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>RideChemy Card Database

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Judge Gavv's Henshin Belt.
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New figure line, Build Change Heroes
Whoever writes this season please make the belt a character
Spinning the crank to make the belt chew is the best part.
I think the PoppinGummy voices/sounds are kinda dopey and I'm hopping other Gochizo have different voices/sounds.
belt vore when
looks like a chibi figure line?
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Ivi was active the day the Taiwanese reviewers released their videos, for the most part he pointed out things that we already noticed: the weapons in the background, gochizo maison, the change of expressions on the belt.
Still there were a few more things.
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I still can't believe that maison is a nintendo labo
So this is the BuruCanBuggy
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I like it, very insane.
I see my new best friend has a processed snacks motif. I hope this doesn't end up being some hippie "food is evil, fatty" message where the final form is avocado. At least sentient transformation trinkets is a nice gimmick.
If riders can't really use their bikes for more than 1 episode, then they might as well make them look stupid like this.
Oh yes the mecha/gatling/rider machine
I still don't understand what exactly GuruCan does, if BuruCan can do all that
Alternatively, maybe the transformation trinkets are characters and they say "Itai!" in high pitch Japanese girl voices when they get used until the joke gets old.
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I don't know if anyone else has noted, but the gold "teeth" especially give me the impression of a theatre curtain rising as the gochizo emerges "on stage"
GuruCan gives Gavv the humongous armor, BuruCan summons the gatling/ buggy
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I'm starting to think buru in Buru Can isn't referring cold/popsicle but rather "vroom" for the buggy. So ice cream is completely open for a form.
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>Gotchard is almost over
>Gotchard never combined Build and Decade into Dildo
So is Kamedoon gonna have a purpose after episode at all? It would be pretty dumb to waste the 102ns Chemy to not use for an upgrade at least.
You're insane if you think it will have a purpose. Also it looks retarded and is very clearly meant to be throwaway junk.
I doubt we'll ever get a Kamen rider season with a female protagonist. If we ever had an official/non-temporary red ranger, that's fine by me. My favorite ranger is usually the blue one anyway. Besides, the people who handle Power rangers doesn't care about the franchise anymore, so Japan could make a season with a female blue ranger and male yellow and pink rangers if they wanted. But Kamen rider usually starts out with one rider who is male. I wouldn't want Kamen rider to alienate itself from it's original audience for the sake of inclusion, we got plenty of that in America as it is. If anything, we could have a season with a female co-star kamen rider. They don't even have to fuse. They could be close relatives, significant others, or even distant relatives so they can have their cake and eat it too.
>we could have a season with a female co-star kamen rider.
So Majade in Gotchard.
I've said it before I'll say it again, female protagonist Kamen Rider can work flawlessly if you just make her like Noriko from Gunsbuster, or anything similar.
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The belly is back
Doesn't each chemy card only have one combination partner? Build is already assigned with Fourze. Besides, it would be pretty wasteful to have one anniversary rider fuse with anyone but the other anniversary rider for the of a dirty joke. Still, a season where the protagonist can become a fusion of any two past protagonist riders would be based and I hope we get that for a future anniversary season
It would only work with greasy otaku, little boys and most of the female audience would be alienated. Thus, it's a fucking terrible idea.
>female audience
Oh you're right, women hate watching cool women.
Fucking retard.
>Noriko from Gunsbuster
Has she been a Kamen rider since the first episode of her season? Otherwise, I don't think that counts.
I hear you, but i was thinking in a marketer perspective. If a boy had a transformation belt for a female rider and larped as said rider, he could lose friends unless shintoists believe homosexuality is somehow not a sin.
Yes newfag-kun, all those acrylic stands of the Riders' civilian forms and gay ass photobooks are targeted at the thirsty female audience comprised of young women and housewives.

They prefer watching pretty boys acting gay way, way more. Most fans of "cool girl" characters are horny men like you, not women.
Female main Rider for a spinoff series like Amazons and Black Sun maybe?
Keep up the Showa wank and just do Stronger but make Tackle the lead.
Love to hear that about the 102nd Chemy
It'd be cheaper to use the box of the driver itself for gochizo storage.
Glion 66% soon.
Probably because it's summer, so it's hot enough to not have issues with her exposing her belly.
I have finished 3 series so far and am slowly working my way through Kuuga.
Gaim > Kuuga (so far) > Zero One > Geats
If I think Gaim is pure kino and Geats was ass what series should I do next?
I cannot overstate how much I think Geats sucked I really dont get why people love it
>Kajiki's closure episode actually moves the plot forward.
Thank goodness. If Atropos or Clotho are changing sides and will stop being evil, now is the time to start hinting it or start that storyline. Otherwise, it's going to feel rush with less than 8 episodes left.
Geats is in my top 10, only one off from my top 5 (at number 6). I liked it more than Kuuga and Zero-One, which I have at the absolute bottom of my list next to Saber and Revice
Weird place to announce your autism but you do you, schizo-kun
>I really dont get why people love it
I don't think a lot of people do. But I'd say the majority like it mainly for the aesthetics and some of the characters.
>I don't think a lot of people do
again, /krg/ != majority
Six eps into Black Sun and Gotchard. With Black Sun it's mostly very bad but the action and pacing are a step up from Amazons season 2 and unlike Kabuto none of the characters annoy me. With Got hard so far it's pretty middle of the road although episode 5 had a horrid moment where wrestler guy was deemed cruel and violent for... Defending himself when a gangster pulled a fucking knife on him. Self defense is cruel now? Are the writers unaware how much damage knives can do? There is a reason self defense is a real defense in the court of law, you have the right to preserve your life. Especially in an action story it comes across as.lazybatbbest a d contradictory at worst!
>Lazy at best
And my N button doesn't like to function.
Well I hated the aesthetics and characters Fuck Ukiyo Ace fr fr so I need the antithesis series of Geats
Seems like I may just end up hating or on the low end of all of Reiwa. But if you hate Saber maybe I'll love it...Wonderride books look kinda cringe though...
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It’s that time of year again…
Weird that you mention Saber specifically, you’re making it seem like your another saberfag falseflagging as a newbie to shit on Geats. What’s with you people
Honest to god anon, i brought up not liking Geats before while watching and someone said if i hated Geats I MAY like Saber more.
Im no false flagger i simply speak my mind.
Only thing I actually know is Im a Gaimfag. Love me some Kouta and banana boy.
Saber has the most heart and soul out of all the Reiwa shows so far as well as one of the better finales and post-show material in the franchise imo. It starts out rough (though the Retsudens kinda supplement the weak beginning), but it's basically an inverse Zero-One/Revice/Geats in that it gradually gets better and better instead of starting out strong and progressively shitting the bed during later parts.

It's definitely cornier than all of the shows you've watched so far (since it was made with the purpose of cheering children up during the pandemic), so your mileage may vary on that. It's still got some decent amounts of edge for a modern show though.
Meds, now.
>I don't think a lot of people do
Well, you're wrong.
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I should've specified, but yes I meant more on here.
Trio of deep sin made me instantly forgive everything that was dogshit about the show. Funny how fukuda's writing always shines during the v cins, and not the year long series.
Saber is genuinely the best Reiwa show, the toys are a bit meh though to be honest. Some swords and books look cool, but some of them are a bit gaudy especially upgrade books which are just bricks. But the cast chemistry is very very good.

I don't think that's the case man
Liquid Micchi.
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I wanna fuck the blonde buffalo
Watch Fourze, OOOS, Drive, then Build in that order and you will have seen the best this series has to offer, after that I'd say watch Ex-Aid for the hell of it but beware of binging it, you'll have a fucking brain hemorrhage from all the video game sounds and flashing lights
I personally can't say anything about heisei phase 1 but as far as reiwa and neo heisi goes, that's all you gotta watch bubba
It really does feel like the swordriver was always designed around the 3 book tapestry concept, and they completely forgot about the upgrades, leaving them as belt tumours. Hell, even the final form item is just a new sword rather than a book. Very strange situation considering every other final form looks like it was designed in tandem with the belt.
Right. The worst is probably the props where they try to translate it 1-to-1 and they ended up making the book slots on the extra Seikens to be massive empty spaces. Buster and Kenzan's swords show that problem glaringly.
I'll forever be mad that we never got an item that could fit into all 3 slots for a gapless mural display, combining what dragonic knight tried to do with the 3-1 tapestry with the relief carving details of primitive dragon.
Geats really is much worse Gaim
and Gaim scrapes the bottom of the barrel.
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Scrape your teeth on concrete please
"Wow!! I followed someone by mistake again
It's been happening a lot lately...no, it's been happening a lot for a while now.
I am sooooo sorry!!!
It's crazy that I don't even notice it until my fans tell me, like when they let me know through DMs or video mentions!
Is it helpful that everyone knows more about Yuna than Yuna herself...?
Thank you"
Can some schizo tell me what this shit means? Was she following someone who got cancelled or something and her followers got mad and now she's playing dumb?
AI is getting creepy
Fuwa go to bed
Yeah, me.
Why did you groom those kids?
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I can’t believe they leaked how Gavv gets his final form.
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Poppin Gabugabu Cookin

dance ED
I'm still in love with her, bros
She's only 20 you fucking pedo
You must think 30 is too young too.
I'm 22
ok groomer
at least im happy that stupid running gag is finally over, even if its way too close to the end and it should have ended around ep. 20.

and no. i dont want for Kajiki to be a rider or an alchemist student either, i just want him to be Houtarous human confidant and friend, someone who could help him in his own way to go the right path when the alchemists group cant... but then we wouldnt have those awesome kneeslappin moments where he gets his brainscrambled and his life ruined, wouldnt we?
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>less than two months until it's goodbye...
I really never had an issue with waifufags until people who like her made this thread, somehow, even shittier.
Saberfags are desperate to peddle their crap onto people new to the series. There's nothing too low for them.
Skip year
>eating your candy with the wrapping
This, why can't we have Geats and Kino-Ohger again?
>less than two months until it's goodbye...
Chances of her being relevant in a v-cinema or post-series special are very high though.
>I really never had an issue with waifufags
Well, yeah, Lachesis is the most appealing female in Kamen Rider since Izu. It's been a while since Rider had good waifu material.
Do you think he keeps the loss of his eye to remember his failures? Or is it because he still sucks at alchemy.
You sound mad, anon.
>Been a while

Quite the understatement, no surprise tomari ends up rawdogging her after the series ended.
Way to miss the point, waifufag.
I didn’t even hate Saber but the constant badgering from Saberjerkers has made me despise it
>he still sucks at alchemy
We've never seen a human regenerate body parts with alchemy.
Covid and saber really mindbroke /krg/ huh
3 years and Saber still continues being the most talked Reiwa rider
One or two SEAmonkeys samefagging back and forth doesn't really constitute "talking"
so much flat surfaces on these suits, the chocolate cowboy motif feels so wasted here, and what the fuck is up with these cardboard looking ass weapons lol
They need a rest, kino can't be produced in large scale.
Hope they at least bring Inoue to do something so this year won't go to waste.
Didn't know you came from SEA, anon.
nah, its clear that while stronger, DB!Hotarou's growth was stunted because of Geryon. And probably he was never able to do true alchemy like our Hotarou can now.
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>With Black Sun it's mostly very bad
Another midwit filtered
Watch when the gimmick figure goes back to rkf size and fucks everyone again out of inscale form change collection.
It’ll be up to So-Do, SHODO and SHF once again
Budget and a secondary theatre/festival theme
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This is what I fear most.
Did they even do gimmick figures for Valvarads and Majades?
>lost to untransformed Sabimaru

It's over for Dread...
Nope they blew the budget on q1 form change and X stuff
Everyone justly agrees that not everyone has to be a Rider to assist the hero without question. Just saying this, but besides Sakura, who I know /krg/ hates, who else don't deserve to be Kamen Riders, but still did starting Neo Heisei?
Why doesn’t Sakura deserve to be a rider? There’s like 3 characters in Revice that doesn’t but Sakura isn’t one of them
Guy who's name I literally can't even remember becoming Delta is one of the shittiest arcs in Faiz.
>Neo Heisei
It’s called Heisei Phase 2 you newfaggot.

Anyway I don’t think there’s anyone you can argue doesn’t deserve to be a rider besides Kiriya from Hibiki and that’s only because Asumu got nothing.
Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki and Faiz is the best four-year span of tokusatsu ever. Every single one of those shows is worth it's weight in gold. 100% check out Ryuki at the minimum
> is the best four-year span of tokusatsu ever
It isn’t. That’s Kiramager - BoonBoomger
Ryuki has god awful Inoue
Faiz has a whole bunch of problems not the mention it’s weird non-ending
Unironically don't forget Blade. The start is rough, but it's at least comically rough. Then once it smooths over it becomes completely fucking top notch Kamen Rider. I'll even defend the first 29 episode of Hibiki in this streak of good shit too.
Hikaru never deserved to be a Rider at all and Chirami sucked being Glare, but I'm opposite Sabimaru absolutely should considering this bout with Dread and his UFO armor in the movie.

Also I get Sakura hate is the big meme, but let's not get brainrotted here. Sakura's writing might've been questionable, but she was perfectly fine being a Rider especially as part of a trio of siblings with devil genes.
If Wizard didn't drop the ball in it's middle, we would've had 5 straight years of peak. Save with Gaim-Build if Ghost wasn't awful.
Wow, what an asshole
>so Japan could make a season with a female blue ranger and male yellow and pink rangers if they wanted.
But red is essential though. Not red rangers, but the color red itself because it's Japan. Even when Kamen Riders whose leads aren't red there's still another Rider or a form that is red. Though you could argue Kamen Rider gets a leeway because even in showa era none of them have red as the main color.
Gonna be honest, I kinda like the idea of Xross Saber item being a sword instead of the usual trinkets, regardless of the suit designs (at the risk of summoning the anti-Xross Saber anons). Although I hate the form change gimmick of it.
Drive isn’t peak at all
>Hikaru never deserved to be a Rider at all
He deserved it more than Aguilera and the guy with the shitty haircut
The fact that you think an actual background character deserved it more than the reformed villains is wild
The Kuuga to Faiz stretch is a good bet like the other anon said, maybe Drive and Build too.
Most of the Geats fans like it because it's their first show (or first show they watched while airing), or because it's just a bunch of action scenes and that's all they want out of a show. A lot of it appealed to manchild fantasies too, so there's a non-/krg/ audience that enjoyed it for that as well.

Not just in Rider, but Sentai too.
Even the next year is still worth watching with
Though Blade isn't actually good, it's good for a few laughs. And Deka is obviously great.
>Though Blade isn't actually good
Easiest way to tell when someone hasn't watched it and only knows memes.
Not really. Aguilera and Tanaka contributed nothing after becoming riders. You can skip that part and nothing would change
at least Hikaru did a complete genomix
Huh. I'm blind. Just realized that besides the snacks he also seems to have a screw motif.
> A lot of it appealed to manchild fantasies too
> because it's just a bunch of action scenes and that's all they want out of a show.
Are you gonna imply that isn’t what Kamen Rider is in general?
It’s a kids show what did you expect
This is why gotchard should've just been a girl
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Unless Gotchard completely fucks up its ending I think it's going to go down as my favorite Reiwa show. It's not GREAT because nothing in Reiwa is but once you get to the Kyoto two-parter it basically picks up and remains very consistent in quality. Character writing is mostly solid and everyone has very clear motives and personalities that logically guide everything they do (though the deal with Minato defecting to Geryon could really have used some rewriting) and the episodic plots are mostly competent and help avoid the pacing nightmare that's plagued basically Zero-One onwards where it's clear the writers had no idea how to fill 40-50 episodes with plot.
>skipfags pretending like they haven't watched every season just to whine here
It's all so tiresome
New series is gonna be all fun and games then the last part will be an eldritch nightmare.

Can't wait.
Gaelijah is gonna bite the dust soon after this Sunday then:
>Gigist absorbs the Philosopher’s Stone of both Germain and Gaelijah, with Spanner as his Black Flame lackey and possibly usurps Geryon as the Final Boss soon
Gotchard is very consistent which is really nice because every Reiwa show so far has rough patches in the story where the pacing is off. It's not like Saber where it just increasingly improves over time, but at least it's not going straight downhill with each episode like with Revice and Geats. I feel that the only issues with Gotchard is really the main two Riders are kinda off putting acting wise and it can be very bland or too goofy at times. In the end I don't think it'll be the best even if it sticks the landing, but I do think that it'll still end up a pretty decent show overall solely for the consistency. It has an identity and it knows it.
Gigist is most definitely going to lead into Valvarad's power-up since the Black Flames should grow stronger once Gigist absorbs the other two. I don't really know where Majade's power up is gonna fit though but it'll probably have something to do with Atropos.
A highlight in both Agito and Faiz
saber didn't improve, it stayed bad.
Why don't they do crossovers anymore?
story is shit anon go back on twitter with your other gotchtards.
Ishinomori Pro ain't pumping anything else that is not Kamen Rider. What we need is crossovers with Toei's IPs, like Metal Heroes.
They are deader than dead, the sentai crossovers proved that.
Exactly, which is why it needs to happen. Siphon off what is left of Metal Heroes into Kamen Rider.
wizard mentioned

Metal Heroes are pretty much for Sentai now
I'd rather not have kabutack here.
This wouldn't been better if this crossover was actually a movie or a Movie War portion instead of an out of place promotion for a not very good movie.
To the VTuber crowd this must be side splitting
And certain VTubers being into/knowing toku is like a no-brainer
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Nah, when would they ever do that.
according to the comments, blade's actor tsubaki is a vtuber now, going by tsubaki seigi
IIRC Urobuchi didn't like his story getting intruded on with those two shill episodes for the Kikaider reboot and the soccer summer movie. Plus he didn't even write the finale for whatever reason. Sounds like he never wanted to touch toku writing ever again

Honestly a pretty sound career move. Hopefully the actual undol guy gets a big viewerbase as he plays Minecraft or something.
This was a joke post. Naturally it's now being circulated like it's real.
they should just use radioactive instead lol
Of all the fakes for gavv, this one is the fakest.
>Gotchard uses less riders than ever for a Reiwa series
>They still complain
So annoying
Toei would try and get FOTM so this makes sense
See above
>Imagine Dragons
lol no
You might want to look at the @bldrama_tvasahi
I doubt Gigist will usurp Geryon's role as the final boss, the latter was just revived and clearly has some master plan. We also know the final boss is a Rider using Dorado's belt, which strongly suggests it's Geryon.
Obviously a joke because
>Imagine Dragons
but the actual OP is going to be previewed on next week's episode of London Hearts which'll apparently be a "big collab" according to the official Gavv twitter account.
Which day and time does the new London Hearts episode air? JST Tuesday?
Yeah I think it airs on Tuesdays.
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baidu fb group says Sasaki Honoka is the heroine of Gavfv
She cute
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I want Beroba to return as a jerrybean themed rider
YOASOBI would be awesome and I would much prefer Suisei over Calli who I feel is a much better singer.
>they are gonna preview Gavv's OP.
>on some random dorama
>BEFORE the official presentation, which we still dont know when its gonna be, probably late august.

im not saying its a lie, because we couldnt possibly conceive how the Japanese do their shit, but that so NOT does make sense.
London Hearts is a variety show on TV Asahi that said that next week the Gavv OP is going to be showing up, with some thinking a famous comedian/singer who basically has residency on the show is going to sing it.
>random dorama
London Hearts is a music variety show like Music Station in Korea. It makes total sense retardo
ah, ok. with that name i thought it was a soap opera or something.

not everyone knows outside SHT what shows are airing in japan at this moment, and again: soap name!
Dude doesn’t know how music agency works. Yoasobi is affiliated with Sony Music while Kamen Rider is on exclusive contract with Avex Music which means only Avex artists can perform the OP. So the chance of Yoasobi doing a Rider’s OP is 0%.
>not everyone knows outside SHT what shows are airing in japan at this moment
Thank you for confirming you're white, now leave american piggu
It makes sense considering all the early promotion they're already doing. It's possible they might've even landed an artist that could be a real hot topic. It's also not a "random dorama" and I'm not so sure how you can be confident saying all that without having the slightest idea of what you're talking about, but London Hearts is a variety show focused on music that airs on TV Asahi. This possibly could be a part of celebrating the 60th anniversary of TV Asahi too as the poster showed off.
Then why would you just assume and claim something doesn't make sense?

seriously, what part of 'thats the name of a friggin telenovela' dont people get? im sorry i didnt knew, but GOD!
Don't live in ignorance, anon.
Flow and Back-On aren't signed onto Avex. Temp contracts exist anon.
I posted that before I read your post, calm down. Besides, wouldn't you think they there would be a reason why a majority would think that the OP would play on said show for a reason?
>So the chance of Yoasobi doing a Rider’s OP is 0%.
That's completely incorrect because there's been several artists not affiliated with Avex have done music for Kamen Rider.
You could just look at Gavv official Twitter to find the confirmation.

So a non-JST Monday then, got it.
I don't think you know how the music agency works yourself, anon. Like one anon posted, this year's OP artists literally prove you wrong.
Lotta "experts" on krg today
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Oh yeah?
Speaking of Atropos, I would be seriously surprised if she does die near the end as a sacrifice to possibly make the Ouroboros Driver, since it's what both Geryon and Gigist would want. She is a homunculus, after all. But the silver lining is, it could make a new excuse to where her actress could portray as someone else going forward... Concerning that HouRin (that's the Houtaro-Rinne pair as it's called on Pixiv) is basically the end goal of Gotchard, and with the concept of time-space travel being a major deal in Gotchard's side stories as a whole, I won't be surprised if their first child would be a girl, and a future version of her who becomes Gotchard in her father's stead would be portrayed by Atropos's actress. She could answer the HopperHopper and LinerLiner situation by owning TokkyuLiner. Otherwise, don't listen to me.
Her utter despair over her "papa" keeping her around just because she's an ingredient in the creation of an ultimate evil driver would be pretty good.
Back-On have literally always been Avex, what the fuck are you on about?
baidu fb posted things about gotchard vcinema
>three part story like exaid
>duets like exaid
>unclear who the seconds are but the stories are toolbox, uma, and twocade
>supporting cast the same for all three - goggles, no last name, ipad, too sexy for a high school student, muscle woman, licca, too sexy to be just the villain, miss mad doctor, and shigeru
>sakamoto directing all three
>writing trio are on respective storyies
>Sakamoto directing all three
Well that automatically makes them sound better then otherwise
>>three part story like exaid
Damn, is Gotchard really that successful? Even Geats only got 1 V-Cinema.
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Gotchard has the second highest Q1 and 2 sales.
It got one V-Cinext but shit loads of post-show merch.
The GOTCHA will make it look like a joke with the loads of new card packs it will sell during Gavv's run.
So V-Cinemas for Valvarad, Majade, and Legend with Sakamoto directing all three. I assume the parings are going to be with Lachesis, Wind, and Daybreak respectively.
>Legend getting a V-Cinema as part of a trilogy
Legend truly is the quaternary of Gotchard
I feel like Gotchard is gonna need this because there’s a couple things they’re not gonna have time to do in the show. Like Hotaro’s dad keeps getting teases yet it’s too late to do anything plot relevant with him.
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Legend is the true secondary of Gotchard.
I always feel Ex-Aid having three post-series V-Cinexts is because their series got cut short into 45 episodes, so some of those plans from the cut went into the V-Cinexts.
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>miss mad doctor
probably them as villains
I think they only can get DAIGO for the summer movie, maybe Legend's pair will be Gotchard a.k.a present day Hotaro.
Shigeru is my favorite recent Blue so I'd gladly welcome him playing a villain
because its fucking cards, give any of the other reiwa series the same gimmick and it would do the same.
I think it’s referring to the sabimaru’s brother and the director of the alchemy labs. Shigeru is the name of Gary Oak in Japan and he famously has a Blastiose which Kamedoon resembles
>Like Hotaro’s dad keeps getting teases yet it’s too late to do anything plot relevant with him
They've never teased him as being plot relevant, he's just a faceless dad who's far away from home like so many other childrens' shows' dads.
Ah okay I guess alchemy lab characters will return.
>no last name
>too sexy for high school students
Hotaro's childhood friend?
Tf does that even mean
>too sexy to be just the villain
Would have guessed Lachesis but she's not really a villain these days
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Instagram: @kamen_art0_07
>That’s Kiramager - BoonBoomger
Which one is the best
>>no last name

>>too sexy for high school students

Licca-chan is a doll brand, it's Atropos.

>>too sexy to be just the villain
It's Lachesis, she was too sexy to just be the villain.
The Valvarad duo v-cinema isn't a surprise. That one was obvious. Considering the number of episodes left, it felt that Spanner and Lachesis weren't going to wrap up their storylines within the series.

The muscle woman tag seems to suggest that Clotho will not die. Them making three v cinemas is a surprise though. Is it because 3 is the number connected to the alchemy symbol?

If Atropos survives, she's likely going to be important in the Majade movie. No idea about the implied Legend movie.
When is the press conference?
>Even Geats only got 1 V-Cinema.
Maybe Outsiders is a bit to blame for that.
Most likely early August
First week of August
Welp i thought it's two months before airing..
They've been usually happening around after the time they've cameo in the summer movie
Why did she have to date a sleazy Youtuber bros......
This is Lady Gaga performing Fourze's OP all over again lmao
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So, late july?
Can you give the previous dates of rider conference, for research purposes
>le filthy tourist
Go look in a mirror for a bit anon
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kamen rider is for children
Kamen Rider is for everyone
Ok retard. Find me ONE kids show that has the thematic depth of Black Sun. Nothing comes close in terms of gravitas. Next time think before you post, ok kid?
What is it with your kind and talking about pedophilia all day, real freudian vibes honestly
Shieats got carried by Shin
Whichever I said, someone else gonna disagree.
but i'm 40 anon-kun, you're not even born when shin rider arrived in my local theater
yeah Sayo went both ways
>Shin Kamen Rider is a 2023 Japanese superhero film directed and written by Hideaki Anno.
Guess I'm a fetus then?? Dumbass basterd..
She's 18
she's dead
2006 was 18 years ago, anon.
still icky
either way, none of you fags were the main target audience so stfu
Pedo samefag coping badly with being exposed
File deleted.
>least intelligent reiwanewfags
Dentman for Winter Movie 2024
Black Sun is a joke you dipshit holy hell don't tell me you're that anon who creamed when they recreated the opening by having Black Sun ride his bike slowly?
No it's for CHADS like me!!
Yeah what wrong with that, faggot??
>Kamen rider is for kids cuz I got filtered
kuuga is the best rider ever and i'm sure as hell that not for children
Sabore is the worst rider ever and i'm sure as hell it's for children
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And? If someone gets something out of it, does it really matter?
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Tomari is coming to SDCC.
>not manly enough for kiryu
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Lucky guy is a huge fan of MCU, and now he's visiting the same year they're coming back to SDCC
The original definitely, but starting from early heisei to W? It's teenagers
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He's not that skinny anymore, it's not like Kiryu is super buff or anything.
he's not nearly intense enough to be kiryu
Then who is
i don't know any actor that can play the part
Simu Liu
Well then too late. Drive is now Kiryu. This is a japanese movie, they don't really have to take it seriously, just like how several anime got a live action adaptation and the actors don't really do the characters justice.
wouldn't be the first time they got someone that didn't fit the role, but at least the last guy didn't look like the nice guy next door
Koji Kikawa but he's too old now
Because it screams like that Star Wars episode 9 reaction video.
People are speculating they're gonna announce X-Men. Imagine if Tomari is in it.
Just use him again. He doesn't even age.
There's only one answer
Careful you'll meme him into being Gavv's movie antagonist
Toei learned to subvert strong villains from Kinoshita
No, I won't imagine your daydreams
Toei can only afford YouTubers these days.
They could afford better if they didn't embezzle the funds to pay for their bar tabs
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she cute
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Is Motojima going to be bullied by Gavv's actor or actress too?
I love the fucking stupid hand thing he does; makes me laugh every time
he deserved it..even ryotaro were much better protagonist than him
Fuck you.
I don't give a shit about Gotchard, but Gavv is not going to be a woman, you little Bitch.
>literally just a rumor
>gravure already posted
Sasuga /krg/
Spanner will get bullied instead.
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She's looking at a bunch of super mega ultra retards
>tfw no kaijinbro wash your back
>Everyone is stupid except me.
I just said I HATE women why the fuck would I care about Rinne. No girls allowed, fucker.
I'd take clumsy-ass ryotarou than every other reiwa MCs
even if den-O have zero plot
He’s just brain dead.
Inescapable even in Rider threads
I was literally just humming his song to myself
Pray he returns for p6
It be weirder if he didn't. Man's a staple of (modern) Persona.
How is it Flavor of the month if they’ve been popular for more than a year?
Amazon Japan, please do a Kamen Rider x Yakuza crossover
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I've watched Blade and it's in my bottom 3.
Yes, we knew you're a newfag
Different person. I've seen over a dozen Rider series.
That's because your daydreams are filled with cum in your ass
Keiwa's sister becoming a Rider was completely pointless, she didn't even get offed as one like Kekera was initially planning.
Sabimaru's relatives being part of an alchemy research facility makes it even weirder that Renge's relatives are just a bunch of normal country hicks. How the hell did Renge become an Alchemist?
She smelt money somehow
Meant for >>22722955
Renge is a literal afterthought it's not even funny
You are aware stories tend to have side characters with little to no significance right?
Yes, that doesn't mean it's a good thing when a character is insignificant. What exactly are you even trying to argue here?
Are you fucking retarded? Are you pissed that the two cafe guys in Den-O aren't important either?
leaks doko?
So you're okay if it's done in gotshart but not in other series like revice or 01?
Double standard much ehh faggot-kun!?
Firstly, kill yourself you stupid SEAmonkey.
Secondly, my point is it's completely fine in both shows because not every single character has to have some essential story importance.
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Bro’s been reading too much Victor Hugo. That’s not a /lit/ you want to /fit/.
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>too sexy to be just the villain
I don't think sexiness is the only reason it was decided for her to change sides. Alisa being very expressive and energetic had likely something to do with that as well. The way she can switch between sexy villain, cute beauty, and crazy goblin is commendable.
Nobody asked, autistic waifufag.
Nice collage, fellow man of culture.
>no argument
Yeah neck yourself first, you stupid fucking mongoloid
Are you? First off, you're comparing two different roles. The cafe dudes are to be clothing but comedy relief side characters while Renge is literally a part of the main cast that is meant to be a major player in the show. That would be like saying the SSSP members in Ultraman are "unimportant side characters" because they're not Hayata. It's also retarded to say that she's not supposed to have significance,m when her equal Sabimaru is given tons of significance and development. So yes I think it's fucking stupid that one of the support gets multiple development arcs while the other just gets a grandma.

Second, what the fuck is your problem? It's not unusual to have problems with a character that's supposed to be in the main cast even if it's a support role not have any sort of purpose being there. She's not just comedy relief. Again, what are you arguing here? They exist? Okay, so what? I should just turn off my brain and accept a character that gets no development because you said so? I genuinely don't get what pissed you off so much to try to argue and defend it so much but provide nothing other than "uh other thing does it". That's like saying that I'd be retarded for being upset that someone was drunk driving because another person was doing it too.
>not every single character has to have some essential story importance
To add on to this, that's genuinely a fucking stupid stance because then why would you even have that character in the main cast if they weren't essential. And Renge is not a fucking background character, she is a main cast member you stupid fuck.
>Renge is literally part of the main cast
Stopped reading here. Try consuming media not exclusively for children then get back to me.
Okay so you're just shitposting, got it.
>Try consuming media not exclusively for children
Why are you here then
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>Try consuming media not exclusively for children
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>Sakamoto whenever he directs a scene featuring Clotho or Lachesis.
Because I like Kamen Rider, amongst other things.
>Try consuming media not exclusively for children
Who's gonna tell him?
He's a retarded gotshartfags..Why are you replying to him anyway?
>He's a retarded gotshartfag
Don't you mean a Gochizo?
lol no u don't, you only like shitty fanfic stories like gotshartt & sabore
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Friendly reminder salesbros.....
I'm surprised geats didn't perform much better than literal saber with it's dogshit toys, especially since pbandai seems to be going ham on the premium dx stuff.
>SEAfag samefag hours
Saber made a small comeback when the show vastly improved near the end
>SEAfag samefag hours
It's midnight on SEA you nigger
Watching Ex-Aid and I have a question. If Masamune literally has a button to push to erase Bugsters on command, why doesn't he just do that on Parad instead of going out of his way to beat him up or getting Hiiro to eat him up?
Remember to check under your bed as well for SEAfags since you're such a schizo.
Being outed as a retard really mindbroke you huh?
Friendly reminder that if you take out Shin Kamen Rider's contributions to the sales numbers of that season, Geats did worse than both Revice and Saber.
It didn’t though.
Shin’s one rider belt is negligible
You’re a hard believer in the dead internet theory, huh?
Sex with Neon.
>Shin’s one rider belt
3 belts, sofubis and Figuarts, Geatsfag.
What about a rider that’s based on rider belts.
inb4 zi-o!!!
that doesn’t count
forgot image
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You aren’t the only one who thought of that.
>Drum going right over the dong
WHat did the artist mean by this?
Figuarts aren’t counted in these listings
Yes they are. It's Bandai's toy sales. SH Figuarts are sold by Bandai.
>still pretending no one likes geats
just for that you'll get another pb release of a geats-related item
No they aren’t.
if they were then it would still be low since most of them nowadays are p-bandai
""people"" who like Geats are wrong
>Literally claiming Bandai doesn't count Figuarts, one of their premiere toylines, in their fucking TOY sales
>Accusing other people of pretending
Why would a Bandai toy line not be part of a Bandai toy sales metric?
Also, you DO realize P-Bandai is only an impingement for non-Asian buyers, who are a market minority, right?
I'm not the guy you were talking to earlier
that's the kamen rider audience then
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Im this anon >>22722339 and Geats fucking sucked
Chirami is such a silly character because for a little while I thought he was going to reveal that he's more intimidating that he lets on, but no, he's just an incompetent bitch that probably got the job out of nepotism
>I don't like Geats, that means no one can
It's the least offensive Reiwa show so far.
Reminder that Geats was 50 episodes of takahashi seething at producers and fans
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The robots in Zero One had more emotional weight than anyone in Geats
All the DGP staff members were incompetent. Suel literally had the power to get rid of any and all obstacles that got in the way of his business, and yet he still found a way to lose.
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That's Gotchard, Geats did plenty of offensive shit.
Sabimaru tried to seduce her by promising the philosopher's stone
The only person in Gotchard with the remotest chance to die is Geryon and even then I doubt it with the way they went to semi-humanize him via that woman in the latest episode
Saved. I love Mr. J and Chaco. I had a chihuahua for 14 wonderful years.
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Your Shin cope gets comical when you realise it applies to the Geats quarter with the lowest numbers to begin with, meaning it didn't do shite to "carry" Geats. Fuku Suzuki fever (Ziin, Q2) did more to carry Geats than Shin did.

And by your measure, Gotchard must be getting boosted and carried hard by the sheer number of new Geats releases throughout this year (certainly way more than Shin got during Geats' year)
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>Ruins the DGP by making the same twist that nobody liked from Squid Game
>Ruins Keiwa in a shitty edgy arc that changed nothing about the character once it was over
>Ruins Neon by giving her an overdramatic backstory thats only there to excuse her awful parents
>Ruins Michinaga by acting like his misdeeds weren't that big of a deal and can be forgiven
>Ruins Sparrow by making him some edgy cultist only to have him be redeemed at the last second
>Ruins Ace by having his mother be a nothingburger of a character, have his final form wasted for most of its run and turning him into a god with deus ex machina
>Make dark Tsumuri for no reason other than to recreate the opening
>Show makes a point that Keiwa reviving all dead riders was a mistake, but reviving his sister by other means (and both Keiwa and Ace after Michinaga killed them) is actually fine
>End the show with the most boring villain ever (Suel)
Fuck off
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AU Lachesis is the only way to see her die a villain.

But I wonder why the real dark sisters will not participate in this movie. Are they saving them for the v-cinemas?
>Fuck off
Yeah you
Dirty traitor
>it didn't do shite
British detected, post disregarded.
If Shin Kamen Rider's sales didn't matter that much, why is it on the graph? None of the other kamen rider shows that had big movies released through its run had them. Seems like it sold enough to be considered, otherwise it wouldn't even be in it.
>no u
>Dirty traitor
I don't think he's the original Spanner, but rather a copy made by Geryon. Daybreak's Spanner is likely dead. But the kid in the trailer may be his.
is Kamen Rider allowed to show kids dying?
Only off-screen or during weird shit like the Neon stuff.
so basically Atropos isn't gonna die, right?
>real dark sisters
Atropos and Clotho in the future are the real ones.
V-cinema leaks seem to suggest all 3 dark sisters will participate in those. Check the hints in the supporting cast section. >>22723048

Although she's likely going to be relevant only in the Majade one.
>Atropos and Clotho in the future are the real ones.
Of Daybreak's timeline. Not the ones from the original Hotaro timeline the show follows.
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>What an ungorgeous looking cast. Why can't I be in Saber's instead?
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Is this version of Chesis stronger or is Clotho holding back because she doesn't want to hurt someone who looks like her?
The graph made by an anon from here. Not from someone work for Bandai. He literally said he assumed Shin contributed some sales.
Shin Kamen Rider is the highest-grossing movie in the whole franchise. That should tell you enough, Geatsfag.
Ticket sales =/= Toy sales
I don't see rerun preorder for CSM Shin
>I don't see rerun preorder for CSM Shin
The first run hasn't even been shipped yet, dumbass.
If she grows up like that one boy from Jetman, then she can be killed. She's techically the oldest, she just looks like a child.
Geats got tons of toy rerun before the first order even ship you retard
>Even as she prepared to address the UN, Atropos remained unsure of the most diplomatic way to express the crux of her speech: "Submit to Greyon, or be crushed."
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I don't think any CSM pre-order has gotten a rerun though. The fucking thing is $400, the japanese aren't THAT rich especially for a glorified kids toy.
And if Geats was flopcity and sold like dogshit that it needed to be "carried" by a singular movie in a singular quarter, why are they still pushing new and repeated releases for it so hard this year?
>the majority of the native audience for the franchise are wrong and aren't even people
Americans funny
I think sometimes they're just not including the regular villains from the series in the movies, latest example is the Gotchard x Geats crossover. At least this time they still get the actors to portray another version so technically they're still included.
So is the Kajiki here from present or future?
likely the present, because he hasn't aged
movie takes place 20 years into the future
Anon don't bother arguing with them because they're just keep coming back
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>Based on the leak from a while ago, prop-sized Zombie Breaker and Geats Buster QB9 are still on the way
>Plosion Rage buckle about to arrive shortly packaged with the V-CINEXT BD (possible standalone rerun for the buckle)
Geats will continue to mindbreak /krg/ for a little while longer
Geatsfrens are by far the most fragile subset of this fandom.
I wanna buy it but Bandai made this shit too difficult.
They make a cheap version for China and then release a new PDX one a few years later
Some anons also complained about Shin not being included in the chart because they felt that Shin contributed a lot to Geats's sales despite there being no way for us to know that since Bandai's official chart doesn't give individual item sales.
They're definitely the most arrogant type of fans.
Really? It feels like the opposite most of time
They should take a page from the Agito Chads, seldom heard and always undisturbed.
Gavv arrived at Chinkland
Wonder why China is getting it all first this time
They're the only ones here who cling on hard to numberfagging in order to prove something about their show, on top of doing constant literal shilling for its products. Not even the fans of significantly more successful and/or popular shows do this.

It's almost like they know that they can't really argue that their show is good, so constantly bringing up the numbers it makes is their only consolation. And the moment anyone so much as insinuates it didn't do that well, doesn't matter if it's a shitpost or not, they get very upset.
Anon, where do you think the factories for Bandai toys are located? Why do you think they keep getting leaked so easily and ahead of time?
It feels like she's less likely than ever to be killed now that she's actually getting to act like Geryon's daughter. I don't think we'd be getting that if she were going to die. She might get her heart broken (betrayal from Geryon or just Geryon dying), but I don't think she will die anymore.
Tranza didn't die at the end.
The fact is Shin released retail merch during Geats' run which contributed to its sales but we don't know how much which just this kinda makes whole debate stupid.
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And so the finished song will be revealed next week
Delusional as ever
Mind you this is the same country that ask for muh representation and bullshit in rider

But guess what, shirakura will never panders to your kind
says the obnoxious saborenigger
My third eye opened and I figured out the pairings
>Valvarad + Dread
>Majade + Wind
>Legend + Zein
We know you're just pretending to be a retarded ESL for fun. Drop the act already, faggot.
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They should sell an inflatable glove and an inflatable boot with the Punchin Gummy and Kickin Gummy.
More likely Legend + Daybreak for an AR world adventure
So did revice, dumbass
They are not getting Daybreak back. They can afford Daigo for a movie, but a single movie.
My point still stands..unlike this place, nips still love geats and its variants very much
They're wrong for liking shitty series?
Who tf cares, they are the main target audience, not you or everyone in this general
Just move on and discuss better stuff like, when rinne do JAV debut or atropos doing gravure
>even ultraman have better cinematography than reiwa rider
It's over
Anon they literally had him voice Daybreak in the show, he's not an impossible get like you think he is for some reason. Even Matusoka returned for Eternal's V-Cinema.
>They can afford Daigo for a movie, but a single movie
Source? DAIGO also did voice work in a few episodes for the show too, so they can definitely afford to bring him back especially if he's willing even if it's just the voice again.
Nobody defends Revice in /krg/.
>Who tf cares
You care, because you're still here whining about this place like the dickless faggot you are despite claiming we don't matter. If you hate this place so much, why don't you just fuck off? We'd certainly be better off without a retarded drone such as you repeating the same shitposts over and over again like a braindead monkey.
Just how stretched is the budget that they can't give her a new costume
Yeah he got tortured into insanity instead
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Common Evolto W
who is the artist?
Every single time we do these it just throws in how god damn dogshit gotchard has been lmao
gotchard better than sabore
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>Every single time we do these it just throws in how god damn dogshit gotchard has been lmao
At this point, I'm only curious about the supposed Sakamoto's V-Cinemas and the final battle of the series, which will probably last 2-3 episodes at most.
>Just how stretched is the budget
Well, in exchange we are getting 3 rumored v-cinemas. Daybreak's Atropos is the worst offender though. The only difference between the series and the movie Atropos is the color of her lips. If someone had not pointed it out, I would have never noticed. >>22724184
>muh japs never matter
Only in krg
we want the build audience
>At Gavv's meetings, a lot of snacks are handed out as reference materials, which is not a good thing for someone on a diet. Recently, I've been drinking a certain special health tea recommended by TakebeP.
Didn't the vision driver get a preorder rerun?
Nah, doesn't count.
Shieats sold like shit.
Gotchard better!!
Gotchard? Gotbored
By next September. One of those actors is gonna be a fatty.
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Crossover soon
>Gotchard must be getting boosted and carried hard by the sheer number of new Geats releases throughout this year
Wait, I thought P-Bandai didn't count toward sales...
They do count in the total sales. Literally no source said they not outside of this place.
The Vision Driver is a DX item, not a CSM, retard.
geats sucks btw
Shut the fuck up already, waifunigger.
cope and seethe, nips are still dickriding ace and gang more than a year after the show's end, with releases slated probably for at least one more year.
Snacks on the brain all year. Someone on the staff is gonna get a little chubbier this year probably.
ermm can you stop saying nigger? it's offensive
??? They are literally reselling the Delta CSM right now.
Imagine if Gavv actually puts people off from eating sweets.
Why would it put people off? If anything it'll make sweets cool.
No, nigger.
>Literally no source said they don't outside of the fragile Geatsfags of this place
Keep Azu away from the ZakuZaku Chips
>geats/revice doing good on sales
>sabore lower than gero-one
NIPS DON'T HAVE SOUL NO CAP???!!!!????!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!
Post source
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I wanna lick him
ball sack gumi
Are you blind to all the pbandai revolve change figures and the literal new line of premium dx created during geats? We are also getting more prop size roleplay weapons, of not only the magnum but qb9 as well. Even zero one didn't get this treatment.

>inb4 bandai just wants money, releases don't equate to popularity
Of course the Jews at bandai wants money, but they need a customer base who is willing to buy all these overpriced geats crap, try selling prop sized revice axe and see how well you do.
>try selling prop sized revice axe and see how well you do.
It would probably do well considering there's 3 big Saber swords already.
Thank fucking christ it's almost over
Saber is relatively well received among nips, not to mention the seikens are infinitely cooler looking than the literal stamp axe. Plus they even got a kyomu release, with a rumoured kurayami, so using saber as a benchmark for unpopularity no longer works.
>rumoured kurayami
Shits been out for almost a year now???
>well received
Citation needed
Why now though? Why not back when saber's or revice still airing?
>salesfags arguing nonstop
I wish we got powerlevelfaggotry instead
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The most powerful weapon in the Kamen Rider universe. A real gun.
So answer me this, who wins between:
Kabuto vs Kuuga
No final form BS
Without final forms? Probably Kabuto by sheer speed advantage. Clock Up doesn't have any apparent time limit. Mighty Kuuga might be strong but the base forms are more purpose-built for Grongi killing than anything.
ohma zi-o can just stomp literally everyone..
Is Kenton Handa a chain smoker or something? It's almost ridiculous how much his voice has deepened over the years. I know people's voices change as they age, but Faiz Takumi and Paradise Regained Takumi almost sound like two completely different people.
Round 1: Kabuto
Round 2: Kuuga because Godai train his inner eye or something
Deathmatch: Curry battle
No more fighting because Godai ultimately wins by becoming the one person Tendo admire aside from his grandmother after sharing curry together
How about Showa versus reiwa?
It's the only thing Geatsfrens can brag about since their show is shit, please understand.
Handa was 17 back during 555. There's also the possibility he might be faking his voice somewhat since he's been wanting to give off 70's actor vibes for a while now.
then who's the weakest rider MC even after their own endings?
I personally pick ryotarou
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>hears Tendou reaching for the Clock Up button
will they ever go back to the rubbery-looking undersuits, they looked much better.
Why are you guys so fucking retarded?

>reselling the Delta CSM right now
That’s called a reissue. A pre-order rerun is them extending the pre-order date because it’s so popular. That’s never happened for a CSM.
That's the Chinese version with only henshin sounds, Japan did the same thing with the big seiken where they took the Chinese release and slapped more sounds in it and gave it more paint.
he was 19 anon, don't scare me like that.
It's the same reasoning behind them releasing the prop sized gaisoulken years after the ryusoulken, they probably wanted to review the numbers first before creating more big ticket items.
You're clearly not on sns, so there's no point trying to have a conversation with you when you're willfully ignorant.
Gotchard is so boring all the retards came out to confidently spew shit.
The Japanese version with character voicelines came out nearly a year ago.

Also, as much as Revice is hated by hardcore Rider fans both here and in Japan, it's still more well-liked by normies than Saber.
>You're clearly not on sns
Saber's literally the Reiwa show with the least amount of followers on SNS.
Did they ever reveal Odin identity
that anon was being racist again thinking chinks and japs are the same
Just assume it's Shiro and his strange mirror magic
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It's just random people Kanzaki forced the deck onto. They end up his thralls when they use it.
Just treat it like a gm account for shiro.
SNS have nips lurking there though??
Gotchard's episode is one of the better ones in that lineup, especially compared to Revice's.
And next you're gonna tell me sabore is the best series ever amirite?
Out of those five, yes.
Don’t you shitposters get tired of the same old schtick?
Well with how long they've been repeating the same posts pretty much every thread for years, seemingly not.
Blame the reiwanewfags
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Which Reiwa initial form changes leave you impressed most?
I'd say overall I liked Zero-One's the most. I really do like that ZakuZakuChips form though.
Zero-One has the most aesthetically pleasing ones
No point after Legend has proven himself to be the strongest
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Gotchard's are kinda hit or miss but Goldmechanichor and Needlehawk are two of my favorite suits in Rider, period.
I'm also a fan of Saber's forms and how the three book gimmick worked, although I wish we saw a lot more of it.
Geats Boost is the GOAT
You wanna get scared? Kitazaki's actor was 15 when Faiz aired.
that's fine. he wasn't as cute.
He was 17 during filming. He was barely in episode 1 because he was finishing high school during filming.
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Can't wait to see the actresses. I hope even the female Rider is at least a little delectably "soft".
Wasn't Gentaro still in highschool during Fourze?
Kabuto without a doubt. Kuuga could probably catch him during a Clock Up with Pegasus Form, but Godai isn't gonna know about Clock Up off the bat so unless Tendou fucks around Godai isn't going to be able to adapt to it quick enough. In terms of raw power, Kuuga is much stronger but Kabuto has the speed advantage and Tendou is beyond skilled as a fighter since he's trained for years preparing to be Kabuto. There's also the fact that Tendou is pretty much written to be perfect. I would say the only way Kuuga wins is if he manages to catch Kabuto off guard and land one powerful attack maybe with Rising Pegasus Form, but that's if he even survives long enough to get to that point.
Nice Spoiler tag faggot
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Congrats to Nijigon
I feel like Nijigon is cool but the voice just makes me hate it
kys coomer
I like how Saber's managed to cram so much detail on just 1/3rd of a suit, and the way they managed to make the mix-n-match gimmick distinct enough from previous shows by allowing for "empty" sections (which are still fairly detailed to prevent the designs from looking too uneven).
Ex-Aid feels like it kind of confused me thematically at the end. At first they make a point about death and how you have to understand the value of life, but by the end of the series Emu goes out of his way to say all the people that just died aren't actually dead. I actually liked that it was open-ended about the idea that the victims could be revived in the future, but the way he completely writes off the fact that anyone is dead in the first place feels really strange for a series about saving lives to do. If no one in this series is actually dead what does it even mean to value a life?
This can't be happening, only Geats IX is meant to do well
It's also a bit thematically inconsistent to have them be doctors, a profession that values life and has to grapple with saving it on a daily basis, and also have the whole video game thing going on, where you can easily 'continue' even after dying. I'm sure all these could have been explored much better without the constraints of a children's superhero show.
>Geats IX
Got absolutely mogged by the Zero-Two Unit in sales and outperformed in Q4 by the Xross Saber and Giffard Rex Vistamp.
honestly I'm surprised geats IX did as well as it did with it being so gimped in features. The damn thing didn't even have the usual few voice lines from Ace that other final forms did, it's cool factor being the only thing propping it up.
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Well see I actually liked that and how that seemed to be part of the juxtaposition; it felt like it had a "recreation vs reality" thing going on, where you shouldn't let your love for the "game" prevent you from seeing life and how important it is. Even if you can continue after dying, it doesn't mean you shouldn't cherish all that you have or waste it. The main cast is pretty firm in the way they value life and never turn away from someone even if there is a possibility of revival, with the exception of Kuroto, who is, of course, Kuroto.

My only issue really just comes down to the idea of writing off the concept of "death" entirely in the last episode, because of something about how the data means they're all actually still alive. Simply saying that all the victims are dead and they could learn to bring them back some day would've been enough, but going out of your way to say they're in a suspended state that Isn't Actually Death feels like a needless piece of dialogue because it means otherwise no one really truly died in this series and it retroactively means the series for all its touching on death really just has a bunch of people in a coma who everyone treats as dead. It seems like a dumb semantical distinction but I think if you're going to address death (which this series has done perfectly well up to this point) it's weird to walk back and basically say "no it's not that, everyone's in a gamer coma actually"
>The damn thing didn't even have the usual few voice lines from Ace that other final forms did
So they could justify releasing it over and over again with added lines
>My only issue really just comes down to the idea of writing off the concept of "death" entirely in the last episode
>in the last episode
They talked about restoring the Bugster Virus' victims throughout a good chunk of the second half.

>I think if you're going to address death (which this series has done perfectly well up to this point)
Just as a heads up, people not staying dead is a recurring problem in the shows that come after this.
>They talked about restoring the Bugster Virus' victims throughout a good chunk of the second half.
I'm aware, but the implication prior was that they were restoring them from death. The whole point of Kamen Rider Chronicle was that it allowed control over life and death; players would be killed, and then the winner would revive everyone. There's no real reason to have Emu say at the very end that it was never death in the first place.

>Just as a heads up, people not staying dead is a recurring problem in the shows that come after this.
I'm also aware, but it's more jarring than usual given what's going on with this season in its themes and concept. The characters reviving or the possibility of revival wasn't the issue, it's that they wrote a season which was at least partly based around dealing with life & death and then said at the very end that no one is actually dead. It's a big piece of semantics because it changes things from "everyone is dead and we'll learn how to bring them back" to "everyone's in some kind of digital coma", and the former was better for the season's story than the latter, because the latter just erases the very idea of death entirely.
If you're gonna use 90s Sentai (which isn't relevant to 20s toku) then at least use Dairanger which killed a kid without aging him up twice
>watching Decade for the first time
>Gackt starts playing
Why did no one tell me this was absolute Kino
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>near the end
What a joke
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Fullbody Gavv.
welcome to the thread, enjoy your stay
This HAS TO be a meme post, especially using Imagine Dragons
Using Cali as a claim is just baiting the anti's,
I really like the vive of the Gummy Overlaying the mechanical parts.
>SIC discontinued without at least finishing up to Zi-O
Is there some other company which sells something similar? Like customs?
I absolutely love it
The undersuit has this leather jacket look to it that I really like, and those silver accents with the jaggedy teeth design only help to bring out the more technical aspects of the suit like the electronic bits underneath the gummy armor, which in itself just looks really fucking cool. Love the helmet design too.
It's simple and effective what can I say
The only thing I dont like is the shape of his pouldrons and shin guards, a little too plain but I don't know what I'd do to fix it
There was literally a second run for the Chalice Rouzer, you retard. It happens all the time.
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Life would be so much easier if all erotic literature sites had “friends-to-lovers” and “enemies-to-lovers” tags.
Just remember, if you write any erotic literature about Rinne it could technically be considered CP, so I'd advise against doing it.
Can you please go kill yourself or at least stop posting here?
>near the end
It was fine by Q2
Post a screenshot retard I can't get on that site
Can't even access the p-bandai site and you're acting like you know everything. Who exactly is the retard here? You dumbass.
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Who wins-the Voice of God or Kuuga with access to any form
> It happens all the time.
That’s the first time it happened. The Delta Driver is the first time they reissued a CSM instead of remaking it.

Just stop responding dude I’m done
you better pass the link once you finish that.
They resell CSMs all the fucking time. Delta is also not first time they reissued a CSM, The Blay Rouzer reissue literally comes out in September. They've also resold the OOOs binder a handful of times. I am done talking with a retard that just can't admit they were wrong even after empirical evidence was provided.
Godai is God’s favorite child.
I’m not writing shit. I’m just venting
Plapping Rinne.
If Rinne is 15 then Lachesis can’t be older than ten years old because she was presumably replaced sometime after hotarou went to the past
Still going on with that retarded headcanon?
Reminds me of that huge homo who kept posting about "Mother Earth Majade" acting like he wasn't the one who came up with it and also the only one posting about it.
You mean Empress Majade?
That's the one, thanks.
I want to cum on Reiyo's face
For me it's Rintaro, the best Reiwa secondary
Won't argue that
He is the goodest boy with a cute girlfriend
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Is this Kamedoon?
His performance during the tategami arc really puts all the other reiwa secondaries to shame.
Fuwa was cool, until Takahashi didn't know what to do with his character and then ultimately killed him off.
No contest really, Fuwa's the only one that comes very close. Not only that, but Saber also had the best Reiwa tertiary in Kento too. Honestly both are pretty good contenders for being one of the best secondaries and tertiaries too.
Takahashi doesn't know what to do with most of his characters. He pretty much just gives them an personality outline and calls it a day.
Every Takahashi 2nd Riders are shit.
Yeah, but Hiro and Keiwa aren't cool.
The only thing they have going for them is that they have cool suits. Tycoon has to be one of my favorite secondary designs, but Keiwa is just the worst.
A sakuga-filled final confrontation with Zoous into BoukenBlue congratulating him from the afterlife. Such a good set of scenes.
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The screws on Gavv’s suit looks like the Gavv belt’s eyes
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Saber has the best trio in Reiwa, period. And probably the best supporting Riders of the era so far, too.
Durendal's weapon sounds are so good
Honestly I think I agree completely.

A rider themed around the ocean/submarines seemed like such a no-brainer. The final attack standby is so good.
That's why I said tho? I said "shit," not "the shit."
Fuwa included.
Absolutely. I'm really hoping Gavv ends up being something special and having another great cast of Riders like Build and Saber.
Nah, Fuwa was fine, until Takahashi ruined him. Keiwa too, but less so.
It'll all come down to this hidden-till-conference writer that Takebe was able to shmooze
I feel like the only consistent thing is that the fourth Riders in Reiwa have been great one way or another. Saikou, Demons, and Legend are just plain based, Buffa is probably the only solid character out of the main four on Geats, and Horobi has Takaiwa to make look really cool and intimidating.
So it's okay if sabore did good but not other series?
I feel like the scary part is that a new writer would be really exciting, but it could either be another Muto or another Kinoshita. Unless they bring it done famous anime writer like Urobuchi.
Muto had tons of experience writing for film and TV before getting revealed by Omori as Build's writer. Kinoshita literally only wrote novels beforehand with no TV writing experience. Mochizuki just decided to give him a chance because he liked his passion or something who knows.
Why even bring up Saber?
I feel like if Geats' main trio lineup was Geats, Buffa, and Tycoon instead it would've probably been a much better trio. Hell, replace Na-Go with Punkjack too. Gotchard's main trio is pretty much being carried by Valvarad and it probably would've been much better had it been Gotchard, Valvarad, and Legend.
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Best character song about to drop
Right sorry I meant to say that someone that's immediately recognizable with popular works. But you're actually right, Muto's filmography is impressive as well and I remember a lot of people having high hopes for him just that fact including myself.
He wrote the Densha Otoko dorama and that was fantastic. Had instant high hopes.
He also wrote the Thermae Romae movie which I loved too, so that's what got me. I really hope Gavv's writer is just as exciting and not a returning writer.
When is the conference again anyway
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>Gotchard, Valvarad, and Legend.
A bit amusing how they and Dread make a CMYK roster.
Almost like Majade is a fucking unnecessary presence who exists to pad out a P-Bandai toy.
Would be surprised if it was an anime writer that she hooked in like with Urobuchi as this is Takebe we're talking about. The only other time she hid the writer was when she got Butcher.

Hasn't been revealed date-wise but probably sometime in August.
If Minato stayed as Dread, this would've been a great set of Riders
>The only other time she hid the writer was when she got Butcher.
This actually gives me a lot of hope, anon. Thank you
>Muto wrote HanaKimi 2007 & Atashinchi no Danshi
huh guess that's why I like Build's comedy
Question is, what big name anime writer could they possibly get that could generate buzz?
I really like that Legend got integrated with Gotchard more instead of just leaving him in the spin-off. The fact that he's not only in the summer movie, but also gets a V-Cinema is based.
There was that one that color mentioned who has a huge anime portfolio.
Wonder how his latest 2024 dorama is? It's another delinquent-focused story like how he wrote the Crows films back in the day.
>Legend there when he wasn't even in the show for vast majority then ruins shit when he shows up
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you mean this?
Oh yeah, it ended already but i assure you this is better than gotchard and geats before it
Try it yourself, there's that nonbinary actor from ZiO
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Reiwa Secondaries
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>then ruins shit when he shows up
In what world
I'm pretty sure you guys are asked this every day, but what would be like the first five series you recommend to someone trying to get into Kamen Rider?
Kuuga, Build, W, Shin, and Revice
W/OOO/Fourze will always be the best trio IMO. Kabuto as well.

IMO I wouldn't recommend Build or Kuuga as first watches because they're different enough to everything else and people would expect their style/atmosphere and not get it again.
Pretty sure he's out of the running

For me personally, it'd probably be

Either that or simply W-OOO-Fourze because you can never go wrong with the Mega Max trio. I'd even say Den-O, Drive, Ex-Aid, and (I know I'll get crucified for this) Saber are also pretty good entries to get into as well.
>I wouldn't recommend Build or Kuuga as first watches because they're different enough to everything else and people would expect their style/atmosphere and not get it again.
See I thought about that too, but at the same time if I'm recommending 5 things to watch I'm thinking might as well give them the best of the best in my opinion.

Oh yeah, Shin Kamen Rider is great too I should've mentioned that. Revice is kinda wild though.
Saber has such juicy meat within but its start is just so dopey that new watchers would probably deflect. Didn't help that it was still COVID filming times until like midway.
not even japanese agree with you

Thank you all, I think I will start with W and I'll probs end up watching everything you all recommended. I watched Shin Kamen Rider and loved it so much it surprised me I never tried to get into Kamen Rider.
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Helps that Anno is a diehard toku fan, so Shin Kamen Rider was basically his outpoured love letter to the original series.
Heure is still a dude tho? He just looks pretty like Stacey.
Yeah I agree the start is rough, but I love really good casts and satisfying endgames so I feel like it's still with recommending.

I'm half Japanese so I don't really know what you're on about but okay.

That sounds like a great idea anon, glad we could help!
Beautiful butts waiting to be diapered
Black, Agito, W, OOO and Build.
Shut the fuck up, saboreschizo.
>Retail henshin device
>Retail sofubi
>Retail action figure

>Retail henshin device
>Retail sofubi
>Retail action figure

Evil/ Live
>Retail henshin device
>Retail sofubi

>Retail henshin device
>Retail main Buckle
>Retail sofubi
>Retail action figure

>P-Bandai belt

>Retail henshin device
>Retail weapon
>Retail sofubi
>Retail action figure
Who are you quoting?
>kuuga some of the worst, boring entries
>blade and kiva middling, uninspired stories
>saber oth is good all around
Only in krg
bait has to be believable
but it's true though
Build, Fourze, OOO, Kuuga, Ryuki
W is also good but I like the other ones more
Has anyone ever made a version of Decade with the pink and black parts switched?
Ryuki not a friend of justice. Sabore is.
>>Campaign henshin device
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vcinema attachments description from baidu fb

>denliner repaint to look like hot rod. doesnt look like vrx can sit in it
>rainbow dragon repaint that's like king zero. unsure if actually for uma or for daddy shark
>x blade repaint that looks like a phone. all the apps are familiar faces.
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It think it’s important to list that Vulcan Blades, Live, and Tycoon all got retail upgrades as well. And Vulcan had (shared) weapons.
>>denliner repaint to look like hot rod. doesnt look like vrx can sit in it
Another Daybreak upgrade? Is he actually that popular?
The Whole thing about Buffa is that he’s antagonistic to everyone, he can’t join the trio early.
Vrocan Gochizo
Probably meant MachWheel getting a Lv 10 upgrade but unlike the DX Tenliner, it doesn't have a slot for a CrossHopper like device to slot in
So the power of Lifesavers
Ah, the bike snack
Also, what an odd holder.
why does it have little arms?
The real world Gotchtard
Those are from the Holder
Why does that have arms?
Ninja Buckle wasn’t a campaign item
To make it look like Gochizo have arms in its inactive state
New bread?
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