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We're getting pretty close to release. Final hopes and fears?
There’s already a breaker thread. Use the catalog or fuck off.
The old thread died, but way to be an arrogant prick with egg on his face
>Final hopes and fears?
No Denuvo
Break babies can’t been read. Enjoy shoving your toys up your ass
>no thread subject
>no "Breaker" in the OP text
>mobileshit image
nta but I would have missed that thread too.
OP here. I searched "Breaker" and had no way of seeing this shit.
>Final hopes
Its just Breaker 3 again
Zaku 1 pls god why do you punish me!
>and fears
Its New Gundam Breaker again.
Breaker success gives a green light for EXVS2 console release.
I expect crappy online play
actual stages like in 1-3 for story at least
but I'm afraid it'll be waves everywhere
My hope is that it has the Lfrith Ur and Gundvolva.
I know that it won't.
that's the gachaslop thread
MS list: https://pastebin.com/AcdQjErF
>haven't played since GB2
>this list
It's like fucking Christmas.
Where’s Chaos and Abyss? Or Hyperion?
All three of those are listed
I REALLY need them to add the GN-XIV for the love of god.
Zaku III Custom pls
and I blind?
they're still on the GBM list because they showed up in one of the trailers but haven't been announced
But we’ve seen them…
I take it this list doesn't include unlockables and possible DLC?
>Final hopes
That the game bombs and that I die of a heart attack.
Dunno if they're unlockables or not, but there have been suits in the trailers that aren't in that list.
Apple pied with fake fillings.
it has all the MS that are included in the Japanese website, but I'll add any DLC suits when they get announced too
It's my first GB so
Calibarn or some cool DLC, that the game is fun, that Fumina doens't look hideous in-game or we get Avatar Fumina later on.
Forced Male MC
Why not add the ones we’ve confirmed seeing. Isn’t that the point of a list? Otherwise your list is redundant with their list and just jerking yourself off
People slapping on robo dongs and bobs on their builds will get the multiplayer severely curtailed
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it's pve.
no one cares how big of a dong you put on your robot
because they haven't been announced officially yet, we might not have confirmation until after the game launches, or if it's DLC/season pass instead
They’re right there. Retarded or shill?
can you point me to them here? https://gb.ggame.jp/2024/gunpla/
Japanese players regularly do crude joke stuff like this in any game that allows customization
Some more info on the ONT contents
>Plenty of Gunpla added via Free Updates that will help fill out the roster outside of whatever is offered in the DLC/Season Pass content
>More collabs with other Bamco IPs; if they're confident enough in GB4 as a product, especially after all of the positive fan press, they can absolutely consider future collabs after the Pac-Man one

>Despite the advertisement of the GB3 and GBM cast returning in GB4, they'll only be afterthoughts in the overall plot and contribute fuck-all to the narrative except to appease fans of those prior entries in the franchise
>You will not be able to recreate the specific parts combination of whatever custom Gunpla you used in GBM in spite of the numerous amounts of Gunpla added via DLC and free updates; you can get close, but not close enough. Never close enough...
>DLC/season pass instead
DLC suits wouldn't be the shit that's in the trailers, it'll be WFM, SEED Freedom and random MSV/side story stuff

Furthermore even if it is DLC somehow it would still be good to list them so people know they exist at all
>DLC suits wouldn't be the shit that's in the trailers
they could, since they haven't been announced yet, so they could just be in the trailers because that's the build they have, but then decide X suits would be better put as extra content rather than launch content

so far, we only know that they will be in the game at least

>it'll be WFM, SEED Freedom and random MSV/side story stuff
we already got a Strike variant for pre-order bonus, so this already invalidates your point

>Furthermore even if it is DLC somehow it would still be good to list them so people know they exist at all
that's what I plan to do whenever they get announced
You’re such a colossal faggot it’s unbelievable. Even the sub mod is more useful than you, has a more complete list too
anon you didn't reply to my previous post >>22729465
>Zaku Amazing
I will now play your game
Read harder. It’s not in the game
That’s not even me you dense fuck
Fuck right off nobody cares
sorry I got confused, it's just that you two seem to be very angry about a simple list
Actually a cozy vid for info, but I’m a still bit confused on pre download. When can we actually download the app?
>so far, we only know that they will be in the game at least
This alone is already enough reason to log them as existing in the game

>Strike variant for pre-order bonus
Literally a random msv suit, that's literally all Gunbarrel Strike is and exactly what I said
>This alone is already enough reason to log them as existing in the game
again, I'm not disagreeing with you on that front, but I'm still waiting for them to officially announce it, as both GB3 and NGB had main suits released as DLC (even if NGB did the scummy thing of releasing GB3 suits as DLC)
If that's your worry then just add them to a list that simply says
>seen ingame but unsure if it isn't DLC
then you wouldn't be having this argument with people constantly, I'm only really weighing my two cents at something that doesn't seem to warrant a hard stance
>then you wouldn't be having this argument with people constantly
it's not really an argument, it's just one angry anon who seems to think my list (which is really just the official list but in english) is important enough to always complain that it doesn't include the suits that he cares about

the release is around one month away, so I really think they'll announce them in the meantime
Hey you whiny fucks. Someone put out the MS list for the ONT
something I haven't seen anyone talking about is builder parts, obviously we'll get some of them from the new suits, but will they add more based on the previous ones or not?
How can anyone know that?
If List Anon doesn’t add Baund Doc he’s even more of a colossal faggot than we thought
Is the gameplay better than New Gundam Breaker?
yea, it tries to be gb3, with relative success.
nothing from ngb is carried over
I hope that’s not true. Some of the builder stuff in NGB was amazing. Yknow, anything not involving the actual gameplay
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I meant in gameplay sense.
Dunno about customatization. It does uses unreal engine as NGB tho.
open test tomorrow, you can try it for yourself
Is the baund doc confirmed anywhere?
Yes. Just like all the others in the game you ignore
You dumb bitch
Oh sorry it’s actually on this dudes list, >>22732772
I just managed to cut off the end like a dummy. My bad
official JP tweet came out like 7 hours ago, somehow not showing up on notifications, thanks elon

I'll update the list now
there were other suits announced?
I’m neither of the anons in this circle jerk but even I’m getting real sick of your attitude about this. It’s obnoxious when we’ve seen the icons and names right in a menu. I get what you’re trying to do, I get the “we gotta be sure”. But they’re right there just put them on the list end end this
I will put them once they get announced
if that anon wants to be mad then so be it
No, we just don't want you around.
4th anon.
I do want him around (69th anon)
But my count theres like five of us sick of you acting like a child. I’m not even using your list. The sub has a more complete one anyway, and if I wanted to translate their “official one” I’d just have my phone do it automatically
>I’m not even using your list.
so it's not a problem then? I'm just keeping tabs on what's officially announced, that's all, I'm not forcing the list on anyone
do it elsewhere
sorry satan, but I'm just sharing for anyone that might want to do a quick check on what's officially announced

if you already have a list that has what you want, it shouldn't be an issue
do it elsewhere.
or silently.
You’ve done nothing but push your useless dumb shit in our faces. Who wants that?
maybe you should go back to r*ddit and cry about it there

posting about it isn't pushing
if anything, crying about someone not doing what you want is what I'd call "pushing your useless dumb shit"
fuck off
>Looking over some of my Breaker 3 screenshots and getting ready to rebuild some of my suits
>Realise it's been a decade since the last good Gundam Breaker game
Where does the time go?
keep crying
is that a GM custom torso?
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That or GM3/GM Command Space or something, it's been a long while. May have to reinstall to check my recipes.
no worries, I'll test it myself later, thanks anon

on that topic, I wish they implemented some kind of shareable code that would let you copy builds
You know this entire thread is against you?
if by "this entire thread" you mean a bunch of crying redditors, then I don't mind
only one who is crying here is you, and you do that for attention.
I think he thinks we’re all the same guy
What in the fuck even is this thread at this point? all it is shit flinging for the sake of it
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I feel he is also a bit star-struck considering how insufferable he acts since he built little house of cards on youtube if I get it correctly or it's some of his "fans" from discord or something.
Very classy.
That's their brain on gacha I suppose.
people tried to talk about game, but one idiot can't seem to put 2+2 together keeps pushing it and everyone got sick out of his attics
That’s not the list guy
What’s this YT have to do with the list? I just don’t want to see those anons fight over the druggies every day
I'm not the anon that cries about suits not being on a list

don't mind them, they're just mad about stupid stuff
Hope: putting Bikini on gunpla.
The Open Network Test is available right now
are any of the AOZ or Sentinel designs available in the test?
I haven't played GB3 in a while. Did the controls for it feel this stiff and off? GB4 feels kinda sluggish and weird control wise so far, but could just be me
Someone being autistically stubborn on a technicality anyone looking for info about the game will not give a fuck about
It's not the smoothest, but I think it was a little more responsive than this. That could be a stats thing though since that changed attack speed and stuff in 3 iirc.
yeah, it's really funny how people care that much about stuff being on a list
refer to this >>22732772
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I work all during the network test so let me know how the game is bros
Are there any stages that you actually walk through like GB3 or are they all just arenas?
the hardest pass that has ever passed
At the very least the demos have all just featured arenas.
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After getting to play it, i can safely say that this is absolute dogshit. Combat feels like shit, dual wielding is pretty much mandatory which instantly makes me not want to use melee, every attack in the game has no feeling of impact, no actual going through levels, just fight waves of enemies.
Online play is atrocious. You're not actually fighting the same enemies that are on the screen. I'm so fucking pissed. This shit is NGB2, not GB4. One month till release and this is how the game is. Fuck these retarded devs.
>This shit is NGB2, not GB4
Now, let's not be ridiculous. This is just a network test, so I don't believe we've seen even an inch of everything.
Brother the game comes out next month. The "desync" is not something thsts going to be fixed, its built into the game.
Same for how the melee combat was absolutely butchered, and how weapons have no feeling of impact. What you see is what you get.
Multiplayer is unstable and enemies desynching really sucks but I'm liking the feel of the game a lot. Most of my gameplay related fears are gone, hopefully the multiplayer works a little better on PC and in the full version.
>Exbain Ashe

Ayo gimme that part list i wanna recreate it.

The online play being atrocious is fine for a network test, thats kind of the point. The combat itself is actually fine, though EX Skills just being "Do a full GB3 combo" for melee so far is kinda weird. The dual wielding is also awesome as fuck. you can pull some nasty shit off.
>dual wielding is mandatory
Confirmed didn’t play
It took me a while to get back into it but I adjusted and it felt mostly normal to me. I do feel like I have to regularly cycle through ranged > option parts > melee a lot though. I don't know if it's just low level parts but it feels like every ranged gun takes forever to reload. After playing an hour and a half or so I felt pretty good about the game, my biggest letdown is all the levels were just wide arenas and getting teleported to different parts of the map. Feels weird, why not just make a little hallway and let move down? Hoping the story mode has proper levels.
I also feel like the camera is really close to my Gunpla, would like to be a bit farther back. All in all though, it feels good enough. Leagues better than NGB, but not quite as good as GB3. I think stuff like scaling parts and R/L arms being separate, and the new double wielding will make up for it and make GB4 feel like it isn't just a worse GB3, but it's own title with it's own strengths and weaknesses.
you never played NGB
Wonder if there's any chance wing's zwergs make it in. Why do they hate animating them so much?
is there more builders parts in the network test besides the ones given to you by default?
if it is genuine desync then yes, that's the kind of thing a network test is for
I had fun. Anyone saying it’s NGB2 is actually mental
Only thing I didn't like was how you needed Seed parts for most of the better EX and OP skills, but having more suit variety in the full game should fix that.
the desync is kind of hilarious. My friend thinks it may be intentional just so both people can combo a boss but it looks fuckin STUPID when you see destinys HP bar disintergrate cause theres two people EX skilling it at once.
It is interesting, the stream I saw had a guy who didn't seem desync'd with his viewers, they hit thee same shit in the same spots

If this behavior happens to people with latency between them but not let's say the JP players or people who live nearby then you can probably safely assume to not be a intentional thing
Didn't get to play much cause of work - did the Seed suits have beam boomerang option parts?
yes. Destiny's arms had it and I'm pretty sure I saw it on Infinite Justice's shield but never used it.
I'm pretty sure the part upgrade system allows you to move EX and OP skills on to other parts as well, but I think it's very far up the tree. Something about maxing a parts rarity lets you use it's stats and abilities with other parts over it, cosmetically. The part grind does seem like it'll be more complex than GB3 at least
Did anyone get a chance to see how twin blades worked as your main weapon?
Can I still abuse and spam GN Fangs and Funnels?
It was very easy to keep 100% uptime on the Nu Fin Funnels when I was playing. Come the full game you can probably pretty easily have 2 or 3 types of Funnels/Fangs/Bits going at once most of the time.
Thats usually the case with JP netcode. Experience is great for them, fucked for the rest of the world.

Yeah they do, they are kind of ass. Instead of being able to stay out like GB3, you just toss it and it attacks and returns in 1 second. It looks like shit and does fuck all damage.
>Muh GB3
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It felt a bit weird and stiff to start, but by the 4th mission I was starting to juggle enemies like the good old days.
I was able to get the EX Dragoons and builder part GN bits out pretty fast ,so I think funnel hell swarms are definitely a go
I have a feeling the game's going to feel a lot better once people are used to the systems and find ways to pump up speed stats
I've been playing Battle Universe, so the jump and boost felt pretty weird. Can't wait to get my hands on Super Fummina.
Is there another session happening and if si when?
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isn't that just how it works in exvs?
Damage is entirely player fault. A lot of people don’t get how the single/dual wielding works and are gimping their damage because of it
I didn't have time to read the tutorial. What was the yellow lightning that sometimes connected enemies? It felt like I was taking damage from it.
That’s their part Magneting back to them after you knock it off. Same happens to you.
So many people skipped past this
That does beg the question if you don't equip a dual wield weapon, what number are you getting? 5400 or 2700 (5400/2)? If its the latter then welding one weapon is severely broken.
Read the text again. It's very straight forward
The average of both. Unless both hands are near equal power you’re losing strength on your EX and Options no matter what
so you're trading power for more options in combat, seems like it's fair to me

what about weapons that were previously dual only? (ie. Strike Noir's swords) do those ones get turned into single handed or do they stay dual weapons? and what about double handed ones?
Single. Double hand like Greatsword can’t be dual wielded. Some skills NEED you to run two like Rolling Buster NEEDS two tbr to be selectable, but you can use just one as a regular weapon just fine
You say that but whiny babies >>22734493 claim you HAVE to dual wield
interesting, so if they're turning double handed weapos into single handed, can you still wield them double handed if you only have one equipped? or does it always use the single handed stance?
Great swords HAVE to be two handed. No double hand with them
just ignore the doomposter and keep talking about what's actually present in the game, if people like it or not is up to them
oh sorry, I got it completely wrong, thanks anon
No it isn't because if you don't equip a weapon to one hand it defaults to a charge. So does that count as a weapon or not?
That guy we hate threw up hardcore difficulty coop. The desynch looks bad but the gameplay looks pretty smooth. Enemies for sure look more aggressive than the CNT.
>Lupus in the preset paints
>IBO and G Arms filters in the parts list
We’re getting a new mission on Session 3 bet
How the fuck is it in maintenance for only me ? how are you retards playing
We aren't. We were playing earlier when the test was open, but it's down for now. Next and final session is in just over 6 hours.
I just saw a post that if you slap a Gyan shield on your back it can actually fire from there. Is that new?
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Why does the game feel weirdly stiff in comparison to 3? Who at Bamco decided to make the multiplayer lobbies so obtuse and out of the way? Why the fuck do the enemies just stand still on the hardest difficulty?
But will the story be as oddly charming as 3's?
So just buy 3?
Do whatever you want, people will complain either way
New thing bad old thing good
>when weapons are equipped to bolth arms,
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I'm a whiny baby because I'm raising valid complaints about this shit? Sure drone.
Gonna defend the lack of levels next?
How about the desync? Shut the fuck up rat.
The game comes out in a month. The desync won't be fixed. They call it a network test when in all seriousness its just a demo with online play.
Nah its way worse than EXVS. EXVS Boomerangs can stay out depending on the suit, these ones are just fire and forget and you can barely tell if they went off. Even with higher level weapons the HP bar BARELY moves on even basic grunts.
Yeah uhhhh....Desync can absolutely be fixed in a month> you literally just have to tighten up the netcode, its not hard. JP Bros are playing together just fine, its literally just people overseas.
Does anyone have a list for the 15 suits that are unlocked early in the deluxe editions? I can’t find an image that isn’t for ants
iirc it's more or less just the season 1/starting suits from each of the main series. So like MK II, Strike, Impulse, Exia, AGE-1, Barbatos 4th, etc.
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>I'm a whiny baby because I'm raising valid complaints about this shit? Sure drone.
>Gonna defend the lack of levels next?
>How about the desync? Shut the fuck up rat.
Just looked it up.

Turn A
Aile Strike
Force Impulse
AGE-1 Normal
G-Self Atmospheric Pack
Barbatos 4th Form
>The desync won't be fixed. They call it a network test when in all seriousness its just a demo with online play.
So it's a network test?
Wait is the game up? Someone’s streaming it
Huh, it is. I thought the next session was in 4 hours, but I can play right now.
ooooo. Getting Strike and Impulse early is already worth imo. Thanks
Well, I'm tired of the Network test already. I want to get more suits
I think the only thing that sucks about it is that i dont see any derive merge mechanics. It may just be disabled right now but the fact i could get pretty much whatever i wanted with just chapter 1 suits was glorious in GB3.
Wouldn't the beam machine gun make option/ex long range attacks suck due to scaling?
Merge sucks. Skins solve that issue without needing to feed a million parts into eachother
weren't there a few counters that you couldn't access in the test? Probably gets unlocked later
Is it still up?
>Touch screen is buggy on the Switch version
Eh the part merge i get, but Derive merge was how you got chapter 5 parts in chapter 1 or 2, it let you customise REALLY fast if you knew the lines.
are the parts drops random? I keep trying for destiny backpack
Completely, yeah. Friend and I just grinded hardcore till we both got it. The WoL give our mechs a blue sheen for some reason.
Dang, I wanted the Freedom's railguns, but they just won't drop.
I'm actually hyped for this, a modern Gundam game that is in English and seemingly pretty good sounds like a made up dream, Bandai Namco went through so many failures and embarrassments to reach this point. I haven't been too deep into gaming at all since 2017~2019 when I bought dark souls on steam for a heavy discount. I think I might even upgrade my computer too just to prepare, because I don't think my outdated shitbox of a PC can handle it
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>the Nu FF is in GB4
>but the Sazabi FF isn't
Man, I wanted the lobster funnels.
does hardcore have better drop rates?
I have no fucking idea but it drops higher level parts so we figured we'd kill two birds with one stone. It is also easy as fuck despite being hard mode.
How are the menus this slow even on a ps5?
I can't tell what the Airbrush Density, Granular and Strength do
Feels so much worse to play than 3, why the fuck are melee parts on cooldown ? scamco needs to be dissolved
post your brown hand
The part affixes seem to have really strong effects despite them saying 1.5% and some bullshit so I'd say once we get some option weapon cool down affixes it'll mitigate that quickly. Using IJs legs and am ASS and never really have to worry about the cooldown
Melee Option cooldowns are like 5 seconds how are you even having issues with this when you already have 2 other melee weapons on top of your other Option weapons?
The funnel spam is pretty perfect already, having nu backpacks and jagd doga arms allows you to kick them out constantly due to how little ex they use. Not to mention the ex skills bar in general fills up really quickly. Seems like they've just traded option part spam for ex spam this time around
Because it wasn't like this in gb3? There's no reason for there to be a cooldown for it.
you know what.
I start to understand anon who said "it's NGB2"
Cause after session of GB4 I loaded GB3 back, and it's obvious that GB4 is just a mere look-alike.
GB4 feels like it made out of checklist but no one knew how to make videogame period.
It's just mediocre game which is not fun to play.
While GB3 is a blast.
>you know what.
>I start to understand anon who said "it's NGB2"
>Cause after session of GB4 I loaded GB3 back, and it's obvious that GB4 is just a mere look-alike.
>GB4 feels like it made out of checklist but no one knew how to make videogame period.
>It's just mediocre game which is not fun to play.
>While GB3 is a blast.
You NGB2 freaks never even touched NGB.
I thought I recalled someone mentioning in the first network test that you can remove option equipment from some parts, like taking the swords off of parts. Has anyone found anything you can do this with?
I showed someone how bad NGB was recently and every few seconds I was encountering another bad design decision I had completely forgotten about. Even if GB3 is better, I can't compare because it's been years since I played 3, 4 is significantly better than NGB.
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Im sold
luckly the bunny was already included since GB3's DLC and NGB's base game, now let's hope they port the rest of the AoZ suits that were in GBM
We're so far away from NGB's release that most people can't say anything about it besides "NGB bad" and subsequently anything they don't like about GB4 has to be NGB
It is called a nerf, diversify your tactics in a new game
This game is trying to be GB3 2, why shouldn't it be bought up? Cooldowns don't belong in action games.
How is it a nerf? it's a different more limiting system from MMOs

The game is piss easy anyway since the AI just stands there doing nothing half the time, and difficulty only inflates HP
>how’s it a nerf
Please look up what a nerf is
Explain how it's a nerf please i do not understand what your talking about
>still no GP04
Man, it would cool as fuck to have those arms and backpack.
>randomly see Gyan shield fire from my back during a BH run
>finally manage to replicate it
So it turns out if your arm is otherwise occupied, like by shooting or attacking, it WONT move the shield to that hand for its Option attack and just fire it off from the back looking super sick
Also hello hope you’re all enjoying the ONT
Was in GBM. There’s some hope
Oh wow that’s actually kinda cool. Does it work on other missile shields?
gameplay wise it's obviously doesn't have anything related to NGB
but there is certain weird aspects of jank to it which kinda reminds me of it
>Also hello hope you’re all enjoying the ONT
it's fine for what it is, but I'm constantly reminded of better games
may pick up on 50% off way later down the line
Nobody answer them
>builders parts scale along with the part they're attached to
>but can also still be scaled themselves
Shit can get pretty big.
Don't know if anyone else was aware but if you use the super lacerta twin blades and hold down the attack button you get the twin blade helicopter attack
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It's fun but I'm tired of replaying the same 3 missions and only improving my build by random drops, since the other systems are locked out. I'll just wait for release.
No it’s NGB2
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cartwheel into traffic, retard

Perhaps you should fuck off back there then bud
If you’re just looking for massive thrusters, try playing around with the scale of Duel’s backpack
Sure join up https://www.reddit.com/r/gundambreaker4sucks/s/EgiVrMKCEf
Funnels feel a bit underpowered.
For a 1 meter cost passive damage over time that you can stack multiples of, they shouldn't be too strong.
But we'll have to wait for the full game to see how well they scale with actually upgraded weapons and a bunch of EX Damage affixes to judge how good they are.
Then you have goofballs like Super Dragoons that are a buff with funnels
holy fuck the level of pettiness to make this, please just fuck off and stay in that shithole
It's more that to me right now they feel like they have very little impact at all, like the rate of fire is way too low. I could barely even tell the Jagd Doga arm ones were even doing anything besides just aimlessly flying around.
Is this real? The website list is a lot smaller.
If you look there's a divide around the middle that separates the list into kits exclusive to Mobile. Only the first 287 lines are the ones that are included in 4. Whoever posted it probably should have mentioned it so that people just looking for a specific suit don't get the wrong idea.
Is true you can't merge parts here? I have no console to join the test
It’s not a complete list and it’s also poorly organized
No merging, no derive, no upgrading at all. You get drops from the missions and that's it, you have to just roll with the stats as they're given.
There's no Awakening either, despite being able to get parts with Awakening related affixes, and no Common EX Skills aside from Repair so if you want to use any EXs you need to run whatever parts have them.
Before this starts a whole thing. These features are in the main game, just none of them are enabled in the ONT
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You can't upgrade parts or use the shop in the test. We know from one of the streams that Merging will be in the full game.
I figured that was obvious so I didn't feel the need to mention, but I suppose shitposters will take anything they can get these days. My bad.
Shitposters and stupid people. It’s bad enough here with the listfags and the doom posters and the retards who seem to hate anyone trying to promote the game for us.
how is it not complete? and why is it poorly organized?
>Whoever posted it probably should have mentioned it so that people just looking for a specific suit don't get the wrong idea.
should I make a different list for the GBM suits?
He mad fellas. Watch out
Honestly it would be nice. Just make it "Confirmed Suits" and "Possible/DLC suits" i guess.
yeah, that seems like the best idea, thanks anon

does anyone have the trailer in which the unannounced suits are shown? I wanna add the time stamps
You don’t get favors anymore after what a child you’ve been
Thanks, I got baited so I wanted to know for sure.
I'm not the guy throwing tantrums because of a simple list
NTA If it was a simple list how do you keep fucking it up?
pray tell, how did I fuck it up exactly?
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Megaton Musashi genuinely feels better to play. The camera especially feels awful in GB4.
megatons of pooslopshi
>1 member
>a dozen generic unfunny memes with no upvotes or comments

Dude. Most pathetic thing I've seen in a while
I couldn't vibe with it at all, there's really no game until you got to the X part.
They were too overpowered back in 3. I can see why they scaled back on the option parts, at some point I just go barefist because upgrading option part is faster.
Yeah but it was fun building an absolute fucking unit of a mech that had so many weapons it looked like the Liger Zero Panzer.
yea, but I'm afraid people blind to that fact.
since GB4 is sorta okayish, all seems forgiven despite it being worse in all aspects but customization.
There's a lot of things I would want to say honestly, different, not worse. And after the nitpicking dumbfucks in this thread I know that maybe sounds like semantics but I really did enjoy some of the weird new changes in the test. Dual wielding, while not my choice (gimme a fuck off big sword any day for obari poses) did allow you to vary your combos a lot. Ex skills recharge so insanely fast that option spam seems to have been replaced with ex spam. And the options menu had a really nice touch whereby you could adjust the camera position, by default it was closer than in gb3 but if you put it to about 18 it was more comparable, and if you put it to 1 it felt more like playing ACE:R. Weird how camera position gives the game a whole different sense of momentum. Also liked the lobby and seeing other people's gunpla. Hopefully in the full game it'll cycle out npcs in new chapters. There's quite a few things that are still rough like tracking and combo linking but the game is looking to be a good alternative for 3.
Emphasis on /feel/. Combat feedback is better and it's overall flashier.
Actual combat mechanics are not great in either game but I find GB4's much more fun and engaging.
I agree that "different" is better word. Cause GB4 certainly is not a bad game. Yet I can't really call it good one either.
Since it's impossible to ignore GB1-3 and do not make comparisons.
Overall if you look at game as a checklist of mechanics, GB4 seems fine.
But I feel like it's just nothing but collection of mechanics made by someone with very different goal in mind than first three games.

Game just doesn't work together very well. And I feel like emphasis on short stages where you are timed on few minutes maximum is way to hide it.
Since if player won't spend too much time in the battle and more in applying parts and min maxing - which is also fun part of gameplay - he won't mind certain "whatever" feel battles give to him since they are short anyway.
Doesn't help that while enemy AI wasn't really highlight of previous games either, these ones feel even worse to battle against.

Overall it depends on what you liked about such games to begin with. If you liked customatization aspect more than battle aspect - GB4 probably up your alley. If you liked min maxing skills - probably GB4 is good for that as well.
But as brawler-action type of game? It's really whatever. It just doesn't feel good to play.
I think the thing that sticks most vividly in my mind for GB3 is newtype difficulty and it's no fun allowed mentality. When you say about min maxing skills, newtype really did force you to do just that and the brawler gameplay really fell apart then too in the opposite direction. The game just became ex skill spam and if you didn't have the 'avoid instant death' skill then it was impossible to complete most stages.

They are definitely making different decisions and trying to bring the game in a direction that the previous games hadn't. The arenas feel very closed off and weird for action games, but inversely the PG boss fight was easily by far the best PG fight I've had in any of the breaker games, in the previous ones they just felt like a slog so I glad they added little things like small health bars for each part that momentarily stun it and let you get a few combos in. I think the big thing is what high level play will look like in GB4, of course going from an all gold, gold affixes MG build in 3 will feel underwhelming, we can only wait and see what the game has in store once it's released. The foundation for a good games definitely there, it's just about how they utilize the stages, bosses, story and upgrades now. Who knows, all the stages may not be arenas, but then again some of the most memorable fights in breaker were in just that. Like the shamblo in 1 or odaiba.

I think all in all there's a degree of give and take with change. If they actually did just remake GB3 we all know people would complain saying its basically a $60 dlc, but if they change too much they run the risk of another NGB. I think they've made a fair compromise of new and old features in the new game to give it a fresh feeling, but not to ruin the formula.
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Post Builds. Would probably replace Duel Arms with Buster Arms in the full game.
I should've taken more pictures of my various builds, but my final build was a SEED Freedom inspired Z'gok and I had a lot of fun with it. I will definitely be making a higher effort version of the concept in the full game. I wish we had Claw or Melee to mess around with in the ONT.
I've seen people say that nothing will carry over, but I wish at least the blueprints would so we could easily recreate our ONT builds in the full game.
you say that like we wont just be able to do that anyway. Its the first 3 missions and then take like 5 minutes, we can all grind our shit out again easy.
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I do agree that newtype was tight to say the least, avoid instant death is mandatory skill, and some few others too.
But that's what newtype difficulty was for, considering number game of GB4, it'll be there as well.
I did load GB3 yesterday and got my shit handled on newtype since it's been awhile, then I switched to hardcore and had way more fun in single stage than during entire closed and open network test.
Feel of battle is completely different, and you could have quite fair amount of fun looking at my batshit build I had, I think I was going thru hardcore playthru with other friend who never played the game back then, pic related.

>PG boss fight was easily by far the best PG fight I've had in any of the breaker games
I can see that, but after few tries his same old attack pattern gone old. It's just about as sponge to fight against as other PG in other games. At some point I gave up avoiding his attacks cause I never felt in danger, just a lot of boring button mashing.
We'll never reach a pinnacle of boss fights what was GB2.
>Who knows, all the stages may not be arenas, but then again some of the most memorable fights in breaker were in just tha
I wonder, I honestly don't have huge hopes. It does seem that story mode will be quite different since it's separate section during mission select, but I wonder how much.

>I think all in all there's a degree of give and take with change. I think they've made a fair compromise of new and old features in the new game to give it a fresh feeling, but not to ruin the formula.
I can see that, even if they are not entirely different developer, people move on, tastes change, goals change. It's impossible to please everyone anyway, and I will agree that they made fair bit of effort to try their best at making this game despite all the good and bad baggage.

But I just don't see myself enjoying the game same way as gb1-3 precisely because foundations seems lacking, for my taste at least.
Thats a fair way of looking at the game but I'd say for comparison, go onto a new account a make a new save game for breaker 3,ive had to a few times just when I got a new ps4 or 5 but honestly it can be a pretty big slog too, each time I always found myself in a spot where I didn't really have a build in place until you get to chapter 5 since so many parts are gated off. What I'm getting at is that I think the 3 missions gave a good frame of reference for the game, but I think there should be a lot more content to it. If the 3 missions we got are the case with nothing but new enemies copy pasted in, then sure everyone has a right to be pissed. But I think there'll be a lot of new content to give the game a fresh spin and hopefully a new lease of life
Remember how chapter....4? I think, whichever one was you alone with the space cadets, was a massive fucking Slog in 3 cause its all fuckin monolith stages that are long as FUCK and the plot is effectively put on hold? God i dont miss it.
at one point my breaker 3 disc got damaged, so I rebought it digitally (big surprise, saves didn't transfer), so I had similar experience.
And GB2 and 1 were played only after I played 3.
So there is definitely some slog. However I think I'm biased toward slog in positive way, to point that short stages and teleportation between them in GB4 annoys me more than they should annoy general player.

Either way I definitely agree that network test is network test, it definitely doesn't represent final game, with half of game mechanics gated - like awakening and such.
So I do not write game off completely and I bet overall experience will be better than just 3 short arena stages.
Overall before I loaded GB3 I had quite optimistic perception of a game. Closed Network test overall left positive impression too.
With Open Network I played with friend, which brought terrible sync issues. Yet solo play was still same, as long you turn off dumb homing setting in menus.
But more I played I couldn't just put my finger on why it felt "off" despite from memory of playing GB3 it seemed to have all right elements. That's why I loaded GB3.

And afterwards I decided to take back most of positive things I said about GB4.
Still, I'm just stubborn weirdo from internets who likes games certain way. Overall I bet game will be warmly received since there isn't something particularly wrong with it outside of desync. Especially since there is certainly nothing like that on western market and especially PC. Will have more replayability than SD Gundam Battle Alliance too.

It's just I can't find much of "right" with it for my taste.
I'll definitely agree that monolith stages weren't the greatest part of GB3 even for slog loving myself, haha
The teleportation was definitely really strange. They could easily have done gated off sections like the aforementioned Megaton Musashi.
I think the comment about the battle is way too much of an assumption especially when we know for example there’s a survival mode, the first 3 baby stages is just that
that's fair, but I feel issue is quite fundamental and just adding rest of mechanics on top won't change it.
I'll be happily proven wrong however. But my optimism is quite low.
Same here, but I feel like wave type of mission is burned into the game design and since you are timed for each segment, teleportation is only way about it.
Musashi doesn't have global rankings afaik in same way GB4 has. So to make it "fair" they decided to focus on enemy elimination speed.
Feels like I was the only person not to drop that claw in the test
Megaton Musashi is a fun game, but won’t compare to Gundam Breaker’s customization or options
It’s also a game that’s more similar to break edition rather than a proper release

I think both have their place and I will personally play both just fine
How is he still streaming?
Is this cooking?
Damn quality got crispy. My bad
Please tell me the final game will have a modifier that allows guns to charge while you use melee strings
They already do. The animation may not play but they charge and hold charge as long as you’re holding it
Also forgot to mention you can start the charge while meleeing and it still builds
So how high are the odds that GB4 will at least try to approach the amount of kits GBM had available by the end of its service? Like... I don't realistically think it's going to have a bunch of the minor variants that made up the bulk of GBM's roster as entire new kits, but I feel like we'll have a buttload of kits to pick through by the time all of the DLC content is finished, and they eventually stop giving free updates with extra Gunpla.

That being said, I figure that a majority of what they might give us via updates could be like... the pieces needed to make a HiMo Zaku such as the legs and backpack, but it won't actually be considered a whole new kit, and just an add-on to the base gunpla... or we might get more Striker Packs, but not an entire new Strike Gundam or Strike Rouge kit, and so on, since they seem to be grouping all the extra equipment with the base suit as one kit, seeing as they're calling the Aile Strike Gundam the Strike Gundam, which implies that they're considering the Aile Striker an add-on to the base kit, rather than a separate kit in the roster as a whole.
Aile Strike is called Aile Strike in game. We also have separate Launcher Strike, Sword Strike and Rouge parts we’ve seen. Every part of the Aile Strike in the ONT is called Aile Strike
My mistake, then.
Most of GBMs roster was “minor variants?” Are we using the same definition of “most”?
>All of the Event Welfare or Arena Reward MS that were basically "___'s Zaku II" or "___'s Gelgoog"

Yeah I'd consider that a good bulk of the MS in GBM.
Could you kindly list them? What GBM only Gunpla out of all the GBM only Gunpla that were “minor variants?”

Shin Matsunaga and Johnny Ridden fans rapidly approaching your position
What the fuck
Fuck, bandai, give me two more hours in the training mode
>RX-78-2 (Entry Grade)
>RX-78-2 (American type, based on the above EG version)
>MS-06F Zaku Minelayer (Same as regular F type Zaku II, with only difference being the backpack)
>Dom Tropen and the Sand Brown color version are counted as separate units
>Z'Gok and Z'Gok Char Aznable version
>Making Elpeo Puru and Puru Two's Quebeley Mk-IIs into separate units
>regular Geara Doga and Rezin Schneider's Geara Doga, only major visual difference being the commander antenna
>THREE DIFFERENT VARIANTS of the Sazabi (Normal, Ver.Ka, and Life Size Nu Statue version)
>Including both the Proto Zero and TV Version of the Wing Zero, then releasing the Sky Zero, which is a literal recolor of the TV Wing Zero
>Ditto for the Gouf Custom and Gouf Crimson Custom
>and the Red Frame Flight Pack and Red Frame Inversion
>Including the Phenex (Narrative version) and (Type RC) from the G-Reco 3D short

I'll freely admit that the Shin Matsunaga and Johnny Ridden HiMo Zaku IIs are different variants (R1-A and the R2 respectively) but TOO DAMN MANY are outright recolors with little difference in the design, or they're characterized by being the Katoki version of the same thing, or they're a second loadout version, and so on.
Forgot to quote >>22739894
You forgot the “GBM only” part too.
I’m playing right now if you want me to test something else
So how was it? Worth buying on launch or should we wait?
depends what you want out of the game
it is not a bad game, but certainly not up to everyone's expectations for one reason or another.
How much of those expectations are “not exactly like GB3?” I havnt played either but it’s all I read about
fair amount.
So if you didn't play gb1-3 you'll be probably fine and will enjoy the game
I'd say it's less issue of being exact, but just game not feeling good to play, but to each their own
Probably most of them, it doesn't really seem like a bad game or a disappointment so far, just people who want the exact same game instead of something that twists things up as a sequel should
GB 1 to 3 had enough twists I'd say to consider them quite different games.
4 doesn't fit into same pattern.
And again, while I'm one of the "muh GB3" side, I still saying GB4 is not a bad game.
Just doesn't feel fun to play personally
>4 doesn't fit into same pattern
And I think that's bullshit
And I see where you are coming from.
And I was of the same opinion until I launched GB3 right after GB4 ONT.
Customization fucking rules so worth it imo, even more with Diorama Mode in the full game
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 is still a proper sequel to 2 despite not being the exact same with addons and same for Reborn from 3.

I don't really care if you personally don't find it fun, they did exactly what they should be doing going from one game to another without drastically changing it like NGB
All DW Gundam generally all feel like musou however.
In this case it's like someone took list of features musou has, and implemented them without caring that much about if aspects of it in right balance.
Again, if you look at pure mechanics wise - it is indeed GB4 in vein of GB1-3, rightfully so.
But I feel like going for shorter stages for sake on making loop of "battle, get parts, customize" - they sacrificed will to make battles feel good to play thru.
Lack of said balance is why I personally not looking forward to it anymore.

It's annoyingly subtle change which only noticeable if you like some particular approach to game period, so it's hard to put in words.
>I don't really care if you personally don't find it fun, they did exactly what they should be doing going from one game to another without drastically changing it like NGB
I agree that they made fair amount of effort to make a proper sequel, I never said they didn't.
Just that focus on short battles, high scores, ratings - is not something I look for in GB games.
GB3 Chapter 4
>All DW Gundam generally all feel like musou however.
This is nonsense, early DW Gundams feel more like early Musou games which have a very distinctly different feel from newer ones in how grunt moveset and AI is designed which affects combat flow and feel. Infact it's more or less the same argument you're trying to make
and yet despite that they are still dynasty warriors games
well I did beat DW4 recently, and it too feels like musou to me as SW5 for example or latest zelda botw musou.
Yes, they are quite different in a lot of ways. Yet I didn't have same feeling of someone making something via checklist as with GB4.
Did 100% Reborn and DW Gundam 1 too (inversed camera is devil), now onto 2.

GB4 is kinda missing that, but again, it all depends what you look from the game personally. Maybe story mode of GB4 will prove me wrong. But so far I'm unentusiastic.
I could never get it to drop, does Destiny's left arm have the grab move too or is it exclusive to the right?
It’s the exact same as the other arms. Same EX and options. Someone actually threw up all the ONT kits on YouTube, like all their attacks and animation, if you want them?
It feels a bit off to me, but it's hard to say how much of that is due to low stats and limited weapon/skill options. I have a feeling the final product will be a tradeoff between 3 and 4 where 4 has better customization options and a larger roster, but 3 has better gameplay, but nowhere near the gap in quality between 3 and New.
I just replayed the first few missions of 3 with the starter Gunpla and man it feels worse than 4 does right now
Unless I mistaking it for Strike Freedom's arms, one has palma fiocina and the other the beam shield
You're thinking of Strike Freedom's left arm. Both of Destiny's arms have Palma Fiocina, and they're each on their own cooldown.
I’ll take that link. I barely got to get any parts and want to see what they all did
Both have it, you're thinking of the Red Frame Astray arm that only has lightning ball on the right.
Wonder how they got all the parts
Game doesn't have level design. Just random fights that you teleport to.
Just grinding the mission over and over most likely. My final kit was like half destiny parts justc ause i wanted the backpack.
>The open NETWORK test only had a few random fights
Color me fucking suprised
I wasn't aware the game was already and you've already finished it
It's NGB2 in all but name
Can you point me to the PVP, limited part carrying capacity, part deposit box, or randomly unlocked level-gated EX Skills?
Hows your solo reddit going bro? It doin well?
that's fair but game is month away from release and two sets of 3 different arena fights is all we've seen.
Unless Story is really different in a lot of aspects - I'm not hopeful
I would believe the switch is what's holding back the open map. All I really wanted from a sequel was the addition of a dynasty warriors like attack tree but I guess I'll settle for two handing.
> martial arts on left
> beam whip on right
I can already invision the kino
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I want to get steam version since I have hope that a modding community will spring up. But my friend wants us to get the ps5 version. When I asked him why he said he doesn't want to plug his ps5 controller into his pc because " it might break" or "download a virus" why are iphone people so technologically illiterate.

Should I leave him behind bros
musashi and SD GBA have proper stages. with switch port
as well as plenty of musou games on switch
get rid of "it's hardware fault" excuse if you want to be seen not as an idiot
They literally mentioned on stream that their goal is to increase speed of "battle - get drops - customize" loop
I didn't know the gundam breaker team worked on megaton Musashi.

You're comparing level 5, a company that had been working on Nintendo hardware for generations to no name bamco team number 49. The switch is underpowered and instead of trying to throttle it they decided to make their work load easier by removing the open map. The player base gets a better gameplay loop and more frames and they get less work trying to optimize for a system that even Nintendo companies struggle with.

I'm not a doomer im just looking at the common denominator
that's beside the point. Hardware is never a limiting factor. Especially nowadays. If they would want it - they'd made it despite their track record. Or even thank to their track record, cause NGB running like total shit didn't stop them from releasing that game either.
You don't even know who is developer, it's outsource studio not owned by bamco. Also GB3 had Vita port of all things co developed by them.
You're arguing just to argue at this point.

With how long it took to get destiny parts that digital deluxe version is looking really sweet. I hope the gself is has the perfect pack.
the fuck
that's a fucking generated reply of some faggot testing bots or something.
Musou games don’t really run well on the switch at all
there are hiccups, but I enjoyed my botw musou, it sold gajillions btw
Let's not pretend musou games run well on any other hardware, it always depends on port and version.
I miss gundam musou

end point is that generally no one cares that much about performance as anons who bitch on the internets, hardware is last thing people think of when they come up with game design nowadays, we are not in gba/ds era anymore
Yeah that's why I stopped replying to him. He doesn't have a stance or point he just wants to argue.

What's your never ever suit Anon? I'm hoping for schwarzette
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I can see why game devs may no want the performance of this https://youtu.be/LkO1hRJqJik

As for suits I still think Schwarzettee has a higher chance, though one never ever may just be any of the automated MS in WFM unfortunately
point is not that it has performance issues
point is that no one cared that it had performance issues by being most sold musou game which broke all the records.

He will not last during the winter. It's best to let nature take its course and weed out the sickly and frail.
Not the Anon you quoted, but I'm hoping for Denial at minimum, so I can more faithfully recreate my main look from GBM.

If they gave us that and both the Gundam X Maoh and Crossbone Gundam Maoh, that'd be hella sweet, but I'm not gonna hold my breath otherwise.
Why would that be a problem? plenty of games run well on switch with much larger scale than this one, namco just ported AC7 to it. Game devs don't decide to not add actual levels because of hardware problems
>Game devs don't decide to not add actual levels because of hardware problems
Game devs decide to change things because of hardware problems literally all the time, infact that is why sometimes games on different versions end up being entirely different games or have different features.
This hasn't happened in a decade+ you have no idea how game development works
muh perfomance fags just want to have console war going
just ignore them
>I want to get steam version since I have hope that a modding community will spring up.
I hate to say this but since it's UE4 it's unlikely we'll see mods
>you have no idea how game development works
>game developers NEVER change their game to better suit hardware
List a example from this console generation
It being on UE4 means it will get mods
Good job ignoring SD Gundam Battle Alliance or the fact L5 had only 1 Switch game prior to MMWired... MM. They ported YW4 after it was a PS4 exclusive, and guess what, GB4 runs on PS4 as well.
Isn't the game crossplay?
Starfield game got delayed several times to make changes so it can run better on Xbox, but these things are not abnormal, its apart of the development process
those are changes regarding visual fidelity, not core gameplay design.
PC worship turns your brain into potato
>not core gameplay design.
You don't even know how cells work in Bethesda games do you?
Bethesda doesn't know either by looks of it.
They've been butt of the jokes regarding every single their release regardless of platform or year of release.
What is the argument here? nothing about starfields design fundamentally changed because of hardware problems, and that 12 month delay is far more likely to have been because the game is a total trainwreck top to bottom.
“Melee” like martial or claw have to be two handed. They and Greatswords are the only ones that are that way
P Self was in the CNT
Same guy somehow got all the parts from it, again
I thought UE in general was harder to develop mods for it, has that changed with UE4 specifically?
Pretty much every UE4 game gets a shit ton of mod support, good example is ace combat 7 where modders have worked wonders
Dmc5 not getting a mode on ps4 but getting it on pc and ps5. Cyberpunk has dlc being next gen only. Anon this is a weird ass hill to die on. The switch is weak. it may be your favorite console and that's okay. Not every developer wants to waste time gimping their game for lower end hardware.

Crafts and meisters settled for a consistent frame rate and a quicker gameplay loop instead of releasing a game that has constant frame drops and getting review bombed and that's okay. Please just move on and talk about gundam
So you’re okay with missions only taking 4-5 minutes on standard and not *checks notes* “3 minutes per room not counting traversal, three rooms or more per stage plus a boss arena meaning each GB3 level was close to 10-15 minutes of mindless mashing”. Huh
>So you’re okay with missions only taking 4-5 minutes on standard
My favorite GB3 stage is the little garden arena where you just fight like 3 waves of guys so yeah I'm pretty much fine with that. I would like if stages could be a little longer with an extra wave or two but I'm fine with 5-7 minute stages. I have never felt that having to walk to the end of one map to enter the next one is an essential part of my enjoyment.
I did not care for overly large stages
Keep licking those boots and settling for less
Keep being upset people have different opinions, chimp
Are the Gundam Breaker games any good? I've only ever played the Gundam vs Gundam games before.
They're customization focused pve hack and slash games where you collect parts and skills from whatever mobile suits you like and smash them together into ungodly powerful killing machines so that you can mow down enemies even faster and collect even more parts. They don't really play anything like Gundam Versus, closer to Gundam Musou. The gameplay isn't as tight or smooth as some other Gundam action games, but it's fun enough and it mostly serves as a vehicle for the building and customization.
Just stay away from New Gundam Breaker, it's nothing like the numbered entries and is rightfully hated universally.
Craft and Meister settled on not having stages because they're incompetent, there's about a hundred switch games that run well with stages. Hell that awful SD Gundam game could manage it stop blaming the switch for deliberate decisions.
congratulations anon! see, it was only a matter of patience
Damn that was fast. I barely put together the recap and you’re already reposting screenshots lmao

Here’s a recap of the stream for y’all in 3 min to so
Actually would it be worth making a new thread since this has hit limit as is at the bottom of 10?
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let's hope it'll be less of a shitfest
You mean the thing everyone thought would happen happened? I’m not too shocked the list autism thing is funny at least
God forbit people discuss their thoughts on the game negative or positive.
I'm one with most hot takes here tho
no optimistic about the game
I'm mostly about list autists and platform warriors having wet dreams that "if only game was developed for good state of the art hardware, it'd be completely different in every aspect"
You forgot YUUU TUUBE shills that can fuck right off
those too
>please watch video of me summarizing 2-3 images and few sentences worth of information over 5+ minutes
I don’t mind that one because it was a 2 hour stream I couldn’t actually understand. Just showing me highlights is appreciated
I have never seen a community more vehemently opposed to free information than this one. /m/ in general not you guys.
/m/ generally consist of old farts
we are capable of looking up information ourselves without being spoonfed.
Samefag and it’s shameful. Can’t even change up your post style
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yes anon, everyone is one person
Nice shop. I’m so proud you’ve got 60 WHOLE VIEWS SO FAR champ
Is anyone in that chain actually YTman?
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not that one.
I just archive shit
I do have two-three breaker videos 5+ years old ones, that's about it
for that anon?
I don't think they'll help
Ah, Chapter 2 Mission 2 my beloved. The mission EVERYONE ran to test builds cause of how fast it was.
I can’t overstate how amazing having a Void to test right from the build screen is now
Now give me the Psycho Doga.
Who fucking cares. Game is DoA with these retarded shills shitting up every thread
Go back to your dead leddit rant box

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