydog, just waiting on my decals in the mail before weathering. How do you like the Dougram kit?
Is that the Wave version or Bandai version?
They will make kits for Silver Phantom at some point, but not now. Current projects in development are Seed Zgok, MG Narrative B Pack and Psycho Gundam MK2.
Sab panel liners, they worth the hype or are they overpriced?
wait this is painted? chat is this real?
If you're not a professional modeler who's work will be scrutinized under a microscope for contests and magazine covers, then yeah. Cheaper alternatives do the job just fine with negligible difference in the finished product.
I'm not a professional modeler, but I have the heart of a lion and always aspire for the best.
Fucking based, in that case yeah follow your dreams
it's going to be p-bandai cause silver phantom isn't being heavily invested in by bandai. The requiem for revenge shit however is because it's bandai namco's weird testbed for bayformers tier gundams that were designed to appeal to a wider western audience, and may or may not be what the new live action gundam might look like in terms of horrible greeble.
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Do you like my Psychedelic Doga?
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I forgot to take a picture of it but there's some fluorescent blue on there including the eye.
Looks sick anon. I like it.
Yes. Well done. Holy crap bandai and those seams on the feet though.
chat is this real?
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Don't you have some fucking thighs to cut or something champ?
I'm the first anon you replied to. I told the other anon that I couldn't tell his kit was painted and he had to defend his ego by lashing out at this psychadelic doga guy's paint job because he couldn't feel like a man without getting into an altercation with someone.
That kit looks sexy as fuck.
Got in the mood for some chibi.
What are some good SD kits??
I pray to god that requiem flops and that they stop catering to the western audience.
Leave tourist
At the rate we've been getting MGs lately, do you guys think we will ever get MGs from relatively recent TV shows like Witch, IBO, G-Reco, or the rest of the planned AGE MGs?

Looking at the release history, we got the first SEED MG a couple months after it finished airing. Freedom came a year after, and a slew of SEED MGs followed in the years following Destiny. We got the first 00 MG a couple months after it finished airing, with a slew of MGs following over the next couple years. We got 4 AGE MGs while it was airing and 2 more within a year after it finished.

Based on this, the trend is that MG releases tend to follow promptly after the conclusion of a TV series. Despite this, we got no G-Reco MGs, no AGE MGs in 11 years, 1 IBO MG in 7 years, and no witch MGs.

I think it's possible, likely even, that witch follows G-Reco as the first TV production without MGs, based on the sheer lack of releases in recent years.
They don't make as much money for the effort put in to 3D model the parts, engineering, and design, as well as the plastic molds. You'll see HGs and full mechanics more than master grades. Even real grades are probably cheaper to engineer than master grades despite the smaller scale, so those will also be more common.
It is cost less to print RG due to their scale. Also, i personally prefer RG over Full Mechanics and MG so i won't feel like i missed out on anything 1/100 scale.
Bandai also discontinued Mega Size line sometimes ago due to their weak performance and high production cost.
I hear you my brother. But Bandai seems to defy all logic. We used to get 5-9 MGs a year. You’d think after killing off the line, they’d replace it with something else. But we only get 1-2 RGs a year and average 1 FM a year since its inception.

It just feels like gundam is dying. We took it for granted, but in the past we really got spoiled with new releases. Tons of MGs every year, the yearly 2 RGs, tons of shit in other grades. What we get now is peanuts compared to the past.
The 5-9 MG figure is new molds by the way. When you count parts variants it’s much higher. Even parts variants feel like a luxury now. I want my MG Zaku I 2.0…
I want to touch gundam planet anon and anime expo anon inappropriately
>Gundam dying
>The franchise alone made them $976 million USD.

I refuse to believe that shit.
What is causing the lack of new releases in other grades than HG then?
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Will it be retail release or P-Bandai?
retail HG and no other grades.
The old HGs with the new colors and maybe some new parts.
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Gone but not forgotten.

Because bandai can get away with it now. They'll just release a bunch of actual garbage and everyone will buy it. They don't care.
Not a day goes by without MGtards whining about lack of kits. Fuck off, you child. Buy some other kit. For fuck's sake
MGfags are just mega normie who doesn't care for anything other than special snowflake posterboys Bandai cherrypicked to make MG. They are the Appletard of plamo community, buying the expensive shit to flex their wealth.
HG and MG are the core of the Bandai gunpla lineup, everything else including RG is sorta secondary. If they announce that MG is dead then it sounds bad to stockholders and makes them worry, and would piss off fans because MG is a long-running series, and Full Mechanics and Hi-RM is not really considered a replacement for MG.

I think it's been a long time coming, FM (and RE/100) were attempts at seeing if fans would appreciate and buy into same scale but simplified engineering, but my guess is that they didn't really see the same success so RE/100 was quietly discontinued. Without a proper replacement but also MG not bringing in as much money, it feels like they're slowing down the releases to try and figure out what they can do in the meantime, short of actually stopping and putting the MG line on hiatus.
>price bitching about MGs
>mad that others can afford them
Every. Single. Time.
I think the 1/100 scale is what turning people down. Gunpla audience is aging, their lives don't have much time and space to buy and contain so many big sized toys like back then. 1/144 is a much more ideal scale to hoard and store. Also, the fact that both HG, EG and RG are improving also weaken MG's influence. Back then, MG was the only good looking gunpla line, but now, there are many other choices, but cheaper and easier to store.
Nigga no one cares if you are rich. People can afford stuff like Metal Build, Perfect Grade and bunch of other fancier toys. MG is just the novice tier and not worth to flex, unless you are a faggot.
Not that anon, but you're the only one I see bitching. I'm sorry a multibillion Yen company isn't catering to your shitty taste. They don't want to make MGs, suck it up. Stop repeating this idiotic refrain in every single fucking thread.
>>mad that others can afford them
>pricetag is usually 100 dollars or less
You don't need to larp as a wealthy American, anon.
Good morning saars, brownoids out in full force I see!
You should be grateful that retail HG and RG are the norm in Gunpla market. If you are into Kamen Rider, you will understand how fucked it is when almost everything ended up as P Bandai with ridiculously inflated price due to scalpers. That's a real dick measuring contest for MG purist like you.
I don't buy MGs, I just like making fun of the brownoids that lose their mind every time they're mentioned, saar.
What is this called? Armchair psychologist? Armchair economist? Did you watch a Vice video and think Japanese people live in 1-tatami capsules?
Call me anything you want. Bandai slowing the development of MG down for a reason. If it is super profitable like back then, they would have spam it relentlessly.
p-bandai. If I'm wrong, I'll buy all three and go through the annoying process of stripping away the electropating silver and post pics
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I want to start hand painting like this boomer. How exactly do I undo my mistakes with brush painting? Wont dipping the thing in paint thinner destroy the plastic?
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Is this the same guy who painted these?
>Metal build.
>Not novice tier.

Boomer modeler is a different breed.
Is there more than one guy? I just saw him on youtube by random and now suddenly I want to be exactly like him.
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I have a problem with my iwata eclipse hp-cs where the needle chucking guide will get stuck when I pull it back. As you can see in the picture, the trigger is loose and in a forward position but the needle chucking guide is in the pulled back position. The needle and nozzle aren’t in so they aren’t the problem. Anybody know what it is and how to fix it?
Blow away 300 dollars on a stupid toy and you can be a novice, too

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Just look at his fucking guntank treads. It looks so fucking good. Does inhaling all those microplastics make you better at seeing this shit?

Use hardware store lacquer thinner to clean the moving parts involved.
Some of the advice in this video is retarded. Those pipe cleaners will fuck up the inside of your airbrush.
I finished Gourai-kai today! I finally found the piece that went missing a few weeks ago, so I was able to continue with her. Now all that's left are some extra accessories and the exosuit chair/frame and I'll be done with this kit.
Who is this?
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Been seeing a few Xabungle Walker Machine kits both 1/100 and 1/144 scale at my hobby shops, didn't purchase them because I'm one of those weirdoes that has to do research first. Went down a rabbit hole and tracked down all the kits by number (outside of a few 1/500 kits involving Land Ships).
#1 Trad Eleven
#2 Gallop
#3 Crab
#4 Government
#5 Caprico
#6 Promeus
#7 Dugger
#8 Ottrich
#9 Xabungle
#10 Galabagos
#11 Walker Gallia and Leg
#1 Dugger
#2 Government
#3 Promeus
#4 Caprico
#5 Xabungle
#6 Gallop
#7 Trad 11
#8 Crab
#9 Ottrich
#10 Galabagos
#11 Sendvead
#12 Walker Galliar
#1 Iron Gear and Xabungle

No idea why the Gunpla Wiki or any model kits site does not have the full list. Hell, I even found out Master Grade did Patlabor kits and a Dunbine kit back in the early 2000s. Pic related is my facebwhwn I'm the first guy to actually track the kits down by number.
Should weathering be done on the same gloss coat as panel lining and decals? Or should another coat be added on top after decals and panel lining? If so, should this additional coat be gloss or matte?
>No idea why the Gunpla Wiki or any model kits site does not have the full list.
Isn't shit like this why we have a board wikia?
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That translator needs to be fired.
I doubt Yapool would allow toyline articles that focused on a single IP. Someone can ask.
I guess this eclipse is just fucked. Dogshit ass brush man. I don’t have any of these problems with my other brush. What a fucking waste of money. I’ll probably get a harder and steenbeck evolution tomorrow.
Any anons here buy Xabungle kits and if yes what are they like compared to UCHG kits? Both 100 and 144. Thinking of getting some to use up some citadel paints I haven't bothered using up.
i bought the 1/100 galabagos and it's a lot more like old old model kits where it's just two colour plastics, and definitely needs glue.
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PBandai Spinatio is here. Feels great to be a SEA.
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Valuable Pod will be reprinted under the new brand name.
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>Literally the same mold
>Won't reprint the green version along with this
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I don't know how big this resin NZ-666 is. Haven't built it yet, neither Unleashed Grandpa. Maybe I should work on one of them soon. One of them for sure, but for now it's Nu ver Ka.
I still don't understand why this and Amazing Barbs Lupus are retail.
>Amazing Barbs Lupus
Well, all of the kits from that build thing are retail, are they not? Why would this be an exception
You know, gundam "fanbase" bitch when Bandai gatekeep something in P Bandai. And when Bandai doesn't, the are still bitching. You are damned to have an obscure or non-story importance robot to be in retail. Not everyone are hooked by your flavour of the month robot, ok?
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Kaiyodo's Eva kit.
>implying those recolours (of turbo shelf warmers to boot lmao) aren't obscure or literal whos
>The first impulse you see in combat
>MG sees more reissues in a year than most MGs
>RG and HGCE is in pbandai hell
>But recolours of kyou senki and Build flop kits are retail
defend this shit
I know you are trying to do this autistic "not replying" just to show how angry you are, anon, but Bandai does what Bandai wants, especially when they see a market for it. You probably don't know what the fuck does Kaiyodo or Tamiya sell in modelkit market, but they still have their own audiences.
Source for all statistics?
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EG RX78-2 done. The panel line wash got in the seam of the leg armor but I already glued the kneecaps on and despite putting it somwhere safe to dry some dust got in the topcoat. Stickers are from an origin version, got them from the friend who gave me this kit
Unironically more coherent and well thought than majority of customs here lmao.
I got a bottle of tamiya accent color and some lighter fluid after I've already built my kit. I dont plan to paint it or anything, just panel line to make details more defined.
Turns out it apparently damages already built unpainted, or at least some claim. The google arguments seem divisive so I'm not sure who to believe. What can I do to avoid damaging my kit while still keeping it unpainted and panel lined? Apparenlty wiping it down within a minute would help, but what do I know?
we get less releases nowadays because bandai has been making tons of different non-Gundam lines. so yeah they killed MG's just so they can release more dinosaur kits.
>what do I do to avoid damaging
Just topcoat with spraycan some transparent paint before you use panel wash/accent.
>they killed MG's just so they can release more dinosaur kits.
honestly I'd probably the same, only some MGs are cool but all dinosaurs are cool
Any good brands? Do I only topcoat over surfaces that I plan to panel line?
nta, but I'm just not overly fond of 1/100 scale. Brings back too many sad memories of how badly Flames of War went to shit, and outside of wargaming minis like that there are very few compatible kits.
Not a money thing either, if I have a choice between a 200 dollar 1/144 kit of a subject I want and a 200 dollar 1/100 kit of a subject I want, I'd go for the 1/144 kit everytime, same goes for a 20 dollar kit (I like making old kits and I leave the real type kits on the shelf of my local hobby store in favour of things like 1/144 Zock at the same price).
post wips of the Plannosaurus kits then?
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this is my first time building a kotobukiya kit, actually it's my first non-bandai plamo ever.
anything I should know? I already have my instant glue ready.
>what are they like compared to UCHG kits?
Absolutely not comparable.
Those kits are from the early 80s, aren't snapfit and NEED cement, painting is mandatory and the articulation is barebones at best (the 1/100 Xabungle is a borderline brick from the waist down - pretty neat surface detail, thou).
the more I work on my kit the more I hate it (the kit itself not the work I've done)
NTA but tamiya is the only one I used back when I was still using cans and it's decent and yeah I guess.
You would be better off just spraying the whole thing because you are not suppose to hold your can so closely to your model or spraying it like you would spray WD40 over a squeaky hinge.
I'm still waiting for EG Zaku-II
Willingly exposing that you're a fat tranny, ruining plamo. Holy shit
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Model kit when?
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>using WD-40 on a squeaky hinge instead of picrel
Use technical jelly on joints and connections.

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