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I am about to give X-Bomber a shot, what does /m/ think of it? Would I be missing anything if I watch the dub (like cut scenes or bad translation, not naje changes)? I kinda want to check out TechnoBoyger too, but one thing at a time. My only experience with marionette productions is Team America.
>My only experience with marionette productions is Team America.
Watch everything by Gerry Anderson.
I don't know who that is. Is he a puppeteer or something?
I watched the dubbed version a while back. Can't say anything as to changes from the Japanese, but the show was pretty alright for pulp SF of the era.
An enormously influential one, yes. You've heard of Thunderbirds, perhaps?
>You've heard of Thunderbirds, perhaps?
Heard and watched that episode of Atop The Fourth Wall where Linkara reviewed a Thunderbirds movie.
>some TGWTG shit
Yeah don't watch that just watch the actual Gerry Anderson shows.
The english dub has an amazing opening song.


Sadly this is just a cover and not used in the show

Im planning to watch the Japanese version soon.
He's the guy who Team America parodied lol. He was also a big in Japan and inspired Hideki Anno and Big O and tons more
So did OP die?
Dunno, but I’m dying of cringe from his posts
Nope I'm still here. Watched the first episode of it and two other toku on the end of my backlog (Byclosser and Changerion). For this series specifically it was a perfectly fine first episode, definitely has that 80s metal vibe with Shiro clearly being Luke Skywalker in a helmet. Bloody Mary's eye patch reminds me of Baron Ashura and Gandal, Go Nagai sure had a thing for hermaphrodites. Not too many sci-fi stories feature Pluto in a prominent role. Did not care for the music.
I prefer the Japanese OP, personally.
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I think my only complaints with the series is that the Dai X feels way more useful than the X Bomber itself, and the design of the Skull being a little too goofy. Elsewise it was a pretty enjoyable watch.
Space sail boats rule. Fuck you.
Is the Star Fleet Fandom missing a bunch of shit or is it actually good if I want to look up ships and crafts?
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>and i'm barry hercules, doc
watched the dub, loved it
Sadly he won't kill himself.
He is pretending.
Is this a thread for discussion for Other Toku? It's hard to find anywhere else on here
This. Get some taste.
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The show made great use of puppets vs. guys in suits.
Awesome, I'll check this out when it's finished.
Alright six episodes in, it's very... Average? I don't have a strong opinion on this so far. For something by Go Nagai I expected more than just the same ships duking it out. Maybe that'll change half way in. Not much to go on this one.
Falcon PAWNCH!
I wonder if someone kept count of all the puppets and miniatures used during production. I guess our board wiki might help answer that in time.
That's the ending theme, the fact two of the greatest guitarists got together to cover it will never not be the coolest shit ever.
How is the Moderoid kit for those that bought it?
quit advertising
we dont want your gay blog and your samefagging wont change that

And our board wikia is not a blog of any sort.
He's not advertising, you are trolling outside of /b/.
/m/ has no wiki
It has one sperg who wont stop advertising their bad take repository and claiming they are official board consensus. They are not.
Clean it up Janny, chop chop.
Except you are wrong, we clearly do have a wiki and it's only one person (you) who does not accept objective reality. You tried pulling this at the 1d6chan and the owner had to come in to personally correct you on the subject.
Clean it up Janny, chop chop.
I don't think Skull was an ally of the EDF but it's been a while since I've seen this.
What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm sure whatever you think you are describing didn't happen. Go away, /m/ has never had a wiki.
> /m/ has never had a wiki.
I can clearly see a link to it, you are bitching about it for no good reason so it must exist. How about you leave /m/ forever instead? I heard /tg/ has comfy robot threads.
just because you do nothing but samefag doesn't mean everybody else does

and just because you call your garbage blog /m/'s doesn't make it true
I'm scanning through the site and I'm not finding any evidence that is a blog of any sort, anon. It's too objective and other boards have wikis. You need a chill pill.
>It's too objective
Kek what is he talking about.
That day is too distant.
>I wonder if someone kept count of all the puppets and miniatures used during production. I guess our board wiki might help answer that in time.
ready to feel sad
according to the british peeps who made it into star fleet, they wanted to do a sequel season that wasn't a continuation but with all the hero/villain roles reversed as a mirror universe thing, but when they went to the japanese studio to buy them, it turned out most of the puppets were lost in a warehouse fire
going by the special feature in Discotek's blu (from a dvd iirc) Go Nagai really wanted more suit stuff and even wanted the Big Dai X to have an evil counterpart, but they were strapped by the budget and episode count sadly
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X-Rounder was better
Groizer X was pretty awesome.

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