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Previous Thread: >>22734525

How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

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>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

>Kajiki finally getting a gf
Really, Gotchard's biggest winner
May i ask, is it better than wizard?
If Gavv outright fails in just the first quarter, I swear Kamen Rider will truly end. The next Kamen Rider after that could be the last, or they'll just stop outright after Gavv.
Congratulations to Kajiki on getting laid!
>Atropos isn't part of the Oricon interview
Holy shit, she's dying!
komura confirmed?
yes, in my dream
It has a much more likable main cast. Zyuohger's biggest problem is that after its sixth ranger fully joins the team it enters a mid-series lull where it kind of doesn't know what it wants to do its plot. The Gokaiger two parter that was essentially an in-show VS movie was cool though. Even if you don't watch the whole show make you watch that at least.
I will not be surprised if Geryon is gonna betray his "daughter" and use her for fuel in something, killing her.

People say it's confirmed now because the Gavv section of the summer movie was written by her.
mind you that gotchard will be the best thing ever happened because gavv looks to be the most boring entry in reiwa
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How was the 45ht episode?
Can't be more boring than Gotchard. Bring it on.
This should have been a Q3 arc not Q4, but ok
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>only good thing was the cast
So it is kinda like wizard, decent first arc, then hollow part until the final arc where they handled the main core of story
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The finale hasn't started yet, it's fine.
>46 & 47: Chemmies Revealed two-parter
>48 & 49: Final Boss Rider and Final Confrontation two-parter
>50: Epilogue and Gavv teaser
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Nah. Coming from heiseifags it's actually quite decent. Because you see, gotchard have good main story, only the 2 parts segment (catch the chemy) that were boring.
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Spanner’s focus next week.

Valvarad GT or anything please.
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Zero-One's finale and the other 45th episodes of Reiwa.
>Spanner’s focus next week.
Useless post format. It doesn't contribute anything, all you do is waste the image limit every time you post.
I like that they try to use Q1 forms as much as possible in the final quarter for the pass 2 years
The fight between Geats and Tycoon was too good for the screencapper to use instead a pic of a movie villainess teased in the show that doesn't do much.
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I know right, we should save the image limit for Lachesis avatarposting or Geats worshipping.
This ain't Sentai, anon.
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Kamen Rider will end if the toy sales will be bad. Gotchard toys sold pretty good so I am sorry but...
Pretty good, I'm happy for my boy Kajiki.
Damn, getting hostile with some of those all caps.
NTA but those posts are a million times better than your autistic rants, you sperg faggot. And given how autistic you are, I have no doubt you're one of those Lachesisnigger avatarfags.
Damn it's so weird seeing Kanon speaking in her normal voice while in Clotho's costume
>you're going to still be an autistic failson who has piss in his gene pool and an unhinged list fetish that only knows how to waste people's time and bandwidth
Projecting much?
>Hotaro/Rinne (?)

Straightest Rider show in a while.
As the person who makes these collages, I didn't even know collage images like the episode one would actually make people angry to this extent. >>22738941
It's modern /krg/ anon. People get spergy about the most random shit these days. Either actually sincerely or pretending to be retarded like fuckwits.
Lmao, get a grip.

Ignore the autist, he's the one who's actually contributing nothing to the thread by going on a sperg tantrum.
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Just typical for his show
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Why do you care at all? Just scroll past it, it's not important at all no matter which way you slice it
There's so many things to be mad at and some dude who likes making collages and sharing them to a niche corner of the internet, a corner that you obviously enjoy being in, is no big deal.
>Trying a third time to samefag out a response
I really struck a nerve.
Straightest since Fourze
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Glad they picked someone with experience this time
Gavv's actor?
Fat face, she gained weight
>no source
>mars zero written by shogo muto
Why komura instead of him to write gavv, whyyyy?
Based Gotchard
Nothing about that era of Geats was good
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>start rewatching Ryuki
>remember how much of an asshole everyone is to Shinji because he sticks his nose into everything and has no real personal motivation to be a rider other trying to save people, which most of the other riders scoff at

Man, I love Shinji's character but I think the older I get, the more I understand why some of the riders think he's too naïve for his own good. I also think Zolda is one of the few times where I actually preferred Torque from Dragon Knight over him
And you're not even the main target audience
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Neither are you
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No wonder it sucks
"I feel really happy when a girl says to me, "Yuna-chan is really cute"
It makes me really happy
And what's more, I'm happy that people say my personality is really cute
It was another happy day"
>"Is my personality cute, anon? IS MY PERSONALITY CUTE??"
>"Are you a GIRL, anon? You BETTER BE A GIRL."
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It's been basically a whole year and Houtarou's actor still can't smile for shit.
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No, I am a different person
I think you're crazy though
Hes good at that Vietnam-flashback PTSD, thousand yard stare.
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Fatty cheeks
Feels that this "homunculus to human" arc should have happened some episodes sooner, not precisely before the final arc. Maybe if we didn't have so many useless "Chemy of the week" episodes, the plot's pace would be better.
Yes but humanity arc ends with her turning pregnant and it'll be awkward to have 20 episodes of that.
Zenkai was fucking great
Zyuohger was dogshit man
A lot better now
>it'll be kino to have 20 episodes of that.
>the Gavv section of the summer movie was written by her.
How was he revealed? Did he help Sabimaru or something else?
No summary post yet just people's reaction to the early screening
I hope she can share what she's learning with her sisters to save them... Even if they are trying to kill her.
Sentaifags have low standards when it comes to Reiwa.
Shinji may be an idiot, but he's a better person than either of us
I keep seeing wildly different takes from this writer
>X show sucked but Y was pretty good
>X show is amazing, Y was boring
>all her work is trash
>most of her work is good
We really won’t know until we see Gavv for ourselves
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His problem is he spectacularly fails in stopping the rider war in any meaningful way, and the bad guy has to reset time in order to have any happy ending. Other kamen riders have been in his position with similar values, but they actually stopped the bad guys and saved the world. Dude just failed to save any rider and just gets praised for dying saving one kid. Meanwhile, every main character before and after him did the same and lived. Seems like a skill issue.
Dream Hopper will be the name of his last second final form
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Anyone know when Gavv preorders are supposed to go up on Amazon JP?
The new Axel form was such a disappointment.
It really should've been Cast Off armor.
That's because writers aren't consistent all the time, and Komura's probably one of the most inconsistent ones.
She will either write the best or worst episodes, and mostly focuses on characters over plot, meaning main plots can and usually will get sidelined for over 80% of the show. Happened in Sentai, happened in Wizard, happened in Precure. Basically means if you like the characters, you might enjoy the show, if you don't, it's not worth sticking with it.
It's why the praise in the last threads were for Beast, and all the Sentai praise is for the teams. All the shows with her as main writer have crumbs of plot spread so thin the only thing you remember is the main villains are bad guys.
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>They unironically think Lupat and Zyuoh were good
These are the same that hated Zenkai but think Donshit was unironically "Based and kino"
I liked Zyuoh, Zenkai, and Donbros. LuPat was boring until Noel came in then it just became bad.
>the episode actually features Alisa's single after we're told Lachesis's template was a singer

I can't believe Alisa Sakamaki is a canon character in Gotchard...
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Kamen Rider can't fail no matter how bad it is because the toys always sell through branding alone.
>The Gokaiger two parter that was essentially an in-show VS movie was cool though. Even if you don't watch the whole show make you watch that at least.

The best part of that was how unplanned that was because being in continuity with Gokaiger means being in continuity with every other Sentai show, hence Marvelous having to remind Yamato that the world has been invaded on a yearly basis for the last 40 years and saved by a bunch of costumed guys and Yamato's reponse is basically "Oh yeah that does happen doesn't it, I didn't really make the connection between that and us until now."
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Did I spend real USD to buy the Bujin Sword buckle? Yes. Am i going to do it again? Also yes.

Keiwasisters I love uuu
Again, Sentai continuity is absolutely asinine if you try to take it seriously.
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>Wanted the Prop Bujin Sword
>China only
>$160+ Markup on Tokullectibles
>Not available elsewhere
>ALMOST caved to that
>Sold out now

Bandai come on man
Ur tellin me! Im hoping they make a better version for a JP release, im calling it. They did it with the magnum shooter 40x and they'll do it with this.
Geatsfags keep asking to get fucked in the ass by Bandai, it's pathetic.
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How’s your bling bag hunt for those Marvelous Rares going?
I'm not on one, fragile Geatsfag-kun, but thanks for reminding me that the success of Geats and Gotchard has ruined all future toylines going forward.
I like LuPat for what it is but I also think it’s one of the biggest missed potential in toku. I don’t know why anons give Komura a pass for that
I hope Tsukasa shows up in the Legend V-Cinema.
/ssg/ almost universally agrees that LuPat was a flop writing wise. Outside of Keiichiro being well-liked its not a show that gets a lot of praise here.
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Kamen Rider X looks so fucking dumb, what is Toei thinking dropping this? V3 was already too big of a deviation from from Kamen Rider 1 and 2. X is going to kill the Franchise.
is he fighting an anubis theme kaijin? Also why is this show so damn leaky?
I feel like they went too far with shilling Legend. He basically overshadows Decade in terms of sheer abilities and cool moments. wayy too OP for just some random one-off extra rider
Dumber than a 5 year old
It's a cosplay anon
wtf fake leakers are on steroids now
>Daybreak Future has references to the past Reiwa shows in its final bridge
Did Gigist die in the summer movie or something
He wasn’t in these last two episodes and doesn’t seem like he’s appearing next week either
His VA is busying doing Bleach so they have Gaelijah fill in
He's basically Decade's replacement so they had to make him bigger
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My prediction for the LED belt user this year will be literally Kamen Rider Wonka
What do you mean by "final bridge"?
build up before the final part of the song retard
This is chinese fanmade trailer right
Oh, you meant the song. I thought you were talking about The Future Daybreak movie itself.
It’s a pretty good fake.
>we basically know EVERYTHING about Gabbo's toys and even the OP, but theres still no preview show yet.

i mean, what the hell?
They only reveal it on the press conference
Decade can never be replaced and we didn’t need a replacement. Masahiro doesn’t have a career
thats what i mean, theres no press conference yet, and at least half of what they do reveal on those is already revealed.
Press conference is after the movie cameo usually isn't it? So it's not surprising we don't have it yet, what's surprising is they said "to hell with it just post everything, the chinese already leaked it".
As i said in previous thread, why don't you just ask color/ivi about other details for gavv
They basically knew everything, even the actors
I don't think it's a matter of planning for a "future" replacement. It's really more about selling a new suit and cards with the "gorgeous" gimmick, and they seemingly thought a new Rider would be better than a redesigned Decade. By this point, it's clear there's little to no future planning.
Because you dumb faggot twitter redditor tourist, they don't know about the show production. They only know about toy wise. The chinks have a factory in the mainland they clearly work from. Learn to be smart retard
I know the first few seconds are from the commercial, but where are the suits from? Doesn't look like cosplay and I know cosplay are already getting better with 3D printing but they're just not the same.
It is cosplay retard. They're the same people who did that fake Gotchard X Armor Hero crossover.
I'm just asking, no need to use the retard part.
Go cry on twitter about it then
Because I'm not complaining nor do I care? I'll wait until Toei releases it. I don't need to go badger anyone for it because I'm not a sperg.
>cool moments
It took me Rainbow Gotchard to fully appreciate and enjoy the card gimmick. I've been wanting to say it for a while now, Gotchard's card gimmick is kinda meh, mostly because the past card Riders they the cards are often used for weapons and attacks so you see the Riders using their cards a lot. But Gotchard's card are used for form changes so you don't really see much of that card spamming.

Until Rainbow comes along and he keeps spamming the cards for its gimmick where I can finally feel like Gotchard is properly doing what it's supposed to do as a card Rider. Legend counts as well with Legend Riders spamming.
dumbass newfag
Nigga, Platina spammed Cards even harder than Rainbow has, and its gimmick is special attacks.
That's retarded, not cool.
Coolness isn't just "he beats everyone", there has to be substance behind it, of which Decade has none.
what it has to do with Twitter?
>there has to be substance behind it
This is a japanese kids show you faggot. There is no substance in Kamen Rider
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>it's impossible for kids' shows to have good writing and substance behind it
ESL SEA monkeys have the dumbest thoughts.
Plenty of riders do this
>why don't you just ask color/ivi about other details for gavv
Why the fuck don't you? Every thread I see some retard going "ask them" this or that. Either do it yourself instead of trying to make other people do it or quit whining about them not leaking every single detail when we already have a good amount of information as is.
Honestly, how old are you autists to keep doing this and thinking it's funny? Who legitimately finds this funny?
Very cute, anon.
*cums in your mouth*
The kinds of post where I wish I could just put my hand through the internet and give the poster a quick slap.
Awww, shitposter-kun is pretending to be retarded again.
*shits in your ear*
ESL post
Samefagging HAS ruined this general, not HAVE.
Jesus shows how much I slept through Gotchard. Maybe I need to rewatch them again.
Need a webm of the 5-way Cosmic Card finisher he did in the village 2-parter.
Truly it is endgame time
Here, just for you.
When I watched it live I thought this was Gaelijah.
>Two parter directed by Ultraman director
>Malgam of the two parter sounded like an Ultraman villain
I see
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Thanks, anon.
I mean, it's voiced by Aoyagi himself so...
>motw just gives up and asks the rider to end them
how often does that happen
People on twitter can't handle being called a retard
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No, not really.
At least in Wizard you have Mayonnaise, Zyuohger is just Gaoranger 2.
Well, shit. Another skip year i guess.
>no G3
Skipping shows is for pussies.
4 day countdown.
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>PDX + Memorial release
>Prop size weapon toy
>Bundle Bujin Buckle x Driver
>Shf release
>PDX RiderKick Figure
How did they do it with just a kitbash
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Because Geatsfags have no standards.
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Kitbashes wa never endo
>No Chesis merch
Well, I suppose that it was to be expected for the summer movie.
Ironically Hotaro’s actor does pretty well when trying to convey seriousness
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>All the extra PDX/Memorial buckles were only made a possibility because the first set were so unbelievably popular/sold ridiculously well

So there were no plans for Monster/Mark IX/etc. initially. Then those two doing uber well probably fueled Mark II/Bujin/Fantasy
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I can see why you guys say Gotchard isn't that good now that I caught up. Its all over the fucking place. I do like the idea of the 100 though. Wish they were the main villains.
absolute fucking retard who can't even look at the pbandai site.
Nah. Legend was made to sell more fucking toys. Powers wise he is still not as strong as Decade. Decade is only second to Oh-ma Zio in power. Plus we don't even know if Neo Decade can go into Violent emotion.
Buttin sword is eternal
People expect to be spoonfed about everything now.
>No substance
You are a fucking retard. I bet you are a fucking clip watcher.
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No one ever said kitbashes were inherently bad. They just gotta put a decent effort into making them look good/appear unique. To this day I still stand by Cross-Z Build looking leaps and bounds better than Genius, and it's a kitbash.

A ton of Zero-One based kitbashes have also turned out pretty great (see: the no. of times Ichigata has been repurposed)
Sarcasm, asshole. I know it's still quite popular in japan.
It's /krg/ that are always in denial, saying no standards and shit
agreed.. it's also much more symbolic coz evolt was beaten by the combined homolust of sentoxbanjo
Revice fucking blows.
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>japan hates revice
>ikki standing tall & proud beside fujioka
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Gavv's back
This is arguably Platinum's best rider kick.
Tight toosh
>dinosaurs/crocodile jaw motive
What did bandai mean by this
Teeth, anon. Keep up
It's the edgelord+katana theme
>h-haha, I was just pretending to be retarded guys
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It's probably evoking the perforated edges that snacks come wrapped in.
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>inb4 modern industrial snack vs traditional snack
More interested in knowing if Gavv will have mooks or not.
So the monsters could be kinda similar to Lords?
>similar to lords
>wasted on someone who wrote wizard
Komura wasn't Wizard's main writer, anon.
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Bet you miss me now, eh assholes?
No. Fuck off, you shitposter.
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>I did all of this to get my son a girlfriend
Naah, Komura tops
even with its faults, revice were much more interesting in its first 20s episode than wizard in its entirety
Reminder that not even hardcore japanese liked saber very much
she wrote like, half of wizard..she responsible for dragging the plot
The show goes for a fucking year anon don't talk about dragging plots out.
Character writing, Komura tops. Sane people will take the Zenkai cast over Revice
Problem is Komura's plot fraggong is so blatant and worse. When it comes to having to tell the plot at the last minute it's either generic, half-baked, or both.
He's only standing there for representative dum-dum. Bet you think Houtaro is considered a great Rider if he did too huh?
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dis real?
*plot dragging
Jesus why does touchscreen suck so much.
This was announced like three weeks ago chum
All rider is great, except black sun.
Fuck blaxxx sun.
Sad state of affairs when Kajiki has more rizz than Spanner.
>tripfag is retarded
tale as old as time
Wizard was a plot-lite series. It leaves us with little to talk about, right until last quarter.
Is Ace our tallest lead? I guess they learned their lessons after shinnosuke's henshin sequences and improved the vfx, because I can't even tell him apart from the suit actor.
nah, gaku sano the tallest we've got
>Naito at 187 CM
Shinnosuke and Touma are taller.
Agreed. Fucking hell Black Sun is embarassing.
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george fly is still a funny joke in 2024 and you can't convince me otherwise
They need to make a Magnum Dapan vers. memorial buckle
Her plot were either no existent, or simple as fuck
As if she wanted to her own version of Den-O
They'll announce an improved version of the original Memorial with Da-Paan voicelines a few months after the original comes out instead, to keep fucking geatsfrens in the ass.
then wait until at least 6-12 months..we knew bandai already changed their approach why is it so hard to do
>Black RX in top 20
huebros, we won!!
What is the best series with Rider vs Rider action?
We also need a Arrow Tycoon memorial buckle
That's the movie form though, Evolt was beaten by a lazy recolor they couldn't be assed to make a real suit of...
Heroine: Reina Yamazaki
source: my gaping anus
>Age: 23
Too old to be a Heroine.
The full movie theme got leak
Quite good.
why not gavv's cameo?? whyyy????
Because you ate it in your sleep, fatso
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uuuhhh geatsbros, our response???
Gotchard going to end with a global mind wipe and all chemies will go to another dimension.
She's getting Tranza'd
Gigist turning good and taking the chemies with him to the ouroboros gate
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Then the V-cinema plot is a total asspull because there's no room for continuation
chotto mateeeee
Anon let's not pretend that it requires alot to write a V-Cinema. something something another Evil Alchemist opens up the dimensional door again and out pops chemy again. Queue one of the dark sisters getting a Rider form and Valvarad getting an upgrade, or some shit I dunno. Like the Eyecon System shut down after Ghost ended. Zi-O returned all the Rider's powers only to somehow get Grand back again in Geiz Majesty, like continuity means fuck all to these dudes.
Do we have no movie leaks?
at least hasegawa & dat tranny uchida knew how to write good overarching plot

but komura? no thank you
>Black Sun worse than Revice
it was just mid and only brainlets hated it
Seen the entire show and the W crossover movie, and in those:
>never explains where his belt is from/why he got it
>they flat out say he has no story himself (he is boring)
>get zero backstory on him, amnesia plot basically goes nowhere in either
>decides to be the destroyer of worlds because...?
The only thing he has is the gimmick of each world refusing to be captured by his camera, but other than that he has nothing and he is just a boring character that exists to be OP.
The fact I even had to watch a movie to get an ending shows how fucked Decade the show is, never mind just the character
Hoping there's secondary writer that can cover her flaws, like hasegawa in saber
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Kys you filthy zoomer
It says a lot that the Clotho/Lachesis interview is about to surpass in views the MC group interview. And to think Atropos would have made the gap in views bigger.

I mostly have issues with the writing and direction on the hero side than the villain one.
Hasegawa had the highest amount of writing credits in Saber, and ended up saying the show had no main writer as it was more of a collaborative effort.

Komura has written the majority of the episodes of every show she's worked on as head writer, and Gavv probably won't be the exception unless some behind the scenes situation happens.
We got the full movie song by Back on x flow on youtube. Nothing much to leak when the movie releases this week in japan
Shut the fuck up, you disgusting pedo.
Nice projecting there, anon
You missed the All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker movie, dumbass. It addresses most of the points you made.

>decides to be the destroyer of worlds because...?
They explain why in the W crossover, you just forgot.
You really think everyone forgot about your little slip-up after only a few weeks? Think again, Lachesisnigger.
>You missed the All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker movie, dumbass
There is no indication in the show that any other movie is required besides the one required to even see the ending of the show.
>They explain why in the W crossover, you just forgot.
Not really. They give some dumb lip service but none of it makes any sense.
>There is no indication in the show that any other movie is required besides the one required to even see the ending of the show.
Well, this is one of the canon ones, so if you want your questions answered, watch it instead of complaining that they never address them.

>Not really. They give some dumb lip service but none of it makes any sense
Decade is extremely meta, it doesn't make sense as a story, but it does as meta commentary. That's how Shirakura handles all this anniversary stuff.
>Well, this is one of the canon ones, so if you want your questions answered, watch it instead of complaining that they never address them.
No movie could unfuck the issues with Decade considering I think it is a cardinal sin to not even resolve it in the show itself.
Even if it explains everything in the show Decade himself is aimless and boring and at that point the movie can be standalone if it does resolve everything.
>Decade is extremely meta, it doesn't make sense as a story, but it does as meta commentary. That's how Shirakura handles all this anniversary stuff.
Perhaps, but I think that any story should make sense as a story and at the very least should resolve most things within itself. Some things I grant an exception for with a necessary movie like End of Evangelion but it's not like the main series doesn't function without it either, Decade just feels lost even having seen the entire series and the obligatory ending movie.
Why are you so mad?
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If I didn't know better I think this would be a Gundam Breaker theme.

Gotchard giving me nostalgia for other series on top of being enjoyable. Best Reiwa.
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Best Match?
All this guy did was buy a bunch of Desire Drivers and is now selling his extra Magnum and Boost buckles. So?
What geatsfrens have to do to afford the premium trash Bandai keeps churning out every week.
Have you visited Ace's shrine yet?
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No, I don't pray to false gods.
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Episode thread
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Your god literally died to some random alien and that screenshot you posted is him shortly before he gets erased from time by weird meta commentary
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Okay I like vampire stuff a good amount. Should I really give Kiva a shot or are there any better vampire themed toku series out there?
Kiva isn't really about vampires like that but you can try it
>Your god literally died to some random alien
That "random alien" is another golden fruit god who fused with his whole fucking planet. And Kouta still beat him.

>him shortly before he gets erased from time by weird meta commentary
Well duh, nobody can beat the Great Producer of Dai-Toei.
He can't simply sell all of them by bulk. Sell them in twos, nobody wants to replicate that scene again. If anything, they should retire selling the DX stuff and convert the Premium DX line into full-on CSM by the time of final form buckle reissues. They will stuff in the ID Cores after.
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Okay, anon, you win. This thing is fortunately a Memorial by trade. I thought this damn thing would have its voice lines gutted just so that Kamen Rider Store will release all Final Form Buckles as a set a month after everyone gets their Memorial Buckles.
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Those jews will release a version with more voicelines and an improved paintjob less than a year after this, bet on it.
Of Revice's many, many, many flaws I was extremely disappointed that they didn't go full ham with the Mexican theme as much as they could have
Who the fuck gives a shit about voicelines?
The one who buy them toys, fucktard
Because Kinoshita is afraid of SJWs, even though SJW are known to depict stereotypes in the worst ways possible.
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baidu fb says the direction of the new Chemy Ride Cards are on purpose for the new ktouch sword. Unsure what sounds it will trigger when placed in, but it most likely won't be the standard or strongest form sounds since both were used already
Guess it for Legend new ttfc or vcinext then
We already know there's three vcinemas happening and the proposed toys for them
>A Madwheel deco of Tenliner
>A Gigabaham deco of Nijigon
>A KTouch deco of Gotchalibur
>gotchard being decent
>thread move slowly
If gavv turned out to be worse than gotchard, this place will be dead like /ssg/
learn to speak english or never come back to an english speaking website
So cute, anon.
*pisses in your anus*
you have no sense of humour and have been spamming about your shit fetish for like 4 years

bit sad innit
>Motherfucking decade
>Also Den-o
>Mogging anyone
Kek thanks for the laugh tranny
I don't mind Spanner, Kajiki, Lachesis, or Minato getting development. The issue is that the protagonist pair is boring and uninteresting, plus that the main plot is just average or generic at best. The Chemy mascot gimmick is also lame and just takes away writing effort that could have gone to improve the protagonists or develop more the entire cast.

For example, I find Minato and Spanner decent but rarely they receive focus. Kyouka and Geryon could have also benefitted from being developed more.

Gotchard centers so much on Hotaro, who is ironically the least interesting aspect of the show (besides Renge). It's a show with very specific severe flaws that dragged it down.
>>samefagged garbage rambling incoming
D'awww, you're so adorable.
*vomits on your eye"
pains me to say it but gavv gonna have zero plot. Be thankful for gotchard
You motherfuckers really wasting hard drive space to watch reiwaslop and garbage in 4K?
Can't be me
I really do think Gotchard's main issue is with Houtaro and Rinne. I do think it's too goofy sometimes and it's not the best show, but it really isn't bad nor offensive as a show at all. Like Revice and Geats made me mad, but story wise I do tend to like each episode even if I feel bored by the show overall. I think that if the two leads had a lot more charisma, it would make such a drastic difference and we kinda get a preview of that with DAIGO and Daybreak. I am really excited about Future Daybreak, like I genuinely feel like it'll be a great movie on par with Real Time from the bits I've seen so far but it's just a shame that I don't feel the same about the show.
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Please let it be something and not nothing.
support anything gaim related
Seem like this is more of an event for showing Gaim-related Bandai products compared to the Rider re:stage like Blade 20th.
TIL phase 2 heisei - reiwa "collect the gimmick" had been done by timeranger decades ago
today i learned you're a faggot
You mean Gaoranger. Also take your ass back to plebbit.
It also doesn't help that Houtaro's actor is god awful. The kid has to be the worst MC actor in Kamen Rider history.
They cheaped out and grabbed two complete rookies in the hopes they'd get lucky and find another rare gem like Satoh or Fumiya. And it turns out this time they just grabbed a generic cute boy who can't really act for shit.
Baron really fucked them all over. They can't have an event without him being conspicuously absent and they don't want to bring attention to that. If he'd just paid for the damn face cream we probably could have had some kino events this year if not some TTFC stuff.
Infractions for rookies would lead to them being labeled criminals forever. It will take longer for veterans, unfortunately, and their records will never be cleaned.
When Gavv airs, the embargo will lift, allowing Gotchard to be called shit since it's not the current show anymore.
Nah, gotchard the better series compared to whatever komura creates
>They cheaped out and grabbed two complete rookies
Did you start with Build? Complete rookies are the usual for this franchise, you stupid newfag.
remember black sun? me neither
The only people that do bring it up either want to talk about how shit it was as a Kamen Rider show or bringing up its stupid political "satire" and either laughing at it or thinking it's based.
He's still very much active in social medias and Gaku Sano personally requested him to make the cake for his marriage, I don't think the case was that serious, unlike Ryoma Warring but he's not really need to return compared to Baron.
if only black sun was as good as it's opening
you're the newfag, dumb nigger
It's not always the young new blood either

Takamasa suga appeared in some movie before ryuki, skyrider actor too, kento handa did guest role in some drama, hosokawa did GTO before hibiki, koji seto alreasy made a name for himself back in 2007 before kiva.
That's the example.
Don't forget kiriyama ren and shunya shiraishi
But current airing series=gud
That hasn't been true in 3 years
nah, gotchard is good..not great but still good
Gotchard aimed to be mediocre and has managed to stay mediocre, so I guess it’s doing a good job.
Gavv will have some new waifus, so everyone will defend it, or say some gay shit like the MC is kawaii.
Cope gayborefaggot
>has to wait until 2025 Septemebr to watch Rider again
When will Kamen Rider SHARTT air and end?
why did you skip gabu?
Pretend Kabuto just aired and watch it weekly.
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Family video
Add gaim for suffering flavor.
I loved my mexican doronbo gang archetype. the show was washed the minute they stepped away from that
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They just keep feeding her. Getting Chesis fatter is part of her character arc, what the fuck?
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He might be a complete degen but he's our complete degen
Despite his annoying fetish art, he sometimes makes illustrations cool or funny enough that even Kanon and Alisa have liked. Although now that likes are private, I cannot remember with certainty anymore which ones they liked.
That's pretty much why he has a fanbase. Besides his weird fetish art, his dynamic rider beauty shots and the more scratchy comedy pictures are well worth following him for.
Some of you people haven't seen Decade and it shows, Masahiro was a terrible actor but he eventually got the hang of it with his constant reappearances.
Fuck that shit
Hotaro is really no different as a character than any Reiwa protagonist outside of Ace. Aruto was just as loud as him about his AI products he told people were his friends.
Chemmys are lame though.
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So… what do you think?
Yeah, and I said rookies are the usual (AKA what you should expect, not some extraordinary case where Toei "cheapened out"). The word "usual" doesn't mean "always", you braindead ESLnigger, I said it because I know that hasn't been the case a few times. Your useless post was a waste of time.
Tsukasa was literally fine in early episodes and incomparable to Hotaro at all. That's also the fact that Tsukasa improved over time while Hotaro is still the same.
>He's still very much active in social medias
Yeah, on the personal account he had to make after the one his agency managed was terminated.

>and Gaku Sano personally requested him to make the cake for his marriage
Yeah, but Gaku Sano's marriage isn't a corporate production that has to avoid backlash from agencies and the public out of fear of losing money.
>moving the goalpost
calling people buildfag for hoping some experienced acting, just admit you're the newfag here. It's been like that since showa dum-dum
>Tsukasa was literally fine in early episodes
NTA but nah, he fucking sucked and only had a noticeable improvement by the time Decade was ending. He could nail a serious face, but was pretty stiff with his facial expresions overall (you just need to watch the Den-O arc to see that) and his voice sounded really weak and kinda half-assed (like Rinne's).
I kinda like that. Shinji was just another player, he was the main protag but just like the other mirror riders he was ultimately just another cog in the machine no matter how hard to fought against it. Feels real.
>calling people buildfag for hoping some experienced acting
Because people here keep hoping for another Inukai (they never mention anyone else like Seto or Hosokawa, it's always Inukai as if he was the only experienced actor they know of), and because that anon talked as if the inexperienced leads this time around were some case of Toei being cheaper than usual. If anon wasn't a newfag, he would know that Motojima and Reiyo aren't exceptions to the norm.
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say it with me now


Actually, nato shoichiro was the recent one and then inukai.
I doubt that half of everyone here knew the other actors name though, let alone memorize it, so that ones on me.
I wonder why they skipped Revice and Geats.
>geats got skipped
Geatsisters explain this
Shirakura comments about the female riders, in a recent program
Gavv is definitely having a female Tertiary.
Secondary*. Majade isn't the tertiary, she's the secondary, and no amount of copium will change that.
He said Gavv. And Valen the Secondary is 100% a dude.
what if it's a trans, like your mom
Welp I’m trying to have a civil conversation and apparently you’re not that… civil
damn HLJ calling Geats Mid
I hope gayv is a complete total shitpost that makes all these third world seaniggers in the threads upset.
You got namedropped
>Page not found
Who's the schizo here?
>Sentai Anniversaries are simple and easy to understand
>Rider anniversaries are about some retarded meta commentary about how the general public forgets about Kamen Riders but falls flat because it has the depth of a kiddy pool and surrounded by confusing writing.
>Ultraman anniversaries are kino
Nah we've already gone batshit crazy since Zi-O
Try to keep up, shitty burger
>muh sales says otherwise
God riderfags are the worst
Shut the fuck up already, you schizoid SEAmonkey shitposter.
Ginga-Decker may as well be anniversary seasons considering how all those seasons lean on Nostalgia wank.
Not really
Who are you quoting, schizoid?
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>another samefagging retard
You are the most annoying autistic fuck I’ve ever seen. I’d ban your ass for life if I was in charge here
ok sperg
That's what I ask you, schizoid nigger.
>You are the most annoying autistic fuck I’ve ever seen
Sure, it's not the faggot (you) who has wasted his life by spending every single day of the past 6 fucking years spamming like a drone and pretending to be a smoothbrained ESLnigger like his life depended on it.
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>Watching Kuuga for the first time
>Currently on the episode where a Grongi is squishing three woman against a wall with a truck
Okay for a Kamen Rider this is brutal, not to mention all the on screen deaths that makes Blade so tame.
Granted i haven't watched any Showa at all i don't know how rough the seasons are.
Only X that did tribute episodes tho, the rest are mostly just using them as tools like R/B and Taiga.
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>i haven't watched any Showa at all i don't know how rough the seasons are
I just hope the next anniversary Rider whether it's another <Celebrate Era> or <Celebrate Rider> show doesn't try to do anything special. Fourze was fun because the Rider stuff was just "Riders are Urban Legends, and we decided to start a club about them for that". We don't need a 3rd "This Rider is actually EVIL?!?! and also all the Riders are alternate universes?!?!?" Shirakura Rider.
Shirakura is top dog at Toei now and he'll always hog the big anniversaries that are guaranteed successeses to make himself look better and boost his own ego. Until he retires, don't expect anything but meta nonsense Shirakura Riders for every 10-year milestone.
The 2026 Rider likely will be like Agito/Kabuto/Fourze/Ex-Aid because it's for celebrating the 55th anniversary of the whole franchise, while Reiwa 10th probably going to be like Decade or Zi-O.
Delusional as always. You literally should have been tossed off a cliff the moment you were born.
>6th reiwa rider writer is komura
>next most likely be another takahashi serie
Reiwa: The Magnificent seven (of garbage)
kugga was boring asf
>another fucking thread filled with some tryhard tribalism
how many fucking times can you faggots post the same shit about the same fucking bait?
Just post some gravure and fucking kill yourselves
Yeah, let’s talk about Gotchard.
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Talk about every thing you like about each Reiwa show.
The equivalent to Fourze's take was Revice with George being fan of the Riders in-universe and that's it. But, yeah, we saw how that turned out.
oh cool it's a gaim cross over
The belt jingles
Vice, the jeanne suit actresses's ass
Onahopper 1
I'm gonna miss Lache-chan...
desu both Fourze and Revice handle legend stuff fine. It's just Revice had other issues.
Has Gotchard finally become watchable?
Or is it just 1000% Saber?
>1000% Saber
What the fuck does that even mean?
No, still unwatchable. But it's not 1000% Saber, only about 240%.
I just wanted to mix in a random Gai reference....
Your sense of humor is actually shittier than Aruto's.
Which episode did you drop it at?
Probably 8. It was too painful.
It's watchable but very mediocre. It's not the kind of show where it becomes so good it makes up for weak start.
I dropped it at 45
Ornac is a great fucking way to get across how much of a terrible pun the name Gridon is, regardless of the problem of the fact it was a name being translated.
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My favorite rider is Armored Rider Slashing Moon.
Brought to you by the same geniuses behind this masterpiece.
Not the same case.
What was the discussion like around stuff like Latoratah/Ratoratah or Tajador/Tajadol when OOO first aired
Based Gotchad
Tsukasa's own actor disagrees with you. He was very bad.
>Ultraman anniversaries are kino
Trigger is more dull than any Rider anniversary.
Trigger made me lose my smile
If we’re translating KR names then we need to start translating people’s names too.
>Masked Rider Super Awesome The Best
Wow the Fourze opening theme is absolute dogshit.

Fourteen threads.
No it definitely is. Worst so far. massive downgrade from OOOs and even moreso from W which is my favorite OP as well as my favorite show honestly.
That explains why you don't like it. W and their OP sucks.
I'm honestly alright with that.
Sorry can't hear you over the incredibly loud announcer

How's Revice?
I still have 10 more shows to watch before I get to it, I'll let you know in 6 months or so
It's kino, go watch it right now and don't come back here until you've finished it.
why are you such a faggot
6 months.
New thread
If by "gets better the longer it goes on" then yes, it's 1000% Saber.

And before you say anything, hating saber is a retarded sub-brick IQ contrarian "opinion" to have.
Sounds American enough to me.

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