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File: Venus_Wars.jpg (332 KB, 1200x1600)
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Why does /m/ hate this classic? Absolutely stellar designs, animation, music, and Yasuhikoisms.
>Why does /m/ hate
The only thing we hate is your retarded ass.
I barely see it discussed here but I think it's less so "/m/ hates" and more so other people seem to hate it, I can recall going back 10 years and people just outright calling it a bad anime. Watched it a few years ago and it really blew my mind, high-quality production and some really nice characters. I'd quite like to read the manga, there's a Famicom game and it's okay, nothing mind-blowing.
It's not bad, just poorly paced. Feels like they tried to make a movie of a tv series, only there was no tv series. Shame, because it certainly could have worked as one.
OP is a faggot
>Hurr hurr replyin to muhself
kys tourist.
>just poorly paced
Was it? I thought it was fine, considering it was based on a manga.
The animation and soundtrack was indeed pretty mind blowing even when I saw it a couple years ago
A lot of people these days have a hard time caring about something unless they spend an hour hearing about them alone especially if it pertains to a character death because they don't realize they may not care about that character specifically but miss it's impact on the characters they should care about. Basically anything that involved personal inference without further elaboration is bad pacing.
How's the manga, is it better than the anime?
I generally like it but everyone else has either bought into Bennet The Sage’s revisionist bullshit or they realized without nostalgia goggles on, it’s kind of mid.
Shut up
Mid is not bad
FBPB fuck you OP
It's the fact that you say "mid" like some kind of homosexual.
That's not why I told you to shut up, retard.
Mid doesn't mean anything, speak like a normal person or leave dumb zoomer.
Its like an early storyboard version of the movie and its not much better story wise. Its basically just war bad and everybody suffers the end. And there's barely any cool vehicles, the main assault bike is just some huge race bike with a gun on the snout im not kidding
>early storyboard version of the movie
So you literally mean the printed source material the film is based on.
I said early storyboard as in it feels rather unpolished. Things just happen in the manga that doesn't seem to add up anything and before you know it its over. The ova at least has some momentum
Thank you for sharing, this was informative.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Huh, didn't know we had this, bookmarked.
KEK love you bro
Good thing I bookmarked it.
>Dogpile that's actually deserved
>unique visitors: 1
I'm not saying having unique poster count back would help curtail this obvious samefaggot epidemic
but it would help us mock it
What was with that one gay guy in the second half of the movie who flirts with hiro, hiro then has a flashback of gay guy posing gayly, and then gay guy gets fucking blown up in the carrier and dies lmao
He had aids.
>Why does /board/ hate "x"
Immediately off yourself, you useless template poster.

In other news, the manga retranslation is nearly finished and available in the usual places.
I cannot for the life of me find the instrumental version of the red hot circuit song from this movie. It plays when Hiro is riding Kurtz' bike after the war.
Yas struggles to direct films because he translates his manga's pacing directly to the screen with little regard for film editing. Where the scene was in the manga, where the transition was in the manga, how the scene played in the manga it's that way in his films.
Venus Wars definitely suffers from this but the film isn't ruined. I think it's a great looking film that's dragged down by what you'd call "the edit" in live action cinema.
It's actually Arion that's storyboarded out so egregiously it made me go read the manga to try to reverse engineer what went wrong. But in Venus War's case I think it's better not because Yas did anything different than Arion in how he adapted it but because the original manga covers less ground and time than Arion does.

I really don't mean pacing in the sense it's commonly used by people to mean "it's slow". It's not slow. It's haphazard and all over the place with no regard for the fact it's a feature length film except for hitting a target runtime.
Not every bit of music on a soundtrack gets released.
Some tracks are often also combined. So if you're just skipping through listening for the first few beats you might miss it because it's actually the second part of another track.
Why is it that so many people can't just understand the simple fact that sometimes things like just are just a way to an an otherwise tertiary character stand out as at least a little bit memorable. Not complex, interesting or deep. Not engaging or even meant to be. Just a way to make him not as mundane. Hiro meets and befriends a dude in army. Dude gets killed. You know which guy it was so Hiro's not sad for some faceless mook. It's not meant to be anything bigger than that.

It's honestly amazing how people will focus on the most mundane aspects of a work and over analyze it to death but still somehow completely miss the entire point of the move.
People are really stupid nowadays and unable to take things as they are unless it's completely signposted and annotated for them.
Feels like a waste of time
I tried watching Arion but the amount of child nudity was really off putting
Because its a waste of precious screentime to deliberately make something mediocre.
Like I said, people need things completely signposted and annotated for them.
>child nudity
Why do americans focus on that stuff so much?
Arm chair critics get dumber and dumber every year.
because a.) im not a pedophile and naked children creep me out and 2.) i live in a country which frowns upon drawing these things like Yas has
This is basic filmmaking 101. You guys have poor standards.
>see naked child
>have sexual thoughts
Yeah you are a weirdo.
Post film degree.
>see naked child
>doesn't feel disgust
what even is this logic. "NAKED KID DRAWINGS MAJE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE? THAT MEANS YOU'RE A PEDO." nice projection bud lmao
Great thread.
They probably could've spent a few minutes on something else that people would've appreciated more. Weird you would want to defend this.
Yeah, literally.
>They probably could've spent a few minutes
No. They couldn't have. You monumental retard. Run time is finite. Budget is finite. They need to work in very specific parameters even for a movie or an ova. You are an idiot.
I don’t believe so.
That's nice. You're wrong.
die nonce
You realize movies are rewritten countless times to avoid shit like this
We really thought the faggot biker scenes needed to be in the movie, they add a lot to hiro's relationships.
Western discussion of anything can be boiled down to "wow I didn't like this particular thing so the whole thing sucks".
Avoid what? Given a minor ultimately pointless character the minimum amount of personality so he stands out in a crowed? You're chasing windmills.
>Avoid what?
Completely superfluous bullshit that wastes time
So we're back to you being an idiot.
The point of a good script is to not have pointless shit in it. Because if its pointless then what is there to care about? His only characterization was just a bunch of gay stereotypes with every line of dialog, and yet the movie treats him like he was always there and places emphasis on his death despite doing nothing except being a gay stereotype. Doesn't serve the story, doesnt reinforce any themes, it isn't funny, its just DUMB.
>Completely superfluous bullshit
such as?
if you removed his scenes from the movie what would be missing from the Venus Wars experience
the entire character. you don't know anything about him other than he's gay and in the army, and his scenes don't accomplish anything. it's white noise.
>m-muh stereotypes!!!
oh so that's why you are so mad lol
A bit of humanity from Hiro's perspective
>a bit of humanity
hiro literally doesn't acknowledge him after he gets flirted with
sorry didn't know "defending the useless fag in Venus Wars' was the hill you wanted to die on
the one who's dying here is you, from aids
You being a retard who doesn't understand movies as well as he thinks he does is enough.
whatever lmao
The fag was the MOST important part of venus wars.
It's the only part, apparently.
>Weird you would want to defend this.
I can feel the estrogen in you.
>Why does /m/ hate this classic?
Since when?

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