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Previous Thread: >>22713243


>King-Ohger DDL (H.265 converts MEGA by Sheena-chan):
>Reiwa Sentai Viewer (Run by ReiwAnon)
>MEGA pastebin (Run by KRSentai)

>List of subbed series:

>Super Hero Time OSTs:
[Folder wiped, replacement coming soon]

>Super Sentai Monster Designs:
>Gorenger - Zyuohger

>TTFC Mega (Run by Ei. Bother him for requests)

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Naoto Hirooka, the costume designer of recent Sentai and Rider characters, is in Anime Expo now.
He met a fan who recognized him for his Sentai works.

Based. I love to meet a guy from PLEX that helped design so many toku suits.
So whats even going on with Power Rangers? I heard they're trying to completely abandon Sentai footage, doesn't seem like it's going well at all
No idea because I don't follow it. Ask /prg/?
There's no thread, which is why asked here
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So what's the monster based on this week? Some Japanese dish?
They were trying to rely less and less on Sentai to make 100% original footage series, and plans to have a new reboot. But recently the reboot was cancelled and as a result the franchise is now dead. Coupled with the fact that Hasbro's only interest in the franchise is to license it to third party toys and that's about it.

Rejoice, as the franchise is finally dead.
And they still are too stupid to start bringing recent sentai overseas instead.
They don't want to spend all the money on translating/localizing it. Power Rangers was cheap to make back in the day because they just took Zyuranger fight footage and spliced it between a Saved By The Bell-esque sitcom.
Still just seems cheaper to just sub the new series nowadays. Tsubaraya is running laps around Toei right now
Well in a perfect world Toei/TV Asahi would just upload the episodes of Sentai and Kamen Rider to Youtube weekly non-geolocked like TsuPro does with Ultraman but this isn't a perfect world.
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Sanseater interview in Animage plus a little poster. 1 of 4.
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2 of 4.
The goobers
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4 of 4.
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Cast Interview.
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Cast Interview page 2.
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Bun Red interview in Animedia. 1 of 2.
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2 of 2.
These magazine scans always make me wish I could read Japanese properly
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gremlin feet
I hate the childish humor in Boonboomger. I really hope next year is another serious show similar to King-Ohger.
I wish rather than subgoku wars, all the energy to sub the same series went into translating books & interviews like these.
Well pretty much only O-T and TV-N sub airing Sentai these days, while with O-T not subbing KR anymore plus Whale/IzuSubs taking a break the people subbing KR is more of a subgoku free-for-all.
I hate the pretentious seriousness in Kingohger. I really hope next year is another fun show similar to Boonboomger
Get naked
I hope Byunbyun Mach can perform a combo with this duo. Maybe that's why he falls apart, so he can aid in an even bigger combo with all the little boonboon vehicles.
boonboomger is this decade's goseiger or zyuohger
Yes anon you said that last thread
If Shinkenger came out today anons would be calling it mid and filler
But King-Ohger isn't as beloved as Shinkenger.
Zyuohger comparison might be right tho.
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Did you know there was a Brazilian comic crossover between Changeman and Maskman?
Well I'm guessing both aired over there in the 80s
>Flashman got skipped
This makes me think if Sentai will ever try a crossover with skipping a year, like maybe Donbrothers vs Boonboomger for example.
It can't, the final gattai is just Boonboomger Robo + the final vehicle.
wtf that's not Red Mask

Captcha: GAYSOH
They won’t unless some freak accident happens and an entire core team dies in 6 months
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Preview of Mira's digital photobook.
The hell happened here?
"Tomorrow Haruhi turns 20...
Good night"
Chashiro, no...
I need more
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>I am forgotten
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>Half of the plots is main characters having literally nothing else to do except stalk each other
Who made this shit?
Not even trying to be a coomer but does anyone else think she's the most beautiful Sentai actress?
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For me, it's Erica.
Do we know why we didn’t get a Zyuoh vs Kyu? I thought their contracts extended to the VS Future Team.
I may be wrong but I think it has something to do with Zyu-Lion's actor disappearing
Leo's actor is suddenly missing, he was scheduled for a stageplay around the early 2018 (some time after Kyuranger ended) but then his role got replaced because he left the project for unknown reason.
His Japanese Wiki listed him still have a movie in 2019 but it could be filmed before his disappearance.
I haven't watched Boonboomger yet, but I remember there were leaks saying it was going to be about the rangers taking part in underground races against madmax-style villains or something? Please tell me that turned out to be true because I just skimmed through the last thread and all the screenshots look boring as fuck...
Not yet. People are speculating that it MAY come to pass later on during the show, since Bunred's goal is to actually help his friend (the robot mascot) win this race again. But whether it'll actually happen, we'll have to wait and see.
My half Canadian wife
The first set of episodes included CGI battle race segments before the mech fight but as of two or so episodes ago they were axed for now. Though a large scale space race called the Big Bang Grand Prix and what happened during one years ago is pretty much the lynchpin of the entire story currently, with the summer movie also being about it as well.
No, we do not. We'll probably find out one day in a future Kyuranger mook though.
That was speculation that partially came true (there are races and there's a Mad Max inspired villain), but it's not like you are imagining.
for me it's Mami Yamasaki (Shizuka of the wind)
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14 day countdown.
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Haruhi Iuchi's 20th birthday. What would you like to say to Haruhi and his character on his birthday?
His charisma is definitely gonna give him a leg up in his post-Boonboomger career.
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For me, it's Nao Nagasawa.
They did air Flashman but probably after the two.

Lot of countries didn't import Sentai in exact order.
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20 gang
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For me, it's Mao Ichimichi

Momoka Arata is probably second
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Looking forward to the Champion Boonboomgers in Q3
Gokaiger Nao is the hottest she ever was imo
My choice for most beautiful Sentai actress is probably TimePink though, she's just very pretty (or was I guess, I'm sure she's a MILF now though)
I still like the concept of Kiramei's baton passing one.
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Ei, can you grab this Road to Kakuranger 30th video?

Yeah I was a fan of how they could only use it for a short amount of time or else it would really damage their bodies
Wut? Starninger and the Hurricangers are in too? What about Kamen Rider Shinobi?
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And why is Sakamoto acting like a pervert taking upskirt shots of Kane Kosugi!?
He believes in equality
I mean it's Kane Kosugi.
The TTFC post said they're involved so watch the Youtube video to find out.
We got 4 series.
Changeman, Flashman, Goggle V and then Maskman.
The comic uses Change and Mask because they were, respectively, the most successful and the most recent series.
>The forms only came about because BBGR has zero playability or expansion options and now they need a whole new no-expansions robo like GekiFire
Well if you wanna get cynical about it
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What the fuck, it "kinda" happening:
donbros supremacy
Donbros will be the dekaranger of reiwa
Specials and team ups and stage shows out the wazoo. Anniversaries too
As much as I like King Kuwagata, it was introduced too early.
Wasn't Zenkaiser's upgrade introduced too early as well? I remember Super Zenkaiser debuting in the pre episode 20s.
Donbrothers was popular with everyone

I hope so. We have two red delivery men in a few years and I want to see them together.
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I still think about the methhead who got clean and told Inoue at a bar every now and then
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Speaking of Dekaranger, with how they built a new Deka Base interior, I think they won't waste this just for the Deka20 movie.
Seeing the King-Ohger In Space having Rita in that location makes me think it's like that new Den-Liner set since the New Den-O movie.
Won't Kouhei and Kohaku be too popular to come back?
Maybe we'll see the Nouto Trio more, 2/3 already returned for more minor toku roles.
King came back for King-ohger vs Kyuryuger and Shido Nakamura played Gira's dad. Everything it's posible now
Agencies seem to have a more willingness to co operate, wonder if its because toei have been very personal and upfront rather than how formal they were 10 years ago.
So why did Niibori make the yellow ranger sometimes do female style poses in zyu2 but still give yellow such a tall and muscular suit actor?
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Speaking as someone who loves sentai and vastly prefers it (even though I originally grew up on PR in the early 00's as a kid and didn't have Internet until 2006), it's even a miracle that Shout Factory subbed all the sentai they've had so far. Pluto TV even marathons Toku (Sentai, Ultraman, Kamen Rider), but subbed/dubbed toku will never catch on the US. Americans are too racist towards Japanese and Asians in general like the backlash from covid and the Stop Asian Hate campaign.

Only USA would go out of its way to splice footage and "make" another show than dub/sub the original. I'm just surprised PR lasted for 30 years.

Tsuburaya had to fight tooth-and-nail against that fucker Chaiyo so they're more versed in selling their media overseas. For fuck's sake Toei sold all the rights to Golion to WEP. Yeah Golion is small peanuts but I think this was the 1st time an actual wholly animated series made in Japan by Japanese for Japanese was sold to a US company.

Maybe by the end of this decade, we'll get subbed sentai (especially the 70's and 80's ones) on Toei's Youtube channel. And with subtitles and not gelocked. I think Toei started to wise up at how their dinosaur execs fumbled the ball decades ago and now that Japanese stuff is popular as fuck globally (manga outsells US comics easily), the younger execs want to sell their stuff without US middlemen.
King wasn't the problem, Amy was.
>Everything it's posible now
not really.
Thanks, well at least it was partially true. I'll just have to get the SHF and pretend.
>Tsuburaya had to fight tooth-and-nail against that fucker Chaiyo so they're more versed in selling their media overseas.
Nah, if anything, a company like Toei would use that as an excuse to avoid dealing with overseas localization. If anything, it just shows Tsuburuya always had a stronger international view than Toei and was just held back by external factors.
except Toei themselves have a long history of dealing with overseas companies.
The TsuPro shit only lasted that long because it isn't as big as Toei.
She just saw Boondorio kiss Byun D
Neither one has lips?
Not every aliens kissing with lips.
Toei have released an infograph a while ago basically outlining that they want to start being global with their toku and such by around 2028/2029.
Because /prg/ is dead, I think I'll say this here once until they bring that back from the dead: "We don't talk about Dimitria." Anyone who were once from /prg/ will know why.
>It's a "Power Rangers lives rent free in /ssg/'s heads" episode
I don’t think you know what rent free means anon.
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Her resume must be as long as a CVS receipt
TTFC really does seem like the best service for any Japanese that wants as much Toei toku content as possible. And it's so cheap too.
impossible... she looks very busty in her suit though...
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Our heroes.
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>Iuchi turned 20
>congratulating by posting the photo when she's in wedding dress inside Taiya's car
What did she mean by this?

Taiya's raw bestial energy...
Yaru-chan's a chef!!
u sure he isn't the food? Japanese eat some weird stuff sometimes.
Jou best Boonboomger.
He's a good boy
This heckin' elusive Gashapon Truck, and we just didn't look hard enough.

So to obtain the Boonboom Gashapon Truck, you have to open up any Gashapon Boonboomger item that is marked with a tag in the machine, and fill up a survey to get one right in the shop where you got it. This stuff's anti-scalper, meaning both the website and the shop will know your face if you try to get a second copy, and will immediately call you out for it.
Anti-scalper tactics are always welcome
To add, this is the final BoonBoom Car in the PV. We got all 16 now!
So the rest of the cars don't make new forms and are just gacha?
Our first BoonBoom Killer Car, and it has the BoonBoom Car? sounds. Yalcar parts outright replaced the face from the PatCar 1 mold, and this thing is nothing more than a vice grip or an arm-mounted car crusher.
at least the tiny yarucar is absolutely adorable.
Oh right the Chinese sites would have it.
Not much clues on what Starninger and the Hurris will be doing.
just 2 guys @ the gym
That's pretty ambitious.

What Toei needs to have is someone as fanatical as Greg Werner was for the Netflix One Piece adaptation. US and other Western fans of sentai and other toku that will act as their liaison in marketing it.
Don't worry global means East Asia and sometimes SEA.
They already have East and Southeast Asia; it's spelled out in their contract with Saban that those regions are under Toei's.

A while back, on Toei's Tokusatsu Youtube Channel, they uploaded the 90's Shin Kamen Rider movie with English subs. They made comments that they wanted more English subs on their material for the global audience to enjoy i.e. Anglo countries like the US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc.
shame yarucar won't gattai with boondorio
Best girl.
Big aunt energy
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Yes. Mele and Megumi are the absolute peak for me. Best of the best.
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Movie stills from the Natalie website.
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oh man she's a robocon
>Bitch I'm trying to work here
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She's still a cutie well into her 40s
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For whatever reason she looks ten years older than she really is.
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She got viral some days ago because some people surprised with her being 40 year old with photobook cover like pic related.

She's still gorgeous, but she absolutely looks her age.
Power rangers is dead. The canary in the coal mine just died. You guys are next.
The richest man vs the guy who buys levels in Fortnite to max out his battlepass day one.
You're underage
Maybe they're like the Wall-E niggas and kiss through a electric shock.
>coal mine
But enough about Kamen Rider.
Kingohger's suits were beautiful
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True Slut
Time to boon!
Uh oh, the man that Mira left at the curb to be a superhero
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because he has good taste
Anons, that were asking for a victim of the week, here you go
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Mira is so cute!!
She really is
Sink into miso bliss
So he's mad because she didn't want to go to New York with him nor marry him?
This with Taiya.
King-Ohger is not the norm, if you don't like Sentai, then leave.
poor anon, you just found out that tokuota series aren't the norm
Mira is angy
And now Mira's would-be partner finally gets some closure. Good for him.
BoonRed 119 next week!
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The full suit.
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>now a haiku
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How was the 20th episode?
Episode 21 preview.
I liked that Mira's would-be partner finally got some closure. Also Mira getting to rage-fight a bit was fun.
Slightly better than usual due to having a character of the week this time around. Though it's weird that for an episode centered around Mira she was neither the POV character nor had direct involvement with the story aspect herself.
blackface Jou...
The face tire looks a lot better with all of the armor bulking out his chest/shoulders.
>Joe: i swear to christ, Genba. when im done with you, you are gonna need to be able to 'procure' a decent doctor.
Too bad he barely gets focus episodes.
I would like a few more episodes of random people working with the Hashiryans
>Bun Red 9/11
I really hope champion gives them gold lines on the sides like the black trim on 119 maybe a medal too along with the jacket.
>WanWan Nine
Should be a Dog, not a Lion...
Anyone else misses the movie exclusive mechs?
They were shelfwarmers in the end. Even if Zabyunn released in time for the movie, it probably wouldn't have sold as much as it did when they shifted gear to make it a TV debut
we have a promo one, the hashyrian sanseater killer police car with the yaru on top.
Hey Guys, sorry if this has already been asked, but the Metallic Subs entries for Flashman are completely gone from mega. Are there any back-ups?
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Kotomaman Crossover.
The 1.3TB torrent has them
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For me it's Kazusa Okuyama but Mele's actress is pretty high there too.
>Gekiranger was over 15 years ago
end this meme already jesus christ
Well maybe they'll slowly returning.
is there a reason why the collab skipped King-Ohger
Because it's a Sentai collab.
the side black accents remind me of something but I can't put my finger
it's a random gacha collab
Boukenger (and by extension PR:OO)
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Episode thread:
OT have been so fast this year
The only thing slowed them are the ATM puns.
people complaining about last week's release time would probably off themselves if they experienced the release schedule for Akibaranger
Yeah the amount of insincere entitled anons (which I don't even know if they're LARPing anymore) is kinda annoying.
Like a Dalmatian?
Nah respectfully my slut still mogs in terms of sluttiness.
That's the problem with them making the upgrade Q3 (even then it's way too early for that)>>22724993
Meeting a Geats fan would make me feel like all my work up to then was invalidated
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Sentai bros...
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>the sentai where the team is made up of little kids
Busters, ready go...
I wonder if Boondorio or ByounD are ever going to join regular no giant fights
Honestly with how this dude dressed and kept himself, I'm not surprised what he was caught doing. And in such a stupid way too.
>Keeping it all unencrypted on a google drive
What a fucking retard lol
>the average Sentai fan
i saw it
>go-busters fan
>gets busted

not getting a 10th anniversary project already hard enough, now this too...
What happened? Been years since I followed anything about him. Had a chat in FB all those years ago.
he got arrested yesterday for having lots of cheese pizza
am I supposed to know who this is
Western Toku fan (See the Toqger poster behind him) and animator who headed the show Mighty Magiswords, a western Slayers ripoff. Just got busted for possession of CP that he put on Google Drive.
well I guess that's the reason he likes ToQger
90s on open tv yep!
I freaking love these dumbasses
What a shame, I actually liked Magiswords, mostly the concept though
Also doesn't this make 2 people who worked for CN now busted for that sorta shit? I think the first one was one of the PPG reboot people who went on to make 12 Forever
Isn't this just a ripoff of Slayers anime?
Even the two main characters look similar.
I meant the swords themselves
I just answering one question, it's not like it's derailing the thread too much.
This is the Powerful Rangers thread.
Talk about it then.
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>Akibaranger S2 was 11 years ago
Is that master Shafu?
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Gooks mogging Bandai yet again
I've always liked the Metal Cardbot toyline
Busting to Ayame Misaki is good.
While I'm not condoning what he did, but does hentai of those genre are considered one as well?
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Depends on if certain countries give rights to unsentiant drawings like Canada I guess.
Holy kino
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Boonboomger meeting Kamen Rider Drive in G-Rosso show.
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can't fap to him anymore
The Boonboomgers team up with the Dragon of Dojima
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Kids stuff first, then it's time for the man's stage show
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Kaito and gremlin reunion
Reunion of the century
she's getting thicker, thank you Shida genes...
Next thread: >>22731237
This current thread is back at page 1 and isn't even at the bump limit.
Aww, cute excited newfriend
California penal code 311.11 (which he was charged under) excludes drawings, statues, and movies rated by the MPA. So he was busted for having at least 12 videos or 600 pics of the real thing,
Kill yourself fatfag
I'm not calling her fat tho?
Thick isn't literal fat, it just mean she gets sexier.
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Name a more brutal mogging...
Last couple boonboomger episodes were actually pretty fun.

Honestly even if the series is mid I like it better than what I've seen of Reiwa rider in general.
Or maybe just enjoy Sentai without comparing them with other franchises?
Shut up ridersissy.
I'm an alltokusissy, thank you
Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
It's Euzeth. He ban evaded, and is back to spamming >>22731625 again.
Euzeth? That's Thanksgiving-kun's name?
Who's cooler, Sasuke or Hyuuga?
hyugachads > uchihafags
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I don't think Yuzuki is the prettiest girl objectively because Sentai has a lot of beauties in the running but she has such an energy to her that I find very appealing

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