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Rozé episodes 1-2 available on nyaa, Hulu and Disney Plus.

Movie 3 released in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 7-9.


7/12: Ep4, no mecha action
7/19: Ep5, loads of mecha action
7/26: Ep6, minimal mecha action
8/2: Ep7, minimal mecha action
8/2: Movie 4 release in Japan, beware spoilers for eps 10-12.
8/9: Ep8, loads of mecha action
8/16: Ep9, minimal mecha action
8/23: Ep10
8/30: Ep11
9/6: Ep12

Previous thread w/ Movie 3 Spoilers: >>22707140
no public movie 4 PV, guess they don't want to spoil the guests yet
Kallen still best girl.
They learned from movie 3
Heard japs complained about that PV a lot
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Some cuts from Movie 4, staff talk show confirmed even more old characters will show up.
From what I saw in the comments in this spoiler-allowed video, most audiences laughed at the awkward scene where Ash learned that Sakuya was the girl he had a crush on. They said their sides were obligated
It seems the director hinted at a sequel to Rozé at the staff talk show.

Can't wait for December.
An interesting effect of Nala's blades, which leads to the question - Are her swords MVS or thermal blades?
Uncle Lelouch was projecting himself on Sakuya and thought she could pull the same stunt
Does Ash and Masked guy have some relationship? They look quite similar.
On one hand, I’m glad Akito group came to Japan as tourists because Ayano wanted them to go there together
On the other hand, I’m sad because that means there wouldn’t be more modern versions of their KMF
Kek, I just hope they were meant to laugh.
He adopted Ash, that's why you see him frown when Roze puts the cats up for adoption. He projecting
KMF designs are so busy and detailed now that 3D allows it, I'm not sure I like it.
Ash blushing and feeling awkward seems pretty intentional to me.
Which continuity does this take place in? The movies? Is R3 even a continuation of the TV show?
It's technically the movie continuity, but 99% of what happens would work either way.
Kallen is almost 100% guaranteed.

Its just a matter if they reuse the Type-Special or give her a brand new Guren.
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Knight of Thirteen?
Honestly, given the feeling of bringing back EVERYONE in the new episode, not gonna be surprised.
Both. Because they've been doing Re;surrection for the TV series in the manga
Honestly, I like the gap filling of Norland and Ash being former Knights of the Round.
Retcon, sure, but I don't care. Its cool.
>Because they've been doing Re;surrection for the TV series in the manga
No they're not also the manga has its own continuity and isn't related to the TV series
>Retcon, sure, but I don't care. Its cool.
You are very much the problem
No its related to the TV series because Lancelot & Guren is canon to the TV series.

Hell, Lancelot & Guren can't happen in movies, so if Schnee or Benio/Savitri shows up in Act 4, Roze is unambiguously TV series continuity.
>Lancelot & Guren is canon to the TV series.
No its fucking not.
Also, unlike the Glinda Knights, who just had similar capes, thats a KoR uniform.

Seethe. Not all retcons are bad.
This is bad because its needless and only exists to explain away something nobody wanted or asked. The KoR were a bunch of jobbers anyways so Ash and Noland being among them doesn't mean anything
Yes it is. It features events that can't happen in the movies.
>something nobody wanted or asked.
Bull fucking shit, people always asked about the remaining KoR seats. Thats absolutely something fans wanted.
Lancelot & Guren is not canon to the TV series none of the manga sans Renya are canon to it.
Why are you lying? Nobody gives a shit about the KoR and haven't for years. Hell not even the staff gave a shit given they made one up on the spot in R2
There's literally characters from Lancelot & Guren and Oz that appear in the movies. Its not canon to the TV series
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>people always asked about the remaining KoR seats. Thats absolutely something fans wanted.
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Akito, Oz and Lancelot & Guren are all TV series canon

Thats why Akito, Oz and Renya were used in the 10th Anniversary preview image. Also Genesic Re;Code.
No one from Lancelot & Guren appear in the movies.
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>Akito, Oz and Lancelot & Guren are all TV series canon
Nope just Akito

>Thats why Akito, Oz and Renya were used in the 10th Anniversary preview image. Also Genesic Re;Code
Which is just a splash image of all the franchise installments it doesn't even mean anything
They do
Oh yeah? Who
Rahshaksta's assistants
Savitri does not show up in any of the movies.
Wrong again retard
When will they release Roze drama cd like Lelouch and Akito ones?
Post image then, retard
>He didn't watch the movie, he only read spoilers in this thread
Way to give yourself away, retard
Oh ok I read ankward scene so what I got is "the scene was bad" not that Ash was feeling ankward.
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>young cornelia and euphemia
Sure, break my heart why don't you
I never did, this is just shonenfaggotry of the worst kind. Most of them jobbed to Suzaku and Karen badly, and the lone survivor of the order who remained a knight was Gino. Fucking Gino. The most who gives a fuck character in R2 by far.
I don't mind Ash and Norland being rounds, that's as good a backstory as any, but come the fuck on. The knight of one was garbage and the rest of the rounds were killed within seconds of their intro to establish the Albion's powerlevel. Villain group wise they're no Akatsuki or Phantom Troupe, they're closer to Vice Admirals in current One Piece. An endless reserve of jobbers just good enough to give Franky something to one tap.
>I don't mind Ash and Norland being rounds, that's as good a backstory as any,
It does nothing for them or the audience so who gives a shit really. Its a needless detail
When is Suzaku gonna show up and kick something or someone and blow his cover again?
Akito, Oz and the Lancelot/Guren side stories are canon in both timelines. They exist to fill in certain gaps between the R1 and R2 eras that the original series never did.
>Its just a matter if they reuse the Type-Special or give her a brand new Guren.
Brand new Guren makes more sense. The one she used in Resurrection would be half a decade old by now so it's only natural for an upgrade to happen.
Type-Special would still be better than everything we've seen so far because 9th gen is absuredly OP
>Not all retcons are bad.
It's only really a retcon if the Knights of the Round were all shown to us in the past, but the thing is they never did. We never saw the Knight of Two, Five, Six, Eight, or Eleven, so Roze filling in those gaps with new characters still works.

Shit, now that I think about it why didn't Sunrise name Suzaku the Knight of Eleven? It would have worked as both a reward and literal insult to Suzaku.
Yeah but it's safer to build a new one either way or least massively upgrade it with built in countermeasures for whatever the fuck that Neo Britannia might have under their sleeve that could counter 9th Gen KMFs.
Let’s be real
The only thing they have going for them is that damn wall
Without it, anyone would stomp them
too busy blowing Nunally’s pussy
Why would Norland kill the ideal kid puppet and place an older rebellious half-eleven in his place? Is he planning to force marry her and build legitimacy to rule himself? Also how will all these Brittanian nobles feel about serving under a half-eleven, I hope they don't brush that aside.
>Never saw the Knight of Six
Sorry Anya and Marianne.
Isn't that only from a non-canon LN? I don't think anything canon has ever said Marianne was a Knight of the Round
I don't recall it being said in the anime. It's on the wiki. It is from one of the light novels yes. Regardless, Anya was still definitely the Knight of Six lol.
Nothing from the old novels should be taken into consideration.
sir yes sir
He probably has a future seeing geass or a truth serum geass. At the very least, he seems to know more than he lets on. He might be fully aware Sakura is a decoy and installed her there to bait Sakuya and Ash. Also it is suggested killing Callis is buying time for the big guy to do the science thing on his KMF. I have no idea how that works though.
Looking at the opening though, (especially the Excalibur sequence with Ash) and knowing the Einbergs are organized in a hierarchy of chess pieces among which the white king is lacking it seems very likely to me Norland wants Ash to be the emperor. Ash is the strongest pilot in the country and Norland raised him. Meanwhile Norland is clearly the average fascist, a darwinist who doesn't tolerate failure or weakness, and values strength above all else. Of course he's not satisfied with a puppet emperor, but that doesn't mean they can't be placeholders until the real thing comes. Pretty sure he could have taken the spot a hundred times over by now and nobody would have said anything. So the obvious conclusion is he has a candidate in mind for the job. Could be anyone though but the opening tells me I'm right.
Now we wait for the public movie 4 PV, if it's ever being released.
Is there anywhere I can find all the stories that were in Genesic Re;Code and in English? I'm interesting in seeing what they were all about. It's hard to find much information on any of them online so far.
Not in English, no. I can easily find channels who archived the stories, but theres no translations.
There is a screenshot of Marianne in a KoR-like uniform on wiki, isn't that enough of a proof? I don't remember exactly where it is from, but I feel like it was in the show.
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Unfortunate. There's a Youtube channel with a few parts with subtitles but the different side stories or whatever are nowhere to be found. I understand Genesic was weird as fuck and had some stupid shit but I'd still like to know what they were about at least. Oh well.
Actually Nunally is the one more experienced in using explosives
Suzaku gets sexually F.L.E.Y.A'd in bed while being forced to cosplay zero and do a Lelouch impression
Lelouch and CC have had sex in every country by now
Shit my bad about Anya. I don't count Marianne though because I'm strictly talking about the active members we saw during the Lelouch of the Rebellion era which were Bismarck (One), Gino (Three), Dorothea (Four), Anya (Six), Suzaku (Seven), Nonette (Nine), Luciano (Ten), and Monica (Twelve)
Consider we have "Road to Lelouch's Birthday 2024" as a vid on the official YouTube, that doesn't surprise me.

If enough new content comes out consistently, things should pick up more steam. I just hope we don't get a repeat of this Theater>2 months later shit, we need TV and strwaming same day for everyone.
Japs keep saying that if Rozé was released on TV it would have been huge.

The 3rd movie sold more tickets than the 2nd, so it's pure word of mouth carrying it.

After Rozé ends there will be Almaria to carry the franchise for some time at least. LS will probably do OZ/O2 very soon.
Knowing Ash is a Rounds really makes you question the seven shining stars intel. I understand not expecting such a person to live in a trailer but how the fuck do you miss that when you google the guy. And don't tell me he had a different name you know he didn't.
He got the position for being such a good assassin, so maybe he wasn't a public one.
Norland was seclusive and was under Charles' direct command.
But the photo shows Ash...
>I just hope we don't get a repeat of this Theater>2 months later shit, we need TV and strwaming same day for everyone.
Why? Its been s success and they were smart to give a cushion so it would guarantee to make money. Just be happy we're able to get it so soon compared to the long waits Akito had in between its theatrical release.
>Japs keep saying that if Rozé was released on TV it would have been huge.
This just sounds like cope even after the Disney+ release nobody gives a shit about it. Geass is just a very hard show to market in this current landscape and Banrise doesn't seem to be in a position to take risks now.
Norland was there in that flashback with Bismatck, Norlan was Knight of Five too.
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Camdens makes an increasingly negative impression, because it completely falls out of the Britannian design school that prefers anthropomorphic design and looks more like a strange EU development (the image as a whole resembles a skeleton with a coffin on its hump).

It has no functional advantages over the Sutherland at all, quite the contrary - the RPI-221's rifles do not have a grenade launcher and the KMF itself is not equipped with ballistic shields and melee weapons (with one exception shown).

In fact, besides the questionably high performance within the barrier, the only real design feature of these mecha is folding into a compact form... Only in Akito, Sutherlands could also be folded for transport, but at the same time they also had convenient melee weapons and artillery weapons and shields .

Britannia had a great Lancelot/Vincent line up by the end of Requiem, and after a couple of years of The World they had Sutherland 2 and Quinn Rose. Compared to them, Camdens looks somehow out of place...

By the way, he actually resembles the withered mummy of the French Mistral from FMP!
Have you considered its because Neo Brittania is not supposed to be Brittania? That the people making this want there to be an actual separation and distinction between Britannia and Neo Brittania?
Wtf is this anime? I thought Code Geass ended with the movie?
Also like, how likely is it now that they weren't supposed to be related to Brittania? We already know changes were made to distance themselves from the Russia-Ukraine War. Its entirely possible that Neo Brittania was supposed to be the "country to the north" originally.
But Euro-Britannia also uses standard Sutherlands in Akito and, judging by the manga, gets along quite peacefully with the UFN.
Because Euro Britannia is Britannia, retard. It isn't a separate entity.
need… new Code Geass Drama CD…
Lady-knight best knight, as always.
Who's Grey Hair on the right and the tiny blonde hiding behind who I assume is Clovis?
Do you mean Nonette and Lila?
The little girl with Clovis is his younger sister Lila. I assume the grey haired one you're referring to is the woman with the purple cape, which is Nonette Enneagram the Knight of Nine.
Okay, why in 7 years did the Black Knights not think of using ship-based weapons and ballistic missiles to destroy the Wall towers and create a passage to attack Hokkaido?
I don't know if you've noticed but there's a whole fucking Damocles stationed in the capital behind the wall. So presumably if you attempted that you'd get Fleiad before your ship can even get in range of a wall tower.
This ost made me pregnant https://youtu.be/NWdBa_DLIZM?si=5RJDwq8rNfDzgJJW
So what? Noland's Damocles has limited functionality and has only 3 warheads, all of which was established by BK intelligence. Considering that NB are considered scumbags and that they eventually launched Damocles and Freya, it made sense to try to attack. The indestructibility of the Wall is not mentioned anywhere, as far as I understand.
Yeah well good luck mounting an effective attack plan to make them spend those warheads without geass slaves and suicidal people.
However, BK at least once tried to attack through the Wall despite the presence of Damocles, but they failed...
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Arnold and green maid outfit CCute
Norland seemed similar to Ash. Is Ash and Norland like Setsuna and Sacheez?
Not sure how much Ali mattered in Setsuna's life (did Setsuna know him as a kid? I forgot) but from what I can gather Norland is quite literally Ash's evil mentor and his adoptive father.
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New trailer https://youtu.be/ISxZFsktqwM?si=CjNbX4fEZ1la5CEi
guess they will keep movie 4 a secret
>he would have helped her regardless
>in the end, the Geass only made him view her as a worse person than what Jugo told him
Good, maybe I will be able to enjoy the last three eps likethe usual original anime at least.
Jeremiag sucks at making PVs for his orange farm
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The more I learn about what Sakuya did to Ash the more I hate her. Even though I never had any problem with how much of a piece of shit Lelouch used to be in the day. Why is that? Am I just an incel?
You are trying way to hard with this schtick
Sorry I exist and have strong feelings about the show I post about and wonder about. I shall now go back to not bumping the thread at all or voicing trite shit that doesn't trigger you too much.
Whatever you you say, you're trying way to hard to look for a reason to hate Sakuya.
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I'm not I hate her and I know why. I just wonder why that is.
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I need Alexander mech porn in Roze movie 4
Is that too much to ask?
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Don't do it Ash, she doesn't deserve you.
Come into my bossom instead.
Would they really make Akito appear in act 3 just to have him do nothing in act4? I don't think so, prepare your hankies and a saxophone.
It's amazing that he didn't connect the dots after seeing Sakuya's face
He's really Neo Suzaku (initially thought he was Neo Rolo but he leans more into Suzaku after movie 3)
Even if he didn't connect the dots there is no reason why the geass wouldn't compell him to recognize his little brother in her. It's just a plothole to have dumb fun with Ash trying to date maid Sakuya at the end of the day. Don't draw conclusion on Ash's intelligence from it.
But yeah he's neo Suzaku.
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Love him
If they didn't give a shit, the ticket sales would go down instead of up. So that's your doomposting more than the facts.
You could argue the design school difference is intentional, given that most former Britannian facilities and research teams more than likely work for the UFN/Black Knights, whereas Norland and crew are just an off-shoot with local resources.
It because Lelouch always did it to other horrible people or idiots. Ash has been revealed to be just a good boy who never did anything wrong so it comes off as worse.
Do people not care about Geass these days? I'm surprised there's no /a/ thread
Anyway I watched Rosé completely blind and really enjoyed it for the plot except the twist about Sakuya wanting to kill him immediately followed by the stupid "oh he's not that bad actually" trope in the literal next episode.. but that's so typical Geass that I'm not even mad. Just suck that they had to establish this kind of boring romance again.
Mecha action and production is worse than Akito however.
>Do people not care about Geass these days?
No, but Roze being bad isn't helping it either.
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>I'm surprised there's no /a/ thread
Four hit bump limit; the fifth started sliding. There's just not much to talk about with 85% of the series spoiled before episode 3.
not like /a/ cared about those spoilers to begin with
those trannies only care about whether the girls are lesbians or not
You can clearly see they kept talking as if they never saw those spoilers
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>Nope just Akito
Oz characters are in Recapture.
I post on /a/ and I never saw those spoilers.
He literally posted an image of Marrybell you fucking retard
>Four hit bump limit;
Those threads weren't even about Roze
Yoiu misunderstood him, anon. He actually said something more retarded. Hes trying to say "only Akito is canon to TV series" when Oz and Lancelot & Guren both demonstrably use TV series events over the movies
japs’ general comparison between Sakuya and Lelouch seems to be that Sakuya is a good kid who can properly apologize to her own Suzaku while Lelouch is a thick-skinned uncle who only pissed off his Suzaku even more (referring to this scene)
Don't forget how he never actually tells Suzaku about what happened with Euphie and keeps implying that he geassed her on purpose
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Is it known what Tianzi and Margaret are doing at the time of the events of Roze?
I assume we will know in movie 4 if the Wyvern squad asks for permission to use their Alexander against the bugs
That's not what he said at all dumbass.
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>Trying to prove that Oz is TV series canon by saying that they appeared in Roze which isn't TV series canon
Might as well just say that she's incredibly boring and has no actual dynamic
Isn't that because he doesn't think he deserves losing that supposed responsibility?
Ali do changed the kebab gundam way of life, from a ordinary kebab child to the kebab warrior

While Ali teaches him combat skills, he brainwashed him to full allahu akbar mode and kill his mom and dad for jihad
But Setsuna ended up being regretted when he realised he and his childhood jihad pals are Ali's cannon fodder and become unfaithed, until he realised the gundam is the real allah
Yes but in the long run his refusal to say what actually happened at the end of S1 resulted in most of the problems in S2
Kanon looks so sad... poor guy.
That makes sense actually.
It makes sense that he didn't. Any attempt to come out with it must sound like an excuse to Lelouch's ears and an attempt to disculpate himself or escape punishment, which he does not want to do. Neither his guilt nor his pride would allow it. Even if it was a mistake it is still his responsibility and his carelessness that created this situation. He murdered Euphie, as well as hundreds of japanese people, and he wanted to be punished for it.

How? Suzaku instantly recognizes Lelouch makes himself sound worse than he is because he thinks he deserves punishment.
Most of those are on Suzaku being an idiot.
He deserves it for being such a homo for Schneizel
I think Sakuya feeling guilty and Ash not forgiving her would be interesting if they showed the months between the rescue and the final battle
Too bad they completely skipped that
Nobody deserves to live with the no free will version of their loved one out of loyalty.
Ash is clearly a pushover, that would never happen.
He only came back to help Sakuya because he didn’t want to break his promise though, not because he forgave her
Not really pushover attitude if you ask me
So? He will come to forgive her after a while anyways.
Female protag seems natural in clamp, unlike woke garbage named G-woke.
Clamp doesn't write CG you complete retard.
>unlike woke garbage named G-woke
No wai, the pacifist antimilitaristic franchise that doesn't like nazi and was propped up by japanese fujos who shipped the hot blond guy with a canadian went woke????
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neck yourself troon
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Nigger prototrannies like you deserves pic rel for saying wrong bs like this.
Anyway is that a girl or..?
You never know with clamp
The fact that you have to ask alone is embarassing, Gwoke boy.
First anime?
No, it's just that I still sometimes hope japan would stop with this kind of faggotry. But yeah expecting no less from Gayass of all things..
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So you know it's gay but you keep coming back to it anyways.
Am I understanding this correctly?
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Latest issue of Animage
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They considered making multiple anime with Lelouch as the protag, kek.
No it fucking wasn't, Lelouch was just being a jackass because he couldn't drop the act it took until the tail end of R2 when he came clean that Suzaku let go of his grudge to help him. Every shitty thing Lelouch did came back to bite him in the ass culminating in the reveal that his ambition was for naught because his mother was alive and working for the man he despised to his bitter core.
>Any attempt to come out with it must sound like an excuse to Lelouch's ears and an attempt to disculpate himself or escape punishment, which he does not want to do
Did you forget that Lelouch strapped a bomb to his fucking chest when literally all Suzaku asked was to explain himself?
>By the way, who chose Hokkaido as the location?
>Taniguchi: First of all, director Ohashi's hometown is Hokkaido, and from the very beginning of the project we had the feeling that audiences would not be able to sympathize with the Japanese unless they were oppressed.

It seems that in any CG project the Japanese will SUFFER...The bad thing is that projects with such a slogan mean a certain Japan-centricity.
? I'm talking about R2 mid invasion of japan, not end of R1. I don't believe Suzaku pursuing Zero to get revenge and getting baited in accepting one on one duels and then pointing a gun at Zero while he's trying to save his cripple sister exactly fits with "literally all Suzaku asked was to explain himself".
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Noice, thank you anon.
Hokkaido is well within cruise missile range of Honshu. No need for naval actions or ballistic missiles.
They even have a cope cage.
>Okay, why in 7 years did the Black Knights not think of using ship-based weapons and ballistic missiles to destroy the Wall towers which project an impenetrable force field in order to get through the impenetrable force field?

During the attack on the prison one of the kmfs goes through the force field before being destroyed, so it isn't totally impenetrable. Also the force field appears to be generated between the towers, so it wouldn't protect the towers themselves. Even if anything approaching the towers does get destroyed within seconds, a missile going mach 5 or so could probably impact it before being destroyed.
I just rewatched the scene I'm talking about, the KMF that goes through the Situmpe Barrier seems to just lose power. So a cruise missile could go through it just fine, it'd just continue on a ballistic trajectory.
>literally all Suzaku asked was to explain himself".
Literally the first thing he asked him is why he killed Euphie and then he went on to act like it was her doing before revealing that he already knew who he was from the get go so from the get go Suzaku had no reason to trust whatever Lelouch says also good job ignoring him setting a bomb to kill them all you stupid fuck.

Hard to believe this series is nearing 20 yet we still have retards arguing in bad faith like this. Like the dude just saw his best friend kill the love of his life and is acting like a retard instead of explaining himself yeah no shit he'll be upset.
Dub aside thanks for posting this proving that Lelouch escalated the situation and was being a stubborn dick head
Never said Suzaku's reaction wasn't sensible, it was just not what I was talking about. I was talking about the scene where Suzaku steps on Lelouch.
Yep, you can understand why he'd hide the truth at first, but after his identity was revealed he should have told the truth. Instead he acts like a moron.
Lelouch is a moron. That's why he acts like a moron. Him being stupid is part of the fun of his character.
At least the Ash, Haruka, Catherine, Arnold and Christoph character PVs will have loads of action.
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Whenever they release, that is. Last time it was completely random.
Euro-Britannia is literally part of Britannia itself. It's just the name of faction of nobles who specifically want to retake the homeland their lost territories from the EU.

Neo-Britannia on the other hand is just a group of random ass nobles who got together to form their own rebel army since they rejected Schneizel and the Britannian Republic's new democratic approach to things in favor of maintaining the ways of the old empire instead.
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Okay, we've seen how Sakuya hides her monster tits in twink mode, but how does she convince people this ass belongs to a boy?
Old ways of the empire? Neo Britannia looks a lot more meritocratic to me than pre Lelouch Britannia. Being a noble doesn't look like a shortcut to a powerful position anymore. Heath's and Callis' death show that.
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Who did it better?
This trope again?
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Roze has been recycling the ideas from Rebellion for a while

The parallel is mostly visual, not contextual. In fact, it highlights their differences.

Lelouch isn't captured and he's apologizing improperly, so Suzaku has to step on his head.

Sakuya is captured yet she does know how to apologize to Ash.
Whatever happened to scanbro getting the Lost Stories book?
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What's your message to this /m/an on his birthday?
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Why the hell did you let those brits in Hokkaido off the hook for the entire 5 years?
Do your fucking job
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I still don't like you but I realize I've been harsh on you back when I was a teenager. My bad. You tried your best.
I don't understand this meme. Who the fuck even looks at their flight neighbors, and in what airline do you even get to choose your seat on the fly? I never did.
They barely use harpoons, all fights take place on wide even terrain, common soldiers just stand in place waiting to be blown up, and even Eights or whatever neo brit ases call themselves don't do anything cool or interesting.
And Ash doesn't do anything cool either, he just rolls around stationary targets and shoots them in the butt.
We've barely had 1.5 fights in this thing and you're already making sweeping generalizations. That's silly.
I want Ash to look cool while he shoots me in the butt.
I'm sad I have to wait a whole month to get to a female character (your cousin)
Where's Cecile?
In any event, 2, 7, or 8.
Whoops your yandere little bro comes from behind and slices Shirley's throat im front of you. You lose
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enjoy being in the splash zone
Nah, Lelouch is elsewhere and I don't have a little brother
It's my sworn duty to pussyblock
I guess for being soulless rehash Roze is, at least it forces the horse to drink water. plus tities of course
>Neo Britannia looks a lot more meritocratic to me than pre Lelouch Britannia.
Britannia was always fairly meritocratic. Individuals who served the Britannian Empire well could always ascend into higher positions of power and those who were inept get demoted or straight up get stripped of their rank altogether. We see it with Suzaku (whose rise to power would have gone a lot more smoother had he been born a Britannian), Viletta (who became a Baroness after the Black Rebellion), Marianne (born a commoner but became Knight of Two through sheer skill before Charles married her and she became empress)

The thing I'm talking about is just the general racism and conqueror mentality. Neo Britannia's existence can be summed as them going "Fuck the Britannian Republic and the UFN, I wanna keep being a racist and do whatever the hell I want cause I'm awesome!" basically.
>more people watching Akito thanks to Roze
Akito's fights were great
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Need Acrylic stand of the scene where he aimed his gun at Sakuya as well the one where he extended his hand to her after coming back
could you post ones for Shirley and C.C. from this event?
The fight with the maniac brothers seemed somehow "slow" and frankly "staged", it was very disappointing

The fight in Abashiri prison can be divided into two subgroups: 1) the boss fight, which was reduced to a continuous Ash attack of the helpless Einberg in the attack, and 2) the fight of the extras, which boils down to a wall-to-wall shootout without hits

The attack of the Einbergs on the rebel forces, where they tried to show a dangerous enemy in the person of the Neo-Britannia knights, but in the end only Nala showed something impressive and then her extras again staged a useless shootout at close range.

So far, the fights on mechas in Roze are not impressive.

>Euro-Britannia is literally part of Britannia itself.
Yeah, but it's big enough (at least the entire territory of IRL Russia) and autonomous enough to have its own power structures (with its own House of Lords and Grand Duke) and specifically structured troops in the form of Knightly Orders with a number of unique technologies like Liverpool or Canterbury.

In addition, judging by the manga Re: Surection Farnese has entered into a separate agreement with UFN on behalf of Euro-Britannia.
Was clamp gayish too?
Where is my Space Samurai Zeon like Ral,Misha,Norris,Gato?
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They should release a character PV with mecha action soon.
It'll be a minute long with repeat footage and still have all of Catherine's screentime sans five seconds.
There has been more of her in the next couple of chapters tho
I have my doubts. Japanese people seem like they WANT to talk about Catherine, but there's just nothing to talk about. There's only so much time you can spend on-
>She's adorable and hot. Will she live? Will she die? Will she defect? If she dies, how will she die?
You've got to have some scenes where she does stuff to discuss.
I have seen japs talking about her dabbing on Haruka
They said she's stronger than they thought
If I kill Ougi, will Villetta notice?
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New character?
>looking directly at you while explaining why he's not protagonist this time
This SUBTLE forth wall break was annoying in Re;surrection and it is still annoying in Roze.
>All out of Jibuns to Wo
>Japanese people seem like they WANT to talk about Catherine, but there's just nothing to talk about
This can be applied to every character in Roze. The series doesn't have any interesting dynamics between the cast because the characters themselves are boring. This was the same problem with Akito.
Someone should tell this uncle that’s a cringe outfit
What a protagonist he was
L.L. in brittanian Boi band.
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Jesus Christ I forgot how lanky Code Geass character models could be. The artwork at least looks great.
Sakuya's Aunt C.C. likes to have Lelouch wear that when they're feeling kinky.
Sad that his VA has passed away socially by Metoo movement spite he was still vigorous...
>Still got to keep all of his popular roles
That's better than Amuro
>VA has passed away socially
For Japan cheating on your partner is pretty normal. Give it more time and no one will really give a shit anymore outside of Western Twitter.
Yeah. Furuya is kicked away from Conan, One piece, and Metaphor by using Pegasus abortion fist(from Futaba).
>Sad that his VA has passed away socially by Metoo movement spite he was still vigorous...
He's literally still voicing every single role he's known for and going on stage and talk shows and interviews like nothing happened

The only thing that really got cancelled was the long-running radio show and that's because it's his co-host that he was triple adultering with.
Not him but if you check his roles in recent years, you can see that they haven't given him any new role at all
So the scandal DOES affect him
>""recent years""
>for a scandal from late 22/early 23

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The artist drew her thought about their daily life after Sakuya got rescued (since the 3rd movie skipped a few months)
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What do we think about Clovis' sister?
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>you can see that they haven't given him any new role at all
That's literally most VAs nowadays he'll he wasn't getting new roles before the scandal broke anyways
>That's literally most VAs nowadays he'll he wasn't getting new roles
Is it a "the industry keeps putting younger, newer talent over the older ones" factor or is it something else?
given how they had C.C. asked if he gave Sakuya Geass was because she was a blood relative to Kaguya, I feel more cheated out on how the movie canon removed the interactions Lelouch had with the other girls.
Basically it's why a lot of VAs try to bag successful long runners and never pursue new roles ever it's no wonder that the oldest VAs are doing kids shows like One Piece while the younger ones are doing the late night seasonal shows
Then ignore the movies and use the TV, this continues from the TV series as well
It did hurt him a bit, losing his radio show was his biggest blow to his career, but I did hear him in a few background roles recently and his star hasn't faded given that he was at AX this year and he hasn't been pulled from any of his popular roles like Toru did so he should be fine.
I remember Kenichi Suzumura being asked about the Sakurai situation. Wonder how the former is doing after that part,
I know Nakamura (Graham Aker) shat on him and wasn't surprised at what happened which makes it even funnier considered Osomatsu San S4 just got announced
Suzumura's the CEO of the agency he used to be at. Go look at some stories from when the news broke and see how they talk about "the CEO" having to run around apologizing to people in the middle of the night.

Plus his kid had just been born too.
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Damn thats embarrassing. At least he got a happy ending.
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I mean Sakurai has infamously always been an otaku hater while Nakamura posts stuff like pic related on twitter all the time
I think Maaya was off filming FGO's year-end live action cringe tourism bits in france while that was going down too
This makes it all the more hilarious seeing how many fujoshis were crying over the news same with what happened when Tohru had to set down from voicing Amuro Furuya in Conan
>Maaya Sakamoto

That's another VA that hasn't had any new roles in a while even before taking maternity leave it felt like she was forever stuck in FGO jail. I guess the gacha money is that good.
>Plus his kid had just been born too.
Must've been some real tough times on him. I recall hearing Suzumura taking a break from voice acting after Bravern.
Suzuken is Zack and Sakurai is Cloud and all the Square people have talked in interviews about how Cloud IS Sakurai and there's no way they could ever think of using anyone else

Wonder how awkward those interviews and recording sessions went off-record
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C.C. and Cornelia make me non-stop nut, but we also got some more good Yokos this episode
I love him
What do you love about Ash?
So anyone know what's the story between Ash and Narah? Just old friends or does she actually have a thing for him like some people are guessing?
Anyone else likes the prequel drama CD?
I think it's neat to know that Lelouch has trust issue due to his childhood in Japan and how the elevens treated him and Nunally
Nina is back, and she updated her nukes to be more like Dainsleifs, and are used for the right mission: to blow up the Sword of Damocles sky high.
I wish we got a Mr and Mrs Smith type show with C.C and L.L finding different geass groups and taking them out instead of this shallow, limp wrist rehash of season 1 in Roze. No one honestly gives a shit about these new characters and they won't have the same reverence the legacy characters do. The same themes are present, the same world, the same character dynamics, but they are all so watered down and defeated that it just feels like a less confident retreat of the same circumstances. If they wanted to wallow in the original so bad, remaster it and rerelease it instead of wasting man power on this new show that less than 1% of the anime world will be talking about next year, if even that.
I like the new show, and the extent of involvement from old characters was fine. Of course I would have liked the show you suggested, but it doubt it would have been as popular since it would just be more Re;surrection.
4 ep.

So, based on Commander Cornelia's conversation with the leadership of the Japanese branch of BK, did the former War Princess know about Sherry with her eleventh husband and her half-blood niece, but at the same time, without any thoughts about them, quietly destroyed their people? And she doesn't even regret it? ... It sucks, to be honest

Nina, on the contrary, is great, but I hope she doesn't endlessly self-flagellate and Einstein and Sakai are in a special relationship, it will be nice.

Sakuya /rose manipulates information quite well and is able to convince without pretentious theatrics, which is certainly good. By the way, in between, she kicked Suzaku's idea of "change from the inside out," pointing to the people of the system as an obstacle to such endeavors.

L.L. cannot explain to S.S. the meaning of his actions, and Norland's plan is still cunning.

Mecha combat tactics and visualization are complete crap.
Let Lelouch and C.C rest. The franchise doesnt need to suck him off all the time.
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Can't they release a character PV for movie 3 to pass the time?
They already did
Apologies for being MIA. Real life stuff came up. I got the book though and will scan sometime in the coming weeks though I'm quite ill at the moment so barely doing much.

I did however decide to start Roze and Jesus Christ the world 'building' (if you can call it that) is a mess and I've never seen a sequel show with so many retcons, newly made up history and ass-pulls before. Thank god EP4 improved a LOT by bringing back Cornelia and (never thought I'd say this) Nina.

Besides Roze, Ash, Tohdoh II, Black Cat girl, Officer-san and Natalie, I haven't the foggiest clue who the rest are and why we're meant to care about them? Though why the hell Tohdoh II and Officer-san are wearing JLF/Japanese Army uniforms I cannot figure that out.

Mecha action has been ok but they still haven't recaptured, pun intended, the same feel we got in R1 between Lancelot and Guren etc. Camden can go suck a dick desu cause it's ugly as sin and has no right being the successor to the RPI-Series that we last saw with the VIncents; on the other hand the Akatsuki looks clean in this and I really like the switch to handheld rifles and makeshift shields.

If they manage to take out Damocles in the next episode with only a handful of ground-based KMF and one aerial KMF it's going to be such BS when Lelouch needed more to do so.
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Camden grew on me
>If they manage to take out Damocles in the next episode with only a handful of ground-based KMF and one aerial KMF it's going to be such BS when Lelouch needed more to do so.
To be fair, this is a Damocles that doesn't have all the same capabilities, so its weaker. Lelouch's main obstacles was a combination of how Schneizel had enough FLEIJA to bot run out and an impenetrable BL shield. These guys have single digit numbers and might not even have shields.

I mean it's not the worst KMF ever but it doesn't sit right with me as a later generation to the smooth lines and light limbs of the 7th/8th Generation machines.

The Einberg machines are also not that great, definitely not as fun as the Rounds' Knightmares.

I can only hope we have a new Lancelot or Guren by the end of the show to make up for it.

Ok, I'll give them that but still it seems rather impossible with Damocles being fairly large. Don't get me wrong I'd not have batted an eyelid had Albion solo'd it but that's the Albion and not the Apollo or Artemis. SN0Y
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>but that's the Albion and not the Apollo or Artemis
What about the Ortygia?
Its a Gen 9 too
He's submissive
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I remember Maaya having a role in that Precure All Stars F movie.
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Remains to be seen. It doesn't seem overly heavily armed and I remember barely something about how the Wall makes high energy-using equipment pointless so I doubt it'll have Hadron or RWS, Baryon etc.

Though, I want to know if that one Einberg unit with a cannon is just kinetic/linear or is a new energy-type.
>I mean it's not the worst KMF ever but it doesn't sit right with me as a later generation
I think it's fine as a mass produced unit that's meant to be fodder. We see that actual high ranking members of Neo Britannia have Knightmare Frames that look the part of quality production units both in performance and in style.
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Will it be Nara or Catherine who turn?
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Absolutely heavenly
which I wouldn't have noticed without a timely (You)
I love her so much
>Roze brochure for the film:"Damocles" is a spare and initially unfinished unit that Noland got thanks to a special operation.

Are we being asked to forget Conan’s phrase - “we won’t be able to build another Damocles in Toromo”?
>Sakuya /rose manipulates information quite well and is able to convince without pretentious theatrics, which is certainly good.
Reading this gave me an aneurysm. A character who walks into a conflict without knowing shit about it then resolves it on the fly just by being th only reasonable person in the room is not good writing, it's a Mary Sue ism.
It's green and uncreative, it doesn't deserve praise. It hurts me to think we went from purple rabbits to grey egyptian ballerinas mouses to IBO grunts. This design has no soul.
Nala is 100% a Camus (the Fire Emblem archetype, not the Saint Seiya character), aka the good general on the enemy side meant to die to the protagonist side. It's gonna be Catherine, she's the Hound to Sakura's Sansa Stark.
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This is what the last mass produced britannian kmf looked like in R2.
Hey my boy Graze was better than Camden!
Ash PV just dropped
The Ein Graze maybe. The rest are ok for what they are. But yeah I don't see what such an utilitarian looking design is doing in Code Geass, the fabulous looking mecha show.
This poor guy only falls in love with Sumeragis eh. Hopefully he ditches Sakuya for Kaguya after the show ends.
Jugo entrusted Sakuya to him
He won’t leave her
He seems to succeed some of lelouch's trait, by his nemesis being related with him. While Sakura succeeds trait being honorary britannian from Suzaku.
I think he’s more like Suzaku
>lost his blood-related family due to his fault (though this time it’s indirect)
>kept blaming himself for what happened
>failed to save the person who healed his heart (Jugo)
So how badly does this series undermine the original ending?
Gareth at least is clearly derived as a Gawain Lite, still looks like a weirdo but state of the art Geass frame
Camden looks like what a 3rd generation KMF would look like but we're expected to believe its a superior of the Akatsuki
None because Roze takes place in the alternate timeline following the movie releases of Code Geass. The TV anime timeline is it own thing left untouched.
2 years after the show ended, Neo britannia came back and captured Hokkaido and have held it for 4 years. And they have a Damacles.
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>The TV anime timeline is it own thing left untouched.
No its not
Precisely, I fucking hate it.
Rewatched R1's first ep and it's really fun to watch Rollo worrying and scared everytime Lelouch begins to comment colonial hierarchy or express sympathy for the oppressed in a Zero like manner. I kinda wish Sakuya was this scared of Ash relapsing. But even if that were the case (it's not) there's literally no timeline out there where Ash would throw her away. Kind of a waste. It's basically Rollo and Lelouch but without any of the things that made Rollo and Lelouch fun and entertaining.
R2*'s first ep
>there's literally no timeline out there where Ash would throw her away
This is what made it so boring
Even if he fucking hates her, he owns a debt of gratitude to her father so he will always stick with her no matter what
Thats the problem with only having 12 episodes, sadly

I think the show is good. But it could be better if it had more episodes to improve the pacing. Its doing fine with what it has, but more could give it room to breathe and add more detail
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>moment before disaster (Raspberry identity reveal)
>Camden looks like what a 3rd generation KMF would look like but we're expected to believe its a superior of the Akatsuki

This right here is what annoys me. Akatsuki should a hella more mobile than the Camden, which yeah would have stronger armor, sure, but you telling me this thing could give a Vincent a run for it's money? LOL

I hope Cornelia gets a new machine that's more along the lines of the superior Quinrose and not just say she's still using the same machine 5 years on - they will have a Camden beat her if that's the case.
In some defense, first, the Camden is lighter in weight than the Akatsuki. Second, remember that the mass-produced model of the Akatsuki is still below a Gekka in performance. So it being better than an older grunt might not be the same thing as being better than commander machines.
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Barely any KMF action in this one, gotta wait for the Arnold, Haruka, Catherine ones.
The only characters who probably don't need to upgrade are Kallen and Suzaku, since being a 9th Gen, the Type-Special and siN are probably still way stronger than almost anything else.

They should just reuse Guren Type-Special, Lancelot siN and Gekkoei Sui. Other characters need upgrades more than Lelouch, Kallen and Suzaku, so they should just save design time for the staff.

The Akatsuki being worse than a Gekka doesn't matter here; Akatsuki could outperform the Sutherland/Gloucester of which the Camden has more in line with compared to the Vincent/Gareth. My problem isn't with the Camden itself but more that it doesn't reconcile being the current generation RPI model -after- the Vincent; if it had been designated to some other line, like the Einberg machines are, it wouldn't be an issue.


I doubt Suzaku and Kallen will show up if I'm honest as much as I'd like them to; if any of the old guard show up it'll be Tohdoh due to the name drop I reckon and a new Zangetsu-type KMF.

Though I do think it's weird that this is a matter for the UFN/Black Knights and not being handled as an internal affair by the Britannian Republic, spearheaded by the likes of Zero/Suzaku, Schneizel, Cornelia and the Glinda Knights (since they popped up in the movie have them here c'mon please). Ok, sure, they took over territory in USJ but you think they'd prefer Britannia clean-up their mess as it were.
>I doubt Suzaku and Kallen will show up
Act 3 has already seen small appearance of not only Suzaku as Zero, but Glinda Knights, wZERO and Orpheus and Marrybell with staff hinting at even more for Act 4
>Though I do think it's weird that this is a matter for the UFN/Black Knights and not being handled as an internal affair by the Britannian Republic, spearheaded by the likes of Zero/Suzaku, Schneizel, Cornelia and the Glinda Knights (since they popped up in the movie have them here c'mon please). Ok, sure, they took over territory in USJ but you think they'd prefer Britannia clean-up their mess as it were.
Britannia is part of the UFN now, and UFN charter says member nations give up their own military to make the Black Knights the primary military they all share.

Really? That's pretty cool - has there been any pictures?


And the UFN also agreed not to get involved with the internal politics of a member state otherwise it was just the Empire again under a new name. We also know that some nations did keep their own individual forces to a degree, for example the Glinda Knights and possibly the Rounds.

I just meant that I'm not surprised that it's not mainly Britannian Republic members - besides Cornelia but as CiC she doesn't have a choice now anyways - who have been assigned to deal with the mess of Neo-Britannia as opposed to any old members of the USJ.
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Why is Marrybell alive?
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Never found the body. Ending of Oz already hinted they both probably survived

Thanks anon.


That's just really....nevermind. Surprised she didn't join up with Neo-Britannia if I'm totally honest.
Trust me, its not as much of a retcon as it sounds. Since translations for Oz aren't available, it seems more out there than it really is. Most Oz Japanese fans already assumed they survived.

We may even get the other popular Oz theory confirmed, that Miss X is Marrybell's sister, at this rate.
>make her a robot girl
>she's somehow the cutest thing ever
Made for giving headpats to, rather than receiving...
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I don't think so, more episodes wouldn't fix the lack of tension between Sakuya and Ash.

Pretty much yeah. I suppose if you don't get spoiled you wouldn't know that so the show might retain some interest but that's still the most obvious hypothetical since they're the two mains.
No, she fell from a fatal height and crashed into the earth with Orpheus, they should both be dead.
I've already got used to the NB KMF designs, just wish we get a Mechanical Completion book soon after Rozé ends so we get some explanation on the tech.

They still haven't confirmed they use MVS or a new tech.
You didn't read Oz
I did, they fell and crashed into the ground. They are both dead.
Which is your favorite NB so far? The Queens and Lohengrin are the ones I like the most
Which I guess if you think of them as the "main" Neo Britannians, it makes sense that they put the most work into them.

You think Lohengrin has the bio connection that the Siegfried and such have?
So explain the scene I posted then
Irrelevant because they fell off it earlier.
Thank you for admitting you didn't read it
You didn't read it. They fell off it after Mary got stabbed and plummeted to the earth and died.
Nope. It was extremely obvious they survived.
No, they fell off and died when they crashed into the earth.
So why couldn't they find any bodies?
I like the Elgrips, the giant scissors are too cool. Shame it doesn't have ranged weapons.

From the cockpit shots shown in the PVs it doesn't seem like the Lohengrin has nerve connection but we will have to wait for the episode to confirm.
>They fell off it after Mary got stabbed
She never did. Orpheus stabbed his mask and the ending shows said mask with the same knife completely clean without any blood later when Oldrin visits her mom's grave, pretty much confirming that both were still alive out there somewhere which Roze finally confirms.

The real question is how the fuck did they survive falling off Damocles. Did the final battle take place over an ocean or did Orpheus and Mary decide to pull an Leap of Faith Assassin's Creed style and fell into a haystack
>This is what the last mass produced britannian kmf looked like in R2.
Yeah, and remember that it was built by an Empire with vast resources. Neo Britannia is literally just on a small island of Japan so I'm not surprised they decided to skimp on aesthetics in favor of easier mass production.
>The real question is how the fuck did they survive falling off Damocles.
See >>22728763
Theres a reason that, as Oldrin is searching the Elphaba's wreckage, that Euliya points her towards the Lancelot Trial, which is in perfect condition

Again, Oz is not even subtle about them most likely surviving.
I just realized we don't have a Neo Shirley in Roze
>Although a little late, I was able to participate in the video inspection for Act 3, Episode 8 of Recapture of Rose.
>I've loved Code Geass since the TV series, so I was very happy to be able to play it!
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Which is wrong since they fell off of it earlier and we see it crash into the ground.
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The blue maid?
Didn't the brother shoot Sakura and Sakuya with it as kids? If so the mass production clearly predated the creation of Neo Britannia.
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>Neo Britannia is literally just on a small island of Japan
what a small island
They crashed into the part of earth that makes bodies disappear
Not if you remember Schneizel's answer which basically amounted to "it's fine we'll just give the plans to terrorists with money lmao"
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CC number 1 for a reason.
Is that primarily a female magazine? I can't see that many guys being into Kagome.
>If they manage to take out Damocles in the next episode with only a handful of ground-based KMF and one aerial KMF it's going to be such BS when Lelouch needed more to do so.

Lelouch was facing off against the very first Damocles and FLEIJA, using the old model that was harder to set up. If you have a better model, it shows that Lelouch and Suzaku were truly way more capable as individuals, since their anti-FLEIJA tech wasn't as updated
It's large, you're right, but pretty isolated in terms of population density. Not a ton of people live there, compared to the main islands.
>managed to dethrone Lacus-sama
Pizzawife, I kneel...
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The magazine is from Animage, a general public anime magazine. This list had shit like Ami, Japan's otaku magnet character as part of it.
>Misa was on top one year, and consistently won against >>>>>>Minmay
I am a very happy boy
>princely Utena made it too, once
It's not gay if it's a girl
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1993 was a very happy year.
>Tylor, Maito, and Minako made it (Ami and Usagi are there too)
With Hiei on 1993, that makes it two Hiyama roles on the top 5 list.
Heard good things about (You) (You) Hakusho but never looked into it, didn't know Hiyama was in it, sasuga.
Hiyama is quite the singer.
I've only heard him sing the GaoGaiGar opening, so thank you!
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Damn right they made it.
>all the sailors made it
We're all gonna make it
What does #5 say when you tell her that nobody remembers her show?
Being lost in the sands of time.

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