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Previous Thread: >>22726034

How to get into KR and where to start?

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Say something about Valen’s leaked SODO
>Inb4 we get an evil twin based off White Chocolate
Love the square chocolate piece armor
>one of the better episodes in a while
>still no talk
>Gotchard is doomed
It's hard to make it to the Spanner, Lachesis, and Kajiki episodes when you have to watch first many Rinne and Hotaro episodes. Most people get filtered by the first 4 episodes alone.

Also, outside of Lachesis exploring how to become human, her "family" being a mess, and Spanner reconnecting with others to overcome his traumatic childhood, the rest of the series is generic at best and weird or boring at worst.

The series got potential and some interesting characters/actors, but it's mostly about stuff it's hard to care for. And it says a lot about the show's writing when present-day Hotaro feels less human than some of the actual homunculus cast.
ValenBuster looks pretty cool, very high-tech. Looking forward to seeing it in real life soon.
holy reddit with that last sentence
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Gavv’s late December upgrade.

Right after that is Pudding-Crushing Driver (January)
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard a more generic future bass track. That's awful lmao, that's something FrankJavCee would rub out in 10 minutes for a meme.
Fucking infact. https://youtu.be/hAQCHjSAT4E?t=515
I'll wait for the full TV OP to pass more judgement IMO. I don't hate it, but it is very future bass like.
How likely is Pie as an upgrade?
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Discuss Gavv's sample theme.
CaKing (cake) is before Ice Cream
Reddit? Where have you been in the past months, anon? We have been complaining about Hotaro being far from being an ordinary human since he was a kid. For some reason, the show refuses to explain anything about his past and father. And it's starting to feel that's how it going to remain in the last episodes of the series. Unless they rush the explanations to these mysteries.
I'm guessing the actual chorus is gonna be a little more exciting. The sample just sounds so intro.
Pie and cake are different things, anon
Who told you all desserts are the same?
>And it's starting to feel that's how it going to remain in the last episodes of the series.
NTA, will that really change any of you people's opinion about Gotchard? No.

Not everything needs to be answered in a show. Wanting every little thing answered is something I noticed mostly western or english speaking audiences want. Does knowing that add to what the show has already been showing or aiming with Hotaro? No.

Feels like you guys are incapable of letting some stuff be "it is what it is" and need to be explained a reason for every little thing so that you can justify wasting your time in a show you guys dislike since the beginning.
They already have a fucking cake as an upgrade. Why make another upgrade that looks like a cake again.
Why Legend keep using Heisei's??
He knows the better era.
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The Diner going to have a blast with Gavv themed menu
What cakes do you know of that have flaky, buttery, crispy crusts?
Neo Decade had the same issue too. He kept using Phase 1 Riders and barely any Phase 2 ones
If we had more episodes on par with Dread's debut, the Kyoto two-parter, and the wrestling one, the show would be way less disliked. Also, as much as you dislike this argument, you cannot just have kid Hotaro somehow access the Ouruboros realm, randomly perform alchemy, and never explain what's up with that.

Hotaro ends up being a mysterious and cartoonish MC because of this. It's hard to feel something for him, outside of annoyance and confusion.
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>nostalgiabait character uses nostalgiabait riders
What's so confusing about this?
>Chocolates are just tools. Only a foolish fool would spout such foolishness about becoming friends with them. Henshin!
Plex and Toei intended on creating New Zi-O for the 2nd-phase and Reiwa rider forms
But sadly there is no New Zi-O
That's not a SO-DO, it's the gimmick figure.
A panCAKE.
You're mixing up questions about his backstory with complaints about his overall demeanor.
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where the fuck are my mochi and taiyaki
Pancakes are soft and pillow, not made of puff pastry.
Are you Dutch, and confusing Dutch Babies aka Popovers, with regular pancakes?
I expect a Japanese snack rider might appear at some point with how western the snacks are so far for Gavv and Valen. Like the pudding is pretty Japanese.
>If we had more episodes on par with Dread's debut, the Kyoto two-parter, and the wrestling one
We do. Daybreak's debut, the KR Valvarad 2-parter, the village 2-parter, the Legend arc, the Rainbow arc, and the latest Sabimaru 2-parter are some examples.
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Hi NTA, but i'm Dutch Trash. And I can promise you Dutch Babies or Popovers or whatever are not at all Dutch Pancakes. Dutch Pancakes are basically just french crepes but thicker and bigger.
So why was he acting like pancakes were giant flaky crackers?
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Chocodan and Chocodon Forms.

Valen also possesses another Chocolate-type Gochizo, Doomaru Gochizo
I hunno, probably never had a good pancake.
Sweets and snacks of all kinds.
The main meal will just be a bag of chips they got from the conbini they just opened for you with a ZakuZakuChip Gavv standee next to it.
Shut the fuck up you obnoxious retard
>How to get into KR and where to start?
Did you know this is actually a 404?
Yes, it been like that for years
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if all rider shows had their themes titled as puns
aside from those which already have puns as titles
Why is Sabi so gay
Ah yes, the humorous and clever pun; "Ghost"
He's a 2.5D stage actor. They're all a little zesty.
Brought to you by the same genius behind 'Saber'.

>kamen rider smith&wesson when
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You already got your Zero-One tribute in the Legend arc of Gotchard.
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It's over, bro.
She's mindbroken...
Shut the fuck up reiwanewfaggot
so, on what anime have those guys worked on before?
It reminds me of IZANAGI a little bit
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In what way? In how the vocalist is singing?
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Honestly, I think that Saber does a good job of portraying human drama in spite of the larger than life events that the characters go through.

There's stuff like Kento keeping things to himself in an attempt to not burden his best friend despite said friend being completely willing to support him, Ogami pondering whether he should quit the job that he took for the sake of his family since he's not happy with the way his organization has been handling things recently, Ren being an aimless angsty teen who feels like he's not good enough and is unsure about what he wants while Desast tries to help him sort out these issues, or Mei attempting to have the strict and sheltered Rintaro loosen up and come out of his shell.

They're all fairly mundane dilemmas that have been extrapolated to extraordinary situations, making it so that there's still a human core to it.
The entire thing about Lachesis recovering memories from her human template felt contrived as fuck to the point where I'm assuming it's meant to be foreshadowing and that one anon's theory that Atropos was based on kid Rinne will turn out to be true
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Saber's name is actually a pun. The kanji version of it, 聖刃 (pronounced "Seiba"), means "holy blade/sword".
Build novel doko?
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>when you find out what Kamen Rider Drive means
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>"Angry Gauze Authoritative Warrior" (Doraibu)
Wait but I said themes or the OPs
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Hotaro's actor shouldn't have got the role
Rinne shouldn't have been a Rider
Half the cast needed to go like before even episode 10
it's a fucking mess and I genuinely think it's worse than Revice
At least Revice had some cool shit
>At least Revice had some cool shit
no they're not, stop with the revisionism
>Hotaro's actor shouldn't have got the role
Why did you post a scene where he's acting well, then?
Saber was the last show that had this level of Depth to it and make characters genuinely feel fleshed out and like real people
Gavv would be fucking SOVLLESS if it didn’t reference Taiyaki Meijin Ultimate Form Special Turbo
God I love Blade
Fuuto PI available in Netflix Japan.
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What are the chances we get Donut and Éclair Gochizos?
Sucks we never got more v-cins, would have loved to see more of tassel and yuri, even /fitlit/ before they became megids.
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So true - sometimes I do something and my friends all forget who they are so they can go "woah...you're really strong, Anon-kun...!!". Then they give all of their family heirlooms to me and act as my lackeys for the rest of the year. I was honestly surprised Saber went THAT accurate. One time a brother and sister who are weirdly horny for each other and wanted to kill me the day prior joined my friend group too and they were just blown away by my awesomeness and gave me their heirlooms too, how cool is that?
Fucking POSER
You're genuinely fucking retarded and not funny
Actual fucking idiot can't comprehend a kid's show
Ikki and Micchi.
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You can easily tell Saber and Gotchard are complete shit by the fact that they also have the worst fans and posters in the last ten years. Even Ex-Aid was more tolerable.
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That's it. You converted me.
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Just finished Black Sun, it wasn't perfect but I liked it and thought it was interesting enough it sort of felt like someone trying to adapt one of Ishinomori's bleaker stories

I don't understand /krg/'s seething for it though and looking up Jap reviews of it don't help because it's just people going "not muh Black" even though they made it clear from the start it was going to be different
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I genuinely can't comprehend they let this shit happen lmao
I'm glad it died immediately
how do you not understand /krg/ seething about something, that's all that happens here now
>the village 2-parter
>the Rainbow arc, and the latest Sabimaru 2-parter are some examples.
Those sucked enough to scare off more viewers. Literally, Platinum's debut, plus the village and play's two-parters acts as second filter. That batch of episodes was hard to overcome. Also, Sabi didn't get a proper two-parter.
>Those sucked enough to scare off more viewers
What a weird way of saying they filtered brainless newfags.
I wish we got fun and relaxed interactions between the 3 dark sisters in the series. Ever since Geryon was introduced, they don't get along. Maybe they will fix that in the v-cinemas, because right now one can only watch them interact comfily in Tangential Plans.
Can confirm. Stuck in unemployment
"Will karate kick men in skeleton pajamas for food."
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Even when you manage to find a career as a Kamen Rider they don’t pay you enough.
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Just finished ryuki and what the fuck was his problem? Just talk to your sister if you had the power too and not act mysterious while getting a bunch of random people to kill each other.
i still believe the Japanese are still smarter than us. i want to believe they arent gonna do that shit. at least it makes sense with things like the Humagears and the Chemmies.
You'd expect Kamen Riders would be paid a lot of money.
The Gochizou look sentient enough for them to do that again
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true, but their real forms are scary looking monsters, not to mention they will also surely be what creates the MotW, they arent supposed to be cute/cool like the Chemmies.
Wasn’t Kenzaki being paid literal pennies in Blade? Like 20 bucks for every fight he was in and still taxed
Kamen Riders probably get paid by commission for every kaijin they beat.
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>BOARD is a paramilitary joint
>offering the main service of stopping the Undead and protecting the innocent, its main lynchpin is the 4 riders, superpowered warriors, and the only beings strong enough to take down the Undead.
>said 4 superwarriors were paid in peanuts!

no wonder why Tachibana betrayed them, that is some bullshit if i have ever heard one!
Weird how at this point we know more about Gavv's opening than his writer. It makes me think it will be someone popular
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toei literally did that exact example with precure already.
also it's far more common in japanese shit than western shit. how are you not aware of yugioh and beyblade
It went off the rails when in Buttobasoul (the Gashapon arcade game, the one that gave us Energy Items from Ex-Aid and kept going until Zero-One), they threw in Necrom in the mix to represent takoyaki (the context for Taiyaki Meijin was because it's a war between two families whose children are about to marry, but followed on which is the better local snack, takoyaki or taiyaki, and Taiyaki Meijin somehow looked a lot like Hajime's Human Undead appearance). Of course, they want to show that the power of both snacks being amazing is why the two families relent on the marriage in the end in the show, but we didn't need to see it because the major focus is the fight.
personally i would be ok if it is takahashi again, say what you want about Geats, but it still did pretty fine. BUT! its not gonna be him since he is busy writing the next gay sex scene for the Rider fuckboys.

and it definitely is not gonna be anyone from Toei's reserves, because there wouldnt be any point to keep someone whos actually known this underwraps... ...unless its inoue
Being a Kamen Rider has to be the main appeal of the job but what kind of skills do you gain for a resume?
Man, being a kamen rider really doesn’t pay the bills.
Inoue wasn't hidden during Donbrothers' announcement and him coming back after a decade was a much bigger surprise than him theoretically coming back two years later would be
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The ability to work under pressure?
You would be fit enough to easily handle hard labor.
BOARD Kamen Rider Unit 20XX-20XX
* Eliminated the Undead to protect the general public and prevent total extinction of the human race.
*Ability to work under great pressure and adapt to problems that may arise
*Work well with weapons and utilize common close quarter combat techniques
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What's wrong with this, other than saying he was "forced" to use the Progrise key?
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Yep, the future is in good hands.
I normally don't like this style of music for an OP, but I'll reserve my judgement for when the TV version drops

The best kind of Toku op is one that plays well during a dramatic fight
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Cosplayers are fast.
>soul vs soulless
is it gay I wanna impregnate them both?
EXCITE isn't one of my most listened to OPs but its effectiveness as an insert song turned it into one of my favorites regardless.
Arc > Boon Red > Gavv
boonboomgers has been great
i’m digging arc so far
remaining cautiously optimistic about gavv
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You're not supposed to know about ZakuZaku Chips.
Yes they do. Bandai already released ad of it
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Yes we are.
She looks like Alisa Sakamaki here.
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You won't be so lucky next time.
Children emulate who they admire
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B-but Mr Shirakura, they know of the Ice Cream powerup!
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Thinking about how they could've released a variant art of Energyl for the OC collab
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Release the Riotroopers.
>Minato over Kaguya
Cake powerup
Icecream powerup
Pudding Rider
Valen’s debut is in October.

The ice cream item will be sold by the end of December, the actual form won’t debut until early Jan or in the winter movie.
>Gatling gun + ATV + Mech suit + lollipop
They’re putting too much effort into a toy they’ll just ignore after 5 episodes again.
I’m saying this as a King Arthur and GoldMechanicer fan.
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From color:

>Kamen Rider VALEN red and white chocolate form upper body color matching intelligence painting

>The silver part is iron gun silver, so it is not P. If you are interested, you can use this color. Red is metallic red, and the shoulder actually has a chocolate English LOGO like the top of the head.
The picture is for reference only, and the physical object shall prevail.
wonder what theme the tertiary will have
>Pudding Rider
is this the female tertiary?
This episode had a lot of shitpost material
>tfw no schizo gf
>only 2 riders until next year
Nature is healing
Just like Revice right anon
Evil, Live, Demons, and Jeanne all debuted before the year ended
That's the joke yes
TrustxLast for me. Wasn't really that ummpphhh as an opening but works extremely well for an insert.

What's the worst one? I feel like LiveDevil. Though I don't remember if Almighty have ever been used as an insert (like there are since Sakamoto directed a couple episodes)
Swap red and silver placement and we got Garen 2.0
Anyone else really disappointed by this design? Gavv’s chocolate form is really clever with how it blends chocolate and the cowboy theme, this guy (or girl) is just kind of a generic chocolate/vaugely knight themed suit. Just doesn’t feel like a fully formed idea
>Though I don't remember if Almighty have ever been used as an insert
Yes, it was, multiple times. It played during the Wonder Combo trio vs Calibur fight, Q1's final fight, Elemental Primitive's debut and the final fight against Storious.
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Say hi to Gabu
He uses a different system. His design theme seems to be a soldier rather than a cowboy, hence the difference.
They get more generic every year
It legitimately sounds like a moba game ad song or a slice of life anime opening, like it doesn't sound bad but it's not exciting so far. I imagine this is just a bit of the intro though which is the toughest to judge from and it's probably like EXCITE where it'll ramp up for the main part. But yeah not really grabbing me like Trust Last and CHEMY-STORY did.
Actor rumors at this stage are very very unlikely to be true
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Can't say i expected that. but damn! if it doesnt make sense!

>Car using superheroes
>working with the government (the BBGs work for a special govt agency, Drive works with the police)
>their main design motif is wheels/tires.
This is practically the V-cinema Dark Chocolate form.
Almighty is the reverse of the trend, I like it a lot as standalone music but it never works in the show itself (which is probably why you don't remember them doing it).
You fuckers need to be better at making fakes- IT'S FUCKING REAL???? https://www.cinematoday.jp/news/N0143970
It's just a G-Rosso live show, nothing noteworthy like a special or anything.
Gavv Writer

Done acclaimed drama works
Where's the info for these coming from?
10 day countdown.
>female writer
>in reiwa
It's over
I love spouting things with no source
Our lord and saviour, Matt hunt.
The Crooks guy reminds me Ukiyo Ace.
Gavv Actor
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Toei, invert this man's balls.
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iQiyi accidentally leaks Gavv’s promotional previews.

This is our guy.
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Entire 3 episodes… in preview form
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>second thumbnail
So he works at a candy store?
I thought they only filmed two months ahead, I didn't realize the episodes would be fully edited already.
>episode leaks
Poor Intern-kun
Toei will kill someone.
So do we have rips for these?
He look like Mach with Auruto clothing
for some reason i have a feeling it might not be this guy
its over
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Gavv's final form leaked before the end of the year like Rainbow Gotchard did.
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>Aruto 2.0
Hmm naruhodo
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dear lord... this has to be a breach BILLIONS of times bigger than Zi-O trinity, THIS is the kind of things we weren't supposed to know about yet!
Zi-O Trinity wasn't an unusual breach is the thing, it wasn't even weirdly early like Genius was. It's just the leak with the most retarded outcome.
>Potentially big leak
>Thumbnails for the videos show literally nothing whatsoever
Reminds me of that time where a Geats episode got an early leak.
ok, i guess... but i actually hope Toei manages to take this down so people dont get to watch it yet. we're talking 1 1/2 months before premiere, this could fuck over Toei, and the show, way worse than the Toei animation leak that fucked over Delicious Party Precure.
I guess Valen will be like Fuwa of Gavv, a no-nonsense, serious dude

>already trending on twitter.
we're fucked. Gavv is fucked.
Now that was wild, yeah.
Netabare-kun leaking the Zenkaiger pitch over a year in advance will probably never be topped though.
Im gonna be shock if the character he play is 18 or below.
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The collage.
>The chink got episode early with sub
It not fair
The Toei Animation hiatus was because they got hacked, not because of a leak. The latter is an intern fucked up, the former is they need to assess the damages.
seriously. HE. HAS. TO. KEEP. THEM. TO. HIMSELF! Period....

i can wait a month and a half, i think anyone can, if it leaks, it will KILL this series. not to mention causing another hiatus of catastrophic proportions on all of SHT.
Damn, the twitter post got deleted.
>if it leaks, it will KILL this series
What? Kids won't care about a leak online.
it was just the screenshots from >>22730130 with a text saying 'Gavv's main character'.

but still, right now its a pretty delicate time. it will be the END if those eps. actually leak.
Was that Colorful from Zenkaiger?
Color just posted this
Shut the fuck up, you worrywart aspie.
"If the screenwriter is Koumura..."
if those eps. leak it will lead to a massive hiatus again, possibly MONTHS worthy.

Precure was killed TWICE because of them, the best girls from Healin' Good and Delicious party were killed because of them. i dont want a full series killed because of this.
Anyone pins down the actor yet?
IS he the same guy?
>manchild protagonist
>setting full of bright colors
>kid of the week

It's ovver
Meds, now.
Anon please
He looks like a cross between Mach and Ghost. I'm going to cry.
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No, I checked his Instagram he still keep the black hair style back in May when Gavv start filming.
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Will you miss me now?
If Komura's writing then it could be fun like Zenkaiger. Also, a kid in the first episode means jackshit, a bunch of Rider shows have those.
referring to the worldwide situation that paused Healin Good as a leak is very funny ill give you that
Even if the episodes leak I'm not watching because I don't think anyone is going to sub them and I'll have to wait 9 weeks for ep4
I'll sub them for you for $5, anon. Give me your address and credit card information. Trust me, I'm Kamen Rider Super-1.
So not only PoppinGummy is just Zero-One grape flavored, but the guy himself is Candyman Aruto... sasuga Toei.
Nigga that's the suit actor
But Junko is not that unfamiliar to toku to the point they have to withhold her name. And any screenwriter can adopt those above-mentioned points if they are required to.
>like Zenkaiger
We don't need Rider to be reduced to fart and burp jokes. It was bad enough with Revice.
ok, wrong wording i admit.

but Hiatuses like those, regardless if it was a hack, or an apocalyptic disease like covid was, DID ruined the shows. and if you actually think the eps. leaking wont lead into another hiatus, one possibly WAY worse than what we had before, then you are the one making the mistakes here.
>No one recorded the episode
Toei is still lucky
Sorry, I haven't watched Super-1
I don't think anyone is stupid enough to do that
We get it anon, you haven't watched Zenkaiger.
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Could be prologue episodes like that saber one.
>>>#刺蝟人 假面騎士gavv情報,他永遠不會放棄你,永遠不會讓你下降,永遠不會用謊言傷害你
i don't remember much of any toliet humor from zenkaiger, especially since half the cast are actual robots. we get it, you get flustered when these franchises remind you that they're for elementary school kids.
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>That was a very, VERY stupid move, Anon... Henshin!
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Sounds like neither of you watched it either, that show was all-in on being for toddlers. Farting and burping and Burun's entire existence. Not to mention Gaon and all his antics being the most childish the franchise had been in over a decade. You can make a good kids show without making it for 4 year olds.
The Saber prologue is 16 minutes. There is an hour of Gavv there.
The middle pic looks like a still from the OP sequence.
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Color confirmed Komura is the writer (again).
Wonder why they didn't reveal her.
Not like she's a famous writer
We've already had leaked episodes back during Geats. And guess what? Nothing happened, retard.
Someone teach these idiots how to dress better.
Damn I miss Ace
Maybe they'll just reveal every writer in the presscon going forward.
I can see why they'd keep it a surprise. So far, Komura's mostly known as a Sentai writer and she's only been a secondary writer for Rider so far in Wizard and Drive, so revealing her first gig as the main writer of Gavv will certainly catch some attention. Whether good or bad, it's attention for them.
Ace's haircut fucking sucks.
That would make her the first writer to head all three Nichiasa shows.
>main writer for Zyuohger, Lupat and Zenkai

We're in for another booooring year
LuPat is very popular among older fans.
I actually rather like Komura's style a lot? I think she'll be able to write a lighthearted Rider story that actually lands better than the other attempts in Reiwa.
What are the other attempts in Reiwa?
Gotchard for sure, I also felt like Zero-One and Revice were trying to way too hard to be light in the moments of brevity those storylines got.
We already know way more about Gaav's Q1 than the last episodes of Gotchard and its v-cinemas. We aren't even sure if Geryon and the dark sisters are dying or not.
I think them trying to treat each Chemy as a mascot hurt a lot Gotchard. It pretty much was a poor man's Youkai Watch. Hotaro is unrelatable and uninteresting as fuck because he's just a cardboard shill by the end of the day.
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>gavv leaked
>main writer revealed
>no gaim-like kino
It depends entirely on how much she cares about it, given she wrote most of Wizard despite being the co-writer and that was as soulless as it could possibly get.
Just gonna wait for the 1st episode to judge.
Hoping she's pair with someone so every plot point wouldn't be solve in the last arc.
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>Getting two Wizard-tiers entries in a row.
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>Lachesis waifufag can't appreciate Wizardkino
to be expected
It's not a feasible premise in a limited budget live action show with an ongoing narrative. There isn't enough time to do Pokemon bonding and Victim of the Week and the season-long plot all at once. There's a reason Pokemon itself is so episodic.
That wasn't even a scene in the show. That's the problem.
>We already know way more about Gaav's Q1 than the last episodes of Gotchard and its v-cinemas
Retail toys have always been leaked for well over a decade now, newfag-kun. Gotchard is at the point where the only new toys it's gonna get are P-Bandai, which have only been leaking recently thanks to the Chinks and not in a very detailed fashion.

>We aren't even sure if Geryon and the dark sisters are dying or not
Lachesis and Clotho are in the Final Stage, meaning they probably survive.
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I liked Lupat and Zenkaiger well enough although I didn't stick with them for the full run, it'll probably be better than Gotchard at least.
Anyone who expected Urobuchi to return is a retard.
I'm just curious how a episode-centric writer like Komura will handle Rider and the many amount of toys it come with

Although I guess there was Ryuki
Girori and Beroba were also in the final stage though. Same for the hamburger bugster. You can die and still appear in final stages.
I didn’t expect Urobuchi I just didn’t expect another season that will become similar to Gotchard, presumably
Well, one can argue that even LuPat and Wizard are better than Gotchard.
She did some of the best and funniest episodes of Wizard.
>Preview stills from the three first episodes of Gavv leaked showing off the MC
How the fuck did that happen? They keep feeling like they're upping the plugs on leaks but it gets worse every year lol
Also where this talk of Komura being the main writer? I don't mind her writing or anything but hiding her is kinda weird cause she's just a normal Toei toku writer.
dumbass twitter nigger
>almost if not half of Wizard
Beroba didn't die in the show. In the V-Cin she revealed that her wish just sent her back to the future instead of killing her.

Dunno what the circumstances involving Girori's return are though, but we know future people can be restored even after getting caught up in the Grand End thanks to the Gazer special.
Komura basically carried Wizard on her back
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>episode 24
Newfag, as I said before, being in the final stage doesn't mean a character 100% survives.
And a lot of boring one.
If Komura wrote one of the only things I gutbusted at in Wizard then she's my writer.
>that webm
Gaav and Reiwa are doomed.
>Nitou granma episodes

Hell yeah
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Fuck you.
>Not laughing at Magical Girl Beast
Get the stick out of your ass lol
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this is more racist than a birth of a nation

the calls of racism against people who don't like kaijin who say "i can't breathe" seems a bit silly when they literally transform into monsters and terrorize people. Like maybe they have some good reasons to be uncomfortable with that, telling them their terror is just "racism" doesn't really work as good social commentary for black people...
Buildfags are fucking insufferable.

I wouldn't fully credit her that, as the director's the one that deliver the scene to reality.

I mean, I don't think it's Komura herself that wrote "camera focus on Beast's butt"
I'm sorry we're not getting dumb edgy garbage for 12 year olds.
2nd rider
Black Sun was so buried up in its own ass politics-wise that it forgot that it was a Kamen Rider show. Terrible series.
I think those are peak beyond those shots though. They're heartfelt and made me feel something unlike the majority of wizard which was just drama that fell flat and Shunpei mugging at the camera.
Black Sun is the most confused, fucking stupid racism metaphor imaginable. Recreating George Floyd's death but with a fly man was insane and it's unfortunate it's autistic shit for Japanese manchildren and almost no one but them watched it because I would have liked to see the American public react to it.
>George Floyd
>George Fly (Kaijin)
it's kino
The main writer thought Shunpei was the funniest thing alive I swear.
Gaav will be another one of those series in which the male cast is somehow hotter than the female cast. Just like Geats, Ryuki, Kabuto, and W.
Yeah, Nito episodes are some of the best. Frankly Nito felt more fitting for a primary Rider with how much of a big bro he was
is that why Gavv lead looks like Kaito?
>Another year of Buildfags and Gaimfags crying because current rider isnt "serious show for serious five year olds."
>males hotter than females
Anon, I’m sorry to say this but I diagnose you as gay
The only things I give Wizard over Gotchard are the more charismatic leads and certain weekly victim episodes. I still think Gotchard has a better plot, story progression and villains.

Overall, I found Wizard more boring to watch.
If anything else, Komura really gets character and interaction.
True. People can say how """boring""" Zyuohger and Zenkaiger were but those teams were families, man.
who the fuck is Burun? You mean Vroon? But he never passes gas. Are you thinking of some Power Rangers adaptation?
>I wouldn't fully credit her that, as the director's the one that deliver the scene to reality
The whole idea of Nitou pretending to be a magical girl to prevent his grandma from finding him out is a writing thing though.
Twitter leeches I know you’re here you fucks, taking anon’s hard earned leaks like that
>another "healing" season
The more Gaimfags, Buildfags and Geatsfags get filtered, the better.
Let's be real, Kamen Rider is for children. Despite over 50 years' worth of shows, only Amazons, Black Sun, Build, and Gaim have the depth and maturity to air on a network like HBO.
I want Gavv to have similar vibes as Stronger
a g-rosso show IS noteworthy, it just happens thst you need to go there
Stupid Amerifat. SEA anons are the secondary audience demography behind Japanese viewer.
Peak show for sleeping
cant wait for tire change jokes
Neither are you

I'll shut up when you stop bitching about a show for five year olds trying to market itself to five year olds
But anon, I am a Japanese toddler.
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ngl with komura's show i think they flow better in binges than with week-to-week watching. i kinda bounced off on zenkaiger in watching it weekly but rewatching in big batches made me appreciate the moments the show attempted to be serious a little better.
Lachesisniggers are incapable of laughing at genuinely funny things because they're even more inhuman than their waifu.
Did anyone manage to grab the episodes?
I did (-:
Some chink probably ripped it but too pussy to share.
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As long as the leads can act, I suppose.
probably not since no one has posted it anywhere else.
The episodes in iqiyi is locked with password. Nobody outside iqiyi knew what the password.
Honestly, he doesnt look like a lead rider. I guess he kind of resembles Aruto, but he does not look like an attractive twink like Fumiya Takahashi.
looks like Shinji or Eiji type character
I thought they learn a thing or two from the whole "Matt Hunt is a butt" incident last december, but I guess they're not.
Someone forward this to Shirakura
He will definitely see it, the retards used Gavv's tag.
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Look like the franchise need his saving again.
See you next year.
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>See you next year
Nah, it's his turn.
Aruto looks good as a delinquent type, Yua looks weird without bangs tho.
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ooops forgot the pic
So when should we expect the final form to leak?
aruto will never return for a reunion won't he
right now. open up your mouth while its still fresh from my ass.
Good on him for making it big though. He deserved it
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Gavv’s main actor has been identified

Hidekazu Chinen (2005)
boon > Arc >>>>>>>>Gav
>another zoomer
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Eating Izu's ass
are we getting dance ending credit?
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Yeah, he's too busy being the type of popular japanese pretty boy actor people make fancams of.
>Before Gochizos
Grandpa, It's 2024. The oldest Zoomer is 27-28.
What if that's a random kids show no one knows about and not Gavv
You just know
假面騎士 is Kamen Rider
Tired of these fucking twinks. Bring back real men
And the director was the one that directed the suit actor to make it right. A bad director could have just made the scene Nitou sounding girly while still acting rough
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This person is just clout chasing, right? Or are they actually somewhere in the wild right now?
I can't believe this StanKuroto fellow hacked into Toei's servers and is now distributing leaked Gavv episodes to the entire internet!
So many shit got leak in the pass 24 hours
The episodes are from a niche ass chink streaming website. Of course they lies for clout.
It's coming from iqiyi insider account and currently on review stage (for China censorship perhaps?)
Also this kinda indicates Toei speeding up the production process for few months instead the usual 2 month before airing schedule.
Them focusing on China as a market as of recent has upped the leak amount by at least 60%.
Yen currency also hitting low right now, they need to export in order to survive.
what else
Even the Rider actors are doing a lot of fanmeet in China these days
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Lmao twitter troon delusion
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Rumored Valen’s actor

Noguchi Yusuke (2002)
Boonblue 2.0
If they're actually in the wild we'd actually be getting even more screenshots that the ones in the Rangerboard twitter.
episodes of what??
pewdiepie streamed the first two episodes of Black Sun and added some hilarious commentary
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[Sad news]
Gavv potato chip form is getting canceled
Japan has a high spice tolerance right? How fucking spicy was this shit?
read the thread. 3 episode got leaks. and some of us already watching GAVV.
Sounds like some kid was able to get spicy chips from Korea or something and thought they'd be as spicy as like those habanero ring chips that aren't spicy at all.

Definitely not as spice tolerant as Korea for one. Maybe even some parts of China.
I'd love to know the brand. For science.
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18 forbidden potato chip
>have 3 episodes
>put them on fucking billibilli instead of a file sharing service

leakers are dumb
I'm pretty good with spice. Love to try these.
The thing about Komura is that she will stall on important plot developments for fucking ever. Stacey should not have waited until the finale to join the team and Yamato’s father was not a big enough deal to be the emotional crux of the whole show.
This is one of those cutie MCs that gets mindbroken throughout the show
>White Wizard and Koyomi
It's actually iQiyi which is more Netflix than YouTube or Bilibili IIRC which means some intern just fucked up.

Fuck off Tripfag. Why the fuck are you even back?
That wasn't a Komura show, she was the secondary on that one.
Reiwa's never getting tokuota kino
That was actually fine because we had Phoenix, Medusa, Gremlin, Chimera, and the 3 mages to distract us. In Sentai there’s a lot more MOTF tomfoolery that goes nowhere.
Zero-One and Geats.
Considering we're probably getting like multiple riders for each series (judging by previous Reiwa shows) this probably wouldn't be an issue either.
One of my faves
All time favorite
In my top 5
In my top 5

I won
Isn't it strange that we have like 3 random screenshots of the protagonist but none of the rider suit in action or the motorcycle?
Names like Komura I understand are something that Color throws. But everything else I don't understand where it comes from. If the entire chapters was leaked, we should not have the complete list of the production through the op credits.
They aren’t publicly available, just the thumbnails were leaked. Looking at the time stamp, they’re all roughly 2 minutes 15 seconds into the episodes - so 1 and 2 are from the intro and 3 is the next shot after the intro for that episode
Only the thumbnail previews leaked. The actual videos were behind a password that no could access.

Everyone claiming they watched the episodes are lying.
Only the thumbnails was leaked because the intern forget to private the video. No one has access to the video.
>Everyone claiming they watched the episodes are lying.
Or dead, after Shirakura got them.
geats was normie appeal
don't forget Zamigo's cool intro followed by him being a nothing character for the rest of the show
>geats was normie appeal
Literally every popular Rider show has normie appeal that's why they're popular.
We are over due for a genki heroine.
This. Chinese are leaking way more than before covid times because of how badly Japan relies on that market nowadays. Will not be surprised if they spoil Gavv's final form sooner than Build and Gotchard's.
Anyone else surprised at how similar Gavv sounds to Gotchard?
>light hearted
>young protagonist
>small cast of riders (at least initially)
I feel like usually they try to mix it up more year after year, like scaling back after Saber and then scaling up after Geats and then scaling back down for Gotchard
Eating anything so spicy that it hurts is a mental illness.
Are we getting a very sexy villainess and two bad actors as MCs again?
That's a really tenuous set of "it sounds like gotchard" connections.
It’s gonna come down to style and execution.
Literally what could be the plot of Gavv?
Hibiki, Den-O, Fourze fit all the shit you trying to connect.
It literally just generic stuff.
The first two could basically apply to a lot of toku shows made in the last two years. Hell, it could even apply to early Zero One.
Nah, I won’t reveal too much now but I’ve personally met Gavv’s lead a number of times. Kids definitely got the chops
Sorry, I mean two decades.
it's our punishment for not liking geats. Every year going forward will be Gotchard
Candy guy fights monsters.
happy go lucky lover of snacks gets mindbroken by circumstances of the plot
Gotchard is about to be over and I'm still not sure if it even had a plot. It's probably better to lower the bar and not expect much from Gavv, judging by the leaks.
Anon it does have a plot. Pretending it doesn't have one doesn't mean it doesn't have one.
It's not a very amazing plot but I digress.
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>He calls himself Daybreak because his day(Rinne, The Sun) is broken (dead).
Did you miss all the chemmies we collected?
Anyone else surprised at how similar Gavv sounds to Kuuga?
>light hearted
>young protagonist
>small cast of riders (at least initially)
I feel like usually they try to mix it up more year after year, like scaling back after Ryuki and then scaling up after Faiz and then scaling back down for Kabuto
The problem with Gotchard is that it keeps changing what it wants to be every few eps. I'm one of the few people still enjoying it, but even I'm like "what's this show even supposed to be?"

Is it a high school show? No because there are stretches of of the show that don't even involve the school.

Is it a magic school show? No, because we don't spend enough time in the one-room magical school set we have and our MC learning alchemy is pretty much dropped for long stretches of time until the writers remember that thread.

Is it a gotta catch them all show? No because we can't afford the CGI and SFX required to properly convey that.
Kuuga had a lot of murder in that first episode
Still can't get over the fact that the actor for Hotaro's english teacher played an english teacher in multiple WMAF jav
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You're an anon in /krg/ so I can believe you've never stopped thinking about that
Wasn’t Hasegawa also a sub-writer only in Rider before getting the main writer position in Gotchard? What makes Junko different that warrants a safe-keeping period?
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We are never going to get leaks again after this.
>Literally what could be the plot of Gavv?

Komura is head writer, so it doesn't matter. The plot will vanish for long stretches, barely progress when it is touched upon, and ultimately be unsatisfying. Better hope the characters and episodic shenanigans can carry it.
That intern is getting trick vented as we speak
>Kaijin has Gavv taken out for an entire episode by giving him the One Chip Challenge
Toei should give in and release the press conference already. Not like they do it live nowadays.
Did anyone save the three episodes before they took it down?
Oh I think it's testing the waters, maybe one day we might have a Sony-scale "hack" from Toei to generate hype for a Rider show and better gauge fan reactions
Gavv's berserk form confirmed.
They were never even up anon, just the thumbnails
It's fake, color himself said "IF It's komura" not like it's already confirmed
Also he's not 100% credible
they're tokuota but not kino
Mei but as the female tertiary.
So Komura being the writer is literally not even confirmed after all this time? Typical.
Nope. She's not even the only person being floated as the main writer from today on social media sites, the other one is a rando J-Drama screenwriter.
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He wouldn't make a seperate post about it if he wasn't sure.
Also his leaks track record is still 99% right
This same exact person said it was some anime writer not 2 weeks ago
Didn't he reconfirm it later?
He said it wasn't.
He predict the writer based on the tweet about writing long series. Even made a seperate post saying it just his prediction don't spread it,
Geatsbabbies didn't know the franchise very well, please understand.
Also where he states this?
Or maybe, there's someone that also named komura out there?? Who knows?
anon they were twinks for their time
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Feels like they're trying to build a relationship with these two but they can only do it in crumbs. Feels like the climax of it would only be resolved in a V-Cinema or something

They kinda cute though, their dynamic's been completely inverted now
Stop coping already lmao
Someone used AI to made the tv ver of Gavv OP
LuPat is shit due to Bandai interference, but Zyuohger and Zenkaiger are comfy kino. Gavv has my interest now.
You need to go back
you need to lose fat
More like you need to go back to /v/
Went from Gavv to Blue Archive real quick
I do hope you realize anons watch more than just Rider here
>points to the catalog
Go and stay go.
>points to your weight scale
You want a (You)? There you go, sweetie.
Tsumuri and the new mc worked on an mv a while back
Ace would to know his location
It bothers me when Kamen Rider forms reuse terms

>Agito Storm
>Meteor Storm

>Agito Flame
>Wizard Flame Style

>Hyper Kabuto
>Beast Hyper

>Wizard Infinity Style
>Ghost Mugen

>Chalice Wild
>Drive Type Wild

>Blade Jack Form
>Jack Revice

Which ones am I missing
Help me revel in my anger
More like they already set someone else but he/she couldn't make it so they had to hide the name until they found replacement
new mc is a cute
Already a better fit for a KR MC then Houtarou's actor. He's got that "I wanna protect him" look/nature that all the girls will like.
He’s got a strong jaw.
Oh hey, he's a Stardust. Play his cards right, and the guy could break out
>better fit
>from wizard writer
I'd take bland unintersting mc with great plot over komura or even inoue
Fucking hell reiwa is doomed..again
Can you like go outside or something
>Kuuga Mighty
>Ex-Aid Mighty Action X

>Kuuga Dragon
>Wizard Flame Dragon/Saber Brave Dragon

>Kuuga Pegasus
>Blades Tenkuu no Pegasus

>Kuuga Ultimate
>Ultimate Revi/Vice

Why not kobayashi instead? Shirakura knew westerns love her very much than komura junko
There's only so much cool terms they can use

Although I do think Revice sharing Ultimate with Kuuga is dumb
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The Gavv leaks didn't happen
Kida was the Wizard writer
Kobayashi has no interest in returning to the Toei mines when she can make big anime bucks now.
what's wrong with wanting some interesting stories like some early heisei like Agito kiva kabuto blade, or maybe some comfy action like OOO, ghost? And not some boring ass shit like wizard or revice?
Tell me anon-kun, please
uhh Gavv? what are you talking about man
komura wrote wizard too, not one not two but more than one quarter
Still responsible for halting the main plot from progressing, aka The White wizard stuff
You need to go back
>twitter post still not deleted
>lots of other related post too
Yeah, this whole thing is fake
She's moved on to more high-profile stuff like anime and the live action Kishibe Rohan series.
And already in the comment, the SEA at it as usual.

Remind me when they spam that one actor who was rumored to be Geats.
The thumbnails had to have come from somewhere.
I love how people like these just have no inner voice or filter to say "hey, maybe I should hold my horses and not post at an actor that could be the next KR MC because of a leak" or what have you. Supremely autistic behavior, or they're just very young.
They're just idiots who think having inside information makes them look cool and wanna show it off. It's the same as the guy who tweeted Trinity at ShiraP.
>"uuh it must be fake!!!"
>its actually real
everytime lol
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>they must be fake if they're not deleted
how new are you
>they're just very young
Most who comment on the actor SNS is kids who had a smartphone with internet access without parents supervision because they're too fucking busy.
counterpoint - she wrote all the magnificent Beast eps and the few eps where Hotaro was allowed to have a personality
I should've type lazy not busy
Komura's charater writing is good. She just doesn't know how to write engaging plot.
Literally reverse Takahashi.
They should get married and have a child that can do both
>Gavv's Beserk Form takes a different turn
>Instead it's a picked (Chicken) Wing
>The Belt sucks out the Bone Marrow
>Upgrade would be the return of the meat.
>There's only so much cool terms they can use
No there fucking isn't you triple nigger

Fourze came up with fucking MAGNET and COSMIC
There are fucking limitless concepts and cool names they could use, hell even Build was still coming up with sick ass shit like HAZARD
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Do not open.


>Joker (Chalice)
>Kamen Rider Joker

Just found out about the leak, please tell me someone saved footage
nobody had access to it at any point
Character writing>>>>plot writing
Doesn’t matter how engaging your story is on paper if I don’t care about anyone involved in it, which is how I felt for most of Takahashi’s work.
The three episodes there were uploaded to that Chinese streaming site (which somehow become unprivated) had passwords on them which the founder didn't know, so all you have are those thumbnails.
They’re the first 3 so they wouldn’t have anything big
>manchild protagonist
Why? Because you don’t like his outfit?
Touma, Ace, Gavv and their annoying children
>komura character writing is good
Not really. Its decent at best.
Should have been a movie
I disagree, Yamato's still my ideal modern red.
My favorite kinds of replies are just "no you're wrong."
And then when Takahashi makes the “serious” one it’s gonna be the most painful miserable series since Geats. But they’ll eat it up just because “it’s more serious”.
Really though, it does feel like Toei is starting to make the shows between Takahashi seasons lighter on purpose. Like they think he’s the only one who can handle a heavier concept when he’s the worst at it.
This place would be dead if the show just focused on the characters and not drove the plot forward
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I'm closer to serious five year old than a non serious five year old so those shows interest me more yeah
It'll never be dead because shitposters always want the thread moving
Of course
Just like how they cancelled Revice’s Volcano form after the Volcano incident
Saber wasn’t “scaling down”, a lot of drama went in there after the first episodes. Saber was just switching from Zero-One’s sci-fi to fantasy. Revice also tried to scale up with their garbage societal commentary, and Geats was more of Zero-One’s stuff. Gotchard is the only light one, and even then it has fucked up stuff like body-jacking a child to fight his friend, killing a person’s parents in front of them over and over again, the MC forced to kill his pet, etc.
I regret nothing
so the episodes leaked but there's no plot summaries? No screenshots of the cast or kaijin?

I just want to know what the fuck the Gochizo are.
I’m the anon behind the Mei tribute back in the day, AMA
It was literally just thumbnails
It’s just a show about people finding themselves, and it’s pretty consistent in what it does
>Heroes like Chemmys and want to make the world a better place with them because they’re young
>Adults are jaded but slowly regain happiness because of the kids
>Villains are greedy and want to use Chemmies as tools to get what they want
Based coomer how long was the ban?
White wizard was boring anyways
>Aruto/Ace have the same writer
>Touma/Houtaro have the same writer
What if Gavv's head writer is actually Kinoshita?
Doesn’t matter if I enjoy the show. I don’t need to talk about it with any of you.
Wasn’t Saber the Ghost guy?
It just that simple. I've watched pretty much all her toku stuff. Even outside of SS & KR. Like Bima X, which was inferior than OG Bima in both character and plot.
Saber was a collaborative effort, of which Hasegawa wrote the most episodes.
Hasegawa also wrote a majority of the endgame arc, including the actual finale where he makes a cameo as a HumaGear.
Kinoshitter coming back would blow the roof of this godforsaken hellhole
I guess thematically the show works, but structurally it's all over the place.
It's literally just thumbnails. Someone at IQiyi fucked up and unlisted the eps, but they were still behind a password that no one could access.
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Toei Ninja is out for blood
*Sneezes before the flash goes off*
>The plot will vanish for long stretches, barely progress when it is touched upon, and ultimately be unsatisfying.
how is that any different to the dogshit we're enduring right now
Ooof. I wonder how the guy who was screaming "fake" because Toei was being slow in clamping down leaks thinks about this?
Guy was a fucking tard like all those kinds of accounts are
I pray Toei nukes Rangerboard's Twitter.
I guess, but without that one creative lead I wouldn't say is the same.
You don't even spell Wizard's MC name right, which proves how boring it is.
(HI)JACK Revice
Hotaro's Gotchard so he probably has Gotchard living in his head rent-free
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Damn, they even deleted the actor image.
This post didn't even have the leaked thumbnails
I can't believe Toei deleted the actor's existence...
I thought the first pic was the MC until I saw the others. Now I wish it was him, he looks more interesting than another black-haired guy.
Lmaoooo seems like Toei's really upset about he leak, this is a bit overboard.
Basically confirms that it is him.

Streisand effect indeed.
>Expecting someone that's not an attractive twink to be the mainline rider lead.
It's because people are so retarded they used the real tags
>inb4 they saw all the toy leaks from that account and it spiral to multiple accounts getting chopped by Bandai ninjas
But why cant it be a twink with a different hair color?
Wdym? THAT pic is the mc. They're the same person. The black hair is just his older pic.
Dirty leaker should have shared the henshin at least
The one in the first pic is not the same person as the one in the second and third one.
Has pics of this guy been DMCA'd too?
He's wearing the same style in those pic. Get your eyes check.
No ben you were supposed to be one of the good ones, you censored matt cunt is a butt but you posted leaks related to a chinese intern? Have you no soul?
Another wave of Toei & Bandai kino purge incoming
goddamn memory, I meant Haruto
it's funny because I was trying to avoid spelling him as Aruto
toei out for blood
>good one
He stole most of the shit from this place. From leak to just random collage pic.
I like his shoes.
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This is the best you could get
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Color might getting ass fucked by this guy. He literally sourcing Color post.
It so fucking over.
lol this faggot is also begging for money on twitter so he's trying not to get the account taken down
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Western man childeren once again ruin leaks, I swear to fucking Christ.
I really hope Komura means we're getting a proper episodic Kamen Rider series again and not a fully serialized one like Geats or one that's semi-serialized like Gotchard.
why is it always the twitterfaggots
Twitter incentivizes clout chasing which leads to dumbass shit like this.
Considering I really enjoyed Zyuohger and LuPat when they were airing. I'm down with it, she knows how to pump up the suffering for character arcs.
Man, I don’t remember this scene at all.
If they're taking this leak that seriously. The intern is probably fired.
Poor dude.
Gotchard was episodic like early Heisei shows though. W, OOO and Fourze all had an ongoing story, but were mainly episodic.
I would say Gotchard is closer to Ghost in serialization than something like W or Fourze.
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I'm mildly optimistic
>Feels like the climax of it would only be resolved in a V-Cinema or something
When it comes to Lachesis, they are solving her issues with Clotho before the series ends. But who knows if her relationship with Atropos is getting fixed and she's turning human within the series. Considering the summer movie has nothing to do with her and it takes place before this episode, it obviously doesn't give closure to any of her issues.

Regarding Spanner, the guy has received less two-parters than Kajiki and it doesn't look he's getting another upgrade before the series ends. If they are saving it all for a v-cinema, then I wouldn't be surprised that his ship with Lachesis gets confirmed post-series.

It also feels like Atropos may be the character who gets the least issues solved because they want to give her closure in the rumores v-cinemas.
Can confirm, she sat on her fat ass with Nodoka's illness plot point during healin' good only to handwave it at some point just because.
Color's been striked by CMDA bullshit and getting his account closed one too many times, that's a nothingburger.
Another midwit got filtered lmao
Racism wasn't the theme it was general discrimination akin X-Men AKA Don't judge people for things they had no control over
Yeah there were bad kaijin but there are also bad humans and most of the kaijin being discriminated against didn't do anything and are always being provoked into doing something because people feared them. At the end of the day they didn't ask to be kaijin and actually tried to live normal lives but both sides wouldn't have it
The Fly scene is admittedly very hamfisted but it's there for the brainlet Jap audience that wouldn't get it
I knew /krg/ was autistic but there's a reason you guys can only stomach shows made for children
Don't be a retard anon, Drive is mostly a Sanjo joint and she only guest wrote like 5 episodes. That's like calling Zero-One a Riku Sanjo show.
I always thought the plot stalling was Utsunomiya's thing.
>would say Gotchard is closer to Ghost in serialization than something like W or Fourze
Yeah, because Gotchard and Ghost suck.
Anon definitely just looked up the KR Wiki page for her and just saw Drive on there.
its never over
we have known since the show was airing
I hope to be proven wrong but this doesn't give me high hopes at all. Her major works are Zyuohger, LuPat, Zenkaiger, and about half of Wizard. I didn't hate Wizard but a lot of it dragged and get Sentai stuff doesn't impress much either. I found Zyuoh to be plain and boring and Zenkai to be mindless nonsense even though that's what it's supposed to be and I admit some of it was fun. But LuPat is genuinely awful with no characters I liked and I really disliked that show a lot. I'm definitely just being negative, but with her track record (not horrible, just very unimpressive) and the last few Reiwa shows I just can't get myself hyped up for Gavv just yet. I do hope to be proven wrong though.
Her illness was "handwaved" before the first episode because it was Daruizen. This is made explicitly clear in the little girls show you watched.
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This is the shit I'm worried about, I don't want to wait until the 40 episode mark for anything remotely exciting to happen.
I guess a little bit, but that's just a result of TV writing changing during the times
Shut up
Isn't Sentai typically more episodic than Kamen Rider? Wizard was in a different era than we got right now, so I doubt they'd let her do exactly the same with a different franchise. People get upset with Gotchard not having that much plot, but stuff happens more quickly than in Wizard.
She also wrote some good Drive episodes.
>The problem with Gotchard is that it keeps changing what it wants to be every few eps.
Just like every series both writers worked on. They get bored of their own plot and have to keep changing what's going on. Ghost got it the worst but so did Saber changing plot and characters every 5-8 episodes for its entire runtime.
>so did Saber changing plot and characters every 5-8 episodes for its entire runtime.
What? That was pretty consistent in its arcs
>Part 1: MC meets hero faction and work to defeat evil bad guy
>Part 2: Bad guys are inside the heroe's faction and they get divided, they need to slowly put themselves back together
>Part 3: Reconciliation and facing said villain together
>Part 4: Endgame villain appears to fuck everything up and everyone stands together against him
You might as well say Zero-One, Revice and Geats all are also "changing plot and characters every 5-8 episodes" with the way they also changed plot lines sometimes.
>Saber changing plot and characters every 5-8 episodes for its entire runtime
You're confusing Saber with Geats, anon.
Sentai is literally nothing happens the show, while modern rider is over-serialized
>Saber changing plot and characters every 5-8 episodes for its entire runtime
The fuck are you on about? Saber was legitimately the only Reiwa show that was consistent with its story along with natural character progression. Fucking Ren and Desast's relationship was set up since the beginning.
It's crazy that you bring up Saber as if Revice didn't have 4 epilogue episodes after the final battle
Well in that case she's not going to make a show where nothing happens if the producers want a more serialized story.
I don't get it, so they want to reveal the suits, toys, gimmicks, 99% of the staff, and even the opening early but not the writer? If it was a new writer is understandable, but why hide a regular Toei writer that's not even a big deal like Inoue or Takahashi is?
Maybe someone else is writing with her
We didn't know who was writing Zero-One or Saber before their conferences so I guess Toei is just moving back to this format
Maybe this is just how they want staff reveals to pan out going forward.
When will the Reiwa Dark Age end?
Anniversary season with Decade, Zi-O, Legend, and the new one creating a massive shitshow.
When they stop bringing back Takahashi
Isn't one of the things Saber is praised for on here its plot consistency?
Saber had the opposite problem honestly, the first arc was so full of shit to debut and show off, on top of the Kento autism stuff that there was no time to really build upon the characters, which made the rest of it feel weightless to me. If Genta’s defeat was the finale and they had 8 more episodes to just develop the characters the show could’ve been actually passable
Watching W for the first time, I'm enjoying Akiko more than I thought I would
She and Shotaro get some pretty fun banter
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>an 8 episode-long epilogue
That would be even worse than Revice's.
No 8 more episodes before the finale you fucking gay nigger retard
>the first arc was so full of shit to debut and show off, on top of the Kento autism stuff that there was no time to really build upon the characters
That's why the Retsudens exist.
Your idea is stupid
Why is she just watching...?
I’ve seen them, still not enough time to meaningfully devote to such a large cast
>Wanted Exile to do a Rider OP for a long time
>They get Fantastics
Talk about a monkey's paw
Saberfags are in full force
>praised ANYWHERE
Sad cope
The lighting looks like a generic j-drama
Don't you know that the Chinese consider Saber a masterpiece?
His house looks like they just reused the Gotchard one
>playskool level suit designs
>playskool level set designs
Let’s just fast forward to next year already , sucks that cool designs like 01, Revice, Geats and Gotchard have gotten wasted with shit writing staff
i want to move on to seasons i've missed but i can't stop rewatching ryuki.
from saberfags yes
After all this years they can't accept that people, the majority of the fanbase, does not like their defective show
>dancing with crayon drawing of self
>following kid around
is this guy's dayjob literally helping out at a preschool lmao
China has a far larger population than Japan, anon.
>Zero-One: Having a job is what makes you human. Please learn to love your job.
>Saber: Nothing is predestined, nothing is written down. The future is what you and your friends will make of it.
>Revice: No family is perfect, but every family should have each others backs. Though thick and thin, those bonds will push us through.
>Geats: Don't fight anyone else, don't fight just because you're told to do so. Fight for your own true desire.

What's Gotchard's takeaway message so far?
a teacher would be rad
something about believing in the good of people (and chemmies) and trusting them to do the right thing
Finished Black Sun earlier, I liked the action and world building, but the pacing, stock music, and downer ending made this pretty horrid. I'd rank it lower, but unlike Kabuto or Amazons season 2 it at least tried to stay focused.

Drive > Zero One > Skyrider > Geats > OOO > Black RX > Original > Wizard > Revice > Decade > Zi-O > Stronger > Fourze > Black > Amazon > Kiva > Super-1 > Agito > J > ZO > Ghost > ZX > V3 > Kuuga > 555 > Saber > Hibiki > X > Gaim > Den-O > W > Ex-Aid > Shin > Ryuki > Amazons Season 1 > Blade > G > SD > The First > Black Sun > Kabuto > The Next > Amazons Season 2 > Build

As for Gotchard... It's fine I guess? I enjoyed Ghost and Saber, I thought I'd like this more but it seems like a half assed version of OOO for some reason.
>teacher by day kamen rider by night
>all the kids love kamen rider but he has to keep his identity hidden from the children
>known for giving sweets to kids and thats why his rider is snack themed
dope af
>blade, ryuki, den-o that low
holy fucking shit taste man what's your fucking problem?
>build worse than amazons s2

what kind of drugs are you smoking
As long as you buy cards, you'll be happy!
History will absolve Amazons Season 2.
The more I look at this the more I understand this is the most finely crafted bait known to man.
Total simp death can't come fast enough.
To be fair he did a horrible, tragic, miserable, and violent death.
Observing everything.
with that said
>Type HIGH SPEED! The True Power! Type High Speed is Born!
>Episode 23: Who Can Stop the Hoax Smile?
>Episode 24: What Can Keep Mach Running?
>Episode 29: What Really Happened in the Robbery?
>Episode 30: Who Reveals the Real Criminal?
are pretty good episodes, especially 30
New bread time?
Amazons Season 2 did everything the production staff wanted it to do.
Are we getting another kid MC?
it's over
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>those retard baby pants
>that crayon drawing of himself
oh no he's going to be some manchild who acts like the target audience 4 year olds and have some power of imagination shit
The power of imagination is a soulful trope and if you disagree you're shit.
I’m guessing that he is the kid and has been aged up somehow. Like Toqger
I think you're an idiot honestly. That's such an insane assumption to make based off of a singular thumbnail.
Chinesse are not people
X wizard sexo
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It's cringe and lazy and I say that as a Precurefag.
>Color might getting ass fucked by this guy.
Fucking ESL
I miss the days when the third world couldn't afford internet access
>t. jealous SEAmonkey
They wouldn't do a straight ToQger retread
As a Precurefag, your opinion literally does not matter.

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twitter by its basic premise encourages people to speak first and think later
they impaled him on Baron's spear
They whacked him continuously with Baron's spear.
t. jealous westerner
kill yourself sharky
>aruto will never return for a reunion won't he
They haven't even done any Reiwa protagonist reunions. The less reunions we have the less chance actors have of schedule working out for one of them.
Secondary riders lately have a much more serious design compared to the main riders.

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