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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>486186952
Hello! Watch your back in this battle!
Talk about Fire Emblem. NOW!
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Matthew's fangs are cuter
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Nono makes me feel good.
I want to caress those thighs
I want to lick her chest
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Do ketes lay eggs?
You're wrong and smell bad
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>let's take ibuprofen together!
for what reason.
Cause she asked
Period cramps hurt a lot
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Nonobros keep up the posts so we can beat the Nono thread!
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gay n*ggers
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Random FE meme images being posted for no reason? Where have I seen that before? Hmm
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And no one believed me when I said it was the pedos doing this
Nobody listened
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As long as there's no enforced rule against it, I'll do as I please.
Kek he's going to do this for another 12 hours.
Nigga shut the fuck up.
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Just 360 image posts to go, threadschizo! If you're going to do this for both threads, it's gonna take exactly 24 hours!
Better hope you're good at solving those captchas or you're gonna lose precious time!
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The sad part is even if he had a pass just spamming one thread would be six hours which is of course a massive waste of time.
I get being mad at shitposters but this solves nothing. And if you think shitposters aren't going to do worse you are severely mistaken.
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Oh no, the absolute dread of having to retain the attention span to type five letters or numbers before the minute+ long cooldown runs out and costs me a precious second of delivering my goods to the thread.
Sitting at your computer to upload 300+ pictures makes you a loser actually
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I'm already here, aren't I?
Reported for spamming/flooding
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I'm doing nothing wrong. I'm just posting Fire Emblem images in the Fire Emblem general.
Then you have nothing to worry about
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But why post images exclusively? You saw the absolute state of the end of the last thread. At least pose questions, post gameplay, post feet, ANYTHING
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He's mad because someone keeps making Nowi OPs so he wants to make the thread as unusable as possible.
Yes the logic here is as retarded as it sounds.
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Alright. What does one look for in a Fire Emblem? What defines this series to you?
At least the images in both threads are kinda connected in some fashion, like Celicar and Eiricar
I like how it's a simple math game. 19 attack-10 defense=9 damage. The further it strays from this (as in, the more variables there are, like Emblem Marth doing extra damage on player phase only), the less I like it personally
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To me, Fire Emblem is like following along a story across a continent in war, but not always knowing what exactly is going to happen to the smaller characters caught in the middle of everything. It's like making a gamble on who to get invested in, but not knowing if they could die at any point, and feeling the consequences of those deaths. This is Iron Man play, but I do feel like that's the true essence of the series. Choosing what characters to play the parts in the action, and experiencing the growths and losses that are unique to this playthrough's experience.
>enter's /feg/
Thoughts on Veyle's feet?
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Cutie Patootie
Why do western feet niggas do this
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Which FE girl/boy combo is like this?
What the bacon?
Wendy is cute!
What's the sound channel limit for the GBA games?
I want to make
as death and boss themes
Grog not know
What FE games aren't
>equip hand axe/javelin and end turn
FE6 because the hand axe has like 50 hit. You can get close with super-units like Perceval, but even then it’s not as reliable as the same strat in FE7/8
I'm on chapter 7
For which game?
This. Hand axe and javelin hit rates are low enough that you won't just be plowing through half the enemy team on their phase. Both are still useful, but not usually reliable one-round kills.
6 it is then
Nowi's tummy or Nowi's thighs or Nowi's flat chest or Nowi's butt or Nowi's face or Nowi's hair or Nowi's shoulders or Nowi's back or Nowi's smile?
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Literally me if I was a girl
Imagine being a m*n. Gross
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>your romhack does not have a literal goddess to romance
I will not play your game.

rate the story of this
Not an option, stinky
Cringe but the revenge murder was based
They call upon the Demon
Now there's nowhere to run
All take heed of the Demon
Reckoning has begun
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>2 threads
>both Nowi
fuck this, this general is fucked. I'm just gonna post this rare Delthea and leave for a few more months.
Imagine the sparse pubes
My butt is bigger
Is Byleth technically a 'kete?
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All of them
Nuh uh
page 10 is scary
see you tomorrow!
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You wanted this
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This wouldn't happen in a non-Nowi thread
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Coconut Nowi
Out off all the engage girls jade activates my mating instincts the most.
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>Instantly better
Brown is good for us
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I like how Lyn always has Mani Katti with her regardless of what sword you have equipped in Fire Emblem Warriors.
I would be a generic general that rapes a villager girl
In a defend Map
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i would be the minor fat ugly bastard character that is all but outright stated to rape (or at least attempt to rape) a playable girl
I am literally a villager girl so take that back
Wrong stupid head
*Carries Felix's son and two daughters*
Bend over
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You bend over, and I'll show you why we're called peg knights.
>using a spear
Prime axe general rape bait
>gets Gheb-ed
>Ephraim can marry her at the end
very groundbreaking of 8 to have ugly bastard NTR rape in a GBA game
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That's an axereaver, I'll have you know!
>pic related
>not simultaneously cucking both Ephraim and Seth by A-supporting her with Eirika
What FE gril?
>implying Ephraim doesn't get both
Villager girls bathe once a month in the river so that better be true young lady
>ywn get pushed down and milked dry by an uber-horny Peri and her fat tits after a battle
>she hasn't washed the blood off yet
why live
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i need more new Doot
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Do you?
of course
Newfag reporting in, started Blazing Blade or w/e it's a GBA game, what am I in for?
Lyn will be your new waifu. Also good pick for a starting game. Many started with that one.
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fe7 and fe8 are both a good start for a newcomer.
just play and see. don't be afraid to make mistakes. just enjoy it your way
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7 and 8 are fairly easy, yeah. Either one is a good starting point.
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I'm only like an hour in maybe but Lyn seems like a good girl, I will protect her
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They scissor HARD
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those are children
If her age is off the clock...
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what if it's on the clock?
Then it is indeed a child
It doesn't matter if it's fiction
Reminder that Alexej and Chino are out living their lives while you are still sitting her on this Vietnamese Basking-Weaving Forum crying about them and all the other random russians who are raping your mind more than Raul gets raped by Gullveig kek
all delusions that you think are the truth. no wonder adara kicked you out of the competitive feh discord. you are seriously deranged and should seek help. the only agent orange fart here is your brain
the only rape that happened was your brain when you got beat up at the burnaby mcdonalds by the chinese immigrants
and you know who will be raped first? you, idiot mf. assuming there is even a hole left to rape, but maybe they can settle for your brain. you cant get more retarded probably kekka nekka
You didn't say that about Nah earlier
Fire Emblem?
Fled to /v/ again.
Come back and fight like a man, Coward!
ohhh the creature can be goaded to come back lmoa
It's true. I can't post proofs since we're on a blue board
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It's over
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No, this is /feg/. We don't talk about Fire Emblem here, you must be mistaken.
Say something nice about Claude for his birthday
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Comfy time
Don't get too comfy there, anon...
You won't wake up.
Hmm... I think I want to have sex with Forrest.
Corrin (F) x Corrin (M) while the Kana twins watch
Charlotte crushing shota Forrest with her fat butt.
That's her son
Imagine Charlotte grooming him into a Berserker like her.
>Writes erotic smut about (You) that could make a rock blush
>She doesn't think twice about it nor physically react to her own words
He fucks the best girls
Need what?
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Migrating here for a while. Hello
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outta 10
>6 hours ago
>3 posts since then
...Enjoy it? I think?
Need Jade to facefuck me with love and gentle care
top 10 engage supports according to a recent japanese fan poll... interesting to see how the taste in dynamics and pairs match and differ from the eng fandom
Madeline and Mauvier have sex
Fire Emblem is dead
FE has been dead since 2015
Where’d you find this poll?
The Firenese royal bloodline must remain pure.
some japanese vtuber held a support popularity poll amongst his viewers and he streamed the results today: https://youtu.be/AdP7HsALEaI
Alcryst's asshole is custom made for Diamant's girthy cock though
I'm going go shave nowi and tharja bald
Will you also shave their pussies from the mangled bushes on both of them?
Flop status?
/v/ fire emblen thread has fallen.
Thousands will be homeless because /feg/ is even worse
Well. This is the day.

It’s honestly crazy how it’s been 5 years since this life changing game came out.

I know to some that might be a silly statement but I geninuely mean it, without this game? I wouldn’t be the same person I am today.

This game got me into a franchise that is now so near and dear to my heart to the point that I have played every single damn game in the franchise even all the spin offs and some I’ve played through more than once! It made me laugh, made me tear up, and made me hyped. It made me fell in love with a cast in a way that wasn’t able to be replicated until I played Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

So many of my favorite characters of all time came from this game,

Dimitri, Shamir, Hapi, Yuri, Edelgard, Lysithea, Claude, Dedue, Bernadetta hell all the black eagles. Day 1 BLACK EAGLE BABY!

Yet despite that. Azure Moon is easily my favorite route and is up there as one of my favorite stories of all time.

Dimitri was unlike any other protagonist I’d seen in a Nintendo game, for context , prior to this game coming out I didn’t play a ton of games with super violent protags as at the time, if your name wasn’t persona or kh, I rarely left the Nintendo generation of consoles.

So Dimitri’s story? Was beyond amazing to me, and it still is to this day.

I know over the years there have been some that have gotten up and arms over this games existance, how it “ruined the franchise” and how it “isn’t as good as people say it is”

Everyone is valid to their own opinion so long as you don’t harass others.

But, to me? Three Houses is special
Without three houses? I would never have gotten into the franchise and become the massive fan of it that I am today.

Without three houses? I never would have met some of my online friends.

Without three houses? I wouldn’t have become active in one of the best communities ever and I wouldn’t have made awesome friends in that community.

Without three houses? I wouldn’t have been the same person I am today as I was five years ago.

In a way? I had my own post time skip design haha.

I’ve made some stupid mistakes, said some shitty things, but in the end? I’ve grown. I’ve improved. Since three houses released I’ve gotten my degree, became an uncle, seen my sister and brother get married, a full time job, and have gotten an amazing partner whom I love very much.

I cannot begin to express how much this game means to me.

It’s not perfect, but hey, we all have some things we need to work on right? Give yourself 5 years, and look towards a new dawn. Things will change.
I saw that reddit post too
Who is /feg/‘s favorite girlfailure? Bernie, Marianne, Nina, and Tharja are the frontrunners I think.
Marianne isn't a failure! She just has... self esteem issues and a hairy vagina. That's all.
and she smells funny
but Marianne is a rare girlfailure success story, most do not pull through like she did after the timeskip.
I want Marianne in my arms ASAP
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I feel like my mc turned out really bad so far. What would be the best things to inherit? I kinda want to give him more damage because making him a dodge tank is not possible until chapter 22. I'm playing on Lunatic.
>not possible
Lucina engrave a steel dagger for a thief
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Maria Sivenkova’s daughter
Faye the cuck femcel
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sex with a kete
>m*le Alear
Start bad stay bad.
I thought a girl failure was someone that has all or most of their plans/schemes fuck up. They're all just weirdos.
Where do I get a Fire Emblem gf?
They can say what they want but Faye is unmatched in that regard.
I honestly feel bad for her just for that.
Try conventions and steal a cosplayer's heart
Someone else already stole her virginity, so don't even bother
It will always be a funny game to me. It has so much potential but just seems so crammed together.
The character have good standing points to be great but barely get the time to shine.
The story just feels like they wanted to be super deep but then not actually want to commit to it and just have the character appear long enough to talk but not long enough to be talked to or actually say anything important.
That's not even getting to the spin-off that wanted them back but then wanted to wash their hands of the main game without actually committing.
I just don't really got what happened. They had something good but just fumbled it at the end.
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hilda figma? nendoroid?
nvm I just saw goodsmile and not the pop up parade part
So what the chances I have time before this sells out? I want one but I don't have the money
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kek nobody wants this shit
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>No Claude figure
He always gets cucked...
Claude will get one in 5 years. Trust the plan
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looks shits. i prefer alear.
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my top 3 is the same lol
maybe id add veyle/malear for S rank
>Edelgard: got a figma like 5 years ago
>Dimitri: gets a high quality 1/7 scale stature
>Claude: gets nothing
Why Sylvain? Does good smile not know most people would rather have a Felix?
The best announcement would've been Nendos of Byleth and the house leaders. But more FE figures is cool
>Not promoting right away in Engage
>Thinking that units can turn out "bad" in standard Lunatic when their stats are fixed
>Falling for the Starsphere meme when you dont see any real returns until the ass end of the game
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it's a PO for 8/25
Surely you can afford to save $200 for your lord in a year?
Just 3D print him bro
This ends now!
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Felix was releasesr8yd already desu
>your romhack doesn't have game over rape
I will not play it.
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>place nowi in the anti-dragon cage
>your romhack has Framme
I would play it with gusto if she can reclass to erotic bred belly dancer.
Romhacks with game over rape? Need this kino
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let this shitty series die already
Yo, Schizo! Post in /feg/ coward! I know you lurk here
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Where were you this day 5 years ago, anons?
I was close to graduation, full of dreams and hopes.
It is such a shame seeing what /feg/ and my life have become.
Starting uni
Now I'm done uni
And I hate myself slightly less since then
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The next FE game should have Ed, Edd, and Eddy sound effects
I was 19 then and now I'm 25 wtf
What is this expression meant to convey?
You just found out that you're the thirteenth emblem, the fire emblem
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Hello /feg/ I'm playing my first FE game and I chose Shadow Dragon on the DS since it's remake of 1, I was just curious who you guys chose to sacrifice in Prologue IV? I chose Jagen since he's an old fuck, but was curious if there's a more popular choice.
Lance so he doesn't suffer
The archer so I had more horses to mess with.
I made a Fire Emblem TTRPG! :D >>>/tg/93445611
What do you guys think?
happy anniversary my king
I hate Fire Emblem
Least horny /feg/ response
Ligma Balls
All real FE fans do.
There’s no Edelgard figure either. They know fujos would shell out for Dimitri and Dimitri has more fujo power than Claude
They already did Felix.

Specifically they did Dimitri/Felix, Claude/Lysithea and Edelgard/Bernie.

Sylvain, Hilda and Dorothea are third placers. Technically it should’ve been Marianne over Hilda but the company leaders clearly prefer Hilda to Marianne
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With who?
Do not go on the Donlot discord server, they have actual feds on there. This entire thing is a setup.

How do I know this? There's a sengoku rance fan that DM'd me a link to some "fanart" and it led me to fbi.gov.
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Louis gaming time
Good thing I have no idea what you're talking about
That belongs to timerra
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still have my emblemless run save with super sexy citrinne
i'll pick that up again too since i came back to engage anyway

>picking up venomous to give it to a character who cant ohko everything with it
your brain on timerra
If we're posting units, here's exactly 200 hit on Kag
Engage lost. Everyone hates it. Everyone would rather forget it even existed.
cute alear
Its impossible for Louis to OHKO everything with Venomous on any real difficulty. Timerra with any greatlance is purely for Override as she's better off using a Marth engraved Killer or some sort of over decked Brave Lance for Sandstorm fishing.
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picrelated build with Gen Louis oneshots every spawned mook in ch26/stage 2
even without drops
its definitely on the table mathematically
Engage flopped
>lance power 5
>lunar brace+
jezzz goldmary has been chuging those books

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