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Roy grew up drinking her breast milk
No wonder he's so frail
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i want divine milk
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My wifelicia on the right
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>tfw everyone unanimously agrees that Rebecca and Neimi sucks
>tfw I still use them every game, every time, without fail

I think I have a problem with early game archer girls
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Are you mentally ill? No one sane writes like that
FE games are easy, who cares
Tastes like toothpaste
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Marriage with Marianne!
I only have discord for D&D and to download mods. I have no idea about these people you're talking about, but you're speaking to the ether as though we know what you're talking about. Take your meds and go back to discord if that's all you want to talk about.

This is an FE thread, not an FE discord/forum drama thread. Go talk with your Troon friends about it. Also, the obsession with these online people is definitely a sign of mental illness.
At least people remember them. I forgot who even was the Lyn mode archer.
Wrong, Ninian is the canon Eliwood pairing and her being Roy's mother would explain why she isn't present in FE6. Elibe is largely toxic to dragons.
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the point of video games is to have fun my dude. tier lists are only for those who enjoy efficiency runs
this, the best way to play is always whatever is the most fun for you
I don't even know who that e-celeb is, schizo. I'm calling you out for posting discord/twitter drama in an FE thread. The fact you're accusing me of supporting someone I don't know is mentally ill shit as well. Get some help and go back to your Troon squad.
Huh, so he's like 20-21? That would explain his affiliation with mangs
I just filter those names because nothing good ever comes from those posts
So what's with the mentally ill shitposting ? The FE threads I'm usually part of don't have this drama.
>The FE threads I'm usually part of don't have this drama.
A part of me wants to ask which ones those are and yet I’m afraid he’d just follow us there
Who is that? Am I supposed to understand this reference?

Why are you guys incapable of actually talking about FE? This is why we should be able to filter by IP lol.
Probably these
Why can’t nam just shit up these places?
nam did shit up /feg/, it's just that no one posts there anymore and he wants the attention
reddit moment
Here’s the thing. He used to just be a /feh/ problem. Kind of odd he broke containment when a certain /feh/ poster also broke containment.
>Donlot schizo is a different faggot
Fuck me how many of these shitters are there
Too many. I honestly miss the 3H era because there weren’t nearly as many schizos as there are now.
At least that other schizo can easily be filtered, but I miss the 3H era too
I'm conviced that Fire Emblem appeals to the mentally ill at this point.
And you're still not a woman
andaron saga won
>doncord are the ones calling you a zoomer for making fun of kaga trash
o i am laffin
Based moment
Namschizo was gonna happen eventually so long as the gacha existed
Makes me wonder if he'd be here had the gacha never been created
Fire Emblem's savior
the only good fire emblems are the ones that i grew up watching Mangs let's plays of
I hate you /feh/faggots so much. You worthless vermin.
presto, filter that shit and all the trash is gone
>engagefags this mind broken over a mediocre hack made by a bald retard
I'm not mind broken by it, I laugh at how shit it was.
Hopefully he faces legal consequences for putting his shitty fan game on gba cartridges and selling them
>can't discuss what I think is a genuinely fun romhack because it dredges up literally who cares eceleb drama
Man what a pain. Anything discussing the ecelebs themselves should just be an instant ban.
It's all japanese media. Just take a quick gander at this fucking website
>thinly veiled mangsfag still trying to shill his shitty romhack on a korean dumpling folding forum
This. Holy shit have you seen Zelda threads
>I'm not mind broken by it,
you just post endlessly about it completely unprompted, lol
It’s been like this since 7 reached western shores, and the old internet imageposters (all of them now troons) got their hands on it.
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I like Fire Emblem.
Rebecca is too cute not to use. I don't make the rules.
when you're willing to kill units to skillmax the autism involved of routing your build gets very close to conquest. very unfortunate that the only place you can really talk about it is a fucking eceleb discord server
What if I just really like it? Besides I was late to the party in playing it.
Every time I try to train Rebecca she ends up being completely outclassed by Louise
Last time I tried even her strength was worse
is that a discord server
>Nobody cares about your shitty romhack
see >>683527119
I’ve only played engage and 3h, but they were fun
sorry your coom thread where you're not posting any shitty coom is getting ruined
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>Maybe you guys should go to a kaga general, this isn’t fire emblem
Coom is ontopic unlike faggot discord shit
Cry more lmao
>All I hear from you guys
>you guys
it's one schizo whom Jannies refuse to ban
you "all" post in the exact same passive agressive way at the exact same time
cope harder troon
I don't watch any of them
They usually just regurgitate view points from reddit
Also they all want to be le heckin game devs, by making shitty romhacks they can't even be bothered to finish
I don’t really watch youtubers/streamers, FE or otherwise. I also don’t believe they’re relevant to the board but that’s just me
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It's literally Fire Emblem lore
mangs wouldn't like fates either if it didn't give him views and the only reason he says conquest has good gameplay is because you get made fun of literally everywhere on the internet if you don't say that
units like this had a reason to exist when permadeath was a thing (the actually good unit died so you gota use this filer unit) but because "reset and lose 30 minutes of progress because of a crit" became the meta of fire emblem autists everywhere instead of people accepting that the RNG crits/stat growths, focus on item logistics over deep rpg mechanics (every class is extremely limited compared to other SRPGS) and multiple routes in the fire emblem games existed to give replay value on each "run" of the game
>Rebecca was cannon fodder from the start
>Rebecca sisters... I don't feel so good...
ghast, i guess? not like i was a major fan of his, but i liked casually watching some of his shit. lost interest when he started focusing on three houses
Reminder that Alear belongs to Kiran (me), the summoner of Askr.
He is literally just interacting with the people who don't care about your shitty discord drama
Surely the donclave would be the ones derailing the thread, right?
Rebecca is in FE7

I think you actually need to take your meds
>mindbreaks the schizo
I'm glad you're deleteing most of your schizo replies, but you should probably take a small break from the internet so you can unwind a little bit.
>Jannies just nuked half the thread
>It was all one schizo
Fucking grim, dude.
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Would you let this proud Person of Cleaver raid your villiage?
Be honest.
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>Roy has to be airlifted by Shanna
>Once his gf is rescued she does the heavy lifting
For god's sake Roy do something, your groomer just fucking died
I liked those guys
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shitty earlygame Archer girls are my fetish
Anon... Roy drinking Rebecca's breast milk is more canon to FE6 than like 99% of FE7.
She's Wolt's mom, and Wolt's mom is Roy's wet nurse.
she's not his mother she's his midwife
>One of the only legitimately bad units in Vestaria
>Has a personal weapon that sorta saves her
>It has so few uses she needs to munch repair items(high value) and you give up another personal weapon for a really good unit to get it
I gave her that skill scroll that triggers off of spd
>it was all one schizo
I feel dirty just peering at his mind
As bad as it is I always take some solace in knowing most of you guys are sound out
Ah yes sir!
I… I like shitty early archer units.
Imagine being so ESL that you draw funkopops of nintendo anime girls.
>be me
>play Vestaria Saga for the first time
>decide I want to use an archer
>pick Sheela instead of Dune becuase she is cute
>mfw Dune is broken and I didn't know it
>mfw I almost softlocked myself on chapter 19 because I didn't have anyone who could fight the dragon

Never change Kaga
The thread was almost back to normal
Please touch grass
when will you retards learn to just ignore that subhuman waste of life?
>Refresh page
>Schizo melty entirely disappears from view not even inconveniencing me in the slightest.

Anyway, I always like to try and use the shitty early game archer for as long as I can. I'll always hold a grudge against Leonard for being so shit he's actually a liability unlike Wolt and Gordin and such who at least don't provide negative benefit even if they're shit.
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fire emblem?
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great series, or greatest series?
we always win
Probably just the schizo(or his discord friends) replying to themselves.
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Thinkin' about halberdiers...
I love Shamir so much
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That Neph definitely had a statue frag or two
Lucina's feet
Those proportions don't look right.
kill yourself footfag
>liking women makes you le....gay!

projecting lmao
This but unironically
I never said that however
have you tried using early game archers?
they're so bad they actively make the game worse
Live yourself footchad
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Shamir is the most beautiful woman in Fire Emblem, in the whole world and I'll not take any arguments
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Too bad she is in a bad game

>t. Lucinafag
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I feel like having a sniper using Silver Bows is kinda good since they offer good physical damage at 2 range, but trying to train an archer up to that point is just handycapping yourself.
Iron bow and steel bow are just trash because they're are outclased by javelins, hand axes and magic.
Maybe if iron bows and steel bows were buffed then archers would have a niche. (Probably just more damage)
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>awakenigger sisters
>not like this
There's no such thing as a bad Fire Emblem game thoughbeit
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>There's no such thing as a bad Fire Emblem game
not him but randomized stat growth on level up isn't "replay value", it's plain old bad game design.
>bad Fire Emblem unit
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*eardrum shattering fart noise*
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She is, but she is cute and valid
It isn't bad game design at all. You're supposed to deal with what you get. You're just a baby who thinks they're entitled to good levelups. Part of the fun is dealing with your bad units.
Weird how you'd say that while posting a character from a bad fire emblem game. All Gaiden style entries are low tier. No exception.
>Weird how you'd say that while posting a character from a bad fire emblem game
I know
I did it on purpose
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Three Houses will get a remake/remaster/whatever as a launch title for Switch 2 that'll improve everything that was wrong with the original

Better graphics with higher res textures and higher poly models, actual animations instead of the same ones looped over and over, actually showing things happening rather than cutting to black or a picture cut in, supports don't take place inside an ugly skybox, better lighting, less reused maps/maps are more unique per route, gameplay tweaks, and a new exclusive Shamir route where everyone fucking dies and me and Shamir(I'm a new character in the game) go to Dagda to get married
Lucina is a hecking honorary dood who doesn't need a pecker
Roy's our boy.
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its bad game design in a vaccum but because you can cope for shitty stats with better weapons/stat growth items/supports/lucky crits it often ends up being a way to generate funny stories that you can then share with other fire emblem fans online and make the game more of a social experience then it otherwise wuold be as a single player one

aka "hey guys, my good unit got str screwed, here's what happened next" "actually I got an extremely good nino so I think nino is good"
You guys been playing anything good recently?
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Lyn is good in every FE game but her own,
excells gimmick of "what if I played bad on purpose haha" is getting old but he was a great shot of ritalin for the FE community and its endless minmaxing over games that are just plain not that challenging
>Haha I actually HATE video games bet you feel pretty stupid huh?
You got me.
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>Verification not required.
>>Haha I actually HATE video games
Where did you get that from?
>I’d feel better if he mentioned another woman
Gaiden and Revelation exist.
I've been going through the Ace Attorney series, but I miss FE and will play something soon.
Rabbit & Steel is very fun, trying to get all achievements. I'm waiting for that SRPG hentai game to get a translation, last I checked it's still in moonrunes.
Playing bad on purpose is the only FE youtube content that's mildly entertaining

This is why people watch Mangs play ironmans as well
I've been playing a lot of Tekken 8 recently
I wouldn't say it's good, but I am having fun
she needs Lyn mode to be good
Endlessly quibbling over the minutae of which game is 15% better than the other game is the behavior of someone who doesn't actually like vidya or discussing vidya and just comes here to stir conflict.
Fine for its time
Also a good game even if it's the worst game in the series. The basic Fire Emblem gameplay is too enjoyable to actually genuinely hate any of these games.
Just becuase some Fire Emblem games are bad doesn't mean they're "15%" worse.
You're making a lot of assumptions there, buddy.

>pic unrelated
I WISH she was at least good when trained
aw that's a cute Annet-no NOOOOOOOOOOo
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if i'm not beating the game with at least ONE sniper in my final team i haven't beat it yet
why are xb1fags like this
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Good is probably subjective, but I just started playing the Riviera remaster. Played the fuck out of the GBA version when I was younger, but haven't touched it for so many years, so it's like seeing some old friends again.
We need another Elibe game. Also Roy belongs with Sophia to follow in his old man’s steps of being a dragonfucker, but otherwise he deserves that milfy Etrurian green pussy.
>pairing him with Lilina
I hope you fucks all get your skulls cleaved by Armads.
Revelation being bad is an over exaggerated meme parroted by people to fit in. The 4 bad gimmick maps and having to grind new units up doesn’t make it a terrible game when games like Awakening and Echoes have nothing but bad maps and bad mechanics
I notice you didn't mention Dorothy lol.
>"You are looking and staring, you will not win that way or are you scared?"
>"I've been scared since the start of all this, it's only natural. Scared of losing battles of losing people important to me."

This is your dragon? schizos? No man would say something like this
I think I’m the only Xenofag who liked 1,2 and 3 im definitely one of the few who used JP dub
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I love my wife, Annette.
That's incorrect
Mystery Dungeon, but I need to change things up with another game. Part of me wants to finally play Thousand Year Door, but I realize Three Houses is trying five in a few days, so I want to celebrate with my dearest.
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>" I wanted to be a good dwagon"
Right up there with
>"Who else will I eat ice cream with?"
In lines that probably sound slightly less cringe in japanese
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>Revelation being bad is an over exaggerated meme parroted by people to fit in

>annoying gimmick every single map (time to shovel snow)

>game let's you can recruit units from both sides but:
>1) you get fewer deployment slots
>2) only gives you Hoshidians for the first 6 chapters
>3) 80% of the Nohrians are severely underleveled

>Lunatic is easier than Conquest on hard mode

Imagine how much copium you need to pretend that Rev is good
Maybe if you're so addicted to Fates but also bored of Conquest then I could at least understand why someone would want to play the goyslop routes
If the remake doesn't fix the 80% monastery gameplay then it's DOA
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"looks like my summer vacation is over" is better
I'm with you, brother. Though, I'm a dubguy myself.
no harm there
I$ isn't like FAtlus you retarded fags.
>I'm a dubguy myself.
My condolences.
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I'm entirely convinced the majority of the fanbase warring on /v/ is perpetuated by a single schizo. off this shithole there's a contingent of people whose only experience with japanese media is vidya and toonami dubs that insist xb1 is in that nebulous tier of "anime for wannabe normalfags" while xb2 is some low brow seasonal harem with a shoestring budget despite being written and directed by the same person.
>used JP dub
I did too.
>annoying gimmick every single map (time to shovel snow)
>names the one gimmick map every braindead shitposter says without saying why it’s bad

>game let's you can recruit units from both sides but:
>1) you get fewer deployment slots
>2) only gives you Hoshidians for the first 6 chapters
>3) 80% of the Nohrians are severely underleveled
You can grind them up if you want to use them. You being some prideful faggot doesn’t make the game bad.

>Lunatic is easier than Conquest on hard mode
Almost every game in the series is easier than CQ hard

Thanks for proving my point about only brainless parrots shitting on the game to fit in
Do you think Nel and Rafal will be added to Heroes? I'm curious how Nel would react to two Alear's or is it 5 Alears since each alt counts as their own character at least as far as those 4 komas are concerned since we have this Summer Aibi fighting with regular Aibi over who gets to hang out with Alear F since Alear M was taken by normal Veyle and Lumeria
>I'm entirely convinced the majority of the fanbase warring on /v/ is perpetuated by a single schizo
I don’t know if I agree entirely but if you turned out to be right I wouldn’t be all that surprised either. Xenoblades in particular feels extremely forced to me
>off this shithole there's a contingent of people whose only experience with japanese media is vidya and toonami dubs that insist xb1 is in that nebulous tier of "anime for wannabe normalfags" while xb2 is some low brow seasonal harem with a shoestring budget
this is hardly unique to XC
>FE tellius/3H - engage/awakening/fates
>FROM's early dark souls - sekiro/elden ring
>KT's nioh and wo long - basically any musou and atelier
>sega's yakuza/persona/SMT - basically anything else they do
>square's FFslop and octopath - basically everything else like the mana series
>crapcom's DD/RE/MH - basically everything else they do
and on and on
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>maybe I can prove Rev is fun if I just dismiss any and all critisim
I actually tried to replay Rev recently, and after reaching chapter 13 it confirmed for me that it sucks.

>just grind bro
So you don't like games where you actually have to use braincells, got it.
I can't even say I'm surprized since unironically defending Rev already proves you're a low IQ nigger.
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>I'm entirely convinced the majority of the fanbase warring on /v/ is perpetuated by a single schizo.
dead internet theory is real
I'm not reading all that. I'm happy for you,tho or sorry that it happened
I never pair Roy with Lilina as a spiritual revenge e on Caeda for cucking Tiki.
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Reminder that Rhea grooms her reincarnated mom into wearing revealing clothing
Lmao Engage killed this fagchise
this world also hates us so the feeling is very mutual anon :)
>grinding on other FE's
>grinding on the monastery
stick it to persona you disingenuous fag.
My chest is bigger than Lucina's
>faggot gets proven to be an utter fucking retard
>doubles down on acting like an embarrassing faggot because he still doesn’t have any actual argument other than “it’s bad because i say so” and is trying to hide behind a facade of faux smugness
Kill yourself, retard. I’m done wasting my time of some windowlicking troglodyte like you.
being a fatass isn't something to be proud of
I have repeatedly said that 3 trannies suck and you know it
tl;dr the internet is filled with bots, and nothing on the internet truly exists.
>just grind bro
3 Hopes > 3 Houses
Engage = 3 Hopes
>grind on arenas

>grind on tower of valni

>grind on to bring an underleveled character up for use
I hate how fucking hypocritical the faggot in this general are
Apparently the same copium dosage they use for Conquest isn’t enough for Rev.
Bots are smarter than the average third worlder.
funny how all the gore and shitposting started at the same time there, huh?
>resorts to samefagging himself like usual
You are singlehandedly the most pathetic subhuman on this board
>projecting this hard
I can promise you that I don't samefag
Namschizo always shitposts before going on some spam tirade. He really hates Fates in particular for some bizarre reason.
Fates is the best
He is probably gonna delete 80% of his replies again like he did 4 hours ago,lol
I mean in xenoblade threads specifically. the same person that shat up xb2 threads for years has been the one pretending xb2fags hate everything else.
To you just brainlessly regurgitate what you read on 4chan while having zero comprehension as to why it’s said? How would I be samefagging if I was replying to you, you stupid samefagging nigger?
in disappointing people
>blatant samefagging again
>too retarded to even figure out how to bypass the 1 minute post timer
FCorn x MKana
you kept samefagging 4 hours ago before deleting most of you're replies schizo
>inb4 "nuh uh"
FCorn x FKana
the student has become the master
yep all by me :)
i still remember that poor sap that started the franchise with rev and wanted to defend it but couldnt
>inb4 "n-n-nice e-edit!"
One thing that would help is better Exp intake for early archers.
To keep up with regular units that can fight on both phases, they more or less need to killing something every player phase. Even then they can fall behind depending on title.
If you use them for chip damage rather than killing(often their best function), they are almost guaranteed to fall far behind pretty fast. Higher Exp intake would solve this to a degree.
That could work
Higher EXP intake is already a mechanic in GBA Fire Emblem for thieves, so it's probably not that hard to implement in a hack
Las lesbianas est no bueno
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I've become increasingly saddened by the number of people I keep running into who think that elements of randomness in RPGs are fundamentally bad design. They want everything to be either a game designed for speedrun autism (which then proceeds to have zero speedrunning community because it's boring to run a game that's specifically designed for it), a game that sacrifices any semblance of challenge or putting players in tough situations for the sake of "quality of life" and/or "good design", or a combination of both. Then they get exactly what they said they wanted in modern games and complain that those games are boring.
>speedrun autism (which then proceeds to have zero speedrunning community because it's boring to run a game that's specifically designed for it),
speedtrannies were a mistake and im tired of pretending they werent
Part of the fun is trying to mitigate risk as much as possible, the games lets you choose between less risky but less powerful weapons and high risk high rewards.
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This is the exact reason why I dislike the turnwheel.
I know that it can be nice to have something to correct your mistakes if you make a missinput or something, but all too often it just ends up letting rig the RNG of an important turn until you get the result you want, which takes all the tension out of the game.

Even if you're the kind of autist who resets every time a unit dies, you still have to deal with losing up to an hour of progress, and it's especially rough if one of your favorite units got a good level-up, so in the end you still end up trying your hardest to not mess up and take extra steps to make sure you have a back-up plan if the RNG doesn't go your way.
The turnwheel makes all of this tension trivial.

Basically I feel like it only appeals to the gacha FE fans because you can't miss or dodge in that game. (last time I checked at least)
>turnwheel hater proves he doesn't play the game
every single time
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We already have Nel as a bridal alt in Heroes and pretty much all her lines are "I miss my Alear"(the one who died)

If she was added as a normal unit I imagine her forging bonds will involve Alear in some way or another
This is why the Devil axe is peak Fire Emblem
>>turnwheel hater proves he doesn't play the game
I try, but every time I end up getting bored with the games
I'd rather just play old Fire Emblem instead.
Even Fates doesn't have turnwheel garbage.
It has Phoenix mode, which is even more ridiculous.
but at least the game is not designed around it
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this you?
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>imagine being this bad at a game with turnwheel
>but all too often it just ends up letting rig the RNG of an important turn until you get the result you want,
Usually I would be like "who's gonna tell him?" but its genuinely funnier if nobody points it out.
>he is too retarded to rig the RNG with the turnwheel just because it's fixed
Every time you post, you just prove yourself to be low IQ.
>Already backpedaling.
Not like it matters when you already admitted you're a tourist and don't play the games.
You know turnwheel doesn’t change the RNG right?
>get bad RNG
>reset with turn wheel
>make one attack with another unit to burn bad RN and try again
works every time
You have to be too dumb to not use it if you see no problem with this
see >>683555562 and >>683555185
Is that how the mangs pisscord is claiming things work?
Fire Emblem is for white people only
>Verification not required.
when are you gonna delete all your posts again like you did 5 hours ago?
and non-fatties
stop playing then
What about the Japanese fans/devs?
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Rev is good because I had fun pairing my Corrin with Rhajat and Reina before turning my brain off while slaughtering hordes of dudes.
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honorary HUWITE
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>Most people play by resetting when a unit dies
>ISIS invents casual mode to alleviate that
>People complain that it’s not the proper way to play.
>ISIS gives turnwheel for the classic players
>People complain
This and the increased emphasis on characters is how permadeath is going to die. But more unsettling Unicorn Overlord taught me that it’s not no permadeath that makes characters shine, but multiple routes
westerners have always tied their self-worth to vidya accomplishments (that they got by using guides, metagaming, and save states/save scumming)
why are you surprised they are upset at anything that "cheapens" those achievements?
ok who deleted my post?
Not me but I'll take the credit for it
Big breasted FE women owe me nursing handjobs
This but specifically Ivy
>westerners have always tied their self-worth to vidya accomplishments
>anyway Engage is superior to 3 houses becuase it has the better turnwheel or something
>I'm trans btw
some old memes and well known porn are automatically deleted
does that mean I can't post Tyrone on /v/?
This but Marianne
>Big breasted FE women
Gimme ur # if u want to be disappointed
this but Charlotte (she gets angry and rips my cock off)
The turnwheel was introduced with Echoes and brought back with 3H which established it as a mainstay since normalfags ate it up. Engage doing something to nerf it at least shows that IS still cares enough about its core audience to try to rework it, possibly leading to a less cancerous way of implementing it in future FE games.
Jokes on you, I also like flat women
it got nerfed and one of the more memorable chapters takes it away from you for 3/4ths of the map, so yes it's better in engage. still wish it didn't exist on max difficulty.
I still hope they remove it, but I'm not holding my breath
Explains why so many LGBT like the games
>still wish it didn't exist on max difficulty.
I would be ok with this
*whispers on your ear*
just don't use it nigga
>>names the one gimmick map every braindead shitposter says without saying why it’s bad
Snow Shoveling
Waiting For Platforms To Let You Play The Game (there are like 5 of these in a row once you get to V*lla)
The Fire Maze
"Wait on this platform to get promoted/unpromoted"
Fuga's Mild Ride

The only good Rev map was the Conquest one with Replicate
*whispers on your ear*
just don't build the game around it nigga
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Post Fates girls weak to lovemaking
Amazing cope. I love it. You get to have your cake and eat it too. You get to pretend to be a hardcore awesome gamer while still using the feature you claim to hate.
Hairy butts btw
me too
It was better in rev than it was in PoR desu.
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I want to coom inside of Camilla and make her a mother at least 11 times
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That pp, not vv
In what world?? PoR stealth was based around you not ending your turn in enemy range, AND there were was no "pick a door" bullshit. Rev stealth was "don't end in enemy range, don't start in enemy range don't ever be in enemy range at all ever", which makes more sense but is infinitely more fucking obnoxious to play.
Don't get me wrong, PoR stealth is also awful, but at least it's early game and the enemies that aren't the boss are easy enough to deal with if you don't feel like doing the stealth.
That's a ribcage and a half, holy shit.
I don't use the feature
I simply don't play the game (although I tried)
>Echoes turnwheel
Bad, but no one liked gaiden to begin with. Still, having the audacity to sneak it in a bad remake so that it gets less outrage against it is still unforgivable.
>3H turnwheel
Cancer, the game has it as a focal point in story, gameplay and even general design, and made it as op and as mandatory as possible with scenarios designed to burn uses.
>Engage turnwheel
Still bad, but at least IS realized that a good chunk of their consistent buyers absolutely hate the turnwheel, so they put some effort into making it less shit. However, it's still not implemented well enough to be acceptable yet.
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>infiltrates them
>Dog genes for heats
>Tail thumps against the bed when you hold her hands and whisper sweet nothings
>Has a tendency to claw and bite, but will lick your wounds afterwards
>But never ever shaves
>if it's engage it will not be shit!
>Snow Shoveling
Only LTC autist have a problem with this map. It’s easy to beeline to the boss.

You can literally play that map like a regular map so I fail to see the problem

Waiting For Platforms To Let You Play The Game (there are like 5 of these in a row once you get to V*lla)
There’s 2 of these maps, and they’re spaced apart with it being at the end. But yes, both are tedious since you can’t bypass the 2nd one with flyers

>The Fire Maze
You can easily go around the perimeter so I fail to see why this map is an issue

>"Wait on this platform to get promoted/unpromoted"
This one was great, what exactly is even your problem with it? You’re fights are either slightly more challenging or not based on your own pace so what’s the problem other than you being autistic about gimmicks?

>Fuga's Mild Ride
It’s the same map as Conquest but easier. You can even get through the map fast by using the wind to your advantage.

If you would have said the map that required dragon vein usage to destroy the statue I would have agreed with you but 80% of the ones you listed weren’t even bad to begin with and you didn’t even give a reason as to why they supposedly are. Stop regurgitating what /feg/ says and get a personality of your own.
Somebody else suggested that IS could make the turn wheel exclusive to easy and hard mode, so you can still play the real game on lunatic.
I would be ok with this even if I would prefer they just remove it.
Do zoomers trying to LARP as hardcore oldfags really think ambush spawns started with Three Houses?
You listed all these but not one of them is still as shit as any fog of war or desert level.
reddit moment
The rest of the series before Awakening might as well not exist in these threads
Relax, Takumi
See even then the ambush spawns in Awakening were like 10x worse.
why did you censor Valla? It's
the problem with ambush spawns in 3h is that the game was not designed around them (or any mechanic really).

that's a fucking lie. awakening didn't have suicide peg knights spawn in and gang rape anyone unfortunately positioned.
>literally nobody said anything to this effect
>immediately starts acting like a huge elitist faggot despite only playing FE6 years after Awakening had already been out.
>they're too young for Awakening
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Bonus points if Alear is doing it.
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>why did you censor Valla? It's
>that's a fucking lie. awakening didn't have suicide peg knights spawn in and gang rape anyone unfortunately positioned.
It did. It's just that Awakening encourages juggernauting to an absurd degree so people don't notice.
>be illiterate
>How was PoR stealth worse
PoR forced you to turtle as the ranges only allowed for very specific spots to be used because of the constricted map design, had self contradicting stealth rules (treasury is a safe zone somehow) and had a dogshit reward for putting up with stealth.
Rev had more room to work with, Pair Up to move more than one unit at a time, better mov tech and had consistent stealth rules.
>Waah stealth in Rev forced me to pay attention to the entire movement of units
Git gud
>You can break stealth in PoR
You can also do that in Rev
>>Snow Shoveling
>Only LTC autist have a problem with this map. It’s easy to beeline to the boss
As a casual who didn't look up what is underneath the snow, it'd like a fog map but worse
>You can literally play that map like a regular map so I fail to see the problem
It's one of the rare Rev maps that actually has threatening enemies, and also throws a metric shitload of enemies at you. The opposite of PoR stealth (see: >>683558961)
>>The Fire Maze
>You can easily go around the perimeter so I fail to see why this map is an issue
It's poorly designed on two counts:
>Bro, just cheese it and don't engage the level at all
>The fire walls are random on each load, so there's no one good strategy
In any case, Hinoka and her shitter squad are liabilities because heaven forbid Rev have good unit balance.
>>"Wait on this platform to get promoted/unpromoted"
>This one was great, what exactly is even your problem with it? You’re fights are either slightly more challenging or not based on your own pace so what’s the problem other than you being autistic about gimmicks?
Because instead of having an actually challenging map, it's just whacky and CUUHHHHRRRAAZZZYYY for no reason. Why bother fighting the harder versions of enemies because it's late game and all of your units should have all the EXP they need, so yiu may as well just turtle and fight the easier units. It's poorly designed for the sake of "haha it's late game and you can fight small fry"
>If you would have said the map that required dragon vein usage to destroy the statue I would have agreed with you
Whatever that map is, I've purged it from my memory in my 2 Rev playthroughs. Aside from OG Gaiden, Rev is the only FE I'll never pick up again because it's just plain dogshit.
>Overlevel Corrin and Felicia in the first 3 chapters
>Use the fuckbusted units that the game throws at you, ignore the literal diarrhea-tier shitters
>Don't have fun playing the garbage maps
>awakening didn't have suicide peg knights spawn in and gang rape anyone unfortunately positioned.
I was playing Laurent's paralogue the other day, and it absolutely have 4 Pegasi Knights spawn in on the right, of whom all gangbanged my Miriel who I thought was safe (since the wiki was vague about which specific spots the reinforcements spawned in, and I assumed she was out of reasonable range). Play the games you're talking about, please.
>immediately starts acting like a huge elitist faggot despite only playing FE6 years after Awakening had already been out.
I wonder if you see the irony in this post. Probably not.

Anyway, pointing out that this fanbase is full of faux oldfags is the opposite of elitist you 115 IQ monument to mediocrity and midwitism.
if anything forgetting laurent exists proves I've played it.
>words words words
We're...back bros
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you're right, I take it back.
>it's just whacky and CUUHHHHRRRAAZZZYYY for no reason
God you type like an utter retard. All your criticisms essentially just amount to “i personally didn’t like it for nebulous vague reasons so that means it’s bad”
Post Fates boys penis size chart please
>just grind bro
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id join the engage house
I'd impregnate the divine dragon
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The difference is other games will have a tiny handful of bad maps whereas Rev only has a tiny handful of good maps.
>Rev had more room to work with
It literally didn't, since enemies have an even wider coverage on you due to being able to detect you on both player phase and enemy phase
>Pair Up to move more than one unit at a time
PoR has Rescue for moving two units at a time
>better mov tech
This is true, but only on account of you actually having a dancer, so I will concede the point.
Concession accepted.
Typical FE ambush spawn
>Appears at the edge of the map or from obviously suspicious tiles
>Can prepare for them with a good formation
>Can often completely prevent their spawns by placing a unit on the right tiles
3H ambush spawns
>Spawns right in the middle of the fucking map, several tiles away from anywhere that could be suspicious with no warning
>Get cancer skills like Pass on the spawns so only preemptive and specific knowledge of the entire ambush works to counter it, so that the best way of dealing with the ambush is to make it not an ambush in anything else than name
>Unblockable, the game will spawn the units no matter what you do
Yeah, 3H ambush spawns are just the same as they always were, riiight
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Ambush Spawns are always bullshit. If I don't know exactly where an enemy will spawn on, what it's immediate range is, and what weapons it will have, it's bullshit. Simple as.
Caressing their two-month old pregnancy bellies
I want a 3H sequel so fucking bad. Engage was such a step back.

Fire emblem needs diverging routes with meaningful impact to the characters that are students you groomed .
But they must find novel ways to seethe about 3H, anon!
Aside from Rutger’s gank squad, Galle, and the many dickkicks of Thracia
Some low tier bait above me. Please try harder.
I know you're shitposting, but there are actually people with that opinion.
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Yes me.
Fire Emblem has never had a good story with diverging routes
reminder that charm is a stat that is only checked by itself and is effectively attack, defense, hit and evade. do I need to elaborate on how retarded that is?
>Keep Divine Pulsing until your 20% Gambit hits
Heh...nothing personelle... Edelchud
plap zap
Yeah, it's what luck wishes it was.
>Rutger's gank squad
You mean the one the game warns you several times about? The one that is explicitly made out to be dangerous enough to stay the fuck away?
You mean the one that's even more predictable and even less threatening than Rutger thanks to Gale's insanely retarded AI?
Care to provide examples?
Git gud
FE needs good game play
(Which Engage didn't have either)
Yes the one you know that’s coming but spawns much farther than you expect. Some much that it’s become a right of passage for new players to lose someone to that squad.
>Rev had less room
Higher FoV is not much of a problem when the map itself is wider and more open, allowing for more ways of circulating around the enemy range
Worse than Pair Up in every imaginable way, and is limited by the low number of high mov units available for the cramped spaces
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No, but I have used other bad units like FE9 Nephenee and she barely ever contributed to anything. Point is: you should still just use whoever you like.
>tiny handful of bad maps

>8 fog of war maps

>8 fog of war maps
Your fault for interpreting the game shouting STAY THE FUCK AWAY several times as anything else than having to stay the fuck away.
Not him but
>FoW bad
is peak shitter taste. That's not to say that FoW can't be bad (see BBD), but it's not a bad mechanic in itself
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*Healing Dragon Vein Activates*
>Higher FoV is not much of a problem when the map itself is wider and more open, allowing for more ways of circulating around the enemy range
You still have to funnel through a one tile wide door multiple times.
>limited by the low number of high mov units available for the cramped spaces
You have access to Titania, Oscar, and Marcia. You recruit Kieran mid-map. It's a 9 unit deploy map, meaning you have 4 high move Canto units to grab nearly all of the units you could potentially deploy. Why you'd want to max your deploy slots on a stealth map is beyond me, though.
What's wrong for with Fog of War maps?
Considering the person I was replying to is arguing gimmick maps are bad within themselves, you can shut the fuck up, you brainless retard. Fog of war is shit regardless because it makes you turtle deathball your way through a map since the limited visibility only effects the player and not the AI
>Fog is... LE BAD!
Bro, your thieves? Your torches?? Your Torch staves???
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Now this is the /feg/ I know and love
What’s wrong with gimmick maps?
hey ms epic fe6 fan can you tell me where in chapter 7 it says that a dozen reinforcements spawn on top of debias when you get close to him? thanks
See >>683562973 . Turtling is what shitters do
Fates > 3H > SHIT > Awakening > Engage > Rest
>A reoccurring mechanic across multiple games that appears multiple times in the same game
>On oar with a one map never used again gimmick
You're not only arguing in bad faith, but also retarded. Impressive.
What's with all the low tier bait lately? Can you please put some effort in, this is embarassing.
>Spawns at the edge of the map in suspiciously open tiles around Debias
>Spawns far enough to prepare unless you decide to rush Debias with a single unit like a retard
>Map already has reinforcements appear before then
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>that's a fucking lie. awakening didn't have suicide peg knights spawn in and gang rape anyone unfortunately positioned.
Every time, every single time someone says something retarded it's someone who hasn't actually played the games
Which posts are you talking about
I'd put it in her desu
>on PAR*
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You ask too much of them Aibibro
Okay, and how is the map more fun by having to use these things? It’s funny how much you faggots will bitch and moan about gimmicks except for when they’re in a game that you coincidentally like. Curious even.
Awakening has Counter fuckers so its automatically shit
>unless you decide to rush Debias with a single unit like a retard
>"what do you mean you're not constantly deathballing"
wow what a fun way to play fire emblem. oh, the map alredy had reinforcements, so you should just know that there will be more? thanks for the hot tip, fuckass
>overused shit gimmick is better than a one off gimmick that’s never used again for the sole virtue it’s overused
Peak retardation here
>How is the map more fun
Having to manage vision while dealing with enemies at the same time adds a strategic layer to the game, especially since you now take an even bigger risk than usual if you overextend. It's another layer of strategy in a strategy game
>not being able to formulate a strategy is peak strategy so either juggernaut or deathball the map instead
it's impossible to take seriously "criticisms" about turnwheel when you admit to not play the games
at that point you just come off as a retard that is shit at the game
>False dichotomy
Imagine being too stupid to do anything else than spamming your strongest unit or deathballing
The fact that you have consistent tools to deal with it that are present in multiple entries means it's another mechanic that I can strategize around.
>defends turnwheel
>defends same turn reinforcements
>defends fog of war
>shits themselves over snow
I’m 100% /feg/ is fully composed of genuinely mentally retarded faggots
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>skinny fat fupa mexican plumber pelvis
asian beauty standards are dysgenic and homosexual as fuck
but that's what my favorite eceleb nigger told me to do and im too dumb to formulate strategies on my own :(
>there’s things in game that mitigate the shitty mechanic so that means its good
Yes, strategy in a strategy game is good. Sorry there's not enough minigames to keep your attention, perhaps Three Houses with its tea time and sauna minigames is more your style.
Ironically enough 3H is the only game where turnwheel was truly "necessary" due to ambushes either forcing you to turtle or to unga bunga and just backpedal when you get fucked.
if minigames are his fancy then Engage would be the better recommendation
>2 God level ups (all stats) in ch. 9 PoR
>Got to the two item houses
>Lose Marcia on the last turn due to not expecting boss to swap to javelin with untransformed laguz in front of him
But Engage has Fog, so he would hate it
>3H is the only game where turnwheel was truly "necessary"
I would argue the witches in Echoes make it practically necessary. Anyone who says Engage was designed around it is a real fool though.
if debias is supposed to be portrayed as cowardly and underhanded why mention the wyverns coming from roy's flank but not the guards stationed to his back 2 squares off screen
Gonna be honest with you I completely memory holed echoes despite finishing it twice.
I remember exactly nothing of it.
Gimmick maps shows down the game to a crawl and wastes your time.

Fog of war does not if git gud
This but unironically
I want to sit on Clanne's face
This is surely cognitive dissonance if I’ve ever seen it
Very true
It's the element of avoiding over extending that makes Fog of War fun
I want to kiss Framme while cumming in Clanne, and then kiss Clanne while cumming in Framme
>revfag pretending to not defend the troonwheel
You love to see it
Memories of Red and Blue
Reigniting you
Bare your fangs and all
Free yourself forevermore
Here and now...
>playing the game and being forced to use strategy in any capacity is a waste of time
now i understand why westoid gaming is just piss easy movie games now
3 Houses is unironically implemented turn wheel the best
Throwing bullshit at you to counter your own bullshit at least balances things out
That doesn't mean 3 Houses is good tho
But you do need to use strategy in fog of war tho

What matters is if the maps are fun, and gimmick maps rarely are
bait used to be believable
>projecting because I'm objectively correct
Why are you a pedo fag
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Modern FE slop will never give you this feeling when you have the troonwheel btw
I bet the same morons who complain about maps also loves to abuse warp
If you warpskip, you didn't beat the game desu
at least we're discussing games....
it does if you don't use it
me again
I would just keep playing and use Jill instead
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same body type
look at the fupa
>game is so bad you have to handicap yourself on purpose to have fun with it
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>same body type
>look at the fupa
asian fupa beauty standards dysgenic
Post cute femanons please
glad we can agree every game with a jagen in it is bad
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fucking faggots
Sommiefag (namschizo) is just acting retarded to shitpost. Ironically this isn’t derailing the thread like he normally tries to do
Wonder who will you grab as scapegoat next once you fail to pin it on sommiefags, you already failed to pin the gorespam on alearfags and mariannefags this month alone.
What's wrong with Jagens now?
Old FE don’t have turnwheel because the games are easy anyway (but most people play on emulator and that has save states/rewind)
you say this every thread
They steal exp
They usually set up kills for your scrub units to level up from.

You're screwing yourself over from using Jagens too much, you're just a retard.
I'm doing a ng+ run with the intent of porting the save into Radiant Dawn so I'd like to preserve all the characters for this run. Pretty cool feature in a pre Mass Effect world.
I wish I could've Warp skipped all of Rev, but without DLC it's not possible
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I love watching people attempt to save these on Maniac, it's so entertaining every time.
Holy fuck did you just discover FE today?
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That does sound fun
Maybe this will make Marcia more viable, lol
That's because most people are nuFE tourists
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why don't villages just defend themselves, are they stupid?
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they steamroll every game they're in except like two
Good luck doing that late game
Some them even fall off in the mid game
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>You sir, just won the internet
Before I played it I'd see people slagging tellius for being too easy/slow but it gives you things to stretch for that can make a reasonable challenge. This map in particular with its 2 gimmes and 8 turn limit for BEXP, combined with the poleaxe guy in the low mobility sand + reinforcements caused me a few resets. I remember getting fucked a few times on that bridge map later in the game a few times as well on my first run last fall.

Yeah anyone who dies this time dies for two games which is no Bueno. Just made the earlier successes more painful.
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the most funny part of this garbage comic is that you get lyn 2 or 3 chapters later (unless you wanna count the extra chapter where you get merlinus) but secondary fags will be secondary
You weren't supposed to notice that
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She's not a secondary, she just prioritises what she wants to draw over autistic accuracy.
Fire emblem
What's especially funny is that the only way to fuck it up this hard is with this exact setup of Eliwood, Lyn and Guy.
>Lyn isn't in the story yet and hence this entire scenario is impossible
>Eliwood is already accustomed to recruiting people as seen with Rebecca, so he would not ask Lyn what she's doing
>Guy is not only not recruited by either Lyn or Eliwood, but he's one of the rougher looking characters in Fire Emblem and could pass as a early game boss
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Yeah, the side objective game is one of the best parts of Maniac PoR in my opinion. The stealing game is also great. Doing things like getting the Nihil scroll is a nice challenge. On the bridge map, I did my best to keep the green units from stealing any exp. I was a little disappointed to learn from one run I watched that you can just turtle at the start of Tauroneo's chapter and the first thief will make his way to you, and as long as you can steal from him, you won't miss anything if you trap him and take what he has. Trying to beat that thief to his first chest is a rush and a half.
>autistic accuracy
you mean basic aspects of the story and characters and world building in this series that secondaries keep telling me has always been about the stories and characters and worldbuilding
This one is true
Dart's skill is usually trash even if you train him up
(He is still fun just because he is a berserker tho)
stop noticing things goy
sometimes I want to show the progression of the fire emblem thread schizo's images to a shrink and see what they make of him.
He will probably just diagnose him with schizophrenia as well.
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I’m fucking dead!
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>Better sense of smell
>Recoils with her head near Marianne's crotch
Cute and all but even RD Lethe wasn't this cozy with beorcs right? Mordecai would make more sense
It was the summoner's idea
Yeah the game will subtley direct you towards these hidden goal type things with nothing more than an extra item in some corner/reinforcement enemy which rewards actually scoping out enemy units and plotting different routes to maximize your items and weapons. Even on hard/normal I was having a good time. I think I had like 20 heal staves by the endgame since priests don't equip them. I've only done Maniac (Lunatic?) on awakening but maybe someday I'll do a PoR/RD campaign
>i cant post divine dragons images
what?? you guys enjoy without me...
I guess if the summoner says so, characters will bend
That's basically the plot of Book 1 of FEH, if you're under a contract, you're forced to do whatever
Especially since in the Forging Bonds Marianne has a friendship forming with Mordecai
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>Sacred Stones has good game design, good map design, memorable characters and even a relatively decent plot
>Fuck it all up by making the game way too easy
Imagine screwing up this hard at the finish line
hard mode is called don't use tower of valni :^)
Make it harder, it's still way too easy
Ephraim Hard Mode is pretty sketchy. Normal/Easy are just way easier than intended because of a stat bug causing promoted enemies to only roll their given level instead of level+20. That bug doesn't happen on Hard.
Considering you post the same exact shit in defense every time someone calls you out it’s making it obvious you’re all the same faggot and you’re doing this to gaslight people
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Is for Aryans
I pair Rebecca with Lowen in most of my campaigns, they are such a great tag team. Lowen after a while becomes an immovable wall that tanks all damage and chips every enemy, and Rebecca finishes them all without missing.

I don't see why some people say those two suck, they are the backbone of my FE7 runs...
Dorothy and Percival for me
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>Every time I come into these threads the posts have somehow gotten even more deranged.
This pseudo-general (and all FE threads) need to be autosage'd for the next year or so in the hopes it can chase off the worst offenders.
I don't remember that in any FE game...
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A lot of stubs just popped up, I think you upset him
That's giving the spambots what they want
Fire Emblem
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I've never played a fire emblem game before and I'm kind of interested in picking one up. What's a good starting point, 3H?
Start with FE1, FE3 (A remake of FE1) or Shadow Dragon (another remake of FE1).
Azure Orphanage is surprisingly good for H-game
Fire Emblem 7, the one just called Fire Emblem.
Or New Mystery (another remake of FE1)
Fire Emblem
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Nice thighs
Nephenee is not a bad unit. If you want a bad fe9 unit use Rolf or soren. Nephenee is perfectly usable and probably mid tier along with mia
Pick one. Not only is magic underrated for retarded reasons in Tellius, but he's also one of the only 5 units that can use staves in the game
Is Jeorge the coolest motherfucker in Archanea?
that's one hairy pussy
Nopan btw
I’m sure Lethe smells too.
Anon is the best waifu
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Fuck I meant sothe but mixed them up
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Yeah, that makes much more sense
>Hey, let's make the growth unit the one with low caps, the shittiest weapon type, a skill that gimps his exp gains and have him not promote
>Oh, and he's a thief in the only game where thieves have both a str and a spd requirement to steal, so he literally can't do his job unless excessively trained, and can barely do his job even when trained because promoted units have stats that blow way past his caps
Whoever designed Sothe should be shot
And if they survive, they should be shot again. Double tap is a rule in Zombieland after all.
Thread's done, post cute girls.
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Next thread is cutie patooties please
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For me, it's Etie
Nephenee just feels like Mia with a lance and i dont think Mia is that good either. She really needs a forged weapon to kill anything on her own. And she starts with E rank in lances so it'll take 2 arms scrolls to get to killer lances for wrath shenanigans.
Is Soren that good? He does have a lot going for him like adept and SPD but his damage output has always been too small in my runs. His 0 STR means he gets weighed down by every tome and puts his effective speed on par with Ilyana. The effective damage from tomes never felt worth it, i think enemies had a decent RES stat too. And if I recall correctly, you can't forge higher level tomes. Magic just feels so underwhelming in FE9. Staff utility is still nice though.
The main advantages he has is being one of the few greil mercs that you want to funnel exp into early on, having good offensive stats and of course Adept. I still consider Illyana to be better since Thunder is better than Wind, she has better overall bases and growths especially in str and Shade itself is a very strong skill if you understand how it works. It's not like you can't use both, and quite frankly, you should be using both
I do like using ilyana as a thunder crit nuke, she's like lilina if she crit more.
I could be using both but limited deployment slots and his noodle wind magic makes me bench him every time.
>Is Soren that good?
He's pretty good. Even better in the Japanese version thanks to a glitch.
>He does have a lot going for him like adept and SPD but his damage output has always been too small in my runs.
Soren has the highest average magic among all the mages in PoR.
>His 0 STR means he gets weighed down by every tome and puts his effective speed on par with Ilyana.
His Str bonus from promoting cuts down his speed loss from the most relevant 1-2 range tome(forged Thunder)
>And if I recall correctly, you can't forge higher level tomes.
Nope. That being said, Forged Thunder is as Strong as Bolganone, only 1 MT behind Thoron, and 3 mt above Tornado.
>Magic just feels so underwhelming in FE9. Staff utility is still nice though.
Lots of siege tomes to steal makes the amages a bit better than they otherwise would be, but Tellius does seem to dislike mages.
>I still consider Illyana to be better since Thunder is better than Wind
>I could be using both but limited deployment slots and his noodle wind magic makes me bench him every time.
Why are you using anything but Thunder tomes on Soren? Wind is dogshit, and he can use Thunder.
hope you have a good day today FEbros
My point may have come across wrong, so I'll reiterate it. Soren has a worse Thunder rank in exchange for Wind rank, so he has a harder time taking advantage of the effective damage against the lategame enemies that are weak to Thunder than Illyana thanks to her higher rank. Sure, usually you just want to spam the low rank Thunder tome anyways, but effective damage can amount to a lot of damage later on, and can lead to oneshots against dangerous enemies
2 days from now we need a 3H thread.
Why do these threads always take hours to hit the bumplimit from 450 replies but once it hits 500 replies there’s immediately a flood of 10-50 more replies before archiving?
Why does defense exist? Why don't they just apply attack to health?
I'm curious, what is it?
yeah but I still have to put up with it until he reaches lv10
Doesn't it take a while to get thunder on soren?
There's a tradition of finishing the thread with a waifu dump
The forge glitch, I'd assume. All mages can guarantee strong thunder crits with it, which makes them kind of busted desu

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