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Previous Thread: >>22729202

How to get into KR and where to start?

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fucking garbage.
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Post your early impressions on Gavv's protagonist.
I hate his parachute pants.
Ei we get it your ashamed of your Power Rangers past get over it sperg, you are not cool for pretending you bought bootlegs of rider
I definitely think that he’s actually the kid in the third pic. Screen cap this when I’m proven right at the press con
>W Episode 24
I'd honestly read a shoujo about Jimmy and his fan
I also fucking hate the pants.
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Revice is pretty good so far.
I've learned to never judge a Kamen Rider by how stupid their suits look
They still look really dumb. And their CG fusions looks really bad. Story is still kino
I think Revi looks cool fuck you
These are fake.
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Name this band.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Honestly? The trans colouring and dino smirk is growing on me. Vices hoods all look really ill fitting though
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No, he's still the worst MC we've had
I miss Ace so much, bros
Nah, that's Ace. Houtaro just has the worst actor.
Absolutely not. He still looks so derpy this late into the show
Agreed Geats' faggotry gave me cancer
Cool hoodie
I for one am all in on a manchild protagonist in Rider.
>Philip even imitated Wakana's *tsk*
Neat touch
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on a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is he gonna get mindbroken?
I am getting nothing but good vibes from gavv so far in almost all aspects
Every reveal has me more excited honestly, and I have not been this excited for any reiwa season yet
I have a good feeling this is gonna be a special one, I don't know I just do
Never coz it's komura who doesn't know how to write good or even engaging plot
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Ace was fantastic, what is your autistic ass talking about.
copium starting this early already
He still can't act for shit and looks like a dweeb in literally every single frame nearly
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What do you expect from this year’s duo?
happy go luck retard
serious dude with a hidden autist side
Valen also has Chocodon branding on his shoulder as well.

Dude is a walking commercial for chocolate Gochizo.
Despite my general bias towards edgier seasons/episodes Liar Dopant is my favorite two-parter in the entire franchise.
In what way?
He was a hypocritical piece of shit and a retarded fuckup for the vast majority of the show despite the show pushing him as this 1000 IQ mastermind. The 180 he does after the Geats IX debut feels forced as fuck, his discount Jesus schtick is cringe and and his sacrifice at the end of the show comes off as extremely shallow when you see how he's doing in the post-show material.
Welcome back Takeru Tenkuji.
That's Hotaro
Bruh that's Aruto in loose clothing
Finally got around to watching Decade, wow it was terrible, no other rider show I have seen has been so boring.
Gonna watch the movie at another time but I was expecting better from a rider that seems to be constantly referenced and has characters cameo.

Worst Phase 1 and 2 show for me by a mile.
Finally done with Heisei except side shows like Amazons and Black Sun now, but probably only gonna watch them when I have seen the Showa equivalents.
To be fair I have never seen post show material that I thought was on par with the show itself for Kamen RIder
Maybe the Zero-One movie is the only one and that's because Zero-One itself was decent enough but had deep flaws just like the movie.
But Ace was still terrible discounting post show stuff, same with every protag after Aruto though I guess Touma and Ikki are just unmemorable
Holy fucking retard
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>makes your MC shit himself in fear
t. Buildbabby
No because I never hated him in the first place.
Takeru's character writing has problems but I never felt his acting was ever bad.
have you even watched trio of deep sin
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You don't see many young(ish, he's like 35 here) Takaiwa-in-suit pictures.
No. Don't bother with outside stuff from most Rider series most of the time.
Only times I have were Gaim (since it was my first), Zero-One, and 1 or 2 random movies that caught my attention outside of that.
Oh yeah, and the OOO and Faiz anniversary movies. OOO is overhated but still weaker than the main series and Faiz was terrible
His sole expression is "I'm going to murder you and rape the corpse" even in the show's final stretch. He will probably only do a couple of BL dramas from here and fade into obscurity.
Haven't seen anyone point out but there are also multiple smaller pairs of boots in the cubby, maybe that anon was onto something about him working with kids. Or he's an older brother, and that's his family home?

Anyway, he seems nice if that's true.
I'd rather not. Delete these pics this instant, or the whole 4chan will crash because of Toei. Cover up your tracks or the ninjas will cut you all down.
i already dm this thread to shirakura
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The snippet of Got Boost? in the preview goes like this:

>The dazzling moment that will never come back

>I won’t let anyone take it away from me

>To turn such a world into reality

>Gavv Ga Gavv Ga ENERGY Gavv (?)
Well as someone who used to make fun of saber back when it was airing, deep sin is honestly the best rider movie to come out in the past 5 years. Curious to hear your thoughts on zero one others.
>Curious to hear your thoughts on zero one others.
Barely remember it but I didn't like the implication that Fuwa died at the end since I liked him.
Also retarded to kill off all of the Mestuboujinrai gang
Other than that I thought it was okay at best, but at it's worst it killed people off for no reason and for no emotional payoff
These are my muddled memories from years ago though, I don't really want to rewatch it since I think I remember the broad strokes
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Oh yeah these are different dudes, that’s why I find it weird that the red hoodie guy doesn’t look like the blue one that much

>Blue hoodie = Gavv
>Red hoodie = Valen
If Valen has a Cross-Z situation where we see him untransformed for a while before he becomes the secondary that'd be based
I'm more of early heisei fans, dumbass. Early heisei had that dark elements throughout their runs, even den-o had that existensial crisis with zero plot.
Just admit you reiwanewfags never watch heisei and just consoom soulless content.
If you bothered with stuff like OOO 10th and Zero-One Others, you should bother with Trio of Deep Sin.
Secondary Riders that debut early usually appear in their civilian form from the start: Baron, Cross-Z, Vulcan, Majade…
So fucking this. Sure he was decent during the mindbreak/Nijigon debut but holy hell is he the worst looking protagonist ever.

Even fucking Rinne is still bad and seems disinterested in everything. WHich is weird because you can tell she has a knack for energetic/genki girl type.
It’s the same guy lmfao
Both of them look like dorks. Could be an interesting Primary-Secondary dynamic compared to the usual goof-straight man one.
Those are Riders much earlier on near the start, while Valen's becoming a Rider in October, so yeah, more of a delayed secondary like Cross-Z and Majade(Though this is taking up more of the spot of Valvarad last year).
The final battle will be between broken friendship... Gavv vs. Valen
I just want a Kabuto Gatack dynamic again.
I went to a SEA anime expo last weekend and I finally understand why people hate SEA weebs so much.
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I love their base suits and they were wasted on this show
It really sucks that we almost had it with Geats and Tycoon and Takahashi just stopped giving a shit about Keiwa.
There's much better ways of relieving boredom than pretending to be a retarded SEA and spamming like a mindless drone, you shitposting faggot.
>black general! bujin poster! ready, fight!
Worst drip in Reiwa
Was until Takahashi ruined him.
Her mom was boring too.
Thanks, I was wondering what they said
When there's basically no jannies then yea it's allowed sadly
Until a Janny actually answers reports and shows up to prune shit it'll keep happening
Literally just perma the SEA Monkeys and you solve the issue
Revice was amazing up until episode 34, it's all downhill after that
>muh SEA bad
So (you) think amerimutt doesn't shitpost?
I like him more than Houtaru just from looks alone, but obviously I'll have to reserve judgment until the premiere. He is giving me Keiwa vibes though.
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Fucking Bandie ruining the promotional cards like this
I've got half a mind to start another Power Rangers General just so these shitposters will have somewhere else to go.
Boonboomger's toyline was a mistake.
Nigga, this guy has been this place's resident shitposter for over half a decade, he's not moving to /prg/.
i will never going to /prg/ coz it's american shit
/tv/ oth i frequently go there
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>They made a doll of the character who hates being a doll.

Rather wait to see how the direction, writing, and acting turn out. But my early impressions aren't good so far. Hope it turns out better than I expect.
Can they just put the card under the car or something?
Takeru is better than your fav character. cope and seethe.
How was Kagami such a good character bros. Fuck I wish the show was more about him.
yes, even better than hoetarou touma aruto combined
Despite all her rage, she is still just a marketable plush in a cage.
To be fair, the first Heisei protags also looked like band members.
STFU heiseifags, this is reiwa general!!!!!
It's a custom though?
Naughty Gavv-kun
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hoW DArEe YouU mOckEdD uS ReiWaFagSS!!!?!!!!?!!!!!?!!!!!
Ah so he's one of them
He's going down the BL pipeline for sure.
Holy shit what about these generals attracts such broken brained retards?
Way too many board tourists, mainly from /v/.
Blame reiwanewfags
Anon the kind of people that would call people "reiwanewfags" would come from /v/.
Geats good
The irony of it all is that Heiseifags were also the "reiwanewfags" of their time to showafags. Ultimately no different
Never gets old
How can you reach to that conclusion?
at least we boomers can still appreciate the campiness of showa and soulfulness of heisei
Because I use to be a /v/ native for years and I can weed out /v/ people just by how they type IE like obnoxious fuckwits.
Why does it have japanese romcom lighting?
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because it's a romcom
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Thanksgiving-kun is American though.
>It's not even Thanksgiving yet.
I can't find the Gotchard abyss sisters shorts beyond episode 4 in the drive
STFU reiwanewfaggot
So I'm catching up on Gotchard and its ok so far. But why does fucking Houtaro scream at the top of his lungs for everything every fucking episode. Is his actor that fucking bad? Does he tone it down at all later on? I'm like on ep 20 btw.
He gets better but his yelling excitement doesn't really stop. He gets some really good dramatic scenes later though.
They told him to be hyper enthusiastic all the time, but he's not very good at it. He does despair really well, as you'll see if you stick with the show.
Hotaro will be better than whatever gavv's gonna be, trust me
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>Does he tone it down at all later on?
He already did. By the x-rex two-parter the directors slightly toned him down. He mostly remains the same all the way up to Q4 ever since.
I mean I believe it. I see a bunch of people complaining about Gotchard but this show is not bad. I like just about everything about this show I can excuse the screaming I guess because everything else is pretty good so far. Seems better to me than Saber and Revice going by just Reiwa shows.
Holy fucking shit taste
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I honestly thought they scrapped this suit already.
Does anyone even like this suit? Would anyone even buy a figuarts of this if they made one?
>Looks like King Form (except the color)
Cake crown incoming
This general was the worst place to discuss toku even back before PR killed itself.
Sabertrannies and Revicetrannies blown the fuck out
>worst series attract trannies
Figuarts doesn’t make form changes outside of special situations
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>Enemy executives, male and female, butler appearance
A male and female general that look like butlers? I do like a lady in butler uniform...
>there's more than one of these shitposting faggots
Why? Why the fuck do you do this?
Don’t pay attention to the schizophrenic. It fuels his paranoia.
>more than one person
You're the schizo one
>lady in butler uniform
This thread is gonna be insufferable
A bit of a schizo theory but I feel like it’s just some person trying to get me banned by spamming it.
I don’t think mods care if it comes from different IPs
You're still a faggot for posting that low quality shitpost.
I can already see the thirst posting
STFU and die, you shitposting ape
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It'll probably be something like this, not a literal butler outfit on a woman.
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huh, deepL give a different translation
So technically it's just going to be a male/female villain team. I still like that, a timeless formula.
Dental Execs
Contrary to popular belief they actually can turn kitbashed suits back if they want to.
Janny finally woke up
Wow, that's a lot of samefagging schizos
And they just never learn. They come back from their 3 day ban and just do the same autistic shitposting over and over again like they have nothing else to do.
40 posts deleted and there's still crap left in the thread. Jannies need to keep going.
Well, yeah. You think well-adjusted adults post in these threads?
You shitpost constantly with your pointless spam.
The colors of the clothes remind me of the GUYS uniforms from Ultraman Mebius
OOO was great
Date and Gotoh should’ve been a duo longer
Satonaka just didn’t click with Gotoh
Is there any rider in the franchise who would get along with Tendou?
STFU heiseinigger
I'd see Ace getting along with him
In a perfect world we'd see him and Shouichi have a cooking competition
Something even more grand then Dark Kitchen
Gentaro gets along with everyone.
I can see him and Kaguya bonding over a fierce modeling competition.
I feel like Kaguya is a good choice actually.
>woman executive in butler attire
They are pandering directly to me
wataru would look up to him, and tendou would be a substantially better role model than nago.
Ryotaro would be same I guess? Tendou and the Imagin would be funny to see though
I really can't see Ryotaro looking up to Tendou, he would probably try and play nice with him but I can't see him looking up to him. The Imagins would fucking hate him though.
Lachesis bros... are we ready to drop our girl and move onto butler-chan?
Does anyone know what plastic Bandai uses?
yeah that sure would be a change from the norm
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Whats the best opener and why is it ZERO ONE ZERO ONE ZERO ONE ZERO ONE ZERO ONE
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I believe in Komura
Wizard and her Sentai seasons may have been iffy but she also did the best Reiwa Precure.
If we're gonna pull from Precure, I'd rather have them get Murayama Isao.
Side rider? Beast.
Main rider? Build.
Nitou would like Tendou but Tendou would probably only barely tolerate Nitou, especially for his putting mayo on everything.
>His googoo ass baby binky mouth
I hate this form
That was my thought as well.
Plus Nitou constantly interrupting his grandma sayings with his "don't say it" shit.
Would be entertaining as fuck.
Probably no. Gavv may be another skippable entry, like Revice and Saber. Hope I'm wrong but it is not looking very appealing so far. Honestly, I would have skipped Gotchard also if it weren't for the sisters.
Skipping shows is for pussies.
if Geats is Fortnite inspired and Gotchard is Pokemon inspired what would a SoulsBorne inspired rider be like
What, Kamen Rider Zanzibart where there's no plot in the actual show and it's all in supplementary material?

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