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Previous thread: >>22709732

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

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CaKing Gochizou
5 shows and Saber still remains as the best Reiwa Series. It shouldn’t even be that hard to surpass.
>toyline is pretty much just mcdonalds changeables
even Early Heisei had a rocky start. I remember reading something about fucking Kabuto being the newfag choice back then.
Saber is easily the worst of the five
I was specifically told to skip Faiz and Kabuto when I was introduced to KR here.

It was the Build era.
>images on your pc that would be hard to explain to your parents
I keep reading gochizou as goschizo


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That would be the easiest to explain on my hellscape of a PC.
>It shouldn’t even be that hard to surpass
Given the circumstances, I think it is.

First of all, Inoue, Kobayashi and Sanjo no longer write for Toku outside of special cases.

Takahashi's quickly becoming the Inoue of the modern era in terms of how many times they bring him back due to his continuous string of hit shows, except his character writing isn't nearly good enough to make up for the deteriorating quality of his stories.

New writers are a coin toss in terms of how good or bad they can be (even Boonboomger's writer is doing just okay despite his amount of experience and pedigree in childrens' shows) and Ohmori's no longer there to sniff out some good ones that could mesh really well with the genre.

And then there's Shirakura trying to recreate Zi-O through his influence on the new producers because he cares more about numbers and success than the quality of the shows themselves.

Even getting another Saber is hard because Taka-P got promoted and the show isn't exactly popular among the Nips.
>recreate Zi-O
How popular is it? I found the actors really flat and the only thing keeping me watching were the Another Riders
Imagine liking Revice.
Kuuga-Blade are 5 of the best seasons in the franchise.
>How popular is it?
It's the best-selling show in the franchise and also the one with the highest amount of Twitter followers. The Japanese audience doesn't hold the show itself in high regard like it does OOO or Kuuga, but it's definitely not widely disliked either.
Toy sales wise (the only thing that matters) it’s the best selling rider ever
General public it’s average
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Ikki is now a Seiyu
It’s just NOT FAIR, it COULD HAVE been the best series.

Revice is the equivalent of an Amusment Park getting all the fun rides closed; a restaurant that changing all of their famous desserts for liquor; Tumblr losing all its porn.
This but with Zi-O
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>tfw my mom finds my lachesis folder
This but my Yuna Hoshino folder
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This but my Chaco folder
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This but my Gaim Pinterest
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Chesis fans creating their own merch.
Do you also have a Chesis folder?
A grown man made this
I mean, duh, an underage couldn’t.
A better and healthier use of his time than just masturbating to pictures of her tbqh.
Believe it or not, Lachesis is actually pretty popular with female viewers. Troubled girl who has a thing with the brooding bad boy is always a winning recipe.
Oh yeah, China.
>saving the gravure pics I posted
It's an honor, anon
Reminder that these Lachesisfags are gonna disappear by Rider 2025
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I have been here since 2012 AD. I fap to 'chesis and I'm excited for Gavv. I also buy the toys. You cannot defeat me.
meant for >>22714168
>Chesis dressed in Rinne colors
>And also some of my webms
I love that these edits can technically be canon now.
>lachesisfags once again can't shut the fuck up
>Even spilling over into /toy/ Toku Gen and getting dunked there too for off topic cringe posting
>that squiggled out image
You sick fuck.
From this screencap alone I can tell you're one of this place's resident shitposters. Oh, and a pedo too.
>Legit THE people ruining the general entirely
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Working the Gotchard cast like slaves, giving them only three hours of sleep
You're only half right.
>The censored one.
At least edit Atropos out of there, man.
Shouldn't they be done by now?
They probably are working on post series stuff.
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My wife is so strong
Saki's out partying
Alisa gets up early like a good girl
Apparently not yet. Alisa still has her finger nails painted silver, like Chesis.

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>actually posting this
At least it seems to be 2d anime style porn one can find on Pixiv, judging by the file name. I would be more worried if it were lewd edits of real photos or actual CP.
Your "it's just a drawing" defense does not work when it is a drawing of a real world child.
If anything Zi-O was better than it should have been given Shirakura refused to learn from his mistakes with Decade.
You're both retarded moralfags and should kill yourselves or at least go back to tiktok to cry about "predators" or whatever it is you freaks do.
Gavv is gonna have killer music at least
My feelings are truly hurt being called a moralfag because I think it's pretty fucking weird to save drawn porn of a real world child.
At least they're not pedos like you.
He's one of the anons who thirsts for Rinne and her actress.
Honestly, Go Sakebe is the last person I expected for Gavv considering how the theme seemed to call for a more goofy and upbeat feeling. Something like Ex Aid or Ultraman Z
It’s probably Gaim II not Gotchard II
At least Gaim's warring period aesthetic gives the BGM a clear theming. Hard to imagine how Sakebe's style gonna go with Gavv
The poster looks grimy rather than goofy.
,>It’s probably Gaim II
Urobuchi's not coming back, anon.
Gaim in tone, not in writing
He composed Ghost's OST.
Daring today, aren't we?
Not that I'm complaining.
Well, it had a Buddha theme going for it, which worked with Sakebe's fantastical style

Closest I can imagine for Gavv will be Zero One's. Something superheroic
Date A Live style.
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All of Gavv’s gears so far look very mechanical
It's a cool dynamic with the little monster collectibles. I'm liking the direction a lot now that we've seen the road sword
Tried out the first episodes of Black Sun and Gotchard earlier. BS (heh) has nice suits and action, but being 40 minutes per episode feels like it's gonna hinder it hard. Gotchard... Was a thing that existed... Neat looking Egyptian themed villains. Alchemy vs Egyptian demons feels like something out of the Puppet Master sequels.
He composed ToQger which seems to be also wacky
Action Figures this year:
>Kamen Rider Gavv Poppin Gummy Form (August - ¥4000)
>Kamen Rider Valen Chocodon Form (October - ¥4000)
>Kamen Rider Gavv CaKing Form
(December - ¥4500)

Wonder what gimmick will they have since they probably don't come with form changes.
>secondary gets a gimmick figure this year
Already better than gotchard. Also probably fourze like modules for attaching to the limbs.
>no sounds for the gochizous
wasted opportunity, considering the collectibles look good even as standalone toys. Didn't Gaim get 10.9B Q1 because of this?
And Ridewatches surpassed that. The only time the lights and sound gimmick failed was the Vistamps
>lights and sound gimmick failed was the Vistamps
and the Ride Books
and the Progrise Keys
Toy sales aside, I feel the character interactions are quite funny to watch.
Didn't know that. I guess I can kinda see what he'll do now
They saw how Revice barely made above Saber and decided to cut down production cost by having the main gimmick has no sound or leds for 3 years.
goddammit Ikki, that supposed to be your friend's dream
Progrise Keys were the second highest Rider toys, it's far from failed
You're not funny, obnoxious schizo.
Ridebooks had no lights the fuck are you smoking
It failed because it didn't make as much or higher than Ridewatches.
He only composed the insert songs or something but not the main background musics.
Ride Books sold well and Progrise Keys were insanely popular and one of the highest grossing Rider toys
Ex-Aid made only 0.4 billion more than Revice.
By that logic, you are also a failure for not making as much as Bill Gates
>Blade and Gotchard as blue mcs
>Hibiki and Gavv are both purple
Will the next 3 Reiwa riders after Gavv be red like Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva?
Vistamps did better than the Ride Books. What the fuck are you talking about?
Ridebooks are not in the lights and sound category faggot, They're just in the sound category
>Progrise Keys were insanely popular and one of the highest grossing Rider toys
and it was a failure because it made less than ridewatches.

That logic is flawed because everyone literally can't be Bill Gates. Your logic is retarded since that means everything since Zi-O failed
He gets all the figures this time, which cannot be said for Gotchard’s extra Riders.
That's your logic, anon. You're the one that insisted Zero One failed
Because you insisted that Revice failed when it did better than Saber.
That wasn't me, anon. Are you so new that you think every replier is the same person?
Whatever color you say, it's still a shade of blue.
Stop replying to the Anti-Revice shitposter and just report him already.
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Why the fuck did you respond in the first place you fucking troglodyte. If you're not the original poster just move on and ignore
Because I can, reddit immigrant. That's the point of a board
Shut the fuck up, faggot. If you respond to this post, you love getting anally fisted by GorillaDiamond
Zero One will remain the second highest selling success till its 10th anniversary. And possibly beyond unless Japan's economy boom
Recap of who gets what toy in Q1, not counting Gochizos

>Henshin Belt Gavv & Gochizo Holder
>GabuGaBlade & GochiSpeeder
>Maison Gochizo
>GuruCan Gatling (doubling as Gavv’s Rider Machine)
>Rider Hero Series Gavv PoppinGummy/ ZakuZakuChips/ FuwaMallow/ GuruCan/ CaKing Form
>Action Figure Gavv PoppinGummy/ CaKing Form

>ChocodonDangan (or DanGun)
>Rider Hero Series Valen Chocodon Form
>Action Figure Valen Chocodon Form
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Would Valen get different chocolate types as alts?
Maybe they are the ChocodonDangan
99% Dark Chocolate berzerk form soon
he’a fucking silver anon
Your mom is silver.
Berzerk form will be Dark Chocolate with Wine
It only sold that well because it was the first
Honestly yeah, Zero-One got lots of buzz for being the first Rider of a new era, but as a show itself it barely different from any Rider shows since like Ex-Aid.
So the Fuga ichinose met in the 1st episode was a spare homunculi too?
Well yeah it melted into water
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Colored ver
And better toys than what follows.
Progrise Keys are by and far the best collectibles of the Reiwa shows so far, so that helps as well
I wonder how other upgrade will work. It doesn't seem to have atttachment slot like Gotchard and Build.
They're just rectangle Ridewatches to be honest.
I like its 'lil mustache
Because you press a button and move something? That's really tenuous.
They're just larger Gaia Memories to be honest.
Is it a patissier?
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Buckles are better.
These aren't bad things at all, but P.Keys have a nicer tech aesthetic to them. Also they were more fun/feel cooler to flip open and close constantly
>8 eps left
If they don't hint a power up in tomorrow episode then it probably moved to the vcinema.
Was Grease Blizzard even hinted at all?
The Blizzard Knuckle showed up during the prep session before they head to Evoltower as a weapon for Sento then revealed as a Grease power up when the team split up
IIRC I think Sento mentioned it basically killing the viewer if it's used, but potato-kun being the ever badass used it for one last sendoff.
Bring out the Ichigata suit for repainting
>It doesn't seem to have atttachment slot like Gotchard and Build.
My brother in christ, the mouth is enormous. They can fit basically anything in there.
>killing the viewer
Jesus christ, Sento's a god damn war criminal.

I want to go back…
It flopped because it sold less than the ridewatches
Sabimaru's gonna save him
>Was Grease Blizzard even hinted at all?
barely, it took us mostly by surprise
while we knew the possibility of Grease getting a new upgrade wasn't zero, images of the suit surprisingly wasn't spoiled or leaked

>then it probably moved to the vcinema.
Could be. We will know in due time. Show is in its final stretch.
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I feel that if it weren't for Kanon, Alisa would have gotten fatter. Kanon advised her to take more walks and invites her to hers. Those Toei caterings aren't healthy. Reiyo was a stick when the show started, now she looks normal.
They have been teasing Black Flame for a few episodes now, should have a closure to it
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Trolling AND retarded
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Lachesis will die but become a chemy and allow Spanner to have a final form
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This is how Reiyo look now.
Haven't seen a guy love TakaTora this much since Eiji
>Lachesis dies so Spanner has one victory before going back to losing

Being a doll is suffering
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Ivi/Lemon's comments from earlier the other day, for the most part they were things that were revealed shortly with Phase ex02.
Even so, there are things that I don't fully understand cause chinese is dificult
>Potato chip knife + spicy potato chips (?)
>Dx01 Ammunition Marshmallow Gotchard()
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>dx02 bomb a certain marshmallow lollipop polar fox, This lollipop should be gurucan
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>I think this is the blind pack thing (probably gashapon) Zero One, Ex-Aid, Gotchard, Saber, Buffa, & Majade(rare¿?)
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>(I don't understand the question) It's in the chocolate gun, The deformation method is the same as potato chips
...for sex
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>the motorcycle on the sword is the gochispeder, that's why it comes in a pack with the sword
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There is also a kind of lollipop gun motorcycle
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cant wait for them to ditch the bike after 2 eps
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Now it's more subjective
He means the GuruCan Gatling in the toylist also doubles as the Rider Machine this year.
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>This year's knight sound effects are more complete than the original sound effects (?) than the Legend Decade (), whether it is the words of the transformation sound effects or the background music (?), there are belt-specific voice lines to show, even the Kuuga without words
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I actually like this bike more than the one they gave Touma
Slogan for Gavv
>“I feel good that everyone is happy”
Ahh I didn't get it, that could be it
Gavv doesn't seem to be a cocky fella
Another idealistic hero.

Guess Valen will be the more down-to-Earth one.
Suffering incoming
He sounds like the kind of hero that sings and dances after the commercials.
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>“I feel good that everyone is happy”
Sounds like a more optimistic Faiz/Takumi.
>"Nobody is happy. I feel terrible."
Honestly doesn't make a lot of sense that his bike was personalized and the only one to do so while everyone else had the trike. Think it would've been better if Touma had that same trike but was customized to be personalized for him.
I'm just prayin for someone like Kouta again
Worse than Gotcha
Don't tell the architect this
I never watched a Kamen Rider show before until someone showed me some clips of the current Gotchard series. I ended up skipping through some random episodes as certain characters and comedic aspects made me want to see more. Unfortunately, it's mostly rather childish with the excessive blatant merchandise and the fights being a skipable mess that usually go on for too long. The less battles there are, the more fun and interesting the show is in a seeing some Japanese culture and comedy kind of way. Love stuff like that ridiculous pokemon helps an idol group episode or the girls getting frozen in the lab or the cool but dumb and obviously lower res use of drone cameras.

Also, don't knock waifuism as the 3 sisters, looking cool but also like they walked in from a YuGiOh tournament during a Babymetal concert, is what kept me checking back. Everything involving them in the show is always the best. Hope Atropos fucks somebody up for calling her a doll, hope Lachesis keeps showing her sexy legs in stockings, hope Clotho sacrifices herself to save the other two in some big battle.
If you want more wackiness, Fourze is a good pick.
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>Everything involving them in the show is always the best. Hope Atropos fucks somebody up for calling her a doll, hope Lachesis keeps showing her sexy legs in stockings, hope Clotho sacrifices herself to save the other two in some big battle.
I'm not that worried for Lachesis, because she's good now and it's her long-term goal to become human. And possibly form a family. But Atropos and Clotho... Yeah. I don't think they are dying, but I feel less sure about their future well-being. 8 episodes left, and they are still villainesses who feel sure about their allegiance to Geryon. If both were men, I would bet on them dying, but maybe they don't. Gotchard is also one of the most childish KR shows, so it's easier to get away with letting Clotho and Atropos survive despite everything.
Oh sorry, was anon not supposed to post about kamen rider in the kamen rider thread?
You misunderstand, KYS means Kiss Your Spanner in /krg/ like the pic implies. KYS.
KYS when posted with that pic means Kiss Your Spanner. Despite the length of your post, he did agree with you.
Sorry gang, I’m not that anon, just a /krg/ old head who hasn’t been around in a while. Didn’t know the new meta. KYS too then
All a hero needs to be is feel good that the common folk are happy. Gavv sounds pretty heroic, like Sento did when he was playing Kamen Rider.
I really hope the foodmons aren't sameface-y
We'll we've only seen the Poppin' Gummy Gochizos so far so who knows.
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The Legend Rider Gochizos do look different from Poppin Gummy
tired of all these goddamn goschizos
that's literally the poppin gummy gochizo just cartoony
There's no new meta, those are the shitposters that are ruining this general.
the gochizos look like they're out of a NFT collection
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The one on the Holder looks different
You're not wrong, the storylines that involve the three dark sisters are easily the most compelling of the show. I think both Clotho and Atropos are highlights right now because while they're doing some evil shit their motives are ultimately sympathetic, like Clotho just wants her sister back but doesn't know how to do it in a positive way (being driven mad by a gold demon didn't help), and Atropos just wants a loving father (who happens to be a psychopath bent on turning the world into gold).

Like nothing going on in the heroes's side really compares.
Do you think Valen will have the same undersuit as Gavv? He’s based on chocolate which also has silver foil wrapper, but he operates on a different system so…
Depends on how cheap Gavv ends up being. With a new producer, Gotchard ended up being a high-budget production. Takebe is a senior, and knows being frugal helps keep her job.
Well there’s only two Riders to start with. Even Gaim managed to have a different undersuit for each Rider.
I'm with holding judgement on these being based on the actual Legend Rider Trinkets, something tells me the actual ones while similar will look different from these more chemy ones.
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>*Deep Sexy Voice*
"High-budget production" and yet they still used the fucking generic lycra undersuits
God, we've gone so far downhill since Heisei Phase 1 in terms of undersuits it's not even funny
This gives me "People die when they are killed" vibes.
I absolutely comprehend that they weren't referencing Rian Johnson. But after years of hear "OHHHHH IT SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS". having the other half of a Yuri Rider use "Subvert Up" in their Henshin gave me Vietkong styled PTSD.
Don’t respond to my post you fucking idiot
Cranejoe is live now. Let’s see if he talks about Gavv.
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Some two years ago I commissioned this. It's an obvious Rider homage, even if it doesn't necessarily look like a Rider suit because that wouldn't work in the setting.
Given the fact I couldn't justify making it look more like a Rider, I decided to go the other direction for the upgrade, and made it more like a small mech.
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This is the upgrade. The illust isn't finished yet but the main design is complete. That's all.

Also not particularly excided for Gavv, it smells a bit too Revice-y.
>Smells too Revice-y
How? If anything it smells like Geats 2 by Zero-One because of the staff currently.
Let’s do 5 things we want to see in Gavv, I’ll start

>1. A more interesting or subtle protagonist.
I don’t want the constant extremes of Ace/Tendo/Tsukasa or Hotaro/Ikki/Touma/Aruto/Sougo, give me someone more like Sento or Takumi, a neutral presence

>2. A more developed arc for the secondary rider
Since there’s so many riders lately, the last like 6 or 7 secondary riders have all had these arcs that are super important for like 3 episodes, then completely disappear until it’s time for an upgrade. I want something more consistent

3. A new twist on the LED Driver
I can’t be the only one who thinks that Demons/Glare/Dread feel way too similar, I just want a design that’s a little more out there and not so evil looking, it’s getting boring

>4. Fewer Riders
Gotchard was really good about this, I’d like to see it continue

>5. Better insert song usage
Again, Gotchard was really good at this. Let’s see it continue
You get the 4th one. The show starts with only Gavv and Valen, retail toywise.
What's your expectations for Gavv's opening? As in, who do you want to sing it, what genre, etc

I personally wants to hear Maki Ohguro again.
Hard to say. Call it a gut feeling. Either way we won't know until it's out. I'll give it a go for the first quarter and if I drop it I'll check an episode or two every once in a while the rest of the run.
Apparently his catchphrase is something along the lines of "I feel good when everyone's happy" which is basically how Sento felt during early Build, so we could get something there.
I really want to see a take on the driver prototype that spewed actual physical steam.
That's how every MC feels, buildbabby.
Though only recently Sento actually said that along those lines out loud to Banjou.
>hurr durr buildbabby
Actually try to discuss, anon.
Remember how they ended up giving the full Demons body mutation to that literally who? Hikaru or something?
>Though only recently Sento actually said that along those lines out loud to Banjou
Aruto on the very first episode of Zero-One and beyond basically said this same shit.

>Actually try to discuss, anon
Stop being an entry level show-obsessed retard first.
I'm kinda surprised Rider is getting a second food themed season while Sentai still doesn't have one.
Does anyone actually remember Hikaru?
Sentai's kind of in a weird spot with sales, they probably don't want to get too wild with a core theme. Maybe somewhere down the road we'll get a cooking sentai.
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Sex with Keiwa's sister
I would say Donbrothers was pretty werid.
The show was weird yes, but not the theme. A Japanese fairy tale/mythology motif at it's base isn't crazy idea. It was more the fine details like the CGI rangers and Inoue going full troll mode with the writing that mad it stand out.
Revice only started with Revi/Vice, Evil/Live and they still got up to what? 10 riders?
I said “starts with”. It may end up like Revice… or Gotchard.
Only Don Momo and Oni are the ones with unusual theme for Sentai, the rest are still animals.
They're likely to combine it with fish and meat so it will be half-animal season.
They were all sunglasses-wearing gamer banchos in terms of design, with the unique affectations being two disproportionate CG members and one with a giant red ass.
Stop responding to yourself
>a hollow human being who can only feel fulfilled when the others are happy
I hope not
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t. Hikaru fan
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remove yourself from the gene pool cockmongler
>>a hollow human being who can only feel fulfilled when the others are happy
You mean Eiji?
>I don’t want the hero of a kid’s show to act like a hero
This screenshot made it look like Godai did it.
A kamen rider that likes protecting people's prosperity and well being? This is a travesty!
I hope the final form is just a whole feast. Just fit the whole Last Supper in there maybe.
Not many Riders are hollow inside the way Eiji and Emiya are.
A typical "The powers of every previous form" type deal, then?
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What about Emu or Sento?
Nice Inspect element you samefagging cretin. Kill yourself for ruining this general
Actually schizophrenic.
Wow I forgot how handsome Sento was. Feels like outside of Ace and Ikki we’ve had a lot of unattractive leads lately
Ace? Really? He's always looked weird to me.
> we’ve had a lot of unattractive leads lately
You just know that the anon that typed this out is probably some greasy neckbeard
meant for >>22715513
Sorry i responded to the wrong post
>>5. Better insert song usage
It's Go Sakebe. High chance it'll be how Ghost (None), 01 (very few) was. We'll be lucky if it's like King Ohger (More than 01 but still less). Not sure about his other Sentai/Toku.

Regardless, very low chance we get other bands to make songs. It'll be part of the OST. Not to knock on him, but that's what I don't like with his attempts at Inserts. I am hoping they prove me wrong.
File deleted.
Shut your ass up.
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Oh god, now he’s never going to shut up. Nice going.
I’m a good looking guy anon, but keep projecting

I think Ace is the most handsome lead we’ve ever head, next to maybe Godai. Chiseled jawline, strong midline, nice equal thirds, positive canthal tilt, not to mention he’s very tall. Really the total package
Photo. Now.
Yeah, he has a weird neanderthal brow and a resting bitch face.
Post a pic
Ace lucky
Pretty sure we had a draft of it from Color that was basically that
>I think Ace is the most handsome lead we’ve ever head, next to maybe Godai. Chiseled jawline, strong midline, nice equal thirds, positive canthal tilt, not to mention he’s very tall. Really the total package

That's the most autistic way of being gay I have ever seen.
You first

I’m happily straight. I don’t think it’s gay to be able to recognize nice facial features, everybody does it
>You first
> I don’t think it’s gay
It's gay to judge men if they're attractive or not.
are you closeted?
This you? https://x.com/justsotippy?lang=en

I miss her so much bros
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>missing a 16 year old
Are you insane? For Asian beauty standards his face is near perfect
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How pathetic of a rider do you have to be to get your driver stolen by some random fodder?
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At least the idea of a Kaijin Rider is cool.
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>Sento or Takumi
>Are you insane?
No, I just have eyes.

>For Asian beauty standards his face is near perfect
Not feminine enough for asian beauty standards.
Nobody cares about your cringe ass OC Rider shit
This is absurdly off topic and looks nothing like a Rider
If you didn't care why did you respond to a 5 hour old post?
Stop being a fucking asshole
Legal at my state.
>Waaaah stop talking about Kamen Rider!
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What do they serve them exactly?
I know catering services for shows are pretty loaded, it's why the TNG cast got slightly fatter as the show went on though they probably drank off-set too, but Toku shows seem to have the cast be pretty physically active so you'd think they'd be able to burn the calories from running around all the time
anon they act, they dont do intense stuntwork
They're not talking about rider
One is talking about his dogshit OC the other is being a fag over Ace's Actor's look
This general is fumetsu da
Lmao, are you really seething that much just because I don't think Ace is the most beautiful man ever? Maybe you are an actual faggot.
I mean it still seems like they follow a more active schedule than a Western TV show would and can't just be dead tired the whole time
Patrick Stewart was able to get away with falling asleep standing up in an episode, I don't see any Toku shows have similar mishaps but it would be funny if there were any examples of it
I just asked a question you silly faggot
It's just off-topic and the discussion is retarded.
Judging a man based on his attractiveness is gay and you're gay for talking about it.
There's a female P-bandai rider
You're not fooling anyone with your poor deflections, faggot.
>It's an obvious Rider homage
It's not obvious at all, the only part of this uninspired design that is remotely Rider-like is the "belt". The upgrade doesn't look like a mecha either.

A waste of money, the both of them.
>Judging a man based on his attractiveness is gay
If this was true there would be no straight men
Which Rider show had the best catchphrases?
One thing I'm really enjoying about W, watching it right now, is just how varied the Dopants are, since they don't really have to stick to a theme, like other Rider monsters
would never happen today
or if it did, they would all have the exact same base suit with a few bits bolted on
Toss up between Kabuto and Den-O.
Also, it took me an embarassingly long time to realize both that Dopant comes from doping and the syringe imagery sticking the Gaia Memory in your body evokes
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“This might tickle a bit,” “Passing-through Kamen Rider,” and “Onore Decade” all have to be in the Top Ten list for sure.
>Onore Decade
Technically, that one became Narutaki's catchphrase only after Decade
He only said it once in Decade itself
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It doesn't get any cooler than this.
>"Despair awaits you at the finish line!" "Don't ask me questions!"
>"Why must you anger me?" "*tch*"
Double has pretty good ones in general
Count up your sins is elite, just a passing through Kamen Rider and Ore Sanjou are S tier as well.
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I'll say Build, just to be contrarian.
Really? It must be the movies but i felt like he said that almost every episode
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Of all of Reiwa, I will say Zero-One’s has stuck with me the most.
>There's only one person who can stop you... and that's me
Aruto has the best catchphrase out of any rider
I really like Ace’s “here comes the highlight”
it's the perfect catchphrase for a detective themed series.
Every line from the man who walks the path of heaven is quote worthy
if aruto wasn't a sperg he would probably be the best in reiwa.
Just started Wizard.
Please tell me there's no more shitty cg dragon fights
His dad was a robot and still died, abandoning him. Cut him some slack.
Well, it’s a series about magic… there’s bound to be more cg…
No, he sucks.
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Is the sword really just called the Gavv Blade?
I'd call it the Gavv Maw.
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Why couldn't they just call him "Gavu"?
Sounds and looks better.
Why couldn't they jsu call him "Kitsune"?
Sounds and looks better.
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>"NO CONTINUE de, CLEAR shite yaru ze!"
Just a personal fav of mine.
It's too long, I always felt that "saving patients on the first try" worked better than "continues". Games stopped using Continues long before Ex-Aid aired.
I bet your joyless ass gets pissy when he blows on the Gashat right before a finisher too.

The phrases are literally and canonically their main Rider Powers
Forgot how sensitive Ex-Aid fans get
Ex-Aid’s entire shtick is retro-gaming. Of course he’ll mention lives.
He stopped doing that after the first episode
On the other hand, Reiwa sentai has more varied themes and aesthetics than Reiwa rider
We got grasshopper, dragon, dinosaur, fox, grasshopper again, and now candy. A lot of beasts and animals, be they real, fictional, or extinct.
they did. the pronunciation is the exact same
Nice, just checked the first 4eps of Fourze and it's like a much better version of Gotchard:
-Episodes seem to be only 25% fights meaning more time for the funny ridiculous live action anime-like story and over-acting characters
-Fights are actually understandable, and not a 90% CG mess
-Main guy is a total chad instead of some clutz beta
-Tons of thigh and leg level camera shots with gravure scenes being given away for free.
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“Your fate is mine to decide!”
Sorry bro
Okay, but who is the better goth gf?
Tomoko or Lachesis?
>Reiwa sentai has more varied themes and aesthetics than Reiwa rider
no it doesn't.

>Sentai Mechs (so basically machines)
>Cars (machines)

>Bugs and animals
>Children stories
>bugs and animals with a hint of kamen riders
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>-Tons of thigh and leg level camera shots with gravure scenes being given away for free.
Reiwa newfags are so fucking obnoxious
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Also, I obviously know about Japanese perversion but it blows my mind that they have the official cast promoting some sexy photobook of an actress in an obvious kids show. I'd have been unbelievable to me if back in the day of watching Power Rangers, you could buy some bikini book of the Pink or Yellow Rangers with the male Rangers blatantly promoting it.

Also, what's this Lachesis shopping video/post I keep seeing mentioned?
The thing is, as silly as fruits are for an aesthetic, they are part of Earth and nature. Even glossing aside the whole "apple of Eden" thing, fruits by themselves aren't stupid or wacky, they're fundamental to this planet. There are ways of using fruits in a way that's not ridiculous. Add to that the fact that it's fruits and shogun warriors and you can see how it works.
Candy is just silly. Everyone can enjoy it outside of kids, but it's hard to take it that seriously. I see Gavv having more chances of being like Fourze and OOO than Gaim.
It's called having friends and fucking around.

>what's this Lachesis shopping video/post I keep seeing mentioned?
just a schizo
Geats was mainly animals, same as Revice. Gotchard is the only one that's truly everything.
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The one that was turned against the heroes, and took on a literal meaning by the end.
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ah yes. my favorite animal the magnum rifle
holy shit lmao
Geats is a fox, no matter how you put it. Yes, the buckles could give each rider some combination, but they were undeniably animals. Live also used a gun, yet you know his aesthetic is that of a bat.
Did you forget that every rider was represented by an animal?
You have to remember that back during Gaim's reveal, it wasn't just the fruit warriors concept that was surprising, but the plot and staff details.

The suits and collectables are fruit themed?
The cast are street dancing pokemon trainers?
The OP is sung by a Japanese reggae band?
The writer is GEN UROBUCHI?

I can't remember a toku reveal as bizarre as Gaim, nobody knew what to make of it at the time. Gavv is definitely weird but it's not as shocking since it's not the first food themed show.
>Geats was mainly animals
The base Riders are, but that's not quite true for the forms themselves. Not to mention the multiple Riders without an animal as a main motif such as the DGP staff or the Jyamato ones.
>Live also used a gun, yet you know his aesthetic is that of a bat
Terrible example, there's a difference between having a gun as a weapon and having a form with a gun motif.
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The Lachesis waifufags don't wanna admit it but they were paid to shill it
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Worst rider show
Worst catchphrase
Worst suit design
Worst characters
Worst writing
But enough about Black Sun.
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Beroba my berobed...
At least put some effort into your shitposting, if nothing else saber had so many banger suits.
I hate that I actually know who this bloboid is.
Is that one Dopant that pretends to be Kamen Rider a reference to Jagi?
The Gen Urobuchi reveal definitely gathered a lot more attention to Gaim from the anime community.
Imagine Build's 10th Anniversary instead of some corny ass Genius upgrade we finally get GoldScorpion and F1Sarus
Don’t you dare get my hopes up like that.
You'll get a RabbitDragon recolor and you'll like it.
erm... it's time for gotchard
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It's Sabimaru time.
Minato sensei...
The girls are STILL frozen
And now Minato is frozen too...
Ganbatte, Golem-kun!!
So Sabi and his bro made Kamedon and he also gifted him ISAAC
Uh oh, bro awakened Sabimaru's darkness.
Kamedoon Chemy is cute.
They should have made more extra Chemy.
So Dread doesn't need a user anymore.
God, you can so tell that Sabimaru's actor mainly focused on 2.5D stage shows before Gotchard sometimes.
Just like Tokyo Blade!
Funny that Oshi no Ko is introducing so many people to that medium.
Kamedon is just a little guy
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He’s level 0. Of course he’s gonna be a wittle fella.
And then the eraser Chemy fixes everything
Funny how Taguchi directed both Renge's and Sabimaru's character episodes.
>rinne put on a bus this two-parter
>spanner put on a bus on the next two-parter
they really can't handle more than 2 kamen riders.
Clotho jealous of Atropos getting special treatment
Also there's gonna be many more Dreadtroopers in the future
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Hijiri(my beloved) is back!!
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>we're getting more animated Fuuto PI content
>it's basically just a retelling of Begins Night
Better than nothing, I suppose.
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Look at his lil' claws
And so many different Gochizos
Gavv? More like GAYY! Am I right, Heiseibros?
>Sweets and evil both? I'll eat them all!
Mecha form spotted
>Despair awaits you at the finish line!
That's not what "zetsubou wa omae no goru da" means.
More like a retelling of the W part of KR Movie War Core
>Cowboy Chocolate form
>Lollipop Mecha
Gavv is gonna be a ton of fun.
I wonder how many episodes this form is going to get until the inevitable.
ZakuZakuChips form looks really good. Like a bee.
Fuwamallow and ZakuZaku cute!!
Fine, however it's translated
Every day I'm more convinced that the "eyes" on the belt should have had their own color
This form is definitely using the Chocodon DanGun
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Looks quite different from Valen.

Hope he can form change too.
>gun motif
Still looks like AI
>Bee samurai chips
>Chocolate cowboy
>Some sort of marshmallow... snowman? Football player?
>Lollipop mecha
It's kino.
I'm digging the different ways the gimmick items open up
It really is Gotchard 2.0
It's gonna make /krg/ miss Gotchard.
Fuwamallow and Gurucan(?) (the lollipop one) have the same "container" it looks like. So there's probably meant to be "types" a la the different jingle styles/buttons on the Lockseeds.
I miss Geats.
I'm liking the suits. The collectibles not so much. They genuinely come across as discount toys
don't screw this one up too
Yeah, i love it
I don't, not after how they did my boy dirty.
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>Kuuga Gochizo opens like Fuwamallow and Lollipop mech’s
I wonder if the recolored legend forms extend to these other forms too.
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They look so angry. I prefer my chemies
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Just finished Geats.
Geats fucking sucks.
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Gavv looks like a cocky bastard in this
When they're in battle mode they get angry. When closed they're happier.
I will eat the Gochizo!
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It’s an illusion. The “eyes” you see through the plastic are its shiny tongue. That freaky little gremlin is licking it.
He'll gobble it all up, either sweets or evil!
I don't, the people it brought are a cancer to this general.

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Kamen Rider Gavv, 2024.
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true and real
god I hate those black lycra undersuits and EVA foam clogs
Is this a hint that Kobayashi is back
Ladies and gentlemen, our first MotW.
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Prod blog confirmed that Spanner has a child in the Daybreak Future
No, stop setting yourself up for disappointment.
I continue to despair that since these form changes aren't modular at all we'll never see Figuarts of them at all.
So I guess cause of the foot claws he's suppose to be some kind of animal while using PoppinGummy. Is it a kangaroo? Dinosaur?
Cry harder.
Nice photoshop
A cat?
He's a monster, the Gochizo are snack monsters.
These kinds of posts don't mean shit with how easy it is to remove (You)s from them in something like Paint.
Kyoka actually did it, that fucking madwoman...
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No Geats really just fucking sucks.
I'm glad I don't listen to this general's opinions and only come here for news, you guys just looove hating cool stuff. Damn
Cry Harder Geats fag
So we’re supposed to let a dementia riddled anon shit up our threads with an imaginary boogeyman that he thinks is out to get him?
>a Paint edit that quick
>on mobile
Goddamn, Geatsfags really are retarded.
>mobile mode view on browser isn't a thing
>admitting being phonefag
It’s more convenient.
Chocodon is actually Chocodal...
>>admitting being phonefag
Better than being a Geatsfag lmao.
They look better than what I expected
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Fateful partner...
You know, I wasn't feeling it at first, but he's kind of growing on me. It looks like there's at least some attempt to pull another Gaim and not make him look like he's just covered in junk food. The melted chocolate poncho and ruffle potato chip eyes are clever.
That's actually fun. What will happen to the sisters going forward now that Dread Troopers are a thing?

Also, next episode, the expected happened: Kajiki is immune to memory erasure after one Chemy incident too many.
Was gonna assume that Valen also has the same armor, but then I realized he used ValenBuster not Gavv so it may gave him a different outfit.
The way Geryon showed open favoritism towards Atropos this episode (and in the cerberus malgam one) makes me think he definitely wants to sacrifice/exploit her somehow

It's too suspicious from a character like him
>What will happen to Clotho going forward now that Dread Troopers are a thing?
Ffty, Geryon clearly still holds interest in Atropos.
>they actually make Kajiki getting brain damage after too many mind wipes
lmao based
We're probably seeing the climax of Clotho's deal with Lachesis in some three episodes or so, that's pretty much the only thing she's got left. The preview seems to indicate she might be throwing her lot with Gaelijah now that it's clear Geryon doesn't give a shit about her and Gaelijah is the one dark king entity that (still) hasn't treated her like total shit.
>7 eps left
>no power up in sight
This is why they should've cut down the Q1 forms to save budget.
they're being pushed off into post-series shit like Buffa's
Darkflamebros, our time is running out...
Considering how simple Gavv's armor is compared to Gotchard (seems like the only parts that form changes are the chest armor, faceplate, arm bands and shin armor) I hope Bandai somehow finds a way to replicate this in Gavv's inevitable Figuarts line. There's only like 4 places to change parts.
The catchphrase
>Whether it’s sweets or evil, I’ll eat them all
Man, she really wants to fuck Geryon.
who can blame her. He's not a bad looking dude, he's just a complete fucking nutjob
Show's gonna end with a redeemed/purified Geryon marrying her and raising a redeemed human Atropos
this auntie kinda look cute too
The pic you posted doesn't say anything of the sort, it just says Supana has finally gained interest in someone other than Kyoka, and that this will affect future developments.
>Gotchard is about helping a guy stop being chuuni so he can get some pussy
Spachesis is true…
Probably whispered that he still loved her in her ear
Call the police
Since Geryon is a homunculus I bet they're going to find a way to pin his fucked up shit on Gigist influencing him or something.
Or she'll finally give in to temptation and become one of Geryon's pawns.
This is reverse Gotchard where his auxiliary forms look better than his base form.
>his auxiliary forms
Those are Riders
dissapointed that Kuuga Gochizou doesnt do THE cool guy hand like in the fanart.
>so valen is some sort of cowboy, wearing a fullbody cover cape or a poncho...

now im curious.
Isn't that the creep that wanted to rape Rinne early on in the show? Also Hijiri's psycho brother is back, I think
This is more of a Sentai than even Saber was
That's not Valen, that's Gavv's chocolate form.
>a rider that is in a mecha form 100% of the time
Sure thing.
>Hijiri's psycho brother
no, that's the other criminal who was with her brother, the guy who turned into the tree Malgam
he's still using Valen's Gochizou, and who's to say the leak image, basically an artist interpretation, can actually be the real thing?.
Beroba, Kekera and Kyuun exist.
Not sure Valen would reuse the Gavv’s armor. He has a different henshin device anyway, this is a Flying Falcon case.
The eyes all keep the same shape. They're form changes.
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Touché, but sharing collectibles isn’t something new.
The same artist leaked the look of Gavv's mask long before any of the posters came out. Those are Gavv's eyes too, the ones present in all of his forms.
Lachesis's whole deal is to promote the idea of motherhood, sisterly bonds, and forming a family. You know that Japan is desperate to increase its population, that's why they promote hard the idea that Lachesis despite being a homunculus is the "ideal" girl to form a family with. They also are having Spanner look out for kids now. We all know where this is heading.
I think they could actually reuse the armor considering everything they reuse nowadays, although he certainly will have a different face.
There’s only two Riders from that start, and Gavv only has 5 forms so far. They definitely can afford a different suit for Valen. His face doesn’t look like a cowboy anyway.
>state-funded Alisa Sakamaki clones for single Japanese males to have children with

So this was Abe's endgame...
>Sabimaru getting closure
>Kajiki getting closure next
I'm fine with getting these out of the way first.
So that leaves five episodes for the endgame if they don't waste another twoparter on another supporting cast mom
>tainting the genepool with filthy gaijin genes
He's supposed to have a gun weapon though. I think the crest on the leak


is supposed to be a hat too, just different looking from Gavv's.
Notice that both Renge and Sabimaru focus are directed by Taguchi.
How do we feel about the strongest form making a comeback?
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forgot image he's so powerful
>Venom Mariner makes a comeback with a rainbow version
Incredibly based
Need this form side by side with Majade Moon Cerberus to make double buns combo.
It’s bizarre how this ugly ass form grew on me.
The form changes honestly look really good, Chips gives big TheBee vibes too. I do like that the Gochizos vary in their looks. Gurukyan is creepy as shit though.
I hope Burninggorilla comes back too.
They're all Gavv forms you super retard.
Clotho and Lachesis tend to get Sakamoto... I wonder why.

Rainbow Houtarou MUST summon all the 50 pairs during the big fight!
There’s 46 pairs.
Guys, how do I watch all the Ex-Aid movies after finishing the main series?
final episode
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>shows up in the movie
>showed up last week, did something cool to boot
>will show up next week
What a damn good early Q2 upgrade.
Ok /let/ which gochizo do you want to vore the most?
If Gavv also uses Chocodal then ChocodalDangan is a gun too? I assume it’s the default weapon that Chocodal grants.

Valen’s gonna have serious firepower too lol, dual-wielding Buster and Dangan.
True Ending -> Heisei Generations Final -> Hyper Battle Video 2 -> Ex-Aid Another End Trilogy

True Ending is basically irrelevant outside of the cliffhanger at the end leading to Heisei Gen Final.
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Now what about the attachments?
Fire is awesome, it's a good way to reuse other Q1 forms too
Is not chocidal, the n is just cut off...
looks mexican
So it’s a Fourze/Drive situation, the forms on the poster are the equilateral of Fire/Elec and Tecnic/Wild, then each type of snack gets variants for its attacks like gummy having Punchin Kickin and chips having Spicy
>W Episode 17
>Kirihiko and Shotaro go to the same barber at the same time and end up bonding before realizing who each other is
This is great
This is my favorite gimmick system. Mildly hyped for Gavv now.
>They mindwiped Kajiki so much he started immune to it
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He's feeling cute rn
This reminds me of an SCP entry where the Foundation used amnestics so much that they started losing efficacy
>Looks cuter after getting some GOLD
Maybe he's not so wrong...
Makes sense. Cocoa is from Mexico or Latin America.
The color/freshness of the poster is giving me Gaim vibes.
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Is Zaku Zaku holding the same chip sword that Gavv will use?
There is no chip sword
Yes, there’s the ZakuZakuChipSlasher. Exclusive for ZakuZakuChips.
You can actually see the ZakuZaku gochizo wielding two swords too
Not gonna work that way. Geryon is 33.3% Trismegistus now. If the final boss dies, Geryon dies too, unless they find a loophole and fish out Geryon from Trismegistus somehow.
This better be the gun form.
>Fuwamallow is the strong one
>fuwa's face puffs up like a marshmallow when he's trying to life
The base form and the chocolate form have a white circle on the sides of the helmet. But the others don't.
This might be Gavv's second most used form similar to say Flying Falcon and Appareskebow until he hands off Chododai to Valen.
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Same energy.
Biri Za Kido
Flying Falcon and Appare Skebow are so fucking different in terms of usage, the latter is the most used alt form while Zero-One used FF like 3 times.
>feeling cute, might erase the universe later ;3
The ChocoDangun is not released until October alongside ValenBuster (they’re even sold as a set to play Valen), so I don’t think they want to showcase the Dangun too early if Gavv is gonna use it alot.
Thanks anon
This week's production blog confirmed that the Dread Troopers from the movie are called "Military Type". That means Type End/Final could be something else entirely (Atropos' final form perhaps?).
>TV Asahi 65th anniversary
>Another fucking anniversary show
Holy shit make it stop
Gotchard was the only non-anniversary? I remember Geats having some convoluted bs as an anniversary excuse.
It's just TV Asash's anniversary, relax newfag
How would you feel about a Toshiki + Akiko Inoue combo for Gavv?
Takebe's not powerful enough to being Toshiki back.
Anon look at it a little more and you'll notice it's TV Asahi's 60th anniversary you big silly willy.
Tagline for Gavv is “Sweets, evil, I'll eat them all up!!"”, definitely sounds like a more lively character than boring ass Houtaro
It is giving off Billy The Kid vibes from Ghost innit
He sounds pretty heroic which is nice.
Marshmellow is a wrestler
Lollipop is a mech/paladin
Chocolate is a cowboy
Chips is a ninja
Gummy is a monster
Just noticed that Riders’ main Gochizos (Gummy and Choco) have arms while the form-change Gochizos don’t.
Finally, Kamen Rider Eats...
Isn't Kamen Rider G was made for TV Asahi's 50th anniversary?
Don't jinx it.
ZakuZaku Chips has arms, same with Kickin Gummy and Punchin Gummy.
It’s just the cover opened sideways, not the actual arms
Anon the pictures on the hinges are ZakuZakuChips's arms holding little swords.
They share the same body type, like how FuwaMallow and GuruCan share theirs.
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Why is this kid so sassy
That's the Isaac type A.I.
Maybe like a mentorship kind of thing? Inoue helps co write some episodes, while Akiko goes solo from time to time
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>When playing the sound effects of legend rider snacks this year, the VA will also simulate the standby sound or the part that is not a human voice.
So it will say the "whooosh" from Agito's belt for example?
>the VA will also simulate the standby sound or the part that is not a human voice.
Wonder how's that gonna work with Kuuga and Agito.
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Oh yeah, Valen’s forehead will feature Chocodan’s branding. The green O also acts as Valen’s Rider Signal.
Anything with the Inoue name on it goes into the trash except Agito, the single good show Inoue Toshiki ever wrote. Every other show with Inoue as the head writer has been complete ass, no reason to think that faggot's daughter is any less of a failure than he is.
officially not but has so many past rider designs that it might as well be
Gotchard is Heisei 25th but they won't say it out loud
Good, I was worried that the type face on Valen’s mask would be exactly as boring as the leak.
oh hey the candy things finally look varied
pouty uwu face
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Where are the Premium Bandai Majade and Valvarad gimmick figures?
So the other forms look great. The Gochizos just ooze personality. Why is the main suit so damn boring?
A lot of the mechanical detail is hidden in the translucent gummy armor.
Detailed info from 5ch

>DX Henshin Belt Gavv

>DX Henshin Belt Gavv & Gochizo Holder Set

>DX Gochizo Holder & BuruCan Gochizo

Summon BuruCan Buggy (Rider Machine)

>DX Punchin Gummy Gochizo & Ride Chemy Trading Card - Double Rider Kick Version

>DX Rider Gochizo Set 01

Includes ZakuZakuChips, FuwaMallow, and Gotchard Gochizo

>DX Rider Gochizo Set 02

Includes MaruMallow, GuruCan, and Geats Gochizo

>DX Rider Gochizo Series 01

8 types in total, including different facial expressions

>DX Rider Gochizo Series 02

8 types in total
>Gacha mechanics with Gochizo facial expressions
Sasuga Bandai-sama
>DX Legend Rider Gochizo Set 01: Den-O, Double, Zero-One Gochizo

>DX Legend Rider Gochizo Set 02: Decade, Build, Zi-O Gochizo

>DX Legend Rider Gochizo Set 03: OOO, Gaim, Ex-Aid Gochizo

>DX GabuGaBlade & Gochi Speeder

Attack and special move with trigger and button operation. Place Gochizo on the GochiSpeeder and press the button to launch.

Kicking Gochizo included.

>DX Zaku-ZakuChipSlasher

Attack with trigger (made of urethane), change mode by holding down the trigger.

HiriHiri Gochizo included.

>DX ChocoDonDanGun

Attack with the trigger (made of urethane), change modes by holding down the trigger.

Chocodan Gochizo included.

>DX BuruCan Gatling

Transforms into BuruCan Buggy.

Spin the wheels for special moves, and spin again for super special moves.

BakuCan Gochizou included

>DX Maison Gochizo & Bubble Ramune Gochizo

Storage case

Put Gochizou in and pull the lever to eject Gochizo.

Bubble Ramune Gochizou included.

>DX GavvPhone

Play phone games with Gavv, Valen, and the heroine.

Reads Gochizo and explains Gochizo.

Faiz Gochizou included.

>DX Gab Whippear & CaKing Gochizo

Powered-up weapon

Attack and special moves with whip action and trigger.
zakuzaku looks more like a bee motif than a chip motif
The phone toy is more like something that Precure would do with simple games and stuff?
Oh, the cake weapon is a whip? That rad. But I was hoping they’d save that for licorice.
So what's Gavv antagonist evil plan?
That's the thing. If a figure line isn't popular to consumers after a first quarter dry run, they bring down the axe. Immediately. To the point where not even P-Bandai will make more of them.
to turn everyone into food
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Stealing the everlasting gobstopper, of course.

>DX Henshin Juu ValenBuster

Transform and initiate special moves by opening and closing of the lever.

Chocodon Gochizou and Domaru (based on Fukuoka’s Mamadooru chocolate sweet) Gochizou included.

>DX Kamen Rider Valen Kanzen Narikiri Set

ValenBuster, ValenBuckle and Holder for ValenBuster included.

Kamen Rider Action Figure

>Kamen Rider Gavv Poppin Gummy Form

Comes with 3 wrists and GabuGaBlade

>Kamen Rider Valen Chocodon Form

Comes with 3 wrists, ValenBuster, and Gavv Poppin Gummy’s wrists

>Kamen Rider Gavv CaKing Form

Comes with 3 wrists, Gavv Whip Calibur, and Gavv Poppin Gummy’s wrists

Rider Hero Series

>Kamen Rider Gavv Poppin Gummy Form

>Kamen Rider Gavv ZakuZakuChips Form

>Kamen Rider Gavv FuwaMallow Form

>Kamen Rider Valen Chocodon Form

>Kamen Rider Gavv GuruCan Form

>Kamen Rider Gavv CaKing Form
fuck you Slugworth!
What are the best Kamen Riders to show to someone who doesn't like the cheesy humor and shitty special effects? Modern Riders are all about that and going back to Showa you get a different kind of silly, so I'm thinking Kuuga is a decent one to try.
At this point, I don't understand why Toei just doesn't forego bikes altogether and instead create various yearly vehicle toys, like dragons (Saber) or that hoverboard in Agito as the main ride vehicle? heck, having a mecha works too.
At that point why even bother showing them? They'll just want more shit like Kuuga and you'll have to say basically nothing else is like Kuuga.
Be up front and tell them is a kids show that you enjoy watching as an adult.
Get better friends.
I started out like him myself, I just needed a good entry point. For me it was The First back in the day. I just don't think it would work as well for him.

I mean that's not a secret to anyone.

Real friends are okay with having different tastes than each other.
Because of tradition and because CGI-intensive vehicles get just as little use as normal bikes (see Revice's hoverbike).

It also means Drive will no longer stand out.
I started with the first episode of Gaim. Thought it was kinda dopey at the start but the moment Kouta transformed and fought the first time I basically became an instant fan wanting to consume as much hero toku as possible.
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Gavv feels so unreal because it looks like the go-to design for a fake rider before the actual rider reveals
this catchphrase is improved by kuroto's inversion of it
Best aesthetics in Reiwa and I'm saying that with complete earnesty
The gimmick looks extremely fun too
Give me some good jingles/standby noises and I'm fucking sold
It's a little sad how high my hopes are now
Damn, so no action figures for any other Gavv forms. Looks like the next line is going to be as abysmally small as Gotchard's line.
Desperately need a Slash and Jelly Cross-Z crossover.
I think the forms look cooler than Gotchard's form changes.
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>“Sweets, evil, I'll eat them all up!!"
>Guy doesn't pay train fee
>Eat him
Who is to judge was is truly evil?
git gud
Just like I said. If budget figure lines do not work anymore, why not just scrap it entirely in future series? There's Figuarts, and there's So-Do. Kids these days do not want cheap figures anymore.
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Who is the suit actor
>He sounds pretty heroic which is nice.
Yeah, about that...
I'll believe Gavv is a girl when I see it.
>a hollow human being who can only feel fulfilled when the others are happy
Just like me based
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Looks like Nawata.
>Being so brain damaged by amnesia alchemy that it just doesn't work on you anymore
>blue colored

Fuwa got isekai'ed
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>Teenagers are passing around a Gaia Memory
Man, W was not subtle about the drug allegory
The name of the kaijin is literally Dopant. What, you thought they took that from Dope Pants or something?
>Be the blue Cure of the food season themed around sandwiches with cool colors
>Her name is Spicy for some reason
What in tarnation is this? Kamen Rider SHARTT
blue is not the color when I think of sandwiches tbqh
Guess Gavv and Valen can exist in Choco Form at the same time huh?

The former uses Chocodan and the latter uses Chocodon
The Choco Bros
I just hope the OP is good
W-Zero One was straight banger after banger
All we can really go by is hair, so it could easily be Nawata or Asai. I'm praying for Asai, he hasn't been particularly busy with the current shows. I would normally suggest Eitoku since he finally got a main Rider spot but I think he cut his hair short.
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Gavv is cancelled...
Don't think they'll do pop rock again because Gotchard just had a pop rock OP
They should do a future bass OP
>Only Gavv for the first month
>Only Gavv and Valen for the first four months
I’m suspicious
Well the tertiary is appearing later, but that's all we know. Maybe it's the guy that uses the pudding Gochizo and the Sclash Driver-esque driver.
It's being reshot for femprotagonist cuz waifus
Build is the same
It's basically a more colorful zero-one armor
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The Toei catering really worked on her.
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I feel like a lot of people have forgotten what Zero-One looks like.
List of Gochizos (not counting Legend Rider) known so far:

>Poppin Gummy
>Punchin Gummy
>Kickin Gummy

Potato chips-type
>ZakuZaku Chips
>HiriHiri Chips




>Bubble Ramune

I hope this series doesn’t end with us getting Bigger and Stronger Gummy 4 times in a row.
They basically went back to Drive collectibles. Hope Gavv doesn't flop like it predecessor.
You already posted this fuck off
Kinda interesting how Bubble Ramune is the only unique one we know about but it's not in the visual or mentioned as a form anywhere in the listings.
I sure hope Valen is not locked to chocolate only. No way in hell they release a ¥6200 weapon just to play with Chocodon only.
It will be like Live. You can play with other items but only has 1 actual form change.
It's Zero-One under one of those emulator vaseline filters
Maybe he can change the filling
Wow, Hijiri's really giving him that work.
I hope you can mix and match the attachments.
>Fuwamallow is a sumo wrestler Stay-Puft Marshmallow man
Rad. I'm gonna be sad when these all get shelved as the power-ups roll in. Seems like they're having fun with these. Easily my favorite set of basic Q1 forms out of all of Reiwa so far.
P-Bandai items aren't on retail listings.
Maybe Gavv can end up with a similar power to rainbow gotchard and turn the gummies into rider summons. But I think that might just end up creating a bad trend.
>It's not Hanada, don't guess him.
He finally confirms it's not Jukki Hanada
I can't believe the Abyssalis Sisters did THAT.
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Could be thiccer
So who is it then
Takuro Fukuda
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She did an IG live some hours ago where she looked slightly thiccer in some shots, sadly the video didn't get archived.

There's also this photo that made her look a bit different.
>sadly the video didn't get archived.
wait huh I guess I scrolled on the wrong part
>Gavv, Valen, and the heroine
Female Tertiary confirmed.
It simply means the main female character in the show anon, transform or not.
Reiwa except Saber really made people forgot about Rider main heroine rarely transformed.
Stop samefagging you fucking pedophile
Saber is the least successful of the Reiwa shows, a female in the main trio is all but guaranteed.
obnoxious pedophile
Starting to believe it might not be the same guy, which is honestly sad because how low do your standards have to be to find Reiyo at all attractive lol
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>What do they serve them exactly?
Stuff like pic related.
stop responding to yourself
which is more annoying, /krg/ when it likes a female character or /krg/ when it hates a female character?
/krg/ when mods don't ban the schizo pedophile pajeet waifufag every fucking season.
I'm okay with female in the trio but wish it's not the main heroine as the female Rider too much.
We can argue the heroine who is Ace's emotional support is Tsumuri but Neon is always billed as the main heroine because her name listed before Tsumuri, and the actress is younger so fits more with how most toku are made to promote newcomers.
Making main heroine as female Rider since the start wouldn't be that different from Sentai then.
It was never like this before. Reiwa newfags are just really horny for some reason.
>/krg/ when it likes a female character
When did this ever happen in the ongoing shows?
I said ongoing show because I know some people will say Ozawa from Agito which is before the /krg/ time.
Also hard mode: not because of their sexy gravure.
let me rephrase that

>/krg/ when it lusts for a female character
It's a thing that started with Reiwa. most "waifufags" made like one or two posts per thread and left. now we have obnoxious schizos
>director of Gavv worked in several Saber and Gotchard episodes
yup, we are getting Gotchard 2.0/Ghost Part 3 with kindergarden bullshit and faggot protagonist. It's time to drop Rider for me.
Geats was the last despair kino we will ever have.
Director doesn't really matter with the stories although there are some who did input, this isn't Ultraman.
It's all depends on the producer.
>Geats was the last despair kino we will ever have.
Gotchard had a lot of despair kino. the main rider literally had a mental breakdown over killing his friend and has an alt timeline counterpart where everything went wrong
you're a fucking idiot
is this bait?
What, Kabuto was still pretty good, even Kiva and Hibiki had it's own qualities. Everything went downhill after Ghost. I wish Amazons was the main Rider of that year.
>some rice
>some turkey(?)
>one chicken nugget
It’s a miracle that they’re even maintaining their size, much less actually gaining weight. Those are portion sizes for a toddler
Holy retard.
Being the only Reiwa show with an all-male trio automatically makes Saber the best.
I'm still a little worried that they're hiding the main writer. That's not normally something they hide.
>>director of Gavv
Retarded newfag. Pilot director =/= series director. They change them out constantly for Toei shows to balance running two yearly shows at once. Sugihara usually works on the first few episodes plus the OP for Reiwa shows.
It means they want to make a big reveal out of the writer. Could be a major mainstream writer or a returning classic writer. I'd say Inoue but they announced Inoue for Donbros instantly. We'll find out by month's end.
>Kabuto was still pretty good
Kabuto was okay at best.
>Everything went downhill after Ghost
The two riders after Ghost is the best period we ever had in Heisei. If Omori did Zi-O then it would've been three.
>I wish Amazons was the main Rider of that year.
Amazons is shit though
Kabuto was a mess of a series but was utterly safe and forgetful, but the real newfag choice was Den-O, which was the tourist choice up until fucking Build became the next shitpost target.
no the fuck it wasn't. Kabuto was a mess between Inoue and Yonemura failing to communicate with each other.
Recommending it to newfags over something like Kuuga or Agito is wild
The pilot director usually does most of episodes of a show. But that doesn't matter because it's the producer and writer(s) who hold the most weight when it comes to the story, not the director.
I haven't checked these threads in over a month, does Gavv look promising at all? The toys look kinda... goofy and bulky so I'll definitely not be buying them.

Any info on who's writing it yet? I don't think I could handle another Ghost / Saber / Gotchard
>The pilot director usually does most of episodes of a show
Correction, they're the ones who get the highest amount of episodes to direct (in other words, they're that show's most recurring director and often get to work on the finale), they don't direct most of the show's episodes because of the way the directing rotation works.
>Any info on who's writing it yet?
Fukuda, Ghost and Saber's head writer.
They revealed all the staff but the writer.
Oh... the director for Gotchard is doing Gavv as well? I just think back to the first 4 episodes of Gotchard that made me drop the show, like the worse than average CGI for Kamen Rider, the lack of acting ability from Hotorou and Rinne, and that soapsud security action cam footage.

And Fukuda's writing it as well?

Oh almost got jebaited. Was about to throw in the towel completely and call it for another year.
Sugihara did the KR Valvarad 2-parter
Almost 3 shows later and fags are still complaining about saber, when it had some of the best writing in reiwa. I'm still mad covid cucked what could have been a top 5 rider series.
You sound like the kind of faggot who would consider FFXIV's Dawntrail story good writing.
Read previous posts. There is no "show director," just episode directors. It's not like Ultraman.
It's Takahashi, having 3 hits under his belt makes him hype-worthy.
Nah, they announced him for Geats as well. There'd be no point building up to someone people would already be guessing. There's gonna be no easy prediction of who the writer'll be, since we don't even have story details yet.
C'mon man just look at the competition, zero one and geats are fairly formulaic, with the former spending TEN whole episodes on the job arc, and the latter running out of ways to spice up the br idea. I feel like without the admittedly cool merch, those two shows would not have succeeded as much. Revice is just a yurifag's self insert, and as rocky as gotchard is, I'm still trying to hold out hope for the last quarter.
Saber is absolute dogshit but trio of deep sin was the best rider film in a long while.
>Nah, they announced him for Geats as well
But that was back when he only had 2 hits under his belt, Geats cemented him as a golden goose whose shows will always be popular and beloved.
Inb4 Urobuchi comes back. Depends if he's finished penning the PMMM movie.
What past writers are even available to do a full show right now?
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Its his time
Urobuchi's not coming back anon, he didn't like his time working on Gaim, childrens' Toku (and Takebe) are way too restrictive for him.
Please not again.
subs are out

thanks ei
danke whale
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Is it his time again?
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Yeah it really reminds me of Zero-One.
He's gonna be a hopeless romantic
Thank you Gotchard
I thought people wanted less Kamen Riders in the newer shows?
God I can't wait till we're done with GotchTards and they go the way of Revice Drones
Geats made me despair but I certainly wouldn't call it kino.
Except they can't. He doesn't keep the same face for every reincarnation.
Sanjou’s never working on Rider ever again.
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I didn't know that Sanjou was also the artist.
his drawing are surprisingly good
>I didn't know that Sanjou was also the artist
He isn't.
>Futto Pi
>Zero-One 12 and 13
>W Episode 18
Kirihiko deserved better
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>Episodes 46 & 47
There’s still enough time for a Spanner 2-parter
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I want to make love to her.
>faggot protagonist
>one of the few protags guaranteed to get a gf

No one fucking cares.
You care enough to respond though.
I care, Rinnebro.
kill yourself spammer
Kill yourself, pedophile.
The fact being an open and crazed pedo like that ISN'T bannable anymore really is the sad truth that 4Chan really is soulless and gone
>crazed pedo like that ISN'T bannable anymore
It is you just have to be a bit more obvious with it.
She's 16, legal where I live.
Third world-kun....
Genuinely disgusting individual
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The United States isn’t a third world country.
It’s 16 in Japan as well, but it used to be 13 until recently. Double check before you post.
Depends on the prefecture and even then there's R&J laws.
Why do always gotta have this discussion just admit that you're a pedo and fuck off
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Master Geryon is Goldmember as a Kamen Rider villain
We joke about that on day one.
Shut the fuck up
hey pretty cool
This one's way cooler.
>I just think back to the first 4 episodes of Gotchard that made me drop the show
I dropped it till Platinum's debut and the village two-parter. Maybe I should have done sooner.
5 boosts though!
>and the village two-parter
Do you have an aversion to soulfulness?
The village two prayer was pretty fun with Juggler's actor though, the Romeo and Juliet two parter that came after was legitimately trash though
>how do we help showcase reiyo's acting more?
It just felt so random, what with them going as far as filming the entire play
>the Romeo and Juliet two parter that came after was legitimately trash though
People only hate it because of their blind hateboner for Rinne and their assumption that it was pushing Houtaro and Rinne as a romantic couple. Atropos had some really good moments during it and it helped flesh out Rinne's character by exploring another angle of her friendship with Houtaro.
>blind hateboner for Rinne
She's literally Sakura 2.0
And just like Sakura, we have avid defenders of Rinne
> we have avid defenders of Rinne
but we don’t. It’s just a schizo that only cares about her looks (even though she’s underage).
Nobody defended Sakura, that’s legitimately a blind hateboner
>Sakura 2.0
That's Neon, Rinne is nothing like them.
>Sick giant Engine Booster on back
>Ruined entirely by this hideous gaudy hot wheel flame ass plastic shit on the suit
The one's the coolest
After Gavv, I want them to make Gotchard 2. Unless Gavv IS Gotchard 2, though with that producer and composer duo, I'm not positive.

At least have an insert song almost everytime again...and not by Sakabe.
At least it doesn't look like a fursuit.
>People only hate it because of their blind hateboner for Rinne and their assumption that it was pushing Houtaro and Rinne as a romantic couple
Personally, that's not the reason why I disliked it. I do think Reiyo's acting is not fun to watch, but I actually don't dislike Rinne and in fact the only part I did like about the arc is emphasizing Houtaro and Rinne's partnership as double riders. I just found out incredibly boring, the village two parter already felt like whiplash after going back to status quo after Platinum but I thought it was still fun. These episodes were not fun, I didn't care for the theater club/childhood crush subplot and the focus on Rinne that didn't really expand on anything or give her an upgrade. Sure, the Atropos bits were nice but those are sprinkled in throughout the show already and the emphasized partnership with Houtaro and Rinne isn't as emphasized after this episode. In fact, I feel like Rinne takes a back seat while Houtaro and Spanner do stuff together and she only pops on whenever Atropos feels like doing something with the rest of the cast. Pacing wise, it just felt like the show was dragging between Platinum's debut and Legend's arc too which really sucked. I'm all for Rinne development since she's the secondary Rider, but this arc was definitely the weakest in the whole show.
>Ruined entirely by this hideous gaudy hot wheel flame ass plastic shit on the suit
I feel like that's the coolest part of the suit, especially when he does finishers and he has to anchor himself from all the force
>what with them going as far as filming the entire play
Yeah that was incredibly weird
>Gavv’s Rider Machine
Sorry, I meant to copy the first part about the engine booster
What if Rinne is the 3.0? People hate Sakura, some of the same people hate Neon, and now less of that same people also hate Rinne. Sure, we are getting a snack Rider, but it doesn't mean we will always get a female Rider, so why not just don't add a female Rider in Gavv for once?
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Forgot pic
Are you afraid of being yiffed by a kamen rider?
>but it doesn't mean we will always get a female Rider,
every reiwa rider including Zi-O has a female rider.
They've already said that they want the precure audience so we're getting one every single year
Aren’t quad bikes illegal in Japan?
phoneposting pedophile-kun....
>the Atropos bits were nice but those are sprinkled in throughout the show already
This was the first time Atropos called Geryon her "father" and decided to act on her human-like feelings instead of following some grand mission, which marks a major turning point for her character since early on she hated being called human-like by Rinne. Add to this the convo between Lachesis and Clotho, the subtle set-up for Kyoka's humanization of Lachesis and the set-up for the Dark Kings, and the 2-parter has a lot more going for it than most people give it credit for.

Definitely not the weakest arc in the show when stuff like the Saboneedle 2-parter exists.
He looks a bit like Kouta here.
Love coming to /krg/, seeing a lot of new posts from last tine, then just seeing it's just shitposting/spam instead of actual news or something
Anyone here watched the movie premiere at AX?
Is that Gavv’s or the Gochizos’ bike?
How does posting a quad bike make you a pedophile?
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>Clown music as the standby
It's over
Why is Chocolate form brown now
I love all of them except marshmallow but I know that it will probably grow on me
GuruCan is just Maximum Mighty
I think chocolate and marshmallow’s colors were altered slightly in the poster. The latter looks so much better with a blue tint.
Those weapons are terrible, holy shit.
I do like how all the Gochizos' expressions change from docile to manic. Not loving the jingles though.
ChocoDan's design is so fucking SEX
>The fucking melting chocolate serape
This shit is actually one of my favorite form changes now
Chocodan and Guru Can look great, ZakuZaku Chips looks ok, Fuwamallow looks ehhh.
I'm loving these if solely because there's no more fucking overt animal motifs anymore.
Definitely the silliest jingles by far. I love how the driver mimick Legend Rider jingles.
The quality of undersuit is getting worse.
I can see the junk.
Oh yeah. It’s the Gochizo trying to sing like the Arcle.
Gavv is a killer whale though.
I'll hurt you in ways that haven't even been imagined before.
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>that cute gummy mimicking Arcle's start up sound
The suit actor is packing
>Bulging that hard
Its Nawata
While the Kuuga belt sound is cute, it reminded me of the Minions trying to imitate sounds
good, that's how toku heroes assert their dominance
>gavv henshins by making the gummy scream in pain as it's chewed on by the belt
Unlike Thundergale, Volcano never grew on me.
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Box art
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>the crank is completely pointless
Here I thought the button made the belt stick its tongue out. Turns out it’s the only thing that matters.
Female voice for the belt?
Now we have two kamen rider cowboys
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I hope the different forms have different voices
Pretty generic, I can see all 5 previous Reiwa protagonists saying the same.
Can't wait for the inevitable Decade card and Ridewatch

Is this the first belt to not be called "X Driver" in almost 15 years.
The attachments are called “Assist”
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Campaign stuff
I’ve always wondered this but do you think each form is a different designer or is it more of a team effort?

Like with Gavv, the chocolate cowboy one is pure sex while the other 3 are complete abominations. What gives
Lolipop form look cool you blind retard
I don't know man, I like "Cut the roof of your mouth" chip ninja.
That was actually adorable, that alone won me over
So is the candy Gavv's friends or is it the belt?
Nowadays I'm not sure since they're a lot more quiet about the exact designers outside of the belt designs, but I know back when Masato Hayase was the principle designer he did the base form and all the alts himself.
So Gavv is our first main rider to have a Quad bike as their rider machine, what do you all think of Reiwa trying to experiment with the bike more? Like Geats/Gotchard/Gavv having the bike be a form, or them being alternative vehicles like Gavv’s quad or Revice’s hover bike
The chest piece on Zakuzaku Chips could be better, but I feel like they're all inoffensive and pretty smooth looking (aside from Gurucan of course). The Lollipop one might be my favorite so far with how colorful it is. Also what gives with nothing showing off Bubble Ramune?
What's Michelin man doing here
>I’ve always wondered this but do you think each form is a different designer or is it more of a team effort?
It's more of a team effort but sometimes there's specific things one designer within the team gets to do. Things like Castle Doran, Sagarc, Bujin Gaim and Gaim's Armor Parts are credited to a single artist.
>what do you all think of Reiwa trying to experiment with the bike more?
Does it matter? It will get forgotten after like 2 episodes as per usual. It's not like Toei can get bike permit on the road anymore.
>Like Geats/Gotchard/Gavv having the bike be a form
Geats didn't have its bike be a form, it just tied it to one. Which is far less unique than what Revice did (wasn't a traditional bike, was tied to a specific form, and was literally one of the Riders' forms).
>Gavv is going to be the darkest Reiwa Rider so far.
I wonder if a cowboy main rider with a western aesthetics show could work??
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>we get another Gaim situation with an upbeat 1st quarter following by endless suffering the other 3
Silly concept doesn't necessarily mean dark show.
You niggas need to stop expecting Gavv to be Gaim 2, especially when it's unlikely Urobuchi will come back.
uooooo Rinne's exposed pussy whilst frozen in place
Well I wouldn't call anything about the belt "cool" when it comes to its noises. Almost a little too cutesy IMO.
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>Monsters shaped out of human consumption/wont
>Protag willing to take on everything, evil or otherwise
>Fixation on sweets

It's not going to be Gaim II, it's going to be OOO II
The BuruCan Gatling transforms into BuruCanBuggy
yep looks like another year where i’m not buying the toys sign
better have homolust then
Why do you have to be so passive aggressive?
Oh no, a fat American doesn't want to buy the toys from the goofy sweets season.
The world keeps turning.
Either put the money towards something useful, like going to the gym, or catch up on a previous season you actually like.
i already have a gym membership i’m just disappointed that there hasn’t been a single season since ooos where i’ve actually been interested in collecting the toys
> hasn’t been a single season since ooos
We all know that you haven’t been watching for that long cause at that point why are you still watching this shit?
Stop watching KR if you’re that pessimistic
It could, but they'd probably do it in the same place they made King-Ohger in
I pray that Bandai implements the form change gimmick into the eventual Figuarts line. The armor placement is already more simplified than Gotchard and if Ultraman Arc can get his sun and moon armor then so should Gavv. I don't expect Gurucan to work but the other 3 should be simple enough.
Eh, im kinda disappointed with the belt. Both the sound and gimmick. The crank isn't as cool as i thought it would be.
I wonder if Rider will ever do a show with heavy use of LED screen like King-Ohger, not just few greenscreens like Saber.
Not that I really like that show, but would be a waste if they just using it once.
What's the chance these are A.I generated voice?
Cute, but I think that's another skipped year for me (toywise). Maybe I'll revisit my childhood in Ultraman this year
Hoping for a Soda rider.
Even if they want a child-like voice, I feel something like Nijigon sounds better. This is obviously a woman doing a boy voice.
I like the little scream it does when you press the button, plus the callout is cute.
Dunno how I feel about the circus music standby, feels like something other then a main rider would use.
Nijigon's voice sounds awful though
The Slasher looks like chips flying out of the bag when it's squeezed.

Very clever.
There's a ramune Gochizo, it comes with the storage case.
Yeah, color or one of the other weibo posters posted a squished bag with the chips coming out of it as a hint for the ZakuZaku swords.
Not the best but at least it still use a guy voice.
Woman doing boy voice feel like they're going with something even more kiddy.
Literally all the Chemys sound perfectly fine, but when it comes to Nijigon the most important one they give it the most disgusting voice ever.
>Woman doing boy voice feel like they're going with something even more kiddy.
Because they are
Gurucan looks fucking amazing
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>gummy version of the title logo
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yeah i haven’t watched a season since zero-one, doesn’t mean that i can’t check in during the usual times to see what’s new
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I forget, is the Q2 Rider supposed to jelly or pudding? I kept referring to it as jelly but I think it was said to be pudding.

Also I saw one of dukemon's posts hint at donuts and said it was for #3, so I'm assuming the tertiary is donut themed? Not like he's reliable, but he seems to be in contact with cranejoe at least.
if i recall it isn’t their set they were just trying something new
pudding with belt like Sclash driver
I don't wanna pay extra for a Sofubi I don't want

hopefully not all Legend Gochizous are gummies.

>Faiz or Geats Chocolate (Gun)
>Gaim, Blade or Saber Chips (Swords)
>Zero-One or Ex-Aid lollipops (heavy mechsuits)
Ah right that makes me sense. I do wonder if the heroine ends up becoming the donut tertiary with a P-Bandai belt
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Stfu Kamenboomer
Vanilla milk female Rider.
I’m making a new thread
There's only one Anon who can stop you, and that's me!
I hope she had fat tits or imma riot

that's for the female villain this gets
Toei toku always afraid to cast titty monster for the main girl these days, even the green Kyuranger only known to have one because she did gravure after the show ended.
Not street legal, no. Fine to own and operate on private land though.

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