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New releases on Mondays (usually)

New ED
Perfume collab (really)
Hotel collab (yeah)

Previous talk
1st for AI harassing shotas
Where can I find the Shinkalion mech toys in the States? I had no luck in anime shops like the ones in LA Little Tokyo. I only found a Nissan GT-R in a Seattle grocery store. Maybe the mech toys are too recent, or the toy suppliers don't think the demand is sufficient here.

I'm hoping to find some at SD Comic Con. There probably was a better chance at Anime Expo, although I didn't attend it. I'm not interested in buying them online unless it's cheaper than buying in person.
>sword and gun
I can't imagine there's any western market for these toys, Hasbro and Takara aren't bringing them over at all. If you want any you'll have to import.
No way we are getting the stuck up retard on the team...
I miss the first op already. This new one is really boring
buy them from JP Amazon. The yen is still low and DHL is cheap/quick
Wait til you see his girlfriend join the team.
That'd be preferable.
Ganma and Rio are a package deal, being an already established couple before their debut. The only issue is, we never get to know where exactly they live except in character bios in the official website, so who knows where Rio came from.
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>here, your new shinkalion and a matching car
>you can't drive the car, though
>this is not gyrozetter
I still don't get the point of the GTRs. They are fucking out of place so much.
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How was the 15th episode?
Rather weird. This episode was supposed to be part of Ganma's introduction and debut as a pilot, but half of it was Akane focus.
There's something off putting about their designs, especially Rio's.
He'll fit in with Akane and Ryota.
There's none of Vina's nonsense with Ten in EP15, but next week...
Sounds like the most plausible route. Thanks
Interestingly, in the U.S. Navy, a RIO is a Radar Intercept Officer, the person who sits in the back seat of an aircraft and controls the more complex functions like radar and radios so the pilot is free to fly the plane.
Tomica makes the popular Tomicar series of die cast toys (think Matchbox and Hot Wheels overseas) and the GT-R is a popular one.
>subs already out
They could've made them to be cars belonging to the staff or cars that they use to pick up the pilots and drive them to ERDA so it doesn't look they just appear out of nowhere.
the cars are clearly there just to piss you off
The most boring guy got the coolest robot(so far).
We need a beach episode to see if she overheat and crashes.
mogami river
What was the message of this episode? Nobody changed anything and Mogami joined at the end because... he wanted to punch someone?
You'd think ERDA would just bride the school or someone to get an extra member in.
I got the impression that Mogami joined because he's been seething for years about always having to play by the school's restrictive rules.

It also highlights Mogami's hypocrisy, he hates being bound by restrictions, but he enforces them on others. I think he's aware of his own hypocrisy to some extent, since he agreed to help.
Ten's story was weird. Writers acted like he was the bad guy and looking down on his 'friends', but his 'friends' came across as being jealous.
Mogami was afraid that he wouldn't be able to protect them, and that if he couldn't, he'd go back to being the same kind of unassertive person that he used to be. Which makes no sense because that doesn't make you go back to a weak willed weiner, but I guess he has some kind of trauma about it.

Ten's seemed like he was the kind of person that was willing to ignore his friends if it meant his own personal gain. While that kind of behavior is acceptable and even encouraged in most other places, in Japan, it's considered not nice to succeed at the expense of your community without benefiting them. So Ten learned to hold back rather than excel, afraid that he'd isolate himself socially. It is weird, though. It's not like Ten stepped over their corpses to get high marks in school.
Mogami is still weak willed and unassertive, but projects being in control and in charge.

Ten's arc comes across as contradictory since they made a big deal about him having to stop holding back as a pilot, but had holding back bethel solution to hid social problems.
Makes sense. Hit the gym. Buff out. Talk loud. Have a cute girlfriend. Intimidate everyone into submission.
I think I can grow on him if he shows more autistic moments like in the preview.
punch him, taisei
I didn't realize trailer form's energy wings can't be used for flying.
They just appear to be jump jets. Ten pumps his when descending from pulling down the counterweight.
The cynical adult in me thinks they are subliminal advertising for Beyblades
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Rumor has it we're losing the Hikari Rail Star too. Along with the Doctor Yellow.

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