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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22737516
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
Man, Huckebein with matte coat feels wrong.

My grey panel liner (GM02) isn't working, but it's still got some ink in it as evidenced by it exploding out (from between the metal tip and the plastic tube, not from the felt tip) when I shook it a lot. I already gave the tip a soak in isopropyl alcohol, and I tried hot water as well. The alcohol revived it a little bit, but that only lasted for a few lines. Any ideas?
Also, how long are they supposed to last? This one lasted for like five and a half kits (mostly 1/144), which doesn't seem like a lot.
Sunin7, Jumpwind and hobbymio are just as good as Gaia notes and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
Based. I’ve only used Jumpwind metallic but it’s better than Gaia. Absolutely gorgeous
Jumpwind and Hobby Mio are good. I just like the pre thinned paints of Hobby Mio and Jumpwind's Metallic as well as the Pearl series.
Speaking of Gaia, I honestly haven’t been too impressed with it. The way this general talks about it, you’d think it’s the best thing since puffed weed. But I can’t tell a difference between it and mr color honestly.
> Any ideas?
ditch the pens and buy the actual bottles of panel liner that will last you a decade
i can't be bothered to try other paint brands when i have a shop with everything mr color within 20 minutes of me
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I just love how this based gramps has pretty much done every paint tests there is and I can just look up his channel if I want to see something paint related.
How well does the liquid/pour type stuff handle corners and not just the "true" scribed panel lines?
Mostly fine but there are areas on basically every kit that benefit from scribing the corners and panels deeper.
>scribing the corners
Oh, that makes sense, I hadn't even thought of that.
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I'm building Chinese bootleg of Metal Build Hyper bazooka mega launcher. It even has electroplated and premade parts, which is pretty nice.
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making some more progress with the dunbine
it looks cool but the articulation is pretty poor, particularly as concerns the hips and feet
a lot of that has to do with the design of the aura battler, but i still feel like they could have figured some way to make it a bit more flexible
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and the rear view
the hips are extremely limited, and rather loose since it's just two ball joints in parallel
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why does the only other country besides Japan that makes mecha kits have to be so allergic to good designs bros
I wouldn't say it is bad, just boring. Also, this is what aggressive color separation looks like.
What are you going to paint it?
in series* sorry i had a brain fart

probably after the gp04 im working on right now
it's going pretty slowly just bc im busy with other things + the heat
I finished another kit
I've been leaving EG RX-78s, Nus and Strikes in low income playgrounds and schools to groom poor kids into becoming gunpla modelers
Don't keep us waiting anon... what was it?
Built or unbuilt?
Pretty cool, how much was it?
My backlog is getting unacceptably big, so I've made the decision that I'm just going to top-coat the bare plastic on my next kit (an RG) just to get it out of the way. Does flat coat followed by gloss coat look okay for just getting rid of the plastic look? I panel-washed as the last stage on my previous kit without gloss coating afterward and it looked fine, and I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the stickers (I know not to put those under gloss coat) so I might just leave those off since I don't feel like ordering waterslides.
You should just snapshit them and arrange them all over your room Ala Chris Chan
There's no point in a flat coat under a gloss coat.
Unbuilt. If they want the free toy they're gonna have to work for it.
Around 23 dollars.
Tried it for the first time recently. The star bright ones are nice for fancy and flashy paintjobs, the clears are very good at protecting what's underneath, as for the rest I thought the only one that's really better than what I can get locally is the ex white. They're good paints but overhyped probably because many people don't have access to them, and glorious nipponese paints folded 1000 times
Just some HG sloppa
>cut jeans
Kek, this nigga.
I don't like hobby mio being pre thinned, but otherwise yeah.
Yeah, he's based
Link please?
You ARE going to cover it in 5 pounds of putty for an authentic beetle texture, right anon?
Have any pics of gunpla you painted with hobby mio pre-thinner? Is it as good as mr.color lacquers?
What's that website that kept having all those free shipping sales last year but jacked up the prices to offset the free shipping
>just boring
ONLY NOW! Suruga ya
Why half-ass it? There's no reason to try to rush through them. Just paint the stuff that you actually want to paint at that moment.
NICE CLEAN rear view!
woah, her chest is using rubber part
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Do you guys have Balls kits and should I get one?
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Here is its name.
Soft enough to rub my dick to. Nice.
>have to be so allergic to good designs
Because Japan was making mecha designs in the 70s and 80s and China wasn't
Japan doesn't make new good designs anymore either, they just have a history of existing good designs to fall back on
Are you part of the CIA in some psyop to smuggle plastic crack into the inner city?
It was you ..
I was supposed to get two but only one got delivered and when I tried to get it fixed the other one ended up lost forever and now my colony droops.
slightly wish i pre ordered this, the no grade 1/144 duel was my first ever gunpla kit, but im not a seed fan and i dont think il bother to buy it at regular price
Do you want to buy it a three times mark up instead?

So I crushed a polycap. What now?
just grab a spare polycap from your stock of used polycap runners from past kits
you don't throw those away, do you?
Post a pic and maybe if I have an extra one I'll mail it to you
I’ll be in touch
It kind of sucks that the first Gundam show had to have so many shit designs because they make kits of literally everything that was in that show but shows with actually good designs like Turn A get neglected. Like look at all this shit dude
>mg gelgoog
>mg dom
>mg guncannon
>mg guntank
>mg zeong
>mg zgok
>mg gogg
>mg acguy
>rg zgok
>rg zeong
they could have made so many good kits instead of these.
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get a new one from your polycap box
How many masses do I have to go to for Hobby Lobby to stock a MG Virtue?
After 5 6-7 hour sessions, Gourai-Kai is now done! Got their accessories all finished up, and the exosuit was alot simpler to build than I thought it would be, though alot of the tiny pieces gave me a bit of trouble at times. Aside from the cuts on Gourai, I'm happy how my first kit turned out. Hopefully I'll get better as I keep working on kits, along with learning to take better photos. Next one I'll be working on is the HG Burning Gundam!
PG Space Colony ver.Ka (Metallic coating)
PGEX Rx-78 ver Ka (special coating for snapshitters)
Bro, clean those nubs.
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worry about making the model look good before photography. clean those nubs and look into painting
fucking kek
is this a bootleg? my HGAB Dunbine doesn't look like this at all (will post it tomorrow maybe but I painted it Todd Guinness style)
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NTA, its not a HGAB, it's the new peeb HG Dunbine they put out a few years ago. The only other ones in the line right now are Virunvee and Sirbine.
Fuck, kinda hate how efficient current bandai's mold production is now.
Got the heindree sturm and it didn't include any of the original Heindree extras.
IBO's Graze Ritter comes with everything the original Graze had.
smarr famry company, prease understand
reminds me how I've been seething that no other HG Gelgoog kit has the Goog Cannon head as leftover. I guess I'll have to wait next year for a reprint or some shit
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amazing, I only knew about P-Sirbine, I had no idea they also remade a Virunvee (tempting) articulation looks really good, the HGAB can barely stand on its own

well anyway this is my old Dunbine, this little one is a bit dusty because I painted it like a year ago I think
I had to scratch build a bit, for example the Aura Converter is hollow so I modified it and added extra detail to the feet and so on
paint is Vallejo Shifter by the way, light is kinda shitty in my room so right now it looks purple lol
The only bad design you listed is the Gogg, and even that's better than most modern Gundam designs.
>Alright bitches. What kits that you want me to reprint?
The entire G-Reco line
AGE-1 Spallow
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Kibou Gou
I hate the shield so much
The armor reminds me of riot suits
John P. Bandai, I command you to reprint the FM Lupus Rex you motherfucker.
That anon meant Bandai is getting too good at it and he miss the imperfect spare sparts era of HG. "Small company" joke only used when Bandai fumbles or doing greedy, incompetent practices. Do you fags really throwing around jokes without understanding what they really meant?
Ngl, i got abit sad when Aerial Rebuild came out as clean one solid piece with no junk parts from original Aerial. The only line with consistent junk part nowadays is 30MM.
Where do you buy resin kits/conversions?
Why are the new Geass kits so huge when KMFs are supposed to be smaller than Gundams?
I just got the chink MG GP02 and I was thinking of painting the shield (at least) antiflash white to represent that it's being used to defend against nukes, but white alone is kind of boring. What other colors could I accent it with?
because a kit half the size of an hg would suck ass
They are 1/35 meanwhile Gundam HG are 1/144
I still can't get over how ridiculously small Governor kits are.
But the 1/220 B-Club kits were kino
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basedjak face
polycaps are probably the only parts i don't remove from the sprue before assembling because it's very easy to pick the wrong one due to how they almost look alike
moderoid escaflowne or volonthe?
P-Bandai kits tend to have more junk parts
>Zeong, Zgok and the Goog
I will slap you so bad.
Anybody got a link to Funaka's Scratch Building guide? All I'm seeing is dead links.
Sentinel, Fazz and the Rezel Type C and Commander please.
Turn A looks like dogshit. If you like its designs, you are a tranny and a redditor.
if not junk parts, they have the freakiest sprue layouts among gunpla kits.
>t. seamonkey
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>t. cumslurper.
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>building HG GM Command
>a tiny piece I nipped fell off my table and onto the floor
>can't find it
Atmospheric pack G-self
HG O-raiser
1/144 vanilla Seravee
SD gundam G-changers
keep looking till you find it, it's there somewhere
if a retard like me could find small, clear pieces in a fluffy carpet you can find your part too
i believe in you anon
It's gone to the future anon, you will find it in 3 months in a completely different place.
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>hg zock sold out before money came in to order it
I have a hardwood floor so I assumed this would make finding dropped pieces easier, what it apparently does instead is make dropped pieces bounce into an entirely different zip code
good job!
>Build MG Sinanju
>The clear eye part the size of a dot has a stupid design to it that requires to be at a specific angle to be put in.
>Using tweezers to carefully place it
>It somehow bounces out and completely vanishes.
Fuck i hate it when it happens.
my trick to avoid losing small parts is to work over the box the kit came in so if I drop something it lands in it and since it's cardboard it doesn't bounce as much
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Has chink engineering come too far? I cant event tell what the fuck is going on with these parts.
Dendrobium (Requiem for Vengeance Ver.)
What would you consider a tasteful amount of detailing?
Other than the SMP is there any other transformable Genesic GGG kit out there?
Origin kits and RGs
No picture at the moment, but managed to get the first colour coat on the GM Clearance Diver. As it stands I don't think I'll make deadline (even if I apply for a one week extension) because the weather tonight was the best spraying weather I think I will get this week and just looking at the paint I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a good two or three days for it to cure enough to take masking without it lifting. Having to do that for five colours (technically seven but I can do two of them concurrently with some others, but some parts need masking for four or five), then clear coat, decal, clear coat, wash, seal is probably going to take three weeks at this rate. Sorry lads, I will still commit to finishing it and post it as I go.
In positives and building on >>22741620, I found that Mr Hobby Blue Grey is an absolutely lovely colour and kind of want to do a Titans custom with it now.
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Why are HGUC so expensive?
it's a relatively large, and more importantly bulky kit with obviously a lot of color separation - just look at all the yellow details and the red vents
Also, inflation. Comparing it to its sister units like Palace Athene and The O just doesn't make sense. Especially Athene, as that kit was particularly cheap for its size even when it came out.
Surely to colour separate the yellow and red because at that price they will NOT be stickers... right?
Wait for the reviews.
My guess would be vents, head and shield are colour separated but the bits of yellow on the backpack thrusters will be stickers.
Engage Zero has bunch of stickers as well. Most of color separation budget went to Build Fighters series and EG.
The Full Metal Panic kits.
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it's been so long...
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before painting dunbine finished! i think it looks really cute, i might just top coat it bc i really like the colours as they are, aside from adding black detailing in the spots where they had stickers made

the red definitely looks to be colour separated
the yellow may be separate in some places, but on the legs and the blaster it looks like it's going to be stickers

it's a large kit, likely with a lot of plastic, plus the jap economy is in the shitter iirc
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This is a really fun kit.
Japanese have been trying to be anti-otaku for awhile. I guess the effect is kicking in.
Otaku is a word with negative connotation so they're not trying to be anti, they already are.
only for little bitches, many japanese happily call themselves otaku
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"I want the kit to be accurate to the design"
bitch which one
for the record. left to right:
>first full body appearance in a magazine in 1986
>Sentinel lineart
>MG development drawing
>UC version lineart
all drawn by Katoki and/or Asano, Zeta Plus's original designers
Many people happily call themselves much worse things.
All four. Also who the fuck complained about this robot that you randomly out of the blue are bringing it up?
it's' not about zeta plus in particular, it's about some children here who throw fits over made up problems
Are you the guy that was butthurt the other day that some people prefer the lineart over several released product designs?
God I love Zeta Plus
>Just the right amount of detail
>Design stream lined an already good mobile suit
>That mean looking face
Reprint when?
NTA but i think there is only just one anon who has been crying about kits not having anime proportion. It is not a crime to have an opinion, but crying constantly is fucking annoying and i hope he got banned.
Why does the Unicorn lineart look so bad compared to the others?
Because it's for animated project
sharper, more heroic proportions
also it's by far the best looking one, it has some actual meat on the bones
Is preordering kit reprints through Amazon just a scam? I saw the Sazabi HGUC was actually being offered at MSRP (it is about 30-50% markup everywhere here) a couple of months ago being restocked late June, so I locked in a pre order. It went from "available to preorder" to "out of stock" and the order just changed from "pre ordered" to "not yet shipped." Do they just allow unlimited pre orders then blast through the stock they get first come, first served or something?
>Ex S 1.5 2019
>Fazz 2020
>Mk V 2021
>nothing since
why did the Sentinel revival die?
yeah, would have like at least the Xeku Eins MG
>HLJ sending me emails once a week to remind me about my order sitting in their Private Warehouse
It's literally just one item, the Armored Core Ambient model kit, and it's been barely a month since it got there. Why the fuck you hounding me for shipping?
because all those were planned before Covid
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The PB MG with the alternate head cannon is being re-issued
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>why did the Sentinel revival die?
Sentinel fans are in their 40s and 50s, which is why Sentinel toys are being released but kits are not. When you are single in your 20s, you have plenty of time to build kits, but you hit your 40s and you got family stuff, house stuff, money stuff to deal with that takes away most of your free time, so most old Sentinel fans are buying the Ka Signature Sentinel toys which are still currently being released.
Oh, I wish I didn't know that. Time to spend more of my money.
It's realistic :)
Is anybody going to buy this ugly bastard? I feel like it’s an obvious shelf warmer
shame this dude didn't get the ReGZ treatment
I would've preferred a brand new one but it's better than nothing
I'm sure there are plenty of japs who want to collect all Zeta MS and passionately waiting for Bolinak and Psycho Mk2. Also a number of people would buy it purely for the novelty of it.
I'm buying it for a complete HGUC Zeta collection.
Thinking about getting MG Duel gundam. Is it a good kit? How's external armor is attached, can it easily damage inner layer of armor if it's painted? And is it loose? Checked some reviews and attachment seems kinda finicky
This is just as bad as the guys who collect funko pops
Because no hype to it and no anime.
>no hype to it previously
>no anime previously
>kits still produced
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I wish for Titania kit.
And EX model Jupitris
Jovian pride worldwide
>>kits still produced
Evidently not.
I guess those sentinel kits I have were all made by daban.
what do you think they would've made next if the kung flu didn't kill gunpla?
>reply chain literally started by complaining that Sentinel kits aren't being made anymore
The next manga gundam would be mg MSA-120
I'm getting real tired of having to constantly interact with room temp IQ faggots on here. The claim was that there was no hype and no anime. I refuted that by stating that there was no hype and no anime when those existing kits were released either.
When? What the fuck
>No marketing or hype.

Except there was hype and a planned series to it you fag, the series was being waited upon by many sentinel fans and then Bandai went cold turkey on it.
So there was no anime, got it.
But most people building high end model kits are in their 40s and 50s
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I still have the old one in my backlog.
Anime is to generate hype. Even without anime, there was hype. Then Bandai killed it.

Also, you're a nigger.
>Claim: there is no anime why would they make kits
>Rebuttal: There was no anime then either
You: mad at facts and logic.
Wow you really showed him.
He did, actually
>reddit terminology
Excuse me? I didn't realize the English language is reddit now. Just take the "L" as you retards would say already. There was no anime, there still is no anime. yet despite there being no anime back then either, the kits were still produced. You have no arguments except your butthurt, you faggot.
Why are you being so petulant about this like a child? You've already been told the purpose of an anime.
They were making the kits to hype up the planned anime. Like how they made the mg unicorn ver ka before it got an anime. But the wu flu derailed their plans. What’s so hard about this for you to understand?
You're the only one upset that someone pointed out the fact that
>there was no anime
>kits were still produced
theres at least 2 of us, likely a lot more. its not weird to want a scale model to look like the thing it's representing
Explain unicorn then.
There's only one of you and stop pretending that there's another one. Schizo take your meds please.
nta but i think there's only 1 anon in here who keeps crying about people wanting accurate scale models. really hope he gets banned
I agree anon.
Yeah no you are the schizo if you think everybody is the same person if they want the kit to look how they like it
that anon might be pretending but if he's right then there's at least 3 bitch
Jesus fucking Christ. Pretending to be retarded is not an argument.
they're automated, they just send them to anyone with anything in the warehouse
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got its gun ready
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pretty cool kit for the kickass design that is the Mk III
but has has some issues:
- the backpack is actually super heavy so you need to properly balance it if you want it to be able to stand up. Nonetheless, you get a free display action base if you want an aerial pose so that may not even be a con
- the head ends up being super loose despite inserting it in a balljoint like any usual kit, dunno why this is the case
- the way the shoulders are designed mean you can't properly extend the arms forward if you want to do a shooting pose, you have to angle the arm outwards and may look awkward

you also get as a leftover the entire photon rifle of the MK II
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just make the original Hucky already bandai and let me complete the trio
saldy I was unable to preorder the upcoming Boxer frame which is reachign astronomical prices, bet that shit will be glorious
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Just snapbuilt + sand HG Ghirarga. Such a beautiful design stucks with outdated engineering. It deserves a revive version with improved articulation.
>Build Series custom AGE kit getting a revive
Deader than dead, sorry Anon
do you have the slightest idea how many japanese builders are in their 40s?
check jp twitter profiles, gumpla and the like. A solid quarter of them will mention how they've been a fan since the start of the franchise, optionally they got back into it recently.
No, that's the original Ghirarga. This is the Build one. Honestly, a downgrade.
You're right, my bad
I like the Ghirarga better still
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I can't remember what the name of this tool is, anyone can identify it?
Nail clippers
kek thanks for the laugh.
A compass?
Thanks its a drawing compass.
I accidentally used isopropyl alcohol instead of lighter fluid to clean the panel line. it's fucking over. all my hard work
I should spend $200 on a resin kit, y/n?
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Should I get a RG FA Unicorn or a Daban MG Phenex (I want to suffer)
RG FA Uni-
>I want to suffer
Daban MG Phenex.
Only if you paint it in C1 colors
You disgust me
Exs/s. Taskforce Alpha colors but with water slides to sell on PB
MKV original spec version
Zeta plus variants
Re 100 nero
Re 100 xeku eins
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Why did people in the 80s even bother with bandai model kits? They all looked like straight garbage. Even if you paint them and stuff, the form is barely even recognizable as the design from the show.
there weren't any other alternatives
arguably barring resin kits that were prohibitively expensive and limited in availability
If this is the best product on the market, it's not bad at all.
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Look how much better proportioned this is. For as much as people bitch about Bandai now, when I look at some of the old kits from the 80s and early 90s, it makes me think we are very fortunate to be in the hobby during this time. This is probably the best time to be alive for making model kits.
well yeah, obviously tech advances and kits get better
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Paint niggas call you you a snapshitter, Bandaibabbies then flex the resign garage kit they bought for 500 dollars.
What the kit usually look like:
Sometimes it actually regresses. The old F91 line was pretty good and had good tech for the time but then things regressed and the victory lineup was terrible.
that's not the tech regressing so much as costs keeping the quality down, they were pretty different lines
Yeah sometimes the tech advances but kits don’t get better. It’s not a linear advancement a lot of times.
Because now and then, Bandai tests new technology for the kit line. Their few first attempts to improve articulation for the HG was quite terrible, other time, they try better color separation and resulted a super floppy kit with nothing stays in position. But without these, we wouldn't get increasingly good looking and fully functional kit like the current era. All those efforts were made by the engineers aka normal human beings. Gotta give them credits.
Like how Unicorn, Age HG had decent color separation, sturdy body structure and then IBO line arrived and absolutely shit on the previous improvements.
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Vintage Gundam Alex kit
Digging the head sculpt
US retailers are now getting their first shipments of HG Infinite Justice Type II in stock. You aren’t going to let it shelf warm, are you anon?
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Something that really bothers me about the MG Alex 2.0 is that the flare on the legs separates from the actual leg when it’s supposed to be connected. What the fuck happened? Why did they ruin the Alex by doing this? The old one actually looks better.
Not American but i will buy one at the end of August. Majority of Seed Freedom kits have excellent joint quality so far, they will hold up well.
I will do everything in my power to make every last Freedom kit shelf warm
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this is definitely not unique to the MG 2.0, you can even see it flare out slightly on the old 1/144's box art
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Boner alert
>shelf warm
>every last kit
Anti Seed anon needs some sleep.
Can you kitbash the old mg Alex with the 2.0 alex? I like the 2.0 in most other aspects but just want to fix the legs that make it feel like my eyes are being raped when I look at them.
It does point out abit, but that MG definitely overdid it.
No, I WILL ensure every last one of them is smothered in blankets!
Why did they decide to make it like that? Is it supposed to improve articulation or something?
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the proportions are pretty wildly different (the legs in particular are thinner and closer to the lineart) so it'd be tough, but doable as the overall sizes are similar. Just need some modifications.
I imagine it's just stylization, or to have them better pop out under chobham armor as one of 2.0's big things is opening panels for all the verniers and shit to still function with chobham on top
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leg thrusters under chobham, I can imagine they'd look really awkward if they were closer to the shins
Oh makes sense about the chobham thing. Yeah just sucks because the legs look weird in normal mode but I guess if I can find the old mg, for a little extra money it can be fixed.
For a relatively modern MG, i'm surprised that it doesn't have articulation to shut that part in when you don't euip Chobham.
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I can see that easily becoming problematic on its own, you'd definitely have to sacrifice some of the frame design and then also make it not be visibly jointed on the outside. Not to mention making sure it has a locking mechanism or something as if it falls back in while chobham is equipped it's gonna be a pain in the neck to pull it back out.
Another factor could be cost, as Alex is already a little bit pricier than other average sized MGs from that time due to chobham so increasing the cost even more would be risky. Especially as many people probably don't care much about chobham in the first place.
I have the zaku ii hello kitty waiting in my backlog, I might do it next because it seems like it'll be a quick one
The only ones shelf warming are the grunt suits and justice.
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Sazabi has that kind of articulation, so i think it is weird how Alex doesn't have it. Usually for that stuff, MG and even RG can mask it by making the plates matched to each other, creating a panel line when the parts are closed.
Wow, the unreleashed Justice with no box art revealed is shelf warming already?
>head ends up being super loose
Mine did too. Extremely weird. Nice work anon, should've cut that shoulder decalthough which it being over a panel line.
>creating a panel line
see, I think that's the problem. MG 2.0 goes for a relatively low detail style with very few additions from 1.0 or the lineart, in particular there are barely any long panel lines. Breaking up the leg thrusters like would go against the whole idea. Maybe you could somehow merge it or hide it with the black line but I guess they didn't have the time or money to mess around with that.
1/144 Kapool, also thunderbolt and 00 grunts.
Bandai will happily reprint FAG's and psycho zaku's, but the last time I saw a zaku big gun was over 6 years ago ffs.
Seed freedom grunts are P-Bandai. Retail Gelgoog menace and Gyan Strom are ace customs, not grunts.
Absolutely drives me crazy too bro. Some flaring looks good but the Mg 2.0's legs look awful. Good thing literally every other part of it looks so good and is such a nice kit. The transforming/shield popout gimmick is pretty dumb too but I guess it doesn't really get in the way.
The fuck are you talking about? The spec 2 has been around for awhile now and I see it shelfwarming in retail and no one seems to want to buy it.
zaku big gun, gm and ground gundam are the only TB kits I care for so obviously they will never see the light of day again
>Got their accessories all finished up
I know it's grammaticly correct but if anon can't even call a mech girl 'her' it's no wonder it's an ugly nubby mess
Oh i thought you were talking about Destiny Spec 2. Also, you expecting a kit released at the end of previous month to instantly out of stock is really funny. Not even fast food can sold out in such speed.
Brother in christ, Infinite Justice spec 2's Japanese release was June 29. If a kit is out of stock in 3 weeks, that's only when it has been scalped to death.
yes it is, it can do the same thing in the Inspectors anime with the Gunner frame
before the advent of 3D graphics people had shit taste in 3D proportions and could barely even imagine what a *real* 3D mech should look like. source: my ass
is there any kind of schedule or pattern to moderoid reprints and if so, any idea when the Zeorymer kit will be available again?
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Huh, Infinite Justice 2 seems to have smaller feet.
No idea. All they presented was a prototype for display.
Ur mom lol
wait it hasn't come out yet? their page says the last preorder was in 2022, was it available back then but still hasn't actually shipped out or something?
Wait, wrong kit. About Zeorymer, they will notify you about reprint if you pre order the stuff directly on Moderoid website.

No i'm just sleepy. Ignore that. For Zeorymer reprint >>22742326
Got it, so just regular wait and pray situation.
It is still better than Bandai's stealthy reprint. They never announce any of those to public and only show that to retailers.
Well the Mighty Strike Freedom sold out here.
true, I guess that must suck if you're not friends with a store owner
I swear to god, I feel like I have seen the kit for months now.
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Why is no one talking about the Lindwurm?
Because your retailer restock in small quantity. They will restock again soon for any good selling products. There are still bunch of Mighty Strike Freedom on both Japanese and Oversea market. I can buy a second copy right now and that does not make the kit a "shelf warmer". Michaelis HG was ridiculed because its sale was just ridiculously bad month after month.
reading this post with a cartoonish chinese accent
Did you mistaken it with the revive Infinite Justice?
Sloppy goodness.
too Zeta to be a Bawoo
too Bawoo to be a Zeta
it's in a purposeless limbo
Because it's Build slop. Nobody cares about that unless it's actually animated.
It's just a worse Bawoo
Why can't they just call it Zeba then?
I dont understand bandai, why do they flood their own local retail stores to the point where stores are often forced to discount kits for as much as 90% off to make room for more waves of new kits but refuse to ship overseas stores enough kits so shit doesnt sell out within a few days?
Bandai does aware of oversea market, that's why manual book has english now. However, when it comes to non-Japanese retailer, they suffer import tax, shipping and bunch of other stuff - resulting price inflation as we normally see and endure. They just can't bet that much cash in something they don't even know if they will sell or nor. That is why they restock in small quantity and play it safe.
My local store is very aware of gunpla's popularity and it brings new customers in every so often. During the initial WFM hype, they only had like 4 Zoworts which sold out day 1. I asked the owner and he told me he asked for a lot more than 4 but bandai only sent 4.
There's a lot of liabilities involved with shipping internationally especially now that shipping costs are ridiculously high. They would rather let the local retailers resell the kits so that they can keep on buying from them.
Because it came out ages ago so why would anyone be talking about it particularly?
Because its getting a reprint and I want to talk about it.
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How does the Wave 1/24 Scopedog. Compare to the 1/20 Bandai one besides the scale and weapons?
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Well you can imagine the kit's sale in Japan to be in much higher performance. Bandai had to prioritize inland market first before restocking for oversea market.
However, for retailer in my place, they are desperate to get rid of vanilla Zowort. This thing just won't sell, meanwhile Zowort Heavy is already out of stock. This is still the same stock they took in 2023 lol.
Personally I just wish I could buy the head. It's a nice Zeta variant head. Don't really care about the rest of it that much.
ZakuAurelius gave it a possitive review. So i think it is good.

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just snapped my first HGUC Pipe! I'm thinking for my next kit I'll try panel lining and topcoating. any advice on how to improve my kits?
anyone worth listening to?
ZakuAurelius gave it a positive review. So I think it's good.

He is not some sort of mega whinner like Gaikotsu, instead he gives alot of insights of the kit's technical aspect, customization potential and so on.
no white man could be an authority on gunpla
Hobby Clubhouse was the only gook that could speak English and he's dead. What the fuck do you want us to do?
>Hobby Clubhouse is dead
we'll see about that...
His latest video was last year, so i don't think he is dead. Very likely that he became a wagecuck and doesn't have much time to build and review gunpla anymore.
To be fair its it's both FA Gourai and FAG Gourai-Kai together in the kit so probably referring to the 2 together
He didn’t compare it to the Bandai 1/20 since he’s never built that kit. I was wondering if anyone here had and if they had thoughts.
What sazabi is better rg or ver ka
I assume a bunch of the RE/100 kits are getting reprints. A store near me started getting some in and they've got pre-orders for the GP04 which I'm waiting on.
do you prefer 1/100 or 1/144
the one you like the look of the most
Which one do I like the most though?
I used to be a 1/100 guy all the way but lately I've been appreciating smaller scales more and more, as they are cheaper and take up less space. Plus nowadays most RGs are just as detailed as their mg counterparts. So the only difference is size? anyone have both kits and can tell me which one they prefer?
>Why is no one talking about the Lindwurm?
Because there is a general hate for Naoki on /m/, usual retard behavior here. I built the Lindwurm, I love it. It's head is also a great replacement for the Zeta Ver Ka head, for those people like myself that think the Ver Ka face is too long and the head too high in general. Just swap the V fin out and the Ver Ka looks way better.
i prefer the ver ka's proportions
did they ever make gunpla in that weird ass fucking scale MS Saga uses
Where do my Canadian friends usually order from?
It’s cringe
>general hate for Naoki on /m/, usual retard behavior here.
NTA, but that makes sense.
Fuck you Bandai, make the Bawoo and Rebawoo retail.
That’s a good idea for the headswap
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Are these up to snuff for airbrushing lacquers and/or acrylics?
You don't need anything for acrylics, and lacquers don't need much. This is more than enough.
but the Bawoo is already retail
>Bought a bootleg Load Astray for $5
>Half the pieces don't fit, have to carve and cut to get them to somewhat connect.
What a piece of shit that I can't even use for parts. At least it was cheap
How do you guys panel line?

I am getting tired of basic gunpla markers but dont have an area I can spray topcoat currently.

Do you use tamiya liner on sprues uncoated? Spray sprues then do it on sprue? Or remove and clean parts off runner then coat and panel line?

I hear uncoated plastic cracks. I don't paint kits just build and line.
who the fuck actually buys this shit? id be embarrassed to go into a store and pick this up
mechanical pencil
People of exceptional and non homosexual taste buy that shit.
Thank you lads
>no womb
That’s basically a man, this is gay
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>who the fuck actually buys this shit?
>id be embarrassed to go into a store and pick this up
Just imagine yourself as these two images.
>HLJ for retail shit
>Walk to Panda Hobby if they got what I want cuz I live nearby and I dont wanna buy from Japan and wait
>mandarake for pbandai hunting, suruGAYa if free shipping week and they got what I want (the inflated price despite free shipping still somehow cheaper than local scalped pbandai kits)
>Drive to Argama Hobby for kinoNotes and other paint supplies and to secretly lust after the chubby boys
The best most amazing looking Funko pops are worse than the ugliest early UC mobile suits
Which Bawoo are we talking about?
The Glemy one
Canadian Gundam, GundamExtra, Argama, Hobbiesville, P-Rex, Hobby Bee, Backlog Builder, Panda Hobby
That creepy guy who shows up on free build days at the back of the store
>secretly lust after the chubby boys
you LOVE Wing
Why is there so many leafs here? So fucking annoying. Now I know why based Bandai punished them with no p-bandai store. Good riddance.
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Brown fingers typed this
All 3 are girls?
Smarl famawy cuntwy, pwease undastand
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New p-Bandai drops. Eying that delta plus.
the next free build day is sep 28, this guy will 100% be there, should i go?
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this was my first ever gunpla kit i built maybe 15 years ago, should i buy the new one for sentimental value?
Do you guys like Tristan unironcally?
it's like Alex but with the bad parts fixed
its just a seed-fied alex, so no
Correction Zeta Plus. What makes it a Unicorn Ver? Did it get a 1.5 once over like the Re Gz?
gibbe dat MG Exia Dark Matter.
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hold up...
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the fuck is that thing above the napalm
joint parts for the hammer
I think it's a really neat concept that doesn't get used enough in the Gundam franchise, and I appreciate the accidental bit of meta commentary behind it being just the old HG Alex with cosmetic changes. It's really outdated and low quality compared to other HG kits released around the same time, which might be completely fitting considering how it got fucking shat on by a Zaku III piloted by a guy who had never been in real combat before, but it doesn't lend itself to a successful product.
Let’s all go and compare Zock sizes
Hey, are those actually Hyper Hammer parts? Holy shit. Finally.
the only people who buy figgies in western stores are "ironic weebs". anyone else orders straight from nippon. also kill yourself
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me on the left, you on the right
I have testicular cancer
dam dude, nice zock

It uses the ReZel rifle and is gray color scheme in Unicorn. This thing came out before the making 1.5 kits like the EX-S/S or the Re-GZ was even an idea.
Do you have a pic? I'm surprised no one else has done this.
It has head parts for the Zeta Plus A2 (a ZZ style High Mega Cannon)
I'll go, I'll fit right in so you won't know it's me.
How serious is the whole bare plastic cracking with Tamiya liner thing? I see some people act like you might as well set your kit on fire and some people say it's fine as long as you don't slather it on.
man, the toronto scale model car club is holding their big event that day too, not sure how my day will pan out if i go to either one
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as long as you dont let it pool anywhere, it will be fine, everything except the inner frame is bare plastic with tamiya panel liner applied on top
do you wanna chat with model car enthusiasts or snap kits with a bunch of asian men and hunt for a freaky girlpla builder for shit posting reasons? (and maybe meet an anon or two from here)
i dont know man, there is a cafeteria on site and i could win a prize
Be very careful with thin and intricate pieces and don't use too much. Use as little as possible, in fact.
I've never had it crack on bare plastic, but on my last build it cracked on layers of primer, paint, and a gloss coat
weirdest shit ever
no clue the distance, but pop into Panda after lunch and try to find >>22742788 this beautiful beast and then head back to the cars
The actual answer is it is never fine. You're introducing a chemical that weakens plastic. It doesn't matter if a thousand retards claim "duhh muh kit never broke", it's still fucking with the integrity of it.

If you're going to use it, gloss coat the fucking model first. If you're not, don't use it and just use a fine tip gundam marker.
Do you paint with any lacquer thinned primers? They're "literally fucking with the integrity" of it too bro.
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No, because I see no need to paint something that is cast in the correct colors. It'd be different if it were cast in grey ass plastic like my 40k mini's.
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RGM-89Demh Jegan ECOAS Type (Man Hunter). Idea is that it's meant to safeguard and escort certain VIPs/prisoners in conjunction with other ECOAS units like the Loto.

Honestly rushed this one out (more-so compared to other builds I've done for group builds) and the results definitely show it. Didn't even bother slapping the thing with decals all over like I usually do with UC builds, just threw on some EFSF decals and called it a day. Gonna take better pics tomorrow but
>when your most notable release is a reprint of an almost 20yo kit
Atleast people won't look at you like looking at a manchild for buying robot toys.
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>Was beating my meat
>Turn my head to the right
>Immortal Justice box was sitting there, beside my face.
>The box art was staring at me, judging.
>RG Blast Impluse Spec II
I'm kind of surprised that they rolled one of these out so quickly, even if it's just a recolor of an existing P-Bandai kit. Otherwise, I'm kind of tempted with the Meteor, but I decided against it last time since I'd need a shitload of shelf space and I'm trying to limit the number of SEED kits I have. Besides, nothing else in the October catalog that I want.
did you buy that on etsy or pay for the files and print it yourself, i really want the files for the MG but i aint paying 20 bucks for stls
Even original Blast Impulse HG was Pbandai. It is just such an unpopular gundam.
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Ofcourse the bazooka is pbandai.
I would have bought the weapons kit day 1 anyways for the Gundam Hammer and Beam Javelin. The Gundam Hammer never gets get enough love.
Why does it called Gundam Hammer when it is technically a flail?
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Moderoid Knight of Gold
think about it
>Moderoid Schell Bullet
now we're talking
No we’re TALKIING!
Because in Japan/China, they called the frail, Meteor Hammer
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Has anyone tried these gaogao chinkoid knockoff Zaku IIs? I'm interested in getting them for scribing and painting practice since they're like $6 each, but I'm more worried that they'll just damage my tools or just leave me frustrated with how shitty they'll probably be.
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Wow this thing is fucking sick
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At what age did you realize that "customization" is almost always just ruining a perfectly good model?
Fucking SEABandai list it already.
Never. Stop making us think otherwise fag. If youre gonna discourage people from customizing better do it in reddit.
Never. Experimenting is fun
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If you think you're better than professional designers then prove it by coming up with your own designs instead of vandalizing someone else's.
i look like this irl
Please be in Jaburo
>That fag that keeps on posting about kits not being anime accurate.

I can smell that its you, have you switched tactics
Honestly, i find most of customizations to be dumb. Not 30mm though, customization of this brand actually make sense.
This absolute semen demon is being tied to the most dogshit protagonist ever written.
that's not Barbatos tho
Atleast you can ignore Mika since he is not even a character, just a husk with no personality.
The series would have been far more interesting if Eri was the main protagonist.
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>not Shino
That's a perfect amount of detail added though. Maybe a few of the dots here and there are too many but overall looks good.
I'm going to continue making my own OC MSV's because I find it fun. It bothering you just enhances the experience.
Based, have you made any already?
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Never using yellow paint again fucking gay bullshit colour, my Kampfer can be orange or red instead.
>alex but worse
just use pink primer next time. it's really not that bad unless you're painting over dark colours
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Were all better than you. Even the snappy bois.
This looks like something Chris Chan would build if he ever interested in Gunpla.
Based. Seize Japanese designs by the balls and make them your bitch.
Like all Fukui garbage, does not belong in Universal Century. Universal Century belongs to Tomino and anything that happened to it after he lost general creative control doesn't count.
holy fucking retard, trifold
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why the FUCK is it p-bandai?? huh? what thinking is this??? what logic??/ hmm? fuck?
>Alex but good
love it
I just puked.
Mad because his slop was insulted
this is fucking hysterical holy shit you idiots are amazing
He still mad Hi-nu got shit on? Impressive in a way.
what is it?
It's the MG GM II. All of the MG GM II's (regular, AEUG, Unicorn, and Semi-Striker) have been P-Bandai which kind of sucks.
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WTF is happening to my raser? I've built about 30 kits with it and now it's little grooves look like they are wearing away. How does plastic destroy tempered glass, should I not use it on ABS?
this hasn't happened to the 1 dollar chinese glass nano file i've used for filing my nails for the past 3 years
Hasn't happened to mine but mine has some crap between some of the nubs. I'd try to RMA it if they let you.
anyone knows a couch figure that would fit a hg or mg. I'm having some ideas including this slut and the outframe D.
she's literally me
this happened to me but with my aura battler virunvee
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Is this the most disappointing second half protagonist mecha design? It felt like a downgrade from the Dunbine. Literally every other aura battler from the show was cooler than this too. What's surprising is the same guy who did this was the one who gave us the Nu and Sazabi and Bawoo and also the kino costume designs in Wing.
>Turn my head to the right
Good thing you dodged that bullet.
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get mogged lmao
What the fuck is this shit dude
it's made like that to force you to buy another overpriced piece of glass.
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Jokes on them, it worked.
a cool gundam in a cool poncho
and also what happens when the military industrial complex gets too cocky
looks like one of those shitty abstract art statues you'd find outside an airport bathroom
A much more interesting design than the Tristan.
Mobile armor who's mom said it was his turn to be a gundam.
How come Stardust Memory was prioritized in the early days of the MG and RG lines, but hasn't got any MG 2.0s? MG GP01, GP01FB, and GP02 were some of the first MGs they made, only after granddaddy, zeta, zaku, and gelgoog. GP03 didn't come that far after. But despite there being a million 2.0s, ver Ka remakes, and ver RMs since then, the Stardust Memory designs seem to have been deprioritized and havent gotten any love.
Another day and another win for the HG boys.
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>Mobile Armor
It isn't mobile armor though.
it has a mobile armour glued to it
Are the minovsky flight suits considered mobile armor?
Pretend I ordered the sentence differently and was right the first time. I can't afford to make mistakes like that.
I laughed, so I shall oblige.
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Worth getting or nah? Isn't it super old?
This is why you just call the Penelope a chicken.
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Well when it's transformed it looks like that pokemon arceus.
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the sculpt is less accurate than the new hg, and the back of the leg looks retarded, and if you're a snapshitter that's scared of screwdrivers the frame needs screws. also the pilot figure looks like melted cheese and nothing like shou.
but yes it's still a pretty good kit
the lineart really doesn't do it justice, in the movie it's like a dragon
It really is the worst fucking U.C. Gundam design ever made.
skill issue
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>Gets mogged by Xi

It's kinda fine if your remove the stupid chicken head.
Just don't do it on an assembled kit and don't drown parts in it
Is Koto's Jehuty any good?
I was looking into watching Dunbine because of this design, only to find out that this one came from a not paticularly well-received OVA.
The azur lane littorio figure has a very nice couch, plus bottles of wine, would be ok size for MGs. But that's a bit expensive if you want the couch only
Yeah because there was no animation for the mech. They used a weird artsy paper puppeteer for mecha sequence, as an exchange, they looked very high detailed.
Katoki you n'wah you better make the MG Xi.
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Ok, finished the bootleg Hyper Mega Bazooka. Has some fitment issues since this is a Chinese kit, but i love how it looks.
Even Show hated this fucking thing.
The thing is, Clover really wanted a new Aura Battler toy so they had to design the shitty Billbine, it was corporate fuckery as always.
I think if the "chicken head" was more streamlined and jet-like, it wouldn't be as bad. I personally don't mind it but it really toes the line for being chinkslop, I don't think it crosses it though.
izubuchi fixed the billbine in aura fhantasm
bellvine kit when (yes im aware theres a gk)
Literally all the other aura battlers in the show were cool though. Why did the billbine suck so much? Was it because they had to make it more heroic and give it super robot colors instead of looking more like the other aura battlers?
don't know for sure but I imagine that could be it
same story as Gundam, just worse. Also IIRC Dunbine had a lot of executive meddling, the entire Earth arc was rife with it
I didn’t know that clover was the sponsor for dunbine, I thought they dropped those retards after mobile suit gundam and started working with Bandai. Also, is there a production history for aura battler dunbine? I’d be interested to read it. I’ve read the ones for the gundam shows and they’re interesting and insightful.
You can read about some of the production history on the JP wikipedia article. Clover went bankrupt during production and the show almost got cancelled, but Bandai and Takara became the main sponsors and the show was able to continue.
>Sorry but I’ll only make Fukuiverse Unicorn/Narrative kits from now on. *raughs*
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Why did Nagano throw away more than twenty years of beautiful Mortar Headd designs for Gothicmades which make my eyes bleed?
Because you touch yourself at night. Also he peaked early as many artists do.
schizo much?
Is the MG guntank a good kit? I want a guntank.
yeah it's bretty gud
the tracks are individual pieces though so prepare yourself for that mentally
>more than twenty years of beautiful Mortar Headd designs
You say that like anything past the earliest MH designs didn't look like shit as well.
I would sooner build a hundred guntank tracks over one more fucking fin funnel
those tracks are easy as shit to clean up and can be done without thought or even looking at them, just nice simple repetition you can do while watching shit.
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Huh, the Bellfine Numbah Wan will already release this October so Srungle probably won't be far off, too.
Euro bros, I just noticed mr crystal color is available again in europe shops, at least on super hobby. Seems like they restocked at the start of july
Relatively new to the hobby, what is the deal with Perfect Grades, are they not being made any more? I want to try my hand at my first PG but the last one they seemed to make was like 4, 5 years ago?
Can I use panel line tamiya on non coated plastic? Or would that cause my soul to be weighed down by earth's gravity?
Product lines other than high grades mostly died out after covid because the economy went to shit
PG, MG, and RE/100 are all dead lines
they only get releases every few years
doctors just recommended i turn my snapshit into a nice CLEAN build by tamiya lining over bare plastic but im afraid it will make mustard gas, what am i in for?
just buy a darilbalde and make your own.
It's a second bazooka.
or, you know, a hg billbine
Techno organic artstyle version, please.
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Is the anon who made pic related around ? I need to see the finished build again, for reasons. I am too lazy to search in the archives
The ugliest, shittiest fucking design outside of goofy ass original series mecha.
so many tasteless little whores in this thread, penelope is great
Daribalde is not good enough; Pee bandai Sirbine + some Wryneck parts should work for a solid Bellvine
why the fuck are all the modern dunbine kits p-bandai while dragonar and scopedog are normal
Because Votoms is popular and Dragonar is an eyecandy design enough to be retail?
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>pbandai now charges a shipping fee tax
Fuck off.
>not even a single dollarydondon
oh boo goddamn hoo
Dragonar is only retail in the west and it hasn't been reprinted in a while. The real strange choice was to make those old kit sets for L-Gaim, Dragonar and Vifam retail. I guess they didn't do well since the newest L-Gaim and Xabungle sets are P-Bandai.
Because dunbine fucking sucks lol
That 66 cents could have instead gone to another kit instead of this Euro VAT tier bullshit.
t. owner of every gm variant
I'm starting to think these whole " why are these kits retail instead of P-Bandai" argument to be extremely disgenious. What you and faggots who use this argument truly means is " these shit sucks and obscure, they deserve to be accessible. ". Bandai is a multi billion dollar company with several giant Gundam statues to boast their own ego, not some sort of shitty garage kit studio. P-Bandai is greed and whoever support its existence deserve to have their fingers removed.
*they don't deserve to be accessible. My bad. Still, >>22743995 is a faggot.
>Hurr why are these things retail instead of dogshit website pre order stuff? Bandai is smol company, please understand.
As someone who bought around 10 Pbandai kits already, these stuff are no different than retail kit and have no rights to have "premium" tag.
because "premium" in japan is only understood as "limited" and has nothing to do with higher quality
That doesn't stop the english website from advertising itself as providing the highest quality, however. But bandai has always sucked at marketing in the west and has basically failed into success through sheer size.
I'll never understand why anyone defends P-Bandai. They want to sell more and more kits through their own store so they get more money, which is fine, but if you're going to do that then you need to make the kits more available in general. Thankfully the yen is total shit right now so I've been able to get P-Bandai kits in the UK pretty easily but it's insanely retarded that kits like the GM Spartan is P-Bandai only.
It just does not make sense for Bandai to release obscure kits that are going to shelfwarm in stores. They clearly tried and it did not work out because most people aren't interested in 40 year old model kits, those sets are still sitting there in stores. There are problems with P-Bandai like availability but pretending that everything on there would sell just fine is ridiculous.
>Xabungle sets
the WHAT
hold the fuck on
oh never mind you're talking about the 1/100 walker machines that come with some sick decals right?
Nah I'm talking about the old 1/144 kits that were recently rereleased in a set
>cool looking MH
>shows up for one fight
>gets its shit wrecked
>self detonates
kinda sad
how's the volks kit of it? good enough, or would a resin kit be better?
Yeah if they made pbandai to get more money through their own store then why don’t we get more kits? Something doesn’t add up here. Feels like we’re getting ripped off.
Im strangling you in your sleep
Trying to narrow it to 2 of the following 3
>HG lagowe
>HG Gouf Custom
>HG GM Cannon II
They're all different from what I currently have, anyone got any thoughts?
>cool looking MH
>shows up for one fight
>gets its shit wrecked
This is 99% of things in FSS. Actually that's a like. It's like 60% of things. 39% don't even show up.
Lagowe because it's so utterly different from normal mobile suits. Gouf and GM are cool, but they will be just another humanoid robot on the shelf while a dog will add a bit more variety.
Dunno about which to pick as second.
Allow me to interject
Pokemon designs are remarkably bad lately.
>oh cool mortarhead!
>gets destroyed
>oh cool fatima!
>ends up a crossdresser getting his head ripped off
>oh cool village
>gets blown up
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Galbaldy Sigma when?
I can't believe they skipped doing the AOZ version of this guy
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>That waist gap

Oh nonobono metal bros its over.
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>winner of that fight hasn't gotten a new kit in decades
It's fine, but it comes with both articulated and fixed joints for the legs because Volks had no faith in their engineering being able to support the weight of those giant binders.
Don't bother with the limited edition, the plated binders look nice but they aren't undergated so they'll have huge visible nub marks, and Volks' only recommendation is to cover the nub marks with chrome foil.
They've always done that.
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Snapbros, have you ever had to buy a duplicate kit so you can snap it better?
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>Asking your wife for permission to spend $50 of your own money
Jesus fucking Christ.
these designs do not look like they are from the same series
Go back.
Do you guys think they’ll remake the entire HGAB line or will they only make a couple new HGs from Dunbine?
I just realized my manager looks kind of like Katoki here
unlikely, I mean I understand why they remade Virunvee since it didn't have a HGAB version but every single aura battler has been released as robot damashit and I guess that's enough for dunbine
it was a good fight and the apache does look pretty cool, but i guess another fifty mirage knights are more profitable

>Volks had no faith in their engineering being able to support the weight of those giant binders
that's a smart move at least, nagano's designs tend towards having questionable engineering

>expecting the prototype of a literal god's personal mecha and a junk heap rust bucket to be similar
they have similar design motifs that are common in early FSS, and imo they definitely look like they're from the same designer if not the same series, tho i do think they look like that as well
the helmets with exaggerated verticality
large shoulders
narrow waists
three toed feet
a pointed cockpit in the chest for the pilot
the differences that do exist make sense in contact
the auge's binders are automated veils meant to deflect beam weapons and cannon/weapons fire, not spaads, as it was designed for a different era of combat and as a prototype was likely never intended to face proper combat and so wasn't quite as heavily armoured, plus it was relying on the automated veils to do the heavier defensive work
the apache is heavily armoured to the point that the auge's spaad got stuck in the apache's arm after cutting through its veil rather than severing the arm entirely
it's like expecting a prototype jet fighter to resemble a crop duster
No. I buy two just so that I can paint the other kit or if I ever plan to kit ash it into something else.
How many more are we going to get? I know we’re at least getting one more. I hope it’s a drumlo
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Thank you, Good Smile Company! Very Cool!
No shit, it's like asking why Bernie's Zaku gets less kits than the Alex.
Holy shit lmao this is the worst Getter model ever
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Chinkino Hazel
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Volks' plastic 1/100 Daccas model goes up for pre-order in a few days
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the most SOVL Getter model ever*
Who would want to buy that?
I'll post my receipt for you
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>Mogged by a traditionalist stacey.

Not like chinkbros.
I would. I like the design.
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preorders are up - act accordingly
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I bought it from Etsy last year, though the listing I ordered from doesn't seem to be up any longer so you might be shit outta luck for getting your hands one one from there.

Anyways a few more pics.
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The Man Hunter conversion kit was originally meant for the regular Jegan but all I had on hand was the ECOAS type Jegan, so some kitbashing was necessary. Legs, backpack, and back skirt went on fine but some cutting had to be done for the stuff on the front skirt, and I put the spotlights that originally went on the chest on the shoulders in order to not mess with the extra armor from the ECOAS type. The original resin kit came with filler parts for the thruster vents on the shoulders but they're meant for the original Jegan shoulders and not the D type so I just filled them in with putty.
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Besides the stuff from the resin kit the only other kitbashed thing for this build was this shield which is primarily meant to shield the gunner from gunfire or debris. If you recognize what the shield's from then you're a real OG.
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I've been on a bit of a magnetizing spree after working on my IG vehicles so I figured I use some here too. Magnets concealed in the arm hold the shield in place with the brace keeping the shield centered.
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Like I said earlier ITT I'm not 100% happy with how this one turned out but I'm glad it's done so I can move onto other projects. Kinda wanna get another ECOAS Jegan and a Loto set to pair up with it though.
>This place has gone so low to the point you are not allowed to buy multiple copies of a same product.
Buying product at all is cringe so you should at least minimize the amount of product you buy
Stop coping, brokie.
I'm actually in favor of spending more money to get kits made from private creators instead of big corpos.
The private creators :
>making and selling original creations = scalpers
Bait or mental retardation
i'm actually surprised at how chinks can make UC designs look uglier than the one they're ripping off from. if the eventual chink Unicorn looks like this, then i'm not gonna wish for one.
>i'm actually surprised at how chinks can make designs look uglier
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it's coming :)
>Y packs is called Cluster
wtf the fuck is this?
Chingchong stuff are either boringly pretty or excrutiatingly ugly with nothing inbetween.
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Imagine if Zaku Diver got a kit, hahaha that'd be so funny. Nobody would see it coming and everyone would think how silly it is hahaha
Sorry to break it for you, anon, but majority of garage kit are exclusive to Japan/China since they have no budget to publish and distribute. They rely on shady scalpers most of the time.
>Anti Bandai retail hour
>Suddenly some Vietnamese cocksucker defend Chingchangchong knockoff kits with some of the worst engineering ever.
Chink GKs can be bought online because they give no fucks about copyright, and for Japanese ones, either have a friend in Japan or book a flight
I have a decent backlog of kits to build and should wait to Black Friday to order more, but I'm getting an itch to buy more gunpla anyways.
Bandai must put drugs in their plastic......
>Chink GKs can be bought online because they give no fucks about copyright
Most of those online pre order stuff from China have budget to do that. Actual oneman army type of kit creator normally sell their stuff via anime expo or gunpla fanclub, very small and obscure market happen in their own pocketed community. If a garage kit managed to find a publisher, then those kits are no different than Bandai or Koto because they have budget and human resource to help putting the kit out to the market.
It's SEA hour. I'm a SEA, i know.
Thank fucking god I was getting tired of waiting

Always has been
Because building a Bandai kit won't give you some injuries and you have a pretty action figure afterwards. It is relaxing and rewarding. That is kinda the same effect youtubers have. You might hate them, but you can't stop consumming their contents. Guilty pleasure sort of.
Y pack is Youngstar
F90III is Cluster
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Just built Kyokai Senki's Gouyo Custom. Recommended for people who loves GM faces and gritty military aesthetic.
Bandai is opening a vote for Zgok's scenes to be featured in the manual book for its HG.
they mean the boxart arseling
My opinion on sneed shifted from mild disdain to seething hatred after it bastardized my favorite MS
are you me?
that thing is so fucking ugly, and the utterly random, shitty and shameless fanservice it tried to pull was just embarrassing to watch
meanwhile OG Char's Z'gok is what got me into gunpla in the first place
Calm down, it is just a robot.
yea they do
fucking finally
i already have the tab open waiting
Hello fellow seamonkeh. Hows the typhoon?
So what pack is this now? I bought the N pack and currently waiting for it.
I live in storm-free area so the effect happening is constant raining and lightning. But nothing too serious.
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Unfortunately the details look really bad compared to the resin version comparing the two side by side, even the 1/100 model. Especially noticeable around the head.
Of course both look bad compared to the original 1/72 kit, but still.
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Errors like this really shouldn't be acceptable in this day and age.
Are these FSS kits sculpted by hands instead of computer modeling? If it is a human error, i see no problems with it.
Nobody hand sculpts kits anymore.
however i don't like working with resin and would rather have a worse plastic kit than a resin kit any day. i think we've been over this before unless that was someone else
Anyway, it's not even an error so much as it is them running into the limitations of their plastic injection tech, they physically couldn't make that detail small enough. How this got past Nagano when he personally oversees every GTM kit's creation is beyond me, though.
It happens if you use it on clear parts.
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I'm gonna need both hands for this one. God I'm so fucking ready.
New thread

Lost power in my area due to a lightning crisping the powerline, not too bad tho since my area doesnt really flood.
>wife supports your hobby even though you're an idiot and do a kit wrong that a 12 year old could do


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