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Garage Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3

>models for all the gen 1 parts
>Steam Page
>Emblem editor decals
>AC6 Part Spreadsheet

Other News:
>3D Modeling in AC6
>AC6 Model Kits and Shit

●Set matching to global for lobbies and use keyword acg to play with each other!

Previous Thread: >>22696114
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post emblems and decals
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i need to make a build for this one i found
If the developers are serious about an expansion or sequel to 6, I feel like weapon arms are the most mandatory thing they should be reintroducing. That's like a dozen potential arm options just by itself as a category, and they give very distinct silhouettes to ACs.

>Minigun Arms
>Machine Gun Arms
>Grenade Cannon Arms
>Bazooka Arms
>Linear Cannon (Railgun) Arms
>Howitzer Arms
>Laser Cannon Arms
>Spread Laser Cannon Arms
>Small Missile Arms
>Large Missile Arms
>Vertical Missile Arms
>Blade Arms

Off the top of my head what I remember as the general archetypes from the PS2 games.
>Blade Arms
God, i wish. That'd be beyond overpowered, though.
Potentially not. Blade builds in the current game dominate by abusing the hyper close range effectiveness of weapons such as the Duckett or Sampu to build stagger, and combine it with a melee weapon on Basho arms for maximum damage. With Blade Arms, you completely forgo the ability to wield one of those CQC hand weapons to build stagger easily for guaranteed melee hit.
>assuming it won't have normal arms folded into it a la 5th gen
it'll be balanced by the fact that they'll weigh as much as two sets of arms
how about some interesting missiles instead of medium and large just to bloat the weapon pool.

thats not even barring the missiles that are dog shit like the vertical missiles.
Instead, you can use a shoulder gatling and a SONGBIRD to do largely the same job for, theoretically, more damage and less cooldown.
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>hitting with songbirds
>Playing PVP
Rabid dog.
But seriously, it's fine enough in the game itself.
Is there any lore I'm missing on why Walter had 617, 619, and 620 bust that base in the story trailer?
i think it's implied they took out some sort of orbital defense setup by the PCA restricting people from getting onto rubicon
it might've also been cut content seeing as the cinematic trailer also had cut content and wasn't included in the game itself
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Just finished the true/final end of AC6
ALLMIND figured out how to prevent the collapse but didn't bother letting OVERSEER know, then for some reason integrated one of its failed agents (and specifically a comically incompetent one that had lost to 621 twice previously), then tried to kill the one that succeeded? Am I getting this right?
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anyone have that image of gundam vs ac pilot protection system the one with bear and wolf with pilot alive(optional)?
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Weapon arms are about the only thing i'd be hopeful for given the atrocious state of parts in 6. And no, 4 being equally fucked doesn't make 6 acceptable. Other than that I can see them going "Ayre/coral popular so ayre/coral secretly evil all along" but i'll openly admit to being resentful of how they handled AC6. Honestly I don't care as long as if/when we get AC7 they remove the instant camera tracking and turning so that the game doesn't half play itself, because as much as I dislike the focus on the stagger system, that bothers me far more.
If your mech can instantly go from 400km/h in one direction to another at the same speed, instantaneous turns shouldn't be a problem.
Granted, maybe those instantaneous turns might need to take energy, but still.
>he wants another gen of total midweight extinction
That's inevitable. There even were weapon arms in the old datamined versions of AC6.
yup. the other agents were dead, so...
allmind is ai failgirl
But Iguazu was dead too.
IIRC wasn't the only reason she chose him instead of someone like Sulla because agitated human brainwaves act like coral (according to cut-dialog), which in theory should've improved his combat capabilities while piloting the Ibis Sol?
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What if AC7 was all about transforming mechs?
>AC parts can transform into orbits and be interchanged with other parts mid-mission
>ACs are followed by skygrasper-like carrier orbits that act as hangars for non-transforming parts
>ACs themselves can transform to perform a certain function, such as over/assault/glide boosting, assault armor, or even a turn x-like bloody siege
no what happened was he was uploaded into Allmind but hated you so much he became the dominant personality
I bet Kawamori would have a field day if that ever happened.
they only got him for SOL and HAL for AC6, i think he'd be too expensive to hire for all the designs.
>99% of the transformers look like total ass
>except for that one set designed by kawamori
>Vertical missiles
They're the only missiles that have barely been touched through the patches, because they were the only ones actually doing their job in terms of tracking.

After all the buffs though, this fucker is definitely the king.

>Watching the missiles fire, pause, and then turn 180 in the air
are they really useful outside of kite builds? i've been using the split missiles on my brawler but it feels like everybody and their moms already figured out a perfect dodge routine for them
What if… Weapon legs?
Depends. The only way to make use of them at close range is to be a kind of aerial RJ build that Frogger jumps with the Gridwalker boosters over the opponent repeatedly to fuck with their camera view. The vertical distance gives the split missiles enough clearance to fire, reorient, and fire at the opponent without just veering off or smacking into the ground.
>No way... it's... just one AC...
>Replaying old AC games after several years
>Barely remember anything about them beyond some key moments
>Keeping in mind, Stagger in AC6 is constantly derided as a poor mechanic with a retarded over-emphasis by a chunk of the fanbase
>Every single enemy AC or boss that has ever given me trouble across these games has done their equivalent of AC6 stagger locking
>All of their difficulty can be reduced down to "get hit once, lose" because you're constantly flinched which prevents firing, moving, turning etc.
>All you can do is try to mitigate it with higher stability heavier ACs, but these weapons that typically flinch you also deal massive damage, so now you're just a sitting duck eating the shots and hoping you can out-DPS them
The complaints about stability in AC6 seem kind of silly desu.
you get hit by bosses?
Don't pretend you don't. Nothing more irritating than a supposed God gamer who can apparently zero-damage-taken kill Nineball as casually as wiping his ass.
nothing like that, my oldest game was base 4 and i really don't remember getting hit by 00-ARETHA that hard at all since it was such a landlocked enemy
I'm talking Gens 1 through 3.5.
getting filtered hard by the betray iguazu and the other guy option at gallia dam (part 2)
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I'm still wondering who this guy was and why he was fighting Karl Urban (and why the fuck he has a Dizzy on his right weapon bay when he could just use an Earshot).
do you know where the loghunt target is on that mission
no, just picked the game up again after neglecting my current playthrough for the past year, really feeling the rust.
You've got to ensure that you have a build that can deal enough damage to them first, a lot of people mistakenly think AC6 is extremely hard because they assume that builds designed to destroy tons of MTs are good at winning AC duels, and use builds designed to win AC duels on the giant MT bosses with tons of health.

Two scudders and whatever missile launchers will do easily. After that, remember to focus them one at a time and lead them into the areas with RLF MTs, since they can buy you a few seconds to hit them uninterrupted. Try to remember which areas have MTs and occasionally flee to a new one if you're really struggling.
Get rid of Iguazu first and then focus Volta. If you're quick, you can kill them while they're separated.
Doesn't he literally say you killed him? Also isn't there one part where you can hear Sulla's voice leak through Iguazu's?
I think the idea is that dead agents of allmind are brainscanned and transferred into it (presumably also the reason it was trying to kill 621 at the endgame)
Kinda funny that a fucking copy of Iguazu's mind is still capable sperging out that hard.
>his bulid doesn't have stability AND mobility
Midweight kings win again.
>midweights were the best in oldgen!
>noooo! midweights sucked in oldgen!

Who do I listen to?
Midweights were literally meta in lr, nb and even silent line iirc.
Where can I get regulation files for AC4?
Loving it btw 4 and 4A are the only games I've yet to play, I like it better than PS2 gen
>kicking animation replaced with a slashing/stabing with something like blades for legs
that could work
I think stagger in AC6 is fine, but the following three changes need to be made.

>Implement more options akin to Pulse Armor that negate or slow stagger build-up
>Remove the bonus damage from staggering, the target is already punished enough by eating guaranteed hits
>Add more long range options and take away some of the emphasis from close-range meat chunking
I always murdered Volta first, dunno why it just made more sense in my head
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Imagine the nightmare of a control scheme that would need, though.
getting into this series, can see that a bunch of the PS2 games have "true analog controls" mods, if I've never played the game before should I go for those modded versions or the originals? Apologies if this is a dumb question
you didn't beat the game if you used the mod
ignore retards, the modded controls aren't a "mod" so much as a reworking of the control inputs using an emulator. It makes the games more accessible for sure. Worth doing if you want to just dive right in and expend a great deal of autism trying to grind the controls for a long while. Be warned though that the controls with analogue sticks is a little wonky still though because there is no nuance in the inputs since they are emulating, somewhat crudely, button presses
i personally think it's unnecessary, but it does make things a bit easier
see armored core have it's controls based on AC1 on PS1, and kept it until AC Nexus (gen 3.5), PS2 games have left analog translated to dpad and the right analog can only be set for the push down button, anyway base controls are ass and after the first mission you'll get to access the main menu that will let you remap all of that to something that fit you better

In many ways, playing 2 through to 3: Silent Line with the analog changes can be kinda annoying because there's no scaling input on looking up and down with the right stick, it's on or off. It takes some serious getting used to because of how finnicky it is.
From humble beginnings...
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>get all 3 endings, currently on 4th playthrough
>buy everything in the shop
>still locked out of a couple presets
At least fromsoft doesn't make me pay for the stuff like ea jews
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How's my build for MP? Jumped in after NG++ and have no idea what I'm doing, having fun with this one
His career trajectory is kind of insane if you think about it. Joins From in like 2004 during LR development and has his first ever credit with the company on that game, then IMMEDIATELY is handed a game director position on the next flagship AC title that not only starts a new generation but is the first AC on a new console generation. He's had nothing but game director credits since and then made it to CEO. He must have seriously impressed someone at From during the making of LR or something.
You still have to get all the crated parts and the hunter rank stuff if you haven't already.
I think I'm rank 14 or something but guess I'll look up a guide for all the hidden combat logs
>he didn't open every chest
>he didn't do full loghunt
>he didn't do full arena
>he didn't get all 50 data logs
>he didn't S rank everything
what happened to patches dropping new parts?
They're busy working on DLC where they're going to dump a ton of parts all at once instead of a drip feed (I hope)
I think those parts were cut content probably.
they did that once because they were planned parts they just didn't have time to iron out for release. AC6 was a low budget rush job that was carried HARD by extreme effortposting by fromsoft because they are still made up of a lot of the guys who worked on AC games initially who all really do genuinely care about the franchise still and wanted the game to be the best it could be. I think Miyazaki admits all this and says he wants to do more with AC in the future, meaning 6.5 or 7 will probably be absolutely insane
Pretty sure the parts added were 90% finished before launch and just touched up. New stuff will be in the expansion.
it looks okay
the AP's good but the missile compliment looks too light for a substantial bombardment even with the dizzy
paintjob looks competent but doesn't stick out all that much
how is the hover speed?
thanks mrah
The regulation files are just balance patches right?
considering how fucking awful LR is he's probably one of the reasons the game wasn't total garbage and he was probably one of the few planners that wanted to stick around so they said why not
Around the time AC4 was being developed that was probably during the time Sony's answer to Elder Scrolls was being made by From so all hands were on deck for that while Miyazaki was the only one willing to direct the next AC game
I mean he basically saved Demons' Souls when the original director left didn't he?
Dude, even I think LR is overrated, but fucking awful? Come on man.
I've only played ACVI so forgive me, but what makes weapons arms so different from just having the equivalent handheld weapon equipped?
Does it change the way the AC handles firing heavy weapons or something?
Back before the games had proper dual wielding it was the only way to get two of the same arm weapon. They were usually well armored and lighter than have separate arm and weapon units, but there was also usually an ammo tradeoff. Im fifth gen, weapon arms got reworked to transform from regular arm to weapon mode so you could still swap to a back up weapon when you needed to. I have a lot of problems with fifth gen but that was a really cool system I'd love to see come back to 6.
Besides just looking cool, for gameplay purposes they functioned like two-handed weapons would and took both arm slots. In AC6 this would probably mean you couldn't swap to arm weapons stored on the back too. They also had considerably lower defenses than regular arm parts so you were trading tankiness for more firepower.
+Significantly less energy consumption than an arms + handheld weapon equivalent.

+Significantly higher damage than an arms + handheld weapon equivalent.

-Loss of blade options or varied two-handed combos

-Significantly less armor

AC6 specific downside if they happened: -Inability to use weapon bays
lol what if they doubled down on the soulskiro aspects in the sequel instead of returning to proper ac
>quickboosts generate pulse armor
>heavy weapons have super/hyperarmor that prevents stagger buildup
>initial guards create pulses that build enemy stagger on success
>your ac rolls when out of energy
Oh and weapon arms also typically had way less ammo than handheld equivalents. They were full glass cannon weapons.
>instead of returning to proper ac

>ACVI is the most highly successful release in the franchise by a monumental margin
>Yes, they're totally going to go back to when the franchise never sold and scored 6/10 on average
My autism makes it impossible to use anything but faction themed ACs. This is a problem because I fucking hate energy weapons so Arquebus parts may as well be off limits.
Balam simply has the most aesthetic parts, that's just how it is
If the expansion adds fully automatic laser weaponry and significantly more Arquebus/Schneider parts, I'd probably be more inclined to make a themed AC around them. I don't like the tap-fire and/or hold to charge weapons, and that's literally every laser weapon. Maybe it's weak genetics or just being frail, but that shit genuinely hurts my hands on controller after just a few minutes when you're tap firing constantly. It's pretty much relegated me to the Scudder, Turner, Ransetsu-AR, Ludlow, Chang-Chen etc. along with the very slow firing bazookas and missile launchers.
I agree, it's not that it hurts my hands though, it's because if I accidentally trigger a charge move on a lightweight you get stuck doing the stance for two seconds and take a ton of damage. Skill issue for sure, but the automatic weapons give you one less thing to worry about.
Yeah, that's something I noticed too. It's actually possible on weapons like the CURTIS or HARRIS to accidentally pop a charge shot if you spam the trigger too quickly, you'll fire 3-4 shorts and it'll charge the weapon's meter up a little bit every time you do it.
Another small point: I started out playing this game on pad because it seemed like the natural choice, but honestly MKB feels 100x better if you have some side buttons on your mouse for the shoulder weapons. Try it out if you're still finding it painful.
I'll maybe give it a go.

It'd be nice if From included alt-input methods in future versions. I'd do something like-

>All weapons treated as automatic
>Double tap trigger/bumper to initiate charge
>Charge is held until trigger/bumper is pressed again
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>>All weapons treated as automatic
Should clarify, I mean like the old games where semi-auto weapons would just fire continuously as fast as they could with the button held down.
Why not have the firing be toggleable?
>press trigger to start firing
>press again to stop firing
>hold trigger to change to charge mode
>press in charge mode to start charging
>press again to fire
Fun fact: Not a single AC in AC6 uses the VP-66LS Laser Shotgun. As far as I can tell, it's the only weapon in the game (excluding the additional content added via updates) that no NPC uses.
It doesn't help that laser weapons are garbage at staggering in a game where that's really all that matters.
Is it any good? I like to dual trigger the regular ballistic shotgun for 1v1 builds
idk if it's any good but I used it once and the charged shot is a crossbow shot and that's rad
>accidentally won my rank-up fight
>now in B
is it still fun in here, or is cancer already taken over?
>intentionally losing rank up fights so you can keep smurfing against low ranked players
I would lose interest immediately upon confirmation that it was true
>intentionally going to high rank to play against the sweatiest metabuilds and ch*nese
>high rank
You're playing against literal children and thirdies
6 only bab here.
What older AC game is easiest to get into? I tried last raven but I am getting the shit kicked out of me
Play in order, or play 4 if you are a Michael Zaki fag.
Actually, 3 is the easiest old gen game to start with.
gen 1 to 3 play the same, gen 3.5 use analog controls but it's mostly the same in term of difficulty
not matter what gen you start with remember to start with the first of said gen, last raven is supposed to be played with an imported save from older games for example
Start with 1 or 3
>I don't like the tap-fire and/or hold to charge weapons, and that's literally every laser weapon
I had a dual laser pistol AC from launch and it's unusable now after they shortened the charge time
probably heightens the skill ceiling for the weapon but needing to be that precise while I'm button mashing is obv not gonna happen
Yeah I can see how that'd be an issue. Especially because the laser pistol's charge just isn't worth it, it's a very minor increase to DPS assuming the whole burst hits and it's overkill on mook MT's. I always preferred just one as a pressure weapon/grunt killer, especially after IS upgrades that thing hits a lot harder than you'd expect.
the fruity shooty stance was a mistake in general for a lot of weapons imo, just limits the amount of fun options I have at any given moment
I get why they did it for bazookas and grenade launchers but why laser guns and the linear rifles have it is beyond me. It does make sense for the second laser shotgun though, since its charged attack is basically a second melee weapon.
BAWS tetrapod on the right side of the map.
3 with rebound controls.
Always has been, it was half shitposters anyways since this is 4chan
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sorry for the late reply
when you take the job, speedkill iguazu through your favorite means and then lure volta to >>22721090, there's a tetrapod and two grenade launcher MTs that'll help you deal a ton of stagger to volta
personally i went with an MG, a laser cutter and dual songbirds for one-comboing iguazu
3 or 4. I would only reccomend 1 if you plan on going through the entire series. 1st gen is too rough to be enjoyable for someone new to the series.
I wouldn't say it's good but it's fun. It's about the same range as a ballistic shotgun uncharged and does nowhere near the same amount of stagger, but the charged shot is a fun mix up if you can break LoS to surprise your opponent. With all of that said I do prefer it over ballistic shotguns because energy shotguns are cool.
How do cannons on bipeds work in gen 4 and 5?
No restrictions?
in 4 the cannon slows down your momentum a bit if you're a biped/RJ but otherwise it's pretty unrestricted
Leg shield deployment gives you more def.
I hope we get extension parts back in the next game
Honestly doesn’t sound half bad. Other than the rolling part, that is.
>>heavy weapons have super/hyperarmor that prevents stagger buildup
Laser tank player spotted. Everyone spit on him.
>turn speed returns
Fine by me.
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they should make the expansions into extentions and give them more depth instead of being a plug-n-play feature
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I’d rather have weaponized cores
Would it be better for my first AC game to be 1 or 3 portable
if emulated 3 portable
if not then 1
I'd recommend starting off with AC1 but if you get filtered than try 3 (PS2 or Portable)
Motherfucker I killed Nineball Seraph on my first try, quit bitching and learn to b-hop
I don't think you can "get" armored core unless you play AC1, which is pure. Anyone who gets "filtered" by games with tank controls is simply low IQ
>I don't think you can "get" armored core unless you play AC1
My goal is to "have" "fun" and look at "cool" "mechs"
it play mostly the same, gen 2 and 3 inherited the controls of 1, 3.5 being the first to use both analogs
I bet you played AC6 with double songbirds and zimmerman because you saw it on your favourite subreddit
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Saying AC1 has tank controls proves you didn't play it.
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>Stun Baton
>Instantly procs the electric effect on one single hit of its charged attack

>Double Therapists can't proc it for like a minute of continuous fire
God these things suck dick.
AC6 is kinda like AC4A if it was made for mulattos
I've got money on the expansion being announced at Tokyo Game Show. That puts it roughly 1 year + 1 month after the release of the game. Elden Ring's DLC was announced almost exactly 1 year after the 2022 February release of the base game.
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Both games are made for mulattos.
Will we get an AC6 followup like Verdict Day and For Answer?
sekirocore will absolutely get one, yeah.
Therapists made more sense in that leaked beta version footage where it seemed like you were supposed to spend more time on the ground.
Probably not, I expect Fromsoft to stick with just doing expansions unless they fuck around with mechanics.
For Answer and Verdict Day were bog standard expansions, what do you mean?
Naw. The resemblance to 4A is superficial. There's a disconnect in that Fromsoft wants to be making slower, more methodical mech action games (which is exactly what AC6 looked like earlier in its development) but is forced to recognize after V that their fans don't want that from them, and in fact wants something like 4A.

6 isn't made to be like 4A, it's made to be like V and then sped up to superficially seem more like 4A, in a compromise that captures the best of neither.
Solution? Chromehounds 2 or Framegride 2.
Since I finished ER DLC I am resuming my Nexus playthrough. Anyone knows how hard is Revolution disc missions? I want Stinger parts but not sure if it's smart to try and do it on untuned AC.
>can't sell starter parts
>can't zergrush arena
Why is Nexus so pussywhipped?
I meant DLC expansion, not standalone sequels. If that wasn't what you're referring to then my b.
I want an expansion sequel game because then they'll have to change mechanics instead of just adding more parts.
tourists making up shit like "erm actually every game had 6's stagger" is the funniest thing in the world keep doing it
A crossplat chromehounds 2 could thrive in the modern market with all the arena shooters floating around but I honestly don't think modern Fromsoft would be capable of taking that concept and making something that's both good and successful
Everything pre-4 is painfully slow and I never ever want to go back to that in a new game.
You're right, flinching isn't like stagger, it's worse. There's no mechanical countering to flinching. You get hit by an asshole boss AC with a high-powered semi-auto rifle and you may as well put the controller down. There's a reason the go-to strategy is a stupid fast lightweight to outpace their faggotry and avoid getting hit at all.
>he got filtered by a rifle AC
I really don't know what you're even on about. Give an example. The only boss I can think of that ever stunlocked significantly enough to be annoying was the final pulverizer. Seriously, I'm surprised you would complain about this instead of HUMAN PLUS / OP-I abusing faggots who use the generator/booster benefits to turn into helicopters and shoot you from exactly above your head.
6A will be super fast bro trust the plan
lucifer can stagger the fuck out of you with his LGLs
Ooh, post-launch parts they added are very ero...! I'm a sucker for mecha that use aircraft design language.
I wish Arquebus/Schneider's parts were a bit more "universal" in their designs. Think how in ACs 3 through Last Raven, everything by Mirage goes together almost seamlessly, and that includes mixing it with Crest's stuff. This also kinda applies to the BAWS and RaD Junker ACs, they're too distinct and they look kinda jank even with the MELANDER which is like peak "third gen" AC.
Yeah, mixing and matching parts in 6 can be difficult because there's so much variety in design. Hard line to walk, you dont want parts looking too same-y between different corps.
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>This also kinda applies to the BAWS and RaD Junker ACs, they're too distinct and they look kinda jank
RaD does a really nice job of blending into other aesthetics, though.
ORBITER is a deadringer for the C02-URANUS if you ignore the symmetry, and TOOL ARM is also enough of a mix between blocky and round to fit on both types of builds. i'd say the same for CRAWLER if they didn't obviously have the starter boosters sticking out the front of the thighs
SPRING CHICKEN has similar aesthetic elasticity to TOOL ARM, seeing as they're sorta meant to be variant legs like the ALICIA legs were to AALIYAH
the WRECKER legs also fit on both aesthetics, although they're more on the blocky side than SPRING CHICKEN. it's the rest of the WRECKER parts that are stinkers, being too obviously junky
FULL COURSE is a little complicated, the legs and arms don't really fit anywhere else at all but the head can fit anywhere. meanwhile the torso is mostly round, but works for blocky builds
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Newfag here playing through the PS1 games, what exactly do people mean when they refer to designs as "X gen"? Does it mean those designs are the style generally found in that gen of games?
Well that's because Gundams are actually piloted whereas MTs are literally jacked into your brain and intercepting your motor and sensory stimuli and responses.
That's why 90% of mechs derived from muscle tracing technology are human-shaped. They're designed to jack into your brain and when you move "your" arm it instead moves the mech's arm.
It's typically one AC akin to a primordial soup from which all other designs within the franchise can loosely trace something sort of like an ancestry back to. The most definitive example is probably pic related.
Which gave birth to this.
Who then had a great great grandson.
>You use tank treads by imagining you're skidaddling your legs like Fred Flinstone

>Have completed the game a dozen times over
>S-ranked every mission
>Still have no idea how to avoid any of Snailteus's 50% laser disco bullshit and just Pulse Shield through it
I was going to give you my route to avoiding it but I also play with 380 thrust so idk if it's actually the dodge route that's working or just me outrunning his tracking
>Newfag, picked up the AC6 because cool robots
>It's fromsoft's best combat/movement system, actually
>Understood nothing of the plot, but hated carla, so as soon as my imaginary wife suggested killing her I instantly agreed
>Sudeenly, I'm the "liberator of rubicon" or some shit (I was in it for money and murder)
Fun game, very japanese. I wonder if I could emulate the older ones and not perish when exposed to the ancient control schemes.

Also, guys, please help me out. I read online there are 3 endings, but different places on the internet say different things about how to get to the 3rd. Do I HAVE to do the coral explosion ending now? I really just want to kill carla again.
You have to do both endings to get the 3rd route, yes.
Even though obviously the outcome of Alea Iacta Est is obviously better than the other two endings (as in you evade both the Fires and the Collapse instead of choosing between them), I can't help but feel that ending had the least amount of poignancy and kino moments of the three.

Liberator ending:
>Carla/Chatty fight where they fight side-by-side in a desperate attempt to prevent the collapse, and you finally make Chatty laugh/see Carla's anger at her best friend dying
>Snail fights (fuck his balteus though that laser sword is nuts) that feel like a big payoff after his attitude and actions in the story
>brainwashed Walter fight where you can see through him, in his last moments he's just happy that you found a purpose and a friend, meanwhile Ayre is so naive that she wants to save him
>"Let's show them there's a future for Rubicon beyond these scorched skies." KINO

Fires Ending
>Freud fight where he turns off the communicator with Snail and kills Chatty in an instant, just so he can enjoy fighting you
>sick setpiece where you destroy the entire warship fleet with infinite flight
>Rusty fight where he's desperately trying to stop you from destroying his planet
>Ayre fight where she still can't understand the limits of idealism and why you would genocide her people to save yours
>"You flew just out of reach... Buddy..." KINO

IAE ending
>Pater LC/G6 fight that doesn't feel very personal since they weren't hugely involved with you
>Chatty 'fight' where you run around in a circle until ALLMIND hacks him to death while Walter and Carla get obliterated offscreen
>No sign of Rusty/Freud
>Final boss is pathetic inferiority complex rage Iguazu
Ok, thanks
Forgot to mention, you're locked into Eliminate V.III on the true route instead of doing the Hawkins/Pater ambush or Michigan mission, and I thought the Michigan one was really cool (albeit mostly because I loved the character)
You're not wrong, but there's a recurring theme in AC6 of the supremacy of humanity. It's all over the plot
>Core Theory is the philosophy around how ACs are made because human pilots are consistently superior to AI pilots and no one can overcome this obstacle
>the top-ranked pilot in the arena is an unaugmented human and probably the canon 3rd best pilot in the AC6 universe
>the Enforcement System is consistently horrible at judging Raven and Rusty's threat levels
>Walter was still coherent even after being re-educated
>BALTEUS was more effective when upgraded by Arquebus and piloted by Snail than designed by and piloted by the Enforcement System
ALLMIND's plan was to essentially possess everyone in the universe through the Coral since Coral can interface with both computers and human brains. Notice how the final ALLMIND fight is literally SOL and Sea Spiders. The coral particles both inside them and floating around were blue, having been possessed by her already.
Iguazu, having literally sold his soul to a machine to kill Raven and it still not being enough is part of that. Furthered by Iguazu forcing ALLMIND out of its own mech through sheer incel rage is the finale of that theme
Fair enough, I get the point and I hate to be that guy but technically that's not Iguazu, that's a computer program based off his brain scan. Sure, 621 beats him in the end but he also canonically beat him three times as a human. He dies in the sewer fight with Snail. Also - Walter and Carla get annihilated in nanoseconds by Iguazumind
Yeah. Like I said, he literally sold his soul to skynet
In any case, I didn't mean to say that the ending didn't make sense or wasn't coherent, only that the moment to moment gameplay and dialogue didn't come together for me in the same way that the other two did.
Can someone redpill me on how to make the TRUENO needle launchers work? I love the weapon but I can't hit ACs with them for shit unless they're ACS overloaded. I wanted to use two, but I guess I should swap one out for something that does more reliable impact damage and use the other for burst when they're locked down.
>unless they're ACS overloaded
This is literally how they're used.
They're darts that are shot directly in front of you and deviate SLIGHTLY if they're locked on.
They're the final piece of dps to be used in a build that tries to kill enemies in one ACS punish.
you can skip G6, but that mission's there to show how tightly allmind has both corporations by the balls
the chatty fight is both a neat mobility test unlike the other stagger race bosses AND a fun callback to 2001 a space odyssey
the final boss and ending is a big omage to getter robo, 621 puts his faith in the getter energy and it propels him into the far reaches of the universe where he can live in peace. it's like the eureka seven ending too, just with less flowers and gay bullshit
get a wheelchair, pair two of them with two curtis rifles so that you can spam charged shots at helpless people while you skirt out of their effective range
>where he can live in peace
the time between waking up and going into combat mode is about 5 seconds man
just a little combat mode, as a treat.
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Put on your fucking impact bracer you retard, it's free. AC6 is more like Nexus's heat mechanics, giving you two health bars for half the fun. If history repeats itself stagger will be present but irrelevant in the next game.
Stagger is awful because you need to optimize your build or get stat-checked by a similar build, but that leaves you wide open for a hard-counter, and we end up with a rock paper scissors meta where everyone's bitching after a match because they didn't get to play. I've found the game's become so braindead an INT-check AC has the most consistent winrate.
You can upgrade your lock-box to be the entire screen. The basic controls are easy enough to get used to, when my friend who insisted on the analog mod came over I made him play Silent Line splitscreen on a PS2 and he figured out the controls in ten minutes. The game is designed around button strafing and if you use a stick you'll think the game is harder than it is because you won't learn how to move properly, and once you learn you'll find the motions uncomfortable on a stick.
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The old controls are actually better.
It's like using a hitbox, being able to move efficiently is more important than the "fluidity" of analog sticks.
>I wonder if I could emulate the older ones
yes very easy for gen 1- to 3.5
>and not perish when exposed to the ancient control schemes.
eh, one way to know i guess, just don't quit on the first mission, after it you'll get to access the menu to remap controls, base ones really are ass but it can get slightly better
How is gen 4-5 on RPCS3/Xenia? The OP has some dead links about them but is the performance terrible?
>is the performance terrible?
kinda, i remember 4FA working fine on Xenia, you might have texture glitches tho but that's fixable
works on RPCS3 but will need some tweeking
dunno about 5 but i expect it to be more or less the same
>some dead links
nothing you can't find with a google search
I actually dislike these optional parts because they're non-optional. There's no reason to not use them.
I guess? Honestly I didn't have too much of a problem with him. First time he obliterated me because of how hyper aggressive he is which I wasn't expecting, but then I just adjusted my build to specifically counter him and I killed him without much problem because he's so 1-dimensional.
Never really cared for smoothie armor, love me boxy BAWS set
>Just install this mandatory part and never ever not use it
That's because you're underselling it.
>go back through and witness the sheer carnage of Allmind finishing off the last of Balam and Arquebus (with more personal notes via Red and Pater
>Hear Chatty at his most desperate (okay yeah this mission isnt a banger)
>Have the final standoff against Allmind and Iguazu that caps off his game-spanning arc
>"Now, I can fight by your side." KINO

I'm certainly not writing it as well as you but if you didn't look like a redditor in a funko pop store during the last mission you didn't beat the game.
>That's because you're underselling it.
I think you're misunderstanding a bit, it's not to say I disliked it, as you rightly point out there are a lot of cool points like the atmosphere in MIA (I still maintain that Pater and G6 were slightly unexciting choices, though thematically I understand it's to show the new kids were all they had left). To be honest I felt like we got a harder emotional beat from Chatty in Liberator, particularly if you kill Carla first (I kind of felt bad for him). Certainly ALLMIND/Iguazu was built up over a long period, but to me it didn't have the same teeth that Ayre or Walter did, if only because in that one playthrough alone you've clowned on him three times already.

Overall I just preferred the first two, basically. You make valid points though, I probably should have expanded on the parts I liked about AIE as well.
Initially yeah the Iguazu moment didn't really hit but since August I've constantly been digging into AC6 a lot and he hits way harder as a character now. And I will absolutely agree that Walter has the most emotional weight, followed by Ayre. But I think there's something to be said for making Iguazu the final boss since most players actually didn't care about him, making his hatred justified beyond just the bounds of the game. Although, again, this sint something that can be appreciated in the moment unlike the other two endings.
gen 1 parts models is broken
the folders are there but they are all empty
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I'm sorry but you are misguided. Humans being superior to AI isn't an Armored Core 6 thing, its just an Armored Core thing. Chief in V literally acknowledges that fact. And its that humans are superior to AI, but only ultimately (because of Dominants, (You)). If you think any shmuck can take on Balteus then I have some bad news.

On the top-ranked pilot being unaugmented, there is one pilot that is better: (You), Augmented Human C4-621.

Walter was just naturally resistant to re-education, not because he's human, just because he has a strong will. He was sent to the factory instead to get super duper Arquebus augmented. Since this plan was already shown in a data log, he isn't unique for it.

Arquebus was already making parts rivaling the PCA before they got finished off as noted in Snail's AC parts. The idea that the top minds could take the Balteus and make it better is hardly saying of anything. AND it was piloted by an augmented human. AND it LOST to an augmented human.

The Enforcement System isn't bad because its an AI, its bad because it's judgement system is purely reactionary, much more primitive an AI compared to Allmind. It was good enough to call in the Suppression Fleet before it was too late at least.

The other anon mentioned it already, but its important to remember that ALLMIND/Iguazu is still superior to the rest cast since it took out both Carla and Walter, the only ones it couldn't take out are you and possibly Raven. Its debatable if ALLMIND even is a true AI when it assimilates everyone else.

Lastly, Core Theory is never actually defined in any meaningful way.

Yes, this argument is completely inane and autistic, and yes, I will burn the Coral on this hill. I'm just glad there's other autists to argue about AC6 with.
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>On the top-ranked pilot being unaugmented, there is one pilot that is better: (You), Augmented Human C4-621.
Obviously Raven is the best pilot. Rusty is implied to be better than Freud, too.
But the top ranked pilot who is better than all the other augmented peasants and the rank 1 of the Vespers who are otherwise stated to be Arquebus' Augmented human Private Army is meant to indicate the theme of the human spirit being more important than machine.
As for the rest of your comments about augmented humans, I agree. I largely equate augmented humans and unaugmented humans in the human spirit vs machine thing. Freud being the rank 1 pilot without any augments is more of a tonal backup to my idea rather than a narrative one.

As for Core theory, you're right I'm making a small leap, but there IS a data log that says that the rise of MTs and ACs brought true mechanized warfare to an end because human pilots for some reason were more effective than true autonomous machines.
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I presume you're talking this one, which thinking about it is a bold to make comment since unpiloted craft are still used and still kick people's asses. I also tacked on the two Core Theory mentions I could find sifting through the parts (I swear theres another mention or two somewhere) which makes it sound like it refers to either using ACs in general or using them in the close combat that AC6 is known for.
I swear to god I've seen these exact posts before.
What's happening?
schizophrenic episode
>Lastly, Core Theory is never actually defined in any meaningful way.
It might not be defined, but it's clear through implication of both the BAWS KIKAKU thrusters and the Arquebus VE-21B FCS is that it was a shift into aggressive CQC conflicts due to the superior mobility of ACs in this setting vs. MTs.
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>Figured the flamethrowers would be super short range
>Effective Range is 200 meters
>Literally further than every pistol, SMG and most shotguns
>BAWS, equal parts weapon manufacturer, design their entire framework CQC AC around melee attacks
>Don't manufacture a melee weapon for it
Huge oversight desu. Expansion definitely needs a couple of BAWS made melee weapons. Give me a giant fold-out metal fist so I can rockem sockem fuckers.
There was a thread on /v/ earlier today, might be the same dude.
>Tires of Rubicon
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What would an AC6 dlc even be about? I beat the game 3 times and got all endings, just trying to collect the chest gear and logs so I have everything. Would they just add new missions to the sortie? Fight the pca jews?
You never played an AC game before?

Every sequel expansion has a new pilot, often set in an entirely different location or a century+ ahead of when the numbered game happened, you'll get some cute nods back to the previous game, maybe even fight the previous MC, but otherwise they're wholly disconnected.
I haven't played a AC game since middle school, picked up AC6 because I like Berserk and therefore souls games. Even though it wouldn't make sense I'd like to bring DLC gear into base game and vise versa. I love customizing my mecha even though I mostly run MG+MG/shotgun/pile bunker and two sneedles.
i want more ayre
Give me a proper Red Guns route. Here's some examples of some early stuff you can change. Use your imagination further down the line.

>Mission 01 (Start of route): Protect The Tester AC
>Major Change: V.III O'Keeffe and V.VI Swinburne are sent in to take out the Tester AC. Swinburne will always pull a Middle Flatwell and retreat on low HP. On success, the Test Pilot becomes a recurring character throughout this route and is given the ludicrously low rank of something like Gun 20.

>Mission 02: Attack The Dam Complex (Alt 2)
>Major Change: You and Gun 20 are sent in to reinforce Iguazu and Volta who have already entered combat. You arrive, discover both Iguazu and Volta got their asses kicked, and then have to face Index Dunham, Little Ziyi, and Thumb Dolmayan.

>Mission 03: Operation Wallclimber (Alt)
>Major Change: You're sent in to take the Wall for Balam after Iguazu went AWOL and Volta was seemingly killed. A few steps into the mission, you discover Volta is still very much alive but his long distance comms were damaged, and will assist you along the way. Effectively taking the place of Rusty against the Juggernaut, and won't abandon you unless his AC takes significant damage. The Juggernaut is now frequently backed up by quadruped MTs trying to protect it.
I'm betting either prequel story as Raven, or something with the "Island 4 Disturbance"
A sequel as 621 would be rather difficult to do regardless of the ending. I'm looking forward to whatever they come up with. If it was an extra ending/route/content and I could choose, I'd have liked to be able to engage with the PCA a bit more.
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Sleek (Kaichi Satoh) posted:
"The Kotobukiya resale announcement this time does not include the Kawamori design... but there is a Hellhound. The Hellhound is the product name "JGSDF AH Hellhound", not "AH-88" or "AFH-02B". There will be no resale of the Kawamori design in ACVI"

Wonder what that is all about?
i think they're half-talking about the hellhound from patlabor, which is also a kawamori design
looking at kotobukiya's website, FOXEYE is available but the only kawamori-designed part there seems to be the core.
oh and another thing
ACVI refers to Armored Core Variable Infinity the model kit line and not Armored Core VI the game
Yeah, A.C.V.I. not ACVI. Didn't think about that. I'm dumb, please forgive me.
Still wondering if Bandai is gonna get all the cool kits over Kotobukiya.
Which is really fine, as Bandai has the $$$ for better engineering.
Okay /acg/ I've been playing AC6 and I'm stuck on this mission with the Heavy Cavalry PCA mini boss. For some reason, no matter what I do, no matter what I build, no matter what I bring with me he always packs my fudge.

What do I do? How is anybody suppose to beat this thing? All of the bosses before him are easier than him and he's not even a boss. I'm actually confused and it feels like the Heavy Cavalry unit is simply just technologically superior to an AC.
yeah this is perhaps the strongest enemy in the game, bosses included
>How is anybody suppose to beat this thing?
play agressive, be fast, and get gud, simply because it's more a skill check than a build check
>trying to emulate v with xenia
>after tutorial mission the popup to enter the team name shows up for a split second and disappears, softlocking me
What do
which one there's 2-3 of them
>I'm actually confused and it feels like the Heavy Cavalry unit is simply just technologically superior to an AC.

I'd suggest using dual handguns and maybe a shoulder missiles to build up stagger up close and having the other shoulder be melee for either big damage or big stagger build up. Alternatively just try new types of weapons in the shop and see what happens.
Is this the one where you have to kill it and two LCs? Hit the two LCs first, make sure they're dead by the time he arrives.
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>dreamed about arquebus balteus
>instead of lasers it still had flames but with the same range as lasers
>autistic laser chimpout still happened but with fire
>used truenos for damage
>staggered as shield came back up
>entire fight glitched to shit
>autistic laser chimpout but with fire became even more autistic
>once boss was defeated the corpse ragdoll bugged doing very fast 360s with big CLANG CLANG CLANG sounds due to the metal body and backpack hitting the ground endlessly
What did my brain mean by this
a jihad in your name muad'dib lisan al-gaib
>he has ac dreams
Just think about a weapon a lot and it will happen
I don't even use truenos, but I might in the future because of this dream
Nta but I've been getting weird AC dreams where I'm repeatedly assaulting this mountainous canyon base that slowly opens up into a city-like complex in the valley. I'll almost always be bunnyhopping down until I get to the first areas with real infrastructure, not just civilian stuff but the brutalist buildings we see all over 6.
Notably this is all in this weird kind of VR first person mode, where you can move your arms and body and it will physically move the AC. I remember being able to have actual depth perception when fighting a quad MT and in multiple instances hanging off of ledges and shit with my AC.
double zims and sneedle is how i S ranked it
if it's one of the HCs with a shield then grab some pulse guns and/or the pulse sword
I think forgiving EN management, and the ease of mashing AB *ontop* of the stagger mechanic is the real culprit. It is the perfect storm of dog shit ideas.

Every fight I watch feels the exact same outside of a lightweight quad trying to health % cheese. Two mid weight apes molesting their assault boost at each other for 45 seconds straight.
>him are easier than him and he's not even a boss. I'm actually confused and it feels like the Heavy Cavalry unit is simply just technologically superior to an AC.
This is Canon, actually. The HC is the most advanced MT except maybe Balteus. The only advantage ACs have as is that the manufacturing standard that qualifies as "AC" is that they're so heavily customizable to the style of their pilot.

Also which HC are you fighting? There's 3 of them.
>Warrant Officer
>PCA Captain
>Arquebus grunt
I always assumed that the reason corporations and mercenaries preferred AC's is because they are are modular platform for mechs. Essentially, extremely adaptable. They can be anything you want them to be and every time a new weapon is developed you can easily convert and AC to use that weapon. That's always the idea I got from it anyway.

The PCA's HCs are basically F-35s while the ACs are F-16s. The former is a cutting edge limited-strategy platform, the latter is a multi-purpose Swiss army knife with a bazillion possible loadouts.
Bro that sounds fucking cook
So, the original Raven, the one you take the name of. Was he canonically even a good pilot? Like think about it, every single PCA Officer knows about this guy, their System knows about him, and at no point is he regarded as anything but a fucking pest. The Cataphract Pilot, who had autistically faced off against OG Raven in a simulator and bested him endlessly, was dumbfounded by how the "real" Raven was so much better that he instantly knew you were a doppelganger, the difference in skill was that wide.
he also got bodied by the pca helicopter tutorial boss lmao
ACs are MTs. MT technology is the basis of every mech in the series. They jack into your brain and your brain signals move the mech.
When they realized that MT pilots could do some really radical shit, they began making interchangable parts for advanced MTs that protected the pilot in the "Armored Core" of the machine. This is in the guidebook of one of the older games, I don't have it on hand. This is extremely similar to the dawn of the gun parts industry in the early 20th century. Until then, guns were made custom, but they then created a series of manufacturing standards which alowed gun parts to be replaced on the fly. It's the same premise.
In other words, pilots could make their ACs custom. All "AC" parts naturally fit together with all other AC parts. AC is not a type of mech so much as a manufacturing standard parts market themselves as. That also means that corps can mass-produce parts to replace parts for ACs ad-nauseum.

The HC is a non-customizable (at least to the simplicity of the AC) mech that sacrifices the customizability of the AC to the pilot in favor for one cohesive unit. It's a different strength and in some ways outclasses the AC.
The original Raven was the one who broke through PCA defenses and kicked off the Coral war to begin with, on top of that he evaded Allmind the entire time. Mr. Cataphract can talk mad shit all he wants but he still never beat Raven.
what the fuck was he cooking there
Guard break -> BUNK build, I guess
Maybe if he went Scudder + Ludlow with Bunker in the weapon bay.

Honestly, after all the buffs and updates which retroactively made ACs such as Steel Haze strong as fuck, Raven's Nightfall is still pretty mediocre.
I don't like how AC6's grenade launchers aren't attached to the forearm. Them being held by a piddly little handle looks so unbalanced and wrong.
I think you meant to say F-22 here, because the F-35 is a competent fighter-bomber with AWACS capability
OG Raven also jobs to 621 with all of his friends there to help him, total humiliation
F-35 is absolutely abysmal at close-range air support and this is a noted design problem due to the stealth + stubby wings for supersonic flight + low payload capacity.
as funny as this idea is, I always figured the opening mission was the aftermath of Raven fighting Balam who had hired a few mercs to help out G7
I won't deny that this is the case, but planes doing CAS like an A-10 isn't a used strategy in modern peer-to-peer combat because of how competent AA platforms have gotten, so I'd argue that the F-35 is as multi-role as is required in the tactical space it occupies. Contrast to the F-22, which is the greatest air superiority fighter in history but doesn't really do anything else.
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>Ground dodge on RJs is massive to the point that QB thrust on your boosters can be sacrificed for other stats
>Their jump may as well count as a second energy-free dodge
>Max out their weight and you get kicks that rival the Balam treads for damage with the best tracking on top
RJs in AC6 are the best the archetype has ever been.
The Warrant Officer, that's the one I'm stuck on. But if the other two are anything like the Warrant officer I'll be stuck on them too. I try to dodge his attacks but it doesn't matter. He builds up ACS strain too quickly and I barely even have a chance to fire back.
Report your status, J.
you want to fire missiles from angle and then move around so that the HC's shield is facing another angle
if you've got something like split missiles (which take some time to fully deploy) then you should get the full stagger damage from them with this strat
there's also specific attack animations where the HC doesn't have it's shield to its front, exploit these as much as possible. this will be a common strategy for future enemies, their attacks will often leave them standing still and vulnerable to missile or grenade/bazooka attacks
All good.
You have knowledge and experience gained from walking countless battlefields, and now you are armed with combat data from the UNACs. And on top of that, this craft will ensure your victory.
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should i just use a close range FCS if 50% of the ACs i fight are just gonna get in my face
it feels like the P05 is just not cutting it anymore
You should always use close range FCS conceptually because if even one player decides to be in close range then it's a close range battle. Both players have to decide to be at long range for it to be a long range battle
That's why you see some medium range/kite bulids run ocellus, close range is where hitting your shots matter the most.
99% of fights take place in close range
people mash AB & the game's auto tracking for most weapons REALLY wants you to be 115 >
man i don't wanna run an RII FCS, it feels like
does the TALBOT work?
*it feels like they're too popular
brainfart, my bad
Beat the main story missions from V, moved on to VD hoping it would be better, but this still feels painfully unfun. The rock papers scissor shit is dogshit. I switch to xyz weapon to instantly melt enemies and meanwhile enemies either pepper me or fuck me in a couple hits.
Are you forced to mix armor resistant parts? I guess your AC is gonna look like a mix of shit anyway, there aren't really concise designs.
>playing a pvp game while the servers are dead
Sorry, you missed it.
I don't see how this game would be any better in PvP.
The "rps" mechanic adds depth to team building and tactics, and sprinkle in some fun movement tech like walljumping, and you got yourself a great (if not the best) pvp in any fromsoft title.
Are you forced to mix armor resistant parts?
True, guess it would affect team games a lot, I'm thinking within the view of 1v1s.
If you want to use mid-long range weapons but don't want to be helpless up-close, the only real answer in terms of FCS choice is the WLT-001/
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I love this game so much. I just finished my second play through of the game. I took a long break after getting to the final mission and I'm pretty drunk now I just sort of mindlessly beat it but it's still so much fun. This is definitely my favourite game of those that I played as an adult. I hope we get many more of these games in the future.
About halfway through my NG++, going for the third ending with only a vague idea of what's gonna happen because I've been trying not to get too spoiled yet.
I didn't wanna kill Dolmayan, but I guess we had to establish who was the top schizo, and whose coral wife is the best girl.
It's too bad. Me, him, and Iguazu could've made a club or something.
Also holy fuck the coral rifle is great
the OG controls are literally the most fun thing about playing them. Makes it feel distinctly like piloting a mecha and not just playing any other third person shooter
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>Also holy fuck the coral rifle is great
It's one of my favorite weapons. Meme beaming bosses is super fun
Man I fucking wish AC4s missions could be ported into 4A. 4A is so much more fun to play yet 4 has a lot of great missions. Great OST too.
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Only way I could make an Arquebus themed AC I actually liked and didn't feel like a wet paper bag in terms of damage was to go near-copycat on Sulla's Entangle. This is pretty damn strong in the PvE. Gotten some easy S-ranks on the harder stuff. Turns out Sulla probably would have been way harder had he dumped his turd bubble gun for anything else.
Bring back Ultimate Weapons, they were hype as fuck.
Why is it that the plasma guns have less stagger than several of the top end laser weapons, yet seem to build more stagger anyway? Just their ability to hit shit more often thanks to the explosion at the end?
I think the projectile and the actual explosion count as two separate instances.
I wish it wasn't so heavy, I mainly use light weights, hard to make it fit on them. It looks so fucking cool, and that sound it makes, perfection
>turd bubble gun
Probably only had that on because he was there to kill Balteus and grab Ayre. But yeah, I've tried to make energy weapon builds work for me, and the best I've done is a super lightweight laser slicer/Wuerger combo with the Freud drones and Sweet Sixteen to build stagger. To its credit, a full stagger combo with the slicer followed up by Wuerger charge oneshots anything that isn't a tank or a boss, but in every other build I've tried, ballistic and explosive weapons ended up being more efficient. I can see why plenty of people have problems with the whole ACS strain mechanic.
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I don't "get" energy weapons. Maybe I'm just too low IQ to time the shots properly, but it seems to me that having a pair of fast firing kinetic weapons or shotguns with a melee weapon and/or some heavy ordnance on your back is so much simpler and more powerful.
Just got past the Enforcer
>Ayre does ALLMIND's "records updated" line as soon as I get back in
>It was just a prank
Fuckin christ I got really worried for a second. Please never do that shit again Ayre.
>Final arena fight is Ayre's coral AC from the Fires of Raven ending
>Ayre takes control of it to duel you in the arena for some fun practice
Damn, they took the most heart-wrenching fight in the game and reintroduced it as a cute sparring match with my Coral wife. Honestly that made me feel a little better after doing the FoR ending.
Also now that I have the coral version of the Moonlight laser sword, why would I ever use the original beyond aesthetic preference? The stats are the exact same except that the coral version does more damage, why would they make a straight upgrade like this?
>>Final arena fight is Ayre's coral AC from the Fires of Raven ending
>>Ayre takes control of it to duel you in the arena for some fun practice
That's not the case, the one she uses there is AC ECHO, while the fight you remember is the 644 which is an IBIS series weapon and not an AC.
Oh, my bad then
I guess I kinda forgot what that Ibis looked like in detail and assumed that it would've been that one, because thus far the other two new analysis battles from NG++ were boss fights from the other endings (Rusty's new and improved Steel Haze and Punished Walter)
Guess I wasn't paying enough attention to Ayre in that final battle before.
Still, turning the last arena fight into a sparring match was a nice little detail.
Are you in rank A or something?
Worse, I'm on PS5. That said, I don't actually play MP because I'm not paying Sony for the privilege of using my own internet. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much anyway, not unless we get co-op missions out of the blue one day. I have heard of the laser tanks plaguing S rank, spamming out shots and getting random free hits due to netcode bullshit, all the more reason for me not to bother.
MP alone aint worth paying for, but dont buy the shitposts about it either
It's not THAT bad, the main problem is that it's so barebones that the playerbase is tiny (which causes the netcode complaints because you're always playing someone with 200+ ping)
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the main idea is that if you're good enough at kiting around stagger sources and don't want to interact with the stagger mechanic yourself, laser rifles will generally deal a better amount of raw damage than kinetic weapons in exchange for being ass at dealing stagger. same with pulse guns. if you don't mind a long fight and are good at dodging, a laser kite or pulse brawler might be up your alley.
that being said, a laser shots also do decent damage on-stagger so a charged shot or several uncharged shots might not be bad for a stagger follow-up.
additionally, laser pistols are a standout amongst laser hand units and actually do decent stagger with how fast they fire, so they might be easier to use if you're used to kinetic weapons.
plasma weapons are an exception because they actually do good stagger by having a lingering splash effect. they're almost like an inbetween of the laser rifles and the grenade launchers, and their uncharged shots already do a good amount of stagger without needing to stance fire like the grenade launchers. dual plasma missiles and plasma rifles clear most of the missions in AC6 easily and are quite viable in pvp
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So for the past few days I was stuck on the PCA warrant officer which I summarily BTFO'd with this build

Why didn't any of you tell me about it? >:(
Why the fuck can't you boost up in the water in ACV?
Because this is literally the most unga bunga build possible in AC. This is what children made in AC2. This is the great club high poise build of Souls games transferred to AC6.
really? i figured the guy's shield would eat up most of the bullets on a build like this.
can you give a report on your performance?
I still had to dodge sometimes, but essentially- firing the 4 miniguns all at the same time and then just hiding while they cool down is extremely effective at building up ACS strain. Sometimes you build ACS strain up on the Warrant officer and your guns are already overheated and your window for damage is a little funky but as long as you hide correctly and then come back out you will eventually overwhelm his shield.

I should mention that I still had to use all of my repair kits but this build did allow me to kill the worm and Raven on the 3rd try respectively without too much trouble.

I will admit, using this build is completely brain dead. I have to hold the controller a little different to fire all 4 weapons simultaneously.

Definitely works best when you press down on the right analog stick and hard lock onto things.

I also annihilated EVERYTHING in the Arena before S rank. With this same build. It was actually funny how easy the game was once I started using this.

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Warrant Officer is a lot easier at range. If you get close, he just bullies you with his shield constantly.
Just got to the final NG++ mission
Iguazu fucking sucks and this fight is really painful. Whoever decided to give him two robot starfish in the second phase can suck my 4th-generation augmented cock.
I’ve tried a couple builds but it’s really rough. Almost fucking had him at one point but I just kinda ran out of non-melee ammo and health packs.
I think a bazooka and machine gun build might do the job but I’m gonna have to get some sleep. I’ll come back to it tomorrow.
You're ignoring them and just focusing on Iguana, right?
I was not aware (until a couple minutes ago) that he gets rid of them when he swaps phases. I honestly didn’t think the game would be anywhere near that generous. After the Defend the Damn 3v1 with Nightfall, I had just kind of adopted the strategy of clearing out the least shitty enemies first.
It's the same with the small fry in the first phase, but they are easier and often safer to take out.
what the fuck
why are you using the RAN-RF
Because it's good in a double trigger rifle build in PvE. It fucks with AI dodge patterns because of its off-step firing pattern in comparison to everything else you could possibly wield, alongside having enough damage in the burst to force a dodge out of the AI to begin with. The AI dodging two bursts of the AR means they eat the SCUDDER and the missiles.
wait AR my bad
you seem to have gotten the jist though
if you really want a boost-forcer tool though you should really try out having an offhand bazooka so you can roleplay as a thirdgen rifle/howitzer build like flatwell
Bazookas only force the one dodge without aid. AR forces two for considerably less energy, less weight, and less ammo cost. It's the most economical dodge forcer in the game.
isn't the LITTLE GEM pretty light?
I love spamming double Wuergers and orbits with a lightweight build
Yeah, but again, the AR forces two dodges in two bursts without a firing stance, and keeps firing. So the moment the AI's double dodge resets, they're doing it again.

It's mediocre in PvP, but in PvE, and when combined with the right stuff, it's gonna help you S-rank a lot of stuff.
I want more Souls/AC crossovers.
I want to get the Not!Karasawa as a spell or something.
I want to fight a (damaged) AC as a Knight
I want to fight gods and monsters with my AC.
I want more sets that look like AC parts.
i miss those katana arms from AC2 and AC3SL. they fucking sucked and had abysmal defense, but were super rewarding for challenge runs
call me close-minded but that doesn't sound too interesting
It still feels surreal.

How to make stagger less oppressive without gutting it.

>Shields have a new stat specific to them that, when active after X seconds (to prevent just tapping them on and off for the benefit), increases the decay rate of stagger while they're active
>Typical rectangle shields have the highest decay
>Parry shields have the lowest/no decay rate
>Special exceptions made to shit like the Coral Shield which is so retardedly overpowered that it has to have parry shield tier decay rates (next to none)

Woah look, shields of all kinds get used more both in PvE and online.
how would solid shields work in gen 6?
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NEXTs mog normalfag ACs so fucking hard...
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it's just VIXEN with more pointy bits, though.
>Significantly lower EN drain on equip
>No parry feature
>Don't overheat
>Have a separate AP pool that breaks after X amount of damage

How I'd balance them.
>dual plasma missiles and plasma rifles clear most of the missions in AC6 easily

i stumbled on this when looking for suggested starting builds and it has carried me through the game so far (end ch.3)

the only thing it really struggles with is flying bosses.
Just beat him.
Focusing Iguazu down made things so much easier in the second phase holy shit.
Also as frustrating as that was, Iguazu becoming a fucking cyber-revenant who kept his personality and overpowered ALLMIND out of sheer disdain for me was pure kino.
The final cutscene was Congratulations/10
Why did Ayre activate combat mode at the end though? Are we gonna fight all the other mechs now? Is this just cyber-valhalla?
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I see. I think on my previous attempts I didn't understand generators. This time around I built my mech around energy weapons and they do feel surprisingly powerful. I'll try going with that playstyle for this run.
I honestly don't know what to make of that epilogue and how much of it is literal and how much of it is imagery. My take is this: you got swept up in the coral, and what you see is a kind of imaginary mindscape where 621 is represented as a mech because his AC is his identity and a symbol of his power and agency. He's a Raven after all, and this is what he chose. The activate combat mode is meant to be a "style over substance" line that just sounds cool and serves as "we come full circle" sort of line while also indicating that more adventures are to come. But it also represents Ayre and 621's resolve to go forth into the wider universe and make their own fate. Don't forget that up to that point coral was mostly fuel/data conduit/drugs/ammo for humans to use. So I also took it to mean that 621 and Ayre will fight to protect their kind
Give me capes to put on my AC
It would be fun to fight some fantasy monsters in our mech. Although it would be too damn easy. You don't need to roll around and abuse invincibility frames when you're a 10 metre tall mech that moves as fast as a racecar and has guns and missiles
A fast and powerful fantasy dragon could take on an AC, it'd make a cool fight
Ultimately it depends on the writer and on whether my interpretation of AC6's scale is accurate, but I really don't think so. For one thing, I assume that the ACs operate at speeds that exceed what a baseline human can deal with, as evidenced by the fact that augmentation is all but required, as well as by how you can physically dodge missiles and kinetic weapons. And sure, part of that are the lousy targeting systems but also you can literally see bullets coming and just dodge out of the way, even if you were to stand still when they shot at you. There's also the fact that MTs (presumably piloted by baseline humans) can barely keep up with you and appear to us to be extremely slow. On top of that, ACs are stupid agile. You can go from 0 to max speed in a couple of seconds and then do the same but in the opposite direction. And then you have their endurance. We have to make allowances for gameplay here since I assume that ramming into a building at top speed with zero consequences is not a canon feat and just a gameplay feature, but still, these mechs can endure dozens of missile impacts, bullets the size of tank shells, and even hits from huge (by human standards) melee weapons and still keep going.

In contrast, unless we assume that the dragon has some kind of magic abilities that let it keep up - which would be totally fair, it's a fantasy creature after all - is just an animal and we usually assume that creatures in fantasy world work on the same "level" of time as we do overall. Or at least I think we do, I've never seen this sort of discussion come up before.Even if it's absolutely massive to the point where the AC can't just hit it with a pilebunker through it's skull, the AC would be able to kite and wear it down. The only way I see the lizard winning is if it's either so massive that it can crush the AC with its bulk, or if it has magic that can nullify the AC's speed and firepower. It's one sided either way.
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>blocks your path
dont monhun critters get deleted by random buff ladies with giant melee weapons regularly?
The player hunter is always a special one that can take on world ending tier dragons, the regular ones can't even handle elder dragon. In the lore, the guild keeps the strongest monsters' existence secret and only the strongest hunters are allowed to know about them and go dab on their ass
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holy fuck, i used to be obsessed with stinger's ac back in the day. what a strange looking machine. started screeching autistically when i played nexus and found out you could get his ac
NTA, but I took the line not just as a nod for the iconic line, but also showing that Ayre is independent now, having her own AC. I project the same to all the other ACs standing up since they all have that Coral red light. I don't want to believe the scene itself is purely imagery, despite being a clear reference (to me) to the water/sky scene trope, because it isn't serene. There's the craters that break the water, the stars, and whatever is in the sky that I really am clueless on. But perhaps it's just the AC way of showing legitimate peace in a series of cyclical warfare.
Someone actually did the math. Top end ACs in 6 move at around 95 meters in about 0.5 seconds on a quick boost which equates to about 6gs on the low end. Dodging from one side to the other inflicts about 12gs onto the pilot which a top end fighter pilot could endure maybe once before another side step would knock them clean out.
Well we have to assume something about the core block helps dampen G force on the pilot. MTs before ACs didn't go nearly at the speed of ACs, so there must be a distinction there.
Augmented pilots are probably borderline immune to G-forces sub 20, which explains why they're so much better by default.

Human pilots like Freud probably just have super advanced G-suits that can help alleviate the blood draining from their brain.
It doesn't make sense to me to view the scene as literal because they are clearly not on the surface of Rubicon, and it's also just weird to have a bunch of unused coral powered ACs lying around in the open
I'll point out if only as an excuse to talk about my favorite mission that, as an Ac is a warmachine "combat mode" is just its standard operational state, so "activating combat mode" implies combat only as much as an AC's presence does. You might just as easily use the AC to explore or recover something:
I really like AC2, I think it's the freshest AC game -though short, it's originality just makes for a short and sweet campaign. There's a simple elegance to older games that makes a mission like this work -you search for objects in a snowstorm, but the playing field is small and the crates are distinctive enough they don't need a UI marker but still subtle enough it's fun to actually use your eyes to find them, and the simple area just makes a game of navigating with your map and compass, but then you find a canyon with the plane's wreckage strewn around, and a second surprise of enemies ambushing you just when you've started to relax.
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BVO shouldn't have gotten a nerf desu.
It was the only close range lw bulid that relied on quickboosts instead of abusing shields.
>so "activating combat mode" implies combat only as much as an AC's presence does.
An AC is a war machine isn't it? You can totally use a tank to go on a joyride but that doesn't mean you should.
They're the AI Vespers that Walter fought the mission prior afaik. I know Snail's and Pater's are there but I didn't check all the other ones.
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OK, there's something to that. The Loader 4 then might be the AI version of (You). But if we assume they're real I don't understand how the coral can interface with them. I don't think any of the vespers even use coral generators, much less operating something coral-based like the IBIS series, which as far as I can tell are the only machines coral can control.
coral can interface with any electronics i think
like the PCA equipment in the engebret tunnel
that or the machines typically have some sort of way to connect with a coral augment, the ACs definitely do since that's how 621 pilots them
parry shields are a mechanic from hell, i don't know why from thought it was a good idea
But it worked soooo well in Sekiro. Don't you like Sekiro, anon? It's Yamamura's single successful game that he's going to try and repeatedly remake in other franchises for the rest of his career
>The Loader 4 then might be the AI version of (You).
It IS you as sentient goop. Ayre says in that specific moment something to the effect of "we were spread across the galaxy." There's a reason this is the only cutscene in the game where your custom AC isn't used.
That's what I think as well, but anon is saying that they might be the AI versions of the vespers that ALLMIND deployed against Walter in which case the Loader 4 might be an AI version of you
who's the dafeng tanker in the third ending?
Like the other anon said, Coral can interface with electronics, but since they're ALLMIND Vespers they could've been Coral-infused so ALLMIND could actually control them, otherwise basic bitch AI would get shit on (they got shit on anyways). Also your Loader 4 theory gives me something to think about because, now that I AM thinking about in, Coral augments were probably interacted with in some way from Coral Release since they have Coral. Ayre mentioning that you could lose your consciousness in the Coral flow might be related, too
he has a minigun though
Pater has an Etsujin, don't question it.
How did the PCA lose to a bunch of corporations?
Are they apart of the government?
Only a fool would think they could defeat Arquebus
The 'Pater' one also has Firmeza core instead of Nachtreiher, and the 'Volta' one has Tian-Lao arms instead of Tian-Qiang. More likely it's just a bunch of random wrecked ACs on some other planet, one of which happened to be a full RaD C-2000 set, which aren't exactly uncommon.
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I might just be drawing connections that aren't there, but Freud's emblem really seems to resemble an inversion of Walter's, and it just seems too close to be a coincidence.
>open hand reaching up from below, resting a key in its outstretched palm
>Closed hand reaching down from above, with a bunch of wires hanging from its grip
The two never interacted afaik so I have no idea how they could otherwise be connected, but it's just such a striking comparison that I can't get it out of my head.
>Closed hand reaching down from above, with a bunch of wires hanging from its grip
They are strings, aren't they? Walter's emblem is meant to invoke the image of a puppeteer.
>open hand reaching up from below, resting a key in its outstretched palm
I don't know what to make of that since we don't know anything about Freud aside from him his love of and prowess in battle, as well as him being an unaugmented human. To me it looks like an outstretched hand, offering a key. The reason I say it's stretched out and not up is that the key would slip from the open palm if the hand were raised. The image evokes a feeling of openness and honesty which fits Freud's unpretentious and simple nature. The guy wants you to face him in open battle. Nothing more or less.
>They are strings, aren't they? Walter's emblem is meant to invoke the image of a puppeteer.
Strings works as a way to describe them, I just chose to call them wires out of personal preference. Either way, they do carry the puppeteer motif.
>To me it looks like an outstretched hand, offering a key. The reason I say it's stretched out and not up is that the key would slip from the open palm if the hand were raised
That's fair, I guess it's just a matter of perspective on that point. You could probably position a key on a upwards palm with some work but one stretched out horizontally is a simpler explanation.
The other visual similarity to me is that the forearm in both emblems is being crisscrossed by something dark. In Walter's emblem it's pretty clearly the same strings the hand is holding onto, while Freud's emblem looks much more amorphous, almost liquid-like. Kinda reminds me of the black suit from Spider man or something.
Freud's AC is called Locksmith because the real Sigmund Freud was born in a locksmith's house.
The strings in Walter's icon are Dogtags.
New bread?

You seem to be forgetting Gen 1-3.
>Mission objective achieved. System switched to normal mode.
And hard disagree on that level in AC2, god forbid you enter it without a mapping head or you are going to be spending a good 15 minutes hunting pixels.

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